HKG00000231 Ar 5647598 12748050 202211091400 PDF
HKG00000231 Ar 5647598 12748050 202211091400 PDF
HKG00000231 Ar 5647598 12748050 202211091400 PDF
Report for:
Asia Infrastructure
Solutions Limited
LRQA Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and
collectively, referred to in this clause as 'LRQA'. LRQA assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss,
damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person
has signed a contract with the relevant LRQA entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility
or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.
Contents Page
HKG00000231_APP_Stage 1 & 2.docx
Assessment outcome:
This visit was to assess the compliance of the management system of Asia Infrastructure Solutions Limited against
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 as defined in the audit planning documentation. The outcome of
the visit is recorded below.
The objectives of this Stage 1 visit is mainly to review the design of IMS management system and to determine
whether it fulfils the requirements of the assessment criteria and covers the activities detailed within the
assessment scope.
The assessor shall then interview the senior management of the company to determine that they have undertaken
the following:
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Strategic Analysis
- An analysis of the risk that could impact upon their business
- That they have determined the context in which the system will operate
- That they have identified any applicable legal, statutory or regulatory requirements that the system has to address
The assessor uses the information gathered as a result of these interviews to review the design of the system, to
determine if the client has addressed the potential risk within the system and to determine if the needs of their
stakeholders have been addressed.
In addition, the assessor shall review and confirm the contractual arrangements.
This includes any changes required as a result of the outcome of the Stage 1 visit (including changes to the scope
of assessment, duration of the Stage 2 visit, and duration of subsequent surveillance visits). The assessor shall
also determine the planning, logistics, sampling, etc. that will be used during the Stage 2 visit.
Continual improvement:
Where scheme requirement differs to the standard definition below, the scheme definition will take preference
Major Nonconformity
The absence of, or the failure to implement and maintain, one or more management system elements, or a situation which would, on the basis of the available
objective evidence, raise significant doubt of the management to achieve: The policy, objectives or public commitments of the organization, compliance with the
applicable regulatory requirements, conformance to applicable customer requirements, conformance with the audit criteria deliverables.
Minor Nonconformity
A finding indicative of a weakness in the implemented and maintained system, which has not significantly impacted on the capability of the management system or
put at risk the system deliverables, but needs to be addressed to assure the future capability of the system.
Corrective action
Company Guide:
Thank for Jaime & Matthew performing as company guides during this Stage 1 assessment.
This stage 1 visit was conducted by William Tsui (Team Leader) and Edgar Leung (Team Member).
The visit included determining the design of the IMS management system against the agreed assessment criteria,
including ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:201, the applicable legal requirements and company's
documentation (including customer requirements).
- Discussion with top management and covering the external business environment, company's challenge, and
internal strategy had been openly discussed with the company. In addition, the detailed company's performance
had been discussed with the top management through the review and assessment of the management system
elements. This include: business risk, company's general performance and many others.
- Source of data review: Much of them had been reviewed through the assessment of "management system
elements". This included the company's objectives, departmental performance, and past performance of them.
The conversation with management team was opened and informative about the overall business environment,
associated risks and opportunities. For examples:-
The challenge on completion the following tasks in short period of time and reduction of quality and other risks
during this transition processes.
> Change of Company Name
> Merge ACLA Limited
Assessment of: Site Tour/ Review of LRQA contract Assessor: William TSUI
Arranging site touring and verifying the identified SEA and OH&S risk associated with current operations.
> Observing the working environment and working physical workplace and
> Interviewed with top management and verified some contractual information.
It was noted that the information of company’s workplace, contract and our job notification have been identified as
addressed in the relevant documents.
The requested information and documents could be presented timely.
Assessing the compliance of the agreed assessment criteria by reviewing IMS documents (e.g. procedures,
records, documented information), including records and documents of ISMS Policy, risk management, objectives
and performance monitoring, corrective action, internal audit, management review and continual improvement were
Site Audit Delivery Remote Activity codes
days Method Effort
HK, Hong Kong, 17/F Two Harbour Square 180 Wai Yip 0.50 DAY Onsite 0 DAY 108001
Street Kwun Tong KowloonHong Kong
1 Magazine Rd ,SG 0.50 DAY Onsite 0 DAY 108001
Site Audit Delivery Remote Activity codes
days Method Effort
HK, Hong Kong, 17/F Two Harbour Square 180 Wai Yip 1.00 DAY Onsite 0 DAY 730102
Street Kwun Tong KowloonHong Kong
1 Magazine Rd ,SG 1.00 DAY Onsite 0 DAY 730102
Site Audit Delivery Remote Activity codes
days Method Effort
HK, Hong Kong, 17/F Two Harbour Square 180 Wai Yip 1.50 DAY Onsite 0 DAY 066302
Street Kwun Tong KowloonHong Kong
1 Magazine Rd ,SG 1.50 DAY Onsite 0 DAY 066302
Due to the dynamic change of external environment of the business, it is reasonable and agreed to discuss the adoptive theme / focus after the
understanding of business environment and company situation in the conversation with top management of next visit.
Focus Certificate
Visit Type Stage 1 Stage 2 SV1
visit Renewal
Due Date
2022.10 2022.10
Start Date .28. .29
2022.10 2022.11
End Date .28 .01
Audit Days 3 6
Separate assessment plan? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
Any change in workforce
numbers that may impact visit
duration (if yes add new
Where identified above see separate current assessment plan for further detail.
Process / aspect / theme / location
Final selection will be determined after review of management elements and actual performance
Opening meeting
Closing meeting
Conversation with Top Mgt.
Management System
Elements (1)
Planning/change of management
Context of the organization Needs
and expectations of interested
Actions to address risks and
Management Review
The scope of the management
Organizational structure and
Leadership commitment and policy
Objective and performance
internal audit
Corrective Action (including:
Relating to handling of complaints)
Continual improvement
Customer Satisfaction
Use of Logo (certification and
Organizational knowledge
Multi-disciplinary engineering
works : Environmental
Multi-disciplinary engineering
works : Occupational Health &
Safety Controls
Singapore Office
Multi-disciplinary engineering
works : Project Controls (Mgt,
Engineering, Subcontractor R
Mgt, Administration)
Multi-disciplinary engineering
works : Environmental
Multi-disciplinary engineering
works : Occupational Health &
Safety Controls
1: Complete the list of organisation (parts), departments and/or processes of the different locations
We will treat the contents of this report, together with any notes made during the visit, in the strictest confidence and will
not disclose them to any third party without written client consent, except as required by the accreditation authorities.
The assessment process relies on taking a sample of the activities of the business. This is not statistically based but
uses representative examples. Not all of the detailed nature of a business may be sampled so, if no issues are raised in
a particular process, it does not necessarily mean that there are no issues, and if issues are raised, it does not
necessarily mean that these are the only issues.
Legal entity
The accredited legal entity and client facing office that has provided the assessment service in this report is referenced
in the applicable agreement for this service.
Audit Criteria
The audit criteria consist of the assessment standard and the client’s management system processes and
Additional observers
Any additional observers will be as formally communicated to the client.
Assessment location: HK: 17/F, Two Harbour Square, 180 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
SG: 1 Magazine Rd, #05-01 Central Mall, Singapore 059567
Assessment scope: Hong Kong site (Main site): Design, consultancy, project
management, and site supervision of multi-disciplinary engineering
Singapore site: Design, consultancy, project management, and site
supervision of multi-disciplinary engineering works. Quantity
Surveying and Project Management Services.
Purpose of the assessment The assessor shall review the system to determine that it fulfils the
: requirements of the assessment criteria and covers the activities detailed
within the assessment scope.
Assessment location: HK: 17/F, Two Harbour Square, 180 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
SG: 1 Magazine Rd, #05-01 Central Mall, Singapore 059567
Assessment scope: Hong Kong site (Main site): Design, consultancy, project
management, and site supervision of multi-disciplinary engineering
Singapore site: Design, consultancy, project management, and site
supervision of multi-disciplinary engineering works. Quantity
Surveying and Project Management Services.
Purpose of the assessment The assessment of the implementation of the management system.
: This is to confirm conformity of the client’s management system with
certification requirements, such as the assessment criteria and
certification scope, any applicable statutory, regulatory and
contractual requirements and to ensure that the system is meeting
its specified objectives. To address all issues outstanding from
previous visits and any changes to the client’s organisation or
system that impacts on the potential approval.
The assessor will use the LRQA Business Assurance methodology
to help clients manage their systems and risks to improve and
protect the current and future performance of their organisation.
Language during assessment: Chinese and English
Language of assessment English/
Have there been any significant issues impacting No If yes detail these in the introduction of the report and
on the audit programme: amend the APP
Have there been any significant changes that No If yes detail these within the executive summary section
affect the management system of the client since of the report
the last audit took place:
Have any unresolved issues been identified during No If yes detail these within the executive summary section
the assessment: of the report
Was the audit undertaken a combined or No If yes confirm what type of audit and the standards
integrated audit: covered in the introduction to the report.
Was the organisation effectively controlling the Yes If no document within the reporting table covering the
use of the certification documents and marks: mandatory elements
If applicable has the organisation taken effective Yes Record outcome in the findings log against the relevant
corrective action regarding previously identified findings.
Does the management system of the organisation Yes If no details reasons within the executive summary of the
continue to meet the applicable requirements and report
meet the expected outcomes:
Does the scope of certification continue to be Yes If no then document the actions necessary in relation to
appropriate to the activities/products/services of the scope in the executive summary of the report and
organisation: amend the APP as required.
Were the objectives of the visit as defined in the Yes If no detail the reasons and any necessary actions in the
APP fulfilled during the visit: executive summary of the report and amend/update the
Assessor William
Signature: Tsui William Tsui