Abstract: This study’s topmost priority is to fill the research gap in the literature by
making a significant contribution toward advancing our understanding of the
bookkeeping practices of SMEs that help them last in the business industry in Solano.
This study sought to establish the kinds of bookkeeping practices SMEs kept, the extent
to which bookkeeping information supports the growth and performance of SMEs, the
general attitude of SME owners towards bookkeeping, the challenges faced by the SME
entrepreneurs bookkeeping practices, and the relationship between respondent’s
perceived benefits, challenges, and attitudes toward bookkeeping. The study sampled 30
SMEs in Solano’s municipality who have been operating for at least five years. Data
were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics and
Pearson correlation. The results showed that most SMEs prepare an income statement
that shows how much revenue a company earned over a specific period, which also
immediately dictates if business owners were generating profit or not. The findings also
show that the majority affirm that bookkeeping practices benefited their business
operations by being essential for decision-making and adjustments necessary for
preparing financial statements. The findings also show that SME owners had a positive
attitude toward bookkeeping practices. As for the challenges, the absence of guidelines
for bookkeeping that are equal to the size of the business challenges most business
owners in bookkeeping business transactions. Finally, the results showed a high positive
and statistically significant relationship between bookkeeping benefits and challenges and
a negligible and insignificant relationship between attitudes and bookkeeping challenges
and attitudes and benefits.
small companies in the Philippines. The economy is selected Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Solano,
expected to shrink by 2% in 2020 after expanding by Nueva Vizcaya.
5.9% in 2019. With unemployment projected at 6.8% in Based on the total population of 59 SMEs
2020, the Philippine government has prepared an
registered with the Department of Trade and Industry
emergency response plan focusing on higher health
spending, monetary stimulus, and cash transfers and (DTI) in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya for the Fiscal Year
support to affected firms. Expanding little organizations’ (2021-2022), 30 respondents, constituting 50.85% of the
seriousness can produce versatility to the pandemic and total population, are considered as samples.
future stuns while advancing comprehensive and A study by Tallungan (2017) supports that this
manageable development (International Trade Centre, number of respondents passes the stipulations of the
2020). Although SMEs play a significant role in the
development of the economy, most researchers point out Central Limit Theorem which assumes normal
that they have not been performing well. Recent studies distribution with at least 30 samples.
indicate the most probable cause is lack of or limited Further, the quota sampling method has been
bookkeeping. According to Musah (2017), the study employed. Such sampling method enables the researchers
investigates bookkeeping and accounting practices in to choose enterprises that have at least five years of
SMEs and the extent to which they support the operation operation in the municipality since these enterprises are
and growth of the enterprises. The study results showed
that some SME owners or managers do keep subsidiary the most experienced in the industry; therefore, they
books of accounts. They showed that by accurately could be information-rich in terms of the value of
keeping the records, they could make essential decisions bookkeeping practices implementation.
and make business adjustments accurately. However, In this study, the researchers collected data
SME owners/managers may have had a positive attitude through the administration of structured questionnaires
toward bookkeeping and accounting recordkeeping, but
among SME owners/managers. In collecting the data, the
they still lacked adequate bookkeeping knowledge.
In addition, Gebremedihin (2019) studied that researchers have employed a quota sampling technique,
the challenges that affect the application of accounting wherein the respondents are chosen based on criteria
practices for micro and small businesses are generally imposed and respondents’ willingness, availability &
difficult. The result of the study concluded that accessibility. The targeted response rate is 50.85% out of
respondents understand the contribution of accounting the total population to establish accuracy.
practice to the growth of enterprises. However, they were
In analyzing the data, the researchers used a
not correctly implemented because of a lack of skills to
handle assets and liability to prepare financial statements, statistical tool such as SPSS to aid the analysis and
the distrustful attitude of the owner, the cost of hiring a interpretation of data.
qualified employee, and the fear of taxation to disclose The data have been organized using
all information. frequencies and percentages. A Likert scale has also been
SMEs need to keep appropriate financial data used to interpret the respondents’ input. Meanwhile,
records concerning all receipts and installments, deals
descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution,
and acquisitions of merchandise and ventures, and all
resources and liabilities from which fiscal reports are percentage, standard deviation, and mean were
readied. The financial transaction recorded should be employed. Likewise, the Pearson correlation was
objective, sufficient, relevant, and reliable to settle on considered in drawing inferential statistics.
educated choices and decisions by vested parties
(Chelimo & Sopia 2014). However, according to
Madurapperuma, Thilakerathne, & Manawadu
(2016), many SMEs fail to maintain adequate Table 1. The Likert Scale Conversion
bookkeeping records to generate the necessary
accounting information that owners, managers, and other Descriptive Rating
users need to make decisions, causing severe problems. Value Description
Interpretation Scale
Very Positive 5 Strongly Agree
To achieve the proposed research objective of 5.00
highlighting the benefits, challenges, and effects of
bookkeeping on the growth and performance of SMEs, a 3.41-
Positive 4 Agree
descriptive-correlational research design is used. In this 4.20
research design, the profile of the respondent and
enterprise are identified, while the business practices, Neither Positive Neither Agree 2.61-
preferences, and opinions are evaluated to generate the nor Negative nor Disagree 3.40
desirability of bookkeeping practices in maximizing the
value of the enterprise. This study is conducted on Negative 2 Disagree 1.81-
e nt Percent
Regarding the sector of business activity, most Records of receipts & disbursements 25 83.3
respondents are engaged in Wholesale/Retail, with 93.3%
of the surveyed firms and 6.7% in manufacturing. This
Copies of business bank statements 25 83.3
implies that wholesale/retail is one of SMEs’ most
common business activities. This is because of the low
startup costs and a significant source of growth and jobs. Record of all business purchases & 11 36.7
This was supported by the study of Amoako
(2013), which states that most businesses were involved Record of client’s names & measurement 10 33.3
in trading. It was also noted in the “2020 MSME details
STATISTICS” by the Department of Trade and Industry
that the top industry among all the sectors of business
activities are wholesale and retail trade. Record of business sales 20 66.7
21- 2 6.7 6.7 100.0 This implies that SMEs retained various
30 bookkeeping records regarding their business
transactions, including invoices for all business
purchases and expenses, sales records, information on
Tot 30 100.0 100.0 amounts paid or taken out, and receipts and
al disbursements. This support Adegbite and Onaolapo’s
(2014) findings that SMEs keep bookkeeping records,
particularly to manage income and costs, purchases,
sales, and sales, enhancing profit margins. Bookkeeping
is applied mainly in SMEs to test the accuracy and
In terms of years in business, the results show completeness of every transaction.
that most of the SMEs sampled for the study have been
operating for 5-10 years. This implies that sampled
companies had survived enough to have the requisite
experience dealing with bookkeeping and accounting
practices concerning their business transactions. This Table 10. Financial Statements Prepared by The
supports the study of Musah (2017) that most SMEs were Business Enterprise
established in the 21st century.
Financial Statements N = 30 F = 100
discovered that some SMEs generate a complete set of has helped them in resource allocation and performance
financial statements, with the income statement being the planning, as asserted by 19 respondents constituting 63.3
highest prepared at 96.7 %. An income statement is %. Thus, these imply that some bookkeeping practices
prepared first by most business owners because it is a enabled the business enterprise to carry on with its
report that shows how much revenue a company earned operation and resulted in its growth. Consequently,
over a specific period, which also immediately dictates if bookkeeping techniques are crucial to business
business owners were generating profit or not. operations because they serve as the foundation for
proper planning and administration (Abdul-Rahamon &
This supports McMahon's conclusion that most Adejare, 2014; Amoako et al., 2014).
SMEs do not generate a complete set of financial
statements. Even with well-maintained books of According to Abdul-Rahamom and Adejare
accounts, an entity may fail to create financial statements (2014), the overall objectives of bookkeeping are to
since financial statements require accounting knowledge improve efficiency and production, manage
and abilities. Although the necessity for a complete set of responsiveness and growth to decrease operational
financial statements develops as a business grows, expenses, and meet regulatory requirements. According
reporting will no longer be limited to internal users but to Mutua (2015), efficient bookkeeping aids SMEs in
will increasingly include external users such as lenders. controlling their activities and managing expenditures
SMEs’ owners/managers must learn the expertise ahead and costs. According to the report, most SME owners
of time (Everaert et al., 2006, as cited in Muchira, 2012). struggle with determining which accounting records are
required to support their business operations because
setting up and maintaining a complete accounting
information system for a start-up organization is costly.
Table 11. Bookkeeping Practices That Benefited Your
Businesses’ Operation and The Growth of Your
Table 12. Attitudes Towards Bookkeeping
Bookkeeping Practices N = F =
30 100 Table 12 shows the owners’/managers’ attitudes
toward bookkeeping. The first provision has a mean
score of 4.40, which interprets Very Positive. Followed
Essential for decision-making and 17 56.7
by the second, third, fourth, and fifth statements, with
mean scores of 4. 13, 3.83, 4.53, and 3.07, and fall on
Positive, Positive, Very Positive, and Neither Positive
Reduces operating costs and improves 11 36.7 nor Negative, respectively. Meanwhile, the sixth,
efficiency seventh, and eighth statements reveal mean scores of
2.90, 3.40, and 3.33 and assume Neither Positive not
Essential for preparation of financial 25 83.3 Negative interpretation.
Overall, the attitude of the SME operators shows a
Assist in resource allocation and 19 63.3 general mean score of 3.70 and can be interpreted as
performance planning Positive. Therefore, it can be deduced that SME
operators are willing to be trained in bookkeeping
because most owners are young and flexible.
Increase the chances of business 11 36.7
operating and achieving success
The results align with Muchira’s (2012) findings
that respondents had a positive attitude toward
Meeting government regulations 10 33.3 bookkeeping. Likewise, the results empirically relate to
Madurapperuma et al. (2016). They revealed that the
owners and managers of SMEs were highly willing to
learn more about keeping accurate records of their
business transactions.
Table 11 shows the bookkeeping practices that
benefited the owners’ business operation and the growth
of their enterprise. It reveals that out of 30 respondents, This research, however, does not support Sanga et
the majority affirms that bookkeeping practices helped al. (2014), who concluded that most SME owners have a
their business operations by being essential for decision- negative attitude toward record keeping. SMEs owners
making and adjustments, as 17 respondents or 56.7 % perceive that keeping records using accounting standards
have attested to it. Meanwhile, bookkeeping has also adds unnecessary cost, is time-consuming, and adds
been critical to preparing financial statements, as 25 nothing to their business's poor performance. However,
respondents or 83.3% have claimed. Lastly, bookkeeping they indicated that this perception has primarily
contributed to inadequate education and training among
Table 13. Challenges Faced in Bookkeeping of practices could negatively affect SMEs’ financial
Business Transactions performance, contributing to their inevitable failure. The
study thus recommends developing training policy
Bookkeeping Of Business Transactions N = F = guidelines to sensitize SMEs about the need to comply
30 100 with applicable accounting practices, including internal
controls and legal requirements.
This result implies that the more benefits the cost, and easy, streamlined setup process, making it a top
owners have, the fewer challenges they will encounter. option for sole business owners. These sole
And the more challenges the owners will encounter, the proprietorships were primarily engaged in
fewer benefits the owners will have. This is due to how Wholesale/Retail because of the low startup costs and a
bookkeeping is practiced in a business. Owners who significant source of growth and jobs. These sampled
know and have been trained in bookkeeping will likely companies had survived enough to have the requisite
have more benefits than challenges. At the same time, experience dealing with bookkeeping and accounting
owners who lack bookkeeping knowledge will encounter practices concerning their business transactions.
more challenges in their record keeping.
Most SMEs prepare an income statement that
The result is consistent with previous studies in shows how much revenue a company earned over a
other countries on bookkeeping practices and SMEs’ specific period, which also immediately dictates if
performance in terms of profitability. For instance, the business owners were generating profit or not.
result is consistent with the findings of Abdul-Rahamon Bookkeeping practices acquired by the SMEs helped
and Adejare (2014), wherein their study suggests that the their business operations by being essential for decision-
owners and managers of small-scale enterprises should making and adjustments. Thus, these enabled the
embrace proper accounting recordkeeping practices for business enterprise to carry on with its operation and
effective financial performance in their business. resulted in its growth. The absence of guidelines for
bookkeeping that are equal to the size of the business
On the other hand, the results in the table challenges most business enterprise owners in
between attitudes and bookkeeping challenges (.05%) bookkeeping business transactions. Thus, there is a need
and perspectives and bookkeeping benefits (.226%) to provide accounting guidelines or manuals similar to
showed a negligible and insignificant relationship. This the size of the business. These guidelines are vital
result implies that SME owners’ attitudes have nothing to components to effectively managing the accounting and
do with or are irrelevant to their bookkeeping benefits finance function. It references internal management,
and challenges. This is due to the perspectives of owners reinforcing requirements, and best practices.
being subjective. A subjective point of view is
considered biased because it is either not the complete Along with the guidelines, business owners
picture or merely a viewpoint or expression of feelings of must also be educated and trained in bookkeeping, which
the owners/managers. was also a challenge. These challenges, when survived,
show a high positive and statistically significant
Butte-Glenn Community College (2019) says relationship on bookkeeping benefits. Owners who know
subjective claims often express opinions, preferences, and have been trained in bookkeeping will likely have
values, feelings, and judgments. Even though they may more benefits than challenges. At the same time, owners
involve facts, they do not make factual or provable who lack bookkeeping knowledge will encounter more
claims, and therefore they are, in a sense, neither true nor challenges in their record keeping. In conclusion, poor
false in the same way an objective claim is true or false. bookkeeping practices can lead to poor financial
Subjective claims are outside the realm of what is performance, while proper bookkeeping practices will
verifiable. improve SMEs' performance. Therefore, SME owners
and managers must use good bookkeeping practices for
successful growth and financial performance.
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