My Publcation, AJSS, Minerals
My Publcation, AJSS, Minerals
My Publcation, AJSS, Minerals
Muhammad Shahid Maqbool,Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rehman & Allah Ditta
Academic Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2521-0149
Vol. 4 Issue 3 (July- September 2020) PP 700-710 ISSN 2519-7983
this study is valuable for the future policy processing industries of Danube economies.
framework. The export competitiveness of agro-processed
2. Literature Review products of Ghana was investigated by Oduro
A large number of studies have applied and Offei (2014) by employing a set of RCA
comparative advantage index to evaluate the indices. The findings of the study highlight that
competitiveness of the export of different Ghana had a CA in these selected
economies. Balassa and Marcus (1989) also products.Erkan and Sarıçoban (2014) analyzed
employed RCA method to measure the and compared the export competitiveness of
competitiveness of Japan and USA from Turkey and EU+13 countries by employing
1967-1983. Haddad (2000) examined the RCA indices during 1993-2012 in the science-
export competitiveness of North African and based goods. The results of the analysis
Middle Eastern regions by using a similar illustrate that these goods had not a significant
approach. Fetscherin et al. (2010) used industry impact on the rise of Turkey and EU+13
specialization, export growth rate and relative economies export share in the world market.
industry to gauge the export competitiveness of The product space methodology was employed
Chines manufacturing industries. They by Haddad (2018) to identify the leading export
concluded that 50% of Chines industries were sectors of Tunisia and Egypt economies.
competitive in the World markets. Fetscherin et As far as Pakistan is concerned, the export
al. (2012) also measured the export competitiveness of horticultural products of
competitiveness of Indian manufacturing sector Pakistan was measured by Waqar et al., (2013)
by utilizing 97 industries from 2001-05 and by utilizing some indices of revealed
concluded that 40% of the Indian industries are comparative advantage during 1990-2009 and
competitive in the global markets. Sachithra et concluded that Pakistan had a competitive and
al., (2012) employed RCA, RSCA and TBI comparative advantage in the selected products.
indices to examine the export competitiveness Abbas and Muhammad (2016) investigated the
of Sri Lankan in international trade from 2000- competitiveness of Pakistan's manufacturing
2010. The findings illustrate that Sri Lanka had sector over nine European and eight Asian
a comparative advantage in the selected leading economies by employing Blassa index from
exports. Ignjatijevic et al., (2014) utilized 2003-2013. The findings of the analysis reveal
different revealed comparative advantage that Pakistan had a CA in low value-added
indices to measure the competitiveness of food products. Another study employing the
Muhammad Shahid Maqbool,Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rehman & Allah Ditta
Academic Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2521-0149
Vol. 4 Issue 3 (July- September 2020) PP 700-710 ISSN 2519-7983
Muhammad Shahid Maqbool,Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rehman & Allah Ditta
Zij= Mineral exports of Pakistan
∑i Zij = Total exports Pakistan
∑j Zij = Mineral exports of the World
∑j ∑i Zij = Total exports of the World
The revealed symmetric comparative between -1 and 1. This index is defined as
advantage index (RSCA) is employed to follows;
suppress the problem of skewness and it is lies
RSCA = (Source; Erkan and Sarıcoban, 2014)
Apart from the export index of RCA, the study study has measured revealed trade advantage
has also employed the import index of revealed (RTA) (Ferto and Hubbard, 2002).
comparative advantage (RMA). Further, the
∑ MC
(Source; Akhtar et al., 2013)
∑ Mw
i⁄ MCi⁄
∑ XC ∑ MC
RTA = RCA – RMA = w
- w
(Source; Akhtar et al., 2013)
⁄ w ⁄
∑ Xi ∑ Mw
Furthermore, the current analysis developed RSCA indices. This product category classified
“products mapping” by using the NEI and into four groups, namely A, B, C and D.
Academic Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2521-0149
Vol. 4 Issue 3 (July- September 2020) PP 700-710 ISSN 2519-7983
Figure 1
Group; A Group; B
Net-exporter country Net-importer country
(RSCA >0 and NEI >0) (RSCA >0 and NEI <0)
Group; C Group; D
Comparative Disadvantage Comparative Disadvantage
Net-exporter country Net-importer country
(RSCA <0 and NEI >0) (RSCA <0 and NEI <0)
Table 2: Export and Import growth of Minerals (sulfur, salt, earths and stones, plastering
materials, lime and cement) of Pakistan in the World from 2003-18 (thousands US$)
Muhammad Shahid Maqbool,Muhammad Atiq-ur-Rehman & Allah Ditta
This study has utilized a set of revealed Pakistan had a competitive disadvantage in the
comparative advantage indices to evaluate the year 2003. The revealed import advantage
export competitiveness of Pakistan‘s minerals index points out that Pakistan had a competitive
for the period 2003-18. In table 3, RCA index disadvantage in the year 2004, while it had a
illustrates that Pakistan has CA in the competitive advantage in the other years in
concerned sector from 2004 to 2018, while imports. The positive values of the relative
comparative disadvantage in 2003. In addition, trade advantage index illustrate that Pakistan
the results indicate that Pakistan had a higher had a net comparative advantage from 2004-18,
CA from 2007-18 having the index value while the net comparative disadvantage in the
greater than 4 (Abbas and Muhammad, 2016). year 2003 (Shah, 2018). The net export index
The trend of RSCA index described that illustrates that Pakistan is a net importer of this
Pakistan enhanced specialization in this sector sector from 2003-04, while net exporter during
from 2004-18. The positive RSCA index 2005-18. Further, the absolute values of the net
illustrates the CA in the years from 2004-18, export index |NEI| point out the portion of inter-
while a negative value shows comparative industry trade in this sector, while 1-|NEI|
disadvantage in the year 2003. The index of highlights the portion of intra-industry trade.
LnRCA points out that Pakistan had a CA in the The findings of “ product mapping” highlight
whole period except 2003. The Vollrath index that Pakistan lies in group B in the years 2003
(1991) reveals that Pakistan had a competitive and 2004, while it lies in group A from 2005-
advantage in the fore-mentioned sector from 18.
2004-18. This index also examined that
Academic Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2521-0149
Vol. 4 Issue 3 (July- September 2020) PP 700-710 ISSN 2519-7983
2003 0.682 -0.19 -0.38 0.681 0.739 -0.06 -0.057 0.057 0.943
2004 1.1682 0.078 0.155 1.169 1.045 0.123 -0.167 0.167 0.833
2005 2.781 0.471 1.023 2.8013 0.609 2.172 0.376 0.376 0.624
2006 3.0397 0.505 1.112 3.0641 0.574 2.466 0.406 0.406 0.594
2007 5.7849 0.705 1.755 5.8899 0.565 5.22 0.616 0.616 0.384
2008 9.9088 0.817 2.293 10.298 0.72 9.189 0.656 0.656 0.344
2009 11.81 0.844 2.469 12.359 0.624 11.19 0.789 0.789 0.211
2010 9.4288 0.808 2.244 9.7533 0.725 8.704 0.708 0.708 0.292
2011 8.7738 0.795 2.172 9.0519 0.809 7.965 0.673 0.673 0.327
2012 11.453 0.839 2.438 11.933 0.733 10.72 0.75 0.75 0.25
2013 11.786 0.844 2.467 12.281 0.754 11.03 0.758 0.758 0.242
2014 11.345 0.838 2.429 11.803 0.737 10.61 0.73 0.73 0.27
2015 8.9826 0.8 2.195 9.2698 0.869 8.114 0.613 0.613 0.387
2016 9.1738 0.803 2.216 9.4556 0.922 8.252 0.558 0.558 0.442
2017 7.3599 0.761 1.996 7.5344 0.818 6.542 0.464 0.464 0.536
2018 7.7052 0.77 2.042 7.9003 0.741 6.964 0.544 0.544 0.456
Source; Author’s calculations by using ITC data
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Academic Journal of Social Sciences ISSN 2521-0149
Vol. 4 Issue 3 (July- September 2020) PP 700-710 ISSN 2519-7983