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The Race Question

The Race Question is the first of four UNESCO statements
about issues of race. It was issued on 18 July 1950 following
World War II and Nazi racism to clarify what was scientifically
known about race, and as a moral condemnation of racism.[1]: 1  It
was criticized on several grounds and revised versions were
publicized in 1951, 1967, and 1978.

Criticism and controversy
The 1951 revised statement
Morris Ginsberg
Legacy and other UNESCO statements
See also
External links

The statements were signed by some of the leading researchers of Claude Levi-Strauss
the time, in the field of sociology, psychology, biology, cultural
anthropology and ethnology.

The original statement was drafted by Ernest Beaglehole; Juan

Comas; Luiz de Aguiar Costa Pinto; Franklin Frazier, sociologist
specialised in race relations studies; Morris Ginsberg, founding
chairperson of the British Sociological Association; Humayun
Kabir, writer, philosopher, and twice Education Minister of India;
Claude Lévi-Strauss, one of the founders of ethnology and leading
theorist of structural anthropology; and Ashley Montagu,
anthropologist and author of The Elephant Man: A Study in
Human Dignity, who was the rapporteur.

The text was then revised by Ashley Montagu following criticisms

submitted by Hadley Cantril; Edwin Conklin; Gunnar Dahlberg;
Theodosius Dobzhansky, author of Genetics and the Origin of
Species (1937); L. C. Dunn; Donald Hager; Julian Huxley, first
director of UNESCO and one of the many key contributors to
modern evolutionary synthesis; Otto Klineberg; Wilbert Moore; Edwin G. Conklin
H. J. Muller; Gunnar Myrdal, author of An American Dilemma:
The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy (1944); Joseph
Needham, a biochemist specialist of Chinese science; and geneticist Curt Stern. 1/5
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The introduction states that it was inevitable that UNESCO
should take a position in the controversy. The preamble to the
UNESCO constitution states that it should combat racism. The
constitution itself stated that "The great and terrible war that has
now ended was a war made possible by the denial of the
democratic principles of the dignity, equality and mutual respect
of men, and by the propagation, in their place, through ignorance
and prejudice, of the doctrine of the inequality of men and
races."[1]: 1 

A 1948 UN Social and Economic Council resolution called upon

UNESCO to consider the timeliness "of proposing and
recommending the general adoption of a programme of
dissemination of scientific facts designed to bring about the Gunnar Dahlberg
disappearance of that which is commonly called race prejudice."
In 1949, the UNESCO adopted three resolutions which committed
it to "study and collect scientific materials concerning questions of
race", "to give wide diffusion to the scientific material collected",
and "to prepare an education campaign based on this
information." Before undertaking this campaign, the scientific
position had to be clarified.

Furthermore, in doing this

UNESCO took up again, after a lapse of fifteen years, a

project which the International Institute for
Intellectual Co-operation has wished to carry through
but which it had to abandon in deference to the
appeasement policy of the pre-war period. The race
question had become one of the pivots of Nazi ideology Julian Huxley
and policy. Masaryk and Beneš took the initiative of
calling for a conference to re-establish in the minds
and consciences of men everywhere the truth about
race... ...But they were not given such an opportunity.
Nazi propaganda was able to continue its baleful work
unopposed by the authority of an international

The introduction stated "Knowledge of the truth does not always help change emotional attitudes
that draw their real strength from the subconscious or from factors beside the real issue." But it
could "however, prevent rationalizations of reprehensive acts or behaviour prompted by feelings
that men will not easily avow openly."

UNESCO made a moral statement:

Concern for human dignity demands that all citizens be equal before the law, and that
they share equally in the advantages assured them by the law, no matter what their
physical or intellectual differences may be. The law sees in each person only a human
being who has the right to the same consideration and to equal respect. The conscience 2/5
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of all mankind demand that this be true for all the peoples of the earth. It matters little,
therefore, whether the diversity of men's gift be the result of biological or cultural

UNESCO would start a campaign to spread the results of the report to a "vast public" such as by
publishing pamphlets. It described Brazil as having an "exemplary situation" regarding race
relations and that research should be undertaken in order to understand the causes of this

Criticism and controversy

Despite the introduction stating that "The competence and objectivity of the scientists who signed
the document in its final form cannot be questioned", the first version of the statement was heavily
criticized. A revised edition in 1951 explained the controversy as "At the first discussion on the
problem of race, it was chiefly sociologists who gave their opinions and framed the 'Statement on
Race'. That statement had a good effect, but it did not carry the authority of just those groups
within whose special province fall the biological problems of race, namely the physical
anthropologists and geneticists. Secondly, the first statement did not, in all its details, carry
conviction of these groups and, because of this, it was not supported by many authorities in these
two fields. In general, the chief conclusions of the first statement were sustained, but with
differences in emphasis and with some important omissions."

Some examples of differences include that the first version argued that there was no evidence for
intellectual or personality differences. The revised version stated that "When intelligence tests,
even non-verbal, are made on a group of non-literate people, their scores are usually lower than
those of more civilised people" but concluded that "Available scientific knowledge provides no
basis for believing that the groups of mankind differ in their innate capacity for intellectual and
emotional development."

The first version did not reject the idea of a biological basis to racial categories. It defined the
concept of race in terms of a population defined by certain anatomical and physiological
characteristics diverging from other populations; it gives as examples the Caucasian, Mongoloid,
and Negroid races.[1]: 6 [2]

The first version stated that "National, religious, geographic, linguistic and cultural groups do not
necessarily coincide with racial groups: and the cultural traits of such groups have no
demonstrated genetic connection with racial traits. Because serious errors of this kind are
habitually committed when the term 'race' is used in popular parlance, it would be better when
speaking of human races to drop the term 'race' altogether and speak of ethnic groups."[1]: 6  The
revised version instead stated that the experts "agreed to reserve race as the word to be used for
anthropological classification of groups showing definite combinations of physical (including
physiological) traits in characteristic proportions."

A revised version of the statement was published in 1951 and accompanied by observations,
comments, and criticisms from many of the scientists engaged in the drafting and review of the
text.[3] Notably, four scientists are listed as "frankly opposed" to the statement as a whole.[4]
Among these, English statistician and biologist R. A. Fisher insisted on racial differences, arguing
that evidence and everyday experience showed that human groups differ profoundly "in their
innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development" and concluded that the "practical
international problem is that of learning to share the resources of this planet amicably with
persons of materially different nature", and that "this problem is being obscured by entirely well-
intentioned efforts to minimize the real differences that exist."[5] 3/5
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The 1951 revised statement

The 1951 revised statement stated that Homo sapiens is one species. "The concept of race is
unanimously regarded by anthropologists as a classificatory device providing a zoological frame
within which the various groups of mankind may be arranged and by means of which studies of
evolutionary processes can be facilitated. In its anthropological sense, the word 'race' should be
reserved for groups of mankind possessing well-developed and primarily heritable physical
differences from other groups."[6]: 38  These differences have been caused in part by partial
isolation preventing intermingling, geography an important explanation for the major races, often
cultural for the minor races. National, religious, geographical, linguistic and cultural groups do not
necessarily coincide with racial groups.[6]: 39 

There is no evidence for the existence of so-called "pure races" and no scientific justification exists
for discouraging reproduction between persons of different races.[6]: 42 

Legacy and other UNESCO statements

The UNESCO later published other similar statements on racism. In 1978, the UNESCO
Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice[7] stated that "All peoples of the world possess equal
faculties for attaining the highest level in intellectual, technical, social, economic, cultural and
political development" and "The differences between the achievements of the different peoples are
entirely attributable to geographical, historical, political, economic, social and cultural factors." It
also argued for implementing a number of policies in order to combat racism and inequalities, and
stated that "Population groups of foreign origin, particularly migrant workers and their families
who contribute to the development of the host country, should benefit from appropriate measures
designed to afford them security and respect for their dignity and cultural values and to facilitate
their adaptation to the host environment and their professional advancement with a view to their
subsequent reintegration in their country of origin and their contribution to its development; steps
should be taken to make it possible for their children to be taught their mother tongue."

A draft of the statement was prepared by the Director-General and "eminent specialists in human
rights". It was discussed at a meeting by government representatives from over 100 member
states. It was recommended that the representatives should include among them "social scientists
and other persons particularly qualified to in the social, political, economic, cultural, and scientific
aspects of the problem". A number of non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations
sent observers. A final text of was adopted by the meeting of government representatives "by
consensus, without opposition or vote" and later by the UNESCO General Conference, Twentieth

In 1995, UNESCO published a Declaration of Principles on Tolerance[9] to add to its dialogue

about racial equality with recommendations for tolerant treatment of persons with varied racial
and cultural backgrounds. It stated "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich
diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered
by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief.
Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal
requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of
the culture of war by a culture of peace."

The 1950 UNESCO statement contributed to the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court desegregation decision
in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.[10]

See also 4/5
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Nazism and race

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005)
Racial Equality Proposal
World Conference against Racism
International Day for Tolerance

1. "The Race Question" (,
UNESCO, 1950, 11pp
2. Banton, Michael (2008). "UNESCO Statements on Race". In Schaefer, Richard T. (ed.).
Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society. Sage. pp. 1096, 1098. ISBN 978-1-4129-2694-2.
3. "The Race Concept: Results of an Inquiry" (
3351eo.pdf). UNESCO, 1952
4. "The Race Concept: Results of an Inquiry" (
3351eo.pdf), p. 26. UNESCO, 1952
5. "The Race Concept: Results of an Inquiry" (
3351eo.pdf), p. 27. UNESCO, 1952
6. "Four statements on the race question"
( Paris: UNESCO. 1969. Document
code: COM.69/II.27/A.
7. "Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice" (
8. "Draft Declaration on race and racial prejudice" (
7/028739eb.pdf) (PDF). General Conference, Twentieth Session, Paris, 1978: UNESCO. 25
September 1978. Retrieved 6 February 2018.
9. "Declaration of Principles on Tolerance" (
10. Prins, Harald E. L.; Krebs, Edgardo. "Toward a World without Evil: Alfred Métraux as UNESCO
Anthropologist (1946–1962)" (
O_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html). UNESCO. (link broken!)

External links
The Race Question, 1950 (
Statement on Race and Racial Prejudice, 1967 (

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