RE Lec#7&8

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NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Class Lecture # 7&8

Radiation Dosimetry

Dr. M. Sohail
09-07-2021 (Summer Semester)
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Email: [email protected]

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Beta Radiation
 Beta intensity decreases with increasing depth into an
absorbing medium

ϕ = intensity at depth t,
ϕ0 = initial intensity, and
μβ = beta absorption coefficient and
μβ,a (air) = 16 (Em − 0.036)−1.4 cm2/g
μβ,t (tissue) = 18.6 (Em − 0.036)−1.37 cm2/g

Em maximum beta energy

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Skin Contamination
 Skin contamination with a radionuclide

 Assuming that 50% of the radiation goes down into the

skin and 50% goes up and leaves the skin

 Contamination level of 1 Bq/cm2 with mean beta

energy is <E> MeV

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Skin Contamination cont’d..

 The energy fluence rate, ϕb, to basal cells at a depth of
0.007 g/cm2 in the skin

 Energy Fluence rate = Flux × Energy

ϕb, J/cm2/h = 1 Bq/cm2 × 1 tps/Bq × 0.5 × <E> MeV/t × 1.6 ×

10−13 J/MeV × 3.6 × 103s/h × e −(μβ,t cm2/g × 0.007 g/cm2)

 The dose rate to the basal cells, dDb/dt, is

dDb/dt = (ϕbJ/cm2-h × μβ,t cm2/g)/10−6 J/g/mGy

dDb/dt = 2.9 × 10−4<E> × μβ,t × e −(μβ,t×0.007)mGy/h

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Dose from Surface Contamination

 Plane beta-emitting surface in contaminated area

 Consider surface concentration Ca Bq/cm2

 Assume that 50% of the betas go up from the surface

and 50% go down into the surface

 Fraction of downward directed betas are back


NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Dose from Surface Contamination cont’d..

 The energy fluence rate at the contaminated surface,
ϕ0(E )

 Assuming that 25% of the beta energy is backscattered,

i.e. fb = 1.25

ϕ0 J/cm2h= Ca Bq/cm2 × 1tps/Bq× 0.5 × fb × <E> MeV/t

×1.6 × 10−13 J /MeV × 3.6 × 103 s/h

ϕ0 = 3.6 × 10−10 × Ca × <E> J/cm2/h

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Dose from Surface Contamination cont’d..

 At a height d above the center of the contaminated

ϕd =3.6 × 10−10 × Ca × <E> × e−(μβ,a×d) J/cm2/h

 Energy fluence rate to the basal cells
ϕb = ϕd ×e−(μβ,t cm2/g×0.007 g/cm2) J/cm2/h

dDb/dt , mGy/h= (ϕb J/cm2-h × μβ,t cm2/g) /10−6 /g/mGy

dDb/dt = 3.6 × 10−4 × Ca × <E> × e−(μβ,a×d) × e−(μβ,t
cm2/g×0.007 g/cm2) mGy/h

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Submersion Dose
 Inside an infinite cloud of C Bq/m3 of radionuclide

 Rate of energy emission = Rate of energy absorption

 Combining the constants

NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Submersion Dose cont’d..

 The skin of a person in an infinite medium is irradiated
from one side only

 Soft tissue absorbs about 10% more energy per



NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Volume Source
 Consider infinitely thick (thickness ≥ beta range)
volume source

 Rate of energy emission = Rate of energy absorption

 The concentration of a beta emitter Cv Bq/kg whose

mean energy is <E> MeV/beta

10 DNE
NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Volume Source
 Dose rate inside the infinite volume is given by

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NE-507 Radiological Engineering

Volume Source
 The surface of an “infinitely thick” volume source is
irradiated from one side only

 If there are fi betas per transformation of <Ei> MeV


12 DNE

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