Hiden Valoria
Hiden Valoria
Hiden Valoria
The Patina Court
Valoria is a vast and dynamic city of more Magic, like life itself, is cyclical, and so attrition
than 50,000 inhabitants. Its districts are slowly wore away on those of the Patina. Unlike
unique, varied, and play integral roles in its mundane noble families bent on political
vibrant ecology. However, that isn’t to say marriage and heredity, the magic practitioners
that every block inside its walls is worthy of of the Patina were loners, eccentrics, and
record. Each street is like a wave in a vast in many social graces backwards. They
ocean caught in a single moment in time. cared more for intellectual study than raising
Some are at a high point, curling in the break, children, and so within several generations the
and raise the city’s esteem. Others have spent grand experiment of the Patina lost its luster
their energy on a sandy shore, now bleeding just as the gnomish bronze.
away into depths until they will perhaps rise As the magic faded from the Patina, the
again or fade into antiquity. grand houses were closed, and foot traffic
So is the story of the Patina Court. Once a from Valoria’s citizens, once heavy seeking
proud neighborhood tucked north of Main potions, elixirs, spells, and enchantments,
Street and west of Odin’s Way, it has become a died away as well. The Patina darkened and
forgotten footnote in the annals of Valoria’s lore. was all but forgotten.
Two centuries ago, when the nobility were Decades passed and the homes still stood as
building estates along Basilisk Lane in the stark reminders of pride, wealth, and even the
North Ward, a collection of magically adept magic of its creators as the structures rarely
and independent minded citizens moved from decayed as though standing vigil for their long
the Wizard’s Knoll to form their own elite lost masters.
neighborhood in direct competition with the Today, the Patina is little more than a
moneyed markets of Basilisk. squatter’s paradise, a place where many
Using gold gained from their varied arcane without hope can find some shelter or those
services, they built large homes and decorated wishing to get lost can disappear. There is
their eaves with bronze imported from the no reason to come here, save for those passed
gnomes of Urn. With passing years, the regal from this world, as Murtel’s Mortuary services
bronze flashing took on a deep green patina, corpses for entombment into crypts within the
and so the name of the neighborhood was born, base of the Wizard’s Knoll on the Patina’s
the Patina Court. northern border.
Petty gangs hide amid the old estates, and House to Isildred the Golden Astronomer, last
the Begger’s Guild holds one such structure of the magically adept in residence, but even
as its Guild House, although no registry exists then, only the locals have knowledge or care
for the union. The Fallen Warlock Hostel can concerning them and they draw almost no
also be found here, its patrons an eclectic mix interest south of Main.
of personalities, races, and ages without purses Truly, this isn’t a place you would choose
worthy of an inn like the Gracious Arms along to visit unless you have no other options, are
the Main. deceased, or are a believer in child’s tales
Certainly other folks still call the Patina of magical treasures hidden beneath the
Court home, from the decrepit Helicrium Bath foundations of the ancient homes.
Residents of Note:
Places of Interest Brimbold Elderman the Lark
The Fallen Warlock Hostel:
Brimbold is a young minstrel from parts unknown
Situated two streets back from the Main, and farther
who fancies himself a bard. He does play the lute,
east than the famed Gracious Arms Inn, this building
has a fair voice, and knows three epic poems, but
has become home to an eclectic mix of downtrodden
otherwise his greatest passion is charming local ladies
and aspiring pilgrims. Most have recently moved to
for free meals and trinkets he can fence for coin to pay
Valoria, but there are others who have called their
for his room.
small room in the hostel home for several years. Run
Estaban Moncrief of the White Palm
by an old city guardsman named Alshock the Thrifty,
As dark as polished slate and tattooed with half a
this gruff man acquired the hostel under mysterious
hundred odd sigils, Estaban is a healer who deals in
means and many locals speak of his secret deals with
mundane methodology rather than the magical piety
gangs and a lost illicit goods bust that lined his purse
of godly blessings. He will often be found at the Rancid
before his retirement. Whatever the case, Alshock runs
Cauldron trading remedies and small treatments of
a tight ship, is never without a well-worn cudgel, and
minor ailments for drink. Once imbued with spirits,
accepts payments for rooms on the first of each month,
he has been known to spin tales of deep deserts, wild
otherwise you and your things will land roughly on the
fire demons, and knights who fly about the cloudless
cobbles by the 2nd.
skies on winged horses.
Lanka the Shade pays for his room and board, and what he doesn’t use
Lanka is a half-orc, but the heritage of what she is donated to the Prometheus Soup Kitchen.
claims as her elven father (again, hard to believe)
The Rancid Cauldron:
has tempered her orcish side to the point some folks
Where the Gracious Arms serves those with standing
consider her attractive, if in an odd way. She is well-
along the Main, the Rancid Cauldron is home to the
versed in both the elven tongue and orc speech, and
less fortunate of the Patina. Well off the map, this local
has contacts with the orcish clans that dwell outside
dive serves up cast-off food from the Gracious Arms
the walls of Valoria. She makes coin as a scout, often
(purchased expired and spoiled goods in a backdoor
straying from the hostel for weeks at a time, but has
type deal), mostly by boiling it into thick stews. Many
a room paid three months in advance so she never
a guest has found themselves attached to a privy after
loses it. Some locals say she not only knows the land
a night of stew and spoiled beer, but nonetheless, the
around the city, but more importantly the sewers and
fare is cheap and hot, giving those who don’t wish to
catacombs beneath.
make their own meals a place to gather and talk about
Proprias the Learned
daily events.
A broken-shouldered and thin-bearded dwarf,
Proprias is on the last of his days, or so folks have Murtel’s Mortuary:
been saying for a full generation and yet he lives on. Certainly the most profitable business run in the
Local lore speaks of Proprias as one of the dwarves Patina, and probably the city (death just never goes out
that helped dig tombs into the Wizard’s Knoll on the of style), Murtel’s has been serving the dead of Valoria
northern border of the Patina, and he is often seen for over three hundred years. The Mortuary most
making the commute to Murtel’s Mortuary where he often uses its crematorium for customers, but those
writes eulogies for even the most lowly of the dead. with more wealth have been known to be interred into
Whatever the case, there is no doubt that Proprias has Murtel’s catacombs, a place marketed as sanctified
lived through a great deal of the city’s history. by both Osiris and Hades. There are also several
Cano, Rogue of the Scarf aboveground crypts located on the Wizard Knoll’s
Cano keeps to himself, a wiry human with broad slopes where wealthy aristocrats have purchased
shoulders and fingers long enough to palm a full-ripe family tombs, all maintained by the Murtel holdings.
melon. No one can say they have ever seen his face, Currently run by Brigit Murtel, a young woman of no
the man always wearing a black scarf, and if he has more than thirty winters, she inherited the business
a job, none can speak of that either. In truth, Cano from her older brother who was lost at sea while
lost his family to gang violence three seasons ago and investigating exotic woods and metals in Urn.
now takes to the Patina at night seeking to do justice
for those who cannot. What he takes from his victims
Abrella of the Third Eye: run down, even if the water is still good, and now it is
There is a fortune teller of some renown in the little more than a front for the Teller Gang to run an
Patina, and her shop ‘Of the Third Eye’ is often the underground brothel. The Flesh Guild requires costly
destination for those seeking portents about their permits for such activities in the city, but here, away
future. Most times these are troubled souls looking from the public eye, young women can be found to
to discover cheating spouses or unlawful business provide ‘private baths’ for patrons if the coin is right.
partners, but lovers, dreamers, entrepreneurs, and even
House of Flying Daggers:
gang members sometimes come looking for answers.
Ling Tuo, a man of foreign ancestry and a way with
Whether Abrella actually has any true divination skills
working metal, runs what many claim is the finest
is highly debated, but she does have a well-established
dagger shop in Valoria from a small shop deep in the
network of snitches, spies, and eavesdroppers that she
Patina. As open-carry swords are frowned upon by
maintains with copper coins, and most patrons would
the city watch, most citizens concerned about personal
agree Abrella’s second reading is always much more
protection carry a sling-blade or dirk, and Tuo has no
interesting and specific than her first.
shortage of short blades for those looking to conceal
House of Sigils: a deadly weapon. His prices are high, especially for
Babar Ikala, a former sailor of the Golden Lake, runs the Patina, but his wares often find resale in stalls and
a small tattoo parlor in the Patina just off the Main. It shops throughout the city, and more than one violent
is a favorite hangout for gangs, so much so that each crime has been traced back to his doorstep.
specific gang has its own devoted day of the week to
Isildred of Golden Sylph:
see Babar; otherwise bloodshed is sure to ensue. The
Elves are always looked upon as otherworldly,
man has real talent, and no design is too large or small,
and those of the Northern Forests of Mythras can
folks of the Patina swearing that Babar’s skill comes
sometimes be seen as akin to legend, but nonetheless,
from a sea witch he bedded long ago. Either that or
some do find their way into Valoria. Isildred is one of
he’s seen most of the bizarre creatures on his journeys
these, a female of the race. She has been in the Patina
that patrons ask him to place on their skin.
since its founding and is the last of the original builders
The Helicrium Bathhouse: to maintain a household. Her home, known to the
Located on the north side of the Patina, this old locals as the White Spires, is meticulously maintained
bathhouse once served as a congregating point for the and provides a glimpse into the wealth the Patina once
magically adept of the neighborhood. Some whisper held. She is a known mage, and yet her devotion is not
that the magic of the former patrons still keeps the to fireballs and lightning bolts, but instead her time is
waters fresh and warm, as no hot spring rises in the bent studying the constellations as if seeking answers to
Patina. Whatever the case, the place has long since some question no citizen of the human world has yet to
ask. Known for her ageless beauty, Isildred typically
takes a lover every half-century, producing a single
child, and then raising it alone. Her children, some say
there are over a dozen half-elves that call her mother,
still come to visit her on occasion, but none have taken
up permanent residence in the Patina.
Gracious Arms —
2 GP per night for Private Room,
1 GP for Common Room.
Broken Warlock Hostel —
1 GP per week for Private Room,
5 SP per week for Commons.
Gracious Arms —
Upwards of 2 GP per meal.
Rancid Cauldron —
5 CP for stew, 1 SP for stew and
bread, 2 SP for stew/bread/stale beer
network of pre-built NPCs, and those of your away from the dreaded and overplayed, ‘okay,
own creation, that will galvanize the players you are all at a tavern’ campaign opening!) for
into true members of ‘the court’. This is the early scenarios. Each player should be in need
challenge I give to you. of coin, as the city isn’t cheap, so use that as
your leverage point.
2. Running the Mystery:
The overreaching arc for Folio #8 will be the 4. Hints of the Black Eyes:
mystery of the Black Eyes, a race of magically The Black Eyes are the cause of limited chaos
created raccoon people who have been living inside the Patina, but more recently their thefts
in the shadows for more than a hundred years. have become more brazen (namely since the
They were created (like Smurfs!) by a magic- Teller Gang has taken something the Black
user of the Patina for companionship, but now Eyes need to maintain control of their master’s
have established their own micro-society that other creation, the Hopping Brains. This
revolves around the work of their long-dead puts the Black Eyes directly in conflict with
creator. Whenever something odd happens in the Tellers, and Rexa, leader of the Tellers,
the Patina, folks often are heard murmuring, believes that the Black Eyes are the gatekeepers
‘It was them that did it,’ meaning the Black to riches beyond the norm, now hidden secretly
Eyes. Still, folk don’t like to talk about the beneath the streets of the Patina. In the end,
creatures, and many insist they are completely the players will likely side with the Black Eyes,
fabricated by gangs to deflect guilt for petty thus putting them firmly in the crosshairs of
crimes. Whatever the case, the players will the Tellers as each races for the ultimate prize
have moments when ‘them’ are going to be found in Folio #10.
mentioned, and the pursuit of the final truth
will help propel the party into the events of 5. Interactions with the Teller Gang:
Folio #9. This is another key to this adventure. The
DM should be using the Teller Gang as a foil
3. The Hostel & the NPCs: to place the players firmly in one camp and the
It is my suggestion that players begin play Tellers in the other. Assuming you manage to
as independent entities, who after various runs get the players vested in the health and safety
of bad luck, have all come to call the Fallen of the Patina, then utilizing low level Teller
Warlock Hostel home, at least temporarily. ‘thugs’ to rough up friends of the players, thus
There are great and helpful NPCs already in prompting reprisals, should ensure not only that
house, and it makes a great meeting point (stay the players become ‘benefactors’ of the Patina,
but also that they will have to watch their
backs whenever they travel. This will lead to
The Teller Gang
Operating as the most powerful gang in the
a greater sense of dread or tension, something
Patina, the Tellers are run by a young fallen
that can be utilized by you as the DM to add
noble from the North Ward named Notorus
depth to the trilogy. Also, the lower ranking
Rexa. He has used his charisma and education
Tellers are uneducated and slow, quick to act
to win over the former gang of Bryce Teller
and rarely with concepts of consequence. It is
(killed by Rexa in a duel with poisoned blade),
never an issue to sacrifice Tellers to the altar
and now fancies himself ‘The Lord of the
of ‘making the players feel tough’ as there are
Patina Court’.
other dangers in the Patina that should be the
The Tellers now have their hands in many pies,
true challenge, at least in Folio #8.
from prostitution at the Helicrium Bathhouse
Art of this Issue to extortion, petty theft, and gambling, all out
It has been my longstanding pleasure to work of the sight of the city’s various guilds. Rexa
with cover artist Jeff Easley since 2009. In is smart enough to keep his business interests
fact, it was Jeff who helped me launch Art of profitable but not overt, and he’s also got a
the Genre in 2012 when I released The Cursed good network of informants working in the
Legion on Kickstarter. That Easley covered Patina that can apprise him of anyone who is a
and illustrated novel, set in the Nameless serious threat to his power, i.e., the players, or
Realms, has always been the genesis point for so he fears.
what I do here at AotG, and I’m extremely All told, the Tellers have more than thirty
excited to have him on the cover of Folio #8. members, most below 3rd level, the bulk being
Interior color art is dealt with by now senior of thief or fighter classes. Rexa is a 5th Level
illustrator at AotG, Chet Minton, and you can fighter with a penchant for poisoned blades.
see not only does he do a great revisit to a classic
Monster Manual illustration on the back cover,
but his other work also gives a fantastic feel for Authors: Scott Taylor
& Mark Timm
what Valoria has to offer. B/W interiors are by Editing: G. Scott Swift
Cartography: Mark Timm, Andrew Rodgers, & G. Scott Swift
Michael Wilson as well as his standard ‘iconic’ Design/Layout: Andrew Rodgers
Cover Art: ‘Vampire’s Greeting’ by Jeff Easley
color character found on the back cover. Other Color Module Back Cover Art: Chet Minton & Michael Wilson
Color Module Back Cover Character Art: Michael Wilson
contributors include the inspiring Peter Bradley Color Interior Cover Art: Chet Minton
B/W Interior Illustrations: Michael Wilson
and the ever gritty Jeff Laubenstein who is Playtesters: Sean Murphy, Mark Timm, Lil’Joe Livesay, Brent
Blackwell, Shayne Hintz
channeling Russ Nicholson with his illustration Dungeons & Dragons ©, Players Handbook ©, and Dungeon
Masters Guide © are the sole property of Wizards of the Coast and Art of
of the Crypt Thing. the Genre make no claims on these trademarks.
New Monster Like the Black Eyes, these creatures are creations of the
Hopping Brain famed enchanter Kalium Rosa. Where the Black Eyes
Lawful Evil were created as companions, the Hopping Brains were
Frequency: Very Rare more the guard dogs of the mage’s various treasures.
No. Appearing: 2-20 However, once Rosa passed from this plane, the Black
Armor Class: 5
Eyes were forced to take over stewardship of the Hopping
HD: 3
Brains. Thankfully, Rosa created an enchanted whistle
Move: 12”
No. of Attacks: 1 that can subdue the creatures, putting them into a docile
Damage/Attack: 1-6 state. After the Teller Gang murdered the Black Eye who
Special Attacks: Spring Attack held the whistle and took the artifact, the Hopping Brains
Special Defenses: NIL have awoken and begun to systematically hunt within the
Magic Resistance: Standard
Patina at night.
Intelligence: Very
Little more than a large ‘brain-like’ globe attached to
Size: M
Psionic Ability: NIL two skinny legs and armed with a slavering maw, the
% in lair: 15% Hopping Brains are excellent hunters. They can leap
Treasure Type: D great distances, communicate via limited telepathy, and
Hopping Brains [AC 15, Speed 30’, HD 3d8+6, HP use a form of echo-location to draw a picture of their
16, #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam Bite 4 (1d6+1), Spring Attack environment. This talent means that Hopping Brains are
(can attack and jump away if they hold the initiative, proceeded by disturbing and regular ‘clicks’, so think of
disallowing melee reprisals by their victim)] their attacks kind of like the foreboding music in Jaws…
Folio Module DF1 they’ve gotten a name for themselves, they
will catch wind of several disappearances
within the Patina, and that some blame a
mysterious creature, or creatures, known
An Adventure for Characters Levels 1-3
as ‘Black Eyes’. Following leads and also
The Adventure of DF1, The Patina
running afoul of the Teller Gang, who is
Court, is broken down into three scenarios
also seeking these creatures, the players will
to introduce low level characters into the
embark on the final scenario ‘The Alienist’.
trilogy. Each scenario features a small
All ‘grey blocks’ are for 5E conversions
series of encounters built around a Dwarven
in this section.
Forge dungeon, created for this particular
campaign, using various sets offered by the Scenario One:
company. Although dedicated to Dwarven The Rancid Cellar
Forge terrain, non-miniature using players
The Hook:
will have access to both OSR ‘Blue’ maps
This micro adventure revolves around stolen
and fully rendered 3D maps, so that ease
foodstuffs in the cellar of the Rancid Cauldron.
of play is not impacted. The bulk of this
As Noxis Pike, the owner of the Cauldron, is a
adventure lies in the introduction of the
miser, he’s not about to hire a real professional
players to the Patina Court as detailed in
to handle the thefts (especially since he sent one
the Gazetteer. DMs running the adventure
of his servers, Nile Wash, down to investigate
should familiarize themselves with the
the issue and he never returned). Noxis will
colorful tapestry of personalities and
happily provide the characters with a week’s
locations the players will encounter, and
worth of meals at the Cauldron if they can take
define the players’ backstories of how they
care of the problem for him.
came to the Patina and what motivations
they have for the future. The Chase:
Adventure Seed: Noxis can relate the following story —
Players will be in full introduction mode He bought the Rancid Caldron from a man
during this adventure. First they must nearly fifteen years before and the fellow left
establish a base of operations in the Patina it in a despicable condition (he will gesture
(probably the Hostel), then they will need to around the tavern at this like he’s showing off
find some type of gainful employment which the Taj Mahal), not like you see her now. But
should lead to the scenarios ‘The Rancid more so than the main room, the upstairs,
Cellar’ and ‘The Troubled Crypt’. Once and even the kitchen, the cellar was the worst.
2 The Patina Court
It was so bad, in fact, that he decided just to
leave it be, lock the door, and forget about it.
Your light source bounces oddly off
Still, the area right at the bottom of the stairs
heaps and stacks of refuse, mostly
was eventually cleared enough for his own
rotting boxes and crates that fill what
‘overflow’ storage. One of his servers went to
looks to be a good-sized chamber. From
retrieve some spices for the stew two days ago,
somewhere to your right, the sound of
but never returned. He’s not sure if the guy just
movement sounds among the trash.
quit and he didn’t see him leave or if he’s still
A single bullet ant worker is within the
down there someplace. Whatever the case, he
trash making a search for viable food sources.
wants the mystery solved.
Anyone approaching the pile will draw its
The Truth: attention and it will start ‘hissing’ (just watch
Noxis packed the cellar with his own junk the movie ‘Them’ if you want a good reference).
and cast-offs, so much so that over fifteen
years he forgot everything he had down there 1 Giant Ant [AC 3, HD 2, HP 12, #AT 1,
until something reminded him of a couple of D 1-6, Bite]
bottles of wine he’d acquired when he bought
the place. He was convinced they were still Treasure:
down there, so he sent poor Nile Wash down None.
to retrieve them. When he didn’t return, the
coward panicked and locked the door without 1 Giant Ant [AC 17, HD 2d8+4, HP 12,
a search. In reality, the trove of old foodstuffs #AT 1, Hit +2, Dam Bite 4 (1d4+2)]
and such has attracted the foraging elements of
a colony of giant ants. They’d only acquired a 2.
couple of crates before encountering Nile and Almost inch by inch, you plow, pull,
killing him, but not before he managed to kill tumble, and climb farther back into the
two drones. Now the colony is alerted, and monstrosity that is the Rancid Cellar.
have sent warrior ants to assist in the further At the first central stone pillar, a break
retrieval of foods within the cellar. appears in the trash, opening into a
small cleared area where two more
The Dungeon:
ants, as well as an even larger version,
I’ve broken the cellar into three parts for the
move from concealment to cast back
purposes of encounters. You’ll see the zones on
your incursion into their territory.
the map, and the encounters are below.
need be). The only way to stop them is to collapse
1 Giant Ant [AC 3, HD 2, HP 12, #AT 1, D
the hole or burn them out. Luckily, a successful
1-6 (Bite)]
Find Traps roll (DC 13 Perception) will show
1 Giant Ant Warrior [AC 2, HD 4, HP 24,
that a keg of high grade liquor (moonshine) is
#AT 1, D 1-6 (Bite), Poison Sting (Save versus
housed close to the hole. If ignited and rolled
poison or take an additional 1-10 damage)]
down, it will stop the invasion long enough
for the party to fill the hole with viable, heavy
debris that will put an end to the menace.
These were the guest chambers of the tower,
and could easily house four guests. Currently 3 Hopping Brains [AC 15, HD 3d8+6,
they only house six Hopping Brains, all lurking HP 16, #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam Bite 4 (1d6+1),
behind half-folded screens or under beds. Spring Attack (can attack and jump away
if they hold the initiative, disallowing
6 Hopping Brains [AC 5, HD 3, HP 12, #AT melee reprisals by their victim)]
1, D 1-6, Spring Attack (can attack and jump
away if they hold initiative, disallowing melee Once they make it past the screen to the west,
reprisals by their victims)] they will spot a large wooden cupboard with
a metal latch, some shelves with foodstuffs
Treasure: (incredibly still fresh), a butcher’s block, and a
None. smaller stone table with four rune glyphs carved
into the top. This is the kitchen, and if anyone
6 Hopping Brains [AC 15, HD 3d8+6, with magical power of any kind investigates
HP 16, #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam Bite 4 (1d6+1), the runes, they will ignite with slowly burning
Spring Attack (can attack and jump away flame and burn until the player is more than
if they hold the initiative, disallowing 10 feet away. The latched cupboard is an ice
melee reprisals by their victim)] chest, and has arctic enchantments placed on it
to keep food cold.
3. Kitchen and Dining:
A long table with eight chairs dominates the No other Hopping Brains are on this side of
eastern side of this chamber, while more of the the screen.
decorated screens obscure the western side.
4. Bedchamber: into the f loor of the room’s southeastern side,
A large four-post bed dominates the and beyond that a thin hall breaks away from
northern portion of this room behind the a massive metal door. The door has arcane
stairs. A dressing screen, a wardrobe, a symbols placed upon it but no keyhole. The
full-length silvered mirror, and several hall seems to be some kind of shielding area,
arcane tapestries hang about the perhaps from the summoning circle’s power.
chamber. There is also a small writing A single wooden door stands across from the
desk to the chamber’s east. stair entry on the southern wall, and a larger
The players should be prepared by now for hallway moves away from the chamber to
the Hoppers. They’ve congregated under the east.
the bed, and will hop out in force once the There are no encounters in this room, but
players get within 10’ of it. The ‘key’ brain investigation of the wooden door shows it to be
is also here, and it has a ‘collar’ strapped unlocked. The metal door is another Wizard
around its ‘head’ that has the key to the Locked portal and leads to the cavern tomb of
laboratory in the basement. Rosa himself. (This dungeon can be found in
Folio #9.)
5 Hopping Brains [AC 5, HD 3, HP 12, #AT 6. Component Room:
1, D 1-6, Spring Attack (can attack and jump The door opens to reveal a small
away if they hold initiative, disallowing melee chamber lined with stocked shelves
reprisals by their victims)] and hanging oddities. From the smell,
preservatives have been in play, and the
Treasure: room is so full it is hard to move about.
None. This is a spell component room, and two
Hopping Brains are within, hidden among
5 Hopping Brains [AC 15, HD 3d8+6,
the components. If they remain unseen, 1
HP 16, #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam Bite 4 (1d6+1),
in 6 [DC 13 Perception], they will wait
Spring Attack (can attack and jump away
for the party to leave, then jump on the
if they hold the initiative, disallowing
person trying to shut the door and pull the
melee reprisals by their victim)]
unfortunate back in.
Brawl Club is hard to find out about, but the real person
that can get the characters the skinny,
especially to fighter types that are looking
The Hook: for a chance to test their mettle, would be
The first rule of Brawl Club, don’t talk about Cano at the Hostel. He has been tracking
Brawl Club! Secretly, the gangs of the Patina gang members to Windham’s for months
like to get together and see who is tougher, no and knows what goes on there. He’ll share
holds barred, in the abandoned warehouse the information with those looking to do
behind what was once Windham’s Exotic damage to the gangs, especially the Tellers,
Leathers. They take great pride in bloodying who he blames for the death of his family.
each other up here, and it is a great way for
The Truth:
fighter types in your party to garner some extra
Brawl Club is actually a recruiting site for the
experience points.
Tellers, the gang using it to see who are the best
of the best so they can recruit them. Entry into