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by Generic Clas 1 A Generic Class iso class woith One Or more (ype vowialoles, Genevics: means parareetevined by pes. Paromelesia el Ayprs enables fo tyecte clatieS, interfaces , and method in whith the typeof data upon whith they operate is Speched as a Povometer «Clas, terlerface , or method that opmates ON a parametyéred type iS Cotted genic, os in gerne Clax ov genic method Sypttem foy declasing a Generic Class + Class class- Name lype - param list 7 Cll Syntax toy declaring arene to 0 generic class Class nome lyre ong -Wst > Vay -Pame = new class ~ name type = ong - tist > ( Cons—ang- vid), Cvomple program : Ir By Sienple gennie class 'T Aleve 7s 0 ky Pe Poremneter that Class Gen 21 { Toe; Il deg low of objat of type T Gen (1 0 ) ft ob- O34 4 [1 Betwn ob T get ob { yer Ob} i I Chow type of 1, Noid Show Ayr £ is "4 Ob. 4 cuyptem out pretio Cayps of TS d cuss0 5t Name (); Public class Gen Deno pubic (atic Void main C sieg C3 orgs) t 1 creck e a Gen reference fy inlegnrs, Gen t i . < tong > obs new Gene integer > (804 Job show type, J ) tA V = job. get obl>, Systern. out petin (S value 4 ) i Nay d "oc . vate og Gen object uy Shins, Gen < skiing > Sob = Hew Gen ce Stroh . 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However, nn om © qenere method that Uses one > MOF YP declare . “the Slope of orgurrents Pr Listed to ruby OF its Own . ohare 4% AeClared , Tt alloaos Slatic as wellas 90N- Saltc Me Nhods Sysier tor a generic_trethod < tuPe- Porameter > telorn Aype method _ ney erv C porary) t y Cys Mele Yornpse | Clay Demo £ Sobe < VT > ved clsplay Wort) c System, Out. Pint Cy “get C leagy O oft Nome ()7 av); System - out Piin let ctass Ovgerne ta Le 4 publ static void main ¢ sting CJ os) display 8h," PND engineering College") 5 x Cxarnple 2: “towing example ilushates how we Can pint an away Of different {ype Using 0 Single Gerric ene thod Public Class Generic_enethod Fest t " generic me hod Pant anioy Public stotic ey od print Ancry ( €( 3 input Array} i " Pispleay amon element 5 fox t CE element ‘ wput aD) Tysem vont pint Ch pen element)» 3 4 Syste Sub print inl i Public Satic void ' main Csbing org sly TARANS SAISON voy dd 4D Integer () int Awery - C1, 2A? s , ae Double FT douide Avay f1I22 ; we ‘Wh Cc Cherotter[] choranay °f P MDE Contains”) System out pintio Caney ineget Aray , prot Amey Cint Amey), // pa 0° integer me) System out mini" Anay double Avay conlaing:"), put Away (double ono) N pus Double array System Out print 6 CC Anau Charatier Nua Contain, 4, ) print fay chat Anay)s Ht pass aC haractty onan to t: \ 6 class which js declawed wrth =the obs vad ; Keyword fs 4enow as an abshacl ‘ steart Tova TA con have abstack gq WO * Me-thpds with the badly - Km abstract class poust be declare —a with an: abstatt leeycvord! 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