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New and Bestselling TEXTBOOKS on

an d R e la te d To p ic s
Series on Advances in Mathematics for
Applied Sciences - Vol 91

What Are Tensors Exactly? Fractal Analysis

by Hongyu Guo (University of Houston-Victoria, Basic Concepts and Applications
USA) by Carlo Cattani (University of Tuscia, Italy),
Anouar Ben Mabrouk (University of Monastir,
There is often a fuzzy haze surrounding the Tunisia & University of Kairouan, Tunisia &
concept of tensor that puzzles many students. The University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia) & Sabrine
old-fashioned definition is difficult to understand Arfaoui (University of Monastir, Tunisia &
because it is not rigorous; the modern definitions University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia)
are difficult to understand because they are The aim of this book is to provide a basic and self-
rigorous but at a cost of being more abstract and contained introduction to the ideas underpinning
less intuitive. fractal analysis. The book illustrates some
The goal of this book is to elucidate the concepts important applications issued from real data sets, real physical and natural
in an intuitive way but without loss of rigor, to phenomena as well as real applications in different fields, and consequently,
help students gain deeper understanding. This volume answers common presents to the readers the opportunity to implement fractal analysis in their
questions and corrects many misconceptions about tensors. A large number specialties according to the step-by-step guide found in the book.
of illuminating illustrations helps the reader to understand the concepts
Readership: Young researchers at master’s level in sciences; researchers
more easily.
in PhD studies in pure and applied mathematical/physical sciences.
Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics, graduate students
244pp Mar 2022
and undergraduate students in physics, AI, machine learning, and relativity
and gravitation. 978-981-123-943-4 US$98 £85
978-981-123-945-8(ebook) US$39 £35
248pp Jun 2021
978-981-124-101-7 US$58 £50
978-981-124-103-1(ebook) US$23 £20 Ring and Field Theory
by Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier University,
An Introduction to Abstract This book is intended as a textbook for a one-term
Algebra senior undergraduate (or graduate) course in Ring
Sets, Groups, Rings, and Fields and Field Theory, or Galois theory. The book is
by Steven H Weintraub (Lehigh University, USA) ready for an instructor to pick up to teach without
making any preparations.
The book treats set theory, group theory, ring
and ideal theory, and field theory (including The book is written in a way that is easy to
Galois theory), and culminates with a treatment understand, simple and concise with simple
of Dedekind rings, including rings of algebraic historic remarks to show the beauty of algebraic
integers. In addition to treating standard topics, it results and algebraic methods. The book contains
contains material not often dealt with in books at 240 carefully selected exercise questions of varying difficulty which will allow
this level. It provides a fresh perspective on the students to practice their own computational and proof-writing skills. Sample
subjects it covers, with, in particular, distinctive solutions to some exercise questions are provided, from which students can
treatments of factorization theory in integral domains and of Galois theory. learn to approach and write their own solutions and proofs. Besides standard
Each of its chapters concludes with a variety of exercises ranging from the ones, some of the exercises are new and very interesting. The book contains
straightforward to the challenging in order to reinforce students’ knowledge several simple-to-use irreducibility criteria for rational polynomials which are
of the subject. not in any such textbook.

Key Feature Readership: Senior undergraduate and graduate students in abstract

• Designed for use as a text for introductory course in abstract algebra algebra.

Readership: Advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in 200pp May 2022
mathematics, suitable for introductory abstract algebra course in general. 978-981-125-577-9 US$78 £60
978-981-125-579-3(ebook) US$62 £50
438pp Jun 2022
978-981-124-755-2(pbk) US$78 £60
►►ebook prices are for individual orders.
978-981-124-666-1 US$148 £120
For institutional orders, please contact
981-124-668-8(ebook) US$31 £25
New and Bestselling Textbooks on ALGEBRA and Related Topics

The University of Tokyo Engineering Course/Basic Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics -
Mathematics Vol 23
Linear Algebra I Introduction to Matrix Theory
Basic Concepts with Applications in Economics and
by Kazuo Murota (The University of Tokyo, Japan Engineering (2nd Edition)
& Kyoto University, Japan & Tokyo Metropolitan by Ferenc Szidarovszky (Corvinus University,
University, Japan) & Masaaki Sugihara (The Hungary), Sandor Molnar (Szent Istvan University,
University of Tokyo, Japan & Nagoya University, Japan) Hungary) & Mark Molnar (Eötvös Lóránd University
This is the first volume of the two-volume book on of Sciences, Hungary)
linear algebra, in the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) Linear algebra and matrix theory are especially
Engineering Course. important in solving engineering and economic models, where either the
The objective of this volume is to present, from the engineering viewpoint, model is assumed linear, or the nonlinear model is approximated by a linear
the standard mathematical results in linear algebra such as those on systems model, and the resulting linear model is examined.
of equations and eigenvalue problems. In addition to giving mathematical
The second edition will be an extended and modernized version of the first
theorems and formulas, it explains how the mathematical concepts such as
edition. We added some new theoretical topics and some new applications
rank, eigenvalues, and singular values are linked to engineering applications
from fields other than economics. We also added more difficult exercises at
and numerical computations.
the end of each chapter which require deep understanding of the theoretical
Readership: Undergraduate students majoring in engineering and other issues. We also modernized some proofs in the theoretical discussions which
mathematical sciences. give better overview of the study material.
300pp Jul 2022 Readership: Written primarily for undergraduate and graduate students
978-981-125-797-1(pbk) US$58 £45 studying engineering, economics and business; can also be used in courses
978-981-125-702-5 US$98 £80 offered by the mathematics department.
978-981-125-704-9(ebook) US$46 £35
450pp Jul 2022
978-981-125-793-3(pbk) US$88 £70
The University of Tokyo Engineering Course/Basic
978-981-125-664-6 US$148 £120
978-981-125-666-0(ebook) US$70 £55
Linear Algebra II
Advanced Topics for Applications
by Kazuo Murota (The University of Tokyo, Japan Linear Algebra
& Kyoto University, Japan & Tokyo Metropolitan Core Topics for the Second Course
University, Japan) & Masaaki Sugihara (The by Dragu Atanasiu (University of Borås, Sweden) &
University of Tokyo, Japan & Nagoya University, Japan) Piotr Mikusiński (University of Central Florida, USA)
This is the second volume of the two-volume book This is a book for a second course in linear algebra
on linear algebra in the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) whereby students are assumed to be familiar with
Engineering Course. calculations using real matrices. To facilitate a smooth
The objective of this second volume is to branch out from the standard transition into rigorous proofs, it combines abstract
mathematical results presented in the first volume to illustrate useful specific theory with matrix calculations.
topics pertaining to engineering applications. While linear algebra is primarily This book presents numerous examples and proofs of particular cases of
concerned with systems of equations and eigenvalue problems for matrices important results before the general versions are formulated and proved.
and vectors with real or complex entries, this volumes covers other topics
This is highly effective to create the needed depth of understanding a general
such as matrices and graphs, nonnegative matrices, systems of linear
theory by detailing a proof of a particular case that encapsulates the main idea
inequalities, integer matrices, polynomial matrices, generalized inverses,
of a general theorem. Using the knowledge gained from a particular case, it
and group representation theory.
can be easily extended to prove another particular case or a general case.
Readership: Graduate students majoring in engineering and other
mathematical sciences. Readership:  Undergraduate students taking a second course in linear
275pp Jul 2022
350pp Oct 2022
978-981-125-798-8(pbk) US$58 £45
978-981-125-854-1 US$118 £95
978-981-125-705-6 US$98 £80
978-981-125-856-5(ebook) US$47 £40
978-981-125-707-0(ebook) US$46 £35
Linear Algebra: Core Topics for the First Course
Lectures on Linear Algebra can be found on Page 3.
by Donald S Passman (University of Wisconsin-
Madison, USA)
This book consists of the expanded notes from an Textbook: Request Inspection
upper level linear algebra course given some years Copy at
ago by the author. Each section, or lecture, covers
about a week’s worth of material and includes a full set
or scan the QR code
of exercises of interest. The notes cover all the basics

eTextbooks Available!
of linear algebra but from a mature point of view. The
book includes proofs and techniques that the author
has developed over the years.
Digital resources made convenient
Readership: Upper level undergraduate math majors and graduate students. for your students at a lower cost.
252pp Apr 2022
978-981-125-499-4(pbk) US$48 £40 ►►ebook prices are for individual orders.
978-981-125-484-0 US$88 £70 For institutional orders, please contact
978-981-125-486-4(ebook) US$38 £30

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New and Bestselling Textbooks on ALGEBRA and Related Topics

A Problem Based Journey from Elements of Linear and Multilinear

Elementary Number Theory to Algebra
an Introduction to Matrix Theory by John M Erdman (Portland State University, USA)

The President Problems This set of notes is an activity-oriented introduction

by Abraham Berman (Technion-Israel Inst of Tech, to linear and multilinear algebra. These notes are
Israel) intended to accompany an (academic) year-long
course at the advanced undergraduate or beginning
The book is based on lecture notes of a course graduate level. (With judicious pruning most of the
“from elementary number theory to an introduction material can be covered in a two-term sequence.)
to matrix theory” given at the Technion to gifted high The text is also suitable for a lecture-style class, the
school students. It is problem based, and covers topics in undergraduate instructor proving some of the results while leaving others as exercises for
mathematics that can be introduced in high school through solving the students. This book has tried to keep the facts about vector spaces and
challenging problems. These topics include Number theory, Set Theory, those about inner product spaces separate. Many beginning linear algebra
Group Theory, Matrix Theory, and applications to cryptography and search texts conflate the material on these two vastly different subjects.
Readership: Upper division undergraduates, beginning graduate students,
• Challenging problems, interesting mathematics, the book will appeal to high
instructors of linear and multilinear algebra.
school and university students who love mathematics and their teachers
Readership: High school students who love mathematics and mathematics 236pp Jan 2021
teachers. Also good for professors of mathematics and maths education, 978-981-122-272-6 US$68 £60
students in the mathematical sciences and pre-service math teachers. 978-981-122-274-0(ebook) US$27 £25

164pp Nov 2021

978-981-123-487-3 US$38 £35 Category Theory and Applications
978-981-123-489-7(ebook) US$15 £15 A Textbook for Beginners (2nd Edition)
by Marco Grandis (Università di Genova, Italy)
Series on University Mathematics - Vol 10 Reviews of the First Edition:
Linear Algebra and Its Applications “It’s well written and is peppered with sections titled,
by Tzuong-Tsieng Moh (Purdue University, USA) ‘exercises and complements’. Clearly the reader
needs to take these very seriously. I personally find
From Tzuong-Tsieng Moh, a seasoned expert in exercises in category theory and homological algebra
algebra, comes a new book for students to better very satisfying because of their architecture and their
understand linear algebra. Writing from an experienced minimalist quality: it’s a lot of fun for it all to come
standpoint, Moh covers the many standard aspects down to dancing all over a commutative diagram or two and to draw a lot
comprising linear algebra, such as echelon forms, of arrows. I like the subject a great deal, and I think this is a good book to
matrix algebra, linear transformations, and more. learn it from.” MAA Reviews
Moh further includes several advanced topics and Category Theory now permeates most of Mathematics, large parts of
applications, as well as self-correcting codes, Heisenberg’s uncertainty theoretical Computer Science and parts of theoretical Physics. Its unifying
principle, Maxwell’s equations in relativity form, Google’s search engine, power brings together different branches, and leads to a better understanding
and the theory of finitely generated modules over a PID. of their roots.
Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in the basic This book is addressed to students and researchers of these fields and can
and advanced topics of linear algebra and its applications. be used as a text for a first course in Category Theory. It covers the basic
tools, like universal properties, limits, adjoint functors and monads.
336pp Nov 2020
978-981-3235-42-7 US$98 £86 Readership: Undergraduate, graduate and PHD students in Mathematics,
978-981-3235-44-1(ebook) US$39 £34 Computer Science and Physics.

392pp Mar 2021

Elliptic Curves 978-981-123-608-2 US$118 £105
(2nd Edition) 978-981-123-610-5(ebook) US$47 £40
by James S Milne (University of Michigan, USA)

This book uses the beautiful theory of elliptic curves Linear Algebra
to introduce the reader to some of the deeper aspects Core Topics for the First Course
of number theory. It assumes only a knowledge of the by Dragu Atanasiu (University of Borås, Sweden) &
basic algebra, complex analysis, and topology usually Piotr Mikusiński (University of Central Florida, USA)
taught in first-year graduate courses. The book is an introduction to linear algebra intended
Key Features as a textbook for the first course in linear algebra.
• Assumes only the knowledge typically acquired by • The book has a chapter with examples of Jordan
first-year graduate students forms, which is rare in textbooks for a first course
• Special care has been taken to place the theory of elliptic curves, both in linear algebra.
in its historical context and in the context of current research • The book uses a computer algebra system not only to facilitate
calculations, but also to improve understanding of linear algebra
Readership: Graduate students and lecturers in mathematics, specifically • Most of our proofs are elementary and easy to read. To this end we use
number theory courses. in our proofs, whenever possible, the Gauss elimination method and
320pp Sep 2020 properties of inverse matrices
978-981-122-183-5 US$98 £85 Readership: Undergraduate students taking a second course in linear algebra.
978-981-122-185-9(ebook) US$39 £35
464pp May 2020
978-981-121-596-4(pbk) US$68 £60
►►ebook prices are for individual orders.
978-981-121-502-5 US$128 £115
For institutional orders, please contact
978-981-121-504-9(ebook) US$54 £50

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Bestseller in Algebra and Related Topics
A Course on Abstract Algebra Crystal Bases
(2nd Edition) Representations and Combinatorics
by Minking Eie (National Chung Cheng University, by Daniel Bump (Stanford) & Anne Schilling
Taiwan) & Shou-Te Chang (National Chung Cheng (UC Davis)
University, Taiwan)
“The introduction to crystal bases given in this book
This textbook provides an introduction to abstract is accessible to graduate students and researchers.
algebra for advanced undergraduate students. Three Its combinatorial approach is reader-friendly and
whole new chapters are added to this second edition. invites the reader to get involved, either working on
Group action is introduced to give a more in-depth the exercises listed at the end of each chapter or by
discussion on Sylow’s theorems. We also provide a playing with the computational implementation on
formula in solving combinatorial problems as an application. We devote two freely-available software, Sage in this case, where the authors have many
chapters to module theory, which is a natural generalization of the theory built-in accessible examples and some algorithms for specific crystal bases.”
of the vector spaces. Readers will see the similarity and subtle differences MAA Reviews
between the two. In particular, determinant is formally defined and its
Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in understanding
properties rigorously proved.
from a viewpoint of combinatorics on crystal base theory.
Readership: Advanced undergraduates and academics in pure mathematics.
292pp Mar 2017
432pp Nov 2017 978-981-4733-44-1(pbk) US$58 £48
978-981-3229-62-4 US$88 £77 978-981-4733-43-4 US$118 £98
978-981-3229-64-8(ebook) US$35 £31 978-981-4733-46-5(ebook) US$46 £38

A Walk Through Combinatorics Linear Algebra

An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Pure & Applied
Theory (4th Edition) by Edgar G Goodaire (Memorial University, Canada)
by Miklós Bóna (University of Florida, USA) “The style of writing is unhurried and careful. This
“This is still one of the best introductions to book could be useful as a textbook or for self-study,
combinatorics.” Mathematical Association of particularly for mathematics students in the middle
America echelon. It is clear and well-written, with a reader-
friendly style.” Zentralblatt MATH
This is a textbook for an introductory combinatorics
course lasting one or two semesters. An extensive Readership: Undergraduates in mathematics.
list of problems, ranging from routine exercises to research questions, is 732pp Nov 2013
included. In each section, there are also exercises that contain material not
978-981-4508-37-7(pbk) US$72 £60
explicitly discussed in the preceding text, so as to provide instructors with
978-981-4508-36-0 US$125 £104
extra choices if they want to shift the emphasis of their course.
978-981-4508-39-1(ebook) US$58 £48
Readership: Upper level undergraduates and graduate students in the field
of combinatorics and graph theory.
Linear Algebra as an Introduction
616pp Nov 2016 to Abstract Mathematics
978-981-3237-45-2(pbk) US$68 £60 by Isaiah Lankham (California State University, USA)
978-981-3148-84-0 US$125 £104 & Bruno Nachtergaele (UC Davis) & Anne Schilling
978-981-3148-86-4(ebook) US$54 £50 (UC Davis)

208pp Jan 2016

Galois’ Theory of Algebraic Equations 978-981-4723-77-0(pbk) US$36 £30
(2nd Edition) 978-981-4730-35-8 US$70 £58
by Jean-Pierre Tignol (Université Catholique de 978-981-4723-79-4(ebook) US$29 £24
Louvain, Belgium)

Reviews of the First Edition: Modular Forms

“Despite its title, it does far more than just introduce A Classical and Computational Introduction
Galois theory, but instead serves as a broad survey (2nd Edition)
of how mathematical ideas helped shape algebra by L J P Kilford (University of Bristol, UK)
over the years. It is written so as to be accessible
Readership: Graduate students studying or taking a
to undergraduates, and is a real accomplishment.
course in modular forms.
Anybody with an interest in algebra or the history of mathematics should
look at this book.” Mathematical Association of America 252pp Apr 2015
978-1-78326-545-9 US$78 £65
The book gives a detailed account of the development of the theory of
978-1-78326-547-3(ebook) US$31 £26
algebraic equations, from its origins in ancient times to its completion by

Galois in the nineteenth century. In this second edition, the exposition has
been improved throughout and the chapter on Galois has been entirely
rewritten to better reflect Galois’ highly innovative contributions.
Readership: Upper level undergraduates, graduate students and USA: World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc.
mathematicians in algebra. Tel: 1-201-487-9655 Email:

324pp Feb 2016 UK: World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd.

Tel: 44 (0) 123 546 5500 Email:
978-981-4704-69-4 US$78 £65
978-981-4704-71-7(ebook) US$31 £26 ASIA: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Fax: 65 6467 7667 Tel: 65 6466 5775 Email:
►►ebook prices are for individual orders. * Prices subject to change without prior notice
For institutional orders, please contact
Printed in Aug 2022 SP SP 06 22 03 E

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