MSTE Module 4
MSTE Module 4
MSTE Module 4
1. Suppose a lot consisting of 100 items contains 7 defectives. If one 20. A box contains 58 red marbles, 14 yellow marbles, 28 blue marbles,
item is randomly selected, the probability P(item is defective) is: all the marbles are of the same size. Three marbles are drawn at
A. 0.07 B. C. D. random from the box, first one, then a second, and then a third.
Determine the probability of getting one red marble, one yellow
2. In an unbiased coin toss, the probability of getting heads or tails is marble and one blue marble with replacement.
exactly ½. A coin is tossed and one gets heads. If the coin is tossed A. 0.0227 B. C. D.
again, the probability of getting head again is:
A. 1/2 B. C. D. 21. A box contains 100 washers, 24 of which are brass, 36 copper, and
the remainder are steel. One washer is taken at random and retained,
3. A single die is tossed once. Find the probability of a 2 or 5 turning up. and a second washer similarly drawn. Determine the probability that
A. 1/3 B. C. D. the first is brass, and the second is copper.
A. 0.0864 B. C. D.
4. A card is drawn at random from a ordinary deck of 52 playing cards.
Find the probability that it is an ace, 22. A quality engineer selects 3 iPods from a box that contains 20 iPods
A. 1/13 B. C. D. of which 3 are defective. What is the probability that the first is
defective and the others are not defective?
5. A card is drawn at random from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. A. 0.119 B. C. D.
Find the probability that it is a three of clubs or a six of diamonds.
A. 1/26 B. C. D. 23. A box contains 5 defective and 195 non-defective cell phones. A
quality control engineer select two cell phones at random without
6. A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 6 red balls, 4 white replacement. What is the probability that neither is defective?
balls, and 5 blue balls. Determine the probability that it is not red.. A. 0.9505 B. C. D.
A. 3/5 B. C. D.
24. A box contains 5 defective and 195 non-defective cell phones. A
7. Determine the probability of throwing a total of 8 in a single throw quality control engineer select two cell phones at random without
with two dice, each of whose faces is number from 1 to 6. replacement. What is the probability that both are defective?
A. 5/36 B. C. D. A. 0.0005 B. C. D.
8. In a throw of two dice, the probability of obtaining a total of 10 or 12. 25. A box contains 5 defective and 195 non-defective cell phones. A
A. 1/9 B. C. D. quality control engineer select two cell phones at random with
replacement. What is the probability that neither is defective?
9. Eleven books, consisting of 5 engineering books, 4 mathematics A. 0.950625 B. C. D.
books, and 2 chemistry books, are placed on a shelf at random. What
is the probability that the books of each kind are all together? 26. A box contains 5 defective and 195 non-defective cell phones. A
A. 1/1155 B. C. D. quality control engineer select two cell phones at random with
replacement. What is the probability that both are defective?
10. Nine tickets, numbered from 1 to 9, are in a box. If 2 tickets are drawn A. 0.000625 B. C. D.
at random, determine the probability that both are odd.
A. 5/18 B. C. D. 27. A box contains 5 defective and 195 non-defective cell phones. A
quality control engineer select two cell phones at random without
11. Nine tickets, numbered from 1 to 9, are in a box. If 2 tickets are drawn replacement. What is the probability that exactly one is defective?
at random, determine the probability that one is odd, and one is even. A. 0.049 B. C. D.
A. 5/9 B. C. D.
28. A box contains 5 defective and 195 non-defective cell phones. A
12. A bag contains 6 red, 4 white, and 8 blue balls. If 3 balls are drawn at quality control engineer select two cell phones at random with
random, determine the probability that all 3 are red. replacement. What is the probability that exactly one is defective?
A. 5/204 B. C. D. A. 0.04875 B. C. D.
13. A bag contains 6 red, 4 white, and 8 blue balls. If 3 balls are drawn at 29. An urn contains 4 black balls and 6 white balls. What is the
random, determine the probability that 2 are white and 1 is red. probability of getting 1 black and 1 white ball in two consecutive
A. 3/68 B. C. D. draws from the urn?
A. 0.53 B. C. D.
14. Three cards are drawn from a pack of 52 cards. Determine the
probability that all are aces. 30. One bag contains 4 white balls and 2 black balls; another bag contains
A. 1/5525 B. C. D. 3 white balls and 5 black balls. if one ball is drawn from each bag,
determine the probability that 1 is white and 1 is black.
15. Three cards are drawn from a pack of 52 cards. Determine the A. 13/24 B. C. D.
probability that all are spades.
A. 11/850 B. C. D. 31. From a bag containing 4 black balls and 5 white balls, two balls are
drawn one at a time. Find the probability that one ball is white and
16. Five cards are to be drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards. Find the one ball is black. Assume that the first ball is returned before the
probability that all are red cards. second ball is drawn.
A. 0.02531 B. C. D. A. 40/81 B. C. D.
17. Four cards are to be drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards. Find the 32. One bag contains 5 white balls and 4 black balls and a second bag
probability that there are exactly two clubs. contains 2 white and 4 black balls. One ball is drawn from the second
A. 0.21349 B. C. D. bag and is placed unseen in the first bag. What is the probability that
the ball now drawn from the first bag is white?
18. Find the probability of drawing a 7, then a face card from a standard A. 8/15 B. C. D.
52-card deck with replacement.
A. 0.0178 B. C. D. 33. What is the probability of getting at least 1 one in 2 throws of a die?
A. 11/36 B. C. D.
19. The probability that a certain man will be alive 25 years hence is 3/7,
and the probability that his wife will be alive 25 years hence is 4/5. 34. The probability of A’s winning a game of chess against B is 1/3. What
Determine the probability, 25 years hence, at least one of them will is the probability that A will win at least 1 of a total of 3 games?
be alive. A. 19/27 B. C. D.
A. 31/35 B. C. D.
35. Find the probability that in tossing a fair coin three times, there will cancer as having the disease is 0.06. Find the probability that a person
appear at least 1 head. diagnosed as having cancer actually has the disease?
A. 7/8 B. C. D. A. 0.40625 B. C. D.
36. Find the probability that in a family of 4 children there will be at least 50. Suppose that, in a certain part of the world, any 50-year period the
1 boy. Assume that the probability of a male birth is ½. probability of a major plague is 0.39, the probability of a major famine
A. 15/16 B. C. D. is 0.52, and the probability of both a plague and a famine is 0.15. What
is the probability of a famine given that there is a plague?
37. Find the probability of getting a total of 7 at least once in three tosses A. 0.385 B. C. D.
of a pair of fair dice.
A. 91/216 B. C. D. 51. The probability that a student takes chemistry and is on the honor
rolls is 0.042. The probability that a student is on the honor roll is
38. If the probability that the average freshman will not complete four 0.21. What is the probability that the student is taking chemistry,
years of college is 1/3, what is the probability p that of 4 freshmen at given that the student is on the honor roll?
least 3 will complete four years of college? A. 0.2 B. C. D.
A. 16/27 B. C. D.
52. At the Pine Valley Country Club, 32% of the members play golf and
39. Find the probability that in five tosses of a fair die, a 3 will appear are female. Also, 80% of the members play golf. If a member of the
twice. club is selected at random, find the probability that the member is
A. 625/3888 B. C. D. female given that the member plays golf.
A. 0.4 B. C. D.
40. Find the probability that in five tosses of a fair die, a 5 will appear at
most once. 53. A process manufactures aluminum cans. The probability that a can
A. 3125/3888 B. C. D. has a flaw on the side is 0.02, the probability that it has a flaw on the
top is 0.03, and the probability that it has a flaw on the top and the
41. According to statistics 30% of smokers want to quit smoking. In a side is 0.01. What is the probability that a can will have flaw on its
random of 12 smokers, what is the probability that the number of side, given that it has a flaw on the top?
who want to quit smoking is exactly 6? A. 1/3 B. C. D.
A. 0.0792 B. C. D.
54. A box contains black chips and red chips. A person draws two chips
42. Sixty percent of the employees of a certain company have at least one without replacement. If the probability of selecting a black chip and a
credit card. If a random sample of 12 employees, what is the red chip is 15/56 and the probability of drawing a black chip on the
probability that 5 of them have at least one credit card? first draw is ¾, what is the probability of drawing a red chip on the
A. 0.1009 B. C. D. second draw, if you know the first chip drawn was black?
A. 5/14 B. C. D.
43. A box contains 5 red balls, 4 white balls, and 3 blue balls. A ball is
selected at random from the box, its color is noted, and then the ball 55. In a certain college, 5% of the men and 2% of the women took
is replaced. Find the probability that out of 6 balls selected in this engineering. Furthermore, 60% of the students are men. If a student
manner, 3 are red, 2 are white, and 1 is blue. is selected at random, and is found to be an engineering student, what
A. 625/5184 B. C. D. is the probability that the student is a man?
A. 15/19 B. C. D.
44. A fair die is thrown 5 times. On any one throw, outcome 1 is that an
even number appears, outcome 2 is that a 1 or 3 appears, and 56. In a certain region of the country it is known from experience that the
outcome 3 is that a 5 appears. Find the probability that in the 5 probability of selecting an adult over 40 years of age with a cancer is
throws, outcome 1 occurs twice, outcome 2 occurs twice, and 0.02. If the probability of a doctor correctly diagnosing a person with
outcome 3 occurs once. a cancer as having the disease is 0.78 and the probability of
A. 0.138848 B. C. D. incorrectly diagnosing a person without cancer as having the disease
is 0.06, what is the probability that a person is diagnosed as having
45. If a fair die is to be tossed 12 times, the probability of getting 1, 2, 3, cancer?
4, 5 and 6 points exactly twice each is A. 7.44% B. C. D.
A. 0.00344 B. C. D.
46. The probabilities that the light bulb of the projector used in Dr.
Stephen’s statistical engineering software course will last less than
40 hours, 40 to 80 hours, or more than 80 hours are 0.3, 0.5, and 0.2.
Find the probability that among 8 such bulbs, 2 will last less than 40
hours, 5 will last between 40 and 80 hours, and 1 will last more than
80 hours.
A. 0.0945 B. C. D.
48. On the East Coast, it is known from health records that the probability
of selecting an adult over 40 years of age with cancer is 0.05. The
probability of diagnosing a person with cancer as having the disease
is 0.78 and the probability of incorrectly diagnosing a person without
cancer as having the disease is 0.06. Find the probability that a person
is diagnosed as having a cancer.
A. 0.096 B. C. D.
49. On the East Coast, it is known from health records that the probability
of selecting an adult over 40 years of age with cancer is 0.05. The
probability of diagnosing a person with cancer as having the disease
is 0.78 and the probability of incorrectly diagnosing a person without