Epidemiological Profile of Gynecologic Breast Cancer in
Epidemiological Profile of Gynecologic Breast Cancer in
Epidemiological Profile of Gynecologic Breast Cancer in
Context: Gynecological and breast cancers are a major concern for the international community because they
represent a major cause of mortality and morbidity in women. However, their routine screening is not always common
in our countries. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence profile of gynecologic breast
cancers at Jason Sendwe Hospital in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Methods: This is a retrospective
descriptive and analytical study covering a period from 2012 to 2016 in the gynecology department. Results: From 2012
to 2016, the incidence of gynecologic breast cancer was 9.3%. Married women were more affected (63.7%) than
divorced and single people. Older women, who are in the menopausal phase, were the most affected as young women.
There is a low frequency of endometrial cancers such as that of the ovary. Conclusion: This study highlighted the
presence of gynecologic breast cancer cases at Jason Sendwe Hospital. This is an alert for the gynecology service, which
should ensure systematic screening and care.
Worldwide, about 2 million gynecological cancers occur each year, accounting for almost 50 % of all
female cancers. More than one million cases of breast cancer, 500 000 cases of cervical cancer, 200 000
cases of cancers of the uterus and 200 000 cases of other gynecological cancers (ovaries, vulva, vagina)
These cancers result in 850 000 deaths, or 30 % of cancer deaths among women, of which more than 400
000 are due to breast cancer, 273 000 to cervical cancer, 50 000 to those of the body of the uterus and
125,000 to other gynecological cancers [3,4].
This panorama varies with the economic level of the different countries, both in terms of incidence, due to
variations in etiological factors, and mortality, because of the differences in access to care. In countries
with a high economic level, 64 % of global deaths from breast cancer and 69 % of those from cancers of
the uterine body are due to their frequency in these countries; for the other gynecological cancers, the
share of global mortality due to these cancers is 48 % and only 7 % for cervical cancers whose incidence in
these countries is low [5,6].
Thus, the second most common cancer in women is observed in 90 % of cases in countries with low levels
of development where most women have no access to preventive treatment through screening, or even
to a diagnosis. Early allowing a cure [5,7].
Developing countries account for 72 % of all cancer deaths worldwide. This scourge is the third leading
cause of death in these countries. Gynecological cancers account for 19 % of all cancers worldwide. In
*Corresponding author:
Dr. Dominique Kalonda Africa the most common cancers of women are those of the breast and cervix.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, University of Many factors can explain the evolution of the incidence of breast cancer: environmental exposure,
Lubumbashi, Kampemba
lifestyle, characteristics of the history of reproductive life, screening, hormonal treatments. Recently, a
Commune, Lubumbashi-DR
decline in this incidence has been observed in the United States.
arsene.kabamba[at]gmail.com The role of hormone therapy in menopause (MMT) is discussed because of the rapid and massive
reduction in their use following a study quantifying the risk of breast MATERIAL AND METHODS
cancer in postmenopausal women using estrogens. In France, the
incidence of breast cancer has been growing steadily for more than 20 We used a retrospective method based on the collected files of
years [5,8]. patients in the departments of gynecology; these cards were used in
the collection of data from 2012 to 2016.
In all high-income countries, the increase in the incidence of breast
cancer over the last thirty years, reaching more than 41 000 annual i. Study population
cases in France, makes this cancer the first cancer in women in terms
The research was conducted in the city of Lubumbashi in general, and
of frequency and mortality, it has become a public health problem.
the experiment was particularly conducted at the Jason Sendwe
Although mortality has been falling since 2000 due to advances in
Reference General Hospital, which focused on women with gynecologic
treatment and screening, breast cancer with about 11,000 deaths per
breast cancers.
year remains the leading cause of cancer death in women. Prevention
poses many problems, the etiology of this cancer is multifactorial, it is ii. Collection of data
based on the definition of individual risk indicators [1,9,10].
Data was collected from the consultation forms and disease reporting
Except the rare cases (6 to 10% of cases) related to genetic registers; and the anthropometric age and marital status parameters
predispositions, the assessment of risk is insufficient. Epidemiological were retained for all forms of cancer, including gynecologic,
evidence shows that rules of healthy living (avoiding sedentary endometrial, ovarian, breast and cervix.
lifestyle, obesity, alcohol abuse, smoking and uncontrolled use of
hormones) should have a beneficial effect. iii. Analysis and data processing
A modification of the genital life favoring a first early pregnancy, The data was captured and analyzed statistically. Word processing,
breast-feeding and more moderate prescriptions of the hormonal tables and graphs were done on Word, Excel and EPI info.
treatments of the menopausal symptoms could also reduce the
incidence. Finally, an additional research effort oriented towards a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
better knowledge of human breast carcinogenesis should improve a The incidence of gynecologic breast cancer is 9.3 % in the gynecology
targeted prevention of breast cancers [1,4,5]. department, ie 91 patients out of 983 (Table 1). The year 2015 has a
This study aims to determine the epidemiological profile in the high frequency of 14.4 %, followed by 2014 with 12.9 % and the year
gynecology department at the Jason Sendwe Hospital in Lubumbashi, a 2013 has a low frequency of 3.9%. These figures show a growing trend
city in the Democratic Republic of Congo. over the years of the frequency of gynecologic cancers.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
Gynecologic breast cancer 20 9.2 08 3.9 26 12.9 26 14.4 11 6.7 91 9.3
Other pathologies 197 90.8 196 96.1 175 87.1 154 85.6 170 93.9 892 90.7
Total 217 100 204 100 201 100 180 100 181 100 983 100
Table 2: Distribution of gynecological and mammary cancers according to their marital status
Civil status Endometrial cancer Ovarian cancer Breast Uterine cervix cancer Other Total
Allemand et al. have shown that the incidence of breast cancer has explain the high incidence of cancer in women married. Nkondjock et
been increasing in France for several decades with a 60 % increase in al show that the risk is increased among women whose husbands have
the standardized rate per 100,000 person-years between 1980 and been married several times or who have extra-marital partners [3].
2000 [5]. The results of this study corroborate ours in the sense that
the rates cancers seem to be growing as the years go by. This is Women aged between 44 and 55 years are more affected by gyneco-
probably due to the lack of attention to risk factors or the lack of mammary cancers with a frequency of 37.4% of cases, followed by
preventive measures. those whose age varies between 32 and 43 years (23.1%) and 56 - 67
years (20, 8%) (Table 3). Age plays an important role for most authors.
Considering the marital status of women, brides are more affected by
gyneco- mammary cancers with a frequency of 63.7% of cases; Rochefort et al and Sano et al have shown that the study of breast
followed by divorcees (29.7%) and at the bottom of the scale, singles cancer by age shows two frequency peaks: a first peri-menopausal
with 6.6% of cases (Table 2). The research of Sando et al (2014) shows peak 40-50 years and a second postmenopausal peak 60-50 years [4,9].
that the risk of cervical cancer increases with the number of sexual 70 years ; this could justify our results, which show a good number of
partners, we believe that sexual activity among brides could partially
women with cancer around 55 years old. According to most authors, CONCLUSION
breast cancer affects women between the ages of 30 and 70 [10].
Gynecologic breast cancer is a public health problem in the city of
Table 3: Frequency of gynecologic breast cancers by age Lubumbashi. Because It represents 9.3% of cases of cancer in women.
The most common is cervical cancer with a frequency of 48.9%; follow-
Age (years) N Frequency (%) up of endometrial cancer (13.19%); ovarian cancer (5.49%).
≤19 2 2.2
20−31 7 7.7 The marital status of patients tells us that brides are more affected
32−43 21 23.1 with a frequency of 63.7%; followed by divorcees (29.7%) and singles
44−55 34 37.4 with 6.6% of cases. Married women seem to be the most exposed in
56−67 19 20.8 most forms of these cancers as single people. With regard to the age /
68−79 6 6.6 exposure to gynecologic-mammary cancers, it is older women and
80−91 1 1.1 particularly menopausal women who are more exposed to these
≥92 1 1.1 diseases.
TOTAL 91 100
This study shows that there are indeed cases of gynecologic breast
cancer in the city of Lubumbashi; special attention should be paid to
Table 4: Frequency of endometrial cancer by age the prevention and management of these.
Age N Frequency (%)
Limitation of the Study
≤32 4 33.3
33- 51 4 33.3 Our study experienced a limitation on sampling; this study will have to
52-70 3 25 be considered in several health facilities in the city of Lubumbashi.
≥ 90 1 8.3
Total 12 100 Conflicts of Interest
Our results show that cervical cancer is common among women aged
51 to 62 years old with 48.9% of cases, and is less common among
those aged ≤ 26 years with 2.1% and those whose age is ≥ 75 years
(Table 6). The literature shows that cervical cancer is most often
caused by human papillomavirus. Risk factors include having first
sexual intercourse at a young age, having multiple sexual partners, and
smoking cigarettes [6,7].