Interim Release Q3I9M 2021
Interim Release Q3I9M 2021
Interim Release Q3I9M 2021
November 9, 2021
Traffic development at Frankfurt and the international Group airports benefited from a recovery especially in the third quarter
compared with the same period of the previous year. In the first nine months of 2021, Frankfurt Airport welcomed around 16 million
passengers and reached, despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the traffic development from the beginning of the
year, approximately the same values of the same period the previous year (-2.2%). Thereby, passenger numbers remained clearly
below the pre-crisis levels from 2019 (-70.8%). The Group’s international airports, in particular the tourist-oriented destinations in
Turkey and Greece, which reached over 75% of pre-crisis levels in the third quarter, showed clear passenger growth compared
to the previous year. Cargo traffic in Frankfurt continued to show clearly positive development both compared to the same period
of the previous year at 24.6% and compared to pre-crisis levels from 2019 at 8.5%.
The compensation granted in the second quarter of 2021 by the German Federal Government and the State of Hesse for the
holding costs incurred during the first lockdown in 2020 totaling €159.8 million had a positive effect on Group EBITDA and thus
also on the liquidity situation and net financial debt in the third quarter of 2021. Some other Group companies were also compen-
sated for the operating losses incurred last year in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The compensation provided by the
Greek government by waiving the fixed concession payments and granting a later start date for the variable concession fee, which
is also to be paid, had a positive effect on other operating income totaling €92.8 million as at September 30, 2021. Furthermore,
the waiver of fixed minimum lease payments at Fraport USA in the amount of €16.0 million positively impacted other operating
income. Discussions on further compensation measures at individual Group companies are currently ongoing.
As at September 30, 2021, the number of total employees at the Frankfurt site decreased by 4,293 compared to December 31,
2019 as a result of the headcount reductions initiated as part of the strategic “Zukunft FRA – Relaunch 50” program.
In order to further expand the Group’s liquidity and create additional financial flexibility, an additional bilateral loan agreement
amounting to €100 million was completed in the third quarter of 2021. In total, the Fraport Group raised around €2.5 billion in debt
financing measures in the first nine months, taking into account both long-term and short-term financing instruments and secured
credit lines.
The quarterly figures concerning the asset, financial, and earnings position have been prepared in accordance with the Interna-
tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as applicable in the EU. The interim release does not include complete interim
financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34. The interim release was not reviewed or
audited by an independent auditor.
Reporting for 2020 was extended to include the key performance indicator “EBITDA before special items” as at Septem-
ber 30, 2020. EBITDA before special items is adjusted for personnel expenses from the creation of provisions amounting to
€279.5 million for the “Zukunft FRA – Relaunch 50” program at Fraport AG as well as corresponding measures taken by individual
Group companies at the Frankfurt site. This key performance indicator allowed for a better assessment of the Fraport Group’s
operational performance in 2020. The table below shows a reconciliation of the key performance indicator as at Septem-
ber 30, 2020. The quarterly figures for the first nine months of 2021 were not influenced by special items for the “Zukunft FRA –
Relaunch 50” program.
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 2
An overview of the calculation of key financial indicators and a description of specialist terms are presented on page 257 of the
2020 Annual Report.
The recovery in traffic numbers along with the agreement reached with the German Federal Police concerning billed aviation
security services in recent years led to an increase in revenue by 14.0% to €1,501.4 million in the first nine months of the year.
Adjusted for contract revenue from construction and expansion services based on the application of IFRIC 12, revenue increased
by 18.3% to €1,356.6 million.
Other operating income in the reporting period contained the compensation of €159.8 million granted by the German Federal
Government and the State of Hesse for the holding costs incurred in the first lockdown in 2020 and the agreement reached by
Fraport Greece to compensate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic of €92.8 million.
Non-staff costs (cost of materials and other operating expenses) dropped by €37.0 million to €584.5 million as a result of coun-
termeasures taken. Adjusted for expenses from construction and expansion services based on the application of IFRIC 12, non-
staff expenses fell by €10.9 million to €439.7 million. Personnel expenses decreased from €982.9 million by €346.5 million to
€636.4 million. Compared to the previous year´s personnel expenses before special items, which included expenses of €279.5 mil-
lion for the “Zukunft FRA – Relaunch 50” program, the decrease was €67.0 million.
Group EBITDA reached a value of €623.9 million (+€851.6 million). Compared with the previous year’s Group EBITDA before
special items, the increase was €572.1 million. EBIT amounted to €292.2 million (9M 2020: -€571.0 million).
Due to the positive result in the first nine months of 2021, which was influenced, among other things, by the non-recurring cash
effects in connection with compensation received for holding costs and the agreement reached with the German Federal Police
concerning billed aviation security services in recent years, the operating cash flow increased clearly to €218.9 million (9M 2020:
-€124.9 million). Increased investing activities at the Frankfurt site were offset by lower capital expenditure in airport operating
projects in the international business. The free cash flow in the amount of -€633.5 million was above the previous year’s level (9M
2020: -€987.7 million). Net financial debt increased correspondingly by €692.4 million to €6,225.9 million.
Overall, the Executive Board of Fraport AG describes the operating and financial development in the reporting period as stable.
For the 2021 fiscal year, the Executive Board forecasts passenger numbers at Frankfurt Airport in the upper range of the predicted
figure of less than 20 to 25 million passengers. As a result, Group revenue is expected to be slightly above €2.0 billion. The
Executive Board expects Group EBITDA of between €650 million up to slightly above €700 million, Group EBIT of between
€200 million up to slightly above €250 million, as well as a positive Group result. This results in a corresponding forecast adjust-
ment for the net financial debt to EBITDA ratio, which is expected in the positive high single-digit range.
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 3
Key Figures
Operating Performance
Traffic development
Commercial traffic only, in + out + transit.
As a result of late submissions, there may be changes to the figures reported for the previous year.
Share of voting rights: 51 %, dividend share: 50 %.
In the first nine months of 2021, approximately 15.8 million passengers traveled through Frankfurt Airport. This represents a
decrease of 354 Tsd passengers compared to the same period in the previous year (-2.2%). While there was still a clear decline
in passenger numbers at the beginning of 2021 compared to the period in the previous year, which was not yet affected by the
coronavirus pandemic, this was almost compensated by the recovery in holiday traffic, especially to European destinations, during
the summer months. In the reporting period, European traffic, including domestic connections within Germany, showed growth of
3.7%, while travel warnings and restrictions continued to have a negative impact on intercontinental traffic (-13.5%). Cargo volume
reached a value of 1.73 million metric tons (+24.6%).
During the reporting period, the Group’s airports reported positive passenger development. In particular, the Group’s tourist-
oriented sites in Turkey, Greece, and Bulgaria showed high growth due to increased demand during the holiday months. There
was also a clear recovery trend at the Group’s airports that are mainly dependent on domestic passenger traffic.
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 5
Financial Performance
The Group’s results of operations
Compared to the previous year, Group revenue increased by €183.9 million to €1,501.4 million. Adjusted for contract revenue
from construction and expansion services based on the application of IFRIC 12, revenue increased by €210 million to €1,356.6 mil-
lion (+18.3%). The positive development compared to the previous year is attributable to the continuing traffic recovery and the
agreement reached with the German Federal Police concerning billed aviation security services in recent years in the amount of
€57.8 million. Focusing solely on the past quarter, revenue increased from €406.9 million to €690.5 million (+69.7%).
Non-staff costs (cost of materials and other operating expenses) dropped by €37.0 million to €584.5 million (-6.0%) in the first
nine months of the year. Adjusted for the expenses relating to the application of IFRIC 12, this drop amounted to €10.9 million
(-2.4%). This is due, among other things, to reduced expenses for external staff and other services purchased, as well as lower
other operating expenses. This was offset by a clear increase in concession charges at the Group’s international airports com-
pared to the previous year due to the positive traffic development.
Personnel expenses decreased by €67.0 million to €636.4 million (-9.5%) compared to personnel expenses before special items
in the previous year, due to the headcount reduction and other countermeasures in personnel management. Taking into account
the expenses incurred in the previous year for the “Zukunft FRA – Relaunch 50” program at the Frankfurt site as well as expenses
from personnel management measures at the other Group companies in the amount of €279.5 million, Group personnel expenses
decreased to €346.5 million (-35.3%) in the reporting period.
Financial result
The financial result increased by €6.3 million to -€139.6 million (9M 2020: -€145.9 million). This was mainly due to the result from
companies accounted for using the equity method which improved by €66.5 million, particularly due to the positive development
at the Group company Antalya. In addition, interest income increased by €17.0 million to €17.5 million as a result of the agreement
with the German Federal Police. This was offset by higher interest expenses (+€56.1 million) due to higher financial liabilities and
a decline of the other financial result by €21.1 million.
In the first nine months of 2021, revenue in the Aviation segment amounted to €422.7 million, clearly higher than the
previous year’s figure of €353.5 million. This was mainly due to increased revenue from security services (+€69.0 mil-
lion), which was positively influenced by an agreement reached with the German Federal Police concerning billed
aviation security services in recent years amounting to €57.8 million. Other income includes the compensation payment of
€159.8 million granted by the German Federal Government and the State of Hesse to cover the holding costs incurred during the
first lockdown in 2020. Cost of materials declined by €13.3 million to €39.3 million. Personnel expenses in the amount of
€207.0 million decreased by €27.5 million compared to personnel expenses before special items from the previous year. EBITDA
was €172.7 million (+€371.1 million). This corresponds to an increase of €291.9 million compared to the previous year’s segment
EBITDA before special items. Segment EBIT increased by €375.1 million to €71.4 million.
€ million 9M 2021 9M 2020 Change Change in %
Revenue in the Retail & Real Estate segment in the reporting period amounted to €231.8 million (+€6.3 million) due
to higher real estate and parking revenue (+€5.8 million and +€1.0 million, respectively). Net retail revenue per passen-
ger was €3.74 (9M 2020: €4.40). The cost of materials remained virtually unchanged at €76.5 million (-€1.3 million).
Compared with personnel expenses before special items in the same period in the previous year, personnel expenses decreased
by €0.9 million to €32.2 million. Segment EBITDA improved by €12.1 million to €191.3 million compared to EBITDA before special
items in the previous year. Lower depreciation and amortization (-€4.6 million) led to segment EBIT of €127.4 million (+€32.7 mil-
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 7
At €269.6 million, revenue in the Ground Handling segment in the first nine months of 2021 was 7.9% higher than in
the same period in the previous year. This was mainly due to higher revenue from ground services as a result from the
positive traffic development (+€19.5 million). Cost of material amounted to €21.8 million, down -12.4% on the previous
year’s figure. Compared to personnel expenses before special items in the previous year, personnel expenses in the reporting
period decreased by €20.4 million to €219.7 million. Segment EBITDA improved to -€51.6 million (9M 2020 EBITDA before special
items: -€89.3 million). Segment EBIT increased to -€80.2 million (9M 2020: -€257.7 million).
Ground Handling
€ million 9M 2021 9M 2020 Change Change in %
Revenue in the International Activities & Services segment developed positively in the reporting period at €577.3 mil-
lion (+18.2%). Adjusted for the revenue relating to capacitive capital expenditure based on the application of IFRIC 12,
segment revenue was €432.5 million (+36.1%). Fraport Greece, in particular, with adjusted for IFRIC 12 growth of
€78.7 million, benefited from the recovery in traffic during the summer months. There was a positive effect on other operating
income of €127.9 million due to the waiver of the fixed concession payments in the amount of €92.8 million for the years 2019 to
2022 at Fraport Greece. In addition, the waiver of fixed minimum lease payments at Fraport USA in the amount of €16.0 million
as well as the compensation for the airport closure and reimbursement of fixed costs for 2020 at the Group company Fraport
Slovenija in the amount of €6.6 million had a positive effect on the segment’s other operating income. Non-staff costs fell by
€16.3 million to €403.5 million (-3.9%). Adjusted for the expenses relating to the application of IFRIC 12, non-staff expenses in
the segment increased by €9.8 million to €258.7 million (+3.9%) due to higher concession charges. Personnel expenses de-
creased by €18.2 million to €177.5 million compared to personnel expenses adjusted for special items in the previous year.
Segment EBITDA increased massively to €311.5 million (9M 2020 EBITDA before special items: €81.1 million). With overall
depreciation and amortization virtually unchanged compared to the previous year, segment EBIT increased to €173.6 million
(9M 2020: -€104.3 million).
Despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which in contrast to the previous year lasted the entire reporting period, all foreign
Group companies in the International Activities & Services segment achieved growth in revenue adjusted for revenue in connec-
tion with IFRIC 12, EBITDA, and EBIT.
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 9
Development of the key Group companies outside of Frankfurt (IFRS values before consolidation):
Fully consolidated Group companies
€ million Share in % Revenue1) EBITDA EBIT Result
9M 2021 9M 2020 Δ % 9M 2021 9M 2020 Δ % 9M 2021 9M 2020 Δ % 9M 2021 9M 2020 Δ%
Fraport USA 100 44.7 29.8 +50.0 26.6 4.9 >+100 – –28.4 – –5.6 –30.3 –
Fraport Slovenija 100 14.9 13.4 +11.2 6.7 –1.3 – –0.8 –10.3 – –0.6 –8.5 –
Fortaleza + Porto Alegre2) 100 50.4 68.5 –26.4 9.9 4.7 >+100 –6.9 –9.5 – –23.4 –13.9 –
Lima 80.01 215.7 155.6 +38.6 36.4 31.6 +15.2 25.5 20.4 +25.0 7.5 5.0 +50.0
Fraport Greece3) 73.4 181.5 159.0 +14.2 186.4 20.8 >+100 140.0 –19.0 – 67.4 –72.3 –
Twin Star 60 25.6 14.2 +80.3 15.9 3.2 >+100 7.4 –5.4 – 4.7 –8.2 –
Revenue adjusted by IFRIC 12: Fortaleza + Porto Alegre 9M 2021: €31.1 million (9M 2020: €28.8 million); Q3 2021: €12.6 million (Q3 2020: €5.3 million);
Lima 9M 2021: €102.6 million (9M 2020: €93.1 million); Q3 2021: €43.4 million (Q3 2020: €10.1 million);
Fraport Greece 9M 2021: €169.1 million (9M 2020: €90.4 million); Q3 2021: €136.7 million (Q3 2020: €62.5 million);
Antalya 9M 2021: €180.0 million (9M 2020: €77.6 million); Q3 2021: €139.1 million (Q3 2020: €52.3 million);
Thalita/Northern Capital Gateway 9M 2021: €132.0 million (9M 2020: €93.9 million); Q3 2021: €59.1 million (Q3 2020: €36.7 million).
Sum of the Group companies Fortaleza and Porto Alegre.
The Group companies Fraport Regional Airports of Greece A and Fraport Regional Airports of Greece B are collectively referred to as “Fraport Greece”.
Share of voting rights: 51%, Dividend share: 50%.
At €15,938.9 million, total assets as at September 30, 2021 were €1,857.7 million above the comparable value as at December
31, 2020 (+13.2%). The increase in non-current assets to €12,701.2 million (+€963.2 million) is primarily attributable to the
increase in other financial assets (+€427.2 million) due to the acquisition of securities as well as the increase of property, plant,
and equipment (+€412.0 million), in particular in connection with the Frankfurt Airport Expansion South project. In addition, invest-
ments in airport operating projects increased by €125.7 million to €3,346.9 million primarily due to on-going expansion projects at
the Group company Lima. At €3,228.9 million, current assets were €885.7 million higher than at the end of the previous year,
mainly due to an increase in cash and cash equivalents (+€888.6 million).
Shareholders’ equity as at September 30, 2021 amounted to €3,916.6 million, and rose by €157.9 million in the first three
quarters of 2021. The increase resulted, in particular, from the positive Group result of €118.0 million. Despite this improved result,
the shareholders’ equity ratio fell from 25.7%, as at December 31, 2020, to 23.5% due to increased debt. Non-current liabilities
increased by €1,885.7 million to €10,346.4 million (+22.3%), in particular due to the bond issue in the first quarter of 2021 and the
additions of long-term financial liabilities to secure liquidity. On the other hand, current liabilities declined in the reporting period
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 10
by €195.7 million to €1,666.1 million (-10.5%). This development was particularly due to the decrease in other provisions
(-€218.0 million) as a result of the use of a large part of the provision in connection with the “Zukunft FRA – Relaunch 50” program.
At €9,721.0 million, gross debt as at September 30, 2021 was clearly above the comparable value as at December 31, 2020 of
€7,747.2 million due to the aforementioned financing measures. Liquidity also increased by €1,281.4 million to €3,495.1 million.
Correspondingly, net financial debt increased by €692.4 million to €6,225.9 million (December 31, 2020: €5,533.5 million). The
gearing ratio was 166.0% (December 31, 2020: 152.9%).
Due to the positive result in the first nine months of 2021, which was influenced, among other things, by the non-recurring cash
effects in connection with compensation received for holding costs incurred and the agreement reached with the German Federal
Police concerning billed aviation security services in recent years, the cash flow from operating activities (operating cash
flow) was €218.9 million (9M 2020: cash outflow of €124.9 million), despite the severance payments made in the “Zukunft FRA –
Relaunch 50” program.
At €829.5 million, the cash flow used in investing activities excluding investments in cash deposits and securities was
only slightly below the previous year’s level (9M 2020: €842.9 million). Increased cash outflows for expansion and extension
measures at the Frankfurt site were offset by lower capital expenditure in airport operating projects given the nearly completed
construction measures at Fraport Greece and the Group companies Fortaleza and Porto Alegre.
Taking into account investments in and revenue from cash deposits and securities and promissory note loans, as well as time
deposits, the cash flow used in investing activities was €2,024.4 million (9M 2020: €1,910.1 million).
Cash flow from financing activities increased in total by €30.7 million to €1,891.6 million (9M 2020: €1,860.9 million). Payments
from long-term financial liabilities in connection with a bond issue as well as other long-term financial liabilities of €2,194.2 million
(9M 2020: €2,253.0 million) were offset by lower repayments and other changes in financial liabilities (-€88.9 million). Taking into
account other changes, Fraport reported cash and cash equivalents based on the statement of cash flows of €339.1 million as at
September 30, 2021 (9M 2020: €355.1 million).
Free cash flow amounted to -€633.5 million (9M 2020: -€987.7 million).
There were no other significant events for the Fraport Group after the balance sheet date.
Across the globe, coronavirus case numbers vary from country to country. The further development of passenger numbers at
Group airports can therefore only be forecast with a degree of uncertainty. However, vaccination rates worldwide are not yet
sufficiently high, and new virus variants could emerge. If these were to lead to rising incidence figures and renewed extensive
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 11
travel restrictions, this would have a “substantial” adverse impact on the business development, results of operations, and all
financial key figures of the Fraport Group.
Even though the recovery in traffic can be clearly seen in the Group’s international portfolio, passenger numbers did not develop
as expected everywhere due to the pandemic. At the Group airports in Ljubljana and the two Bulgarian airports in Varna and
Burgas, there may be deviations from the forecast (forecast Annual Report 2020: Ljubljana Airport approximately 40% of the
passenger volume of 2019; Varna and Burgas airports just over half of the passenger volume of 2019).
Development of forecasts
Group´s Results of Operations Forecast Forecast Forecast
Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 Interim Report Q2/6M 2021 Annual Report 2020
Between €650 million and up to slightly Approximately €460 million to Approximately €300 million to
EBITDA above €700 million €610 million €450 million
Between €200 million and up to slightly
EBIT above €250 million In positive area Slightly negative
Group result Positive Slightly negative to slightly positive Negative
In addition, the Executive Board maintains its forecasts for the Group’s results of operations for the full fiscal year 2021 (see also
the “Business Outlook” chapter in the 2020 Group Management Report starting on page 141).
In addition, the Executive Board maintains its forecasts for asset and financial development for the full fiscal year 2021 (see also
the “Business Outlook” chapter in the 2020 Group Management Report starting on page 141).
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 12
Income and expenses from companies accounted for using the equity method
directly recognized in equity
Changes recognized directly in equity 8.7 –4.3 3.6 –0.9
Realized gains (+)/losses (–) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8.7 –4.3 3.6 –0.9
(deferred taxes related to those items 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 37.3 –131.0 –0.6 –37.3
Other result after deferred taxes 39.9 –143.3 19.7 –46.3
Comprehensive income 157.9 –680.5 122.3 –352.1
thereof attributable to non-controlling interests 26.1 -25.4 28.2 -5.0
thereof attributable to shareholders of Fraport AG 131.8 -655.1 94.1 -347.1
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 14
Non-current assets
Goodwill 19.3 19.3
Investments in airport operating projects 3,346.9 3,221.2
Other intangible assets 107.9 119.1
Property, plant and equipment 7,742.3 7,330.3
Investment property 88.0 123.3
Investments in companies accounted for using the equity method 192.0 165.5
Other financial assets 777.5 350.3
Other financial receivables and assets 117.2 100.2
Other non-financial receivables and assets 132.9 133.0
Deferred tax assets 177.2 175.8
12,701.2 11,738.0
Current assets
Inventories 23.0 22.3
Trade accounts receivable 195.5 125.4
Other current financial assets 161.4 190.7
Other current financial receivables and assets 17.5 28.2
Other current non-financial receivables and assets 68.0 102.1
Income tax receivables 10.5 10.1
Cash and cash equivalents 2,753.0 1,864.4
3,228.9 2,343.2
Shareholders’ equity
Issued capital 923.9 923.9
Capital reserve 598.5 598.5
Revenue reserves 2,228.2 2,096.4
Equity attributable to shareholders of Fraport AG 3,750.6 3,618.8
Non-controlling interests 166.0 139.9
3,916.6 3,758.7
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities 8,878.9 6,936.5
Trade accounts payable 66.6 42.6
Other financial liabilities 1,029.9 1,061.0
Other non-financial liabilities 78.6 86.7
Deferred tax liabilities 39.8 39.7
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 43.5 46.7
Provisions for income taxes 48.6 51.0
Other provisions 160.5 196.5
10,346.4 8,460.7
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities 842.1 810.7
Trade accounts payable 221.1 294.6
Other current financial liabilities 220.0 230.3
Other current non-financial liabilities 159.1 100.1
Provisions for income taxes 58.8 43.1
Other provisions 165.0 383.0
1,666.1 1,861.8
Financial activities
Interest paid –77.7 –49.7 –16.6 –17.2
Interest received 21.9 14.1 1.2 2.2
Paid taxes on income –16.1 –20.5 –6.4 –5.9
Cash flow from operating activities 218.9 –124.9 413.5 –28.3
Financial investments in securities and promissory note loans –823.9 –373.0 –178.0 –120.0
Proceeds from disposal of securities and promissory note loans 425.7 403.1 157.5 258.5
Increase/decrease of time deposits with a term of more
than three months –796.7 –1,097.3 85.1 –672.1
Cash flow used in investing activities –2,024.4 –1,910.1 –220.6 –837.6
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 0.0 –0.6 0.0 0.0
Cash inflow from long-term financial liabilities 2,194.2 2,253.0 105.8 798.7
Repayment of long-term financial liabilities –9.8 –139.7 –6.9 –80.9
Changes in current financial liabilities –292.8 –251.8 –198.0 77.6
Cash flow from/ used in financing activities 1,891.6 1,860.9 –99.1 795.4
Changes in restricted cash and cash equivalents 30.8 19.5 0.7 2.1
Change in cash and cash equivalents 116.9 –154.6 94.5 –68.4
Cash and cash equivalents as at January 1 and July 1 216.4 543.5 243.8 438.1
Foreign currency translation effects on cash and cash equivalents 5.8 –33.8 0.8 –14.6
Cash and cash equivalents as at September 30 339.1 355.1 339.1 355.1
Fraport Interim Release Q3/9M 2021 17
€ million
Revenue reserves Foreign currency re- Financial instruments Revenue reserves (to- Equity attributable to Non-controlling inte- Share-holders'
serve tal) shareholders of rests equity (total)
Fraport AG
Further information on the accounting and valuation methods used can be found in the most recent annual report at
Thursday, November 11, 2021 Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Tuesday, September 13, 2022
October 2021 March 2022/3M 2022 August 2022
Monday, December 13, 2021 Thursday, May 12, 2022 Friday, October 14, 2022
November 2021 April 2022 September 2022/9M 2022
Monday, January 17, 2022 Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Friday, November 11, 2022
December 2021/FY 2021 May 2022 October 2022
Friday, February 11, 2022 Wednesday, July 13, 2021 Tuesday, December 13, 2022
January 2022 June 2022/6M 2022 November 2022
Friday, March 11, 2022 Thursday, August 11, 2022 Monday, January 16, 2023
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Publisher Layout
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide This report was complied with the system SmartNotes.
60547 Frankfurt am Main
Germany Editorial Deadline November 8, 2021
Where the statements made in this document relate to the future rather than the past, they are based on a number of assumptions about future events and are subject
to a number of uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide and which could have the
effect that the actual results will differ materially from these statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the competitive environment in deregulated
markets, regulatory changes, the success of business operations, and a substantial deterioration in basic economic conditions in the markets in which Fraport AG
Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide and its Group companies operate. Readers are cautioned not to rely to an inappropriately large extent on statements made about
the future.