Grade 5 DLL MATH 5 Q1 Week 2
Grade 5 DLL MATH 5 Q1 Week 2
Grade 5 DLL MATH 5 Q1 Week 2
2. demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in various forms and contexts.
2. is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems and real-life
C. Learning Uses divisibility rules for Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6 and Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 Uses divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12 and 11
Competencies/Objectives 2, 5 and 10to find 9 to find common factors to find common factors to find common factors
Write the LC code for each common factors M5NS-Ib-58.2/ Page 53 of 109 M5NS-Ib-58.2/ Page 53 of 109 Code: M5NS-Ib 58.3/ Page 53 of 109 Weekly Test
Code: M5NS-Ib
58.1/Page 53 of 109
II. CONTENT Using Divisibility rules Using Divisibility rules for 3, 6 Using Divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 Using Divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12 and
for 2, 5 and 10 to find and 9 to find common factors to find common factors 11 to find common factors
common factors
A. References Curriculum Guide in
Math 5
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG/Week 2 TG/Week 2 TG/Week 2 TG/Week 2
2. Learner’s Material pages LM/Week 2/DLP Gr. 4 LM/Week 2/DLP Gr. 5 Module 1, LM/Week 2/DLP Gr. 5 Module 1, 12 LM/Week 2 /DLP Gr. 5 Module 1, 12
Module 4, Gr. 5 12 Lesson Guide in Elem.
Module 1, 12 Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 5 p.51, 57
Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 5 p.51, 57
Math Gr. 5 p.48
3. Textbook pages Growing Up with Math 5 Growing Up with Math 5 p. 97 Growing Up with Math 5 p. 97 Growing Up with Math 5 p. 97
p. 97
F. Developing mastery . Reinforcing the Concept 4.Reinforcing the Concept and 4.Reinforcing the Concept and 4.Reinforcing the Concept and Skill
(Leads to Formative
and Skill Skill Skill Discuss the presentation. On page ___
Assessment 3)
Discuss the presentation. Discuss the presentation. On Discuss the presentation. On page of LM Math Grade V,
On page ___ of LM Math page ___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V, Have the pupils solve the following
Grade V, Have the pupils solve the Have the pupils solve the exercises.
Have the pupils solve the following exercises. following exercises. Put a check under the correct column
following exercises. Put a check under the correct Put a check under the correct applying the rules for divisibility.
Put a check under the column applying the rules for column applying the rules for 4 8 12
correct column applying divisibility divisibility
the rules for divisibility.\ 3 6 9 3 6 9
2 5
315 315
120 120
8640 8640
4970 4176 4176
G. Finding practical applications . Applying to New and Applying to New and Other Applying to New and Other Applying to New and Other Situations
of concepts and skills in daily
Other Situations Situations Situations Have the pupils do the exercises under
Have the pupils do the Have the pupils do the exercises Have the pupils do the exercises Apply your Skills on page LM Math
exercises under Apply under Apply your Skills on page under Apply your Skills on page Grade V. Encourage some pupils to
your Skills on page LM LM Math Grade V. Encourage LM Math Grade V. Encourage show and discuss the answers.
Math Grade V. some pupils to show and discuss some pupils to show and discuss
Encourage some pupils the answers. the answers.
to show and discuss the
H. Making generalizations and Summarizing the Lesson Summarizing the Lesson Summarizing the Lesson Summarizing the Lesson
abstractions about the lesson How do we find the
How do we find the factors of a How do we find the factors of a How do we find the factors of
factors of a number using
divisibility rules? number using divisibility rules? number using divisibility rules? a number using divisibility rules?
•We recall and apply the
•We recall and apply the rules on •We recall and apply the rules on •We recall and apply the rules on
rules on divisibility for 2,
5 and 10. divisibility for 3, 6 or 9 . divisibility for 3, 6 or 9 . divisibility for 4, 8, 12 or 11
Divisibility rule for 2
Divisible by 3: sum of digits of Divisible by 3: sum of digits of
All even nos. are
divisible by 2 the number is divisible by 3 the number is divisible by 3
Divisibility rule for 5
Divisible by 6: number is Divisible by 6: number is divisible
Numbers ending in 0 and
5 are divisible by 5 divisible by both 2 and 3 by both 2 and 3
Divisibility rule for 10
Divisible by 9: sum of the digits Divisible by 9: sum of the digits
Numbers ending in 0 are
divisible by 10 of the number is divisible by 9 of the number is divisible by 9
I. Evaluating learning C.Assessment C.Assessment C.Assessment C. Assessment
Using the divisibility Using the divisibility rule, encircle Using the divisibility rule, encircle Using the divisibility rule, encircle the
rule, encircle the the numbers whose factors are the numbers whose factors are numbers whose factors are the given
numbers whose the given number before each the given number before each number before each item.
factors are the given item. item. 4___ 1. 84 480 60 264
number before each 3___ 1. 84 346 57 3___ 1. 84 346 57 8____ 2.2000 3928
item. 264 264 6000 846
2__ _ 1. 88 9____ 2.299 627 657 9____ 2.299 627 657 12___3.372 756 840 579
470 90 846 846 11____4.378 352 1132 143
294 3____ 3.312 799 843 3____ 3.312 799 843 4____5.477 524 296 342
5__ __ 2.5000 579 579
7528 6010 6_____4.378 216 1953 6_____4.378 216 1953
845 117 117
10_ __3.370 6_____5.477 357 296 6_____5.477 357 296
950 840 346 346
355 3455
5 ___5.470
830 525
J. Additional activities for Remediation Remediation Remediation D.Home Activity
application or remediation Write on the blank Using the divisibility rule Using the divisibility rule Remediation
before each item put a check on the blank if the put a check on the blank if the Using the divisibility rule, put a check
whether the given second number is a factor of the second number is a factor of the on the blank if the second number is a
number is divisible by 2, first number. first number. factor of the first number.
5 and 10 1. 459,3 _____ 1. 459,3 _____ 1. 436,4 _____
1. 16 _______ 2. 261,6 _____ 2. 261,6 _____ 2. 263,12 _____
2. 125 ______ 3. 6453,9 ____ 3. 6453,9 ____ 3. 2328,8 ____
3. 30 _______ 4. 345,3 _____ 4. 345,3 _____ 4. 346,4 _____
4. 344 ______ 5. 114,6 _____ 5. 114,6 _____ 5. 114,11 _____
5. 650 ______ 6. 6.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?