Best Landscape Specification

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Volume 4.14 Appendix N – Landscape Specification

12-034 Salwa Resort ‫س لوى منتج ع‬

Salwa, Qatar

May, 2014
Rev: 0



CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification



1 PART – 1 - GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................... 51
1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................................................51
1.2 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................................................................................51
1.3 SUBMITTALS..........................................................................................................................................................................................51
1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE .......................................................................................................................................................................52
1.5 DELIVERY AND HANDLING ..............................................................................................................................................................53
1.6 PROJECT / SITE CONDITIONS..........................................................................................................................................................53
1.7 WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................................................................54
1.8 HORTICULTURAL SUPERVISOR ......................................................................................................................................................54
1.9 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULIING ................................................................................................................................................54
1.10 COMMISSIONING ................................................................................................................................................................................55
1.11 PLANTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................55

PART 2 - MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................. 56

2.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................................................56
2.2 SWEET SAND .........................................................................................................................................................................................56
2.3 COMPOST ..............................................................................................................................................................................................57
2.4 FERTILIZER .............................................................................................................................................................................................58
2.5 SEQUESTRENE ......................................................................................................................................................................................59
2.6 WATER RETENTION MATERIAL.......................................................................................................................................................59
2.7 PLANTING MEDIUM MIXES..............................................................................................................................................................59
2.8 TREES .......................................................................................................................................................................................................60
2.9 SHRUBS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................61
2.10 GROUNDCOVERS ................................................................................................................................................................................61
2.11 BIO-ABSORBANT MATT ....................................................................................................................................................................61
2.12 TREE STAKES .........................................................................................................................................................................................61
2.13 TREE TIES ................................................................................................................................................................................................61
2.14 TEMPORARY PLANTING SCREENS ................................................................................................................................................61
2.15 ANTI-DESICCANT.................................................................................................................................................................................62
2.16 DRAINAGE..............................................................................................................................................................................................62
2.17 ROOT BARRIERS ...................................................................................................................................................................................62
2.18 ARTIFICIAL TURF (DRAFT) ................................................................................................................................................................63

PART 3 - EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................. 64

3.1 SOIL GRADING AND PREPARATION .............................................................................................................................................64
3.2 HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION OF PLANTS....................................................................................................................64
3.3 HARDENING-OFF AND STORAGE .................................................................................................................................................64
3.4 PLANTING TIMING ..............................................................................................................................................................................64
3.5 PIT SIZES .................................................................................................................................................................................................64
3.6 PLANTING BACKFILL MEDIUM .......................................................................................................................................................65
3.7 PLANTING ..............................................................................................................................................................................................65
3.8 SHRUBS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................67
3.9 GROUNDCOVER...................................................................................................................................................................................67
3.10 MULCH ....................................................................................................................................................................................................67
3.11 IRRIGATION WATER BUDGETS .......................................................................................................................................................68
3.12 COMPLETION, MAINTENANCE, DEFECTS AND LIABILITY ....................................................................................................68

APPENDIX.................................................................................................................................................................. 77


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

1 P A R T – 1 - G E N E R A L

The Contractor is to provide planting in accordance with requirements of the Contract Documents.
The scope of this section includes the preparation of planted areas and the supply, planting, protection and
maintenance of trees, shrubs, vines, groundcover plants and grass of the species and size shown on the drawings. This
section shall be read in conjunction with all other relevant sections of the Specification.
The Contractor shall as part of his tender submit his outline method statement for type, sourcing and supply of the
components of the planting soil material.
Any Contractor’s alternatives must be identified in this method statement, with a clear description of the technical and
financial benefits of his proposals.
The Contractor shall also identify examples of the products use on similar projects, providing the Engineer the
opportunity to view the material in-situ.
All works shall be maintained to the same level of care as that described to be undertaken following Completion,
including routine operations such as checking irrigation emitter flow, weeding, grass cutting and the sweeping of
paved surfaces.
The Tender must be based, without exception, upon plants that are specified. Confirming the availability in the local
and international market of specified plant materials shall be done during the Pre Tender Stage.
Contractors invited to participate in the Tender shall submit in writing the availability of all plant materials as specified
in the Plant Schedule and Bill of Quantities.
Any substitution, shall be proposed in writing during the Pre Tender Stage, and shall be reviewed by the Engineer
Any substitution after this Pre Tender Stage will be rejected. All specified Plant Materials are deemed locally and
internationally available, in terms of Quality and Quantity as specified in the Plant Schedule, upon submission of
Tenders to client.

The following reference standards are applicable:
BS 3936 Nursery Stock, Part 1. Specifications for trees and shrubs
BS 4428 General Landscape Operations
ANSI Z60.1 American Standard for Nursery Stock

A. Shop Drawings
The contractor shall submit shop drawings of the planting plans and details to the Engineer for review and
B. Product Data
Provide manufacturers certified data analysis of all standard products, including fertilizers, soil amendments,
herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, showing description of ingredients, and recommendations for usage and
application rates for each material to be used.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

C. Samples

i. Samples of all materials to be used in this contract shall be submitted for approval. The approved samples
shall be the quality standard for the material and its placement.

ii. The Engineer shall inspect all plant material at the site-growing nursery.

D. Certifications

i. Submit the following for approval:

a. A certified analysis by an approved laboratory for any non-standard products (soil, compost).

b. Certificates confirming the origin, size and age of all plant material.

c. Health certificates for all imported plant material.

d. Sod: Furnish certification by the grower for the type, and trueness to the grass variety or strain.

E. Quality Control Submittals:

i. Provide the following for approval:

a. Schedules showing program of implementation for each type of landscape work, indicating
anticipated dates and locations for each type of planting.

b. If necessary revised planting schedules with documentation of reasons for the revision.

c. Landscape Maintenance instructions and manual to be established by the landscaping contractor

and performed during an entire contract year.

F. Closeout Submittals:

i. The Contractor shall provide record documents to furnish an accurate record of the final planting
installation, including but not limited to:

a. Plant material substitutions with size, genus, and species

b. Material substitution

c. Revisions to the scope of work


A. Qualified Installer
Contractor shall engage an experienced installer who has completed landscaping work similar in material,
design, and scale to that indicated for this project, and with a successful record of landscaping experience.
The installer’s field supervisor shall be experienced, and shall be present full time on the project site during
the implementation of the landscaping works.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

The Contractor shall establish and maintain a suitable holding / acclimatisation nursery of an appropriate
size on or adjacent to the site to the consultants approval, within the first month of the contract period. It
shall be protected from construction works, shaded from sun and wind and shall be provided with an
adequate supply of irrigation water.

Pre-Installation Meetings

i. Coordinate installation of planting materials during adequate planting seasons for each type of plant
material required. Special care to be taken for all imported plant material, especially ornamental palms.

ii. The inspection and selection of palms, trees, and shrubs will be made by the Consultant, who will tag the
stock at their place of growth prior to transplanting to the site nursery.


A. Handling
Plant material shall be lifted or moved in such a manner that the roots are not disturbed. Plant material shall
be lifted or moved by holding the container and not the above ground portion of the plant. Immediately
prior to lifting, date palm trees shall have their fronds reduced in length by 30%, sprayed with anti-desiccant
and tied up with 3 layers of Hessian to enclose the growing tip. The roots shall be pruned and the root ball
protected with three layers of Hessian tied up with wire and kept moist constantly with wet shingle, moss,
straw or other suitable material.

Root systems of all plants shall not be allowed to dry out at any time and shall not be exposed to excessive
or artificial heat or to freezing temperatures. During transportation all plants shall be packed adequately to
ensure protection for climatic or physical injuries. Tarpaulins or other covers shall be placed over plants
when they are transported by trucks or in open freight cars. All plants shall be treated with anti-desiccant
prior to transportation.

Ornamental Palms
Special care and attention shall be given to all imported ornamental palms. It is absolutely essential that all
imported palms be subjected to an acclimatization period of at least 9 months in the site nursery. Contractor
shall investigate the specific species requirements of handling, transplanting, delivering, storing, planting
and maintaining prior to performing any works.


A. Existing Services
The Contractor shall determine the location of all existing underground services prior to commencing
excavation works. Any work in confined spaces, around existing trees or in the vicinity of major utility
services shall be executed by hand, where existing service lines interfere with the planting, the contractor
shall get the direct approval of the Engineer on the shifting of the trees or palms pits prior to planting.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

B. Weather Conditions
All work shall be carried out during the appropriate season and in weather conditions suitable for the
operation. No planting shall be carried out between the months of June to September without the specific
approval of the Consultant.

C. Rubbish
All rubbish and litter accumulated within the landscape boundary shall be cleared and removed daily. The
areas shall be kept in a clean and tidy condition with all driveways, paths, edges, kerbs, gutters and gullies
swept and kept clear of debris at all times. All rubbish and debris shall be removed from site.

D. Oil and Petrol Storage

All oil and petrol containers are to be kept in suitable sheds provided by the Contractor who is to observe all
regulations regarding the storage of inflammable liquids. If any areas of soil are affected by oil or petrol
spillage, the contaminated soil is to be dug up until uncontaminated ground is reached and removed from
site and such areas made good as directed by the Consultant.

E. Approved Chemicals
Only chemicals approved and listed by the local authority having jurisdiction and Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries will be used. All chemicals shall be non-toxic to human beings, birds and animals and subject to
the approval of a qualified specialist. The Contractor shall be liable for ensuring that all chemicals are stored
separately and handled and supplied in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions.

The living planting material shall be warranted for a period of two years after date of Substantial
Completion. The warranty shall be against defects, including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for
defects resulting from lack of adequate maintenance, neglect, or abuse by the Client, abnormal weather
conditions, or incidents that are beyond Contractor’s control.


A. Contractor’s Horticultural Supervisor
The written approval of the Engineer shall be obtained for the Contractor’s proposed Horticultural Specialist.
The written approval of the Engineer shall be obtained for any temporary or permanent replacements.

B. Inspection and Supervision

The Engineer shall supervise the planting of all accents and ornamental palms.


Notify the Engineer in writing, allowing at least three working days’ notice for the following:

i. Initial meeting at site prior to start of any work

ii. Plant material inspection for approval at source or on site
iii. Final location of plants prior to preparation of planting pits.
iv. Finish grades prior to laying sod in the lawn areas.
v. Check inspection of completion of all work, to establish beginning of maintenance period.
vi. Final inspection


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

A. Substantial Completion
At the date of Substantial Completion all plants shall be in their specified position and condition.
B. Failure of Plants
Any plants that are found to be missing, defective or not in good condition at any time during the contract
period and maintenance period shall be immediately replaced by the Contractor. In the case of replacement
of Palms, a 400 ton mobile crane will have sufficient boom reach to access all areas. The Contractor will liaise
with the Clients Engineer to ensure correct positioning of the crane before proceeding with any work.


i. All plants shall be of the size specified in the Plant Schedule at the time of delivery to the site and shall be
obtained from an approved source. Trees shall have a minimum calliper (measured at 500mm above ground
level) of 30mm. Shrubs and ground covers shall be twin or multi-stemmed. All plants shall be supplied as
specified. Plants shall be true to and supplied under Latin names. Synonyms must be checked with the

i. The contractor must submit photos and details of procured plants for approval in hard and soft copies. All
plants supplied to site shall match the required specification and photos and details as provided and
approved before planting.

ii. All planting stock shall be well-balanced and well formed, sound, vigorous, healthy and free from disease,
sunscald, abrasion, harmful insects or insect eggs and with a healthy, unbroken root system filling their
containers but not root-bound. Unless otherwise specified only nursery-grown plants will be used. All
plants shall be container grown. Samples from all plant material shall be made available for approval by the
Engineer. All planting shall be certified free of pests, viruses etc.

i. Nomenclature of trees and plants scientific names given in:

Royal Horticultural Society, "Directory of Gardening"
Oxford University Press, reprinted 1974 and Supplement 1969
Hortus 3. Exotica

ii. Alternative names can be checked in these books. All plants must agree with the botanical description in
these books. Hortus 3 and Exotica are the only authorities for plants that are not listed in the RHS Directory.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

P A R T 2 - M A TE RI A LS

All required materials shall be of standard approved, first grade quality, and in first class condition. The
following products comprise the principal materials but do not set the limitation for materials required to
complete the intended project.



i. The sweet sand shall be free draining, non-toxic and capable of sustaining healthy plant growth. The soil
shall not contain calcium carbonate, subsoil, refuse, roots, heavy clay, noxious weeds, phytoxic materials,
coarse sand, rocks, brush, litter or any other deleterious materials.

ii. The Contractor should confirm within the tender method statement where they are sourcing these materials
and should be identified along with sample chemical and mechanical analysis text results. The test and
analysis results must be by a qualified agricultural soils laboratory).

iii. The representative samples of sand and organic mater shall be analysed for the characteristics listed in d)
and e) below and results submitted to the Engineer for approval.

iv. Any submitted soil should not contain more than 20-30% Calcium Carbonate.
All planting mixes shall be placed by a loose tipping method and shall not be run over after placement by
heavy plant or equipment.

i. Submittals of analysis of planting sand shall be made prior to delivery and placement on site. Each sample
shall be tested and analysed by a qualified agricultural soils laboratory using test standards and methods
outlined in BS 3882: 1994 and BS1377-2: 1990 of this specification unless otherwise instructed by the

ii. The results are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer. Tests shall be carried out at a frequency of not less
than one sample per 1,000m3. This may be increased at the discretion of the Engineer.

iii. All testing procedures as set out in this specification shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor’s

iv. Analysis to include:

 Soil type, structure and texture – particle size distribution – see Table 7.2
 Percolation rate and porosity @ 30cm tension and at 40cm tension – compaction 22.5ft/lbs
 pH
 Electrical Conductivity (EC) in micro mhos/ cm at 25o C.
 Total carbonate Ion content (CaCo3)
 Percentage Nitrogen (N)
 Total and available Phosphorous (P)
 Soluble and exchangeable Potassium (K)
 Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Chloride (Cl), carbonate (Co3)
Bicarbonate (HCo3), Nitrate (No3) and Sulphate (So4) content
 Carbon: Nitrogen ratio


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

 Total dissolvable solids in ppm

 Organic matter percentage
 Sodium absorption rate (SAR)

a. In addition to the above the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a written report from the
approved testing station that the proposed source complies with the requirements of this
Refer to Tables 7.1 for the typical chemical and physical characteristics.

Table 1.0 – Chemical Characteristics

Item General Standard Typical Washed Marine Sand

pH 6.0 - 7.5 6.5 - 8.5

Electrical ≤ 2500 mmhos in saturated extract ≤ 2500 mmhos in saturated extract

Conductivity (EC)

Chlorides ≤ 220 ppm in saturated extract ≤ 220 ppm in saturated extract

Sulphates ≤ 15 ppm in saturated extract

Sodium adsorption ≤ 5% ≤ 5%
rate (SAR)

Nitrates ≤ 75 ppm in saturated extract ≤ 75 ppm in saturated extract

Potassium 100-400 ppm in 1.5 ammonium nitrate 100-400 ppm in 1.5 ammonium
extractant: ½ hour shake nitrate extractant: ½ hour shake

Boron ≤ 1.0 ppm, hot water soluable ≤ 1.0 ppm, hot water soluable

Sodium (Na) ≤ 250ppm

Calcium ≤ 2000 ppm

Magnesium ≤ 100 ppm ≤ 100 ppm

Compost shall be approved and treated local factory compost (not manure) free from soil borne pathogens and any
deleterious matter from a source approved by the local authority having jurisdiction.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification


i. All chemical fertilizers should have analysed specifications from a qualified agricultural soil laboratory.

ii. All chemical fertilizers must contain Sulpher in order to reduce the pH of the soil.

iii. Fertilizer shall be furnished in standard containers with the name, weight and guaranteed analysis of the
contents clearly marked.

iv. When a mixed fertilizer is specified, the first number shall represent the minimum percentage of soluble
nitrogen, the second number shall represent the minimum percentage of available phosphoric acid and the
third number shall represent the minimum percentage of water-soluble potash.

General fertilizer shall be:
Type: General fertilizer; organic resin coated controlled release compound fertilizer, shall have a
release longevity of 7-8 months at 31 degrees C soil temperature:
Trees, shrubs and grass areas: 16-18-5 + Fe (Iron) + trace elements
Micro nutrient and slow release chemical fertiliser must be suitable for alkaline soil to
international standard.
Rate: Refer to clause on Planting Mixes, section
Application: In accordance with supplier’s recommendations
Product: The Scotts Company - Osmocote or similar approved


General fertilizer shall be:

Type: Slow release complete fertilizer tablets, shall have a release longevity of 7-8 months at 31
degrees C soil temperature:
Trees and shrubs: 20-10-5 + Fe (Iron)
Tablets shall contain trace elements in chelated form. The tablets shall be formed and
compressed to ensure a continuous release of fertilizer elements for a minimum of 6
Rate: Generally:
- Trees : 1 tablet of 21gms for every 10mm of trunk diameter
- Shrubs : 1 tablet of 21gms for every 300mm of height
Application: In accordance with supplier’s recommendations
Product: Contractor to source for Engineer’s approval
Type: Single superphosphate with a minimum content of 18% P 2 0 5 .
Rate: Refer to clauses on Planting Mixes
Application: In accordance with supplier’s recommendations.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

Product: Contractor to source for Engineer’s approval.

Type: Organic nitrogen fertilizer.
Rate: Top dressing 7-10kg/ 100m2
Product: Milorganite 6-2-0 Fertilizer, or equal approved.
Use: Shall be applied to grass areas as a top dressing prior to sprigging or turfing.

Sequestrene 138 – 6% fully chelated EDDHA iron or similar compound containing concentrated iron chelate.
To be applied as part of soil preparation for trees and shrubs/ hedges/ groundcover.
To be applied in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations


A. Recommended water retention material to be Zeoplant or similar approved. No polymers/gels to be used.
B. The contractor must submit a sample of the proposed product along with the manufacturer’s specifications for
applications rates suitable to improve the water retention character and to reduce the PH, EC and Calcium
Carbonate content.
C. For all topsoil areas the contractor must include the following:

i. A naturally occurring mineral (Lassenite) made up from layers of diatoms & volcanic tuffs. The product
should not be subject to deterioration by natural phenomena such as sun’s heat & ultra violet rays.

ii. Should also not be affected by common products found in horticulture for construction and maintenance
such as fertilizers, pesticides, or fungicides, or any type of chemical / biological treatment introduced into
the growing medium. Should not attract or retain salts. Should be:

a. Natural Mineral Amorphous, non crystalline, alumino silica

b. Chemical Analysis Sum of: - silica, aluminium oxide, iron oxide greater than 70%
c. Water retention Greater than 90%
d. Swell Factor Typically 1% under 0.25psi load
e. pH Less than 7.5
f. Specific Gravity Typically 2.5 gm/cc
g. Cation Exchange 31 meq/100gm
h. Degree of Saturation 65% at field capacity
i. Moisture release 95% between 0.03bar (field capacity) – 15bar (wilt)
j. Granular Typically less than ¼”
k. Active life Indefinite under normal conditions.


Specified soil additives shall be mixed with sweet soil at the rates specified. The planting medium shall be mixed
mechanically by an approved method to create a homogeneous mixture. Application rates for a water retention
material shall be checked and approved by the Engineer prior to mixing each batch.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification


i. Grass, Groundcovers and Shrubs

Sweet sand : 1m3
Zeoplant (or similar approved): 3kg/m2
Bio Organic Conditioner: 12.5kg/hole

ii. Trees & Palms

Sweet sand: 1m3
Zeoplant: 30kg/hole (Palms) & 15kg/hole (Trees)
Bio Organic Conditioner: 37.5kg/hole (Palms) & 25kg/hole (Trees)
See paragraphs on fertilizer for additional slow release tablet requirements.

A. Tree selection: All trees to be of good form and vigor, grown at a nursery in a container. The girth of the trees
shall be a minimum of 10cm, and a clear stem of 1.5m, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer or indicated
on the drawings. All stems shall be straight, free of any diseases or pests. All specifications for container grown
plants shall indicate the plant size (girth, clear stem height, overall height, and container size).
B. Trees at delivery shall have a minimum of three branches; Colour, size of leaves typical to the growth habit of
the species. All saw cuts shall be clean, free from any ripping or splitting and shall be trimmed smooth after
cutting. Roots shall be mature, healthy, with no signs of girdling at the container surface. Height and girth of
trees shall match the specifications in the tender documents.
C. Tree installation: Care shall be taken when installing trees in the landscape. The tree shall be held by its
container. Tree shall be watered sufficiently during storage, and one day before installation. Soil around the
excavated tree pit shall be cultivated and well drained.
D. Tree pits size shall be 1.2mx1.2mx1.2m. Soil backfill shall include organic component, the soil mix, and soil
water retention additives. Once backfilled, the tree soil surface shall be the same as the height of the soil in the
container or the height of the rootball.
E. Water trees with a hose right after planting, and compact the soil around it. Stake the trees with two number
timber stakes, planted 1.0m deep, and a surface height equal to the tree stem. Install a minimum of two drip
irrigation header per trees, and apply a mulch layer to the tree pit.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification


Shrubs and ground covers shall be twin or multi-stemmed. All plants shall be supplied as specified. Plants shall
be true to and supplied under Latin names. Synonyms must be checked with the Engineer.

A. Groundcovers selection: All groundcovers shall be nursery container grown. Plants shall be evenly balanced to
allow equal growth in all directions, and have a fully developed root system and leaves. A bed of seasonals,
where specified, shall be planted with one plant variety and colour unless otherwise indicated on the
B. Seasonal flowers shall be replaced every three months, as part of the maintenance contract. Winter seasonals
shall be of the hybrid variety of: Ageratum, Antirrhinum, Gazania uniflora, Marigold, Petunia. Summer
seasonals shall be of the hybrid variety of: Celosia, Gazania, Portulaca grandiflora, Vinca rosea, Zinnia.


A. Where indicated on the planting details/sections, a double application of a bio-absorbant matt shall be
applied, “Landex-Green Matt-13mm” or equally approved.
B. Ensure overlap of min. 200mm from roll to roll.
C. Matt shall not be considered a substitute for the water retention product “Zeoplant” or root guards/barriers


A. All stakes shall be double stakes of timber, straight, free of projections and pointed at one end. The stakes shall
be pressure impregnated with non-injurious wood preservative to be applied at least two weeks before use.
Selected wood preservative is to protect wood from moisture.
B. Stakes shall be min.1800mm tall by 50 x 50mm section; the length shall be equal to the clear height of the
trunk with 1.0 of the length inserted below ground’, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.


Tree ties shall be proprietary adjustable rubber tree (black colour) ties fixed to stakes to manufacturer’s
recommendations, all to the approval of the Engineer. Tree ties shall be a minimum of 38mm wide.
Tree straps will not be accepted.


Whenever planting in an exposed position liable to adverse wind conditions, windbreaks shall be provided
until such time as the planting is firmly established and shall be 1750mm high plastic shelter net of 75%
density supported on a galvanised steel circular frame of adequate diameter so as not to disturb the growth
of the plant.
Such frames with hessian screens are to be provided to protect trees liable to suffer harmful effects of
irrigation spray.
Hessian bands shall be 75 mm wide to lengths necessary for wrapping tree trunks and main branches.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

Anti-desiccant shall be an emulsion type, film-forming agent designed to permit transpiration but retard
excessive loss of water from plants. It shall not the subject plant to heat gain or induce scorching of leaves.

i. Specification: the subsoil drainage honeycomb module shall be produced out of recycled
60% polypropylene. It shall weigh approximately 2.7kg/m2, and carry a load of >100/m2.
The modules shall be resistant to biological attacks and to chemicals. It shall not allow root
ii. Usage: gravel shall be laid in an even layer of 20cm at the bottom of all planting pits/beds
on all offshore projects and planters on slab. The gravel layer shall be wrapped in non –
woven geotextile membrane

i. Manufacturer - Contractor to provide details. Details shall be suitable for use in the environmental
conditions in which the project is located.
Product: Terram 500 or similar approved
Jointing: To manufacturer’s recommendation
Protection: Protect from:
- Exposure to light, except for five hours (maximum) during laying
- Contaminants
- Materials listed as potentially deleterious by geotextile manufacturer
- Damage until fully covered by fill
- Wind uplift, by laying not more than 15 m before covering with fill.
Preparation: Before laying, remove humps and sharp projections. Fill hollows.


i. Mulch shall be natural wood bark mulch composed of sterilised/ clean source Pinus radiata pine bark of the
following random distribution size:
Length: 10mm – 60mm
Width: 10mm – 50mm
Thickness: 3mm --15mm

ii. The wood bark mulch shall not be coloured unless otherwise specified.

iii. The contractor shall supply samples of bark to the Engineer for approval.



i. Root control barriers shall be:

ii. ‘Terram Rootguard’ or equally approved.

iii. The root control barrier shall be 2mm thick polypropylene plastic root control barrier to depth
recommended by the drawings. All joints shall be sealed to prevent any root penetration in accordance with


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

the manufacturers written specifications. The use of duct tape or similar adhesive tape will not be

iv. The barrier shall be carefully positioned and backfilled to ensure that the top edge of the barrier, after all soil
settlement etc, is flush with the finished soil.
Provide a sample of the root control barrier proposed for use together with the manufacturer’s product
technical information for approval. Allow 48 hours for approval.



i. Artificial turf shall be:

ii. “Astro-Turf” or equally approved.

iii. The outdoor synthetic grass pitch shall be dressed with rubber substrate for shock resistance. (Draft)


Provide a sample of the artificial turf proposed for use together with the manufacturer’s product technical
information for approval. Allow 48 hours for approval.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

P A R T 3 - EX E C U TI O N


A. Subsoil shall be excavated to achieve tolerances specified for finished level of soil, and when reasonably dry
and workable, graded to smooth, flowing contours with all minor hollows and ridges removed. Non-cohesive,
light sub-soils shall be loosened with a three-tine ripper, 300 mm deep at one metre centres.
All perennial weeds shall be treated with herbicides and the period of time recommended by the manufacturer shall be
allowed to elapse before grading. All weeds, rocks and other debris shall be removed and disposed off. Finished
ground level adjoining buildings shall be kept 150 mm below the level of the damp-proof course.


A. Plant material shall be lifted or moved in such a manner that the roots are not disturbed. Plant material shall
be lifted or moved by holding the container and not the above ground portion of the plant.
B. Root systems of all plants shall not be allowed to dry out at any time and shall not be exposed to excessive or
artificial heat or to freezing temperatures.
C. During transportation all plants shall be packed adequately to ensure protection for climatic or physical
injuries. Tarpaulins or other covers shall be placed over plants when they are transported by trucks or in open
freight cars. All plants shall be treated with anti-desiccant prior to transportation.
D. Immediately prior to lifting, palm trees shall have their outer fronds removed, sprayed with anti-desiccant and
tied up with 3 layers of hessian to enclose the growing tip. The roots shall be pruned and the root ball
protected with three layers of hessian tied up with wire and kept moist constantly with wet shingle, moss,
straw or other suitable material.


A. All plant materials other than palms shall be delivered to site plant holding nursery for acclimatisation within
the first six months of the contract period, unless approved otherwise by the Engineer, and protected against
drying at all times.
B. Palm trees shall be planted directly on arrival on site except where they have been imported from oversees. If
imported then they will be required an acclimatisation period. If palms have to be held for longer than twelve
hours before planting they should be 'heeled-in' in trenches which are kept moist at all times.


A. Planting shall take place before 10.00 hours and after 16.30 hours but can be carried out at other times if
approval is given by the Engineer.
B. Prior to planting all grading and ripping, paving, laying of services and other building work shall be complete,
the irrigation system shall, wherever possible, be operational and soil brought to field capacity and all areas to
be planted shall have been soiled and allowed to settle over a period of one month.


The following table lists sizes of tree and plant pits without any requirements for drainage layer and / or geo-
textile membrane.

Table 2.0 - Table Pit and Bed Sizes/ Depths


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

Plant Type Overall Pit Size mm

Palms 1500 x 1500 x 1500

Trees 1000 x 1000 x1200

Trees (where water table is high) 1500 x 1500 x 1500

Large/ specimen shrubs in gravel mulch area 500 x 500 x 500

Massed ground cover & climbers 500mm

Grass – Seeding and Turf 300mm

When occurring on basement structure, planting pit size may need to be adjusted in accordance with available
depths and requirements for drainage layers and geo-textile membranes. Any changes to standard planting pit sizes
must be approved by the Engineer. All planting medium depths to be verified on site by the Engineer, prior to


i. Specified soil additives shall be mixed with sweet soil at the rates specified – refer to section 2.7 Planting
Medium Mixes.

ii. The soil shall be mixed mechanically by an approved method to create a homogeneous mixture.
Application rates for ameliorants shall be checked and approved by the Engineer prior to mixing each batch.

iii. Planting soil for palms is to be sweet mix.

Contractor to verify with Engineer for any planting areas that require a mock up prior to final planting.
Location and size of mock ups to be agreed with Engineer.

i. The Contractor shall always ensure the availability of irrigation water during plant installation. Without
water, the Contractor cannot proceed.

ii. The sequence of planting shall be as follows:

a) Grade soil as specified

a. Stake out the outline of planting areas and individual tree and shrub locations for approval by the

b. Excavate planting areas and individual pits to the sizes specified. Excavated sub-soil shall be
removed from site and shall not be mixed with the planting medium or used to form berms around
the plants.

c. Fill planting pit with irrigation water and ensure the water can drain away. In case of poor drainage
a percolation test shall be carried out and drainage holes augered if required.

d. Backfill pit/beds, after having been tested for drainage with approved planting medium in layers
not exceeding 300mm and water compact. Allow for compaction/subsidence by overfilling by


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

100mm. Once placed the growing medium shall be covered with plastic sheeting and clearly
marked to prevent disturbance until planting commences. During time of planting place slow
release fertilizer tablets 25-30cm deep. For trees the tablets should be located approximately 1.0m
from the trunk or adjacent to drip emitters.

e. Palms shall be planting in natural desert planting soil only. Compost and fertilizers shall be added
after 3 months or following confirmation that palm growth has been established.

f. Prior to planting tree stakes shall be driven into tree pits.

g. At the time of planting a hole shall be made into the pit/bed large enough to take the plants root
ball. The planting hole shall be thoroughly watered prior to planting.

h. Plants shall be carefully removed from containers. Plastic pots shall be split with a knife and plants
removed with all the soil intact around the roots. Care shall be taken not to damage the roots or
foliage of the plants. The plant shall be placed upright in the hole. Care shall be taken to ensure
that the collar line (line of contact between soil and stem) is at the same level as the surrounding

i. Fill around the plant with planting medium in layers of 150mm, each layer separately firmed to
eliminate all air pockets until final soil level is reached.

j. Trees shall be tied to the tree stakes with tree ties as specified. At least two pairs of ties per tree
shall be used but other ties shall be provided if necessary to keep the stem straight. If a leader stake
is required this shall be 20mm round softwood stake slotted inside the tree tie loops.

k. A circular watering basin slightly larger than the planting hole shall be formed. During and after
planting the plants shall be thoroughly watered.

l. After planting the area surrounding the plant shall be restored to finished grade and excess soils
and rubbish disposed of properly.

m. Immediately after planting all plants are to be pruned in accordance with accepted horticultural
practices or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor to advise the Engineer of his programme
for pruning work before work is undertaken.

n. Pruning shall consist of carefully cutting back any damaged, dead or diseased branches and the
removal of any weak or malformed growth, with the aim of forming each type of stock to the
standard shape for its species. All pruning cuts greater than 20mm shall be treated with a pruning
paint as specified.

o. Check all plants one week after planting for signs of wind shake and loosening due to soil
subsidence; firm and make good as necessary.


 One day prior to the test the pit/bed shall be filled with water.
 A marker bar is placed in the pit/bed before the test is performed.
 The pit/bed is half filled with water and the level is indicated with tape on the marker bar.
 The test is monitored over a period of one hour. If the water level drops by 20mm or more within that
time the pit/bed passes.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

 If a pit/bed fails the percolation test, boreholes shall be augered (2 no/tree pit or 10m spacings in
planting beds).
 Tests should be repeated at each 5m depth of borehole until the test is passed.
 After augering the boreholes shall be capped with wire gauze. Percolation tests shall be carried out at a
rate of 1 test per 50 plants. The Engineer may instruct additional tests on an exploratory basis in the
event of unsatisfactory percolation being evident.
 The frequency of tests will be determined by the Engineer.

A. Shrubs installation: All shrubs shall be handled by their container. Soil around excavated shrub pit shall be
cultivated and well drained. Shrub pits shall 0.5mx0.5mx0.5m in size. Large shrubs (> 1.7m Mature Height) shall
be planted 1.0mx1.0mx1.0m pit size.
B. Soil backfill shall include organic component, and water retention additives. Manual watering after planting is
necessary, if automated irrigation system is not yet installed. Apply mulch layer on all shrub beds.

A. All groundcovers shall be planted at 0.3m depth minimum. Soil backfill shall include organic component, and
soil water retention additives. Manual watering after planting is necessary, if automated irrigation system is not
yet installed. Add high potassium fertilizer for seasonals.

3.10 MULCH
Bark mulch to shrub beds and tree pits shall be hand placed immediately after planting to a minimum depth
of 75mm. Bark mulch shall be of genuine bark constituents and wood ship mulching will not be accepted
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification


A. The Contractor shall submit in writing a guarantee on percent water saving by using a specified soil moisture
retention amendment, for the contract period, along with the Tendering documents. The percent water
saving, material lifetime and subsequent cost of the amendment shall be part of the tender evaluation process.
Based on the guarantee, and in accordance with the plant and irrigation BOQs, the Contractor shall submit monthly
water consumption charts for auditing and billing.
The Contractor shall pay for all quantities of consumed irrigation water that is over and above the guaranteed water
saving percentage.



i. The Contractor shall as part of his tender submit his outline method statement for type, sourcing and supply
of the components of the planting soil material.

ii. Throughout the planting establishment period, carry out maintenance work including, watering, mowing,
weeding, rubbish removal, fertilising, pest and disease control, returfing, staking and tying, replanting,
cultivating, pruning, hedge clipping, aerating, reinstatement of mulch, renovating, top dressing, and
keeping the site neat and tidy.

iii. The site shall be jointly inspected by the client/proprietor and the Engineer. If the completed works meet
the approval of both parties, then the works shall be handed over to the client/proprietor. Practical
completion shall be confirmed in writing to the Engineer.

iv. Practical completion of the planting works includes, but is not limited to, establishment of turfed areas, and
replacement of plants which have failed, been damaged or been stolen during the works.

v. The landscape contractor shall maintain the landscape works for the term of the maintenance (or Plant
establishment) period to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The landscape contractor shall attend to the site on
a weekly basis, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. The maintenance period shall commence at
practical completion and continue for a period of fifty two (52) weeks.

a) Defects liability on palms and trees shall be 12 months from the date of practical completion of
the whole of the works.

All planted areas within the contract boundary shall be maintained and guaranteed from the time of
planting until the issue of the Certificate of Completion. General maintenance to include pruning, stakes and
ties, berm-work, replacement and clean-up, protective fencing etc.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification


i. The Contractor shall submit to the Consultant/Client an Annual Maintenance Masterplan Program (AMMP)
and Operation and Maintenance Manuals (O & M Manual) for approval during the tender period.

ii. The Contractor shall provide a directory of all the personnel assigned for the maintenance works on site.

iii. The manual shall specify all the monthly activities for the project. The maintenance program shall include,
but not be limited to the following operations:

a) Pest control management: program shall detail all precautionary and active measures taken
against potential diseases on palms, trees, shrubs, lawn and groundcovers

b) Fertilization program: shall include application rates, and the detailed product composition
applied to palms, trees, shrubs, groundcovers and palms

c) Monitoring schedule of irrigation system: shall ensure the system is properly functional, and
plants are receiving sufficient amount of water. Irrigation timings and frequency shall be
changed seasonally, as specified by the Consultant

d) Pruning program shall detail the basic pruning activities of palms, trees, shrubs, and
groundcovers. It shall detail the pruning height of every species of trees, shrub, or
groundcovers. Pruning schedule of all plants shall be recorded

e) Lawn management: shall detail the entire frequency program for fertilization, mowing,
trimming, aerating, coring, topdressing, weeding, pest management, etc

f) Staking and ties shall be monitored at all times to ensure proper tree anchorage

g) Removal and replacement of all dead/defective plants shall be performed when necessary, after
the cause of the poor performance is determined and rectified

h) Removal of weeds, dead branches/leaves, rubbish, litter and any other undesirable objects from
all planted and grassed areas

i) Mulch topping

j) Weed eradication

k) Log book

l) Submittal of monthly water consumption budgets for auditing

iv. Failure Of Plants

a) Any failed plants occurring during the contract period and maintenance / establishment period
shall be immediately replaced by the Contractor.

b) Turf Grass Management - including mowing procedure, replacement of turf grass by stolons
and sods and routine management procedures; aerification, top dressing, vertical mowing,
thatch removal, rolling and overseeding plants that are found to be missing, defective or not in
good condition at any time


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

c) Propagation and seasonal replacement (max. every 3 months) of all flowers.

At the date of Substantial Completion all plants shall be in their specified position and condition.


i. Contractor to provide:

a) Operation instructions including recommended clearances and tolerances, and sequence of

application and lubrication.

b) Step-by-step procedures for dismantling, cleaning, servicing, replacing parts and re-

c) Parts list with part identification, numbers and sources of replacement parts.

d) Simplified facility drawings for a complete system, to show all components of the system.

e) Schematic diagrams for each system.

i. The manual shall be submitted to the Engineer by the Contractor for approval at least three months prior to
the date for Substantial Completion of any part of the Works and must be approved prior to the
commencement of the Plant Establishment Period.

ii. Three bound copies of the manual in A4 format shall be presented to the Engineer.


i. Responsibilities

a) The contractor shall carry out maintenance of the planting strictly in accordance with the
Operations and Maintenance manual as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor is to
provide all required labour, plant and materials to comply with the approved procedures.

b) During the Plant Establishment period the Contractor shall make adequate provision for
irrigation and/or operate the irrigation system as required and maintain same for handover to
the Client on completion of the Plant Establishment Period, comprehensively overhauled and
in perfect working order.

c) The Contractor shall submit his staff resource proposals to the Engineer for approval. The team
shall include gardeners in proper uniforms, full time, at site and shall be required to send
additional manpower as and when required to carry out special maintenance works like
removing dry palm fronds, aeration, planting seasonals, replacing trees, etc.

d) A qualified and experienced Engineer shall be required to visit the site once a month for correct
diagnosis of pests or diseases and to take timely remedial measures.

e) An experienced plumber will be deputed to the site on regular intervals to check the irrigation
system and adjust/replace the equipment which, is not working properly. Seasonal


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

adjustments to the irrigation operation schedule and programming of controllers shall be done
by a qualified irrigation Engineer.

f) The contractor shall maintain, at all times, sufficient stock of regularly used fertilizers, chemicals,
tools, spare parts and other consumables at site.

g) Grass cuttings, trimmings, cut branches, dry leaves and other waste shall be removed daily from
the site and disposed off to an approved site. The site shall be kept neat and tidy at all times.

ii. Damage by Others

iii. Works damaged by others, provided reported in writing within 24hours of the incident shall be excluded
from the defects liability of the Contractor.

iv. Maintenance Period / Establishment Period

a) The maintenance period shall commence at practical completion of the whole of

the works and continue for a period of fifty two (52) weeks.

b) Defects liability on palms and trees shall be 12 months from the date of practical
completion of the whole of the works.

c) The Contractor shall maintain insurances of relevant items as required by the

Contract throughout the Maintenance Period.

v. Operations and Maintenance Manual

a) The Contractor shall compile a comprehensive Operations and Maintenance Manual which will
include the following:
 Pesticide/fungicide/herbicide applications - including safety application rates and procedure,
schedules of pesticides/fungicides/herbicides.
 Irrigation Land Drainage and Storm-water Drainage - including water application rates and
maintenance procedures.
 Fertilization - including fertilizer descriptions, application rates and programmes.
 Salinity Control - including leaching methods, and leaching programme monitoring.

b) Maintenance Tasks
The Operations and Maintenance Manual shall address all maintenance tasks including but not be limited to
watering, weeding, cultivating, control of insects, or diseases by means of spraying with approved
insecticides, herbicide, or fungicide, pruning, adjustment and repair of anchors and wire, repair of minor
washouts and other horticultural operations necessary for the proper growth of plants and for keeping the
contract area neat in appearance.
Technical specifications shall list descriptions of the various tasks and shall include:
 Trees, Shrubs, Climbers and Ground covers
 Repair of stakes and ties
 Weeding and raking
 Cultivation
 Pruning
 Replace soil in eroded planting beds
 Maintaining depth of mulch
 Grass


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

 Cut to maintain at a height of 20mm

 Weeding and raking
 Reseeding/ re-turfing/ re-sprigging
 Removal of grass clippings where required
 De-thatching, topdressing, aeration and renovation to maintain health of lawn at a minimum of 3
times a year or as required by the Engineer.
 Fertilizer Program
 Organic applications
 Tablet applications
 Liquid feed applications
 Granular applications
 Spraying
 Use of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides
 Safety in application
 Irrigation (refer to separate irrigation specification)
 Adjustment, repair, flushing cleaning and rescheduling as required.
 Monitoring to ensure correct moisture depth is maintained.

vi. Tree Maintenance

a) Irrigation
Water as necessary at approved rate and time, preferably at night or early or late in the day. Avoid
inadequate and excessive applications of irrigation water and limit to quantities required for plant
development. Leach as necessary at approved timing and rate subject to site and species. Maintain
irrigation equipment to required standard.

b) Fertilizer Application
Apply fertilizer as necessary to particular site. Normally give annual application of Phosphate
fertilizer and if necessary combined slow release fertilizer each at specified rate. Apply dry and water
well. To be applied in February or March each year.

c) Weeding and Hoeing

Maintain areas close to base of trees free from weeds within one metre of plants. Maintain soil
surface and control weeds by regular cultivation at approximately 3 month intervals. Weeds may
be removed by hand or eradicated by environmentally acceptable methods using a non-residual
glyphosate herbicide in any of its registered formulae, at the recommended maximum rate.

d) Removal of Shoots and Dead Twigs

Remove any dead twigs or shoots occurring on clean stem of trees.

e) Pruning
 Allow for cutting back of certain types of trees to encourage formation of crown. Limit amount of
pruning to minimum necessary to encourage proper growth, to remove dead or injured twigs
and branches, and to compensate for result of transplanting operations. Prune in such a manner
as not to change natural habit or shape of tree. Make cuts flush leaving no stubs.
 On all cuts over 25mm diameter and on bruises or scars on barks, trace back injured cambium to
living tissue and remove. Smooth wounds with a sharp knife to avoid retention of water and coat
treated area with approved tree sealant in accordance with BS 399 Protection


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

 Maintain all fencing around plantations, screens or protection to individual trees as necessary.
Maintain hessian

f) Hard Areas Bordering Trees

Maintain paving or other hard surfaces that may become removed or loosened by growth of trunk
or root system of trees. Remove stakes and ties at the end of the maintenance period if so directed.

g) Tree Ties
Loosen or remove tree ties in accordance with growth of trunk to avoid construction of growth.

vii. Shrub, Vines, Climbers And Ground Cover Maintenance.

a) Irrigation

b) Water as necessary at approved rate and timing, preferably at night or early or late in the day.
Avoid excess applications of irrigation water and limit to quantities required for plant
development. Leach as necessary at approved timing and rate subject to site and species.
Maintain irrigation equipment to required standard.

c) Fertilizer Application

d) Apply fertilizer as necessary to particular site and species. The following operations to be

i. Three weeks after planting give all shrubs and ground cover beds a granular
slow release nitrogen fertilise. Repeat every three months after planting.

ii. Give annual application of approved phosphate fertilizer and if necessary,

combined fertilizer each at specified rate. Apply dry and water in well. To be
applied in February or March each year.

e) Weeding and Hoeing

All climber pockets and shrubs borders shall be hoed forked or hand weeded where appropriate
and all areas kept clear of weeds. Remove all debris or other refuse. Trodden ground to be hoed,
forked or raked over as necessary.

f) Removal of Water Shoots and Dead Twigs

Remove any dead twigs or water shoots occurring on clean stem of shrubs.

g) Pruning

i. Cut back certain shrubs in early spring to encourage bushiness. With the
exception of hedges and ground cover plants, shrubs shall be pruned to
maintain natural shape.

ii. Shrub species with a significant display of flowers shall not be pruned after the
formation of lower buds until completion of the flowering season.

h) Replacement of Stakes, Canes or Ties

Replace stakes and fix new ties to climbers as described.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

i) Protection
Maintain all fencing, screens or other protection as necessary.

j) Tying in of Vines and Climbers

All shoots of vines and climbers shall be tied regularly in as they grow to provide a framework of
branches for future flowering and trellis/ wall coverage. All shoots shall be tied up immediately to
prevent snagging pedestrians.

viii. Grass Maintenance

Maintenance shall consist of watering, weeding, cutting, repair to all erosion and settlement and reseeding
as necessary to establish a uniform and healthy stand of the specified grasses.

a) Fertilizer Application
Prior to irrigation give top dressing every three months of approved quantities of nitrogen fertilizer,
applied dry, evenly, and mixed with fine washed sand. Apply, in alternation, compound fertilizer
every three months.

b) Weeding
Remove large leaved weeds and coarse grasses - weeds may be removed by hand or eradicated by
environmentally acceptable methods using a non-residual glyphosate herbicide in any of its
registered formulae, at the recommended maximum rate.

c) Spiking
Aerate soil twice a year in spring and autumn by spiking then top-dress with a graded sand.

d) De-thatching
De-thatching should take place twice a year in the spring and autumn.

e) Topdressing
Topdressing should be applied a minimum of 4 times a year.

f) Stone Picking
Remove all stones that work their way to the surface by regular handpicking.

g) Cutting
Mow grass at necessary intervals with approved machine. In the summer the interval between
mowing shall be 5-7 days or as required to avoid sun scorch. Cutting height shall be a minuim
height of 15mm and a maxium height of 20mm so to avoid a scalped appearance and minimise
thatch build-up. First cutting to follow removal of stones etc. grass height 75 mm use rotoscythe or
similar. All grass clippings shall be collected.

ix. Irrigation Maintenance

Refer to separate Irrigation Specification for full details. Generally irrigation equipment shall be maintained.
Each emitter and sprinkler head shall be checked after planting and then weekly for first six months of
maintenance period and thereafter monthly until the end of the maintenance period.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

All grassed areas, subject to die back from tree shading as trees mature shall be replanted with stolons of a
shade tolerant grass species (as approved by the Engineer).
i. The landscape contractor shall spray against insect and fungus infestation with all spraying to be carried out
in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. Report all instances of pests and diseases (immediately
that they are detected) to the Engineer.

ii. Specific checks for pests and disease to be carried out every month by a trained member of staff.

iii. All equipment should be surface sterilised (with methylated spirit) after use on the plants which are known,
or suspected to be diseased. All diseased wood, fungi, prunings etc., to be burned after removal from
diseased plants. (Methods and location of burning must be approved by the local authority having
i. Corrective foliar sprays of the micronutrients shall be applied to plants on the identification of deficiency
symptoms. 1.12 kg/ha of manganese or manganese sulphate to be sprayed to deficient plants and sprays re-
applied at intervals of approximately two weeks until deficiency is alleviated. 100g of chelated iron/100 litres
of water to be sprayed to counteract iron deficiency and be repeated at two-weekly intervals.
ii. A foliar spray of Zinc at 265g of zinc/100 litres of water shall be sprayed at intervals on plants, which exhibit
zinc deficiency. Micronutrients shall be sprayed only with proper safeguards and at such times to ensure that
there is no human contact with the spray. The Contractor shall ensure that the spray does not contaminate
any food crops.
iii. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the micronutrient concentrations and methods of
application are not hazardous to human or animal health and shall present Spraying Program and necessary
precautions to the local authority having jurisdiction for approval prior to commencement of operations.
i. Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides to be used must have Municipality approval. Products must
conform with the agricultural chemicals approval scheme as agreed between the manufacturers of
agricultural chemical and the agricultural departments of the country of manufacture.
ii. Chemicals will be applied according to manufacturers recommendations ensuring safety at all times to
humans and animals and to avoid contamination to any water source, food crops or surrounding areas.
During the term of the maintenance period the landscape contractor shall remove rubbish that may occur
and reoccur throughout the maintenance period. This work shall be carried out regularly so that at weekly
intervals the area may be observed in a completely clean and tidy condition.
All mulched surfaces shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and be reinstated if necessary to
ensure that a depth of 75mm is maintained. Ensure mulch is kept clear of plant stems at all times.
Any soil subsidence or erosion which may occur after the soil filling and preparation operation s shall be
made good by the landscape contractor at no cost to the client.
Keep a log book recording when and what maintenance work has been done and what materials, including
toxic materials, have been used. Make the log book available for inspection on request.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification

i. All dead plants and plants not in vigorous condition shall be replaced. Replacement plants shall be of the
same size and species as originally specified and shall be planted as specified.
ii. All replacements with the exception of palm trees shall be planted only between mid-October to the end of
March. If the final inspection at the end of the maintenance period occurs between these dates and
additional replacement planting is directed, the planting shall be done between mid and the end of
i. Final inspection for acceptance shall be made at the conclusion of the period of maintenance and guarantee
provided that all project improvements and corrective work has been completed. If improvements are not
completed, maintenance shall be continued until completion of such work.
ii. Prior to being considered ready for inspection Contractor shall have done a final weeding and raking of all
planted areas, removing all debris, leaving the site in a clean orderly appearance.


CHAPTER IV: Planting Specification


Appendix 1 – Suppliers List

i. Al Bayader Nursery

ii. Al Ryum Nursery

iii. Cityscape Nursery

iv. Desert Group Nursery

v. Exotica Nursery

vi. Gulf Landscapes Nursery

vii. Orient Irrigation Nursery





CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications


1 P A R T 1 : W A T E R F E A T U R E S ...................................................................................................... 81
1.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 81
1.1.1 Scope of Work ..............................................................................................................................................................................81
1.1.2 Water Supply ................................................................................................................................................................................81
1.1.3 Power Supply ...............................................................................................................................................................................81
1.1.4 Standards .......................................................................................................................................................................................81
1.1.5 Quality Assurance .......................................................................................................................................................................81
1.1.6 Qualifications ................................................................................................................................................................................81
1.1.7 Pre-Installation Meetings .........................................................................................................................................................82
1.1.8 Quality Control Benchmarks...................................................................................................................................................82
1.2 PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 83
1.2.1 General Design ............................................................................................................................................................................83
1.2.2 Mechanical Design .....................................................................................................................................................................83
1.2.3 Quality Assurance Certificates ...............................................................................................................................................83
1.2.4 Shop Drawings.............................................................................................................................................................................83
1.2.5 Samples ..........................................................................................................................................................................................84
1.2.6 Manufacturer’s Documentation............................................................................................................................................84
1.2.7 Manufacturer’s Recommendations .....................................................................................................................................84
1.2.8 Construction Methodology ....................................................................................................................................................84
1.2.9 Construction General ................................................................................................................................................................84
1.3 PRODUCTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
1.3.1 Wall Finishes (Tiling and Rendering) ...................................................................................................................................85
1.3.2 Finishes ...........................................................................................................................................................................................85
1.3.3 Equipment Enclosure (refer to appendix) .........................................................................................................................85
1.3.4 Copper Nozzles and Overflow Channel .............................................................................................................................85
1.4 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
1.4.1 Installation Generally.................................................................................................................................................................86
1.4.2 Soil Conditions for Excavations .............................................................................................................................................86
1.4.3 Structural Shell .............................................................................................................................................................................86
1.4.4 Waterproofing the Gunite Shell ............................................................................................................................................86
1.4.5 Gunite Application .....................................................................................................................................................................86
1.4.6 Gunite Application Equipment .............................................................................................................................................87
1.4.7 Pumping Equipment .................................................................................................................................................................88
1.4.8 Filter Pumps and Motors ..........................................................................................................................................................88
1.4.9 Filter Design ..................................................................................................................................................................................89
1.4.10 Water Quality & Sterilisation ...................................................................................................................................................89
1.4.11 Pipeline Installation ...................................................................................................................................................................90
1.4.12 Pipeline Fixing ..............................................................................................................................................................................90
1.4.13 Supports for Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines ........................................................................................................90
1.4.14 Supports for Thermoplastic Pipelines.................................................................................................................................90
1.4.15 Installation of Insulation Pipelines .......................................................................................................................................90
1.4.16 Joints in Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines ................................................................................................................90
1.4.17 Joints in Thermoplastic Pipelines .........................................................................................................................................91
1.4.18 Backwashing (Drainage) ..........................................................................................................................................................91
1.4.19 Installation of Water Softeners ..............................................................................................................................................91
1.4.20 Electrical Switchboard & Timers............................................................................................................................................91
1.4.21 Level Control to Water Features ...........................................................................................................................................91
1.4.22 Water Feature MEP Accessories ............................................................................................................................................91
1.5 COMPLETION .................................................................................................................................................................................... 92


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.5.1 Flushing and Filling ....................................................................................................................................................................92

1.5.2 System Disinfection’s ................................................................................................................................................................92
1.5.3 Testing and Commissioning of Pipework .........................................................................................................................92
1.5.4 Cleaning .........................................................................................................................................................................................92
1.5.5 Labelling of all Equipment and Plant ..................................................................................................................................92
1.5.6 Water for the Filling of the Water features........................................................................................................................92
1.5.7 Documentation ...........................................................................................................................................................................92
1.5.8 Operating Tools ...........................................................................................................................................................................92
1.5.9 Labels...............................................................................................................................................................................................92
1.5.10 Deviations in Design ..................................................................................................................................................................93
1.5.11 Operating Instructions ..............................................................................................................................................................93
1.5.12 Drawings ........................................................................................................................................................................................93
1.5.13 Water Feature Chemicals .........................................................................................................................................................93
1.5.14 Warrantees and Guarantees ...................................................................................................................................................93
1.5.15 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................................................93
1.5.16 Spare Parts .....................................................................................................................................................................................93


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications


1.1.1 Scope of Work
 The Scope of this Sub-Contract is the Design, Construction, Waterproofing, and Guaranteeing of
several different complete water features together with and inclusive of a submersible pumps,
UV/Ozone sterilisation and other such MEP related items for the operation of the water features.
 The project scope covers the Design, Supply and Installation of various types of water features and all
associated specialist structural application, MEP designs, as detailed and set out in the associated
design intent drawings from the Landscape Architect.
 All plant shall be housed in dedicated plant rooms as indicated on the drawings.
 The following general specifications outline minimum standards in order to provide the Sub-
contractor with a good understanding of the project. The entire responsibility does however lie with
the subcontractor to provide a full and comprehensive design and supply services.
 The Sub-Contracted works shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Main Contract.
 The following general specifications outline minimum standards and are assembled in order to give
the Sub-contractor a good understanding of the project. The entire responsibility does however
lie with the subcontractor to provide a full and comprehensive design and supply services.
1.1.2 Water Supply
 Refer to MEP Consultants drawings and specifications for detailed requirements.
1.1.3 Power Supply
 Refer to MEP Consultants drawings and specifications for detailed requirements.
1.1.4 Standards
 All works are to be executed according to the valid standards, directives, government codes and
building regulations and any such applicable regulations.
 Any proposal for use of an alternative type of material or product must include proposals for
substitution of compatible products and details to reflect evidence of equivalent durability, fitness
for purpose and aesthetic appearance as a whole. If such substitution is approved, provide revised
drawings and manufacturers written guarantees.
1.1.5 Quality Assurance
 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary on the drawings or in the requirements specified herein,
all Works of this Section shall meet the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction.
1.1.6 Qualifications
 Fountains & Water Feature Designer
 Sub-contractor must employ a suitably qualified and experienced pool designer including
the Engineering Staff to complete the Mechanical and Electrical designs.
 Such designers shall have a minimum of ten (10) years’ experience; provide proof of
experience for Engineer's approval.
 Sub-contractor
The Sub-contractor must:
 Have been regularly engaged in engineering, manufacturing, fabricating, finishing, and
installing the type of work specified in this section for minimum of ten years. Submit proof


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

of experience.
 Be able to demonstrate satisfactorily completed works of similar size to this project.
 Be thoroughly conversant with the laws, bylaws and regulations of the geographical region
of the project
 Be capable of workmanship of the best grade of modern shop and field practice known to
recognised manufacturers specialising in these type of Works.
 Have a full time, senior, qualified foreman at the Site to direct the Works of this Section.
 Manufacturer
 The manufacturer performing the Works of this Section shall be, during the tendering
period as well as during installation, ISO 9001/ 2000 certified or equivalent.
1.1.7 Pre-Installation Meetings
 Prior to commencing the Works of this Section, arrange for Manufacturers' technical representative
to review with the Client, Main Contractor, Project Manager and Engineer procedures to be adopted,
conditions under which the Works of this Section will be done, and inspect the surfaces to receive the
products, in order that any alternate recommendations may be made should adverse conditions
1.1.8 Quality Control Benchmarks
 Provide quality control benchmarks of each type of fountain and water feature as determined later
by the Engineer in locations where these are indicated on the drawings and as directed on site by the
Project Manager and Engineer.
 Each quality control benchmark shall be full size for the Sub-contractor's, Sub-contractor's, Project
Manager's, Engineer's and product manufacturers' technical representatives’ review of application,
quality and workmanship.
 Co-ordinate the Works of this Section required for the quality control benchmarks with all the Works
of other Sections.
 Make all adjustments as directed by the Engineer.
 Do not proceed with the Works of this Section until the quality control benchmarks have been
reviewed and accepted by the Engineer. The quality control benchmarks shall be incorporated into
the finished Works of this Section if so accepted by the Engineer.



CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.2.1 General Design
 The Sub-contractor will be responsible for:
 The design of all Mechanical plant and Electrical (including lighting) systems required to
operate the water features including all equipment types, sizes, capacity and suitability for
the installation. All to be in accordance with MEP Consultants drawings and specifications
 The reinforcement design, installation and application of all waterproofing linings to the
fountains and water features.
 The supply and installation of all accessories including lighting, electrical and mechanical
equipment and their commissioning.
 Ensuring that all plant in this specification section is fit for purpose. The specified plant is
the minimum standard required; notwithstanding this clause and the requirements of this
section, the Sub-contractor must ensure the requirements of the performance specification
are fulfilled.
 Ensure that all fabrications and applications are fit for purpose, this includes the
elastomeric waterproofing application upon the trowelled gunite surface.
 Ensure that the application of finishes adhere to the wet environment and that the
appropriate adhesive is used.
1.2.2 Mechanical Design
 The Sub-contractor will provide relevant UV or Ozone water purification assemblies and PH
correction for each fountain and water feature.
 The Sub-contractor will maintain fountain and water feature water quality at all times to ensure
compliance with all recommendations and guidelines laid down by the local statutory authorities
and Advisory bodies.
 The distribution systems shall be based on a conventional submersible pump arrangement whereby
water enters via wall/ floor inlets and returns through outlets to the submersible pump via a UV or
Ozone purification system.
 The distribution design shall be based on a zonal flow principal with the average turnovers as
specified. Special attention shall be paid to give adequate water distribution to avoid dead areas.
1.2.3 Quality Assurance Certificates
 Provide certified copies of quality assurance certificates that the Manufacturer, is and shall be for the
duration of the Works, ISO 9001/ 2000 certified or equivalent.
 On Completion, submit a certificate signed by the Sub-contractor, which states that the Works of this
Section have been installed as specified in this Section. No final payment for the Works of this Section
will be made without receipt of the quality assurance certificate.
1.2.4 Shop Drawings
 Submit shop drawings in accordance with Conditions of the Contract.
 Indicate each fountain and water feature layout and configuration, installation, details of tiling,
coping, pool accessories including mechanical and electrical systems, including products,
dimensions and layouts. Show fabrication, materials, installation and operation details, and methods
of anchoring, thickness and finishes of materials, relationship of Works of other Sections, including
required cut-outs and all other pertinent data and information.
 Shop drawings shall be included but not be limited to:
 Full mechanical system installation
 Full electrical system installation including lighting
 Full tiling and coping layout.
 Calculations shall verify that equipment and components are sized in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations, the referenced standards and good engineering


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.2.5 Samples
 Samples shall be submitted to the site or as directed to confirm compliance with specification
 Provide samples of all material to be used in the Works of this Section including but not limited to:
 Provide three (3) samples of all fixtures, fittings and piping
 Provide full size samples of all tiles
 Provide full size samples of all stone copings & GRC copings
 All mechanical and electrical products including but not limited to fittings, equipment,
pipes and the like. Keep samples on site, in an acceptable, protected location until work has
been inspected, reviewed and accepted.
1.2.6 Manufacturer’s Documentation
 Before commencing the Works of this Section the Sub-contractor shall submit to the Engineer all
catalogue excerpts, diagrams, drawings and other such data as may be required to demonstrate
compliance with the Specifications for review.
1.2.7 Manufacturer’s Recommendations
 The Sub-contractor shall submit manufacturer’s recommendations for installation and
commissioning of each piece of equipment for review and acceptance prior to commencing the
 Recommendations shall include testing methods, storage requirements, (if applicable) maintenance
and operational data. The Sub-contractor shall follow these instructions unless otherwise authorised
to deviate by the Engineer.
1.2.8 Construction Methodology
 Detailed materials and equipment lists for all items included in the scope of this Section, together
with full technical literature on each item.
 The following shall also be submitted supporting the methodology:
 Bar chart and programme for the whole works.
 List of key personnel, roles and responsibilities involved in the project.
 Commissioning and testing programme, including training of Clients personnel.
 Calculations shall verify that equipment and components are sized in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and good engineering practice.

1.2.9 Construction General

 Verify site dimensions prior to fabrication. Fabricate work true to dimensions and square.
 Finished work shall be free from distortion and defects detrimental to appearance and performance.
 Provide reinforcing, fastening and anchorage required for building on of products.
 Insulate between dissimilar metals and metal and masonry materials to prevent electrolysis with
bituminous paint or by other means acceptable to the Supervision Consultant.
 All fountains and water features are to be provided with an independent water level sensor
interlocked with solenoid valves for automatic water make up.
 All fittings should be compatible with installation and shall be installed in strict accordance with
manufacturers' recommendations.
 Products shall not have attached plates, nor shall they be imprinted or labelled with manufacturers
name or trademark unless accepted by the Engineer.
 Provide miscellaneous specialities indicated on the Drawings and not included in the Works of other
Sections in addition to the items listed below. The list supplied herein is not necessarily complete,
and shall be augmented by thorough inspection of drawings and all other requirements to complete
Work. Where items are required to be built into masonry, concrete or other work, supply such items
to respective Sections with all anchors and accessories for building in and protect items with visible
finished surfaces.


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.3.1 Wall Finishes (Tiling and Rendering)
 General: Refer to Hardscape Material Schedule for wall finishes specifications and copings..
 Fixing: Latex modified thin mortar bed conforming to ANSI A118.10
 Grout: High performance, chemical resistant, two components, water cleanable, non-sagging 100%
solids epoxy grout system conforming to ANSI A118.8 Colours to be selected by the Engineer.
 Allow for two colours to be selected from Manufacturer's standard range.
 Accessories: All tiles necessary to complete the installation including but not limited to,
bullnose/pencil round edge tiles, internal and external corners, skirting and step tiles.
1.3.2 Finishes
 Please refer to finishes schedules
1.3.3 Equipment Enclosure (refer to appendix)
 An existing 40m2 plant room currently resides in the 2nd level basement below the ground fllor
where the water features are located.
 It shall be the responsibility of the specialist designer to acquaint themselves with the current
existing conditions and understand that pipe routing will be required through the existing basement
wall below grade to reach the proposed water features at ground floor level.
 See attached diagrammatic floor plan indicating the approximate location of the plant room versus
the outdoor water features.
1.3.4 Copper Nozzles and Overflow Channel
 The Contractor is to submit for approval all decorative copper components relating to nozzles and
the SS-316 overflow channel.
 These copper components shall be “aged” in appearance without a polished or reflective surface.
 Copper accessories shall be purpose designed where required and as indicated or alternative
proprietary items can be submitted for review and approval by the landscape architect.



CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.4.1 Installation Generally
 Performance: Free from leaks and the audible effects of expansion, vibration and water hammer.
 Concealment: All elements that do not form part of the display.
 Fixing of equipment, components and accessories: Fix securely to the structure (RC or GRP Shells) of
the feature using appropriate purpose made fixings.
 Preparation: Prior to installation, clear all surfaces of debris and projections.
 Access: Allow adequate space for inspection, servicing and maintenance.
 Corrosion resistance: In locations where moisture is present or may occur, provide corrosion resistant
fittings/ fixings and avoid contact between dissimilar metals by including suitable washers, gaskets,
1.4.2 Soil Conditions for Excavations
 The Sub-contractor is to acquaint themselves with the expected site conditions to be found in the
area for excavations before submission of tenders for the water features, by comprehensive
inspection of the existing conditions on site.
 Do not proceed with the Works of this Section until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Commencement of Works of this Section implies acceptance of surfaces and conditions.
 Install products in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions and to Supervision
Consultants review and acceptance.
 All excavations, where necessary, for piping reticulation, sumps and weir structures etc. for water
features will be the responsibility of the Sub-contractor.
 Allowance is to be made in the tender price for the removal from the excavation of all spoil material
resulting from excavations. Dumping on site of spoil will be permissible in designated areas not
further then 500m from the excavation.
1.4.3 Structural Shell
 Blockwork structure to water features (if required) shall be the responsibility of the Sub-contractor.
 RC structural grade and reinforcement shall be the responsibility of the Sub-contractor, the RC /
Gunite design must be fit for purpose (water vessel) and shall be formally reviewed by the Resident
 GRP shells shall conform to local and international standards for fabrication testing standards.
1.4.4 Waterproofing the Gunite Shell
 The waterproofing system shall be a 2 part systems as follows:
o Initial waterproofing shall take place directly on top of the smooth trowelled gunite surface
in the form of a fibre reinforced elastomeric paint applied application.
o Additional fibre glass sheeting shall be applied with the application to corners of the shell
for additional reinforcement.
o A latex fortified adhesive grout shall be used for finishes (tiles) applications. It shall provide a
uniform, flexible high strength adhesive for the tile application.
1.4.5 Gunite Application
 The water pressure shall be maintained at a uniform level, at least 0.1N/mm² above the operation
pressure and sufficient to ensure adequate hydration at all times.
 The minimum reinforcement cover shall be 40mm from any formwork, concrete and masonry, and
25mm from the finished sprayed surface or as specified by the Engineer.
 The reinforcement shall be cleaned of any previously deposited rebound material, which might
prevent proper bonding.
 Prior to the application of Gunite all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned with a strong blast of air
and water.


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

 The thickness and the alignment of the sprayed materials shall be controlled by guide wire or other
means as agreed with the Design Consultant.
 The layer of Gunite shall be built up making several passes of the nozzle over the working area.
 The Gunite shall emerge from the nozzle in a steady uninterrupted flow. Should the flow become
intermittent for any cause, the nozzle man shall direct it away from the work until it becomes
 The distance of the nozzle from the works shall be between 600mm and 1500mm. As a general rule,
the nozzle shall be held perpendicular to the application surface. However, when shooting through
the reinforcing bars, the nozzle shall be held closer and at a slight angle in order to permit
encasement and facilitate the removal of the rebound.
 For vertical surfaces, the application shall commence at the bottom.
 The first layer shall at least completely embed the reinforcement. The layer thickness shall be
governed mainly by the requirement that the materials should not sag, where the layers are applied.
 The top surface shall be maintained at a slope of approximately 45 degrees.
 Where necessary a layer of Gunite can be covered by the succeeding layer, but it shall be allowed first
to take its initial set. Any laitance, which has been allowed to take final set, shall be removed. The
surface shall be cleared and wetted by using a strong blast of air and water.
 All areas of placement shall be kept free and clean of rebound at all times. Under no circumstances
shall rebound material be reworked into construction.
 The construction shall be tapered to a thin edge at approximately 30 degrees unless instructed by
the Engineer.
 No square joints will be allowed.
 A proper operating air compressor of ample capacity is essential to a satisfactory Guniting operation.
The Sub Contractors compressor shall maintain a supply of air adequate to maintain sufficient nozzle
velocity for all parts of the work while operating a blow pipe for cleaning of rebound material if
required. The nozzle shall be capable of delivering a conical uniform discharge stream. Distortion of
this system shall be remedied immediately, and any malfunction rectified by replacement of
defective parts.
 Adequate ground wires are to be installed to establish the thickness and finished plane of the Gunite.
 Ground wires shall be placed so that they are tight and true to line, and in such a manner that they
may be easily tightened.
 The following table stipulates minimum structural properties for the performance of Gunite required
at a working temperature of 21°C:

1.4.6 Gunite Application Equipment

 All equipment used shall be able to have 10.5m³ of actual free air/minute at a minimum pressure of
31639.5 kg/m² of gun chamber plus necessary back-up power for jetting requirement where cleaning
 For any hose exceeding 30 metres, the pressure shall be increased by 2.27 kilogram’s for every
additional 15 metres of hose required.
 All equipment must be to the satisfaction of the Engineer showing the right type of nozzle, chamber
or plates to complete the job.
 Equipment that does not meet all requirements of design and quality will not be accepted.
 The Sub Contractor must provide evidence that he has equipment suitable for carrying out the
contract in the geographical region of the contract.


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

Compressive Strength, ASTM C 109

Duration of Curing
1 Day 3,500 psi (24.2 MPa)
28 Days 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa)

Compressive Strength, ASTM C 42 in accordance with ACI 506R-90

Duration of Curing
3 Days 6,000 psi (41.4 MPa)
7 Days 7,500 psi (51.8 MPa)
28 Days 8,500 psi (58.7 MPa)

Bond Strength, ASTM C 882

Duration of Curing
7 Days 2,000 psi (13.8 MPa)

Chloride Ion Permeability, ASTM C 1202

Duration of Curing
28 Days Very Low ( <1,000 Coulombs)

Thermal Coefficient of Expansion, ASTM C 531 5.0 x 10-6 in/in/°F (9.0 x 10-6

Working Time at 70°F (21°C) 30 minutes

1.4.7 Pumping Equipment

 Pumping equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and
in a neat and workmanlike manner to ensure optimal serviceability.
 Equipment and piping shall be adequately supported.
 Electrical equipment shall be installed to conform to local authority codes.
 Each particular function of the pump station shall be demonstrated in accordance with an acceptable
commissioning procedure developed by the Sub Contractor and shall include, but not be limited to
all automatic starting and stopping functions and filter flushing.
 Pump flow rate pressure and FLC of each motor shall be measured and shall conform to
Manufacturers printed data.
 The Sub Contractor shall be responsible for a complete working installation including all necessary
peripherals required for proper functioning of the entire system.

1.4.8 Filter Pumps and Motors

 The submersible pumps installed are to be positioned and ensured that the motors are in a
horizontal and level manner, supported and able to be easily removed for maintenance purposes.
 Mechanical seals suitable for bromine treated water must be offered.
 These pump/s are to be rated for the total flow rate required. The Sub-contractor is to supply a curve
indicating the friction and pump duty point for the system under dirty and clean filter conditions.
 The pump head calculations shall take in to account the pressure drop across the circulation pipes
and bends.


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

 The total shut-off head for the pump/s are not to exceed the maximum allowable working pressure
of the filter. The Sub-contractor is to ensure that the filtration system headloss is designed as
required and the pumps matched accordingly.
 Preference will be given to the Sub-contractor supplying motors with the lowest absorbed power
and running costs.
 The Sub-contractor is nevertheless to ensure that the cartridge filter can be properly fluidised.
 All submersible pumps should be appropriately concealed and hidden from view.
 Thus the pump shall be housed in a sump, as required by the size of the pump, within the RC or GRP
shell (where possible) or otherwise in an independent underground GRP tank facility nearby the
water feature. The final location, level and recessed manhole cover of the tank shall be approved by
the landscape architect and clearly indicated on the shop drawings.
 The sump shall be concealed by a recessed SS-316 grate with the appropriate mosaic or tile finish of
the surrounding water feature, installed inside the recessed cover.
 All necessary perforations are to be accommodated within the cover to allow sufficient flow rates as
 The Sub-contractor shall propose and submit for approval a modified shell design to incorporate the
submersible pump.
1.4.9 Filter Design
 Only the best quality equipment, resulting in a homogenous corrosion-free high quality final product
will be acceptable.
 The Sub-contractor is to supply a filter system of homogenous corrosion free construction material
such as G.R.P. (glass reinforced polyester) complete with removable lids or manholes to allow
servicing of internal filter components.
 An alternative may be provided for e.g. stainless steel construction. If other construction materials are
proposed it must be provided complete with life corrosion free guarantee.
 The filter is to be designed and installed in such a manner as to utilise the minimum plantroom area
and reduce the building costs accordingly.
 The filters must be manufactured from suitable materials, example - stainless steel 316 or glass
reinforced polyester, designed so that no bolts, nuts, inserts or any other metal items are in contact
with the water.
 The filters will be manufactured in a manner to allow the filter media to be checked without
dismantling of any pipework installed within the filtration room.
 Top entry pipework forming part of the filter lid and requiring dismantling for media inspection will
not be allowed.
 The spreader and collector system is to be arranged in a manner that the pipe or fittings are fixed,
regardless of whether the filter has been filled with media or not.
 Each filter is to be provided with a minimum of one access hole of 230mm diameter for changing of
 A full pressure test certificate will be required and issued to the Engineer before installation of any
1.4.10 Water Quality & Sterilisation
 The Contractor shall supply and install a UV or Ozone Steriliser to maintain a balanced and clean
water system in combination with a chemical dosing system.
 The UV or Ozone Steriliser shall meet the following minimum requirements and be sized
appropriately for the flow rate calculated by the Contractor.
 3 to 20 gallons per minute [gpm]
 120 to 1200 gallons per hour [gph]
 Potable & high purity water applications
 Type 316 Stainless Steel, electropolished and passivated
 Easy-Off™ Retainer Cap for effortless lamp change
 Drain Plug for in place drainage of the purifier
 Sight port to view germicidal lamp operation


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

 UL Approved Ballast
 “Mighty Pure” UV-Steriliser or equally approved
1.4.11 Pipeline Installation
 Appearance: Install pipes straight, and parallel or perpendicular to walls, floors, and other built
 Joints, bends and offsets: Minimize.
 Access: Locate runs to facilitate installation of equipment, accessories and insulation and allow access
for maintenance.
 Electrical equipment: Install pipelines 150 mm (minimum) clear of electrical equipment.
 Separation: Do not run pipelines through electrical enclosures or above distribution
boards, controllers or outlets.
 Insulation: Allow space around pipelines to fit insulation without compression.
1.4.12 Pipeline Fixing
 Fixing: Secure and neat.
 Pipeline support: Prevent strain, e.g. from the operation of taps or valves.
 Drains and vents: Fix pipelines to falls. Fit draining taps at low points and vents at high points.
 Thermal expansion and contraction: Allow for thermal movement of pipelines. Isolate from structure.
 Noise or abrasion of pipelines caused by movement: Prevent.
 Pipelines passing through walls, floors or other built elements: Sleeve.
1.4.13 Supports for Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines
 Spacing: Fix securely and true to line at the following maximum centres:
 15 and 22 mm pipe OD: 1.2 m horizontal, 1.8 m vertical.
 28 and 35 mm pipe OD: 1.8 m horizontal, 2.4 m vertical.
 42 and 54 mm pipe OD: 2.4 m horizontal, 3.0 m vertical.
 Additional supports: Locate within 150 mm of connections, junctions and changes of direction.
1.4.14 Supports for Thermoplastic Pipelines
 Spacing: Fix securely and true to line at the following maximum centres:
 Up to 16 mm pipe OD: 300 mm horizontal, 500 mm vertical.
 17–25 mm pipe OD: 500 mm horizontal, 800 mm vertical.
 26–32 mm pipe OD: 800 mm horizontal, 1000 mm vertical.
 Additional supports: Locate within 150 mm of connections, junctions and changes of direction.
1.4.15 Installation of Insulation Pipelines
 All above ground pipelines: Insulate in unheated spaces.
 External supply pipelines: If less than 750 mm below finished ground level, Insulate.
 Appearance: Fix securely and neatly. Make continuous over fittings and at supports.
 Gaps: Not permitted.
 Location of seam: On 'blind' side of pipeline.
 Timing: Fit insulation after testing.

1.4.16 Joints in Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines

 Preparation: Cut pipes square. Remove burrs.
 Joints: Neat, clean and fully sealed. Install pipe ends into joint fittings to full depth.
 Bends: Do not use formed bends on exposed pipework, except for small offsets. Form changes of
direction with radius fittings.
 Adaptors for connecting dissimilar materials: Purpose designed.
 Substrate and plastics pipes and fittings: Do not damage, e.g. by heat when forming soldered joints.
 Flux residue: Clean off.


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.4.17 Joints in Thermoplastic Pipelines

 Fittings and accessories for joints: Purpose designed.
 Preparation: Cut pipes square. Remove burrs.
 Joints: Neat, clean and fully sealed. Install pipe ends into joint fittings to full depth.
 Compression fittings: Do not over tighten.
1.4.18 Backwashing (Drainage)
 Since the water features do not reply on a conventional filtration system, backwashing requirements
are not required however sufficient drainage must be allowed from within the most practical are of
the water feature floor to allow for cleaning & maintenance.
 All discharged drainage shall be reticulated to the adjacent villa sewerage system.
1.4.19 Installation of Water Softeners
 Supply continuity: Fit bypass pipe and stop valves for continuity of water supply.
 Drains: Connect overflow/ drain lines to trap and waste.
 Back siphonage: Prevent back siphonage of brine during regeneration process.
1.4.20 Electrical Switchboard & Timers
 Pumps and lights to conform to BS EN 60335-2-41 and BS 60598-2-18 respectively.
 The Sub-contractor is to allow for all wiring and installation of the switchboard to be provided
complete with terminations to all items of equipment offered.
 The Client will only be responsible for the incoming power supply to the switchboard provided.
 The switchboard is to include for all the proposed items of equipment including main isolator, pump
running lights.
 All water features shall be wired and controlled via the main swimming pool switchboard and on an
independent timer system.
1.4.21 Level Control to Water Features
 The tender is to provide for electronic water monitoring and topping up system complete with
stainless steel probes and level control system.
 A connection to the municipal supply and feed into the pool circulation system must be made within
the plantroom / plant chambers for the water features.
 Two sets of probes are to be installed in the respective sumps of the water features, for automatic
filling as well as low-level protection. All electrical cabling and connections from the plantroom to
the sump shall form part of the Sub-contract.
 The system must be capable of maintaining water level of the water features at all times also
including after a backwashing procedure.
 All proposed systems shall be completely concealed from the viewer and indicated clearly as such on
the shop drawings.
1.4.22 Water Feature MEP Accessories
 All exposed accessories (inlet nozzles, strainers, drains and jets) to be fitted with marine grade
stainless steel – 316. All other fitting which are not visible to be white ABS.
 All deck boxes, sump covers or any other accessory within paved areas to be recessed and installed
with the same adjacent paving material.
 Recessed covers/frames to be constructed of marine grade stainless steel – 316. Ensure sufficient key-
grip mechanism for lifting of such recessed covers.



CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.5.1 Flushing and Filling
 Standard: To BS 6700 clause
1.5.2 System Disinfection’s
 Standard: To BS 6700 clauses–
1.5.3 Testing and Commissioning of Pipework
 Standard: To BS 6700 clause 3.1.12.
 Notice (minimum): 3 days.
 Preparation: Secure and clean pipework and equipment. Fit tank covers.
 Leak testing: Run the system until all parts are at normal operating pressures for a period of 3 hours.
 Pressure testing: Joints, fittings and components must be free from leaks and signs of physical
distress when tested for at least 1 hour as follows:
 Systems fed directly from the mains: Apply a test pressure equal to 1.5 times the maximum
pressure to which the installation or relevant part is designed to be subjected in operation.
 Systems fed from storage: Apply a test pressure equal to the pressure produced when the
storage cistern is filled to its normal maximum operating level.
 Inaccessible or buried pipelines: Carry out hydraulic pressure test to twice the working pressure.
 Equipment: Check and adjust operation of equipment, controls and safety devices.
1.5.4 Cleaning
 Equipment: Clean immediately before handover.
1.5.5 Labelling of all Equipment and Plant
 The entire plant is to be labelled and the various labelled items indicated on the plant flow diagram
for operator convenience.
1.5.6 Water for the Filling of the Water features
 Water for the purpose of Construction during the duration of the Sub-Contract will be provided to
the Sub-contractor free of charge.
 The water features will be filled with purified water from a municipal supply system, thereafter
treated by the filtration plant of the successful Sub-contractor.
1.5.7 Documentation
 Contents:
 Full technical description of each system installed.
 Manufacturers' operating and maintenance instructions for equipment and controls.
 Manufacturers' guarantees and warranties.
 System operating and maintenance instructions for the system as a whole giving optimum
settings for controls and maintenance intervals for all equipment.
 Record drawings showing the location of circuits, fittings, apparatus and operating
 List of normal consumable items.
 Electrical inspection and completion certificates.
 Number of copies: In accordance with Section A.
1.5.8 Operating Tools
 Tools: Supply tools for operation, maintenance and cleaning purposes.
 Keys: Supply keys for valves, vents and cabinets.
1.5.9 Labels
 Valve labels: Provide on isolating and regulating valves on primary circuits, stating function.


CHAPTER V: Water Features Performance Specifications

1.5.10 Deviations in Design

 To facilitate this tender, the Sub-contractor shall complete this tender as is. Should however, any
deviations from the tender specifications be offered, the Sub-contractor is to ensure that a rough
schematic indicating the various flows and items of equipment is enclosed to allow adjudication
purposes. This is to be clearly marked as a proposed alternative to the given tender.
1.5.11 Operating Instructions
 On commissioning of the plant the successful Sub-contractor is to hand over two complete sets of
operating instructions, a wall-mounted flow diagram, wiring diagram, service intervals and spare
parts required for the filter operation.
 Plant Operation explanation and full training service must be provided to the plantroom operator on
the handling of the plants.
 The Sub-contractor will further also include for two further visits to the site, per water feature, at one-
monthly intervals to assist the operator in any problems experienced.
1.5.12 Drawings
 The Sub-contractor is to supply to the Architect of Record for submission to the Local Authority,
drawings sufficient for Local Authority approval, including for the requirements in terms of the
structural integrity of the Water features, as well as-built drawings when the plant is complete.
 Final certificate and payment will not be made unless the Client is of the opinion that all required
tender items have been met.
1.5.13 Water Feature Chemicals
 All water features shall be treated by means of UV or Ozone sterilisation, in accordance with the
manufacturer’s operating instructions.
 Additional automatic dosing systems for bromine or chlorine are required in combination with the
UV/Ozone treatment.
 The Sub-contractor is to supply a complete set of start-up chemicals where required to allow for 2
weeks operation per water feature.
1.5.14 Warrantees and Guarantees
 Submit a written warranty for the Works of this Section for five (5) years in accordance with the
Contract Documents
 If any parts of the Works of this Section, including design, fabrication or installation are sublet to any
party, such party shall provide a collateral warranty equivalent to the warranty for the Works of this
1.5.15 Maintenance
 Maintenance instructions shall specify warnings of any maintenance practice or materials, which may
damage or disfigure each item.
 Submit Operations and Maintenance Manual in accordance with the Contract documents.
 Operating instruction chart framed and Installed on wall in each Pump Room.
 The Sub-contractor shall also provide the following to the Engineer for review and acceptance:
 Detailed materials and equipment lists for all items included in the scope of this Section,
together with full technical literature on each item.
1.5.16 Spare Parts
 The Sub-contractor shall submit manufacturers listing of spare parts for acceptance.






CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification



1 G R P & G U N I T E S W I M M I N G P O O L S .................................................................................... 97
1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
1.1.1 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................................................................. 97
1.1.2 Standards .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
1.1.3 Pool Operating Standards .......................................................................................................................................................... 98
1.1.4 Quality Assurance .......................................................................................................................................................................... 98
1.1.5 Qualifications................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
1.1.6 Pre-Installation Meetings ............................................................................................................................................................ 98
1.1.7 Quality Control Benchmarks ..................................................................................................................................................... 99
1.1.8 Verification of Performance ....................................................................................................................................................... 99
1.2 DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99
1.2.1 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................................................................... 100
1.2.2 Swimming pool overflow design .......................................................................................................................................... 100
1.2.3 Coping to edge of Swimming Pools..................................................................................................................................... 100
1.2.4 Expansion Joints........................................................................................................................................................................... 101
1.2.5 Interior Finish to Pools ............................................................................................................................................................... 101
1.2.6 Applications against internal Planters ................................................................................................................................. 101
1.2.7 Vacuum Sweeping Equipment to Swimming Pools ...................................................................................................... 101
1.3 GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................101
1.4 LEVEL CONTROL .........................................................................................................................................................................................102
1.5 INLET NOZZLES & MEP ACCESSORIES......................................................................................................................................................102
1.6 SAFETY REGARDING SUCTION, DRAINAGE AND BACKWASHING ...........................................................................................................102
1.7 POOL ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................................................................................................................102
1.8 SUBMITTALS...........................................................................................................................................................................................103
1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTIFICATES ........................................................................................................................................................103
1.10 SHOP DRAWINGS ....................................................................................................................................................................................104
1.11 SAMPLES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................104
1.12 PRODUCT DATA ......................................................................................................................................................................................104
1.13 MANUFACTURER’S DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................................................................104
1.13.1 Manufacturer’s Recommendations .................................................................................................................................... 105
1.13.2 Construction Methodology ................................................................................................................................................... 105
1.14 MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS.........................................................................................................................................................105
1.14.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
1.14.2 Products ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 106
1.14.3 Backwash ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
1.14.4 Valves.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 108
1.14.5 Filter bed Depth ......................................................................................................................................................................... 108
1.14.6 Valves and Flanges .................................................................................................................................................................... 108
1.14.7 Chemical Dosing Equipment (Bromine) ........................................................................................................................... 108
1.14.8 Test Kit............................................................................................................................................................................................ 109
1.14.9 Electrical Switchboard ............................................................................................................................................................. 109
1.14.10 Vacuum Sweeping Equipment to Swimming Pools ................................................................................................. 109
1.14.11 Level Control to Swimming Pools..................................................................................................................................... 109
1.14.12 Plant room (Pipework & Fitting Generally) .................................................................................................................... 110
1.14.13 Pipeline Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 110
1.14.14 Pipeline Fixing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 110
1.14.15 Supports for Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines .................................................................................................... 110
1.14.16 Supports for Thermoplastic Pipelines............................................................................................................................. 110
1.14.17 Installation of Insulation Pipelines ................................................................................................................................... 110


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.14.18 Joints in Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines ............................................................................................................ 111

1.14.19 Joints in Thermoplastic Pipelines .................................................................................................................................... 111
1.14.20 GRP shell ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Relevant Standards ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
1.14.21 Tiling ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 111
1.14.22 Waterproof Membrane ......................................................................................................................................................... 111
1.14.23 Light Fittings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 111
1.14.24 Delivery, Storage and Handling ........................................................................................................................................ 111
1.15 FABRICATION/ INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................................................112
1.15.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
1.15.2 Projected Site Conditions....................................................................................................................................................... 113
1.15.3 Sequencing & Scheduling ...................................................................................................................................................... 113
1.15.4 Soil Conditions for Excavations............................................................................................................................................ 113
1.15.5 Site Conditions for Concrete Slabs .................................................................................................................................... 113
1.15.6 Gunite Application .................................................................................................................................................................... 114
1.15.7 Gunite Application Equipment ............................................................................................................................................ 115
1.15.8 Pumping Equipment................................................................................................................................................................ 115
1.16 COMPLETION ......................................................................................................................................................................................116
1.16.1 Flushing and Filling .................................................................................................................................................................. 117
1.16.2 System Disinfection’s ............................................................................................................................................................... 117
1.16.3 Testing and Commissioning of Pipework ........................................................................................................................ 117
1.16.4 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 117
1.16.5 Labelling of all Equipment and Plant ................................................................................................................................. 117
1.16.6 Water for the Filling of the Water features ...................................................................................................................... 117
1.16.7 Documentation .......................................................................................................................................................................... 117
1.16.8 Operating Tools ......................................................................................................................................................................... 117
1.16.9 Labels ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 117
1.16.10 Deviations in Design .............................................................................................................................................................. 117
1.16.11 Operating Instructions .......................................................................................................................................................... 118
1.16.12 Drawings ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
1.16.13 Pool Chemicals ......................................................................................................................................................................... 118
1.16.14 Warrantees and Guarantees ............................................................................................................................................... 118
1.16.15 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................................. 118
1.16.16 Spare Parts ................................................................................................................................................................................. 118
1.0 APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................................................................................................120
TILING (PART 1)....................................................................................................................................................................................................121


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification


1.1.1 Scope of Work
 Project scope covers the Design, Supply and Installation of Gunite and GRP Preformed pools as
indicated on the drawings, with all associated MEP designs, as detailed and set out in the associated
design intent drawings from the Landscape Architect.
 The Scope of this Sub-Contract is the Design, Construction, and Guaranteeing of several different
complete Swimming Pools together with and inclusive of a filtration, circulation and heat
exchanging systems.
 The following general specifications outline minimum standards and are assembled in order to give
the Sub-contractor a good understanding of the project. The entire responsibility does however lie
with the subcontractor to provide a full and comprehensive design and supply services.
 The Sub-Contracted works shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Main Contract.
 The Sub-Contract Works involve inter alia:

 Submission of all necessary shop drawings, calculations and material submittals as

required by any member of the consultant team for comment and approval. In particular;
complying with conditions as stipulated by the responsible structural engineer for the
overall project, regarding the structural integrity of the pools, detailed design thereof and
their integration with the overall construction systems of the complex as designed by the
said structural engineer;
 Main Hotel Pools: Design and carrying out of all pressure guniting and waterproofing of
the floor and walls of the pools, ensuring that all penetrations through the walls and floors
of the pools and through the adjacent structural slabs, beams and walls are thoroughly
 Villa Pools: Design and carrying out of all GRP pool shell fabrications ensuring coordinated
penetrations through the shell per the requirements of the associated MEP reticulation
 Submission of all necessary shop drawings, calculations and material submittals for
comment and approval by the Architect of Record, Engineers and the Landscape Architect,
regarding the design and aesthetic aspects of the swimming pools, and detailed design
thereof, including MEP.
 The application of any finish stipulated, either polymer membrane, ceramic tiles or gel coat
finish, as approved, to ensure a smooth consistent waterproof finish to the pools;
 Design and compliance of design of all pools with regard to all relevant and appropriate
safety regulations as stipulated by Local Authorities.
 Appointment of and co-ordination of the actions of a Specialist, to be appointed as a Sub-
Contractor to the successful Sub-contractor (if not in house), to be responsible for the
design, approval and installation of a complete filtration, circulation and heat exchange
systems for the swimming pools, all installed complete in plant rooms or plant chambers as
indicated in the layout plans which form part of this document; Tenderers are to supply the
size of all plant rooms as part of their tender submission.
 Co-ordination of the actions of a Specialist to be selected, who will be appointed as a Sub-
Contractor to the successful tenderer (if not in house) for the installation and completion of
all pump units, supply and return piping for water inlets to the various pools, drainage, as
called for on the drawings.
1.1.2 Standards
 All works are to be executed according to the valid standards, directives, local authority codes and


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

building regulations and any such applicable regulations.

 Any proposal for use of an alternative type of material or product must include proposals for
substitution of compatible products and details to reflect evidence of equivalent durability, fitness
for purpose and aesthetic appearance as a whole.
 If such substitution is approved, provide revised drawings and manufacturers written guarantees.

1.1.3 Pool Operating Standards

 The following operating criteria shall be adopted:
 Villa Pools: A heat exchanger & inline heating system and associated conventional pump
and filtration system is required. Thus a mean water temperature summer and winter of
28°C with provision for chilling to 18°C or heating to as much as 32°C shall be provided for
 Main Hotel Pools: A heat exchanger & inline heating system and associated conventional
pump and filtration system is required. Thus a mean water temperature summer and
winter of 28°C with provision for chilling to 18°C or heating to as much as 32°C shall be
provided for.
 The overall operating standards shall comply with the requirements of the relevant local
authority and Hotel Operator design guidelines with regard to water changes, sanitation
and filtration.
1.1.4 Quality Assurance
 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary on the drawings or in the requirements specified herein,
all Works of this Section shall meet the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction.

1.1.5 Qualifications
 Swimming Pools Designer
 Contractor must employ a suitably qualified and experienced pool designer including the
Engineering Staff to complete the Mechanical and Electrical designs.
 Such designers shall have a minimum of ten (10) years’ experience; provide proof of
experience for Engineer's approval.
 Subcontractor
The sub-contractor must:
 Have been regularly engaged in engineering, manufacturing, fabricating, finishing, and
installing the type of work specified in this section for minimum of ten years. Submit proof
of experience.
 Be able to demonstrate satisfactorily completed works of similar size to this project.
 Be thoroughly conversant with the laws, bylaws and regulations of the geographical region
of the project
 Be capable of workmanship of the best grade of modern shop and field practice known to
recognise manufacturers specialising in these types of Works.
 Have a full time, senior, qualified foreman at the Site to direct the Works of this Section.
 Manufacturer
 The manufacturer performing the Works of this Section shall be, during the tendering
period as well as during installation, ISO 9001/ 2000 certified or equivalent.
 Pneumatically Applied Concrete (Gunite) Applicator (Main Hotel Pools ONLY)
 The Sub Contractor must have not less than 5 years proven experience in Gunite
construction installation.
 All nozzle men or gunmen and rod men must have at least 3 years structural experience.
 Provide written evidence showing such satisfactory experience.

1.1.6 Pre-Installation Meetings

 Prior to commencing the Works of this Section, arrange for Manufacturers' technical representative
to review with the Sub-contractor, Sub Sub-contractor, Project Manager and Engineer procedures to
be adopted, conditions under which the Works of this Section will be done, and inspect the surfaces


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

to receive the products, in order that any alternate recommendations may be made should adverse
conditions exist.
1.1.7 Quality Control Benchmarks
 Provide quality control benchmarks of each type of swimming pool as determined later by the
Engineer in locations where these are indicated on the drawings and as directed on site by the
Project Manager and Engineer.
 Each quality control benchmark shall be full size for the Client’s, Sub-contractors, Project Manager's,
Engineer's and product manufacturers' technical representatives review of application, quality and
 Co-ordinate the Works of this Section required for the quality control benchmarks with all the Works
of other Sections.
 Make all adjustments as directed by the Engineer.
 Do not proceed with the Works of this Section until the quality control benchmarks have been
reviewed and accepted by the Engineer. The quality control benchmarks shall be incorporated into
the finished Works of this Section if so accepted by the Engineer.
1.1.8 Verification of Performance
 If requested by the Engineer, arrange for swimming pool’s technical representative to inspect the
Works of this Section at intervals during installation and on completion arrange for manufacturer's
technical representative to submit written verification of compliance with the Specifications and the




CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.2.1 Scope of Work

 The Sub-contractor will be responsible for:
 The design of all Mechanical plant and Electrical (including lighting) systems required to
operate the pools including all equipment types, sizes, capacity and suitability for the
 Villa Pools: The fabrication of the GRP in strict accordance with fabricating and testing
standards as mentioned in this document. Additionally, be responsible for the
transportation, hoisting and installation of the shell into the sub grade with appropriate
backfilling procedures.
 Main Hotel Pools: The reinforcement and installation of the Gunite structure in strict
accordance with British/American standards and those present in the country of the
project. Furthermore the installation of any waterproofing application on the Gunite
(cementitious type or similar).
 Additionally, coordination and reviewing through the resident engineer of the project is
required and alterations based upon their advice may be required.
 The supply and installation of all pool accessories including handrails, ladders, safety
markings, lighting, electrical and mechanical equipment and their commissioning.
 The detail design and installation of all tiling and accessories, based on the finishes
 Gaining local authority Environmental Health Department status of no objection through
the submission of the design drawings. The Contractor shall incorporate this requirement
into his programme.
 Ensuring that all plant in this specification section is fit for purpose. The specified plant is
the minimum standard required; notwithstanding this clause and the requirements of this
section, the contractor must ensure the requirements of the performance specification are
1.2.2 Swimming pool overflow design
 Where required, these pools are to be constructed with a box gutter weir system, as well as a floor
drain take-off system (infinity pools for both residential and Main Hotel Pools as indicated on the
 The Sub-contractor is to specify the proportions proposed for the respective take-off at the time of
submission of the tender and is to indicate the positions of floor drains on the submission plans and
 Cover to overflow channels shall be a proprietary composite system, “Jonite” or equally approved.
1.2.3 Coping to edge of Swimming Pools
 The Sub-contractor is to make allowance for the installation of the limestone coping tiles (as a free
supply to them by the hardscape contractor). These shall be fixed with the required epoxy tile
adhesive (GRP Pools) and grout (Gunite Pool), all to be laid around the perimeter of the pool
absolutely level and neatly pointed. Coping tiles are to be bedded in a 4:1 mix of river sand and
cement, the ring beam of the pool having first received neat cement slush.
 Tilling to scum line of the swimming pool will be specified from a range to be supplied for approval
by the sub-contractor, prior to commencing with installation. The scum line tile shall consist of a
single row of 25x25mm patterned slate mosaic tiles, as specified by the Landscape Architect, laid to a
level and true line, absolutely flush the tiled surface of the pool, and to a depth of approximately
150mm from the underside of the pool coping. The tiles shall be laid vertically on a 4:1 screed of
plaster sand and cement, and grouted with a non-shrink grout system, colour to be specified at
installation of the mosaics.
 Field tiles shall be 50x50mm and 100x100mm slate tiles (Main Hotel Pools) or 20x20mm glass
mosaics (Villa Pools).
 All step edges are to be demarcated by the use of a single row of ceramic tiles that contrast clearly in
colour to the filed tiles to designate each step, to be supplied for approval by the sub-contractor.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.2.4 Expansion Joints

 Sub-contractors are to make allowance for the supply and installation of all expansion joints as
required and approved by the structural engineer, to prevent cracking of surrounding surfaces.
Expansion joints shall be min.10mm wide with compressible filler board, backing material and 20mm
deep mastic fill to nearest match the adjacent paving/tile work.
1.2.5 Interior Finish to Pools
 Finish to the walls and the floor of the GRP Pools (Villa Pools) and the Gunite Structure (Main Hotel
Pools). Field tiles shall be 50x50mm and 100x100mm slate tiles (Main Hotel Pools) or 20x20mm glass
mosaics (Villa Pools).
 Tiles are to be laid in accordance with manufacturers specifications to a smooth, even and true finish.
Sample panel of proposed pool tiles are to be produced for approval on site.
 A chamfered 45deg tile shall be installed to all corners (bottom of pool or step edges).
1.2.6 Applications against internal Planters (Main Hotel Pools ONLY)
 Structure: Reinforced concrete or dense concrete blockwork by Civil Works contractor. The Gunite
application should be reinforced and lapped up the side of the planters to meet the structural top of
planter levels of the reinforced structure extending up from the roof of the slab.
 Internal Liner:
 Insitu applied 12mm thick GRP liners in accordance with local standards. Integration with
the MEP engineers
 External Finishes:
 Finishes as per Landscape Architects proposal for the Main Hotel Pools
 Accessories:
 Drainage detail per typical planter detail on slab as indicated in the softscape details
package. Internal applications of drainage cell, geotextile liners and drainage medium all
per details provided by the Landscape architect.
1.2.7 Vacuum Sweeping Equipment to Swimming Pools
 Main Hotel Pools: The sub-contractor is to allow for the supply and commissioning of a robust
residential complete vacuum sweeping system, capable of being by a single operator on an
extendable aluminium broom. The floating hose of a minimum 63mm diameter and coupling to the
point provided must be allowed for.
 Villa Pools: The sub-contractor is to allow for the supply and commissioning of a robust residential
complete vacuum sweeping system, capable of being by a single operator on an extendable
aluminium broom
1.3 General Mechanical Requirements
 The Contractor will provide filtration and PH correction for each pool system.
 Reference specialist Lighting Designers plans and details for pool lighting.
 The Contractor will maintain pool and water feature water quality at all times to ensure compliance
with all recommendations and guidelines laid down by the local statutory authorities and Advisory
 The distribution design shall be based on a zonal flow principal with the average turnovers as
 The tender calls for the effective water distribution, flocculation, filtration, sanitization and Ph-
correction of a water purification works capable of meeting the standards required such as DIN
19643 to an acceptable standard of water treatment for the proposed swimming pools.
 The pool circulation pipework is to be priced to ensure that a velocity of 2m/s is not exceeded on
suction and 2.4 m/s on delivery pipework.
 A full specification offer showing friction calculations is to be provided by the Sub-contractor.
 The Sub-contractor is to coordinate with the Main Contractor in terms of discharge of backwashed
 Tender Requirements:
 This tender calls for the complete supply, delivery, off-loading, installation, testing and


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

commissioning to full working operation of a filter plant and associated equipment for the
swimming pools as indicated on the drawings.
 The filtration system is to be capable of a turn around time of a minimum of 4 hours.
 All weirs, floor drains and returns are to be supplied by a Filtration Plant Specialist (if not in
house) for installation and building in place by Swimming Pool Sub-Contractor.
 The Sub-contractor is to provide for and include certain items required for the filtration system
operation, including;
 Drainage from plant room to stormwater/waste system, to Engineers approval.
 Incoming water supply at no more than 3 bar pressure.
 Quick fill system with isolation valve in plant room.
 Electrical Distribution board and connection to Pool Board.
 Backwash drain point complete with pressure breaking tank.
 Should the design of the filtration system require additional building works, to be
carried out by others, (dividing walls etc) these additional building works must be
stipulated and budgeted for by the Sub-contractor. The cost of such building works
will be added to the Tender Sum for the purpose of adjudication of the tenders
1.4 Level control
 An automatic level control system is to be installed for the Main Hotel Pools.
1.5 Inlet nozzles & MEP Accessories
 Sub-contractor to specify the number, position and diameters of return lines to be fed from the plant
 All exposed fittings shall be marine grade SS-316 (deck boxes, skimmer lids, inlet/outlet nozzles,
strainers, drains, jets, recessed covers associated with the pool MEP etc). Recessed covers to be
constructed of marine grade stainless steel – 316. Ensure sufficient key-grip mechanism for lifting of
such recessed covers.
 All other fitting which are not visible to be white ABS for all types of pools.
1.6 Safety Regarding Suction, Drainage and Backwashing
 During reticulation or backwashing or any other operation which might result in excessive suction at
drainage/draw points within the pool circulation, the Contractor shall ensure that all precautions are
taken to prevent a dangerous event or harm to a pool user or child by suction at these locations
 This particularly references to a child’s ability to be able to freely swim near a drainage point without
any danger of inhibiting their movement or freedom in the pools.
 All such drainage systems shall be designed with safety items/accessories preventing the potential,
above-mentioned events from happening without diminishing the aesthetics of the tile work or any
other aspect of the pool design. This implies anti-vortex systems or similar such equipment.
 The Contractor shall demonstrate prior to any installation of the MEP reticulation system, through
means of data or inspection of a previous project, to reassure the landscape consultant that the
above concerns have been dealt with.
 All drainage systems will be inspected at the time of testing and commissioning and thoroughly
assessed against the above principles to ensure complete compliance prior to any issuing of a
completion certificate.
1.7 Pool Accessories
 Nylon removable safety net to cover the full surface area of each proposed Villa Pool.
 Net shall be elastic tensioned with integrated stainless steel (SS-316) clips for fastening within the
pool rim (recessed).
 Net aperture shall not exceed 100x100mm and flex within the net shall accommodate a weight of
40kg or less without any surface contact with the water level beneath.
 Net shall be of woven nylon type (non-shrink material) and colour of clear contrast with the finished
mosaic colour.
 All pools to be installed with min. 1No. stainless steel 316 handrail or as indicated in the drawings.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

 Villa Pools: SS-316 wall ladder with SS cover plates when ladder is removed. Refer to the Appendix B
for examples of suitable handrails.
 Main Hotel Pools: The subcontractor is to ensure that all handrails/ladders are designed and
installed so as to meet and exceed the requirements of the local council.
 Main Hotel Pools: To be installed with depth markers at all edges (approx. 300x250mm). Markers
shall be CNC engraved into the natural stone coping tile and filled with an epoxy paint system to
match the adjacent aluminium screen work (Madinat Brown). Font shall be in “Sans Type” or similar
at a minimum of 2” tall in Metric Units as well as Empirical Units. An associated “No Diving” symbol
should be engraved on the tile or adjacent tile per the sample below.


1.9 Quality Assurance Certificates
 Provide certified copies of quality assurance certificates that the Manufacturer, is and shall be for the
duration of the Works, ISO 9001/ 2000 certified or equivalent.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

 On Completion, submit a certificate signed by the Sub Contractor, which states that the Works of this
Section have been installed as specified in this Section. No final payment for the Works of this Section
will be made without receipt of the quality assurance certificate
1.10 Shop Drawings
 Submit shop drawings in accordance with Conditions of the Contract.
 Indicate each swimming pool and water feature layout and configuration, installation, details of
tiling, coping, pool accessories including railings/ladder, mechanical and electrical systems, including
Products, dimensions and layouts.
 Show fabrication, materials, installation and operation details, and methods of anchoring, thickness
and finishes of materials, relationship of Works of other Sections, including required cut-outs and all
other pertinent data and information.
 Shop drawings shall include but not be limited to:
 Pump room layout at 1:50 scale
 Full mechanical system installation
 Full electrical system installation including lighting
 Full tiling and coping layout.
 Swimming pool accessories and depth and safety markers.
 Calculations shall verify that equipment and components are sized in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations, the referenced standards and good engineering
1.11 Samples
 Samples shall be submitted to the site or as directed to confirm compliance with specification
 Provide samples of all material to be used in the Works of this Section including but not limited to:
 Provide three (3) samples of all fixtures, fittings and piping
 Provide full size samples of all tiles
 Provide full size samples of pool ladders
 Provide 600mm samples of railing and guard rails
 Provide 600mm samples of stone copings
 All mechanical and electrical products including but not limited to fittings, equipment,
pipes and the like.
 Keep samples on site, in an acceptable, protected location until work has been inspected, reviewed
and accepted.
1.12 Product Data
 Submit product data in accordance with Conditions of the Contract.
 Products specified are to establish performance and quality required and is not intended to restrict
submission for substitutions.
 Acceptance of products from other manufacturers will be subject to review by the Engineer, for
conformity with the specifications and meeting the physical characteristics of the specified products.
 During this review of alternate products the Engineer will require submission of technical data
verifying that all specified standards and products are met, submission of alternative profile samples
similar to that detailed, and a list of references of successfully completed projects of similar size in the
last five (5) years. Include compliance with referenced standards.
 Submittals, which do not include adequate data for the product evaluation, will not be considered.
 The compliant Tender shall not include any alternatives and shall conform to the requirements of the
Specification Section and the Drawings.
 Substitutions shall be clearly identified.
1.13 Manufacturer’s Documentation
 Before commencing the Works of this Section the Sub Contractor shall submit to the Engineer all
catalogue excerpts, diagrams, drawings and other such data as may be required to demonstrate
compliance with the Specifications for review.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.13.1 Manufacturer’s Recommendations

 The Sub-contractor shall submit manufacturer’s recommendations for installation and
commissioning of each piece of equipment for review and acceptance prior to commencing the
 Recommendations shall include testing methods, storage requirements, (if applicable) maintenance
and operational data. The Sub-contractor shall follow these instructions unless otherwise authorised
to deviate by the Engineer.
1.13.2 Construction Methodology
 Detailed materials and equipment lists for all items included in the scope of this Section, together
with full technical literature on each item.
 Bar chart and programme for the whole works.
 List of key personnel, roles and responsibilities involved in the project.
 Commissioning and testing programme, including training of Clients personnel.
 Calculations shall verify that equipment and components are sized in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and good engineering practice.



1.14.1 General
 Provide miscellaneous specialities indicated on the Drawings and not included in the Works of other
Sections in addition to the items listed below.
 The list supplied herein is not necessarily complete, and shall be augmented by thorough inspection


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

of drawings and all other requirements to complete Works.

 Where items are required to be built into masonry, concrete or other work, supply such items to
respective Sections with all anchors and accessories for building in and protect items with visible
finished surfaces.
1.14.2 Products
 All pools shall be provided with independent water level sensors and interlocked with solenoid
valves for automatic water make up.
 All pool fittings should be compatible with installation in GRP pools and Gunite pools and shall be
installed in strict accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.
 Products shall not have attached plates, nor shall they be imprinted or labelled with manufacturers
name or trademark unless accepted by the Engineer.

The following are a list of equipment parameters, particularly attributed to the Main Hotel Pools as
indicated in the MEP schedule. Deviations from these items listed below which remain specific for
the baseline options for the Villa Pools area highlighted separately in the appropriate sections:

 Leafstrainers
 The Sub-contractor is to supply the filter pump in the design with an independent
leafstrainer of homogenous corrosion free construction material such as G.R.P. (Glass
reinforced polyester) complete with removable lid and stainless steel basket.
 If the above cannot be provided an alternative must be provided for e.g. stainless steel
construction. Other construction materials must be provided complete with life corrosion-
free guarantee.
 The leafstrainer should be fitted with a stainless steel basket with dimensions of minimum
10 times the pump suction area and apertures of minimum 4mm. When the basket is in
place it must be supported to prevent movement other than the removal for cleaning.
 The leaf strainers will be fitted with line size inlets and pump suction outlets to match the
pool reticulation. Pump suction sizes must be matched accordingly to ensure that no
pump cavitations take place.
 The Sub-contractor is to ensure that the main suction lines are fed and distributed equally
into the leafstrainers and the vacuum sweeping lines are connected to one of each of the
leaf strainers.
 The Sub-contractor is to ensure that the filtration system head loss is designed as required
and the pumps matched accordingly. The pump head must also include for the pressure
drop through the heat exchanger and ancillary equipment as provided by the Main

 Filter Pumps and Motors

 The pumps installed, complete with all concrete plinths, where required, are to be
positioned so as to ensure that the motors are in a horizontal and level manner, supported
and able to be removed with the pump body with the filter system kept intact.
 Mechanical seals suitable for bromine treated pool water must be offered.
 An optional extra can be shown for body internal epoxy coating and bronze impeller.
 These pump/s are to be rated for the total flow rate required. The Sub-contractor is to
supply a curve indicating the friction and pump duty point for the system under dirty and
clean filter conditions.
 The pump head calculations shall take in to account the pressure drop across heat
exchanges / inline heated for the heating and cooling of the swimming pool.
 The total shut-off head for the pump/s are not to exceed the maximum allowable working
pressure of the filter. The Sub-contractor is to ensure that the filtration system headloss is
designed as required and the pumps matched accordingly.
 Preference will be given to the Sub-contractor supplying motors with the lowest absorbed
power, running and maintenance costs.
 The Sub-contractor is to ensure that any pump can be operated at any given time without


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

recirculation to the other pump.

 All pumps are to be fitted with non-return valves, complete with isolation valves post non-
return valves to allow dismantling, cleaning and replacement if required.
 The Sub-contractor is nevertheless to ensure that the filter bed can be properly fluidised
and that efficient back washing can take place with the equipment and pumps offered.

 Filter Design
 Only the best quality equipment, resulting in a homogenous corrosion-free, high quality
final product will be acceptable.
 The Sub-contractor is to supply a filter system of homogenous corrosion free construction
material such as G.R.P.(Glass Reinforced Polyester) complete with removable lids or
manholes to allow servicing of internal filter components.
 An alternative may be provided for e.g. stainless steel construction. If other construction
materials are proposed it must be provided complete with life corrosion free guarantee.
 The filter is to be designed and installed in such a manner as to utilise the minimum plant
room / plant chamber area and reduce the building costs accordingly.
 The filters must be manufactured from suitable materials, example - stainless steel 316 or
glass reinforced polyester, designed so that no bolts, nuts, inserts or any other metal items
are in contact with the water.
 The Sub-contractor may further supply rapid sand or dual media filtration systems.
 The filters will be manufactured in a manner to allow the filter media to be checked
without dismantling of any pipework installed within the filtration room.
 Top entry pipework forming part of the filter lid and requiring dismantling for media
inspection will not be allowed.
 The spreader and collector system is to be arranged in a manner that the pipe or fittings
are fixed, regardless of whether the filter has been filled with media or not.
 Each filter is to be provided with a minimum of one access hole of 230mm diameter for
changing of media.
 Each filter bank is to be fitted with a minimum of two filter and two backwash valves
respectively. This should be matched to the raw and clean water lines entering and leaving
the filter.
 A maximum of 6 filter units will be allowed on each bank.
 The filter tanks must be able to operate at a working pressure of not less than 200Kpa.
Preference will be given to a filter with a test pressure of minimum 2 x operating pump
shut-off pressure or 300 Kpa minimum.
 A full pressure test certificate will be required and issued to the Engineer before installation
of any equipment.

 Modular Filter Banks

 A modular filter vessel construction where a number of vessels are mounted on a common
manifold type system will be allowed.
 If this is offered it must be offered with a raw and clean water manifold wall mounted.
 For ease of operation, only a filter fitted with an automatic air release valve will be allowed.
No manual air release valves fitted to the filter will be acceptable.
 The filter is to be fitted with piping inlets and outlets ensuring that sufficient filtration and
backwash circulation can take place.
 This must be sized to ensure that a speed of 2m/s is not exceeded. If an underdrain
system is offered, the underdrain components must be removable as individual items
without requiring complete replacement of the underdrain or collector.
 All filters in the modular arrangement are to be supplied with unions or stubsets on inlets
and outlets determined by the filter size.

 Pressure Gauges
 The filter is further to make use of a minimum of 100mm diameter glycerine filled pressure
gauge operating between 0 and 250Kpa mounted in an easily accessible and visible


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

position. The gauge is to indicate normal operating and back-washing pressure.

1.14.3 Backwash
 The tender shall supply and install a backwash pressure-breaking tank. The backwash from the
filtration plant must be fed into the backwash facility and specific care must be taken that no media
is lost on the backwash line by the insertion of suitable precautions such as orifice plates to prevent
over backwashing.
 Sufficient buffer capacity for bathers, backwash, return, and volume flow rate is required.
 All backwashing and tie-in to existing/designed sewerage system shall be coordinated under the
main contractor and reviewed for approval by the MEP engineer to the project.
1.14.4 Valves
 The valve system will be a manifold size, simple valve changeover for the two filter and two
backwash valves respectively on each filter bank offered. Sub-contractors are to note that a further
facility must be provided for a rinse cycle (normal filtration direction) to waste before return to pool
operation will be allowed.
 Use of filterbanks arranged with 2" Multiport valves will not be allowed.
 A commercial multiport valve with a minimum line size of 110 mm will be allowed allowing full
facility for closing, rinse backwash etc. of the filter The valve may be mounted on the filtration vessel
and therefore considered part of the filter.
 Butterfly PVC or Rubberlined Cast Iron coated valves, rubberlined and uPVC discs will be allowed
offering full corrosion protection from the chlorinated water. Valves with diameters of less than
75mm may be of the Ball type in uPVC.
1.14.5 Filter bed Depth
 The filter bed to be minimum of 800mm deep.
 The filter to be a minimum of 1700 mm height.
 All internal components of the filters are further to be arranged in such a manner that fluidisation of
the entire filter bed is possible allowing a minimum of the required 20 - 25% bed expansion.
Preference will be given to a system making use of double under-drains or the nozzle plate
 A further 250mm free board above the filter bed expansion is required in order to allow the media
proper bed expansion during backwashing procedures without media loss.
 The Sub-contractor is further to supply the media he proposes to use complete with tests indicating
the fluidisation rate, bed expansion and particle sizes.
1.14.6 Valves and Flanges
 The valves offered shall be butterfly valves complete with non-corroding internal materials, i.e.
rubber lined, stainless steel insert or fully PVC. Only flanges, bolts and nuts with suitable corrosion
protection, i.e. galvanised or stainless steel 316/304 will be accepted.
1.14.7 Chemical Dosing Equipment (Bromine)
 The Employer is not to feed pool chemicals such as coagulant or pH-correction by hand but pool
chemicals are to be feedable by means of proportional chemical dosing feeding pumps.
 The entire filtration plant must be installed in conjunction with proportional metering chemical
dosing pumps, to feed a suitable pH-correction chemical and maintain the pH of the water between
7.0 and 7.5.
 The onsite drainage system has been approved by the local authorities to discharge only backwash
from pools treated with bromine and not pools treated with chorine.
 The designed pump size should be able to run for a minimum 24-hour period, without the tanks
running dry.
 Each station shall be supplied complete with tank, suction line and foot valve, non return valves,
dosing pumps with suitable stainless steel mounting brackets and bolts, injection line and non return
 Drum mounted pumps will not be allowed.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

 The Sub-contractor is to provide all the required calculations ensuring that not less than 3mg/l can
be fed into the circulation for aluminium sulphate or suitable other flocculation chemicals.
 It is envisaged that a minimum of two dosing pumps be supplied, for the pool and each pump a
minimum suction and delivery line size of 8mm feeding a suitable coagulant chemical such as
aluminium sulphate at a point of high turbulence post pump pre-filtration.
 A pH-correction pump similar in specifications to the flocculation pumps must be allowed and the
dosing pump to feed soda-ash post filtration, thereby neutralising the acidic effect of the bromine
 The Sub-contractor is to supply full technical information regarding the dosing rates, speed rate of
pumps and indicating the minimum 24-hour tank residual at a maximum flow rate for the dosing
pumps selected, these must be oil type dosing pumps same or similar to Alldos 380 v M220/27l/h.
 The Sub-contractor is to allow the installation of a complete water make-up line with isolation valves
to each dosing tank coupled to the municipal water supply point within the plant room facilities.
 The Sub-contractor is responsible for all other equipment he may require to mechanically protect his
installation, which must be included and shown in the tender price.
1.14.8 Test Kit
 On completion of the contract the Sub-contractor is to supply a test-kit to the Swimming Pool
Operator showing all functioning and will be of the Lovibond type testing Bromine by means of the
DPD method.
1.14.9 Electrical Switchboard
 Note; All pumps and lights to conform to BS EN 60335-2-41 and BS EN 60598-2-18 respectively.
 The Sub-contractor is to allow for all wiring and installation of the switchboard to be provided
complete with terminations to all items of equipment offered. The Client will only be responsible for
the incoming power supply to the switchboard provided.
 The switchboard is to include for all the proposed items of equipment including Main isolator, Pump
Running lights, Start /Stop operation, Dosing pumps and Bromination plant, Automatic Interlocking
of chemical equipment pumps and backwash facility to override interlock with automatic resume of
interlocking after backwash.
 A 24-hour timer will be provided together with other items as per the specification sheet supplied.
Timers are to be astronomical.
 Location, position and specification of pool lights are indicated on the attached drawings and are to
be allowed for in the Tender price, positioned in the Pool to approval, preferably radiating in a
direction away from windows and line of sight.
 All electrical design work and installation shall be to the approval of the electrical engineer and local
1.14.10 Vacuum Sweeping Equipment to Swimming Pools
 The sub-contractor is to allow for the supply and commissioning of a robust residential complete
vacuum sweeping system, capable of being by a single operator on an extendable aluminium
broom. The floating hose of a minimum 63mm diameter and coupling to the point provided must
be allowed for.
1.14.11 Level Control to Swimming Pools
 The tender is to provide for electronic water monitoring and topping up system complete with
stainless steel probes and level control system.
 A connection to the municipal supply and feed into the pool circulation system must be made within
the plant room / plant chambers for the pools.
 Two sets of probes are to be installed in the respective sumps of the Swimming Pools, for automatic
filling as well as low-level protection. All electrical cabling and connections from the plant room to
the sump shall form part of the Sub-contract.
 The system must be capable of maintaining water level of the pools at all times also including after a
backwashing procedure.
 Level Control


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.14.12 Plant room (Pipework & Fitting Generally)

 All pipework will be holder batted for this filter installation fully supported and installed in a level and
horizontal manner.
 No pipework is to be supported dependant on the filters.
 Sub-contractors should note that no waste or weld-on fittings would be acceptable throughout the
entire pipework below and above ground or filter installation.
 The Sub-contractor shall supply stainless steel or UPVC pipes.
 Stainless steel pipes of all diameters shall be of grade 316L stainless steel without seams and with
pressure joints.
 UPVC pipes shall be to BS-3505 Class D.
 The Sub-contractor is to allow for all pipework to be cast into the pools and compensation sumps
with suitable puddle flanges.
 Pool inlet nozzles will require appropriate puddle flanges.
 Flanges: All flanges will either be stainless steel, galvanised or of PVC construction.
 Heating / cooling: Locations for heating / cooling equipement to be provided in plant rooms
1.14.13 Pipeline Installation
 Appearance: Install pipes straight, and parallel or perpendicular to walls, floors, ceilings, and other
built elements.
 Joints, bends and offsets: Minimize.
 Access: Locate runs to facilitate installation of equipment, accessories and insulation and allow
access for maintenance.
 Electrical equipment: Install pipelines 150 mm (minimum) clear of electrical equipment.
 Separation: Do not run pipelines through electrical enclosures or above distribution
boards, controllers or outlets.
 Insulation: Allow space around pipelines to fit insulation without compression.
1.14.14 Pipeline Fixing
 Fixing: Secure and neat.
 Pipeline support: Prevent strain, e.g. from the operation of taps or valves.
 Drains and vents: Fix pipelines to falls. Fit draining taps at low points and vents at high points.
 Thermal expansion and contraction: Allow for thermal movement of pipelines. Isolate from structure.
 Noise or abrasion of pipelines caused by movement: Prevent.
 Pipelines passing through walls, floors or other built elements: Sleeve.
1.14.15 Supports for Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines
 Spacing: Fix securely and true to line at the following maximum centres:
 15 and 22 mm pipe OD: 1.2 m horizontal, 1.8 m vertical.
 28 and 35 mm pipe OD: 1.8 m horizontal, 2.4 m vertical.
 42 and 54 mm pipe OD: 2.4 m horizontal, 3.0 m vertical.
 Additional supports: Locate within 150 mm of connections, junctions and changes of direction.
1.14.16 Supports for Thermoplastic Pipelines
 Spacing: Fix securely and true to line at the following maximum centres:
 Up to 16 mm pipe OD: 300 mm horizontal, 500 mm vertical.
 17–25 mm pipe OD: 500 mm horizontal, 800 mm vertical.
 26–32 mm pipe OD: 800 mm horizontal, 1000 mm vertical.
 Additional supports: Locate within 150 mm of connections, junctions and changes of direction.
1.14.17 Installation of Insulation Pipelines
 All above ground pipelines: Insulate in unheated spaces.
 External supply pipelines: If less than 750 mm below finished ground level, Insulate.
 Appearance: Fix securely and neatly. Make continuous over fittings and at supports.
 Gaps: Not permitted.
 Location of seam: On 'blind' side of pipeline.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

 Timing: Fit insulation after testing.

1.14.18 Joints in Copper and Stainless Steel Pipelines
 Preparation: Cut pipes square. Remove burrs.
 Joints: Neat, clean and fully sealed. Install pipe ends into joint fittings to full depth.
 Bends: Do not use formed bends on exposed pipework, except for small offsets. Form changes of
direction with radius fittings.
 Adaptors for connecting dissimilar materials: Purpose designed.
 Substrate and plastics pipes and fittings: Do not damage, e.g. by heat when forming soldered joints.
 Flux residue: Clean off.
1.14.19 Joints in Thermoplastic Pipelines
 Fittings and accessories for joints: Purpose designed.
 Preparation: Cut pipes square. Remove burrs.
 Joints: Neat, clean and fully sealed. Install pipe ends into joint fittings to full depth.
Compression fittings: Do not over tighten.
1.14.20 GRP shell
 GRP fabrication of the pool shells shall be in accordance with local authority requirements and
 The Sub-contractor also shall ensure that the GRP conforms to recognised British or American
standards in terms of:
Relevant Standards
a) ASTM D2583, "Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of a Barcol
b) ASTM D2584, "Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins."
c) ASTM D2563 "Classifying Visual Defects in Glass Reinforced Plastic Laminate Parts".
d) Visual inspection to the requirements of ASTM D2563 Level II.
e) Barcol hardness measurements per ASTM D2583.
f) Acetone sensitivity test for all internal secondary bonds.
g) Glass content by ignition loss on three cutouts per ASTM D2584.
1.14.21 Tiling
 See Appendix A (Wall Finishes Specifications). Pool tiles shall include all accessory tiles necessary to
complete the installation including but not limited to, bullnose edge tiles, internal and external
corners, skirt tiles and step tiles.
 All bespoke cut tiles or mosaics next to any SS-grates, internal corners or steps shall be installed with
an non-shrink epoxy grout.
1.14.22 Waterproof Membrane
 Load bearing, bonded, waterproof membrane conforming to ANSI A118.10 or latest applicable
1.14.23 Light Fittings
 Underwater lights shall meet all codes for underwater installations.
 All pool lights shall allow maintenance and replacement without the need to empty the pool.
 Reference Lighting Designers drawings for further details.
1.14.24 Delivery, Storage and Handling
 Deliver products to the Site undamaged and with labels intact.
 Inspect containers to verify that they have not been opened.
 Store products as required by manufacturer.
 Package or crate and brace products to prevent distortion in shipment and handling.
 Label packages/ crates and protect finish surfaces by sturdy wrappings.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

 All products shall be delivered in manufacturers original protective packaging and shall be inspected
at the time of delivery.
 Any products which are found to be damaged, not in accordance with the specifications or date
stamped expired shall be immediately removed from the Site and replaced at no additional expense
to the Employer.
 Sensitive materials, such as but not limited to UPVC piping, solvent, cement, rubber gaskets etc. shall
be properly protected during transport from point of manufacture or production and during storage
prior to delivery to the site.
 All products shall be handled and stored in accordance with printed recommendations of the
 Precautions shall also be taken to protect items sensitive to sunlight and heat.



1.15.1 General
 Verify site dimensions prior to fabrication.
 Fabricate work true to dimensions and square.
 Finished work shall be free from distortion and defects detrimental to appearance and performance.
 Provide reinforcing, fastening and anchorage required for building on of products.
 Insulate between dissimilar metals and metal and masonry materials to prevent electrolysis with
bituminous paint or by other means acceptable to the Engineer.
 Install products in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions and to Engineer's review and
 Supply, install, test and commission to the satisfaction of the Engineer fully functional pools in all


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

locations as indicated on the Drawings.

 Provide full stops at all penetrations through the slab and fire collars for UPVC pipework.
1.15.2 Projected Site Conditions
 Ensure that the location of buried utilities has been established and below grade slabs and structures
are protected.
 Immediately report and repair damage to utilities, structure, slab, permanent buried or aboveground
services, should it occur, at no additional cost to the Employer.
1.15.3 Sequencing & Scheduling
 Co-operate fully with Works of other Sections on the Site and promptly proceed with the Works of
this Section as rapidly as job conditions permit.
 Supply all items to be built in ample time to be incorporated into the Works of other Sections,
together with all measurements, templates and other information required for locations of Works of
this Section.
1.15.4 Soil Conditions for Excavations
 The Sub-contractor is to acquaint themselves with the expected site conditions to be found in the
area for excavations before submission of tenders for the water features, by comprehensive
inspection of the existing conditions on site.
 Do not proceed with the Works of this Section until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Commencement of Works of this Section implies acceptance of surfaces and conditions.
 Install products in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions and to Supervision
Consultants review and acceptance.
 All excavations, where necessary, for piping reticulation, sumps and weir structures etc. for water
features will be the responsibility of the Sub-contractor.
 Allowance is to be made in the tender price for the removal from the excavation of all spoil material
resulting from excavations. Dumping on site of spoil will be permissible in designated areas not
further then 500m from the excavation.
1.15.5 Site Conditions for Concrete Slabs
 All Sub-contractors are to acquaint themselves with the expected site conditions, in particular the
structural concrete system to be found in all areas of the installation and where necessary, install
appropriate (and approved by structural engineer) sleeves to ensure and maintain structural integrity
of the structure.
 The Sub-contractor on commencement of the Works of this Section shall immediately carry out a 72
hour full depth water flood test of the waterproof membrane lined recess for the swimming pools
and water features as well as all the adjacent pool deck areas in the presence of the waterproof
membrane lining representative.
 Defects shall be immediately rectified and re-flood tested by the Sub-contractor at no cost to the
Employer, to the satisfaction of the Project Manager and Engineer in the presence of the waterproof
membrane lining representative.
 On satisfactory completion of the flood test, the installation shall be handed over to the Sub-
contractor, with all guarantees required for the installation fully recognising the work to be carried
out by the Sub-contractor. The Sub-contractor will from this day take full responsibility for the
waterproof membrane and its protection to the satisfaction of the waterproof membrane
manufacturers requirements until hand over to the Employer at which time all guarantees shall be
transferred to the Employer.
 All building up of areas over slabs and the installation of bearing pads (as detailed by structural
engineer), where necessary, shall be the responsibility of the Sub-contractor.
 The Sub-contractor will be required to carry out necessary protection and remedial work where
required to maintain the waterproof membrane guarantee.
 Allowance is to be made in the tender prices for the coring through of slabs, beams etc., which may
be necessary for reticulation purposes and, the removal from site of any subsequent waste.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.15.6 Gunite Application

 The water pressure shall be maintained at a uniform level, at least 0.1N/mm² above the operation
pressure and sufficient to ensure adequate hydration at all times.
 The minimum reinforcement cover shall be 40mm from any formwork, concrete and masonry, and
25mm from the finished sprayed surface or as specified by the Engineer.
 The reinforcement shall be cleaned of any previously deposited rebound material, which might
prevent proper bonding.
 Prior to the application of Gunite all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned with a strong blast of air
and water.
 The thickness and the alignment of the sprayed materials shall be controlled by guide wire or other
means as agreed with the Design Consultant.
 The layer of Gunite shall be built up making several passes of the nozzle over the working area.
 The Gunite shall emerge from the nozzle in a steady uninterrupted flow. Should the flow become
intermittent for any cause, the nozzle man shall direct it away from the work until it becomes
 The distance of the nozzle from the works shall be between 600mm and 1500mm. As a general rule,
the nozzle shall be held perpendicular to the application surface. However, when shooting through
the reinforcing bars, the nozzle shall be held closer and at a slight angle in order to permit
encasement and facilitate the removal of the rebound.
 For vertical surfaces, the application shall commence at the bottom.
 The first layer shall at least completely embed the reinforcement. The layer thickness shall be
governed mainly by the requirement that the materials should not sag, where the layers are applied.
 The top surface shall be maintained at a slope of approximately 45 degrees.
 Where necessary a layer of Gunite can be covered by the succeeding layer, but it shall be allowed first
to take its initial set. Any laitance, which has been allowed to take final set, shall be removed. The
surface shall be cleared and wetted by using a strong blast of air and water.
 All areas of placement shall be kept free and clean of rebound at all times. Under no circumstances
shall rebound material be reworked into construction.
 The construction shall be tapered to a thin edge at approximately 30 degrees unless instructed by
the Engineer.
 No square joints will be allowed.
 A proper operating air compressor of ample capacity is essential to a satisfactory Guniting operation.
The Sub Contractors compressor shall maintain a supply of air adequate to maintain sufficient nozzle
velocity for all parts of the work while operating a blow pipe for cleaning of rebound material if
required. The nozzle shall be capable of delivering a conical uniform discharge stream. Distortion of
this system shall be remedied immediately, and any malfunction rectified by replacement of
defective parts.
 Adequate ground wires are to be installed to establish the thickness and finished plane of the Gunite.
 Ground wires shall be placed so that they are tight and true to line, and in such a manner that they
may be easily tightened.
 The following table stipulates minimum structural properties for the performance of Gunite required
at a working temperature of 21°C:


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

Compressive Strength, ASTM C 109

Duration of Curing
1 Day 3,500 psi (24.2 MPa)
28 Days 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa)

Compressive Strength, ASTM C 42 in accordance with ACI 506R-90

Duration of Curing
3 Days 6,000 psi (41.4 MPa)
7 Days 7,500 psi (51.8 MPa)
28 Days 8,500 psi (58.7 MPa)

Bond Strength, ASTM C 882

Duration of Curing
7 Days 2,000 psi (13.8 MPa)

Chloride Ion Permeability, ASTM C 1202

Duration of Curing
28 Days Very Low ( <1,000 Coulombs)

Thermal Coefficient of Expansion, ASTM C 531 5.0 x 10-6 in/in/°F (9.0 x 10-6

Working Time at 70°F (21°C) 30 minutes

1.15.7 Gunite Application Equipment

 All equipment used shall be able to have 10.5m³ of actual free air/minute at a minimum pressure of
31639.5 kg/m² of gun chamber plus necessary back-up power for jetting requirement where cleaning
 For any hose exceeding 30 metres, the pressure shall be increased by 2.27 kilogram’s for every
additional 15 metres of hose required.
 All equipment must be to the satisfaction of the Engineer showing the right type of nozzle, chamber
or plates to complete the job.
 Equipment that does not meet all requirements of design and quality will not be accepted.
 The Sub Contractor must provide evidence that he has equipment suitable for carrying out the
contract in the geographical region of the contract.
1.15.8 Pumping Equipment
 Pumping equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and
in a neat and workmanlike manner to ensure optimal serviceability.
 Equipment and piping shall be adequately supported.
 Electrical equipment shall be installed to conform to local authority codes.
 Each particular function of the pump station shall be demonstrated in accordance with an
acceptable commissioning procedure developed by the Sub Contractor and shall include, but not be
limited to all automatic starting and stopping functions and filter flushing.
 Pump flow rate pressure and FLC of each motor shall be measured and shall conform to


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

Manufacturers printed data.

 The Sub Contractor shall be responsible for a complete working installation including all necessary
peripherals required for proper functioning of the entire system.




CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.16.1 Flushing and Filling

 Standard: To BS 6700 clause
1.16.2 System Disinfection’s
 Standard: To BS 6700 clauses–
1.16.3 Testing and Commissioning of Pipework
 Standard: To BS 6700 clause 3.1.12.
 Notice (minimum): 3 days.
 Preparation: Secure and clean pipework and equipment. Fit tank covers.
 Leak testing: Run the system until all parts are at normal operating pressures for a period of 3 hours.
 Pressure testing: Joints, fittings and components must be free from leaks and signs of physical
distress when tested for at least 1 hour as follows:
 Systems fed directly from the mains: Apply a test pressure equal to 1.5 times the maximum
pressure to which the installation or relevant part is designed to be subjected in operation.
 Systems fed from storage: Apply a test pressure equal to the pressure produced when the
storage cistern is filled to its normal maximum operating level.
 Inaccessible or buried pipelines: Carry out hydraulic pressure test to twice the working pressure.
 Equipment: Check and adjust operation of equipment, controls and safety devices.
1.16.4 Cleaning
 Equipment: Clean immediately before handover.
1.16.5 Labelling of all Equipment and Plant
 The entire plant is to be labelled and the various labelled items indicated on the plant flow diagram
for operator convenience.
1.16.6 Water for the Filling of the Water features
 Water for the purpose of Construction during the duration of the Sub-Contract will be provided to
the Sub-contractor free of charge.
 The water features will be filled with purified water from a municipal supply system, thereafter
treated by the filtration plant of the successful Sub-contractor.
1.16.7 Documentation
 Contents:
 Full technical description of each system installed.
 Manufacturers' operating and maintenance instructions for equipment and controls.
 Manufacturers' guarantees and warranties.
 System operating and maintenance instructions for the system as a whole giving optimum
settings for controls and maintenance intervals for all equipment.
 Record drawings showing the location of circuits, fittings, apparatus and operating
 List of normal consumable items.
 Electrical inspection and completion certificates.
 Number of copies: In accordance with Section A.
1.16.8 Operating Tools
 Tools: Supply tools for operation, maintenance and cleaning purposes.
 Keys: Supply keys for valves, vents and cabinets.
1.16.9 Labels
 Valve labels: Provide on isolating and regulating valves on primary circuits, stating function.
1.16.10 Deviations in Design
 To facilitate this tender, the Sub-contractor shall complete this tender as is. Should however, any


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

deviations from the tender specifications be offered, the Sub-contractor is to ensure that a rough
schematic indicating the various flows and items of equipment is enclosed to allow adjudication
purposes. This is to be clearly marked as a proposed alternative to the given tender.
1.16.11 Operating Instructions
 On commissioning of the plant the successful Sub-contractor is to hand over two complete sets of
operating instructions, a wall-mounted flow diagram, wiring diagram, service intervals and spare
parts required for the filter operation.
 Plant Operation explanation and full training service must be provided to the plant room operator on
the handling of the plants.
 The Sub-contractor will further also include for two further visits to the site, per water feature, at one-
monthly intervals to assist the operator in any problems experienced.
1.16.12 Drawings
 The Sub-contractor is to supply to the Architect of Record for submission to the Local Authority,
drawings sufficient for Local Authority approval, including for the requirements in terms of the
structural integrity of the Water features, as well as-built drawings when the plant is complete.
 Final certificate and payment will not be made unless the Client is of the opinion that all required
tender items have been met.
1.16.13 Pool Chemicals
 All public pools shall be treated by means of Bromine, in accordance with the operator’s guidelines.
 Chemical levels to be suitable for water plants and fish, as required.
 The Sub-contractor is to supply a complete set of start-up chemicals where required to allow for 2
weeks operation per water feature.
1.16.14 Warrantees and Guarantees
 Submit a written warranty for the Works of this Section for five (5) years in accordance with the
Contract Documents
 If any parts of the Works of this Section, including design, fabrication or installation are sublet to any
party, such party shall provide a collateral warranty equivalent to the warranty for the Works of this
1.16.15 Maintenance
 Maintenance instructions shall specify warnings of any maintenance practice or materials, which may
damage or disfigure each item.
 Submit Operations and Maintenance Manual in accordance with the Contract documents.
 The Contractor shall price an option for maintaining the pools for 1 calendar year.
 Operating instruction chart framed and Installed on wall in each Pump Room.
 The Sub-contractor shall also provide the following to the Engineer for review and acceptance:
 Detailed materials and equipment lists for all items included in the scope of this Section,
together with full technical literature on each item. Please see attached Equipment’s List
required for the public pools (following page).
1.16.16 Spare Parts
 The Sub-contractor shall submit manufacturers listing of spare parts for acceptance.
 The Sub-contractor is to furnish all relevant warranties, attributed to both manufacturers as well as
workmanship warranties.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification



CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification



 Tiling


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

TILING (Part 1)
1.16.17 Section Includes
a) General
b) Preparation
c) Pattern
d) Movement Joints
e) Cleaning
f) Warranties
g) Performance Requirements
1.16.18 Related Sections
a) Section 7.1 – Rough Render
b) Section 7.2 – Render Installation
1.16.19 General Ceramic and Limestone tiles to comply with BS EN 539 :1994 & BS 680 respectively. Ceramic Tiles: must be of approved quality, even in thickness, free from cracks, twists and blemishes,
reasonably uniform in colour and of specified size. Natural Stone Tiles: Shall be Limestone from Jordan and from an approved quarry, of size, colour,
surface finish and edge finish as specified in the drawings. Adhesive must be of approved type, suitable for tiling work at hand. Supporting product
specification must be handed to the Engineer prior to approval.
1.16.20 Preparation Complete all chased pipe work and service outlets before plastering is commenced. Roughen surface of substrate if not rough enough to provide a satisfactory bond, or wet and slush
with a 1:2 cement:coarse sand mix. Examine substrates, remedy defects and allow drying to equilibrium. Remove dust, loose matter,
efflorescence and laitance. Fix tiles in adhesive strictly according to manufacturer's instructions.
1.16.21 Setting Bed System Latex modified thin set mortar setting bed to ANSI A118 or latest applicable standard.
1.16.22 Pattern Pattern: The Contractor will set wall tiles on an even line using a plumb line or similar levelling
apparatus. The pattern indicated in the elevation details shall be followed.
1.16.23 Grout System Pre-Mixed Tile Grout, to be non-sanded grout used to fill to 3 mm wide jointing. Colour to closest
match surrounding tile work. High performance, chemical resistant, two components, water cleanable, non-sagging 100% solids
epoxy grout system conforming to ANSI A118.8 or latest applicable standard. Colours to be selected
by the Engineer from manufacturer's standard range. Allow for two colours to be selected.

1.16.24 Movement joints Form 6 mm wide movement joints in tiling and through full depth of bedding coat over movement
joints in the background, vertically and horizontally at approximately 4,5 m centres, where tiling is
continuous over different backgrounds. Fill joints with approved sealant according to manufacturer's instructions.
1.16.25 Cleaning Sponge the tiled surface with water and polish the tiled surface with a clean, dry cloth.


CHAPTER VI: GRP & Gunite Pools Performance Specification

1.16.26 Products (Part 2)

1.16.27 Glazed Ceramic Tiles
a) Standard: BS EN 538
b) Supplier: As specified in material schedule
c) Size: Varies – reference material schedule & drawings
d) Colour: Varies – reference material schedule & drawings
e) Texture: Glazed
f) Jointing: As indicated in drawings

1.16.28 Execution (Part 3) All cladding to be carried out in accordance with:
a) “British Standards Institution. 1994. Code of Practice for Design and Installation of
Natural Stone Cladding and Lining, BS 8298”






CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification



P A R T 1 - G E N E R A L ........................................................................................................................... 125
1.1 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................................................................... 125
1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................................................ 126
1.3 SUBMITTALS........................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
1.4 MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 127
1.5 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL .............................................................................. 128
1.6 SILENCE OF SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 130
1.7 SYSTEM EXPLANATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 130
1.8 LAYOUT OF WORK ............................................................................................................................................................................... 130
1.9 CLEAN-UP ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 130
1.10 WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 130
1.11 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING ......................................................................................................................................... 131

P A R T 2 - M A T E R I A L S .................................................................................................................... 131
2.1 SCOPE OF WORKS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 132
2.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 132

P A R T 3 - E X E C U T I O N .................................................................................................................... 148
3.1 EXCAVATION AND BACK-FILLING.................................................................................................................................................. 148
3.2 PVC PIPE INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 148
3.3 DRIP LINE PIPE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
3.4 VALVES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
3.5 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................................................................... 150
3.6 IRRIGATION CONTROL EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 150
3.7 TESTING ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
3.8 ROAD CROSSINGS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 151
3.9 THRUST BLOCKS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 151
3.10 ELECTRICAL CODES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 151
3.11 ELECTRICAL TESTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 151
3.12 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 151
3.13 CONTROL PANEL INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 152
3.14 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER INSTALLATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 152
3.15 AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM, COMMISSIONING ........................................................................................................... 153


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification


A. The irrigation system will be awarded on a design and supply basis and will form part of the
overall landscape contract.
B. The scope of the contract comprises the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and
statutory maintenance, for a period of 12 months from certified completion, of an automatic
irrigation system as detailed in this specification and for the planting areas as shown on the
C. The successful landscape contractor will be responsible for all aspects of the irrigation
installation from co-ordination, its quality control to fully commissioning and maintenance
during the plant establishment period.
D. The client reserves the right to reject the contractor’s irrigation submission by virtue of either
price or a sub-standard specification and substituting this component with another.
E. For the purpose of this tender, tenderers are to assume that there will be provisions allocated in
each zone by the client for supply of water meet the irrigation requirements of the site i.e. Type
of water, required pressure and flow rate etc.
F. Full irrigation details and specifications are required with the tender submission. It should be
based on contract specifications supplied, if any.
G. NOTE: The external softscape area as annotated on the softscape plans is an existing planted
area however due to the refurbishment; plants are proposed either as transplanted or new
specimens. Hence for irrigation purposes, the Contractor is to assess the existing irrigation
network and provide a detailed report on the possibility of re-using irrigation equipment
already installed. It can be reasoned that since the planting scheme is essentially new, the
driplines and bubblers will have to be removed however mainline and laterals may still be of
use to the new scheme.
H. Likewise, the assessment shall include the current pumping and filtration equipment.
I. Should any items be redundant or defective at the time of the assessment, the Contractor shall
abide by the performance specifications herein to meet the overall quality and benchmarking
standards expected for a 5 star hotel automated irrigation system, for the new equipment.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification


i. The scope of the works includes the detailed design, construction, completion and
maintenance of irrigation systems including control systems, to the project area area as
shown in the contract drawings. Contractor to ensure the separate provisions provided
by the infrastructure engineer for tie in connections (Potable water HDPE lines) is
sufficient and propose if additional requirement is mandatory based on actual site
conditions. The contactor to ensure the detailed design should be based on the
consideration of best technical method available, specific site conditions, all the
provisions allocated for irrigation purpose etc.
ii. The contract shall include for the complete design, installation testing and
commissioning of the Automatic Irrigation System as outlined below:
a) Laying mains, sub-mains and lateral lines for the Automatic Irrigation System
b) Connections to the proposed Irrigation reticulation system (HDPE lines) or pumps as
applicable according to actual site-specific conditions in coordination with
infrastructure engineers
c) Laying of ducts for mains, sub-mains, laterals and control cables under paved areas
within the site limits as necessary
d) Installing drip systems
e) Installing sprinklers and sprayer systems for grass areas
f) Providing and Automatic Control System for the irrigation network through controllers,
communication and power supply cables, electric remote control valves, etc
g) Providing control panels as required for the system as specified,

h) Reinstating affected landscaping areas as required during the progress of the


iii. The contractor is to include for all materials, labour, plant and tools as required for
completing the works.
iv. The contractor shall reinstate all roads, footpaths and repair all damage caused by the
installation of the irrigation system.
v. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the main irrigation system in the
contract area and any existing planting for a period of one year from the date of the
issue of the Taking Over Certificate for the Whole of the Works by the client. The scope
of the maintenance shall include the following.
a) Daily inspection of irrigation system.
b) Adjustment of controller programs as required.
c) Checking of sprayers / sprinklers and their adjustment.
d) Checking of drip lines and their adjustment.
e) Replacement of worn-out parts and replacement of defective sprayers/sprinklers,
solenoid valves and drip lines.

The successful tenderer will be required to make submittals to the Engineer for review and approval,
before commencing the work. Submittals shall include but not be restricted to the following:
All catalogue cuts, diagrams, samples, drawings and such other data may be required to
demonstrate compliance with the specification.
Prior to start of any work at site, the contractor has to obtain NOC / work permits from the
Service Authorities where applicable for the work included in this contract and record drawings
for their existing services. Copy of these drawings and No Objection Certificates should be


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

submitted to the Engineer before starting the actual work at site, any delay in submitting this
information shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
i. The contractor has to make a detailed survey of existing levels and proposed irrigation
routing in the contract area, trial pits should be taken at suitable intervalS, mark all the
existing services in reference to the road edge and building line along with its depth
from existing ground level and the proposed landscape finish level. Based on the
tender drawings, Contractor is to check availability of all the existing ducts and
feasibility of the irrigation lines. Contractor is to propose the route for irrigation piping
based on this information. All this information regarding trial pits, existing and
proposed levels, availability of ducts shall be made available in hard & soft copies to
the Engineer within the mobilization period of the contract
ii. The contractor shall submit shop drawings for approval to the Engineer, for the
a) The shop drawing has to be prepared based on detailed design and the verification of
any conflicts between contract drawings and existing / future services / any other
hindrance which may necessitate rerouting of the irrigation main or laterals, and
relocation of valves. It is considered as an integral part of the contract.
b) Details of mainline lateral pipes and other typical connections.
c) Wiring diagrams including conduits, pull boxes, sizing and calculations to verify that
cable sizing is in accordance with QEWC authority regulations and equipment
manufacturer’s recommendations.
d) Electrical power and control wiring diagrams for irrigation controllers, field wiring.
e) Sketch plans for drip line layout.

f) Sketch plans for sprayer and sprinkler layouts.

g) Details of valve chambers and any modification to the existing feeding chambers.

The approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the contract for
successful completion of the work.


Provide certification by a recognized certification mark scheme such as ‘The Kitemark’ or by an
independent third party testing organization approved by the Landscape Architect, that
production has been carried out under a system for supervision, control and testing, applied
during manufacture, in accordance with BS 5750 or an approved equal procedure.
Provide manufacturer's certificate for pressure testing, and coating, including holiday and DFT
test reports for each valve, fitting, spool if applicable.
Certification of coefficient of manufacturer's variation.
The contractor shall submit manufacturers' recommendations for installation and
commissioning of each material or piece of equipment for approval prior to commencing work.
Recommendations shall include testing methods, storage requirements (if applicable),
maintenance and operational data. The contractor shall have a copy of the manufacturers'
instructions available on site at all times while works are in progress and shall follow these
instructions unless otherwise authorized to deviate by the Engineer.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

The contractor shall submit manufacturer's list of recommended spare parts for approval prior
to commissioning any piece of equipment. Recommendations shall include stocking
recommendations, exploded assembly diagrams illustrating location and spare parts to be
utilized and all relevant operational data.
The contractor shall submit his proposed work method statement for approval prior to
commencing work. The statement shall detail proposed sequence of work, hold points, testing
frequency and document control.
i. The contractor shall submit a program of works as per the Condition of the Contract for

ii. The contractor also shall submit monthly progress report at the end of each month
including all the works constructed during the month with photographs, numbers of
staff and laborers, cash flow, test reports, overall progress and general details as per
Engineer’s approval.
At such time as the Engineer has approved the list of materials, the Contractor shall provide four
(4) sets of manufacturer's technical and maintenance literature to the Engineer. Data sheets
shall provide sufficient technical information to identify each product and shall include the
name and the address of the nearest supply firm that should have a local representative in the
project area.

Contractor must submit all circuit diagrams of electrical installation along with samples and
specifications of materials proposed in order to obtain approval prior to fabrication or


i. The Contractor shall maintain one set of contract drawings for the sole purpose of
recording accurate changes made as the work progresses ("As-Built" conditions) of the
irrigation system. All changes previously approved and all completed work shall be
recorded on these drawings.

ii. The contractor shall prepare as-built drawings clearly showing all locations, depths,
slopes, heights, shapes and dimensions of all the works as executed. All valve locations
and piping shall be dimensioned, coordinated and recorded (except that wire
locations, common to pipe ditches, need not to be dimensioned). The contractor must
submit as-built drawings for all electrical installations.

iii. Sizes of all the as-built drawings shall be the as required by the local authority having

iv. All as-built drawings shall be prepared using Autocad (latest version for windows) at a
suitable scale.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

v. Contractor shall prepare and submit as-built drawings for the pipeline profiles of the
Mainlines, which are of size above 8” Pipeline profile drawings, should be in Horizontal
scale of 1:1000 and Vertical scale of 1:100. Pipeline profiles to be submitted on separate
drawings with clear references to mainline layout drawings marked on the same.

vi. Chambers Schedule is to be prepared indicating all relevant construction items and
giving coordinates for each manhole in compliance with local Grid System.

vii. The contractor must submit as-built drawings for all the electro-mechanical
installations. All the details of the installed equipments regarding manufacturer and
model number, type, size, etc., shall be provided in the legend of the drawings.

viii. Lateral line layouts for sprinklers / sprayers, drip shall be in Scale 1:500 unless
otherwise specified.

ix. The Contractor shall follow the standards (regarding legend, line styles, colours, levels,
size of drawings, title block, etc.) of the local authority having jurisdiction while
preparing as-built drawings.

x. After final approval of the as-built drawings, Contractor to submit the following before
the taking-over of the project.
a) Three complete sets of "As-Built Drawings" folded properly and provided in plastic
folders as a part of Operation & Maintenance Manual;
b) A set of ‘mother prints’ (on Heavy grade Polyester).
c) A copy of computer discs/CDs (with proper titles and plastic enclosure box).

xi. Provisional acceptance will not be considered unless contractor submits all the above
said as-built drawings.


i. Assemble three (3) copies of manuals containing Operating & Maintenance Instructions
for each piece of equipment and system requiring service and prints of as-built
drawings as described above. O & M manuals shall be bound in a hard cover 3-ring
binder of suitable size and properly indexed. A digital copy of the complete O & M
manuals also to be submitted along with As-built drawings.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

ii. O & M manuals shall include the following information

a) Description of equipment
b) Operation of equipment
c) Maintenance of equipment & lubrication schedule
d) Servicing of equipment
e) Control diagrams
f) Irrigation Valve Operation Schedule c / w Controller Station No., Valve no., size, flows,
operating time, etc
g) Diagrams of the system
h) Logic of Operation of the systems
i) Valve charts
j) Performance Characteristics: Curves and charts for equipment (Data shall refer to, and
identify specific model in service and shall not be general advertising data)
k) Spare parts list
l) Names, contact numbers and addresses of spare part suppliers
m) Test reports.
n) Certificates
o) Letter of satisfaction
p) Guarantees

Submit one copy of the manual to the Engineer for review and three (3) final copies to the Client after
the final approval of the Engineer. Provisional acceptance will not be considered unless contractor
submits complete O & M manuals and as-built drawings.


The apparent silence of the specification, drawings, or other contract documents as to any detail, or the
apparent omission from them of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as
meaning that only the best general practice is to be used. The Engineer on this basis will make all
interpretations of the specifications.


During site visits by the Engineer, operation of the system will be delineated to all authorized persons
desiring such information.


The Contractor shall stake out the irrigation system in accordance with the scaled plans. Staking shall be
erected in such a manner as to insure permanency of the staked locations until such time as the
irrigation system is installed. Stakes shall be placed to show location of valves, pipelines and control
head. Stakes shall be flagged with bright flagging for ease of location. All staking by the Contractor
shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.

During the course of construction, the Contractor shall remove waste material from the site regularly as
necessary to keep the site in an orderly manner. Waste material shall be removed from the work site and
not to be used as back-fill material. Upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall remove all
waste equipment and parts and leave the site in a neat and orderly condition.



CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

i. All work included under this contract shall be warranted by the Contractor against all
defects and malfunction of materials and workmanship for a period of one year from
the date of completion of works. Should problems arise with the system during the
warranty period, the Contractor shall make all necessary repairs and/or replacements in
an expedient manner at no additional cost to the Client.
ii. The Contractor shall be responsible for operation and maintenance of the system for a
period of one year from the completion date.


A. All products shall be delivered in the manufacturers' original protective packaging and shall be
inspected at time of delivery. Any product that may be damaged and not in accordance with
specifications, or date stamp expired shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced.
B. Evidence must be submitted to verify materials, such as uPVC pipes, solvent cement, rubber
gaskets, etc., have been properly protected during transport and storage prior to delivery to the
C. All products shall be handled and stored in accordance with printed recommendations of the
D. All site storage areas shall be shaded at all time. Pipe stacks shall be designed to ensure that
pipes, and pipe sockets, are not deformed during storage and/or affected by sunlight.
E. Precautions shall also be taken to protect items sensitive to sunlight or heat prior to backfilling
operation. uPVC pipes shall on no account be exposed to sunlight for long period during
installations. Any pipe, whether installed or not, which is observed to be sunburned or oval,
shall immediately be removed from the site and replaced.



CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification


A. The scope of this section includes a description of materials and methods for the hydraulic
element of the system.
B. All materials covered by this specification shall be from an approved local representative
located within the same area as the project, qualified to provide the appropriate level of
technical support.
C. All equipment, fittings and accessories shall be suitably rated to comply with the system design
and operating parameters.

Note: Following are general specifications for the irrigation materials, the items that are not required in this
project shall not be considered in the scope of the works.


i. uPVC Pipes And Fittings

uPVC piping shall be fabricated from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride according to BS
3505:1968. Rating and size shall be as shown on the drawings but not less than Class D.
Pipe shall be supplied in lengths no smaller than six (6) meters. Each length of pipe shall
bear markings to identify type and grade. All piping shall show no evidence of blisters,
grooves or other extrusion marks. The Contractor shall provide three (3) samples of each
size, one meter in length for approval prior to supply and installation. All pipes three inches
(3") and above to be with Lock Ring Socket. The socket to be integral part of the pipe and
in accordance to BS 4346 Part 2: 1970, and it should incorporate a triple compression
rubber seal complying with BS 2494: Part 2, and when jointed offers three-fold hydraulic
security under both positive and negative pressure heads. The socket should have the
same wall thickness as the pipe with an extra sleeve to maintain the correct pressure rating
at the joint.

All joints in pipes below 3” inches in diameter shall be made by solvent welding using
adhesive solvent and primer as recommended in writing by the manufacturer and
approved by the Landscape Architect. All cans of solvent and primer shall have labels
intact and shall be stamped with date of manufacture. No cans dated over two years old
will be permitted. No thinning of solvent or primer will be permitted. The pipe’s
manufacturer or his designated representative and the Engineershall approve lubricant and
solvent cement used to make joints in writing. Only male joints may be used up to 2".

Joints larger than 2" shall not be threaded. All threaded joints shall be made up using PTFE
tape or an approved equal thread sealant.

Pipes sized 1-1/4” and larger shall be of Class D (12 bars working pressure) and smaller
pipes shall be Class E (15 bars working pressure). Fittings shall be fabricated from UPVC
according to BS 4346.

All uPVC pipes and fittings should be covered by licensed Kite mark. All uPVC fittings shall
have pressure ratings not less than 15 bar.

On no account shall saddle and cross type connections be made to uPVC pipe. All pipes
passing through ducts shall be solvent weld joints.

Flange couplers shall be PN 16 and in accordance with BS 4504. Bolts and nuts (whether
part of the coupler or for fixing) shall be A4-70 stainless steel.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

Threaded riser pipe used to support valves and sprinklers and fittings may be galvanized
steel, or brass. All galvanizing shall be carried out after threading.

ii. Polyethylene Pipe And Fittings

Polyethylene pipes for drip lines shall be manufactured from linear low-density
polyethylene incorporating a minimum of 2.8% carbon black and shall have a working
pressure of 4 kg/cm2.

A random sample of drip pipes shall be subjected to the Teepol crack resistance test. The
samples shall be immersed in a bath containing a solution of 10% Teepol and 90% water
maintained at 50 degrees C. The pipe should resist the solution without showing any
fatigue or crack for a period of 150 hours.

The test should be carried out in an independent approved laboratory within UAE.

All fittings for drip line shall be compression type. Insert barbed type fittings secured by
plastic ratchet clips shall not be used.

For the trees planted (in planters) in the tiled areas and in grass areas a separate drip line
riser from PVC lateral line shall be provided for each tree/planter.

The pipes for, sprayers and sprinkler riser connections shall be as per BS. 1972-67 class C.

The riser pipes for Palm trees shall be Polyethylene (PE) pipes 16mm outside diameter (OD).

The rise pipes for all other planting shall be Polyethylene (PE) pipes 16mm outside
diameter (OD)

The fittings for the above pipes should be of compression quick joint type with minimum
12 bar nominal pressure.

iii. Steel Pipe And Fittings

Steel pipe shall conform to API standard schedule 80 or other equal and approved. Welded
fittings shall be schedule 80 and weld neck. Flanges shall be in accordance with BS4504
PN16. All bolts, nuts and washers used for flange assembly or integral with bolted couplers
shall be stainless steel (A4-70).

All pipes and fittings to be coated inside and outside by electrostatic fusion bonded epoxy
to average DFT 150 microns, or by fusion bonded plastic powder coating to average DFT
500 microns.

iv. Threaded Steel Pipes & Fittings (For 3” And Below)

Threaded steel pipes and fittings used for risers shall be hot dip galvanized mild steel Class
C in accordance with BS 1387.

All G.I. & steel pipes and fittings to be coated, inside and outside with electrostatic fusion
bonded epoxy to average DFT 150 microns or by fusion bonded plastic powder coating to
average DFT 500 microns.

Any galvanized pipe installed in contact with the soil shall be wrapped with at least two
layers of an approved petrolatum impregnated tape of minimum thickness of 1.15mm and
applied with 50% overlap. The wrapping tape shall extend a minimum of 100 mm above
the soil. Steel piping and fittings shall only be installed above ground or otherwise


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

Joints shall be threaded and sealed with PTFE tape or some other approved method.
Connections to the flanged equipment shall be via threaded flanged adopters. All bolts,
nuts and washers used for flange assembly or integral with bolted couplers shall be
stainless steel A4-70.

v. Ductile Iron Pipe And Fittings

Ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with BS 4772 or ISO 2531. An
internationally known and approved manufacturer shall supply them. Ductile iron pipes
and fittings shall be supplied, stored, laid, backfilled and tested in accordance with CP 2010.
The pipes shall not exceed 5.5 meters in length and push-in or flexible mechanical joints
shall be used unless otherwise stated.

Where flanged joints are used, the flanges shall be faced and drilled to PN16 as defined in
BS 4504, unless directed otherwise. Flanged joints shall be made with inside bolt circle
gaskets as described in BS 4865 Part 1, and gaskets from plain rubber to BS 1737. Bolts
shall be stainless steel Grade A4-70, complete with nuts and washers. The threaded portion
of bolts shall be of such length that at least two threads shall protrude beyond the nut
when tightened.

Pipe barrels shall be Class K9, tapers, bend and pipes with cast on flanges shall be Class K12,
and tees shall be Class K14.
The internal and external surfaces of all ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be coated
according to one of the following methods:
a) Fusion Bonded Plastic Powder Coating (average 500 microns)
b) Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating (minimum 300 microns)

vi. Asbestos Cement Pipes

Asbestos Cement pipes shall be class 18 confirming to the requirements of ISO 160:1980
with 5m length. The cement shall be sulfate resistance to BS 4027. The joints shall be of
Reka type coupling or approved equal. All AC pipes and joints shall be coated externally
with bitumen.

Couplers shall be made from the same materials as the pipe and shall be flexible allowing a
deviation of 1 to 5 degrees under normal circumstances. Jointing couplers shall be multi-
toothed EPDM rubber seal. Rubber seals should conform to BS 2494.

Copies of all test reports and certificates of compliance shall be submitted to the Engineer
for each consignment delivered to the site. Witnessing of factory testing by the Engineer
may be required prior to delivery. The AC pipes and couplers should be manufactured by
the same manufacturer in and to be approved by the Engineer.

vii. GRP Pipes And Fittings

All pipes and fittings shall have a resin rich inner layer, having a minimum thickness of 1.0
mm and a resin rich outer layer having a minimum thickness of 0.25mm incorporating one
layer of "C" glass. The remainder of the liner shall consist of at least one layer of 450 g/m
powder bound acid resistant chipped glass strand mat having a glass content between 25
and 30 % by weight.

All glass reinforcement shall be of the "ECR" type. All pipes and fittings shall have a stiffness
of not less than 5000 N/M and satisfy the requirement of ASTM D 3262-87. Pipes shall
withstand longitudinal tensile force of 100 N/mm of circumference. All the flanges shall be

All fittings (including bends, tees, reducers and flanges) used with AC pipelines shall be GRP
(glass fiber reinforced plastic) fittings and shall comply with the following specification:


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

AWWA C 950 – 88 AWWA Standard for “Fiberglass”

(Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin) Pressure Pipe
BS 5480: 1990 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GRP) pipe and fittings for use for water
supply sewerage; Parts 1&2.

This specification covers the design, manufacture and testing of fiber glass reinforced
plastic (GRP) pressure fittings for use with asbestos cement pressure pipe in nominal sizes
80mm and larger. GRP fittings and pipe shall be designed and manufactured in accordance
with AWWA C950-88 and the requirements herein. One manufacturer shall produce all

The manufacturer shall be approved by the local authority having jurisdiction or their
representative and must demonstrate the experience and capability to produce fittings of
the same diameter and pressure range as those required. The manufacturer shall be
certified to ISO 9002 or BS 5750 Part 2. Full range of fitting diameters used for the project
must be manufactured and delivered by the same manufacturer.

viii. Construction
GRP fittings shall have the following principal construction:

A corrosion resistant resin rich, having a minimum thickness of 0.5mm. The liner surface in
contact with water shall be reinforced with “C” glass veil or mat impregnated with
Vinylester or Epoxy Resin. The liner shall be continuous along the circumference of the
pipe and shall be of uniform thickness and composition.

A structural wall consisting of continuous glass filament findings and/or woven roving and
chopped glass reinforcement and may include fine fillers, all impregnated with
Isophethalic, Vinylester or Epoxy resin as required.

A resin-rich exterior surface having a minimum thickness of 0.025 mm.

No dark pigments shall be allowed in the GRP fittings.

ix. GRP Fittings and Flanges

GRP fittings and flanges shall be designed in accordance with AWWA C950 for service at
the following conditions:
a) Maximum operating pressure 16 Bar
b) Maximum allowable vacuum -1 bar
c) Minimum depth of water 1.0 meter
d) Maximum depth of cover 3.0 meters
e) Truck loading (wheel load) 0 KN
f) Service temperature (Maximum) 40 deg. C

Flange X flange fittings shall be designed for installation above ground (in chambers)
without thrust blocks. Flange branches on Spigot Tees shall be designed to resist end thrust
from closed valves.

Spigot joints, where specified shall have the same outside diameter (OD) as for asbestos
cement (AC) pipe to which it is to be joined. The joint dimensions and tolerances shall be
equal to AC pipe spigots such that joint remains watertight under all normal operating and
surge conditions. The spigot ends shall be clearly marked with a “homeline” indicating the
proper insertion limit for the AC couplings. The spigot width shall not be less than half the
AC coupling joint width.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

Flanged joints, where specified shall be GRP filament would flanged manufactured from
Epoxy or Vinylester resin and glass reinforcements. Flanges shall be flat faced and drilled to
BS 4504 PN 16 drilling pattern.

GRP Flange gasket (full face) design and thickness shall be as recommended by the GRP
fitting manufacturer. Hand lay-up flanges shall not be acceptable.

Laminated or Adhesive joints used in the fabrication of fittings shall be equal or superior in
strength to the sections they join. The thickness of laminated joints shall not be less than
the wall thickness of the adjoining pipe section. All hand laminations or windings shall
utilize only one type of resin throughout.

x. Chemical Requirements
GRP fittings shall not impart any date, odour or colour to drinking water. GRP pipe/fittings
shall be certified and listed for potable water use by the water research center (WRC), U.K.,
in accordance with BS 6920 or by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), USA, in
accordance with NSF Standard 14.

xi. Dimensions
GRP fittings shall be produced in Metric sizes and shall be classified by their nominal inside
diameter (ND). The actual fitting inside diameter shall not be less than that shown in the
table below:

Nominal Diameter Minimum Inside

(ND) mm Diameter mm
80 78
100 98
150 148
200 198
225 223
250 245
300 298
350 348
400 397
450 447
500 497
550 547
600 597
700 696
800 795
900 895
1000 995
1200 1195

All standard fittings up to and including diameter 300mm used in the distribution system
shall be filament wound on precision steel moulds. Standard 90 and 45 degree bends of
nominal diameter 300mm and smaller shall be of the smooth radius type, having a turning
radius of 1.5 times the bend nominal diameter. Fittings diameter 350mm and larger may be
of the molder or mitered (manufactured from GRP pipe sections) construction and internal
surfaces shall be finished smooth.

The thickness of GRP flanges shall not be less than shown in the table below:
Nominal Diameter Minimum GRP
(ND) mm Flange Thickness


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

80-100 38
150-200 44
225 46
250-350 54
400 58
450 64
500-600 68
700 72
800 78
900 85
1000 88
1200 108

The wall thickness of GRP fittings shall be determined by the manufacturer to meet the
design requirements of this Specification but shall in no case be less than the minimum
thickness shown in the table below:

Nominal Diameter Minimum Pipe

(ND) mm Thickness mm
80-400 6.0
450 6.7
500 7.5
550 8.2
600 9.0
700 10.5
800 12
900 13.5
1000 15
1200 18

Flange drilling shall be as per BS 4504 PN 16

xii. Mechanical Properties

GRP fittings shall meet the following minimum strength requirements:

Property Test Method Minimum Value as

Per Table
1. Hoop Tensile Stress ASTM D2290 Portable 10 of AWWA
C950 for Class 250 psi
2. Axial Tensile Stress ASTM D638 Portable 11 of AWWA
C950 for Class 250 psi
3. Axial Tensile Stress for Flg. x Flg. Fittings ASTM D638 70 Mpa
4. Stiffness (E1/D3) ASTM D2412 1000 Pa
Dia < 300 5000 Pa
Dia > 300

xiii. Visual Requirements

GRP fittings shall be free from delamination, crazing, dry areas or cracks. Spigot ends shall
be free from end delamination, torn edges and gauges and shall be finished smooth to


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

ensure water tightness. All laminates shall be fully cured with a minimum Barcol hardness
of 33 when tested in accordance with ASTM D2583.

xiv. Testing
a) Routine Tests:
The GRP pipe/fittings manufacturer at the frequency specified shall carry out the following
test. Test results and certificates shall be submitted to the Engineerfor each consignment
and the Engineershall have the right to retain up to 2% of the material delivered back to
the factory for inspection and/or testing by their representative at no additional cost. Test
method shall be in accordance with AWWA C 90 5480.

Test Frequency
1. Visual Inspection Every item
2. Dimensions Every item
3. Hydraulic pressure at 24 bars for 30 Once per 10 Flg. x Flg. Items
4. Stiffness Once per 100 items
5. Barcol hardness (resin cure) Every item
6. Axial & Hoop Tensile Stress Once per 100 items
7. All GRP pipe used for fitting fabrication shall be factory pressure tested at 24 bars for 60 seconds.

b) Qualifications (Type) Tests

The following tests shall be carried out on actual pipe/fittings produced by the
manufacturer to establish and accept the design basis for the products. These tests are not
routine quality control tests.
 Long Term hydrostatic design pressure of the GRP pipe or fitting shall be established in accordance
with AWWA C950 Section 2.4.2.
 Short-term hoop tensile strength shall be within the ultimate strength of the pipefittings.
Laminated joints and flanged joints shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 3.5 times the
rated working pressure with no signs of leakage or weep. For Flanges joints, the flanges shall be
blinded and the ends unrestrained during the test.

xv. Submittals/Drawings
Prior to start of production, the fittings manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer detailed
drawings of each fitting required for approval. Design calculations, samples and sample
testing may also be required by the Engineer for approval at no extra cost to the client.

For flanged fittings, the manufacturer shall submit before delivery, the recommended
gasket details, the bolt torque sequence and maximum recommended torque for each
flange shall be supplied.

xvi. Markings
Each fitting shall be indelibly marked with the following:
a) Manufacturer’s name or trademark
b) Nominal diameter (ND) in mm (inside and outside)
c) Pressure rating in bars
d) Manufacturing date, month & year
e) Inspection mark
f) Coupling “homeline”, “position” position on spigot end.

xvii. Tangential Flanged Tee

This shall be used as Washout tee, which shall have a bottom tangential flanged outlet. Tee
shall be Spigot x spigot x Branch Flange. The size and the configuration of the Tee shall be


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

as detailed on the drawings. The detail of the product and Engineering data shall be

xviii. Bolts, Nuts, Pipe Hangers & Supports

All bolts and nuts for couplings, covers, flanged joints etc. to be SS 316 A4/70 stainless
Pipe hangers, supports and anchor points shall be fabricated to British or approved equal
standards. The hangers, rods, supports and other supporting devices and accessories shall
be capable of supporting at least twice the line load of the products being supported. Pipe
hangers and supports and all bolts, nuts, washers, etc. shall be of good quality stainless
Brackets for guide rails/ ropes shall be of stainless steel. Fixing to concrete to be done using
chemical anchor of approved by the Engineer manufacturer

xix. Underground Warning Tape

Warning tape shall be laid above main pipes. Tapes shall be durable and detectable by
Electro-Magnetic means using low output generator equipment. They shall remain legible
and color fast in all soil conditions at PH values of 2.5 to 11.0 inclusive.

The tapes shall be flexible and subject to the Landscape Architect's approval. Width of the
tape should be at least 6"(150 mm.). Film thickness shall be as used in the irrigation main
network projects

i. Solenoid Valves
Automatic remote control valves shall be of the sizes prescribed on the plan. The valves
shall be normally closed diaphragm type with slow opening and closing action for
protection against surge pressure. Actuation shall be by encapsulated type solenoids and
rated 24 volts, 50 cycles, unless otherwise specified.

Construction shall provide for convenient access to functional parts without removal of
valve from system plumbing. A manual flow control adjustment, with shut-off capability,
shall be furnished on all valves. Valve pressure rating shall not be less than 200 PSI.

The diaphragm shall be of nylon reinforced BUNA-N rubber, and provide for a positive seal
between bonnet and body. The solenoid functional parts shall be of stainless steel, brass or
bronze for corrosion resistance. Diameter shall be as shown on plan. A mechanism shall be
provided for bleeding of the diaphragm chamber for manual operation. Valves shall be
fabricated from heavy cast brass or bronze. The valve shall be capable of working under
dirty (Treated sewage) water conditions. Inlet and outlet shall be threaded B.S.P.

All valves shall be provided with a pressure regulator capable of regulating downstream
pressure between 15 to 100 PSI (within an accuracy of +or- 5PSI) regardless of upstream
pressure. It shall provide full and accurate pressure regulating capabilities irrespective of
whether it is operated electrically or manually. The pressure measurement should be
possible via Schrader valve or integral pressure gauge. All valves shall be with internal
bleed system.

ii. Check Valve

Check valves three inches (3") and above shall be double flanged single door, swing type,
having ductile iron SG GGG 50/40 body and gunmetal seat to BS1400. Pressure Rating to
be PN 16 or more. All valves shall be coated with epoxy internally and externally to average
DFT 300 microns for protection against corrosion of body components. All nut bolts to be
of stainless steel grade 316/ A4-70.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

Check valves of two inches (2") and smaller shall be spring type manufactured from Brass or
Bronze. Inlet and outlet to be BSP female threaded. The spring to be of stainless steel.
Pressure rating to be PN16 or more.

Note: It's important to protect public drinking water lines by installing an approved
backflow prevention assembly on any irrigation systems. A backflow assembly prevents
back siphoning of non-potable water into the water lines and should always be used when
applying fertilizer

iii. Gate Valve

Gate valves three inches (3") and larger shall be double flange, ductile iron waterworks
valves, with wedge type gate and non-rising stem. Valves shall be manufactured in
accordance with DIN3352. All valves shall be coated with epoxy internally and externally to
average DFT 300 microns for protection against corrosion of body components. Valves
installed below ground shall be provided with stem cap for key operation.

Valves to have non-rising stem of stainless steel, stem nut brass or cast aluminum bronze
with gunmetal. Body components shall be of ductile cast iron SG GGG-50. Stem sealing by
elastomer / NBR rubber ‘O’ rings.

Up to size DN 400 resilient seated Gate valves are preferred with ductile iron wedge fully
covered with special grade elastomer EPDM rubber. Heavy duty steel keys with head
configuration to fit operating nut and handle length as required for proper above ground
operation shall be provided in numbers specified by the Engineer.

Valves above ground shall be provided with hand wheel. Nominal pressure for the valves
shall be 16 bar or more. All bolts and nuts to be stainless steel grade A4-70.

Gate valves two inches (2") in diameter and smaller shall have non-rising stem and be
manufactured from brass or bronze according to BS 5154. Inlet and outlet to be screwed
BSP. Rating to be PN16 or above.

iv. Air Valve

Provide automatic double orifice air vents at all high points on the pressure mains. Air
valves and other similar items shall confirm to BS 2591. Automatic air valves shall have non-
corrosive floats in chambers with clear space ensuring blockage free operation. All
components for the air valve actuating mechanism including lever shall be stainless steel.

The body and cover of the valve should be of bronze or ductile iron with phenolic primer
coating. Nozzles with seals and actuating mechanism to be located in the removable upper
plate connected to the valve body using stainless steel (grade 316/A4-70) bolts. Valves shall
be coated with epoxy internally and externally to average DFT 300 microns for protection
against corrosion of body components. All nut bolts to be of stainless steel grade 316/ A4-

Pressure rating of the valve shall be 16 bars. The internal components shall be stainless
steel. The valve size and installation shall be as per site conditions and Engineer’s

v. Pressure reducing, pressure sustaining & check Valve

These valves shall be installed to maintain a constant downstream pressure regardless of
demand fluctuations. The valve shall be automatic, fluid actuated with a flexible non-
wicking, FDA approved, nylon fabric reinforced elastomer diaphragm. The pilot shall be
brass and tubing of copper / brass. The valve shall be flanged and of ductile iron body. All


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

internal and external exposed surfaces shall be FDA approved epoxy coated to minimum
DFT 300 microns. Valve sizes 4” and above shall be standard with an externally mounted Y
strainer for protection of control circuit and ball valves to isolate the pilot system from Main
valve. All nut bolts to be of stainless steel grade 316/A4-70.

The valve shall open and close in modulating action. On pressure reversal, valve shall close
tightly. Adjustable pressure range shall generally be from 1.0 kg/cm2 to 8.5 kg/cm2.
Contractor to verify the pressure of the main irrigation supply line and ensure its suitability.

It shall be disc type, reinforced plastic filter with with male pipe threads (MPT) for both the inlet and outlet
ports. Resistant to chemicals and liquid fertilizers. A threaded cap on one end of the body shall be capable of
periodic servicing by unscrewing the cap or releasing the latched band from the main filter body. This device
shall be capable of closing off the inlet port so the disc element can be removed when the main line is still
pressurised. Filter element shall consist of grooved discs, mounted on a spine, forming a cylindrical filter
element. The discs shall be compressed together by a spring located at the bottom of the filter cover.
The disc-type filter elements shall be made up of Polypropylene material. It shall be colour-coded and
available in 140,200 meshes.
The size of the filters shall be selected based on the maximum designed flow in the section and shall capable
of withstand 140 psi pressure
Install the disc filter, horizontally level, below grade, and either before or after the remote control valve as per
approved drawing. The position of the disc filter in the valve box shall be off-centre to allow for removal of the
disc element for periodic servicing. Size of the valve box shall be as approved. Include a minimum of 1 cubic
foot of ¾” gravel in the bottom of the valve box. Valve box support and placement shall conform to the
approved installation methods

i. Air valves (1" or smaller only), quick coupling valves, solenoid valves and wires pull
boxes to be installed in an access box of sufficient size to permit ready removal of the
valve inner assemblies without removing the box from the ground. Valve names and
numbers must be clearly marked inside and outside of the box with permanent plastic
ii. Valve boxes shall be fabricated from reinforced plastic and minimum recommended
size shall be as follows: (Following are clear internal dimensions)

Type Cover Depth

Q.C.V Base: 298.5mm 260mm
Top: 235.0mm
Pull box, Air Valve 1” & Flush Valve Base: 489.0x359.0 mm 305mm
Top: 390.5x257.0mm
Solenoid Valves up to 1.5 inch Base: 755.5X508.0 mm 381mm
Top: 590.5x349.0mm
Solenoid valves 2 inches and above and Base: 952.5x616.0 mm 457 mm
isolation valves up to 3 inch. Top: 774.5x444.5 mm

iii. Measurements are taken from the top of boxes. Covers shall be secured by stainless
steel (A4-70) bolts.
iv. Please note: Installation of plastic valve boxes in paved areas and Sikkas are not
allowed. All the valve chambers/pull boxes in paved areas and sikkas shall be in RCC
and with heavy-duty ductile iron manhole covers.



CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

i. Pressure Compensating Emitters

Emitters shall be constructed from durable black-heat resistant plastic. The emitters shall be
of barbed configuration that can be inserted easily in to Polyethylene tubing. Pressure
compensation shall be achieved by a flexible orifice located in resilient Silicone Elastomer
diaphragms. The orifice should be self-flushing type and shall clean itself during each
irrigation cycle at the start up and the shut down. The emitters should have manual-
flushing capability also. The emitter exponent shall be 0.10 or less. The body and the
diaphragm should be resistant to high concentration of Chlorine, fertilizers and pesticides.

ii. Pressure Compensating Dripper Line

Irrigation equipment - Dripper line shall consist of linear low-density Polyethylene tubing
with pressure compensating, self-flushing type integral drip emitters. The tubing shall have
a minimum outside diameter (O.D.) 16mm and thickness of 1.1 mm + 0.05mm. Pipes for
drip lines shall be manufactured from low-density polyethylene incorporating a minimum
of 2.8% carbon black, antioxidants in an amount not exceeding 0.5% and shall have
pressure rating of 4.0 bar.

A random sample of drip pipes shall be subjected to the Teepol crack resistance test. The
samples shall be immersed in a bath containing a solution of 10% Teepol and 90% water
maintained at 50 degrees C. The pipe should resist the solution without showing any
fatigue or crack for a period of 150 hours.

The test should be carried out in an independent approved laboratory within the same
country as the project.

All fittings for drip line shall be compression type.

The emitters must be pressure compensating according to ISO9260 and emission rate of
the emitter shall remain constant at varying water pressure from 1bar to 4.5 bars. The flow
path in emitter must ensure turbulent flow and emitter must confirm to excellent pressure
compensation and self-cleaning/ Flushing mechanism. The emitter must be clogging
resisting and the filtration requirement not more than 150 mesh. Coefficient of variation
shall be less than 5%. The flow of emitter must remain same/constant at temperatures
varying from 0 to 60 deg. Celsius.

The product must have warranty against cracking and performance for 5 Years.

Number of drip line risers shall be as per Engineer’s approval. Separate drip line risers shall
be for each planter. Each tree in grass areas shall be provided with separate drip line riser.
Drip stakes shall be provided at each point of change in direction of drip line and spacing
between drip stakes shall not be more than 10.0 meters.

iii. Dust Cap

Dust cap should be installed on the drip emitters to prevent insects and dirt from entering
the drip emitters. The cap should be durable plastic and heat resistant.

iv. Staple Stake

All drip tubes shall be held on the soil by staple stake. The stake should be polypropylene,
minimum 200mm long, durable and heat resistant. Tails of the stakes shall be provided
with integral barb type flaps to increase retention in soil. The drip line shall hold on the soil
by the same length staple stake at 10 m interval. The stake shall be featured separated
surface to grip the drip line

The capacity and spacing of the emitters shall be as follows:


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

a) For Ground Covers & Seasonals: Emitter discharge rate shall be 0.6 GPH spacing
between emitters shall be 50 cm, and spacing between dripper lines to be 50 cm.
b) For Shurbs: Emitter discharge rate shall be 0.9 GPH spacing between emitters shall be
50 cm, and spacing between dripper lines to be 50 cm.
c) For Trees: A loop of dripper line with 0.9 GPH in line emitter at every 30 cm. The length
of dripper line in a loop shall not be less than 4.2 metres.
d) For Palms: A loop of dripper line with 0.9 GPH in line emitter at every 30 cm. The length
of dripper line in a loop shall not be less than 6.3 metres.

i. The sprayers shall have a high-level impact strength corrosion resistant body, stem and
nozzle. Pop - up height should be 4". The sprayer shall have a heavy-duty stainless steel
retraction spring and piston with slip clutch to facilitate nozzle positioning. The sprayer
shall incorporate a wiper seal to protect the internal mechanism against ingress of
foreign material and prevent pressure blowout and shall have an easily accessible
under nozzle screen. The wiper seal should be co-molded type that ensures flow-by of
less than 0.10 US GPM at low pressure and complete sealing at pressure greater than
10 psi. The sprayer shall have 12 mm (1/2") threaded inlet.
ii. All sprayers should be provided with built-in seal-a-matic check valve and in-stem
pressure regulator to maintain constant outlet pressure of 30 PSI.
iii. The sprayer shall have the following performance specification at 2 bars operating
iv. The nozzles shall have precipitation rates matched across sets and across patterns. The
standard nozzle shall be capable of covering 4,5 meter radius at 2.0 bars pressure.
v. Spacing for the sprayers with standard nozzle shall be 4 meters. For small areas
sprayers with low flow nozzles shall be used as shown in drawings.

Type Radius (M) Flow GPM

Full circle 4.5 3.70
Three quarter 4.5 2.78
Half circle 4.5 1.85
Quarter circle 4.5 0.92

Low angle sprayers shall be installed as required, contractor to submit details.

All nozzles shall be MPR.

Sprayers/sprinklers should be installed in such a way that water will not hit stem of the palm tree.

Spray and sprinklers to be installed 20 cm away from heel kerb/edge of the footpath or as per site


i. Turbine or gear drive rotor pop up sprinklers, full and part circle operation with
Memory-Arc to automatically return nozzle stream to set arc. Part circle adjustment
shall be from minimum 40 deg. to 350 degrees. All adjustments of the sprinklers shall
be from the top.
ii. The internal mechanism is water lubricated. Heavy-duty plastic case with multi-
function wiper seal and heavy-duty retraction stainless spring. All sprinklers should be
provided with seal-a-matic check valve. Bottom inlet to be 3/4" BSP female threaded.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

Pop up height to be not less than 3 5/8". The nozzles of all the sprinklers shall be low-
pressure models for proper performance even at low pressures.
iii. The sprinkler shall approx. match the following performance specification a 3.0 bar
operating pressure:
a) Standard (25 deg Trajectory)

Type Radius (m) Flow (GPM)

Full Circle 12.00 6.03
Three Quarter 11.50 4.50
Half Circle 10.50 3.01
Quarter Circle 10.20 1.50
Spacing for these sprinklers shall be not more than 10.0 meters.

b) Low angle (15 deg Trajectory)

Type Radius (m) Flow (GPM)

Full Circle 6.7 3.8
Three Quarter 6.7 2.85
Half Circle 6.7 2.0
Quarter Circle 6.7 1.0
Spacing for these low angle sprinklers shall not be more than 6.5 meters.
iv. Sprinklers in tree areas should be with low trajectory angle.
v. All sprinklers shall be operating through low pressure.

i. All electrical equipments shall be in accordance with the regulations and electrical
specifications of the local authority having jurisdiction. Enclosures shall be protected
in accordance with IP55 for equipment installed above grade and IP58 for equipment
installed below grade.

ii. Electrical Wire For Solenoid Valves and Controllers

All electrical wire for underground use shall be single core solid "Underground Feeder"
type insulated with a flame retardant thermoplastic compound, rated for 600 volts and
direct burial. The Contractor shall prepare a wire-sizing chart with effective lengths of each
station and common wires, which shall be submitted for approval prior to commencement
of work. Cable markers shall be used for indicating valve number each cable at both ends
as well as at splices. Cables shall be laid in PVC conduits.

The cable manufacturer should certify that the insulated conductors have been tested for
and meet the requirements of U.L.

The cable shall be suitable for direct burial in the earth, however it is required to be
installed in ducts or conduits.

Contractor to provide conduit pipe with draw chord for the signal cable for future use, the
conduit cable shall be installed between field controllers and the filter chamber.

Pull boxes shall be provided at every place of change in direction of conduit piping and
near to solenoid valves. In any case spacing between adjacent pull boxes in a line shall not
exceed 80 meters.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

Size of the cable depends on the distance between the main control panel and the field

Power cables to the irrigation controllers shall be XLPE X SWA X PVC.

Sizes of the conduits should be as follows.

a) 1” up to 4 wires
b) 1½ ” up to 8 wires
c) 2” up to 15 wires
d) 3” up to 30 wires
e) 4” more than 30 wires

Provide minimum one spare cable for every five cables. A Separate common wire shall be
provided for Sprinkler and Sprayer valves.

Irrigation control cables shall be color coded as follows:

a) Common wire Green or black
b) Shrubs and GC Blue
c) Trees and palms Red
d) Spray valve wire Yellow
e) Sprinkler valve wire Orange
f) Spare wire White

iii. Wire Connectors

All wire connections at electric remote control valves and all splices of wire in the field shall
be made using wire connectors. The wire connectors shall be specifically designed to
ensure waterproof underground wire connections. The connectors shall be under-writers
laboratories listed water-resistant wire connectors, rated 600 volts for PVC insulated copper
wire with insulation temperature rating of 105 degree C.

The connector shall be insulated with color coded, pliable, vinyl skirt. These shall feature
alive spring that assures a tight grip even on small wire combinations.

All wire connections to be arranged in plastic pull boxes at fixed interval distances of
maximum 100 meters and/or at any change of direction.

All valve combinations shall be arranged at the controller.

i. The field controllers shall be solid-state type Series and shall have 220 Volts power
input and 26.5 Volts, 50 cycles.
ii. If the input voltage to the controller is other than 220 Volts AC, the Contractor must
ensure continuous regular voltage to controller’s equivalent to the input voltage
marked out on the controllers. If voltage fluctuations are noted, controllers must be
equipped with automatic voltage regulations.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

iii. The controllers should be selected based on application.

a) Hybrid type that combines electromechanical and microprocessor- based circuitry
capable of fully automatic and manual operation
b) Have sufficient no.of stations (including spare) as per detailed design with the facility
of add on stations (Modular)
c) Controller should be in weather-proof lockable cabinet with minimum one meter high
stainless steel pedestal. The pedestal should install in proper concrete base, 300 mm
above Ground level and all field Controller shall be installed in GRP Kiosk enclosure. In
case, independent controller installing for each villas, it can be wall mounted type
d) The field controller shall operate through the central control system or independently.
All programs shall be operated either through the central location of independently
from the field controller. It shall give random access of all stations by central computer
e) Remote control facility- optional
f) All other features like seasonal water budgeting, program (delay / interval),station run
times, memory and back up, protection, calendar, operation modes, Rain shut-off etc.
should be as per the latest best standards.
iv. Power supply to the field controller should be through armoured cables and taken
from the nearest local source. No conduit is required for these armoured power cables.
Contractor to provide calculations for cable sizing for the Landscape Architect’s
approval. Size of the power cables should not be less than 4mm2 x 4 cores.
v. The contractor has to check the number of electric valves connected to each station, if
number exceeds the manufacturer recommendation a multi-station relay has to be
included with the corresponding controller. Lightning protection shall be provided for
all controllers.
vi. The Central Control System (CCS) it shall have the following features:
a) Computerized, fully controlled and monitored irrigation system, all related pumps,
flow sensors and all related accessories.
b) Consists of a central computer station, which shall communicate in two directions with
the site control units through different communication means. The site control units
shall be intelligent device, modular and expandable and shall to store and forward
c) Capable of controlling a single site or multi sites and shall have a hybrid system, which
can offer both types of the system communication, Satellite and Decoders in the same
d) Operate in the Microsoft Windows operating system and provide water budget
adjustment, cost estimator and automatic ET adjustment.
e) Capable of integrating, if required, a remote connected weather station complete with
all necessary instruments for recording wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity,
rainfall, solar radiation and air temperature
f) Not limited to control irrigation only, but also capable of controlling other functions
such as lighting, security systems, firefighting, valves, fountains etc.
g) Require manufacturer warranty for five years. It should repair or replace at no charge
any of the manufactures related products that fail in normal use.
h) The controller shall be smart water application type having SWAT (smart water
application technology) or equivalent certification for climate based controllers from a
approved certification body like Center for Irrigation Technology (CIT) /Irrigation
Association or any other reputed agency


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification


i. The isolation valve shall be in RCC chambers as shown on the detail drawings.
ii. The contractor shall propose a design for the chambers to suit the site conditions.
iii. The chamber covers shall be double triangle heavy-duty ductile iron with clear
opening of 600 x 900mm, bitumen epoxy coated. The cover shall be loosely coupled
by stainless steel bolts and nuts. Covers to be painted green. The word of
“IRRIGATION” in English and Arabic should be casted on the covers.
iv. Valve chambers with depth of more than 1.5 meters shall be provided with a heavy-
duty aluminum ladder.


Chamber Identification plate is to be made to sizes 200 x 150mm and shall be of "Admiralty
Brass" BS Code No.CZ III BS 2871. The plate to be 5 mm thick with two lags 150 mm long 20 mm
wide by 5 mm thick welded at the back. The plate is to have engraving 2 mm deep as shown in
the drawing for each relevant chamber.

i. uPVC ducts shall be Class C to BS3506. Asbestos cement ducts shall be Class 12, to ISO-
R-160 made with sulfate resistant cement bitumen coated from outside.
ii. Duct markers shall be used and should be aluminum and shall clearly indicate the
name in arabic and English: ‘IRR ‘.


i. All valve boxes pull boxes and valve chambers shall be provided with tags. Tags shall
be approved by the Engineer. Provide 2nr tags for valve boxes. Tags shall be suitable
for installations under direct sun light exposure and in local weather and
environmental conditions.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification



A. Prior to trenching all services crossing or running close to the line of the trench shall be
identified and exposed. In addition the line of the trench shall be electronically swept using an
approved detection device, capable of detecting both live and 'dead' cables.
B. Trenches shall be made as narrow as practicable, but not less than the pipe diameter plus 300
mm, and shall provide sufficient room for laying jointing and testing. The width of the trench at
the crown of the pipe shall not exceed the pipe diameter plus 600 mm. Sheeting, bracing and
shoring shall be used to provide for the safety of all personnel for all trenches.
C. The trench bottom shall be composed of stable uniform sand with no protuberances that might
cause point loading of the pipe. The trench formation shall be trimmed to an even finish that
will provide continuous support for the pipe. Additional excavation shall be carried out at the
position of the pipe socket to ensure proper joint assembly and pipe support.
D. If the existing formation is unsuitable for direct laying, the pipes shall be laid on a bed of
imported sand 100 mm thick (minimum). This sand may be sourced from sieved excavated
material, but should not contain any particles larger than 5 mm, and should have good self-
compacting properties.
E. De-watering shall be provided to remove any surface or ground water entering the excavations.
Ground water level shall be maintained at least 100 mm below the bottom of each excavation.
F. The trench should not be excavated more than 3 days production rate in front of pipe lying.
G. Pipes shall be center loaded leaving joints exposed within three days of lying. Initial back-fill
shall be by hand in 300 mm lifts, and carried out in such a manner as to ensure adequate
support under the pipe and distributed evenly to ensure there are no voids under or to the side
of the pipe.
H. Back-fill material shall be sand and shall be compacted by water tamping once the level of
back-fill reaches the crown of the pipe.
I. For pipe sizes 4" (diameter) and above, back-fill material shall be deposited in 300 mm lifts in
general areas and compacted to relative degree of compaction of 95% (by approved method)
and tested by large pouring method. In paved areas layers shall be 150mm and back-fill shall
be compacted layer by layer to reach relative degree of compaction of 95%. Mechanical
compactors shall not be used until there is a minimum of 300 mm above the crown of the pipe.
J. Back-fill material shall be sand and shall not contain any particles larger than 25 mm for the first
100 mm above the pipe; thereafter back-fill material shall contain no particles larger than 50
K. Whenever ambient temperatures exceed 35 degrees centigrade, center loading for PVC pipes
greater than 3" shall only be carried out in the early morning, or shall alternatively be preceded
by cooling of the pipe string by application of water.
L. For pipe sizes of 3" and below compaction as mentioned is not required.


A. PVC pipes shall be stored on site in a covered pipe store. Pipe stacks shall not be greater than
seven layers of Pipe or two meters high. Pipes shall be shielded from the sun at all times and
shall be placed on a sand bed, or on supports at least 75 mm wide and placed not greater than
1.50m apart; side supports shall be similarly constructed and placed not greater than 3.00 m
apart. The pipe store shall allow for circulation of air. Rubber sealing rings shall be stored inside
closed boxes in a shaded place, and shall on no account be exposed to sunlight for more than a
few hours.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

B. Pipes shall be transported on the site on a flatbed trailer, and should never be dropped or
dragged along the ground.
C. Spigot ends of all pipes shall be chamfered to a depth of half the wall thickness at an angle of
15 degree. Pipes cut on site should be cut square to the pipe axis with a fine-toothed saw. All
swarf and burrs should be removed from the pipe prior to assembly of joints. Pipe cutters may
be used for 1" pipe. Spigot insertion depth shall be measured and marked on all pipe larger
than 3" using indelible ink to allow checking at a later date.
D. Ring joints shall be made using an approved non-ionic lubricant compatible with the sealing
ring. Pipes sized up to 8" may be jointed using a crowbar and a timber protection piece, joints
larger than 8" shall be assembled using a clamped lever device. Before back-filling joints shall
be checked to ensure that the spigot is inserted to at least 90% of the socket depth in all
E. Solvent welding shall be carried out by experienced fitters who fully understand the technique,
and have successfully made a solvent weld joint in the presence of, and to the approval of the
Engineer. Helpers brought up on site may only be allowed to make solvent joints after
inspection of their technique by the Landscape Architect.
F. Solvent welded joints made on pipe 3" and above shall be preceded by lightly sanding both
surfaces to be jointed using a medium glass paper or clean emery cloth. Solvent "cleaner" shall
be applied to all mating surfaces using a dauber or brush (application using rags will not be
allowed). After ensuring that mating surfaces are clean and dry solvent cement shall be applied
in sufficient quantities to ensure bonding, but not in excessive quantities that will leave
appreciable residues inside the pipe.
G. Brush size shall be 3/8" round for 1" pipe, 1" flat for 1-1/2" pipe and 2" flat for larger pipes.
Solvent cement should be applied by two people simultaneously for pipe 3" and above.
Immediately after application of solvent cement pipes shall be pushed together in a smooth
continue motion, that ensures that the spigot is at least 90% inserted into the socket, the joint
shall be held for a minimum of 20 seconds after insertion, and then surplus cement shall be
cleaned from the outside of the pipe using a rag or paper. Solvent cement and cleaner shall be
provided in tins with brush or dauber fixed to the lid of the tin. The lids shall be firmly closed at
all times except when the joint is being made. Any tins of solvent cement that become viscous
or hardens shall be discarded.
H. On no account shall brushes on which solvent cement has hardened be used for making joints.
All fitters involved in solvent cement jointing shall be provided with safety gloves that prevent
solvent touching the skin, gloves shall be kept in good condition and shall be replaced
I. Jointing shall not be carried out in windy conditions (wind speeds greater than 18 km/hour). All
lines shall be capped at the end of the days work.
J. uPVC mains with sizes 8" and above shall have minimum cover of 1.2 mete over the top of the
pipe. Mainline sizes 6" and below should have minimum cover of 1.0 meter.
K. Please note that uPVC lateral lines should have minimum cover of 60 cm over the crown of the
pipe. Laterals should be laid in such a way it should have minimum clear space from other
L. Minimum distance of uPVC lateral lines from the centerline of trees shall be as follows:
a. Palm Trees - 1.5m
b. Trees - 1.0m
c. Shrubs - 0.8 m


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification


A. Drip line shall be installed above ground as shown on the drawings and shall be anchored to
the ground with staple stake at every 10m.

A. Butterfly valves, gate valves, air valves and solenoid valves shall be installed as shown in the
drawings. Installation shall be neat and tidy. Valve boxes shall be installed level and aligned
with the pavement.
B. Cover of the valve chambers and valve boxes shall be level and aligned with pavement as
instructed by the Engineer.


Equipment shall generally be installed to achieve optimal irrigation efficiency and to accommodate the
requirements of the landscaping. All irrigation equipment such as spray heads and emitters shall be
installed only after all the laterals and risers are flushed thoroughly. The half circle spray heads should
be installed at least 15 cm away from kerbstone.


The contractor has to follow strictly the instruction of the suppliers and provide the Engineer with all
technical information related to this equipment.

The length of test section shall be maximum 500m or as directed by the Irrigation Landscape Architect. The
pipe length to be tested may be blanked off using a blank iron or steel flange previously drilled and tapped for
test equipment connection and strutted as necessary against end thrust. The blank flange may be attached to
the pipeline by a V.J. flange adopter or similar fitting.

Testing should not be carried out against closed valves. All charging and testing should preferably be carried
out from lowest point of the under test section and all testing equipment should be located at this point.

The pressure gauge also should be located at the lowest point or adjustment must be made for the level of the
pressure gauge relative to the pipes location.

Prior to testing, care should be taken to ensure that all anchor blocks have attained adequate maturity and
that any solvent welded joints included in the pipe system have developed full strength. Correct support and
anchorage of any above ground sections of the pipeline is also necessary. Underground pipelines should be
back-filled, taking particular care to consolidate around lengths that may have been deflected to negotiate

All joints should be left exposed until testing is completed.

The main pipe should be charged slowly, preferably from the lowest point with any air cock in the open
position. They should be closed in sequence from the lowest point only when water visibly free from aeration
is being discharged through them.

Satisfactorily charged, the main should be allowed to stand overnight to allow any residual air to settle-out.
Re-venting is then necessary and any water deficiency should be made-up.

Pressure testing can then begin by pumping slowly until it reaches to 9 bars. This pressure shall be kept for 24


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

A permissible water loss of 3 liters per 1000 m length per 25 mm nominal bore per 24 hours shall be
considered reasonable for PVC pipe.

For AC pipes the pressure test should be according the manufacturer's recommendation.

Dry film thickness (DFT) of all painted valves and spool pieces shall be measured on delivery to site. DFT shall
be the average of no less than three measurements, with no one measurement less than 75% of nominal
average DFT.

Holiday tests shall be carried out on internal and external surfaces on delivery, and also on external surfaces
prior to back filling.


A. All crossings across major roads/dual carriageways and U-turns shall be either through ducts or
no dig method.
B. All ducts should be at least 50 mm larger than pipe size.
C. Road crossings for the main and lateral pipes or cables should be carried out preferably by
horizontal drilling. Wherever it becomes impossible to drill because of existing services or any
other reasons acceptable by Landscape Architect, the road cutting shall be done as specified
D. Any hard surface damaged during construction, drilling or road cutting should be reinstated.
E. Separate ducts shall be used for irrigation pipes, electrical cables, control wires and maxi-com
signal wire.


At each bend, diversion or at the end of pipeline, a thrust block shall be provided. Heavy-duty polyethylene
sheet shall be used to wrap the pipe at the point of contact between pipeline fittings and the thrust block.
Contractor to prepare and submit shop drawings for approval .


A. All the electrical installations shall operate at a system voltage of 380 volts AC three-phase four-
wire 50 cycles.
B. The entire works shall be carried out in strict accordance with this specification and any
instructions as issued by the local authority having jurisdiction.


Each electrical component, cable and complete system shall be thoroughly inspected and tested before finally
placing in service under the full responsibility of the Contractor. All tests shall be made in compliance with
respective regulations, recommendations and standards. Any modifications replacements or repairs deemed
necessary upon completion of the tests shall be executed at the Contractor's expenses. Further tests shall be
carried out on any modified replaced or repaired equipment until it is certified trouble free and acceptable for
its intended service. All testing shall be demonstrated to the Engineer in a manner to be agreed later.


A. All electrical equipment under these contract documents shall have passed adequate routine
factory tests. Qualified personnel, approved by the Engineer, should make Field tests. The
Contractor shall furnish all apparatus, material, labor and facilities for performing the required
tests. Unless otherwise specified the individual electrical equipment shall undergo the
following tests in accordance with the IEC recommendations or other approved standards.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

For Workshop:
a) High voltage test
b) Check on mechanical function
c) Pre-test of functional sequences
d) At Site:
e) Visual inspection
f) Insulation test (megger test)
g) Check of functional sequences

B. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer acceptance test certificates of all tests carried out in
his workshop including all measuring data and subsequent evaluation.

C. The following tests are to be carried out for all cables as a minimum:
a) Resistance measurements
b) Insulation test with specified AC power frequency test voltage
c) Insulation resistance measurement of every individual cable length at site
d) Electrical continuity test for all controls.

D. The following test shall be carried out upon completion of the earthing system:
e) Measurement of the conductance of the earthing wires
f) Measurement of the intermediate resistance of the earthing electrodes

E. The contractor shall provide at his expense the necessary qualified personnel and measuring
instruments of the above measurements.


A. Panels shall be installed on concrete bases (300 mm above ground level). Control wire shall be
color coded, and provided with tags. Control cable shall be bundles and tied with a plastic
cable tie at least every 5 meters, installation of cable bundles in conduit shall be carried out in
such a way as to preclude the possibility of stretching the cable, or damaging the insulation. All
cable splices shall be waterproof, and made inside valve or conduit boxes, leaving at least one
meter of spare cable neatly coiled at each joint, and bend.
B. Panels shall be individually earthed by an approved copper clad grounding rod minimum
length 15 mm x 3 meter rod driven down into the water table and connected to the controller
by a brass clamp and a 4 mm2 grounding wire as per the Engineer’s approval and regulations of
the local authority having jurisdiction.
C. A factory-trained engineer recommended by the manufacturer, who has previously been in
charge of all aspects of installation of a similar control system and approved by the Engineer,
shall supervise all stages of the control system installation.


A. The field irrigation controllers shall be installed as shown on the drawings and control wire shall
be color coded, and provided with tags. Cabling nub ring shall be provided in all pull boxes and
the valve boxes. Control cable shall be bundles and tied with a plastic cable tie at least every 5
meters, installation of cable bundles in conduit shall be carried out in such a way as to preclude
the possibility of stretching the cable, or damaging the insulation.
B. All pull boxes and valve boxes shall be provided with tag. All cable splices shall be waterproof,
and made inside valve or conduit boxes, leaving at least one meter of spare cable neatly coiled
at each joint, and bend.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

C. Controllers shall be individually earthed by an approved copper clad grounding rod minimum
length 15 mm x 3 meter rod driven down into the water table and connected to the controller
by a brass clamp and a 4 mm2 grounding wire.


Irrigation system shall be flushed thoroughly prior to installation of drip lines.
i. Commissioning of fieldwork and equipment shall include all works required to bring
the system into service, and to make sure that it is operating efficiently, and shall
include but not be limited by the following:
a) Adjust valve outlet pressure +/- 10% of nominal.
b) Measure head loss from first to last sprayer in up to 50 different cases.
c) Adjust sprayer to ensure spray onto pavement and paths is minimized. Replacing any
spray nozzles that have uPVC burrs, or sand lodged inside. Adjust spray patterns to
ensure optimal coverage.
d) Ensure that all sprayers and valve boxes are flush with the finish grade.
e) Replace any clogged or partially clogged emitters (delivering less than 50% of nominal
flow) or any emitter overflowing by more than 50% (squirting). Carrying out emission
uniformity test involving at least 40 emitters on up to 10 valves, as directed by the
Landscape Architect.
f) Controllers shall be adjusted to give an optimal flow regime, generally in accordance
with the drawings and as instructed by the Landscape Architect. Valves sequence may
be modified to ensure that valves operate in a logical sequence to facilitate
maintenance operations.
g) Irrigation cycles for sprinklers and sprayers should be programmed during nighttime
and early morning (from 12 midnight up to 5 a.m.).
ii. A full cycle shall be run four times, and total system flow rates shall be recorded, and
stations shall be adjusted in accordance with the instructions of the Landscape
Architect, base on the results of these trials.
iii. Trials shall only be carried out after all valve's pressure have been adjusted. During
these trials main line head losses shall be verified by installing pressure recorder at the
start and the end of the main line.
Three standard irrigation schedules shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of the
Engineer, and tested per controller schedule as above. Each particular function of the system shall be
demonstrated in accordance with an approved commissioning procedure developed by the contractor.
i. Operational and maintenance manuals shall be prepared and submitted for approval
in draft form prior to commencement of commissioning. Manuals shall contain
comprehensive operational schedules, recommended spare parts lists, manufacturers
operating data, catalogues and exploded parts diagrams where applicable for the
entire irrigation scheme. The materials used for the system shall be listed in the
ii. Manuals shall be revised in accordance with Engineer’s instructions, and reflect, and
record the results of the commissioning procedures described above. Three bound
copies of the manual shall be delivered to the Engineer prior to the date of substantial
completion certificate issuing.


CHAPTER VII: Irrigation Performance Specification

i. The contractor must submit As-Built drawings for all works included in this contract.
Completion certificate will not be issued unless the contractor submits the As-Built
ii. Three complete sets of "As-Built" drawings along with a negative and all CD’s (compact
disks) should be submitted before handing over of the project.


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