Ijrar Issue 1867
Ijrar Issue 1867
Ijrar Issue 1867
ABSTRACT This project titled “A study on the stress management among college students with special
reference to St. Alphonsa College, Mannarkkad” is carried out to promote a better understanding of stress faced by
the college students. This study sought to analyze how much stress college students perceive that they are experiencing
and what are the most common sources of stress within this group. The main objective of this study is to identify sources
of stress and its effects on student’s life. The study also suggests recommendations to minimize the student stress. The
data for this primary research has been collected through questionnaire. A sample size of 100 is taken and data has
been collected and tested. As per the findings of the study it is quite clear that most of the respondents feel stressed in
their college life. College stressors have wide varieties, from academic work to uncertainty about the future, difficulties
in interpersonal relationships, family issues etc.It also recommends certain suggestions to cope up with stress
Keywords: Stress Management, Stress, Consequences
Stress is a complex, dynamic process of interaction between a person and his or her life. It is the war one
reacts physically, mentally and emotionally to the various conditions. Stress is the debilitating effect caused
by constant pressure both at work and home. In other words, stress is an outer force that has a command
over inner feelings .Although it is an unavoidable part of many activities at work and at home, stress become
harmful when it reaches intensity that impairs daily activities.
Student life is a changeover period. They do a course thinking it will enable them to do or have
something that they want, such as increased job opportunities or enhanced enjoyment of life. Studying is
part of a process of change and, sometimes, change can cause a lot of anxiety. Stress is an inevitable part of
life; it can take a toll on student’s physical health, emotional wellbeing, and academic success unless they
learn to manage it appropriately. College students experience stress related to changes in lifestyle, increased
workload, new responsibilities, and interpersonal relationships. Extreme levels of stress can hinder work
effectiveness and lead to poor academic performance and attrition. Introducing successful coping strategies
may help students avoid the destructive consequences of excessive stress.
Segal (2013): This is imperative to the amount of stress involvement they encounter when stressed. This
can be influenced by individual’s ability to effectively cope with stressful events and situations.
Presnall (2008): conducted the Student Stress Survey that showed the stress affects their emotional and
mental health. Furthermore, the survey polled 2,253 undergraduate students aged 18 to 24 randomly
selected from schools nationwide and revealed that the primary sources of stress were financial problems,
relationship, family problems, and extracurricular activities.
MacGeorge, Samter&Gillihanand Sasaki & Yamasaki (2007): said that depression is a major problem.
Intrapersonal and interpersonal factors were also traced by the psychologists that exacerbate college stress
and depression.
Dixon & Robinson (2005): Most people encounter stress that lead them to rapid bodily changes such as
feelings of emotional unrest causing the body strains with body aches. With repeated stressful situations,
causes tension and pressures on the body that contribute to physical and psychological problems.
Morris, Brooks & May (2003): stated that the perceived stress and stressors unnecessarily consistent
across all college students and have been found to differ between traditional and nontraditional students.
Furr, Westefeld, McConnell & Jenkins (2001): reported that 53% of 1,455 college students labeled
themselves as being depressed since starting college and are attributed to academic issues, loneliness,
financial difficulties and social relationship problems.
The main objective of this study is to identify sources of stress and its effects on students’ life.
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 315𝗓
[ VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 3 I JULY– SEPT 2018] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
The following hypotheses have been taken for the study of stress management among college students.
HO: There is no significant difference between gender and personal stress levels.
H1: There is significant difference between gender and personal stress levels.
H0: There is no significant difference between gender and physical stress levels.
H1: There is significant difference between gender and physical stress levels.
H0: There is no significant difference between gender and academic stress levels.
H1: There is significant difference between gender and academic stress levels.
Research Design
This study is descriptive in nature. It includes surveys and fact finding enquires of different kind.
The major purpose of descriptive research is description of stress as it exits present.
Sample size
Due to time constraint sample size of 100 is taken for the survey with the help of questionnaire
Data collection
Primary data
Survey method is used to collect the data from respondents and the data collected with the help of
Secondary data
In this study secondary data is collected from internet, journals, reference books and project
Tools Used for Analysis
Statistical method used
Percentage analysis
Statistical tools used
Chi-square test
Table 1.1 Opinion about: which among the factors adds to stress
Opinion No of respondent Percentage
Personal 36 36%
Physical 2 2%
Social 3 3%
Family 6 6%
Academic 51 51%
Psychological 2 2%
Total 100 100%
It is found from the table 1.1 that most of the respondents(51%) are stressed because of academic features
,36% of respondents are stressed because of personal factors,6%of respondents are because of family
factors and also 3% of respondents are stressed because of social factors.2% are stressed because of
physical factors.
Chart: 1.1
316𝗓 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 3 I JULY – SEPT 2018] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236
Table 1.2
Effects on stress on body
Effects No of respondent percentage
Head-ache 70 70%
Upset of stomach 15 15%
Poor sleep 13 13%
Breathing troubles 2 2%
Total 100 100%
It is observed from the above table 4.32 that most of the respondents (70%) suffer from the head -ache, 15%
of the respondents have upset of stomach. The 13% of the respondents suffer from poor sleep. A less
percentage (2%) of the respondents has breathing troubles.
Chart 1.2
Table 1.3
Effects of stress on mind
Effects No of respondent percentage
Feels depressed 21 21%
Unable to concentrate 52 52%
Erratic modes 3 3%
Loss of confidence 16 16%
Iritattednes 5 5%
Feels helpless 3 3%
Total 100 100%
The table 1.3 shows that 52% of the students are unable to concentrate due to stress. The 21% of the
students feel depressed, 16% feels losing of confidence and 5% feels irritated. The 3% of the respondents
suffer from erratic modes and also 3% feels helpless.
Chart 1.3
318𝗓 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 3 I JULY – SEPT 2018] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236
Hence the chi – square value is less than the table value we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that
there is no significant association between gender and academic stress levels.
Most of the respondents 68% feel stress in their college life.
Majority of the respondents (51%) reason for stress is academic factor. 36% of them are stressed
due to personal factor.
Religious belief, excess anger and loneliness do not create stress to the respondents.
Majority of the female respondents are stressed because it is the first time they are studying in a
mixed college.
The college rules and regulations create stress among college students.
The 52% of the respondents have average stress with the Attitude of faculty members
The 79% of the students work well under stress and 21% does not work well under stress. So in
some cases stress is needed to do work completely.
Most of the students don’t have stress in personal life.
From this study most (38%) of the respondents reduce their stress by talking with their
friends.32% of the students listen music as a stress releaser
Stress affects body and mind. More than half of the respondents suffer head-ache and upset of
stomach due to stress. 52% of the students unable to concentrate due to stress
Under stress time use any stress releasing strategy like talk to friends, listen music doing hobbies
Colleges are thus suggested to design a flexible course of career education based on students’ future
career development. This course must cover psychological, mental, social, and cultural contents and
be incorporated into formal curricula of each department.
College authorities should take care while preparing rules and regulations. It will not hurt the
minds other students.
Colleges should provide more support and care to help students cope with various stressors and
identify students having stress reactions as soon as possible. Besides, through use of emotion-
related questionnaires, colleges can keep a close eye on student’s physical and mental conditions
and provide consulting services to avoid development of physical or mental problems in students.
If necessary, colleges can also refer students to professional consulting institutions. Faculties take
care of students, and they will try to be good with students
Practice good sleeping habits to ensure that you are well-rested. Sleep deprivation can cause many
physical and mental problems and can increase stress.
Family support is helpful for students faced with stress, no matter how they are adaptable to the
stress. While college students should take advantage of family support.
Family members should try to understand their interests, specialties, and abilities so as to avoid
having too high expectations of them and causing them additional stress.
Exercise regularly that Physical activity can help to burn off the energy generated by stress
Examinations conducted in the college should be in time. Give a time gap between two exams for
Teachers don’t give too much work load to students that will increase their pressure.
Yoga helps to reduce stress, so it is better to start a yoga centre in the college for students.
Read good books magazines and journals to change the mode.
College students should pay attention to their physical and mental health and examine their
emotions at all times to avoid onset of stress-induced depression or physical disorders.
Stress is an inevitable part of today’s fast life. In this age of globalization everywhere we feel competition
due to this people take any risk in order to win. Especially Stress in academic institutions can have both
positive and negative consequences if not well managed. Academic institutions have different work settings
compared to non-academic and therefore one would expect the differences in symptoms, causes, and
consequences of stress by identifying the sub issues of each component of stress among college students.
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 319𝗓
[ VOLUME 5 I ISSUE 3 I JULY– SEPT 2018] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
College stressors have wide varieties, from academic work to uncertainty about the future, from difficulties
in interpersonal relationships to dating problems, from self-doubt to family issues, and the list goes on.
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320𝗓 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper