JHA For Breaking
JHA For Breaking
JHA For Breaking
Rev.: A1
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JHA No.: Revision No: Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Date: 20/02/2022
Job Ref (Contract No: GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Job Description: Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition Permit Type & No. : HOT
Procedure Ref : IP-OPS-066
Rev.: A1
Activities (Job steps) Page 2 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
1 Work area awareness. Noise P= 3XC (M) All personnel inside the working area must carry ear muffs at all P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
A= 0XC (NA) times. A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
E= 2XC (M) Wear hearing protection at high noise areas. E= 1XC (L)
R= 0XC (NA) R= 0XC (NA)
H2S and other P= 3XC (M) All personnel working inside plant/Pipe line corridor shall have P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
toxic gases A= 0XC (NA) H2S personal gas monitor/Toxic clips. A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
E= 2XC (M) Provide Area Gas Monitor if required by QP PTW. E= 1XC (L)
R= 2XC (M) R= 1XC(L)
Ignition P= 3XC (M) Do not carry mobile phone, smart watch, Lighter, cigarette, and P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
sources. A= 3XC (M) any kind of ignition sources in the plant. A= 1XC (L) Qcon PTW Holder.
E= 2XC (M) Employees to be educated for self-checking prior to enter into E= 1XC (L)
R= 3XC(M) the plant. R= 1XC(L)
Post Prohibited Items list in all vehicle to refresh employees.
Include Prohibited Items Topic in daily TBT for the awareness of
the people
Emergency P= 3XC (M) Provide proper access to the area. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
condition A= 2XC (M) In case of any emergency follow MIC emergency Response A= 1XC (L) Qcon PTW Holder.
E= 0XC (NA) procedures. E= 0XC (NA)
R= 2XC (L) Each employee should be instructed about safe working R= 1XC(L)
procedure/technique and emergency procedure and response,
in case of emergency.
Unaware of the P= 2XC (M) QP (9) Lifesaving rules should be discussed with the work crew P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
QP Lifesaving A= 2XC(M) on daily basis through TBT. A= 1XC (L) Supervisor, Qcon
rules E= 0XC (NA) Strict compliance of QP (9) LSR should be followed(i.e. Gas E= 0XC (NA) PTW Holder
R= 2XC(M) Hazards, Line of fire etc) R= 1XC(L)
2 Site preparation Unauthorized P= 3XC (M) The area identified, confirmed & cleared prior to entry into the P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
commencemen A= 0XC (NA) work area. A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
t of work E= 0XC (NA) All personnel shall be trained of all mandatory trainings. E= 0XC (NA)
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Activities (Job steps) Page 3 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Exposing R= 2XC (L) Authorized QP work permit holders shall ensure obtaining and R= 1XC(L)
people maintaining of valid work permits and associated certificate.
potentially The supervisor responsible for this activity has to check the PPE
harm or and tools of his crew to ensure that all required items are
danger. available and properly used.
Lack of safety Inform all people regarding permit conditions before work
awareness starts.
Supervisors must conduct daily toolbox talk about nature of
work and associated potential hazards and its control measures.
Discuss possible emergency and response procedure.
Comply with all general job requirements mentioned on PTW.
Wear all mandatory PPE.
Slip / Trip / Fall P=3XC (M) Maintain obstruction free access. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
A=0XC (NA) Beware of ankle breaker stones. A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
E=0XC (NA) Use only designated access. E= 0XC (NA)
R=2XC (M) Maintain the cable/ hose management R= 1XC(L)
Manual P=3XC (M) Maintain manual handling technique to avoid stress and strain. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
handling injury A=0XC (NA) Do not lift heavy or oversize load alone. Take assistance for A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
Poor E=0XC (NA) heavy or awkward loads. E= 0XC (NA)
ergonomics R=2XC (M) Provide adequate manpower for manual handling. R= 1XC(L)
Use mechanical means to lift and carry heavy loads.
Wrong/ P=3XC (M) Use only good condition colour coded tools for the job. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
Damaged Hand A=0XC (NA) Remove the damaged tools from the site. A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
Tools E=0XC (NA) E= 0XC (NA)
R=2XC (M) R= 1XC(L)
Pinch Points/ P=3XC (M) Keep hand and fingers away from trap points and sharp edges. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
Sharp edges A=0XC (NA) Wear heavy duty gloves for the task. A= 0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
E=0XC (NA) Maintain proper communication between team members. E= 0XC (NA)
R=2XC (M) Identify sharp edges and trap points prior to start the task. R= 1XC(L)
Infected by P=3xC (M) Body temperature of personnel will be monitored by site P=1xC (L) Qcon work crew
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Activities (Job steps) Page 4 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Corona virus E=0XC (NA) medical personnel. E=0XC (NA) Qcon site nurse/
(COVID-19) A=0XC (NA) Any person showing symptoms of infection will be sent to A=0XC (NA) doctor
Spread of R=3xC (M) medical Centre. R=1xC (L)
infection to Cover your nose and mouth with clean napkin/ or with sleeve
others when coughing or sneezing.
Inform immediately your supervisor and department
Dispose-off the tissue with responsibility in a trash bin and
immediately wash your hands
Avoid any contact with people who show symptoms of
respiratory diseases such as coughing or sneezing.
If you have flu symptoms, use face mask to avoid infecting
Wear a mask to limit the respiratory droplets.
visit the health center or hospital in any flu symptoms.
Always wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth with unclear hands.
Maintain a clean environment & sanitize surfaces.
Hand washing and sanitizing facility should be provided at site
Keep distances (2 M) and avoid close contact to a minimum
Avoid contact with stray, sick or dead animals.
Eat well cooked food.
Mandatory PPE (Face Mask) should always be worn.
It is obligatory for all RP and visit visa holders to download the
Ehteraz mobile application, which will be checked by security.
Ensure your health color code status is always green, if not it
should be immediately reported to health center.
Covid-19 hazards and precautions awareness should be
communicated through TBT.
Heat P= 4XC(M) Follow heat stress Management procedures. P= 1XC(L) QCON Supervisor ,
stress/Heat A= 0XA (NA) Don’t work alone and engage buddy working system. A= 0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
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Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
stroke and heat E= 0XA (NA) Adequate Cold drinking water to be provided. NO WATER NO E= 0XA (NA) Safety officer
Follow Flag system.
Work rest rotation to be followed.
Provide adequate rest Shelter.
Heat stress training to be provided to workforce.
Heat stress Emergency awareness to be discussed through TBT.
Frequent rest/ stops should be provided for the workers during
high temperatures.
Bullying P=2xC (M) Employee to be reminded in the toolbox talks, to respect people P=1xC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
(personal E=0XC (NA) – no bulling is tolerated as per HR-Admin policy. E=0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
injury) A=0XC (NA) Disciplinary action will be imposed if injury incurred horseplay A=0XC (NA)
R=2xC (L) occurs. R=1xC (L)
Workplace P=2xC (M) Employee to be reminded in the toolbox talks, that horseplay is P=1xC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
violence E=0XC (NA) not allowed. E=0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
(personal A=0XC (NA) No teasing or franking or any kind of horseplay at site as it may A=0XC (NA)
injury) R=1xC (L) lead to undesired event. R=1xC (L)
Disciplinary action will be imposed if injury incurred horseplay
Workload P=2xC (M) Supervisor to respect what employee or workers feel about the P=1xC (L) Qcon Supervisor ,
(stress/ E=0XC (NA) job. E=0XC (NA) Qcon PTW Holder.
pressure) from A=0XC (NA) Do not push workers to a job out of his scope of duties and A=0XC (NA)
Supervision. R=1xC (L) responsibilities. R=1xC (L)
Do not allow workers to excessive workload (single) hand
Always ask worker, how do they feel today, how is their day or
morning so far.
Engage them into healthy conversation.
Always listen to their concerns.
Working P= 0XC (NA) QP PTW Procedure should be followed and implemented. P= 0XC (NA) Qcon Site
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Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
beyond PTW A= 0XC (NA) PTW working conditions should be communicate with work A= 0XC (NA) Supervisor, Qcon
stipulated E= 0XC (NA) crew. E= 0XC (NA) PTW Holder/
timing. R= 3XC (M) R= 1XC (L)
3 Mobilization of Non inspected P= 3XC (M) All equipment or Vehicle to be inspected by QP inspector and P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
Concrete truck Equipment or A= 0XA(NA) inspection checklist to be kept with the equipment or vehicle for A= 0XA (NA) Supervisor, Qcon
concrete pump, Crane , vehicle E= 0XA (NA) security inspection. E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder/
self-loader, boom R= 2XC (M) Self-Loader and Self-Loader Third Party certificate to be R= 1XC(L) Operator/Driver/
truck, approved by QP BCP department. Rigger
generator/welding Incompetent P= 3XC(M) Self-Loader operator and Self-Loader operator to be certified by P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
machine, hilti breaker, Operator/ A= 0XA(NA) TPI and approved by QP BCP department. A= 0XA (NA) Supervisor, Qcon
hilti machine, jack Driver E= 0XA (NA) All Operator and Driver should undergo Defensive Driving E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder/
hammer at site, R= 2XC (M) trained by QP approved Third Party training provider. R= 1XC(L) Operator/Driver/
Compactor Rigger
Collision with P= 3XC (M) Trained Banksman or Rigger to be assigned with equipment or P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
QP Facilities A=2XC(M) vehicle while entering inside NGL Plant area. A= 1XC (L) Supervisor, Qcon
Pedestrian E=2XC (M) Permit controller shall be informed prior to entry the self-loader E= 1XC (L) PTW Holder/
Interface R= 2XC( M) inside the plant barrier area. R= 1XC(L) Operator/Driver/
Follow the speed limit of Plant areas. Banksmen/Rigger
No approval for P= 3XC(M) Do not mobilize the equipment before permit endorsement. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
Mobilization A= 0XA(NA) Operator / Driver should always ensure PTW holder is available A= 0XA (NA) Supervisor, Qcon
E= 0XA (NA) at site with valid permit for the mobilization. E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder/
R= 2XC (M) R= 1XC(L) Operator/Driver/
Slip / Trip / Fall P= 3XC(M) Maintain obstruction free access. P=1XC (L) Qcon Site
A= 0XA(NA) Beware of ankle breaker stones. A=0XA (NA) Supervisor, Qcon
E= 0XA (NA) Use only designated access. E=0XA (NA) PTW Holder/
R= 2XC (M) Be cautious about wet slippery surface. R=1XC (L) Operator/Driver/
4 Using of Self Loader for Faulty P= 3XC (M) Self-Loader and all vehicles shall be inspected and approved by P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
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Activities (Job steps) Page 7 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
loading offloading of Equipment A= 2XC(M) BCP QP inspectors. A= 1XC (L) Supervisor, Qcon
construction material E= 2XC (M) Always maintain the Third party BCP documents and inspections E= 1XC(L) PTW Holder.
and fence poles / Gate R= 2XC(M) documents with the equipment. R= 1XC(L) , Riggers/Operator
post installation All lifting tools and equipment to be color coded as per QP BCP
lifting regulations.
Daily equipment inspection checklist to be filled by the operator
after checking the equipment.
All lifting gears with BCP stamp to be used.
In competent P= 3XC (M) BCP department approved operator and rigger to be deployed P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
Operators and A= 0XA(NA) with the vehicle. A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, Qcon
riggers E= 0XA (NA) E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 2XC(M) R= 1XC(L) , Riggers/Operator
Spillage P= 3XC (M) Daily inspection of the vehicle has to be performed by the P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
A= 0XA(NA) operator and the checklist to be filled. A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, Qcon
E= 2XC (M) Do not use equipment if there are oil leaks. E= 1XC(L) PTW Holder/
R= 2XC (M) Use spill kit at site. R= 1XC(L) Operator/ Riggers
Adverse P= 3XC (M) No work in adverse weather conditions. P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
weather A= 0XA(NA) Extend the Self-Loader out riggers fully and use base plate to A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, Qcon
condition E= 0XA (NA) support the out riggers. E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
Improper R= 3XC (M) Ensure that Self-Loader is positioned in stable condition. R= 1XC(L) , Riggers/Operator
ground Inspect the equipment before starting the lifting operation.
condition QP Civil Department clearance to be obtained if the Self-Loader
Toppling of outrigger is placed Interlock Pavement area.
Self-Loader The Interlocks to be removed and area to be compacted before
keep Outriggers.
Collision with P= 3XC (M) Trained banksman to be provided with the moving vehicle to P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
existing QP A= 3XC(M) guide the driver for reversing/ positioning the vehicle. A= 1XC(L) Supervisor, Qcon
facilities E= 2XC(M) Sufficient gaps shall be maintained from QP existing facilities E= 1XC (L) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC (M) while travelling and positioning the vehicle. R= 1XC(L) , Riggers/Operator
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Activities (Job steps) Page 8 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Fall of loads P= 3XC (M) Secure the load firmly while loading or offloading activities going P= 1XC (L) Qcon Site
A= 2XC(M) on. A= 1XC(L) Supervisor, Qcon
E= 0XA (NA) Use Long tag lines without Knots to control the loads. E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC (M) Inbuilt manufacture hook to be used for lifting the rig machine R= 1XC(L) , Riggers/Operator
Provide softeners at sharp edges to prevent cut/ damage of the
BCP stamped valid lifting gears to be used.
Follow QP approved load chart/lifting plan for Self-Loader . Do
not lift more than the permissible capacity.
QP Approved lifting plan to be used and available at site.
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Activities (Job steps) Page 9 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Provide proper access and egress to the confined space. QCON Supervisor ,
Access route is clear of all potential obstacles/trips hazards QCON PTW Holder.
P=2XC (M) P=1XC (Low)
Improper Proper Manual Handling technique to be followed.
A=0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA)
access/egress, Use Right tools for the job.
E=0XA (NA) E=0XA (NA)
trip, slip, falls, Inspect the area before allowing the workers on site, to be sure
R=2XC (M) R=1XC (Low)
no snake/insects around.
Provide Barriers and signage’s to the Excavated areas.
Three point contact to be maintained while ascending or
descending ladder.
6 Use of compressor for Compressor P=2XC (M) Ensure the suitable approval shall be secured from QE P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
use of Pneumatic jack parking area A=0XA (NA) operations for parking of Compressor and other equipment. A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
hammer. blocking the E=0XA (NA) Ensure no ship loading in progress during activity and schedule E=0XA (NA)
access R=2XC (M) has been checked for ship loading days and operator informed R=1XC (Low)
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Activities (Job steps) Page 11 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Fire P=2XC (M) Ensure Open flame assessment conducted prior to starting the P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
A=0XA (NA) hot work activity A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) Remove flammable materials near the work area. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) Ensure area gas monitor placed for continuous gas monitoring. R=1XC (Low)
Trained Fire watcher should be provided along with fire
extinguisher and pressurized hose.
Ensure proper visibility between the activity location and
compressor to facilitate fire watch in case of emergency to shut
off machinery
Use only approved, good condition and inspected equipment.
Ensure Area monitor available nearby.
Noise P=2XC (M) Use appropriate ear protection like earmuff. P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
A=0XA (NA) Ensure the area around the equipment shall be barricaded and A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) sign boards displayed for use of hearing protection. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) R=1XC (Low)
Spark potential P=2XC (M) Ensure a compressor is installed with spark arrestor and a P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
A=0XA (NA) chalwyn valve. A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) Ensure the TPI Validity for the equipment. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) Proper grounding to be provided for the equipment. R=1XC (Low)
Fire Extinguisher should be placed near by the running
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Activities (Job steps) Page 12 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
• Unsecured P=2XC (M) Ensure suitable heavy-duty connectors (Crow’s foot type) shall P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
coupling A=0XA (NA) be fitted and coupled and secured with ‘R’ clips as well as whip A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) lash arrestor. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) R=1XC (Low)
Unrated/ P=2XC (M) Ensure correct and suitable high pressure rated rubber hoses in P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
Damaged hoses A=0XA (NA) use A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) Ensure hoses are marked with pressure rating. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) Ensure hoses are connected with suitable connectors and R=1XC (Low)
secured with whip lash arrestors.
Unguarded Ensure that Valid QE inspection certificate of equipment. P=1XC (Low) QCON Supervisor ,
P=2XC (M)
equipment Ensure all moving parting to be guarded. A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
A=0XA (NA)
E=0XA (NA)
E=0XA (NA)
R=1XC (Low)
R=2XC (M)
7 Mobilization of Diesel Non inspected P= 2XC (M) The WOOQD Tanker to be inspected by QP inspector and P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
Tanker Equipment or A= 0XA(NA) inspection checklist to be kept with the vehicle for security A= 0XA (NA) supervisor, Driver,
vehicle E= 0XA (NA) inspection. E= 0XA (NA) banksmen
R= 2XC (M) R= 1XC(Low)
Incompetent P= 2XC(M) WOQD Tanker Driver should undergo Defensive Driving trained P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
Operator/ A= 0XA(NA) by QP approved Third Party training provider. A= 0XA (NA) supervisor, Driver,
Driver E= 0XA (NA) E= 0XA (NA) banksmen
R= 2XC (M) R= 1XC(Low)
Collision with P= 2XC (M) Trained Banksman to be assigned with vehicle P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
QP A= 2XC(M) Permit controller shall be informed prior to entry the Diesel A= 1XC (Low) supervisor, Driver,
Facilities/Perso E= 0XA (NA) tanker inside the plant barrier area. E= 0XA (NA) banksmen
nals struck by R= 2XC (M) Follow the speed limit of Plant areas. R= 1XC(Low)
Diesel Vehicle driver should always get assistance from trained
Tanker /Blind banksman when approaching the work site.
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Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
9 Manual shifting of Improper P= 2XC (M) • Use proper and safe manual handling and lifting practices P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
Demolished Concrete Manual A= 0XA(NA) • A single person shall not carry more than 20 KG A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, QCON
handling E= 0XA (NA) • Ensure sandbags/ bucket in good condition E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC(M) • Protect hands when using crow bars from slipping and pinch R= 1XC(Low)
• Bend the knees slightly, one foot in front of the other.
• Do not bend and use back muscles to lift always keep back straight
and use leg muscles for manual lifting.
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Activities (Job steps) Page 14 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Improper P= 2XC (M) • Ensure suitable access available for entry into excavation P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
Access/ Egress A= 0XA(NA) • Ensure proper access/ smooth slope available into excavation for A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, QCON
E= 0XA (NA) shifting of loaded wheelbarrows. E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC(M) • Ensure one person crossing at a time on access with loaded cart R= 1XC(Low)
into excavation
Ensure not to hurry while crossing slopy access and is kept clear
of soil and slippery mud/ concrete all the time.
Defective P= 2XC (M) • Ensure wheel borrow is in good condition. P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
Wheel borrow A= 0XA(NA) • Ensure wheels are freely moving and well lubricated. A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, QCON
E= 0XA (NA) • Ensure proper handling of wheel borrow, never pull the wheel E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC(M) borrow, avoid being in the line of fire. R= 1XC(Low)
Ensure wheel borrow shall not be placed near to edges.
Dust emission P= 2XC (M) Use dust mask/ dust control with water sprinkling P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
A= 0XA(NA) A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, QCON
E= 1XA E= 1XA (Low) PTW Holder.
(Low) R= 1XC(Low)
R= 3XC(M)
Pinch Points/ P= 2XC (M) • Do not keep hand and fingers in trap points. P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
Sharp edges A= 0XA(NA) • Beware of pinch point A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, QCON
E= 0XA (NA) • Wear appropriate PPE (hand gloves) E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC(M) Beware of sharp edge/ pinch points. R= 1XC(Low)
Simultaneous P= 2XC (M) P= 1XC (Low) QCON Site
work A= 0XA(NA) A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor, QCON
No Simultaneous work in the area
E= 0XA (NA) E= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder.
R= 3XC(M) R= 1XC(Low)
10 Concrete Chipping, Dust from flying P=3xB (M) All personnel involved in the job requires dust masks. P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
breaking and drilling particles. E=2xA (L) Full PPE usage at all times including face shield. E=1xA (L) Safety
works using power Flying objects A=0xB (NA) TBT shall be conducted. A=0xB (NA)
tools (grinder, drill R=0xB (NA) Ensure supervision by worksite supervisor to enforce the use of R=0xB (NA)
Procedure Ref : IP-OPS-066
Rev.: A1
Activities (Job steps) Page 15 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
No / poor P=4xB (M) Generator shall be maintained in well and good working P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
earthing E=0xA (NA) condition, protective guards and door shall be in place and E=0xA (NA) Safety
available A=4xB (M) properly secured during the equipment in operation. A=1xB (L)
R=4xB (M) Ensure earthling is done on compressor. R=1xB (L)
Excessive Noise P=3xB (M) Use ear plugs. P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
E=0xA (NA) E=0xA (NA) Safety
A=0xB (NA) A=0xB (NA)
R=0xB (NA) R=0xB (NA)
Slips, trips and P=3xB (M) Ensure that the area of work barricaded. P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
falls E=0xA (NA) Housekeeping to be done. E=0xA (NA) Safety
A=0xB (NA) Ensure all materials are being kept in a safe place away from A=0xB (NA)
R=0xB (NA) rebar. R=0xB (NA)
Mechanical P=3xB (M) Proper hand gloves and PPE will be used to avoid any hand injury P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
hazards such as E=0xA (NA) / entanglement. E=0xA (NA) Safety
entanglement A=0xB (NA) Avoid the use of jewellery. A=0xB (NA)
R=0xB (NA) Safety signage on entanglement to be available at site. R=0xB (NA)
Procedure Ref : IP-OPS-066
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Activities (Job steps) Page 16 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Working near P=4xB (M) Asset protection shall be provided for adjacent equipment that P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
existing live E=0xA (NA) could be affected during chipping works. E=0xA (NA) Safety
equipment. A=4xB (M) Close supervision should be applied. A=1xB (L)
R=4xB (M) R=1xB (L)
Sparks or fire P=4xC (M) Obtain site clearance and Hot PTW P=1xC (L) Civil Supervisor /
E=2xA (L) A correct portable fire extinguisher shall be provided. E=1xA (L) Safety
A=4xC (M) Ensure a firewatcher is always available on site. A=1xC (L)
R=4xC (M) Initial gas testing and continuous gas monitor as per PTW R=1xC (L)
Injury due to P=4xB (M) Hand and power tools shall be inspected prior to job starts and P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
electrocution E=0xA (NA) all defective will be seized and removed from service. E=0xA (NA) Safety
A=4xB (M) Use only QP approved power tools A=1xB (L)
R=4xB (M) Supervisor and the safety officer are to monitor and ensure that R=1xB (L)
all workers wear the required PPE (hand gloves).
A qualified person shall inspect all electrical wiring, extension
cables and switches and defective once shall be removed from
11 De-shuttering/Form Oil leakage P=3xB (M) Ensure dip tray is used under welding machine to contain P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
work removal from welding E=2xA (L) any spill. E=1xA (L) Safety
machine A=0xB (NA) A=0xB (NA)
R=0xB (NA) R=0xB (NA)
Grinding disc P=3xB (M) Ensure grinding disc RPM is higher than the grinder used. P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
hazard (from E=0xA (NA) E=0xA (NA) Safety
cutting) A=2xB (M) A=1xB (L)
R=0xB (NA R=0xB (NA)
Procedure Ref : IP-OPS-066
Rev.: A1
Activities (Job steps) Page 17 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
Toxic gas P=4xB (M) Use personnel gas detector / Toxic clip. P=1xB (L) Civil Supervisor /
release E=2xB (L) Follow QP emergency response procedure. E=1xB (L) Safety
A=2xB (L) A=1xB (L)
R=2xB (L) R=1xB (L)
Dust from flying P=3xB (M) All personnel involved in the job requires dust masks. P=1xB (L) QCON Supervisor
particles. E=2xA (L) Full PPE usage at all times including safety glass E=1xA (L) QCON PTW Holder
Hit by flying A=0xB (NA) TBT shall be conducted and work force should be made aware of A=0xB (NA)
objects. R=0xB (NA) possible Hazards. R=0xB (NA)
Noise. Ensure supervision by worksite supervisor to enforce the use of
Hand arm dust masks/impact resistant hand gloves
vibration Ensure nails are bent or removed immediate to prevent any
Eye Injury potential pinch points.
Protruding Ensure nails are collected and disposed immediately.
sharp objects Ensure work area is barricaded to prevent unauthorised entry
Pinch points Wear Ear Plugs
Line of fire Regular breaks to be given to the workers and job rotation to be
Work should be planned and communicated.
Sharp edges should be protected by rebar cap
12 Post activity checks, Slips, trips and P=3XC (M) Ensure all equipment / materials removed from area. P=1XC (L) QCON Supervisor,
housekeeping. falls A=0XA (NA) Clear the area of any slip, trip or fall hazards. A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) All equipment has and tools removed on completion of job. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) Be cautious for the wet slippery surface. R=1XC (L)
Dust P=3XC (M) Use Proper PPE for the task. Use dust mask. P=1XC (L) QCON Supervisor ,
A=0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
E=0XA (NA) E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) R=1XC (L)
Sharp Edges P=3XC (M) Wear heavy duty gloves for the task. P=1XC (L) QCON Supervisor ,
A=0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA) QCON PTW Holder.
Procedure Ref : IP-OPS-066
Rev.: A1
Activities (Job steps) Page 18 of 18
Potential Hazard
JHA No.: Risk Rating Revision No: 01 Area: MIC Job Locations: MS4 Near Qatar Steel Date: 20/02/2022
Before Mitigation
Job Ref (Contract / Mitigation Measures
GC18107000) Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1 ☐ , Zone 2 ☐ , Non-Hazardous ☐
Residual Risk/
Rating Microtunelling Shaft Concrete Base And Wall Demolition
Job Description: Permit Type & No. : HOT
Action Party / Remark
E=0XA (NA) Keep the body parts away from sharp edges. E=0XA (NA)
R=2XC (M) Protect the sharp edges with some sort of means if possible. R=1XC (L)
JHA Team Leader Authorization : ARUN KUMAR Ref Indicator : PNP0007C Sign :