CA3 - Lecture
CA3 - Lecture
CA3 - Lecture
The Nelson Mandela Rules - The Nelson Mandela Rules, also known as the United
Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, provide detailed
guidelines for states to protect the rights of people deprived of their liberty, from pre-
trial detainees to sentenced prisoners (Gilmour, n.d.).
The Rules are based on the obligation to treat all prisoners with dignity and value as
human beings, as well as to prohibit torture and other forms of ill-treatment. It
emphasizes that providing health care for prisoners is a responsibility of the state,
and that the relationship between health-care professionals and prisoners is
governed by the same ethical and professional standards that apply to patients in the
community (Gilmour, n.d.).
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As one of the five pillars of the Criminal Justice System, the Bureau of Jail The following are the core programs of BJMP (BJMP, 2010):
Management and Penology (BJMP) was established to address growing concerns
about jail management and penology issues (BJMP, n.d.). It is known as the Jail
Bureau, and it is initially composed of officers and uniformed members of the Jail Provisions of Basic Needs
Management and Penology Service, as established by Presidential Decree No. All PDL detainees receive three (3) meals per day (breakfast, lunch and supper).
765. (RA 6975, 1990, Section 60). Its clients are detainees accused before a court They are always provided with an adequate supply of potable water. Similarly,
who are temporarily confined in such jails while undergoing investigation or upon admission, each PDL is given a PDL uniform consisting of a yellow shirt and
awaiting final judgment, as well as those serving sentences of three years or less brown jogging pants. On a monthly or quarterly basis, hygiene kits are also
imposed by the court (BJMP, n.d.). distributed to the PDL (BJMP, 2010).
The goal of the skills training program is to provide the PDL with technical/
Paralegal Program
vocational skills that they can use to find work or start their own businesses once
they are released from confinement. To make the PDL as competitive as other The primary goal of the Paralegal Program is to alleviate jail overcrowding. PDL
potential job seekers, the preferred skills training is that which is accredited by the are assisted in obtaining various early modes of release through the paralegal
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), allowing the PDL program. Regional and jail paralegal officers provide continuous educational
to earn National Certifications (BJMP, 2010). seminars/orientations to PDL about their rights, modes of early release, and other
paralegal/legal remedies available to them (BJMP, 2010).
Livelihood Program
The livelihood program provides PDL with income-generating activities during their E-Dalaw
confinement, allowing them to earn money for their personal needs as well as The E-DALAW service is an alternative to face-to-face visitation between PDL
financial support for their families. The capital for the livelihood project comes and their respective families. This service allows the PDL to communicate with his
from either BJMP for BJMP-funded projects or a group of PDL’s common fund for or her family via supervised video call and chat. The program is designed
non-BJMP funded projects. The jail unit Welfare and Development Officer (UWDO ) specifically for PDL whose family members are unable to visit them in jail due to
facilitates the sale of the products in display centers or livelihood caravans the long distance between their residence or workplace and the jail (BJMP, 2010).
organized by local government units and other service providers to help the PDL
earn from these livelihood projects (BJMP, 2010).
What is the BJMP Therapeutic Community Modality Program?
Behavioral Management/ Modification Program BJMP employs Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) as its Behavioral
Management/ Modification Program. TCMP is an approach that focuses on the
BJMP implements the Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) to manage learning and relearning of behavioral skills, attitudes, and values associated with
and modify behaviors of PDL with the goal of positively changing their thinking and
socialized living for clients in a community setting, according to the BJMP
behavior through structured group processes (BJMP, 2010).
Therapeutic Community Modality Program Manual. It specifically promotes change
in relational or behavioral management; affective, emotional, or psychological;
cognitive, intellectual, spiritual, and psychomotor or vocational -survival skills
Interfaith Program
(Bondad, 2018).
PDL are allowed to practice their faith without discrimination while in custody,
The Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) is a self-help social
subject only to standard safety and security measures. Mass celebrations,
learning treatment model that makes use of the community as the primary
communal prayers, spiritual counseling, catechism, and other religious services
therapeutic vehicle to promote behavioral and attitude change (BJMP, n.d.).
are provided by BJMP chaplains and imams (BJMP, 2010).
Each participant in this program is expected to contribute to the community and to
develop the impetus to change by being a member of the community. Positive
thinking, prosocial values, good decision-making, and positive coping are all
Cultural and Sports Program
emphasized in the program.
The cultural program aims to promote PDL camaraderie, self-confidence
PDL are trained in socially acceptable ways of behaving and relating to their
development, and the sharing of cultural talents as a form of positive
fellow PDL, as well as personnel and visitors, through the program, fostering a
entertainment. Dance, singing, theater/dramas, and art workshops are examples
therapeutic jail environment and maintaining a peaceful communal atmosphere
of cultural activities permitted in prisons (BJMP, 2010).
(BJMP, 2010). Through structured activities, the participants learn and practice skills
and responsibilities that they will be able to transfer to society upon their release
(BJMP, n.d.). Participants in TC are encouraged to hold themselves accountable
for their actions and to set goals for their own personal well-being, positive
participation in the larger community, and life after treatment.
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15. No lending or borrowing without permission; and • Developing positive coping skills to deal with difficult life situations;
16. Respect other people’s property. • Enhancing educational and vocational skills to make him productive; and
• Improve social skills and recognize the importance of other people’s help
in shaping behavior.
Phases of BJMP Therapeutic Modality
Phase I- Entry/Orientation Phase
Phase III- Pre Re-entry
When a PDL is committed to jail, he is subjected to a battery of tests to determine
his physical, social, and psychological well-being. A resident is assigned to the Under normal circumstances, the resident is expected to have internalized the TC
Reception and Diagnostic Room/Orientation Room upon his commitment. He is values and concept by this point in order to begin life anew. However, in a jail
familiar with the TC program (BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.): setting where entry and release are not under the control of the jail, residents may
not have reached this stage of treatment before they leave the facility (BJMP
• The community rules and norms; TCMP Manual, n.d.). Regardless of the length of the resident’s stay, he is
• TC concepts, written and unwritten philosophy; expected to go through this phase before being released into society. At this
point, the resident is expected to have demonstrated his ability to take on more
• The staff and members of the community; responsibility and thus requires less supervision. In the TC community, he is
• The tools of the house; regarded as a role model. He should concentrate on the following knowledge
(BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.):
• Job functions and TC hierarchy.
• Rebuilding of social and family ties;
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Aftercare is an outpatient program that requires clients to visit an outreach center • The TCMP staff has undergone proper training on TCMP;
twice a week. To reduce recidivism, they are required to attend group sessions to
• Presence of a permanent TCMP staff to supervise the program and
ensure their adjustment to life outside of jail. Clients who have been released from
conduct the various activities;
jail are referred to the Parole and Probation Administration and Local Government
Units for follow-up and aftercare. The following are the clients’ primary concerns • The TCMP staff will not be transferred to other jails until properly
(BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.): covered by another TC trained staff;
• Maintaining positive behavior and preventing recidivism • There is proper shift turn-over of TC trained staff on a daily basis;
• Strengthening coping mechanisms • TCMP staff can be utilized to handle other tasks but puts priority to TCMP;
• Maintaining relationships and support systems • Regular meetings are held by staff to discuss progress, issues and
concerns about the program;
• Maintaining interest in job or vocation to maintain livelihood
• All the jail staff are involved in the TCMP and are contributing members;
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• The staff works as a team in delivering services to inmates; (, n.d.). It refers to any intervention or treatment that uses
positive reinforcement and/or restrictions to assist a person receiving services in
• The staff serves as role models and treats inmates with respect and
dignity; and
• Incentives are given to TCMP staff in terms of awards and
Pull Up- It promotes honesty, self-awareness, and accepting responsibility for 1. Empathy - This refers to the ability to perceive the client’s feelings and to
one’s mistakes. When the violator is unknown and must be validated before being demonstrate accurate perception of the client. It is “putting oneself in the
brought up in the Morning Meeting, this is done. client’s shoes”.
Dealt With- It is a type of private verbal reprimand given by a Senior member and 2. Warmth - It is also known as unconditional positive regard. It involves
two peers for a recurring behavior. accepting and caring about the client as a person, regardless of any
evaluation or prejudices on the client’s behavior or thoughts.
Haircut- It is a highly structured and ritualistic verbal reprimand delivered by staff or
peers. 3. Respect - It refers to the client’s belief in his or her ability to make
appropriate decisions and deal with his or her life situation when
Learning Experience/ Bans- This is a type of restitution for persistent failure to meet provided with a safe and supportive environment.,
community expectations. It is designed to achieve a specific behavior or attitude.
For major breakdowns in house structure, bans are containment actions that limit 4. Congruence - Also known as genuineness. It includes the act of being
certain privileges to all or portions of the community. honest and authentic in dealing with the client. It is showing real concern
rather than focusing on techniques during sessions.
A general meeting is called and led by a senior member of staff, usually the
facility’s Director, to address a repeated violation of the Cardinal Rules. 5. Confidentiality - It means that anything discussed during counseling
sessions is held absolutely private and shall not be discussed anywhere.
Expulsion is used when a resident is unrepentant and poses a threat to the
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Here is the pattern of counseling sessions implemented in the • Motivate the client that “he can do it”. If not, he may need to be referred to
a Professional.
I. Introduction: First 10 minutes
• Brief client on what to expect the next session (progress based on plan of
• Greet the client warmly. action).
• Smile and shake hands. • End session on a positive note.
• Escort to the counseling room. • Client should be able to list down things that he has to look forward to
over the next few days. If not, this is a red flag for suicide.
• Explain how the session is going to be to alleviate fears.
• Gestalt Therapy
- The goal of ACT is not to reduce the frequency or severity of unpleasant
- It is a form of psychotherapy that is centered on increasing a person’s internal experiences like upsetting cognitive distortions, emotions, or urges.
awareness, freedom, and self-direction. It focuses on the present moment rather Rather, the goal is to reduce your struggle to control or eliminate these
than past experiences. It is based on the idea that people are influenced by their experiences while simultaneously increasing your involvement in meaningful life
present environment (WebMD, 2020). activities (Glasofer, 2021).
- The word gestalt is a German term that generally means “whole” or 3. Psychoanalytic Approach - It is also known as the historical perspective,
“form.” It is an idea that views every individual as a blend of the mind, emotions, and has its roots with Sigmund Freud, who believed there were
body, and soul with unique experiences and realities (WebMD, 2020). unconscious forces that drive behavior. The techniques he developed, such
- The gestalt therapist understands that no one can be fully objective and as free association, dream analysis, and transference are still used by
that all persons are influenced by their own environment and experiences. A psychoanalysts today (Northwestern University, 2015).
therapist trained in gestalt therapy holds space for their clients to share their This category includes:
truth, not imposing their judgment and accepting the truth of their clients’
experiences (Clarke, 2021) • Adlerian Therapy - It is also known as individual therapy, emphasizes the
individual’s ability to bring about positive change in his or her own life
(Hopper, 2019).
2. Cognitive Approach - Adlerian therapy consists of four stages: engagement, assessment,
This counseling theory focuses on how people’s thinking can change feelings and insight, and reorientation.
behaviors. It is brief in nature and oriented toward problem solving (McAdams, • Object Relations Therapy - It is centered on person’s internal relationships
2022). It holds that people experience psychological and emotional difficulties when with others. The lifelong relationship skills of a person are strongly rooted
their thinking is out of sync with reality. in his/her early attachments with their parents, especially his/ her mothers.
This category includes: Objects refer to people or physical items that come to symbolically
represent either a person or part of a person (Fritscher, 2020).
• Cognitive Behavior Therapy - It teaches people different ways of thinking,
behaving, and reacting to situations to help you feel less anxious and
fearful (National Institute of Mental Health NIH, n.d.). 4. Constructionist Approach - It holds that knowledge is merely an invented
- It helps a person to become aware of ways of thinking that may be understanding of actual events in the world or “construct”. While actual
automatic but are inaccurate and harmful (for example, someone who has a low events in the world can trigger people’s meaning-making processes, it is
opinion of his or her abilities). those meaning- making processes, rather than the events themselves,
that determine how people think, feel and behave (McAdams, 2022).
• Reality Therapy - Reality therapy is a type of counseling in which behaviors Constructionist counselors work collaboratively with clients to examine and
are viewed as choices. It asserts that psychological symptoms arise not as revise problematic client constructions of self, relationships, and the world
a result of a mental health condition, but as a result of people choosing behaviors (McAdams, 2022).
to meet their needs (Nunez, 2021).
This category includes:
• Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - It is a type of mindful psychotherapy
that teaches people to focus on the present moment and accept their • Ericksonian Therapy - It stresses the importance of the interactive
thoughts and feelings without judgment. It aims to assist the client in therapeutic relationship, the partnership and purposeful engagement
moving forward through difficult emotions so that he or she can focus their of the inner resources and experiential life of each and every
energy on healing rather than dwelling on the negative (WebMD, 2020). individual (Integrativemed, n.d.).
- ACT therapists operate under a theory that suggests that increasing - It holds that indirect suggestion could result in therapeutic behavioral
acceptance can lead to increased psychological flexibility (Glasofer, 2021). change. He preferred to converse with clients using metaphors, contradictions,
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symbols, and antidotes to influence their behavior rather than direct orders
and come up with the proper treatment plan. After the booking procedure, the
(, 2020).
Counselor will conduct the initial intake interview to the newly committed residents
• Solution Focused Brief Therapy using the intake interview form. This is done only in a designated area and one
resident at a time (BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.).
- It is a strength-based approach to psychotherapy based on solution
building rather than problem-solving. Unlike other forms of psychotherapy
that focus on present problems and past causes. SFBT concentrates on the
Individual Counseling
client’s current circumstances and future hopes (Cadell, 2021).
Individual counseling or one to one counseling is a helping tool between the
- A SFBT therapist believes that change is unavoidable in life. Someone
residents and counselor. Residents are usually referred to the counselor as
who creates their own reality may as well change for the better (Cadell, 2021).
needed by peers or staff based on the residents’ behavior. It is done to accomplish
the following objectives (BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.):
5. Systemic Approach 1. To promote individual explorations and help surface
It holds that thinking, feeling and behavior are largely shaped by pressures 2. complicated and troubled feelings among the residents.
exerted on people by the social systems within which they live. Accordingly,
3. To provide a regular source of counseled guidance to residents.
individual thinking, feeling and behavior are best understood when examined in
relation to the role they play within a person’s family or other important social 4. To assist the residents to develop better coping skills and improve self-
networks (McAdams, 2022). esteem.
This category includes: 5. To explore the different psychological tools which promote the
development of insight and increase self-efficacy among the residents.
• Structural Family Therapy - It is a type of family therapy that looks at the
structure of a family unit and improves the interactions between family
members42 (Cherry, 2021).
Group Counseling
• Gottman Method Couples Therapy - It is a short-term family therapy
treatment that is often used for families with children or adolescents Group counseling or Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves one or
who are dealing with behavioral issues (Cherry, 2022). more therapists working with several people at the same time (Cherry, 2021).
- It is based on the premise that the family plays the most important role The objectives of a Group counseling are:
in the life and development of children. This type of therapy seeks to identify 1. To provide support to residents who fall behind and raise awareness
and change the structural interaction patterns that make up the family about problematic behaviors.
environment. By addressing family behaviors and interactions that contribute to 2. To help solve and overcome the problem.
problem behavior (Cherry, 2022).
3. To impart to residents the practice of TC norms and values.
4. To develop awareness and insight into one’s motives, feelings,
Initial/ Intake Interview and behavior.
TCMP is introduced as a program for the development of PDLs while they are
awaiting trial. Participants in jail are unique as they are not necessarily drug Types of Groups in TCMP
users. The intake interview in the jail setting is done by a Counselor to newly
admitted residents. The main purpose is to elicit information about the resident Static Group - The Static Group is a permanent group of peers and leaders that meet
and provide information about the regularly while the residents are in treatment. It is a sort of home group
program and what the expectations are on both parties. Full and honest who provides support for one another and to the new members of the community.
disclosure is expected on the resident to elicit adequate and elaborate information It is done one hour/once a week. It involves 10-15 residents and a Counselor (BJMP
TCMP Manual, n.d.)
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2. To appreciate the value of the Word of God in relation to their life and as
7. You can’t keep it unless you give it away- Knowledge or learning is
nourishment to the soul
better appreciated if shared with others. Something becomes valuable
3. To give opportunity for the residents to experience special encounter if used to help others make positive changes in their lives.
and healing from God
8. What goes around comes around- Whatever you do unto others will be
4. To remind the residents for the need for constant connection with God in done unto you. Any good deed will be rewarded while evil deeds will
their lives be punished in the end.
Therapeutic Community Philosophy 9. Act as if- Learning and accepting the TC program is not easy. Most
residents feel resistant towards it.
The therapeutic community philosophy embodies all of the challenges and
aspirations of most residents who feel alienated, as well as the desire to 10. Understand rather than be understood- It is sometimes common for us to
overcome the restrictions placed on their freedom and find their own place where be selfish. We find it hard to admit our mistakes hence we tend to
they can feel safe and welcome. It recognizes the significance of fellowship in blame everybody but ourselves.
shaping one’s behavior and motivating one’s resolve to help himself and others. It 11. Personal growth before vested status- Sometimes, we become so
also serves as an anchor for him in times of emotional turmoil, to which he can wrapped up in our own status or positions in life that we tend to forget
always return and reflect. It creates emotional bonds among the participants to develop relationships with the people around us. We should cultivate
because they are founded on the same philosophy (BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.). our personal abilities before we scale the ladder to success.
12. Compensation is valid- A reward for working hard is well deserved. We
Unwritten Philosophy of Therapeutic Community get what we put into it.
13. Forgiveness- To accept what has been done, move on and get over
The unwritten philosophy of TC consists of slogans or aphorisms that are verbally
the hurt and anger gives us a feeling of inner peace and happiness.
given to the residents to impart the beliefs and values of TC in relation to their
Failure to get over the pains will pin us down and stunt our progress.
day-to-day living. These sayings are used to remind the residents as to what are
considered important to them. They are as follows (BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.) 14. Humility- To humble one’ self before others is a laudable virtue. We are
often enveloped by pride that it is difficult for us to lower ourselves and
1. Honesty- A lot of residents continue to live in a lie without the fear of
admit our inadequacies and limitations.
its consequences.
15. You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone- Oftentimes, we feel
2. Responsible love and concern- The residents will learn how to give and
invincible and indispensable knowing that certain tasks can only be
accept criticisms without resentment.
accomplished by us. We don’t realize that we have certain limitations
3. To be aware is to be alive- Residents learn to be conscious of what is that without the help of others, the burden will be too great for us.
going on in the environment.
16. Pride in quality- Time flies so fast that we tend to hurry in everything
4. Trust in your environment- There will be no change if there is no we do. We lose our focus and do things haphazardly just for the sake
honesty and disclosure. Before doing so, trust must be established. of completion. We should always seek quality in our work. The product
of our labor speaks of our attitude towards life in general.
5. Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it- Man by nature is
ambitious. We never get content with what we have. We want more, 17. Feelings don’t think- We usually react impulsively to things around us
even if having so would lead us to commit mistakes. We should learn because of our feelings. Before we can even think, an action has
to appreciate what we have and use it to better ourselves. already been done. Everything starts in the mind. If we think before we
act, chances are, we will behave with contempt as we have analyzed
6. No free lunch- In reality, nothing really comes easy. If we aim for
the process before the action.
something, we have to work for it. There is no pride in getting
something the easy way. It is hard to let go of something that we
labored for.
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18. Guilt kills- One of the underlying reasons for depression is guilt. It is a
Seminars are activities in TC that provide intellectual stimulation and seek
feeling of shame and self-blame. If a guilt feeling remains unresolved,
personal involvement among the residents. It is done 1-2 hours, once a week. It is
it can be turned inwards, thus resulting in self-inflicted harm.
a way of providing information, improving the resident’s speaking, and writing
19. Hang tough- Sometimes, we feel that there is no end to our miseries, abilities, and enhancing their listening ability to understand all the information
and we feel helpless and hopeless. No matter how dim life seems to presented. The type of seminars conducted are as follows (BJMP TCMP Manual,
be, there is always hope. In every problem there is a solution. Every n.d.):
problem is a learning experience that would make us tougher in
1. Discussion- open format and allow for group participation;
dealing with life’s challenges.
2. Data Sessions –given specific information and games;
20. You are your brother’s keeper- In TC, each one is responsible for the
other members of the community. The failure of one is the failure of 3. Games- mind-expanding activities to elicit thought, creativity, and
all. This gives all the residents a sense of responsibility in shepherding imagination; and
others. The success of the program is a reflection of how one cares for
the other. 4. Seminar series on varied topics,
It refers to a phrase or saying that will serve as a guide for the community to The debate is introduced to give residents the opportunity to learn how to reason
consider in their daily interactions and behaviors. Some members of the effectively and put together logical arguments. It lasts about 1-2 hours and
community elaborate on it during the Morning Meeting to emphasize its involves 20-30 residents and a facilitator. It is also a practice in listening,
importance and how it can stimulate residents’ thoughts and help them change formulating ideas, and demonstrating a broader understanding of certain issues. It
their behavior into something positive. It is also from the Unwritten Philosophies provides participants with insights into other people’s opinions, which may differ
(BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.) from their own (BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.).
The visualization meditation is used to help a person develop a practice of moving Job functions or work assignments are arranged in a hierarchy, according to
his attention within, finding his place of relaxation and peace by connecting with seniority, individual progress and productivity. These include conducting all house
his inner wisdom. It takes about 1-2 hours and is done once a month. A facilitator services, such as cooking, cleaning, kitchen service, minor repair, serving as
is present to give the participants instructions. Background music or meditation apprentices and running all departments, conducting meetings and peer encounter
music can be used. groups (PPA, n.d.).
The objectives of job functions in a therapeutic community are: (BJMP
The intellectual component responds to natural human characteristics such as a 1. To develop the right attitude of the residents towards work.
desire for knowledge in order to achieve a higher level of comprehension. A well- 2. To enhance the capability of the residents in their day-to-day task with
structured and well-implemented Intellectual Component is critical in creating a utmost pride.
Therapeutic Community for the residents. It helps residents regain their self-
esteem by opening their minds to new ideas and feeding their intellect on a free The TC functions similarly to a functional family, with an age hierarchy of older
and open exchange of ideas. and younger members. Each member has a specific role and responsibilities in order
for the TC to function properly. There are sets of rules and community norms that
members agree to follow and uphold upon admission (PPA, n.d.)
Livelihood and Skills Training
• Guitar making
The objectives of livelihood and skills training in the TCM program are
• Organic Farming
(BJMP TCMP Manual, n.d.):
1. To motivate the participation of the residents in the livelihood and
Recommended Therapeutic Activities
skills training in preparation for reintegration to the mainstream of
society. According to the Manual of Operations for Drug Abuse Treatment & Rehabilitation
2. To cultivate and enhance one’s capacity to become productive and Centers, here are some recommended therapeutic activities that can be used in
improve self-worth. the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents:
1. Psychotherapy is a type of emotional problem treatment in which a
The IWDO will conduct skills inventory of the residents to determine the
trained professional intentionally establishes a professional relationship
appropriate skills training needed. With the help of skilled staff or outsourced
with a patient with the goal of alleviating, modifying, or delaying
trainers, residents are trained on their specific field of interest which could be their
existing symptoms, mediating disturbed patterns of behavior, and
source of livelihood once they are released from jail.
promoting positive personality growth and development.
• Tailoring and Dressmaking 5. Family therapy as a form of intervention is based on the recognition that
• Tailoring and Dressmaking the family, as a primary social unit, can be a source of problem leading
to drug use. Family therapy may include restructuring of the family,
• Furniture environmental manipulation, strengthening of family communication,
• Lantern and Christmas Décor Making and discovery of family members to help facilitate the rehabilitation of
the drug dependent.
• T-shirt printing
• Basket weaving
• Shell craft
6. Community work projects include among others, environmental and energy
conservation projects, training in agriculture, tree planting, and other socio-
civic religious activities. The participation of patients in community projects can
help them integrate into the local society and can also promote community
understanding of their needs and recognition of their remaining potential and