Grade 5 DLL MATH 5 Q1 Week 3

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JUNE 17-21, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES 1. Solve routine and non-routine 1. Solve routine and non-routine 1. Find the factors of a given 1. Solves mathematical Weekly test
problems involving factors and problems involving factors and number. expressions using PMDAS or
multiples and divisibility rules for 2, multiples and divisibility rules for 2. Identify the factors of a given GMDAS rule.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. number 2. Explains and interprets
2. Analyze routine and non-routine 2. Analyze routine and non-routine 3. Show talents on creativity mathematical expressions using
problems involving factors and problems involving factors and PMDAS or GMDAS rule.
multiples. multiples and divisibility rules 3. Show respect to the people in
3. Work cooperatively in group for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and the community.
activities. 12.
3. Work cooperatively in group
A. Content Standards 1.demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 10 000 000.
2. demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions
B. Performance Standards 1. is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in various forms and contexts.
2. is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning solves routine and non-routine solves routine and non-routine states, explains, and interprets
Competencies/Objectives problems involving factors, problems involving factors, Parenthesis, Multiplication,
creates problems(with reasonable
Write the LC code for multiples, and divisibility rules for multiples, and divisibility rules for Division, Addition, Subtraction
answers) involving factors, multiples
each 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12. 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12. (PMDAS) or Grouping,
and divisibility rules.
M5NS-Ic-59 M5NS-Ic-59 Multiplication, Division, Addition,
 Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 5  Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 5 Subtraction (GMDAS) rule.
p.57 p.57 M5NS-Ic-61.2
Direct Instruction APPROACH (Scaffold Knowledge Integration) (Self Evaluation and Self
(Thinking Skills) Reflection)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials LCTG Page: ______ LCTG Page: ______ Math for Life 5 pages 104-107 Lesson Guide in Mathematics 5
from Learning LAA Page:_______ LAA Page: _______ Learn and Experience Math V, page pages 13-16
Resource (LR) portal Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Grade Lesson Guide in Elem. Math 124
5 pp. 57 Grade 5 pp. 57
Math for Life V pp. 104-107 Math for Life V pp. 104-107
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous 1. Pre-Assessment (Activating a. Write the factors of the Classify whether the give number is Answer the following.
lesson or presenting Prior Knowledge) followiing numbers. a prime or composite. a.What are the first five multiples
the new lesson Work in Pairs 1. 84 a.28 f. 91 of 8?
Is the number to the left of each 2. 108 b.68 g. 82 b.What number is the fifth
number divisible by the number at 3. 144 c.17 h. 113 multiple of 3?
the b. What are the multiples of the d.105 i. 99 c.What is the number if 5 is added
2 3 4 5 6 9 top following numbers? e.36 j. 405 to the second multiple of 4?
of 12- d.What is twice the third multiple
95 8- of 5?
e.20 is nth multiple of 4. What is
12 n?
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each column. Write YES or NO in

each box

B. Establishing a purpose Watch a video about factors and Watch a video regarding factor, Who has a sari-sari store? Do you Ask the pupils about the
for the lesson multiples multiples and divisibility rules. help in selling some goods in your occupation of their parents. Let store? them tell how they help their watch?v=IT601cD8AEo How can you attract buyers parents earn a living.
v=ZCGdGielcBs to patronize your sari-sari store?
C. Presenting Answer: What do you see in the video? Teaching and Modelling (Problem Teaching and Modelling
examples/instances of 1. What have you seen in the video? How do we get factor and Opener) (Problem Opener)
the new lesson 2. How did they define the word multiples of a given number? Clarita has 36 pieces of eggs and 36 Samuel was helping his mother in
multiple in the video? Factor? What are the different divisibility trays. She wants to help her mother their store when a delivery man
3. What are the multiples of 3? rules? Can you cite some of them on how to arrange the eggs in a tray delivered 20 dozens of eggs at P42
4. What are the factors of 10? make them attracted to the a dozen. If the delivery man gave
customers. What are the possible him a change of P160, how much
arrangements she can do? is Samuel’s money? Was he right
in asking for a change of P260 if
his money was P1000? Why?
D. Discussing new concepts a.Divide the class into 5 groups and Teaching and Modeling How many pieces of eggs Clarita Ask the following questions:
and practicing new skills let them analyze the problem by (Exploratory Activity) had? a.Who helped mother in the
#1 answering the guide The students at Johnny's school How many possible arrangements of store?
questions. need to form teams for field day. eggs clarita could make? b.Who delivered dozens of eggs?
b.Recall the Standards in having a Each team must have the same List down all the possible c.How many dozens of eggs were
group activity. number of students which will not arrangement. delivered to them?
c.Discuss the rubrics in assessing be less than 100, and every Possible arrangements: d.If you were Samuel:
their group performances. student at the school must be on a 1 tray with 36 eggs 6 trays -Will you help your family earn a
Joseph sells newspapers and bottles team. If there are 942 students at with 6 eggs each2 trays with 18 eggs living? Why?
to earn money to buy a gift for her Johnny's school, how many teams each12 trays with 3 eggs each 3 trays -Will you keep the change given by
mother. He earns P11 per day. He could the students form? with 12 eggs each18 trays with 2 the delivery man? Why
will buy a blouse amounting to P319. 2. Analysis and eggs s each4 trays with 9 eggs each e.What are the given data?
How many days will he sell Abstraction:* 36 trays with 1 egg each f.What are the operations to be
newspaper and bottles to buy the a. How many members should used?
blouse for her mother? there be in a team? g.Let them evaluate the
b. How many students are there expression they are formulated
at Johnny’s school?
c. d. What is being asked in the P160 + (20 x P42)
problem? P160 + P840
e. What are the given facts? P1000 money of Samuel
f. What should be done to solve
the problem? h.Require them to analyze the
g. Show your solution, step by operations they used in arriving at
step. the exact change.

E. Discussing new concepts Work in Pairs Work in Pairs List all the factors of a given Ella was absent for a
and practicing new skills 1. Which of the following is true? Read and analyze the number. week because she was sick. When
#2 I. 50629240 is divisible by 4 & 8 following. a.12 f. 17 she went to school, she had to
II. 2062923 is divisible by 6 1. Which of the following numbers b.64 g. 27 take a test. Let us help Ella answer
III. 6290524 is divisible by 8 are divisible by 2, 5 and 10? c.80 h. 93 her test.
A) Only I B) Both I & II C) Only (i) 149 d.30 i. 50 a.2 x 3 + 4 =
III D) I, II & III (ii) 19400 e.45 j. 100 b.7 x ( 9 - 3 ) =
2. Which of the following numbers is (iii) 720345 c.18 – ( 12÷2 ) + 4 =
divisible by 2 by not by 3? (iv) 125370 d.35 – 6 x 3 =
A) 5233 B) 6721 C) 2033 D) (v) 3000000 e.(48 ÷ 12 ) + 8 – 2 =
6022 2. Check whether the numbers are
3. What is the number of integers divisibility by 4:
between 101 and 199 which are (i) 23408
exactly divisible (ii) 100246
by 5 or 7? (iii) 34972
A) 32 B) 31 C) 30 D) 29 E) (iv) 150126
None 3. In each of the following
numbers without doing actual
division, determine whether the
first number is divisible by the
second number:
(i) 3409122; 6
(ii) 17218; 6
(iii) 11309634; 8
(iv) 515712; 8
F. Developing mastery Read and answer the following Read and answer the following Tell whether the first number is a Evaluate the expression
(Leads to Formative problems. problems. factor of the second. Write Yes or No a.8 + 4 ÷ (2 + 2 )=
Assessment 3) 1. There are 2,024 books that need 1. A new stadium will have 3,522 before each number. b.5 x 8 ÷ 4=
to be kept in racks. There are 8 seats. The stadium designer wants _____ a) 12, 36 c.65 – 81 ÷ 9 =
racks. Mike wants to put the same to divide the seats into sections. _____ b) 22, 40 d.72 ÷ 3 x 2 + 7 =
number of books in each rack. How Each section must have the same _____ c) 25, 65 e.(67 + 33) ÷ 25=
many books will fit into each rack? number of seats. How many _____ d) 18, 54
2. Sunny bought 28 plum cakes and sections could the stadium _____ e) 23, 70
distributed equally among 7 designer use?
children. How many plum cakes did
each child get?
3. Mrs.Smith wants to divide 27 2.A farmer picked 27 plums. She
chocolates equally among 9 children. needs to divide the plums into
How many chocolates should she baskets to sell at the market. The
give to each child? farmer wants to put the same
4. Sandra wants to place at least 8 number of plums in each bag with
fruits in a bowl. Find the maximum no plums left over. How many
number of bowls required, if she has plums could the farmer put in
42 fruits. each bag?
5. Chris had 22 chocolates. He
shared equal number of chocolates
with his brother. How many 3. Tracy is arranging 48 pictures in
chocolates did each one get? a scrapbook. She wants to put the
same number of pictures on each
page. How many pictures could
Tracy put on each page of the
4. There are 6,460 fish in a
hatchery, which are divided evenly
among the ponds. How many
ponds could there be at the

5. A T-shirt factory made 8,944

blue T-shirts. The factory put all
the T-shirts into packages without
any T-shirts left over. How many T-
shirts could be in each package?

G. Finding practical Read and analyze the following Read and analyze the following A. Tell whether the first number is a Evaluate the following
applications of concepts problem. problem. factor of the second. Write Yes or No expressions.
and skills in daily living 1. A school collected 360 by selling 1. 108 people have been invited to before each number. a.4 x 3 + (8÷2)
tickets for a stage show. If the cost a banquet. The caterer is _____ a) 12, 36 b.84 ÷ 4 x 3
of each ticket was P8, how arranging tables. Each _____ b) 22, 40 c.76 – 8 + 5 x 2
may tickets were sold? table can seat 12 people. How _____ c) 25, 65 d.53 + 7 – 20
What is asked: _______________ many tables are needed? _____ d) 18, 54 e.3 x 5 ÷ 15
What are given: ____________ What is asked: _____ e) 23, 70
What operation is to be used: _____ __________________
Number Sentence: ___________ What are given:
Answer: _________________ ________________
2. Henry bought twice the number of What operation is to be used:
balloons that Andrew bought, to _______
decorate their houses for Number Sentence:
Christmas. How many balloons did _______________
Andrew buy, if Henry bought 262 Answer:
balloons? _______________________
What is asked: ___________ 2. Nancy needs 5 lemons to make
What are given: ________________ a glass of orange juice. If Nancy
What operation is to be used: has 250 oranges, how many
____________ glasses of orange juice can she
Number Sentence: make?
_______________ What is asked: ______________
Answer: _____________________ What are given:
3. Marissa wanted to _________________
decorate her house with beautiful What operation is to be used:
posters. She bought 36 posters _____
altogether. How many can she paste Number Sentence:
in each of the 12 rooms? ________________
What is asked: ________________ Answer: ___________________
What are given: 3. P5,876 are distributed equally
_____________________ among 26 men. How much money
What operation is to be used: will each person get?
___________ What is asked:
Number Sentence: ______________ __________________
Answer: _____________ What are given:
4. Francis __________________
wrote a novel having 12 lines in each What operation is to be used:
page. Total number of _______
lines in the complete novel Number Sentence:
is 6600. Find the number of pages in _____________
Francis's novel. Answer: ____________________
What is asked: _________________ 4. If 9975 kg of wheat is packed in
What are given: ______________ 95 bags, how much wheat will
What operation is to be used: each bag contain?
______ What is asked:
Number Sentence: ____________ ____________________
Answer: ______________________ What are given:
5. Lydia went shopping _________________
along with three of her friends. In a What operation is to be used:
store they bought a box with ________
92 shades of nail polish. If they Number
divided them evenly, then how Sentence:______________ _
many would each of them get? Answer: _____________________
What is asked: _________________ 5. Mark baked 195 cookies and
What are given: _______________ divided them equally into 13
What operation is to be used: packs. How many cookies did
______ Mark put in each packet?
Number Sentence: ______________ What is asked: ______________
Answer: _______________________ What are given:
What operation is to be used:
Number Sentence: ________
Answer: ___________________
H. Making generalizations How do we solve routine and non- How do we solve routine and non- What are factors? How do we evaluate an expression
and abstractions about routine problems involving factors routine problems involving factors Factors are numbers that with two different operations?
the lesson and multiples and divisibility and multiples and are multiplied to give the product - use the PMDAS / GMDAS
rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, divisibility rules for 2, 3, rule
and 12? 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12? What is PMDAS /
-it is an acronym for the word
parenthesis, multiplication and
division, addition and subtraction.
Given two or more operations in a
single expression, the order of the
letter in the PMDAS/GMDAS tells
you what to calculate first, second,
third and so on, until the
calculation is complete.
I. Evaluating learning Read and analyze the following. Read and analyze the following. Write all the numbers between 0 Evaluate the expressions.
1. Eggs come in packages of 12 and 1. The class of Mrs. Anciro will be and 10 that are factors of each given a.7 x (8 + 130)
English muffins come in packages of conducting a tree planting activity number. b.195 ÷ (3 x 5)
10. What is the least number of this coming weekend. If there are a. 2160 c.(3 + 83 – 73) x 2
packages of each that can be bought 9 groups to plant 981 seedlings. _________ d.76 – 8 x 9
to be able to make egg How many seedlings will be given b. 4212 e.(90 x 5 ÷ 50) + (4+3)
sandwiches with no muffins or eggs to each group? _________
left over? Asked: _________ c. 9305 _________
Given: ______ d. 1287
2. If Mary inspects every sixth Number Sentence: ______ _________
calculator and Nancy inspects every Solution: ____________ e. 8240
fifth calculator, which calculator Answer: ______________ _________
will be the first that they both 2. Mother saved money every
inspect? month. If she had P1584 now and
she saved for 9 months. How
3. Rebecca has 20 table tennis balls much money did she saved each
and 16 table tennis paddles. She month?
wants to sell packages of balls and Asked: ____________
paddles bundled together. What is Number Sentence: __________
the greatest number of packages she Solution: _____________
can sell (with no leftover balls or Answer:
paddles and one ball per paddle)? ________________________
4. Carl has a soccer game every 4th 3. Kien and Abiel collect seashells
day, Matt has one every 5th day. every day. If they collect 12
When will they have a game on seashells each day,
the same day? how many seashells will
5. If every time Tomas eats a cookie they have on the 12th day?
it gives him 5 points and very time Asked: _____________
Miguel eats a cookie it gives him 15 Given: __________
points. When are they gonna have Number
the same amount of points? Solution: _______
Answer: __
4. A fund raising campaign were
raised by the class of Mr. Evan’s to
be donated to an orphanage in
their municipality. If there have
P2,964 which were equally
donated by Ammie, Ella, Carl and
Fred, how much money did each
Asked: ____________
Given: ____________
Number Sentence:__
Answer: ________________
5. On the 9th day of their vacation,
Sally had distributed flyers. Each
day she was able to distribute 200
flyers. What is the total number of
flyers did she distribute?
Asked: ___
Given: _________
Number Sentence: ____
Solution: ___________
Answer: ______________
J. Additional activities for A vet gives the dogs in her office 8 Find all the factors of a given Evaluate the expressions.
application or bones each. She used 240 bones. number. a.7 x (8 + 130)
remediation How many dogs got bones? a. 65 b. 144 b.195 ÷ (3 x 5)
c. 208d. 17e. 63 c.(3 + 83 – 73) x 2
d.76 – 8 x 9
e.(90 x 5 ÷ 50) + (4+3)
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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