Quality Analysis of Refused-Derived Fuel As Alternative Fuels in The Cement Industry and Its Evaluation On Production
Quality Analysis of Refused-Derived Fuel As Alternative Fuels in The Cement Industry and Its Evaluation On Production
Quality Analysis of Refused-Derived Fuel As Alternative Fuels in The Cement Industry and Its Evaluation On Production
Kuntum Khoiro Ummatin, Qurrotin A. M. O. Arifianti, Aulia Hani, Yulis Annissa, Department of
Engineering Management, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia
Abstract— Refused Derived Fuels (RDF) as an alternative fuel The increasing population, followed by increasing the
from municipal solid waste (MSW) is still required by the cement amount of MSW. It becomes a serious problem if there is
industry. Besides it has a high calorific value, RDF has a more no waste management program[4]. Waste to energy is a
economical price than coal. RDF production is also able to solve solution for MSW that will increase to approximately 2.2 tons
the problem of MSW and reduce CO2 emissions. One of the
per year in 2025[5]. MSW is processed become SRF and
cement industries in Indonesia has developed various alternative
energy materials to reduce the use of coal, including rice husk, refuse-derived fuel (RDF) products. That are suitable for
coconut fiber, and energy from MSW, which is processed into cement works and power sectors [6].
This research focuses on RDF production. There are two
The purpose of this study is to investigate the RDF quality materials which contribute to the calorific value of RDF, high
standard that is in accordance with the needs of the cement
and low calorific value group. The high calorific value groups
industry and evaluate the RDF production process. Quality
are paper waste and plastic waste (18600 Joule/gram).
Function Development (QFD) method is used to determine the
parameters of RDF quality standards that are suitable for the
Inorganic materials such as fine glass and wet organic matter
cement industry. form a fraction that has a relatively low calorific value of
The results of the QFD analysis show that there are six main 10,800 Joules/gram. Good quality RDF should have a high
characteristics in the RDF quality standard based on importance calorific value and low concentration of toxic compounds,
response, including RDF 3-5 cm, particulate 80 mg/Nm3, namely heavy metals and chlorine[7]. The RDF production
humidity level ≤ 20%, mercury 5 mg/Nm3, calorific value ≥ 2500 process includes the stages of sorting and enumeration. The
kcal/kg and low ash content. While the evaluation of the process starts from moving the municipal waste dump with the
production process shows the number of RDF rejects quite high. excavator going to the hopper. Then this sorting process begins
The priority of process improvement with root cause analysis from the dried municipal waste to ballistic separator through a
shows that it is necessary to conduct pre-production treatment belt conveyor equipped with a magnetic separator to separate
of RDF on MSW material by drying, reduce impurities content metal material from municipal waste. Finally, at the
through the screening process, and ensure the design of blades enumeration stage, municipal waste that has been sorted into
on the shredder in order to achieve the targeted size. The the shredder machine would be chopped into smaller parts [8].
contribution of this research is for the development of
alternative fuels RDF in the cement industry, especially in RDF produced from MSW treatment has calorific value to
determining quality standards and procedures for optimal RDF reach almost 3.500 kcal/kg[9]. Sarc and Lorben have been
results. describing characterization, classification, production,
application and quality assurance of RDF that is increasingly
Keywords: Standard Quality, Refused-derived Fuels, QFD used in a wide range of co-incineration plants[10]. However,
there has been no research on the quality of RDF explicitly
I. INTRODUCTION needed in the cement industry. This research would analyze
The cement industry usually requires coal as much as half the main characteristic of RDF that needed to substitute coal
of the cement produced [1]. One of the cement industries in in cement industry. Quality of RDF as an alternative fuel will
Southeast Asia has a zero-waste program which processes be formulated using Quality Function Deployment (QFD).
waste around the factory. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) One of the stages in the QFD method is to look for user needs
would be processed into RDF as coal substitution in cement and prioritize the main variables are following with customer
production. The other alternatives fuels that have been needs. The QFD method is also widely used to develop
developed are rice husk and cocopeat. This policy is renewable energy system based on specified requirements and
supporting the development of alternative fuel and solve the the quality characteristics of the existing system, for example
environmental problem at once. in solar energy [11] and wind turbine[12].
Currently, MSW treatments in Indonesia are landfilling, Besides, an investigation in the RDF production is
burning, and dumping in unauthorized sites or into rivers. It done to ascertain whether the RDF output of production
cannot decrease the MSW totally, but it creates another follows the target. Evaluation of the production process is
problem, for example, pollution. The pollutant was known as carried out using the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) method.
CO2, NOX, SO2, etc.[2] Total of MSW in Indonesia in 2006 This method has been widely used to improve product quality
was 38,5 million tons/year which the most significant and productivity[13].
component is an organic waste (58%), plastic waste (14%),
paper waste (9%), and wood waste (4%) [3].
II. METHODOLOGY resolving problem by determining what has happened, why it
has happened, and what to be done to reduce the likelihood of
The methodology used in this research began with an
analysis of RDF quality that was equivalently the needs of the
cement industry, using QFD. Based on the QFD method, link
the voice of the customer with technical requirements then
given weights with a value of 1 (low), 3 (medium), and 9 A. Determine Customer Need
(high). The assessment weight is used in the House of Quality The variable used in the quality analysis is the response of
(HOQ) analysis in the QFD matrix. PT Semen Indonesia related to the consumption of RDF, the
HOQ consists of several combined matrices, each of which expectation of use of RDF, and rank of importance (1 = not
contains interconnected information between one matrix and important and 5 = very important) classified in several aspects.
There are price, technical, and environmental. Price aspects
another. All matrices at HOQ describe aspects of all processes
include heating value and moisture content. Technical
for planning new products, services, or processes. The phases
elements comprise chlorine levels and RDF size.
in the QFD include Phase 0 (planning QFD), Phase 1 (digging Environmental consist of particulate levels, Sulfur Dioxide
Voice of Customer), Phase 2 (building HOQ). The first step (SO2), Nitrogen Oxides (NO2), Hydrogen Fluoride (HF),
was determined the customer need. A five worker of the Hydrogen Chloride (HCL), Carbon Monoxide (CO),
department of alternative fuel were invited in a Focus Group Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As), and
Discussion to prioritize the quality variable that needed in the Nickel (Ni) [11].
cement industry.
The five responsible workers, who consist of one manager,
Furthermore, the engineering metric (technical response) one coal mill supervisor, one operation supervisor, two
was designed to answer customer needs. Based on operation section experts in The Department of Alternative
engineering metric, the product specifications can be Fuels in the cement industry, and the two workers in Waste
formulated. Product specifications are carried out by Processing Plant were invited in a Focus Group Discussion
determining benchmarking on need, which is comparing (FGD). Each customer need was equipped with an importance
products similar to RDF. The HOQ matrix image can be seen response (IMP) numbering 0 to 5 as an interval scale. It will
in Fig. 1 [14] be processed by prioritizing the characteristic of RDF based on
Important Response Rank. Result of importance response is
shown in Table 1.
Metric No.
Need Nos.
Nickel, Chromium, Cuprum, and Cobalt. These elements can Engineering Metric Units
become environmental pollutants because there is no good
management of waste before it was processed into RDF.
Some pre-production methods what can be done include 1 1, 2 Calorific Value 5 kcal/kg 3300
rough landfilling, drying and sorting process before entering
2 1, 2 Moisture Content 5 % 3.65
the processing machine for further processing[15].
3 2 Chlorine 4 % -
C. Arrange Product Specification
Based on engineering metric, the product specifications 4 2 Size 5 cm -
can be formulated into three aspects; there are namely price, 5 Ash Content 5 % 8
technical, and environmental aspects. Calorific value and 3
moisture content are categorized as price aspects. It is because 6 3 Particulate 5 mg/Nm3 8
the increase in water content will cause a decrease in calories,
and the price of RDF will also decrease. For technical aspects 7 4 Sulphur Dioxide 5 mg/Nm3 19
there are Chlorine and size. Both of these parameters can 8 1 Nitrogen Oxide 5 mg/Nm3 27
interfere with the operational engine process. Also, there is 3
9 4 Hydrogen Fluoride 5 mg/Nm 5.46
ash content in the technical parameters. Ash formed during
the production process can be reused as raw material for 10 1 Hydrogen Chloride 5 mg/Nm 3
cement production. Other variables are classified as 3
11 4 Cadmium 5 mg/Nm -
environmental aspects because they are emissions that can
pollute the environment. 12 4 Mercury 5 mg/Nm 3
Then, the benchmarking was done by compared rankings 13 4 Lead 5 mg/Nm 3
of RDF interests with rice husks based on customer needs to 3
14 4 Arsenic 5 mg/Nm -
be obtained from the questionnaire results with respondents
from the managers of the Alternative Fuel of the cement 15 4 Nickel 5 mg/Nm 3
industry. Rice husk was chosen because it is an alternative 3
16 4 Chromium 5 mg/Nm -
fuel that is often used, and its availability is adequate, the
average utilization of rice husk reaches 51 thousand tons/year. 17 4 Cuprum 5 mg/Nm 3
Rice husk is easy to use because it does not require special 18 4 5 mg/Nm 3
requirements, except for total moisture of 20%. Utilization of Cobalt
alternative fuels as a substitute for coal is not only rice husk CH4 (Organic
19 1 Carbon & 5 mg/Nm3 -
but also uses cocopeat with average utilization of 21 thousand Hydrocarbon)
tons/year. In 2017, 832 tons of tobacco, and 75 tons of resin
20 2 Dioxin Furan 4 mg/Nm3 0.06
were used. RDF was not compared to coal because it is
classified as fossil fuels with higher emissions than alternative
fuels. The RDF benchmarking with rice husk is shown in
Table 2. D. Design Relationship Matrix
Furthermore, a comparative analysis between RDF and rice Relationship matrix is a weighted stage of the value of the
husk was conducted. Water content in rice husk is better than correlation between customer need and engineering metrics in
RDF. It is proven by the calorific value so that the optimal each variable. Evaluation weight was divided into a weak
temperature setting was more easily achieved because rice relationship (▲) valued 1, moderate relationship (O) valued
husk is more flammable than RDF. While the level of 3, and strong relationship ( ) valued 9. For example,⨂calorific
heterogeneity in the impurities content in rice husk is lower value and moisture content were classified as strong
relationships with water content because if the intensity high
than RDF because rice husk comes from more homogeneous
or the temperature setting was not optimal. It causes RDF
products to contain high moisture content so that the calorific
value was low.
While Chlorine is classified as a weak relationship
because it affects the corrosion of the engine instead of RDF
products, the size of RDF was classified as a strong
relationship to the temperature setting because if the
temperature is not optimal, it caused by RDF that not dried
completely. Thus it inhibits the enumeration process. Besides,
RDF content is classified as a strong relationship with the
impurities content because it can be reused as a mixture of
raw materials for cement production. However, particulate
RDF is classified as a moderate relationship with the E. Determine Technical Matrix
impurities content because it has an impact on the The Technical Matrix is a stage to determine the final
environment, but it can still be re-used as ash. specs of RDF in accordance with the needs in the cement
The Sulfur Dioxide, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, industry. It used as a reference in cement production. The final
Nickel, Chromium, Cuprum, Cobalt, and Dioxin Furan are specs or target values are determined based on the Decree of
classified as weak relationships with the pre-production the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of
method because they tend to affect the environment rather Indonesia in 2016 concerning Permits for the Management of
than RDF products. For example, acid rain, irritants, toxicity, Hazardous and Toxic Waste for the Use of Hazardous and
and hardness of the water. Also, CH4 (Organic Carbon & Toxic Materials on the cement industry. The final specs of the
Hydrocarbon) is classified as a moderate relationship to the RDF shown in Table 4.
pre-production method because it is caused by a storage
system in conditions that are open before processing, but this TABLE IV. FINAL SPECS OF RDF
variable also has an impact on environmental pollution. All of Engineering Metric Final Specs
the relationships between variable is shown in table 3. 1. Calorific Value ≥2500 kcal/kg
2. Moisture Content ≤20%
4. Size 3-5 cm
5. Ash Content -
6. Particulate 80 mg/Nm3
7. Sulphur Dioxide 800 mg/Nm3
Engineering Metric
1000 mg/Nm3
8. Nitrogen Oxide
9. Hydrogen Fluoride 10 mg/Nm3
Customer Need
10. Hydrogen Chloride 70 mg/Nm3
1 Calorific Value 5 ⨂ ⨂ 11. Cadmium 350 mg/Nm3
12. Mercury 5 mg/Nm3
2 Moisture Content 5 ⨂ ⨂ 13. Lead 35 mg/Nm3
14. Arsenic 1000 mg/Nm3
3 Chlorine 4 15. Nickel <0.5 mg/Nm3
16. Chromium 800 mg/Nm3
4 Size 5 ⨂ 17. Cuprum <0.5 mg/Nm3
18. Cobalt <0.5 mg/Nm3
5 Ash Content 5 ⨂ CH4 (Organic Carbon &
19. 10-100 mg/Nm3
6 Particulate 5
O 20. Dioxin Furan 35 mg/Nm3
7 Sulphur Dioxide 4
9 Hydrogen Fluoride 2
Based on the results of the data analysis above, each
O variable that affects the quality of RDF has an important
10 Hydrogen Chloride 2
response which can be sorted from the most important
variables as in Table 5. IMP Rank is obtained from the value
11 Cadmium 3
▲ of importance response mode in each engineering metric
12 Mercury 2 variable; the total mode value is then added up. To get the
importance percentage obtained from the mode value of each
13 Lead 3 variable divided by the total of all the values obtained. Then
the average importance response in all engineering metric
14 Arsenic 3
▲ variables is divided by the sum of results and used as a
15 Nickel 2 percentage. Therefore, in improving the quality of RDF, it is
more important to prioritize aspects that have a higher
16 2 importance response to be in accordance with customer need.
Chromium ▲
17 2 The rank of an important variable that prioritized to be a
Cuprum ▲ quality parameter of RDF was shown in table 5.
▲ Quality improvements are adjusted to the final specs that have
been determined. Variables that have the highest level of
19 3
CH4 O importance according to their aspects are as follows:
20 4 1. Price aspect: moisture content and calorific value.
Dioxin Furan ▲
2. Technical aspect: size and ash content.
3. Environmental aspect: particulate and mercury
TABLE V. VARIABLE BASED ON THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE RESPONSE has happened, and what to be done to reduce the likelihood of
Importance IMP Rank
The investigation on the RDF production focuses on four
Size 7.2% things, namely method, material, machine, and man. The
observation on RDF production shows that the method of
Particulate 7.2% processing the waste does not has pre-production treatment.
Moisture Content 7.2% The MSW material that was prepared was taken directly
Mercury 7.2% from open storage landfills that contain impurities such as
Calorific Value 7.2% soil, rocks, gravel. Besides, the landfill systems also cause
waste dumped exposed to moisture and rain. These conditions
Ash Content 7.2% can interfere with machine operation. While the maintenance
Sulphur Dioxide 5.8% process is not routinely scheduled yet, so when the machine
was clogged, the production process should be stopped.
Nitrogen Oxide 5.8%
Furthermore, the machine can not cut the waste in
Dioxin Furan 5.8%
homogeneous size because of the kind of blade that does not
Chlorine 5.8% suit the type of waste. The lack of workers, procedures and
Nickel 4.3% job descriptions for the worker also contributes to the
problem. This condition was described in a cause and effect
Cadmium 4.3% diagram, as shown in figure 2 in the appendix.
Arsenic 4.3%
From the causal effect diagram, it could be analyzed what
Lead 2.9% the improvement process needs to be done to reduce the
Hydrogen Chloride 2.9% problems. The priority of improvement process with root
cause analysis shows that it is necessary to do pre-production
Cuprum 2.9%
treatment of RDF on MSW material by drying, conduct
Cobalt 2.9% screening process to reduce particulate content, and ensure the
Chromium 2.9% design of blades on the shredder that can fit the material type.
These priority improvements are chosen based on the target
CH4 (Organic Carbon & Hydrocarbon) 2.9%
rank expected as an RDF needed by the cement industry.
Hydrogen Fluoride 2.0%
V. EVALUATION OF RDF PRODUCTION The results of the qualitative analysis using the Quality
Function Deployment (QFD) method can be concluded that
Succeeding the quality parameters of RDF expected by the the quality variables that are acceptable based on price aspects
customer are obtained. Six primary parameters prioritized by are moisture content and calorific value, while technical
a cement industry including RDF size 3-5cm, particulate 80 aspects are the size and ash content. Then, variable based on
mg/Nm3, humidity level ≤20%, mercury 5 mg/Nm3, calorific environmental aspects are particulate and mercury. Six
value ≥2500 kcal/kg and low ash content. Then, it is primary parameters prioritized by a cement industry including
necessary to ensure that the operations of RDF produce the RDF size 3-5cm, particulate 80 mg/Nm3, humidity level ≤
output as targeted. 20%, mercury 5 mg/Nm3, calorific value ≥ 2500 kcal/kg and
A zero-waste project that is processing MSW into RDF in low ash content.
a cement industry was investigated using RCA analysis by a Improving the quality of RDF can be done by reducing the
cause-effect diagram. The project was a trial production, and water content in RDF, setting the right temperature in the
it produced 50 tons RDF in one month. Consider the output, drying machine, reducing the impurity content, and
it shows a quite high number of RDF reject that is not suitable conducting the pre-production method. Pre-production
with the purpose. For example, the calorific value of RDF was treatment can be carried out, such as by drying and screening
low due to the high humidity level. Also, the size of the RDF the material before production. Besides, it is necessary to
output was not homogeneously as the targeted. ensure the design of blades on the shredder that fits the
These problems were analyzed using the RCA method by material. This research provides an overview of the cement
an identified causal factor in providing a resolved issue. The industry to design a quality RDF production process to meet
process started from determined what has happened, why it the standards as an alternative fuel for substituting the coal.