Information Security Policies: A Review of Challenges and in Uencing Factors

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Information security policies: A review of challenges and influencing factors

Conference Paper · December 2016

DOI: 10.1109/ICITST.2016.7856729


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3 authors:

Mutlaq Alotaibi Steven Furnell

University of Plymouth University of Nottingham


Nathan L. Clarke
University of Plymouth


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Information Security Policies: A review of
Challenges and Influencing Factors
Mutlaq Alotaibi1, Steven Furnell1, 2, 3 and Nathan Clarke1, 2
Centre for Security, Communications and
Network Research, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK
Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia
Centre for Research in Information and Cyber Security, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Abstract— Organisations increasingly perceive their employees as not guarantee a safe computing environment. As part of their
a great asset that needs to be cared for; however, at the same implementation guidance, organisations should establish a set
time, they view employees as one of the biggest potential threats of information security policies, which are approved by top
to their cyber security. Employees are widely acknowledged to be management then distributed amongst and communicated to all
responsible for security breaches in organisations, and it is employees.
important that these are given as much attention as are technical
issues. A significant number of researchers have argued that non- Nowadays, the majority of organisations are aware of the
compliance with information security policy is one of the major importance of information security policy. According to
challenges facing organisations. This is primarily considered to PricewaterhouseCooper [4], 98% of large organisations and
be a human problem rather than a technical issue. Thus, it is not 60% of small organisations have a documented information
surprising that employees are one of the major underlying causes security policy. However, employees’ compliance with
of breaches in information security. In this paper, academic information security policy is still of great concern to many
literature and reports of information security institutes relating organisations. According to the E&Y global information
to policy compliance are reviewed. The objective is to provide an security survey [5], 57% of organisations consider their
overview of the key challenges surrounding the successful employees to be the most likely source of an attack, with 38%
implementation of information security policies. A further aim is viewing careless or unaware employees as the most likely
to investigate the factors that may have an influence upon threat. Moreover, the UK information breaches survey [6]
employees’ behaviour in relation to information security policy.
found that 70% of organisations with a poorly understood
As a result, challenges to information security policy have been
classified into four main groups: security policy promotion;
security policy had staff-related breaches, whereas only 41% of
noncompliance with security policy; security policy management organisations where the policy was well understood had any of
and updating; and shadow security. Furthermore, the factors these. Therefore, when employees have a good understanding
influencing behaviour have been divided into organisational and of security policy, this positively affects the overall security of
human factors. Ultimately, this paper concludes that an organisation. Arguably, the human factor is still the weakest
continuously subjecting users to targeted awareness raising and link in the information security chain, causing an increase in
dynamically monitoring their adherence to information security the number of security threats. As such, many end users are
policy should increase the compliance level. still unaware of the importance of information security and the
relevant organisational requirements. Chan and Mubarak [7]
Keywords: human factor; Information security policy; user found that more than fifty per cent of the employees in their
behaviour; information security managemen; Compliance study were unaware of the existence of information security
managementt. policy in their organisations.
The successful implementation of information security
I. INTRODUCTION policy is associated with challenges in areas such as
A security policy is defined in a formal document that management policy, dissemination, user awareness and user
specifies what constuitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. A number of factors have a direct affect on user
behaviour of users in relation to dealing with information assets behaviour in relation to information security policy, and these
in a secure manner. It is a part of formal information security can be categorised into human and organisational factors. The
control and a baseline statement on the information security purpose of this paper is to investigate and better understand the
tasks which should be carried out by employees. According to major challenges associated with information security policy
SANS [1], a security policy is typically “a document that and the factors that affect the successful adoption and use of
outlines specific requirements or rules that must be met, in the security policies. This paper conducts a review based upon a
information/network security realm, policies are usually point- number of scientific papers retrieved from various academic
specific, covering a single area”. Organisations ought to view databases, such as IEEE, ACM, Springer and ScienceDirect,
having information security policies and procedures in place as and the reports of several information security institutes, such
being just as important as having technical solutions to hand as SANS, PwC and E&W.
[2]. The implemention of such technical measures alone does
The paper is organised in the following manner: section II Depending on the enforcement and monitoring of a security
explains the key challenges related to information security policy, implementing security monitoring tools can help to
policy and section III discusses in detail the human and identify any security policy breaches that may occur. However,
organisational factors that affect human behaviour in relation to these monitoring tools are not widely implemented in
information security. Finally, the conclusion and future work in organisations [2].
this area are offered in section IV.
B. Non-Compliance with Security Policy
II. KEY INFORMATION SECURITY POLICIES RELATED Non-compliance with information security policy is
CHALLENGES considered to be primarily a human problem rather than a
A number of researchers have addressed the challenges technical issue. Researchers have mentioned three types of
associated with information security policy. Based on their non-compliance behaviour: malicious behaviour, negligent
assessments, we have classified those challenges into four behaviour and unawareness. The main motivation for malicious
major groups, as illustrated in the following table: behaviour is malicious intent to bring harm to an organisation’s
information assets [12] [13], whereas negligent behaviour is
Table I. An information security policy challenges intent to violate an organisation’s security policy but not to
Group Main challenge Sub-challenges Sources harm that organisation [14]. The third type of non-complaint
# behaviour is due to unawareness, whereby end users are
1 Security policy  Dissemination [8] [6] unaware of the importance of information security and the
Promotion  Awareness Raising [9] [10] relevant organisational requirements. Khan et al.’s [15]
 Training research indicated that more than fifty percent of employees are
 Enforcement and [11] [2]
unaware of the existence of an information security policy in
2 Non-  Malicious behaviour [12] [13] their organisation. Moreover, Greitzer et al. [14] state that
Compliance  Negligent behaviour users tend to dislike the active controls that are imposed on
[14] [15] their PCs, and this can be seen in many organisations. The
with Security  Unawareness
Policy [16] reason for users having an aversion to these controls is that
they impose a group of no commands (e.g. no Google apps, no
3 Security Policy  Regular review and [17] [18]
Management update Facebook, no Skype, etc.).
and Updating  Policy management There is a direct relationship between the problems faced
 Technology advances
by many organisations and lack of attention paid to information
 Designing good policy
4 Shadow Security  Unclear security [20] [21] security awareness and training [16]. Security awareness and
policies training can play a supplementary role alongside information
[22] security policy in order to reduce the number of potential
 Unusable security
mechanisms insider threats. If there is a comprehensive and effective
 High compliance cost information security culture in an organisation and the users are
applying it, this will make a difference.
A. Security policy Promotion
Organisations encounter challenges associated with the C. Security Policy Management and Updating
promotion and dissemination of their information security
policies. In research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Many organisations do not continuously review and update
Unit [8], most of the IT managers claimed that their their information security policy. Colwill [17] states that
organisations had developed information security policies to “security policy, controls, guidelines and training are lagging
overcome many concerns, but only a few of these organisations behind changes”. Moreover, designing and managing a security
had seriously instilled this culture into their employees. This is policy that meets all the important criteria can be a challenge
supported by PwC [6], who state that "Although there are more for many organisations [18]. Furthermore, many organisations
written policies in place to guide employees’ behaviours do not update their policy to be more in line with rapidly and
towards security, we haven’t yet seen this translate into better constantly developing technology. A study conducted by
understanding of these policies”. A survey carried out by Protiviti [19] found that only 24% of the respondents had a
Prince [9] revealed that more than half of the members of staff cloud acceptable usage policy in place. Evidently, this indicates
in organisations did not participate in any kind of security that many organisations ignore the importance of updating their
awareness training. This study confirms that the absence of policies. Organisations should consistently review and update
training results in violations of policy and the occurrence of their policies to ensure that those policies are still meeting all
behaviour that poses a risk to the organisation. Despite the their needs and ensure that updates are disseminated to all
presence of the best information security awareness employees.
programmes, obstacles exist that make the successful
implementation of awareness activities more challenging. D. Shadow Security
These common obstacles are: 1) Implementation of new Two types of user behaviour associated with information
technology; 2) One size fits all; 3) Too much information; 4) security policy have been identified in the literature:
Lack of organisation; 5) Failure to follow up; 6) No compliance and non-compliance. However, Kirlappos et al.
explanation of why [10][11]. [20] have suggested a third type of user behaviour, which is
shadow security. Shadow security is defined as “employees
going around IT to get the IT services they want on their to employees’ compliance with information security policy.
own’’[21]. Such employees implement their own security Inadequate policies can contribute negatively towards non-
solutions when they believe that compliance is beyond their compliance. Hence, inadequate organisational procedures may
capacity or will affect their productivity. For example, if a lead to a lack of skills, knowledge and ability to deal with
password security policy requires employees to choose a strong security requirements [14]. A study conducted by Pahnila et al.
password (12 character length, upper letters and symbols), [24] found that information quality has a significant effect on
some employees may find it difficult to memorise the actual information security policy compliance. Furthermore,
password, and therefore, they may write the password on a Bulguru et al. [25] investigated the impact of three quality
sticky notes and put it on the computer screen. In the dimensions, clarity, adaptability and consistency, on
aforementioned example, an employee is considered to be employees’ compliance with security rules and regulations and
complaint with password policy; however, they are also highlighted their significance.
impementing shadow security policy, and this may threaten an
organisation’s security. Hence, shadow security may create a Table II Major organizational factors that influence user’s behaviour
false sense of security. The risk that the organisation may be at Factor Description Research Method Source
due to their shadow security policy are not usually perceived Information The facilitating Questionnaire [24]
by employees who play around with the main security policy. Quality conditions and (Participant:245)
Thus, the employee does not understand the risk that the (Data flow) information quality
have a significant
organization may be at due to this behaviour. impact on user Theoretical [14]
Shadow security may affect the success of policy compliance behaviour.
Questionnaire [25]
implementation, for instance, ineffective communication of a (Participant:464)
policy to the management and security policies not being
reviewed and evaluated in a timely manner; however, shadow Motivation Motivation, such as Questionnaire [25]
rewards, has a (Participant:464)
security can make this task more difficult. Moreover, the significant impact on
presence of shadow security behaviour may lead to the users’ perception of the Theoretical [26]
emergence of a non-compliance culture within an organisation benefits of compliance.
as a whole [22]. Furthermore, if employees play around with Sanction Sanctions (deterrence ) Questionnaire [25]
official security policy, they may not provide feedback on the (Deterrence) are one of the important (Participant:464)
shortcomings of that policy and suggest alternative solutions. factors that affect
employees’ actual Questionnaire [27]
According to Kirlappos et al. [20], organisations should pay compliance with (Participant:113)
attention to reducing the cost of compliance with unusable established information
Questionnaire [28]
security policy.
security mechanisms and unclear information security policies, (Participant:917)
which may not provide efficient protection for an organisation Awareness Information security Questionnaire [25]
because employees will attempt to find ways to play around & Training awareness has a direct (Participant:464)
with them as they are undesirable or impractical in their effect on user
compliance behaviour. Action research [29]
opinion. (Participant:16)
Questionnaire [7]
Multiple research studies have attempted to identify the Computer Computer monitoring Questionnaire [30]
different reasons for the various levels of compliance with Monitoring tools are negatively (Participant:232)
information security policy. Academic literature and the reports associated with
information security Questionnaire [31]
of information security institutes relating to information policy non-compliance (Participant: 304)
security policy compliance have been reviewed, and the intention.
influencing factors have been categorised into two types:
Persuasion Persuasion technology Experiment [32]
organisational and human. In Kraemer et al. [23], the authors can raise security (Participant:30)
highlight the way in which organisational and human factors awareness and then Theoretical [11]
are directly related to information security vulnerabilities. The increase level of
following section investigates these factors. compliance.

A. Organisational factors
Although compliance with security policy is first and foremost 2) Motivation
a human issue, organisational factors found to be influencing Motivators can be used to encourage users to comply with
users’ compliance have been explored in several studies. Table information security policy [26]. A good example of a
II summarises the important factors that influence user motivator is a reward, which is defined as a tangible or
compliance with information security policy, and these are also intangible gift that is granted to an employee who complies
discussed in the paragraphs that follow. with the requirements of security policy. Several studies have
revealed that rewards have a significant impact on an
1) Information Quality employee’s perception of the benefits of compliance. For
In the literature, the information quality of a security policy instance, Bulgurcu et al. [25] empirically investigated the role
(date flow) is generally seen as a factor that is strongly related of rewards in driving employees to comply with the
requirements of security policy and found that rewards have a A. Human factors
significant impact on employees, making them more Achieving compliance with information security policy
compliant. would be a difficult task without the interaction of users, and
3) Sanction (Deterrence) therefore, controlling user behaviour in relation to these
The existing literature has highlighted the importance of policies is the key to success. In the literature, several human
sanctions (deterrents) in relation to changing users’ behaviour factors have been investigated by many researchers and
towards information security policy, making them more reported to have an impact on user behaviour, whether negative
compliant, and a number of studies have offered empirical or not. Below in Table III are some of the factors that may
support for this claim. According to Bulgurcu et al. and Cheng influence the user’s intention to comply.
et al. [25][28], sanctions are one of the most important factors
Table III Major human factors that influence user’s behaviour
affecting the actual compliance of employees with established
security policies. Similarly, a study conducted by Harris and Factor Description Research Method Source
Furnell [27] investigated the impact of sanctions on employees’ Perception Human interpretation or Theoretical [34]
compliance with information security policy, particularly on (Situation recognition of sensory
Awareness) information has a Expermint [35]
the use of shaming punishment as a deterrent, 71% of the considerable impact upon (Participant:64)
participants indicated that they would be more likely to follow user behaviour. Perceived
security policy if their employers were willing to shame those benefit of compliance.
who did not comply. Personality There is a relationship Survey +Experiment [36]
between these personality (Participant:481)
4) Awareness raising and Training traits and information
Previous studies on information security have highlighted security compliance Theoretical model [37]
the impact of security awareness on employees’ behaviour. behaviour. For example, (Participant:120)
According to Bulgurcu et al. [25], awareness has a significant carelessness can make
users non-compliant.
influence on an employee’s intention to comply. Puhankinen et
al. [29] carried out action research to validate a training Technology Users demand more Theoretical [38]
programme on information security policy compliance. The democracy freedom to use a wider
variety of applications and Questionnaire [39]
results of the study suggested that increased awareness and devices to do their work (Participant:390)
training programmes have an impact on users’ compliance with more effectively, which
information security policy. Chan and Mubarak [7] concluded can be classified as asking
for more ‘technology Theoretical [40]
that a “lack of awareness and knowledge of policies may have democracy’.
allowed for staff to violate such policies”.
Cultural Culture leads to increased Theoretical [38]
5) Computer Monitoring factors compliant security
behaviour and security Questionnaire [30]
Security monitoring and auditing tools can be utilised to (Participant:232)
culture is positively
change unwanted behaviour in order to enforce information associated with security
security policy. Once users are fully aware of these tools, they Theoretical [12]
compliance intention.
are encouraged to change their behaviour and be more
Gender There is an opinion that Technical report [41]
compliant. A number of studies have provided empirical males are more likely to about violations, In
evidence of the relationship between computer monitoring and be non-compliant with the 550 extracted
complaint behaviour. These studies [30][31] found that an information security cases, 94 % of the
individual’s information security compliance is influenced by policy than females. insiders were male
computer monitoring and auditing tools. As such, monitoring Technical report [43]
tools assist in mitigating non-compliance behaviour.
Satisfaction Job satisfaction increases Survey [44]
6) Persuasion the intention of users to Participant:118)
comply with information
Persuasion is an integral part of our lives and of human security policy. Survey [30]
interaction. Fogg [33] described persuasive technology (PT) as Participant:232)
“interactive computing systems designed to change people’s Habits Habits have a significant Theoretical model [24]
attitudes and behaviours”. Persuasive computing technology effect on employees’ (Participant:245)
can affect people’s attitudes and bring about some constructive compliance with IS
policy. Theoretical model [45]
changes in many domains, for example, marketing, health, (Participant:312)
safety and the environment. Marketing is perhaps the most
significant domain in which persuasive technologies are used
to encourage customers to buy products and services. With
1) Perception (Situation Awareness)
regard to information security, the results of an empirical study
Perception is considered to be a key component of human
by Yeo et al. [32] suggest the significance of persuasive
behaviour and a major part of intelligence [34]. In other words,
technology in changing end-users’ behaviour. Furthermore,
human interpretation or recognition of sensory information has
Qudaih et al. [11] indicate that using persuasive technology to
a considerable impact upon user behaviour. Therefore, the
disseminate policies and procedures can lead to effective
perception of IT users has a great impact on their behaviour
information security awareness programmes.
and decisions. A study by Huang et al. [35] regarding users’
perception of information security found that their perception is the National Computing Centre [40], staff members are more
determined by several factors, such as awareness, knowledge, likely to fail to establish a boundary between their work and
controllability, severity and possibility. If there is a gap home environments, and they can fall into the trap of ‘trusting
between the real level of information policy and the security innocence’ and start posting personal and business information
perception of end users, their behaviour and decisions will be on social networks.
influenced accordingly [35]. Essentially, having a complete
image and full awareness of what is occurring in the 4) Cultural factors
information security policy space will positively impact upon According to Greene and D’Arcy [30], security culture is
the ability of users to recognise potential threats. Situational positively associated with security compliance intention.
awareness (SA) can be considered as knowledge about a Concurring with this view, Colwill [38] states that
particular domain. Generally, having adequate situational organisational culture and regional/national culture must be
awareness leads to effective decision-making and assists in considered when analysing insider threats since these have a
reducing the potential user error rate. In other words, direct effect on the efficacy of levels of information protection
unintentional insider threats, such as errors, might be correlated and behaviour. Usually, it is difficult for westerners to
with poor understanding of situational awareness rather than understand some of the cultural, religious and societal
poor decision-making. In the computer world, when users have pressures of others communities. According to Crossler et al.
incomplete or inadequate SA, the organisational risks will be [46], the majority of Behavioural InfoSec research has been
increased by user errors that may lead to computer system conducted within western cultures, which limits its
failures. Therefore, employees should keep up to date with the applicability to other cultures; however, some studies have
latest threat patterns and the consequential security been conducted within Asia and elsewhere. To elaborate on the
requirements. An example of this is a user being unaware of a cross-cultural differences, the Chinese culture is an example of
phishing campaign, which may lead to failure to maintain a highly collectivistic one, while the American culture is an
network security. example of a highly individualistic one. At another level, the
culture within an organisation or corporate culture must be
2) Personality analysed to comprehend how employees behave. A corporate
In psychology, five traits are often used to describe human culture can exist even though members of the organisation are
personality: openness, agreeableness, extraversion, not consciously aware of its existence [12]. Hence, the key
conscientiousness and neuroticism. A study performed by challenge is to add security culture to organisational culture
Shropshire et al. [37] investigated the nature of the relationship when the former is not a fundamental part of the latter.
between these personality traits and information security
compliance behaviour. The research sample was one hundred 5) Gender
and twenty users. The research model was based on the five Munshi et al. [47] argue that gender in relation to insider
major personality traits, and the final result was that threats is rarely investigated in the academic literature.
conscientiousness and agreeableness have a significant impact However, the importance of gender as an influence on
on user compliance with information policy. Another study behaviour has been cited in the academic literature in the form
was designed by Mcbride et al. [36] to increase understanding of reported incidents. In Hanley et al.’s [41] study, 94% of
of the individual personality traits that shape behaviour and insider incidents were associated with males while a technical
impact upon users’ intention to comply with information report by Cappelli et al. [43] also found that the majority of
security policy. They implemented and empirically validated a insider incidents were male initiated.
comprehensive theoretical model that aimed to assess the However, some reports argue that both genders pose an
impact of the personality factors. The results of the research on equal threat to information security. For instance, a study by
481 participants indicated that the more open, conscientious Kowaski et a.l [48] found that 50% of insider threats were
and agreeable participants were more likely to comply with associated with females and 50% with males.
information security policy. Conversely, the participants who
were more extrovert and neurotic were more likely to violate 6) Satisfaction
information security policy. Satisfaction, or employee satisfaction, is defined as an
employee's overall feeling of well-being while at work. It is
3) Technology democracy widely believed that an employee who is satisfied with his or
The systems and applications that are used at work and at her employer is more likely to comply with the organisation's
home have converged and become interwoven over recent information security policy. Therefore, users who report
years. Some applications that were used in home environments positive feelings about their organisation are expected to have a
are now used in business systems as well. This will pose a good sense of their responsibilities, especially in terms of
challenge to the status quo of the technology used in compliance with information security policy. A number of
organisations [38]. As reported by the Econimist Intelligence studies have investigated the relationship between job
Unit (EIU) [8], users today demand more freedom to use a satisfaction and employee compliance. These studies have
wider variety of applications and devices in order to do their provided empirical support for the claim that job satisfaction
work more effectively, which can be classified as asking for has a positive impact on compliance with security policy. For
more ‘technology democracy’. According to Colwill [38], example, Greene and D’Arcy [30] examined the influence of
when more mixing between the work and home environments job satisfaction on user's IS policy compliance decisions. In
occurs, employees will be more likely to demonstrate their theoretical research model, they postulated that
unintelligent behaviour regarding security. As demonstrated by satisfaction is positively associated with security compliance
intention. The research model was tested on 223 survey REFERENCES
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