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Using Bit9 Security Platform Guide - V7.0.1

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Using Parity

Parity Version: 7.0.1

Document Date: 09-January-2014

Bit9 Technical Documentation

Copyrights and Notices

Copyrights and Notices

Copyright © 2004-2014 Bit9, Inc. All rights reserved. This product may be covered under one or more patents pending. Bit9 and Parity
are trademarks of Bit9, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Any other trademarks and product names used herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.
Bit9, Inc. acknowledges the use of the following third-party software in Parity products:
Portions of this software created by gSOAP are Copyright © 2001-2004 Robert A. van Engelen, Genivia inc. All Rights Reserved.
This product includes PHP, freely available from http://www.php.net. Copyright © 1999 - 2010 The PHP Group, All rights reserved.
Portions of this software use Info-ZIP, copyright (c) 1990-2007 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. For the purposes of this copyright and
license, "Info-ZIP" is defined as the following set of individuals: Mark Adler, John Bush, Karl Davis, Harald Denker, Jean-Michel
Dubois, Jean-loup Gailly, Hunter Goatley, Ed Gordon, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert Heath, Jonathan
Hudson, Paul Kienitz, David Kirschbaum, Johnny Lee, Onno van der Linden, Igor Mandrichenko, Steve P. Miller, Sergio Monesi,
Keith Owens, George Petrov, Greg Roelofs, Kai Uwe Rommel, Steve Salisbury, Dave Smith, Steven M. Schweda, Christian Spieler,
Cosmin Truta, Antoine Verheijen, Paul von Behren, Rich Wales, Mike White. This software is provided "as is," without warranty of
any kind, express or implied. In no event shall Info-ZIP or its contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or
consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for
any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the above disclaimer and the
following restrictions: 1. Redistributions of source code (in whole or in part) must retain the above copyright notice, definition,
disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 2. Redistributions in binary form (compiled executables and libraries) must reproduce the above
copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. The sole exception to this condition is redistribution of a standard UnZipSFX binary (including SFXWiz) as part of a self-
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Such altered versions also must not be misrepresented as being Info-ZIP releases--including, but not limited to, labeling of the altered
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Zip," and "MacZip" for its own source and binary releases.
Portions of this software use RadControls for WinForms, Copyright © 2010, Telerik Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Warning: This
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This program uses the unRAR utility program. Under no conditions may the code be used to develop a RAR (WinRAR) compatible
This product contains Smarty and 7-Zip, which are copyrighted software licensed under the Lesser General Public License v3. Copies
of the GPL and LGPL licenses can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html and http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/
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product, which will be no earlier than 2015-07-30 by writing to GPL Compliance Division, Bit9, Inc., 266 Second Street, Waltham, MA

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 3

Using Parity

Using Parity
Document Version: 7.0.1.L
Document Revision Date: January 9, 2014
Product Version: 7.0.1 Patch 11 and later

Bit9, Inc.
266 Second Avenue, 2nd Floor, Waltham, MA 02451 USA
Tel: 617.393.7400
Fax: 617.393.7499

E-mail: support@bit9.com

Web: http://www.bit9.com

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 4

Preface: Before You Begin

Before You Begin

This preface provides a brief orientation to Using Parity.


Topic Page
Intended Audience 6
Parity Terminology 6
What this Documentation Covers 8

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 5

Using Parity

Intended Audience
This documentation provides information for administrators who will operate the Parity
Console. Staff who manage Parity activities should be familiar with the Microsoft
Windows operating system, web applications, desktop infrastructure (especially in-house
procedures for software rollouts, patch management, and antivirus software maintenance),
and the effects of unwanted software. In addition, if you intend to use features that
integrate Parity and Active Directory, you should be familiar with Active Directory
concepts and use. Although not necessary for day-to-day users of the Parity Console,
knowledge of SQL Server management is important for whoever is maintaining the Parity
database server at your site.
Parity administrators should also be familiar with management of the operating systems of
clients managed by Parity, as well as the software installed on them.

Parity Terminology
The following table defines some of the key terms you will need to understand Parity and
its features:

Term Definition
Parity Server Computer running the Bit9 Parity Server software on a supported
Windows platform.
Parity Agent Agent software installed on computers on your network; the agent
runs independently but reports to the Parity Server.
Parity Console The console, which can be displayed remotely with a web browser,
is the user interface and management center for all Parity
management activities.
Enforcement The protection level applied to computers running Parity Agent. A
Level range of levels from High (Block Unapproved) to None (Disabled)
enable you to specify the level of file blocking required.
Computer Computer that runs the Parity Agent. Each Parity-managed
computer is protected by the agent, which both provides
information and receives protection updates when it is connected to
the Parity Server. Virtual machines can be included as computers in
Template Computer that has the Parity Agent pre-installed and will be used to
clone one or more computers.
Policy Each computer protected by Parity is associated with a policy that
defines its security characteristics. Computers with the same
security requirements can share the same policy.
Computer File initialization process for new computers that come online to the
Initialization Parity system. During initialization, each file on the fixed drives of
the new machine is evaluated and classified by the Parity Server.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 6

Preface: Before You Begin

Term Definition
Login Account To use Parity Console, users must have a login account. Role-
based accounts tailored to users’ responsibilities determine what
they can do on the system.
Note that users of computers running the Parity Agent do not need
Parity accounts. The server requires no direct interaction with users
of computers Parity is monitoring.
Executables An executable is any file that contains executable code. Parity
and Scripts examines the content of each unknown file that appears on a
computer in its network, determines whether it contains executable
code, and, if so, categorizes it according to executable type.
Parity has special rules that identify and manage scripts, and you
can define additional rules for script identification.
Parity keeps an inventory of executables and scripts, and Parity
rules control whether they are allowed to run. Files not identified as
executables or scripts are not inventoried, although you might be
able to control access to them with custom rules, such as file
integrity rules.
File State The Parity classification that determines how executables are
tracked and permitted or not permitted to be run. Top-level file
states includes approved, banned, and unapproved (neither
approved nor banned) states. Files have global and local files
states, and these may vary in some cases.
Software Parity features for approving legitimate software. Approved
Approval software is allowed to run without user or administrator intervention,
even on computers “locked down” under high protection.
Reputation Information that provides guidance about whether a file should be
approved or banned. Parity Knowledge Service, which is integrated
with Parity Server, provides reputation data for a large database of
files and file publishers.
Notifier A dialog box or transient panel that can appear when a Parity rule
blocks an action. Notifiers may contain information about why the
action was blocked, and in some cases give the user the option of
allowing the action or requesting approval from an administrator.
Notifiers are be configured and saved by name, and can be
attached to different Parity rules.
Approval A request by a user whose action was blocked for access to a file or
Request device. Approval requests can be handled informally through email
or websites outside of Parity, or using the approval request
management feature in notifiers and the Parity Console.
Drift Report A report that can help determine how far one or more computers
have “drifted” from a baseline of files (by having files added,
removed or changed). This can help determine level of compliance
with company policies on acceptable files, and also identify files
that should be approved and added to an updated baseline.
Live Inventory Parity’s near-real-time database of all files of interest on all
computers running Parity agent.
Baseline and A reference point that can be used to determine drift of computers
Snapshot running Parity agent from the reference, and thus potential risk for
those computers. A baseline can be a named table of files, called a
Snapshot, or the current set of files on a reference computer.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 7

Using Parity

What this Documentation Covers

Using Parity is your guide to day-to-day administration tasks: monitoring executable files
on your network using Parity; configuring the Parity Server; managing computers running
the Parity Agent; and managing Parity Console users. It covers the following:

Chapter Description
1 Parity Overview Describes the Parity architecture, key management
concepts, and operation strategies.
2 Using the Parity Console Explains how to log in to the system and navigate to
Parity features using the Parity Console. It includes
descriptions of common menus and buttons.
3 Managing Console Login Explains how to create, manage, and delete login
Accounts accounts. Also describes the privileges of different
types of user accounts, and how to use Active
Directory accounts as Parity Console accounts.
4 Creating and Configuring Explains policies, which define the protections for
Policies groups of computers; includes policy settings,
Enforcement Levels, and how to change them.
5 Managing Computers Explains how to configure, deploy, and install the
Parity Agent. Also describes how to get information
about Parity-managed computers.
6 Managing Virtual Explains special considerations for managing virtual
Machines machines created from template computers.
7 File and Publisher Explains where and how you get information about
Information files seen by Parity. Includes descriptions of the
detailed global and local file state information
provided by Parity.
8 Approving and Banning Explains different methods of approving and banning
Software files, and when to use them.
9 Reputation Approval Explains how to use Parity Knowledge Service trust
Rules settings to automatically approve files and publishers.
10 Managing Devices Explains how to set up rules to control access to files
on devices connected to computers.
11 Custom Software Rules Explains how to create “custom rules” that affect what
happens when there is an attempt to execute or write
files at specified paths.
12 Script Rules Explains how to add files to the list of those controlled
by Parity script rules.
13 Registry Rules Explains how to create registry rules that affect what
happens when there is an attempt to modify the
Windows Registry at specified paths.
14 Memory Rules Explains how to create rules that affect what happens
when there is an attempt by one process to access or
alter another process.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 8

Preface: Before You Begin

Chapter Description
15 Block Notifiers and Explains how blocked file notifiers work on agent
Approval Requests computers and describes how to customize notifiers.
Also describes configuration and management of
approval requests from users.
16 Monitoring Events and Explains how to carry out day-to-day monitoring
File Activity operations. Instructions include how to use Parity
reports and events to identify changes in network file
activity and respond appropriately. Also describes
how to set up email alerts for Parity-monitored
activity, and how to meter execution of specific files.
17 Monitoring Change: Explains how to use the Baseline Drift Report feature
Baseline Drift Reports to monitor change in file inventory over time.
18 Using and Customizing Explains how to customize Parity Dashboards,
Dashboards special graphic displays that summarize key
information about Parity-managed computers and the
files on them.
19 Locating Files Explains how to use the Find Files feature to locate
executable files on computers running the Parity
Agent on your network.
20 Parity Configuration Describes configuration settings, including integration
with other servers, backup procedures, product
update procedures, optional Parity Knowledge hash-
identification services, agent-server communication
security, and other configuration options.
A Live Inventory SDK: Describes the set of available read-only views into
Database Views the "live inventory" database of files on your Parity-
managed computers.
B Bit9 Connector for Describes the optional, separately licensed connector
Network Security Devices for integrating third-party network security devices
(FireEye, Palo Alto Networks) with Parity.
C Uploading Files from Describes the optional, separately licensed features
Agents for uploading files from agents to the server.

Other Parity Documentation

You will need some or all of the following Parity documentation to accomplish tasks not
covered in Using Parity. These documents are available either in the Parity distribution
package you received with your order or through Bit9 Technical Support. Some of these
documents are updated with every new released build while others are updated only for
minor or major version changes.
• Operating Environment Requirements – This describes the hardware and software
platform requirements for Parity Server, the SQL Server database that stores Parity
data, and the Parity Agent.
• Installing Parity Server – This includes instructions for initial installation of the
Parity Server and for upgrades of the server from previous releases. Note that
installation of Parity Agents is described in this document (Using Parity).

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Using Parity

• Parity Release Notes – This document is specific to the version and build of Parity
Server you received. It contains information about new features, corrective content,
and known issues with the release.
• Parity Events Integration Guide – This document provides a detailed inventory of
events recorded by Parity and includes instructions for integrating Parity event data
with third-party SIEM systems via Syslog.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 10

Table of Contents

Copyrights and Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Parity Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
What this Documentation Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Other Parity Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1 Parity Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

What Is Parity? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
How Parity Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Files Tracked in Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Parity Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Integrating Parity with Active Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Parity Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Parity Knowledge Service and Trust Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
File State, Whitelisting and Blacklisting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Global State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Local State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
File Approval Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
File Ban Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Custom Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Security Policies and Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Policy Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Modes and Enforcement Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Parity Licensing and Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Operating Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2 Using the Parity Console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Logging In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Login, Server, and Version Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Logging Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
The Home Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Using the Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Left Navigation Menu and Breadcrumbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Parity Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Table Data Control Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Row Action Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Checked Row Action Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Row Rank Arrows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 11

Using Parity

“Add” Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Pages, Tabs and Saved Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Filter Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Show/Hide Columns Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Table Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Default and Saved Views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Exporting Parity Data to Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Details Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Menus on Details Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Shortcut Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Setting Preferences for Console Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Using Context-Sensitive Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

3 Managing Console Login Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Login Account Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Account Group and Access Privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Using Active Directory Accounts in Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
AD Login Account Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Adding, Deleting, and Changing AD Login Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Changing AD Group Mapping and Rank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Changing AD User Details Displayed in Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Creating Login Accounts through Parity Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Changing Passwords and Other Account Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Deleting Login Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Disabling Login Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Managing Console Account Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Changing AD Mapping and Rank of a Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Creating a New Login Account Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Account Group Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Editing a Login Account Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Disabling a Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Deleting a Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

4 Creating and Configuring Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

Policy and Enforcement Level Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Creating Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Policy Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Advanced Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Template Policy and Default Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Default Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Template Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Resetting a Policy to Template Policy Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Tamper-Protection Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Editing a Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

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Table of Contents

Related Views in Policy Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Enforcement Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
How Enforcement Levels Affect Policy Setting Enforcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Special Enforcement Level for Local Approval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Changing Policy Enforcement Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Locking Down all Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Deleting Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

5 Managing Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113

Computer Configuration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Pre-Installation Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Installation and Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Post-Installation Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Access to Computer Management Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Assigning Computers to a Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Preparing for AD Policy Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Creating AD Mapping Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
AD Object Browser Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Clearing the Server AD Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Viewing AD Computer Details in Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Downloading Agent Installers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Installing Parity Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Preparing for New Agent Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Installing the Agent on a Windows Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Installing the Agent on a Mac Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Verifying the Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Verifying Installation on the Agent Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Upgrading Parity Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Feature Limitations on Pre-7.0.1 Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Enabling Automatic Agent Upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Upgrading Immediately from the Parity Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Manually Upgrading Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Manually Upgrading Windows Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Manually Upgrading Mac Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Agent Upgrade Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Uninstalling Parity Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Uninstalling the Agent from a Windows Computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Uninstalling Parity from a Mac Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Viewing the Table of Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Agent Policy Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Viewing Complete Details for One Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Moving Computers to Another Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Restoring Computers from the Default Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Moving a Computer to Local Approval Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

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Using Parity

Adding Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Deleting Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

6 Managing Virtual Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Creating a Template Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Viewing Templates in the Computers Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Viewing and Editing Template Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Deploying Clones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Viewing Clones in the Computers Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Finding the Clones for a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Finding the Template for a Clone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Server Backlog for Clones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Making Changes to a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Deleting a Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Deleting Clones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Manual Cleanup of Clones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Automatic Cleanup for All Clones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Automatic Clone Cleanup for One Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Converting a Template to a Regular Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

7 File and Publisher Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Viewing File Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
File Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Files on Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Showing Individual Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Initialized Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Menus on the File Tables Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
File Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Viewing Details Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
File Details Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
File Instance Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Menus on the Files Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Menus on the File Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Menus on the File Instance Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Summary of File Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Global File State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Local File State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Local State Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Publisher Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

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Table of Contents

8 Approving and Banning Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193

What is Parity Software Approval? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Platform Considerations for Rule Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
What are Parity Software Bans? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Approving by Trusted Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Windows Trusted Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Archives and Installers in Trusted Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Mac Trusted Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Creating a Trusted Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Verifying Trusted Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Verifying Approval of Windows Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Custom Rules for Installer Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Removing or Disabling Directory Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Approving by Trusted User or Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
How Groups are Specified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Creating a Trusted User or Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Removing Trust from a User or Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Approving or Banning by Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Publisher Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Publisher Bans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Managing Bans and Approvals from the Publishers Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Managing Bans and Approvals from the Publishers Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Adding Publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Removing Publisher Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Removing Publisher Bans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Finding All Files from a Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Determining Which Certificates Can Approve Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Approval with Expired Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Excluding Certificate Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Minimum Key Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Countersignature Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Revocation Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Approving by Updater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Allowing or Disabling Automatic Updater Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Adding an Updater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Updater History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Locally Approving Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Automatic Local Approval on Enforcement Level Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Which Files Are Locally Approved On Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Locally Approving Individual Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Removing Local Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Locally Approving Files Not Yet in File Catalog Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Locally Approving Transient or Deleted Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Locally Approving All Unapproved Files on a Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

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Using Parity

Moving Computers to Local Approval Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

Moving Online Computers into Local Approval Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Restoring Online Computers from Local Approval Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Using Timed Policy Overrides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Marking a File as an Installer/Not an Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
File-Specific Rules: Approvals and Bans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Report Only Bans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Creating an Approval or Ban from the Software Rules Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Editing and Deleting File Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Creating File Approvals and Bans from Table Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Creating Global Approvals and Bans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Custom Approvals and Bans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Approving and Banning Files from the File Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Approving or Banning Lists of Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

9 Reputation Approval Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Trust Ratings for Files and Publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
File Trust Ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Publisher Trust Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Reputation Approval Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Setting the Trust Level for Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
How File Reputation Approvals Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Removal of Reputation Approval for a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
How Publisher Reputation Approvals Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Removal of Reputation Approval for a Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Reputation Approvals and Other Parity Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Creating Exceptions for Files and Publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Disabling Reputation Approvals for a File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Disabling Reputation Approvals for a Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Enabling Reputation Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Modifying and Disabling Reputation Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Views Related to Reputation Approvals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

10 Managing Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Devices Managed by Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Enabling Per-Policy Device Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Managing Specific Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Viewing Device Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Managing Devices by Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Viewing Device Models in the Device Catalog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Viewing Details for One Device Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Approving and Banning Device Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

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Table of Contents

Managing Device Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Viewing Instances in the Device Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Viewing Details for One Device Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Approving or Banning Device Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Managing Computer-Device Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Viewing Devices on Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Viewing Details for One Computer-Device Attachment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

11 Custom Software Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Rule Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Rule Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
File and Process Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Pre-configured Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Internal Rules in the Custom Rule Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Specifying the Notifier for a Custom Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Custom Rules in Visibility Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Creating a Custom Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Custom Rule Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Specifying Execute and Write Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Specifying Paths and Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Specifying a File or Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Platform-Specific Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Using Wildcards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Automatic Path Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Specifying Devices in Paths in Windows Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Using Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Path Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Windows Registry Macros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Entering Multiple Paths or Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Specifying Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Specifying Users or Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Rule Ranking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Rule Ranking and Internal Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Disabling or Deleting Custom Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Viewing Rule Status on Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Custom Rule Types and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
File Integrity Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Trusted Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Execution Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
File Creation Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Performance Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

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Using Parity

12 Script Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
What is a Script?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
What Parity Script Rules Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Pre-configured Script Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Script Rules Priority vs. Other Parity Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Shell Scripts Identified by Content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Policy Settings for Script Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Creating a Custom Script Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Editing a Script Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Disabling or Deleting a Script Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Viewing Rule Status on Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Script Rule Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Example: Windows Perl Scripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Example: Windows Batch Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

13 Registry Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Rule Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Sample Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Specifying the Notifier for Registry Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Creating Registry Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Registry Rule Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Specifying a Write Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Specifying Registry Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Using Wildcards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Specifying Keys or Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Specifying Processes in Registry Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Specifying Processes or Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Using Wildcards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Automatic Process Path Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Specifying Devices in Process Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Using Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Entering Multiple Paths or Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Specifying Users or Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Rule Ranking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Disabling or Deleting Registry Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Viewing Rule Status on Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Sample Registry Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Example: Report Changes to Internet Explorer Trusted Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Example: A Block Rule with an Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
General Rule: Block Writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Exception Rule: Report Writes to Sub-Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Autostart Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

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Table of Contents

14 Memory Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .337

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Rule Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Specifying the Notifier for Memory Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Creating Memory Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Memory Rule Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Specifying the Rule Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Specifying the Rule Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Specifying Target and Source Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Specifying a File or Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Using Wildcards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Automatic Path Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Specifying Devices in Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Using Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Entering Multiple Target or Source Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
The Source Process Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Specifying Users or Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Rule Ranking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Disabling or Deleting Memory Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Viewing Rule Status on Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

15 Block Notifiers and Approval Requests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353

Notifiers: What Users See. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Prompt Notifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Block-only Notifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Block Notifiers on Windows Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Block Notifiers on Mac Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Notifier Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Parity Notifier Tray Icon and History Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Parity Notifier History Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
The Parity Console Notifiers Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Assigning Notifiers to Settings and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Assigning Notifiers to Policy Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Policy Settings with Notifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Assigning Notifiers to Custom, Registry and Memory Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Customizing and Creating Notifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Creating a New Notifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Editing Notifier Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Using Tags in Notifier Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Conditional Messages for Block vs. Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Informational Tags as Conditional Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Editing the Notifier Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Tags in Notifier Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Editing the Notifier Source Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Specifying a Custom Notifier Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

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Using Parity

Image File Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

Logo-Related Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Changing the Logo Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Suppressing the Notifier Logo in a Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Resetting a Notifier to Initial Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Resetting a Policy to Initial Notifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Disabling Parity Notifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Notifiers in Windows Session Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Approval Requests and Justifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Enabling Requests and Justifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Submitting Requests and Justifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Viewing Requests and Justifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
Resolving Requests and Justifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Notifying Users of Approval Request Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Approval Request and Justification Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Customizing the Request/Justification Interface in Notifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390

16 Monitoring Events and File Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393

Monitoring Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Event Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Using the Home Page Event Reports Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Viewing Reports on the Events Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Taking Action on Files in Event Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Customizing Event Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Editing Event Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Viewing Install Event Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Viewing Event Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Using Parity Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Creating Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Editing Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Deleting Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
How Alerts are Triggered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Mail Notification for Triggered Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Reminder Mail for Triggered Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Manual and Automatic Alert Resets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Viewing and Managing Alert History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Managing Alert Email Subscriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Detecting Threats with Computer Security Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Criteria Triggering a Security Alert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
File Prevalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Prevalence Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Monitoring Specific File Executions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Creating a Meter from the File Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

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Table of Contents

17 Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425

Baseline Drift Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
How Drift and Risk are Measured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Viewing and Managing Baseline Drift Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Viewing Baseline Drift Report Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Report Results: Computer View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Report Results: File Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
Drift by Files: Top-Level Files on All Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Drift by Files: Associated Files Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Drift by Files on a Single Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Responding to Drift Report Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Adding Drift Results to a Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Creating and Editing Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Creating a Baseline Drift Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Advanced Baseline Drift Report Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Advanced Options: File Filter Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Advanced Options: File Comparison Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Advanced Options: Report Detail Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Using Filters in Target and Baseline Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Drift in Multi-Platform Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Managing Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Creating and Modifying Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Viewing and Editing Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Managing Files in Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Deleting Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Displaying Baseline Drift Reports in Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Creating Baseline Drift Alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

18 Using and Customizing Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451

Dashboards Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Dashboard Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Using Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Getting More Detailed Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Portlet Toolbar Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Collapsing, Expanding, and Exploding Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Entering Information into Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Other Portlet Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Viewing Other Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Changing Dashboard Appearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Changing Dashboard Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
Portlet Distribution in Layouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Changing Dashboard Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Changing Dashboard Background Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Moving Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Creating, Editing and Managing Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

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Using Parity

Shared Dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Creating a New Dashboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Copying a Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Editing a Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Managing the Default Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Deleting a Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
Managing Dashboards from the Dashboards Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Creating and Customizing Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Portlet Types and Subtypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
System Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Editing Portlet Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Deleting Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Creating Custom Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Using Tables in Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Table-only Portlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Supplemental Tables in Portlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Using Filters in Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Nesting Groups of Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481

19 Locating Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .483

Find Files Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Initiating Find Files from Other Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Defining a Search on the Find Files Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Finding Files by Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Adding a Pathname to a File Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Finding Files by Hash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Using Find File Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Special Cases in Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Files on Offline Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Files on Deleted Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Deleted Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Files on Computers Still Initializing or Synchronizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Saved Views for File Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490

20 Parity Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .491

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
The General Configuration Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Viewing Server Status and Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Configuring Active Directory Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Configuring Agent Management Privileges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Connection Status and Agent Management Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
Event Management Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Managing the Parity Event Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Setting Limits for Event Deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Enabling Daily Event Archiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500

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Table of Contents

Moving the Database to an External Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500

Setting up External Event Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Logging Events to a Syslog Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Logging Events to a Supplemental SQL Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Securing Agent-Server Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Security Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Current Certificate Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Verifying that the Server Name and Certificate Match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Importing a Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Enabling Certificate Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Advanced Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Backing Up Parity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
Restoring Parity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Configuring Alert and Approval Request Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Configuring Standard Email for Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Configuring Secure Email for Notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Specifying a Global Alert Subscriber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Managing Parity Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Viewing Your Parity License Limits and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
License Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Adding Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Confirming License Addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Parity Knowledge Availability Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Deactivating Parity Knowledge Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Using a Proxy Server for Parity Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Parity Knowledge Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
A Live Inventory SDK: Database Views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .527
Performance Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Upgrading from a Previous Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Schema Overview: bit9_public. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
Specifying a Schema User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
Schema Views and Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Schema Diagram for bit9_public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Details of Database Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
ExComputers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
ExInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
ExMeters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
ExEvents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
ExFileCatalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
ExFileInstances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
ExDeletedFileInstances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
ExFileInstanceGroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Sample Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543

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Using Parity

B Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .547

Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
Preparing to use the Connector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
Performance and Bandwidth Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Enabling FireEye Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Integrating with FireEye Notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Integrating with FireEye MAS for Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
FireEye Threat Level Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Adding or Editing Threat Level Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
FireEye Integration Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Enabling Palo Alto Networks Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Integrating Palo Alto Appliances for Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
Integrating with WildFire for Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
Palo Alto Networks Appliance Status in Bit9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Bit9 Integration and WildFire Lookup Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Enabling Console Account Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
External Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Saved Views on the Notification Table Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Notification Table Access from File Details Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
Choosing Correlation Level for External Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
Multiple Notifications per File from WildFire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
External Notification Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
Total Files Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Known Files Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Files On Computers Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Directories Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Registry Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
More Details Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
History Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Showing Related Notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Showing XML Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
External Console Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
Managing Notification Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
Banning Externally Reported Malware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Manually Banning Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Special Rules for Reporting or Banning Malware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
Registry Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
Custom Rules for Directory Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Monitoring Files Submitted for Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
Analysis Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
Actions on the Analyzed Files tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
Files Uploaded to Parity Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
Bit9 Logging of Connector-related Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580

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Table of Contents

Additional Log Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582

Event Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
Simulate Only Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Rule Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
Disabling Processing of All Event Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
Creating an Event Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
File Properties in Event Rule Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Event Rule History and Processed Events List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Editing an Event Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
Edit Event Rule Page Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
C Uploading Files from Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .591
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Controlling Access to File Upload Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Scheduling Uploads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Starting Uploads from Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
Starting Uploads from the File Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Starting Uploads from the Computer Details Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Viewing the Uploads Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Diagnostic Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
Downloading Uploaded Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
Upload Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
Deleting Uploaded Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
Changing the Uploaded File Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601

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Using Parity

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Chapter 1: Parity Overview

Chapter 1

Parity Overview
This chapter introduces the Parity system, explains key concepts, and suggests operating
strategies for preventing unauthorized or malicious file execution on your endpoints.

Topic Page
What Is Parity? 28
How Parity Works 31
System Architecture 32
File State, Whitelisting and Blacklisting 34
Security Policies and Levels 36
Operating Strategies 37

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Using Parity

What Is Parity?
Bit9 Parity is a policy-driven application control and whitelisting solution that protects
enterprises from modern security threats by detecting and preventing attacks across
Windows and Mac desktops, laptops, and servers. In addition, it can be integrated with
other tools, such as SIEM systems, to provide a forensic assessment of where and when an
attack originated and real-time visibility into all file and process activity across the
computers in an enterprise. By providing file integrity monitoring and control, Parity can
ensure the secure configuration of the operating system, executable software, and
configuration files. For Windows computers, Parity offers registry, memory and process

Parity provides the ability to track the propagation of software in your environment,
generate audit trails of activity, and control the software used on your systems, whether
they are desktops, laptops, servers, fixed function devices or virtual machines. Bit9's
unique approach to application whitelisting minimizes costs and disruptions by
dynamically adapting to the needs of each enterprise, and allows you to block modern
malware, targeted attacks, installation of unauthorized software, and execution of files
from unauthorized devices on Windows computers.
Whitelisting technology allows end-users to install and run legitimate software and
devices while providing your IT group with a way to prohibit anything unauthorized or
known to be malicious from executing. Parity’s management capabilities can integrate
with your existing IT business processes to automatically maintain your software and
device control policies with minimal administrative overhead. The end result is granular
control of your systems, dramatically improving security.
Using Parity, you can:
• Stop malicious software by blocking known viruses, trojans, application exploits, and
custom and targeted attacks
• Stop zero-day threats by allowing only approved software to run
• Create rules to monitor and control access to the Windows registry
• Create memory rules to monitor and control access to specific processes on Windows

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Chapter 1: Parity Overview

• Create file integrity monitoring and control rules to prevent or report access to critical,
non-executable system configuration files
• Reduce the burden of compliance through streamlined audits, activity monitoring,
violation notification, and policy enforcement
• Use the Parity Knowledge Service to identify and classify the risk associated with the
software discovered in your environment using reputation services, and to
automatically approve files or publishers considered trusted by Parity Knowledge
• Prevent data theft and leakage by auditing and controlling the transfer of sensitive data
to attached storage devices on Windows computers
• Create rules to approve or ban file execution on storage devices by model or serial
number on Windows computers
• Monitor drift away from a baseline of files to minimize risk, identify needed
remediations, maintain compliance, and reduce support costs
Table 1 shows complementary Parity features that provide visibility into what files are on
your computers, give you control of unauthorized software and hardware, and allow
flexible management of computers at your site:

Table 1: Parity Features

Feature Description
Live File Parity can track all files of interest on all computers all the time.
Inventory and This near-real-time inventory means that Parity can provide a wide
Baseline Drift variety of information about these files, and about the rate and
Tracking nature of change across your organization. One benefit of this
information is Baseline Drift Reports, which report changes in the
file inventory on one or more computers. Another is the ability to
locate all instances of a specified executable file that exist on
managed computers.
Parity Knowledge Parity Knowledge Service identifies and classifies files. It assigns a
File Identification Trust Factor to files based on a variety of sources, including the
& Reputation source of the file, its prevalence on Parity systems, results of anti-
Services virus scanning, and whether it has a legitimate digital certificate.
You can automatically approve files or publishers that meet a
certain trust threshold.
Event Tracking Parity keeps an up-to-date database of file-related events, as well
as other activities involving the Parity Server or managed
computers. From this data, you can view predefined or custom
reports that can give visibility into changes to your environment
and significant Parity operations. You also can trigger alerts based
on certain events. Parity events can be exported to Syslog for
integration with SIEM systems, and to CSV files.
Modes Active Parity Agents can be operated in one of two modes:
Visibility mode provides the file and event tracking features of
Parity, but does not enforce file or device bans or other security
restrictions. Control mode blocks banned files and allows you to
choose one of three Enforcement Levels to determine how
unapproved files (i.e., files neither approved nor banned) are
treated. Control policies can be configured to enforce other file and
device security rules.

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Using Parity

Feature Description
Enforcement Enforcement Levels and policies work in combination to control file
Levels and and device activity on specific computers. Depending upon the
Policies Enforcement Level you choose, execution of banned files as well
as unapproved (neither approved nor banned) files can be
blocked. Enforcement Levels range from very restrictive to no
Policies are rule sets that include an Enforcement Level and other
settings, such as the ability to block or control the behavior of
some removable devices on Windows computers. All computers
managed by Parity have an assigned policy.
Flexible and You can run different groups of computers at different security
Emergency levels. For example, you may choose to run some computers at
Lockdown High Enforcement Level, which prevents computers from
executing unapproved files that were not present when Parity
Agent was installed, while allowing other computers greater
If necessary, you can implement an emergency lockdown to move
all computers to High Enforcement during attacks or high threat
periods. You can return the systems to their previous security level
when you believe the threat is contained.
File Integrity Parity allows you to create custom software rules that apply to
Monitoring and specified files or paths. These include File Integrity rules, with
Control which you can monitor, and if you choose, restrict modifications to
a specific folder or folders matching your specification.
Software Rules: Bans enable you to specify files (by name or hash) to be blocked
Bans for some or all computers at your site. Parity can ban files
individually, and also can ban all files identified on a list of hashes
you provide.
Software Rules: Several complementary software approval methods enable you to
Approvals approve legitimate software to run on all computers, on groups of
computers (i.e., by policy) or to locally approve software to run on
a single computer. You can integrate approval rules with Parity
Knowledge Service to automatically approve files meeting a
specific Trust level according to analysis by the service.
Registry Rules You can specify rules to protect specific registry key/value patterns
from alteration on Windows computers.
Memory Rules You can specify rules to protect a process from access or
alteration by any (or specified) other process(es) or user(s) on
Windows computers.
Device Rules: You can approve or ban file execution and writing on specific,
Approvals and detected storage devices on Windows computers. You can
Bans approve and ban device models or specific, individual devices, and
you can apply the rules to some or all computers.
Notifiers and When a Parity rule blocks file access, you can display a notifier for
User-Initiated the user explaining the block. The notifier can provide an optional
Approval file approval request method that lets you track and respond to
Requests requests directly in Parity.

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Chapter 1: Parity Overview

How Parity Works

Parity tracks executable files and monitors their prevalence and execution. This begins
with initialization, the inventory of files that begins immediately after installation of
Parity Agent on a computer. Each file found on a computer during the initial inventory is
locally approved on that computer unless it has been already banned by name or hash on
the Parity Server. Local approval does not change the global state of a file.
After initialization, new unidentified files that appear on computers managed by Parity are
classified as having a state of Unapproved, both globally and locally, on the computer on
which they were found. A file keeps its Unapproved state until it becomes Approved or
Banned. Once a file has been approved, it is allowed to execute but continues to be
Parity features several automatic file approval methods (trusted directories, approved
publishers, trusted users, pre-configured updaters for Windows computers, reputation
approvals, and bulk approval of files from a list of hashes) that make it easy to approve
new software without having to do it file-by-file. You also can manually mark individual
files as approved or banned.
Other Parity features monitor activity on your computers, which might help you decide on
what files to approve or ban:
• Whether a file exists on your computers
• Which computers have the file
• Where and when the file first arrived in your environment
• What is known about the source, category, trust level, and threat of the file
• Whether and when a file has executed, and on which computers
• Whether a file has propagated and, if so, whether it has been renamed
• On Windows computers, whether attached storage devices (including USB, SCSI, and
others) exist on your network, when they first were discovered, and on what computer
• How the inventory of files on computers has changed over time

Files Tracked in Parity

In the Parity Console and throughout this manual, you will often see the term “files.” What
constitutes a “file” depends upon the Parity feature:
• For Parity’s Live Inventory, a “file” is an executable or script file. When you install
Parity Agent on a computer, it analyzes all files on the system, determines which of
them are executables or scripts, and keeps an inventory of these files. Non-executable
files are ignored once they are identified. Parity determines that a file is an executable
by the content of the file, not its file extension. Parity determines that a file is a script
by a combination of factors, and users can add to or modify these definitions. Only
executable and script files can be approved or banned.
• For File Integrity Monitoring, access to non-executable data and configuration files
can be tracked if you register the files with Parity through a File Integrity Control rule.
Once a file or path is covered by such a rule, any attempt to access it generates an
auditable event in Parity, and if you choose, the attempt is blocked.

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Using Parity

System Architecture
The Parity architecture consists of the following components:
• Parity Server software provides central file security management, event monitoring,
and a live inventory of files of interest on all agent systems.
• Parity Agent software runs on servers, desktops, laptops, virtual machines and fixed-
function devices. It monitors files and either blocks or permits their execution based
on security policy settings. It also reports new executable and script files to the Parity
Server and enforces other rules you configure.
• Parity Knowledge Service compares new files introduced on computers running
Parity Agent to a database of known files, providing information on threat level, trust
factor, and software categorization. If you choose, you can use trust information to
automatically approve files.

Parity Server
Parity Server software runs on standard Windows computers. It can be run on a dedicated
system or as a virtual machine. Parity Server manages policies and rules, including
software and device approvals and bans, and provides visibility into events and file
activity on computers running Parity Agents. Parity Console, a convenient web-based user
interface, provides access to the Parity Server from any connected computer.
The Parity Server database uses SQL Server, either on the same machine as Parity Server
or on separate hardware. Key Parity data is accessible outside of Parity through a series of
published views in the database that are part of the Live Inventory SDK. Parity events also
can be output to a Syslog server for further analysis.

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Chapter 1: Parity Overview

Integrating Parity with Active Directory

You may have already defined and named users, computers, and groups by using
Microsoft Active Directory. Parity Server can take advantage of your Active Directory
environment to set access privileges for users of the Parity Console, assign security
policies to computers, provide user and computer metadata, and designate certain groups
or users to be able to install software (and have it automatically approved) on Parity-
managed computers.

Parity Agent
Parity Agent software runs on client computers. It monitors file, process, and Windows
registry activity and communicates with the Parity Server when necessary. On Windows
computers, it also monitors connected storage devices. Even when disconnected from the
server, the agent continues to enforce the last specified bans and security policies it
received. When a disconnected computer running the Parity Agent reconnects, the agent
receives policy and rule updates from the server and communicates relevant file activity
that occurred during the time it was off the network.
Parity Agent runs silently in the background until it blocks a file, at which point it can
display a message to the computer user, explaining why the file was not permitted to
execute. Depending on the file state, the agent’s security level, and other configuration
choices, Parity may also let the user on the client computer choose to run a blocked file.
You also can enable mechanisms for users to request approval of blocked files, either
informally via email or using a formal request process built into and tracked by Parity.

Parity Knowledge Service and Trust Rating

Parity Knowledge is a web service, hosted by Bit9, that helps identify and classify
software discovered on your computers by comparing it to an extensive database of known
files. Based on weighted analysis, Parity Knowledge Service further assigns a threat level
(malicious, potentially malicious, unknown, or clean) and a trust rating (0-10 or unknown)
to each file. Parity Server can include this information in its live file inventory so that you
immediately know the threat status and other key information about files on your systems.
If you have Parity Knowledge Service enabled, you can “analyze” any file in the Parity
Server inventory to get whatever information is available.
A file’s trust rating goes beyond the information available from one anti-virus scan. It is
based on a series of factors, including how long and on how many computers the file has
been seen, whether it has a trusted digital certificate, and the results of scanning by
multiple anti-virus programs.
For example, a file that scans as clean on anti-virus programs, has a trusted digital
certificate from a known publisher, and appears on many computers for a long period of
time might have a Parity trust rating of 10, highly trusted. Another file that also produces
clean anti-virus scans but has only recently been seen, is on very few computers, and does
not have a digital certificate might only get a trust rating of 2, low trust.
You can use the trust rating provided by Parity Knowledge Service to automatically
approve files, either based on their own trust rating or the rating of their publisher. By
using Reputation Approvals, administrators can enforce their chosen security posture as it
relates to file or publisher trust level and approve high trust software with no
administrative overhead.

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Using Parity

File State, Whitelisting and Blacklisting

Several key feature groups work together in Parity to secure computers on your network.
At the heart of this security capability is the ability to classify files according to their state.
Groups of security rules, called policies, control how different groups of computers treat
files in different states. This section describes primary file states – approved (whitelisted),
banned (blacklisted), and unapproved – and how they can be changed.

Global State
The Parity Server maintains a central database of unique files (determined by hash) for all
executable files tracked on computers running the Parity Agent. You can view the global
state of these files in the Parity File Catalog. Global state determines what the file is
allowed to do on Parity-managed computers with different Enforcement Levels.
Global state is a combination of:
• File State, which indicates the approval/ban state of the file itself, and
• Publisher State, which is the approval state of the file’s publisher (if known).

A file can have a global state of:

• Approved – for all computers
• Approved by Policy – approved for some computers, unapproved for others
• Banned – for all computers
• Banned by Policy – banned for some computers, unapproved for others
• Unapproved – for all computers
• Mixed – banned for some computers but approved for others
Global State cannot be modified directly, but can be modified by changing the file state or
publisher state. Parity provides a variety of ways to modify the file state. See Chapter 8,
“Approving and Banning Software,” for details. Chapter 7, “File and Publisher
Information,” shows additional details for files tracked by Parity.

Local State
While the Parity server keeps a global state for a file, each instance of a file on a computer
in the Parity network has its own Local State, which indicates what the file is allowed to
do on the computer it was found on, depending upon its Enforcement Level.
Files with a Global State of Unapproved may have different local states. In particular, you
can locally approve a file by various methods, as long as that file was not globally banned.
Parity shows local file state in its Files on Computers inventory of all file instances.
A file can have a local state of:
• Approved
• Banned
• Unapproved
• Deleted (the file has been deleted recently and will be removed from the database on
next update)

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Chapter 1: Parity Overview

In addition to its primary state, each file instance has Local File Details (see Chapter 7,
“File and Publisher Information”) that may identify the source of its approval or other
decisions made about it in Parity. These details are primarily for Bit9 Support information.

File Approval Methods

Software approval ensures that users of computers running Parity Agent can freely install
and run known-good applications regardless of the Parity settings and Enforcement Level
in effect. Approving files, often called “whitelisting,” also can reduce time devoted to
tracking files you are not concerned about. Parity supports several complementary
methods for approving software on computers:
• When you need to pre-approve applications to run on all computers, you can designate
trusted directories, publishers, or updaters to automatically generate approvals (see
specific sections on these features for support by agent platform).
• When you want to protect against advanced threats and would like to reduce the
number of files you need to approve individually, you can enable automatic reputation
approvals of files based on file or publisher trust in Parity Knowledge.
• You can approve an individual file by hash, either for all computers or by policy. In
addition, you can create multiple individual file approvals by importing a list of file
hashes you want to approve.
• When you need to approve software for installation on selected individual computers,
either designate trusted users (or groups) to perform installations, or choose one of
Parity’s local approval methods.
See “What is Parity Software Approval?” on page 194 for more details.

File Ban Methods

In Control mode, Parity lets you ban specific files from executing on all computers, or on
computers associated with specified policies. Banning files is often called “blacklisting.”
You can ban files using the following methods:
• File-name bans are platform-specific (Windows, Mac). For the named platform, they
ban execution of named files on either all systems on running the Parity Agent or on
all systems in policies you specify.
• Hash bans prevent files matching a unique hash from executing regardless of the file
name used. They are enforced for all platforms, either on all systems running the
Parity Agent or on systems in policies you specify. You can ban more than one file in
a single operation by importing a list of hashes.
• Publisher bans prevent files identfied as being from a specified publisher from
executing. They are enforced either on all systems running the Parity Agent or on
systems in policies you specify.
See “What are Parity Software Bans?” in Chapter 8, “Approving and Banning Software,”
for more details.

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Using Parity

Custom Rules
In addition to the variety of ban and approval rules described above, Parity provides other
ways to protect your computers, allow needed software to run, and optimize performance.
Custom Rules allow you to designate one or more paths, either at the directory or the file
level, at which certain activities are allowed or blocked. In some cases this involves
changing the state of files, but in others it simply allows, blocks, or disables certain
behavior on a case-by-case basis without any global rule changes. You can use Custom
Rules for File Integrity Control, to create a Trusted Path for your installation directories, to
reduce tracking of files in directories known to be safe or not of interest, and for many
other purposes you can configure.
See Chapter 11, “Custom Software Rules,” for more details.

Security Policies and Levels

Parity policies are named groups of protection rules shared by targeted groups of
computers running the Parity Agent – every computer running a Parity Agent must belong
to a policy. You create policies based on your security and organizational requirements.
For example, you might base policy membership on functional group (e.g., marketing,
customer service, IT); location; or type of computer (e.g., laptop, desktop, server).
Each policy has its own Parity Agent installer, which is automatically generated on the
server when you create the policy. Each installer automatically assigns a policy to each
agent it installs. However, if you choose, you can have the Parity Server assign a policy
based on Active Directory data for the user and/or computer running the agent each time
the computer with the Parity Agent connects to the server.
See Chapter 4, “Creating and Configuring Policies” for details on policies.

Policy Settings
Policy settings define the way you want Parity to manage a particular group of computers.
There are three categories of settings:
• Basic Policy Definitions – These include the policy name and other descriptive
information, whether computers in this policy allow agent upgrades, whether live file
inventory is activated for these computers, and the basic security level (the Mode and
Enforcement Level) for the policy. Modes and Enforcement Levels are described in
more detail below.
• Device Settings – Device settings control the way a Parity policy treats removable
devices on Windows computers. You can make different rules to control read, write,
and execute operations on devices, and you can specify that approved and banned
devices are treated differently than devices that have not been classified.
• Advanced Settings – Advanced policy settings primarily control whether computers in
a policy have certain file types blocked. The possible values are Active, Off, and
Report Only.
See Chapter 4, “Creating and Configuring Policies” for full details on policy settings.

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Chapter 1: Parity Overview

Modes and Enforcement Levels

The Enforcement Level in a security policy controls whether unapproved files
(applications that may be unidentified and that have not been approved or banned) are
allowed to execute. The availability of different Enforcement Levels enables you to
choose a setting for each policy that suits the security and user requirements for the group
of computers associated with that policy.
Parity offers three different modes of operation: Agent Disabled, Visibility, and Control.
Disabled agents neither enforce rules on nor collect information from their computers.
Agents in Visibility mode collect information but do not enforce rules.
Control mode offers the full range of Parity features, including tracking of files and device
activities, and enforcement of bans and other rules that protect your computers. If a file
has been banned, it is blocked at all Enforcement Levels in Control mode. Control mode
Enforcement Levels differ primarily in how they treat unapproved files:
• High (Block Unapproved) – Only approved files are allowed to execute.
• Medium (Prompt Unapproved) – Approved files are allowed to execute. Attempts to
execute Unapproved files cause a notifier dialog to display, in which the user can
decide whether to Allow or Block them.
• Low (Monitor Unapproved) – Approved and Unapproved files are allowed to execute
without prompting. The activity of these files is still monitored by Parity.
In some cases, a computer can have different Enforcement Levels when it is connected vs.
when it is disconnected.

Parity Licensing and Modes

Parity Server can be licensed at two feature levels that parallel the available Modes
described in the previous section:
• Parity Visibility – This provides all of Parity’s file and event tracking and reporting
capabilities, but not control features such as file and device blocking.
• Parity Suite – This provides all the features of Parity Visibility and Parity Control.
License keys determine the number of agents allowed to run in each mode. You can mix
licenses on the same server, having, for example, 20 Parity Visibility licenses and 20
Parity Suite licenses. In addition, you can purchase the Parity Control upgrade at any time
to bring Parity Visibility licenses up to Parity Suite level. Keep in mind that if you have no
Parity Suite licenses, Parity Control features are not available and certain elements of the
Parity Console documented in this manual will not appear.
See “Managing Parity Licenses” on page 519 for information for more information on
how licenses work in Parity.

Operating Strategies
Your overall Parity operating strategy depends on whether you are only interested in
getting visibility into file activity on your network or whether you need to exercise a
degree of control over the use of software and devices. It also could vary according to
whether you want all of your computers operating at the same security level or you need to
control some more than others. In addition, your strategy might change over time, perhaps

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 37

Using Parity

due to greater experience with Parity, different threat levels, or the frequency with which
your privileged users need to run new software that is not managed by IT.
Different operating strategies will require different amounts of preparation and
maintenance. You might want to create a reference system – one computer that has all of
the applications you want to approve for all of your users and has no applications you
don’t want executed on your users’ computers. You can use this system to create a
baseline for analyzing any drift of files on other computers, or over time.
Your Bit9 Technical Support or Services representative can help you develop an operating
strategy appropriate for your environment.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 38

Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Chapter 2

Using the Parity Console

This chapter covers the basics of using the Parity Console: how to log in and out, how to
navigate in the user interface from the Home page and menu system, and how to view the
information Parity makes available to you through tables and dashboards. Mastering the
information and tasks in this chapter will give you a head start on all other Parity activities
described in this guide.

Topic Page
Logging In 40
Logging Out 41
The Home Page 42
Using the Main Menu 45
Left Navigation Menu and Breadcrumbs 48
Parity Tables 49
Details Pages 60
Menus on Details Pages 60
Setting Preferences for Console Users 62
Using Context-Sensitive Help 63

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 39

Using Parity

Logging In
Parity uses a browser-based user interface called the Parity Console. You can log in to the
console from a web browser on any computer with access to your server, including the
Parity Server itself. Although other browsers with HTML frame support should work,
these Bit9-certified browsers are recommended:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8.0 or higher
• Mozilla Firefox 9.0 or higher
• Chrome 16 or higher
• Safari 5.1.2 or higher (on OS X only)
In Internet Explorer, you may need to adjust your overall security settings or set the Parity
Console address to be part of your Local Intranet or Trusted Sites zone in order to access
the Parity Console. The security settings are accessed by choosing Tools > Internet
Options in Internet Explorer and clicking on the Security tab.
To log in to Parity:
1. From any supported web browser, enter the Parity Server name you chose during
installation, usually the server’s fully qualified domain name or a configured alias:
2. If you see a certificate dialog, accept the digital certificate presented for the server. A
certificate is required by the web server to support SSL and HTTPS connections.
a. If you provided one at installation time, your company’s certificate appears.
Otherwise, you see a self-signed certificate created during server installation. You
can accept the Bit9 certificate without compromising security.
b. If your browser displays a warning about the certificate, you can safely ignore the
warning and click through the remaining confirmation screens.

To avoid future certificate warnings:
• In Firefox, accept the certificate permanently.
• In Internet Explorer, click through the warning, click the Certificate
Error button in the IE toolbar, and install the self-signed certificate.
• In Safari, click Show Certificate on the warning and check the Always
trust... box for the Parity Console certificate, and click Continue.

The Parity login screen appears:

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

3. Enter your user name and password. For first-time login, enter the default user name
(admin) and password (admin). For security, change the default password according
to the instructions in “Changing Passwords and Other Account Details” on page 74.
4. Click the Submit button.
5. The Parity Home page appears. The first time any user logs in to the Parity Console
after installation, there may be a noticeable delay in display of the Home Page.
Subsequent logins will be faster for all users.

Login, Server, and Version Information

The top right corner of Parity Console pages shows the following information:
• the name of the currently logged in console user
• the name (or in some cases, the IP address) of the Parity Server
• the version number of the Parity software you are running.
• the number of Parity alerts currently triggered (if any)

Logging Out
On every page of the Parity Console, a Logout link appears in the upper right banner area
of the Parity web page. Logging out ends your Parity Console session.
To log out of Parity:
1. From the console banner, click the Log Out link:

2. Respond to the confirmation prompt:

The Parity Console user interface, including pages, menus and links, is
documented based on users having the full administrative permissions. The
features available to a specific Parity Console user depend upon the account
privileges assigned to that user. Permissions that are turned off will remove
related user interface elements. Consider making users with restricted
permissions aware of this possibility so that they are not confused by the absence
of features described in Parity help.
See Chapter 3, “Managing Console Login Accounts” for details.

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Using Parity

The Home Page

The Home Page provides quick access to common tasks and information. When you log in
for the first time, the Parity Home page appears, with the Parity Console main menu at the
top of the window:

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

The Home Page is a Parity dashboard, a configurable page on which you can add and
delete portlets containing information or controls. See Chapter 18, “Using and
Customizing Dashboards,” for more details on how to use and modify the Home Page and
other dashboards. Table 2 below describes the default contents of the Home Page – keep in
mind that the Home Page can be modified, so you may see different portlets than the ones
described in the table:

Table 2: Home Page Quick Access Portlets

Portlet Links/Buttons Description

Alerts Reset/Reset All Shows any triggered Parity Alerts that have not
Alerts been reset, and provides a Reset button for
each so you can clear them if you choose. It
also provides links from each alert to the Alerts
History page for more details about the alert.
Top X Search/Clear Shows a table of the top items in various
categories – for example, the 10 computers
with the most blocked files in the past day. You
can specify the number of items to show
(default is 10) and the time period over which to
look for them (default is 1 day). In the results,
clicking on a name (e.g., a computer name)
opens a details page for that item. Clicking on a
number usually displays the Events page
filtered to show events matching your Top X
Find Files or Search/Clear Finds files and events (file blocks, unapproved
Events files, or all events) associated with computers,
users or file names you specify. For file name
searches, when the "Exact Match" box is
checked, only that single file is listed in the
results (if found). When the box is not checked,
all files containing the string you enter in the
box are listed in the results. The Max Age
dropdown allows you to determine the time
period over which to conduct the search; it
defaults to “Last Day”.
Event Reports New installations Displays a table of all new file installations that
have taken place on Parity-managed Windows
computers during the past day (24 hours up to
the time you display the page).
Platform Note: Installations on Mac systems
are not included in this New installations table.
However, the files that are installed appear in
tables that show new files.
New unapproved Displays a table of all new unapproved files that
files have appeared on Parity-managed computers
during the past day (24 hours up to the time you
display the page).
Blocked files (by Displays a table of all banned files that have
bans) been blocked on Parity-managed computers
during the past day (24 hours up to the time you
display the page).

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Using Parity

Portlet Links/Buttons Description

Event Reports Blocked files (by Displays a table of all new, unapproved files
(cont.) unapproved that have been blocked as a result of the
status) Unapproved Executables setting. The report
covers the past day (24 hours up to the time
you display the page).
Licensing Manage your Displays the total number of Parity Agent
licenses licenses available on your server and the
number in use. If some licenses are for Visibility
and some for Control, shows the number for
each type.
Clicking the Manage your licenses link opens
the Licensing panel of the System Configuration
page, where you can add Parity licenses, and
can configure and activate Parity Knowledge
Find Computer Search/Clear Entering a string that matches all or part of the
name or IP address of a computer running
Parity Agent displays a list of matching
computers. If you click on a computer name in
the results, its Computer Details page appears.
Computer details include currently configured
connected and disconnected Enforcement
Levels and connection status, Tabbed views on
the page also show details such as last logged
in user(s), agent version, and System Details (if
Computer names are not case-sensitive.
Change Policy Change/Clear Changes the current security policy of a
specified computer. Enter the name or IP
address of the computer whose policy you want
to change in the upper box. Its current policy is
shown. Enter the policy you want to change to
in the lower box. Once you click Change, the
computer moves to the new policy and stays
there unless you explicitly move it again.
Emergency Lockdown/ Lockdown switches all computers running
Lockdown Restore Parity Agent on your network to High (Block
Unapproved) Enforcement Level. Placing
computers in High Enforcement Level during
high-threat periods helps ensure that no new
executable files are permitted to run.
When computers are under emergency
lockdown, Restore returns them to their pre-
lockdown state. If they were in High
Enforcement Level prior to the emergency
lockdown, they remain in that state.
Note: Lockdown does not affect systems that
are in Local Approval mode.
If you do not have any Control licenses,
Lockdown is disabled, but Restore is still
available in case machines were locked down
at a previous time when you did have full

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Using the Main Menu

The Parity Console main menu, at the top of Parity pages, provides access to console
pages for Parity’s features. The menu is organized in sections according to logical task-
groupings, and in most cases shows a submenu of choices when you move the mouse over
a top-level label. Clicking on a top-level item opens the page for the first submenu choice.

Table 3: Parity Console Main Menu Choices

Section Description
Home By default, Parity displays the Home Page when you log in. Clicking
on Home in the menu bar returns you to this page from other pages.
The Home Page provides quick access to information about files,
events, computers, and licenses. It also lets you change the policy of
a computer or initiate network-wide lockdown if needed.
The Home Page is a Parity dashboard, which means you can
customize it to deliver different information, and can display
information in different forms. See Chapter 18, “Using and
Customizing Dashboards,” for more details.
A dropdown menu on the Home Page lists any other dashboards to
which you have access.
You can change the page that appears first when you login to Parity.
See “Setting Preferences for Console Users” on page 62.
Reports Events are informational messages resulting from Parity activities.
On the Events page, Saved Views provide custom reports for certain
types of events, and you can filter any view to create your own report.
Events include files blocked, unapproved files executed, and
changes made to the system by console users. For file-related
events, you can link directly from an event to the file details.
Dashboards displays the Dashboard List page. A Parity dashboard
displays information about Parity and the assets it manages through
a series of compact “portlets.” Through a dashboard, you can drill
down to more detailed information about files, computers, events and
alerts. The Home Page is a special dashboard, and one or more
additional dashboards may be provided with your Parity installation,
but users can create and optionally share their own dashboards and
Baseline Drift displays a page with two tabs:
• The Baseline Drift tab shows any available reports that analyze
the “drift” from a specified baseline file inventory, allows you to run
the reports, and allows you to create and configure new reports.
• The Snapshot tab on the Baseline Drift page shows any named
file lists, called “Snapshots,” that you have created for use in
baseline drift analysis. There are several places in Parity from
which you can create a Snapshot.

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Using Parity

Section Description
Assets Computers shows a table of computers managed by Parity. You can
filter the table of computers by various categories. For the computers
in the table, you can choose the security policy to apply and also put
the computer into Local Approval or back into the Enforcement Level
determined by its normal policy.
Files displays the Files page, which shows two tabbed lists of files on
your Parity-managed computers:
• File Catalog is a list of all unique files that have been discovered
by agents reporting to your Parity Server.
• Files on Computers is a list of all instances of files discovered by
agents reporting to your Parity Server.
In addition, you can use the Saved Views menu to further specify the
files you want to see. Views include Banned Files, New Unapproved
Files, Malicious Files, Categorized Files, and Installed Programs.
Platform Note: The Installed Programs view shows Windows
programs only.
You can use custom filters on the Files page to locate specific files
and ban or approve them (locally or globally) as appropriate.
Devices displays the Devices page, which shows two tabbed lists of
removable devices detected by Parity on Windows computers:
• Device Catalog has two views. One is a list of all unique device
models that have been discovered by agents on computers
reporting to your Parity Server; the other lists all instances (i.e.,
unique serial numbers) found.
• Devices on Computers is a list of all unique attachments, which
are defined as pairings of one computer and one device.
You can globally approve or ban any of these devices so that client
computers can access files on the approved devices when other
devices are restricted or so that files on a specific banned device are
never allowed to execute.
Platform Note: Device discovery and control are currently available
on Windows agents only.
Rules Policies shows the table of existing policies (named sets of security
rules) and allows you to edit these policies or create new ones. It also
provides a link to the Parity Agent download page.
Each policy automatically generates its own agent installation file
when created. The installation file used to install the agent
determines the initial policy of a computer, but computers can be
moved to another policy or deleted from the policy when retired from
If you have configured Active Directory integration with Parity, a
Mappings tab is available on the Policies page. Clicking it opens the
Active Directory Policy Mappings page, where you can set rules by
which computers running the Parity Agent are assigned to Parity
policies according to one of the Active Directory groups the computer
(or its user) belongs to.
The Mappings option appears only if the Parity Server and an Active
Directory server inhabit the same Active Directory Forest, and if you
have enabled AD-policy mapping on the System Configuration page.
If the Parity Server is not in the same forest as the AD server used to
identify your users and systems, contact Bit9 Support.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Section Description
Rules (cont.) Notifiers displays the table of existing blocked file or action notifiers
that can be associated with policies and their settings. You can add,
delete, and modify notifiers on this page. Notifiers can be configured
to appear on an endpoint running Parity Agent when an action is
blocked on that endpoint.
Software Rules displays several categories of Parity rules for
approving or banning files and controlling access to critical computer
functions. Each of the tabs shows existing rules, and depending upon
the tab, may allow editing, deleting, creating, and/or enabling or
disabling of rules:
• The Updaters lists updaters known to your Parity Server. Enabling
an updater permits end-users to install application updates
whenever they become available for download via that application
update program.
Platform Note: Updaters are platform-specific.
• The Publishers tab lists software vendors for which Parity can
confirm one or more valid digital certificates. Publishers can be
approved or banned through this page.
• The Users tab lists users or groups trusted with permission to
install files on any computer to which they log in with their
• The Directories tab lists authorized approval directories in which
all software is approved.
• The Files tab lists individual file approvals and bans.
• The Custom tab lists custom rules, such as specifying how and
where files are allowed to execute or write, whether a file is tracked
by Parity, and directories in which modifications are not allowed.
• The Memory tab lists Parity rules controlling retrieval of
information about, modification of, and execution (or termination)
of specified processes.
Platform Note: This feature applies to Windows agents only.
• The Registry tab lists Parity rules controlling creation,
modification, and editing in the Windows Registry.
Platform Note: This feature applies to Windows agents only.
• The Scripts tab lists rules that define which files are tracked and
controlled as scripts in Parity.
• The Reputation tab appears if Parity Knowledge Service is
enabled on the System Configuration/Licensing page. Reputation-
based file and publisher approvals can be enabled and disabled on
this tab.

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Using Parity

Section Description
Tools Meters enable you to monitor the number of executions of files you
specify, and the users and computers executing them.
Alerts provide notifications in the Parity Console and via email when
certain conditions occurs. Alerts can be made policy-specific.
Find Files enables you to locate all instances of an executable file on
computers running the Parity Agent on your network. You can make
similar searches from the Files page using filters, but Find Files is
pre-configured for this purpose.
Approval Requests displays a list of file approval requests received
from users on computers running Parity Agent. Requests are created
when a user is blocked from a file action and requests that the file be
approved. The Approval Requests page shows request status along
with information about the file and the requestor.
Preferences enables each user (including ReadOnly users) to
change their password, choose the first page seen upon login,
determine the default number of rows on table pages, and specify
whether Parity maintains page appearance customizations between
visits to a page.
Administration Login Accounts displays the Login Accounts page for creating and
managing users of the Parity Console. Note that login accounts are
not needed for the users of computers running Parity Agent.
System Configuration provides access to pages for tasks including
the server configuration; managing log files; securing
communications with agents; configuring backups; downloading
software updates; and configuring optional Bit9 Parity services,
including integration with Active Directory. System configuration
features are available only to administrator-level login accounts.
Help Using Parity displays the user guide for Parity in a separate browser
window. You also can click Help buttons on other Parity pages to
launch the Help system and display context-sensitive information
about the associated page or dialog box.

Left Navigation Menu and Breadcrumbs

For any Parity page other than a dashboard, a navigation menu is displayed on the left side
of the page. This navigation menu shows the page choices available under the section of
the Parity Console main menu you currently are in. For example, if you click Rules in the
top menu and choose Software Rules from the menu, the Software Rules page opens with
the default tab, Updaters, displayed. To the left of the updaters table, a menu appears
showing all of the choices under Rules, and you can click on any of these choices to
display its associated page. You can collapse or expand the left navigation by clicking on
the boxed arrow button in the upper right of the menu.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

When you navigate to a Parity page, a trail of “breadcrumbs” is shown in the upper left of
the page, indicating the path to your current page. In the illustration above, Home >
Software Rules is the path to the page shown. You can navigate back to a previous
location on the path by clicking on it.

Parity Tables
Much of the file and computer information you see while using Parity appears in tables.
Parity tables list each primary item on the page (for example, each file on a Files page) in
its own row with data related to the item. You can control many aspects of the “view” you
have of the information in these tables, and if you like a particular view, you can name it
and save it. While the emphasis in this section is on viewing, Parity tables also include
many of the controls you use to take action on files and computers in Parity. These actions
are described in detail in later chapters.

This section describes the tables currently used on most Parity Console pages.
Dashboard pages have different layout and buttons. See Chapter 18, “Using and
Customizing Dashboards” for a description of dashboard elements.

The Files page illustrates many of the typical elements in Parity tables.

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Using Parity

Tables feature various buttons and menus that enable you to configure results and execute
actions. In addition to the Help button that appears on every page, Parity pages that show
tables may include:
• Table Data Control Links
• Row Action Buttons
• Checked Row Action Menus
• “Add” Buttons

Table Data Control Links

On many Parity table pages, a row of text links above the table head allows you to take
actions on table data. Table 4 show the possible Table Data Control links (not all appear on
all pages).

Table 4: Table Data Control Links

Link Text Action

Show/ Shows or hides the Filters panel, which lets you narrow the
Hide Filter number of results returned in the table.

Show/ Shows or hides the Column Settings panel, which lets you
Hide specify which columns are displayed and in what order.
Hide Shows or hides the Snapshot panel, which allows you to add
Snapshot selected files to an existing “snapshot” of files or create a new
snapshot from select files. Snapshots can be used to measure
Baseline Drift. See “Managing Snapshots” on page 443 for
more information.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Link Text Action

Export to Presents a standard browser dialog box that lets you save the
CSV information displayed in the current table to a file. Exported
data is formatted as a CSV (comma-separated-value) file
suitable for opening as a spreadsheet. Time values output to
CSV files are recorded in UTC time.

Refresh Refreshes the page view to show the most current data
Page available from Parity. This can be useful if you have been on a
page for a long period of time or the page contains information
known to change frequently.

Row Action Buttons

Rows in tables may include information about client computers, devices, events, reports,
or files. Many tables include buttons at the far left of each row that operate on that row.

Table 5: Common Row Action Buttons

Button Label Action

View Displays details of an item in a row. If the item has

Details editable properties, clicking this button opens its editor.

Delete Removes the item in its row from the table and deletes
it from the Parity database.

View Displays a report, history, or other information

Report corresponding to the item in a row.

Find File Displays the Find Files page and automatically uses
the file name or hash of the file in the current row as
the search parameter.

Different tables include different combinations of row action buttons (not
necessarily all of them), as appropriate for the types of information displayed.
Some tables have page-specific buttons not shown above.

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Using Parity

Checked Row Action Menus

On many pages, there is an Action menu with commands that take action on any checked
rows in the table on that page. For example, if you are on the File Catalog tab of the Files
page and you check the box next to “abc.exe”, the Action menu allows you to globally
approve or ban the file, remove an approval or ban if one exists, acknowledge the file, or
analyze it in Parity Knowledge Service.

The choices on the Action menu vary according to the page you are on.

Any action you take on checked items affects only the visible checked items on
the current page. For example, if a Parity table has three pages and you check
items on page 2 and then go back to page 1, the checkmarks are cleared from
page 2. If you check some items on page 1 and then choose Approve Globally on
the Action menu, for example, only checked items you see on page 1 are
approved, even if you previously checked items on other pages.
This also means that when you check the checkbox in the table head, it checks all
the items (or all the items that can be acted upon) in the rows on the currently
visible page only, not the rows on any other page.
Similarly, when items on a page are grouped, only the visible items in the group
can be checked and acted upon. If the group is collapsed (i.e., only the group
name is showing), none of the items in the group are treated as checked.

Row Rank Arrows

On some tables, the the ranking of rows affects how Parity processes rules. For example,
on the Custom Rules page, rule number 1 is processed before rule number 2, etc. These
tables show rank numbers for each row, and also can be sorted in rank order.
On table where rank matters, there are arrows in each row (except for special cases) that
allow you to move rules so that their rank is higher or lower. In addition, you can drag and
drop a row to change its rank in most of these tables.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

“Add” Buttons
On pages where you can create a new instance of something in Parity, such as a policy or
alert, there will be a button for adding that item. For example, if you wanted to create a
new alert, you would go to the Alerts page and click the Add Alert button to open a form
allowing you to configure the new alert. These Add buttons generally appear in the upper
left area of the page.

Pages, Tabs and Saved Views

Each Parity page showing a table provides information about a specific class of items,
such as files, computers, or events. On many pages, you can choose among different
“views,” which limit the data on that page to certain parameters, and you can create new
views that suit your needs. A table page may have one or more of the following features:
• Tabs switch from one major subset of information to another. For example, on the
Files page, one tab shows the Files Catalog of all unique files seen by Parity; another
shows the Files on Computers list of every instance of each file on every computer.
• Filters allow you to limit data in a table to items matching criteria you specify. For
example, you can filter a files table to show only those with a particular approval or
ban state, or only those with a particular Threat level. Filters can be used with or
without saving the views they create.
• Column controls allow you to show different information about each item in a table.
For example, you can eliminate a column showing the date a file was created but add
one that indicates whether anyone has executed the file. As with filters, special
column configurations can be incorporated into Saved Views or just used in passing.
• Saved Views can filter out unwanted items from the table and also can change the
types (columns) of data shown for each item. Bit9 provides pre-configured Saved
Views, and you also can create your own. Not all pages have Saved Views.
• Group By gives you a menu of choices for different ways to group information in a
table. For example, on the Computers page, you can group by Policy, which creates a
list of policies, each of which you can click on to show all computers in that policy.
• Max age allows you to limit the results shown in a table to those covering a period of
time you select on the menu.
You can choose to have Parity return each page to its default view when you navigate
away from it and come back, or you can have Parity “remember” your most recent page
view choices and apply them when you next visit the page. See “Setting Preferences for
Console Users” on page 62 for more details.

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Using Parity

Filter Options
Filters let you narrow information displayed in a table so that you can more easily find the
data you need. You can select one or more attributes, which correspond to information in
table columns, and then enter attribute values on which to search. Operators you can use
with the filters vary according to the attribute you select. Depending on the filter you
choose, its values can be text, numbers, or dates. For attributes that accept date values,
Parity displays a date box.

To filter results in a table:

1. Click Show/Hide Filters to open the Filters dialog.

2. In the Add Filter menu, select one or more filter attributes you want to use to limit
information displayed in the table.

3. For each filter attribute, select the appropriate operators and enter values (if required).
4. To filter results by the selected attributes, click the Apply button.
5. To return to a display of unfiltered results, click the Reset button.
The default operator varies depending upon the attribute you choose, sometimes for
performance reasons. For example, “is” is the default operator for File Name in order to
limit the amount of data matching the filter.
You usually can add multiple filters of the same type. Two filters of the same type are
treated as an either/or operation. For example, if you add a File Name filter for filenames
containing “alpha” and another for filenames containing “beta”, the table will show files
containing either “alpha” or “beta” in the name.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

For the “value” field, that is the data that you want to match, many filters do “auto-
completion” as you enter in characters. For example, if you type in “Abc” in a Product
Name filter with a “contains” operator, Parity displays a menu of all product names that
contain “Abc”, and you can pick one from the menu rather than typing in the entire name.
Filters apply only to the level of information currently displayed in a table. For example, if
you are displaying a list of file groups (the default) rather than individual files, a filter that
looks for First Seen Name containing the text “abc” will only match the names of top-level
files (usually installer files) containing that string. It will not match individual files
installed by another file. On the other hand, if you click the Show individual files box with
the same filter in effect, any file containing the filter string installed by the installer will
appear in the table.

• You can click the Show/Hide Filters button and the Show/Hide
Columns button to show both panels at the same time. This
combination might provide more insight into how you would like to
modify a particular table.
• To save a view that you would like to use regularly, create a new
Saved View. See “Default and Saved Views” on page 57.

Show/Hide Columns Options

The Show/Hide Columns link opens a Column Settings panel where you specify which
columns are displayed and in what order for a particular table:
• Items in the Selected column are displayed in the table.
• Items in the Available column are not displayed in the table.
Because there is a very large number of possible columns for most pages, not all columns
are shown by default, and there are different column defaults for different Parity pages.
You can reset any table to its initial, default columns.

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Using Parity

To show/hide/rearrange information that appears in table columns:

1. Click Show/Hide Columns. The Column Settings panel appears:

2. To hide a currently displayed column:

a. Select a column heading in the Selected list.
b. Click the left-arrow icon to move the column heading into the Available list.
c. To accept changes and update the table display, click the Apply button.
3. To display a currently hidden column:
a. Select a column heading in the Available list.
b. Click the right-arrow icon to move the column heading into the Selected list.
c. To accept changes and update the table display, click the Apply button.
4. To change column order:
a. Select a column heading in the Selected list.
b. Click the up arrow or down arrow (below the Selected list) to change the position
of the column in the table. The top-to-bottom item order in the list corresponds to
a left-to-right orientation of columns in the table. You can only move items that
are visible in the table (i.e., column headings that appear in the Selected list).
c. To accept changes and update the table display, click the Apply button.
5. To restore the table to its default settings, click the Reset button

• You can open both the Show/Hide Filters and the Show/Hide
Columns dialogs at the same time. The combination of the two might
provide more insight into how to best modify a particular table.
• If you use column controls to configure a view that you think you
would like to use regularly, you can name it so you can access it again
as a Saved View. See “Default and Saved Views” on page 57.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Tabs switch you from one major grouping of information to another within a page. For
example, on the Files page, you can click the File Catalog tab, which (if not modified)
shows all of the unique files (i.e., not each instance of the same file) discovered on Parity
Agent-controlled computers on your network. The other tab on that page, Files on
Computers, shows all instances of all files found on your computers. In some cases,
different actions are available on a page when you change tabs.

Table Length
The bottom of a table page shows the total number of items in the table and the number of
pages in the table. It also provides page navigation buttons for moving between pages in
the table and a menu for changing the number of rows displayed per page.

If you request an extremely large table, the total number of items in the table (i.e., on all
pages, not just the currently displayed page) will show as an approximation, such as More
than 10000 items. Not waiting for the total to display allows Parity to optimize page
loading time and also indicates that you might want to request a table with a more
manageable set of data. Consider modifying the view, for example, by turning off Show
individual files, changing the Group By choice, or sorting by a different column.
In rare cases, especially with a very large number of Parity agents and/or an underpowered
database server, requesting a table with an extremely large amount of data may cause
Parity Server to time out. Use the techniques mentioned above to reduce the data set.

Default and Saved Views

Each page and tab has a default view, which is unfiltered and shows data columns
assumed to be most commonly of interest. To get exactly the view you want, you might
modify several different table parameters. So that you do not have to recreate these
modifications every time you view a page, Parity allows you to name and save views on
most pages. Once you have named a view, you can get to it again simply by choosing it on
the Saved Views menu. When you choose (none) on the Saved View menu, you reset the
page to the system default view.
ReadOnly accounts cannot create new Saved Views. They can access pre-configured
Saved Views and those created by other users.
Most Parity pages come with pre-configured Saved Views in addition to (none). Although
you cannot change pre-configured views, you can use them as templates to create your
own new Saved Views.

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Using Parity

To display a pre-configured Saved View:

1. Go to the page and tab (if any) you want to view.
2. In the Saved View panel, make a choice from the Saved Views menu. The view is
displayed as soon as you release the mouse button.
Depending upon the view you choose, you might see different columns in the table, or
only information matching a filter (for example, only files with status “Banned”).
In any view, including (none), you can make your own modifications via the filters and
column controls, and also through a variety of other shortcuts on the page that let you set a
time period, maximum number of items per page, and grouping. Once you modify a view
from its original form, the Saved Views panels shows that you have unsaved changes until
you either save the changes or reset the view to another Saved View. Changes to system-
provided views must be saved to a different name.

To create and save a view of a Parity table:

1. Go to the page and tab (if any) you want to view.
2. Use Show/Hide Columns to show the columns you want.
3. Use Show/Hide Filter to include or exclude items from the table.
4. To view only items newer than a particular date or time, use the Maximum Age menu.
(You also can create more complex date/time filters on the Filters menu).
5. To show items listed by a group name rather than the item name, choose a Group from
the Group By menu and choose the order in which you want them displayed
(Ascending or Descending). For example, to group files by Publisher, choose
Publisher. The table initially shows the groups, but if you click on a group name, it
expands to show the individual items in that group.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

6. On pages that show tables of files, if you want to see individual files installed by an
installer rather than the installer file name only, click the Show individual files
checkbox in the bottom right of the page. Note, however, that this can result in a table
of millions of files and cause time-outs in underpowered databases.
7. If you want more or fewer rows displayed per page, choose a different number from
the rows per page menu in the bottom right of the page. If you choose page in the right
menu of this line, the change affects only the page you are on (e.g., only the
Computers page). If you choose all pages in the right menu of this line, the change
affects every page in the console for which you have not specified a length.
8. Once you have exactly the view you want, type a name representing this view into the
right box in the Saved View panel and click the Add button. Your new view is now
saved and available by name from the Saved Views menu.
Even if you do not create a Saved View, Parity can remember the most recent view (filters
and columns choices) for each page, so if you navigate away from the page and come
back, you will see your most recent view until you make an alternate view selection. Once
you choose a different view, however, any changes to the current view are lost.
If you choose, you can set a user preference that does not remember your most recent view
of a page, instead resetting to the Parity default view when you navigate away from a
page. See “Setting Preferences for Console Users” on page 62 for more details.

Exporting Parity Data to Files

The Parity file export tool downloads data to a file in comma-separated-value format.
Downloaded data is presented according to the current column and filter configuration for
online display.
If you download the file to a Windows system, it has .CSV extension. On Mac systems
using the Safari browser, the downloaded file has the standard CSV format but has a
.CSV.XLS extension.
To download table data to a file:
1. Click Export to CSV. The standard download dialog box for your browser appears.
2. Follow the instructions presented in the dialog box to download the file:
a. Choose to open the file or save the file to disk.
b. If you save the file to disk, select a location and optionally rename the file.

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Using Parity

Details Pages
In many Parity tables, you can get more details about the item in a row by clicking a View
Details button or (if it is highlighted in blue) the name of an object in the table. Details
pages include:
• File Details pages
• Computer Details pages
• Publisher Details pages
• Device Details pages
For example, clicking the details button next to a file name in the Files Catalog brings you
to a File Details page, which shows more information about the file. See Chapter 7, “File
and Publisher Information” for more on the file details available in Parity.

Menus on Details Pages

Some Parity pages have menus to the right of the main content. These menus may include
one or more of the following sections:
• Related Views links send you to pages related to the current page. For example, the
Computer Details page includes a link to a table of all files on that computer.
• Actions commands take actions related to the content of the page. For example, the
File Instance Details page includes commands to ban or approve the current file.
• Advanced commands are less common or require consultation with Bit9 support for
proper use. For example, the Computer Details page includes a command to reset the
password used to manage the current Parity Agent.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Shortcut Links
On many Parity pages, there are blue highlighted shortcut links that bring you to pages
showing information related to the page you are on. For example, on the Computers page,
clicking on a computer name takes you to the Computer Details page for that system while
clicking on the policy name takes you to the Edit Policy page.

On some pages, the link is a quick way to search for information that might otherwise
require creation of a complex query on another page. For example, on the Edit Policy
page, there is a link that shows you all computers in the policy.

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Using Parity

Setting Preferences for Console Users

The Preferences page allows each Parity Console user to change their password, the page
they see first when they log in, and whether changes they make to page views are
preserved when they navigate away and return to a page. To view the Preferences page,
choose Tools > Preferences in the main menu.

Changes to the Preferences page apply to the currently logged in Parity Console user, and
can be specified by any user, including those with ReadOnly access. Table 6 shows the
effect of changes specified on this page.

Table 6: User Account Preference Page Choices

Panel:Field Description
Change Password Allows current user to enter a new console login password for
accounts created in Parity. Not available for accounts created
through Active Directory.
Display Preferences: Allows current user to choose whether page settings are saved
Remember Page (both within and between sessions). This setting applies to all
Settings Parity pages for the current user
If checked, all page configuration, including filters, columns,
and group by settings, is remembered when you navigate away
from a page (or logout) and come back to it.
If not checked, pages return to Parity defaults when you
navigate away from them, and you lose any special layout you
applied to them.
In the Action menu, Reset Current Settings returns pages to
the Parity defaults without requiring you to un-check this box.
Display Preferences: Allows current user to set the standard number of rows per
Set Rows per Page page to be shown on pages that display tables of information.
When changed, this re-sets the number of rows on all Parity
table pages. However, each user can customize the rows-per-
page for an individual page after the overall preference is set.
The default setting is 25.

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Chapter 2: Using the Parity Console

Panel:Field Description
Display Preferences: Allows current user to choose (from a menu) which Parity page
Default Starting appears first upon login. Choices are:
Page • Home Page
• Events
• Computers
• File Catalog
• Policies
• Find Files
Save/Cancel buttons Save saves the user’s preference changes. Cancel returns to
the previous page the user was on, without saving the changes.

Using Context-Sensitive Help

Parity includes a context-sensitive help system that takes you to information relevant to
your current view, but from which you can also navigate to other topics. When you click a
Help link or button, a new Help window opens, either as a new tab in your current browser
or as a new, popup browser. If it displays as a tab, you can drag the tab off of the current
browser to display Help in its own window.
Microsoft Internet Explorer might have popup blocking enabled. In this case, you must
allow popup displays from the Parity Server if you want to view Help as a popup. Also,
you might see a certificate error the first time you open Help – see “Logging In” on page
40 for information on accepting the certificate.
To display online documentation within Parity:
1. Launch Help either of the following ways:
- Click Help in the main menu to open the table of contents for Parity Help.
- Click a Help (question mark) button on any page to see the topic for that page.
2. Once Help is open, to view more topics, click on a book icon or the name next to it in
the table of contents to expand the contents tree.
3. To view an alphabetic listing of topics, click the Index button.
4. To search key words, from the left Help frame, click the Search button and enter the
keyword for your search in the Search dialog.

• Unless you close the Help tab or browser, each requested Help topic
displays in the same window. However, security measures in Internet
Explorer and Firefox prevent an open Help window from coming to the
front when you load new topics. Click on the tab or use desktop navigation
tools such as Alt - Tab to bring Help to the front of your display.
• A navigation anomaly in Chrome causes context-sensitive help pages to
display the content immeditately below the topic heading you requested
(for example, the first paragraph in the topic). If you are uncertain that you
are in the correct topic, scroll up to the heading.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Chapter 3

Managing Console Login Accounts

This chapter explains how to manage access to the Parity Console.

Topic Page
Login Account Management 66
Account Group and Access Privileges 66
Using Active Directory Accounts in Parity 67
Creating Login Accounts through Parity Console 72
Changing Passwords and Other Account Details 74
Deleting Login Accounts 76
Disabling Login Accounts 77
Managing Console Account Groups 78
Creating a New Login Account Group 79
Account Group Permissions 82
Editing a Login Account Group 85
Disabling a Group 85
Deleting a Group 86

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Using Parity

Login Account Management

Each Parity Console user must log in to the system with a user name and password. Login
Accounts provide system-management professionals and others who use the Parity
Console the ability to manage or monitor computers running Parity Agent.
There is one login account built into Parity. The admin account provides a way to initially
log in to Parity, and cannot be deleted. This account has full administrative privileges.
The first thing you should do when you log in as admin is change the password (also
admin). See “Changing Passwords and Other Account Details” on page 74.
To create additional Parity Console accounts, you have two choices:
• You can create accounts in Parity. These accounts are managed through the Parity
console, and can be deleted by users whose login accounts have the proper privileges.
• You can permit users to log in using Active Directory credentials, if the users belong
to certain “mapped” groups. AD-based Parity logins appear as “External Accounts,”
and details of these accounts may be modified only in AD, not in Parity. For
environments requiring the best security practices, Bit9 recommends using AD-based
Although you can have a mix of AD-based and Parity-created console login accounts, you
should consider your preferred account management strategy before beginning to create
new accounts. It is less confusing to generate all of your Parity accounts in the same way,
either as AD-based accounts or as accounts created in Parity. Otherwise, although there
will not be literal account name duplication, you could have, for example, a Parity-created
account name “fred” and also an AD-based account “fred@somedomain.”

Account Group and Access Privileges

Users’ privileges are determined by the login Account Group they belong to. A user’s
account group is set on the Add Login Account page and can be changed on the Edit Login
Account page. Table 7 shows the default privileges for the four built-in account groups:

Table 7: Built-in Login Account Groups and their default capabilities

Login Account Group Capabilities

Administrator Complete access to all Parity Console features.
PowerUser Access to all features except:
• Can edit own login account but cannot create, edit or
delete other users’ login accounts, or any account groups
• Cannot modify System Configuration pages
ReadOnly • Can view but not create or modify Parity tables, reports,
and details pages.
• Can create personal dashboards, but must use existing
portlets. These are the only assets they can edit or delete.
• Can modify their own password and page view defaults
through the Preferences interface.
• Cannot access Computer Details page Advanced Options.
• Cannot access administrative pages, including Approval
Request, Login Account, and System Configuration pages.
Unauthorized No access to Parity Console.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Built-in account groups cannot be deleted, but the privileges of the Administrator,
PowerUser and ReadOnly groups can be edited to enable or disable access to features. In
addition, Administrators can create new account groups with custom privileges (including
the ability to create accounts and groups). See “Managing Console Account Groups” on
page 78 for instructions on creating account groups and customizing account privileges.

Using Active Directory Accounts in Parity

If you use Active Directory and the Parity Server has been joined to an Active Directory
domain, you can use AD accounts to log in to Parity Console. By default, Parity maps
Active Directory accounts from one of the three specifically-named AD security groups to
Parity Console accounts groups, as shown in Table 8. The table also shows how other AD
groups are mapped.

Table 8: Default Mapping of AD Groups Parity Account Groups

Active Directory Security Group Parity Console Account Group

cn = “Bit9 Administrators” Administrator
cn = “Bit9 Power Users” PowerUser
cn = “Bit9 ReadOnly Users” ReadOnly
cn = (Choose any AD group) (Matching custom Parity account group)
(Unmapped group names) Unauthorized

When a user logs into Parity Console with an AD-based account, that account is added as
a Parity account. Users attempting to login to the Parity Console with a legitimate AD
account but who are not members of a mapped group (Administrators, Power Users, Read
Only or a custom group) will be added to the Parity accounts table, but as an Unauthorized
account. As such, they will not be able to login to the Parity Console.
It is best to assign an AD account to only one Bit9-related AD security group. However,
since AD groups can be assigned indirectly, it is possible to unintentionally have an AD
account assigned to multiple Bit9 security groups. In this case, the Parity Account Group
highest in the ranking list (i.e., with the lowest number) determines that account’s Parity
Server access. See ““Managing Console Account Groups” on page 78 for more details.

• If you cannot or choose not to use one of the standard Active
Directory group names normally mapped by Parity, you can map
another AD group to any Parity Account group. See “Managing
Console Account Groups” on page 78 for more details.
• Unless you are using a Windows 2000 domain controller, you can
specify a security domain separate from the login domain of your user
accounts. This allows you to create Bit9 account groups in the named
security domain rather than in the domain for each of your users.

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Using Parity

To enable use of AD logins on the Parity Console:

1. Make sure you have assigned each AD user account that you want to have Parity
Console access to a mapped AD security group.
2. Log in to Parity as admin or any other administrator account you have created.
3. In the Parity Console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The
System Configuration page opens.
4. On the System Configuration page, click on the General tab. Initially, the settings on
this page are grayed out.

5. Examine the Active Directory/LDAP integration box. If AD-based logins already

shows as Enabled, you do not have to make any changes and you can skip the
remaining steps.
6. If AD-based logins shows a value of Disabled, click the Edit button at the bottom of
the page to make the settings editable.
7. In the dropdown menu for AD-based Logins, choose Enabled.
8. If you are using Windows 2000 domain controllers, check the Windows 2000 DCs
box. This notifies Parity that cross-domain membership features are not available.
9. If you created the Bit9 Security groups in a domain other than the login domain for the
users who will log in to Parity, enter that domain in the AD security domain field.
(This feature is not available if you are using Windows 2000 domain controllers).
10. Click the Update button, and when the Confirmation dialog appears, click Yes. You
can now use Active Directory login accounts (if from one of the mapped groups) to
access Parity Console.
You disable the use of AD-based logins with the same procedure, except that you choose
Disabled for the AD-based logins setting. If you disable AD-based logins, users will no
longer be able to use their AD account names and passwords to access the Parity Console.

AD Login Account Format

The format for logging into Parity with an Active Directory account name depends upon
whether the account name is in the same or a different domain as the Parity Server:
• AD accounts in a different domain must use a fully qualified version of their name
(i.e., in the format NTDOMAIN\Username or Username@dnsDomain).
• AD accounts in the same domain as the Parity Server can log in either with a fully
qualified username or their username only (provided the username is not the same as a
login account created directly using the Parity Console.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

There are several differences in the details for an AD-generated console account and an
account created in Parity:
• When a user with an AD-based account logs in to Parity, the username on the Login
Accounts page and the User Details page includes both the user and the domain name,
in the form user@dnsDomain.

• When you click on the View Details button to open the User Details page, the box at
the top of the details panel is labeled “External Account” for AD users.

• There is no Save button on the Login Account Details page for AD users because their
account details can’t be edited in Parity.

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Using Parity

Adding, Deleting, and Changing AD Login Accounts

Parity stores user information for AD accounts that have logged in to Parity, but re-
validates that information for each login attempt. Any AD account changes that occur
while that user is logged in to Parity take place only after they log out and log in again.
Also, account updates depend upon how frequently the AD domain controllers on the
network send out changes. Among the AD account changes that can affect Parity are:
• User accounts added to AD become available as Parity login accounts as long as they
meet the security group and forest criteria.
• User accounts eliminated from AD can no longer be used to log in to Parity Console.
• If there is a change in an AD-based user’s security group assignment in AD, the
user’s access level in Parity changes when they next login.
• Other Parity User Details (contact information, etc.) for an AD-based user can be
changed in AD and will appear in Parity when that user next logs in to Parity Console.

• All of the AD-based login features depend on the Parity Server being
able to communicate with the AD system and being in the Domain. If
for some reason the Parity Server cannot communicate with the AD
System (due to network setup change, network failure, AD system
unavailable, etc.), AD-based Logins will stop working until the
condition is rectified.
• AD-based login features require two things: AD security groups must
be defined in each forest that contains users you want to access Parity
Server; and users you want to access Parity Server must be added to
the forest-specific security group.

Changing AD Group Mapping and Rank

If you have AD mapping enabled, the mapping of AD security groups to Parity login
groups is specified on the Group Details pages for each Parity login group. You can
change the AD mapping for any Parity login group, including the built-in groups. See
“Editing a Login Account Group” on page 85 for details.
In general, an AD account should match only one Parity login account group mapping
rule. However, in case there are duplicate matches, Parity ranks mapping rules on the
Login Accounts: Groups page. You can change the rank of an AD mapping rule to assure
that the rule you want to take precedence is higher than other rules. See “Changing AD
Mapping and Rank of a Group” on page 78 for details.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Changing AD User Details Displayed in Parity

Whether an AD User has a Parity login account or not, anytime an AD user account
appears in a table (other than the Login Accounts page) in the Parity Console, additional
information can be displayed by clicking on that user name. For example, if you display
the Events page, some events include the user associated with the event:

If the name is an AD username, it should be highlighted in blue, and when you click on it,
a User Details window appears (note that this is not the same as the User Details page that
appears when you click on a name on the Login Accounts page):

You can change, add, or remove fields from this page by editing the file
UserProps.txt. This file is located in the “Scripts” subdirectory of the Parity Server
installation directory. For example, if you accepted the default installation directory, it
would be in C:\Program Files\Bit9\Parity Server\Scripts.
The file is a two-column, colon-separated list. The Parity label (for example, “Name”) is
on the left, and the AD property displayed for that field is on the right. Be sure to use
actual AD object properties for the term on the right of the colon if you edit this file.
Similar customization can be done for AD details displayed about computers in Parity.

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Using Parity

Creating Login Accounts through Parity Console

The following instructions are for creating login accounts through the Parity Console. If
you want to use existing Active Directory accounts for Parity Console access, see “Using
Active Directory Accounts in Parity” on page 67.

Login Accounts are for access to the Parity Console. A login account is
not necessary (nor appropriate) for someone whose only Parity-related
role is as a user of a computer that has the Parity Agent installed.

Login Account creation privileges depend on account group:

• By default, Administrators can create any level of account.
• By default, PowerUsers and ReadOnly accounts cannot create new accounts.
• Custom account groups have whatever account-creation privileges are shown for the
View login accounts and groups, Manage login accounts and Manage groups settings
on their details page.

To create a console login account:

1. From the console menu, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears:

2. If the Login Accounts: Users page is not displayed, click on the Users tab.
3. On the Login Accounts: Users page, click Add User.
4. From the Add Login Account page, enter information about the new account in the
categories shown in Table 9.
5. After you have filled out the form, click the Add User button at the bottom of the

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Table 9: Login Account Details Fields

Field Description
User name Name that the user enters to log in to Parity.
(required) Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or English-keyboard
characters fewer than 32 characters in length. User names are
not case-sensitive.
Note: User names should use standard, Latin alphanumeric
characters. Symbols and punctuation characters are not
allowed. In particular, be aware that user names created in
Parity Console cannot contain the “\” or “@” characters. This
helps avoid conflicts with AD-based user names using
user@domain or domain\user format. If you attempt to
create a user account with an illegal character, Parity will
display a warning dialog.
Password Password that authenticates this user.
(required) Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or English-keyboard
characters fewer than 32 characters in length. Passwords are
case-sensitive. This field changes to New Password when you
are editing existing accounts.
Confirm Confirm password.
password Retyping the password ensures that the password that you just
(required) entered is the one you intended to use.
Email address Email address for the user.
Group System privileges to be accorded to this user, according to the
user’s expected responsibilities. There are four built-in groups.
You also can create custom groups with detailed feature-based
access control – see “Managing Console Account Groups” on
page 78 for details.
The built-in account options and their default permissions are:
Administrator – Full access to all Parity Console features. Can
create, modify, and delete accounts, reports, views, policies,
rules, etc., and use any of the System Configuration
PowerUser – Access to most Parity Console features; read-
only access to System Configuration, Login Account (except
own account), and Approval Request sections of console.
ReadOnly – ReadOnly access to non-administrative features.
ReadOnly users cannot change any aspect of the Parity
system configuration, and cannot create, edit, or delete any
Parity resource. All Administration menu choices are hidden
from ReadOnly users.
Unauthorized – Disables use of an existing account for the
associated user. If you want to deny a user access to the
system but not delete the account, specify Unauthorized.
Privileges cannot be added to an Unauthorized account.
Salutation Courtesy or professional title of the user (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.)
First name First name of the user.
Last name Last name of the user.
Title Job title of the user.

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Using Parity

Field Description
Department Group within the organization to which this user belongs.
Home phone The user’s phone number at home.
Cell phone Primary mobile phone number.
Cell phone #2 Secondary mobile phone number.
Pager Primary pager number.
Pager #2 Secondary pager number.
Comments Further descriptive information that the user can change or
enter. This can be any text you would like to display as part of
the login account.
Admin comments Further administrative information about the user.
This can be any text you would like to display as part of the
login account.

Changing Passwords and Other Account Details

When you initially log in to Parity as admin, you should change the default password (also
“admin”) to something unique. All users with login accounts, including admin, should
change their passwords periodically.
For Active Directory-based accounts, password changes and other account information
must be changed in Active Directory – they cannot be edited through the Parity Console.
For a login account created in Parity:
• By default, accounts in the Administrators group may change passwords, contact
information, and group for any Parity-created account. Note that the group for the
account admin may not be changed.
• By default, accounts in the PowerUsers group may change passwords and contact
information for their own account.
• Account-editing privileges of accounts in custom groups vary.

This section describes the Login Accounts administrative interface for
changing account details. There is a more limited interface, the Preferences
page, on which each account user, including ReadOnly users, can make certain
changes to their own account only, including changing their password. See
“Setting Preferences for Console Users” on page 62 for details.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

To change a Parity Console password and other login account details:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears:

2. If the Login Accounts: Users page is not displayed, click on the Users tab.
3. On the Login Accounts page, locate your account name, or the account of the user
whose password you are changing, in the Login Accounts: Users table.
4. In the far left column next to the Username, click the View Details icon. The Edit
Account Details page opens (see Table 9, “Login Account Details Fields”, for a
description of the fields).
5. On the Edit Login Account Details page:
a. In the New Password field, enter the new password.
b. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again to confirm it.
c. Optionally, change other Login Account Details.
d. Click the Save button.

If the top box on the Login Account Details page is labeled “External
Account,” this user accessed Parity with an Active Directory account and
their details cannot be edited. Accounts created in Parity show “Account”
as the title for the top box.

6. If you change another user’s password, be sure to inform them of the change.

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Using Parity

Deleting Login Accounts

Login accounts can be removed from the system, for example, when an employee no
longer needs access to the Parity Console or leaves the company. Parity Console users can
delete any account type they are allowed to create:
• By default, accounts in the Administrators group can delete any account except their
• By default, accounts in the PowerUsers group can delete ReadOnly accounts but not
PowerUsers or Administrators.
• Account-deletion privileges of accounts in custom groups vary.

You cannot delete the default admin administration account.

To delete a login account:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears:

2. If the Login Accounts: Users page is not displayed, click on the Users tab.
3. In the Login Accounts: Users table, locate the username.
4. In the far left column next to the user name, click the Delete icon.
5. Respond to the confirmation prompt. To delete the account, click OK.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 76

Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Disabling Login Accounts

When a user no longer needs access to the Parity Console you can restrict access to the
console without deleting the login account. You do this by moving the account into the
Unauthorized group. Users permitted to create a particular login account can also disable
that account:
• By default, accounts in the Administrators group can disable any account except their
• By default, accounts in the PowerUsers group can disable ReadOnly accounts but not
Administrators, other PowerUser accounts, or their own account.
• Account-disabling privileges of accounts in custom groups vary.

Parity login accounts created through AD mapping cannot be disabled
directly. The only way to disable an AD account is to change the mapping
rules for their AD security group so that Parity maps them to the
Unauthorized login account group.

To disable a login account:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears:

2. If the Login Accounts: Users page is not displayed, click on the Users tab.
3. In the Login Accounts: Users table, locate the username.
4. Click the View Details icon next to the username whose account you want to disable.
5. From the Group dropdown menu, select Unauthorized.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

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Using Parity

Managing Console Account Groups

The capabilities of a Parity login account are determined by its account group. A user with
permission to manage console account groups can perform the following tasks:
• Create new login account groups with custom privileges.
• Modify the capabilities of the built-in login account groups (except for the built-in
Unauthorized group).
• Disable an account group (except for the built-in Administrator group).
• Delete any custom-created account group (but not any built-in group).
• Change the mapping of AD security groups to Parity login account groups and the
order in which mapping rules are evaluated.

You can view the current login account groups on the Login Accounts: Groups page. This
page is also the place from which you access other group management features.

To view the Login Account: Groups page:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears.
2. If the Login Accounts: Groups page is not displayed, click on the Groups tab. The
Login Account: Groups page appears.

Changing AD Mapping and Rank of a Group

When AD integration is enabled, the Groups tab shows the AD mapping and AD Rank of
Parity login account groups. Rank determines the order in which AD mapping rules are
be evaluated, which is significant if an AD security group would match more than one
mapping rule. You can change rank using the arrow keys on the Login Accounts: Groups
Note that “Unauthorized” is permanently assigned the lowest rank because it is the default
group for AD security groups that don’t match the mapping for any other Parity login
account group.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Creating a New Login Account Group

Although the built-in account groups provide options for user access level, Parity allows
users with sufficient permission to create and modify Parity login account groups. You
might want to have a special user group whose level of access to Parity falls between two
of the built-in options. Creating a special login account group can not only prevent
unauthorized access to critical features but also might make it easier for users with limited
roles to learn those roles without having to see features they will not use.
For example, you might want to allow members of a helpdesk team to view all Parity
information available through the console but only to be able to change policy for a
computer, put a computer into local approval, or access debugging features. You can
create an account group with these characteristics.
Table 10 shows the information used to define a login account group.

Table 10: Login Account Group Parameters

Field Description
Name Name that will appear in the Login Accounts: Groups list and
(required) will be used when assigning a group to a login account.
Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or English-keyboard
characters fewer than 32 characters in length. Group names
are not case-sensitive.
Note: User names created in Parity Console cannot contain the
“\” or “@” characters. This helps avoid conflicts with AD-based
user names using user@domain or domain\user format.
Description Optional descriptive information about this group, such as who
should be in it and perhaps a high-level summary of its
AD Mapping If AD-based login mapping is enabled, the AD security group
Name that you would like mapped to this Parity Console login group.
Status Determines whether this group is Enabled or Disabled. Note
that disabling a group disables the accounts within it, and
prevents AD-mapping from matching this group.
Permissions A table of checkboxes that determine what members of this
group are allowed to do in the Parity Console. See Table 11,
“Permissions Settings for Login Account Groups,” on page 82
for a complete description.

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Using Parity

To create a new Parity login account group:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears.
2. Click on the Groups tab.

3. On the Login Accounts: Groups page, click the Add Group. The Add Group page

4. Enter a name for the new group, and optionally, a description to make clear the
purpose, intended members, or any other information about the group.
5. Assuming you want this group to be available immediately for login accounts, leave
the Status radio button set to Enabled.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

6. If you have AD account mapping enabled and want to automatically map members of
an AD security group to this Parity Console group, put the name of the AD security
group in the AD Mapping Name box.

7. Check the box next to each permission you want to enable for this group, and un-
check any permissions you do not want this group to have. See Table 11 for a
complete list of permissions.
Note that if you are giving this group permission to perform most Parity activities, it
might be more efficient to click the Enabled box in the table header, which checks all
boxes, and then remove the few permissions you don’t want to provide.
8. When you have finished configuring this group, click Save at the bottom of the page.
The new group appears in the Login Accounts: Groups table. Notice that it includes a
delete button since, unlike a built-in group, a user-created group can be deleted.

9. If you have AD mapping enabled, a new group is first in the mapping rank – that is,
any AD account matching the mapping name for this new Parity account will be
assigned to this Parity account, even if the AD account matches other Parity accounts.
If you want the new account to rank lower, use the arrow keys in the AD Rank column
to move the new group down in rank, or to move another group up.
10. If you are not using AD mapping to assign Parity login accounts, manually assign any
accounts you want to this new group.

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Using Parity

Account Group Permissions

On the Add/Edit Group page for a group, the Permissions table shows the capabilities that
can be enabled or disabled for members of the group – items that are checked are enabled
and items that are not checked are disabled. You can customize permissions to achieve
exactly the level of access you want for a group. The only group for which you cannot
change permissions is the Unauthorized group.
For the most part, permissions can be divided into two categories: viewing permissions
that allow you to see a particular page or dialog in the Parity Console, and management
permissions that allow you to create, edit, and delete managed assets, rules, and console
users. Some permissions depend on others – you cannot manage something if you can’t
see it. If you disable View system configuration, for example, Manage system
configuration is automatically disabled as well. The checkboxes for permissions that
depend upon other permissions are gray (instead of white) when they are not enabled.

• Carefully consider any permissions changes you make, especially to
the built-in Administrator group. In particular, avoid removing
permissions to view and manage user accounts and groups since this
will make it impossible to restore access to these features without the
use of special recovery commands.
• The Parity Console user interface, including pages, menus and links,
is documented based on users having the full administrative
permissions. Any permissions that are turned off will remove related
user interface elements. Consider making users with restricted
permissions aware of this possibility so that they are not confused by
the absence of features described in Parity help.

Table 11: Permissions Settings for Login Account Groups

Asset Permission Name Description

Computers View computers Ability to view computer pages
Computers Manage computers Ability to manually assign
computers to policies and change
Enforcement Level. Ability to
manage template computers.
Computers Temporary assign computers Ability to generate temporary
Enforcement Level override codes.

Computers Change advanced options Ability to change advanced

computer options such as
collection of computer diagnostics
and re-synchronizing.
Files View files Ability to view files pages.
Files Manage files Ability to approve, ban, and
acknowledge files. Ability to mark
files as installers.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Asset Permission Name Description

Files Change local state Ability to change local state of files
on computers.
Devices View devices Ability to view device pages.
Devices Manage device rules Ability to manage device rules.
Policies View policies Ability to view Policies page.
Policies Manage policies Ability to manage policies
(changing mode, Enforcement
Level, etc.)
Policies Manage policy mappings Ability to manage automatic policy
mapping rules.
Software Rules View software rules pages Ability to view Software Rules
pages. Also allows viewing of
Event Rules page for servers
licensed for the Bit9 Connector for
Network Security Devices.
Software Rules Manage event rules Ability to manage event rules.
Requires separate license for the
Bit9 Connector for Network
Security Devices.
Software Rules Manage trusted directories Ability to manage trusted
Software Rules Manage publisher rules Ability to manage trusted
Software Rules Manage trusted users Ability to manage trusted users.
Software Rules Manage custom/registry/ Ability to manage custom, registry
memory rules and memory rules.

Software Rules Manage updaters Ability to enable, disable, and add

software updaters.

Software Rules Manage custom scripts Ability to manage custom

definitions of what Parity treats as
Reports View events Ability to view event pages.
Reports Manage shared dashboards Ability to manage shared
Reports View drift reports and Ability to view snapshots, drift
snapshots reports and drift report results.

Reports Manage drift reports Ability to manage baseline drift

Reports Manage snapshots Ability to manage snapshots used
in drift reports.
Reports Manage saved views Ability to manage saved views on
all pages.

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Using Parity

Asset Permission Name Description

Tools View alerts Ability to view alert pages.
Tools Manage alerts Ability to manage alerts.
Tools View meters Ability to view meters and meter
Tools Manage meters Ability to manage meters.
Tools View approval requests Ability to view user-generated
requests for approval of blocked
files and justifications of files
approved by users.
Tools Manage approval requests Ability to manage user-generated
requests for approval of blocked
files and justifications of files
approved by users.
Tools View file uploads Ability to view uploaded files on the
Requested Files page.
Tools Manage file uploads Ability to initiate manual file
uploads from agent computers, and
to create Event Rules that upload
files. This permission applies only
to files considered “interesting”
(i.e., executables and scripts) by
Bit9. Requires separate license for
the File Uploads.
Tools Manage file uploads (all) Ability to initiate manual file
uploads from agent computers, and
to create Event Rules that upload
files. This permission applies all
files on agent computers. Requires
separate license File Uploads.
Tools Access uploaded files Ability to download files that are
uploaded on the server. Requires
separate license for File Uploads.
Tools Submit files for analysis Ability to submit files for analysis by
network security devices, either
manually or through creation of an
event rule. Requires separate
license for the Bit9 Connector for
Network Security Devices.
Administration View system configuration Ability to view system configuration
Administration Manage system Ability to manage system
configuration configuration.
Administration View login accounts and Ability to view login accounts and
groups groups.
Administration Manage login accounts Ability to manage login accounts.
Administration Manage groups Ability to manage user groups.

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Chapter 3: Managing Console Login Accounts

Editing a Login Account Group

You can edit a Parity login account group in the following ways:
• You can add and subtract permissions at the feature level for the built-in
Administrator, PowerUser, and ReadOnly console account groups, and for any custom
group shown on the Login Accounts: Groups tab.
• If you have AD mapping enabled, you can change the AD security group that is
mapped to a Parity login group.
• You can Enable an account group, activating the ability of accounts in the group to
access Parity Console, or you can Disable the group, cutting off Parity access to its
• You can edit the optional Description for a group.

To change permissions or other properties of a Parity login account group:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears.
2. Click on the Groups tab.
3. On the Login Accounts: Groups page, click the View Details button for the account
group whose privileges you want to change. The Edit Group page appears.

4. On the Edit Group page, review the current permissions for each Parity capability
shown. Capabilities with checkmarks in the right column are enabled; capabilities
with an empty checkbox are disabled. Click the checkbox for any capabilities whose
status you want to change.
5. Make any other group properties changes you want, such as the AD Mapping Name or
Description and click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Disabling a Group
Any group except Administrator can be disabled. If a group is disabled, all of the logins
associated with it become invalid (except for AD-based logins that match another Parity
login group). To disable an account, see “Disabling Login Accounts” on page 77.

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Using Parity

Deleting a Group
Custom login account groups may be deleted if there are no accounts associated with
them. Built-in account groups may not be deleted.

To delete a Parity login account group:

1. From the console menu bar, choose Administration > Login Accounts. The Login
Accounts page appears.
2. Click on the Groups tab.
3. Click the Delete (x) button next to the group you want to delete and confirm the

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 86

Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Chapter 4

Creating and Configuring Policies

This chapter explains how to create policies and change their settings, including
Enforcement Levels.

Topic Page
Policy and Enforcement Level Overview 88
Creating Policies 89
Policy Settings 94
Editing a Policy 100
Related Views in Policy Details 103
Enforcement Levels 103
Locking Down all Computers 107
Deleting Policies 111

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 87

Using Parity

Policy and Enforcement Level Overview

Each computer running a Parity Agent is associated with a Parity policy. A policy creates a
common file control definition for all of its computers. Each policy consists of a group of
settings and an overall Enforcement Level.
Policy settings specify the types of files or operations that Parity will control as well as
other choices such as how policies are assigned and whether agents on computers in the
policy upgrade automatically.
Enforcement Level defines how strictly Parity controls actions defined by the policy
settings, especially for control of file writing and execution. The choices are:
• High (Block Unapproved)
• Medium (Prompt Unapproved)
• Low (Monitor Unapproved)
• None (Visibility)
• None (Disabled)

High, Medium, and Low Enforcement are available only if you have the
full Parity Suite with both Visibility and Control features. Sites whose
Parity licenses are all for Visibility Only operation are limited to Visibility
and Agent Disabled modes with no enforcement.
In Visibility mode, you can still choose settings that would block activity
if you were operating another Enforcement Level, but these settings do
not enforce the block or ban.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Creating Policies
Policies enable you to organize computers running Parity Agent into groups with common
security requirements. For example, you can create policies based on departmental
affiliations like sales, marketing, or other organizational relationships. You might also
create policies specific to a computer’s purpose, such as a special domain controller
policy. A single policy may be appropriate if you want a single, company-wide operating
standard for all computers, but typically you will create multiple policies.
Policies normally are assigned to computers, not users, although Active Directory data can
be used to assign policy by user. Each computer has only one policy at a time, regardless
of the number of users currently logged on.
Once a policy is created, you can assign computers to it through a variety of methods,
including automatic assignment based on Active Directory group. See Chapter 5,
“Managing Computers,” for more details on policy assignment.

Policy names can use alphanumeric characters and certain symbols in the
ISO-8559-1 set. Characters in the 32-127 range in the ISO-8559-1 set are
legal, with the following exceptions: < > : " / \ | ? * # @
If you enter Unicode characters or reserved symbols in a policy name,
Parity displays a warning dialog. You must remove the illegal characters
from the name before you can save the policy.
Some characters that are allowable in policy names might cause problems
when running the agent installer for the policy. For policies that will be
applied to Mac computers, avoid parentheses and spaces in the name, or
be prepared to “escape” these characters when you run the installer.

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Using Parity

To create a policy:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears:

2. On the Policies page, click the Add Policy button. The Add Policy page appears
(shown below for a Control policy):

3. On the Add Policy page, enter a policy name and define the other policy parameters as
you choose (see Table 12) – the parameters you see may vary depending upon other
policy settings and configuration choices:

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Table 12: Policy Definitions: Main Panel

Field Description
Policy name Name of the policy.
Choose a name that indicates the security level, function, or other
common factor for computers or users you want to use this policy.
Note: Once you create a policy, you cannot change its name, so
be sure to choose names that are useful and clear.
Description (Optional) Any information you choose to enter about the policy.
Mode The mode in which Parity Server interacts with computers in this
Visibility specifies file-tracking only. Parity tracks file activity and
events, but file execution and writing is not effected by policy
settings or file bans in place. No Enforcement Level menus appear
when you choose Visibility mode.
If you have not purchased Control licenses, Visibility is the only
mode choice other than Disabled.
You might choose to use Visibility when security features have or
could interfere with operational functions for computers. For
example, you might use Visibility mode for a computer on which
you plan to configure a Trusted Directory for files you will allow to
be installed on all computers.
Control activates the Enforcement Level menus, from which you
can choose the level of control over execution of Unapproved and
Banned files.
Disabled specifies pass-through mode (The agent neither blocks
file activity nor reports it to the server). Executables run as if Parity
were not installed. Use this setting for uninstalling the Parity Agent.
File inventory for computers in Disabled mode will not be kept up
to date on the server. Some operations are monitored (but not
reported to the server) to avoid gaps in file and process
information if the agent is later activated.
Connected The protection level for computers in this policy while they are
Enforcement connected to the network (menu only appears in Control mode):
Level High (Block Unapproved) is the highest protection level you can
set —no Unapproved or Banned files in categories tracked by
Parity are allowed to run. Parity records blocked file executions in
the event log.
Medium (Prompt Unapproved) blocks Unapproved executables
on agent computers but displays a dialog box that gives users the
option to permit or block the file execution. Users cannot permit
execution of explicitly Banned files.
Low (Monitor Unapproved) permits Unapproved executables to
run but tracks them. Files allowed to run include running non-
executables (such as dlls, com objects and loadable resources),
unapproved scripts, and unapproved executables. Parity records
events for the first instance of a permitted file execution and all
blocked executions.
At High, Medium or Low Enforcement Levels, determination of
which files are blocked also depends on the Advanced Settings
within each policy.
Visibility and Disabled, for which the Enforcement Level is None,
are set from the Mode line.

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Using Parity

Field Description
Disconnected The protection level for computers in this policy while they are out
Enforcement of communication with the Parity Server. If the Connected
Level Enforcement Level is Low (or None) the Disconnected
Enforcement Level is identical to the Online, and cannot be
modified directly. If the Connected Enforcement Level is High or
Medium, you can choose an Disconnected Enforcement Level of
High or Medium, and it may differ from the Connected
Enforcement Level.
Initial Settings Existing policy that you would like to use as a template for the new
policy. Although not visible when you create a policy, the Device
and Advanced Settings (only) of the policy you choose are
transferred to the new policy. See “Template Policy” on page 98 for
more information.
Automatic When this box is checked, if AD-based policy assignment is
Policy enabled and configured, new computers that used the installer for
Assignment for this policy get their policy according to the AD-mapping rules,
New Computers regardless of the policy embedded in the installation package used
to install their agent. When not checked, the install package
determines the policy and AD mappings have no effect. See
“Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping” on page 117 for
more details.
Set automatic This checkbox appears only if the Automatic policy assignment for
policy for new computers box is checked. When checked, if any computers
existing were manually (non-automatically) assigned to the current policy,
computers they are changed to automatic policy assignment.
Set manual This checkbox only appears if the Automatic policy assignment for
policy for new computers box is checked. When checked, if any computers
existing were automatically assigned to the policy, they are changed to
computers have this policy manually assigned.
Options: Allow If Parity Server is configured for Automatic Parity Agent upgrades,
Upgrades checking this box causes computers in the policy to be notified of
and scheduled for Parity Agent upgrades. Computers moved into
this policy (either manually or by Active Directory mapping) also
will be upgraded. See “Advanced Configuration Options” on page
509 and the upgrade sections of Installing Parity Server for more
information. For use only during Parity Server upgrades.
Options: Track When checked (the default) file changes (files added, deleted, or
File Changes changed) on a computer are tracked and added to the Parity
You might deselect this option to remediate performance issues,
perhaps while waiting to upgrade from SQL Express to a full
version of SQL Server, or in a special policy for computers whose
file activity you don’t want to track.
Important: If you turn off this feature, Parity Server deletes the file
inventory information for the agents in this policy after one day.
The Files on Computers table, Find Files, and Baseline Drift
reports will not provide accurate information about these
computers. Also, if you turn this feature on after it has been off, this
causes a mandatory re-synchronization of the affected agents to
update Parity’s file database, and this can have a performance

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Field Description
Load Agent in Loads the Parity Agent in Safe Mode on computers in this policy if
Safe Mode the computer is booted in Safe Mode. In this case the agent
performs all enforcement activities, even though the system is in
Safe Mode. Full protection requires the agent kernel, which loads
at boot time, and the agent itself, which runs as a service after boot
Caution: This option should be used only if you have alternative
means of recovery, other than using Safe Mode, since the agent
can interfere with Safe Mode recovery operations. If you have
questions about enabling Parity to run in Safe Mode, contact Bit9
Technical Support.
Suppress Logo When any Parity rule displays a notifier on an agent in this policy,
in Notifier do not show a logo, even if the rule’s notifier definition includes a
Total/Connected Total Computers - The total number of computers managed by
Computers this policy on the Parity Server. Computers by platform is shown in
Connected Computers - The number of computers managed by
this policy currently connected to the Parity Server. Computers by
platform is shown in parentheses.

4. After you have provided the policy configuration parameters on this page, click the
Save button. The new policy appears in the table on the Policies page.
5. To modify the Device Settings or Advanced Settings for this policy, click the View
Details (pencil) button next to the new policy name, make your modifications, and
click Save. See “To edit a policy:” on page 101 for detailed instructions on editing
these settings. Note that Device and Advanced Settings do not appear on the Add
Policy page – you must save the policy first to see them.

For more information about the Device Settings and other device
monitoring and control features in Parity, see Chapter 10, “Managing
For information about customizing the notifier displayed on a client
computer when policy and ban settings are enforced, see Chapter 15,
“Block Notifiers and Approval Requests.”

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 93

Using Parity

Policy Settings
The Enforcement Level for a policy sets the overall security level and determines whether
the policy is configured to block or permit execution of Unapproved files. More specific
behavior is controlled by detailed policy settings, which are divided into Device Settings
and Advanced Settings. Chapter 10, “Managing Devices,” describes Device Settings.

Visibility mode allows you to activate settings that block files, but these
settings have no effect while a computer is in Visibility mode. To enable
file blocking and other control features, a policy must be in Control mode.
You still might activate these settings in Visibility mode for information
purposes, or if you plan a change to Control mode in the future.

Advanced Settings
When active, advanced settings block specified file activities and enforce other rules.

Because any file or activity is usually affected by more than one Parity rule, turning a
setting off can have varying results. There are three possible options for advanced settings:

Table 13: Policy Advanced Setting Options

Setting Options Description

Active Setting is enabled. Parity blocks or permits files according
to the specified Enforcement Level.
Off Setting is disabled and not enforced under any
Enforcement Level. Parity continues to track but not block
files specified by the setting type.
Report Only A test state that permits actions that would have been
blocked if the setting were active and records a would-
have-blocked event in the Events table. You can use it to
verify that settings and Enforcement Level in a policy
work as intended, without actually blocking any files.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 94

Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Turning off one setting that blocks an action or file does not necessarily mean the action or
file is permitted; similarly, turning off one setting that permits an action does not
necessarily mean that the action or file is blocked. The Events page might provide an
explanation of why a file you expected to be permitted was blocked.
Table 14 shows the Advanced Settings and the effect of setting them to “Active” or
“Off”. Some settings cannot be turned off, but are included so you can change or
disable the Notifier that appears when they block a file execution.

• There are different settings for “executables” and “scripts”. Parity
determines whether a file is executable based on content, not file
extension alone, while scripts are identified by file extension. After
examining a file, the Parity Agent applies the appropriate policy
setting based on the file’s content. See Chapter 12, “Script Rules,” for
information about how scripts are defined in Parity.
• Each setting has a Notifiers menu from which you can choose the
notifier that appears on an agent computer when that setting in this
policy blocks an action. See Chapter 15, “Block Notifiers and
Approval Requests,” for information about choosing and defining
• For more about banning software, see “Approving and Banning
Software” on page 193. For more information about creating custom
rules for special treatment of files at certain paths, see Chapter 11,
“Custom Software Rules.”

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 95

Using Parity

Table 14: Advanced Setting Behavior

Setting Active Off
Block unanalyzed Tracks executables (for example, Permits unanalyzed
scripts and .exe, .dll, and .com) and script files executables and script
executables (for example, .bat, .vbs) that have files to execute if no other
not yet been analyzed and blocks Parity settings prevent
them for systems in High, Medium, execution. Not
and Low Enforcement Levels, and in recommended.
Local Approval mode.
Scripts and executables are reported
as unanalyzed if a user or process
tries to execute them and Parity
cannot finish its run-time checks of
file state in the expected time. This
usually happens when the root
certificate for a file is out of date or
otherwise not verifiable.
Block unapproved Tracks script files (for example, .bat, Permits script files not
scripts .vbs) that have an unapproved explicitly banned to
status and blocks them according to execute if no other Parity
Enforcement Level: settings prevent
• High Enforcement Level blocks execution.
unapproved scripts.
• Medium Enforcement Level
blocks unapproved scripts but
presents a dialog that identifies
the file and gives users the option
to run it.
• Low Enforcement Level permits
files to execute; records an event
the first time the executable runs.
Note: Table 48 in Chapter 12, “Script
Rules,” shows the file types
considered scripts by Parity.
Block unapproved Tracks executable files, for example, Permits unapproved files
executables .exe, .dll, and .com, that have an not explicitly banned to
unapproved status and blocks or execute if no other Parity
permits them according to settings prevent
Enforcement Level: execution.
• High Enforcement Level blocks all
unapproved executables.
• Medium Enforcement Level
blocks unapproved executables
but presents a dialog that
identifies the file and gives users
the option to run it.
• Low Enforcement Level permits
files to execute; records an event
the first time the file runs.
Block banned file Blocks execution of files banned by Cannot be disabled on
names file name on computers in Control the policy page, but
mode. individual bans can be
configured to be policy-

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 96

Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Setting Active Off

Block banned file Blocks all banned hashes on Disables the Banned
hashes computers in Control mode. Hashes setting and
permits banned hashes
to execute if no other
settings prevent it.
Block executables Blocks execution of files (including Permits network
run from a network Approved files) run over the network executable files not
drive on computers in Control mode. unapproved or explicitly
Platform Note: This setting is banned to execute if no
effective for Windows agents only. other settings prevent it.

Block files with Blocks execution of files with banned Permits files with banned
banned publishers publishers (or certificates) in Control publishers/certificates to
or certificates mode. execute if no other
settings prevent it.
Enforce memory Apply all enabled memory access, Cannot be disabled on
rules control, and reporting rules. the policy page, but
Platform Note: This setting is individual rules can be
effective for Windows agents only. configured to be policy-
Enforce registry Apply all enabled registry access Cannot be disabled on
rules and reporting rules to this policy. the policy page, but
Platform Note: This setting is individual rules can be
effective for Windows agents only. configured to be policy-
Enforce custom Apply all enabled custom rules Cannot be disabled on
(file and path) rules (special treatment of files at defined the policy page, but
paths) to this policy. You configure individual rules can be
custom rules by choosing Software configured to be policy-
Rules in the console menu and specific.
clicking on the Custom tab.
Enforce tamper Apply rules to prevent tampering Cannot be disabled for a
protection with Parity Agent. policy. Contact Bit9
Technical Support for
assistance if you need to
turn off tamper protection
for a specific computer.
Locally approve When checked, causes certain When not checked,
unapproved files Unapproved files to be locally Enforcement Level
on transition from approved when the policy changes do not affect
Visibility or Low Enforcement Level changes from local file state in this
Enforcement Level Low (or None) to Medium or High. policy.
to Medium or High This only applies to files that first
appeared on the computer as
Unapproved when the computer was
in a Low (or None) Enforcement
Level policy. These files have Local
State Details of “Unapproved”.
See “Locally Approving Files” on
page 218 for more on local approval

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Using Parity

Template Policy and Default Policy

Default Policy
Parity includes a built-in policy named Default Policy. This is the policy to which
computers are assigned in the following situations:
• If you are using AD Mapping to assign policies, Parity is initially configured to assign
a computer that does not match any other mapping rules to the Default Policy. You
can, however, change the policy to which unmatched computers are assigned, and it is
generally advisable to create a separate "AD Default" policy for this purpose. See
“Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping” on page 117 for more information.
• When computers in a non-existent (deleted) policy report to the Parity Server, they are
automatically moved into the Default Policy and subject to enforcement based on the
default settings. See “Restoring Computers from the Default Policy” on page 150 for
information about how you might deal with this situation.
If you have Parity Suite, you can set the Default Policy Enforcement Level to High (Block
Unapproved) to make sure that if a computer is switched to the Default Policy, neither
Banned nor Unapproved files are allowed to run. If you are less concerned about
Unapproved files but still do not want to allow them to execute without user interaction,
you can set the Enforcement Level to Medium. You also can edit any of the other settings
for the Default Policy.

Computers can be assigned to the Default Policy unexpectedly. Because of this,
the initial policy setting for “Locally approve unapproved files on transition from
Visibility or Low Enforcement Level to Medium or High” is off (un-checked).
Otherwise an unexpected transition to the Default Policy could locally approve
many files without you wanting that to happen. See “Automatic Local Approval
on Enforcement Level Change” on page 219 for more details about this setting.

Template Policy
The built-in Template Policy is intended as a “template” for creating other policies. By
default, the initial Device and Advanced settings of the first policy you create are based on
the settings of this Template Policy, although you can base the initial settings on any other
existing policy, including the Default Policy.

Policies inherit only the Device Settings and Advanced Settings from their
template policy. Settings on the top panel of the Add/Edit Policy page, including
Enforcement Level, are not inherited. Device Settings and Advanced Settings
appear on the Edit Policy page once you save a new policy.

You can edit the Template Policy to include the Device and Advanced settings you expect
to want most of the time, simplifying policy creation. Once you create a policy, there is no
ongoing linkage to its template policy, so you can change any setting in the new policy.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

One important part of policy configuration is assigning notifiers for each setting in the
policy that could block an action. Each policy setting has a notifier assigned to it (or no
notifier, if you choose), and the messages can differ depending on the setting that caused
the block. If you want to change the messages from their defaults, it is best to alter the
Template Policy before you create other policies. See “Customizing and Creating
Notifiers” on page 362 for more information.
A key difference between the Template Policy and the Default Policy is the Advanced
Setting called "Locally approve unapproved files on transition from Visibility or Low
Enforcement Level to Medium or High". Activating this setting usually makes sense for a
new policy you create, and so it is activated by default (and not shown) for the Template
The Template Policy has the following special characteristics:
• it appears only on the Policies page and its own Edit page
• it cannot be assigned to any computer
• no AD mapping rules can be created that point to the Template Policy
• there is no agent installation package corresponding to the Template Policy
• like the Default Policy, the Template Policy cannot be deleted
• the "Locally approve unapproved files on transition from Visibility or Low
Enforcement Level to Medium or High"setting is not shown but is automatically

When you create a new policy, be sure to verify or, if needed, change the
setting values you inherited from the existing policy you based it on.

Resetting a Policy to Template Policy Settings

The Edit Policy page for each policy includes a Reset Policy button immediately below
the Device Settings table.

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Using Parity

When you press this button and choose OK on the confirmation dialog, the Device and
Advanced settings are reset to the current settings of the Template Policy.

Once you click OK in the reset dialog box, the policy settings are reset
without requiring that you click Save. To prevent the reset, you must
cancel in the confirmation dialog box. You cannot prevent the changes by
clicking Cancel on the Edit Policy page.

Tamper-Protection Setting
A tamper-protection setting blocks attempts to write to the Bit9 application directory or
change Parity Agent files on client computers. Tamper-protection cannot be disabled on a
per-policy basis, although you can use the Advanced menu on the Computer Details page
to disable it for an individual system – consult with Bit9 Technical Support before
changing this setting.
Computer users are not permitted to uninstall the Agent unless the computer is in Agent
Disabled mode.

You can specify your own directory-protection policies. See Chapter 11,
“Custom Software Rules.”
For more information about removing Parity Agent from a computer, see
“Uninstalling Parity Agents” on page 137.

Editing a Policy
You can edit the basic definitions of a policy, including its description, and Enforcement
Level, in the upper panel of the Edit Policy page. The Policy name cannot be changed.
For most Device and Advanced Settings, you can:
• turn them on or off
• place them in report-only state, in which they report what they would have done if
they had been activated
• choose a different (or no) notifier, which is the dialog box that Parity displays on a
computer when an action is blocked as a result of an active policy setting; this is
covered in Chapter 15, “Block Notifiers and Approval Requests.”
Certain settings have fewer choices or choices other than those on this list.

Although you can deactivate policy settings, you cannot create or delete
them. The setting name (e.g., Block unapproved scripts), which is
standard for all policies, cannot be changed.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

To edit a policy:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears:

2. On the Policies page, click the View Details (file and pencil) button next to the name
of the policy you want to edit. The Edit Policy page appears:

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Using Parity

3. Edit any of the details in the main panel by checking or un-checking the appropriate
box, entering text, choosing a different mode and/or choosing a different Enforcement
Level. Visible parameters may vary depending upon other policy settings and
configuration choices. See Table 12, “Policy Definitions: Main Panel,” on page 91 for
detail on these settings.
4. From the Edit Policy page, click the Show Advanced Settings button to see the rest of
the settings associated with this policy.

5. In the Device Control Settings table, use the dropdown menu to select one of the
following states for any setting you want to change: Off, Active, and Report Only
(Active is not a choice for the Read settings). See Table 39, “Device Control Setting
Behavior,” on page 258 for information about these settings.
Platform Note: Parity device visibility and control features are effective for
Windows computers only.
6. In the Advanced Settings table, use the dropdown menu to select one of the following
states for settings you want to change: Active (on), Report Only (on, but not
enforced), or Off. See Table 14, “Advanced Setting Behavior,” on page 96 for
information about these settings.
Note: Some Advanced settings cannot be changed. Fixed settings show their value in
a greyed-out menu box.
7. If you want to change the setting for Locally approve unapproved files on transition
from Visibility or Low Enforcement Level to Medium or High, check or un-check the
8. If you want to customize the notifier shown by a Device or Advanced setting when it
blocks actions on an agent computer, you can choose a different notifier from the
Notifiers menu next to the setting, Edit the notifier (which affects all places in which
this notifier is used), or Add and define a new notifier. See “Customizing and Creating
Notifiers” on page 362 for more information.
9. When you have finished changing policy settings, click Save. Your changes are saved
and the Policies table is re-displayed.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Related Views in Policy Details

The Edit Policy page has a Related Views menu with links that provide information about
files and file rules related to the policy:
• All files on computers in this policy opens a Find Files page with all instances of files
on the computers assigned to the policy.
• Unapproved files on computers in this policy opens a Find Files page with all file
instances with a Local State of Unapproved on the computers assigned to this policy.
This helps show how the policy settings affect the files actually on these computers.
You can add another filter to the results to show only files with Local State Details of
Unapproved – these would be approved by an Enforcement Level change from Low to
either Medium or High if the automatic approval box is checked for this policy.
• File bans and approvals that apply to this policy opens a filtered view of the Software
Rules/Files tab, showing file bans and file approvals that either apply to all policies or
specify that they apply to this policy. This may be useful in deciding whether to
change the Enforcement Level or other settings in this policy.
• Computers manually assigned to this policy opens a filtered view of the Computers
page, showing computers that have been manually assigned to the policy (i.e., were
not assigned by AD mapping).

Enforcement Levels
Enforcement Level is the protection level applied to computers running Parity Agent,
specified on a per-policy basis. Enforcement Levels, which vary in restrictiveness, affect
how file actions are controlled for policy settings. File-blocking and other control
functions in Parity depend on both the Enforcement Level and on more specific policy
settings in effect, including policy-specific bans.
In Control mode, you choose High (Block Unapproved), Low (Monitor Unapproved), or
Medium (Prompt Unapproved) Enforcement Level from a menu. The other modes, None
(Visibility) and None (Disabled), automatically designate the Enforcement Level as None.

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Using Parity

Table 15: Enforcement Levels

Enforcement Level Use when:

High (Block For the highest protection level, and when it is practical to pre-
Unapproved) approve the applications you need and want to run on
computers in the policy, use High enforcement.
High enforcement permits only explicitly approved files to run.
Computers on which the application configuration seldom
changes – servers or single-purpose systems, for example –
are good candidates for High enforcement. For computers with
more dynamic application configurations, High enforcement
might be usable if you also pre-approve files via trusted
directories, trusted users, approved publishers, enabled
updaters, or reputation approvals.
Except for files already identified and banned on the Parity
Server, all files that exist on computers before you install the
Parity Agent are locally approved and permitted to run on that
computer under High enforcement.
High enforcement is available to policies in Control mode.
Medium (Prompt To operate in a condition that prevents unchallenged execution
Unapproved) of unapproved files but does not completely block them, use
Medium enforcement.
Medium enforcement blocks all Unapproved files from
executing but displays a dialog on client computers that lets the
user decide whether to run the file. If the user allows the file to
run, it is locally approved on that computer and always
permitted to run. If the Unapproved file is run remotely from a
network share or removable device, it is temporarily approved
to run (the approval remains for three days).
Platform Note: Some removable or network drives are not
recognized by Parity, especially on non-Windows systems.
Files run from these drives are treated like local files.
Explicitly banned files cannot run under Medium enforcement.
Medium enforcement is available to policies in Control mode.
Low (Monitor When you are not concerned about unknown files and only
Unapproved) need to block files that you have specifically banned, use Low
Low enforcement blocks banned files while allowing users to
install software that are Approved or Unapproved (neither
banned nor approved). Although Unapproved files are
permitted to execute, you can monitor them and respond with
emergency lockdown if necessary.
Low enforcement is available to policies in Control mode.
None (Visibility) To track file activity without blocking it, set the Enforcement
Level to None (Visibility).
Visibility mode tracks executable file activity on your computers
through Parity’s reporting and asset management features (drift
reports, event reports, file inventory, etc.), but enforces no
rules. It can be a first step on the way to implementing a more
controlled environment.
Click Visibility in the Mode line to choose this level.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Enforcement Level Use when:

None (Disabled) To stop all enforcement actions on the agent and reporting to
the server, choose None (Disabled) mode. You might do this if:
• You are instructed to disable an agent by Bit9 support staff
so that you can debug a system fault.
• You plan to remove Parity Agent from a computer; a
computer must be in None (Disabled) mode before the agent
is deleted and the computer is removed from Parity Server.
If you disable the agent for a computer, that computer’s file
database is deleted from the agent computer but remains on
the server for one day. Computers in Agent Disabled mode re-
initialize their files as soon as you move them to a policy at
another Enforcement Level.
Note: An agent in None (Disabled) mode continues to monitor
(but not report to the server) certain operations to avoid gaps in
file and process information if the agent is later brought back
into an active mode. This normally requires a very minimal
amount of resources on the agent computer, although if an
extremely large number of writes are performed, the impact
may be noticeable.
Click Disabled in the Mode line to choose this level.

How Enforcement Levels Affect Policy Setting Enforcement

Enforcement Levels interact with policy settings and other rules to control the conditions
under which different types of files actions are allowed. Table 16 shows how file activity
is affected for different combinations of Enforcement Level and:
• Advanced Policy Settings and network-wide file bans that are Active
• Device Control Settings that are set to Active

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Using Parity

Table 16: Effects of Active Policy Settings by Enforcement Level

• When an attempt to execute an Unapproved file generates a dialog in
Medium Enforcement, either choice (block or allow) is recorded as an
event. Also, with Enforcement Level set to Low, execution of an
Unapproved file generates an event.
• The Related Views menu on the Edit Policy page includes a link
Unapproved files on computers in this policy. Since Enforcement Level
affects how unapproved files are handled, this link can help you decide
how to set Enforcement Level, or whether to leave a given computer in its
current policy.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Special Enforcement Level for Local Approval

Parity sets a special Enforcement Level for computers in local approval. This Enforcement
Level is reserved for system use, and cannot be chosen directly. It enables local approval
of software, especially for computers otherwise under High Enforcement

Changing Policy Enforcement Levels

If you want to change the level of rule enforcement for a group of computers, you might
move them to a different policy. Moving computers is described in “Moving Computers to
Another Policy” on page 149.
Another alternative is to raise or lower the Enforcement Level applied to the current
policy, using one of the following methods:
• If you are already in Control mode and want to stay there, you can switch between
control Enforcement Levels by editing a policy’s Connected Enforcement Level and
Disconnected Enforcement Level menus. For example, to increase protection you can
switch policies under Low (Monitor Unapproved) Enforcement Level or Medium
(Prompt Unapproved) Enforcement Level to High (Block Unapproved) Enforcement
• If you are already in Control mode and want to eliminate control, you can switch to
Visibility mode, which changes the Enforcement Level to None (Visibility).
• If you are in Visibility mode, you can switch to Control mode and choose a new
Enforcement Level from the menus.

Disabling and re-enabling a large number of agents in one operation is not
recommended. Switching to Agent Disabled mode eliminates
enforcement, reporting, and tracking provided by Parity. Switching back
from Agent Disabled can have significant performance impact, based
upon the number of agents in a policy. Each agent switching out of Agent
Disabled mode reinitializes, going through the same process as a newly
installed agent.

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Using Parity

To change Enforcement Level for a policy in Control mode:

1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears:

2. On the Policies page, click the View Details (file and pencil) button next to the policy
name you want to edit. The Edit Policy page appears:

3. If you want to switch modes, click the button next to the mode you want.
4. To change Enforcement Level within Control mode, select a Connected Enforcement
Level from the dropdown menu:

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

5. If you chose High or Medium for Connected Enforcement Level, you can choose a
different Disconnected Enforcement Level from its dropdown menu.
6. Make any other needed changes to the policy. See “Policy Settings” on page 94 for
details of policy settings.
7. To save the changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Locking Down all Computers

The Parity Home page includes an emergency Lockdown button that changes the
Enforcement Level of all Parity-managed computers to High. During an emergency
lockdown, the following is true for active agents whose policies do not have any
enforcement settings disabled:
• Banned files are blocked.
• All Unapproved files that appear after the emergency lockdown are blocked.
• All existing Unapproved files that remain Unapproved are blocked.
• Certain files become locally approved, as described below, and can be executed.
• Computers that were offline when emergency lockdown was initiated are locked down
upon reconnection to the Parity Server if the lockdown remains in effect.
• Lockdown affects all active agents, including those in Visibility Only mode. It does
not affect computers whose agents are disabled.
In some cases, locking down a computer causes some Unapproved files to become locally
approved. In the Advanced Settings panel of the Edit Policy page, there is a checkbox
labeled “Locally approve unapproved files on transition from Visibility or Low
Enforcement Level to Medium or High”. This affects computers whose Enforcement
Levels are Low or None when they are moved to Enforcement Levels of High or Medium:
• If the box is checked, existing Unapproved files that first appeared on a computer
when it was in Low (or None) Enforcement Level are locally approved upon
• If the box is not checked, Unapproved files on computers in that policy remain
Unapproved after lockdown and are not allowed to run.
Parity Console users with the default ReadOnly privileges do not have access to
Emergency Lockdown. A login account group must have Manage Computers privileges
for its members to perform an emergency lockdown.

Emergency Lockdown changes only the Enforcement Level of computers.
In policies with Advanced Settings of Off or Report Only, computers may
not block certain threats even when in lockdown.

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Using Parity

To lock down all computers:

1. From the console menu, choose Home. The Home page appears. The default location
of the Emergency Lockdown portlet is the bottom right portlet on the page, although
you or another administrator may have moved or removed it:

2. In the Emergency Lockdown portlet, click the Lock Down button. The Lockdown
confirmation page appears:

3. In the confirmation dialog, click OK to lock down all computers. All agents except
those in Disabled mode are locked down. The Home page appears and the Lock down
computers button toggles to Restore computers:

4. After you resolve the issue that lead to the Lockdown, click the Restore computers
button to restore all computers to their former Enforcement Level. The Restore
confirmation page appears:

5. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to restore all computers.

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Chapter 4: Creating and Configuring Policies

Deleting Policies
You can delete policies when you no longer need them. However, policies cannot be
deleted if any computer is associated with the policy. If the policy you want to delete has
associated computers, either uninstall Parity Agent on those computers or, if you want the
computers to remain protected by Parity, move the computers to another policy. See
“Uninstalling Parity Agents” on page 137 and “Moving Computers to Another Policy” on
page 149. When you delete a policy, Parity deletes its associated agent installer.
The following built-in policies cannot be deleted:
• Default Policy
• Local Approval Policy
• Template Policy

To delete a policy:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears:

2. On the Policies page, click the Delete (x) button next to the name of the policy you
want to delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

3. Click Yes. You will return to the Policies page.

If a policy contains computers, clicking Yes in the confirmation dialog
displays a deletion failure message on the Policies page. You must move
these computers to another policy or delete them (on the Computers Page)
before deleting the policy.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Chapter 5

Managing Computers
This chapter explains how to manage client computers using the Parity Console. It
assumes that you already have set up policies, as described in Chapter 4, “Creating and
Configuring Policies.”
Computer configuration tasks include choosing the method for associating each computer
with a security policy, downloading Parity Agent, and installing the agent on client
computers. This chapter also describes setting up a computer to provide a snapshot of files
as a point of reference as new files populate your network.
If you will be managing virtual machines with Parity, see Chapter 6, “Managing Virtual
Machines,” in addition to this chapter.

Topic Page
Computer Configuration Overview 114
Assigning Computers to a Policy 116
Downloading Agent Installers 125
Installing Parity Agents 127
Upgrading Parity Agents 130
Uninstalling Parity Agents 137
Viewing the Table of Computers 138
Viewing Complete Details for One Computer 141
Moving Computers to Another Policy 149
Moving a Computer to Local Approval Mode 151
Adding Computers 151
Deleting Computers 152

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Using Parity

Computer Configuration Overview

Client computer systems become visible to the Parity Server when you install and run the
Parity Agent on them. When you download and install the agent, an initialization process
begins, delivering information about the computer and its files to the Parity Server.

Pre-Installation Activities
You make some key computer configuration decisions prior to installation of the agent:
• Policy creation determines the groups of security settings available to computers. See
Chapter 4, “Creating and Configuring Policies,” if you have not yet created policies.
• CLI Management configuration options allow you to designate a user or group, or a
password usable by anyone, to perform certain agent management activities in
conjunction with Bit9 Technical Support. Especially if you have systems that will be
permanently offline, it is best to choose one of these options before generating and
distributing agent installation packages. See “Advanced Configuration Options” on
page 509 for more details.
• (Optional) Review the expired certificate validation setting, especially if you will
be running offline systems. If you intend to allow file approval by certificates that
have expired, make this choice before you download and install the agents on
permanently offline systems. Otherwise, they will not be able to use expired
certificates. See “Approval with Expired Certificates” on page 212 for more details.
• Initial Policy assignment to a computer can be determined by Active Directory data,
as described in “Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping” on page 117; or by
the agent installer used, as described in “Downloading Agent Installers” on page 125.
• (Optional) Preparing a reference computer for a “snapshot” of files can give you
a baseline for the files on your network. Ideally, this is a clean computer onto which
you install only the applications that you would like to run on some or all of your
systems. Once the computer is prepared, you can install Parity Agent and, after
initialization is complete, use the Snapshot process as described in Chapter 17,
“Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports.”

Installation and Initialization

For each security policy you create, Parity creates platform-specific agent installers, each
of which includes the policy assigned to the computer and the Parity Server address. If you
do not use AD-based policy assignment, you choose the agent installer for each computer
based on the policy you want to control that computer and the computer’s platform.
Installers are described in the sections “Downloading Agent Installers” on page 125 and
“Installing Parity Agents” on page 127.
As soon as the Parity Agent software is installed, file initialization begins. The agent takes
an inventory of all executable files on the client computer’s fixed drives (but not
removable drives) and creates a hash of each file. When a computer first connects to the
server, its agent sends each hash to the Parity Server to update the server’s file inventory.
Files on a computer at initialization receive a local state of Approved unless they already
have been identified and globally banned or banned by policy on the Parity Server. During
initialization, the computer is protected by whatever security policy is assigned to it, and
file activities are allowed or blocked according to that policy.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Unless pre-banned or pre-approved by a Parity rule, files that Parity Server has never seen
before will get the global state of Unapproved and be added to the catalog. If a file was
first seen on this agent after initialization, it will also get the local state of Unapproved on
the agent. For more information on file state, see “File State, Whitelisting and
Blacklisting” on page 34.

Post-Installation Activities
After you have installed Parity Agent on a computer and initialization has completed,
Parity provides a number of means for you to monitor and manage your computers:
• Viewing Computer Details – Parity Server keeps details about each computer
running a Parity Agent, including the computer’s IP Address, whether it is currently
connected to the server, the policy, mode and Enforcement Level it is assigned,
computer model and system details, and its connection history. See “Viewing the
Table of Computers” on page 138.
• (Optional) Saving a Snapshot – Once agent installation and initialization is
complete, you can instruct the Parity Server to save a named snapshot of all
executables (by hash) on a computer, providing a reference point for analyzing
changes in file inventory for that computer, other computers, or your whole network.
See “Creating and Modifying Snapshots” on page 443 for more details.
• Changing Policy – You can change the security policy assigned to a computer if
necessary. See “Moving Computers to Another Policy” on page 149 and “Restoring
Computers from the Default Policy” on page 150.
• Locally Approving Files – You can temporarily put a computer into Local Approval
mode so that files with a global state of Unapproved on the Parity Server can be
installed locally and locally approved on this computer. See “Moving a Computer to
Local Approval Mode” on page 151.
• Deleting Computers – If a computer is going to be removed from your network or
from Parity control, you can uninstall the agent and remove the computer from the
table of computers on the server. This requires a specific series of actions detailed in
“Deleting Computers” on page 152.
• Creating Clones – If you plan to use a computer as the template for cloning other
computers, see Chapter 6, “Managing Virtual Machines.”

Access to Computer Management Features

Access to computer management features depends upon the Login Account Group
Permissions for the user attempting access:
• Administrator and PowerUser accounts with default permissions have full access to
these features.
• ReadOnly users with default permissions can view the details of Parity-managed
computers but cannot add, delete, or change their configuration.
• The access level of users in custom login account groups depends on the group’s
permissions in the Computers asset rows on the Add/Edit Group page. Note that some
features described here require additional permissions.
See “Account Group Permissions” on page 82 for full details on viewing and changing
login account group permissions.

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Using Parity

Assigning Computers to a Policy

Every computer running Parity Agent is associated with a policy. There are three ways a
computer can be assigned its policy:
• By Agent installer – Every policy you create generates a policy-specific Parity Agent
installer for each Parity-supported platform, so when you install the agent on a
computer, it is assigned a policy. If you know the policy to which you want to assign a
computer, you can download the installer for that policy. When it contacts the Parity
Server after agent installation, the computer is added to Parity’s table of computers. If
you have not set up AD-based policy assignment, the agent remains in the policy
embedded in its installer unless you manually reassign it. 
Note that you do not have to (nor should you) reinstall Parity Agent to make a policy
change for a computer. Under normal operating circumstances, you only need to
install the agent once per computer.
• Automatically, by Active Directory (AD) group mapping – You can set up Parity
Server to run a script that assigns new computers to Parity policies according to rules
you set up to map AD group information of the computer (or the user logged in on it)
to Parity policies. As long as the computer’s initial policy (assigned by the Agent
installer) is configured to allow automatic policy assignment, this AD-based policy
assignment takes precedence if activated. Policy assignment by AD mapping is
described later in this section.
• Manually – You can move any computer to a policy other than the one assigned by
the installer or the Parity AD mapping facility. This might be useful if you discover
that a particular computer used the wrong installer, or that its Parity policy should
differ from other computers in the AD group used to map its policy. Manual
assignment also might be used for a temporary situation that requires more or less
restriction for a computer or its user. If you change a computer's policy manually, you
can later restore it to its original policy (or to automatic assignment). Manual policy
assignment is described in “Moving Computers to Another Policy” on page 149.
You can move computers from manual to automatic policy assignment and vice-versa.

In certain cases, policy may be changed for reasons other than those listed
above. For example, if a computer belongs to a policy and you delete that
policy while the computer is offline, the computer moves to the Default
policy group. See “Restoring Computers from the Default Policy” on page
150 for more detail.

If you are not using AD-based policy assignment, you can skip the next section and go
directly to “Downloading Agent Installers” on page 125 for instructions on choosing a
policy-specific installer.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Assigning Policy by Active Directory Mapping

You can create and activate rules that map computers to certain policies based on Active
Directory (AD) data of the computer or of users with sessions running on it. This policy
assignment happens when a computer first contacts the Parity Server after the agent is
installed and each time the server and agent re-establish contact (register) or the logged-in
user on the agent computer changes. The specific events that trigger registration, and their
significance for AD policy mapping, are:
• When the Parity Agent is first installed, the computer will register with the server for
the first time, with the users that are logged on at the time. If no users have logged on
since the last time this computer was started, Parity Server shows an empty user list
for that agent computer.
• In subsequent restarts of an agent computer, if the Parity Agent reconnects to the
server before any user logs in, the user list for that registration will be empty.
• All agent computers (whether or not they use automatic policy assignment) re-register
whenever their list of user sessions changes. 
Platform Note: Because of the way Windows handles sessions, a user’s session on a
Windows computer does not necessarily end upon logout. It persists until it is replaced
by a different user's session.)
• All existing agent computers are disconnected by the server whenever the server
restarts. Agent computers re-register when they reconnect.
• The server disconnects a computer (forcing re-registration) whenever the agent
computer’s policy assignment is changed manually, or if it is changed to automatic.

Preparing for AD Policy Mapping

To make use of AD-based policy assignment, you must:
• Install Parity Server on a computer that is a member of an Active Directory domain.
By default, Parity Server must be in the same AD forest as the computers and users
you want to map. If you require cross-forest integration, contact your Bit9 Support
• Enable the AD-based policy mapping interface on the General tab of the System
Configuration page.
• Create the Parity policies to which you want computers assigned by AD Mapping.
• On the Mappings tab of the Policies page, create AD Policy Mapping rules that use
AD data to assign computers to different Parity policies
• For each computer you want mapped by its AD-policy, use a Parity Agent installation
package that allows automatic policy assignment. Note, however, that you can change
the computers in a policy from manual to automatic after installation if necessary.
Parity will do AD-mapping for any computer you have configured through your Active
Directory server, including those on non-Windows platforms.

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Using Parity

To enable the AD Mapping interface:

1. In the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. If the General view with Server Status at the top is not already displayed, click the
General tab. The second panel on the General tab is Active Directory/LDAP

3. In the Active Directory/LDAP panel, click the Test button next to Test AD
connectivity. If you see a Success message, continue to the next step. If you see an
Error message, your Parity Server is unable to access AD. AD Mapping will not work
until you correct the problem.
4. If AD connectivity succeeds, click the Edit button at the bottom of the window.
5. In the AD-based Policy dropdown menu, choose Enabled.
6. To submit the changes, click the Update button and choose Yes on the confirmation
dialog. A new tab, “Mappings,” will be visible on the Policies page the next time you
view it.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Creating AD Mapping Rules

On the Policies page, clicking the Mappings tab opens the Active Directory Policy
Mappings page. This is where you create rules that determine the policy assigned to a
computer with specified AD data. Before you begin setting up mapping rules, be sure you
have created all of the policies to which you want computers mapped.

• Although you can choose to match AD Security Group data for either
users or computers, Bit9 recommends computer-based rules. With
multiple users on a computer, sometimes simultaneously logged on,
AD Mapping rules could lead to unexpected results.
• Parity does not support policy mapping for AD object names that
contain double quotes. Object names with double quotes cannot be
handled properly by the directory object browser you use to create a
mapping rule.

You can create mapping rules that test for matching organizational units, domains, security
groups, computer names, and user names. Table 17 shows the rule parameters you

Table 17: AD Mapping Rule Parameters

Field Description
Computer object The AD object tested by the rule. The choices are
to test Computer, User, and User or Computer.
Relationship The relationship that must exist between the AD data of
the object tested and the Directory object it is being
tested against. The choices are:
• is member of group
• is in OU or domain
• is
• is not in any domain
Directory object The object in AD that the test object must match to
trigger policy assignment. Clicking the right end of this
field opens an AD browser from which you can search
for and choose an object from your AD environment.
The choices for the Directory object field change
depending upon which Relationship you choose. If you
choose “is not in any domain,” no Directory object is
Policy to apply The policy to apply if the object you are testing meets
the test in the rule. The dropdown menu shows all
policies you have created to date.

AD Mapping rules are scanned in top-to-bottom order and only the first match on the list
is applied. You can rearrange the order of rules if you find that you would prefer a

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Using Parity

different policy assignment outcome than you are seeing. In general, you should create as
few rules as possible and use them to test for groups rather than individual objects.
There is a default AD Mapping rule that cannot be deleted, nor can it be moved from the
bottom of the Policy Mappings rule table. It maps “[all others]”, that is, all computers that
have not matched any of the other rules in the table, to the policy you choose. Because it
remains at the bottom of the table, it assures that any automatically mapped computer is
assigned to some policy. It is initially mapped to the Default Policy, but you can change
this. Creation of an “AD Default Policy” is recommended so that computers not matching
other rules have a policy that best reflects a default security level with settings you want.

For policies created before implementation of Active Directory policy
mapping, "Automatic policy assignment" is off by default. If you
implement AD policy mapping and set up new mapping rules that apply
to a pre-existing policy, you will need to change the setting on the policy
itself for automatic mapping to take place. See “Creating Policies” on
page 89 for more on automatic assignment choices.

To create an AD policy mapping rule:

1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page opens showing a list
of all available policies.
2. Click the Mappings tab. The Active Directory Policy Mappings page appears with the
Policy Mappings table, initially showing only the default rule.

3. On the Active Directory Policy Mappings page, click Add Rule. This displays the
Active Directory Policy Rule panel in which you enter the rule parameters.

4. Choose the Computer object to test from the dropdown menu. In most cases,
Computer is the best choice.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

5. Choose the Relationship (from the dropdown menu) between the AD data of the
object tested and the matching Directory object. The choice you make here determines
the choices available in the other fields. You can choose to look for objects that are in
a OU or domain, a security group, in no domain, or objects that exactly match the
directory object you choose (the “is” choice on the Relationship menu). Generally it is
best to choose a relationship that will map multiple computers to a policy rather than
one that will single out an individual computer or user.

6. Choose the Directory object that the test object must match. The illustrations here
assume you chose “is in OU or domain” in the Relationship field.
a. Click in the Directory Object field to open the AD browser. The browser opens
immediately below the Directory object field. The left panel is labeled “Search
in,” and shows a tree of your AD domains

b. To expand the AD tree in the left panel, click on the plus button, next to the node
you want to expand. Similarly, if you want to collapse the view on the left, click
the minus button next to the node you want to collapse.
c. Click on the object in the left pane that defines the scope of your search. For
example, if you have two domains, you might click on one of them. If you chose
“is in OU or domain” in the Relationship field, the right panel of the object
browser shows only OUs and domains inside the domain you chose, even though
the tree on the left shows additional objects not matching the choice.

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Using Parity

d. If you see the object in the right panel that you want to use for this rule, double-
click on it. The object, including full information about its location in the AD
object tree, appears in the Directory Object field of the Rule Parameters panel and
the browser will close. There are additional options for using the directory object
browser. See “AD Object Browser Options” on page 123 for more information.

e. If your actions did not automatically close the browser, click the ‘X’ button in the
top right corner to close it.
7. From the Policy to Apply dropdown menu, choose the policy you want assigned to
computers that meet the requirements of this rule. Only existing policies appear on the
dropdown – if the policy for this rule has not been created yet, cancel the creation of
this rule and go to the Policies page to create the new policy.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

8. When you have entered all of the parameters for the rule, click Save. A newly created
rule goes to the bottom of the table of AD rules, just above the default rule, and all
rules above it take precedence. In the example, the rule instructs Parity to associate
any computer belonging to the Engineering OU in the domain hq.xyzcorp.local with
the Research Group policy. Rolling your mouse over the i button next to an object in
the Match column provides a description of the object.

9. If necessary, use the up- and down-arrow buttons on the left side of each rule (or the
drag-and-drop method) to change the order in which the rules are evaluated against
client computers. Remember that the [all others] rule always is the last one in the
10. Repeat this procedure beginning with step 3 for any other rules you need to create.

AD Object Browser Options

The example above introduced the AD Object browser, which you use to select a
Directory object when defining an AD Mapping rule. This section describes the browser
in more detail.
The left panel of the AD Object browser is where you determine the scope of your search.
It displays an AD tree with “[All Domains]” at the top of the tree and then shows the
contents of the tree in standard browser format, with +/- buttons at each node that contains
other objects so that you can collapse or expand the tree at that point.
The right panel has a description of what you are searching for, based on the
“Relationship” value you entered in the Active Directory Policy Rule parameters. When
you click on a node in the tree on the left, all objects immediately under that node
matching the “Relationship” (e.g., “OUs and domains”) appear in the right panel. You
click on an object in the right panel to select it and enter it in the Rule Parameters panel.
Object Search Depth
In the upper right area of the browser, there is a checkbox labeled “Deep”. When you
check the Deep box and click Go, this results in a multi-level search that examines not just
the immediate contents of the selected node but the contents of any nodes inside it,
regardless of how many layers deep they are. Notice the greater number of results in the
right panel of case B in the illustration below.

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Using Parity

Object String Match

Another option in the AD Object browser is searching by string match. If you enter a
string of characters in the box immediately to the left of the “Deep” checkbox, you can
search for AD objects in the selected node that start with, end with, or contain the string.
You make the choice of how to use the string via the dropdown menu to the left of the text
box. For example, if you entered “eng” in the text box and then searched for “group names
that contain” the string, you would match both “Engineering” and “System Engineering”
groups if they existed in the node selected on the left.

Clearing the Server AD Cache

The AD information that is used to map agent computers to policies is cached on the
Parity Server and updated every four hours. It is also updated whenever a Parity rule
change occurs that is related to AD mapping.
If you make a change to this AD information on your AD server – for example, changing
the group a computer or user is in, or adding a computer – this information normally does
not become available to Parity until the next scheduled cache upgrade. If you know you
have made relevant changes or you see incorrect policy mapping, you can clear the server
cache so that Parity immediately begins updating AD information.
To clear the server cache and update AD information:
• On the Mappings tab of the Policies page, click Clear Server Cache in the Actions

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Viewing AD Computer Details in Parity

If you have integrated AD and Parity Server, anytime a computer name in an AD domain
appears in a table in the Parity Console, additional information can be displayed by
clicking on that computer name. For example, if you display the Events page, some events
include the computer associated with the event.
If the name is an AD computer name, it should be highlighted in blue, and when you click
on it, the Computer Details page appears. If you click the Show AD Details tab on this
page and then click on the Show AD Details link, an Active Directory Details panel is
added, and this includes the AD information that is available for that computer.
Similar information is displayed about a user when you click on a highlighted AD
username in a Parity table.

Downloading Agent Installers

When you create a new policy, Parity generates a policy-specific agent installer for each
agent platform and posts it to an agent download area. Each installer specifies the policy,
policy settings, Enforcement Level, and Parity Server location for the computer on which
it is run.
When the Parity Server is upgraded, agent installers are upgraded to the new version as
well. Depending upon how you are upgrading agents, you might download the new agent
version or allow the Parity Server to manage the upgrade. See “Upgrading Parity Agents”
on page 130 for more details.

If you are using Active Directory to assign policies to all computers,
use any installer whose policy has the Automatic Policy Assignment
for New Computers box checked. Once the agent is installed on a
computer and makes contact with the Parity Server, the correct AD-
based policy for the computer will be assigned automatically. If the
computer is unable to contact the Parity Server, the policy from the
agent installer remains in effect.

Parity installers for each policy are created in a file format appropriate for each platform:
• MSI (Microsoft installer) packages for Windows
• BSX files for Mac
The download page for these packages is accessible via a URL on the server. You can
bookmark the URL for the installers – the page is accessible without logging into the
Parity Console.

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Using Parity

To download an agent installer:

1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears:

2. From the Policies page, click the download Parity Agent software link. The publicly
accessible URL for this page takes the following format:
The Download Install Packages page appears:

3. In the Parity Installation Setup Files table, locate the installer file by policy name.
4. To download the installer, click the platform name (e.g, Mac) for the computer on
which you want to install the agent, and save the file.
5. When the download is complete and you are read to install the agent, follow the
instructions in the next section, “Installing Parity Agents”.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Installing Parity Agents

The Parity Agent installation process is non-interactive; it requires no user input. As soon
as installation is completed, the Parity Agent begins working – no additional configuration
or restart is needed.

Preparing for New Agent Installation

Before installing a new Parity Agent on any platform, review the following:
• As soon as the Parity Agent is installed, it is protected by a security policy, and it
connects with the server and begins initializing files. Because initialization can
involve an increased flow of data between the Parity Server and its new client, be sure
your agent rollout plans take your network capacity and number of files into account –
simultaneous agent installation on all the computers on a large network is not
• If you are configuring your Parity Server for the first time, consider setting up a
reference computer with files you know you want to globally approve; you can also
use that computer as a baseline for measuring any file inventory drift.
• Parity Agent is a per-system application, not per-user.
• Make sure the computer on which you are installing the agent is supported for the
Parity Agent. See the separate Operating Environment Requirements document for the
full list of supported agent platforms.
• Decide who will be installing the agent on this system. You can either:
- Use an existing software deployment mechanism. Although new agent
installations are normally done in non-interactive mode, you can optionally create
an interactive end-user installation experience. If you use a third-party distribution
system to install Parity Agents, follow all recommended procedures. For
Windows installations, disable any possible MSI or MSP transformations inside
your distribution system (such as SCCM).
- Have a system administrator or other qualified employee install the agent software
manually on each user’s computer.
- Permit users to install the agent software themselves. Send e-mail to users
associated with each policy and inform them to browse to the agent download
URL or another shared location, download the specific installer file for their
policy, and run the installation on their computers. No interaction is needed – the
installation runs without prompts and then the agent begins to initialize files.
• The Parity Agent installer must be run by a user with the appropriate administrative
rights. On Windows, this can be either by Local System or by a user account that has
administrative rights and a loadable user profile. On Mac, the user must be able to use
• Be sure to download the correct installation package for your policy and platform; see
“Downloading Agent Installers” on page 125. If you are using AD-based policy
assignment, a platform-specific Parity Agent installer for any policy that allows
automatic policy assignment may be used.
• Although Parity does not allow creation of policy names with generally known invalid
characters, examine the policy name to see whether it contains characters that might
require special handling (such as escaping in a command line) on your specific

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Using Parity

Installing the Agent on a Windows Computer

As an MSI package, the Parity Agent Windows installer can be customized as you choose,
including modification of the installation directory. Please refer to the Microsoft MSI
documentation for information about configuration options. The installer for Windows is
named in the following way, varying by policy:
• policyname.msi
Parity Agent also makes use of MSP files for more efficient upgrade installations. See
“Upgrading Parity Agents” on page 130.

• The use of Windows Installer Transform files (.mst) is not
supported with the Parity Agent installer on Windows clients.
• Parity Agent 7.0.1 cannot be installed on systems running
Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server versions prior to SP1, or
Windows XP versions prior to SP2.

To install a new Parity Agent on a Windows computer:

1. On the client computer, run the Windows Parity Agent installer you have selected.
You can use any of the standard means for installing from MSI files, with the
following key considerations:
a. The default Parity Agent application directory is C:\Program Files\Bit9\Parity
Agent for 32-bit systems and C:\Program Files (X86)\Bit9\Parity Agent for 64-
bit systems. To change the installation directory, perform the installation from the
command line using the appropriate MSI command-line options.
b. If you plan to accept the default application directory, you can use any MSI
installation method, including simply double-clicking on the MSI filename.
2. During Windows agent installation, Parity displays a message box that closes
automatically when installation is complete. This box includes a Cancel button so you
can end the installation before it completes, if necessary.
3. If you run anti-virus software, exclude the Parity installation directory from anti-virus
scanning. For enhanced security, Bit9 self-protects the Parity application directory. To
avoid performance problems, use the mechanism provided by your AV software
vendor to specify that the following files and directories are not scanned or blocked:
- the Parity process (Parity.exe)
- the Parity program directory (by default, Program Files\Bit9 on 32-bit systems
and Program Files (x86)\Bit9 on 64-bit systems)
- the Parity data directory (by default, ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent on Vista,
Windows 7 and Windows 2008 systems and \Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Bit9\Parity Agent on other supported systems)
4. Personal firewalls such as Zone Alarm may recognize the Parity agent as a new
application and block access to the network. Instruct users running Parity Agent to
permanently allow it access.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Changing the major or minor version of Windows after installing the
agent is not supported, and doing so will produce health check failures
and in some cases failure of the Windows upgrade. If you need to
upgrade Windows or you see a health check failure that reports a
mismatch between the agent and the build platform, contact Bit9
Technical Support for remediation recommendations. Service pack
upgrades are fully supported and do not cause health check failures.

Installing the Agent on a Mac Computer

For Mac computers, you install Parity Agent by using the appropriate installer BSX file.
Installers for Mac are named as follows, varying by policy: policyname-mac.bsx

Parity supports installation of agents only on systems listed in the
Operating Environment Requirements document for this release.

Download the correct agent installation package for your operating system and policy, as
described in “Downloading Agent Installers” on page 125. If you are using AD-based
policy assignment, an agent installer for any policy that allows automatic policy
assignment may be used. The same downloaded script can be used on multiple endpoints,
and can also be distributed to endpoints via SSH or distribution mechanisms like Casper.

To install a new Parity Agent on a Mac computer:

1. Open a Terminal window and change directory to the location where the installer was
downloaded (by default, the user-specific Download directory)..
cd ~/Downloads
2. Enter the following command to install the agent:
sudo bash policyname-mac.bsx
where policyname corresponds to the name of the security policy for the agent. For
example, for a policy called developers, the installer would be developers-mac.bsx. If
the policyname contains characters not accepted in command arguments, such as
spaces or parentheses, be sure to escape these characters with a backslash.

3. If you run anti-virus software, exclude the Parity installation directory from anti-virus
scanning. For enhanced security, Bit9 self-protects the Parity application directory. To
avoid performance problems, use whatever mechanism is provided by your anti-virus
software vendor to specify that the following directories are not scanned:
- /Applications/Bit9/Daemon/b9daemon – the Parity process
- /Applications/Bit9 – the Parity program directory
- /Library/Application Support/com.bit9.Agent – the Parity data directory
- /System/Library/Extensions/b9kernel.kext – the Parity driver
4. The Mac firewall may recognize Parity as a new application and block access to the
network. Instruct users to permanently allow incoming connections to b9daemon.

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Using Parity

Verifying the Installation

To verify that connected computer is running the agent and visible to the server:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers.
2. Examine the Computers page, which lists all computers running agent software, for
the name or IP address of each system you want to confirm. You also can use the
Search box to find each computer of interest.

3. Note the policy assigned to the computer. If the policy was assigned by Active
Directory, the policy will have dashes at the beginning and end of its name. Also note
the Connected and Policy Status columns to determine whether the machine is

During file initialization for a newly installed agent, the computer is
already protected at the Enforcement Level associated with its policy.

Verifying Installation on the Agent Computer

You also can verify the presence of Parity Agent locally on the agent computer:
• On Mac computers, run Activity Monitor and view All Processes. You should see
b9daemon running.
• On Windows computers, open the Task Manager and click on the Services tab. You
should see Parity running.

Upgrading Parity Agents

Parity Server upgrades also include new versions of the Parity Agent. There are several
ways to upgrade the agent:
• Enable automatic agent upgrades on a per-policy basis, allowing the server to manage
the upgrade process.
• Initiate agent upgrades on one or more specific computers from the Parity Console.
• Manually upgrade agents on the agent machine.
• Use your standard software distribution system to manage upgrades.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Feature Limitations on Pre-7.0.1 Agents

You can continue to run older Parity Agents, as long as they are at the 6.0 version level or
greater, and are fully patched. However, you should upgrade your agents as soon as
possible. Until a 6.x agent is upgraded, certain Parity 7.0.1 features will not be fully
functional or will use transitional functionality, including the following:
• Custom Script Rules will not work on pre-7.0 agents.
• Custom Rules that specify write tracking exceptions to write ignore rules will not
work on pre-7.0 agents.
• The blocked file Notifier on computers running pre-7.0 agents does not include the
Approval Requests feature, which allows users running 7.0 agents to submit a
request for approval of the blocked file.
• File reputation approvals are not immediately effective on pre-7.0 agents. However,
when any 7.0 agent requests access to a file with a reputation-based approval, Parity
Server updates its approval list, and all agents (including pre-7.0) will receive that
approval when their configuration list is updated by the server.
• Publisher reputation approvals are not available for pre-7.0. agents.
• Certain Device Management Features are not available for pre-7.0 agents. For
example, you cannot ban a particular device type on a pre-7.0 agent. Also, detected
devices on pre-7.0 agents appear in the Device Catalog (if unique) but do not appear
on the Devices on Computers list. In addition, while 7.0 agents report any mounted
device to Parity, pre-7.0 agents report only those devices whose detection was
supported in the previous version of Parity, primarily USB devices and iPods (if
filesystem detection is activated on the iPod).
• Catalog-based (Detached Certificate) Publisher Approvals are not available for
files on pre-7.0 agents. As with reputation-based approvals, if a 7.0 agent accesses a
file that is approved via catalog, that approval becomes available to pre-7.0 agents.
Parity Console displays a message when the presence of older agents affects the data
shown or actions possible on a particular page.

Enabling Automatic Agent Upgrades

During the Parity Server upgrade process, the flag that triggers the automatic agent
upgrade process is set to “Disabled”. This allows the server upgrade to be verified prior to
any agent upgrades on client computers. After you have upgraded the server, follow these
steps to enable automatic upgrade of agents on systems connected to the server:
• For each policy whose agents you do not want to upgrade now, make sure the Allow
upgrades box in the Options section of the Add/Edit Policy page is not checked.
• For each policy whose member agents you want to upgrade, check the Allow
upgrades box in the Options section of the Add Policy or Edit Policy page.
• On the System Configuration/Advanced Options tab, check Automatic Agent

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Using Parity

• Before you re-enable system-wide agent upgrades, be sure you
disable upgrades for policies you don’t want upgraded immediately.
• Simultaneous upgrade of a large number of agents may impact system
performance. Contact Bit9 Support for best practices for bulk agent
• When Parity Server is upgraded from one major version to another
(such as v6.0.2 to v7.0.1), ongoing enhancements to “interesting” file
identification make it necessary to rescan the fixed drives on all
Parity-managed computers. These upgrades also require a new
inventory of files in any trusted directories to determine whether there
are previously ignored files that are now considered interesting. This
process involves the same activity as agent initialization, and can
cause considerable input/output activity, which can require between
minutes and many hours, depending upon the number of agents and
the number of files. 
For both Parity-managed upgrades and third-party distribution
methods, Bit9 recommends a gradual upgrade of agents to avoid an
unacceptable impact on network and server performance.

Upgrading Immediately from the Parity Console

In the Parity Console, you can enable automatic agent upgrades to happen as part of
Parity’s regular maintenance of computers, but you can also force upgrade of an agent
through the console. This has the same effect as running the upgrade from the installer (or
for Windows, the upgrade MSP) file. Use of this feature requires the following:
• Automatic Agent Upgrades must be Enabled on the Advanced Options tab of the
System Administration page. The Upgrade Computers choice does not appear on the
menu unless this is enabled.
• The agents(s) must be at least at version 6.0.0 – upgrades from older agents are not
To immediately upgrade one or more agents from the console:
1. On the console, choose Administration > System Configuration and then click on
the Advanced Options tab.
2. On the Advanced Options tab, if the Automatic Agent Upgrades field is Disabled,
click the Edit button, choose Enabled from the Automatic Agent Upgrades menu,
and then click Update to make the change.
3. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

4. Find the computer(s) you want to upgrade and check the checkboxes next to their
names. Check the Upgrade Status to make sure the computers are capable of upgrade
and not already up to date.

5. In the Action menu, select the Upgrade Computers command.

6. In the confirmation dialog, click OK to trigger the upgrade. Watch the description of
the computer in the table to see when the change is completed.

Agents disconnected from Parity Server at the time of a console-based
“immediate” upgrade will be upgraded the next time they are connected.

Manually Upgrading Agents

For disconnected systems or if you are using a software distribution system such as SCCM
or Altiris to distribute upgrades, you will have to distribute Parity Agent installation files
to the endpoints or distribution server.
Installation files for Parity Agent are located on the Parity Server in Program
Files\Bit9\Parity Server\hostpkg on 32-bit systems and Program Files
(x86)\Bit9\Parity Server\hostpkg on 64-bit systems.

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Using Parity

Manually Upgrading Windows Agents

Parity provides different files for upgrading Windows agents depending upon what
version of the agent you currently are running:
• Use ParityHostAgent.msi to upgrade from a pre-7.0 agent. You must also download
configlist.xml from the hostpkg folder to assure agent protection immediately after
• Use Parity7.0MaintenancePack.msp to upgrade from 7.0.0 agents only. (not for
upgrades from other 7.0.1 builds or from any 6.0.x verison).
• ParityAgent7.0.1.msp is for use only when Bit9 Technical Support informs you that
you should install a build-to-build upgrade (“patch”) of the same release; i.e., the
three-part version number is the same (e.g., upgrading from to
This msp should not be used for upgrades if any of the first three parts of the version
number are different (e.g., upgrading from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1).

• Manual upgrades must be run either by Local System or by a user
account that has administrative rights and a loadable user profile.
• Manual upgrades from 6.0.x agents to 7.0.1 agents must use a full
path to the installer in the MSIEXEC command. Upgrades from the
7.0.0 agent will not require the path.

When Parity Server manages upgrades to Parity 7.0.1 agents, agents receive a new list of
rules that control how Parity protects them. For manual agent upgrades and upgrades
using a third-party distribution method, the file containing the new rules, configlist.xml,
must be copied to a location accessible to the agent installer. On the Parity Server, the
configlist.xml file is located in the same hostpkg folder as the agent installer, but it must
be manually copied or referenced with a URL or path in the installer.

To upgrade a Windows agent manually or via third-party mechanisms:

1. Log in to the Parity Console on the computer to which you want to download the
2. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies and click on the download agent
software link at the top of the Policies page
3. Download the Parity agent upgrade installer appropriate for your situation. For
example, to upgrade agents from 6.0.2 to 7.0.0, download ParityHostAgent.msi to
the location from which you want to run or distribute the upgrade. You can do this by
using a URL, UNC path, or any other standard means getting to the file. Note that this
is not one of the installers listed on the Downloads page in the Parity Console.

To use a URL, you can choose Rules > Policies in the console, click on the Download
link at the topof the page, and edit the URL for the download page as follows:
4. Choose the Save option provided by your browser.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

5. Follow the same procedure to download the Parity 7.0.1 rules list configlist.xml to a
location accessible to the agent installer, or make sure the agent installer system has
access to the hostpkg folder on the Parity Server. To use a URL, you would enter the
following on a browser on the computer to which you want to download the file:

Note: If you are using a command line argument to upgrade the agent, you do not
necessarily have to download configlist.xml. You can use the URL above as an
argument in the command line. See Step 7.
6. If you are upgrading a single computer manually, move the configlist.xml file to the
Parity agent data folder, usually C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent, and then run
the ParityHostAgent.msi.
7. If you are preparing to upgrade agents via a third-party distribution system, you can
use that system to distribute the configlist.xml file to the agent folder on all agents, or
you can use command line arguments in MSIEXEC to include the new rules file in the
upgrade installations. A command line for such an upgrade might look like the

msiexec /i <path>\ParityHostAgent.msi B9_CONFIG=
configlist.xml /L*v+ c:\ParityHostAgentUpgrade.log
Note that you can use a URL, a UNC path, or a full local path to specify the location
of configlist.xml in the command. You cannot use a relative path or a file name
without a path.

Manually Upgrading Mac Agents

Once Parity Server has been upgraded, you can download and install an upgraded Parity
Agent on a Mac.
To upgrade a Mac agent manually:
1. In the Parity Console, choose Rules > Policies and click on the download agent
software link at the top of the Policies page.
2. Download the upgrade installer for Mac agents, which is Bit9MacInstall.bsx.
You can do this by using a URL, UNC path, or any other standard means getting to the
file. Note that this is not one of the installers listed on the Downloads page in the
Parity Console.

To use a URL, you can choose Rules > Policies in the console, click on the Download
link at the top of the page, and edit the URL for the download page as follows:
3. Open a Terminal window and change directory to the location where the installer was
downloaded (by default, the user-specific Download directory)..
cd ~/Downloads
4. Enter the following command to install the agent:
sudo bash Bit9MacInstall.bsx

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Using Parity

Agent Upgrade Status

To make the upgrade process easier to manage, the Computers page in Parity Console
provides an Upgrade Status column and also visually differentiates between computers
running up-to-date agents and those running previous versions. On this page, computers
running previous agent versions show an orange dot in the “Connected” column while up-
to-date agents are shown with a blue dot.

In addition, the Upgrade Status column in the Computers table shows a more detailed
description of agent status as each agent goes through the upgrade process. Clients will
transition to an Upgrade Status and Policy Status of “Up to Date” when all their upgrade
processing has been completed. Table 18 shows the possible Upgrade Status values.

An upgraded Parity Agent begins running immediately. It is usually not
necessary to reboot the agent computer, but some Windows XP systems
should be rebooted after upgrade to assure proper ordering of processes.
In these cases, the Upgrade Status is “Reboot Required”.

Table 18: Upgrade Status Messages

Upgrade Description
Not Agent can be upgraded but upgrades are not enabled for the
Requested policy, or they are turned off globally.
Upgrade Agent can be upgraded and is in a policy that allows upgrade.
waiting Waiting to be scheduled by server.
Upgrade Agent has been scheduled for upgrade, or computer has
scheduled downloaded the upgrade package and not run it yet. Note that the
server does not track when the agent upgrade package is
downloaded and run.
Upgrade An agent upgrade for this computer was requested from the Parity
requested Console.
Reboot Agent is waiting for a reboot after upgrade. Only necessary for
required agents on XP systems (and not in all cases).

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Upgrade Description
Upgrade Agent configuration list is not up-to-date and is missing one or
blocked more values required for a successful upgrade. One example of
this is use of an out-of-date port number for communication with
the Bit9 Server. Agent cannot upgrade through the server until the
configuration is up-to-date, but can be upgraded through other
means. In most cases, a connected agent will eventually reach
the required configuration list version without intervention.
Prioritizing the agent for updates (on the Computer Details page
Action menu) expedites configuration list updates. If an agent still
remains in "Upgrade blocked" for an extended period, contact Bit9
Technical Support.
Not Agent cannot be upgraded because the computer is running
supported Windows 2000 or another operating system not supported for 7.0.
Up to date Agent upgrade (or new installation) has been completed.
Agent Agent was on this computer but has been uninstalled.

Uninstalling Parity Agents

Standard un-installation procedures delete all Parity files, including the notifier program
and drivers. Computer users are not permitted to uninstall the while it is running.
To uninstall, you must disable the Parity Agent by placing the computer in a policy that is
in Disabled mode from the Parity Console. If you have not already done so, log in to the
Parity Console and create a policy with its Mode set to Disabled before attempting to
uninstall any agents. If you create a policy for uninstallation purposes (which you could
name “agent disabled policy,” for example), Parity automatically creates an agent installer
for it and adds the installer to the list on the Download Parity Security Software page.

Uninstalling the Agent from a Windows Computer

To uninstall the Parity Agent:
1. From the Parity Console, move the computer into the agent disabled policy.
2. On the client computer, shut down all other applications.
3. On the client computer, run the standard program removal procedure from the
Windows Control Panel:
a. On the Windows Control Panel, choose Add or Remove Programs, or for Vista
or Windows 7 systems, Programs and Features.
b. From the list of programs, select Parity Agent.
c. Click the Remove button or Uninstall button (depending upon your operating
system) and wait for the uninstall to complete.
4. Delete the computer from the Computers page in Parity. This indicates to Parity that
the computer is no longer in service (rather than temporarily disconnected from the
network) and removes its name from the table of active computers.

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Using Parity

Uninstalling Parity from a Mac Computer

1. From the Parity Console, move the computer into the agent disabled policy.
2. In a Terminal or another shell interface, run the following command:
sudo /Applications/Bit9/uninstall.sh
The Parity Agent and its data are removed.

3. Delete the computer from the Computers page in Parity. This indicates to Parity that
the computer is no longer in service rather than temporarily disconnected from the
network) and removes its name from the table of active computers.

Viewing the Table of Computers

On the Computers page, you can view a table of computers and information about them,
including their platform, policies, Enforcement Levels, and whether they are currently
connected to the server. As with most Parity tables, you can add or remove details in the
visible table using the Columns button. You also can use the Search field to narrow down
the computers listed on the page to those you are most interested in. For more information
on customizing your view, see “Parity Tables” in Chapter 2, “Using the Parity Console.”
In addition to the table of Parity-managed computers, the Computers page shows the
following information:
• Computers connected – Shows the number of computers running Parity Agent that
are currently connected to the server.
• Total computers – Shows the total number of computers that are currently members
of Parity policies managed by the server.
• Current CL version – Shows the version number of the latest Configuration List
(CL) available from the server. This can be used to help determine whether the CL for
a particular agent is out of date. Note, however, that some CL versions are agent-
specific, so the fact that the CL version for an agent doesn’t exactly match the CL
version shown here does not automatically mean the agent is out of date.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

To view the table of computers managed by your Parity Server:

1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers page appears:

2. The Search field provides a way to search for computers by name (or partial name) to
reduce the length of the Computers table and help you find the systems you want. You
enter the string you want to match against computer names and then click Go. Click
Clear to restore the list of computers that appeared prior to the search.
3. Saved Views provide another way to limit the Computers table to systems matching
certain characteristics:
- Choose Cloned Computers on the Saved Views menu to see computers that have
been cloned from a template computer. See Chapter 6, “Managing Virtual
Machines,” for details.
- Choose Computers in Local Approval on the Saved Views menu to see
previously locked down computers that have received approval from the server to
install software in Local Approval mode.
- Choose Computers Requiring Upgrade on the Saved Views menu to see
computers running Parity agents that are not up to the current version.
- Choose Connected Computers on the Saved Views menu to see only computers
running Parity agents that are currently connected to the server.
- Choose Disconnected Computers on the Saved Views menu to see computers
running Parity agents that are not currently connected to the server.
- Choose Template Computers on the Saved Views menu to see computers that are
templates for cloned computers. See Chapter 6, “Managing Virtual Machines,” for
- Choose (none) on the Saved Views menu to return to the complete list of
computers managed by Parity.
- Other Saved Views may be available if you or another console user created them.
4. You can click on Show/Hide Filter and/or Show/Hide Columns to open the Filters
and Columns interface, which let you further customize the view you have of the
Computers table.
A description for most of the fields shown in the Computers table is available in Table 20.

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Using Parity

Agent Policy Status

The Computers table includes a column called “Policy Status,” which indicates whether
the agent for each listed computer is up to date with the Parity Server rules that should
apply to it. Note that this field does not appear on the Computer Details page.

During system initialization, the computer is already protected at the
Enforcement Level associated with its security policy.

Table 19 shows the possible values of Policy Status.

Table 19: Policy Status Messages

Policy Status Description
Up to date Agent Enforcement Level, policy, and rules are all up to
Policy out of date Agent is not up to date on changes to its policy.
Approvals out of Agent rules (including file approvals or bans, trusted
date users, publisher rules, updater rules, device rules,
memory rules and registry rules) are out of date.
Enforcement Agent Enforcement Level is out of date.
Level out of date
Out of date Agent is out of date on more than one of these:
Enforcement Level, policy, or rules.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Viewing Complete Details for One Computer

There are several ways to locate a computer and display its details. You can use the Find
Computer portlet on the Home Page to locate the computer and then drill down to its
details. The following procedure describes how you can locate and get details for a
computer though the Computers page.

If the computer for which you request details is a Template Computer, clicking
the View Details button displays a Template Details page, not a Computer
Details page. See Chapter 6, “Managing Virtual Machines,” for more details.

To view the Computer Details page for a computer:

1. In the console menu bar, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers Page appears.
2. In the Computers table, locate the computer for which you want complete details (for
example, using the Computer filters panel).
3. In the table, click either the name of the computer or the View Details button next to
its name. The Computer Details page appears:

4. The General and Policy sections of the Computer Details page appear in all views.
The bottom panel on the page varies depending upon the tab you click:
- Click Parity Agent (the default, shown above) to view version, password, and
other configuration information for the agent on the Computer whose details you
are viewing.

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Using Parity

- Click Connection History to see the status of the agent’s communication with the
Parity Server, including whether it fully initialized and synchronized with the
server (“Synchronized” appears only after initialization is complete).

- Click Policy Override to generate an override code that can be used to

temporarily reassign the agent to a different Enforcement Level.

- Click System Details to get any available information about the CPU, memory,
and operating system of the computer.

- Click AD Details to see any information Active Directory provides about this
computer (only available if you have AD integration activated).

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Table 20: Computer Details (Details page and Computers table)

Field Description
Computer name Network name for the computer.
IP address IP address for the computer. This may be an IPv4 or IPv6
address – if Parity Server is configured for IPv6, Parity Agents will
attempt to connect via IPv6 first.
Identifier MAC address for the computer. (Option in table only)
Connection status Status of computer’s communication with the Parity Server:
• Connected – in communication with the Parity Server.
• Disconnected – not communicating with the Parity Server.
In the Computers table, there also is a circle icon in the
Connection status field that provides a quick indication of
computer connection and agent status:
(Blue) – Connected, up to date
(Light Blue) – Disconnected, up to date
(Solid Orange) – Connected, unsupported (agent out of date
or requires reboot)
(Clear with Gray Border) – Template computer
(Red) – Connected, health check failed; indicates that the
agent needs immediate attention. Collect the Health Check
Events for this computer and contact Bit9 Technical Support.
Health Check Agent health status. The health check includes a series of tests to
see whether the agent is working properly. If the value is Passed,
there are no known health issues with the agent on this computer.
If the value is Failed, there is an issue with at least one aspect of
agent health. In this case, click Health Check Events on the
Computers Details page and contact Bit9 Technical Support.
Note: Health checks run automatically, but if you have just
remediated an agent problem and want to be sure the agent is
running correctly, you can force a health check using the Run
health check command on the Other Actions menu of the
Computer Details page.
Platform The basic operating system platform of this computer. Possible
values are Windows and Mac. The System Details tab of the
Computer Details page shows additional detail.
Days Offline If a computer is disconnected, adding this column to the
Computers table shows how long it has been disconnected, and
allows filtering by number of days.
Upgrade status Agent upgrade status of this computer. See “Agent Upgrade
Status” on page 136 for status options. On the Computer Details
page, only appears for computers requiring upgrade.
Policy status Status (up-to-date or not, etc.) for the policy protection of this
computer. See “Agent Policy Status” on page 140 for details.
Description Optional information about this computer to be displayed on the
the Computer Details page. When entering or editing this text on
the Computer Details page, click the Update Computer button to

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Using Parity

Field Description
Computer tag Optional text string you can add to computer details to identify
groups of computers that you might want to get reports about or
treat in a particular way. A tag offers an alternative to policies as a
way to identify groups of computers. For example, you might want
to apply a Low (Monitor Unapproved) policy to all computers in
your office but be able to track file activity in more specific reports
for computers in tagged subgroups such as sales or accounting.
Policy Currently assigned policy for the computer.
Policy Mode Parity operation mode in which this policy is operating. The
choices are Visibility, Control, and Disabled.
Connected Assigned Enforcement Level while the computer is in
Enforcement communication with the Parity Server. To change this setting for
this computer and its fellow policy members, edit the policy. If the
Enforcement Level is not up to date with changes to the policy on
the server, “(out of date)” will be appended.
Virtualized Indicates whether this computer is a virtual machine (Yes, No).
On the Computer Details page, this is combined with Virtual
Platform into a single field on the System Details tab.
Virtual Platform If this is a virtual machine, the virtualization platform used to
generate it. Current values are blank, VMware, and Unknown. On
the Computer Details page, this is combined with Virtualized into
a single field on the System Details tab.
Save Applies changes made to the Description and Computer tag in
(button) the General panel of the Computer Details page.
Cancel Clears unsaved changes made to the Description and Computer
(button) tag if you click it before you click the Save button. Page reverts to
the settings in effect before you began editing.

Table 21: Computer Details page: Tabbed sections

Field Description
Parity Agent tab
CLI Password Code that can be used to enable a command-line diagnostic
utility for the Parity Agent installed on this computer. Reserved for
use by Bit9 Technical Support representatives.
CL version Configuration List version number used to determine computer
synchronization with server rules. If not the latest, “(out of date)”
appears with the number. You can compare the CL version for a
particular computer with the current CL version for Parity Server,
which appears on the Computers page. Also, the details page for
many Parity rules shows the CL version in which the current
definition of the rule was introduced. For use with Bit9 Support.
Debug Level Shows current debug level for this agent, which indicates the
amount of debugging information collected from it. This can be
changed on the Advanced menu. For use with Bit9 Support.
Parity Agent Version number of the Parity Agent installed on this computer.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Field Description
Enabled Trusted The number of Trusted Directories currently enabled on this
Directories computer. See “Approving by Trusted Directory” on page 198 for
more information.
Tamper Protect Status of agent tamper protection features. Value is either
Enabled or Disabled.
History tab
First Registered Date and time this computer first registered with Parity Server.
Last Polled Date and time this agent last polled the Parity Server for updated
information and provided updated file information to the server.
Agents may poll every 30 seconds, or as seldom as every 10
minutes if the agent is in “sleep” state because the server has no
new information about policy changes, approvals, etc.
Last Register Date Date and time the agent last connected to the Parity Server.
Synchronization Percent of synchronization of file information between this agent
and Parity Server. Appears only after initialization is complete.
Initialization During initialization, shows the % of initialization that is complete.
Shows as “Complete” after initialization reaches 100%.
Server Backlog The number of files received from this computer but not yet fully
processed on the server. Backlogged files appear in the File
Catalog but not in the Files on Computers tab or Find Files page.
Last logged in User(s) logged in when the computer last connected to the Parity
user(s) Server. If AD integration with Parity is enabled, click this field for
more information about the user.
Policy Override tab Allows generation of a code to temporarily change the
Enforcement Level of a disconnected computer. See “Using
Timed Policy Overrides” on page 228.
System Details tab
Computer Model Model of this computer. Also identifies virtual machines.
Processor Model, speed, and number of processors for this computer.
Installed Memory Amount of memory installed on this computer.
Operating System/ Operating system version on this computer.
Operating System In the Computers table:
• Operating System shows the basic OS (e.g., Windows 7)
• Operating System Details includes the full name, the build and
service pack level.
On the Computer Details page, the Operating System field shows
full details.
Virtualized Indicates whether the computer is a virtual machine, and if so, its
platform. Possible values are: No, Yes (VMware), Yes (Unknown)
AD Details tab
Show AD details Clicking this link shows any additional computer details available
through Active Directory. No information is added if AD-Parity
integration is not enabled or the AD server is unavailable.

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Using Parity

Table 22: Computer Details page menus

Menu/Options Description
Related Views
Recent Events Opens the Parity Events page and shows recent events (if any)
for which this computer was the source.
Health Check Opens the Parity Events page and shows health check events for
Events this computer. Use this information for troubleshooting an agent
health check failure with Bit9 Technical Support. If necessary, you
can save the resulting events using the Export to CSV button on
the events page.
Files on this Opens the Find Files page to list all files on this computer.
Actions menu
Change Policy The dropdown menu provides an alternate way to move the
computer into another policy. One of the policies available on this
menu is Local Approval, which you can use to temporarily place
this computer in Local Approval mode.
Click the Go button to apply the change.
If this computer had its policy assigned automatically, Automatic
shows next to the Go button and the menu is not active. You can
un-check the Automatic checkbox to remove automatic
assignment and then choose a policy from the menu.
Prioritize Updates/ Temporarily increases the priority of this computer for receiving
Remove upgrades to the agent and configuration lists from Parity Server. A
Prioritization of disconnected host can be prioritized while disconnected and the
Updates state will be respected when agent comes online next time.
Once a computer has been prioritized, this link changes to
Remove prioritization of updates. You also can click Remove
prioritization... to downgrade a prioritized computer immediately.
Once the agent is up-to-date in all respects, it automatically
returns to normal priority.
Request Agent Request Agent Upgrade schedules this agent for an immediate
Upgrade/Remove upgrade. Appears only if the Parity agent is eligible for upgrade.
Agent Upgrade Remove Agent Upgrade Request removes the upgrade request
Request and so the agent is not forced to upgrade. This appears only if you
have previously scheduled an immediate upgrade request.
These options apply only to policies with automatic agent
upgrades enabled (See “Advanced Configuration Options” on
page 509).

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Menu/Options Description
Add files to Adds the list of files on this computer (as stored in the Parity
Snapshot Server database) to a snapshot of files. You can use a snapshot
to determine how far each of the computers on your Parity Server
network have drifted from a baseline of known files. Files in a
snapshot can have a variety of statuses; if the snapshot contains
banned files, they remain banned. See “Managing Snapshots” on
page 443 for more detail.
There are two options on this menu:
Choose existing snapshot – Adds the list of files on this
computer to the snapshot you choose from a menu.
Create a new snapshot – Allows you to enter the name for a new
snapshot and saves the list of files on this computer to that
Advanced menu
Convert to Converts the current computer to a template in Parity, after which
Template clone computers created from the template’s image (using third-
party virtualization/imaging solutions) can be better managed in
Parity. See Chapter 6, “Managing Virtual Machines,” for more
Set Debug Level Changes the amount of debugging information collected from the
agent on this computer. For use in conjunction with Bit9 Support.
Configure Agent Changes the amount of information included in file dumps from
Dumps the agent on this computer. For use with Bit9 Technical Support.
Reset CLI Manually resets the CLI enable code. Allows you to change the
Password enable code after using it with a Bit9 Support representative, so
that only your own support users have access to it.
Disable/Enable If agent tamper protection is enabled, clicking Disable Tamper
Tamper Protection Protection disables it. If protection is disabled, clicking Enable
Tamper Protection enables it. Disabling tamper protection is not
recommended unless required to solve a particular problem, and
the feature should be re-enabled as soon as possible.
Change local state This menu allows you to locally approve all unapproved files on
the computer. You might choose to do this if you have added a
large number of known-good files to a computer after initialization.

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Using Parity

Menu/Options Description
Perform Cache A cache consistency check ensures that the agent on this
Consistency computer has accurate information about the files actually
Check present. It is necessary only if the agent was not running during a
time when files were written to the computer. If the agent requires
updating due to the consistency check, any differences are also
sent to the server.
Changes in the file cache may affect whether or not a file is
approved. You can choose one of three levels of cache
consistency checking from the menu:
• Quick Verification: Confirms that each file in Parity's cache
exists, verifies that it is still an executable file that should be
tracked, and compares the size of each file on disk to the size
Parity stored in its cache the last time the file was analyzed. If a
file no longer exists, it is removed from the cache. If any of the
other checks fail, the file is re-analyzed.
• Rescan Known Files: Does everything in the Quick
Verification, plus compares the hash of each file on disk to the
same file’s hash in Parity's cache. If the hash does not match,
the file is re-analyzed.
• Full Scan for New Files: Does everything in the previous two
levels, plus rescans the entire disk, looking for files that should
be in Parity's cache, but are not. Analyzes any file found.
In addition to the menu options, there are three checkboxes that
can modify the consistency check:
• Preserve state of changed files: If Parity does not have a
record of a hash in its cache, it will look up the file by name. If
that is found, the file state from this record will be used for the
current file.
• Re-evaluate publishers: Re-examines each file to ensure that
its certificate information is accurate and the certificate has not
expired or been revoked. Also re-evaluates trusted publisher
• Approve new files: Locally approve new files found during a
full scan.
Note: This consistency check is a troubleshooting feature that
you would normally use in consultation with Bit9 Technical
Support. Depending upon the option you choose, a cache
consistency check could be a time-consuming operation.
Other Actions Less frequently needed agent management features, usually for
submenu use in conjunction with Bit9 Technical Support. The options are:
• Reboot computer
• Upload diagnostic files
• Delete diagnostic files on computer
• Make local copy of agent cache
• Rescan installed applications
• Resend all policy rules
• Resynchronize all file information
• Upload Statistics
• Run health check
• Restore database
• Restart service
Important: Consult with Bit9 Technical Support before using any
of these commands to be sure you understand their effects.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

Moving Computers to Another Policy

Moving a computer into a different policy is a convenient way to change its protection
without creating a new policy. From the Computers table, you can select and move
computers into different policies. If you have enabled AD-based policy assignment, you
can move computers from manual to automatic policy assignment, and vice versa.

Changing AD mapping rules does not immediately change the policy for
an affected computer. The change takes place the next time that computer
re-registers with the Parity Server. The section “Assigning Computers to a
Policy” on page 116 lists events that trigger agent computer registration.
In addition to the methods described in this section, you can use the
Change Policy portlet on the Parity Home Page.

To move a computer to another policy:

1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers Page appears.
2. In the Computers table, locate the computer(s) you want to move (using filters or
Saved Views, if helpful) and check the associated checkbox for each computer.

3. Click the Action button to see the Action menu.

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Using Parity

4. On the Action menu, choose the option that shows the move you want to make. In the
confirmation dialog, choose OK to reassign the computer to the selected policy. The
computer moves to the policy you selected, and if you moved it from Automatic, the
policy assignment becomes manual.

You also can change a computer’s policy by clicking on the computer
name in the table and using the Change Policy menu on the Computer
Details page.

Restoring Computers from the Default Policy

The Default policy is for computers that report to the Parity Server but cannot be
associated with any other policy. Ways this can happen include:
• AD mapping is enabled, the default AD mapping rule (the last rule on the list) maps
policies to Default Policy, and an agent does not match any other rule.
• An old installer associated with a deleted policy might be used for the initial Parity
Agent installation on a computer.
• The last agent in a policy disconnects from the Parity Server and then is deleted from
the Computers table on the console; because the policy now has no computers, a
console operator decides to delete it. The agent later reconnects to Parity Server.
In any of these cases, Parity automatically moves the computer into the Default Policy.
Bit9 recommends that you set the Enforcement Level for the Default policy to the
appropriate protection level for your site. If you set the Default Policy to Visibility Mode,
which tracks but does not block file executions, any computers that appear in the Default
Policy should be moved as soon as possible to a policy with the settings and Enforcement
Level protection you want.

• If you do not have any Parity Suite licenses, your only Enforcement
Level choices for the Default policy are Visibility and Disabled.
• Because the Default Policy is reserved by the system, you cannot
delete it.

The procedure for restoring computers from the Default policy is essentially the same as
that for moving computers to another policy, with additional filtering instructions.
To move a computer in the Default policy to another policy:
1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers Page appears.
2. If it is not showing now, choose (none) as the Saved View.

3. Click the Show/Hide Filters link, and on the Add filter menu, choose Policy.
4. In the Policy filter, make sure is is the operator, choose Default Policy from the
rightmost menu, and click the Apply button to apply your filter. All computers in the
Default policy appear.

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

5. From the Computers table, check the checkbox(es) for the computer(s) to be moved.
You can check multiple computers if you want to move them from the Default policy
to the same non-Default policy.
6. On the Action menu, select the policy to which the checked computers are to be
moved. If you are using AD-based policy assignment and you are certain this
computer matches one of your mapping rules, choose Move to Automatic Policy.
7. In the confirmation dialog, click OK to reassign the selected computer to the new
policy. This temporarily disconnects the Parity Server from the agents of any
computers checked and causes them to reconnect. When reconnected, the computers
are associated with the policy you moved them to.

Moving a Computer to Local Approval Mode

When computer users need to install new software and Parity trusted-approval methods
(directory, user/group, publisher and updater) are inappropriate, you can temporarily
change their Enforcement Level to permit software installation by going into Local
Approval mode, which is a special policy in Parity. Executable files introduced to a
computer while it is in Local Approval mode become locally approved on that computer
unless already banned. Files already on the computer before you enabled Local Approval
mode are not locally approved, although there are other methods to approve them.
You enable Local Approval mode for a computer either by checking the box next to its
name on the Computers page and choosing Move to Local Approval on the Action menu,
or by choosing Local Approval on the Change Policy menu on the Computer Details
page. See “Moving Computers to Local Approval Mode” on page 224 for complete

Adding Computers
Computers are added to the Computers table when you install the Parity Agent on them
and they contact the Parity Server – there is no special “Add Computer” operation
required. If you are using AD-based policy assignment, a new computer becomes
associated with a policy based on the rules you set for mapping AD data for a computer (or
its users) to Parity policies. Otherwise, the computer becomes a member of the policy
specified in the agent installation package chosen for it.

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Using Parity

Deleting Computers
You can delete computers that are no longer in service from the Parity system. Before you
delete a computer from the Computers table in Parity Console, you first change the
computer’s Enforcement Level to Disabled and then uninstall the Parity Agent. See
“Uninstalling Parity Agents” on page 137 for more detail.
If you do not uninstall the agent before you delete a computer and that computer remains
connected to the same network as your Parity Server, the computer will reappear in the
computer table as soon as it polls the Parity server. If connected to the network, computers
immediately return to the table; if off-line, computers return upon reconnection. Deleted
computers that continue to run the agent return to the their last recorded policy. If you
have deleted the policy applied to the computer by its agent installer, Parity moves the
computer to the Default Policy.

If a computer running Parity agent cannot connect to the Parity Server and
you want to remove its agent, contact Bit9 Technical Support.

To delete a computer from Parity Server:

1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers page appears.
2. Find the computer you want to delete and check the checkbox next to its name.

3. In the Action menu, select the Move command for your agent disabled policy from the
menu (it is shown as “Agent Disabled” below but you can call it anything you want; it
must have an Enforcement Level/Mode of Disabled).

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Chapter 5: Managing Computers

4. In the confirmation dialog, click OK to trigger the policy change. Watch the
description of the computer in the table to see when the change is completed.
5. Once the agent for this computer is in the agent disabled policy and displays an
Enforcement Level of Disabled, delete the Agent software from the computer itself.
6. On the Computers page, locate the name of the computer whose agent you removed
and check the box next to its name.
7. On the Action menu choose Delete Computers.

8. On the confirmation dialog, click OK to complete the deletion.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 6: Managing Virtual Machines

Chapter 6

Managing Virtual Machines

This chapter explains how Parity can efficiently manage virtual machines, called clones in
the Parity Console, and the template computers on which they are based. To manage
virtual machines, you also will need to be familiar with Chapter 5, “Managing

Topic Page
Overview 156
Creating a Template Computer 156
Deploying Clones 160
Making Changes to a Template 162
Deleting a Template 163
Deleting Clones 164
Converting a Template to a Regular Computer 166

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Using Parity

When Parity Agent is installed on a virtual machine, Parity can manage the virtual
machine just as it manages physically distinct computers. You can improve the way that
Parity manages virtual machines if some special steps are taken.
When you provision a computer on a virtualized software platform that includes Parity
Agent and convert that computer to a template using the Parity Console, Parity can
optimize much of the file inventory processing on future clones of this virtual machine.
This shifts the initialization load from the client computer to the Parity Server and
eliminates the network traffic normally associated with it. In addition, Parity maintains an
association between the template and its clones so that you can easily discover which
computers are based on a particular template and manage them accordingly.

• While this chapter primarily describes how you manage virtual
machines as clones, the procedures are applicable to re-imaging of
physical computers (such as "ghosting") in which the clones are
actually physical machines with a common disk image from a
• If you worked with Bit9 Technical Support to implement a custom
solution to manage templates and clones in pre-7.0 Parity releases,
that solution will still work in Parity 7.0.1 but is not integrated with
the new, standard template management features.

The following key terms are used throughout the chapter and in the Parity user interface to
describe the components of virtual and ghosted machine management:
• Template Computer - A computer that is pre-installed with required software,
including Parity Agent, and will be used to clone one or more computers through
VMware or some other mechanism (e.g. “ghosting” of the hard drives of multiple
computers from a common image). Before a computer can become a template
computer in Parity, it must be taken offline.
• Cloned Computer - A computer that originated as a clone of a template computer. It
will register to Parity Server as a new computer, but keep the connection to its parent
• Parent Template - Each cloned computer points to its parent Template Computer.
This mapping persists until either the clone or the template is deleted.
The login account used to log in to the Parity Console must have Manage Computers
permission to be able to manage templates and clones.

Creating a Template Computer

Parity does not provide the software (such as VMware View) for creating virtual machines
or managing cloned disk images for physical machines, nor does this chapter provide
instructions for using those systems. A prerequisite of using the features described here is
that you have, and know how to use, a product that creates clones from a master image.

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Chapter 6: Managing Virtual Machines

Parity can manage the clones produced by those systems, but is not integrated with the the
systems themselves.
Parity requires the following for a template computer:
• it must have Parity Agent 7.0.0 or greater installed
• it must not be the home of any Trusted Directories used by Parity
• it must be fully initialized
• it must still have Parity Agent installed
• it can be either a physical computer or a virtual machine
• it must be shut down and show as offline in Parity before becoming a Parity template,
and should remain offline afterward
To create a template computer for Parity:
1. On the computer you plan to use as a template, install the platform, application, and
other files you want in the template image.
2. Install (or upgrade to) Parity Agent 7.0.1 or greater on the computer.
3. After Parity Agent installation, make sure the computer is connected to the Parity
Server and let it fully initialize. You can monitor initialization progress by choosing
Assets > Computers on the Parity Console menu and clicking on the View Details
(pencil and file) button next to the name of the computer. Initialization progress is on
the Connection History tab of the Computer Details page.

4. When initialization shows as Complete, also make sure that Synchronization is at

100%. Files added to the template computer after the Parity Agent is installed will be
included in synchronization, not initialization.
5. When both initialization and synchronization are completed, shut down the computer.
6. Go to the Computer Details page for the computer, and click Convert to Template on
the Advanced menu. The Computer Details page changes to a Template Details page.
7. By default, the Template Name is the name of the computer from which the template
was created, but you can change it, add a description, and change the cleanup
parameters on the Template Settings tab (see “Deleting Clones” for details).
8. When you are satisfied with the configuration on the Template Details page, click
Save. The computer now appears in the Computers table as a template.
Note: Except for specific tasks described later in this chapter, you should not bring a
computer back online after it is converted to a template. If you bring a template
computer back online, it will appear as a clone of itself.
9. Create clones from the computer using your virtualization software. They will appear
as new computers in Parity Console.

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Using Parity

Viewing Templates in the Computers Table

On the Computers page, you can view a table of computers and information about them,
including their policies, Enforcement Levels, and whether they are currently connected to
the server. By default, the full Computers table includes a Connected column, which
indicates template computers by a white circle with a gray border . You also can add a
Template column to the Computers table using the Show/Hide Columns button. This
column will show Yes for templates and No for computers that are not templates.
If all you want to see is template computers, you can use the Template Computers Saved
To view the template computers in the table of computers:
1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers page appears.
2. Choose Template Computers on the Saved Views menu to see computers that are
templates for cloned computers.

3. The Saved View uses the filter checkbox Template/Yes. Instead of (or in addition to)
the Saved View, you can click on Show/Hide Filter to further customize the view you
have of the Computers table.

Viewing and Editing Template Details

As with non-template computers, there are several ways to locate a template computer and
display its details. You can use the Find Computer portlet on the Home Page to locate the
template computer and then drill down to its details. The following procedure describes
how you can locate and get details for a template computer through the Computers page.

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Chapter 6: Managing Virtual Machines

To view the Template Details page for one computer:

1. In the console menu bar, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers Page appears.
2. In the Computers table, locate the template computer for which you want complete
details (for example, searching by name, using the Template Computers Saved View,
or using the Computer filters panel).
3. In the table, click either the name of the template computer or the View Details button
next to its name. The Template Details page appears.

Much of the information is the same as for the Computer Details page, as shown in
Table 20, “Computer Details (Details page and Computers table)” on page 143, but
there are important differences, as shown in Table 23.

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Using Parity

Table 23: Differences between Template Details and Computer Details

Field/Menu/Tab Description in Template Details Page

Template Name Replaces Computer Name on the details page. By default this
is the name of the computer from which the template was
made. Must be unique.
IP Address Not present on the Template Details page (has no meaning for
a computer that is required to be offline).
Connection Status Not present on the Template Details page (has no meaning for
a computer that is required to be offline).
Health Check On the Template Details page, this is the last Health Check
done before the computer became a template.
Policy Override tab Not present on the Template Details page.
Template Settings Details about the template. It includes the following:
tab • Date Created – When the template was created in Parity.
• Original Computer Name – The name of the computer
when it was converted to a template.
• Original IP Address – The IP address of the computer when
it was converted to template.
• Clone Count – The current number of clones from this
• Clone Cleanup – How clones for this template should be
deleted when offline. See “Deleting Clones” on page 164.
Related Views Includes Show All Cloned Computers, which shows all clones
menu for this template that have been connected to Parity and not yet
Health Check Events takes you to the list of Health Check
events for this computer before it became a template.
Actions menu The single item on this menu changes depending upon
Delete Offline Clones - Appears if the template has clones in
Parity. Deletes all clones of this template that are currently
Convert to Computer - Appears if the template has no clones
managed by Parity. In this case, you can convert the template
computer back to a regular computer and reconnect it to Parity,
if needed. This is primary intended to undo a template
conversion you did not intended to do.
Advanced menu Not present on the Template Details page.

Deploying Clones
Once you have registered a computer as a template in Parity, any clones of that template
are automatically recognized by Parity. Because they are clones, initialization of their files
will occur much faster than it would for non-clone computers.
Any manual or automatic methods of reverting the clones to their snapshot images will
result in new clones being added to the Parity Computers list, still associated with the

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Chapter 6: Managing Virtual Machines

same template. The “old” clones go offline as far as Parity is concerned, and they can be
cleaned up by whatever method you choose (see “Deleting Clones” on page 164).

Viewing Clones in the Computers Table

On the Computers page, you can view a table of computers and information about them,
including their policies, Enforcement Levels, and whether they are currently connected to
the server. You also can add a Parent Template column to the Computers table using the
Show/Hide Columns button. Any computer that has a value in this column is a clone.
Computers that are not clones show nothing in this column.
If you only want to see clones, you can use the Cloned Computers Saved View on the
Computers page to see all cloned computers known to Parity. By default, this view is
grouped by Parent Template, so you know what the clones are based upon.

The Saved View for Cloned Computers uses the filter Parent Template is not empty.
Instead of (or in addition to) the Saved View, you can click on Show/Hide Filter further
customize the view you have of the cloned computers.

Finding the Clones for a Template

There are several ways to identify the clones created from a template:
• On the Computers page, you can choose the Cloned Computers Saved View. This
displays clones grouped by their Parent Template.
• On the Template Details page, you can choose Show All Cloned Computers on the
Related Views menu.
• On the Computers page, you can use the Parent Template filter to locate all clones
from a particular template. This is also useful if you are not sure of the exact template
name, since you can enter partial strings to match the name.

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Using Parity

Finding the Template for a Clone

You can find the template for a clone computer in the following ways:
• On the Computers page, you can choose the Cloned Computers Saved View. This
displays clones grouped by their Parent Template.
• On the Computer Details page, the information listed for a clone is almost the same as
the information listed for any other computer. In addition to the standard information,
however, there is a Template Computer field if the computer is a clone.

Server Backlog for Clones

The Connection History tab on the Computer Details page includes a field called Server
Backlog. This is the number of files that have been received from the computer but not yet
fully processed on the server. Files in backlog appear in the File Catalog but not in the
Files on Computers tab or Find Files page.
This is particularly significant for clones. When a clone is discovered by Parity, the file
inventory from its parent template is copied into that computer's backlog. In this case, the
Server Backlog field will show a large increase in the number of files. The file inventory
of the cloned machine will not be available until this backlog is cleared.

Making Changes to a Template

You might need to modify an existing template for all users, for example, to install new
operating system updates. Another possibility is that you might need to keep the original
template image but create a new template that is slightly modified to be appropriate for a
different purpose or a different group of users.
To modify an existing template, you will have to bring the template computer back online.
When it is online, it will be treated as a new clone computer of the original template. You
can install updates and make any other needed modifications on the computer while it is
considered a clone. When you are finished, you can convert the “clone” into a template.
New templates made from an existing template computer automatically inherit the clone
cleanup parameters from the original template.
Clones of original template are not automatically deleted – they are still valid as long as
they remain online. You can use your virtualization/imaging infrastructure to manage
these clones as you see fit.
What you do with the old template depends upon why you updated it and whether there
are still online clones associated with it. If the new template was truly an update and the

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Chapter 6: Managing Virtual Machines

old version is obsolete, you could delete the old template, preferably after any of its clones
are offline. See “Deleting a Template” for more information.
If the new template was a variation, and not necessarily a replacement of the old template,
you might want to keep both templates in Parity.

To update a template computer:

1. Bring the template computer back online. It will appear in Parity as a clone of its
original template.
2. On the “clone” computer, make whatever file additions, deletions and modifications
you want for the updated template.
3. Using your virtualization or imaging software, update the image for this computer or
create a new one.
4. Wait for the file inventory of the clone to be fully sync hronized. You can monitor
synchronization progress by choosing Assets > Computers on the Parity Console
menu and clicking on the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the name of the
computer. Synchronization progress is on the Connection History tab of the
Computer Details page.

5. When Synchronization is 100%, shut down the computer or remove it from the
6. Go to the Computer Details page for the clone computer you just updated (not the
original template), and click Convert to Template on the Advanced menu. The
Computer Details page changes to a Template Details page.
7. The default name of the updated template is the old template name with a number
appended to it to indicate how many times it has been updated. For example, if the
original template was MYCORP\WIN7-64-IT, the edited template would be
MYCORP\WIN7-64-IT (1), the next edited version would be MYCORP\WIN7-64-IT
(2), and so on. You can change the name if necessary.
8. Create clones from the new template computer using your virtualization software.

Deleting a Template
You can delete a template at any time. If you delete a template that has clones, those
clones become freestanding computers; that is, they lose their association with the
template. Even if you restore the template computer at a later time with the same name, the
clones do not reconnect with it.

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Using Parity

To delete a template computer from Parity:

1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers.
2. Locate the template computer using the Template Computers view or some other
3. In the Computers table, check the box next to the template computer, choose Delete
Computers from the Action menu, and confirm the deletion.

If a template has no clones, you also can convert it to a regular (non-
template) computer and manage it with Parity. See “Converting a
Template to a Regular Computer” on page 166.

Deleting Clones
If you create and retire virtual machines on demand in a Parity environment, you will want
to make sure that old clones no longer in use don’t remain on the Computers page. For
example, you might have virtual machines automatically revert to their snapshot on a
timed basis or every login, or you might frequently update the template image for your
clones. Parity offers several ways of cleaning up old clones.
• Manual cleanup – If you choose, you can leave all cleanup to manual methods,
periodically deleting offline clones through the Template Details page.
• Automatic cleanup for all clones – You can configure a cleanup rule that deletes
offline clone computers on a schedule. You can delete all offline clone computers or
only those matching a particular filter. For example, you could delete all computers
that are running on Virtualized environment and are offline for more than 5 days.
• Automatic cleanup per template – You can configure different cleanup rules for
different templates.
As with regular, non-clone computers, the file inventory for a deleted clone is deleted 24
hours after the clone is deleted.

Manual Cleanup of Clones

There are two primary methods of manual clone cleanup:
• You can locate a particular clone through the Cloned Computers Saved View and
delete it as you would any other computer.
• You can go the the Template Details page for a template and use the Delete Offline
Clones command in the Action menu.

Automatic Cleanup for All Clones

The Advanced tab of the System Configuration page includes settings that remove offline
computers from Parity. You can either choose to remove any computer from Parity after it
is offline for a certain period of time or you can set filters that selectively remove

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Chapter 6: Managing Virtual Machines

If you leave the Clone Cleanup configuration for templates on Manual, you can use the
filtered global cleanup methods to remove offline clones. If you set an automatic cleanup
method for one or more templates and set one of the global removal methods, offline
clones will be removed whenever they meet either rule.

To create a global cleanup rule for offline clones:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Advanced Options tab. The Advanced Options configuration page appears.

3. Click the Edit button.

4. In the Old Computer Cleanup panel, configure Computers Matching Filter to delete
clone computers after an amount of time you specify:
a. Check the box to the right of Computers Matching Filter.
b. Enter the number of days offline after which you want the computers deleted from
the Parity computer list.
c. On the Add Filter menu, choose an appropriate filter. For example, choose Parent
Template and in the menu that appears next to Parent Template, choose is not
empty. This assures that any computer with a Parity Template will be deleted.
You also can choose Virtualized and check the Yes box to cleanup all virtual
machines (whether or not they are clones) but not anye clones created by other
means. Or, you can choose Virtual Plaform and enter VMware in the field to
cleanup VMware computers.

5. To save the changes, click the Update button and click Yes on the confirmation

Automatic Clone Cleanup for One Template

Each template has its own clone cleanup setting. You can choose manual cleanup or one of
two automatic settings. If you also set a global clone cleanup rule on the System
Configuration pages, templates are also subject to that rule.

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Using Parity

To configure automatic clone cleanup for a specific template:

1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers.
2. Locate the template computer you want to configure for clone deletion and click its
View Details button to open the Template Details page.
3. Click on the Template Settings tab. It shows when the template was created, the
computers original name and IP Address, and how may clones from the template have
been seen by Parity. It also includes a menu on which you can choose how to cleanup
clone computers for this template.
4. On the Clone Cleanup menu, you can choose one of the following:
- Manual - No automatic cleanup. Clones of this template must be deleted
manually, or by the global cleanup rule defined on the System Configuration
Advanced tab.
- Automatic, based on time - Clones of this computer are deleted if offline for a
period of time you set in a field that appears when you make this choice. If there
are two different times defined for the template and for global cleanup, the first
deadline to be reached triggers the cleanup.
- Automatic, based on name - Clones of this computer that are newly registered
with the Parity Server automatically delete any offline clones with the same name.
Online clones are not affected. This method is safe to use unless you want to retain
old reverted computer data for analysis. This will not cleanup offline clones if new
clones always get a new name.
5. When you have completed any changes you want to make to the Template Details
page, click Save.

Converting a Template to a Regular Computer

You can convert a template back to a regular computer. This features is primarily intended
as a remedy in case you accidently convert a computer to a template. However, you can
use it for any reason. If you want to convert a computer that was actually used as a
template in Parity, you should make sure it does not have any clones listed on the
Computers page in Parity before the conversion.
To convert a template computer back to a regular Parity computer:
1. On the Template Details page for this template, click on Show all cloned computers
in the Related Views menu.
2. If there are any clones listed for this computer, delete them from Parity or leave the
template in place as a template (see “Deleting Computers” on page 152). Otherwise
the clones become freestanding computers (i.e., with no connection to a template).
3. When you have made sure that the template has no clones, return to the Template
Details page and click Convert to Computer in the Action menu. The computer
returns to Parity management and the Template Details page is converted to a
Computer Details page.
4. After the conversion is complete, reconnect the computer so that Parity can manage it.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Chapter 7

File and Publisher Information

This chapter describes the location and contents of information available for files
discovered by and managed in Parity, as well as information about the publishers
associated with these files.

Topic Page
Overview 168
File Catalog 169
Files on Computers 171
Showing Individual Files 171
File Groups 173
File Details Page 176
File Instance Details Page 181
Summary of File Views 185
Global File State 187
Local File State 188
Publisher Information 190

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Using Parity

Parity collects many different kinds of information about the “interesting” files it
discovers on your computers. Interesting files are files that are either determined by Parity
to be executable or that match file extensions defined as scripts. You can use this
information simply to be aware of the file activity, or to make decisions about how you
want Parity to control execution and writing of particular files or classes of files.
Many files discovered by Parity have an identified publisher. As with other file
information, the publisher can be useful simply to know where a file came from, or it can
be used to automatically approve or ban files.

Some file and publisher information is provided by the Parity Knowledge
Service. You must have Parity Knowledge Service activated to receive
this information. See “Activating Parity Knowledge Service File
Analysis” on page 523 for more information.
For information about using file and publisher information to approve or
ban files, see Chapter 8, “Approving and Banning Software.”

File information is presented in table form in several locations within Parity, but the
primary starting point is the Files page, which you access by choosing Assets > Files on
the console menu. The Files page has two tabs:
• The File Catalog tab shows the unique files discovered by Parity on your computers.
• The Files on Computers tab shows every instance of every “interesting” file on every
agent-managed computer reporting to your Parity Server (once the agents’ files are
fully processed).
For complete information about one file in a table, you can go to a details page for the file:
• The File Details page shows the global information about one unique file and
provides a link to a list of all instances of that file.
• The File Instance Details page shows information about a specific file instance on a
specific computer.
Publishers for files discovered on agents managed by your Parity Server are shown in the
table on the Publisher rules page, which you access by choosing Rules > Software Rules
and clicking the Publishers tab on the console menu. If you want complete information
about one publisher in the table, you can go to the details page for the publisher.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Viewing File Tables

File Catalog
The File Catalog tab on the Files page shows unique files discovered by Parity on
computers running Parity Agent in your organization. In addition to displaying tables of
files and their details, the File Catalog page includes an Action menu that allows you to
take a variety of file-related actions, including approving, banning and looking up
information about them in Parity Knowledge Service. These actions are described in other
From the File Catalog, you can open a File Details page by clicking on the View Details
(file and pencil) button next to a file name. The column headings available in the File
Catalog correspond in most cases to fields on the File Details page for a single file. See
Table 25, “File Details and File Catalog Page Fields,” on page 177 for a description of this

By default, the File Catalog shows all unique top-level files (files not known to have been
installed by or copied from another file). You can choose a different Saved View of the
catalog or create a view of your own to focus on particular types of files or search for one
file. If you have not already become familiar with modifying views in Parity tables, see
“Parity Tables” on page 49. You also can choose to show all individual unique files instead
of top-level files only. See “Showing Individual Files” on page 171 before choosing this

The File Catalog shows the First Seen Name of a unique file, and the
unique file is identified by its hash. The name used for a file instance on a
particular computer might not appear in the File Catalog even though it
appears in the Files on Computers tab. Use Find Files or the Files on
Computers tab to locate a particular instance by name.

Table 24 shows the Saved Views provided with Parity on the File Catalog tab.

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Using Parity

Table 24: Saved Views on the File Catalog tab

Saved View Description
Applications by Files that are identified as Applications or Packages, and,
Publisher/Company in this view, are grouped by their Publisher (if available) or
Approved Files All executable files approved by a Parity global approval
Banned Files All files explicitly banned by hash. Files banned by name
do not appear in the table on the File Catalog tab. Files
that are banned for some policies but not others do not
appear in the Banned Files table, but can be found in the
File Catalog tab by using the File State filter.
Categorized Files Files that exist on at least one computer and fall into one
of the application categories identifiable by Parity
Knowledge Service (such as Hacking Tools and Instant
Messaging). In this view, the files are grouped by category.
Existing Files Files that exist on at least one Parity-managed computer
on your network.
Installed Programs Files grouped by the installed program with which they are
associated. This view shows the full package or
application name for the installed programs.
Platform Note: Only Windows files are identified as
Installed Programs
Malicious Files Files that exist on at least one computer and have been
identified by Parity Knowledge Service as having a Threat
level of 1-Potential risk, or 2-Malicious.
New Unapproved Unapproved files that appeared on computers after file
Files initialization, that have not been Acknowledged, and that
still exist on at least one computer.
Removed Files Files that no longer exist on any Parity-managed computer
reporting to your Parity Server.
Reputation Files that have been approved because of the trust rating
Approvals of the file or its publisher in Parity Knowledge Service.
Trusted Packages Top-level files, located in a Trusted Directory, that are the
common source or installer files for other files. Click the
View Details button to display the File Details page for the
package itself. Click on the package name for a table of
associated files written by the package. Note that the root
file for each package may also appear in other tabs.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Files on Computers
The Files on Computers tab provides a table of files that are on agent computers or, for
disconnected computers, were on those computers when their agents last communicated
with Parity Server. Files from deleted computers may continue to appear for one day but
will be marked as being from a deleted computer during that time and will no longer
appear after the grace period.
By default, the Files on Computers table shows all top-level files (files not known to have
been installed by or copied from another file) on all computers, plus groups of initialized
files (i.e., files on a computer when the Parity agent was installed). You can choose a
different Saved View of the catalog, however, or create a view of your own to focus on
particular types of files or search for one file. If you are not already familiar with
modifying views in Parity tables, see “Parity Tables” on page 49. You also can show
individual files on computers instead of top-level files only. See “Showing Individual
Files” before choosing this option.
The Files on Computers tab includes the following subset of the Saved Views shown in
Table 24, “Saved Views on the File Catalog tab” on page 170:
• Applications by Publisher/Company
• Banned Files
• Categorized Files
• Installed Programs
• Malicious Files
• Unapproved Files
Table 25 shows the fields that can appear in the File Catalog table, most of which also can
appear in the Files on Computer table. Table 26 shows additional fields that are available
on the Files on Computers tab. Note that not all fields appear by default.

Showing Individual Files

The checkbox labeled Show individual files, in the bottom right of both Files page tabs,
has a major effect on what files are shown.

When not checked (the default), the File page shows only top-level files (files not known
to have been installed by or copied from another file). On the Files on Computers page, it
also shows groups of initialized files for each computer.
When this box is checked, the Files page shows top-level files and files installed by other
files. A complete File Catalog listing of the unique files reported to the Parity Server
might number in the tens of millions. Files on Computers, which is an inventory of files
actually on your computers, can be significantly larger. In rare cases, especially with a
particularly large number of Parity agents and/or an underpowered database server,
attempting to show all individual files can cause Parity Server to time out. In that case,
consider modifying the view. For example, you could turn off Show individual files,
change the Group by choice, or sort by a different column. You also can use a filter to limit
the total number of files shown.

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Using Parity

A possible side-effect of requesting a table with a very large number of files is that the
number of items on all pages of the table, shown in the lower left corner, will show as an
approximation, such as More than 10000 items. This can also occur if a view you request
requires extra processing by the Parity Server, even if the number of results is not
especially large. Clicking Refresh Page after the results are displayed often shows the
exact number.
Keep in mind that you can click on the name of a top-level file in the File Catalog or Files
on Computers page to get a list of the individual files associated with it.
Platform Note: For this release of Parity, only Windows files are grouped by installer, so
checking Show individual files does not change the files shown from non-Windows
computers in the File Catalog. On the Files on Computers tab, however, initialized files
are grouped together, as are files from Mac packages (.pkg files with properly marked
headers), so checking Show individual files does expose many more files in the table.

Initialized Files
File initialization is the inventory of files that begins immediately after installation of
Parity Agent on a computer. The agent takes an inventory of all executable files on the
client computer’s fixed drives and creates a hash of each file. When a computer first
connects to the server, its agent sends each hash to the Parity Server to update the server’s
file inventory. Files on a computer at initialization receive a local state of Approved unless
they already have been identified and globally banned or banned by policy on the Parity
For each agent-managed computer, there is a row with the file name <Initialization files>
in the Files on Computers table when Show individual files is not checked. Clicking on
<Initialization files> opens a table showing all initialized files for one computer. This is a
useful way to determine what was on each system before Parity was installed.

If you disable and then re-enable an agent, a new initialization process begins, and the
<Initialization files> group will change. Other than that, this group should not change
unless there is a problem with the agent. Upgrading the agent does not change the list of
initialized files.
When you click on <Initialization files> on the Files on Computers page, you get a file list
for the computer shown in the table. If you click on one of the files, it will show a list of

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Groups that contain the file but it will not identify the group containing it for the current
computer. This is because since the file predates Parity, it may have been installed or
copied from one of a variety of places.
If you use a filter with Initialized = Yes on the Files on Computers page with the Show
individual box not checked, the table shows rows for <Initialization files> and usually
several other files. The other files are known installers, but are also included under the
<Initialization files> group.

Menus on the File Tables Pages

The File Catalog and Files on Computers tables have an Action menu in the upper left
above the table. Table 27, “Menus on File Tables and Details Pages,” on page 184 shows
the available choices on file page menus. Note that some choices are available only for
certain file states.

File Groups
Platform Note: For this release of Parity, only files on Windows computers are grouped
by installer, so this section does not apply to other platforms.
As files are being installed on a computer, Parity groups them according to its analysis of
what process is installing them. This group name might be unique, or it might be an
installer name common to multiple groups – “setup.exe”, for example.
Once installation is complete, Parity scans the Windows program database to see whether
these files can be associated with a “Programs and Features” entry. If so, files will be
regrouped under the file that is used for modifying or removing corresponding programs.
If no Programs and Features entry is found, installed files will retain the initial group

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Using Parity

Group names are used wherever files are listed in Parity. Examples include:
• On the File Catalog and Files on Computers pages, you can choose the Installed
Programs Saved View to see a list of applications.
• In Baseline Drift Report Results, if you are looking at a Files view, you can group by
Installed Program to see how much drift is attributable to each application.
• If you click on a highlighted file name in the File Catalog, you see a File Group
Details page that lists all of the files associated with the file you clicked on, and
usually showing the application they are part of. This is the aggregate of all unique
files installed by the highlighted file, on all computers running Parity agent.
• If you click on a highlighted file name in the Files on Computers page, you see a File
Group details page listing all files associated with the file instance you clicked on.
• If you click on a <Initialization files> in a row on the Files on Computers page, you
see a list of all files that were present on the computer named in that row at the time
the Parity agent was last initialized (normally, when the agent was installed.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Viewing Details Pages

Parity provides two different details pages for files it manages:
• File Details – For each unique file discovered on computers running Parity agent, you
can open a File Details page, which provides global information about the file and
allows you to modify various global parameters for the file. The File Details page
presents complete information for unique files listed in the File Catalog table.
• File Instance Details – For each instance of a file discovered on a computer running
Parity agent, you can open a File Instance Details page, which provides information
specific to that instance in addition to some of the global information seen on the File
Details page; it also allows you to modify both instance and global attributes of the
file. The File Instance Details page presents complete information for instances of
files listed in the Files on Computers table.
The following sections provide an overview of file details pages, including tables of menu
commands on these pages. More detailed descriptions of activities you can perform on
these pages are provided elsewhere in the Using Parity guide, especially in Chapter 8,
“Approving and Banning Software.”

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Using Parity

File Details Page

The File Details page shows details of the global state of a file in Parity. In any table
showing unique files, such as the File Catalog, you click the View Details (pencil) button
to open the File Details page.

Table 25 shows the information and actions available on the File Details page. Certain
global file attributes are captured only for the “first seen” instances of the file seen by a
Parity Agent. These are labeled as such on the File Details page.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Table 25: File Details and File Catalog Page Fields

Field Description
General panel
First Seen Name File name of the first file observed by Parity to have this hash.
First Seen Date Time the first file with this hash was seen on a network computer,
displayed in the format: MM DD YYYY hh:mm:ss(AM/PM).
Last Updated Last date and time when the metadata for this file was updated.
(Not affected by changes in Parity data, e.g., prevalence or trust).
First Seen Path Path of the first file observed by Parity to have this hash.
First Seen Name of the computer on which the file was first seen. Click on this
Computer name to get the Computer Details page for this computer.
If you later delete the first-seen computer from the system, it is no
longer associated with the file and this field is blank.
First Seen Platform (Windows or Mac) on which this file was first seen by this
Platform Parity Server.
Extension File extension of the first file observed by Parity to have this hash.
Global State Global State is a combination of File State and Publisher State,
and indicates the overall approval state for all systems or by policy.
Files can be globally approved by hash or publisher. The possible
values are Approved, Banned, Unapproved, Approved by Policy,
Banned by Policy, and Mixed. Global State is Mixed when a file is
approved in some policies, but banned in other policies. For
example, a file could be banned by hash in some policies, and
approved by publisher in the remaining policies.
Global State The File State and Publisher State contributing to Global State.
Flags File-state metadata for use by Bit9 support engineers. Your
support representative may ask you to report this information.
Installer/Updater Indicates whether either Parity analysis or a console user has
(in File Details) determined that this file is an installer or updater (i.e., if the file is
approved Parity will locally approve all files that it creates).
Yes – File is to be treated as an installer that will expand to create
(in File Catalog) more files. If this file is approved, files it writes will be locally
No – File will be treated as non-expandable.
Reputation Indicates whether reputation-based approval is enabled for this file
Enabled (Yes or No).
File Prevalence The number of computers on which this file exists.
You can use the Add Alert command on the Actions menu to add
an alert that triggers when the prevalence of a file reaches a
certain level. See “Using Parity Alerts” on page 403 for details.
Analyze (button) Click to get a detailed analysis (if available) of this file from Parity
Knowledge Service. Button appears on the File Details page after
you activate Parity Knowledge Service. For more information, see
“Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis” on page 523.

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Using Parity

Field Description
File Properties panel
Publisher If the file is digitally signed or was included in a digitally signed
package, Parity displays the publisher (software manufacturer) of
the associated application.
Publisher State The approval state of the publisher. Values are Approved,
Approved by Policy, Banned, Banned by Policy, and Unapproved.
Does not appear if the publisher is unknown.
Publisher State (Option in table only) How the publisher state was specified. The
Reason possible values are: Manual, Trusted Directory, Reputation,
Imported, External (API), Unknown.
Company The Company name (if provided) in the file metadata.
Product Name The Product Name (if provided) in the file metadata.
Product Version The Product Version (if provided) in the file metadata.
Description The Description (if provided) in the file metadata.
File Type One of the following:
Application – Any executable (e.g., .exe or .com) except for
Supporting File – Any library loaded by an executable (e.g., .dll,
.ocx, .sys)
Package – Any installer (.exe with contents, such as a self-
extracting zip or setup program)
Script File – Any script or batch file (e.g., .bat, .vbs, .wsf)
Other – Reserved for future types
Unrecognized Executed File – A file that was not identified as an
executable by Parity during initialization or later analysis, but that
some process attempted to execute. The execution attempt adds
the file to Parity’s file lists for tracking and management.
Unknown – Files reported by older Parity Agents that don’t
provide file type information
SHA-256 Hash (data signature) of the file created using Bit9’s proprietary
SHA-256 algorithm. SHA-256 is used internally as the preferred
hash for files tracked by Parity.
SHA-256 hashes created by the Bit9 algorithm may be identical to
those created by other means. However, some files change their
hash every time they are installed because they include date,
location, or other context-specific information not relevant for
tracking purposes. For files known to do this, Parity uses a special
fuzzy hashing algorithm that eliminates this extraneous variation,
and so shows every instance of such files on computers running
Parity Agents to be identical. When this algorithm has been used,
the hash is identified as "SHA-256 (Normalized)".
You can search for files by hash using filters on the Files page or
the Find Files page. All File Instances in the Related Views menu
provides a way to do this directly from the File Details page.
MD5 MD5 is a widely used hashing algorithm. Bit9 provides this
alternate hash in case you or the system needs to identify the file
against a list of published MD5 hashes.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Field Description
Parity Knowledge Information panel
SHA-1 SHA-1 is another widely used hashing algorithm. Bit9 provides this
alternate hash in case you or the system needs to identify the file
against a list of published SHA-1 hashes.
Trust Indicates the level of trust for the file based on Parity Knowledge
Service information such as file source and certificates. The trust
rating is showing on a scale of 0 (none) to 10 (most trusted), along
with a graphic meter reflecting this rating. Trust for a file also might
be unknown, in which case the Trust field is blank in the column for
that file and shows “(unknown)” in its details page.
The value of this field is a subjective assessment of the file’s
integrity. As an indication of whether the file appears to be safe
based on information derived from Parity Knowledge Service
analysis, the trust value does not signify actual approval on the
Parity server. However, you can use Reputation Rules to
automatically approve files based on their trust rating or the trust
rating of their publisher.
Threat level If you have configured Parity Knowledge Service analysis, Parity
automatically submits discovered files for threat analysis. Parity
Knowledge Service flags known malware with a red x icon. No flag
indicates that the file was not recognized as malware, not
necessarily that it is safe. Threat levels include:
0 - Clean
1 - Potentially malicious
2 - Malicious
Unknown - Not identified
Category If you have configured Parity Knowledge Service, this shows the
category this file is in (e.g., Entertainment, Hacking Tools, Instant
Messaging, Media Players). Category may be unknown, and is not
displayed on the details page in this case.
Policy Specific Indicates ways in which the file is treated differently in particular
States policies. For example, if the file is under a policy-specific hash ban
or approval, the policy name is shown here. Does not appear if
there is no policy specific treatment of the file.
Group Information panel
<group name> If a file is the root of a group, this indicates the group name (usually
the file name) and how many files are in the group. Note that tools
such as browsers may appear as the root of a group because they
download files. These files may appear as group members even
though they are unrelated to the tool in any other way.
Groups that contain this file panel
<group names> If a file is associated with a group, this panel indicates the group(s)
with which this file is associated and the root file(s), if known, of the
group(s). Some files may be installable by multiple root files (or be
copies of another file), and so they will show multiple groups here.
Each group shown includes a Find all files contained in this group
link that opens the File Group Details page to show the results.

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Using Parity

Field Description
History panel
<dates and times> Indicates whether the file was identified on the first-seen computer
during initialization or detected after initialization.
Also indicates any approvals or bans applied to the file.
Files detected after initialization are tracked as unapproved files
until approved or banned, and may be viewed in the New
Unapproved view on the Files page File Catalog tab.
Fields in File Catalog table only
Acknowledged Indicates whether a console user acknowledged this file (Yes or
No). You can acknowledge a file using the Action menu on the File
Catalog tab. This can help distinguish files you already know about
from new arrivals. Acknowledging a file removes it from the New
Unapproved Files view but does not change its state.
Approved by Indicates whether the file was approved by either its own or its
Reputation publisher’s reputation. (Yes or No).
CL Version For individual files, the configuration list number in which the
current global state for this file was defined. Agents at or beyond
this CL Version have the correct global state for the file.
File Size Shows the size in bytes of each file.
File State The approval/ban state of the file hash (Unapproved, Approved,
Banned, Approved by Policy or Banned by Policy). The effective
“Global State” of a file combines File State and Publisher State.
You can change File State using the Action menu on any of the
tables on the Files page or any of the details pages for files. On
details pages, you can edit an existing approval or ban.
File State Reason For Approved or Banned file hashes, how its state was specified.
The possible values are: Manual, Trusted Directory, Reputation,
Imported, External (API), Unknown.
Initialized Indicates whether this file was present during agent initialization
(Yes or No).
Installed Program The full package or application name of the installed program (if
any) with which this file is associated.
Platform Note: Only Windows files are identified as Installed
Marked as Indicates whether a file not identified by Parity as an installer has
Installer been marked as in installer by a console user.
Yes – File was marked as an installer by a user.
No – File was not marked as an installer by a user (although it
might have been identified by Parity as an installer).
Publisher or The publisher (if available) or company (if available and there is no
Company publisher information) for the file.
Trusted Package Indicates whether this file is part of a trusted package. (Yes or No).
A trusted package is a common source or installer located in a
Trusted Directory.
Platform Note: Only Windows files can be in a trusted package.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

File Instance Details Page

The File Instance Details page shows information about a file instance on a computer plus
some of the global file information you see on the File Details page. In any table showing
file instances – for example, the Files on Computers page or Find File Results – you click
the View Details (pencil) button to open the File Instance Details page.

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Using Parity

Many File Instance Details fields are identical to those on the File Details page (Table 25)
and you can take many of the same actions from the File Instance Details page. Table 26
shows the additional fields available on the File Instance Details page and Files on
Computers table. On the details page, these appear in the top panel, which is labeled
Details for file on computer: <computername>.

Table 26: Additional Fields: File Instance Details and Files on Computers
Field Description
Details for file on computer panel
File Name File name of this instance.
Date Created Exact time this instance was created in its current location,
displayed in the following format:
MM DD YYYY hh:mm:ss(AM/PM).
File Path Path of the this file instance.
Computer Name of the computer this instance is on.
Platform Platform (Windows, Mac) of the system the instance is on.
User Name Name of the user logged in when this file was created.
Local State The local state of the file instance (Unapproved, Approved,
Banned, Deleted).
If the local state is Unapproved, you can choose Approve
Locally on the Actions menu. If it is Approved, you can Remove
Local Approval. If it is Banned, you cannot change it.
Local State File-state metadata for use by Bit9 support engineers. If
Details necessary, your support representative may ask you to report this
information. See Table 32 for details.
Detached If this file did not have its own certificate but was indirectly signed
Publisher via a “detached certificate,” this field appears and shows the
name of the publisher. Some publishers distribute updates as
collections of unsigned files with a catalog that contains hashes of
all indirectly signed files and is itself signed. Parity can use these
catalogs to verify publishers and allow publisher-based approval
of files signed in this way.
Detached (If there is a detached publisher) These options are the same as
Publisher State for Publisher State: Approved, Approved by Policy, Banned,
Banned by Policy, Unapproved.
Executed Indicates whether this file instance has been executed or not.
Present at Indicates whether this file instance was among the files present
Initialization on the computer when Parity Agent was installed, or whether it
appeared after installation.
Top-Level File Indicates whether the file is a top-level file; that is, one that was
not installed by or copied from another file.
Platform Note: On Windows systems, files that were discovered
during initialization can be later assigned top-level status if they
are discovered to be installers.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Field Description
Deleted Indicates whether this file instance has been deleted from the
computer it was on. This is a temporary state immediately after
file deletion and before it is removed from the Parity database.
Root File Name File that wrote the current file. If this is a top-level file, there is no
root file and the name is (none).
Fields in Files on Computer table only
Computer Tag For the computer on which the file appears, displays the optional
Computer Tag if provided.
IP Address The IP address of the computer on which the file appears.
Operating The operating system of the computer on which the file appears.
Policy The Parity policy of the computer on which the file appears.

Menus on the Files Pages

Menus on the File Details Page
The File Details page includes three menus to the right of the file information: a Related
Views menu, an Actions menu, and an Advanced menu. The File Catalog and Files on
Computers tabs have an Action menu in the upper left above the table. Table 27, “Menus
on File Tables and Details Pages,”, shows the available choices on file page menus. Note
that some choices are available only for certain file states.

Menus on the File Instance Details Page

The File Instance Details page includes three menus to the right of the file information: a
Related Views menu, an Actions menu, and an Advanced menu. It is similar to the File
Details page menu, except that includes options for local approval. Table 27, “Menus on
File Tables and Details Pages,”, shows the available choices on file page menus.

• Some menu choices are available only for certain file states.
• Many of these commands are also available on the Events page
Action menu when the view includes file-related events.

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Using Parity

Table 27: Menus on File Tables and Details Pages

Menu Choice File Files on File File Instance
Catalog Computers Details Details
Related Views menu
All File Instances X X
Actions menu
Approve Locally X X X
Remove Local Approval X X
Approve Globally X X X X
Ban Globally X X X X
Approve by Policy X X X X
Ban by Policy X X X X
Edit Global Approval/ X X
Edit Global Ban
Remove Approval or Ban X X X X
Acknowledge X
Analyze X X X X
Add/Edit Meter X X
Add/Edit Alert X X
Advanced menu
Enable/Disable Reputation X X
for this File
Mark as Installer/Not Installer X X

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Summary of File Views

The previous sections described the main views of Parity file information in detail. Table
28 summarizes how to “drill down” for access to particular views of this information.

Table 28: File Views and File Details in Parity

To view... ...do this
A table of all unique top-level files Go to Assets > Files, click on the File Catalog
(files not installed by another file) tab, and make sure the Show individual files box
discovered on computers managed is not checked.
by your Parity Server.
Top-level files are files that do not have an
associated installer, or whose installer is
unknown. If a top-level file is an installer, its name
shows as a highlighted link to its associated files.
A table of all unique individual files Click on the File Catalog tab, and check the
discovered on computers managed Show individual files box.
by your Parity Server.
This view shows both files installed by other files
and top-level files. Names of known installers are
Important: There can be millions of unique files
discovered by Parity Server, and this view can
cause performance issues on underpowered
The global file details for one unique Click on the File Catalog tab, and click the View
file. Details button next to the file for which you want
A table of all files on all computers Click on the File Catalog tab, make sure the
managed by your Parity Server that Show individual files box is not checked, then
are associated with (usually click the name of the file for which you want a list
meaning installed by) one top-level of associated files.
This is an aggregate list of associated files, not
based on installations seen on one particular
computer. For example, if installer X was seen
installing files A and B on one computer and
installing files B and C on another computer, all
installed files (A, B and C) would be listed in the
File Group Details page of installer X.
For details on any file in the table, click the View
Details button next to it.
Platform Note: In this release of Parity, only files
on Windows computers are grouped by installer.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 185

Using Parity

To view... ...do this

A table of all top-level file instances Click on the Files on Computers tab, and make
(not installed by another file) on all sure the Show individual files box is not checked.
computers managed by your Parity
Server: Notes
Top-level files are files that do not have an
associated installer, or whose installer is
unknown. If a top-level file is an installer, its name
shows as a highlighted link to its associated files.
This table view also includes an entry named
<Initialization files> for each agent, which is a
grouping of the files found on the computer at the
time the agent was installed.
A table of all file instances found on Click on the Files on Computers tab, and make
one computer at initialization, which sure the Show individual files box is not checked.
occurs either when the agent is Then click on <Initialized files> in the row
initially installed or when a disabled containing the name of the computer you are
agent is re-enabled: interested in.

A table of all individual file instances Click on the Files on Computers tab, and check
on all computers managed by your the Show individual files box.
Parity Server:

This view shows both top-level and “individual”
files that were installed by them on a Parity-
managed computer. Top-level files that have
been analyzed by Parity show as highlighted
Important: Avoid checking this box
unnecessarily, especially if you have a large
number of Parity-managed computers. The total
number of individual files could number in the
tens or hundreds of millions. Attempting to load a
list of this many files can cause the Parity Server
to time out.
The details for one file instance on Click on the Files on Computers tab, and click
one computer. on the View Details button next to the file
instance for which you want details.
Opens the File Instance Details page.
Shows both local state and other information
about this instance and global details for the file.
Top-level files can still appear in Files on
Computers tables after they are no longer
present. Clicking View Details for a removed file
no longer present on a computer will show global
details only.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 186

Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

To view... ...do this

A table of all files on one computer Click on the Files on Computers tab, and click
that are associated with one top- on the name of the highlighted top-level file
level file: instance for which you want a list of associated
Shows the results of a Find Files search for all
files on the named computer in the row that are
associated with the file whose name you clicked
For details on any file in the table, click the View
Details button next to it.

Global File State

Files in the File Catalog tab on the Files page have the following high-level states:
• File State indicates the approval/ban state of the file itself.
• Publisher State is the approval state of the file’s publisher (if known). The only
choices are Approved, Approved by Policy, and Unapproved.
• Global State combines File State and Publisher State to determine how the file is to be
treated on Parity-managed computers. The File State and Global State are the same
except when:
- Publisher State is not Unapproved, and
- File State is not approved or banned in the same policies as the publisher.
Global State cannot be modified directly. Table 29 shows the possible Global States.

Table 29: Global State (for files) in the Parity database

State Description
Approved Allowed to execute on all computers.
Banned Banned by hash, and not allowed to execute on any computer
running in Control mode.
Approved by Allowed to execute on computers in one or more policies.
Banned by Banned by hash from execution on computers in one or more
Policy policies (in Control mode).
Unapproved Not Approved or Banned (globally or by policy). Parity blocks or
permits execution of an unapproved file based on the
Enforcement Level of the Policy of the computer attempting the
Mixed Effective state varies by policy because File State is Banned for
some policies but the Publisher State is Approved for some or
all policies.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 187

Using Parity

Global State is the effective Parity classification of each unique file in the File Catalog. It
is a combination of the File State and the Publisher State for the file. Flags are primarily
for use by Bit9 Technical Support, but can help you determine how a file is being labeled
or handled by Parity.

Table 30: File Flags

Flag Description
Report Only File was identified by a Parity Console user so that attempts to execute
Ban it are reported as if they would have been banned, but it is not blocked
from execution.
Installer File was identified as an installer by Parity. If it is allowed to execute,
executable files written out by it are locally approved.
Platform Note: For Mac computers, only files associated with the
native Mac updater (.pkg files) are currently identified as installers.
Installer File was identified as not being an installer by Parity, but a Parity
(Override) Console user changed it to “installer”. If it is allowed to execute, the
executable files it writes out are locally approved.
Not installer File was identified as an installer by Parity, but a Parity Console account
(Override) user changed its installer status to “Not installer”.

Local File State

Files that are globally Banned or Approved have the same local and global state. Files
with a Global State of Unapproved may have different Local States. A file may be locally
approved by a variety of methods, as long as that file was not globally banned. You can
view local file state on the Files on Computers tab of the Files page.

Table 31: Local State

State Description
Approved This instance of the file is approved for execution. Local approval can
be due to approval by name or hash for all computers in a policy or all
computers controlled by Parity. It also could be due to a global Parity
approval method, a change in Enforcement Level, or an explicit Local
Approval of this single file instance. Locally approved files can have a
global state of Unapproved or Approved, but not Banned.
Banned This instance of the file is banned from execution. A file with a local
state of banned might be banned on all computers in certain policies or
all computers controlled by Parity. Banning a file by name does not
change its local state.
Unapproved This instance of the file has not been approved or banned. Its
execution is blocked or permitted based on the Enforcement Level of
the computer it is on.
Deleted This file instance has been deleted, but its record still exists in the
Parity database.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

Local State Details

Local State is the Parity classification of a particular instance of a file on a particular
computer. This information is primarily for use by Bit9 Technical Support, but you might
find it useful in determining why a file was assigned its top-level Local State.

Table 32: Local (File) State Details

State Description
Approved Approval state on the local computer for files that are globally
approved in the File Catalog.
Approved  Approval state on the local computer for files that were approved by
(Not Persisted) certain pre-Parity-6.0 methods but are not globally approved in the
File Catalog. If you delete a file in this state, new instances would not
necessarily be locally approved.
Approved as Approval state for top-level installers (in Windows) indicating that the
Installer installer and the files it contains have been hashed, analyzed, and
globally approved. When users execute these files, the Parity Agent
allows them to run as globally approved files. This state is uncommon
and unnecessary for local approval of files generated by an installer.
Approved as Approval state for top-level installers. The installer has been globally
Installer approved and when executed, files it generates are locally approved.
(Top Level) Platform Note: For Mac computers, only files associated with the
native Mac updater (.pkg files) are currently identified as installers.
Banned Files with specified hash are not allowed to execute on the
computers specified (all computers or by policy).
Banned Test file state for files that are to be banned by hash. Parity permits
(Report Only) files that are banned but in Report-Only to execute but records a
“would have blocked” message in the event log to show how Parity
would have handled the file if the ban were active.
Locally File is approved to run on the local computer but unapproved
Approved (globally or for the current policy) in the File Catalog. Files can be
locally approved so that they can be installed on one computer
without approving them for any other computer running Parity Agent.
Locally File is approved to run on the local computer because it was written
Approved by a trusted installer or updater. Other than the source of its approval,
(Auto) this is the same as Locally Approved.
Unapproved File appeared after agent initialization and has not been approved.
Depending on Enforcement Level on each computer, Parity either
blocks the file or permits its execution. These files might become
locally approved if a computer transitions from Low (or no)
Enforcement to Medium or High, depending upon policy settings.
Files are assigned Unapproved local state details if the first local
instance was found when the Enforcement Level was Low (Monitor
Unapproved) or None (Visibility Only). See “Automatic Local
Approval on Enforcement Level Change” on page 219 for details.
Unapproved File appeared after agent initialization and has not been approved.
(Persisted) Unapproved (Persisted) files do not become locally approved when a
computer changes from Low or None (Visibility) Enforcement to High
or Medium Enforcement. Files are assigned Unapproved (Persisted)
local state details if the first local instance was found when the
machine was in High or Medium Enforcement Level.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 189

Using Parity

Publisher Information
The Publishers tab on the Software Rules page shows file publishers discovered by Parity
on computers running Parity Agent in your organization. It also shows any publishers that
have been added manually in Parity. This page includes an Action menu that allows you to
approve or ban a publisher, remove approvals or bans, and acknowledge a publisher to
indicate that you have reviewed it already. These actions are described in “Approving or
Banning by Publisher” on page 205.
To view the list of publishers discovered by or added to Parity:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click the Publishers tab. All publishers of signed software installed on Parity-
managed computers reporting to your server, plus any publishers you manually added
using certificates, appear in the Publishers table:

You can view a Publisher Details page for any publisher shown in the Publishers table by
clicking on the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the publisher name. In
addition to details (see Table 33), the Publisher Details page has shortcuts with which you
can Approve or Remove Approval for the publisher. The Related Views menu also
includes a command that shows all files from the publisher as well as commands that show
computers where the approval state for this publisher is up-to-date.
To view complete details for one publisher:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click the Publishers tab. All publishers of signed software installed on Parity-
monitored computers on your network appear in the Publishers table.

3. From the table of publishers, locate the publisher you want to authorize and click on
the View Details button (pencil and file). The Publisher Details page opens.

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Chapter 7: File and Publisher Information

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Using Parity

Table 33: Publisher Details

Field Description
General panel
Publisher Name The name of this publisher as it appears in its certificate.
State Approved, Unapproved, or Banned.
Enable reputation This checkbox appears if you have reputation approvals
approvals... enabled. Enable reputation approvals for this publisher is
checked by default and allows this publisher to be approved
by reputation. Removing the check disables reputation
approvals for this publisher, but if reputation approvals were
already globally enabled, removal only affects files first seen
after the change.
Acknowledged You can Acknowledge a publisher, which indicates that you
have reviewed it. This can help distinguish new publishers
from those you already know about.
Trust This field appears if you have Parity Knowledge Service
enabled. Shows the trust rating for this publisher, which can
be High, Medium, Low, or Not Trusted.
Description Optional additional description of this publisher and its state.
Rule Applies To For publishers that do not have reputation approval enabled,
you can apply the publisher state to computers in all policies
or only to those in some policies.
Approved You can apply the publisher state to computers in all platforms
Platforms or choose a specific platform (Windows, Mac).
Platform Note: Publisher approvals currently work on
Windows only.
Date First Seen When this publisher was first seen on a Parity-managed
computer reporting to your server.
History panel
Platform First The platform (Mac or Windows) of the computer on which this
Seen publisher was first reported to your server.
Computer First The computer on which this publisher was first reported to
Seen your server.
Date Approved If the publisher is approved, when that approval was made.
Approved By The user who approved the publisher. Publishers approved
by reputation may show “System” in this field.
Date If the publisher has been acknowledged, when it was
Acknowledged acknowledged.
Acknowledged by If the publisher has been acknowledged, the Parity Console
user that acknowledged this publisher.
CL Version The version of the Parity rules in which the current publisher
state is present. This can help determine whether an agent
has the rule.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Chapter 8

Approving and Banning Software

This chapter describes how to approve or ban software using Parity. It includes
information about both global and local file approval. Many of the methods for approving
and banning software are found on one of the tabs of the Software Rules pages.
In addition to explicit approvals and bans, Parity allows you to define Custom Rules for
allowing or blocking file execution or writing at specified locations, and if you choose, by
specified users and/or processes. See Chapter 11, “Custom Software Rules.”

Topic Page
What is Parity Software Approval? 194
What are Parity Software Bans? 196
Approving by Trusted Directory 198
Approving by Trusted User or Group 202
Approving or Banning by Publisher 205
Approving by Updater 214
Locally Approving Files 218
File-Specific Rules: Approvals and Bans 232
Approving or Banning Lists of Files 241

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Using Parity

What is Parity Software Approval?

Software approval ensures that users of computers running Parity Agent can freely install
and run known-good applications regardless of the Parity security settings and
Enforcement Level in effect. Parity supports several complementary methods for
approving software on computers. Based on the method(s) you select, Parity permits
installation of approved software on all computers, on computers in selected policies, or
on individually selected computers.
You can choose the combination of methods that best conforms to your established
settings and procedures, especially the software distribution process in place at your site:
• When you need to pre-approve applications to run on all computers (or all computers
in selected policies), designate trusted directories, approve specified publishers to
allow installation of their applications, or enable certain updaters to update
applications automatically.
• When you would like to pre-approve low-threat applications to run on all computers
(or all computers in selected policies), enable reputation rules based on the trust level
of files and publishers in Parity Knowledge Service.
• When you discover an individual file or installer that you want to allow to run on all
computers or all computers in selected policies, create a File Approval rule.
• When you have a list of hashes for files you want to approve, you can create approvals
for the entire list in a single operation.
• When you need to approve software for installation on selected individual computers,
either designate trusted users (or groups) to perform installations, or choose a local
approval method.
• When you have a special need for a rule to allow installation or execution of files in
particular locations, or by particular users or processes, create a Custom Rule.

At all Enforcement Levels except for High, users can install unapproved
software. Although not required, Bit9 recommends approving (or at least
Acknowledging) widely used software even if you plan to run at Low
Enforcement Level. Approval reduces the number of files with the
unapproved status, which can enable you to focus on files that are of
potential concern. For example, approving known-good files generally
reduces the size and increases the readability of Baseline Drift reports.
Similarly, computers operating in Visibility mode can run any software,
regardless of its approval state. Even if you are running all your
computers in Visibility mode, you might want to approve known-good
files to reduce the amount of event data collected about those files. This
also helps prepare you for possible transition of some or all computers
into High or Medium Enforcement Level in the future.

Based on your internal standards and procedures, and on the required scope of the
approval (network-wide or computer-specific), you can choose to approve files in any of
the ways shown in Table 34.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Table 34: Parity File Approval Methods

Approval Method Software Is When to Use

Approved for
Approving by Trusted All computers (global) When you have a trusted, secure
Directory server for software deployment or
Parity approval, on which to create an
authorized approval directory.
Approving by Trusted Installation computer When you want to give unlimited
User or Group only (local) installation privileges to a Windows
user account or all users in a Windows
or AD group. Trusted users are
permitted to install on any computer on
which they log in with their credentials.
Approving or Banning Installation computer When you want to approve all software
by Publisher only (local), but can be from a vendor for which Parity can
installed on demand confirm a valid digital certificate.
on any computer
Approving by Installation computer When you want to automatically
Publisher Reputation only (local), but can be approve all software from all
(see Chapter 9, installed on demand publishers that Parity Knowledge
“Reputation Approval on any computer Service considers trustworthy.
Approving by Updater Installation computer When you want to permit end users to
only (local), but can be install application updates as they
installed on demand become available for download via
by any computer specified application update programs.
Automatic Local Installation computer When you want to locally approve
Approval on only (local) unapproved files found while in Low
Enforcement Level enforcement or higher when you move
Change the computer from a less secure
Enforcement Level to Medium or High.
Moving Computers to Installation computer When you want to permit users on
Local Approval Mode only (local) computers in High Enforcement
policies to install software. Local
approval occurs when a user installs
an unapproved file while in this mode.
Locally Approving All Installation computer When you want to locally approve all
Unapproved Files on only (local) unapproved files currently on a
a Computer specific computer.
Locally Approving Installation computer When you want to select specific files
Individual Files only (local) on specific computers for local
approval. You can locally approve
files, or remove their local approval.
File Approval Rules Approved for all When you want to ensure that a
computers or those in known-good application can run on
selected policies any computer, approve it by hash.
Approving by File Approved for all When you want to automatically
Reputation (see computers or those in approve (by hash) all software that
Chapter 9, selected policies Parity Knowledge Service considers
“Reputation Approval trustworthy.

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Using Parity

Platform Considerations for Rule Specifications

Many Parity rules involve specification of a file name and/or path, or other manually
entered information such as a user, group, or computer name. On both Mac and Windows
computers, file and user names are case-insensitive. Note, however, that the case of
entered text is preserved even if it is not relevant in its current use. This might be
significant if you copy information to a place in which it applies to a different platform.
When you enter a path, be sure to use the correct directory delimiters for the platform it
applies to, and to use only characters and formats legal for paths in the chosen platform.
Parity does not convert paths between platforms (e.g., ‘\’ to ‘/’).

What are Parity Software Bans?

Parity file bans are rules that block specific files from executing on computers running
Parity Agent, based on the agent Enforcement Level (see Table 35). You can ban files
identified by Parity in the course of day-to-day operations, and also preemptively ban files
not yet seen on your computers but for which you have obtained information from third-
party sources. Parity supports bans by file name or hash. Bans can affect all agents running
in Control mode or be targeted to computers in selected policies only.
As the table shows, file bans do not prevent software from running on computers
operating in Visibility mode. However, even in Visibility, a ban will produce an event that
you can use to monitor how often the banned file is run. Banning undesirable files while in
Visibility mode also helps you prepare for a transition into full Control mode in the future.

Table 35: How File Bans affect File Execution, by Enforcement Level

Policy Settings Enforcement Levels

Active None None Low Medium High
Bans (Agent Disabled) (Visibility Only)
Banned files (by Off/Permit Permit & Report Block Block Block
hash or name)

Parity software bans always appear as rules on the Software Rules page Files tab. You
have the following high-level options for banning software:
• When you want to prevent certain software from running on all computers or all
computers in selected policies, create a File Ban rule for each file, which blocks it on
all computers running in Control mode (or if you are running in High Enforcement,
simply do not approve it). See “File-Specific Rules: Approvals and Bans” on page 232
for details on how to create these bans.
• When you have a list of hashes for unwanted files you want to ban, you can create
bans for the entire list in a single operation. See “Approving or Banning Lists of Files”
on page 241 for details on how to create these bans.
• When you have a special need for a rule to block or allow installation or execution of
files in particular locations, or by particular users or processes, create a Custom Rule
that blocks execution – this is not a ban but can act like a ban when conditions match
its criteria. See Chapter 11, “Custom Software Rules,” for more details.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

One fundamental decision about how you ban a file is whether you ban it by name or by
hash. Table 36 describes the differences between the two.

Table 36: File Ban Types

Ban Type Description
File Name Ban Block execution of the named file everywhere (if you enter only the
file name) or at specified locations (if you enter a path), and on all
computers or computers in selected policies. File name bans do not
change the Global State of a file, but assure that all instances of
files by the specified name are locally banned wherever they
Be careful not to ban a file required for system or application
operation, especially when you specify paths using the (*) wildcard
As a precaution, you can execute file-name bans in Report-Only
state to test the effects of the ban. Ban (Report Only) bans remain
unenforced until you change them to a blocking Ban.
When you search by state for a file that is banned by both name
and by hash, Parity shows the file in the list of in the Banned state
but not in files with Local State Details of Banned by Name.
Platform Note: Each file name ban is specific to one platform only.
If you enter a path, be sure to use the correct directory delimiters,
and to use only characters and formats legal for paths in the chosen
Hash Ban Block execution of the specified hash in any location on all
computers or on computers in selected policies. Hash bans are not
Although you can copy and paste hashes from external sources, it
is easier to ban hashes discovered by Parity directly from Parity
pages. You can create a Ban directly from most Parity pages that
show a hash. Bans initiated from these pages automatically direct
you to the Add File Rule page, fill in the hash for you, set the Type
as Ban, and allow you to modify other ban properties before
creating the ban.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 197

Using Parity

Approving by Trusted Directory

If your organization uses software deployment tools, or if you want to dedicate a computer
for Parity software approval, you can use a trusted directory to automatically approve
software during regular roll-outs. Trusted directory approval easily integrates with
existing software deployment processes. All software in the specified trusted directory of
your deployment server is automatically approved. The level of approval provided by a
trusted directory depends upon the platform on which it is located.
Bit9 has tested and fully supports trusted directory approval with common deployment
technologies. Please contact Bit9 Technical Support to determine whether your
deployment method is supported and for guidance on any special considerations for
integrating it with Parity.

Removable media should not be used for trusted directories. If a
removable device is disconnected and then reconnected, it is not
rescanned, and so any new content is unprocessed and untrusted. You
would have to disable and re-enable the trusted directory to trust the new
content. Configure trusted directories on permanently attached fixed
media so that the agent can monitor modifications and additions, and can
process any new content.

Windows Trusted Directories

On Windows computers, files found in a trusted directory (and any of its subfolders) are
themselves approved.

Archives and Installers in Trusted Directories

Archives and installers are file types that can generate other files. It can be convenient to
put both types of files in a trusted directory to make file approvals more efficient, but note
that they are treated differently:
• Archives – Parity recognizes the following Windows formats as archives: 7Zip,
BZip2, CAB, GZip, ISCab, ISO, MSCompress, RAR, ZIP and TAR.
In a trusted directory, archive files are analyzed by Parity to determine what files they
will write when expanded. The files that will be written by the archive file are globally
approved and added to the File Catalog, even if there are no instances of them yet.
They are not, however added to the Files on Computers inventory until the archive is
expanded on some computer. The top-level archive file (e.g., myfiles.ZIP) is not
added to the File Catalog.
• Installers – Parity recognizes these common Windows formats as installers: NullSoft,
Wise, InstallShield, and MSI. You also can manually mark files as installers.
In a trusted directory, an installer file is globally approved and added to the File
Catalog. If the system hosting the trusted directory is running an agent, the installer is
also added to the Files on Computers list. Installer files are not analyzed to determine
the files they will write when run, nor are the files an installer will write added to the
File Catalog or Files on Computers list until the installer is actually run. Instances of
files written by an installer are locally approved; these files are not globally approved
in the File Catalog.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Mac Trusted Directories

On Mac computers, files found in a trusted directory (and any of its subfolders) are
approved, but they are not analyzed to determine whether they are installers. This means
that the files they would install are not approved. If a PKG file is placed in a Mac trusted
directory, it becomes an approved installer. This means that even though the PKG file was
not analyzed, anything written from the PKG by the installer process will be approved.
To accomplish global approval of the files for a Mac application, you can expand or
extract the installation package so that the files it would install are actually in the trusted

Creating a Trusted Directory

Trusted directories must be on a server with the Parity Agent installed. From the Parity
Console, you specify the deployment server name and the directory to trust on that server.

To use a trusted directory to automatically approve software for deployment:

1. If you haven’t already done so, install the Parity Agent on the deployment server. Wait
for the server’s files to complete Parity initialization – you can monitor initialization
status of the deployment server on the Computers page.
2. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
appears. The default tab for this page is Updaters.
3. Click the Directories tab. The table of Trusted Directories appears:

4. Click the Add Trusted Directory button. The Add Trusted Directory page appears:

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 199

Using Parity

5. Enter information about the deployment server and the status of the trusted directory.
The table below shows the trusted directory fields and their possible values.
Field Description
Name Name used to identify the automatic approval instance in the
Trusted Directories table. This can be any text.
Computer Parity computer that is or will be your software deployment server.
This name should match the computer as it appears on the
Computers page. For computers in domains, this should include
both the domain and the computer name, in one of the following
• DOMAIN_NAME\computer_name (Windows only)
• computer_name.domain.extension (all platforms)
Note: If you edit the computer name for an existing Trusted
Directory and Parity Server has seen multiple computers by the new
name, trusted directories are created for each one.
Directory Deployment directory for the deployment server. Depending on the
deployment technology, you may need to separately specify more
than one directory. For example, Microsoft WSUS requires the
following directories (substitute your actual drive letters):
C:\Program Files\Update Services\Selfupdate\
Note: Use of removable drives for trusted directories is not
recommended. Removable drives are not re-scanned when
removed and reattached, so new software might not be trusted.
Platform Note: When you enter a path, be sure to use the correct
directory delimiters, and to use only characters and formats legal for
paths in the chosen platform. Parity does not convert paths between
platforms (e.g., ‘\’ to ‘/’).
Description Optional additional description of this trusted directory.
Status Select one of the following:
Enabled – Software present in the trusted directory on the
deployment server will be approved for installation on all computers.
Disabled – Software present in the trusted directory on the
deployment server will not be approved for other computers.
Software installed from this directory will be treated according to the
settings of the policy to which the deployment server belongs.

6. Click the Save button. The approval computer and specified configuration
information appear in the Trusted Directories table.

If you did not enable the trusted directory when you created it, you need
to do so before you can use it.

7. Deploy software according to your established procedures. If you want to use the
trusted directory to approve Mac applications, see “Mac Trusted Directories” on page

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 200

Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

When you enable a trusted directory:

• All files (including files in subfolders) actually present when the trusted directory was
enabled are globally approved, as are any files you add after you enable the trusted
• Files identified as installers in Windows trusted directories globally approved, and
when run on a computer, the files they write are locally approved

If you make an existing Windows deployment folder a trusted directory,
the Parity scanning process that analyzes and approves the directory’s
contents can take several hours to complete if the folder contains a large
amount of software.

Verifying Trusted Directories

There are several ways you can confirm that a trusted directory is working, and that files
in it are being approved.
To check the status of a trusted directory:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and on the Software Rules
page, click the Directories tab. The table of Trusted Directories appears, and shows
the status of each trusted directory and the number of files (of the total) analyzed so
2. If you choose, you can click the View Details (file and pencil) button next to a trusted
directory to view just the details for that directory. This details page may include
additional status information.

You also can check the Events page for trusted directory-related events. There are event
subtypes that show directory creation and modification activity as well as the results of
any file analysis that occurs in the trusted directory.
To verify that the files on the deployment server are being approved, you can choose
Approved Files from the Saved Views menu on the File Catalog tab and search for one of
the files you expect to see approved. How quickly newly approved files from a trusted
directory appear in the Approved Files table depends upon the number of files in the
directory and the amount of other activity on the Parity Server. To update the Approved
Files table, use the Refresh Page button on the File Catalog page.
You also can add a filter to the Approved Files view to see all files approved because of
trusted directories. On the Add filter menu, choose File State Reason, and then complete
the filter by choosing is and Trusted Directory from the File State Reason menus.

Verifying Approval of Windows Packages

For Windows installers, you can verify that Parity recognized and approved the installer in
a trusted directory (and so will locally approve files it installs). On the File Catalog tab, the
Saved View called Trusted Packages lists installers that are globally approved because
they are in a Trusted Directory. This list also includes the Parity Agent installers. Files that
are not recognized as installers will not appear in this table.

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Using Parity

In the Trusted Packages view, click the View Details button (pencil and file) next to a
package name to display its File Details page. Click the package name for a table of
associated files written by the package.

Custom Rules for Installer Access

Parity supports a Custom Rule that creates a “trusted path.” A trusted path can be useful as
a network location in which you place installers so that computers in some or all policies
can execute them.
The local state of any files written by a file in a trusted path depends upon the Execute
Action command used. If the Execute Action is Allow, an installer is allowed to write files
but those files are not locally approved by the action. If the Execute Action is Allow and
Promote, the installer can write files and those files will be locally approved (unless
already banned). In either case, the global state of any files written is unaffected by the
trusted path. See “Trusted Paths” on page 298 for more details.

Removing or Disabling Directory Trust

If you decide to remove trust from a trusted directory, you can do one of two things:
• You can disable the trusted directory so that files added after you disable it are no
longer trusted. You do this by clicking the View Details (pencil and file) button next to
its name, clicking the Disabled status radio button, and then clicking Save. Consider
this if you want to temporarily suspend installations from your deployment server.
Disabling (rather than deleting) gives you the option of re-enabling the directory at a
later time without having to reenter all of its properties.
• You can delete the directory from the Trusted Directories list by clicking the X button
next to its name. This deletes its trusted status in Parity, not the actual folder. Delete
the folder itself if you do not want its contents on your deployment server.

• Disabling or deleting trusted directory status does not remove
approval from files that were already in the directory.
• A Trusted Directory folder that is either deleted from the computer or
inaccessible to Parity Agents due to network issues is listed as
Enabled, Inaccessible in the Trusted Directories table.

Approving by Trusted User or Group

Parity supports installation privileges for users who need to install software on their own
or others’ computers when the computers are under High Enforcement protection. You can
trust individual users or specify trusted groups whose members become trusted users.
Trusted users and users in trusted groups have full permission to install software (unless
banned) on any accessible computer that allows them to log in with their credentials.
Applications installed by a trusted user are locally approved where they are installed.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

How Groups are Specified

For Mac, you specify a group by entering its name.
For Windows, you have the following choices for specifying a group:
• If AD is implemented, you can specify an AD group. You enter it by typing in the
group and domain name, or an SID.
• You can pick a built-in Windows group from a menu.
If you choose AD users or groups:
• Parity allows you to specify trusted AD users or groups as long as the Parity Server
has access to AD information about that user or group.
• AD-based privileges are determined when a user logs in. If you change an AD group
in a way that affects Parity privileges, any logged-in users in that group are not
affected until the next time they log in.
If you choose a built-in Windows group, certain operating system versions may not
provide the access you expect. By default, computers running Microsoft Vista or Windows
7 operating systems have User Access Control (UAC) enabled. With UAC, users are not
actually members of a built-in, privileged group unless they have been given "elevated
privilege". Because of this, a Parity rule that relies on a pre-defined group to identify a
user might not work for computers running Vista or Windows 7. If a group definition is
necessary for a rule, consider using security groups you have defined rather than the pre-
defined groups.

Creating a Trusted User or Group

To designate users who can install software on High Enforcement Level computers:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules and click the Users tab on the
Software Rules page. The Trusted Users or Groups view appears.

2. Click the Add Trusted User or Group button. The Add Trusted User or Group page

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Using Parity

3. Choose the Platform from which you will choose a use or group. Some of the fields
change if you choose Mac instead of Windows.

4. If you chose Windows as the platform, enter the name of the user or group to be given
trusted privileges in one of the following ways:
- Leave User or group checked and enter a valid domain and user name in either of
these formats: DOMAIN_NAME\user_name or user_name@DOMAIN_NAME
- Leave User or group checked and enter a valid AD group name in either of these
DOMAIN_NAME\group_name or group_name@DOMAIN_NAME
- Leave User or group checked and enter a valid User or Group SID.
- Click the Pre-defined group button and choose a Windows group from the menu.

5. If you chose Mac as the platform, enter the name of the user or group to be given
trusted privileges in one of the following ways:
- Leave User selected and enter a valid user name for the platform you chose.
- Click Group and enter a valid group name for the platform you chose.
6. Click the Save button. The user or group appears in the Trusted Users table.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Removing Trust from a User or Group

If you no longer want a user or group to have installation privileges on locked-down
computers, you can remove that user or group from the Trusted Users or Groups table.
You do this by clicking the Delete (X) button next to the entry for that user or group.

• If you eliminate Parity trust from a user or group, that user or group
loses its trusted status almost immediately, as soon as Parity agents
receive the change. This means the user is not trusted to perform new
installations. However, a process that was created when the user was
trusted remains trusted until the process exits.
• If you remove a user from an AD group that is trusted by Parity, the
user continues to be trusted until he or she logs out.

Approving or Banning by Publisher

Platform Note: Publisher approvals and bans currently work only on Windows
computers. They have no effect on files on other platforms.
Many files are signed with a digital certificate that verifies the integrity and identity of the
file, including the name of its publisher. The Publishers tab of the Software Rules page
lists each unique publisher identified in a valid certificate for a file discovered by Parity. If
Windows can find the digital signature on a file, Parity should discover the publisher.
Once a publisher is listed in Parity, it may be approved, banned, or left unapproved.
Publisher approvals and bans can be applied to all computers or to computers in specific
policies. You may Acknowledge a publisher to indicate that you have seen it and do not
need to track it as closely. Acknowledging a publisher does not change its state.
Publisher state affects files differently depending upon whether you have banned or
approved the publisher:
• Bans – When you ban a publisher, any file signed by a certificate identifying that
publisher is banned.
• Approvals – When you approve a publisher, a file signed by a certificate identifying
that publisher is approved if its certificate meets additional Bit9 validation
requirements. These requirements are described in more detail in the section
“Determining Which Certificates Can Approve Files” on page 210.

Publisher Approvals
You might approve files by publisher when it is not practical to approve applications using
a trusted directory and you want to permit all users to install all software from a particular
source. Applications from approved publishers are permitted to be installed and run on
computers in the policies to which the approval applies. The Global State of publisher-
approved files is changed (if necessary), but the File State is not changed (see “Global File
State” on page 187). Each instance of such files is locally approved, and therefore allowed
to run on the computer on which it is present.

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Using Parity

Approving by publisher allows you to assure that new files from a trusted source are pre-
approved when they arrive on a Parity-managed computer. It also can reduce the amount
of rule traffic sent to agents since it is not necessary to send an individual rule for each file.
There are two ways to approve a publisher:
• Manual Approval – You can choose to approve publishers that you select from the
list on the Publishers tab. Manual approval is described in this section.
• Reputation Approval – You can enable automatic approval of all publishers that
meet a particular trust threshold as reported by Parity Knowledge Service. Approving
a publisher by reputation has the same effect on existing files as approving it
manually. In addition, as soon as a file with a new publisher is discovered on one of
your computers, the publisher is approved if it is known to Parity Knowledge and
meets the trust level you chose. Specific instructions and considerations for reputation
approval of publishers are described in Chapter 9, “Reputation Approval Rules.”

Before approving a publisher, consider all possible files that could come from
that publisher. Once the approval is added, all executables and script files from
the publisher will be locally approved. You can remove the publisher from the
Approved list, but this only affects files not yet encountered on your network
at the time of the change – there is no single operation to remove file approval
from all files already locally approved because of a publisher approval.

Publisher Bans
When you ban a publisher, agent computers in policies affected by that ban cannot run
software from that publisher. You might ban files by publisher when you know that the
publisher is a source of malicious files or applications that you simply don’t want running
in your environment. When you create a publisher ban, the local state of files from that
publisher is changed to Banned.
You can ban files by publisher even if they are invalidly signed or do not meet other
requirements for approval by publisher.
Publisher bans are created manually through the Parity Console.

As with approvals, consider all of the files that might be affected by a
publisher ban and be sure that a publisher ban does not inadvertently ban a file
required in your environment.

Managing Bans and Approvals from the Publishers Tab

On the Publishers tab, you can approve, ban, or remove bans and approvals from multiple
publishers at one time. Publisher state changes performed from this table apply to all
When you check more than one publisher in the table, you must perform the same state
change on them; that is, you must ban them all, approve them all, or remove the ban or
approval on all. You cannot ban some publishers and approve others in a single operation.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

To approve or ban software from one or more publishers for all policies:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click the Publishers tab. All publishers of validly signed software discovered on
Parity-managed computers reporting to your server, plus any publishers whose
certificates you added manually, appear in the Publishers table:

3. In the table of publishers, locate the publishers you want to approve, or the publishers
you want to ban. Keep in mind that the table may be several pages long.

Files from the same company can be identified as being from different
publishers, often based on minor changes in punctuation. These appear as
separate lines in the Publishers table. For example, you might see both
“Adobe Inc.” and “Adobe, Inc.” in the table. You can approve (or leave
unapproved) each instance separately. If files signed by a publisher appear
as unapproved on the Files page and you want these files approved, be
sure to approve the correct version of the publisher certificate.

4. Review the publisher(s) you are interested in approving or banning. If necessary, open
the Publisher Details page for specific publishers for more information.
5. Check the checkbox next to the name of each publisher whose state you want to
change. You can check as many names as you want on one page. Note that approval
and ban actions are applied to the currently visible page only.
6. When you have checked all the publishers (on the current page) whose state you want
to change, on the Action menu:
a. Choose Approve Publishers to approve all of the selected items.
b. Choose Ban Publishers to ban all of the selected items.
c. Choose Remove Approval or Ban to return all selected publishers to the
Unapproved state.

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Using Parity

Managing Bans and Approvals from the Publishers Details Page

For a single publisher, you can use the Publisher Details page to approve or ban the
publisher, or to remove an approval or ban. You also can and change the policies to which
an approval or ban applies.

To approve or ban one publisher in some or all policies (Publisher Details page):
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click the Publishers tab. All publishers of validly signed software discovered on
Parity-managed computers reporting to your server, plus any publishers whose
certificates you manually added, appear in the Publishers table.
3. From the table of publishers, locate the publisher whose state you want to modify and
click on the View Details button (pencil and file). The Publisher Details page opens.
4. In the State field, choose Approved or Banned.
5. If you choose, change the Acknowledged state to Yes. This indicates that you have
reviewed the publisher so that you can concentrate on publishers you haven’t yet
reviewed. To do this, you can filter the Publishers table using the Acknowledged field.
Acknowledging a publisher has no impact on its approval state.
6. In the Rule Applies To field, click the radio button for All policies or Selected
7. If you chose Selected policies, check the box next to each policy for which you want
the publisher approval or ban to be enabled.
8. In the Platforms field, click the radio button for All platforms or Selected platforms.
Platform Note: Publisher approvals and bans currently affect only Windows agents.
9. When you are finished configuring the approval or ban, click the Save button.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Adding Publishers
Any publisher already identified through a file on a computer running Parity agent should
appear in the Publishers table, but you might want to approve a publisher before its files
arrive on your computers. This could be the case, for example, if you distribute software
using a computer that does not run the Parity Agent. Parity enables you to manually add
publishers to the table.
To add a publisher:
1. Open a browser and log in to the Parity Console on a computer with access to the file
whose publisher you want to add. It might be most convenient to do this on the
computer that has the file.
2. On the Publishers tab, click the Add Publisher button to view the Add Publisher

3. Click the Browse button and locate an application file validly signed by the publisher.
You can browse to any validly signed, executable file and add its publisher:
4. In Windows, confirm that the file is signed by right-clicking on the file and choosing
Properties from the menu. If there is a Digital Signatures tab on the Properties
window, the file is signed and you can examine its credentials.
5. Double-click the filename to enter it into the File Name field.
6. Click the Save button. Parity extracts publisher information and adds the publisher to
the table, initially in the Unapproved state.
7. If you want to approve or ban this new publisher for all policies, check the box next to
its new entry in the Publisher table and choose Approve Publishers or Ban
Publishers from the Action menu. The publisher is approved, and if you have the
table grouped by State, the publisher moves into the appropriate State section. Now, as
soon as a file from this publisher appears on one of your Parity-managed computers, it
will be handled as you instructed.
You also can approve or ban the publisher by policy from the Publisher Details page.

When you add a publisher manually, Parity creates a temporary copy of
the file you identified and then deletes it after the publisher has been
added. If an agent is running on the server computer, the file will appear in
the File Catalog, but will have a prevalence of zero.

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Using Parity

Removing Publisher Approvals

To change an approved publisher to unapproved, go to the Publisher tab on the Software
Rules page, check the box next to its name and choose Remove Publisher Approval on
the Action menu. This simply removes approval; it does not ban the publisher. You also
can remove approval using the Publisher Details page.
Any computers that have installed or run software from this publisher while it was
approved continue to be able to run the software. All existing instances of software from
an approved publisher are locally approved, and the local approval is not removed by the
change in publisher status on the Parity Server.

Removing Publisher Bans

To change a banned publisher to unapproved, go to the Publisher tab on the Software
Rules page, check the box next to its name and choose Remove Publisher Approval or
Ban on the Action menu. This simply removes the ban; it does not approve the publisher.
You also can remove the ban by choosing Unapproved in the State menu on the Publisher
Details page.
When a publisher ban is removed, the files from that publisher revert to whatever their
state would have been without the publisher ban.

Finding All Files from a Publisher

On the Publishers tab of Software Rules, you can find all instances of files on your
computers that are identified as being from a specified publisher. You do this by clicking
the Find Files button next to the publisher name. You also can get this list using the
Related Views menu on the Publisher Details page.

Determining Which Certificates Can Approve Files

Publisher identification and approval of files by publisher approval are both based on
digitial certificates. If you are unfamiliar with certificates, the following web sites may
provide useful background:

It is important to distinguish between approval of a publisher and approval of a file
identified as being from that publisher. You can approve any publisher that appears on the
Publishers tab of the Software Rules page. A publisher appears in this list if a file had a
certificate identifying the publisher and the signature was considered valid by Windows.
However, a file identified as being from this publisher can be approved by publisher only
if all certificates in the certificate chain for that file are considered valid by Windows. For
example, current root certificates must be installed for a certificate to be accepted.
All certificates in the chain for a file must also meet additional Bit9 requirements. These
settings are configurable on the Advanced tab of the System Configuration page.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

• Changing any of the configurable certificate settings does not remove
local approval of files whose certificates met the previous settings and
were approved by publisher.
• If you have systems that will be running Parity Agent but will seldom or
never be connected to Parity Server, decide how you want to set the
configuration options before generating the agent installation packages
(i.e., as soon as possible after installing Parity Server). This assures that
all agents, including those that will be disconnected from the server, will
handle certificates as you want them to.

To view and change configurable certificate approval options:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
2. On the System Configuration page, click Advanced Options on the menu. The
Advanced Options Configuration page appears, with the Certificate Options panel at
the bottom.

3. At the bottom of the page, click the Edit button.

4. Expired Certificates: In the Certificate Options panel, use of expired certificates is
enabled by default. See “Approval with Expired Certificates” on page 212 for
information that may assist you in configuring this option:
a. To disable the use of expired certificates, un-check the Expired Certificates
b. To re-enable use of expired certificates after it has been disabled, check the box.
5. Exclude Publisher Approvals With These Certificate Algorithms: Review the
currently checked boxes in this field. See “Excluding Certificate Algorithms” on page
212 for information that may assist you in configuring this option.
a. To prevent approvals of files signed by certificates with a certain algorithm, check
the box next to the algorithm name.
b. To allow approvals of files signed by a certificates with a certain algorithm,
un-check the box next to the algorithm name.

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Using Parity

6. Minimum Certificate Key Size for Approval: To change the minimum certificate
key length required for a file to be approved by publisher, choose a new value from
the menu. See “Minimum Key Size” on page 213 for information that may assist you
in configuring this option.
7. Digital Countersignatures: To require a countersignature for the digital signature of
each certificate, check the Require countersignature box. If you do not want to require
a countersignature, un-check the box. See “Countersignature Options” on page 213 for
information that may assist you in configuring this option.
8. Initial/Background Revocation Check: Two separate settings control checks for
certificate revocation: initial, which controls the revocation check when a file is first
discovered, and background, which controls ongoing checks that occur (if enabled)
every 24 hours. See “Revocation Checks” on page 213 for information about these
9. If you changed any settings, click the Update button at the bottom of the page and in
the Confirm Server Setting Change dialog, click Yes to save your changes.

Approval with Expired Certificates

By default, Parity allows the use of expired certificates whose (verifiable) timestamp is
within the certificate validity period to approve files by publisher. If the timestamp is
missing, invalid, or is before or after the certificate validity period, then the software
cannot be approved by publisher.
You can disable approval by expired certificates that would otherwise be trusted by Parity.
This provides extra security, but can prevent approval of legitimate files whose valid
certificate is now out of date.
When you disable Allow approval of software with expired certificates, Parity re-evaluates
all publishers. However, if a file was locally approved by a publisher with an expired
certificate when this was allowed, it remains locally approved when the setting is disabled.
The Expired Certificates setting has no effect on publisher bans, so you can ban files by
publisher even if they have an invalid signature or an expired certificate.

If you have systems that will be running Parity Agent but will seldom or
never be connected to Parity Server, it is especially important to decide
whether to allow use of expired certificates before generating the agent
installation packages (i.e., as soon as possible after installing Parity
Server). This assures that disconnected agents will handle expired
certificates as you want them to.

Excluding Certificate Algorithms

The Exclude Publisher Approvals With These Certificate Algorithms option allows you
disallow publisher-based approval of files whose certificates use certain algorithms. If an
algorithm box is checked, files whose certificates use that algorithm cannot be approved
by publisher. If not checked, a certificate using that algorithm may be used to approve files
by publisher. The choices are: MD2RSA, MD5RSA, SHA1RSA, and SHA256RSA. The
default setting for new Parity installations beginning with 7.0.1 Patch 11 is to allow

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

certificates with any of the listed algorithms to be used for approvals. Upgrades and
patches from previous releases also allow certificates with any of the listed algorithms to
be used for approvals unless the setting was modified through the console before the

Minimum Key Size

The Minimum Certificate Key Size for Approval option allows you to specify a minimum
key length for a certificate to be used for file approval. Choices range from 512 to 4096.
Certificates whose key size is greater than or equal to the chosen value may be used to
approve files. Certificates whose key size is smaller than the chosen value may not be used
for file approval. The default value for new Parity installations beginning with 7.0.1 Patch
11 is 512. Upgrades and patches from previous releases also use this value unless the
setting was modified through the console before the upgrade.

Countersignature Options
You can choose to require that the digital signature for a certificate is countersigned in
order for Bit9 to approve a signed file by publisher. This can provide greater security
against manipulation of time stamps on a signature. By default, the box is not checked
(i.e., no countersignature is required). If the box is checked, certificates that are not
countersigned are not considered valid for use in approval by publisher.
Note the following additional details of countersignature handling:
• If the box is unchecked, signatures lacking a countersigner are only valid for the life of
the signing certificate.
• Regardless of this setting, if a countersignature is present, it must be valid for the
digital signature to be considered valid.

Revocation Checks
There are two settings that control if and how the agent checks to see whether a file’s
certificate has been revoked:
• Initial Revocation Check – This determines whether, and if so, how a certificate
revocation check is done when a file is initially discovered on an agent.
• Background Revocation Check – This determines whether, and if so, how a
certificate revocation check is done in the background every 24 hours.
For each of the revocation settings, there are three possible values:
• Network – If revocation information is not locally available then use the network to
retrieve a certificates revocation status.
• Cache – Use locally available revocation status information when performing
certificate revocation (the network will not be used).
• None – Do not perform certificate revocation checking.
Consider your agent deployment scenario when setting these values since they can impact
agent performance. For example, if you have offline agents, you might want to avoid using
the Network option, especially for the Initial Revocation Check. Also keep in mind that
the daily revocation check is performed in the background, and is less likely to have a
negative impact on agent performance, whereas the initial revocation check setting may
have a noticeable effect on agent performance.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 213

Using Parity

Approving by Updater
Updater Approval Rules permit users of computers under High Enforcement protection to
install application updates from approved sources as they become available for download.
You can approve updater programs for commonly used enterprise applications, including
anti-virus, anti-spyware, personal firewall, and desktop productivity programs. All
computers can run approved updaters, but applications installed by these updaters via the
Web are locally approved by the Parity Agent for use on the installation computer only.
Platform Note: Updaters are platform-specific. For this release, most of the updaters in
the Updaters table are for Windows. There are several listed updaters for Mac OS X, all of
which are disabled by default but can be enabled. Parity also supports the built-in updaters
for Mac, and those are enabled automatically to allow transparent approval of software
updates provided by the platform-specific, built-in update mechanisms.
For the standard Parity installation, the Updaters tab lists two types of “updaters”:
Updaters for a specific product or product family (such as "Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0")
and software distribution systems (such as "Microsoft SCCM"). Keep in mind that
enabling a product-specific updater approves only the upgrade procedure for that product,
not the application's full installation package.
As new applications or new application versions are introduced, and old products or
versions become obsolete, the list of updaters you need may change. Parity refreshes the
list of available updaters in the following ways:
• When you install a new version of Parity, the updaters list is refreshed to add any new
updaters, delete any obsolete updaters, and make any necessary modifications to
existing updaters.
• To keep your updaters current, you can allow automatic updating of your updaters by
Parity Knowledge Service (enabled by default when Parity Knowledge is enabled).
• For update programs currently not supported, you can contact Bit9 to request an
addition to the list. If approved and made available, the new updater can be manually
added to your Parity Server or downloaded automatically through the Parity
Knowledge Service.
Table 37 shows the list of standard, supported updaters in Parity 7.0.1. The Updaters page
in Parity might also show a manually added updater or, if you have upgraded from a
previous version of Parity, older updaters you have enabled in the past.

• To avoid unwanted file blocking, before you install any Parity Agents,
Bit9 recommends enabling any supported updaters for any applications
your organization runs. If an updater that is not enabled attempts to
modify files, and this results in Parity blocking an application, you can
use global or local approval methods to manually approve the blocked
• The optional Bit9 Detection Enhancement adds threat indicators to the
Updaters page. Theses are not “updaters” in the normal sense, but they
are added and managed through this interface. Detection “updater” names
are prefaced with “{Indicator}”.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Table 37: Supported Updaters

Updater Comments/Notes
Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0 a. Adobe Application Manager updater
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 allows updates of products managed by the
Adobe Application Manager.
Adobe Acrobat Reader for Mac b. Adobe Products Not Listed allows
Adobe Application Managera automatic approval of updates to Adobe
Adobe Flash for Mac products for which a specific Bit9 updater is
Adobe FrameMaker not shown.
c. Allow Printer Installations allows a print
Adobe Illustrator server to automatically install a printer driver
Adobe InCopy not currently on an agent computer
Adobe InDesign (Windows 2003, XP, Vista, 2008, and 7).
This updater should not be enabled as a
Adobe PageMaker means to allow installation of drivers for
Adobe Photoshop locally attached printers.
Adobe Premiere Pro d. The Java updater allows updates to the
Adobe Products Not Listedb Java Virtual Machine and updates that install
or update add-ons (such as search bars or
Allow Printer Installationsc third-party applications) included in some
BigFix Enterprise Client versions of Java. This is equivalent to the
CA ITM Java and Bundled Software updater from
previous releases.
Google Chrome e. Although Windows Update provides
Google Drive for Mac updates for both Windows Defender and
Javad Microsoft .NET, successful installation of
updates for either of these products requires
LanDesk that you trust their specific updater in
Mac App Store Downloads addition to Windows Update.
McAfee ePO f. The Microsoft .NET Framework updater
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5 allows the .NET just-in-time compiler to run.
It must be enabled if you run any
Microsoft .NET Frameworkef applications that require.NET.
Microsoft Office 2013g g. The Microsoft Office 2013 updater
Microsoft Office for Mac allows updates based on Microsoft’s Click-
Microsoft SCCM to-Run streaming technology. If you used the
MSI installer for Office and did not enable
Microsoft Security Essentials Click-to-Run, Office updates will be provided
Mozilla Firefox by Windows Update and this updater does
Mozilla Thunderbird 5.0/6.0 not need to be enabled.
h. Enable the Symantec Endpoint
Sophos Anti-Virus 7.0-9.0 Protection for Mac updater if SEP is run in
Symantec Antivirus 11 & 12 your environment. It allows SEP updates
Symantec Endpoint Protection for Mach and improves performance on file
Symantec Management Platform 7.0/7.1 operations. Use the SEP Auto Protect
Preferences Pane to configure SEP to
Trend Micro OfficeScan include the following endpoint SafeZone:
VMWare Fusion for Mac /Library/Application Support/
WebEx for Chrome com.bit9.Agent
i. The Windows 8 and Server 2012
WebEx for Firefox Updates updater allows updates for these
WebEx for Internet Explorer platforms on pre-7.0.1-Patch 11 agents.
WebEx for Productivity Tools These updates are enabled automatically
Windows 8 and Server 2012 Updatesi beginning with Patch 11 agents.
j. The Windows Update updater appears on
Windows Defendere servers with agents older than v6.0.2, and
Windows Update (for pre-6.0.2 agents)j allows updates to run on those older agents.
Windows Updates are enabled by default for
v7.0.1 agents; the updater does not appear
in new server installations.

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Using Parity

To specify automatic approval of software installed by application updaters:

1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click the Updaters tab. A table of updater programs for various applications appears,
grouped by default according to whether they are enabled:

3. Check the box on the far left of the row for any currently disabled updaters you want
to enable, and then choose Enable Updaters on the Action menu. The updaters are
enabled and, if you have the default grouping, moved into the Enabled: Yes section.
Computers running Parity Agent can now install software using the automatic
updaters for these applications.

Some software manufacturers include multiple products in the same
product family. Verify that the updater you select corresponds to the
correct product and version for your application.

4. If you would like Parity Knowledge Service to keep your updater list current with
updater changes, additions, and deletions, leave the “updater updates” option enabled.
See “Allowing or Disabling Automatic Updater Updates” on page 217.
5. If an updater you want to include does not appear in the table, you can contact Bit9
Technical Support to submit a request for a new updater. See “Adding an Updater” on
page 217 for more information on adding an updater.
6. To disable updaters, check the box next to the Name of each updater you want to
disable and then choose Disable Updaters on the Action menu.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Allowing or Disabling Automatic Updater Updates

Changes in the products or product versions from software providers might change the list
of updaters you need in Parity. Bit9 tracks changes to the updaters for supported products
as well as the arrival of new products with their own updaters. When you install a new
version of Parity, the updater list is modified to reflect these changes. However, you might
need to have the updater list refreshed between Parity releases.
By allowing Parity Knowledge Service to maintain the updater list, you can get new and
modified updaters as soon as they become available from Bit9. Enabling Parity
Knowledge Service updates also means that obsolete updaters are deleted from the updater
list. In addition to keeping your updater list current, automatic updates eliminate much of
the need for manually updating the updaters on the list. Note that this feature is enabled by
default if you have Parity Knowledge Service enabled.

To enable or disable automatic updating of updaters by Parity Knowledge:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
2. On the System Configuration page, click Advanced Options on the menu. The
Advanced Options Configuration page appears, with the Software Rules Options
panel at the bottom.
3. At the bottom of the page, click the Edit button.
4. In the Software Rule Options panel, the Parity Knowledge updater option is enabled
by default:
a. If you do not want Parity Knowledge Service to keep your updaters current, un-
check the Automatically update application updaters from Parity Knowledge box
and then click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
b. If you want to re-enable automatic updates from Parity Knowledge Service after
they have been disabled, check the box and click the Update button.

5. In the Confirm Server Setting Change dialog, click Yes to save your changes.

Adding an Updater
If you need an application or software distibution updater not in the current Updaters
table, you can submit a new updater request to Bit9 Technical Support. If the request is
accepted, the new updater can be delivered in one of two ways:
• If you have enabled Parity Knowledge Service updates for your updaters, the new
updater can be automatically installed on your Parity Server when it is ready.
• The new updater may be supplied to you by Bit9 as an update file.
To install a new updater from a Bit9-supplied file:
1. Download the updater file according to your support engineer’s instructions and put it
in a location accessible to your Parity Server.
2. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules and then click the Updater tab
3. Click the Add Updater button. The Add Updater page appears:

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Using Parity

4. Click the Browse button, locate the new updater, and click Open on the file chooser.
The file pathname appears in the File name box.
5. Click the Save button. Parity installs the new updater but does not enable it.
6. To enable the new updater, check the box to the left of its name and then choose
Enable Updaters on the Action menu. The updater moves into the Enabled: Yes
section and users can now install software using the updater for this application.

Updater History
Viewing the history of an updater can show whether it is current and when any
modifications were made to it. For example, the Date Created field in the history might
suggest that Parity Knowledge Service added a new updater.
To view an updater’s history:
• On the Updaters tab, click the View History button next to the name of the updater.
Click the Return button to go back to the full list of updaters.

The history page includes the following information about the updater:
• Updater Name
• Platform
• Enabled (Yes/No)
• Updater Version number
• Date Created (in Parity)
• Created by (in Parity)
• A history of any modifications to the updater

Using the Related Views menu of the Updater History, you can see which Parity-managed
computers have the latest rule for this updater.

Locally Approving Files

When the Parity Agent is installed on a computer for the first time, the computer goes
through an initialization process during which all files present on that computer are locally
approved unless they are already globally approved or banned by Parity. This means that
they are allowed to run on that computer, regardless of its Enforcement Level. Local
approval has no effect on the global state of the files, however. By locally approving files
present during agent initialization, Parity lets you set up a computer with the files it needs
to run, saving global decisions about these files for a later time when you have used Parity
to collect more information about the files and computers on your network.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Files that appear on a computer after Parity Agent initialization, if not explicitly banned or
approved, are assigned Unapproved state. Unapproved files are allowed to run on
computers running in Low Enforcement and (with user intervention) Medium
Enforcement, but they are not allowed to run on computers in High Enforcement.
You might want a particular computer to be able to run a new application without
approving it for any other computers on your network. You also might want to change the
state of a file from Unapproved to Locally Approved on one or more computers before
putting those computers into High Enforcement. To accomplish tasks like these, Parity
offers the following options:
• A per-policy ability to make certain unapproved files Locally Approved when a
computer makes a transition to a more secure Enforcement Level
• Local approval of individual files on a specific computer
• Local approval of all unapproved files on a specific computer
• Temporary reassignment of a computer in High or Medium enforcement to the Local
Approval policy, during which any files that are installed are locally approved
• Designation of files as installers even when Parity analysis did not identify them as
such, and vice versa; local approval of an installer also locally approves all of the files
it installs

• You cannot use any of these methods to locally approve a file that
has been globally banned or that is banned by policy on the
computer with the file. You also cannot remove local approval for
a file that has been globally approved or that is approved by
policy on the computer with the file.
• Certain approval methods, such as approving a publisher, make all
instances of a file locally approved. These are not discussed in this
section. See “Approving or Banning by Publisher” on page 205
for details of how publisher approvals affect file state.
• You must have Parity Suite licenses to be able to reassign a
computer to Local Approval policy; sites with only Parity
Visibility licenses cannot perform the reassignment.

Automatic Local Approval on Enforcement Level Change

Parity policies have an Advanced Setting, enabled by default, that causes unapproved files
discovered while Parity Agent is in a policy whose Enforcement Level is Low or None
(Visibility) to be locally approved when the policy makes a transition to Medium or High
Automatic local approval of unapproved files allows you to install new files while in Low
Enforcement and then change to a more restrictive Enforcement Level without restricting
the execution of the files that existed at the time of transition. Files that you explicitly ban
remain banned, and unapproved files discovered while in Medium or High Enforcement
remain unapproved during transitions to and from any Enforcement Levels.
You can disable this feature if you choose, on a policy-by-policy basis. This will increase
security against unwanted execution of unapproved files already on an agent before the

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Using Parity

transition, but it might also cause more blocks of non-risky software after the transition. If
you do not plan to enable automatic local approval, consider other bulk approval methods
that might reduce the number of individual files you must approve.

Enforcement level changes can happen because a computer changes
policy or because the enforcement level of the policy itself changes. If
a computer changes policy, it is the setting in the policy it begins in,
not the policy it changes to, that determines whether the approval-on-
transition takes place.

To disable automatic local approval of unapproved files on Enforcement Level

1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears.
2. Click the View Details (pencil) button next to the name of the policy you want to
change. The Edit Policy page for that policy appears.
3. Click the Show Advanced Settings button. The Advanced Settings panel appears.

4. At the bottom of the Advanced Settings panel, un-check the Locally approve
unapproved files on transition from Visibility or Low Enforcement Level to Medium or
High checkbox.
5. Click the Save button.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 for any other policies you want to change.
You can re-enable automatic local approval by checking the checkbox.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Which Files Are Locally Approved On Transition

There are two types of locally “unapproved” files, and these have different Local State
• Files with Local State Details of Unapproved were discovered on a system in None
(Visibility) or Low enforcement. They will be locally approved by a change to
Medium or High Enforcement Level.
• Files with Local State Details of Unapproved (Persisted) were discovered on a system
in Medium or High enforcement. They remain Unapproved on transition.
You can view Local State Details on the Files page or Find File results (for multiple files)
or the File Instance Details page (for one file). In any of the tables, add the Local State
Details column if it is not shown.

For one policy, the Related Views menu on the Edit Policy page includes an Unapproved
files from computers in this policy link that opens the Find Files page with the results of
a file search for these files. Viewing this list may be useful before taking actions affecting
local approval of unapproved files.

Locally Approving Individual Files

You might discover that one or more files you thought were present during Parity Agent
initialization were missing, and as a result, those files are not locally approved. A missing
file could be a standalone executable or a file whose absence prevents an application from
running. If you can identify the missing files and put them on the computer, you can
locally approve them on an instance-by-instance basis.
You can do local approvals from any Parity table that shows file instances, including:
• the Files on Computers tab on the Files page, which shows every file on every Parity-
monitored computer on your network
• any file view of a Baseline Drift Report Results page
• the Find Files page when you have search results displayed

If you are looking for a particular file on one computer, you can add a
Computer filter to your Find Files query and enter the computer’s name.
The resulting search will find the file you are looking for only on the
computer you entered.
You can use filters on any of these pages to get exactly the list of files you
want, or one particular file.

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Using Parity

To locally approve individual file instances from a table of files:

1. Locate the file instance(s) you want to locally approve in the file table.
2. In the table, check the box to the left of each file instance you want to locally approve.
Confirm that the computer name next to each file is a computer you want to affect.
3. On the Action menu, choose Approve Locally. The Local State of each checked file
becomes Locally Approved for the computer on which it appeared.

To get more information about a file before you locally approve it, click
on the View Details (pencil) button in the file table to bring up the File
Instance Details page. That page also includes an Approve Locally choice
on the Actions menu if the file is not already globally or locally approved.

Removing Local Approval

Just as you can locally approve an individual file, you can remove local approval on a file
that has been locally approved. You might choose to do this if a file you really didn’t want
approved happened to be on a computer at Parity Agent initialization, or if you mistakenly
approved the file by one of the post-initialization methods. You locate the file or files the
same way you would if you wanted to approve them, and then do one of the following:
• In a file table (Files page, Find Files page, Baseline Drift Report Results), check the
box next to each file whose local approval you want to remove and choose Remove
Local Approval on the Action menu.
• On a File Instance Details page, click the Remove Local Approval link.

Locally Approving Files Not Yet in File Catalog Inventory

As new files are discovered, Parity processes file instances (i.e., “Files on Computers”) in
the background to allow efficient operation of the server and console. Because of this, the
Events page might report that a new file has been discovered on a computer before that file
actually appears as a file instance in the Files on Computers page.
You can locally approve a file from the Events page by choosing Approve Locally from
the Action menu on the page. You also can click on the highlighted file path in the Event
Description to go to the File Details page. If you do this for a file that is not fully
processed, you see a note at the top of the File Details page.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

You can use the Approve Locally command from the Actions menu on the File Details
page even though file was not found.

Locally Approving Transient or Deleted Files

There may be cases in which a file appears briefly on a computer to accomplish a
particular task. One example of this is a printer driver installation, during which a
temporary file could appear long enough to install the driver and then disappear. Although
this file does not appear in the Files on Computers page, you might want to locally
approve it by hash so that installation of this driver is not blocked by Parity on a particular
As with files that are present on an agent computer but not fully inventoried, you can
locally approve transient or deleted files through the Action menu on the Events page or
the Actions menu on the File Details page for the file. This local approval persists for all
instances of this file that appear on the same computer in the future, even after the
instances are deleted.

You cannot remove local approval of files that do not currently exist on a

Locally Approving All Unapproved Files on a Computer

Parity provides a mechanism for locally approving all unapproved files on a selected
computer. You might choose to do this if you have added a large number of known-good
files to a computer after initialization, at which point they are in the unapproved state (if
not explicitly banned or globally approved).
To change all unapproved files on a computer to Locally Approved:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers.
2. Click the name of the computer whose unapproved files you want to convert. The
Computer Details page for that computer appears.

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Using Parity

3. In the Advanced menu on the lower right of the page, click on Change Local State,
choose Unapproved to Locally Approved in the Change Local States menu, and
then click the Go button. All files whose local state on the computer was Unapproved
are now Locally Approved.

Moving Computers to Local Approval Mode

You must have Parity Suite licenses to be able to reassign a computer to
Local Approval mode; sites with only Parity Visibility licenses cannot
perform the reassignment.

To permit installation of new applications on a selected computer under High Enforcement

Level, you may temporarily relax protection and give the computer permission to execute
any files that are not banned. Your choice of how to do this depends upon whether the
computer is connected to or disconnected from the Parity Server:
• For an online computer, you can use the Parity Console to move the computer into
another Enforcement Level for as long as it takes to complete software installation and
then move it back when you are finished. This option is described in the section
“Moving Online Computers into Local Approval Mode” on page 225.
• For an offline computer, you can use the Parity Console to generate a system-
specific password for use on the computer to move it into another Enforcement Level
for a specified time period. This option is described in the section “Using Timed
Policy Overrides” on page 228.
In either case, Local Approval mode should be temporary – it has a specified time limit for
the Timed Enforcement Level override, but must be returned manually for online
computers, as described in “Restoring Online Computers from Local Approval Mode” on
page 227.
Once you return the computer to its original Enforcement Level, all files that were in the
Unapproved state before the computer was placed in local-approval mode and were not
executed while in local-approval mode remain unapproved. Formerly Unapproved files
that were run or installed while the computer was in local approval mode are locally
approved on the computer but continue to have a global state of Unapproved.
You can move into Local Approval from both High and Medium Enforcement Level.
Although you can execute unapproved files in Medium Enforcement, by using Local

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Approval you eliminate the need to respond to notifiers when you attempt to run
unapproved files.

Moving Online Computers into Local Approval Mode

Local Approval mode allows you to install new files that will become locally approved
without affecting the local state of any files already on the computer before the mode
change or installed after the computer is returned to its normal policy. It is most useful if
you have not yet introduced the new files you want to install on a computer.
You can use Parity Console to move an online computer into the predefined Local
Approval policy for as long as it takes to complete software installation. While in the local
approval policy, computer users are permitted to install and run unapproved applications
that were previously blocked because of High or Medium Enforcement Level, although
banned files remain banned and blocked from running.
After the installation is complete, you can (and should) restore the computer to its original
policy, at which point it continues to be able to run all files that were installed and locally
approved while it was at the relaxed Enforcement Level.

• Unapproved software can be installed on computers in a Low
Enforcement Level policy, so there is no reason to move a computer
to Local Approval from Low Enforcement.
• In Local Approval, the only active Device Control settings are Block
writes to banned removable devices and Block executes from banned
removable devices. All others are set to Off.

You can move computers into Local Approval mode in several different ways, each of
which also allows you to restore the computer to its previous policy:
• You can move one or more computers at a time to Local Approval mode via the
Computers page.
• You can move a single computer from High or Medium Enforcement into Local
Approval using the Action menu on its Computer Details page.
• You can move a single computer into Local Approval mode using the Change Policy
portlet on the Parity Home Page (or any other dashboard it is on).
Local Approval mode has a number of special features for monitoring and control:
• You can track which machines are in Local Approval mode by choosing the Saved
View Computers in Local Approval on the Computers page.
• You can set an alert to trigger if a computer is in Local Approval longer than a time
interval you specify. See “Using Parity Alerts” on page 403 for more details.
• Computers manually moved to Local Approval mode can be easily returned to their
normal Enforcement Level using the Restore to Normal Enforcement Level command
on the Computers page Action menu.

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Using Parity

To place one or more online computers in Local Approval mode:

1. In the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers Page appears.
2. In the Computers table, locate the computer to be placed in local approval mode. To
reduce the number of computers displayed, you can use the Show/Hide Filters button
and filter on policy or some other relevant field. You also can enter all or part of the
computer name in the Search box.
3. Check the names of any computers you want to move to Local Approval mode.

4. On the Action menu, choose Move to Local Approval. The computer(s) moves into
the Local Approval policy. Unapproved files may be executed and device control is
disabled except for writing to banned devices, which is blocked.
Note that if computers in Low Enforcement are included in your selection, the
operation will fail and show an error message.
5. On the Computers Page, choose Computers in Local Approval on the Saved Views
menu. Verify that the computer appears in the table as part of the Local Approval
policy. If so, the computer user may now install software on that system and have it
locally approved (if not globally banned or approved). The only active Device Control
setting is Block writes to banned removable devices.

To move one online computer to Local Approval mode (Computer Details page):
1. On any page displaying a Computer Name field, click on the name. The Computer
Details page for that computer appears.
2. In the Actions menu, click on Change Policy. The Change Policy dialog appears
3. On the Change Policy menu, select Local Approval and then click the Go button. The
computer moves into the Local Approval policy. Unapproved files may be executed
and the only active Device Control settings will block writes to and execute attempts
on removable devices. (Local Approval appears on the menu only for computers in
High and Medium Enforcement.)

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

4. On the Computer Details page, confirm that the Policy has changed to Local
Approval. If so, the computer user may now install software on that system and have it
locally approved (if not globally banned or approved).

Restoring Online Computers from Local Approval Mode

When you have put computers into Local Approval mode, you normally should restore
them to their previous policy as soon as possible, after you have finished installing new
application(s) on them. As with the transition to Local Approval, restoration to the
previous policy can be accomplished from the Change Policy portlet, the Computer
Details page, or the Computers page. The last of these is described here.

The method described below works only for online computers. If you used
a timed Enforcement Level override to move an offline computer into
Local Approval mode, the computer will move back to its normal
Enforcement Level automatically when the time period is over. See
“Using Timed Policy Overrides” on page 228 for more information on that

To restore Local Approval mode computers to their previous policy:

1. In the Console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers page appears.
2. On the Computers page, choose Computers in Local Approval on the Saved Views
menu and verify that the computer appears in the Local Approval policy.

3. In the table, check the box next to the computer you want to restore. If you have
multiple computers to restore, select each one.
4. On the Action menu, choose Restore to Normal Enforcement Level. The computer
moves back to its previous policy. It should no longer be displayed in the Computers
in Local Approval view.

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Using Parity

Using Timed Policy Overrides

You might need to install new applications on a selected computer under High
Enforcement Level protection. You can do this by temporarily relaxing protection and
giving the computer permission to execute any files that are not banned; that is, you move
the computer into the predefined Local Approval policy for as long as it takes to complete
software installation.
Because disconnected computers cannot be controlled directly from the Parity Server, you
need a different way to instruct the agent to make the transition to another Enforcement
Level. Parity can generate a special code that can be entered on a Parity-protected
computer to switch its Enforcement Level for a specified amount of time. The code is
specific to one agent, and it can be used only once. You can generate codes to switch a
computer into any Enforcement Level except None (Disabled), although this feature is
primarily intended for temporary transitions to Local Approval mode.
You can specify a duration of up to 500 minutes for the Enforcement Level change.
Once the specified time for the override has elapsed, the computer is automatically
restored to its original policy. If you had moved it temporarily into Local Approval, it
continues to be able to run all files that were installed while it was in Local Approval.
Files run or installed while the computer was in the Local Approval policy are locally
approved on the computer (unless globally banned or banned for that computer’s policy)
but continue to have a global state of unapproved.
While especially convenient for disconnected computers, Parity will allow you to use a
timed policy override for a connected computer. The override procedures disconnects the
agent during the override. On Mac computers, the override is maintained until the
designated time period expires, even if the agent or computer is restarted during this
Platform Note: Use of timed overrides is not recommended for Windows computers that
are currently connected to Parity Server. If a Windows computer or agent is restarted
during the timed override, the override is ended. If you were using the override to install
and locally approve an application, this could interrupt the installation and prevent
approval of some necessary files, making the application unusable. To avoid unexpected
results, Windows clients should be physically disconnected from the Parity server when
using timed Enforcement Level overrides.

If you use a Temporary Policy Override Code to switch a computer’s
Enforcement Level to Low or None (Visibility Only), when the agent
transitions back to its original Enforcement Level, it might locally approve
certain unapproved files discovered on that computer while in the more
relaxed Enforcement Level – this affects files with Local State Details of
Unapproved, and depends on whether Locally approve unapproved files
on transition from Visibility or Low Enforcement Level to Medium or High
is checked in the Advanced Settings for the policy that computer is
assigned to. Bit9 recommends that unless you are certain that this
automatic local approval setting is off, you only use the Enforcement
Level override feature for temporary transitions to Local Approval,
Medium, or High Enforcement.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

To generate a code to place a computer in temporary local approval mode:

1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers. The Computers page appears:

2. In the table, locate the computer for which you want to generate a code and click on its
name. The Computer Details page for that system appears.
3. Click the Policy Override tab in the panel at the bottom of the page.

4. In the Temporary Policy Override Code panel, unless you want to transition to a
different Enforcement Level, leave the default choice for Temporary Enforcement,
which is Local Approval.
5. In the Enforcement Level Active For box, enter the number of minutes (up to 500) you
want the Enforcement Level change to last.
6. In the Key Valid For box, enter the length of time you want the override code to be
valid. Your choice for this field should take into account how long it will take to get
the key to the computer user who needs it and how quickly they will be able to enter it.
7. When you have entered all parameters, click the Generate Code button. A code
consisting of nine sets of letters separated by dashes appears in the box next to the

8. Copy and save the code from the box (and note the computer name) so that you can
deliver it to the person who will be installing new software on the offline computer.
The code is not saved on the Computer Details page, so you must record it.

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Using Parity

The procedure for applying the override code depends on the platform (Windows, Mac) of
the agent computer.
Overrides on Windows Agents
On Windows computers, disconnecting the agent from Parity Server is strongly
recommended before initiating an override.
To use a Timed Policy Override code on a Windows computer:
1. On the offline computer, locate and run the program TimedOverride.exe, which is in
the Parity Agent installation directory. An authorization dialog box appears.
2. Enter the override code for this agent into the dialog box and click OK.
- If the code entered is invalid or expired, or if TimedOverride.exe is unable to
communicate with the Parity Agent for any reason, an error message will be
displayed. After three invalid attempts, the program automatically closes.
- If a valid code is entered and the Enforcement Level transition is successful, no
message is displayed but the dialog box closes.
3. If there was no error code and the dialog box is no longer displayed, you can begin
installing the new software needed on this machine (assuming your override code was
for Local Approval). The Enforcement Level will return to its original Enforcement
Level after the time period configured when the code was generated.
Overrides on Mac Agents
It is not necessary to disconnect a Mac computer from Parity Server before initiating an
override. If the agent is connected to the server, the overrride procedure automatically
disconnects it and then reconnects it after the override period is over. Machine reboots or
agent restarts do not cancel the timed override. On Mac computers, you use the override
code in special agent management commands to apply a timed policy override.

To use a Timed Policy Override code on a Mac computer:

1. On the computer you want to apply the override to, open a terminal window and
change to the following directory:
- cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools
2. Enter the following command with the override code you generated as an argument:
./B9CLI -timedoverride <code>

- If the code entered is invalid or expired, an error message will be displayed. After
three invalid attempts, the program locks out further attempts for an hour or until
the agent is restarted.
- If a valid code is entered and the Enforcement Level transition is successful, the
message Timed override set is displayed.
3. When the override is set, the agent is disconnected from the server (if connected) and
you can begin installing the new software needed on this machine (assuming your
override code was for Local Approval).
The Enforcement Level will return to its previous setting after the configured override
period expires. On Mac computers, if the computer was connected when the override code
was applied, it is reconnected to its Parity Server. When reconnected (whether
immediately or at a later time), the agent reports events associated with the Enforcement
Level change to the server.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Marking a File as an Installer/Not an Installer

When it analyzes a file, Parity determines whether the file is likely to be an installer – that
is, whether it will generate additional files when executed. By locally approving a file
identified as an installer, you make any files it installs locally approved as well. Files not
identified as installers do not transfer their approval status to files they generate, if any.
It is possible that a file is mis-categorized, or that you prefer not to have the local approval
of a top-level file cause local approval of the files it installs. Parity provides a switch to
override installer status in both directions. For each file, you see only the switch that
reverses the current status.

For this release of Parity, the only Mac files recognized as installers are
packages – files with .PKG extensions and properly defined archive headers.
Because of this, using the Mark as installer feature might be particularly
useful for this platforms.

To mark a file as an installer:

• On the File Details or File Instance Details page, click Mark as Installer in the
Actions menu.

To mark a file as not an installer:

• On the File Details or File Instance Details page, click Mark as Not Installer in the
Actions menu.

• When you override the installer status of a file, that override is shown in
the Local State Details for the file.
• In file tables, if you check the box next to a file not identified as an
installer, and you choose Approve by Policy on the Action menu, you can
mark the file as an installer as part of your approval rule. This ensures that
new files it writes will be locally approved. Files it has already written
will remain in their current state.
• You can create a Custom Rule that Promotes files meeting the rule
specifications. This treats these files as installers under the conditions of
the rule but does not change their global status as an installer or not an
installer. See Chapter 11, “Custom Software Rules.”

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Using Parity

File-Specific Rules: Approvals and Bans

The Files tab of the Software Rules page shows all of the approvals and bans created at
your site for specific individual files. These rules identify specific files by hash or
optionally by file name (for bans only).
Approvals and bans can be global, applying to all computers, or they can be applied to
computers in selected policies. Active Bans block file executions for affected computers in
Control mode, report an event for computers in Visibility mode, and do nothing for
computers in Agent Disabled mode. You also can create a Ban that only reports what it
would have done if active.
Because the Files tab shows both Approvals and Bans, you can manage all file rules in one
place. You can check to see whether a particular file has any approval or ban affecting it,
and you can remove rules from one or more checked files.

By default, file rules are grouped by their type, so you see all of the Approvals together,
Bans together, and Report Only bans together. As with most Parity tables, you can change
(or eliminate) the grouping by making another choice on the Group by menu.
You can create approvals and bans directly on the Software Rules page Files tab if you
want to enter the file hash or name manually in a property page. The easier way to create
bans, however, is from a table or File Details page that already has the file hash in it. In
either case, when you create the approval or ban, it appears on this page.
When you create a new ban or approval, it might affect a file that already has an approval
or ban. If you attempt to do this, a warning appears, informing you that if you save the new
rule it will delete the old rule. This can be especially helpful if you select a group of files
and are accidently replacing a ban with an approval on some files, or vice versa.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Approvals and bans on the Files tab are rules created specifically for a
given file (by name or by hash). This page does not show all approvals or
bans that take effect because of other rules, including Reputation and
Custom Rules, and it is not a comprehensive list of global file state. If you
want to see all files whose global state is approved, use the File Catalog.

Approvals and bans that appear on the File Rules page are created in the following ways:
• From the Software Rules Files tab, open the Add File Rule page and enter the hash for
a single file; for bans, you also have the option of using the file name or a specific path
• From a File Details or File Instance Details page, choose one of the approval or ban
commands on the Actions menu to create a rule for a single file.
• In a table of files (e.g., the File Catalog), check one or more files and choose one of
the approval or ban commands on the Action menu to create one or more rules.
• In the Events table, check one or more events that have a file reference in the
description and choose one of the approval or ban commands on the Action menu to
create one or more rules.
• From the Software Rules Files tab, import a list of file hashes to create multiple rules.
• From the Software Rules Directories tab, create a Trusted Directory. Each file located
in a trusted directory has an approval rule created for it.
• An approval or ban might be created through an external API. Rule origin also might
be unknown, for example if the rule was created in an older version of Parity. The
Source field on the Files tab or Edit File Rule page shows how a rule was created.
Once you create a rule, you can manage it from the File Rules page, and in most cases you
can delete it using commands on the page you used to create it.

Banning the wrong file can have unintended and possibly harmful
consequences. For example, inadvertently banning a legitimate system
file could cause computers to immediately crash. Before you ban a file,
ensure that you enter the correct name or hash. As a precaution, first
search the file name or hash with the Find Files feature to verify that it is
the file you want to ban, and review the File Details page. For further
assurance, consider using Parity Knowledge Service to learn more about
the file before banning it. For more information, see “Activating Parity
Knowledge Service File Analysis” in Chapter 20, “Parity Configuration.”
One way to test the impact of a ban without actually blocking files is to
create a Report Only ban.

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Using Parity

Report Only Bans

Creating a Ban (Report Only) rule enables you to observe how a ban might affect your
users. With a report-only ban, Parity permits the file to execute and writes would-have-
blocked warnings to the Events log instead of actually blocking the file. If you are certain
this is a file you want to block from executing, you can change the rule to a full Ban. See
“Event Reports” on page 394 for more information about Parity event reporting.

Creating an Approval or Ban from the Software Rules Page

If you want to specify all of the parameters for an approval or ban, you can create it on the
Add File Rule page.
To create and configure an approval or ban for a single file:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click the Files tab. The File Approvals and Bans table appears:

3. Click the Add File Rule button. The Add File Rule page appears, with Approval as
the default Rule Type:

4. Specify the information about the rule and the file to be approved or banned (Table 38
shows the full list of possible parameters and rule details available after creation):
a. Provide a Rule Name so that you can identify the rule in the table.
b. Choose the Rule Type (Approval, Ban, Ban (Report Only).
c. If the rule is a Ban, choose the Type (Hash or File Name).
d. For Hash rules, specify the type of hash you will provide (MD5 or SHA-1).
e. For FileName Bans, choose the platform to which the rule will apply (Windows,
f. Enter the Hash Value or File Name that will identify the file.
g. Optionally, provide a Description.
h. In the Rule Applies To field, choose All policies or specify the Selected policies to
which the rule will apply.
5. To create the approval or ban, click Save. The rule appears on the File Rules table.
Group the table by Type (the default) if you want to see Bans together, Report Only
bans together, and Approvals together.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

When you save a rule, the parameters that define the rule and additional information about
it are available on its details page. Table 38 shows the information that appears on the Edit
File Rule page. Which fields on the page are editable depends upon how the rule was

Table 38: File Rule Parameters

Field Description
Rule Name Text description of the files to be approved or banned. This could be
a file name or other identifying information to help you manage the
rule (the rule is created even if you do not enter a name).
Note: This is name for the rule only. Entering a file name here does
not create a filename-based rule.
Rule Type The choices are Approval, Ban, and Ban (Report Only), which
reports events for situations in which the file would have been
blocked if the rule had been a full Ban.
Source How the rule was created. The possible values are: Manual (created
(Read Only) from scratch or from Action menu commands), Trusted Directory,
Imported (from an uploaded list of files), External (API), and
Unknown. Appears after the rule is created.
Type To ban a file you must know the Name of the file or its Hash (data
(Bans Only) signature). Choose one, as appropriate. If you choose Name, you
can enter a path so that the rule only applies to a file in a particular
location. Approvals are always by hash, so the Type field does not
appear for them. Name bans must be platform-specific.
File Name (Appears only for bans, and only if you chose File Name as Type)
(Bans Only) Name of the file and its extension. For example, msblast.exe.
Specify a directory path if you want to ban only matching files in a
particular location. If you use a path, files with the same name that
appear in any other directory are not subject to the name ban.
Platform Note: If you enter a path, be sure to use the correct
directory delimiters, and to use only characters and formats legal for
paths in the chosen platform. Parity does not convert paths between
platforms (e.g., ‘\’ to ‘/’).
Platform (Appears only for bans, and only if you chose File Name as Type)
(Ban by Platform for which this rule is effective (Mac, Windows). Name bans
Name Only) must be platform-specific.
Hash Type Cipher algorithm used to create the hash you want to approve or
ban. If you paste in a value, the choices are MD5 and SHA1. Rules
created from a file table or details page use SHA-256, if available.
Hash Value Hash (data signature) for the file. Hashes not yet seen by Parity can
be used in rules.
To locate hashes for files already found on your computers, you can
use the File Catalog or Find Files pages.
Description Optional text to further describe the file approval or ban.
This information is displayed in File Rules table under the
Description column (if visible).

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Using Parity

Field Description
Rule Policies for which Parity will enforce the approval:
Applies To Select All policies to approve or ban the file for all computers.
Select Specified policies to choose which policies to apply the rule.
When you click this button, a list of policies appears, each with a
checkbox. You also can use the checkbox at the top of the list to
check all boxes or clear all checks, but keep in mind that you cannot
create a rule that applies to no policies.
History Shows when and by whom the rule was created and last changed.
(Read Only) Also shows the CL version (i.e., the version of Parity rules) in which
the current version of the rule is present, which can be used to
determine whether the rule is present on an agent.

Editing and Deleting File Rules

You can modify or delete an existing File rule. In Table 38, “File Rule Parameters,” on
page 235 some of the parameters can be changed and some are read-only.
To edit an approval or ban rule:
1. On the Files tab of the Software Rules page, click the View Details (pencil and file)
button next to the rule. The Edit File Rule page appears.
2. Edit the details you want to change. You can change all rule parameters except for
Type (hash or file), Hash Type, and Hash Value. Also Source and History are read-
only fields added to the page to reflect activities related to the rule.
3. When you have finished making changes, click Save. The rule is updated.

You cannot disable an existing approval or ban. You can, however, change
the Rule Type. For example, you can change a ban from an active ban to
Report Only, which will prevent it from blocking but still report file
executions it would have blocked.
You also can change a Ban to an Approval or vice versa, but be certain
you understand the effects before doing this. If you don’t want a rule
enabled in any way, you must delete it.

To delete a File rule, you can use the Remove Approval or Ban commands on the Action
menu of any file table page, or the appropriate Remove comand on a details page. If you
are on the Software Rules page Files tab, you delete rules using the following procedure.
To delete one or more approval or ban rules:
1. On the Files tab of the Software Rules page, check the box next to the approvals and
bans you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete File Rule button.
3. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK. The rules are removed.
You also can delete a single approval or ban by clicking the Remove Rule button on its
Edit Rule page.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Creating File Approvals and Bans from Table Pages

The following procedure describes creating an approval or ban rule from the Files page
(File Catalog or Files on Computers), but it applies to any other Parity page that lists files
as well as pages in which the file is not the primary information but might be included as a
link in details of another object. Generally, a row with a checkbox next to a filename
allows creation of bans and approvals from the Action menu. This includes:
• Files page (both File Catalog and Files on Computers)
• Baseline Drift Report Results pages that list files
• Snapshot Content page
• Events page (only events that include file hashes)
• Find Files page (when showing results)
The Action menu provides the following choices for managing approvals and bans from a
tables page:
• Approve Globally – Immediately creates a hash-based rule globally approving a file
for all computers – no configuration is necessary.
• Ban Globally – Immediately creates an active hash ban applying to all computers and
operating – no configuration is necessary.
• Approve by Policy – Opens the Add Rule page with the file name as Rule Name,
Approval as the Rule Type, and the file Hash already in place. You can choose to
apply the rule to selected policies or all computers and, you can edit the rule name and
add a description.
• Ban by Policy – Opens the Add Rule page with the file name as Rule Name, Ban as
the Rule Type, and the file Hash already in place. You can choose to apply the rule to
selected policies or all computers, you can edit the rule name and add a description,
and you can make the rule an active ban or just a report-only ban.
• Remove Approval or Ban – Immediately removes the rules for all checked boxes,
including mixed selections of approvals and bans.
The advantage of creating an approval or ban from a Parity files table is that you can
approve or ban multiple files at once. For example, you might use the filtering tools on a
files page to get a list of files meeting certain criteria, check the box next to each file’s
name, and globally ban them in one operation.

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Using Parity

When you create a rule from a table, the rule definition you provide applies to each
selected file. When you save the definition, a separate rule is created and named for each
selected file. Rules created from checked rows of a table are always hash bans, and use
SHA-256 hashes if available.

• Initially, files that originate from a common source or installer are
grouped under the source/installer file name. If you are looking for a
file to approve or ban and want to include all individual files grouped
under an installer in the table so that you can view and search them,
check the Show Individual Files box in the lower right corner of the
Files page, which automatically refreshes the table.
• You can filter the lists of files on the Files page, rearrange display
columns, and download results in comma-separated-value format. For
more information, see “Parity Tables” in Chapter 2, “Using the Parity

Creating Global Approvals and Bans

The Action menu on files pages has two shortcut commands, one of which creates a global
ban and the other a global approval for the files you check on the page. These commands
give you a quick way to approve or ban one or more files as long as you do not want to
create any special configuration for the rules you create.
When created this way, rules apply to all policies. If you choose Globally Approve,
checked files are globally approved for all computers and each file has a separate approval
rule on the Software Rules page. Likewise, if you choose Globally Ban, the files are
banned on all computers in Control policies and each file has a separate ban rule on the
Software Rules page.
For both approvals and bans, if you checked one file, the file name is used as the rule
name. If you checked more than one file, the name is left blank.

If you select files that already have a rule and apply a different type of rule
to them, it is possible that the name of the old rule will be maintained and
the rule type will be changed. This could be confusing if you named a
rule something like “Approve Files for My Project” and then changed the
Rule Type to Ban.

To create a global approval or global ban for one or more files on a Files page:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Files. The Files page appears.
2. Locate the files you want to approve or ban and check the boxes next to their names.
3. On the Action menu, choose Globally Approve or Globally Ban.
4. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

Custom Approvals and Bans

When you choose Approve by Policy or Ban by Policy on the Action menu of a file table,
an Add File Rule dialog appears with the hash(es) for the files you selected already
entered. Unlike choosing one of the global options, this choice allows you to customize
other parameters before you create the rule.
To create a custom approval or ban for one or more files shown on the Files page:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Files. The Files page appears.
2. Locate the files you want to approve or ban and check the boxes next to their names.
3. On the Action menu, choose Approve by Policy or Ban by Policy. The Add File Rule
page opens.

4. You can change the Rule Type, including changing from Ban, which actively blocks
executions, to Ban (Report Only), which just reports that the file would have been
blocked if the ban was fully activated.
5. You can add an optional description of the rule (for example, something the approved
files have in common or why you banned the files on them).
6. In the Rule applies to field:
a. To apply the rule to all computers, leave the All policies button selected.
b. To apply the rule to selected policies only, click the Selected policies button.
7. If the Rule Type is Approval, an Installer Information panel is included at the bottom
of the page. If any of the files selected for approval is not currently recognized as
installers, a Mark all files as installers checkbox appears in the panel. Check the box if
you want the files to be approved and marked as installers.

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Using Parity

Especially when you have multiple files selected for the rule, be
certain you want all of the files to become installers before you check
the Mark all files as installers box. Files created by installers are
locally approved, and there is no automatic way to remove this
approval. The message in the Installer Information panel will tell you
how many files in your selection would be affected by this choice, and
whether any files in the selection have created or modified other files.

8. When you have configured the rule as you want it, click the Save button. Each file you
checked when you started the process appears on the Software Rules page Files tab as
a separate approval. The File Approvals and Bans table indicates whether an approval
or ban is global or not.

Approving and Banning Files from the File Details Page

Although you can approve or ban files from tables, you might want more information
about the file before you decide to ban it. For this, you can go to the File Details page.

You can follow this same procedure to approve or ban a file globally
or by policy from the File Instance Details page, which also includes
options for applying or removing local approval of an individual file.

To approve or ban a single file using the File Details page:

1. When you find a file you want to approve or ban, click the View Details (pencil)
button next to it in a table or click its hash or name if it is in the Events table. The File
Details page appears (only top panel shown here):

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Chapter 8: Approving and Banning Software

2. Examine the information on the File Details page to be certain you want to approve or
ban the file. For example, you can see in the File Prevalence line whether any
computers currently have the file. To determine which computers have the file before
you approve or ban it, click the All File Instances link on the Related Views menu.
3. If you have Parity Knowledge enabled, the Parity Knowledge Information panel
shows Trust, Threat, and other information about the file, if available. You can click
the Analyze button to search Parity Knowledge for information if none is shown or to
check for updated information.

If you want to analyze the file but the Analyze button is not visible,
see “Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis” on page

4. In the Action menu, choose the rule you want to create for this file – note that if the
file is already approved or banned, you must remove the current rule (using Remove
Approval or Remove Ban) before you create an opposite rule.

For more information about approving or banning hashes from the
Files tab of the Software Rules page, see “Creating an Approval or
Ban from the Software Rules Page” on page 234.

Approving or Banning Lists of Files

If you have a list of hashes for files, you can import the list in a text file as input to Parity
and change their file state in one operation. You can change the file state to Approved,
Banned, or Ban (Report Only), and you can do this for some or all policies.
The requirements and recommendations for approving or banning lists of hashes are:
• The file containing the hash list must be accessible to the Parity Server.
• The file must contain a list of MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 hashes, with only one hash
per line.
• Use only one hash type per file; mixing types in one file may cause unpredictable
• You must take the same action on all files on the list; that is, you must approve the
whole list, ban the whole list, or create a report-only ban for the whole list.
• If you are running IE7, IE8, or IE9 with advanced security settings on Windows 2003,
you must make https://<parityservername>/ a trusted site in Internet Options –
Security – Trusted Sites – Sites. Otherwise, bulk hash files cannot be processed.
• Do not navigate away from the page until the Upload Hashes page shows that the
process is complete. If you do navigate away, processing of the hashes is interrupted.
In this case, you can upload the file again, and any hashes not yet approved or banned
will be processed.

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Using Parity

When you use this method to approve or ban a list of files by their hashes, each file
appears as a separate rule, but the rule name is the same for each.
To create approvals or bans for a list of hashes:
1. Copy or move the file containing the hashes to a location accessible to Parity Server.
2. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
3. Click the Files tab. The File Rules page appears with a list of Approved and Banned
4. Click the Import button. The Upload Hashes for Banning or Approving page appears.

5. Enter the rule parameters, as follows:

a. Enter the Rule Name as you want it to appear on the File Rules page.
b. Use the Browse button to locate the file containing the list of hashes and click
Open in the Choose file dialog when you locate the file. The pathname to the file
containing the hashes appears in the File name box.
c. (Optional) Enter a description for the rule.
d. Choose Approve, Ban, or Ban (Report Only) on the Rule Type menu.
e. Make the rule effective for All policies or Selected policies.
6. When you are satisfied with all of the rule parameters, click Upload. A two-column
progress table appears as the hashes are processed, reporting the success or failure of
the rule for each file and also informing you when hashes on the list are already in the
state you chose.

7. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. On the Files tab of the
Software Rules page, the hashes you created approvals or bans for appear in separate
rows in the table, but with the same Rule Name. Once rules have been created for all
files on the list, each rule can be modified individually.

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Chapter 9: Reputation Approval Rules

Chapter 9

Reputation Approval Rules

This chapter describes reputation approval rules, which can be used to automatically
approve files based on the file and publisher trust ratings provided by Parity Knowledge

Reputation approval rules require activation of Parity Knowledge Service.
See “Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis” on page 523.
Other methods for approving files are described in Chapter 8, “Approving
and Banning Software.”


Topic Page
Overview 244
Reputation Approval Strategy 245
Creating Exceptions for Files and Publishers 248
Enabling Reputation Approvals 250
Modifying and Disabling Reputation Approvals 251
Views Related to Reputation Approvals 252

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 243

Using Parity

Parity Knowledge Service is a cloud-based database of known files, hosted by Bit9. It
pulls file data from a combination of distribution partners, Web crawlers, honeypots, and
the Bit9 user community. For files in the database, Parity Knowledge Service provides
context information such as who published the file and what product (if any) it is
associated with. It also screens software using multiple anti-malware tools, and cross-
references it against third-party vulnerability databases.
Using the information it has about a file, Parity Knowledge Service assigns a threat level
and a trust rating. It also assigns a trust rating to publishers.
Reputation approval rules allow you to use these trust ratings to approve files
automatically, with the following options:
• Approvals can be based on file or publisher reputation, and these options can be
enabled together for maximum coverage and benefit.
• You set the trust thresholds at which you want files and publishers to be approved.
• Reputation approvals can be enabled for all Parity-managed computers or by policy.
• You can disable reputation approvals for specific publishers and specific files that you
don’t want to be automatically approved.
If you are concerned about advanced threats, reputation approvals can be a good choice
for approving files considered trustworthy. Automatic approval using reputation can give
your end users more flexibility and reduce the effort of maintaining the whitelist of
approved files. Note that reputation approvals are based only on a file’s trust rating (i.e.,
how safe it is believed to be), not on whether it is appropriate for a business environment.
When you enable reputation approvals, any manual file or publisher state assignments you
have made remain in effect and take precedence over reputation. For example, if you ban a
file by name or hash, that file remains banned even if it would have been approved by
reputation. When and how reputation approval rules affect files on computers is described
later in this chapter.

Trust Ratings for Files and Publishers

File Trust Ratings
The Parity Knowledge Service bases a file’s trust rating on a proprietary algorithm that
takes the following factors into account:
• Source Trust – The origin of the file
• Publisher Trust – Whether the file has a signed digital certificate and the trust
associated with that specific certificate
• Malware Severity – Whether anti-virus scanners identify the file as malicious or
potentially malicious (e.g., a virus or malware); files in Parity Knowledge Service
database are scanned by multiple anti-virus products
• Vulnerability Severity – Whether there is a known vulnerability for the file
(specifically, a Microsoft-reported vulnerability), and if so, how severe
• Duration Seen – How long this file has been seen in the field by Parity Knowledge
• First Seen – The date/time this file was first seen in the field by Parity Knowledge
• Prevalence – How common this file is in the field, as reported to Parity Knowledge

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Chapter 9: Reputation Approval Rules

The combination of these factors is used to calculate the trust rating of a file. Parity
Knowledge Service rates file trust on a scale from 0 (lowest trust) to 10 (highest trust).
For example, a signed operating system file with no known vulnerabilities would have a
Trust value near 10. An unsigned third-party application not distributed via well-known
websites might have a trust value of 3. Known malicious software, or an application
distributing known malicious software, would have a Trust value at or near 0.

Publisher Trust Ratings

A publisher’s trust rating is based on factors including aggregate experience with files
from that publisher and the publisher’s general reputation. There are four possible values
for publisher trust: High, Medium, Low, and Not Trusted. If a publisher is Not Trusted,
either there is no information about it or it is known not to have any of the factors that
would elevate its trust level.

Reputation Approval Strategy

Reputation approvals allow high-trust software to run on Parity-managed computers with
little administrative effort. How you choose to implement reputation approvals will
depend on your goals, especially the balance between convenience and protection.
Although you can enable them separately, you get the maximum benefit of reputation
approvals by enabling both file and publisher reputation approvals:
• File reputation approvals – Not all files are signed by a publisher. By using file
reputation approvals, you can take advantage of the reputation data for specific files
known to Parity Knowledge Service, regardless of whether a file has a known
• Publisher reputation approvals – By using publisher reputation approvals, you
ensure that all files signed by trusted publishers, including new files that might not
have their own reputation yet, are approved and can run on Parity-managed
computers. Files from approved publishers are approved locally on connected Parity-
managed computers.
You can enable reputation approvals for all computers or only for computers in specific
policies. There is no performance benefit or penalty for limiting reputation approvals to
certain policies, so you should enable reputation approvals for all policies except those in
which you want complete control over what files can be executed.

When Parity Knowledge is activated, Publisher Trust values are shown on
the Publishers tab. This tells you what to expect when you enable
Approvals for publishers. If the Trust value for a Publisher is High, then
all files from that publisher will be approved when reputation approvals
for publishers are enabled.

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Using Parity

Setting the Trust Level for Approvals

You can set trust levels for file and publisher approvals any way you choose, but there are
two recommended combinations:
Goal File Trust Publisher Trust
High Critical Asset Protection – For high 8 High
protection for intellectual property and other
confidential information
Protection with Flexibility – To protect your 6 Medium
computers from risky files but allow automatic
approval of more files with relatively low threat

When you enable both file and publisher reputation approvals, a file is approved if either
its reputation or its publisher’s reputation meets the thresholds you set.
You can adjust these settings to meet your own judgment on the tradeoffs, but setting the
approval level at a very low trust level is not advisable. One way to see what the effect of
approvals at different trust levels will be is to examine the File Catalog and the Publishers
list in Parity, grouped to show their contents by Trust.
To see files by trust category, choose Assets > Files on the console menu, click the File
Catalog tab, and choose Trust on the Group By menu.
To see current publishers by trust category, choose Rules > Software Rules on the console
menu, click the Publishers tab, and choose Trust on the Group by menu. This list
includes only those publishers whose files have been inventoried on Parity-managed
computers or added by importing a certificate from a file on a computer without an agent.

How File Reputation Approvals Work

File reputation approvals rely on the most specific information available for the files
known to Parity Knowledge Service. A separate reputation approval rule (global or by
policy) is created on the Parity Server for each file meeting the reputation threshold. The
scope of a reputation approval is determined by the list of policies on which reputation is
enabled. As with other file approvals, reputation approvals can behave like per-policy
approvals or global approvals, depending on your reputation settings
File reputation rules are not listed on the Parity Server, but you can view a list of files
approved by reputation. See “Views Related to Reputation Approvals” on page 252.
Unlike other approvals, file reputation approvals are not pushed to endpoints
automatically. There are three conditions that cause a reputation-based file approval to be
sent to endpoints on which reputation approval is enabled:
• If Parity Server has a record of a file being blocked on any endpoint and that file is
later approved by reputation, the server begins sending the approvals of the file to
agents immediately.
• If a user attempts to execute an instance of a reputation-approved file on a computer
connected to the Parity Server, and if the server detects that the file satisfies the
reputation trust threshold, the server will allow the agent to run the file immediately,
and also will begin sending the approval to agents.
• If the reputation-approved file is identified as an installer, Parity Server begins
sending the approval of the file to agents immediately.

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Chapter 9: Reputation Approval Rules

Even if a file is approved by reputation and not blocked by another rule, until its approval
is sent to agents because of one of the cases above, instances of the file may be locally
unapproved and may block if the agent computer is disconnected before the approval is

Removal of Reputation Approval for a File

If the file reputation approval rule changes in a way that removes reputation approval from
a file – by disabling reputation approval completely or by policy, by raising the approval
threshold, or by lowering the file’s own reputation – the global approval for that file is
eliminated from connected computers, and the file state in the File Catalog reverts to
unapproved. If an instance of this file was executed during the time it was approved by
reputation, that instance remains locally approved on the computer where it was executed.
Any explicit assignment of a ban or approval state to a file or its publisher takes
precedence over a reputation approval.

Approval by file reputation involves a significant initial impact on Parity
Server as files are analyzed to see whether they would be approved
according to Trust Level. In addition, disabling file approvals or changing
the approval threshold has a similarly significant impact. Avoid
unnecessary changes in file reputation rule configuration.

How Publisher Reputation Approvals Work

When approval by publisher reputation is enabled, the list of all trusted publishers that
meet the specified threshold is sent down to all computers. This allows Parity Agents to
approve new files from approved publishers as soon as they are seen for the first time,
even if the computer is offline. In addition, the agent will approve all existing files from
these publishers that were previously unapproved, unless they are explicitly banned.
Approval by publisher reputation has a low impact on the server and network traffic.
As with manual publisher approval, only files whose certificates meet all requirements
described in “Approving or Banning by Publisher” can be approved by publisher

Removal of Reputation Approval for a Publisher

Once a file is locally approved because of its publisher’s reputation, removal of publisher
approval at a later time does not remove local approval of that file. Anything that removes
approval from the publisher, including a change in reputation, a change in reputation
approval settings, or completely disabling reputation approvals, affects only files that are
encountered in the future.
If a publisher is no longer approved by reputation, its files can be returned to the
unapproved state by manually removing the local approval on the Files on Computers or
File Instance Details page for each instance. If a publisher is banned, however, that ban
removes the approval from the file that was previously locally approved because of
publisher reputation -- it is not necessary to manually remove local approval for each
Explicitly banning a file removes a local approval that occured because of publisher

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Using Parity

Reputation Approvals and Other Parity Rules

Reputation rules can be affected by other actions you perform on the console:
• Any explicit file rule that identifies a file by name or hash will automatically disable
reputation control for that file. This includes global and policy-specific File Rules
(bans and approvals), files on imported lists of hash approvals or bans, trusted
directories, and publisher bans and approvals. Once a file is not controlled by
reputation, it will no longer automatically get approved or unapproved based on
reputation settings and thresholds.
• To allow reputation to control the state of a file with reputation disabled, you must
remove explicit rule (approval or ban) and then re-enable reputation for the file.
• Custom rules that directly block or allow access to a file will supersede approvals by
file or publisher reputation.

Creating Exceptions for Files and Publishers

In general, you should enable reputation approvals because you want to rely on the
information in Parity Knowledge Service to eliminate a large number of unnecessary file
blocks on trusted files. However, there might be a particular file or publisher that you do
not want approved, regardless of its reputation in Parity Knowledge Service. Parity
provides the option of disabling reputation approvals for an individual file or publisher.

If you create file or publisher exceptions before the reputation feature is
enabled for Parity Server, those files or publishers are unaffected by
reputation rules. Exceptions added after reputation rules are enabled
prevent reputation approval of newly discovered files and remove global
approvals based on file reputation, but they do not undo local approval of
files whose publisher was approved by reputation.

Disabling Reputation Approvals for a File

You can disable reputation approvals for individual files. If you create the exception
before enabling reputation rules on your server, it prevents any approvals by reputation for
instances of the file. If you create the exception after enabling reputation rules, the
reputation-approved file will revert to unapproved (both globally and locally) if no other
approvals apply. If the file was already locally approved by some other means, however,
(such as publisher approval or a custom rule), it will remain locally approved.
When you disable reputation for a file, it affects only that file, even if it is an installer.
To disable reputation approval for a file:
1. Open the File Details or File Instance Details page for the file.
2. In the Advanced menu to the right of the main page, click on Disable Reputation
Approval for this File. 
Reputation approvals are disabled for the file.

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Chapter 9: Reputation Approval Rules

To re-enable reputation approval for a file:

• Click the Enable Reputation Approval for this File option in the Advanced menu on
the File Details or File Instance Details page.

Disabling Reputation Approvals for a Publisher

You can disable reputation approvals for individual publishers. If you create the exception
before enabling reputation rules on your server, it prevents any approvals by reputation for
instances of files from the publisher. If you create the exception after enabling reputation
rules, however, any files from an approved publisher found on Parity-managed computers
prior to disabling the publisher will already be locally approved by reputation, and will not
become unapproved if you disable the publisher. Only files first seen by Parity after you
disable approval for the publisher are unaffected by the publisher’s reputation.
To disable reputation approval for a publisher:
1. Open the Publisher Details page for the publisher.
2. Un-check the checkbox next to Enable reputation approvals for this publisher.
3. Click the Save button. Reputation approvals are disabled for this publisher.

To re-enable reputation approval for a publisher:

• Check Enable reputation approvals for this publisher on the Publisher Details page.

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Using Parity

Enabling Reputation Approvals

This section describes enabling the reputation approvals feature for your Parity Server.
Before enabling reputation approvals:
• Consider exceptions you want to create for files and publishers that you do not want
approved by reputation. These exceptions should be created before you enable the
feature. See “Creating Exceptions for Files and Publishers” on page 248 for details.
• Consider whether you would like reputation approvals to be available for all of your
Parity-managed computers or only those in certain policies. This choice is covered in
the procedure below.
Keep in mind that although you can add file and publisher exceptions after you enable
reputations for Parity Server, the publisher exceptions do not reverse any local approvals
that have already occurred due to publisher reputation.
To enable reputation approvals:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. On the Software Rules page, click the Reputation tab. The Reputation Approvals
page appears.

Parity Knowledge Service must be activated before you can enable
Reputation Approvals. If no Reputation tab appears on the Software Rules
page, Parity Knowledge is not activitated. In this case, follow the
instructions in “Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis” on
page 523 before continuing with this procedure.

3. Click to check the box labeled Enable reputation approvals. This opens the fields on
the page for editing.

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Chapter 9: Reputation Approval Rules

4. To enable file approval by reputation, make sure the box next to Approve applications
with a trust greater or equal to is checked and then choose a trust level from the menu.
File trust choices range from 1 (very low trust) to 10 (highest trust). See “Setting the
Trust Level for Approvals” on page 246 for recommendations.
5. To enable publisher approval by reputation, make sure the box next to Approve
publishers with trust greater or equal to is checked and then choose a publisher trust
level. Publisher trust has three values: Low, Medium and High.
6. Select the policies for which you want to enable reputation approvals:
a. To enable the rules for all policies, click the All policies radio button.
b. To enable the rules only for some policies, click the Selected policies radio button
and check the box next to each policy you want to be affected by these rules.

You also can enable or disable reputation approvals for a policy on its Edit
Policy page.

7. When you have finished configuring reputation approvals, click the Save button at the
bottom of the page and choose OK in the confirmation dialog. Reputation approvals
are activated.

Enabling file reputation approvals can require that very large numbers of
file states are re-evaluated. You will not necessarily see changes in file
state immediately in the console, but Parity continues to process these
changes in the background until all are up-to-date with the new approval
rules. Full processing of the approvals may take several minutes.

Modifying and Disabling Reputation Approvals

You can modify or disable the reputation approval features in the same place where they
were enabled. Modifications include changing the file or publisher trust threshold and
changing the policies affected by reputation approvals. You also can disable one type of
reputation approval (i.e., publisher or file) and leave the other in place.
The effect of modifying or disabling reputation approvals depends upon what kind of
approval you enabled. Changes in reputation approval also have different network impacts
as rules are re-evaluated.
• Changing the approval threshold for file reputation approvals can have a very
significant one-time impact on server and network traffic while the changes are
processed. Evaluation and updating of the File Catalog will take a few minutes, but
depending upon the number of agents and the size of the File Catalog, it could take
from hours to days to send the new file state information to all agents.
• Disabling file approvals can have a very significant network impact and, as with
changing the approval threshold, might require from hours to days before all agents
are updated with the changes in file state.

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Using Parity

• Changes in publisher approval rules or policy coverage do not have a significant

• Disabling publisher approval does not undo any local file approvals that already
occurred because of publisher reputation.

To modify or disable the reputation approvals feature:

1. On the Rules > Software Rules on the console menu and click the Reputation tab.
The Reputation Approvals page appears,
2. Make any needed changes and click Save.

• You also can enable or disable reputation approvals for a policy on its
Edit Policy page.
• You can create exceptions for files or publishers you don’t want
controlled by reputation approvals. See “Creating Exceptions for
Files and Publishers” on page 248.

Views Related to Reputation Approvals

The Related Views menu on the right side of the Reputation Approvals page provides
links to additional information about Parity activity related to these approvals:
• All files approved by reputation – Clicking on this link shows the File Catalog page
filtered to show all unique files globally approved by reputation.
• All publishers approved by reputation – Clicking on this link shows the Publishers
tab of the Software Rules page, filtered to show all publishers approved by reputation.
• Reputation approval events – Clicking on this link shows the Events page filtered to
show all events related to reputation approvals (publisher and file).

These views can help you understand how reputation approvals are affecting your
computers and perhaps point to changes you would like to make in the reputation
approvals configuration, or in the state of specific files or publishers.

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Chapter 9: Reputation Approval Rules

In other views that show files or publishers, you can see whether a file or publisher has
been affected by reputation approvals by looking at these fields:
• File State Reason – If the file was approved by file reputation, this field shows
Reputation. If the file has an approved publisher the File State can be Approved by
Reputation even when File State Reason is something other than Reputation.
• Publisher State Reason – If the publisher for a file is approved by reputation, this
field shows Reputation.
• Reputation Enabled (files) – The File Details and File Instance Details pages include
a Reputation Enabled field that shows whether file reputation approvals are enabled
for the current file. You can add this same field to the File Catalog and Files on
Computers pages. Note that a value of Yes means that the file can be approved by
reputation, not that it is approved.
• Reputation Enabled (publishers) – On the Publishers tab on the Software Rules page,
you can add a column that shows whether reputation approvals are enabled for each
listed publisher. As with files, a value of Yes means that the publisher can be approved
by reputation, not that it is approved.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

Chapter 10

Managing Devices
This chapter describes features for tracking and control of storage devices detected on
computers running Parity Agent.

Topic Page
Overview 256
Devices Managed by Parity 256
Enabling Per-Policy Device Control 257
Managing Specific Devices 260
Viewing Device Information 260
Managing Devices by Model 261
Managing Device Instances 265
Managing Computer-Device Attachments 270

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 255

Using Parity

Parity enables you to track fixed and removable storage devices on Parity-managed
Windows computers, and to control file operations that users can perform on those
removable devices. Device management in Parity consists of the following:
• Policy-specific device control settings determine whether Parity controls write and
execute operations on devices connected to computers in a policy, and whether this
control applies to unapproved devices, banned devices, or both.
• Device-specific rules allow you to explicitly approve or ban specific removable
devices, either by model or by individual device, so that files can be written or
executed on approved devices while banned or unapproved devices may be restricted
by your policy settings. The behavior of these approval and ban rules is similar to the
behavior of file approvals and bans in Parity.
• Device inventory tables show each device discovered by Parity, and make it possible
for you to implement the device-specific rules. This inventory includes a list of device
models, a list of individual devices, and a list of unique attachments of an individual
device and an individual computer. You can drilldown on any instance in these lists.
Throughout this chapter, the term individual device means one specific device that can
only be attached to one computer at a time. Generally, this means a specific model plus a
unique serial number (at least unique for that model).

Platform Note
For release 7.0.1, Parity device visibility and control features are available
only for computers running Windows. Device management is not currently
available on Mac computers.

Devices Managed by Parity

Parity can detect several different kinds of devices on Windows computers. In general, if a
device has an identifiable file system, it is added to the Devices tables. How a detected
device is managed depends upon whether it is identified as fixed or removable:
• Fixed devices are included in the device inventory, but they cannot be approved,
banned, or blocked by Parity rules.
• Removable devices are included in the device inventory, and they can be approved,
banned, and blocked by Parity rules.
Note that Parity must rely on the information provided by a device to determine whether it
is fixed or removable, and there are some cases in which the information is incorrect.
Specific categories of devices detected by Parity include:
• IDE Devices
• SATA Devices
• SCSI Devices
• USB Devices
• FireWire (IEEE 1394) Devices
• Serial Bus Protocol 2 Devices
• Floppy Disk Drives

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

The USB devices detected may include solid-state “stick”-type drives, CD/DVD drives,
and media card readers. Note that for any drive with removable media, the drive itself, not
the media it reads, appears in the Parity devices table.

In addition to the device settings and rules described here, you can create
custom path rules that affect what a device can or can’t do. See
“Specifying Devices in Paths in Windows Rules” on page 287 in Chapter
11, “Custom Software Rules,” for more information.

Enabling Per-Policy Device Control

For any of the device control features in Parity to be enabled, you must activate device
control settings on policies. Each policy can have its own device control configuration.
These settings allow you to activate blocking for any combination of the following:
• banned devices and/or unapproved devices
• write and/or execute operations
You cannot block read operations on devices, but you can enable reporting so that when a
file is read on a banned or unapproved device, an event is generated.
You enable device control on the Edit Policy page for policies that have already been
created. Device Control Settings do not appear on the Add Policy page for a new policy
you are creating.
For policies in Visibility mode, you can choose any device control setting, but no device
operations are blocked. To block device activity, a policy must be in Control mode.

The effect of the settings on drives with removable media, such as CD/
DVD drives, differs from the effect on devices with non-removable
media. Burning a CD or DVD does not constitute a “Write” operation. If
you want to block burning of CD/DVD media, ban the media-burning
software application.

Table 39 shows the effects of specific choices for Device Control settings.

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Using Parity

Table 39: Device Control Setting Behavior

Setting Active Off Report Only
Block writes Tracks write operations to Permits write Permits write
to unapproved unapproved removable devices operations to operations and
removable and blocks them in all Control removable reports them as
devices mode policies (High, Medium devices; does not events.
and Low Enforcement). report the event.
• All devices are unapproved
by default, so be certain you
want to block everything you
haven’t explicitly approved
before activating this setting.
• Blocking writes to removable
devices does not block
writes to CD/DVD media.
Block writes Tracks write operations to Permits write Permits write
to banned banned removable devices and operations to operations and
removable blocks them in all Control mode banned reports them as
devices policies (High, Medium and removable events.
Low Enforcement). devices; does not
Note: Blocking writes to report the event.
removable devices does not
block writes to CD/DVD media.
Block reads Choice not available. Permits reads Permits reads
from from unapproved and reports
unapproved removable them as events.
removable devices; does not
devices report the event.
Block reads Choice not available. Permits reads Permits reads
from banned from banned and reports
removable removable them as events.
devices devices; does not
report the event.
Block Tracks execution of files on Permits files on Permits
execution unapproved removable devices unapproved executions and
from and blocks them in all Control removable- reports them as
unapproved mode policies (High, Medium device to execute events.
removable and Low Enforcement). unless the file
devices Note: All devices are itself is banned
unapproved by default, so be by another rule;
certain you want to block does not report
everything you haven’t the event.
explicitly approved before
activating this setting.
Block Tracks execution of files on Permits Permits
execution banned removable devices and execution of files executions and
from banned blocks them in all Control mode on banned reports them as
devices policies (High, Medium and removable- events.
Low Enforcement). device unless the
file is banned by
another rule;
does not report
the event.

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

In the Default, Template and Local Approval policies, device controls are all set to Off (no
blocking or reporting) except for the settings that block writes and executions to banned
devices, which are Active. You can change this for all except the Local Approval Policy.
Changing the settings in the Template Policy before you create other policies can save
time in policy configuration.

To enable device control for a policy:

1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page opens.
2. On the Policies page, click the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the name
of the policy whose device settings you want to edit. The Edit Policy page opens.

3. On the Device Control Settings panel, choose Active for any setting you want to
enable, Off for any setting you want to disable, and Report Only for any setting for
which you want Parity to report file activity on devices but not enforce the setting.
Note that you cannot block Read access to devices, so Active is not a choice for the
two Read settings. See Table 39, “Device Control Setting Behavior,” on page 258 for
details about the effects of each setting.
4. You can change (or eliminate) the notifier that appears when a device setting blocks
file access. To do this, make a choice on the Notifier menu next to each setting whose
notifier you want to change. See Chapter 15, “Block Notifiers and Approval
Requests,” for more options and more information.
5. When the Device Settings and their notifiers are edited to your preferences, click the
Save button at the bottom of the Edit Policy page. Your changes are saved for that
6. Repeat this procedure for each policy whose Device Settings you want to change.

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Using Parity

Managing Specific Devices

Parity collects many different kinds of information about the devices it detects on your
computers. You can use this information to make decisions about how you want Parity to
treat file activities on devices.
By default, all devices are in an unapproved state (neither approved nor banned) . You can
explicitly approve or ban specific removable devices, either by model or by serial number.
Files not blocked by other rules are always allowed to execute and be written on approved
devices. Treatment of unapproved and banned files varies depending upon the Device
Control Settings for each policy.

Banned devices do not block in policies that are set to Visibility mode, but
you can choose Report Only for the Device Settings to generate events for
device-related activity that would have blocked in Control mode.
Similarly, device-specific bans and approvals do not block or allow access
in policies that do not have Device Settings set to Active.

Viewing Device Information

Device information is presented in table form on the Devices page, which you access by
choosing Assets > Devices on the console menu. From each device table, you can drill
down to a details page for any single item on the page (model, device instance, or
attachment) by clicking on the View Details button (file and pencil) next to the item. The
following table shows the type of information available in each of these views:
This Device ...is listed in this ...and this Details page for
information... Table each Table row
Device Models found Device Catalog  Device Model Details
(vendor plus name) (Show Individual devices (for one model)
box not checked)
Individual Devices found Device Catalog Device Details
(unique serial number) (Show Individual devices (for one serial number)
box checked)
Individual Devices attached Devices on Computers Device Attachment Details
to Individual Computers (for one device-computer pair)

The Device tables do not have Saved Views, but the Group By menu allows you to group
information by different fields. For example, you might want to see all of the devices
grouped by vendor, or view all devices models for which certain serial numbers have rules
that are an exception to the rule for the model. The Group By menu provides options for
each of these cases. If you have not already become familiar with modifying views, see
“Parity Tables” on page 49.

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

Managing Devices by Model

You can monitor and manage devices attached to computers by their model. Managing
devices by model provides a way to control many devices with a single rule. You can:
• View the full list of device models in the Device Catalog.
• View complete information about one device model on the Device Model Details
page. You can view other information related to a device model by using the Related
Views menu.
• Approve, ban, and remove approvals or bans from either the Device Catalog or the
Device Model Details page.

Viewing Device Models in the Device Catalog

Parity identifies a device model as a specific pairing of vendor and product name. The
Device Model table provides general information about the types of devices connected to
your computers, and allows approving or banning all instances of a device model.
To view all device models detected by Parity:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Click on the Device Catalog tab. The Device Catalog table appears on the page.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and if the Show individual devices checkbox is
checked, click on it to remove the checkmark. The Device Catalog shows the table of
device models.

See Table 40, “Device Model Details,” for a description of the columns that can be
displayed in this table.
The Action menu in the Device Catalog for models acts on checked table rows. It includes
the following commands:
• Globally Approve
• Globally Ban
• Remove Approval or Ban
• Acknowledge

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 261

Using Parity

The approval and ban commands are described in “Approving and Banning Device
Models” on page 264. You can use the Acknowledge command to indicate that you have
reviewed a particular model and perhaps taken any action you intend to take on its status.
You can then sort or filter the table so that device models you haven’t yet acknowledged
are more visible.

Viewing Details for One Device Model

The Device Model Details page provides information about the model. Table 40, “Device
Model Details,” describes the fields shown on this page.

The Device Model Details page is also where you configure the rule for how devices of
this model should be treated in Parity. This is done on the page itself rather than on a
menu. The rule includes the overall state of the model as well as any exceptions for
specific serial numbers.
The Related Views menu provides links to the following information:
• All devices of this model – Filters the Device Catalog to show all instances of this
device model that have been attached to Parity-managed computers.
• All computers with this device model – Filters the Devices on Computers table to
show all computers to which devices of this model have been attached.
• All events for this device model – Goes to the Events page and filters it to show all
events related to this device model, including initial discovery of each instance and
any time a device of this model has been attached or detached from a computer.

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

Table 40: Device Model Details

Field Description
Vendor The brand of the device (e.g.,” SanDisk”). If the device does not have
detectable vendor information, this field might show something like
“USB DISK” or “Flash”.
Name The name of the device model, which might be a trade name (e.g.,
“Jumpdrive Pro”) or a model number (e.g., “c30w”). If the device does
not have detectable model name, this field might show something
like “USB Storage Device” or “Unnamed Product”.
Class This is primarily a description of the interface for the device. The
choices are IDE Device, SATA Device, SCSI Device, USB Device,
FireWire (IEEE 1394) Device, Serial Bus Protocol 2, Floppy Disk,
and Unknown.
Removable Whether the device is removable or not removable. Values are Yes
Device or No. Note that some devices might not provide accurate
information for this field.
Friendly Name The common name for this device, for example, as you would see it
in Windows Explorer when the device is connected.
Acknowledged* You may Acknowledge a device to indicate that you have seen it and
perhaps do not need to track it as closely. Acknowledging a device
does not change its approval state. The Action menu and a
dropdown menu on the details page allow you to choose Yes or No
for this field.
Description Editable text providing any information you would like to include with
the record of this device model.
Device Count The number of unique devices (i.e., unique serial numbers) of this
model detected by Parity on your computers.
Computer The number of computers to which a device of this model has been
Count attached.
First Seen The first platform (Windows, Mac) on which this device model was
Platform seen. For release 7.0.1, this will always be Windows.
State The default state for this device model. The choices are Approved,
Banned, and Unapproved. Note that specific instances (serial
numbers) of a device model can have a state that differs from the
default model state.
Approved If the default state of the device model is Unapproved or Banned, you
Serial Numbers can specify serial numbers that are Approved. You can enter one or
more specific serial numbers, or a pattern that uses wildcards to
include a range of numbers.
Banned Serial If the default state of the device model is Unapproved or Approved,
Numbers you can specify serial numbers that are Banned. You can enter one
or more specific serial numbers, or a pattern that uses wildcards to
include a range of numbers.
Rule Applies To You can make a device model rule apply to computers in all policies
or only certain policies.
History Records the date and time when the device was discovered and
when rules affecting it were applied or changed.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 263

Using Parity

Approving and Banning Device Models

There are two options for managing device model approvals and bans:
• In the Device Catalog, you can check one or more device models in the table and use
the Action menu to approve, ban, or remove the approval or ban for all of the checked
• On the Device Model Details page, you can approve, ban, or remove the approval or
ban for the device model listed on the page. You also can view, add and delete
exceptions (by serial number) to the default rule for the model, and you can make the
rule apply to all policies or only certain policies.
To approve one or more device models from the Device Catalog:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Click on the Device Catalog tab, and in the lower right corner of the catalog page,
make sure the Show individual devices box is not checked. The title of the table you
see should say Devices: Storage Device Catalog.
3. Check the box next to each device model you want to approve and then choose
Globally Approve on the Action menu.
4. Choose OK on the confirmation dialog. The device models will be approved, and all
instances of the device model will be approved by default.
To ban one or more models, use the procedure above and substitute Globally Ban for the
Action menu choice in Step 3.
To remove approvals or bans from one or more models, use the procedure above and
substitute Remove Approval or Ban for the Action menu choice in Step 3.

• Only devices identified as removable can be approved or banned in
Parity. If any fixed devices are checked when you attempt to approve
or ban models from the Device Catalog, you will see an error message
and the non-removable drives will not be affected. If any removable
devices are included in the selection, they will be affected by the
command even if other devices are not. You can determine whether a
device can be approved or banned by checking the Removable Device
column in the table.
• All approval and ban actions taken from the Device Catalog are
global, affecting all device instances and computers in all policies. If
you want to limit an approval or ban to devices on computers in
particular policies, or if you want to add exceptions to the rule for
specific device serial numbers, use the Device Model Details page.
• You can select combinations of Banned and Approved models when
you use the Remove Approval or Ban command – all will be moved
to the Unapproved state.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 264

Chapter 10: Managing Devices

To approve one device model from the Device Model Details page:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Click on the Device Catalog tab, and in the lower right corner of the catalog page,
make sure the Show individual devices box is not checked. The title of the table you
see should say Devices: Storage Device Catalog.
3. Click on the View Details button (file and pencil) next to the device model you want
to approve. The Device Model Details page appears.
4. If you want to limit this approval to certain policies, click the Selected policies radio
button and check the boxes next to the policies you want enabled.
5. On the State menu, choose Approved.
6. If you want to ban certain instances of this device model even though you are
approving the model itself, enter one or more serial numbers (or a serial number
pattern with wildcards) into the Banned Serial Numbers field.

You also can add exceptions later by approving or banning device instances in the
Device Catalog or Devices on Computers tables, or by using the approve or ban
commands in the Device Instance Details or Device Attachment Details page.
7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page and click OK on the confirmation
dialog. The device model will be approved, and all instances except those you created
exceptions for will be approved.
To ban a model from its details page, use the procedure above and choose Banned for the
State menu choice in Step 5. If you want to create exceptions and you know their serial
numbers, enter the numbers or a pattern to match in the Approved Serial Numbers field.
To remove a model approval or ban using the details page, use the procedure above and
substitute Unapproved for the Action menu choice in Step 3.

Only devices identified as removable can be approved or banned in Parity.
Non-removable devices do not have a Rules section on the Device Model
Details page.

Managing Device Instances

You can monitor and manage individual devices, as identified by their serial number.
Managing devices by instance provides a way to control specific devices for which you
might want different treatment than others devices of the same model. You can:
• View the full list of device instances in the Device Catalog.
• View complete information about one device instance on the Device Details page. You
also can see other information related to a device through Related Views.
• Approve, ban, and remove approvals or bans from either the Device Catalog or the
Device Details page.

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Using Parity

Viewing Instances in the Device Catalog

Parity identifies a device instance by its serial number, vendor and name. The device
instance view can be useful for information about the number of devices on your
computers, and for approving or banning specific device instances.
To view all unique device instances detected by Parity:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Click on the Device Catalog tab. The Device Catalog table appears on the page.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and if the Show individual devices checkbox is not
checked, click on it to check the box. The Device Catalog shows the table of device
instances with unique serial numbers.

See Table 41, “Device Details (unique serial number),” on page 268 for a description of
the columns that can be displayed in this table.
The Action menu in the Device Catalog for instances acts on checked table rows. It
includes the following commands:
• Globally Approve
• Globally Ban
• Remove Approval or Ban
• Acknowledge
The approval and ban commands are described in “Approving or Banning Device
Instances” on page 268. You can use the Acknowledge command to indicate that you have
reviewed a particular device instance and perhaps taken any action you intend to take on
its status. You can then sort or filter the table so that device models you have not yet
acknowledged are more visible.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 266

Chapter 10: Managing Devices

Viewing Details for One Device Instance

The Devices Details page shows the information about one unique device (with a unique
serial number). Table 41, “Device Details (unique serial number),” on page 268 describes
the fields shown on this page.

The Device Details page includes an Actions menu and a Related Views menu.
The Actions menu includes commands for approving and banning this device, and for
removing approvals or bans. The commands that appear depend on the current state of the
device. See “Approving or Banning Device Instances” on page 268 for more information
about using these commands.
The Related Views menu provides links to the following information:
• Model details – Goes to the Device Model Details page for this device, which shows
both information about the model itself and the default rule definitions for the model.
• All computers with this device – Filters the Devices on Computers table to show all
computers to which this device instance has been attached.
• All events for this device – Goes to the Events page and filters it to show all events
related to this device instance (by serial number), including its initial discovery and
the dates and times it has been attached or detached from a computer.

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Using Parity

Table 41: Device Details (unique serial number)

Field Description
Vendor The brand of the device (e.g.,” SanDisk”). If the device does not
have detectable vendor information, this field might show
something like “USB DISK” or “Flash”.
Name The name of the device model, which might be a trade name (e.g.,
“Jumpdrive Pro”) or a model number (e.g., “c30w”). If the device
does not have detectable model name, this field might show
something like “USB Storage Device” or “Unnamed Product”.
Class This is primarily a description of the interface for the device. The
choices are IDE Device, SATA Device, SCSI Device, USB Device,
FireWire (IEEE 1394) Device, Serial Bus Protocol 2, Floppy Disk,
and Unknown.
Removable Whether the device is removable or not removable. Values are Yes
Device or No. Note that some devices might not provide accurate
information for this field.
Friendly Name The common name for this device, for example, as you would see
it in Windows Explorer when the device is connected. This is often
some combination or variant of the Vendor and Name.
Serial Number The serial number that identifies this unique individual device.
Default State The default state for this device (which is the state for its model).
The choices are Approved, Banned, and Unapproved. Note that
this specific instance might have a state that differs from the
Device State The actual state for this individual device (as identified by serial
number). The choices are Approved, Banned, and Unapproved.
First Seen The computer on which this individual device was first detected by
Computer Parity.
Platform Platform (Windows, Mac) of the computer on which the device was
first detected. For release 7.0.1, this will always be Windows.
First Seen Date The date and time when this individual device was first detected by
Computer The number of different computers to which this individual device
Count has been connected.

Approving or Banning Device Instances

There are two options for managing device instance (serial number) approvals and bans:
• In the Device Catalog or Devices on Computers page, you can check one or more
device instances in the table and use the Action menu to approve, ban, or remove the
approval or ban, for all of the checked items.
• On the Device Details page or Device Attachment Details page, you can approve, ban,
or remove the approval or ban for the device instance listed on the page.
You only need to approve, ban, or remove approvals or bans from an instance if you want
it to have a state other than the default state for its device model. Instance-specific
exceptions appear on the Device Model Details page for the device model.

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

To approve one or more device instances from the Device Catalog:

1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Either:
- Click on the Device Catalog tab, and in the lower right corner of the catalog page,
make sure the Show individual devices box is checked. The title of the table you
see should say Devices: Individual Storage Devices.
- or -
- Click on the Devices on Computers tab.
3. Check the box next to each device instance you want to approve and then choose
Globally Approve on the Action menu.
4. Choose OK on the confirmation dialog. The device will be approved by serial
To ban one or more instances, use the procedure above and substitute Globally Ban for
the Action menu choice in Step 3.
To remove approvals or bans from one or more instances, use the procedure above and
substitute Remove Approval or Ban for the Action menu choice in Step 3.

• Only devices identified as removable can be approved or banned in
Parity. If any fixed devices are checked when you attempt to approve
or ban devices, you will see an error message and the non-removable
drives will not be affected. If any removable devices are included in
the selection, they will be affected by the command even if other
devices are not. You can determine whether a device can be approved
or banned by checking the Removable column in the table.
• All approval and ban actions taken on device instances become
exceptions within the rule for their device model, and are applied to
all policies or selected policies as specified in the model rule.
• You can select combinations of Banned and Approved devices when
you use the Remove Approval or Ban command – all will be moved
to the Unapproved state.

To approve an instance from the Device Details or Device Attachment Details page:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Either:
- Click on the Device Catalog tab, and in the lower right corner of the catalog page,
make sure the Show individual devices box is checked. The title of the table you
see should say Devices: Individual Storage Devices.
- or -
- Click on the Devices on Computers tab.
3. Click on the View Details button (file and pencil) next to the device instance you want
to approve. The Device Details or Device Attachment Details page appears.

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Using Parity

4. In the Actions menu on the right side of the page, choose Approve Serial Number.
The device will be approved, and its serial number will be added as an exception on
the Device Model Details page for its model.
To ban a device instance from its details page, use the procedure above and substitute Ban
Serial Number as the Actions menu choice in Step 4.
To remove a device instance approval or ban using the details page, use the procedure and
substitute the appropriate removal command.

Only devices identified as removable can be approved or banned. If you
attempt to approve or ban a fixed device, you will see an error message.

Managing Computer-Device Attachments

You can monitor attachments between a specific device instance and a specific computer,
and manage the individual devices. You can:
• View the full list of device-computer attachments in the Devices on Computers table.
• View complete information about an attachment between one specific device and one
specific computer on the Device Attachment Details page. You also can see other
information related to this attachment or the individual device through Related Views.
• Approve, ban, and remove approvals or bans from either the Devices on Computers
table or the Device Attachment Details page.

Viewing Devices on Computers

The Devices on Computers tab provides a table of individual devices that have been
connected to individual computers. The relationship between one device and one
computer counts as a single “attachment” in the table, regardless of how many times the
two have been connected and disconnected. If you are concerned about the use of
removable devices on a particular computer, the Devices on Computers page provides a
way to find out if any such connections exist. You can approve and ban individual devices
from this table.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 270

Chapter 10: Managing Devices

To view all attachments between a specific device and a specific computer:

1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Devices. The Devices page appears.
2. Click on the Devices on Computers tab. The Devices on Computers page appears,
listing each pairing of a device instance (with a unique serial number) and a specific

See Table 42, “Device Attachment Details,” on page 273 for a description of the columns
that can be displayed in this table.
The Action menu in the Devices on Computers table instances acts on checked table rows.
It includes the following commands:
• Globally Approve
• Globally Ban
• Remove Approval or Ban
• Acknowledge
The approval and ban commands on both the Devices on Computers table and the Device
Catalog for instances affect the instance, as defined by serial number, in the checked rows.
You are not approving or banning a particular attachment. See “Approving or Banning
Device Instances” on page 268 for more details.
You can use the Acknowledge command to indicate that you have reviewed a particular
device instance and perhaps taken any action you intend to take on its status. You can then
sort or filter the table so that device models you have not yet acknowledged are more

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 271

Using Parity

Viewing Details for One Computer-Device Attachment

The Devices Attachment Details page shows information about the history of attachment
between one device instance and one computer. Table 42, “Device Attachment Details,”
describes the fields shown on this page.

The Device Attachment Details page includes an Action menu and a Related Views menu.
The Action menu includes commands for approving and banning this device instance, and
for removing approvals and bans. The commands that appear depend on the current state
of the device. See “Approving or Banning Device Instances” on page 268 for more
information about using these commands.
The Related Views menu provides links to the following information:
• Model details – Goes to the Device Model Details page for this device, which shows
both information about the model itself and the default rule definitions for the model.
• All computers with this device – Filters the Devices on Computers table to show all
computers to which this device instance has been attached.
• All events for this device – Goes to the Events page and filters it to show all events
related to this device instance (by serial number) on this computer, including its initial
discovery and any time it has been attached or detached from a computer.

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Chapter 10: Managing Devices

Table 42: Device Attachment Details

Field Description
Vendor The brand of the device (e.g.,” SanDisk”). If the device does not
have detectable vendor information, this field might show
something like “USB DISK” or “Flash”.
Name The name of the device model, which might be a trade name (e.g.,
“Jumpdrive Pro”) or a model number (e.g., “c30w”). If the device
does not have detectable model name, this field might show
something like “USB Mass Storage Device” or “Unnamed Product”.
Class This is primarily a description of the interface for the device. The
choices are IDE Device, SATA Device, SCSI Device, USB Device,
FireWire (IEEE 1394) Device, Serial Bus Protocol 2, Floppy Disk,
and Unknown.
Removable Whether the device is removable or not removable. Values are Yes
Device or No. Note that some devices might not provide accurate
information for this field.
Friendly Name The common name for this device, for example, as you would see
it in Windows Explorer when the device is connected. This is often
some combination or variant of the Vendor and Name.
Serial Number The serial number that identifies the unique individual device that
was attached to a computer.
Default State The default state for this device model. The choices are Approved,
Banned, and Unapproved. Note that this specific instance might
have a state that differs from the default for the model.
Device State The actual state for this individual device (as identified by serial
number). The choices are Approved, Banned, and Unapproved.
Computer The name of the computer to which the device was attached.
Platform Platform (Windows, Mac) of the computer to which the device was
attached. For release 7.0.1, this will always be Windows.
Current Status Whether the device and computer that define this attachment are
currently Attached or Detached.
Note: Device attachment status for computers disconnected from
Parity Server is the last known status when the computer was
First Attach The date and time when the device and computer were first
Date attached.
Last Attach The date and time when the device and computer were last
Date attached.
Last Detach The date and time when the device was last detached from the
Date computer.
Computer The number of different computers to which this individual device
Count (as identified by serial number) has been attached.

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Using Parity

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 274

Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

C h a p t e r 11

Custom Software Rules

This chapter describes Custom Rules, which provide special treatment of files matching
paths you specify. Custom Rules may be used for performance optimizations, file integrity
control, creation of a trusted file path for software distribution, and other special
situations. They can be used to create exceptions to other rules, such as approvals or bans.

Standard methods for approving and banning files are described in
Chapter 8, “Approving and Banning Software.”
Parity provides these other rule types:
• See Chapter 12, “Script Rules,” for rules that add or modify
definitions of scripts in Parity.
• See Chapter 13, “Registry Rules,” for rules that protect the Windows
• See Chapter 14, “Memory Rules,” for rules that protect running
processes from being accessed or altered by other processes.


Topic Page
Overview 276
Creating a Custom Rule 278
Custom Rule Parameters 281
Specifying Paths and Processes 285
Rule Ranking 293
Rule Ranking and Internal Rules 294
Disabling or Deleting Custom Rules 296
Custom Rule Types and Examples 297

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 275

Using Parity

Custom rules provide special treatment of files matching file paths you specify. They
specify that file executions or file write operations are to be blocked, permitted, reported
on, or ignored if they match the path description and other rule parameters.

Rule Types
Parity provides several custom rule types partially configured for specific purposes:
• File Integrity Control – Prevents or reports changes to specified folders or files.
• Trusted Path – Defines folders or files for which file execution is always allowed.
• Execution Control – Creates a rule to control behavior when an attempt is made to
execute a file matching the rule.
• File Creation Control – Creates a rule to control behavior when an attempt is made to
write a file matching the rule.
• Performance Optimization – Specifies folders or files for which file creation,
modification, and deletion are ignored (execution will still be monitored).
You also can choose an Advanced rule type in which you set all parameters yourself.
Custom rules can be used to enable network login scripts or software deployment systems,
or to designate an area for software developers to run executables without Parity tracking
file activity or enforcing rules. You also can use a custom rule to prevent users from
uninstalling an application by blocking any changes to that application’s directory.

Rule Scope
You can create custom rules that apply on all computers on a platform (e.g., all Windows
computers) under all conditions, or you can focus the scope of a rule by specifying one or
more of the following criteria (not all of these options are available for all rule types):
• Process-specific – You can choose to make a rule effective only when certain
processes attempt to write or execute files in the specified location.
• User- or group-specific – You can apply the rule only to a specific user or group of
• Policy-specific – You can choose to limit a rule to computers in specified policies.
• Rule ranking – Custom rules are evaluated in order of Rank, a column that is
displayed by default on the Custom Rules table. The rule ranked ‘1’ has the highest
rank, ‘2’ is next, and so on. With one exception (rules that ignore file writes), only the
first rule matching a file is evaluated. You can change the order of rules, for example,
putting a rule applying to one specific file in a folder higher on the list, while putting
another rule for all the files in the same folder lower – because the first rule is higher,
it takes precedence.

All user-created custom rules are platform-specific; that is, they apply to
only one of the platforms – Windows, Mac – that Parity Agents can be
installed on.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

File and Process Matching

To determine whether a file or process attempting an action matches a custom rule, Parity
does a string comparison between the file or process name and the specifications in the
rule. Hash values are not used for custom rule processing.
You can include wildcards and special macros in a path or process specification to broaden
the rule scope or allow the rule to match files or processes in locations that vary from one
agent computer to another. See “Specifying Paths and Processes” on page 285 for
additional details.

Pre-configured Rules
A new installation of Parity Server is pre-configured with several custom rules found to
improve performance and/or prevent unnecessary tracking. These rules are enabled by
default. You can remove or disable them if you choose. For Parity upgrades, these rules
are added below (i.e., with a lower rank than) rules that already existed.
The table of rules also includes rules labeled [Sample], which are disabled by default. In
general, these are application-specific rules that allow files needed for certain common
applications or suites to be executed or written. You may enable these, with or without
modifications of your own.

Internal Rules in the Custom Rule Table

The Custom Rules table includes rules labeled Internal. These are the rules you enable in
other parts of Parity, mostly in the Device and Advanced Settings on the Edit Policy page.
For example, Block banned file hashes, which is on the Advanced Settings table for a
policy, is listed as an Internal rule on the Custom Rules page.
An internal rule shows its status as Enabled in the rules table if it is enabled in any policy.
You cannot enable, disable, modify or move Internal Rules in the Custom Rules table, but
you can move other, non-internal Custom Rules, relative to the Internal Rules to better
control how and when different rules are enforced. See “Rule Ranking and Internal Rules”
on page 294 for more details.
Internal rules are the only custom rules that apply to all platforms.

Specifying the Notifier for a Custom Rule

Parity provides notifiers that can be displayed when a rule blocks an action or prompts the
user for a decision to allow or block an action. For each custom rule, you can choose from
two sources for the notifier:
• Use Policy Specific Notifier – Each Policy includes an Advanced Setting, “Enable
custom (file and path) rules”, which is always on. This policy setting has a Notifier
field in which you can specify the notifier that appears on agent computers when
custom rules block an action. The policy setting also allows the choice of <none> to
have no notifier for custom rules in that policy. You can assign the policy-specific
custom rule notifier to any custom rule. See “Advanced Settings” on page 94 for more
• Custom Notifier – If you do not choose the policy-specific notifier, you can choose
(or create) a notifier specifically for a custom rule. The choices appear on a menu on
the Add/Edit Custom Rule page.

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Using Parity

See Table 43 below for the custom rule notifier settings. See Chapter 15, “Block Notifiers
and Approval Requests,” for more on notifiers.
When you choose Prompt as the rule action, Custom Notifier menu does not include
<none> as an option because a prompt rule requires a notifier to appear.
When you choose Block as the rule action, you can choose <none> on the Custom Write
Notifier menu since it is possible you want the rule to block actions without notification.
If you choose Use Policy Specific Notifier for a rule, it is possible that the policy specifies
<none> as the Notifier for Enforce custom (file and path) rules. In this case, a notifier will
not be shown, even for a Prompt rule. Unless you are certain that you never want to
prompt the user for a response to a rule, choosing <none> for the custom rule notifier in a
policy is not recommended.

Custom Rules in Visibility Mode

In Visibility mode policies, the effect of custom rules depends on the type of rule:
• Custom rules that would block a file have no effect in Visibility mode, although they
still generate Parity events.
• Custom rules that approve a file do change the file state, but in Visibility mode this has
no effect on file execution.
• Custom rules that specify “Ignore” on the Write menu (see below) are effective in
Visibility mode.

Creating a Custom Rule

To create a custom rule from scratch, you would need to provide the information shown in
bold in the left column:
General Description Field on Add/Edit Custom
Rule Page
If this/these source process(es)... Process
...and/or this/these user(s)... User or Group
... attempts to perform this/these operation(s)... Operation (Execute, Write or Both)
... on this/these file(s)... Path or File
... on computers in this/these policy(ies)... Rule applies to:
... on computers running on this platform... Platform
... then Parity should take this/these action (s). Execute Action and/or Write Action

Except for platform, there could be multiple matching items for these parameters, or the
rule could specify all items in that class (for example, the rule applies to all users, or all
policies, or all source processes).

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 278

Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

On the Add Custom Rule page, your choice of Rule Type modifies other parameters so that
you might not have to provide all of the information to define a rule:
• Some fields are eliminated from the page if they are not relevant (or have only one
sensible value) for the rule type you choose.
• Some menu choices are eliminated so that only choices relevant to the rule type are
• Inline Help text changes on the Add Custom Rule to assist you in choosing values
appropriate to this rule type for each configurable field.
To add (create) a custom rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. On the Software Rules page, click the Custom tab. The Custom Rules table appears:

3. Click the Add Custom Rule button. The Add Custom Rule page appears.

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Using Parity

4. In the Name field, enter the name with which you want to identify this rule.
5. If you want to add other comments about the rule, such as its purpose or its
relationship to other rules, you may provide an optional Description.
6. By default, a new custom rule is Enabled as soon as you define it and click Save. If
do not want the rule to take effect immediately, click Disabled in the Status field.
7. Choose the Rule Type from the menu. File Integrity Control is the default choice.
Specific rule types are partially configured for you. If none of the specific types
appears to fit your needs, choose Advanced on the Rule Type menu to see the greatest
number of configuration options. Table 43 describes the different rule types as well as
all of the other custom rule parameters.
8. Enter the remaining parameters you want for this custom rule (see Table 43) and then
click the Save button. The newly created rule is listed at the top of the Custom Rules
9. If you do not want this rule to have top priority, use the arrows in the Rank column to
move it down to the desired rank. See “Rule Ranking” on page 293 for more details.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Custom Rule Parameters

Table 43 shows the parameters available on the Add/Edit Custom Rule page.

Table 43: Custom Rule Parameters

Field Description
Name Name by which this rule is identified. (Required)
Description Additional information about the custom rule. This can be any text
you choose to enter. (Optional)
Status Radio buttons that make this rule Enabled or Disabled. This allows
you to create a rule that you use only at certain times, or to
temporarily disable a rule without losing its definition.
Platform Platform (Windows, Mac) for which this rule is effective. Except for
built-in “internal” rules, each custom rule is specific to a single
Rule Type The Rule Type choice changes other options and defaults on the
Add/Edit Custom Rule page to partially pre-configure rules for certain
common scenarios. Options are File Integrity Control, Trusted
Path, Execution Control, File Creation Control, Performance
Optimization, and Advanced. See “Custom Rule Types and
Examples” on page 297 for descriptions and examples.
Operation The type of operation the rule affects. The menu choices are
Execute, Write, or Execute and Write.
Execute Action The action to take when there is a file execution attempt matching
this rule. The menu appears when the Operation choice is Execute or
Execute and Write. See Table 44 for options.
Write Action The action to take when there is an attempt to create, modify or
delete a file matching this rule. The menu appears when Operation
choice is Write or Execute and Write. See Table 45 for options.
Use Policy If you choose Block or Prompt as the Action, this checkbox appears
Specific to the right of the Action choice and is checked by default. If the box
Notifier is checked, when a custom rule blocks an action, the notifier that
appears is the one specified for the Enable Custom (file and path)
Rules setting in the policy for the computer on which the action was
blocked. If not checked, you can choose a custom notifier from the
Custom Notifier menu.
Custom If you choose Block or Prompt as the Action, and check the Use
Execute/Write Policy Specific Notifier box, this menu appears.
Notifier When Block is the Action, you can choose any notifier from the
menu. The menu also includes a <none> option so that you can
disable the notifier for this rule.
When Prompt is the Action, you can choose any notifier on the menu.
However, Prompt rules must display a notifier, so there is no <none>
choice in this case.
Path or File Path to which this rule applies. This can be a folder or a specific file.
You can use a local path or a UNC path, but not mapped drives (for
example, Z:\application). See “Specifying Paths and Processes” on
page 285 for details on specifying a path.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 281

Using Parity

Field Description
Process This menu allows you to limit the rule so that it is applied only when
certain processes attempt to execute or write files matching the path
specification. See “Specifying Paths and Processes” on page 285 for
details on specifying a process and Table 47 for process menu
User or Group The users or groups to which this rule applies. See “Specifying Users
or Groups” on page 292 for details on specifying users or groups.
Rule applies to The radio buttons allow you to apply the rule to All policies or
Selected policies. If you choose Selected policies, a list of all
policies on your Parity Server appears, each with a checkbox.
History For existing rules, a History panel appears showing when and by
whom the rule was created and last modified.

Specifying Execute and Write Actions

You can control two types of action with a custom rule: Execute Action and Write Action.
Execute Action is the action you want to take when there is a file execution attempt
matching a rule. The Execute Action menu appears when the Operation choice is Execute
or Execute and Write. Table 44 shows the choices.

Table 44: Execute Action Choices

Menu Description
Default Apply existing policy settings and other non-custom rules to file
execution attempts matching this rule, and do not process other custom
Allow Allow a file matching the rule to execute in the specified path, even if
Parity would otherwise block execution. 

Note: The promotion state (whether the file is treated as an installer)
depends on the process attempting the action (e.g., if that process is
promoted, the newly created process will also be promoted).
Block Prevent a file matching the rule from executing.
When Block is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier checkbox
appears and is checked by default. You also can uncheck this box to
choose a Custom Notifier to alert the user when the rule blocks an
action. See Table 43 for more details.
Promote Promote (treat as an installer) a file matching this rule. Even if a file is
promoted, whether it can run or not depends on its existing file state and
the Enforcement Level of the machine on which the execution is
attempted. If the file is allowed to run, any files written by it will be locally
approved unless already banned, and the written files also will be
promoted if the process that wrote them attempts to execute them.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Menu Description
Allow and Allow a file matching the Path or File specification to execute regardless
Promote of its state, and promote it (treat it as an installer). Files written by a file
matching an Allow and Promote rule will be locally approved unless
already banned. See the section “Trusted Paths” for more on choosing
to trust execution of files by path name.
Prompt Display a notifier dialog to users when an attempt is made to execute a
file matching this rule.
When Prompt is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier checkbox
appears and is checked by default. You also can uncheck this box to
choose a Custom Notifier to alert the user when the rule blocks an
action. See Table 43 for more details.
The user can Block execution, Allow execution (and locally approve the
file if allowed), or Promote (and allow execution of) the file. The behavior
for the choice the user makes is the same as the behavior if the rule
itself specified Block, Allow, or Allow and Promote. If the user chooses
Allow or Promote, subsequent actions that are identical to the one
Allowed or Promoted are completed without prompting.
Note: Blocking or allowing execution from a Custom Rule prompt does
not change the global approval or ban state.
Report Report (as an event) execution of a file matching this rule, regardless of
file state.

Write Action is the action to take when there is an attempt to create, modify or delete a file
matching a rule. The Write Action menu appears on the Add/Edit Custom Rule page when
Operation choice is Write or Execute and Write. Table 45 shows the choices.

Table 45: Write Action Choices

Menu Choice Description

Silence For an action that matches this rule and one or more additional
rules (built-in or user-created), prevent notifications, meters, and
events without preventing enforcement of the other matching
rule(s) For example, if another rule would ban or block an action,
the ban or block is still effective. If an action matching a Silence rule
would have displayed a prompt (allow or block) notifier, the action
will be blocked.
This is available for Advanced rule types only.
Default Apply existing policy settings and non-custom rules when an
attempt is made to write a file matching this rule. Do not process
any other Custom Rules for matching files.
Ignore Do not track creation, modification or deletion of a file matching this
rule. Although not tracked, files matching an ignore rule are still
blocked from writing if the file state and Enforcement Level would
normally enforce a block.
Ignore does not stop rule processing. If a write attempt matches an
Ignore rule and a rule lower in rank, the second rule is processed.

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Using Parity

Menu Choice Description

Track Track creation, modification or deletion of a file matching this rule.
This action allows creation of exceptions to Ignore rules. Appears
only for Advanced rule types.
Block Prevent writing of a file matching this rule. This prevents file
creations, file deletions and file modifications.
When Block is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier checkbox
appears and is checked by default. You also can uncheck this box
to choose a Custom Notifier to alert the user when the rule blocks
an action. See Table 43 for more details.
Approve Allow a file matching this rule to be created (written) and locally
approve it if possible (if it is not banned globally or by policy).
Approve as Allow a file matching this rule to be created (written) in the named
Installer directory, and locally approve and mark it as an installer if possible
(i.e., if it is not banned globally or by policy).
Note: “Approve as installer” by a custom rule is a local and
transient action only. It has no impact on any other instance of the
file, and is not effective on this instance if the file is globally flagged
as “Not an installer” because the initial state was overridden. The
rule is effective if a file is marked as “Not an installer” because of
the initial Parity analysis of the file.
Use this option with caution since it allows a file to be identified by
name as an installer without confirming the file hash.
Prompt Present users who attempt to write a file matching the rule with a
notifier dialog letting them block or allow writing.
When Prompt is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier checkbox
appears and is checked by default. You also can uncheck this box
to choose a Custom Notifier to alert the user when the rule blocks
an action. See Table 43 for more details
If the user selects Approve on the notifier, the file is written, and if it
is an executable, it is approved. Subsequent identical operations
(i.e., the same file and path, not a different matching file) are
approved without prompting. Note, however, that global bans by
name or hash still control whether the file can be executed.
Allow Allow a file matching this rule to be created, modified, or deleted.
Locally approve created and modified files. Global or policy-based
bans still control whether the file can be executed.
Report Report (as an event) writing of any file matching this rule, even if
the file is not normally tracked by Parity. This includes files not
analyzed as executable and files that are not the first seen instance
of a hash.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Specifying Paths and Processes

When you specify Path or File in a Custom Rule, you have several options for defining the
string for that parameter. These same options can be used when you choose one of the two
Process options that require entry of a path (Specific Process... or Any Process Except ...).

These options are:

• Specify a directory or a file/process – You can enter a path or process specification
that exactly identifies a file by path and name so that only that file matches the rule.
You also can enter a specification that identifies a directory, and so affects all files or
processes in that directory and its subdirectories.
• Specify a local drive or UNC path (Windows only) – You can use a local drive
name, such as C:\folder1\subfolder\application.exe, to identify a local path or process.
For a remote path or process, use a UNC path, such as \\computer\dir\application.exe.
Mapped drives in a path or process specification are not recognized.
• Use wildcards – You can use wildcards (‘?’ for any one character and ‘*’ for zero or
more characters) to expand the scope of a path or process specification, or to help you
match a file or folder whose exact location you don’t know. Wildcards may be used at
the beginning, end or middle of a path.
• Use macros – You can use special Parity macros to identify certain well known
folders, even if you don’t know their exact location on agent computers. Macros are
platform-specific, and in the current release, available only for Windows.
• Specify multiple paths or processes – For both paths and processes, you can add
more than one path definition per rule.

Specifying a File or Directory

You can enter a directory or a specific file as your path. When you specify a directory, you
are instructing the rule to operate on files in that directory and any of its subdirectories
(unless there are higher-ranked rules specific to certain files or subdirectories).
To indicate that a Path or File definition or a Process definition is a directory, you must
end it with the folder delimiter (slash or backslash) for the rule platform or with the
delimiter and an asterisk. If you do not include the delimiter, the rule will attempt to match
a file by the name you provided, not a directory. For example, either of the following
correctly identifies a directory in a Windows path definition:

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Using Parity

However, the following is not recognized as a directory:

If you use path macros in a path or process definition, Parity automatically processes the
macro so that it is treated as a directory, even if you don’t follow the macro with a
backslash. See Using Macros.

Platform-Specific Syntax
The path you provide for a rule will be interpreted according to the path rules for the
platform you choose for the rule. Specifically:
• Paths are not case-sensitive for Mac and Windows rules. Note that case is preserved as
you enter it, even for case-insensitive platforms.
• Paths must use the correct directory delimiter for the rule platform: forward slash (/)
for Mac and backslash (\) for Windows. Delimiters will not be converted if you
change the platform for a rule, and Parity will not accept the incorrect delimiter in a
• Paths must meet other requirements of the chosen platform, including not using
characters that are illegal in that file system (e.g., no colons (:) in Mac paths) and not
exceeding length limits.
• Any macros used in a path must be specific to the rule platform. Currently macros are
limited to the Windows platform.

Using Wildcards
You can use wildcard characters in the Path and Process fields. Asterisk (*) indicates zero
or more characters and question mark (?) indicates one character. You can use wildcards to
specify partial paths or multiple paths for directories that appear in different locations on
different computers (although macros might be a more effective way to accomplish this –
see “Using Macros”). Wildcards are not allowed inside of macros.
The number of wildcards in a path or process specification is not restricted. For example,
you could define a path as:

When you use wildcards, be careful not to create a rule that is so broad
that it will interfere with activity in a directory that is required for
legitimate use by another application or the operating system. Don’t use
the asterisk wildcard by itself in the path field, especially with rules that
block all executions or writes, unless you are certain it will not interfere
with necessary operations on agent computers. Use similar caution with
wildcards when creating exceptions to restrictions created by other rules.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Automatic Path Conversions

When a rule is processed, file paths in a process field undergo several automatic path
conversions if they contain certain symbols:
• Any path that ends with a backslash (Windows) or forward slash (Mac) has the ‘*’
wildcard added at the end of the path.
• Any path that has no slash or drive letter has "*\" (for Windows) or "*/" (for Mac)
added at the beginning of the path.
• In Windows rules, drive letters may be used in a path as long as they are for local fixed
volumes. Mapped drive letters should not be used because there is no guarantee that
the mapping exists on all computers.
• In Windows rules, the string "*:\" applies to all attached storage volumes except for
floppy disks and CD-ROMs.

Specifying Devices in Paths in Windows Rules

In Windows rules, you can create rules that apply to processes on some or all devices on
the agent computer by including \device\ in the path. For example:
\device\*\ specifies all devices.
\device\harddisk*\ specifies attached storage volumes except for floppy disks and
\device\cdrom*\ specifies CD-ROM devices.
Platform Note: In this release, Parity device visibility and control features are available
only for Windows computers.

Using Macros
On the Windows platform, custom rules support certain macros in the Path and Process
fields. You can see a menu of macros by typing the left angle bracket (<) character in
either of these fields. There are two types of macro supported in Custom Rules:
• Path macros – These are a subset of the well known folders for each platform. They
always identify a location rather than a specific file.
• Registry macros – These are macros that specify strings in the Windows Registry.
Macros can be an effective way to define a rule that works on all computers for the
specified platform even when the files you want to affect are in different locations on
different computers. Parity displays an error message if you enter an invalid macro.

A path macro can be used only at the beginning of a Path or File
specification in a rule (i.e., with no other text before it in the string). A
registry macro can be used anywhere in the Path or File specification for a
Windows rule.
In this release, macros are not available for Mac rules.

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Using Parity

Path Macros
Path macros allow you to specify a subset of the well-known folders for a platform. Each
path macro consists of a unique string surrounded by angle brackets. For example, the
macro <MyDocuments> in a Windows rule identifies the My Documents folder for each
user on each Windows computer, regardless of its actual location on an individual
computer running Parity Agent.
Because a path macro always represents a directory, it is processed as if it is followed by
the directory delimiter (slash or backslash), even if you have not added one. For example,
<AppData> in a Windows rule is interpreted as “<AppData>\” before it is expanded, and
it applies to the Application Data directory and all of its files, subdirectories, sub-
subdirectories, etc. Similarly, <AppData>myapp\ is interpreted as “<AppData>\myapp\”.
If you add a backslash yourself, the rule processor does not add a second one.
To see the menu of macros, type a left angle bracket (<) as the first character in the Path or
File box or the Process box on the Add Custom Rule page. As you continue to type, the
auto-complete menu adjusts to show only those choices matching the string you have
typed so far for the platform you have chosen. Table 46 shows the available path macros
for Windows rules.

Table 46: Windows Path Macros in Rules

Macro Description
<AppData> Directory that serves as a common repository for
application-specific data. A typical path is C:\Documents
and Settings\username\Application Data.
<CommonAppData> Directory that contains application data used by and
accessible to all users. A typical path is C:\Documents
and Settings\All Users\Application Data. This folder is
used for application data that is not user specific. For
example, an application can store a spell-check
dictionary, a database of clip art, or a log file here.
<CommonDesktopDirectory> Directory that contains files and folders that appear on
the desktop for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents
and Settings\All Users\Desktop.
<CommonDocuments> Directory that contains documents that are common to
all users. A typical paths is C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Documents.
<CommonPrograms> Directory that contains the directories for the common
program groups that appear on the Start menu for all
users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu\Programs.
<CommonStartMenu> Directory that contains the programs and folders that
appear on the Start menu for all users. A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu.
<CommonStartup> Directory that contains the programs that appear in the
Startup folder for all users. A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Macro Description
<Cookies> Directory that serves as a common repository for Internet
cookies. A typical path is C:\Documents and
<DesktopDirectory> Directory used to physically store file objects on the
desktop (not to be confused with the desktop folder
itself). A typical path is C:\Documents and
<InternetCache> Directory that serves as a common repository for
temporary Internet files. A typical path is C:\Documents
and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files.
<LocalAppData> Directory that serves as a data repository for local (non-
roaming) applications. A typical path is C:\Documents
and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data.
<MyDocuments> Virtual folder that represents the My Documents folder.
The file system directory used to physically store a user's
common repository of documents. A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents.
<Profile> User's profile folder. A typical path is
<ProgramFiles> Program Files folder. A typical path is C:\Program Files.
<ProgramFilesx86> 32-bit Program Files folder. A typical path is C:\Program
Files (x86).
<ProgramFilesCommon> Folder for components shared across applications. A
typical path is C:\Program Files\Common.
<ProgramFilesCommonx86> 32-bit Program Files folder. A typical path is C:\Program
Files (x86)\Common.
<Programs> Directory that contains the user's program groups (which
are themselves file system directories). A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start
<RecycleBin> Directory for the Recycle Bin. The location depends on
the type of operating system and file system.
<StartMenu> Directory that contains Start menu items. A typical path is
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu.
<Startup> Directory that corresponds to the user's Startup program
group. A typical path is C:\Documents and
Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
<System> The platform-specific Windows System folder.
<Systemx86> 32-bit “System” folder on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating
systems. Allows you to specify that a rule applies only to
32-bit versions of utilities.
<Windows> The Windows directory or SYSROOT. This corresponds
to the %windir% or %SYSTEMROOT% environment
variables. A typical path is C:\Windows.

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Using Parity

Windows Registry Macros

For Windows rules, Registry (Reg) macros provide access to values in the Windows
Registry, which you can use as part of a Path or Process specification. Unlike path macros,
reg macros have variable content between their brackets. A Reg macro must resolve to a
value, not a key.
To enter a Reg macro:
1. Begin by typing a left angle bracket (<) followed immediately by Reg:
2. Follow <Reg: with one of the following:
c. HKLM-SoftwareX86\
d. HKLM-SoftwareX64\
e. HKCU-SoftwareX86\
f. HKCU-SoftwareX64\
3. Enter the rest of the path you want in this rule. This should specify a value, not a key,
with one exception – you can provide a key specification and follow it by a backslash
to use the default value for this key.
4. Because reg macros contain variable content, they do not auto-complete. You must
provide the whole path you want in the macro and type the right angle bracket (>) to
end the macro.
The resulting macro will have a format like the following (using HKLM as the top-
level Registry node example here):
Reg macros are evaluated on each agent the first time the rule becomes available to that
agent. If the rule is valid for that computer, it is enabled. For example, it is possible to
create a rule that Promotes an updater for an application called “MyApp” by using the path
value written to the registry. On systems with MyApp Update installed,
<Reg:HKLM\Software\MyApp\Update\path> might expand to C:\Program Files
(x86)\MyApp\Update\ MyAppUpdate.exe. On systems that did not include the update
program, the rule would not be created.

Once evaluated, rules that use Reg macros are not re-evaluated on a
computer unless its Parity Agent is stopped and restarted (e.g., by shutting
down and restarting the computer) or the agent policy is reassigned. This
means that changes to the Registry during a session do not affect rule
behavior, even if the change would enable or disable the rule.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Entering Multiple Paths or Processes

For both the Path or File value and the Process value in a rule, you can enter more than one
string. When you have entered the first Process for this rule, click the Expand button to the
right of the box.

You can then add additional paths or files by typing them in the box and clicking Add
after each one.

You can remove any file or path by selecting the file or path in the list below the Path or
File box, and clicking the Remove button.
If you enter multiple paths or processes for a rule, the Custom Rules page shows the first
path and then (multiple) in the relevant column for this rule. Moving the mouse over the
value shows a tooltip with the complete list of paths or processes for the rule.

Specifying Processes
You can specify the Process string using the same options available for Path or File. See
“Specifying Paths and Processes” on page 285 for complete details.
If you specify both a User or Group and a Process for a rule, they work together. For
example, if you choose Specific Process, a matching user or group must be running a
matching process for the rule to be applied. If you choose Any Process Except, the rule is
applied unless both the User or Group and the Process match the rule definition.

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Using Parity

Table 47: Process Menu Choices

Menu Choice Description
Any Process Apply the rule no matter what process attempts to execute or
write files matching the rule.
Any Promoted Apply the rule when a process that is promoted at the time the
Process rule is evaluated attempts an action matching the rule. A
promoted process is any approved process that is generated by
a file marked as an installer, or has been promoted as a
consequence of a custom rule, or is an approved process
launched by a promoted process.
Any System Apply the rule when a process that is running under the security
Process context of the Local System user attempts an action matching
the rule. This choice has the same effect as choosing Local
System in the User or Group menu, but may be more efficient.
Specific Apply the rule when a process matching a string you specify
Process... attempts an action matching the rule. Choosing Specific Process
opens a text box below the menu in which you can enter one or
more processes.
Any Process Apply the rule when any process except one matching a string
Except... you specify attempts an action matching the rule. Choosing Any
Process Except opens a text box below the menu in which you
can enter one or more processes.

Specifying Users or Groups

For certain rule types, you can create a rule that applies only when specific users or users
in specific groups attempt an action. The choices for User or Group on the Add/Edit
Custom Rule page are:
• Any Users – applies the rule to all users.
• Specific User or Group... – opens a text box below the menu, in which you can enter
AD users or groups in the format userorgroupname@domain or
Platform Note: To specify a Mac group, you must precede it with the word “group”
and a colon. For example, you would enter group:consoleusers for the “consoleusers”
group. Without the prefix, group names will be considered user names.
• For Windows rules, the other menu choices are built-in Windows groups, such as
Authenticated Users and Local Administrators. These can be used for Windows
rules only.

By default, computers running Microsoft Vista or Windows 7 operating
systems have User Access Control (UAC) enabled. With UAC, users are
not actually members of a built-in, privileged group unless they have been
given "elevated privilege". Because of this, a Parity rule that relies on a
pre-defined group to identify a user may not work for computers running
Vista or Windows 7. If a group definition is necessary for a rule, consider
using security groups you have defined rather than the pre-defined groups

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Rule Ranking
Custom rules have a “Rank” number and are evaluated from lowest number to highest
number, beginning with the rule ranked ‘1’. By default, rules appear in their rank order,
but you can re-sort the table by other columns if you choose. If a file matches one rule that
blocks an action and another rule that allows it, the highest ranking rule (that is, the one
with the lowest number), takes precedence and the lower-ranked (higher number) rule has
no effect. You can change the ranking of rules if you decide that you want one of your
rules to be considered before its current position.

Rule ranking is significant only for rules that Block, Allow, or Prompt the
user to block or allow. The highest ranking block, allow, or prompt rule
that matches an attempted file action not only takes precedence but stops
processing of any lower-ranked rules matching the action.
A rule whose action is Approve, Approve as Installer, Track, Report,
Promote or Ignore does not stop processing of lower-ranked rules. For
example, if a write attempt first matches an Ignore rule and also matches
another rule with a lower rank (higher number) on the list, the second rule
will also be processed.

Although not custom rules, Internal Parity rules for fundamental actions in Parity, such as
blocking banned files, are included in the Custom Rules table. See “Rule Ranking and
Internal Rules” for suggestions about how and when you might change the order of other
rules relative to internal rules.

To change the rank of a custom rule:

1. On the Custom Rules page, if the rules are not currently sorted by rank, click on the
Rank column head to sort them.
2. Find the rule whose rank you want to change.
3. To give the rule a higher rank, click the up arrow button next to the rule until it is
ranked appropriately.
Move the mouse cursor over the rule you want to move, hold down the left mouse
button, drag the rule to the new location, and release the mouse button.
4. To give the rule a lower rank, click the down arrow next to the rule until it is ranked
appropriately, or use the drag-and drop method to move the rule.

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Using Parity

When using drag-and-drop, you cannot drag rules between pages. If you
need to move a rule to a ranking not currently shown, you can increase the
number of rows shown per page by using the menu at the bottom right
corner of the Custom Rules page.

Rule Ranking and Internal Rules

The Custom Rules table includes Internal rules implemented in other parts of Parity. These
built-in rules are approximately equivalent to the settings you see when you view the
Device and Advanced Settings on the Edit Policy page.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

For example, Block banned file hashes is listed as an Internal Rule on the Custom Rules
page and as a setting in the Advanced Settings section of the Edit Policy page.

You cannot enable, disable, modify or move Internal rules in the Custom Rules table –
their delete and edit buttons are greyed out and they do not have up or down arrows. The
order of Internal rules cannot be changed relative to each other. However, you can change
the rank of any Internal rule relative to other, non-internal Custom Rules to better control
how and when different rules are enforced. You do this by moving the other rule (not the
Internal rule).
The following are key situations in which you might want to change the order of Internal
rules relative to other rules.
• By default, if a file has been banned but you create a Custom Rule specifying that the
file is allowed to execute, that rule appears higher in rank than the internal rule that
blocks executions of banned hashes. Because of this, the custom rule takes precedence
over a hash ban on that file. However, if you move the Custom Rule that allows the
banned file to execute to a rank below the Internal rule Block banned file hashes, the
file will not be allowed to execute.
• By default, if you create a Custom Rule that allows a file to be written, it appears
higher in rank than internal rules that block writing, and so the allow rule takes
precedence. For example, you might create a rule that allows writes to a device, and
that will appear above the internal Parity rule that blocks writes to a device. However,
if you move the Custom Rule that allows device writes to a position below the Block
writes to unapproved removable devices rule, the block rule takes precedence and a
file on an unapproved device is blocked from writing, even if it matches an Allow or
Prompt rule below.

To make file hash bans take precedence over custom rules that allow execution:
1. On the Custom Rules page, if the rules are not currently sorted by rank, click on the
Rank column head to sort them.
2. Find the rule that allows execution of the banned file.
3. Use the down arrow to move the allow rule to a position below the Block banned file
hashes rule.

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Using Parity

Disabling or Deleting Custom Rules

If you do not want a custom rule to be effective anymore, you can either disable it, which
leaves it in the custom rules table, or delete it from the table. In either case, the rule stops
affecting newly discovered files. However, files that were affected by the rule before it
was disabled retain any file state assigned to them by the rule.
If you think you might use the rule again, disabling it temporarily is the best choice.
To disable a custom rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Custom tab. The Custom Rules table appears.
2. Click the Edit button (pencil and file) next to the rule you want to disable. The Edit
Custom Rule page appears.
3. In the Status line, click the Disabled radio button, and then click the Save button at
the bottom of the page. The rule is now disabled.
Deleting a rule eliminates it permanently – there is no undo or retrieval for a deleted rule.
Because of that, be sure you actually want to delete the rule. Deletion of the rules that were
pre-configured in Parity is not recommended.
To delete a custom rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Custom tab. The Custom Rules table appears.
2. Click the Delete button (red circle with X) next to the rule you want to delete, and
click OK on the configuration dialog. The rule is now deleted.

Viewing Rule Status on Computers

Depending upon the number of agents managed by your Parity Server and the number that
are disconnected, not all agents might receive new or updated rules in a short amount of
time. The Related Views menu on the Edit page for an enabled rule provides links to two
different filtered views of the Computers page to help determine the status of the rule on
agent-managed computers. The choices are:
• All Computers that have received this rule
• All Computers that have not yet received this rule

This menu does not appear for rules that have never been enabled.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 296

Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

Custom Rule Types and Examples

The Rule Type menu on the Add/Edit Custom Rule page provides the following options:
• File Integrity Control – Protects specified folders or files from being modified.
• Trusted Path – Defines folders or files for which file execution is always allowed.
• Execution Control – Controls behavior when an attempt is made to execute a file
matching the rule.
• File Creation Control – Controls behavior when an attempt is made to write a file
matching the rule.
• Performance Optimization – Specifies folders or files to avoid tracking (execution
will still be monitored).
• Advanced – Provides the greatest selection of options for controlling file execution,
creation, and/or tracking.
Parity includes several rules marked as [Sample] – these rules are disabled by default. For
example, [Sample] Developer - Visual Studio Ignore Intermediate Files is a Performance
Optimization rule that instructs Parity to ignore certain intermediate files typical of many
build environments. In the Custom Rules table, you can click the Edit (pencil) button next
to any of these samples to examine the types of parameter choices that might be applied to
accomplish similar results.
The sections below provide general examples of some of the different rule types.

File Integrity Control

Write Action Options: Block, Report
Execute Action: Does not apply to this rule type (not shown)
Users: Applies to all users (fixed value for this rule type, not shown)
File Integrity Control rules allow you to control modifications to a specific folder (or file)
or folders (or files) matching your specification. You can write-protect the folder(s) by
choosing Block as the Write Action, or you can monitor (but not block) changes by
choosing Report as the Write Action.

For example, perhaps you use an application called ScheduleCreator to generate schedules
for everyone at your company and put the results in a Schedule folder in the My
Documents folder on each user’s computer. Assume that the ScheduleCreator executable
is called makesched.exe. You want to be able to generate the schedule for each user, but
you want to make sure nobody can change the schedules in the designated location once

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Using Parity

generated. You could choose File Integrity Control as the rule type and leave Block as
the Write Action. Then you could enter <MyDocuments>\Schedule\ as your Path or File.
Note that <MyDocuments> is a macro that maps to the My Documents folder for each
user on computers running the agent. Finally, in the Process Exclusion box, you could
enter *\makesched.exe so that this process will be allowed to write to the path in the rule.
Use of a macro in the Process Exclusion box could further restrict the allowable process to
one run from a specific location, such as <ProgramFiles>\Schedule

Trusted Paths
Execute Action: Allow, Allow and Promote, Promote
Users: Applies to all users (fixed value for this rule type, not shown)
One use of custom rules is designation of a trusted path. You can designate a network
location as a trusted path and place installers there so that computers in certain policies or
all policies can execute them.
A trusted path is an access method, not a global approval method. It allows execution of
files in a specific location without globally approving files generated by the executable.
Any files in a trusted path must be executed in the specified location; the destination of the
files resulting from an execution can be another computer (i.e., the computer accessing the
executable via a trusted path). Computers with access to files on the trusted path cannot
execute an installation package by copying it to their own machine and executing it there.
Files generated by an executable in the trusted path are locally approved on the computer
on which they are installed (unless there is a global or by-policy ban on the file). If the
new files have not been seen by the Parity Server before, they are added to the File
Catalog tab of the Files page with a status of Unapproved.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

• Any user who is able to write executables or scripts into the trusted
path can make any application available to any computer that (a) has
access to that location and (b) permits executions from remote drives.
Before you enable a trusted path, check the platform’s security
settings for that location to ensure that it is properly protected.
• In Parity, one way to help protect a Trusted Path is to create a user-
specific File Integrity Control or File Creation Control rule for the
same path. If you rank the new rule higher than the Trusted Path rule,
you can control writes to the path while still allowing its use as a
software distribution location.

To create a trusted path for installers, follow the instructions in “Creating a Custom Rule”
on page 278, choosing Trusted Path as the Rule Type. Note that when you choose Trusted
Path, other fields on the page change to reflect your choice. The Execute Action menu
shows Allow, meaning that files matching this rule will be allowed to execute.

For example, you might use an application called FileDistributor to distribute your
company software via some distribution server. Assume that the FileDistributor
application is actually an executable called filedist.exe, and that your company’s software
is deployed from a distribution server located at \\FILE2DEPLOY\Apps\. You could
choose Trusted Path as the rule type and enter \\FILES2DEPLOY\Apps\* as your Path
or File.
If you leave the Process field for this rule set to Any Process, any process on a client
affected by the rule can run applications and installers from that location. To reduce the
security gaps in your custom rule, you might want to limit the right to execute files in this
directory to FileDistributor itself, such that only FileDistributor can install applications
from the named directory. By making the Process *\filedist.exe, you create just such a
restriction. You can be even more specific by using a macro to identify the file location;
for example, <ProgramFiles>\FileDistributor\filedist.exe. A user manually trying to run
those same files will be blocked.

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Using Parity

You can further limit trusted paths and any other custom rules to computers in one or more
specific policies, using the “Rule applies to” buttons. By combining all of these
parameters, you have the opportunity to define a rule that allows you to accomplish
necessary operations while exposing your systems to as little security risk as you can.

Execution Control
Execute Action Options – Allow, Block, Allow and Promote, Promote, Prompt, Report
Write Action – Does not apply to this type (not shown)
Execution Control rules are exactly what they sound like. They allow you to create a rule
that responds in the way you choose when a file matching the rule attempts to execute.
They do not have any effect on attempts to write (create, modify, or delete) matching files.
Execution Control rules are similar to Trusted Path rules, except that Execution Control
rules allow you to specify a user or group and they offer more Execute Action options.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

For example, perhaps your developers use a tool called MyDevTool to develop and
compile DLLs. The MyDevTool application is set up to run the DLLs it creates. You might
create a rule that prevents this execution from being blocked.
Since the files created by MyDevTool are all DLLs, you can use *.dll as your Path or File.
If you were certain of the location of these files, you could further specify the path, but for
this example we will leave the location open.
If you leave the Process field for this rule set to Any Process, any process on a client
affected by the rule can run any DLL. To make this rule more secure, you might want to
limit the right to execute files in this directory to MyDevTool application itself. To do this,
you could use a macro to help specify the exact location of the tool, for example
If you have defined Active Directory groups, you might choose to further restrict the
ability to run these DLLs to the group known to have permission to use this tool. To do
this, you could choose Specify User or Group... on the User or Group menu and then
enter the AD Group name for the permitted group, Developers, for example.
Now you have a rule that will allow execution of DLL files in any location as long as they
are being executed by user in the Developers group using MyDevTool.

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Using Parity

File Creation Control

Write Action Options – Ignore, Block, Approve, Approve as installer, Prompt
Execute Action – Does not apply to this rule type (not shown)
File Creation Control rules allow you to control what happens when there as an attempt to
write (create) a file that matches the rule. They do not have any effect on file execution
Like File Integrity Control rules, File Creation Control rules allow you to Block writes.
However, File Creation Control rules allow you to specify a user or group and they offer
more Write Action options for cases in which you are not blocking file writes.

Performance Optimization
Write Action – Ignore (value fixed for this rule type, not shown)
Execute Action – Does not apply to this rule type (not shown)
Users – Any User (value fixed for this rule type, not shown)
Unless instructed otherwise, Parity keeps track of any files written to a computer running
its agent. Normally, this is useful for monitoring purposes. However, there are cases in
which a particular process writes many files to the same directory as part of its normal
operation, and monitoring these write operations uses system and network resources
unnecessarily while providing no important information. In cases such as these, you might
choose to create a Performance Optimization custom rule for the uninteresting directory.
To create a rule that eliminates tracking for certain files, follow the instructions in
“Creating a Custom Rule” on page 278 and choose Performance Optimization as the
Rule Type. When you choose Performance Optimization, some other fields on the page
change to reflect your choice. Note that although not shown, the Write Action for this rule
is Ignore, meaning that writing of files matching this rule will not be tracked by Parity.

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Chapter 11: Custom Software Rules

For example, perhaps an application called MyVirusGuard is writing a lot of temporary

files to c:\temp2\.
You could create a Performance Optimization rule that specifies c:\temp2\* in the Path or
File field. Parity would not track any files written to, modified in, or deleted from that
location by anyone. This reduces processing and information collection, but it also means
that you are not tracking any files being written to that directory.
If MyVirusGuard uses the executable MVGuard.exe for its operations, including writing
files, you could add *\MVGuard.exe to the rule as the Process, which lets MyVirusGuard
write to the directory without tracking. Parity continues to track files written to c:\temp2\
by any other process. Specifying the process allows you to accomplish the task you
wanted while maintaining as much protection as possible. Note also that because you used
the asterisk wildcard and a slash before the process name in the Process field, it does not
matter where you installed MVGuard.exe – it is always allowed to write to the designated
directory without tracking.

Since the (hidden) Execute Action for a Performance Optimization rule is Default, any
executions in c:\temp2 are still tracked and executions are still blocked if other rules would
block them – only file writing has been allowed and not tracked, and only if attempted by
the process you specified.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 12: Script Rules

Chapter 12

Script Rules
This chapter describes Script Rules, which identify files to be tracked and managed as
scripts by Parity. Parity includes built-in script rules, and you can create custom rules to
identify other scripts.

Topic Page
Overview 306
Script Rules Priority vs. Other Parity Rules 308
Policy Settings for Script Rules 309
Creating a Custom Script Rule 310
Editing a Script Rule 313
Disabling or Deleting a Script Rule 313
Viewing Rule Status on Computers 314
Script Rule Examples 315

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Using Parity

Parity tracks and manages two categories of files: executables and scripts. Executables are
identified based on Parity’s analysis of their content. Scripts are identified by name.

What is a Script?
A script is a file that contains executable or interpretable content that has meaning only in
the context of a script processor. This dependency on a specific host process is what
differentiates a script from typical executables. Script rules require two specifications:
• a script type file pattern definition to allows identification of the script file.
• a script processor specification that identifies the file that processes the script
identified by the script type. You can either specify a string to match for the processor
or, for Windows computers, let the File Association list on each agent computer
determine the default processor for a file matching the script type. Only one processor
may be specified for a script type, even if there are multiple compatible processors.
Examples of script files include VisualBasic scripts (*.vbs), Batch scripts (*.bat and
*.cmd), and shell scripts (*.sh, *.csh, etc.). Scripts might also be add-ons or extensions for
browsers, such as FireFox XPI plug-ins and Chrome CRX extensions, or application data
files such as Word documents (*.docx). Examples of script processors include cmd.exe
(Batch scripts), bash (shell scripts), wscript.exe (VisualBasic scripts), as well as processes
that are not obviously script processors such as firefox.exe, chrome.exe and word.exe.
The script file and the processor are compared to rule specifications by string matching.

• File hashes are not used to identify scripts. Script files are hashed, but
the script rule identifies a script by file extension.
• Parity monitors and controls scripts that use script and processor file
names that can be identified and defined in a rule. Script processing
that takes place in browser memory, such as with JavaScript, is not a
candidate for control by Parity script rules.
• Certain scripts are identified by their content, and these may be
subject to the rules for executables rather than the script rules. See
“Shell Scripts Identified by Content” on page 309 for details.

What Parity Script Rules Do

Script rules implement two types of action for files matching the rules:
• Visibility: When a file matching the script type in a rule is discovered, either because
it is newly present on an agent computer or because a new rule was created, the file is
added to the File Catalog and Files on Computers tables, and is tracked by Parity from
that point forward. Although identified by name, a script file is hashed like other
“interesting” files in Parity, and its hash is stored in the file database.
• Control: When a file matching a script processor attempts to access a file identified as
a script type in the same rule, that is considered a script execution. For enabled script
rules, Parity controls script executions according to the policy settings for the
computer on which the execution is attempted and any other applicable Parity rules.

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Chapter 12: Script Rules

The file state of a script identified by Parity depends upon when it was discovered and on
the state of Rescan Computers: Check to approve all existing scripts matching this
definition. If the Rescan Computers box is not checked, all scripts of the type identified by
the rule are treated as unapproved when executed. If the Rescan Computers box is
checked, script files currently on Parity-managed computers at the time of the rescan are
locally approved and (unless explicitly banned) allowed to execute under all Enforcement
Levels. Script files discovered after the rescan are considered Unapproved, and their
execution will be blocked at High or Medium Enforcement Levels.

Pre-configured Script Rules

Parity includes several standard script rules, some of which are enabled by default. On the
Script Rules page, you can enable or disable existing rules, modify the rules, and create
new custom script rules.

Table 48 shows the standard script rules. Where the file extension is the same for different
rules, the process, or process path, paired with the file extension is different.

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Using Parity

Table 48: Standard Script Rules and File Extensions

Application Script Processes Platform Default
or Category Extensions State
Mac Shell .sh, .csh, .zsh, /bin/bash, /bin/csh, /bin/ksh,  Mac Enabled
.ksh /bin/sh, /bin/tcsh, /bin/zsh
Mac Perl .pl /usr/bin/perl Mac Enabled

Mac Python .py /usr/bin/python Mac Enabled

Batch .cmd, .bat <System>\cmd.exe Windows Enabled
Registry .reg <System>\reg.exe Windows Enabled
Visual Basic .vbs, .vb, .vbe, <System>\cscript.exe, Windows Enabled
.wsf, .wsh <Systemx86>\cscript.exe
Java .jar, .class *\java.exe, *\javaw.exe Windows Disabled
Perl .pl, .pm <File Association> Windows Disabled
Python .py, .pyc, .pyo <File Association> Windows Disabled
PowerShell .ps1, .psm1 <File Association> Windows Disabled
TCL .tcl <File Association> Windows Disabled
Ruby .rb <File Association> Windows Disabled
Chrome .crx <File Association> Windows Disabled
Mozilla .xpi <File Association> Windows Disabled

Script Rules Priority vs. Other Parity Rules

A script file defined by a Script Rule is also subject to any matching (non-script) Custom
Rules, including those with actions that would Ignore writes, Block, Prompt or Report
execution or writing, or Allow execution. For example, if a script file matches a Custom
Rule with a Write Action of Ignore, the file state of the script will be Unapproved, and
execution will be blocked at High or Medium Enforcement Levels. Also, if a script file
and its processor match a Custom Rule with an Execute Action of Allow, the script will be
allowed to execute regardless of its file state.
In addition, script files can be banned or approved by hash.

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Chapter 12: Script Rules

Shell Scripts Identified by Content

The Custom Script Rules table includes rules for native Mac shell script files, and these
are enabled by default. Although scripts are generally identified by file extension and
processor in an explicit rule, there is an exception for Mac shell scripts.
Some shell scripts contain special markup in their first line that identifies the default
intepreter that should be used to process them. This markup is usually referred to as
hashbang or shebang, and consists of the “pound” or “hash” symbol (#) followed by an
exclamation point (!). For example:
indicates that the /bin/bash interpreter should be used to process this script file.
Because the shebang markup clearly identifies a file as “interesting” to Parity, shell scripts
with this markup are identified by content and tracked by Parity, regardless of whether
there is a script rule for them. In effect, the markup creates an invisible script rule with the
file as the script and the shebang markup identifying the processor.
How Parity rules are enforced on Mac shell scripts with the shebang pattern depends on
how the script is run and whether any matching Custom Script Rule remains in effect:
• Use the script as the command – If a script file is run as a command, it will use the
processor identified in the shebang, and will be subject to the policy settings that
control executables, not scripts. An example of this might be:
$ ./foo.sh
Note that to run the script this way, the script itself must have execute permission in
the operating system.
• Use a defined processor/script combination as the command – If a script file is run
with the processor as the command and the script file as the argument, and if this
combination is defined in the shebang or a Custom Script Rule, the action will be
subject to the policy settings that control scripts. An example of this might be:
$ csh ./foo.sh
In this case, execution permission is not necessary for the script file.
• Use an undefined processor/script combination –  If a script file is run with the
processor that is not defined in a shebang pattern for the file nor in a Custom Script
Rule, the script action is not controlled by the policy settings for scripts, even if the
file itself has been identified as an script to track. This includes the case in which a
script file includes a shebang pattern but a different processor is used to run it.

Policy Settings for Script Rules

Unlike custom, registry, and memory rules, script rules do not specify an action. They
function primarily to include files in a category already subject to tracking and action rules
in Parity. Each policy has two Advanced Settings that specify how script files should be
controlled on computers in that policy:
• Block unanalyzed scripts and executables: This setting determines whether scripts
and executables not yet analyzed by Parity are blocked (e.g., in cases where
initialization has not yet completed on a computer). It also provides a menu and links
through which you can change or disable the notifier that appears if such files are

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Using Parity

• Block unapproved scripts: This setting determines whether execution of scripts

whose file state is Unapproved is blocked on computers with High or Medium
Enforcement. It also provides a menu and links through which you can change or
disable the notifier that appears if such files are blocked.
Also keep in mind that scripts are sometimes subject to the policy settings for executables
instead of scripts. See “Shell Scripts Identified by Content” for more details.

Related Topics
See Table 14, “Advanced Setting Behavior,” on page 96 for information
on script-specific settings in policies.
See Chapter 15, “Block Notifiers and Approval Requests,” for
information on configuring notifiers for blocked scripts.

Creating a Custom Script Rule

The procedure below describes how to create a custom script rule. The rule parameters are
shown in Table 49.
To add (create) a custom script rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and on the Software Rules
page, click the Scripts tab. The Custom Script Rules table appears:

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Chapter 12: Script Rules

2. Click the Add Script Rule button. The Add Script Rule page appears.

3. In the Name field, enter the name you want to appear on the list of rules. You may also
provide a longer, optional Description.
4. By default, a new script rule is Enabled when you configure it and click Save. If you
want to enable the rule later, click Disabled in the Status field.
5. Choose a Platform: Windows or Mac. All script rules are platform-specific.
6. Choose a Script Definition, which determines how the script processor will be
identified. See Table 49 for the choices.
Platform Note: For Mac scripts, only Script Type and Process is allowed.
7. For all Script Rules, enter one or more Script Types. A Script Type is the file name
definition for this script type, usually the asterisk followed by a dot and the file
extension. You can add script types by entering a pattern in the Script Type field,
clicking the Add button to the right of the field, adding the next pattern, and so on.
8. For Script Type and Process rules (Windows only), you must also add one or more
Script Processes. For each process in the rule, enter the process definition in the Script
Process field, and click the Add button to the right of the field.
9. If you want to make sure all existing scripts matching this definition are added to the
list of files tracked and controlled by Parity, check Rescan Computers box.
10. Click the Save button to save the rule. It should appear on the Script Rules page.

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Using Parity

Table 49: Script Rule Parameters

Field Description
Name Name by which this rule is listed in the Script Rules table. (Required)
Description Optional information about the rule (any text you choose to enter).
Status Radio buttons that make this rule Enabled or Disabled. This allows
you to create a rule that you use only at certain times, or to
temporarily disable a rule without losing its definition.
Platform Platform (Windows, Mac) for which this script rule is defined. Each
script rule must be specific to one platform.
Script How you want to define the script rule. The menu choices are:
Definition File Association – Choose this definition to allow the file association
list on the agent computer to determine the Script Process. You still
must provide the Script Type (file name).
File Association might be a good choice for a common script type if
your environment includes computers with different versions of the
script engine for that type (for example, different versions of Perl).
However, it is not necessarily the best choice when individual
computers have multiple versions of the script engine; only the one
identified in the File Association will be managed by Parity. Consider
your environment before making this choice.
Platform Note: Only Windows scripts can use File Association.
Script Type and Process – Choose this to specify both the file
patterns that define the script and the process that runs the script.
Script Type The file name pattern that determines whether a file matches this rule
and is therefore considered a script. In most of the standard rules,
the script type is defined by the file extension you want identified as a
script (for example, *.vbs). You can use paths, wildcards, and macros
in the script type. See “Specifying Paths and Processes” on page 285
for a general description of pattern definitions options in Parity Rules.
Script The executable whose behavior you want to control when it
Process processes files matching the Script Type. Examples of script
processors include wscript.exe (Visual Basic scripts), cmd.exe
(Batch scripts), ps.exe (PowerShell scripts) as well as processes that
are not obviously script processors such as firefox.exe, chrome.exe
and word.exe. You can use paths, wildcards, and macros in the script
process. See “Specifying Paths and Processes” on page 285 for a
general description of pattern definition options in Parity Rules
Rescan If checked, rescans all connected computers running Parity Agent to
Computers discover any files matching the script rule. If a matching file is found,
it is added to the File Catalog with a file state of Approved. If not
checked, all script files matching the rule are Unapproved. If a
computer is disconnected, it will get the “rescan” rule once it
reconnects, and will be re-scanned.
• Enabling Rescan Computers in a new or existing rule causes a
delay during which existing local scripts might not be approved.
• If a script file matches a custom rule that instructs Parity to ignore
rules, it will continue to be ignored.
History For existing rules, this panel appears at the bottom of the page,
showing when and by whom the rule was created and last modified.

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Chapter 12: Script Rules

Use of very broad definitions for either the Script Type or Script Process
field is not recommended because of negative performance impact. If
either field in a rules uses * or *.* Parity will display a warning. Be as
specific as possible in defining the file patterns in a Script Rule.

Editing a Script Rule

You might choose to edit a script rule for a variety of reasons, including:
• enabling or disabling the script (see “Disabling or Deleting a Script Rule” on page 313
for more on the effects of enabling or disabling a script)
• adding, removing, or modifying patterns used to identify the script, or its processor
• changing the Script Definition to use File Association to identify the Script Processor,
or to change from File Assocition to a specified processor pattern or patterns.
To edit a script rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. On the Software Rules page, click the Scripts tab. The Custom Script Rules table
3. Click on the View Details (pencil and file) icon to the left of the rule you want to edit.
The Edit Custom Script Rule page appears.
4. Edit the rule as you choose (see Table 49 for a description of the parameters) and then
click Save. The Edit Custom Rule page closes and the Custom Script Rules page is

Disabling or Deleting a Script Rule

If you do not want a script rule to be effective anymore, you can either disable it, which
leaves it in the table of script rules, or delete it from the table. In either case, the script rule
stops affecting newly discovered files. However, any script file that was discovered while
the rule was effective continues to be tracked by Parity and retains any file state assigned
to it during the time the rule was enabled.
Disabling a script definition does not immediately remove the matching files from the
inventory of files tracked by Parity. This prevents loss of information if an action such as a
rule change is taken accidentally. However, the exact amount of time a script file
matching a disabled rule remains in inventory depends factors such as whether it is
actually deleted from the agent or modified.
If a disabled definition is subsequently enabled with rescan enabled, only newly
discovered scripts will be locally approved. Scripts that remained in the inventory will
retain their previous state.
If you think you might use a rule again, disabling it temporarily is the best choice.

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Using Parity

To disable a script rule:

1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Scripts tab. The Custom Script Rules table appears.
2. Click the Edit button (pencil and file) next to the rule you want to disable. The Edit
Script Rule page appears.
3. In the Status line, click the Disabled radio button, and then click the Save button at
the botton of the page. The rule is now disabled.
Deleting a rule eliminates it permanently – there is no undo or retrieval for a deleted rule.
Because of that, be sure you actually want to delete the rule. Deletion of the rules that were
pre-configured in Parity is not recommended.

To delete a script rule:

1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Scripts tab. The Custom Script Rules table appears.
2. Click the Delete button (red circle with X) next to the rule you want to delete, and
click OK on the confirmation dialog. The rule is now deleted.

Viewing Rule Status on Computers

Depending upon the number of agents managed by your Parity Server and the number that
are disconnected, not all agents might receive new or updated rules in a short amount of
time. The Related Views menu on the Edit page for an enabled rule provides links to two
different filtered views of the Computers page to help determine the status of the rule on
agent-managed computers. The choices are:
• All Computers that have received this rule
• All Computers that have not yet received this rule
This menu does not appear for rules that have never been enabled.

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Chapter 12: Script Rules

Script Rule Examples

Parity includes several preconfigured Script Rules. These are useful as examples for
creation of other rules.

Example: Windows Perl Scripts

One Windows Script Rule provided with Parity will track and control executions of Perl
scripts when enabled. On the Scripts tab on the Software Rules page, you can click on the
Edit (pencil and file) button next to the Perl rule to see how it is defined.

The Script Type field includes two patterns – *.pl and *.pm. Any file ending in either of
these extensions will be considered a Perl script file, and will be tracked by Parity once
The Script Definition field shows File Association. This means that you do not have to
provide a pattern to match for the Script Processor. For each agent computer, Parity will
use whatever the application file is identified as the Perl processor on that computer as the
the Script Processor. Any time the application associated with *.pl or *.pm files attempts
to access those files, Parity will control execution based on the current state of the script
file, the policy settings for the computer on which the execution attempt occurs, and any
other rules affecting the files.
Notice that Rescan Computers is checked in this rule. This means that as soon as this rule
is enabled, all computers managed by this Parity Server will be rescanned, and any files
matching the Script Type for the rule will be locally approved and added to the File
Catalog and Files on Computers list. When this box is not checked, all files of this script
type are treated as unapproved. Other matching script files are “discovered” when an
attempt to execute them occurs, and they are not locally approved, which might cause
them to be blocked.

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Using Parity

Example: Windows Batch Scripts

Parity includes a script rule to identify and control executions of Windows batch scripts.
On the Scripts tab of the Software Rules page, you can click on the Edit (pencil and file)
button next to the Batch rule to see how it is defined.

The Script Type field for the Batch rule includes two patterns – *.cmd and *.bat. Any file
ending in either of these extensions will be identified as a Batch script file, and will be
tracked by Parity once discovered.
The Script Definition field shows Script Type and Process, so it is necessary to provide at
least one pattern to match for the Script Process. In this case, there are two processes listed
so that cmd.exe is identified as the processor for this script for both 32-bit and 64-bit
When this rule is enabled, any time the cmd.exe (in the locations shown) attempts to
access a file with a .cmd or .bat extension, Parity will control execution based on the
current approval state of the script file, the policy settings for the computer on which the
execution attempt occurs, and any other rules affecting the files.
Because Rescan Computers is checked in this rule, as soon as the rule is enabled, all
computers managed by this Parity Server will be rescanned, and any files matching the
Script Type for the rule will be locally approved and added to the File Catalog and Files on
Computers list.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

Chapter 13

Registry Rules
This chapter describes Registry Rules, which control what happens when there is an
attempt to make changes in the Windows Registry at locations that match paths you
specify. If you choose, you can limit the rules to specified users and/or processes.
Platform Note: Registry rules affect only computers running Windows operating


Topic Page
Overview 318
Specifying the Notifier for Registry Rules 319
Creating Registry Rules 319
Registry Rule Parameters 322
Specifying Registry Paths 325
Specifying Processes in Registry Rules 326
Rule Ranking 330
Disabling or Deleting Registry Rules 331
Sample Registry Rules 332
Autostart Rules 335

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Using Parity

Registry rules enable you to block, report, allow, or prompt the user for a choice when
there are attempts to write to Windows Registry locations matching paths you specify.
Creation, modification and deletion of keys or values all count as “writes”.
You can view a list of registry-rule-related events, including any blocks caused by registry
rules, by going to the Events page and choosing Registry on the Saved Views menu

For computers in Visibility mode policies, registry rules that would block
writing or prompt users for a decision are treated as report-only rules, and
therefore will not block or prompt.

Rule Scope
You can create registry rules that apply to all users and all processes that try to make a
registry change on any Windows computer. You also can create a more focused scope for a
rule by specifying one or more of the following criteria:
• Process-specific – You can make a rule apply only when certain processes attempt to
write to the specified location.
• User- or group-specific – You can make the rule apply only to a particular user or
group of users.
• Policy-specific – You can choose to limit a rule to computers in specified policies.
• Rule order – Registry rules are evaluated in order of Rank, a column that is displayed
by default on the Registry Rules table. The rule ranked ‘1’ has the highest rank, ‘2’ is
next, and so on. You can change the order of rules. For example, you can create a rule
that applies when a particular user attempts to access a specified Registry path, and
put that above a rule that applies when any other user attempts to access that path.

Registry rules generally should be as narrowly targeted as possible to
avoid unintended effects.

Sample Rules
A new installation of Parity Server is pre-configured with built-in registry rules, disabled
by default, which you can view by clicking the Registry tab on the Software Rules page.
Some of these are samples that you may either enable as is or use as a guide to creating
your own rules. The Autostart rule, which also is disabled by default, protects a long list of
registry locations potentially affected on startup. See the section “Sample Registry Rules”
on page 332 for an example of how a rule can be configured.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

Specifying the Notifier for Registry Rules

Parity provides notifiers that can be displayed when a rule blocks an action or prompts the
user for a decision to allow or block an action. For each registry rule, you can choose from
two sources for the notifier:
• Use Policy Specific Notifier – Each Policy includes an Advanced Setting, “Enable
registry rules”, which is always on. This setting has a Notifier field in which you can
specify the notifier that appears on agent computers when a registry rule blocks an
action. The policy setting also allows you to choose <none> in case you do not want a
notifier for registry rules in a policy, including those that should prompt. You can
assign the policy-specific notifier to any registry rule. See “Advanced Settings” on
page 94 for more information.
• Custom Notifier – If you do not choose the policy-specific notifier, you can choose
(or create) a notifier specifically for a registry rule. The choices appear on a menu on
the Add/Edit Registry Rule page. Custom Notifiers for Prompt rules must have a
notifier. Custom Notifiers for Block rules allow you to choose <none> so that no
notifier appears.
See Table 50 below for the registry rule notifier settings. See Chapter 15, “Block Notifiers
and Approval Requests,” for more on notifiers.

Creating Registry Rules

In addition to providing a name, to create a registry rule, you need to provide the
information shown in bold in the left column of the table below and enter it in the Add
Registry Rule page in the locations on the right:
General Description Field on Add/Edit Registry
Rule Page
If this/these source process(es)... Process
...and/or this/these user(s)... User or Group
... attempt to modify the Windows Registry at Registry Path
this/these location(s)...
... on computers in this/these policy(ies)... Rule applies to:
... then Parity should take this action. Write Action

For each of these parameters, there could be multiple matching items, or the rule could
specify all items in that class (for example, the rule applies to all users, or all policies, or
all source processes).

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Using Parity

To add (create) a registry rule:

1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click Registry Rules, either on its tab or in the menu to the left of the page. The
Registry Rules page appears:

3. To create a new rule, click the Add Registry Rule button. The Add Registry Rule
page appears.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

4. In the Name field, enter the name you want to appear on the list of rules.
5. If you want to add other comments about the rule, such as its purpose or its
relationship to other rules, you may provide an optional Description.
6. By default, a new registry rule is Enabled. If you want to delay enabling the rule,
click Disabled in the Status field.
7. Enter the remaining information you want for this rule (see Table 50, “Registry Rule
Parameters,”) and then click the Save button. The newly created rule is listed at the
bottom of the Registry Rules table and temporarily highlighted in yellow. If your
Registry Rules table is more than one page long, the view shifts to the last page so you
can see the new rule.
8. If you want to change the priority of this rule, use the arrows in the Rank column, or
drag-and-drop, to move it down to the desired rank. See “Rule Ranking” on page 330
for more details.

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Using Parity

Registry Rule Parameters

Table 50 shows the parameters available on the Add/Edit Registry Rule page.

Table 50: Registry Rule Parameters

Field Description
Name Name by which this rule is identified in the Registry Rules
table. (Required)
Description Optional information about the registry rule. This can be any
text you choose to enter.
Status Radio buttons that make this rule Enabled or Disabled. This
allows you to create a rule that you use only at certain times,
or to temporarily disable the rule without losing the
information used to create it.
Platform Platform for which this rule is effective. This is a read-only
field and the value is always Windows. Registry rules do not
have any impact on non-Windows platforms.
Write Action The action to take when there is a write attempt matching
this rule. See Table 51 for the action options. For all Windows
platforms except Windows Server 2003 64-bit, write rules
also control changes to registry permissions.
Use Policy If you choose Block or Prompt as the Write Action, this
Specific checkbox appears to the right of the Write Action choice. If
Notifier you check the box, the notifier that appears when a registry
rule blocks an action is the notifier specified for the Enable
Registry Rules setting in the policy for the computer on which
the action was blocked. If not checked, you can choose a
custom notifier from the Custom Write Notifier menu.
Custom Write If you choose Block or Prompt as the write action, and you
Notifier do not check the Use Policy Specific Notifier box, this menu
If you choose Block as the write action, you can choose any
notifier from the menu. The menu also includes a <none>
option so that you can disable the notifier for this rule.
If you choose Prompt as the write action, you can choose
any notifier on the menu. Prompt rules must display a
notifier, so there is no <none> choice in this case.
Registry Path Registry path to which this rule applies. See “Specifying
Registry Paths” on page 325 for details on your options for
specifying the path.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

Field Description
Process This menu allows you to limit the rule so that it is applied only
when certain processes attempt to execute or write files
matching the path specification. See “Specifying Processes
in Registry Rules” on page 326 for details on specifying a
process and Table 52 for process menu options.
User or Group This menu allows you to specify users or groups to which this
rule applies. See “Specifying Users or Groups” on page 330
for details on specifying users or groups.
Rule applies to The radio button for this rule allows you to apply the rule to
All policies or Selected policies. If you choose Selected
policies, a list of all policies available on your Parity Server
appears, each with a checkbox. You can check as many
policies as you choose.
History For existing rules, a History panel shows when and by whom
the rule was created and modified.

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Using Parity

Specifying a Write Action

The Write Action in a registry rule is the action to take when there is a registry write
attempt matching this rule. Table 51 shows the options. Write action includes creation,
deletion and modification of registry keys on all platforms. It also includes changes to
registry permissions on all Windows platforms except Windows Server 2003 64-bit.

Table 51: Write Action Menu Options

Option Description
Block Prevent creation, deletion and modification of registry keys and values at
locations matching this rule.
When Block is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier checkbox and a
Custom Write Notifier menu appear. These allow you to specify the notifier,
if any, that appears when the rule blocks an action. See Table 50 for more
Prompt Present a notifier dialog to the computer user when an attempt to modify the
registry is made at this location. The dialog choices are Block or Allow.
Once the user responds to the dialog, the choice applies anytime the same
process matches the same rule on the same computer with the same user –
the user will not be prompted again in this case.
When Prompt is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier checkbox and a
Custom Notifier menu appear. These allow you to specify the notifier that
appears to prompt the user. See Table 50 for more details.
Report Do not block modifications at this registry path but report them as Parity
Allow Allow creation, deletion and modification of registry keys and values at
locations matching this rule. This is the default behavior if there is no rule for
a path.
Use of Allow gives you a way to create an exception to a more general rule
that blocks at a particular location. For example, if you create a rule that
blocks all writes to
you could create an exception by creating a higher ranking rule that allows
writes to

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

Specifying Registry Paths

The Registry Path specifies the locations in the Windows Registry to which a rule applies.

All registry paths must begin with one of the following strings:
• HKLM-SoftwareX86\
• HKLM-SoftwareX64\
• HKCU-SoftwareX86\
• HKCU-SoftwareX64\
• *\

You cannot use macros in the Registry Path.

Using Wildcards
You can use wildcards (“*” for zero or more characters, “?” for one character) in the
Registry Path. You can use wildcards to specify partial paths or multiple paths in the
registry. The number of wildcards in a path is not restricted.
You can use wildcards to skip a level and make a rule apply to values (or sub-keys) of a
sub-key, even if you don’t know their names. For example:
applies the rule only to keys or values below a sub-key of myapp, such as
but it does not apply to sub-keys or values in myapp itself, such as

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Using Parity

Do not use wildcards to create a rule that is so broad that it will interfere with
activity that is required for legitimate use by an application or the operating
system. Do not use the asterisk wildcard by itself in the Registry Path field,
especially with rules that block all writes, unless you are certain it will not
interfere with necessary operations on the agent computer. Registry rules may
seriously impact the performance of an application or system.

Specifying Keys or Values

If a path ends with a "\", it matches only the key at that path. If a path ends in “\*”, the rule
applies to all keys, sub-keys and values underneath that path.
If a path ends without a slash or wildcard, it applies only to a value (not a key) matching
the path. For example:
would match a value named "ViewOutput" but not a key named "ViewOutput"
You can add more than one path to a Registry Rule. See “Entering Multiple Paths or
Processes” on page 329 for details. In the Registry Rule table, rules with more than one
path show the first path in the Registry Path field followed by (multiple).

Specifying Processes in Registry Rules

The Process field on the Add/Edit Registry Rule page allows you to fine-tune the rule
according to the process – that is, the running file – attempting to modify the registry.

You can make the rule effective for all processes, certain types of processes, specific
processes, or all processes except the one(s) you name. Table 52 shows the Process

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

Table 52: Process Menu Options

Menu Option Description
Any Process Applies the rule to any process that attempts to write to the
Any Promoted Applies the rule to any process that is promoted at the time
Process the rule is evaluated. A promoted process is any approved
process that is marked as an installer, or has been promoted
as a consequence of a custom rule, or is an approved
process launched by a promoted process.
Any System Applies the rule to every process that is running under the
Process security context of the Local System user. This choice has
the same effect as choosing Local System in the User or
Group menu, but may be more efficient.
Specific Opens a text box below the menu; you can enter the names
Process... of processes you want controlled by this rule. See
“Specifying Processes in Registry Rules” on page 326 for the
guidelines and requirements for specifying a process.
Any Process Opens a text box below the menu, in which you can enter
Except... processes you do not want controlled by this rule. See
“Specifying Processes in Registry Rules” on page 326 for the
guidelines and requirements for specifying a process.
Note: If you specify a User or Group and also choose Any
Process Except from the process menu, the rule is enforced
unless the exception process is being executed by the user
or group.

When you choose a Process option that requires entry of a path (either Specific Process...
or Any Process Except ...), you have several options for defining paths:
• Specify a specific process or a directory – You can enter a process specification that
exactly identifies a process by path and name so that only that file matches the rule.
You also can enter a specification that identifies a directory, which matches all
processes in that directory and its subdirectories.
• Specify a local drive or UNC path – You can identify a local process by using a local
drive name, such as C:\folder1\subfolder\application.exe. You also can enter a remote
process by using a UNC path, such as \\computername\dir\application.exe. Mapped
drives in a path or process specification are not recognized.
• Use wildcards – You can use wildcards (‘?’ for any one character and ‘*’ for zero or
more characters) to expand the scope of a process specification or help you match a
file or folder whose exact location you don’t know. Wildcards may be used at the
beginning, end or middle of a path.
• Use macros – You can use special Parity macros to identify certain well-known
folders in the Microsoft Windows environment, even if you don’t know their exact
location on all agent computers.
• Specify multiple process paths – You can add more than one process definition per

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Using Parity

Specifying Processes or Directories

You can choose to enter a directory or a specific file as your process path. When you
specify a directory, you are instructing the rule to apply when any process in that directory
or in any of its subdirectories attempts to write to the registry location specified (unless
there are higher-ranked rules that match the current process).
To indicate that a Process definition is a directory, you must end it with a backslash (\) or a
backslash and asterisk (\*). If you do not include the backslash, the rule will attempt to
match a file by the name you provided, not a directory. For example, either of the
following correctly identifies “subfolder2” as a directory in a process definition:
However, the following is not recognized as a directory:
If you use path macros in a process definition, Parity automatically processes the macro so
that it is treated as a directory, even if you don’t follow the macro with a backslash. See
Using Macros.

Using Wildcards
You can use wildcard characters in the Process field. Asterisk (*) indicates zero or more
characters and question mark (?) indicates one character. You can also use them to specify
processes that appear in different locations on different computers (although macros might
be a more effective way to accomplish this – see “Using Macros”).
The number of wildcards in a process specification is not restricted. For example, you
could define a path as:

Automatic Process Path Conversions

The Process field undergoes automatic path conversions if it contains certain symbols:
• A process path that ends with a slash has the ‘*’ wildcard added at the end of the path.
• A process path with no slash or drive letter has "*\" added at the beginning of the path.
• Drive letters may be used in a path as long as they are for local fixed volumes.
Mapped drive letters should not be used because there is no guarantee that the
mapping exists on all computers.
• The string "*:\" applies to all attached storage volumes except for floppy disks and

Specifying Devices in Process Path

You can specify that a rule applies when writes are attempted by processes running from
some or all devices on the agent computer by including \device\ in the path. For example:
• \device\*\ specifies all devices.
• \device\harddisk*\ specifies attached storage volumes except for floppy disks and
• \device\cdrom*\ specifies CD-ROM devices.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

Using Macros
You can use certain macros in the Process field of a Registry Rule. You can see a menu of
macros by typing the left angle bracket (<) character in the Process field. There are two
types of macro supported in Registry Rule processes:
• Path macros – These are a subset of the well-known folders in the Microsoft
Windows environment, and they always identify a location rather than a specific file.
A path macro can be used only at the beginning of a Path or File specification in a rule
(i.e., with no other text before it in the string).
• Registry macros – These are macros that specify strings in the Windows Registry. A
registry macro can be used anywhere in the Path or File specification.
Macros can be an effective way to define a rule that works on all Windows computers
even when the files you want to affect are in different locations on different computers.
See “Using Macros” on page 287 of the Custom Rules chapter for a description of path
and registry macros. These macros may be used in the Process field of a registry rule.

Macros may be used in the Process field of a Registry Rule but not in the
Registry Path field.

Entering Multiple Paths or Processes

For both the Registry Path and the Process field in a rule, you can enter more than one
string. For example, when you have entered the first Registry Path for this rule, click the
Expand button to the right of the box.

You can then add additional paths by typing them in the box and clicking Add after each

You can remove any path by clicking the Expand button, selecting the file or path in the
list below the Registry Path box, and clicking the Remove button. Adding or removing
items in the Process field works in a similar way.
If you enter multiple paths or processes for a rule, the Registry Rules page shows the first
path and then (multiple) in the relevant column for this rule. Moving the mouse over the
value shows a tooltip with the complete list of paths or processes for the rule.

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Using Parity

Specifying Users or Groups

You can create a rule that applies only when specific users or users in specific groups
attempt an action. The choices for User or Group on the Add/Edit Custom Rule page are:
• Any Users – applies the rule to all users.
• Specific User or Group... – opens a text box below the menu, into which you can
enter AD users or groups in the format userorgroupname@domain or
• The other menu choices are built-in Windows groups, such as Authenticated Users
and Local Administrators.
By default, computers running Microsoft Vista or Windows 7 operating systems have User
Access Control (UAC) enabled. With UAC, users are not actually members of a built-in,
privileged group unless they have been given "elevated privilege". Because of this, a
Parity rule that relies on a pre-defined group to identify a user may not work for computers
running Vista or Windows 7. If a group definition is necessary for a rule, consider using
security groups you have defined rather than the pre-defined groups.

Rule Ranking
Registry rules have a “Rank” number and are evaluated from lowest number to highest
number, beginning with the rule ranked ‘1’. By default, rules appear in their rank order,
but you can re-sort the table by other columns if you choose. If a path location matches
two different rules, the highest ranking rule (that is, the one with the lowest number), takes
precedence and the lower-ranked (higher number) rule has no effect. There is one
exception to this behavior – rules whose action is Report do not stop processing of lower
ranked rules.
You can change the ranking of rules.
To change the rank of a registry rule:
1. On the Registry Rules page, if the rules are not currently sorted by rank, click on the
Rank column head to sort them.
2. Find the rule whose rank you want to change.
3. To give the rule a higher rank, click the up arrow button next the to rule until it is
ranked where you want it to be.
Move the mouse cursor over the rule you want to move, hold down the left mouse
button, drag the rule to the new location, and release the mouse button.
4. To give the rule a lower rank, click the down arrow next to the rule until it is ranked
where you want it to be, use the drag-and drop method to move the rule.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

When using drag-and-drop, you cannot drag rules between pages. If you
need to move a rule to a ranking not currently shown, you can increase the
number of rows shown per page by using the menu at the bottom right
corner of the Custom Rules page.

Disabling or Deleting Registry Rules

If you do not want a registry rule to be effective anymore, you can either disable it, which
leaves it in the registry rules table, or delete it from the table. In either case, the rule stops
affecting newly discovered files. However, files that were affected by the rule before it
was disabled retain any file state assigned to them by the rule.
If you think you might use the rule again, disabling it temporarily is the best choice.
To disable a registry rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Registry tab. The Registry Rules table appears.
2. Click the Edit button (pencil and file) next to the rule you want to disable. The Edit
Registry Rule page appears.
3. In the Status line, click the Disabled radio button, and then click the Save button at
the botton of the page. The rule is now disabled.
Deleting a rule eliminates it permanently – there is no undo or retrieval for a deleted rule.
Because of that, be sure you actually want to delete the rule.
To delete a registry rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Registry tab. The Registry Rules table appears.
2. Click the Delete button (red circle with X) next to the rule you want to delete, and
click OKon the confirmation dialog. The rule is now deleted.

Viewing Rule Status on Computers

Depending upon the number of agents managed by your Parity Server and the number that
are disconnected, not all agents might receive new or updated rules in a short amount of
time. The Related Views menu on the Edit page for an enabled rule provides links to two
different filtered views of the Computers page to help determine the status of the rule on
agent-managed computers. The choices are:
• All Computers that have received this rule
• All Computers that have not yet received this rule
This menu does not appear for rules that have never been enabled.

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Using Parity

Sample Registry Rules

Parity is shipped with a series of disabled sample registry rules. You can examine the rules
to see whether you might want to enable them, or to consider using them as templates that
you modify to accomplish exactly what you want for your own registry protection.

Do not enable any of the sample registry rules without examining their
parameters, including which registry paths they apply to and what action
(Block, Prompt, Report,Allow) they involve. You also can configure the
Action for a rule to Report for a period of time before you make it fully
active (i.e., blocking, prompting or allowing actions).

Example: Report Changes to Internet Explorer Trusted Zone

The example here starts with parameters from the sample rule “[Sample] Report Changes
to Trusted Zones”, which is included but disabled in Parity. This rule reports changes to
the sites or IP addresses in the Internet Explorer Trusted Zone on machines running Parity
Agent. Because you may give higher privileges to sites in the trusted zone, any changes to
that zone could be a security risk.
To begin the process, go to the Registry tab and then click on the View Details (pencil on
file) button next to the “[Sample] Report Changes to Trusted Zones” rule.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

As the description says, this rule generates a Parity Event whenever a registry change is
made that will change the sites or IP addresses in the Internet Explorer Trusted Zone. The
parameters are:
• Write Action: Report – This indicates that the rule only reports changes matching the
rule – it does not block an action or allow an action that would otherwise be blocked.
If you wanted to create a more restrictive rule, you could change this to Prompt, in
which case each user on a computer running Parity Agent would have the opportunity
to block or allow Registry changes matching the rule. Or you could Block any
changes matching the rule.
• Registry Path:
– This rule includes two paths. Because the paths starts with *\, any attempt to write
to them, whether it starts with HKCU, HKLM, or another allowed prefix, will match
the rule. Because the paths end with a slash and asterisk, keys and values at and below
domains and ranges (respectively) will match the rule.

• Process: Any Process – Any process attempting registry writes that match the other
parameters activates the rule.
• User or Group: Any User – Any user attempting registry writes that match the other
parameters activates the rule.
• Rule applies to: All policies – All policies, and therefore all Windows computers
running Parity Agent, are subject to this rule.
If you enable this rule, registry write attempts matching the rule appear on the Events
page. You can search for them by clicking the Show/Hide Filters button on the Events
page and creating a filter for “Subtype is Report write (registry rule)”. When you find an
event report matching this rule, you might respond in one of several different ways:
• If the change is undesirable, undo the change (outside of Parity) and create a new rule
preventing that change from happening again (rather than just reporting it). Use
wildcards or multiple paths to make the rule as narrow or broad as necessary.
• Allow the change if you consider it benign or desirable.
• Use the file information on Parity Server to obtain information about the process that
has attempted the modification.

Example: A Block Rule with an Exception

Parity includes “[Sample] Tamper Protection” rules that protect a Parity Server. Two of
these work together to block most access to a location but allow access below the top-level
key. You can use Show/Hide Filter button on the Registry Rules page to create a filter for
“Path contains services\parityserver” to see these sample rules.

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Using Parity

Notice that the Allow rule – the exception – is above the Block rule. This means that
Parity first checks to see whether a modification attempt matches the exception, and if it
does, the Block rule is not evaluated.

General Rule: Block Writes

Most of the key parameters for the sample Parity Server rules are visible in the table on the
Registry Rules page, but if you choose, you can click on the View Details (pencil over file)
button next to each rule to see the Edit Registry Rule page. First, let’s examine the general
rule that blocks registry access. The parameters of the Block rule are:
• Write Action: Block – This indicates that the rule blocks changes to the Registry at
the path shown. If you wanted to create a less restrictive rule, you could change this to
Prompt, in which case each user on a computer running Parity Agent would have the
opportunity to block or allow Registry changes matching the rule.
• Registry Path: HKLM\system\*controlset*\services\parityserver\* – Write
attempts for both keys and values at and below parityserver will be blocked. Notice
that controlset is surrounded by asterisks – this allows a match for a key named
“controlset” and variations that might be present on a computer, such as
“controlset001” or “CurrentControlSet”. Because the path ends with a slash and an
asterisk, this rule applies to write attempts for both keys and values – if “parityserver”
ended the path, the rule would match only values named “parityserver” at the path
• Process: Any Process – If a registry write attempt matches the other rule parameters,
the rule applies no matter what process attempts to modify the registry. If you know
that one or more specific processes should be able to make legitimate registry changes
for Parity Server, you could change this to Any Process Except... and then provide
the pathnames for those processes.
• User or Group: Any User – If a registry write attempt matches the other rule
parameters, the rule applies no matter which user attempts to modify the registry.
• Rule applies to: All policies – All policies, and therefore all Windows computers
running Parity Agent, are subject to this rule.

Exception Rule: Report Writes to Sub-Keys

If you enable the rule described above, all attempts to write to any key or value below
parityserver are blocked. Perhaps this is too restrictive. You could allow an exception for a
process, as shown above, without creating a new rule. For some exceptions, however, you
need to create a separate rule. The Allow rule for parityserver shows how to create a such
a companion rule that allows writes.
Click on the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the Report rule for parityserver
to see the Edit Registry Rule page. The parameters of the Report rule are:
• Write Action: Allow – This indicates that the rule allows changes to keys and values
at the path shown if all other rule parameters match a write attempt.
• Registry Path: HKLM\system\*controlset*\services\parityserver*\*\* – Notice
the difference between this path and the path in the Block rule. By ending with
parityserver*\*\* the rule specifies that keys and values immediately below
parityserver do not match the rule, but keys and values below a subkey of parityserver
do match the rule. This creates an exception to the block rule as long as this rule is
higher in the Registry Rules list than the block rule.

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Chapter 13: Registry Rules

• Process: Any Process – If a registry write attempt matches the other rule parameters,
the rule applies no matter what process attempts to modify the registry. If you want to
restrict this exception rule to specific processes, you could change this to Specific
Process... and then provide the pathnames for those processes you trust.
• User or Group: Any User – If a registry write attempt matches the other rule
parameters, the rule applies no matter which user attempts to modify the registry.
Since this rule is an exception that allows modification of the Registry, you might
want to further restrict it by user or group, for example, by choosing Service
Accounts from the menu.
• Rule applies to: All policies – All policies, and therefore all Windows computers
running Parity Agent, are subject to this rule.

Autostart Rules
The table of Registry Rules for Parity 7.0.1 includes an Autostart Rules rule that is
actually a collection of rules. It is disabled by default. When activated, this rule set reports
and optionally blocks attempts to modify registry locations that control what happens
when you startup a computer. For example, one of the many paths covered by the
Autostart Rules is:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
If you want to test the impact of this set of rules before making it active, you can choose
Report on the Write Action menu for the rule. Then, after some time has elapsed, you can
go to the Events page and filter for “Rule name contains Autostart” to see what events
have been triggered by this rule set. If you determine that activating the rule will not
interfere with your operations, you can change the Write Action value to Block (or
On the Edit Registry Rule page for Autostart Rules, the Registry Path is shown as
<AutostartRules>. This macro refers to the current list of locations controlled by this rule.
The list is maintained within Parity and not enumerated in the rule definition. It is
expected to be updated and expanded with future releases of Parity. If you need more
detail about specific locations affected by this rule in your version, please contact Bit9
Technical Support.

Pre-7.0 releases of Parity had Registry Rules that affected a small subset
of the locations included in the new Autostart Rules set. If you used any of
these startup rules, you might want to use the Autostart Rules instead for
greater protection on startup.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

Chapter 14

Memory Rules
This chapter describes Memory Rules, which can protect a process from being accessed or
altered by other processes.
Platform Note: Memory rules affect only computers running Windows operating

Topic Page
Overview 338
Specifying the Notifier for Memory Rules 339
Creating Memory Rules 339
Memory Rule Parameters 342
Specifying Target and Source Processes 346
Rule Ranking 350

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 337

Using Parity

Memory Rules allow you to monitor attempts to access a process on a Windows computer,
and if you choose, protect the process from being accessed or altered by any other
process(es) or user(s). When a rule matches your criteria, you can block read, write or
execution access to a matching process, report on access, or prompt the user on the agent
system to block or allow access. There also are advanced options for special cases.
If an in-memory malicious attack occurs on a system protected by Parity Agent, a properly
configured memory rule can prevent that attack from spreading to other processes, or even
from accessing information in other processes. Memory rules limit the vulnerability of a
protected computer. They can also protect specific applications or processes from
termination or other manipulation by users or malicious code.
You can view a list of memory-rule-related events, including blocked actions caused by
memory rules, on the Events page by choosing Memory on the Saved Views menu.

Parity 7.0 includes two built-in rules named Tamper Protection, ranked 1
and 2 by default, that help protect agent computers. Do not edit these
rules, and do not disable or reorder them unless instructed to do so by Bit9
Technical Support. Be sure to check the description field for any rule
before you consider modifying it.

Rule Scope
You can create memory rules that apply to all Windows computers, regardless of which
user and what process attempts to access the process you specify. You also can create a
more focused scope for a rule by specifying one or more of the following criteria:
• Source-process-specific – You can make a rule apply only when a particular source
process attempts to access the target process you are monitoring or protecting.
• User- or group-specific – You can make the rule apply only to a particular user or
group of users.
• Policy-specific – You can choose to limit a rule to computers in specified policies.
• Rule order – Memory rules are evaluated in order of Rank, a column that is displayed
by default on the Memory Rules table. The rule ranked ‘1’ has the highest rank, ‘2’ is
next, and so on. You can change the order of rules to have a more specific rule
evaluated before a more general one. For example, you can create a rule that applies
when a particular user attempts to access a process, and put that above a rule that
applies when any other user attempts to access the process. See “Rule Ranking” on
page 350 for more details.
There are certain restrictions on where memory rules are effective:
• A memory rule cannot be used to protect a process from itself. For example, you
cannot create a rule that prevents a process from terminating itself, or from modifying
its own memory.
• Memory Rules are not supported on Mac computers, or computers running Windows
Server 2003 64-bit.

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

• Kernel Memory Access rules are supported only on computers running Windows XP
or Windows Server 2003 without SP1.
• Dynamic Code Execution rules are supported only on Windows computers running
32-bit operating systems.
• For computers in Visibility mode policies, memory rules that would block writing or
prompt users for a decision act as report-only rules, and do not block or prompt.

Specifying the Notifier for Memory Rules

Parity provides notifiers that can be displayed when a rule blocks an action or prompts the
user for a decision to allow or block an action. For each memory rule, you can choose
from two sources for the notifier:
• Use Policy Specific Notifier – Each Policy includes an Advanced Setting, “Enforce
memory rules”, which is always on. This policy setting has a Notifier field in which
you can specify the notifier that appears on agent computers when memory rules
block an action. The policy setting also allows the choice of <none> to have no
notifier for memory rules in that policy, include those that should prompt. You can
assign the policy-specific memory rule notifier to any memory rule. See “Advanced
Settings” on page 94 for more information.
• Custom Notifier – If you do not choose the policy-specific notifier, you can choose
(or create) a notifier specifically for a memory rule. The choices appear on a menu on
the Add/Edit Memory Rule page. Custom Notifiers for Prompt rules must have a
notifier. Custom Notifiers for Block rules allow you to choose <none> so that no
notifier appears.
See Table 53 below for the memory rule notifier settings. See Chapter 15, “Block
Notifiers and Approval Requests,” for more on notifiers.

Creating Memory Rules

In addition to providing a name, to create a memory rule, you need to provide the
information shown in bold in the left column of the table below and enter it in the Add
Memory Rule page in the locations on the right:
General Description Field on Add/Edit Memory
Rule Page
If this/these source process(es)... Source Process
...and/or this/these user(s)... User or Group
... attempt the following memory access type... Permissions
... to process(es) at this/these location(s)... Target Process
... on computers in this/these policy(ies)... Rule applies to:
... then Parity should take this action... Action

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Using Parity

Each of these parameters could have multiple matching items, or the rule could specify all
items in that class (e.g., the rule applies to all users, or all policies, or all source processes).
To add (create) a memory rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules. The Software Rules page
2. Click Memory on the left menu or the tab on the page. The Memory Rules table
appears, showing several built-in rules and any other memory rules that have been
created on your server.

3. Click the Add Memory Rule button. The Add Memory Rule page appears.

4. In the Name field, enter the name you want to appear on the list of rules. You may also
provide a longer, optional description.

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

5. By default, a new memory rule is Enabled. If you want to delay enabling the rule,
click Disabled in the Status field.
6. Enter the remaining information you want for this rule (see Table 53, “Memory Rule
Parameters,”) and then click the Save button. The newly created rule is listed at the
bottom of the Registry Rules table and temporarily highlighted in yellow. If your
Registry Rules table is more than one page long, the view shifts to the last page so you
can see the new rule.
7. If you want to change the priority of this rule, sort the Memory Rules table by Rank
and use the arrows in the Rank column (or drag-and-drop) to move the rule to the
desired rank. See “Rule Ranking” on page 350 for more details.

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Using Parity

Memory Rule Parameters

Table 53 shows the parameters available on the Add/Edit Memory Rule page.

Table 53: Memory Rule Parameters

Field Description
Name Name by which this rule is identified in the Memory Rules table.
Description Optional information about the memory rule. This can be any
text you choose to enter.
Status Radio buttons that make this rule Enabled or Disabled. This
allows you to create a rule that you use only at certain times, or
to temporarily disable the rule without losing the information
used to create it.
Platform Platform for which this rule is effective. This is a read-only field
and the value is always Windows. Memory rules do not have
any impact on non-Windows platforms.
Action The action you want the Parity Agent to take when there is an
attempt to access or alter a process matching this rule. Table
54 shows the options for this field.
Use Policy If you choose Block or Prompt as the Action, this checkbox
Specific appears to the right of the Action choice. If you check the box,
Notifier the notifier that appears when a memory rule blocks an action
is the notifier specified for the Enforce Memory Rules setting in
the policy for the computer on which the action was blocked. If
not checked, you can choose a custom notifier from the
Custom Write Notifier menu.
Custom Write If you choose Block or Prompt as the Action, and you do not
Notifier check the Use Policy Specific Notifier box, this menu appears.
When Block is the Action, you can choose any notifier from the
menu. The menu also includes a <none> option so that you can
disable the notifier for this rule.
When Prompt is the Action, you can choose any notifier on the
menu. However, Prompt rules must display a notifier, so there
is no <none> choice in this case.
Permissions The type of access you want to affect with this rule. Table 55
shows the permissions options.
Target The process(es) you want this rule to restrict, monitor, or allow
Process access to. See “Specifying Target and Source Processes” on
page 346 for a description of the ways you can define a target

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

Field Description
Source This menu allows you to apply the rule only when a specified
Process Source Process requests access to the Target Process. Table
56, “Source Process Menu Options,” on page 349 shows the
menu choices. “Specifying Target and Source Processes” on
page 346 describes options for entering a path.
Note: No Target Process specification is needed for Kernel
Memory Access or Dynamic Code Execution rules because the
Source Process applies the rule to itself.
User or Group This menu allows you to specify users or groups to which this
rule applies. See “Specifying Users or Groups” on page 349 for
detail on specifying users or groups.
Rule applies The radio button for this rule allows you to apply the rule to All
to policies or Selected policies. If you choose Selected
policies, a list of all policies available on your Parity Server
appears, each with a checkbox. You can check as many
policies as you choose.
History For existing rules, a History panel appears at the bottom of the
page, showing when and by whom the rule was created, and
when and by whom it was last modified.

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Using Parity

Specifying the Rule Action

The Action for a Memory Rule defines what you want Parity to do if there is a memory
access attempt matching the rule. Table 54 shows the options.

Table 54: Action Menu Options

Field Description
Block Prevent access to, termination of, or modification of
processes matching this rule.
When Block is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier
checkbox and a Custom Write Notifier menu appear. These
allow you to specify the notifier, if any, that appears when
the rule blocks an action. See Table 53 for more details.
Block Silently Prevent access to, termination of, or modification of
processes matching this rule. Do not display a notifier, and
do not generate a Parity event.
Prompt Present a notifier dialog to the endpoint user when there is
an attempt to access, terminate, or modify processes
matching this rule. The dialog choices are Block or Allow.
Once the user responds to the dialog, the choice applies
anytime the same process matches the same rule on that
computer – the user will not be prompted again in this
When Prompt is chosen, the Use Policy Specific Notifier
checkbox and a Custom Write Notifier menu appear. These
allow you to specify the notifier that appears to prompt the
user. See Table 53 for more details.

Note: Use of Prompt as the action for Dynamic Code

Execution rules is not recommended because the
combination can have destabilizing effects on computers
running Parity Agent.
Report Do not block access, termination, or modification of
matching processes but report the actions as Parity events.
Allow Allow all memory/process operations that match this rule.
This is the default behavior if there is no rule for a particular
target or source process.
Use of Allow gives you a way to create an exception to a
more general rule that blocks at a particular location. For
example, if you create a rule that blocks all memory
operations at
c:\Program Files\InterestingApp\*
you could use Allow to create a higher ranking rule that
allows operations at
c:\Program Files\InterestingApp\Subfolder\

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 344

Chapter 14: Memory Rules

Specifying the Rule Permissions

Permissions define the type of access you want to affect with this rule, such as read, write
or execution. Some options allow you to control multiple types of access. Table 55 shows
the options available on the permissions menu.

Table 55: Permissions Menu Options

Field Description
Control Process Access required to control the execution of a process or
thread, including the ability to terminate the process.
Read Access Access required to retrieve, copy or duplicate certain
information about a process or thread. If all you are
concerned about is data loss or theft, you might use this
choice with the Block Action.
Write Access Access required to modify a process or thread and its
Dynamic Code Affects whether an application can execute code not
Execution associated with an executable image. This protection
prevents arbitrary or floating code execution of the sort
used by many forms of malware. Protects against attempts
to disable Dynamic Execution Protection (DEP). Applies
only to 32-bit systems.
Important: Do not create a Dynamic Code Execution rule
with Prompt as the action choice – this could cause
undesirable results on agent computers.
Kernel Memory Affects whether a user-mode process can access kernel
Access memory. You can create rules allowing access by a
legitimate application while denying access for all other
applications. Applies only to Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003 (without SP1).
Write + Control Both write and control permissions. You can use this
Permission choice and choose Block as the Action to
prevent an attack on a process, such as a malicious code
injection, termination, or other alterations.
Read + Write + Read, write, and control permissions. This is the option you
Control would use, along with the Block Action, to prevent data loss
or theft as well as attacks. This does not include Dynamic
Code Execution or Kernel Memory Access.
Advanced... This option allows for very detailed control of memory
access. Contact Bit9 Technical Support before using the
Advanced option.

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Using Parity

Specifying Target and Source Processes

You usually specify two processes in a memory rule:
• Target Process – The process(es) you want the rule to restrict, monitor, or allow
access to.
• Source Process – The process(es) requesting access to the Target Process.

When you specify Target Process in a Memory Rule, you have several options for defining
the string for that parameter. These same options can be used when you choose one of the
two Source Process options that require entry of a path (Specific Process... or Any Process
Except ...). These options are:
• Specify a directory or a process – You can enter a process specification that exactly
identifies a file by path and name so that only that file matches the rule. You also can
enter a specification that identifies a directory, and so affects processes running from
files in that directory and its subdirectories.
• Specify a local drive or UNC path – You can identify a process by using a local drive
name, such as C:\folder1\subfolder\application.exe. You also can enter a remote
process by using a UNC path, such as \\computer\dir\application.exe. Mapped drives
in a path or process specification are not recognized.
• Use wildcards – You can use wildcards (‘?’ for any one character and ‘*’ for zero or
more characters) to expand the scope of a process specification or help you match a
file or folder whose exact location you don’t know. Wildcards may be used at the
beginning, end or middle of a path.
• Use macros – You can use special Parity macros to identify certain well known
folders in the Microsoft Windows environment, even if you don’t know their exact
location on all agent computers.
• Specify multiple paths or processes – You can add more than one process path
definition per rule.

Specifying a File or Directory

You can specify a directory or a file as the Target or Source Process path. Using a directory
applies the rule to processes in that directory and any of its subdirectories (unless higher-
ranked rules apply to processes or subdirectories in it).
To identify a Process definition as a directory, you must end it with a backslash (\) or a
backslash and asterisk (\*). Without the backslash, the rule will attempt to match a file by
the name you provided, not a directory. For example, either of the following correctly
identifies a directory in a process definition:

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

However, the following is not recognized as a directory:

If you use path macros in a process definition, Parity automatically treats the macro as a
directory, even if you don’t follow the macro with a backslash. See “Using Macros”.

Using Wildcards
You can use wildcard characters in the Process fields. Asterisk (*) indicates zero or more
characters and question mark (?) indicates one character. You can use wildcards to specify
partial paths or multiple paths for directories that appear in different locations on different
computers (although macros might be a more effective way to accomplish this – see
“Using Macros”). Wildcards are not allowed inside of macros.
The number of wildcards in a process specification is not restricted. For example, you
could define a path as:

When you use wildcards, be careful not to create a rule that is so broad
that it will interfere with activity that is required for legitimate use by an
application or the operating system. Don’t use the asterisk wildcard by
itself in Target Process field, especially with rules that block multiple
types of access, unless you are absolutely certain it will not interfere with
necessary operations on the agent computer.

Automatic Path Conversions

When a rule is processed, file paths in a process field undergo several automatic path
conversions if they contain certain symbols:
• Any path that ends with a slash has the ‘*’ wildcard added at the end of the path.
• Any path that has no slash or drive letter has "*\" added at the beginning of the path
• Drive letters may be used in a path as long as they are for local fixed volumes.
Mapped drive letters should not be used because there is no guarantee that the
mapping exists on all computers.
• The string "*:\" applies to all attached storage volumes except for floppy disks and

Specifying Devices in Paths

You can create rules that apply to processes on some or all devices on the agent computer
by including \device\ in the path. For example:
• \device\*\ specifies all devices.
• \device\harddisk*\ specifies attached storage volumes except for floppy disks and
• \device\cdrom*\ specifies CD-ROM devices.

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Using Parity

Using Macros
You can use certain macros in the Process fields. You can see a menu of macros by typing
the left angle bracket (<) character in either of the Process fields. There are two types of
macros supported in Memory Rule processes:
• Path macros – These are a subset of the well known folders in the Microsoft
Windows environment, and they always identify a location rather than a specific file.
A path macro can be used only at the beginning of a Path or File specification in a rule
(i.e., with no other text before it in the string).
• Registry macros – These are macros that specify strings in the Windows Registry. A
registry macro can be used anywhere in the Path or File specification.
Macros can be an effective way to define a rule that works on all agent computers even
when the processes you want to specify are in different locations on different computers.
See “Using Macros” on page 287 of the Custom Rules chapter for a description of path
and registry macros. The macros described there may be used in the Process fields of a
memory rule.

Entering Multiple Target or Source Processes

For each Process field in a Memory Rule, you can enter more than one string. For
example, when you have entered the first Memory Path for a rule, click the Expand button
to the right of the box.

You can then add process paths by typing them in the box and clicking Add after each one.

You can remove any process path by clicking the Expand button, selecting the path in the
list below the box, and clicking the Remove button.
If you enter multiple paths in either process field in a rule, the Memory Rules table shows
the first path and then “(multiple)” in the relevant column for this rule. Moving the mouse
over the value shows a tooltip with the complete list of processes for the rule.

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

The Source Process Menu

The Source Process field in a Memory Rule specifies the process that is requesting access
to the Target Process. The Source Process menu includes options that are completely
defined by your menu choice, such as Any Process, and options that require entry of a
path to the process(es):

Table 56: Source Process Menu Options

Field Description
Any Process Applies the rule to any process that attempts to access the target
Any Promoted Applies the rule to any source process that is promoted at the
Process time the rule is evaluated. A promoted process is any approved
process that is marked as an installer, or has been promoted as a
consequence of a custom rule, or is an approved process
launched by a promoted process.
Any System Applies the rule to every source process that is running under the
Process security context of the Local System user. This has the same
effect as choosing Local System in the User or Group menu.
Specific Opens a text box below the menu, into which you can enter
Process... source process(es) you want controlled by this rule.
Any Process Opens a text box below the menu, into which you can enter the
Except... source process(es) you do not want controlled by this rule.
Note: If you specify a User or Group and also choose Any
Process Except from the process menu, the rule is enforced
unless the exception process is being executed by the user or

Specifying Users or Groups

You can create a rule that applies only when specific users or users in specific groups
attempt an action. The choices for User or Group on the Add/Edit Memory Rule page are:
• Any Users – applies the rule to all users.
• Specific User or Group... – opens a text box below the menu, into which you can
enter AD users or groups in the format userorgroupname@domain or
• The other menu choices are built-in Windows groups, such as Authenticated Users
and Local Administrators.

By default, computers running Microsoft Vista or Windows 7 operating systems have
User Access Control (UAC) enabled. With UAC, users are not actually members of a
built-in, privileged group unless they have been given elevated privilege. Because of
this, a Parity rule that relies on a pre-defined group to identify a user may not work for
computers running Vista or Windows 7. If a group definition is necessary for a rule,
consider using security groups you have defined rather than the pre-defined groups.

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Using Parity

Rule Ranking
Memory rules have a “Rank” number and are evaluated from lowest number to highest
number, beginning with the rule ranked ‘1’. By default, rules appear on the Memory Rules
page in their rank order, but you can sort the table by other columns if you choose.
If a memory-related action matches a rule’s definition, that rule is evaluated. Parity
continues down the rank order to see whether any other rules match the current memory-
related action. If there is another match, what happens next depends on the Permissions
setting for the rules:
• If the action matches two rules, but these rules have different permissions settings –
for example, one is applied to Read Access and the other is applied to Write Access –
both rules are evaluated. In this case, if there is a third matching rule that is applied to
Control Process, that rule is also evaluated.
• If the action matches two (or more) rules and all have the same permissions settings –
for example, both are applied to Write Access – only the first rule is evaluated. There
is one exception to this behavior – a rule whose action is Report does not stop
processing of lower ranked rules with the same permissions setting.
You can change the ranking of rules if you decide that you want one of your rules to be
considered before its current rank position.

Parity includes two built-in rules named Tamper Protection, ranked 1 and
2 by default, that help protect the server. Do not rank other rules higher
than these unless instructed to do so by Bit9 Technical Support.

To change the rank of a memory rule:

1. On the Memory Rules page, if the rules are not currently sorted by rank, click on the
Rank column head to sort them.
2. Find the rule whose rank you want to change.
3. To give the rule a higher rank, click the up arrow button next to the rule until it is
ranked where you want it to be.
Move the mouse cursor over the rule you want to move, hold down the left mouse
button, drag the rule to the new location, and release the mouse button.
4. To give the rule a lower rank, click the down arrow next to the rule until it is ranked
where you want it to be, or use the drag-and drop method to move the rule.

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Chapter 14: Memory Rules

Disabling or Deleting Memory Rules

If you do not want a memory rule to be effective anymore, you can either disable it, which
leaves it in the memory rules table, or delete it from the table. In either case, the rule is no
longer effective.
If you think you might use the rule again, disabling it temporarily is the best choice.
To disable a memory rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Memory tab. The Memory Rules table appears.
2. Click the Edit button (pencil and file) next to the rule you want to disable. The Edit
Memory Rule page appears.
3. In the Status line, click the Disabled radio button, and then click the Save button at
the bottom of the page. The rule is now disabled.
Deleting a rule eliminates it permanently – there is no undo or retrieval for a deleted rule.
Because of that, be sure you actually want to delete the rule.
To delete a memory rule:
1. In the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules, and when the Software Rules
page appears, click the Memory tab. The Memory Rules table appears.
2. Click the Delete button (red circle with X) next to the rule you want to delete, and
click OK on the confirmation dialog. The rule is now deleted.

Viewing Rule Status on Computers

Depending upon the number of agents managed by your Parity Server and whether any are
disconnected, not all agents might receive new or updated rules in a short amount of time.
The Related Views menu on the Edit page for an enabled rule provides links to two
different filtered views of the Computers page to help determine the status of the rule on
agent-managed computers. The choices are:
• All Computers that have received this rule
• All Computers that have not yet received this rule
This menu does not appear for rules that have never been enabled.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Chapter 15

Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

This chapter describes the notifiers that appear on Parity-managed computers when a
Parity rule blocks file access or related actions. It describes how notifiers are assigned to
different rules, standard notifier behavior, options available to the user for responding to a
notifier, ways to customize notifiers, and how to enable and use the Parity approval
request management feature.

Topic Page
Notifiers: What Users See 354
The Parity Console Notifiers Page 359
Assigning Notifiers to Settings and Rules 359
Customizing and Creating Notifiers 362
Notifiers in Windows Session Virtualization 376
Approval Requests and Justifications 378

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Using Parity

Notifiers: What Users See

Parity Agent runs silently in the background until it detects and blocks an action for which
there is a blocking rule. When Parity blocks an action, it can display a notifier on the
computer where the action was attempted, notifying the user of why the action was not
performed. Depending upon the action that triggered the block and your own Parity
configuration, notifiers can also give the user options for responding to the block.
All of the descriptions below assume that notifiers are enabled for all rules and settings.

Prompt Notifiers
Prompt notifiers tell the user what the attempted action was and why it was interrupted,
but also give the user the option of allowing or blocking the action.

Users see Prompt notifiers under these conditions:

• When they attempt to execute an Unapproved file on a computer that is in Medium
(Prompt Unapproved) Enforcement Level.
• When they attempt an action that is governed by a Custom (File and Path) Rule,
Registry Rule, or Memory Rule, and that rule is configured to prompt for a decision.
Because they require a response from the user, Prompt notifiers cannot be disabled in
custom, registry or memory rule definition, and they should not be disabled for any policy
setting that defines a rule that could prompt the user.
If the Justification option, which is part of the Approval Request feature, is enabled, users
can send a justification of the choice they make in responding to the notifier. This should
be done before choosing to allow or block the action. See “Approval Requests and
Justifications” on page 378 for more information about this feature.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

The choices on a prompt notifier depend upon the conditions that caused the block:
• Block leaves the action blocked, makes no changes in the state of files or devices, and
dismisses the notifier.
• Allow lets the action take place. If it was a blocked execution of an Unapproved file
because of Medium Enforcement on the computer, the file is locally approved and
allowed to run, and if it is recognized as an installer, files written by it are locally
approved. If it is not recognized as an installer, files it writes are not locally approved.
• When an action is blocked by a file execution rule, holding down the Shift key
activates the Promote button in Mac and replaces Allow with Promote in Windows.
Promote ensures that the file runs as a promoted process, meaning that files written by
the process will be locally approved. This is useful if the notifier is displayed for an
execution attempt on a file that installs other files but is not recognized by Parity as an
• If the user takes no action on a prompt notifier after 10 minutes, the file is blocked, a
block event is recorded in Parity, and the notifier is dismissed. However, any
interaction with the dialog (e.g., clicking on it or moving it) will prevent the timeout.

Block-only Notifiers
Block-only notifiers inform the user that their action was blocked and why, but do not give
the user the option of allowing the action. Users see block-only notifiers, if enabled, under
these conditions:
• When they attempt to execute a banned file on a computer that is in Control mode.
• When they attempt to execute an unapproved file on a computer that is in High (Block
Unapproved) Enforcement Level.

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Using Parity

• When they attempt an action that is governed by a Custom Rule, Registry Rule, or
Memory Rule, and that rule is configured to block the action.
• When they attempt a file action on a device that is governed by a Device Rule that
blocks the action.
The appearance and options a block-only notifier vary by operating system platform.

Block Notifiers on Windows Computers

On Windows computers, block notifiers appear as full-sized dialogs. There is no option
for taking action on the blocked file or device. Users dismiss the notifier by clicking OK
or using the Esc key.

If the Approval Request feature is enabled, users can send formal requests for access to
files or devices that they can’t currently access. Approval Requests are enabled by default
in new Parity 7.0 installations. See “Approval Requests and Justifications” on page 378
for more about this feature, including details about enabling approval requests if you are
upgrading from a previous release.
Block-only notifiers can be disabled without disabling their underlying rules.

Block Notifiers on Mac Computers

On Mac (OS X) computers, block notifiers appear as a small, translucent notification
panel with information about the operation and action that was blocked. Because the
notification does not require action, this panel will fade and disappear in five seconds
unless the user clicks on it. If a new block happens while this notifier is displayed, the new
block resets the timer to five seconds.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Clicking on the block notifier before it fades opens the Parity Notifier history window,
which provides a history of notifier events that have occured on the computer. See “Parity
Notifier Tray Icon and History Window” on page 357 for details about the information and
actions available on the notifier history window.

Notifier Components
Full-sized notifiers (all Windows notifiers and Prompt notifiers on Mac) can include the
following components, some of which are always shown, some of which are optional, and
some of which can be customized:
• The title appears at the top of the window. For example, “Security Notification –
Unapproved File”.
• The notifier provides information about the Target of the action (e.g., the file the user
attempted to execute), its path, and the process that attempted to execute it.
• A logo appears in the upper left of the notifier to help identify the source of the block.
By default, this is the Bit9 logo. The logo also can be eliminated.
• On Mac computers, an additional subtitle appears, for example “Unapproved software
has been prevented from running on this computer.”
• Notifier text, which appears in the top-most text box in the notifier, provides a
description of what was blocked and why. For example, “Parity blocked an attempt by
explorer.exe to run calc.exe because the file is not approved. If you require access to
this file, please contact your system administrator.” On Mac computers, similar detail
is available for each notifier event in the Parity Notifier history window – see “Parity
Notifier Tray Icon and History Window” on page 357.
• On Windows computers, the optional notifier link provides a link to a URL, which can
point to a site that explains security policy and/or allow users to request access to a
blocked object. It also can be configured to initiate a mail message to request access.
• On Windows computers, a history panel in the notifier itself shows the files that have
been blocked on this computer. A green checkmark indicates that a file was allowed to
run or write. A red ‘x’ indicates that the file or action was blocked, either by a Parity
rule or by the user’s choice. A yellow triangle indicates that the notifier timed out
before the user took action (and so the action was blocked). A question mark indicates
the current block event (i.e., the one that caused the current notifier to display). On
Mac, a similar history is available in the Parity Notifier history window – see “Parity
Notifier Tray Icon and History Window” on page 357.
• An Approval Request or Justification panel allows users to file formal approval
requests for files or devices that they can’t currently access, or justifications for why
they chose to allow an action if they were given a choice in the notifier. See
“Approval Requests and Justifications” on page 378 for more about this feature.

Parity Notifier Tray Icon and History Window

On Mac computers, installation of the Parity Agent adds a tray or panel icon that can be
used to access a menu with the following options:
• Show Notifications – This opens the Parity Notifier history window, which shows
past blocks events and the notifier information associated with them. It also provides
access to the interface for submitting approval requests for previously blocked files.
• About – This shows the Parity Agent version and copyright information.

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Using Parity

Parity Notifier History Window

On Mac computers, the Parity Notifier history window shows past blocks events. If the
user selects a block event, they can get details about it and submit a request for the blocked
file or action to be approved.

On Windows computers, each notifier includes a history panel that functions much the
same way as the history list in the Mac window. The key difference is that in Windows, the
history is available only when a notifier is displayed – there is no separately accessible
Parity Notifier history window.
The list of block events includes the following information:
• Status – This is indicated by an icon: a red X for blocked files or actions; a green
check for files or actions that were allowed because of user choice on the notifier; a
yellow triangle if the notifier timed out before the user took action (and so the action
was blocked).
• Path – The full path to the file that was blocked.
• Process – The full path to the process that attempted the action.
• Date – The date and time the file or action was blocked.

Below the history list, the Requests panel allows the user to request approval of the
blocked file selected in the list. This panel can be shown and hidden by clicking on the
arrow next to its name.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Below the Requests panel, the Details panel provides a more detailed description of the
file or action that was blocked. This panel can be shown and hidden by clicking on the
arrow next to its name.

The Parity Console Notifiers Page

Notifiers available to Parity are shown in a table on the Notifiers page in the Parity
Console. This page includes the default notifiers provided with Parity 7.0.1 and any
notifiers you have added. In addition, if you upgraded from a previous version of Parity
and modified any of the notifiers, both the 7.0.1 default and the modified version are listed
in the Notifiers table. The first modified version of a 6.0.2 notifier has “(custom 1)”
appended to the name, the second “(custom 2)”, etc.
You can edit any notifier on the page, but you cannot delete the default notifiers.

Assigning Notifiers to Settings and Rules

Notifiers can be assigned in two places in the Parity Console:
• On the Edit Policy page, for each policy setting
• On the Add/Edit Rule page for custom, registry, and memory rules; a rule can be
configured to use the notifier assigned by a computer’s policy or to use a custom
notifier specified in the rule details

Assigning Notifiers to Policy Settings

A default, setting-specific notifier is assigned to each policy setting, so notifier
configuration is not required. However, you can choose a different notifier from a menu
for each rule and setting. This section describes how you assign existing notifiers to
settings. See “Customizing and Creating Notifiers” on page 362 for information about
modifying notifiers or creating new ones.

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Using Parity

To assign a notifier to a policy setting:

1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies. The Policies page appears.
2. On the Policies page, click the View Details button next to the name of the policy
whose notifier assignments you want to change. The Edit Policy page appears.
3. To change the notifier for an Advanced Setting, click Show Advanced Settings.

4. For the setting whose notifier you would like to change, make a new choice from the
Notifiers menu. 
You can choose <none> to display no notifier when a setting blocks an action.
Consider all conditions for a setting, however, before changing its notifier to <none>.
For example, if you choose <none> for Block unapproved executables, users in
Medium Enforcement policies, who should be able to choose whether to block or
allow execution of unapproved files, will not have the opportunity to make that
decision. The file will be blocked without any notice from Parity.
5. Click the Save button to preserve your changes. The Policies page appears.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each setting that you want to change in this policy.
7. Repeat this procedure for each policy whose notifiers you want to change.

Policy Settings with Notifiers

Each of the following policy settings, which appear in the Device Settings and Advanced
Settings lists on the Edit Policy page, has its own separately assigned notifier.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Device Settings with Notifiers:

• Block writes to unapproved removable devices
• Block writes to banned removable devices
• Block executions from unapproved removable devices
• Block executions from banned removable devices
• Report reads from unapproved devices (will never display notifier)
• Report reads from banned devices (will never display notifier)
Advanced Settings with Notifiers:
• Block unanalyzed scripts and executables
• Block unapproved scripts
• Block unapproved executables
• Block banned file names
• Block banned file hashes
• Block executables run from a network drive
• Enforce memory rules
• Enforce registry rules
• Enforce custom (file and path) rules
• Enforce tamper protection

Assigning Notifiers to Custom, Registry and Memory Rules

A notifier can be displayed when a custom, registry, or memory rule blocks an action or
prompts the user for a decision to allow or block an action. For each rule, you can choose
from two sources for the notifier:
• Use Policy Specific Notifier – Each Policy includes an Advanced Setting for each
rule type. Each of these policy settings has a Notifier field in which you can specify
the notifier that appears on agent computers when that type of rule blocks an action.
You also can choose <none> to allow a rule to block an action without displaying any
notifier. By default, rules that block or prompt use the policy-specific notifier.
• Custom Notifier – If you do not want to use the policy-specific notifier, you can
assign any available notifier to any rule. The notifier choices appear on a menu on the
Add/Edit page for the rule. You also can Add a new notifier or Edit an existing
notifier. See “Customizing and Creating Notifiers” on page 362 for details.

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Using Parity

When you choose Prompt as the rule action, Custom Notifier menu does not include
<none> as an option because a prompt rule requires a notifier to appear.
When you choose Block as the rule action, you can choose <none> on the Notifier menu
for a rule since it is possible you want the rule to block actions without notification.
If you choose Use Policy Specific Notifier for a rule, it is possible that the policy specifies
<none> as the Notifier for one of its rule types. In this case, a notifier will not be shown,
even for a Prompt rule. Unless you are certain that you never want to prompt the user for a
response to a rule, choosing <none> for the rule notifier in a policy is not recommended.

Customizing and Creating Notifiers

You can edit existing notifiers, and you also can create new notifiers. If you edit one of the
default notifiers, you can later reset that notifier to its original settings.
The combination of notifier text, notifier link, notifier name, and custom logo path cannot
exceed 1900 characters in length. You will see a warning if you exceed the limit.
To customize an existing notifier:
1. There are three ways to open the Edit Notifier page:
- On the console menu, choose Rules > Notifiers, and in the Notifiers table, click
the View Details (file and pencil) button next to the name of the notifier you want
to edit.
- On Device Settings or Advanced Settings panel of the Edit Policy page, click Edit
in the far right column next to the name of the notifier you want to edit.
- On the Edit page for a Custom, Registry or Memory rule, if the Custom Notifier
menu is showing, click Edit next to the name of the notifier.

2. Review and change the notifier settings you want to change (see Table 57).
3. Click the Save button to preserve your changes.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Table 57: Add/Edit Notifier Settings

Field Description
Copy (For Add Notifier page only) Existing notifier from which to copy the
Settings initial settings for the new notifier. You can use this to populate all of
From the new notifiers fields and then modify only those you want to
change. Choose (none) if you want to fill in all notifier fields from
Name The notifier name as it will appear in the Notifiers table and menus
on the policy and rule pages. This name does not appear on notifier
displayed to the computer user.
Notifier Title Window title for the notifier message that the computer user sees
when Parity blocks file execution as a result of this setting.
Notifier Text Explanatory message displayed in the notifier on Windows
computers when Parity blocks file execution as a result of this
setting. You can modify this message, tag different messages for
block-only vs. block-and-prompt conditions, add tags that provide
event-specific information, and add other conditional text. Tags
here also can modify the Approval Request feature.
See “Editing Notifier Text” on page 365 for a description of tags.
See “Approval Requests and Justifications” on page 378 for a
description of how to activate and configure Approval Requests.
Platform Note: Notifier Text appears only on Windows notifiers.
Notifier Logo By default, the Bit9 logo appears in the notifier dialog box when a
Parity setting blocks a file. The Notifier logo menu gives you these
• Leave Bit9 logo as the selection.
• Choose Custom and provide a URL or file path to a different
image. See “Specifying a Custom Notifier Logo” on page 372 for
details about image format and file path requirements.
• Choose None to display no logo or image in the notifier.
Notifier Link Either:
• a link to an informational web page where the computer user can
learn more about your security settings and procedures for
responding to blocked files, or
• a mailto: link to allow the user to send questions by mail
The URL or mailto link provided here can appear literally in the
notifier or be represented by a “Friendly Text” description.
Leave this field blank if you choose not to display a URL or mailto
link at this time.
Platform Note: For this release, Notifier Links appear only on
Windows notifiers.

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Using Parity

Field Description
Notifier The number of seconds that a block-only notifier stays on the
Timeout screen on a Windows computer. After the specified period of time,
the notifier is automatically closed.
The default timeout value is zero (0), which leaves the notifier on
screen so that the user must respond to it. A value of negative one
(-1) instructs Parity not to display the notifier at all. See “Disabling
Parity Notifiers” on page 375 for additional information about
enabling and disabling blocked action notifiers.
Platform Note: This value affects Windows computers only. On
Mac, a block-only notifier times out in 5 seconds by default.
Approval Determines whether and how the Approval Request feature is
Request enabled for this notifier. The choices are:
• None - No approval request panel is displayed.
• Approval Request - The Approval Request panel appears when
a rule completely blocks access to a file.
• Justification - The Justification panel appears when a rule
prompts a user to allow or block an action.
• Approval Request and Justification - The Approval Request/
Justification panel appears for both block and prompt conditions.
See “Approval Requests and Justifications” on page 378 for more
Notifier (Appears only if the notifier is assigned to at least one setting or
Applies to rule) This panel lists all of the rules and settings to which the notifier
is assigned. You can remove all of these assignments by clicking
Remove Associations in the Advanced menu. If you do this, the
affected policy settings revert to their default notifier and the
affected rules revert to the policy-specific notifier for their rule type.

The illustration below shows where some of the changes in the Add/Edit Notifier dialog
affect the notifier content.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Creating a New Notifier

Creating a new notifier is similar to editing an existing notifier, with the exception of the
initial steps.
To add (create) a new notifier:
1. There are three ways to open the Add Notifier page:
a. On the console menu, choose Rules > Notifiers, and in the Notifiers table, click
Add Notifier button.
b. On Device Settings or Advanced Settings panel of the Edit Policy page, click Add
in the far right column next to the name of the notifier you want to edit.
c. On the Edit page for a Custom, Registry or Memory rule, if the Custom Notifier
menu is showing, click Add next to the name of the notifier.
2. If you want to start with the settings of an existing notifier, choose a notifier from the
Copy Settings From menu.
3. Enter or edit settings as necessary (see Table 57).
4. Click the Save button to preserve your changes.
Note: Once you click Save on the Add Notifier page, the notifier is saved and added
to the Notifiers list. If you navigated to the Add Notifier page from a policy, the new
notifier is saved even if you did not click Save on the Edit Policy page.

Editing Notifier Text

You can customize the notifier text a user sees when Parity blocks an action. The Parity
notifier supports many conditional, meta and reporting tags that can be used to tailor the
information reported to the end user. Notifier messages also appear in the Windows event
You might want to add a description of the “Promote” option to the notifiers for your
existing policies, unless you would prefer not to highlight this option.
Platform Note: Notifier text appears on the Prompt notifier for all platforms, on the
Block-only notifier for Windows, and on the Parity Notifier history dialog for a selected
item in the history.

Using Tags in Notifier Text

Notifier text and links can include tags that provide information specific to the event that
caused the notification, such as the name of the computer the event occurred on and the
policy in force at the time. Table 58 shows the informational tags you can add to a notifier
message – note that you might see other tags that are for Bit9 support purposes only.

In addition to providing conditional information to the user, tags in the
notifier text box can be used to customize the Parity Approval Request
feature. See “Approval Requests and Justifications” on page 378 for more
information about these tags and how to use them.

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Using Parity

Table 58: Informational Notifier Tags

Tag Description Example Values
<ComputerName> The local name of the computer “RJONES-LAPTOP”
on which the block event
<DebugInfo> Technical information about the
rule and policy that generated the
event. This is a metatag (that is, it
contains information represented
by other tags)
<DomainName> The NetBIOS domain name of the “MYCORP”
computer on which the block
event occurred
<EnforcementLevel> The Enforcement Level of the “High (Block Unapproved)”,
agent at the time the block “Medium (Prompt
occurred Unapproved)”, “Low
(Monitor Unapproved)”
<Operation> The type of operation that was “Execute”, “Write”, “Read”,
blocked etc.
<OsVersion> The version, build and release of “Microsoft Windows 7 x64
Windows on the agent computer (build 7600)”
<ParityAgentVersion> The version of the agent running “”
on the system on which the
operation was blocked
<Policy> The policy the agent computer is "Research Team”, “Sales
in Group”, “Guests”, etc.
<ProcessName> The name (without the path) of “explorer.exe”
the process that was blocked
<ProcessPath> The path (without the name) of “c:\windows\system32\”
the process that was blocked

<ProcessPathName> The full path, including name, of “c:\windows\system32\

the process that was blocked explorer.exe”

<ProcessPublisher> The publisher name for the “Bit9, Inc”, “Google

source process, if signed Inc.”,”Microsoft
Corporation”, etc.
<ProcessSha256> The SHA256 hash (hexadecimal)
of the source process
<RuleType> The type of rule that was “File and Path”, “Registry”,
triggered “Memory”, “Process”, etc.
<TargetName> The name (without the path) of “foo.bat”
the target file, registry key or
process name to which access
was attempted

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Tag Description Example Values

<TargetPath> The path of the target file, key or “c:\test\”
process (without the name)

<TargetPathName> The full path and name of the “c:\test\foo.bat”

<TargetPublisher> The publisher name for the target “Bit9, Inc”, “Google
file, if signed Inc.”,”Microsoft
Corporation”, etc.
<TargetDevice> The drive letter of the device on
which an action was blocked.
Unmapped devices are shown as
<TargetShare> The network path (without the “\\SERVER3\temp\mydir”
filename) to the remote drive on
which access to a file was
<TargetSha256> The SHA256 hash (hexadecimal)
of the target file
<TargetSha1> The SHA1 hash (hexadecimal) of
the target file
<TargetMD5> The MD5 hash (hexadecimal) of
the target file
<UserName> The name of the user in whose “\MYCORP\rjones”
context the blocked operation
was initiated

Conditional Messages for Block vs. Prompt

By using conditional tags within the same notifier text, you can show the user one
message for block-only notifiers, when an action is simply blocked by Parity, and a
different message for prompt notifiers, when a user is asked whether to block or permit an
action. For example, you can create a single notifier text block that displays a “block”
message to a user in a High Enforcement Level policy who attempts to execute an
unapproved file, but displays an “ask” message to a user in a Medium Enforcement Level
policy if they attempt to execute the same file. Similar prompt messages can be used for
custom, registry or memory rules in which the user is offered the option of blocking or
allowing an action. Table 59 shows the tags for different block conditions (“message”
represents the variable text you use in the message.

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Using Parity

Table 59: Conditional Notifier Tags

<BlockText:message> Text to display if the rule blocks an action and the user
has no choice to allow it.
<AskText:message> Text to display if the rule prompts the user for a decision
on whether to block or proceed with an action. This is
the most generic “prompt” case.
<AskAllowText:message> Text to display if the rule prompts the user for a decision
on whether to block or allow file execution.
<AskRestrictText:message> Text to display if the rule prompts the user for a decision
on whether to allow or restrict memory access.
<AskApproveText:message> Text to display if the rule prompts the user for a decision
on whether to block writing of a file or to approve the file
and allow it to be written.

For example, when an unapproved file is blocked, the notifier text might include the

An unapproved file attempted to run on this

computer<BlockText: and has been blocked. If you require
access to this file, please contact your system
administrator.><AskText:. Choose Allow to continue to let
this file run, or choose Block to prevent it from running at
this time.>

When a computer with an agent in a High enforcement policy with this notifier text
attempts to execute an unapproved file, the notifier message uses the BlockText:

An unapproved file attempted to run on this computer and has

been blocked. If you require access to this file, please
contact your system administrator.

However, when a computer with an agent in a Medium enforcement policy with this same
notifier text attempts to open an unapproved file, the notifier message uses the AskText:

An unapproved file attempted to run on this computer. Choose

Allow to continue to let this file run, or choose Block to
prevent it from running at this time.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

You can nest other tags inside the conditional block/ask tags shown in Table 59. For
example, the following is the default notifier message for blocked, unapproved files:

<BlockText:Parity blocked an attempt by <ProcessName> to run

<TargetName> because the file is not approved. If you
require access to this file, please contact your system
administrator.><AskText:Parity identified and paused an
attempt by <ProcessName> to run <TargetName> because the file
is not approved. Choose Allow to let this file run, or
choose Block to stop it from running at this time.>

Notice that there are other tags nested inside both the BlockText and AskText conditional
tags. The conditional block/ask tags are the only notifier text tags inside which you can
nest other tags. In the notifier link, you can nest tags inside the “FriendlyText” tag.

When you upgrade Parity Server from a previous release, your existing
notifier messages are preserved, including those for Default and Template
policies. Especially if you began with a pre-6.0.2 version of Parity, your
notifiers might not include conditional text to provide different messages
for “block” conditions and “ask” conditions and other special tags.

Informational Tags as Conditional Operators

In addition to the special “block-and-ask” conditional operators, notifier messages can
include other conditional text based on any of the informational tags shown in Table 58,
except for the metatags, such as <DebugInfo>. You construct conditional text tags as


You must append the word “Text” directly to the end of the tag name: the tag will not work
without this addition.
For example, to set up notifier text that appears only if the computer on which an action is
attempted is running Parity Agent 7.0.0, you would use the <ParityAgentVersion> tag
as shown in the following example:

<ParityAgentVersionText:7.0.0.*:This will display only on

7.0.0 agents>

Note that the asterisk wildcard character in “7.0.0.*” is used so that any build number of
Parity Agent 7.0.0 matches the condition. The asterisk matches zero or more of any
character; the question mark matches any one character (but not zero characters).
As another example, you could set up notifier text to appear if the hash for a target file
matches a particular Sha-256 hash, using the <TargetSha256> tag. You could nest this

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 369

Using Parity

conditional text within a generic “file blocked” notifier, as shown in the following

Parity blocked an attempt by <ProcessName> to run

<TargetName> because the file is banned.
fe4b641960f874af1e0708:This version of MyFavoriteApp has a
major security flaw.>
If you require a solution to this block, please contact your
system administrator. Scroll down for diagnostic data.


Editing the Notifier Link

A notifier link is the link your users can click on when an action is blocked to contact your
inhouse support desk or go to a web page that explains more about why the action was
blocked. Although you can use the same notifier link for all conditions in which Parity
blocks a file action, you have the option of providing a different link for each notifier, and
as with notifier text, you can embed tags to provide more information about the event in
the link.
A notifier link is one method for managing requests for access to a file or device, and may
be a good choice if you already have IT policies in place for collecting and responding to
these requests. Parity also provides its own Approval Request feature, which populates the
notifier with the fields necessary for the user to compose and submit a request and
manages these requests directly on the Parity Console. See “Approval Requests and
Justifications” on page 378 for more information.
Platform Note: Notifier links display only on Windows notifiers.

Tags in Notifier Links

In the Notifier link field of the Add/Edit Notifier page, there are two ways in which you
can take advantage of notifier tags:
• You can use tags to customize notifier mail messages or site URLs. This can be
helpful for creating automated workflow requests or making a website link
automatically go to information about the file that caused the notifier to appear. Table
58, “Informational Notifier Tags,” on page 366 shows the complete list of these tags.
• You can create “FriendlyText” to display on the notifier dialog in place of the URL
itself. The FriendlyText tag may appear anywhere in the notifier link text.
The following notifier link demonstrates both of these uses of tags:

mailto:it@mycorp.com?subject=Request approval of
<TargetName>&body=<UserName> on
<DomainName>\<ComputerName>has requested access to
<TargetName>.%0AFile details available at https://
<FriendlyText:Please click here to request access to this

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 370

Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

When the notifier text above is used in the “Block unapproved executables” notifier in a
High Enforcement Level policy, if an agent computer in that policy attempts to execute an
unapproved file, a notifier is displayed similar to the following:

Notice that instead of displaying the notifier link URL (“mailto:mycorp.com...”), the link
shows the “Friendly Text” (“Please click here...”), which provides an indication of why
they would click on the link.
You can nest other tags inside a FriendlyText tag. For example, instead of the generic link
text shown above, you could create the following link:

<FriendlyText:Please click here to request access to


which would insert the name of the file that was blocked in the link text.
Whether you display the URL as the notifier link or use friendly text instead, the resulting
link text is displayed as one or two lines. The text will not interfere with the action buttons
(“OK”, “Allow”, Block”), and if it is too long, it is truncated to fit on the dialog box.
In the example shown, when the user clicks on the link, a mail message similar to the
following is initiated in the user’s default mail client:

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Using Parity

The notifier link defined above used tags to make several customizations:
• It generated an email message to the organization’s IT group requesting access to an
unapproved file.
• It specified the name of the file in the message header.
• It identified the user, the computer, and the file in the message body.
• It provided a URL in the mail message that points directly to the File Details page in
Parity for the specific file in the request.
If this were a “block-and-ask” situation in which the end user could make his or her own
judgement about a file, you could create a simpler notifier link that goes directly to the
URL for the file details (without generating a mail message), similar to the following:

<FriendlyText:Please click here for information about this

Editing the Notifier Source Line

There is a line at the bottom of notifiers that identifies the source of the notifier. By
default, this says Protection by ParityTM software from Bit9, Inc. You can change this line
by inserting the following tag into the Notifier Text field, substituting your own source
identification for text:


If you want to eliminate this line from the notifier, use a single space as your text.
Platform Note: The Notifier Source line displays only on Windows notifiers.

Specifying a Custom Notifier Logo

By default the notifier that is displayed when files are blocked on an agent computer
includes the Bit9 logo. You also have the option of having no logo on a notifier, or of
providing a custom logo. Logos are specified on a per-notifier basis.

• Pre-7.0.0 implementations of a custom logo, including both special
solutions provided by Bit9 Technical Support and the standard
customization available in Parity 6.0.2, are not maintained when you
upgrade to Parity 7.0.1. You must use the method below to
implement custom logos. If you specified a custom logo in Parity
7.0.0, that will be maintained on upgrade.
• Pre-6.0.2 Parity Agents will not display a newly configured custom
logo until they are upgraded.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

To specify a custom logo for a notifier:

1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Notifiers. The Notifiers page appears.
2. On the Notifiers page, either:
- Click Add Notifier if you are creating a new notifier. The Add Notifier page
- Click the View Details (file and pencil) button next to the name of an existing
notifier you want to edit. The Edit Notifier page appears:

3. On the Notifier Logo menu, choose Custom. A text box appears next to the menu.

4. Put the file containing the logo you want to use in an accessible location, and enter
that location in the Notifier logo text box. You have three options for specifying the
location of the logo file:
- UNC: You can provide a network-based path specification to the logo file in the
form \\server\share\path\imagefile.gif. The Parity agent will attempt to make a
local copy. If the file cannot be downloaded, the agent will continue to use the
prior image (e.g., the default Bit9 image) until the new image can be obtained.
The agent will continue to attempt to download the image once per hour until the
image is successfully downloaded or the image is explicitly changed or disabled. 
Note: The LocalSystem account must have access to the UNC path you provide
for the image to be accessible on agent computers. Also, you must not put the logo
in a location that would require a password for access.
- URL: You can specify a web-based path in the form http://path/imagefile.gif.
This path should be accessible to the Parity process and allow anonymous,
unauthenticated access. The Parity agent will make a local copy of this file as
described above.
- Local: You can specify a local file path (on the local computer) in the form
d:\path\imagefile.gif. The target file must be locally accessible to the Parity
process. You must put the logo file on each agent computer that will use it. Any
updates to this file take place the next time the notifier is displayed. If the
specified path is not accessible, the Bit9 logo is displayed instead and an event is
generated once per Parity agent session, just as with non-local paths.

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Using Parity

5. Click Save. Your changes are saved and the Notifiers page appears.
6. Repeat the steps above for each notifier that should display the custom logo.

Image File Requirements

Windows systems on which the Parity Agent is installed include a blank sample notifier
image called GenericLogo.gif, which is located in the Parity data directory (by default,
ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\images). Assuming that the agent is installed on the
Parity Server, you can go to this folder on the server and use GenericLogo.gif as a starting
point for creating your own logo image. Otherwise you can copy it from another system
that has the agent installed.
The custom image you provide should meet the following requirements:
• The image size should be 60 x 60 pixels.
• The file format should be GIF, JPG or BMP.
• The image should use the same background as GenericLogo.gif; you cannot use a
transparent background.

Logo-Related Events
If all Parity Agents successfully retrieve your custom logo, there will be no logo-related
events generated. If an agent fails to retrieve its logo file, however, an event of subtype
“Agent Error” will be generated, noting the computer name and the image file name. If
(and only if) there was a failure to retrieve the logo, another event is generated if the
computer later successfully retrieves the custom logo.

Changing the Logo Image

When you specify a non-local image as the notifier logo (i.e., using a UNC or URL path),
that image is copied to the ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\images on each agent
system, including the server if it has the agent installed. If you change the non-local image
but do not change its name, Parity Agents will not update to the changed image.
To update the logo image for a notifier, change the name of the image file and update the
Notifier logo path for that policy. For example, if you deploy a custom logo
\\server\share\mylogo.gif and you then modify the logo, you could rename the file to
mynewlogo.gif and edit the path in the notifier details to \\server\share\mynewlogo.gif.
Agents in that policy would then update to the new image.
Image files downloaded to the Parity Agent images folder are not updated or deleted.
Because of this, if you switched from mylogo.gif to mynewlogo.gif, and then you
switched back to mylogo.gif, the originally downloaded version of mylogo.gif would be
used, even if you had modified the source image file.

Suppressing the Notifier Logo in a Policy

You can prevent display of the notifier logo for all notifiers in a policy. The Suppress Logo
in Notifier checkbox on the Add/Edit Policy page suppresses the logo, regardless of what
the notifier configuration in each notifier specifies.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Resetting a Notifier to Initial Settings

You can reset any default notifier to its initial settings. If you do this, you will lose all of
the customizations you may have made to this notifier – there is no undo. You reset a
notifier by opening the Edit Notifier page for the notifier and clicking Reset Notifier. If
there is no Reset Notifier button on the page, the notifier was not one of the default

Resetting a Policy to Initial Notifiers

The Edit Policy page inlcudes a Reset Policy button. When you press this button and
choose OK on the confirmation dialog, the Device and Advanced settings are reset to the
initial settings of the Template Policy (i.e., the settings in effect immediately after you
installed Parity Server). The policy reverts to the default notifiers for each setting.

Disabling Parity Notifiers

There might be situations in which you want to disable notifiers for some or all of your
agent computers. For example, if you are running single-purpose devices in High
Enforcement, you might simply want to block unauthorized actions without feedback.
Block-only notifiers can be disabled without disabling the rules that would otherwise
display them. You can disable notifiers on a per setting basis in each policy. You also can
disable notifiers for specific custom, memory, or registry rules.
You can disable notifiers only for block-only rules. Rules that prompt users for a response
should always display a notifier.
Disabling Parity notifiers does not necessarily mean that actions will be blocked silently.
Some Parity blocks cause the display of operating system notifiers. Also, events continue
to be recorded for blocks even though the notifier is disabled, unless the block is due to a
custom, registry, or memory rule that has Block Silently as its action.
To disable notification for a setting in a policy:
1. Open the Edit Policy page for a policy whose notifiers you want to disable.
2. If you want to disable an Advanced Setting notifier, click Show Advanced Settings.
3. For the setting whose notifier you would like to disable, choose <none> on the
Notifiers menu. 
Consider all conditions for a setting before setting its notifier to <none>. For example,
if you choose <none> for Block unapproved executables, users in Medium
Enforcement policies, who should be able to choose whether to block or allow
execution of unapproved files, will not have the opportunity to make that decision.
The file will be blocked without any notice from Parity.
4. Click the Save button to preserve your changes. The Policies page appears.
5. Repeat steps 3-5 for each setting that you want to change in this policy.
6. Repeat this procedure for each policy whose notifiers you want to change.

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Using Parity

To disable notification for a specific custom, registry, or memory rule:

1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Software Rules.
2. On the Software Rules page, click the tab for the rule type you want to modify.
3. In the table of rules, click the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the rule
whose notifier you want to disable.
4. On the Edit Rule page, un-check the Use Policy Specific Notifier box next to any
actions configured in the rule.
5. In the Custom Notifier menu, choose <none>. Note that <none> is not an option for
rules that prompt the user.
6. Click Save to preserve your changes.
For Block actions, events are still recorded even if the notifier is disabled. For some rules,
you can choose Block Silently from the action menu to disable both notifiers and event

You also can disable a notifier everywhere it appears (rather than giving a
setting no notifier). You do this by entering minus one (-1) as the value for
Notifier Timeout on the Add/Edit Notifier page.

Notifiers in Windows Session Virtualization

Parity supports special treatment of notifiers for hosted session virtualization
environments, such as those provided by Citrix XenApp, Windows Server Remote
Desktop Services, and Windows Server Terminal Services. In these environments, you can
add special notifier tags that instruct Parity to route notifiers in the following ways: If one
user is logged into multiple sessions and attempts an action that triggers a notifier, Parity
displays the notifier to all logged in sessions for that user. For a prompt notifier,
responding to any of those notifiers dismisses all of them. For a block notifier, the notifier
must be dismissed in each session.
• If multiple users are logged in to one session each, and if one of them attempts an
action that triggers a notifier, Parity displays the notifier only to the user that triggered
the block.
• If an action that triggers a notifier is initiated by the system and not a specific user,
Parity provides the option of displaying the notifier to a specified user or group, all
users, or no users. No matter which option you configure, Parity logs a block event on
the Events page.
• Even when you enable the special notifier behavior, users of Parity-managed
computers not using session virtualization see notifiers according to the normal rules.
• Special treatment of notifiers applies only to hosted sessions on a terminal or
application server (session virtualization). That is, they apply to a single system and
users and applications on that system. Application virtualization that runs applications
locally is not compatible with the feature.
• Notifications are always directed to the session of the user taking the action that
blocks, not necessarily the originating session. For example, if user A has access to

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

user B’s command prompt, and User A executes runas /user:A cmd.exe and then
executes an unapproved file, the notifier is displayed in user A’s remote session, not
in the session where user A appeared to have executed the unapproved file.
Platform Note: Broadcast notifiers are available for Windows sessions only.
There are two tags that activate session virtualization notifier behavior:
• <NotifierBroadcastMessage> is required to enable special notifier routing. If
present, notifiers are displayed on all sessions for the user that initiated an action, or
for System actions, as specified by NotifierBroadcastSystem.
• <NotifierBroadcastSystem:user|group|blank> is used to determine what is done
when a system-initiated action is blocked by Parity. The default is <Notifier
BroadcastSystem> with no other arguments. If you leave this tag out but have
<NotifierBroadcastMessage> in the notifier, notifiers will be displayed to all logged in
session users.
The following procedure assumes you want to modify notifier behavior for all settings in a
policy. You can add the tags to individual notifiers through the Notifier page if you prefer.
To enable special notifier routing for session virtualization:
1. On the console menu, choose Rules > Policies.
2. Click on the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the policy whose notifiers
you want to edit.
3. Choose a setting whose notifier you want to change and click on the Edit button to the
right of the Notifier field.
4. In the Edit Notifier dialog, enter <NotifierBroadcastMessage> in the Notifier Text
5. Also in the Notifier Text field, enter the <NotifierBroadcastSystem:> tag with the
option you want:
- To route notifiers for blocks of system-initiated actions to a single user, enter a
user name after the colon. For example,
- To route notifiers for blocks of system-initiated actions to members of a group,
enter a specified or built-in group name after the colon. For example,
- To suppress notifiers for blocks of system-initiated actions, do not enter anything
after the colon (the colon is optional in this case). For example,
Note that if you suppress the notifier in this case, users in Medium Enforcement
Level policies will not have the option of allowing unapproved software – it will
always be blocked.
- If you leave the <NotifierBroadcastSystem> tag out of the notifier text area but
include <NotifierBroadcastMessage>, notifiers will be displayed to all logged in
session users.
6. Save your changes to the notifier.
7. Repeat for each notifier in the policy (and any others you would like to modify).

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Using Parity

Approval Requests and Justifications

When a Parity rule blocks an action, it normally displays a notifier on the computer where
the action was blocked. The Approval Request feature allows users to send feedback to
Parity administrators when they see a notifier:
• Approval Requests – When an action is blocked with no option to allow, users might
want to request access to the blocked file or device. Parity includes a notifier feature
that allows users to submit a formal approval request for a blocked file or device.
• Justifications – When an action triggers a prompt notifier, which provides the user the
option to block or allow access, you might want to allow (or require) the user to
explain why they allowed the action. The approval request feature also includes an
interface for submitting these justifications.

When submitted, both approval requests and justifications appear in the Approval Request
table in the Parity Console, making them easier to manage and respond to. They are
recorded in the Parity events table. If you choose, you can enable a built-in alert that is
triggered when someone makes an approval request. There also is an alert for
Throughout this chapter “Approval Requests” is the generic term used for the feature that
includes both approval requests and justifications. A distinction is made where needed.

• Computers running pre-7.0 agents cannot submit approval requests or
• Approval Requests and justifications are not intended for custom,
registry or memory rules.
• As an alternative to the Approval Request feature, you can use
notifier links as part of an approval request process managed outside
of Parity. Links can be used to automatically open a blank email
directed to the person or group responsible for approving files, or they
can direct the user to a web page that you use to handle IT requests.
See “Editing Notifier Text” on page 365 for details on setting up these
Platform Note: Notifier links appear on Windows computers only.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Enabling Requests and Justifications

Approval requests and justifications are enabled on a per-notifier basis. What (if anything)
you do to enable them depends on whether you are upgrading from a pre-7.0 release, and
also on whether you want to customize the appearance and behavior of the feature:
• New Installations – In new Parity installations beginning with version 7.0.0,
Approval Requests are enabled for all file and device blocking settings in the Default
and Template policies. New policies that you create from these policies will also be
configured for approval requests and justifications, and will distinguish between the
two in the notifier interface. You should not need to follow the procedure below unless
you want to further customize the notifiers.
• Upgrades – Upgrades from pre-7.0 Parity will not have Approval Requests enabled.
You can enable them using the Approval Request menu in each notifier, and you can
further customize their appearance by adding tags to the notifier text. For upgrades,
any notifiers you customized prior to Parity 7.0.1 do not distinguish between approval
requests and justifications in the notifier labelling.
Platform Note: Disabling Approval Requests and/or Justifications prevents the related
panel from appearing on Prompt notifiers and Windows Block-only notifiers. On Mac,
the Justifications panel is grayed out in the Parity Notifier History window when a block
event with Approval Requests and/or Justifications disabled is selected.

To enable Approval Requests and/or Justifications for a notifier:

1. Choose a notifier and open its Edit page.

2. On the Approval Request menu, choose the option you want. The options are:
- Approval Request
- Justification
- Approval Request and Justification
- None
3. Click the Save button.

You can enable automatic email notification of the requestor when an
approval request is closed. See “Resolving Requests and Justifications”
on page 382.

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Using Parity

Submitting Requests and Justifications

When a file action is blocked without an option to allow it, if Approval Requests are
enabled, the user can request approval of the file. The location for entering this request
varies depending upon the platform.
On Windows computers, Approval Request are submitted through the block notifier. The
users can read the notifier’s description of the block and why it happened. If the user still
wants access to the file or device that was blocked, he or she can type an Approval
Request of up to 512 characters into the Approval Request box in the bottom-left section
of the notifier. The user has the option of entering an email address if they want that
included in the request, and can set a priority, which is Medium by default. Once the text
of the approval is entered, the Submit button is activated and clicking it submits the
request to the Parity Server.
On the Windows notifier, the Submit button, not the Submit Approval Request link, sends
the request. The link Submit Approval Request link opens and closes the Approval Request
panel at the bottom of the notifier.

Submitting a request does not dismiss the Windows notifier. For block-only notifiers, the
user still must click OK to dismiss the notifier.
On Mac computers, when an action is completely blocked, users can make approval
requests from the Parity Notifier history window by selecting any block event from the
history and entering the information as described above for Windows (limited to 512
characters). Unlike in Windows, Mac users can make a series of requests for different file
approvals without closing the Parity Notifier history.
On all platforms, if a notifier displays a prompt to Allow or Block a file action, the user
can submit a Justification for choosing to allow a file action. The information is supplied
in the same way as for an Approval Request. The user must then click either the Block
button or one of the buttons that let the action happen (Allow or Promote).
Once a user submits a request or justification, there is no formal connection to the request
from the agent. However, the user can send another request for the same file or device, and
can change comments or the priority (for example, if lack of access to a file is preventing
them from accomplishing a task) in the resubmission. The response or lack of one is at the
discretion of the Parity administrator reviewing the request.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Viewing Requests and Justifications

Parity Console users with the default Administrator and PowerUser privileges can manage
approval requests. In addition, custom groups can be created with permission to view and
manage approval requests.
Once submitted, requests and justifications appear on the the Approval Request page,
which you access by choosing Tools > Approval Requests on the Parity console menu.
Initially, the request or justification Status is Submitted and the Resolution is Not
Changing the request Status to Open helps indicate that you have begun working on it and
is required before you can modify the editable fields in a request. You can Open the
request using the Action menu on Approval Requests table page or the Actions menu on
the Approval Request Details page.
To see full details for one approval request, you can click on the View Details button
(pencil and file) next to a request.

On the Approval Request Details page, you can examine details about the request and the
requested file or device. You also can edit the request, adding comments and indicating
what you did to respond to the request. The Actions menu to the right of the page provides
shortcuts to some of the Parity rules you might change if you decide to provide access to
the blocked file or device.

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Using Parity

The Approval Request Details page is divided into the following panels:
• The Request Information panel primarily describes the request itself, including the
computer and user it came from, and the Parity rules and settings relevant to the
request. It also includes the user’s description of the request, and provides fields for
the administrator’s response. A complete description of the fields in this panel is
available in Table 60, “Request/Justification Information” on page 387.
• The Parity Analysis panel is initially blank. If you click the Run Analysis button, the
panel shows information about the blocked file or device, the user requesting the
approval, and other data related to the request that is available in Parity. A complete
description of the information provided by this analysis is available in Table 61,
“Parity Analysis of Requests and Justifications” on page 388. You can click Rerun
Analysis to update the information if you’ve already run it once. This is not a Parity
Knowledge analysis – you get that by clicking Analyze in the File information tab
• The File Information panel shows the name, hash, prevalence, publisher, state, and
(if Parity Knowledge is activated and the file is known) trust and threat level of a file
that is blocked. You can click the Analyze button in this panel to get more Parity
Knowledge information about the file. For a description of each field in this panel, see
Table 62, “File Information in Approval Request/Justification Details” on page 389.
Note that for device and write blocks of non-executable files, not all information will
be available.
• The Process Information panel shows information about the process that attempted
to initiate the action. For a description of each field in this panel, see Table 63,
“Process and Installer Information in Request/Justification Details” on page 389.
• The Installer Information panel shows information about the installer (if known)
that installed a blocked file. For a description of each field in this panel, see Table 63,
“Process and Installer Information in Request/Justification Details” on page 389.
• The History panel shows any date and time of changes to the approval request,
including when it was created, opened, modified and closed. It does not include the
history of changes you might make to Parity rules in response to the request.

Resolving Requests and Justifications

When you have reviewed the information in a request or justification and are ready to
make a decision about what to do in response, take the following high-level steps:
• Open the request to indicate that you are working on it.
• If you are not rejecting the request, make any needed file state or rule changes.
• Update the status of the request itself and optionally making comments about your
decision and actions. This is for auditing purposes and also can be used to provide
feedback to the requestor.
• Close the request to indicate that you have finished working on it. If automatic email
responses are enabled, this also sends an email to the user that made the request,
indicating the decision you made.
• If automatic responses are not enabled and you choose to do so, send mail to the user
requesting the approval, indicating the outcome of the request.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

To review and resolve an approval request:

1. On the console menu, choose Tools > Approval Requests and click the View Details
button next to the request you want to review. The Approval Request Details page
2. On the Approval Request Details page, choose Open Request in the Actions menu.
This activates the Comments, Resolution, and Response E-mail fields.

3. If you have chosen to allow access to a blocked file or device, use one of the command
shortcuts on the Actions menu to change one or more of the Parity rules that caused
the block. For example, you might locally approve a file, edit or remove a ban, or
globally approve the file. 
You are not limited to the commands on the Action menu - it is possible that your
response to the request will involve changes to other rules. 
Note: Any remediation you make does not affect the Resolution or Status fields of the
request itself. You must make these changes separately.
4. Indicate what you did (or didn’t do) in response to the request by choosing from the
Resolution menu in the Approval Request Details. This is for informational purposes
only and does not affect file or device state. If you are not allowing access to the
requested item, choose Reject. Note that the request status must be Open for the
Resolution menu to be activated.

5. Add or modify the Comments for the request to provide more detail about what you
did in response to the request and why.
6. If the Response E-mail address is missing or incorrect and you intend to inform the
requestor of the resolution, add or correct the address while the request is still Open.

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Using Parity

7. If you are finished working on the request, choose Close Request in the Action menu.
For multiple requests related to one file, you can choose Close All Requests for this
file. Closing a request is primarily useful for keeping track of request status, but it also
sends request status email to the user that made the request, if automatic email
responses are activated. You can re-open a request if needed.
8. If automatic email notification of requestors is not activated, you can click the
Response E-mail address field to open your default email client with a message pre-
addressed to the requestor. If you choose to do this, fill in any details you want them to
have about your response before sending.

Notifying Users of Approval Request Resolution

You may choose to notify a user that an approval request they made has been resolved.
Parity provides two ways to do this via email:
• Manual – You can click on the Response E-mail field on the Approval Request
Details page to open a pre-configured email form in your default mailer.
• Automatic – You can add automatic notification to your request workflow. Automatic
email notification is activated on the Mail tab of the System Configuration page. This
is disabled by default.
For either method, the response mail will go to the email address (if any) that the requestor
provided with their request.

The automatic response features applies to Approval Requests only. No
mail is sent automatically for Justifications.

To enable automatic approval request email responses:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration, and on the
System Configuration page, click the Mail tab.
2. In the Approval Request Settings panel, check the Mail Notification Enabled box.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

3. If you have not already configured a mail server for Parity, provide the necessary
information in the Server Settings panel and validate the server by sending a message
to a test address. See “Configuring Alert and Approval Request Mail” on page 515 for
more details about mail server configuration.
4. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your settings.

When Notifications are Sent

After the server mail configuration is correctly configured and approval request
notification mail is enabled, closing an Approval Request causes a mail notification to be
sent in the following cases:
• The Resolution field is changed to any Resolved option from Not Resolved or
• The Resolution field is changed to Rejected from any other option.
• The Resolution field is Not Resolved when an open request is closed.
Notification mail is not sent if the Resolution field is changed from one Resolved option to
another (for example, from Resolved - Approved to Resolved - Updater).
Also, notification mail is not sent unless the Status is changed to Closed.
When approval request notification is enabled, Parity does not send notifications for
requests that have already been closed. However, if a request is opened for the first time
(or re-opened) after notification is enabled, the requestor will be notified if the Status and
Resolution fields meet the criteria above.
Parity keeps a record of request resolution mail, including a timestamp of when it was sent
from the server. This is a record of mail being sent, not received. If the email address for
the recipient is incorrect, Parity will still record that the message was sent. If there is no
email address for the requestor, Parity does not indicate that mail was sent.

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Using Parity

The record of when a request response was sent appears in the Mail Sent field. In the
Approval Requests table, this is an optional column that you can add using the Show/Hide
Columns feature. On the Approval Request Details page, it always appears if a message
was sent.

Notification Mail Content

When approval request resolution mail is sent, it contains the following information:
• The filename for which the approval was requested
• The Resolution (i.e., the choice made on the Resolution menu)
• Any comments added by the Parity administrator in the Approval Request Details.
• The reason for the request (if provided by the requestor).
• The requestor's email address
• The date of the request
• The hostname of the Parity Server

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Approval Request and Justification Details

The following tables describe the fields on the Approval Request Details page. Note that
other fields may be available as options in the Approval Request table.

Table 60: Request/Justification Information

Field Description
Computer The name of the computer on which the block occurred.
Policy The Policy in effect for the agent computer at the time of the block.
Platform The platform of the computer on which the block occurred.
Enforcement The Enforcement Level of the Policy in effect for the agent computer
Level at the time of the block.
Request Type Either “Approval” or “Justification”.
Requestor The user that made the request.
Response E-Mail The email address (if any) provided by the blocked user.
Priority The priority of the request (as set by the user). The options are High,
Medium (the default), and Low.
Rule Type The type of rule that blocked the action. For example, “Unapproved
executable” indicates that execution of an unapproved file was
blocked on a computer whose policy blocks such executions.
Reason Approval request or justification text entered in the notifier.
Comments Comments by a Parity administrator reviewing the request. Can be
modified and updated at any point.
Resolution How the request was resolved. The menu choices are:
• Not Resolved
• Rejected
• Resolved-Approved
• Resolved-Rule Change
• Resolved-Installer
• Resolved-Updater
• Resolved-Publisher
• Resolved-Other
The choice for this field is informational only and does not change
any rules or files states. It can be changed only when the request or
justification is open.
Status The status of the request. The values are:
• Submitted – A user has sent the request.
• Open – The request has been opened by a Parity administrator.
Both Submitted and Closed requests can be opened. A request
must be open for the Resolution field to be changed.
• Closed – The request has been closed, presumably because it
has been in resolved in some way. Requests can be closed even
if no action has been taken to respond to them.
Mail Sent If automatic request responses are enabled and one was sent for
this request, this field shows the timestamp for that mail.

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Using Parity

The Parity Analysis panel shows information resulting from clicking the Run Analysis
button. This panel provides statistics about the blocked file and the user requesting access.

Table 61: Parity Analysis of Requests and Justifications

Link/Button Comments
<number >blocks seen by this Number of blocks on this computer in one hour
computer within 1 hour(s). time period ending at the time analysis was
run. Clicking this link displays Events page
filtered to show all types of block events
associated with this computer
<number> blocks from this Number of blocks by the given process on this
process on this computer. computer in one hour time period ending at the
within 1 hour(s). time analysis was run. Clicking link displays
Events page filtered to show block events
associated with the process that attempted to
perform the blocked action on this computer.
<number> files written by <the Clicking link displays Find Files page filtered to
process that tried to execute show the files written by this process on this
this file> on this machine. machine.
Platform Note: This field appears only for files
on Windows computers.
<number> files written by <the Clicking link displays Find Files page filtered to
process that tried to execute show all instances of files written by this
this file> on the network. process on any computer.
Platform Note: This field appears only for files
on Windows computers.
File appears on <number> Search results for the name and path in the
computers with <number> request, across all computers managed by
different hashes. your Parity server. Clicking the link displays the
Find Files page filtered to show all instances
matching the file name and path.
<number> approval requests The number of requests for this file, identified
for this file. by hash. Clicking link displays the Approval
Requests table filtered to show all requests for
this file hash.
<number> total approval Clicking link displays the Approval Requests
requests by this user. table filtered to show all approval requests
from this user.
<number> open requests by Clicking link displays the Approval Requests
this user. table filtered to show all open approval
requests from this user.
Last Analysis Completed On Reports when the last analysis was run for this
<datetime> (Read Only) request, or if it has not yet been run.
Run/Rerun Analysis (button) Runs an analysis that provides the information
in this panel. If the analysis has already been
run, reruns it to update any of the changed
information, such as the number of requests
from the user or the number of files written by
the process that tried to write the blocked file.

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Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Table 62: File Information in Approval Request/Justification Details

Field Description
File Name Clicking on link displays the File Instance Details page
for the blocked file.
SHA-256 Clicking on link displays the File Instance Details page
for the blocked file.
File State The global state of this file in the Parity File Catalog.
Local State The local state of the blocked file instance on this
Publisher The publisher name and publisher approval state.
Clicking on the publisher name opens the Publisher
Details page for the blocked file’s publisher.
File Prevalence The number of computers on which the blocked file
Trust Rating Trust rating (if known) from Parity Knowledge for the
blocked file. Ranges from 0 (untrusted) to 10 (highly
Threat Level Threat level (if known) from Parity Knowledge for the
blocked file. Values are 0 (Clean), 1 (Potential Risk)
and 2 (Malicious).

The Process tab and the Installer tab provide the same information for their subjects.

Table 63: Process and Installer Information in Request/Justification Details

Field Description
Process Full path to process that attempted to write or execute
the blocked file.
Installer Full path to the installer for the blocked file.
SHA-256 SHA-256 hash of the process or installer.
Trust Rating Trust rating (if known) from Parity Knowledge for the
process attempting to run the blocked file or the
installer that installed the file. Ranges from 0
(untrusted) to 10 (highly trusted).
Threat Level Threat level (if known) from Parity Knowledge for the
process attempting to run the blocked file or the
installer that installed it. Values are 0 (Clean), 1
(Potential Risk) and 2 (Malicious).

See “Customizing the Request/Justification Interface in Notifiers” for details about other
modifications you can make.

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Using Parity

Customizing the Request/Justification Interface in Notifiers

You can change the text for the headings, links, and instructional text in the Approval
Request panel. One reason to do this is so that different labeling appears for Approval
Requests and Justifications on notifiers modified in previous releases.

• If you add any customization tags for Approval Requests and/or
Justifications, you must enable the feature(s) using the Approval
Request menu on the Edit Notifier page.
• Platform Note: The Approval Request/Justification interface on the
Parity Notifier History window can be customized only for Windows

Table 64, “Approval Request and Justification Customization tags,” shows the tags that
can be used to modify approval requests in notifiers. The example below, which is the
Notifier Text for Block unapproved executables in the Template Policy, shows where you
would put tags to have different labeling for each of them.

<BlockText:Parity blocked an attempt by <ProcessName> to run

<TargetName> because the file is not approved. If you
require access to this file, please contact your system
administrator.><AskText:Parity identified and paused an
attempt by <ProcessName> to run <TargetName> because the
file is not approved. Choose Allow to let this file run, or
choose Block to stop it from running at this
Justification><NotifierRequestText:Enter your reason for
stProcessed:Justification has been submitted.> Scroll down
for diagnostic data.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 390

Chapter 15: Block Notifiers and Approval Requests

Table 64: Approval Request and Justification Customization tags

Tag Description
<NotifierRequestLink:text> This text appears on the link that opens and
closes the Approval Request panel in the
<NotifierRequestHeading:text> This text appears above the text box into which
the user types the request.
<NotifierRequestText:text> This text appears inside the text box into which
the user types the request. It disappears when
the user begins entering the actual request.
<NotifierRequestProcessed:text> After a user submits a request, this text
appears inside the text box, indicating that the
request was processed.
<NotifierRequireSubmitOnAllow> If present, the Allow or Approve button in a
notifier is disabled until the user submits a
<NotifierRequireSubmitOnBlock> If present, the Block button in a prompt notifier
is disabled until the user submits a justification.
<NotifierRequestMinLength:n> If present, the Submit button in an approval
request or justification is disabled until the user
enters at least n characters into the request/
justification text box.

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Using Parity

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 392

Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Chapter 16

Monitoring Events and File Activity

This chapter explains how to use Parity event reports and alerts to monitor file activity and
other key Parity operations on your network. It also describes tools for detecting
propagation of files on your network and for keeping track of the number of times a
specified file executes.
There are many uses for these features, individually and in combination. For example,
when you are allowing computers on your network to execute unapproved files, you can
track the executions by file, computer, and computer user. If you are operating entirely at
High Enforcement Level, you can use Parity monitoring features to be sure that files are
being blocked or allowed as you want. And you can connect other monitoring features to
alerts that will automatically tell you when certain actions occur or thresholds are passed.
See also Chapter 17, “Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports,” for details on Parity’s
ability to track changes in the overall inventory of files on your systems.
For information about analyzing Parity events and file information with your own tools,
see Appendix A, “Live Inventory SDK: Database Views,” and the separate Parity Events:
Integration Guide document available through Bit9 Technical Support.

Topic Page
Monitoring Prerequisites 394
Event Reports 394
Viewing Reports on the Events Page 396
Taking Action on Files in Event Reports 399
Customizing Event Reports 399
Creating Alerts 406
File Prevalence 418
Monitoring Specific File Executions 420

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Using Parity

Monitoring Prerequisites
Accurate Parity reports require that client computers (laptops, desktops, and servers) are
online and actively monitored by Parity. This chapter assumes the following:
• Parity policies have been created and configured.
• Parity Agent is installed on the computers you want to monitor, and the computers
have completed their initialization.
• All Parity Agents are at version 7.0.0 or greater.
For more information about these tasks, refer to Chapter 4, “Creating and Configuring
Policies,” and Chapter 5, “Managing Computers.”
Although not a prerequisite for monitoring, if you intend to use an external event logging
server, install the SQL Server on that system and configure Parity Server to connect to the
external server (see “Setting up External Event Logging” on page 501) so that you begin
capturing events on the external server as soon as possible.

Event Reports
The Parity Events page provides access to all recorded events related to Parity activities,
including files blocked, unapproved files executed, system management processes and
actions by console users. Parity updates event data in near-real-time for connected
computers, with minor variations due to event volume.
There are predefined Parity reports, available on the Saved Views menu, and you also can
create and save your own Saved Views using existing views as templates or starting with
the full events table. For any event report, you can change the window of time for which
you want results without having to create a new Saved View.
The Events page displays up to 200 events per page for the time period you specify. You
can adjust the number of events displayed in a table by changing rows per page parameter
in the bottom right of the page.

You can optionally choose to direct the Parity Syslog event output for
postprocessing on another system. If you do so, event output also remains
displayed in the Parity Console event log. For more information, please
refer to “Event Management Options” in the “Parity Configuration”
See Parity Events Integration Guide, a separate document available with
Parity, for a complete list of events and mapping instructions for output to
supported Syslog formats.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 394

Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Using the Home Page Event Reports Portlet

One way to monitor events is to use the Event Reports portlet on the Parity Home Page.
The summary provides basic data from and links to the following four predefined Saved
Views on the Events page – the views are described in more detail in “Viewing Reports on
the Events Page” on page 396:
• New installations (Windows only)
• New unapproved files
• Blocked files (Banned)
• Blocked files (Unapproved)

The portlet shows the number of files and/or computers involved in events of each type
over the previous 24 hours. This data is updated when you display or refresh the page, and
you can get the full report by clicking on the report name.

To display the Home page daily event summary:

1. On the console menu, click Home Page. By default, the Event Reports portlet appears
in the lower left of the page.

2. From the Event Reports portlet, click a report name to go to the Saved View on the
Events page with the full report. See “Viewing Reports on the Events Page” for more

You can create custom event portlets for display on the Home Page or
another dashboard. See “Using and Customizing Dashboards” on page
451 for more details.

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Using Parity

Viewing Reports on the Events Page

All event reports available on your Parity Server, whether provided by Bit9 or created at
your site, appear as Saved Views on the Events page. The following table lists the
predefined Saved Views and the events they include:
Menu Choice Description
(none) Displays a report showing an unfiltered view of all Parity
events during the selected time period, with default columns.
Alerts and Meters Displays a report that includes all creation, modification, or
deletion of alerts or meters, plus all activity that triggers an
alert or increments a meter (during the selected time period).
Approval Requests Displays a report that includes each time an approval
request for a blocked file is created (on an agent computer)
and opened or closed (in the Parity Console).
Blocked Files (All) Displays a report that includes all files blocked for any
reason (or that would have been blocked but are in Report
Only state) during the selected time period. This includes
files that are explicitly banned, files in an unapproved state
that were blocked because of a particular computer’s
Enforcement Level or policy, files that have not been
analyzed yet, files on blocked devices, and files blocked
because of custom rules.
Actions blocked by registry or memory rules and certain built-
in internal Parity protection do not appear on this list.
Blocked Files Displays a report that includes all files that have been
(Banned) blocked on computers running Parity agent during the
selected time period due to an explicit ban on the file.
Blocked Files Displays a report that includes all files that would have been
(Report Only) blocked during the selected time period but are in Report
Only state due to the combination of policy settings and
Enforcement Level for the computer executing them.
Blocked Files Displays a report that includes all Unapproved files that have
(Unapproved) been blocked during the selected time period as a result of a
policy’s Unapproved Executables or Unapproved Scripts
setting and its applied Enforcement Level.
Computer Displays a report that includes the events for the selected
Management time period related to computers running Parity Agent,
including new and deleted computers; agent startup and
shutdown; computers moved to a different policy; changes in
policy’s settings or Enforcement Level; and changes in the
AD policy mapping rules (including their order).
Console Access Displays a report that includes user logins and logouts, and
creation, editing, and deletion of console login accounts
during the selected time period.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Menu Choice Description

Device Control Displays a report that includes device-related events during
the selected time period. These events include approving,
banning or removing approvals or bans on devices, detection
of a new device on the network, detection of attachment or
detachment of a device on the network, and any device
access covered by device-related policy settings.
Platform Note: Device control is effective for Windows
computers only.
Duplicate Computer Displays a report that includes all events involving attempts
Registrations to register more than one computer under the same agent id.
Memory Displays a report that includes all events related to memory
(process protection) rules.
Platform Note: Memory rules affect Windows systems only.
New Files (All) Displays a report that includes all new files (i.e., not
previously in the File Catalog) that have appeared on
computers at your site during the selected time period.
New Files Displays a report of all files approved because of various
(Approved) reasons during the selected period. Does not include files
approved because of initialization.
New Files (Banned) Displays a list of all new banned files seen on the network.
New Files Displays a report that includes all new files that have
(Unapproved) appeared on the server during the selected time period and
have not been approved or banned.
New Installations Displays a report that includes each instance in which a file
writes one or more files (creating a new file group) during the
selected time period.
Platform Note: Includes Windows installations only.
Registry Displays a report that includes all events related to Windows
Registry rules.
Platform Note: Registry rules are applicable to Windows
computers only.
Reputation Displays a report that includes all reputation-related events,
including adding or deleting a file or publisher approval
based on reputation, or changes to file or publisher
reputation properties.
Server Management Displays a report that includes any modifications to data on
the System Configuration pages, data related to Parity
backup (success, failure, changes), server errors, Parity
Knowledge errors, database errors, and startup or shutdown
of Parity server (during the selected time period).
Security Alert Displays a report of security-alert-related events. Events
Events include agent computers unprotected by Parity because of
upgrade failures, detection or prevention of agent tampering,
and a computer clock out of sync (potentially set back to
attempt to defeat security measures.).
Temporary Policy Displays a report that includes each time a temporary policy
Overrides override code is generated for an agent.

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Using Parity

• In any view of the Events page, you can use the Show/Hide Filter and
Show/Hide Columns buttons to customize what you see, for instance,
choosing to show events for a particular platform. Depending upon
the choice you made on the Parity Console Preferences page, when
you leave and return to the Events page, your view may be filtered to
show only certain events. To be certain you know whether filters are
set, click on Show/Hide Filter when you view the Events page.
• You can download event tables in CSV format.
• For more information on Parity table features, see “Parity Tables” in
Chapter 2, “Using the Parity Console.”
• If an IP address is listed in an event table or description, it is the IP
address of the agent computer at the time the event was reported,
which is not necessarily the current IP address.

To view an existing Parity Event report:

1. On the console menu, choose Reports > Events. The Events page appears with the
default view showing all events in the past hour:

2. Select a view from the Saved Views menu. The view appears. For views with many,
and in some cases, wide columns, you might need to scroll left and right to see all the
data for an event.
See “Customizing Event Reports” in this chapter for information on changing and saving

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 398

Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Taking Action on Files in Event Reports

Whenever the details of an event identify a file, you can take action on that file directly
from the Events page. To do this, you check the checkbox to the left of the event in the
table and then choose an action from the Action menu. Only events containing file
information can be checked.
The actions you can take on a file on the Events page are the same as those you can take
on the Files page, including:
• Locally approve a file instance or remove local approval
• Globally approve or ban a file for all computers
• Create a custom approval or ban that applies to computers in specific policies
• Create a report-only ban that only reports that it would have blocked the file if active
• Remove an approval or ban
• Analyze the file by getting Parity Knowledge Service information about it
See Chapter 8, “Approving and Banning Software” for details on these file actions.
If the Bit9 Connector option is installed and licensed, you also can upload files or analyze
them with a third-party network security appliance. See Appendix B, “Bit9 Connector for
Network Security Devices” and Appendix C, “Uploading Files from Agents” for details.

Customizing Event Reports

You can customize event reports using any existing view as a template. To do so, you
select a Saved View, modify the report parameters, and either save it with the modified
parameters (if it is not a Parity pre-defined report) or save under a new name. If you want
a special report for one time use, you can simply make the customizations, view the
results, and not save the changes.

Table 65: Event Report Parameters

Field Description
Saved View Name for this report.
If you are creating a new report, enter any text that indicates the
purpose of the report in the right text box of Saved Views and then
click Add. Parity saves the report by this name and lists it in the
Saved Views menu with the other reports.
Maximum age Time period of interest. You see events in the report between the
time the report is run and a specified period in the past (hours, days,
weeks, or months). Your choice takes effect immediately.
Note that the Filters panel allows you more options for setting a time
window, including Timestamp, for which the start and/or end date
does not have to be the current date and time.
Rows per page Maximum number of events displayed on a single page in the
Events table. This is controlled on a per-user basis by the rows per
page menu in the bottom right below the table.
Default value is 25. If your report includes more items than the rows
per page setting, Parity creates more pages and a page number
panel for navigation.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 399

Using Parity

Field Description
Group by Column by which you want to group like results for default display
and the sort order (ascending or descending). Group by creates
expandable lists that initially only show the group name (for
example, security policies) and number of items per group, but can
be clicked to show the members of the group (for example,
computers). Not all column names are available for grouping.
Filters Event parameters you want to apply to the report. You can specify
any combination of filters to determine which events are included in
a report.
Although most of the filters are for data clearly associated with the
file or computer in the event, the following are special cases:
Subtype – Subcategories of events for all Parity event types. You
can specify one or more event subtypes for display. If you select no
subtype, Parity searches for all.
Priority – filter enables you to show or hide events based on
standard Syslog message severity guidelines, categorized as
Critical – critical conditions
Debug – debug-level messages
Error – error conditions
Info – informational messages
Notice – normal but significant condition
Warning – warning conditions
Priority status for each log message is shown in the Priority column.
Columns Information to be included as columns in the Events table. Use
(Show/Hide) arrows to specify which columns are displayed and in what order:
Items in the Selected list are displayed in the table.
Items in the Available list are not displayed in the table.

To customize and save an event report as a Saved View:

1. In the console menu, choose Reports > Events. The Events page appears.

2. If one of the existing reports in Saved Views is similar to the report you want, choose
it from the Saved Views menu. Otherwise, choose (none).

3. Click in the right box of the Saved Views panel, type in a report name, and click Add.
Your new report now appears on the Saved Views menu. Note that you also can wait
until you have made all of your changes to create the new view.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

4. Click the Show/Hide Filters link and choose one or more filters to specify the
parameters for your report. You can add as many filters as you need. Click Apply
when you are finished configuring filters.

5. Click the Show/Hide Columns link and use the arrow buttons to choose which types
of data you want to display in your report, and the order in which you want them to
appear. Click Apply when you are finished adding and removing columns.
6. If you did not choose the time range for your report during filter configuration, choose
time span from the Maximum Age menu.
7. If you would like a different number of rows per page than currently shown, use the
rows per page dropdown menu in the bottom right of the page.
8. If you would like the data in your report collapsed into expandable group, choose a
group and sort direction (ascending or descending) in the Group by menus. For
example, if you Group by Policy, the Events page initially shows Policy names, and
you click on the Policy name to show the events for computers in that policy.
9. When the report is formatted as you want it, make sure the name you want to use for it
is showing in the Saved Views menu and click the Save button in the Saved Views
panel. Your report is saved with the changes you specified.

Editing Event Reports

Editing a report is similar to creating one, except that you keep the same report name.

The pre-defined Saved Views provided with the Parity Server are Read
Only. You cannot modify them and save them under the same name; you
can modify them and save them under a different name.

To edit an existing event report:

1. In the console menu, choose Reports > Events. The Events page appears.

2. From the Saved Views menu, select the report you want to edit. The report appears.
3. Make all of the changes you want in the report (see Table 65, “Event Report
Parameters” on page 399) and then click the Save button.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 401

Using Parity

Viewing Install Event Details

If an event subtype is highlighted, it has other events associated with it. Clicking on a
highlighted event subtype brings you to an Install Event Details report, which shows all of
the sub-events associated with the event you clicked (per computer). The Details report is
useful primarily to show the connections between a root event and the events it generates.

It is events generated by the root installation event that are reported here,
not files installed by an installer. Whether installation of a file generates
an event depends on the approval status of the installer, and may also
depend upon the security policy on the computer where the files are being
installed. Events include information such as process name and user
running the process.

Approved installers generate locally approved files, and approved files do not generate
sub-events on the Install Event Details page. Unapproved installers generate unapproved
files (unless previously approved by some other means), and unapproved files do generate
sub-events. Also, any newly installed files that are blocked generate Install Event Details.

Viewing Event Archives

The Access Event Archives link on the Events page opens a table of daily archives for
Parity events. These events are archived in CSV files.

You can open or download any day’s event archive by clicking on the CSV file name and
making your choice of action from the dialog box. These archives are located in the
“archivelogs” folder under your Parity Server installation directory.
To return to the Events page, choose Reports > Events in the console menu.

• Archiving can be enabled or disabled on the Events tab of the System
Configuration page. See “Managing the Parity Event Database” on
page 500 for more information.
• Unlike event times in the Parity Console, timestamps for the archived
events listed in the CSV files are shown in UTC time.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 402

Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Using Parity Alerts

Alerts notify you of important Parity-monitored activities, such as the appearance or
spread of risky files on your computers. When conditions specified in an alert are met,
Parity provides notification in the following ways:
• Notification in Console Banner – If any alerts are triggered, a text indicator appears
on all console pages, in the upper right above the console menu. This indicates how
many alerts are currently triggered. Hovering the mouse cursor over the indicator
shows a tooltip, and if only one alert is triggered, the tooltip indicates what kind of
alert it is. Clicking on the indicator opens the Alerts page.

• Email Notification – Email notification about the event(s) triggering the alert goes to
a list of subscribers.
• Alerts Page Banner – All currently triggered alerts appear on the Alerts page,
highlighted with a bright-colored banner.
• Home Page and other Dashboards – All currently triggered alerts appear in the
Triggered Parity Alerts portlet, which is part of the default Parity Home Page and can
be added to other Dashboards.
Parity keeps an Alert History for each alert, and this history is modified as alerts are
triggered and reset, keeping details for events of current significance and eliminating the
lowest level details of past alerts.
You can reset an alert when you no longer want to be notified about it. This removes the
warning banners on the Alerts and Home pages (and any dashboard with the Triggered
Alerts portlet), and if you have enabled automatic re-sends of alert email, it stops those. If
the conditions that triggered the alert occur again, another alert will be triggered. If the
conditions that caused the Alert cease to exist, the Alert will be auto-reset to a non-
triggered state (see “How Alerts are Triggered” on page 410 for details).

Access to Parity alert features is determined by the View alerts and
Manage alerts permissions on the Login Accounts Add/Edit Group pages.

There are two top-level classes of alerts in Parity:

• Built-in Alerts – Table 66 shows the alerts pre-configured in Parity.
• User-Created Alerts – You can create and edit alerts through the Alerts page. This is
described in “Creating Alerts” on page 406.
The Alerts page lists all currently available alerts, including built-in and user-created, and
both enabled and disabled.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 403

Using Parity

Table 66: Built-in Alerts

Alert Description
Database Limit Alert Alerts subscribers when SQL Express database size reaches
its specified limit (varies depending upon SQL edition). Only
active if you have installed SQL Server Express edition (not a
full SQL version). Always enabled (cannot be disabled).
Backup Missed Alert Alerts subscribers when Database backup was scheduled but
missed. Enabled by default, but can be disabled.
Database Verification Alerts subscribers when Parity Server database is found to be
Failed corrupt. If triggered, contact Bit9 Support. Always enabled
(cannot be disabled).
Potential Risk File Alerts subscribers when a file is reported that Parity Knowledge
Detected Service has identified as being a potential risk. Enabled by
Malicious File Alerts subscribers when a file is reported that Parity Knowledge
Detected Service has identified as being malicious. Can be configured to
ignore banned and/or approved files. Enabled by default.
Elevated Privilege: Alerts subscribers when any computer remains in local
Install Mode approval mode longer than a specified time period. The default
is 1 hour, but you can modify it. No computer should remain in
approval mode longer than is necessary to install software.
Computer Security Alerts subscribers when suspicious behavior is detected on a
Alert computer. Triggering conditions include detection of a computer
that is unprotected due to an upgrade failure, agent tampering
detected or prevented, and a computer clock out of sync with
Parity Server. Always enabled (cannot be disabled).
See “Detecting Threats with Computer Security Alerts” on page
416 for more details on these alerts and the conditions that
cause them.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Alert Description
Approval Request Alerts subscribers when more than the specified number of
Alert approval requests are in Submitted or Open state. Requests
older than one week and Closed requests are not considered
when triggering the alert. Once triggered, the alert remains in
place until it is manually reset or enough requests are Closed to
bring the total below the threshold. Enabled by default.
Justification Alert Alerts subscribers when more than a specified number of
justifications are created for files that endpoint users allowed to
run. Justifications older than one week are not considered for
this alert.Once triggered, the alert remains in place until it is
manually reset or enough justifications are Closed to bring the
total below the threshold. Enabled by default.
Parity Knowledge Alerts subscribers when expected Parity Knowledge tasks are
Unavailable Alert not performed during a period of time specified in the alert. The
default period is three hours, but you can modify this. Enabled
by default (and cannot be disabled) if Parity Knowledge Service
is activated. Disabled if Parity Knowledge is not activated.
Once triggered, the alert remains in effect until all standard
Parity Knowledge tasks are restored to normal operation. It can
be manually reset, but will trigger again after the specified
period if the conditions that caused the alert still exist.
The conditions that trigger this alert also add a notification that
Parity Knowledge is unavailable to the System Configuration/
Licensing page.
Updater Modified Alerts subscribers when an updater is created, modified or
Alert deleted by Parity Knowledge Service. Always enabled.
Note: Automatic updater management by Parity Knowledge
Service must be enabled on the Advanced Options tab of the
System Configuration page.
New Certificate Alert Alerts subscribers when a file with a certificate not yet in the
Parity inventory is discovered or a new certificate is imported
directly. By default, this alert is triggered when a new certificate
for any publisher is detected. However, it can be configured to
trigger only for new certificates for specific publishers.
If set to Specific Publisher, you must provide a string that
matches all or part of the name of the publisher for which you
want alerts. For example, if you provide “Apple” as the string, it
will alert you about new certificates whose publisher is
identified as “Apple”, “Apple, Inc.”, “Big Apple, Ltd.”, etc.
You can add multiple publishers (or partial names) to the alert.
Requires up-to-date 7.0.1 agent. Disabled by default.
Revoked Certificate Alerts subscribers when a certificate known to Parity is
Alert revoked. By default, this alert is triggered when a certificate for
any publisher is revoked. However, it can be configured to
trigger only for specific publishers.
If set to Specific Publisher, you must provide a string that
matches all or part of the name of the publisher for which you
want alerts. For example, if you provide “Apple” as the string, it
will alert you about revoked certificates whose publisher is
identified as “Apple”, “Apple, Inc.”, “Big Apple, Ltd.”, etc.
You can add multiple publishers (or partial names) to the alert.
Requires up-to-date 7.0.1 agent. Disabled by default.

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Using Parity

Creating Alerts
You can create and configure alerts of the following types:

Table 67: User-Creatable Alert Types

Alert Type Description

File Activity: Alerts subscribers when any file appears on more than a
Propagating File percentage of computers for the policies and time period you
specify. If you are not operating in High Enforcement,
propagating files can indicate a spreading virus.
File Activity: Blocked Alerts subscribers when the same file is blocked on more than
File a specified percentage of computers for the policies and time
period you specify.
Baseline Drift Alert Alerts subscribers when baseline drift of files reaches the
specified threshold.
File Prevalence Alert Alerts subscribers when a specified file is present on more than
a specified number of computers.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

To create an alert:
1. In the console menu, choose Tools > Alerts. The Alerts page, which lists all currently
available alerts (both enabled and disabled), appears:

2. From the Alerts page, click the Add Alert button. The Alert Information page

3. In the Alert Information panel, enter the information requested. See Table 68 below
for details on the parameters you can specify.
4. When you have finished entering all the alert parameters, click Save. The new alert
appears on the Alerts page. If the alert is Enabled, it begins monitoring activity on
your network and will trigger if it finds conditions matching the definition you set up.

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Using Parity

Table 68: Alert Parameters

Section Field Description

General Alert name Name for the Alert as you would like it to appear in
the Alerts table.
Message Message to be sent when alert is triggered.
Status Specifies whether the alert is enabled (on) or
disabled (off). Note that if you disable an alert after
it is triggered, this does not automatically reset the
Type Type Type of alert you want to configure:
• File Activity: Propagating File
• File Activity: Blocked File
• Baseline Drift Alert
• File Prevalance Alert
Description Additional documentation for yourself or others
about the alert conditions you set. Stored with the
alert but not sent to email subscribers.
Mail Template Template you want to use to determine the format
and content of the email you send subscribers of
this alert. The default template can be used for
any alert, but the other standard templates may be
more appropriate for the alert type they represent:
• Default
• Template for File
• Template for Elevated Privilege
• Template for Approval
In addition, you can create custom templates if
you choose. Contact Bit9 Technical Support for
assistance in custom template implementation.
Criteria:  Threshold Threshold of affected computers required to
File Activity and trigger the alert. Appears only if applicable to the
Prevalence alert type. This can be a percentage or an
alerts absolute number.
Criteria:  Time Period Minimum time period within which activity must
File Activity occur to trigger the alert. Appears only if
alerts applicable to the alert type.
Criteria: Drift Report Name of the drift report whose data you want to
Baseline Drift analyze to trigger alerts. Appears only if applicable
alerts to the alert type.
Alert When The drift parameter you want to measure and the
threshold at which it triggers an alert. Appears
only if applicable to the alert type.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

Section Field Description

Criteria: File Specify File The way you want Parity to identify a file – the
Prevalence By choices are Hash and Filename.
File Name Filename to monitor for the alert. Appears only if
you chose filename for Specify file by.
Note: You cannot use wildcards in the file name
for a prevalence alert.
Publisher The name of the publisher (if any) identified as the
Contains source of the file. Appears only if you chose
(optional) filename for Specify file by.
Hash Type The type of Hash (SHA-1 or MD5) you are using
to identify the file. Appears only if you chose Hash
for Specify file by.
Hash Value The hash value of the file. Appears only if you
chose Hash for Specify file by value type.
Policies Rule Applies Click the radio button to activate this alert for All
(appears only for To policies or Selected policies.
appropriate alert If you chose Selected policies, check the box next
types) to each policy for which you want the alert
Selected Policies that will be subject to this alert.
Select policies and use the arrow buttons to move
them into the appropriate column.
Subscribers Email Note: You cannot add subscribers (the fields do
not appear) until after the alert is created.

Add all email addresses to which you want alert

notifications sent. Enter each address in the Email
address box, and click the Add button each time
to create a subscriber list. Add is enabled when
you enter a qualified email address.
The dropdown menu to the right of the address
box specifies the format of the notification email.
The choices are: text, HTML, or Auto. Auto
allows the recipient’s mail server to determine mail
Reminder Mail Status Reminder Mail status determines whether alert
email is resent after a specified period of time
when the alert has not been reset. The choices
here are Enabled or Disabled.
Remind Every When Reminder Mail is enabled, the amount of
time between alert email re-sends for alerts that
are not reset.

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Using Parity

Editing Alerts
You may need to modify an alert to change its threshold, the time period it covers, its
subscribers, or some other parameters. In addition, you may need to enable or disable the
alert. All of this is done through the Alert Information page.
To edit, enable or disable an alert:
1. If you are not already on the Alerts page, click Alerts in the Parity console menu.
2. Click the View Details button (pencil and file) next to the alert you want to modify.
The Alert Information page appears.
3. If you only want to enable or disable the alert, click the appropriate button in the
General section of the Alert Information panel and then click the Save button at the
bottom of the page.
4. If you want to make other changes, edit the appropriate parameters (see Table 68) and
then click Save. The alert is updated and you return to the Alerts page.
Although you can’t create new instances of built-in alerts, you can edit some of their
settings. For example, you can change the number of approval requests necessary to
trigger an Approval Request alert. You also can modify which actions (creation, editing,
deletion) trigger an Updater Modified alert.

Deleting Alerts
When you delete an alert, you delete the definition of the alert and end any monitoring you
have been doing with it. As an alternative, you can disable an alert if you don’t want it to
be active but might use it in the future. You cannot delete the pre-defined alerts provided
by Parity Server.
To delete an alert:
1. On the Alerts page, click the Delete (x) button next to the alert you want to delete.
2. On the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

How Alerts are Triggered

Any alert shown on the Alerts page, whether provided with Parity or created by you, can
be considered an alert class. Each time conditions exist that meet the triggering condition
of that alert class, an alert instance occurs. For some alert classes, it is only possible to
have one instance. For example, there is only one Parity database, and so Parity Database
Limit Alert can have only one instance at a time. For other classes, there can be many
instances simultaneously. For example, there might be multiple malicious files on a
network, and so there could be multiple Malicious File Detected alert instances.
When any triggered instances of an alert class exist, the alert is highlighted on the Alerts
page and a Reset button is added next to the alert name. The Date Triggered column shows
when the alert was triggered. By default, triggered alerts appear at the top of the page, in
descending order of when they were triggered.
Parity does not add new banners for each alert instance during a console login session.

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In addition, triggered alerts appear on the Alerts portlet, which is on the default Home
Page, and a count of triggered alerts appears in the console banner.

Mail Notification for Triggered Alerts

When an alert is triggered, notification mail is sent to each subscriber to that particular
alert and, if configured, to the global alert subscriber.
While the Parity Console shows one banner per triggered alert class, Parity sends alert
email for every instance. Instances are defined as distinct cases that match the alert
conditions. In the case of malicious files, for example, if the same malicious file shows up
20 times before you reset the alert, it only counts as one instance. But if 20 different
malicious files appear before the alert notification is reset, each one counts as an instance
and each one generates a new email message to alert subscribers.
Mail notifications contain basic information about the alert such as the time of this action
for this instance alert, the system(s) on which an action took place, the logged in user, and

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Using Parity

the file hash. The File Propagation Alert mail shown below is typical of file-related
alerts.-- the exact information provided would vary for other alert types.

As the example above shows, mail notifications also include links to Parity pages that
display information relevant to the alert, in this case, alert details (the list of instances for
this alert), the File Details page for the triggering file, and where relevant, Event Details
related to the file (hash) that is the subject of the alert. File and Event Details are not
included for non-file alerts.
Each email generated by a new instance of the same alert class is tracked in the same Alert
History and has a link to that instances of that alert. When you reset an alert, the instance
history is cleared, but a record of when it was first triggered during this session remains.
See “Viewing and Managing Alert History” on page 414 for an example of the history and
instance list for one triggered alert.

The details provided in an alert notification email describe a particular
instance of the alert. When you click the Alert Details link in email, it
opens the Alert Instances page, which shows the details for all instances
of the triggered alert.

Reminder Mail for Triggered Alerts

If you enable Reminder Mail for an alert, a new email notification of that alert is generated
on a schedule you specify as long as the alert has not been reset (manually or
automatically). For example, if a Parity Knowledge Unvailable Alert is triggered, email is
sent immediately. If Reminder Mail is not enabled, no subsequent email will be sent about
this alert unless it is reset and then the condition reappears.
If Reminder Mail is enabled, and is set for 30 minutes, subscribers to this alert receive a
new email about it every 30 minutes until connectivity is restored or the alert is reset.

Manual and Automatic Alert Resets

Resetting an alert means taking it out of the "triggered" state and discarding from the
history all the current instances that caused it to be triggered in the first place. When an
alert is manually reset, it no longer appears on the Triggered Alerts portlet or as a
highlighted yellow item on the Alerts page. If the conditions that match the alert return, a

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

new alert will be triggered, new email will be sent to subscribers, and the alert will appear
in the usual places in Parity.
You manually reset an alert by clicking the alert’s Reset button on the Triggered Alerts
portlet, the Alerts page, or the Alert History page. In addition to resetting the event, this
adds a “Reset” event to the alert history, with a time stamp and the account name of the
Parity Console user doing the reset.
Automatic resets are based on Parity’s constant monitoring of the conditions that trigger
each alert instance. If those conditions no longer exist, that instance is removed from the
list of triggered instances for the alert class it is in. If no triggered instances currently exist
for an alert class, the alert notification is reset automatically.
An automatic reset of an alert adds an “Auto-Reset” event to its history, with a time stamp
and user making the change listed. However, automatic resets do not cause alert email to
be sent, however.
Different types of alerts have different conditions under which they automatically reset:
• Backup Missed Alert – Resets when backup is successful
• Database Limit Reached – Resets when database size falls below the threshold
• Database Verification Failed – Resets when database verification succeeds
• Potential Risk or Malicious File Detected – Resets when none of the files that
triggered the alert (or would have if they had been detected first) are present
• Parity Knowledge Unavailable Alert – Resets when your Parity Server successfully
reconnects to Parity Knowledge Service and synchronization of Parity Knowledge
data with the server is operating properly. This generates an event.
• Elevated Privilege:Install Mode – Resets when no machines are in Local Approval
• File Prevalence – Resets if the prevalence of the specified file falls below the
specified threshold
• Baseline Drift – Resets when the drift in the specified drift report falls below the
specified threshold for the specified parameter (user, computer, or policy)
• Computer Security – Resets when the conditions leading to it are no longer met (if
this change is detectable).
• Approval Request Alert – Resets if enough approval requests are Closed that the
total number in Submitted or Open state goes below the triggering threshold.
• Justification Alert – Resets if enough justifications are Closed that the total number
in Submitted or Open state goes below the triggering threshold.

The following alert types must be reset manually (i.e., are never automatically reset):
• Propagating File and Blocked File – Never automatically reset because they are
time-based alerts. For example, if an alert determined that a particular file propagated
to 20 percent of your machines in a one hour period, no future event can change what
happened during the one hour period in the past, so the alert remains triggered.
• Updater Modified – Never automatically reset because once an updater is modified it
remains modified.
• New Certificate Alert – Never automatically resets.
• Revoked Certificate Alert – Never automatically resets.

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Using Parity

Viewing and Managing Alert History

You can view the history of any alert by clicking the View History ( ) button next to the
alert on the Alerts page. The Alert History page includes information about when the alert
was created and modified (and by whom), when it was triggered and reset, subscriber
additions, and if it was enabled or disabled. If the alert is currently triggered, a Reset
button appears. The Alert List button returns the view to Alerts page and the full table of
Parity alerts.

For currently triggered alerts, the Supporting Details shows a highlighted link with the
number of triggered instances. You can click on that link to see a table of all triggered
instances and whether email was sent out for each instance:

Clicking on the Alert History button replaces the Alert Instances table with the Alert
History page for that alert.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

When an alert is reset, details of the instances that triggered it are deleted. On the Alert
History page for an alert that is not currently triggered, a Clear History button replaces
the Reset button.

Reset eliminates the detailed history of instances between the most recent
triggering of the alert and the last time you reset it, but leaves all other
information in place, including the fact that the alert was triggered at a
particular date and time. Clear History deletes all of the alert’s history,
including information about its creation, modification, subscribers, and all
triggering and reset events. Be sure you do not need this information
before clearing the alert history.

On the Alert History page, you also can delete the current alert (if it is not a built-in alert)
or edit the properties of the alert.

Managing Alert Email Subscriptions

There are two types of subscriptions for alerts email:
• For specific alerts – On the Alert Information page, you can add subscribers to the
email notifications specific to that alert.
• For all alerts – On the System Configuration page, you can set up one global
subscriber for alerts email. See “Specifying a Global Alert Subscriber” on page 519.

Subscribers receive alert email only if alerts email is properly configured
and enabled on the System Configuration page. See “Configuring Alert
and Approval Request Mail” in the “Parity Configuration” chapter for
more information.

Subscription to individual alerts is the normal means of setting up email notification. This
allows you to decide which alerts are of interest to a particular user and avoid burying
them in other alert email. Users can always watch the Triggered Alerts portlet or the Alerts
page for alerts not critical enough to require email notification.
To add a subscriber to the email notification list for one alert:
1. On the Alerts page, click the View Details (pencil and file) next to the alert you want
to modify.
2. On the Alert Information page, scroll down to the Subscribers panel, click in the
Email Address text box, and paste or type the subscriber name.
3. Choose the email type (Auto, Text, or HTML) from the dropdown menu. The default
is Auto, which allows Parity to determine the best format for the recipient based on
information about the recipient’s email system.
4. Click Add to add the subscriber. The new subscriber name appears in the list below
the subscriber entry line.

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Using Parity

5. Add any other subscribers you want to receive notifications when this alert is
6. Click Save at the bottom of the Alert Information page. The new subscribers are
added to the distribution list for this alert.
You can edit the email address or delivery format of existing subscribers by opening the
Alert Information page as you did to add the subscriber and then clicking Edit next to the
subscriber name. When you have finished editing the subscriber information, click
Update next to the name, and then click Save at the bottom of the Alert Information page.
Be sure to click both buttons.
You can delete a subscriber from the email notification list for an alert by opening the
Alert Information page and clicking Remove next to the name. Note that there is no
confirmation for this action – the name is removed immediately.

Detecting Threats with Computer Security Alerts

Although many Parity alerts are related to computer security, there is one built-in alert that
is specifically designed for this purpose. The Computer Security Alert, which is disabled
by default, is triggered by events that may indicate suspicious behavior.

Criteria Triggering a Security Alert

There are four triggering criteria that can be enabled in the Computer Security Alert - by
default, all are enabled when you enable the alert itself. Which one of these criteria
triggers a security alert is identified in Summary field on the the Alert Instance page, and
in the email notification (if enabled) sent due to the alert.
• Computer not protected – This condition occurs if an agent upgrade fails. It means
that the Parity agent is not running on the identified computer, and so the computer is
not protected by Parity (the Connection status indicator for this computer on the
Computers page will be red). Restoring the agent to proper operation automatically
resets the alert when this is the triggering condition.
• Agent tampering detected – If Parity Agent tamper protection is accidentally
disabled through the Parity Console and a user on a computer running Parity Agent
modifies the Parity Agent folder (for example, by adding a new file), the Computer
Security Alert is trigged with the summary description "Agent tampering detected".

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As soon as a Parity administrator re-enables the tamper protection for the Parity
Agent, this alert is automatically reset.
• Agent tampering prevented – If a user on a Parity-protected computer attempts to
tamper with the Parity Agent and fails, the Computer Security Alert is triggered with
the summary description "Agent tampering prevented". An example of this might be
a user attempting to copy files to Parity Agent folder but failing because of tamper
protection. Another example might be unauthorized attempts to run special agent
management commands (i.e., without a correct password). When this condition
triggers the alert, the alert must be reset manually.
• Computer clock out of sync – One way to attempt to run malware or other
unauthorized files without detection is to change the clock on the targeted system to
create an invalid timestamp. Parity still detects and reports a file execution under these
circumstances, but generates a Computer Security Alert with the summary description
"Computer clock out of sync" as soon as the discrepancy between the Parity Server
clock and the agent clock is detected. Correcting the system time on the computer that
is the source of the unauthorized activity will allow this alert to be reset by the next
event received by the Parity Server.
When a Computer Security Alert is enabled, any of the enabled criteria on any computer
will trigger it. While the alert is triggered, additional cases of the triggering condition on
the same computer are recorded in the history, but do not create another alert instance. If
the same computer reports an event that meets a different triggering condition, however,
another instance is displayed. For example, two failed attempts at tampering do not create
two alert instances unless the alert is reset between them. However, an attempt to tamper
followed by a clock out of sync on the same computer does create two different alert
As with all alerts, each instance results in an email notification, if notification is enabled
and properly configured. Both the Alert Instance displayed in the Parity Console and the
email notification of the alert contain the security event description, the name of the
computer on which it happened, and the time of triggered instance.

Because the Computer Security Alert is based on Parity Agent events, a
disconnected agent will not produce an alert when the triggering
conditions are met. In addition, in environments with a large number of
agents, files and changes, this alert might be delayed if a large number of
events is being processed by the Parity Server when the agent reports the
security events.

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Using Parity

File Prevalence
Parity provides several ways to determine whether certain files are spreading:
• You can view time-based file drift reports that tell you how many new or changed files
appear on a specified set of computers over time, and also tell you the relative risk of
these changes. From this report, you can drill down to get more information about the
files. For more information on drift reports, see the chapter “Monitoring Change:
Baseline Drift Reports”.
• You can create a file propagation alert that is triggered when any new file appears on a
certain number or certain percentage of your Parity-managed computers within a
designated time period (see “Using Parity Alerts” on page 403).
• You can view file prevalence – that is, the number of computers that a file is on, not
the number of instances of the file – on the File Catalog tab of the Files page. This
section describes prevalence tracking, including creation of a prevalence alert for a
particular file, which will alert you when the number of computers the file is on
reaches the threshold you set.
On the File Catalog tab of the Files page, there is a Prevalence column that shows you
how many computers a file is on (based on periodic updates).

When Prevalence is listed in a table, you can sort the table by prevalence or set Filters on
the page to show a report of only those files with a prevalence greater than or equal to a
number you specify. If a file was seen by Parity at one time but now has a prevalence of
zero, it is removed from the table, although you can view it by choosing Removed Files
from the Saved Views on the Files page.

Prevalence Alerts
Prevalence alerts are triggered when the prevalence of a particular file reaches a threshold
you set. You can go to the Alerts page and type in information about the file you want to
create an alert for, but the easiest way to create a prevalence alert is from the File Details
page of the file you want to track. See “Using Parity Alerts” on page 403 for more
information about alerts.

• You cannot use wildcards in the filename for a prevalence alert.
• Provide a name, not a path, for prevalence alerts.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

To create a prevalence alert for a file from its File Details page:
1. On the Files page, click on the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the name
of the file whose propagation you want to track. The File Details page opens.

2. On the File Details page for that file, click Add Alert in the Actions menu. The Alert
Information page opens with the name of the file and its hash automatically filled in.

3. Set the remaining parameters you want for this alert including:
a. Threshold number of computers on which this file must appear to trigger the alert.
b. Reminder mail specifications if you want periodic email reminders to be resent
after a certain period of time if the alert is not reset or the condition not remedied.
4. Click Save. You now have a prevalence alert for this file, visible on the Alerts page.
5. To add email alert subscribers, click the View Details (pencil and file) button for the
alert and add the addresses in the Subscribers section of the Alert Information page.

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Using Parity

Monitoring Specific File Executions

Software metering enables you to track the number of times users run specified files.
When you create a meter, you specify a file to be tracked. Each time the specified file runs
on a computer, Parity records its execution. Configurable reports enable you to display
cumulative execution events by time of execution, user, computer, and policy. You can
create as many meters as you need and centrally manage them (view reports, edit, and
delete) in one place. Monitoring begins almost immediately after you create the meter.
Software metering is useful for the following purposes:
• Gathering data about how often applications are used
• Determining which computers are running an application
• Locating computers running older versions of software for upgrade or completely
retiring obsolete applications

• Parity Agent is one of the first processes to start when you start your
computer. It is normally configured so that a user cannot log in to an
agent-managed computer until the agent has started up, or a specified
timeout period expires. However, if a service or process is configured
to start before Parity, its activity is not monitored or controlled until
the agent starts.
• You can locate all executed files on your network, or on a subset of
your computers, using Filters on the Find Files page or the Files on
Computers tab on the Files page. See “Defining a Search on the Find
Files Page”.

You can create a meter from scratch, as shown in the procedure immediately below, or you
can create a meter for a file directly from its File Details page – see “Creating a Meter
from the File Details Page” on page 423.

To meter execution of specified file(s):

1. On the console menu, choose Tools > Meters. The Meters page appears:

2. On the Meters page, click Add Meter.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

3. On the Add Software Meter page, select the type of identification (file name or hash)
you want to use for this file. Additional fields appropriate for the selected type appear.
4. In the Software Meter panel, specify information about the file to be monitored.

Field Description
Meter name Text description of the software to be metered.
Type To meter a file you must know the name of the file or its hash (data
signature). Choose either one, as appropriate. Note that File Name
meters are platform-specific; hash meters apply to all platforms.
A meter created directly from a File Details page automatically has
that file’s SHA-256 Hash (if available) entered as the file identifier.
Platform For file name meters, the platform (Windows, Mac) for which the
meter is in effect. File name meters can be used for one platform
(Field does not appear for hash meters.)
File Name File name (or path) to which this meter applies. If you provide just a
file name, execution of that file in any location is metered. If you
provide a path that ends in a file name, only executions of the file in
the specified location are metered.
If the path you enter ends with a directory, the meter counts all
executions in that directory and all of its subdirectories.
Platform Notes:
• For Windows paths, you can specify a local drive name (for
example, C:\dir\subdir\application) or a UNC path (for example,
\\dir\subdir\application). You cannot specify mapped drives (for
example, Z:\application) for network access.
• For all paths, you must use the correct directory delimiters for the
platform you choose.
• You can switch platforms after a meter is created, but keep in
mind platform differences, such as directory delimiters and drive
letters, that might make a path invalid on a different platform.
Hash Type Cipher algorithm used to create the hash you want to monitor (MD5
or SHA-1). Note that Parity returns SHA-256 hashes by default for
Files or Find Files searches, but cross-references it so you can
monitor, approve or ban by the other hash types. If you create a
meter directly from a File Details page, Parity automatically enters
that file’s SHA-256 Hash (if available) as the file identifier.

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Using Parity

Field Description
Hash Value Hash (data signature) for the file.
Monitors file execution on computers even if the hash has been
previously identified. If you enter a hash from an external source,
Parity computers register its execution upon first encounter.
To locate hashes on your network, use the Files page or Find Files
utilities. Note that you can create a meter directly from the File
Details page for any file identified on the Parity Server.
Description Optional text that further describes the metered file. To display this
information, add the Description column to the Meters table.

For example, a meter to monitor executions of Microsoft Excel by its name might be
specified as shown in the screen below:

5. To add the file to the table of metered files, click Save. The meter is created and
activated, and the name of the meter, the metered file, and execution information
appears in the Meters table on the Software Meters page:

6. To change meter information, click the View Details button (pencil and file) next to
the meter name.
7. To display a report of meter events, click the View Report button to the far left of the
report name.

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Chapter 16: Monitoring Events and File Activity

By default, meter events are grouped by computer. To view all
executions of files on that computer, expand the computer name.
Alternatively, you can eliminate the grouping by choosing None
on the Group by menu.

8. To delete a meter, click the Delete (x) icon next to its name on the Meters page.

Creating a Meter from the File Details Page

If you know you want to monitor executions of one specific file, you can create a meter
directly from its File Details page. This has the advantage of pre-configuring most of the
information required for the meter, including the hash value – meters created in this way
are automatically Hash type meters.
To create a software execution meter from a File Details page:
1. Open the File Details page for the file you want to meter.
2. In the Actions menu to the right of the File Details page, click Add Meter. The Add
Software Meter page appears, with the Hash value of the file already entered and the
file name as the default meter name.
3. If you choose, change the Meter name and add a description.
4. Click Save to save and enable the meter.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Chapter 17

Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

This chapter explains how to use Baseline Drift Reports, which allow you to track changes
in the inventory of files on Parity systems. Chapter 16, “Monitoring Events and File
Activity,” describes other Parity monitoring features.

Topic Page
Baseline Drift Overview 426
Viewing and Managing Baseline Drift Reports 428
Responding to Drift Report Results 434
Creating and Editing Reports 436
Drift in Multi-Platform Environments 442
Managing Snapshots 443
Displaying Baseline Drift Reports in Graphs 446
Creating Baseline Drift Alerts 448

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Using Parity

Baseline Drift Overview

Parity's Live Inventory of files on your network gives you the ability to measure baseline
drift, the difference between a baseline of files and the current files on a target you specify.
This difference is available as a baseline drift report that you can view either in detail in
dynamic tables or as graphic charts on a Parity dashboard. Baseline drift reports provide
not only simple numbers of file differences but also risk analyses related to those changes.

Once it is set up, a drift report runs automatically every few hours, giving you an up-to
date record of changes in your file inventory. You can create different baseline drift reports
for different targets and baselines, and Bit9 provides some reports pre-configured for your
use. By default, only Power Users and Administrators can create, modify and delete
reports. However, custom account groups can be configured to allow viewing only or
viewing and management of drift reports and snapshots.

Table 69: Baseline Drift Terminology

Term Description
Target A collection of current files that you want to analyze. This might be all
the files on a particular computer, on computers with a particular
security policy, or on all computers. It also can be a custom filtered
table of files from one or more computers.
Baseline The reference against which you compare the target. It can be a set of
files captured as a "snapshot," multiple snapshots, a set of one or
more computers, or a custom baseline generated by filters and other
parameters you define. You also can have no baseline, in which case
a report shows you new files appearing over time.
Snapshot A set of files collected from one or more computers. It can be all files
from the selected computer(s), files selected based on custom-
defined filter, or file lists captured from other Parity reports. Each
snapshot is named, and can be used as the baseline for a drift report.
Baseline drift A report that contains information about the differences between a
report baseline and a target. A drift report can show differences simply in
terms of number of changed files as well as in terms of the risk
indicated by those changes.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

How Drift and Risk are Measured

For the designated target, baseline drift reports can provide several different types of data
about the computers or files in the report. Table 70, “Basic Drift Values” describes this

Table 70: Basic Drift Values

Term Description
Drift The amount of drift measured simply in terms of files added,
changed, and (if configured for a report) deleted in the target. Files
are identified by their hash value. An added file, a changed file, or a
modified file each have a drift value of 1. See “Advanced Baseline
Drift Report Options” on page 439 for more on how Parity determines
whether a file has been modified.
Weighted drift A calculation based on the drift value and adjusted by several factors
that might increase or decrease the significance of the drift for each
file. Among the adjustment factors are trust level, threat level, file
type and associations with other files. For example, the weighted drift
for files that have valid digital signatures, have high trust, or were
installed by files with high trust will be reduced from what it would be
without these factors.
Risk A calculation similar to weighted drift, but adjusted so that files
believed to pose no threat show a risk of zero.
% Weighted The percentage of total weighted drift in the current report contributed
drift by the item in a row.
% Risk The percentage of total risk in the current report contributed by the
item in a row.

Other key factors in determining the total drift and risk reported in a baseline drift report
• File Filtering: You can decide which files in the baseline and in the target participate
in the comparison. For example, the pre-configured reports in Parity compare
Unapproved files, but ignore Banned or Approved files – you can change this if you
choose. There are several other file categories you can include or exclude from the
comparison. See the “Using Filters in Target and Baseline Definitions” and
“Advanced Options: File Filter Options” sections below for more detail.
• File Comparison Method: By default, if a file hash found in the baseline is also
found anywhere in the target, it is considered a matching file, and no drift is reported.
This is called the File Content method. The alternative is the File Location method, in
which the same hash in different locations in the baseline and the target is considered
a drift. See “Advanced Options: File Comparison Method” for more detail.

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Using Parity

Viewing and Managing Baseline Drift Reports

All baseline drift reports appear on the Manage Baseline Drift Reports page. Parity
includes two pre-configured baseline drift reports: Drift of all computers, and Daily drift
of all computers. These are disabled by default. These pre-configured reports provide a
useful way to view the configuration options for baseline drift and view their results in a
report. You can copy any existing report and use it as a starting point for new reports.
To view the table of Baseline Drift Reports:
• On the console menu, choose Reports > Baseline Drift.
The Manage Baseline Drift Reports page appears.

The Manage Baseline Drift Reports page gives you access to the existing reports as well as
the ability to create a new report. On the Manage Baseline Drift Reports page, you can use
any of the standard buttons and tools available on a Parity table page, including filtering,
adding or removing columns, and grouping the items in the table. The following table
describes the buttons, columns, and tabs on the drift page.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Table 71: Manage Baseline Drift Reports Page parameters

Item Description
Reports and The Reports tab (default) shows the table of all available drift
Snapshots tabs reports and key information about them. It also provides an Add
Report button for creating new reports.
The Snapshots tab shows the table of all available snapshots
and key information about them. See “Managing Snapshots” for
more information.
Add Report button Opens the Add Baseline Drift Report page, on which you can
enter the details for a new Baseline Drift Report.

View Report Shows the most recent results of the report in its row.
Results button
View Details Opens the Baseline Drift Report Details page for the report in
button its row. You can view and edit the report details on this page.
Schedule Run Schedules the report in its row to be run as soon as possible
button rather than waiting for the normal report period.

Delete button Deletes the report in its row.

Name field The name of the report. Clicking this name shows the most
recent results of the report.
Date Created field The date and time this report was created.
Created by field The Parity user who created this report – reports showing
System in the Created by field were provided by Bit9.
Date Last The date and time the report was last run. If blank, the report is
Completed field either disabled or is new and has not completed its first run.
Status field Shows the current status of the report. The possible values are:
• Available – Updated report is ready and available for
• Available (Updating) – New report is currently being
generated. Previous report will be available for viewing until
current report generation completes.
• Disabled – Report is disabled and is not generating results.
Last generated results are deleted.
• Not available – Report is new; results have not been
generated yet.

Viewing Baseline Drift Report Results

If a report listed on the Manage Baseline Drift Reports page shows that it is Available, you
can view the most recent report results.
To view a baseline drift report:
1. On the console menu, choose Reports > Baseline Drift.
2. On the Baseline Drift page, click the name of the report you want to see in the Manage
Baseline Drift Reports table. By default, the initial view shows drift by computer.

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Using Parity

Report Results: Computer View

The figure below shows the initial view of the Drift of all computers report that is pre-
configured in Parity. The results show a table of all computers that have had Parity-tracked
files added or modified in the past 24 hours (deleted files are not tracked by default), and
the amount of drift contributed by each computer. Note that the View Mode panel has
Computers selected.

Report Results: File Views

Files views of Baseline Drift Reports provide more detail than Computers views since the
key elements of drift are based on the files themselves. There are three primary File views
available for drift reports:
• All Top-level Files – This is the main Files View of the drift report you choose. It
shows the drift, risk, and other data for each top-level file in the report.
• Files Associated with One Top-Level File – This is a drift report for the files
associated with one top-level file. You can view an associated files report by clicking
on a highlighted name in the Top-Level Files report.
• Files on One Computer – This is a drift report for all the files on one computer that
contribute to drift. You can view a computer-specific files report by clicking on the
name of a computer in the Computer view.
In addition to the primary views, there are pre-configured Saved Views that give you a
different perspective on the information in drift-by-files tables:
• Drift Contributing to Risk – This shows the standard report on drift by (top-level)
files, except that files with drift risk of 0 are filtered out.
• Drift by Category – This view is the equivalent of choosing Category in the Group
by menu or Filters list. It shows a list of file categories, as reported by Parity
Knowledge Service, in the left column of the table. Clicking on the plus sign next to a
category expands the view to include all files in that category and the Drift and Risk
levels for each file.
• Drift by Publisher/Company – This view is the equivalent of choosing Publisher or
Company in the Group by menu or Filters list. It shows a list of the identifiable
Publisher/Company names for the files in the left column of the table. Clicking on the

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

plus sign next to a Publisher/Company name expands the view to include all files with
that Publisher or Company, and the Drift and Risk levels for each file.
• Drift by Installed Program – This view is the equivalent of choosing Installed
Program in the Group by menu. It shows total drift of all files associated with an
installer program.
Platform Note: This view is useful only for Windows agents.
The table below shows the controls and default fields on the Files view of a drift report.

Table 72: Drift Report Results Elements

Item Description
View Report In Computer View mode, drills down to the Baseline Drift report for
Results  the computer in its row.
View Details In Files views, opens the File Instance Details page for the file in its
button row.

Find Files (In Files views only) Goes to the Find Files page and shows all file
instances matching the hash of the file in its row, on all computers.
File Name Shows the name of a file in the target that is contributing to drift. If
the file is highlighted in blue, it is a link, indicating that it is a top-level
file with associated files. Clicking on the link drills down to a Baseline
Drift report for the files associated with the named top-level file.
Publisher or Shows the publisher (if available) or company (if available and there
Company is no publisher information).
Drift In Computer View mode, the sum of drift for all drifted files on the
computer in this row.
In File views, the sum of drift for this file (if it has no associated files)
or for files associated with this file (if it is a top-level file).
For views with grouped information, the sum of the drift for each
instance of the group parameter. Expanding the group shows drift for
each member of the group.
Risk The sum of the risk for all drifted files on the item in this row. See
“How Drift and Risk are Measured” on page 427 for more details.
Threat A threat level for the file in this row based on a weighted analysis of
malware threats known to Parity Knowledge Service. Threat levels
are Malicious (red ! icon), Potentially Malicious (yellow ! icon),
Unknown (no icon), or Clean (green  icon).
Trust On a scale of 0-10, the level of trust for the file in this row. Zero is the
lowest level of trust and 10 is the highest. Trust is computed from a
variety of factors, including file source, publisher, and identification
in Parity Knowledge Service (e.g., is it malware or some other
undesirable category of file).
Computer Shows which computer the file in this row is on. Clicking on the
name opens the Computer Details page for that computer.
User Name User logged into the computer when the installation was started or
top-level file was created.

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Using Parity

Item Description
View Mode Clicking on Files in the View Mode box changes the view from drift
by computers to drift by files, and lists the top-level files in the report.
Clicking on Computers in the View Mode box changes the view
from drift by file to drift by computers, and lists all of the computers in
the drift report.
Note: Clicking on Show individual files in the lower right of the table
causes the Files view to show both top-level files and any files
associated with them.
Saved Views Files View mode has three saved views. To return to a full list of files
in the report, choose none on the Saved Views menu.
Action menu Allows you to take action on checked files in the drift report. See
“Responding to Drift Report Results” on page 434 for details.

Drift by Files: Top-Level Files on All Computers

The report for top-level files is often the most useful in tracking drift and risk since many
of these files are the ones that install other files on computers. They are “top-level” in the
sense that they are not generated by other files in the report.
To display the top-level files view of a baseline drift report:
1. On the console menu, choose Reports > Baseline Drift.
2. On the Baseline Drift page, click the name of the report you want to see in the Manage
Baseline Drift Reports table.
3. In the View Mode box, click Files. 
The top-level Files view appears.

4. If you want the report results to show both top-level files and the files they generate,
check the Show individual files box in the far right bottom corner of the page.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Drift by Files: Associated Files Report

A name highlighted in blue indicates that more information is available if you click on the
name. On the top-level files report, clicking on a file name gives Baseline Drift Report
Results page for files associated with the file you clicked. Associated files are files that
either were installed by the top-level file or are copies of it (i.e., have the same hash).

To return to the top-level files view from an associated files report:

• In the Files associated with line above the table, click [Back to report].

Drift by Files on a Single Computer

You can get a report of drift by files on a single computer. This can be useful in a number
of situations; for example, it can help you locate a computer that has significantly more
drift than others so that you can take remediation steps.
To display the drift by files for a single computer:
1. On the console menu, choose Reports > Baseline Drift.
2. On the Baseline Drift page, click the name of the report you want to see in the Manage
Baseline Drift Reports table.
3. If the Computer View mode is not displayed, click the Computers button in the View
Mode box.
4. Click the View Details button next to the name of the computer for which you want to
see a files report. A report showing only the drifted files on that computer appears.

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Using Parity

To return to the top-level Computer view from computer drift details view:
• In the Drift of computer line above the table, click [Back to report].

Responding to Drift Report Results

You can use the results of a Baseline Drift Report for a wide variety of purposes, ranging
from simply noting the level of drift to changing the security policy for some or all of your
computers. Most of the actions you take can be done in Parity, although some of them
must be done manually, most notably, restoring missing files. In general, you check the
checkbox next to files you want to act on. Many of the choices for responding are on the
Action menu.
You can remediate drift in following ways:
• Add Files to Snapshot: If the baseline drift report was based on one or more
snapshots, you can click the Show/Hide Snapshots link and add all files in the report
or selected files only to a snapshot. In this case, the files you add are immediately
removed from the report and will not become part of subsequent reports. Note that
when a file group is checked, all files in the group are added to the snapshot you
• Locally Approve Files: Using the Action menu, you can choose Approve Locally
for checked files in a drift report. In addition to allowing the file to execute on the
computer it was found on, this excludes the file from future drift reports if the report
excluded all approved files (the default).
• Remove Local Approval: Using the Action menu, you can Remove Local Approval
on checked locally approved files in a drift report.
• Globally Approve or Ban Files: Using the Action menu, you can Globally Approve
or Globally Ban checked files in a drift report.
• Create Custom Approvals or Bans: Using the Action menu, you can choose
Approve by Policy or Ban by Policy to create custom approvals or bans for checked
files in a drift report. For approvals, you can approve by policy and/or choose to Mark
the checked files as installers. For bans, you can ban by policy and choose to block

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

files banned or just report that they would have been blocked if the ban had been fully
• View and Act on Members of a File Group: If you want to see the details of a file
group, you can click on the file name or the View Details button, which shows a page
with files in the group that contribute to drift. Here, you can approve or ban files on an
individual basis.
• As on other pages in the Parity Console, from a drift report you can drill down to the
File Details page for access to many of the actions described above.
• Approve or Ban Files by Group or Trust Methods: Rather than approving or
banning individual files, you can approve the root package that installs a group of
files. You might also want to approve files by Publisher, Updater, or User (via the
Software Rules page) if you notice that a large number of files from the same source
appear in your drift reports and you are willing to trust that source. While making this
kind of change will not affect the current report, it will make sure the files covered by
the change do not appear in future generations of the report (or other, similar reports)
as long as you are not including approved files in the report.
• Add or Remove Files: Outside of Parity, you can add or remove files from one or
more of your systems based on the information in the drift report, reducing the drift
shown in future reports.

Adding Drift Results to a Snapshot

When you view Baseline Drift Report Results, you might see files in the report that you do
not want to track for drift. If the drift report uses one or more snapshots as a baseline, you
can add files from the drift report to one of the baseline snapshots. You also can create a
new snapshot and then add the new snapshot to the baseline.
This type of remediation essentially means you want to ignore certain drift results in the
future. Nothing is sent to the agents to remove this drift (i.e. change their file inventory),
and existing report results remain the same. However, files you add to the snapshot or to a
new snapshot you add to the baseline will not be part of future drift report results.

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Using Parity

To add files to a snapshot from a baseline drift report:

1. In the report, unless you plan to add all of the files to a snapshot, check the
checkboxes for any files you want to add.
2. Click the Show/Hide Snapshot link to display the Add Files to Snapshot panel.
3. In the Add Files to Snapshot panel, choose the radio button for All files or Checked
files in the Files to add line.
4. Specify the snapshot to which you want to add the files:
a. If you want to add the files to an existing snapshot, pick one from the Choose
existing snapshot menu and click Add. Note that this menu includes all available
snapshots, not just those used as a baseline for the current report.
b. If you want to add the files to a new snapshot, type a name in the Create new
snapshot box and then click the Create button.
5. If the report is more than one page long and you are adding checked files, repeat the
procedure for each page containing files you want to add.

The procedures above assume you are adding to a snapshot to affect
future results when the current drift report is run, but there are no
restrictions on how you use the snapshot. You may save files to a snapshot
for some other purpose.

Creating and Editing Reports

The Add Baseline Drift Report and Edit Baseline Drift Report pages both use the Baseline
Drift Report Details window, with only slight variations. Here, we describe creating a
report. The procedure for editing the report is essentially the same, except that you start
with an existing report.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Creating a Baseline Drift Report

On the Manage Baseline Drift Reports page, clicking on Add Report opens the Add
Baseline Drift Report page. There, you fill in the details of the report you want to create.

Table 73: Add/Edit Baseline Drift Report Details

Item Description
Copy settings (Available on the Add page only) Copy settings from an existing
from menu report to populate the details of your new report. You can make
whatever changes you want to the copy. When you choose a
report on this menu, the default name of your new report is Copy of
<the name of the existing report>.
Report name The name that will appear on the Manage Baseline Reports page
and the window banner for this report.
Description Optional text that will help identify the purpose of the report.
Status radio Enabled means that the report results are automatically
buttons generated. Disabled turns off report generation and deletes the
entire history of the report.
Target menu What is to be analyzed in the report. The target Type options are:
Computer – Track all file changes on the selected computer.
Computers in policy – Track all file changes on all computers in
the selected policy.
Computer Filter – Track all file changes on computers that match
the criteria specified in the filter.
Advanced Filter – Track all file changes that match the criteria
specified in the filter, which can include both file and computer
All computers – Track all file changes on all computers on your
For each target Type except All computers, additional fields
appear to allow you to complete the specification of the target.

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Using Parity

Item Description
Baseline menu What the target is compared to. The baseline options are:
Computer – Compare target to the files found on the named
computer at report run time.
Computers in policy – Compare target to the files found on all
computers (at report run time) in the policy selected from this
Computer Filter – Compare target to files from computers that
match the criteria specified in the filter.
Advanced Filter – Compare target to files that match the criteria
specified in the filter, which can include both file and computer
Snapshots – Compare target to the files in one or more selected

Same as target – Compare the files on the target computer(s) to

the files on the same computer(s) at a specified point in the past.

None – Calculate total drift of all computers without any baseline

comparison. This choice generates a report that simply monitors
all changes on a target set of machines since the agent was
installed. This option does not allow tracking of missing files.
If you keep the default Advanced Options, this choice essentially
gives you the table of all unapproved files on your target systems,
along with additional Drift and Risk information only available in
Baseline Drift Reports. You can filter or sort by Risk if you choose
to determine whether action is necessary on any of these
unapproved files, and also see whether any particular group, user,
or computer is contributing disproportionately to total Risk.
For each Type choice except None, additional fields appear
allowing you to complete specification of the baseline.
Save button Create the Baseline Drift Report by saving the parameters you
have entered. Once created, the report is scheduled to run, unless
you disable it.
Cancel button Cancel the creation or editing of the report.
Show/Hide Shows or hides additional parameters for the report. See
Advanced “Advanced Baseline Drift Report Options” for more details.
Options button

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Advanced Baseline Drift Report Options

The Advanced Options section includes options that change the file types considered in a
baseline drift analysis, the method of comparison between a baseline and its target, and the
level of detail, and therefore the size, of the report when it is generated. Changing these
options may affect performance, and also may create reports with considerably more detail
for you to examine.

Advanced Options: File Filter Options

Filter options allow you to choose different types of files to include in the drift report. All
of these options are off by default. They are essentially shortcuts for some of the more
common options you can set by choosing Advanced Filters in either the baseline or target
Type menu. The choices are:
• Include approved files – Files with a Local State of Approved are included in the
baseline drift comparison.
• Include banned files – Files with a Local State of Banned are included in the baseline
drift comparison.
• Include initialized files – Files initialized from a newly installed agent are included in
the baseline drift comparison.
• Include missing baseline files – Baseline drift analysis includes tracking of files that
exist in the baseline but are missing on the target systems (does not appear if baseline
is Same as Target).
• Only include applications – Only files on your network that are executable (e.g., .exe
or .com, but not Packages) are included in the baseline drift comparison.
• Only include executed files – Only files that actually have executed on your network
are included in the baseline drift comparison.

Deciding which of the Filter Options to use depends upon your purpose in running a
Baseline Drift Report. Although only unapproved files are included by default, you can
run baseline drift reports that include locally Approved and/or Banned files. When both of
those options are used, the drift report shows every new file of interest, which can be very
useful if you want to see whether your systems have “drifted” from a golden image or
known baseline. You might discover that some files you have approved should not have
been, or that there is a large proliferation of banned files, which, although they cannot
execute, indicate a problem.
Another situation in which including locally banned and approved files as well as missing
baseline files might be useful is in an environment where systems must be absolutely
standard, for example, point-of-sale systems. You can use drift reports to determine
whether all your systems exactly match your golden disk image.

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Using Parity

Advanced Options: File Comparison Method

Baseline drift reports use both file content (its hash) and file location (its full pathname) to
identify added, missing, and changed files. The Advanced Options in Baseline Drift
Report Details allow you to change how they use these factors:
• File content – By default, baseline drift reports use the File content method for
comparisons. When this option is in effect, if a file in the baseline has the same hash
as a file in the target, no drift is reported, regardless of the pathname (location) of the
two files. A file in the same location (i.e., same path and filename on baseline and
target) but with different hashes is considered modified on the target and so counts as
drift. Baseline hashes not found anywhere on the target are reported as missing files,
and target hashes not found on the baseline are considered added files.
• File location – If you choose File location, no drift is reported for the same hash
found with the same path and filename on both baseline and target. Different hashes
found at the same location (path and filename) are considered modified files and add
to the drift number. And if the same hash is found in different locations, it is not
considered a match. In that case, Baseline Drift Reports may report a new file (if the
baseline had no file at the location where the file exists on the target), missing (if the
target has no file where the baseline had one), or modified (if there is a file with the
same name but a different hash on the baseline and target).
In some cases, the different comparison methods will have no effect on total drift. This is
especially likely if you activate tracking of missing files as part of the drift report. If you
maintain the default setting, however, and do not track missing files, the different
comparison methods can produce different drift results, as the example in Table 74 shows.

Table 74: Example: How different comparison methods affect drift

Files in Baseline Files in Target Drift by content Drift by Location
C:\folder1\file1 C:\folder1\file1 None None
(hash A) (hash A)
C:\folder1\file2 C:\folder1\file2 1 new (hash F) 1 changed (file2)
(hash B) (hash F)
C:\folder2\file3 C:\folder2\file3 1 changed (file3) 1 missing (hash C)
(hash C) (hash B)
C:\folder2\file4 1 missing 1 missing
(hash D)
C:\folder2\file5 1 new 1 new
(hash G)
Total Drift Including Missing Files 4 4
Total Drift Not Including  3 2
Missing Files (default)

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Advanced Options: Report Detail Level

The Advanced Options provide a choice of size for the baseline drift report. The default
choice is Full details, which generates a drift report that includes details on top-level files
and all individual files associated with them. The other choice is Summary only, which
generates reports that include details at the top level (file group) and shows details on
individual files only when requested (i.e., when a user clicks on the file group to get more
details. The table shows some of the considerations in choosing one or the other of these

Table 75: Report Size Options

Differences Summary Only Report Full Details Report
Level of Detail Initially reports results by file groups. Contains individual files
Individual-file-level report is
generated on demand when you
click on a file group.
Database size Small size in database Large size (approx. 10x
larger than Summary)
Creation Speed Faster to generate Slower to generate
Report Access Slower to view Faster to view
Compatibility with Not suitable for graphing (portlets) Suitable for graphing and
Dashboard and extensive analysis because it analysis by grouping, filtering,
lacks file-level details such as etc.
threat, trust, and publisher/company

Using Filters in Target and Baseline Definitions

There are two types of filters on the Type menu for Target and Baseline definitions:
Computer Filters and Advanced Filters. Advanced Filters includes all the filters types in
Computer Filters. Once you choose the type, you can add as many different filters from its
menu as you like. You also can add multiple filters of the same type.

Computer Filters are useful if you know that the only criteria you plan to use for
specifying a baseline or target are computer-related. You have the following Computer
Filter options:
• Computer
• Computer Tag
• IP Address
• Platform
• Policy

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Using Parity

Although two of these duplicate choices on the Type menu, by using the Computer Filters
type, you allow yourself to set multiple filters for computers. For example, you can
specify that you want your baseline to include all computers in Low enforcement policies
that have a Computer Tag of “Sales” or “Marketing”.
Advanced Filters are useful when you need to include criteria not available on the
Computer Filters menu in your specification of a baseline or a target. You can still include
computer filters, but Advanced Filters also allow you to use a large set of file criteria,
including hash values, file prevalence, and threat level.
While most of the filter choices are self-explanatory, the File Type choice might not be.
With the File Type filter, you can specify that your target or baseline includes or excludes
the following choices:
• Application: Any executable (e.g. .exe or .com) except for Packages
• Supporting File: Any library loaded by an executable (e.g., .dll, .ocx, .sys)
• Package: Any installer (.exe with contents, such as a self-extracting zip or setup
• Script File: Any script or batch file (e.g., .bat, .vbs, .wsf)
• Other: Reserved for future types
• Unrecognized Executed File: A file that was not identified as an executable by
Parity during initialization or later analysis, but that some process attempted to
execute. The execution attempt adds the file to Parity’s file lists for tracking and
• Unknown: Files reported by older Parity Agents that don’t provide file type

Drift in Multi-Platform Environments

Parity supports installation of agents on Windows and Mac computers. Because of the
different platform software and applications found on different operating systems, it does
not make sense to mix these different computers in a drift measurement. The “noise” level
will make extraction of useful data difficult. Targeting all computers or all computers in a
policy (unless the policy is platform-specific) in a drift report is not recommended.
If you have a multi-platform environment, possible ways to define a report that produces
useful results are:
• Choose None as the Baseline Type. This will produce a report that monitors all
changes on a target set of machines since the agent was installed, without tracking of
missing files. By default, it lists all unapproved files on your target systems, along
with additional Drift and Risk information.
• Choose Same as Target as the Baseline Type. This will produce a report that shows
only the drift of each computer compared to itself.
• For other baseline types, you can create one drift report for each platform by choosing
an Advanced Filter or Computer Filter on the Target menu and specifying the platform
in that filter.
See “Creating a Baseline Drift Report” on page 437 for more information about specifying
the parameters in a drift report.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Managing Snapshots
A snapshot is a listing of files (including their name, hash, and location) from one or more
computers. You can use a single snapshot or a combination of snapshots as the baseline for
a drift report. You can use filters to generate exactly the file list you want and then take a
snapshot of that list of files. There are several locations in Parity in which you can create
snapshots. Once a snapshot is created, you can add or remove files from it as necessary.
Only Power Users, Administrators, and users in custom groups with view and manage
snapshot permissions can create, modify and delete snapshots.
Platform Note: Mixing files from different operating system platforms (e.g, Windows
and Mac) in a single snapshot is not recommended.

Creating and Modifying Snapshots

There are two main ways to create a new snapshot:
• using all files on a particular computer
• using a file table, filtered or not, on a Parity page that includes the Snapshot button
To create a snapshot (or add to one) from all files on a computer:
1. On the console menu, choose Assets > Computers.
2. In the Computers table, click on the name of the computer whose files you want to use
as a snapshot. The Computer Details page appears for that computer.
3. In the Actions menu on the right of the details page, click Add Files to Snapshot. The
Add Files to Snapshot dialog appears:

4. To create a new snapshot, in the dialog, type in the name for the snapshot in the
Create new snapshot box and click Create.
- or - 
To add all of the files on the computer to an existing snapshot, choose an existing
snapshot from the Choose existing snapshot menu and click Add.

A message appears confirming the creation or modification of the snapshot.
5. If you want to view the contents of your snapshot, choose Reports > Baseline Drift
on the console menu and then click on the Snapshot tab. 
Your new or modified snapshot is displayed in the snapshots table.

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Using Parity

A snapshot of the files on a computer is static – it is the list of files
that were on the computer when the snapshot was taken. You also
can use a computer itself as a baseline for comparison, in which
case the files on the computer when you run the report are the baseline.

To create a snapshot (or add to one) from a file table:

1. Go to the Parity page from which you want to create the Snapshot.
For example, choose Assets > Files on the console menu to go to the Files page, and
then click on File Catalog.
2. Choose the tabs, filters, columns, and/or Saved View you want to get the list of files
you want in the snapshot.
3. Click the Show/Hide Snapshots link to show the Snapshot panel

4. If you want to individually select the files being added to the snapshot, check the box
to the left of the file for each file you want to add, and click the Checked files radio
button in the Files to add line of the Add Files to Snapshot panel. Otherwise, all files
on the page are added to the snapshot.
5. To create a new snapshot, in the Snapshot box, type in the name for the snapshot and
click Create. A new snapshot is created from the current table of files – it includes the
files on all pages in the table, not just the currently displayed page.
- or -
To add all of the files in the current table to an existing snapshot, choose an existing
snapshot from the Choose existing snapshot menu and click Add.
6. If you choose Checked files, you must check and add files for each page in the table –
only the files checked on the currently visible page are added.
7. If you want to confirm that a new snapshot was created, choose Reports > Baseline
Drift on the console menu and then click on the Snapshot tab. 
Your new snapshot should be displayed in the snapshots table.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

Viewing and Editing Snapshots

Once created, a snapshot may be viewed on the Snapshot tab of the Baseline Drift page.
To view a snapshot:
1. On the console menu, choose Report > Baseline Drift.
2. On the Baseline Drift page, click the Snapshots tab.

3. Click either the name of the snapshot you want to view or the View Details button
in its row. The Snapshot Contents page appears, listing all of the files in the snapshot.

From the Snapshot Contents page, you can use any of the standard table tools (filters,
column controls, etc.) to change your view of the files in the snapshot.

Managing Files in Snapshots

You can check one or more files in the snapshot and take the following actions:
• Remove the checked file(s) from the snapshot – Files you have checked when you
choose Remove from Snapshot on the Action menu will be removed from the
snapshot, but not from any computers on your network.
• Approve or Ban the file(s) – The Action menu provides commands for creating
global or custom approvals or bans for checked files in the snapshot. Note, however,
that there might be more efficient and flexible approval methods for handling a

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Using Parity

particular file – for example, approving it by approving its publisher, or by approving

the installer that generated the file.
• Analyze with Parity Knowledge Service – Files you have checked when you choose
Analyze on the Action menu will have information about them supplied by Parity
Knowledge Service.

Deleting Snapshots
On the Snapshot tab of the Baseline Drift Reports page, you can delete snapshots you no
longer need. Before doing so, consider whether the snapshot is really no longer useful, or
whether you can make it useful by adding files to or deleting them from it. You cannot
recover a deleted snapshot.
To delete a snapshot:
1. On the console menu, choose Reports > Baseline Drift.
2. On the Baseline Drift page, click the Snapshots tab.
Note that the Snapshots tab does not appear until you have saved at least one snapshot.
3. Click the Delete button in the row of the snapshot you want to delete, and in the
confirmation box, click OK.

Displaying Baseline Drift Reports in Graphs

The tables on the Baseline Drift pages provide the greatest detail and flexibility in viewing
drift results, but you might want a graphic representation of drift to use as a quick
reference indicator of changes in files on your network. You can use the Parity Dashboard
to display graphs of Baseline Drift Reports as graphic portlets.
Parity includes pre-configured portlets, the individual graphs that make up a Dashboard,
that provide baseline drift information. You can choose any portlet with “Drift” in its title
to see an example of graphic presentation of drift information.
If you plan to create your own drift portlets, consider the following tips for making the
information you display usable:
• The horizontal size of portlets varies with the layout of the dashboard they paper on.
You may need to move the portlet on the dashboard or change the dashboard layout to
accommodate the data in a baseline drift portlet. You also can choose the data and the
graph type so that the portlet is appropriate for the presentation format.
• Consider how many items will appear on the X axis. The Portlet Editor does allow you
to limit the items displayed on the X-axis to the 5, 10, or 15 with the highest or lowest
values, but this means you are not seeing all of the data from the report. So if, for
example, you have 1000 computers, you might choose to show drift by policy instead
of by computer – you can always drill down to the more detailed information in Parity
tables. (If you use the “Split by” feature in a portlet, you should similarly limit the
number of items that will split the bar, column or other element in your portlet.)
• Use the Preview feature in the Portlet Editor to see how your data will appear. You can
try out as many display options as you would like before you Save the portlet.
• If a Drift Report has a Report Size of Summary Only (an option in the report
Advanced Options), it will not have enough data for use in the Dashboard. Only
reports that have a Report Size of Full Details can be displayed graphically.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

The example below shows the same information presented in a Baseline Drift Report
Results table, and then again in a graphic portlet. On a demonstration system with 5 or
fewer Parity Agent computers, you will be able to easily view drift by computer in a
graph. This is less likely to be useful in a production environment.
In tabular form, the drift report might look something like the following figure.

The same information in the Parity Dashboard would appear as shown in the next figure.
Clicking View Details brings you back to the full report table.

For more information about the Parity Dashboard, see “Using and Customizing
Dashboards” on page 451.

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Using Parity

Creating Baseline Drift Alerts

You can create an Alert to notify you and any other Parity users that baseline drift has
crossed a threshold that you have set. When you enable a baseline drift alert, the triggering
conditions are evaluated each time the report generation is complete.
To create a baseline drift alert:
1. On the console menu, choose Tools > Alerts. The Alerts page, which lists all
configured alerts, appears:
2. From the Alerts page, click the Add Alert button. The Alert Information page

3. In the General panel of the Alert Information window, enter an Alert name and a
Message (what will be sent to subscribers when the alert is triggered).
4. In the Type panel, choose Baseline Drift Alert from the Type menu.
5. In the Criteria panel, choose the drift report whose data the alert should monitor.
Note: If no drift reports have been created yet, the Drift Report line will display a
message to that effect instead of the menu.
6. In the Alert when line, choose threshold parameters at which you want an alert to be
7. Click Save to create the alert.
8. On the Alerts page, click the View Details (pencil and file) button next to the name of
your new alert.

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Chapter 17: Monitoring Change: Baseline Drift Reports

9. On the Alert Information page, in the Subscribers section, enter each email address to
which you want alert email sent and click Add after each one.
10. If you want to specify the email format, choose one from the menu to the right of the
address box.
11. If you want to resend alert emails periodically as long as the alert is not reset, set
Reminder Mail to Enabled and choose a time interval.
12. .Click Save.
Each time baseline drift conditions exist that meet the triggering conditions, Parity
highlights that alert in color and adds a Reset button, both on the Home page and the
Alerts page. It also sends an alert email to all subscribers to this alert. You can reset the
alert manually by clicking the Reset button next to its name on the Alerts page. Baseline
Drift alerts automatically reset when the drift in the specified drift report falls below the
specified threshold for the specified parameter (user, computer, or policy).
See “Using Parity Alerts” on page 403 for more on alert behavior.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

Chapter 18

Using and Customizing Dashboards

Parity Dashboards are configurable pages containing compact windows called “portlets,”
each of which provides access to Parity information or controls.

Topic Page
Dashboards Overview 452
Using Portlets 454
Changing Dashboard Appearance 459
Creating, Editing and Managing Dashboards 462
Managing the Default Home Page 467
Creating and Customizing Portlets 469

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Using Parity

Dashboards Overview
If you have not changed the default start page, the Home Page dashboard is the first page
shown when you log in to the Parity Console (if not, click Home in the console menu).

A Dashboard consists of a series of portlets, each of which provides summary information

or controls that can help you manage the security of your computers and the files on them.
Some portlets display a specific type of information from your Parity database, such as
events or baseline drift. Others might display news feeds or other information from an
outside URL.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

This chapter uses the Home Page as an example for explaining dashboard
features. For a complete list and description of the Home Page portlets,
see Table 2, “Home Page Quick Access Portlets” on page 43.

• The initial section of this chapter describes basic elements of a dashboard and how to
use them. If you intend only to use Parity-provided dashboards as they were delivered,
this is the only section you need to read.
• The second major section of the chapter describes customizing the appearance of a
dashboard. If you plan to use only existing dashboards but would like to change some
aspects of the way they are displayed, this section will help you accomplish that.
• The third major section of the chapter describes how to create and customize
dashboards and the information and controls on them. This includes choosing to share
a dashboard with other users.
• The final section of the chapter describes how to create and edit the portlets that make
up a dashboard.
What you can do with dashboards depends on the privilege level of your Parity login
account – the descriptions below assume default permissions for each group:
• Administrators and PowerUsers can view, use the features of, create, change, and
delete their own dashboards and dashboards shared by other users. They can share
dashboards they create, and they can choose a different default Home Page for new
users of your Parity Console.
• Administrators and PowerUsers can view, use the features of, create, change, and
delete portlets.
• ReadOnly users can access and use the features of their own dashboards, Parity-
installed dashboards such as the Home Page and System dashboard, and any
dashboards other users have created and shared. They can create, change, or delete
their own dashboards. They cannot modify or delete other dashboards, share
dashboards they create, or choose a different default Home Page for new Parity
Console users.
• ReadOnly users can view and use the features of portlets except for those that access
features they do not have permission to use, such as Emergency Lockdown and
Changing Policy for a Computer. They cannot create, modify, or delete portlets.
• You can enable or disable permissions for dashboard access by using the Manage
Shared Dashboards checkbox on the Group Details page (see “Managing Console
Account Groups” on page 78).

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Using Parity

Dashboard Elements
Although the portlets displayed by a dashboard vary, the basic structure of all dashboard
pages is standard. The two main areas are the Dashboard toolbar, which shows the name
of the current Dashboard and provides buttons and menus to manage it, and the portlets.

The dashboard toolbar includes:

• Current dashboard name – This appears at the top left of the toolbar.
• Dashboards menu – Clicking on the down-arrow next to the dashboard name opens
the dashboards menu, which allows you to choose a different dashboard to display.
• Dashboard Help button – The question mark button in the upper right area of the
dashboard page opens general help about dashboards. For each individual portlet, an
information button in the upper right corner provides a description of that portlet.
• Dashboard action buttons – The Reload button reloads the current dashboard.
The remainder of the buttons are used for more advanced activities described in the
section “Creating, Editing and Managing Dashboards” on page 462.
• Dashboard appearance option menus – These options, on the right half of the toolbar,
are described in detail in “Changing Dashboard Appearance” on page 459.

Using Portlets
The portlets on a dashboard may display file, computer, or event information. They might
show the number and types of computers managed by Parity, the number and type of
security policies enforced, or the categories of software on your computers. The dashboard
might also include portlets that allow you to make inquiries, such as finding an event or
file, or portlets that take actions in Parity, such as locking down all computers.
Each portlet has a toolbar with its name in the top left and a series of buttons in the top
right. The main content of the portlet is below the toolbar. Data is displayed in this content
area in the form of tables, charts, graphs, RSS crawls, or HTML pages. For portlets that
take action or allow queries, there are fields to fill in or buttons to click to execute an
action. You might also add portlets with other means of conveying data.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

In many portlets, moving the mouse cursor over an element of a chart, for example, a bar
in a bar chart, provides a description of that element, such as how many computers are
represented by a particular bar in the chart.

Getting More Detailed Data

In addition to displaying key information at their top level, many portlets provide a way to
“drill down” for more detail. You get more detail by clicking on graphics or data in a
portlet (where the mouse cursor changes into a hand shape) and/or clicking on the View
Details button, if it is available in the portlet. The first level of detail below the dashboard
might be a Parity Server page with the additional information about what the portlet
shows. Depending upon the portlet, information on the details page might be grouped by
the data type shown in the portlet (e.g, computers grouped by Enforcement Level).

To return to a dashboard from a “drilldown” to details, choose the name of the dashboard
you were on from the console Home menu. Note that using the back button to return to a
dashboard could produce unpredictable results.

Portlet Toolbar Buttons

The portlet toolbar offers a variety of options, some of which change the display of a
portlet. Table 76 shows the buttons in the toolbar and the actions they take.

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Using Parity

Table 76: Portlet Toolbar buttons

Button Description
Collapse Collapse the view of the portlet so that only its toolbar is displayed.

Expand Restore a collapsed portlet to its normal display.

Reload Reload the portlet with the most current data available.

Explode Explode the view of the portlet so that it covers the entire
dashboard. Clicking the X in the upper right corner of an exploded
portlet restores it to its normal size.

Edit Open the Portlet Details page for this portlet, which provides
access to editable parameters. What can be edited varies by
portlet type and source. For some portlets built-in portlets, the only
editable parameters are the name and the description that appears
when a user clicks the information button.
See “Editing Portlet Details” on page 470.

Information Open the information window for this portlet, which provides a brief
description of the purpose of the portlet and how to use it. This
information may be edited.

Collapsing, Expanding, and Exploding Portlets

Parity provides two features for changing the way portlet windows are displayed on a
dashboard. One allows you to “collapse” a portlet to display its name and toolbar only, and
then to “expand” the portlet back to its normal state. The Collapse or Expand button
(depending upon the current portlet state) is in the toolbar on the right side of each portlet.

Exploding a portlet is a temporary viewing option that allows you to take over the entire
dashboard display area with one portlet. When you are finished with the exploded view,
click the X button in the top right area of the portlet to return to normal viewing.
The size of an “exploded” portlet depends upon the size of the Parity Console browser
window at the time the explode button was clicked.

Entering Information into Portlets

Parity is shipped with System portlets, not all of which are on the original Home Page.
Some System portlets provide fields for entry of data, such as a computer name, a file
name, or a user name, in order to conduct a search for information or to take an action on
the item identified in the data. These portlets have several useful features.
Where you type in the name of something stored in the Parity database, a portlet provides
an “auto-complete” feature – as you type, a list of possible matches to what has been typed

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

so far is displayed in a menu. If the item you are looking for appears in the menu, you can
simply point and click it to finish entering the name. As the example below shows, auto-
complete matches what you have typed with any object in the category you chose (User in
the example) that contains the string, not just those that begin with it. Note, however, that
you can choose an Exact match option for Filename rather than the default behavior of
finding every file containing the entered string.

When you enter data into a portlet, the data you enter generally stays in the fields (i.e.,
becomes the default) unless you change it. This can be helpful if you want to do multiple
searches (or other actions) with most but not all of the same information you first entered.
To start over with no data on the portlet, click the Clear button.

Other Portlet Controls

Portlets can have special controls that provide more information or take an action. For
example, the Emergency Lockdown portlet has large buttons for Lockdown and Restore.
The Alerts portlet has highlighted text links for resetting some or all links. Where there are
special controls, text in the portlet itself should make their purpose clear.

Viewing Other Dashboards

The Home Page is always available on the Parity Console menu. In new installations of
Parity 6.0 or later, there also is a System dashboard with portlets showing a variety of
reports on your system, including the number of computers at each Enforcement Level,
new software seen on your system, and baseline drift reports. Upgrades to Parity 7.0.1
from a previous release may include other dashboards available created in the previous
The illustration below shows the type of portlets on the System dashboard (your System
dashboard might have more, fewer, or different portlets).

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Using Parity

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

There are several ways to choose and open a different dashboard.

To open a dashboard:
• If you are on a dashboard, choose a different one from the menu in the top left of the

• Or, from any Parity page, move the cursor over Home in the console menu to view
other dashboard choices. Note that not all dashboards are necessarily added to the

• Or, choose Reports > Dashboards on the console menu and on the Dashboard List,
either click on the View Dashboard button next to a dashboard name or click on the
name itself.

Changing Dashboard Appearance

The following options can be used to change the appearance of a dashboard:
• changing the layout of portlets on the dashboard
• changing the dashboard width
• changing the dashboard background color
• collapsing and expanding portlet windows
• moving portlets on the dashboard

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Using Parity

Three of these options are on the menus on the right half of the toolbar:

Note that this section describes what can be done to change the appearance and layout of
an existing dashboard with existing portlets. Adding and removing portlets is described in
the section “Editing a Dashboard” on page 466.
These appearance options affect only the current dashboard, and are specific to the
currently logged in user.

Changing Dashboard Layout

The Dashboard Layout menu shows the current dashboard layout and allows you to select
a different layout from a set of 13 templates. The templates create zones in which portlets
are placed, and in some layouts, these zones have different widths. Once you choose a
layout, you can move portlets from zone to zone so they have width appropriate for their

Layouts are labeled with the number of zones and the “style” number if there is more than
one style with that number of zones. The default layout is two equal columns, which is the
only “2 Zones” layout. The number of zones is not the number of portlets – each zone can
and usually will have multiple portlets in it.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

Portlet Distribution in Layouts

When you switch between layouts or add portlets, Parity assigns portlets to zones based on
the following rules:
• If you switch to a layout with the same or more zones as your current one, portlets will
remain in their assigned zone. For example, if you switch from “2 Zones” to “3 Zones,
Style 1,” all of the portlets in zone 1 will remain in zone 1 and all of the portlets in
zone 2 will remain in zone 2 until you move them. There is no attempt to map portlets
that are in wide zones in one layout to wide zones in a different layout.
• If you switch to a layout that has fewer zones than the current one, portlets will be
remapped to new zones. Portlets from even-numbered zones in the former layout will
go to even zones in the new, and odd to odd, except when going to the one-zone
layout, where all portlets go to the single zone.
• When you add portlets to a dashboard, they are distributed sequentially to each zone,
starting with zone one. So if you add three portlets during one editing session, one
each goes to zones 1, 2, and 3.
• Parity “remembers” the distribution of portlets in layouts you have used. If you
change layout and then return to one you used previously, the portlets should appear in
the same locations they did before, assuming you have not added or removed portlets.
In many cases, you will want to rearrange portlets after a layout change.

Changing Dashboard Width

The Dashboard Width menu shows the current dashboard width in pixels and allows you
to select a width between 600 and 1700 pixels. When you change dashboard width, the
width of portlets is resized proportional to their zone within the current layout. Choose a
width appropriate to your screen size and resolution, and to the amount of the screen you
want to allocate to Parity Console. The default dashboard width is 800 pixels.

Changing Dashboard Background Color

On the Dashboard Color menu, you can change the background color of a dashboard.
Clicking on the menu brings up a palette, and clicking a color on the palette makes the
color change. The background color change does not affect portlet color. The default
background color is light gray.

Moving Portlets
You move a portlet by clicking in its toolbar and moving the mouse while holding the left
mouse button down. When you move a portlet, the portlet you are moving becomes
transparent, and only the borders of the other portlets are shown. As you move the portlet,
the location in which it would be dropped if you released the mouse button is shown as a
dotted-line box, a landing area. If you move from one layout zone into another, the landing

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area box shows you any change in portlet width due to the move. When you drop the
portlet into its new location, all of the portlets return to normal display.

Creating, Editing and Managing Dashboards

This section describes the creation and editing of dashboards as well as other dashboard
management tasks. Dashboards are defined by the following basic parameters:
• name
• portlets you want on the dashboard
• whether this dashboard will be shared with other users
• whether this dashboard will be listed on the Parity Console menu
You can create a new dashboard from scratch or copy an existing dashboard to a new
name, modifying it once copied. Whether you are creating, copying, or editing a
dashboard, you enter or edit the basic configuration information on the Edit Dashboard
page. The main difference among these cases is what information, if any, is filled in for
you on the Edit Dashboard page when you start.
In addition to creating and editing dashboards, you might want to:
• set or reload the default dashboard, which is described in “Managing the Default
Home Page” on page 467
• delete dashboards, described in “Deleting a Dashboard” on page 467

This section describes how you define and manage a dashboard and its
content. Ways to customize the appearance of a dashboard are described
in the section “Changing Dashboard Appearance” on page 459.

You can access most of the dashboard management tasks described here from either the
Dashboards list page or from the toolbar on an individual dashboard. See “Managing
Dashboards from the Dashboards Page” on page 468 for a summary of Dashboards list
page features. Table 77 shows the actions taken by the buttons on the dashboard toolbar.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

Table 77: Dashboard Toolbar buttons

Button Description
Reload Reloads the dashboard and its portlets with the most current
data available.

New Dashboard Opens the Edit Dashboard page, where you can enter a
name for a new dashboard and choose whether to make it
available to other users and whether to show it on the console
menu (under Home). You also choose portlets for the
dashboard from this page, and can create new portlets using
the New Portlet button.

Copy Dashboard Opens the Edit Dashboard page for the current dashboard,
with all of the current portlets checked for inclusion and a new
dashboard name in the form “Copy of <the dashboard you
were on>”. You can modify the name as you choose. Saving a
copy of a dashboard can be useful if you want to have your
own version of a shared dashboard, or if an existing
dashboard has some of the portlets you would like to use but
you want to add or remove portlets to make it exactly what
you need. This also gives you options to add the dashboard
to the console menu and share it with all users.

Edit Dashboard Opens the Edit Dashboard page so you can modify the
current dashboard, including creating new portlets or
changing the portlets displayed.

Delete Dashboard Deletes the current dashboard (after you choose OK in a

confirmation box). See “Deleting a Dashboard” on page 467.
Not available on the Home Page.

Reset to Default Resets a system-provided dashboard (currently, the Home

Page and System dashboard) to its currently saved default
settings (see Set as Default below). Not available for user-
created dashboards.

Set as Default Sets the current dashboard as the default Home Page for
users whose accounts are created after this setting is saved.
See “Managing the Default Home Page” on page 467.

Shared Dashboards
You can create dashboards strictly for your own use only, or you can share any dashboard
you create by checking the Share with all users box on the Edit Dashboard page.
When dashboards are shared, console users in Administrator or PowerUser groups, or in
custom groups with Manage Shared Dashboards permission, can modify the dashboard,
and they also can delete it.
Keep in mind that other users might come to rely on a dashboard you share. If you turn off
sharing for a dashboard or delete the dashboard, other users will lose access to it, either
immediately, or, if they are on the dashboard , as soon as they navigate away from it.

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Using Parity

Creating a New Dashboard

To create a new dashboard:
1. Open the Edit Dashboard page for a new dashboard using one of the following:
- Choose Reports > Dashboards on the console menu, and on the Dashboards
page, click the Add Dashboard button.
- or -
- On any dashboard, click the Create New Dashboard button .

2. In the Name box, enter the name you want for the new dashboard. This is the name
that will appear in the upper left when you display this dashboard, and is also the name
that will appear on the list of dashboards on the Dashboards page.
3. If you would like to add this dashboard to the Home section of the console menu:
a. In the Options line, check the Show in main menu box. Note that even if you do
not check this box, the dashboard will be available through the Dashboards page
and on the Dashboards menu of any other dashboard.
b. If you want a different (usually shorter) name to appear on the menu than the one
you chose for the dashboard, enter it in the Menu name field, which appears when
you check the Show box.
4. If you want other users to be able to use this dashboard, check Share with all users.
5. Check the box to the left of each portlet you want to add to this dashboard. Use the
page buttons at the bottom of the portlet list or the filters at the top of the list to view
all of the available portlets of interest.
Note: To see what the portlet looks like before adding it to the dashboard, click
Preview to the right of the portlet name.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

6. If you need a portlet not available on the list, see “Creating and Customizing Portlets”
on page 469. Once the new portlet is created, check the box next to its name to add it
to this dashboard.
7. Click Save. The new dashboard is saved and added to the list on the Dashboards page.
If you checked the appropriate box, its name appears on the Home menu on the
console menu.

Copying a Dashboard
Copying a dashboard can be useful under a number of circumstances, including:
• if you want your own copy of a shared dashboard created by someone else
• if you find a dashboard that is close to what you want but would like to add or remove
portlets or otherwise edit it for your needs
To save an existing dashboard under another name:
1. Open the Edit Dashboard page for a copied dashboard using one of the following:
- Choose Reports > Dashboards on the console menu, and on the Dashboards
page, click the button next to the dashboard you want to copy.
- or -
- On the dashboard you want to copy, click the Copy Dashboard button .
2. The Edit Dashboard page opens with all of the same parameters as the dashboard you
copied, except for the name, which appears in the form “Copy of <name-of-
dashboard-you-copied>”. Replace the default “Copy of” name with the name you
want to use for the dashboard.
3. Modify any of the other dashboard parameters you would like to change. See
“Creating a New Dashboard” on page 464 for details.
4. Delete any portlets you do not want to appear on this dashboard by un-checking the
box to the left of their names.

Do not click the Delete link to the right of the portlet name – this deletes it
from Parity entirely, not just from the current dashboard.

5. Add any portlets you would like to appear on this dashboard by checking the box to
the left of their names.
6. If you need a new type of portlet, see “Creating and Customizing Portlets” on page
469. Once the new portlet is created, check the box next to its name to add it to this
7. Click Save.
The copied dashboard appears on the Dashboards page under its new name with
whatever modifications you made.

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Using Parity

Editing a Dashboard
You can edit a dashboard to add or remove portlets from it, change its name, or change its
sharing and menu options.

To edit a dashboard:
1. Display the dashboard you want to edit.
2. Click the Edit this dashboard button (pencil) in the dashboard toolbar. The Edit
Dashboard page appears.
3. Modify any of the dashboard parameters you would like to change, including:
a. Portlet name
b. Show in main menu choice
c. Menu name (if the Show in main menu box is checked)
d. Share with all users choice
4. On the Edit Dashboard page, the portlet list includes all portlets, including those
already on the current dashboard. There are several options for filtering the list:
a. If you want to see a list of only those portlets not currently on this dashboard, on
the Show menu choose Portlets not on the dashboard.

b. To see only certain types of portlets in the list, choose the type on the Filter by
type menu; for example, you might choose to show only Computer portlets. See
“Portlet Types and Subtypes” on page 469 for a description of portlet types.
You can combine choices on the Show menu with choices on the Filter menu.
Also, these menu choices affect what appears on the Edit Dashboard page, not
what appears on the dashboard.
c. Whether the list is complete or filtered, if it includes multiple pages, you can click
the page numbers or arrows at the bottom of the list to navigate from page to page.
The legend in the bottom right corner of the list tells you how many items and
how many pages are in the current list.
5. You can use the Preview button next to any portlet in the list to see what it will look
like on the dashboard.
6. Check the box to the left of the name of each portlet you want to add to the dashboard.
See “Creating and Customizing Portlets” on page 469 if you need to create a portlet
not currently found in the list.
7. Un-check the box next to the name of each portlet you want removed from the
Note: Do not click the Delete link to the right of the portlet name – this deletes it from
Parity entirely, not only from the current dashboard.
8. When you have checked all the portlets you would like to add, click the Save button.
The dashboard is redisplayed with the new portlets added.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

9. If you need to change the overall dashboard layout to accommodate the new portlets,
use the Dashboard Layout menu to make this change. See “Changing Dashboard
Layout” on page 460 for more details.
10. If necessary, move portlets on the dashboard to accommodate the new portlets. If you
do not know how to move portlets, see “Moving Portlets” on page 461.

Managing the Default Home Page

There are two Home Page management buttons on the dashboard:

• Using the Reset to Default button , any user can choose to reset their current,
possibly modified, Home Page, to the default Home Page.
• Using the Set as Default button , any user with Administrator or PowerUser
privileges (or custom Manage Shared Dashboards permission) can save the current
dashboard as the default Home Page for new users.
If you set a different default Home Page, that page becomes the Home Page for anyone
using the Reset to Default button. It also is the default Home Page for any new console
users who log in for the first time after the change to the default. Users who have already
logged in before the default Home Page is changed retain their existing Home Page unless
they click the Reset to Default button and have permission to make the change.

To be certain you can go back to the original Home Page shipped with
Parity, before you (or anyone else) make any modifications, you can use
the Copy Dashboard command to copy the Home Page, and rename the
copy so that you will have a backup. If needed, you can use Set as Default
to restore the Home Page from the backup.

Deleting a Dashboard
You can delete any dashboard you created and (unless you are logged in as a ReadOnly
user) any shared dashboard made available to you. The only dashboard that cannot be
deleted by anyone is the Home Page.
When you choose to delete a shared dashboard, a dialog box warns that the dashboard is
shared and allows you to confirm or cancel the deletion. Be careful when deleting a shared
dashboard since it is possible that other Parity Console users want to continue using it. If
another user is using a dashboard when you delete it, the dashboard remains displayed
until they navigate away from it, at which point it becomes unavailable
To delete a dashboard:
1. Start the deletion process in one of the following ways:
- On the console menu, choose Reports > Dashboards and on the Dashboards
page, click the Delete (x) button next to the name of the dashboard to delete.
- or -
- On the dashboard you want to delete, click the Delete Dashboard button.
2. In the confirmation dialog that appears, if you are certain you want to delete this
dashboard, click Yes. The dashboard is deleted and if you were on the dashboard when
you deleted it, it is replaced by the Home Page.

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Using Parity

Managing Dashboards from the Dashboards Page

The Dashboards page includes a complete list of available dashboards and controls to
manage them. Many of the procedures described in other sections of this chapter reference
the Dashboards page for alternative ways to accomplish a task.

Table 78 shows the dashboard-specific actions available on this page – see also Table 77
for similar commands available when you are already on a dashboard:

Table 78: Dashboard List buttons and links

Button/Link Description
Add Dashboard Opens the Edit Dashboard page, where you can enter data for
creating and configuring a new dashboard. See “Creating a
New Dashboard” on page 464 for more details.

View Dashboard Clicking this button displays the dashboard in this row. See
“Dashboards Overview” on page 452 for an overview.

Copy Dashboard Copies the portlets and other settings for the current dashboard
to a new dashboard named “Copy of <current-dashboard>”,
and opens the Edit Dashboard page. You can modify the name
as you choose. Saving a copy of a dashboard can be useful if
you want to have your own version of a shared dashboard, or if
an existing dashboard looks like a good template. See
“Copying a Dashboard” on page 465 for more details.

Edit Dashboard Opens the Edit Dashboard page for the dashboard in this row
so you can modify the dashboard, including creating new
portlets or changing the portlets displayed. “Editing a
Dashboard” on page 466 for more details

Delete Dashboard Deletes the dashboard in this row (after you choose OK in a
confirmation box). See “Deleting a Dashboard” on page 467 for
more information. Not available on the Home Page.

Dashboard Name link Clicking a dashboard name in the list displays the dashboard.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

Creating and Customizing Portlets

In addition to its dashboard management features, the Edit Dashboard page provides
access to portlet management features with which you can:
• edit an existing portlet
• create a new portlet
• copy an existing portlet and modify it
• delete a portlet
Any user with Administrator or PowerUser privileges, or in a custom group with
dashboard management permission, can use these features. All changes to portlets,
including creation and deletion, affect all Parity Console users – there are no “private”

Portlet Types and Subtypes

Portlets are organized by types and subtypes. Depending upon the type and subtype, the
portlet has different capabilities, and there are different input parameters available when
you create or edit it. The types are:
• Events: These portlets display event information from the Parity Server database,
such as the number of blocked file executions over a period of time or alerts that have
been triggered.
• Baseline Drift: These portlets display the results of baseline drift analysis in Parity,
such as daily drift of software from a baseline or a list of the computers with the
greatest deviation from the baseline.
• Computers: These portlets display information available in Parity about the
computers on your system, such as the number of computers running each operating
system or the number of computers at each Enforcement Level.
• Files: These portlets show information about the files on Parity-managed computers,
such as the number of newly seen files over time or the category (browsers, utilities,
messaging, etc.) of the files on the system.
• Other: These portlets may display an RSS feed or information from another URL, or
they may display HTML pages you provide. This category also includes one-of-a-kind
system-created "action" portlets such as the emergency lockdown button, or
combinations of different types of information from the Parity database.

System Portlets
Parity is installed with a large number of pre-configured portlets. Some of these are visible
on the Home Page and might also be on other dashboards at your site. They can be
identified by the name “System” in the “Created By” column on the Edit Dashboard page.
Some System portlets, such as the Emergency Lockdown portlet or the Change Policy
portlet, are designed to be one-of-a-kind, and cannot be copied or deleted (the Copy and
Edit links will be grayed out in their rows). The only changes allowed for these portlets are
to their names and descriptions.

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Using Parity

Editing Portlet Details

You can edit portlets to change their appearance or the data presented. You might, for
example, decide that a pie chart better presents the data you want to see than a vertical bar
chart. The Portlet Details page, where you edit portlets, can be opened from a currently
displayed portlet on a dashboard or from the portlet list on the Edit Dashboard page.
See “Creating Custom Portlets” on page 471 for more detail on the individual parameters
you can edit.
To edit a portlet on the currently displayed dashboard:
1. Click on the Edit button in the upper right of the portlet you want to edit.
The Portlet Details page appears.
2. Make whatever changes you want to the settings on the Portlet Details page, If
necessary, click the Show Advanced Details button for more editing options.
3. Use the Preview link at the bottom of the page to view the effects of your changes.
Note that you might need to scroll the browser window down to see the Preview panel.
When a preview is showing, you can continue to make changes and click Refresh to
see the results. Click Close when you are finished with the preview.
4. When you are satisfied with the changes you have made, click Save at the bottom of
the Portlet Details page. The current dashboard appears and shows the portlet with
whatever changes you made.
You also can edit portlets via the Portlet Catalog, whether or not the portlet appears on any
of your dashboards.
To edit any portlet from the Edit Dashboard table:
1. On the Edit Dashboard page, find the portlet you want to edit.
2. In the list of portlets, click the Edit link to the right of the name of the portlet you
want to edit. The Portlet Details page appears.
3. Edit as described in the previous procedure.

Deleting Portlets
Console users in the Administrators group or custom groups with
permission to manage dashboards can delete portlets from the Edit
Dashboard page (except for certain System portlets). Use this capability
with care, since it deletes the portlet from all dashboards for all users.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

To delete a portlet from Parity:

1. From any dashboard or the Dashboards page, click the Edit Dashboard (pencil)
button. The Edit Dashboard page appears.
2. In the list of portlets, click Delete next to the portlet you want to delete. A
confirmation dialog appears and includes information about how many dashboards
use this portlet. Be sure you actually want to delete this portlet from your Parity
environment – it will be permanently removed for all users.
3. If you are certain you want to delete this portlet, click OK in the confirmation dialog.
The portlet is removed from the portlet list on the Edit Dashboard page. It is removed
from all dashboards that include it.
If a user is viewing a dashboard containing the portlet, the portlet will remain visible until
the user reloads or navigates away from the dashboard.

Creating Custom Portlets

In addition to making available portlets created by Bit9, dashboards provide the means to
create and use your own portlets. You can choose from a list of several portlet types that
can present Parity data, and then configure the appearance of data from those reports as
you choose.
Regardless of who creates a custom portlet, the portlet is available to all Parity users
through the Edit Dashboard page. Note, however, that ReadOnly users cannot create or
modify a portlet.
As you enter details for your portlet, don’t hesitate to experiment with different settings on
the Portlet Details page and click the Preview button. The Preview capability serves as
both a debugger, to inform you when you choose incompatible settings for a portlet, and a
good way to try different charts or different collections of data before adding a custom
portlet to a dashboard.

To create a custom portlet:

1. Click the Edit Dashboard button, either on a currently displayed dashboard or next to
the name of any dashboard on the Dashboards list.
2. On the Edit Dashboard page, click New Portlet. The New Portlet page appears.
3. On the New Portlet page, choose the type from the Select portlet type menu. See
“Portlet Types and Subtypes” on page 469 for a description of the portlet types.
4. If there is more than one choice, choose the subtype from the Select subtype menu.
5. Click Next. The Portlet Details page appears. This is the same Portlet Details page
that appears when you edit a portlet.

The type and subtype of a portlet determine its fundamental structure and
many of the available choices on the Portlet Details page. They cannot be
edited once chosen. If you want to change type or subtype during the
portlet creation process, click Cancel and start over.

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Using Parity

Adding Portlet Details

6. On the Portlet Details page, enter the General details, which include the following:
a. Title: Type the title you want to appear on the portlet and in the portlet list on the
Edit Dashboard page.
b. Description: Type the information you want users to see when they click the
information button for this portlet, such as a short description of the purpose of the
portlet and instructions for how to use it.
7. If the Portlet Details page includes a panel specific to your portlet type, such as
Baseline Drift details or RSS details, fill in the required information there and then
click Next.
If there is a Save link instead of a Next link, click it to save the new portlet and add it
to the catalog and current dashboard. For some portlet types, no further configuration
is necessary.
8. If a Data Presentation panel appears, you have the option of choosing Table as the
Chart type.
- If you choose Table, select the columns and column order you want, then
continue with step 14. See “Using Tables in Portlets” on page 474 for details on
configuring table portlets.
- If you choose any other Data Presentation type, continue with step 9.
9. If a Graph Settings panel appears on the page, provide the details for the way in which
you want the data for this portlet presented. The available choices vary depending
upon the type and subtype of portlet, but generally those shown in Table 79.
10. When you finish choosing Graphic Settings, click Preview to see what your portlet
will look like. You can try a variety of settings, such as different chart types, to find
the one you like best. Use Refresh to update the preview as you change settings.
11. Once you have specified the basic appearance of the chart for this portlet, you can do
one of two things:
a. If you do not want to view and modify advanced graphic details, click Save to add
the portlet to the Edit Dashboard page.
b. If you do want to see additional graphic settings, click the Show Advanced
Settings button.
12. If you are reviewing advanced graphic settings, you have the choices shown in Table
80. Note that not all advanced settings are appropriate (or available) for all chart types.
13. If you have entered Advanced details, you can click the Preview link again to
examine your portlet before saving.
14. If the Portlet Details page for the portlet you are creating has a filters panel and you
want to filter the data that will be used in the portlet (both graphic and table-only
portlets), configure the filter you want. See “Using Filters in Portlets” on page 478 for
more details.
15. When you are satisfied with the appearance and data of your portlet, click Save to add
the portlet to the Portlet Catalog, add it to the current dashboard, and close the Portlet

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

Table 79: Portlet Graphics Settings

Setting Description
Chart type This menu lists the ways you can represent data for the portlet
type and subtype you chose. The list may include points, bars,
and pie charts, among other choices.

X-axis This lists the types of attributes available for the portlet type
and/or subtype you chose. Choose one (for example, Computer
name) to distribute along the X axis of the chart. For different
types of charts, the choice here might not determine what
appears on the X axis but what is the fundamental data in
another format, for example, what each slice of a pie

Limit to the 5|10|15 If you put certain data, such as individual computers, on the X-
highest|lowest axis, you can have too many instances to display effectively
values inside the portlet. The “Limit to” checkbox and menus allow you
to show only the instances with the 5, 10, or 15 highest or
lowest values of whatever it is you are displaying (drift, for
example). Presumably these would present the most interesting
information, and the limit allows you to have a usable graphic
rather than putting too much information into too little space.
This box is not displayed for certain chart types, including
scatter charts or columns using the “auto split” feature.

Group by Appears only if you choose Scatter as the Chart type. If you
choose a Group by value, the dots on the scatter chart
represent the total value for the group you indicate rather than
values for an individual group member. For example, if you
choose Policy as the Group by value, instead of dots
representing a Y value for individual computers, they would
represent the Y value for all the computers in a policy instead.

Exclude “Unknown” If you check this box, data with unknown X-axis values is
X-axis values eliminated from the chart or graph. This is another way to
eliminate less useful information from the portlet.

Split by Specifies the information type whose values split the X-axis
data. For example, you might create a portlet that shows raw
drift by policy. Split by creates a separate series (bar, column, or
segment) for each unique value in selected column, so a bar
representing all the computers in a policy can be split (by color)
to show how much drift is attributable to each computer.

Metrics Lists the choices of attributes you can represent on the Y-axis of
your chart. If you can only choose one value for the particular
portlet type you are creating, this is a dropdown menu. If you
can choose multiple types, this is a multi-select menu that
allows you to move more than one item from the Available
columns to the Selected column or vice versa. You can add any
metrics that are shown as available. For example, for a bar
chart of unique files by global state, you could add “Count” to
show the number of files in each state and then also add
“Prevalence” to show how many computers have files of each

Show table below When checked, displays a list of table columns available for this
graph portlet. Move those columns you want displayed into the
Selected column. See “Using Tables in Portlets” on page 474
for more details.

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Using Parity

Table 80: Portlet Advanced Settings

Setting Description
Height Allows you to choose a height, in pixels, for the portlet, or to let
Parity size it for you (Auto). Note that if you choose a value other
than Auto, you may interfere with proper display of the portlet.

Show X axis title/ When box is checked, includes the X-axis title (that is, the title
Show axis titles shown in the X-axis box in Graph Details) on the portlet chart, or if
X and Y axes are shown, titles for each.

X-axis labels For choices other than None, adds labels to the data points on the
chart (for example, the bars in a bar chart), in the location and
orientation you choose. If you choose Auto, Parity specifies label
positioning based on the best fit.

Legend When any button but None is clicked, provides a legend describing
the chart elements in the location you specify. For example, if
different colors are used for total systems vs. connected systems,
the legend identifies which is which.

Include tooltips (Alternative to Legend) When this box is available and checked,
hovering the mouse cursor over a chart element displays a tooltip
describing what the element represents.

Show Data Point When box is checked, displays the Y values (or their equivalent) on
Values the portlet chart. For example, if a column represents three
computers, the number 3 is displayed above the column.

Draw 3D When box is checked, displays the chart with 3D effects.

Use logarithmic When box is checked, changes the scale for displayed data from
scale linear to logarithmic.

Using Tables in Portlets

When portlets have content appropriate for display in a table, there are two table options
that can appear on the Portlet Details page:
• Table Only: The Portlet Details page provides a table option in the Chart type menu.
This is the option to choose if you do not want any graphic charts on the portlet.
• Supplemental Table: If the main chart type choice is something other than Table, a
Show table below graph checkbox appears at the bottom of the Graph Settings panel.
When you check this box, you get both a graphic representation and a table.

Table-only Portlets
Table-only portlets can be a good choice when you would like to display Parity data on the
dashboard that doesn’t lend itself to graphic representation. For example, you might not be
interested in how many computers or files meet certain criteria but instead in a more
complex picture of different kinds of data for each computer, or for each file.
When table-only presentation is possible, a Data Presentation panel appears on the Portlet
Details page. In that panel, you can choose Table as the Chart type. Choosing this option
replaces the Graph Settings panel on the Portlet Details page with a Table Settings panel in
which you choose and order the data to include in the table.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

You must choose the columns you want to appear in the table. You can double-click on a
data element in the Available column to move it to the Selected column, and vice versa.
You also can use the arrow buttons to move items back and forth between Available and
Selected, and to change the order of data in the table.
Table portlets provide many features for rearranging the data they display:
• You can have multi-page tables and navigate between pages using the page and arrow
buttons in the bottom left of the portlet.
• You can determine the number of rows displayed in a table by choosing a different
Page size (in multiples of 10 rows).
• You can click over a column and drag it to a different location in the table.
• You can click over a column heading and drag it into the labeled zone at the top of the
portlet to group the table by the data named in the column heading.
• You can filter the contents of a table by any column head to show data of interest.
(You also can pre-filter the data using the Filters on the Portlet Details page.)
• You can click on a column head to sort by the data in that column.

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Using Parity

To filter on a column, enter a string in the box below the column – for example, “Laptop”
in the Computer Name column, and then click on the filter button to see the operator
menu, where you can choose how you want to use the string you entered to filter the data.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

Supplemental Tables in Portlets

You can add a supplemental table within a graphic portlet. Because the space is shared,
you probably will not want to create elaborate supplemental tables.
When a supplemental table is possible, a Show table below graph checkbox appears at the
bottom of the Graph Settings panel. Check this box to display the Table Settings panel.

You must choose the columns you want to appear in the table – your Metrics choices for
the Graph Settings are not imported to the table. You can double-click on a data element in
the Available column to move it to the Selected column, and vice versa. You also can use
the arrow buttons to move items back and forth between Available and Selected, and to
change the order of data in the table.

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Using Parity

As with table-only portlets, you can drag and drop columns to rearrange them, and can sort
data by clicking on column heads. You cannot group by column and cannot filter the data
in the table itself.

Using Filters in Portlets

Some portlets allow you to use filters to limit and focus the information a portlet displays.
For example, you could create a portlet that shows the connection status of computers but
filter out those in Visibility mode policies.
Filters do not make sense for certain portlets – RSS feeds and HTML pages – for example
and are not used on the portlets installed with Parity. If the portlet you are creating or
editing includes a filtering capability, you will see a Filters panel on the Portlet Details
page. The illustration below shows the initial building blocks of a portlet filter.

This initial filter view shows the top-level group operator. To have the filter actually do
anything, you need to add at least one expression, a set of parameters that can be evaluated
as true or false against Parity data. For example, to have the filter include only those

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

computers containing “Laptop” in their name in the portlet data, you would create the
following filter.

Each expression consists of a parameter--some kind of data that is available in Parity, an

expression operator, and a value. You choose the parameter and operator from menus that
vary depending upon that type and subtype of portlet. You type in the value you want to
Every expression belongs to a group, even if the group includes only one expression.
While an expression might evaluate to true on its own, the group operator determines
whether the group is true, as Table 81 shows.

Table 81: Group operators in portlet filters

Operator Effect
AND If all expressions in the group are true, the group is true. For the
top-level group, this means that data for which all expressions
in the group are true is displayed in the portlet.

OR If at least one expression in the group is true, the group is true.

For the top-level group, this means that data for which at least
one expression in the group is true is displayed in the portlet.

NOTAND If at least one expression in the group is false, the group is true.
For the top-level group, this means that data for which at least
one expression in the group is false is displayed in the portlet.

NOTOR If all expressions in the group are false, the group is true. For
the top-level group, this means that data for which all
expressions in the group are false is displayed in the portlet.

With AND as the group operator and a single expression, if the expression is true, the
group is true, and the data matching the expression will be included in the portlet. As the
table describes, however, adding expressions and using other operators can provide more
powerful and complex filters. The illustrations below show some examples:

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Using Parity

If you created a “Top 5 First Seen Computers” portlet as shown in the details above, it
displays the five computers that have the most first seen files. Note that there is not a filter
on this data. Perhaps you would like to eliminate data for files that were on computers
when Parity Agent was installed and concentrate on anything that arrived afterward. To
accomplish this, you could add an expression and create a filter to eliminate “initialized”
files, as shown on the left, below.

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Chapter 18: Using and Customizing Dashboards

To further fine-tune your portlet, you might decide to eliminate all files that identify
“Microsoft Corporation” as the publisher in addition to initialized files since you know
that you installed several Microsoft applications on all computers after initialization and it
is not necessary to track these in your portlet. To accomplish this, you could change the
group operator to OR and create a new expression to produce a filter as shown in the right
half of the illustration above.
As long as you can use the same group operator to accomplish your goal, you can continue
adding expressions to a group.

Nesting Groups of Expressions

You can nest groups of expressions within a filter. Each expression in a filter group shares
the same top-level operator (i.e., AND, OR, NOT AND, NOT OR), and the results of the
group are treated like an expression for the group above it. Group level can be determined
by the indentation of the group and its expressions – those to the left are higher-level
groups than those farther to the right.
The filter shown below indicates that files whose data is displayed in the portlet must NOT
be both initialized AND either from Dell OR from Microsoft. The OR group is at the same
level as the Initialized expression, and the NOT AND group contains everything in the

Because some pre-processing of filters occurs as you choose each building
block of an expression or group, you might notice a several second time
delay after filter construction actions.

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Using Parity

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Chapter 19: Locating Files

Chapter 19

Locating Files
This chapter explains how to use the Find Files page to locate or verify the existence of
specific executable files on computers running the Parity Agent. Find Files locates
instances of files, not their listings in the File Catalog.

Topic Page
Find Files Overview 484
Initiating Find Files from Other Pages 484
Defining a Search on the Find Files Page 485
Using Find File Results 488
Saved Views for File Searches 490

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Using Parity

Find Files Overview

Parity Server keeps track of all “interesting” files on all connected computers running
Parity Agent, in near-real-time. Because of this "live inventory," you can quickly locate a
file or group of files matching a name, hash, or other criteria available in the Parity
database. For offline computers, the file inventory includes all files from the last time they
were connected.
This chapter focuses on the Find Files page, which opens by default with a filter that
allows you to search for a file by name. As with the Files on Computers tab, you can add
filters to fine-tune the results you get, and for many searches, you can create a Saved
View. In addition, certain other Parity pages include a Find Files button or link that
displays Find File results for a particular file described in a table row or details page.

You also can search for file instances on the Files on Computers tab of the
Files page, although you will have to add all filters manually, including
the file name filter.

Initiating Find Files from Other Pages

In addition to going directly to the Find Files page, you can search for file instances by
clicking the Find File button next to a file name or hash in some tables on other pages.
This initiates a search by hash for all instances of that file. You can do this from:
• the Files page (both the Files Catalog tab and the Files on Computers tab)
• the File Group Details page
• the Baseline Drift Report Results page (Files views)
• the Snapshot Content page
• the Find Files page (to narrow results to instances of one specific file only)
• the Software Rules/Publishers page (to find all files from one publisher)
• the Approval Request Details page (to find all instances of the file whose approval is
Certain other Parity pages have links that initiate a Find Files search pre-configured to find
files relevant to the location you are in. These include:
• File name links on the Files page – When you click on a highlighted filename on the
Files page, Parity provides a Find Files report of all files associated with the named
file (that is, files installed by or that are copies of the named file).
• File Details page and File Instance Details page – The All File Instances link in the
Related Views menu initiates a search for the file whose details you are viewing.
• Add/Edit Policy page – The Related Views menu on this page provides two file
searches: All Files on computers in this policy and Unapproved files on computers in
this policy.
• Computer Details page – The Related Views menu includes Files on this Computer,
which displays a Find Files report of all files on the computer.

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Chapter 19: Locating Files

When Find Files results appear for any of these queries, you can further refine, as with any
other Parity table, by showing or hiding columns and applying additional filters – if the
Filters panel is not showing, click the Show/Hide Filters link.
Another tool for finding files appears on the Parity Home Page dashboard, which includes
a Find Files or Events portlet.

Defining a Search on the Find Files Page

You can create file queries on the Find Files page based on any parameter available on the
Filters menu. As with any page, you can combine filters, in some cases including more
than one of the same type of filter (for example, File Name is calc.exe or File Name is
add.exe) in the same search.
If you are searching for one specific file, you can search by file name or hash identifier.

Combination searches based on file name and hash are useful for detecting
attacks where a malicious program presents itself with different file names
but contains the same data, which you can determine by comparison.

Finding Files by Name

Although searching by hash is a better way to be certain you find all instances of a file,
searching by name is the easiest type of search to create from scratch. File Name searches
allow you to use different operators to expand or narrow the matches you get from the
search, as shown in Table 82.

Table 82: Operators for the File Name Filter

Field Description
contains Any file whose name contains the text in the box.
does not contain Any file whose name does not contain the text in the box.
begins with Any file whose name begins with the text in the box.
ends with Any file whose name ends with the text in the box.
is Only files that exactly match the text you enter. When you
choose is, be sure to include the full file name, including
extension, in the File Name text box.
is not Any file whose name does not exactly match the text you enter.
Note that if you enter “calc” as the File Name, for example, the
results from is not will include “calc.exe”, “mycalc”, etc.
is empty Any file whose name is missing or blank.
is not empty Any file whose name is not missing or blank.

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Using Parity

By default, the Find Files page opens with the File Name filter and the operator “is”,
meaning file instances exactly matching the text you enter in the box will be in the results.
When searching for a file, consider the following best practices:
• No Wildcards – Do not use wildcards (*, ?, etc.) in your search string for a file name.
Parity will attempt to match them literally, and the results will not likely be what you
want. Instead, use the operator menu, which provides choices that accomplish the
same thing, without requiring you to type in special symbols.
• Case Sensitivity and Platforms – Although case-sensitivity varies among operating
systems, file searches in Parity are not case-sensitive; for example, searching for
“Myfile.exe”, myFiLE.exe”, or “myfile.exe” will return the same results.
• Limit Results – Try to define your search parameters so that the results are limited to
a reasonable number of files. Parity does limit the number of matching files it will
return, and you will see a message instructing you to try a narrower search if the
number of results exceeds what can reliably be inserted into one table.
• Auto-Completion – Many fields on the Find Files page, including the File Name
field, provide automatic matching of the string as you type it, showing matching
choices in a menu.

To locate instances of a file by name:

1. In the console menu, choose Tools > Find Files. The Find Files page appears with the
default filter, File Name, and the default operator, is.

2. Specify a File Name, or a portion of a filename, that you would like to use in the
search. As you type, Parity provides a list of files that match the string you have typed
so far.
3. Choose an operator with which to match your file (see Table 82). For example, choose
contains as the operator if you want to see any file that has the name you entered
anywhere in its name. Choose is if you want only files exactly matching the File Name
you entered.
4. Click Apply. All files (on all computers) matching the File Name-operator
combination you entered are displayed in the Find Files table.
5. You can add other filters to the search if you choose, clicking Apply in the Filters
panel each time you want to see new results.

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Chapter 19: Locating Files

Adding a Pathname to a File Search

File Path is one possible addition to a search for files by name. It may also be useful in
other searches, for example, if you want to find all files from a specific publisher in a
specific directory and its subdirectories.
You specify a pathname without the name of the file you want to find. For example, if you
wanted to find calc.exe in c:\windows\system32, you would specify the following filters:

Specifying that the File Path is c:\windows\system32 indicates that you want to find files
only in the named folder, not in subfolders. If you want to search for all files in a named
folder and its subfolders, you use the operator contains. For example, if you specified File
Name is calc.exe and File Path contains c:\windows\system32, you would find all
instances of calc.exe in system32 and at any level underneath it.
Platform Note: Keep in mind that using a pathname in a file search will limit your search
to computers that match the platform-specific delimiters (i.e., ‘\’ or ‘/’) and other special
path characters you use.

Finding Files by Hash

Parity supports three hash types: SHA-256, SHA-1, and MD5. If you have a hash from
some source other than Parity and want to search for it, you can search for that file on your
computers from the Find Files page by choosing the hash type from the Filters menu
entering the hash into the filter field.

On some files, Parity does special processing to create SHA-256 hashes that will be
identical for identical files. Because of this, use of externally created SHA-256 files is not
The best way to search by hash is to locate the file of interest in one of the Files tabs and
then click on the Find File button next to the file. Parity will run the Find File search
without you needing to type or cut and paste the hash string.

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Using Parity

As with file names, Parity shows a list of matching hashes as you type in digits, and if
there is only one item on the list, you can pick it without entering the entire hash string.

Using Find File Results

The Find Files results page provides all of the tools available on the Files page, both for
getting further information and taking action on one or more files in the table:
• When your initial search is broad enough to include different files (not just different
instances) in the results, you can initiate a new search for all instances of one specific
file by clicking the Find File button next to that file.
• You can click the View Details button next to any found instance of the file to get
more information about that instance.
• You can select files from the results and operate on them with the approval or ban
commands on the Action menu. For example, you can Approve Locally or Remove
Local Approval for any file in the results by checking the box to the left of the file
listing and clicking the appropriate button.
• If you have Parity Knowledge Service enabled, you can view additional information
(if available) for any file in the results by checking the box to the left of the file name
and choosing Analyze from the Action menu.

• Each file for which you use the Analyze button opens the results in its
own tab. For multi-file requests in Internet Explorer, the popup
blocker may block the results for each file after the first one.
• As in other Parity tables, buttons in the table head for Find Files
results enable you to rearrange display columns, download results in
comma-separated-value format, and add the Find File results to a
Snapshot. For more information, see “Parity Tables” in Chapter 2,
“Using the Parity Console.”

Special Cases in Results

Files on Offline Computers
If a computer is offline, a Find Files search will include the matching files from that
computer’s most recent synchronization with Parity Server in the results. The next time
the computer connects to Parity Server, its file information is updated within a short time
(depending upon the network traffic and how many computers are being updated), and the
updated information becomes available to Find File.
Find File results tables that include the Computer column have an indicator to the left of
the computer name showing whether the computer is connected and up-to-date. A darker
blue circle indicates that the computer is connected and up-to-date. An orange circle
indicates a computer awaiting upgrade. A light blue circle indicates a disconnected
computer. When you move the mouse cursor over a status circle, more information for that

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Chapter 19: Locating Files

computer’s status appears below the name, including how long a computer has been

Files on Deleted Computers

If a computer has been deleted from Parity, its files remain in the Parity database of Files
on Computers for one day. This means that a Find Files search could include results from
deleted computers. Deleted computers are labeled as such in the Find Files results.

Deleted Files
If a file matching a Find Files search has been recently deleted from a computer, it can be
included in Find File results if you choose, although this is not done by default. To include
deleted files, check the Show deleted files box in the bottom right of the Find Files page;
the table is immediately updated to show any deleted files matching your search
parameters. Deleted files are labeled as such in the Find Files results.

Deleted files are removed from the Parity database on the same schedule as old events.
See “Advanced Configuration Options” on page 509 for information about configuring
this time period.

• If you are searching for deleted files using the Deleted filter, you must check
the Show deleted files box in the bottom, right corner of the page before any
matching results will appear.
• Including deleted files in a search will slow down the search and consume
more resources, so use this feature only when necessary.

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Using Parity

Files on Computers Still Initializing or Synchronizing

If a computer has just had Parity Agent installed and is still initializing, some of its files
are available to Find Files, but its full file inventory is not available until initialization is
complete. To determine whether a computer is still initializing, go to the Computers page
and search for the computer.
Similarly, if an agent is re-synchronizing with the server, changes in its file information
are not complete until the synchronization is finished. You can view synchronization
progress on the Computer Details page or, if you add the Synchronization column to the
table, on the Computers page.

Saved Views for File Searches

If you have a complex search that you think you will use often, you may be able to save it
as a Saved View.

• Certain Find File reports, including those initiated from the Find File
button on other pages, cannot be saved because they were run in a
specific context that might not be in effect if executed again from the
Find Files page – the Saved Views panel does not appear in these
cases. As an alternative, you might be able to duplicate and save the
search you want by using filters on the Files on Computers tab of the
Files page.
• ReadOnly users cannot save views. Also, some custom login account
groups might not have permission to save views.

To create a Saved View on the Find Files page:

1. In the console menu, choose Tools > Find Files. The Find Files page appears with the
default filter, File Name, and the default operator, is.
2. Choose each filter you would like to add to the search criteria, provide any text
required to configure the filter, and click Apply.
3. When you have finished adding filters, enter a name in the Saved Views box above the
table and then click Add. You now will be able to choose the Saved View you created
from the Saved Views menu and get results for this same search whenever you choose.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Chapter 20

Parity Configuration
This chapter explains settings that enable you to configure and maintain your Parity Server
installation. Access to the System Configuration page is available only to login accounts
in the Administrators group or in customized groups with View System Configuration and
Manage System Configuration boxes checked.

Topic Page
Overview 492
Viewing Server Status and Options 494
Configuring Active Directory Integration 496
Configuring Agent Management Privileges 497
Managing the Parity Event Database 500
Securing Agent-Server Communications 505
Advanced Configuration Options 509
Backing Up Parity 512
Restoring Parity 514
Configuring Alert and Approval Request Mail 515
Managing Parity Licenses 519
Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis 523

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 491

Using Parity

The System Configuration pages present both read-only status information and
configurable settings for use by Parity Administrators. The configuration information is
organized on a series of tabbed views, some of which have several panels:
• General tab – Server status information, options for integrating Parity with Active
Directory or LDAP, and Parity Agent Management options.
• Events tab – Configuration settings for managing Parity’s own database and options
for setting up supplemental external event logging, including Syslog.
• Security tab – Shows current status of secure communications between Parity Agents
and the Parity Server, and provides options for enabling certificate verification for
these communications if not already enabled.
• Advanced Options tab – Options for database backup, automatic agent upgrades,
Parity Console login timeout, files for Parity to ignore, deleting offline computers,
allowing use of expired publisher certificates, and letting Parity Knowledge update
definitions of updaters.
• Mail tab – Configuration settings for sending email when a Parity alert is triggered or
an approval request is resolved.
• Licensing tab – Shows the number and type of Parity Agent licensed for your server,
and allows you to update your license key; also allows you to enable and configure
Parity Knowledge Service.

To display the System Configuration page:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. By default, Parity displays the General tab of the System Configuration page. Select
another tab if you want to view or change something not on this tab.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

The General Configuration Tab

The General tab of the System Configuration page has three sets of configuration fields:
• The Server Status panel shows information about your Parity and database servers,
including their addresses.
• The Active Directory/LDAP Integration panel allows you to configure AD or LDAP
integration with Parity Server.
• The Agent Management panel allows you to set up access to special agent
management commands by user, group, or password.

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Using Parity

Viewing Server Status and Options

The top panel on the General tab of the System Configuration page is Server Status, which
displays Parity Server parameters and allows editing of some of them (see Table 83 for

Parameters on the Server Status panel tell you about the size of the Parity
database and the amount of free space on your Parity server. These do not,
however, report on whether an external SQL database is running out of
space. Regardless of which database option you choose, you should
monitor your Parity database regularly to be sure it does not overflow and
prevent Parity from operating. See the Installing Parity Server manual for
more information on database configuration. Also, see “Creating Alerts”
on page 406 for information on database-related alerts.

To display server status information:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
2. If it is not already showing, click on the General tab. The General configuration
options appear, with the Server Status panel showing at the top.

3. To change timezone, click the Edit button, make the changes, and click Update, and
then click Yes on the confirmation dialog. See Table 83 for details about the other

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Table 83: Server Status Information and Configuration Options

Field Description
Parity Version Version number of the installed Parity Server software. (Read Only)
Server Address IP address or qualified DNS name for the Parity Server.
If you change the server address, you must reinstall the Parity
Agent on all computers (although not if you change from an IP
address to an equivalent DNS name, or vice versa). As soon as the
agent is installed, computers reinitialize and all files except those
explicitly banned on the server become locally approved and
permitted to run. So that you can use the same policies, Parity
automatically updates existing agent installation packages with the
new IP address so that they direct computers to report to the
correct server when they come back online.
Note: IPv6 may be used for communications with the Parity Server,
but a numeric IPv6 address may not be accepted in certain
versions of the Firefox browser. To avoid this problem, use one of
the other supported browsers or a fully qualified DNS name.
Server Port Parity Server port that is dedicated to communications with
computers running Parity Agent. This cannot be changed after
server installation. (Read Only)
Server The timezone used by the Parity server. Normally this will be set to
Timezone Automatic, which uses the same time zone as the operating system
on the Parity Server. However, to account for non-standard
handling of daylight saving time in certain zones, Parity allows you
to set the server timezone explicitly, using a dropdown menu.
Database Normally the database schema version is the same as the Parity
Schema version. You can, however, use existing databases when you
Version upgrade or reinstall Parity, and in this case the database schema
version can be different. For Bit9 Support use. (Read Only)
Database Shows whether your database is Local or on a separate server, in
Address which case it provides the address. (Read Only)
Database Auth. This indicates the type of database authorization you chose when
Type you installed Parity Server. It is either NT, indicating that you are
controlling database access by Windows NT account or group, or
SQL, indicating that you are using a login and password specific to
your SQL Server. (Read Only)
Database Size Amount of disk space currently used by the Parity database. (Read
Free Local Disk Amount of available local disk space on the Parity Server. If the
Space Parity database is on the same system as the Parity Server, you
can periodically monitor this value to determine how quickly events
are accumulating and whether you need to adjust the event log
deletion period. (Read Only)
Important: This field reports free space on the Parity Server
system only. If you are using a remote database, you must check
available space directly on that system.
CL Version This is a configuration list version number reflecting the current set
of policy rules. As Parity users create bans, changes policies, and
take other actions that change the configuration of your Parity
Server, this number increments. Bit9 Support can use CL version in
certain troubleshooting situations. (Read Only)

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Using Parity

Configuring Active Directory Integration

Parity Server can take advantage of your Active Directory (AD) environment to set access
privileges for users of the Parity Console, assign security policies to computers, provide
user and computer metadata, and designate certain groups or users to be able to install
software (and have it automatically approved) on Parity-managed computers. You
configure AD integration on the General tab.

To display AD integration configuration options:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
2. If it is not already showing, click on the General tab. The General configuration
options appear, with the AD/LDAP integration options showing in the middle panel.

3. To configure AD or LDAP integration, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page,
make the needed changes in the Active Directory/LDAP integration panel, click the
Update button, and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog. See Table 84 for details
about these settings.

Table 84: Active Directory/LDAP Integration Options

Field Description
AD-based Choosing Enabled in this field allows users to log in to the Parity
logins Console using AD accounts and passwords. See “Using Active
Directory Accounts in Parity” on page 67 for more detail.
AD security Specifying an AD security domain in this field directs Parity to look in
domain that domain for the Bit9 security groups for Parity Console user login
validation. If you do not specify a security domain, the login domain
for each console user is used, and so the Bit9 security groups must
be in each user’s domain for that user to be able to log in.
AD-based Choosing Enabled in this field allows you to automatically assign
policy Parity policies to computers based on AD or LDAP. See Chapter 5,
“Managing Computers,” for more detail.
Windows 2000 Checking this box indicates that your network is using Windows 2000
DCs domain controllers. This disables the AD security domain value you
provided, if any, since it relies on cross-domain membership tests
that are only available with Windows 2003 SP2 domain controllers.
Test AD Clicking the Test button tests connectivity between the Parity Server
Connectivity and Active Directory. If it reports Success, you should be able to use
Parity’s Active Directory integration features. If it reports Error, your
Parity Server cannot access Active Directory, and you will need to
resolve this problem before the integration features can be used.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Configuring Agent Management Privileges

You may, in conjunction with your Bit9 Technical Support representative, use special
Agent Management commands for Parity Agent management. Each agent has its own
unique command-enabling “CLI” password, which you can look up in the Parity Agent
tab of the Computer Details page. You might, however, want to create a global access
method so you don’t have to look up the password for each agent.
Because Parity Agent plays a critical role in managing and protecting your computers, you
can and should limit access to these commands. In the Agent Management section of the
General tab, you can choose one or both of the following methods for controlling agent
command access:
• for each client platform, you can specify a user or group allowed to run the commands
• you can specify a password that will be required to run the commands
If you define both a user/group and a password, either access method is sufficient on its
own. The current agent management configuration when agent installation packages are
created is built into the agent. If you change the password, Parity updates online agents
with the new password, but agents not online must continue using the old password.
Likewise, changes in the user or group access definition are not effective on an offline
agent unless the old agent is uninstalled and a new one is installed by some method.

Configuring the Agent Management options before generating any agent
installation packages is the most efficient way to set a global agent
password or user/group access choice.
For new installations of Parity Server, you are prompted to provide an
Agent Management access method during the installation process – this is
the best time to choose an option.

To display agent management configuration options:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
2. If it is not already showing, click on the General tab. The General configuration
options appear, with the Agent Management options showing in the bottom panel.

3. To configure agent management, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page, make
the needed changes, click the Update button, and then click Yes on the confirmation
dialog. See Table 85 and “Connection Status and Agent Management Choices” on
page 498 for more details about these settings and guidance on choosing options.

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Using Parity

Table 85: Agent Management Configuration Options

Field Description
Windows User/ If defined, the specified Windows user or group is allowed to run
Group to special commands for Parity Agent management on computers that
Manage Agents recognize that user or group.
• Choose the User or group radio button to enter a user or group
name manually; you also can enter a user or group SID in this box.
• Choose the Predefined group button to choose a Windows group
(e.g., Local Administrators), from a menu.
Mac User/ If defined, the specified Mac user or group is allowed to run special
Group to commands for Parity Agent management on computers that
Manage Agents recognize the user or group. Choose the User radio button or the
Group button and enter a name in the box.
Enable Global If defined, the specified password may be used by any user to run
Password special commands for Parity Agent management from the client
computer. Check the box to enter the password.
If you define both a password and a user or group for agent
management, you only need one or the other for access.

Connection Status and Agent Management Choices

Your Agent Management access choice may be dictated by whether or how often your
client systems running Parity Agent are connected to the Parity Server.
If a computer is never connected to the server, you can provide access by choosing an
Agent Management password before generating installation packages. This password is
built into the agent, and can be changed only by one of the following means:
• installing a new agent package generated after the password change
• importing a new configuration list from Parity Server after you have changed the
global password; see your Bit9 Technical Support representative for instructions on
importing a configuration list
Another option for systems never connected to Parity Server is specification of a group
that can be guaranteed to exist on all machines, such as Local Administrators for Windows
computers. The suitability of this method depends on how your organization manages
administrative accounts, but it lets you control access to agent management commands by
adding or removing users from the named group, independent of changes to Parity.
If a computer will be connected to Parity Server occasionally, you have more flexibility in
choosing and changing client management access methods. Changes to a password, or to
user or group definition, propagate to the agents the next time they connect.
If all of your computers will always be connected to Parity Server (or can be if needed),
you have the most flexibility in configuring Agent Management access since changes you
make will go to your connected agents as soon as the agent and server are in contact. In
this case, you might find it more convenient to choose a well-known group, or define a
new group, such as "Bit9 Local Administrators", and give its members access to the

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

management commands. Groups also allow the use of such tools as runas, psexec, or sudo,
to run commands using alternate credentials. You also can use a password if you choose.

By default, Microsoft Vista or Windows 7 operating systems have User
Access Control (UAC) enabled. With UAC, users are not actually members of
a built-in, privileged group unless they have been given "elevated privilege".
Because of this, using a built-in group for Agent Management access may not
be a good choice if you will be using computers running Vista or Windows 7.

Event Management Options

Parity event data is stored in a SQL Server database, and grows over time at a rate that
corresponds to file activity on your network. The Events tab provides two sets of options
for managing events data generated by Parity:
• The Event Log Management panel provides options for managing the size of the
primary Parity database and for archiving events.
• The External Event Logging panel provides options for enabling supplemental,
external logging of Parity events to another SQL Server or a Syslog management
server. Use of supplemental external logging may allow you to reduce the amount of
data you keep in the primary database.

Your choices for event log management may be determined by your disk
capacity and the availability of an external SQL Server database for
storing Parity data. Please consider this before making any changes to
your logging configuration.

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Using Parity

Managing the Parity Event Database

The Event Log Management tab includes options for limiting the growth of the Parity
database and setting up event archiving.

Setting Limits for Event Deletion

You can set limits that delete data to keep the Parity database at a reasonable size. Parity
Server provides several mechanisms for handling this volume of data. Parity provides for
automatic deletion of event data based on two different parameters:
• Delete Events Older Than – By default, Parity automatically deletes events older
than 4 weeks, which means that event data is purged on the system and is not available
for display in reports generated by Parity Server. You can modify the time period in
the Management Configuration table.
• Delete if More Than – This threshold defaults to 1 million for SQL Server Express
and 10 million for other SQL Server editions. This works with a second parameter, On
Limit Delete Oldest, which allows you to define the percentage of the events deleted
when you reach the limit you set. The default percentage is 10%.
Event data is deleted when either condition is met. You can configure these automatic
deletion parameters based the available disk space on the SQL Server and your need for
historical information. To determine the right values for your network, monitor disk space
use on the server and adjust the event database deletion parameters accordingly.

Enabling Daily Event Archiving

If Archive Events Enabled is checked on the System Configuration Events tab, Parity
Server generates a separate compressed CSV file for each day’s event data. Daily event
files are stored for one year and accessible through the Event Log Archives, which lists the
date-stamped files in chronological order. Through the log, you can click on and open (or
save to another location) any listed event log file. You open the Event Log Archives by
clicking the Archives button in the header of an Event log.
If Archive Events Enabled is not checked, no event archives are generated from that point

Moving the Database to an External Server

When you installed the Parity Server, one of your choices was whether to put the Parity
database on the same computer as the Parity Server. You might find that the volume of
Parity data requires a transition from a shared to a dedicated database server.
Moving the primary Parity database requires steps outside of the Parity Console, including
running the Parity Server installation program to reconnect to the new server. Contact Bit9
Technical Support if you need to make this transition.

The External Event Logging options on the System Configuration Events
tab are for enabling supplemental event logging, not for moving the
primary database.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Setting up External Event Logging

Parity allows you to copy event data to an additional, external SQL Server. You also can
configure event output to a Syslog server using several different output formats. The full
set of settings for external event logging are shown in Table 86 on page 504.

Logging Events to a Syslog Server

Parity Server supports integration of its event information with Syslog servers using
several formats. You configure Syslog integration in the External Event Logging panel of
the Events tab.
The supported formats are:
• Basic (RFC3164) – the default for upgrades to v7.0.1 from pre-6.0.1 Parity versions
• Enhanced (RFC5424) – a newer standard and the default for new installations of
Parity v6.0.1 and later.
• CEF (ArcSight) – the format to use to integrate Parity event logs with HP ArcSight
ESM or HP ArcSight Logger
• LEEF (Q1 Labs) – the format to user to integrate Parity event logs with QRadar Log
Manager or QRadar SIEM

• See the separate document Parity Events: Integration Guide for more
information on syslog formats supported by Parity and how to map
Parity events to them.
• If you used HP ArcSight or Q1Labs products with previous Parity
versions, you will need to see the Integration guide for information
about upgrading your integration to Parity 7.0.1.
• If you worked with Bit9 Technical Support to manually enable
special Syslog formatting in pre-6.0.2 releases, your changes will be
overwritten on upgrade to Parity 7.0.1. Use the Syslog format menu to
choose formatting.

To enable event logging to a Syslog server:

1. Prepare the Syslog server to which you want to log Parity events. See the separate
Parity Events: Integration Guide for more details about preparing the server.
2. On the Parity Console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration, and
on the System Configuration page, click on the Events tab.
3. On the Events tab, click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.
4. In the External Event Logging panel, check the Syslog Enabled box.

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Using Parity

5. Provide the address (IP address or FQDN) and port number of your Syslog server in
the Syslog Address and Syslog Port boxes, respectively.
6. Choose the output format from the Syslog Format menu.
7. Click Update and choose Yes on the confirmation dialog to save your configuration.

Logging Events to a Supplemental SQL Server

External logging gives you the option of creating custom report implementations directly
through SQL. Using an external server can also allow you to meet forensic or compliance
requirements for long-term event storage while maintaining events for a shorter period in
the Parity Server database. You might also choose to implement external event logging for
performance reasons.
Note several key points about what happens when external logging is activated:
• External logging does not eliminate local logging in the primary SQL Server database.
Event logging continues, and saves events for whatever time period (or total number
of events) you specify.
• To facilitate better system performance, event data is copied from the primary SQL
Server database to the external event SQL Server database approximately every 30
seconds rather than continuously.
• Events that happened prior to your activation of external logging are not copied to the
external log, so if you intend to set up external logging and want it to be
comprehensive, it is best to do so at the same time you are setting up Parity Server.
• If the external server becomes inaccessible, an error is logged, but there will be no
change in Parity Server behavior. Once the external server is available again, events
that were missed will be copied.
Table 86, “External Event Logging Options,” on page 504 describes each of the
parameters on the External Event Logging panel of the Events tab. See the Bit9 Support
website or contact Bit9 Support for additional details.
The following describes the high-level procedure for setting up external event logging to a
supplemental SQL database. If you want to use NT Authentication for your external
database, use the special DSN shown in the following procedure.

To enable external event logging to an additional SQL server:

1. Install SQL Server on a machine with sufficient capacity for Parity event logging. Be
sure to note the information for the DSN (Data Source Name) string – this will be
necessary for use in the Parity console.
2. Run the external-events script external_events.sql to configure the SQL database so
that it can properly store Parity events. This script is located in the Parity Server\sql
folder. It must be run on the newly installed SQL Server before you can use external
events logging.
3. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
4. Click on the Events tab. The External Event Logging panel appears.

5. Click the Edit button and then check the Use External Database box. This activates
the Test button as well as the data fields on the panel.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

6. In the DSN String field, enter the DSN for this database.
a. For manual authentication, this will include the following, each on its own line
and separated by semicolons (the illustration following shows an example):
- Driver={SQL Native Client};
- Server=tcp:yourfullyqualifiedservername\instancename;
- Database=bit9Events;
- Uid=usernameforSQLadmin;
- Pwd=password;

b. You can use NT authentication, using the Domain credentials you supplied during
Parity Server installation, for access to the external event logging server. To do
this, replace the “Uid” and “Pwd” lines shown above with a
“Trusted_Connection” line in the following format:
- Driver={SQL Native Client};
- Server=tcp:yourfullyqualifiedservername\instancename;
- Database=bit9Events;
- Trusted_Connection=Yes;

If you have difficulties with the DSN string, see the file shepherd.dsn in
the Parity Server home directory.

7. To make sure your DSN works, click the Test button. If your DSN was configured
appropriately, a “Testing: Success” message appears below the DSN String box.
Otherwise, you will see an error message.
8. Once your DSN Test has succeeded, click the Update button (this replaces the “Test”
button when the test is successful and you check the checkbox) and choose Yes on the
confirmation dialog. This activates external logging.
To disable external event logging:
1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click on the Events tab. The External Event Logging panel appears.
3. Click the Edit button. This activates the data fields on the panel.
4. Click the Use External Database box to remove the check. This turns the “Test”
button into an “Update” button.
5. Click Update and choose Yes on the confirmation dialog. External event logging is

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Using Parity

Table 86: External Event Logging Options

Field Description
Syslog Enabled A checkbox determining whether Parity event information is
output to another server for further analysis with a Syslog
management tool. If checked, you also must specify a Syslog
server address and listening port. This option is off by default.
Note: Contact Bit9 Technical Support for guidance on using
Parity event output with your Syslog management tools.
Syslog IP address for a Syslog server (optional). If you specify a
Address Syslog address, you must also enter a port for the server.
Note: No error is reported if you set the Syslog address and/
or port incorrectly. To verify that Syslog address is correctly
set, confirm the receipt of Parity events on the Syslog server
after you have completed this configuration.
Syslog Port Port number for a Syslog server.
Parity events directed to the listening port include activity
messages such as blocked files, new files on the system, and
changes to login accounts.
If you export event data, events continue to be written to the
Events page, which is accessible from the Parity Console. If
you specify a Syslog port, you must also enter an address for
the Syslog server.
Syslog Format One of the following:
• Basic (RFC3164) – this is the default for upgrades from
pre-6.0.2 Parity versions
• Enhanced (RFC5424) – this is a newer standard and the
default for new installations of Parity 7.0.1.
• CEF (ArcSight) – format to use if you want to integrate
Parity event logs with HP ArcSight ESM or HP ArcSight
• LEEF (Q1Labs) – format to use if you want to integrate
Parity event logs with QRadar SIEM or QRadar Log
See the separate document Parity Events: Integration Guide
for more information on syslog formats supported by Parity
and how to map Parity events to them.
Note: If you worked with Bit9 Technical Support to manually
enable special Syslog formatting in pre-6.0.2 releases, your
changes will be overwritten on upgrade to Parity 7.0.1. Use
the Syslog format menu to choose formatting.
Use External Check the box to enable use of an external SQL database.
Database Un-check to disable reporting of Parity events to the external
DSN String The DSN string that identifies the external database you will
be using. This will vary depending upon whether you use
manual or NT authentication. The procedure “To enable
external event logging to an additional SQL server:” on page
502 describes how to configure these choices.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Securing Agent-Server Communications

Parity uses SSL security for communication between its server and its agents. By default,
this is based on a self-signed Bit9 security certificate generated when Parity is installed,
although a different certificate can be supplied as part of the installation process.
The System Configuration Security tab displays the Agent Server Communications
configuration page. There, you can make one or more of the following changes:
• If the current certificate for agent-server communications is self-signed, you can edit
its details.
• You can import another certificate from a PKCS#12 file, either your own self-signed
certificate or from a certificate authority.
• You can increase security by enabling certificate verification so that computers
running Parity Agent always verify that the correct certificate is present on the Parity
Server. This is a one-time change with no reversal. It should only be done for known
certificate authorities – do not enable certificate verification for self-signed

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Using Parity

Security Status
The top panel of the page shows the security status of agent-server communications.
Specifically, it reports on the source of the certificate (self-signed or imported), whether
there is a certificate issuer associated with the certificate, and whether Parity is configured
to require that agents check the server to verify the legitimacy of the certificate. For self-
signed certificates, the Certificate Issuer is the name of the Parity Server and the certificate
has no known certificate authority. This panel also contains the button that enables
certificate verification.

Current Certificate Details

The Current Server Certificate Details panel shows the standard details available from a
security certificate. If the certificate is self-signed, you may edit the details and re-generate
the certificate.
To edit the details of a self-signed communications security certificate:
1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click on the Security tab. The Agent Server Communications Security page appears.
3. In the Current Server Certificate Details panel, click Edit. The fields in the details
panel are activated for editing, and the Edit button is replaced by Generate and Cancel
4. Change certificate details changes as you choose, then click Generate to generate a
certificate with the new details. To cancel the changes, click Cancel instead.

Table 87: Agent-Server Communications Certificate Details

Field/Button Description
Common Name This must be the fully qualified domain name of the Parity
Server to which your agents are connected.
Expiration Date/ Shows the date and time when the certificate will expire.
Valid For When you are editing the certificate details, this field
changes to Valid For and provides box in which you can
enter the number of days or years you want the certificate to
be valid.
Note: You cannot enter a Valid For period longer than 20
years or 7300 days for a self-signed certificate.
Country Code Standard two-letter country code for organization
responsible for the certificate.
State State (if applicable)
City City
Company Company responsible for the certificate
Department Department (if any) within the company
Email Address Contact information for anyone needing more information
about the certificate.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Field/Button Description
Subject Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an alternative means of
Alternative verifying the certificate against the server hostname. SAN
Name allows the use of multiple DNS names and/or IP addresses,
separated by commas, for a single server so that the
certificate can be verified even when there is access from
different network routes or the same certificate can be used
on multiple servers.
The Subject Alternative Name field is empty by default. A
tooltip shows the required format. The following is an
example of the format for a SAN entry:
You can use wildcards in a DNS name (e.g., *.mycorp.com).

Verifying that the Server Name and Certificate Match

How the agent verifies that the server name matches the certificate depends upon the
server information provided by the server certificate:
• If there are Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS entries in the certificate, these are
compared to the server address used by the agent, and the two must match.
• If there are no SAN DNS entries, the server address used by the agent is verified
against the Common Name (CN) in the server certificate and the two must match.
Mismatches in address/name format between the agent and the server certificate will fail,
even if the name resolves to the IP address. For example, where the agent is using an IPv6
address and the SAN is not, verification will fail. You can correct this problem by adding
an additional address (the IPv6 address) to the SAN, in the format DNS=[IPv6].

Importing a Certificate
You can import a new SSL certificate if you choose. Keep the following in mind when
planning to import a certificate:
• You cannot import an expired certificate.
• Only PKCS#12 certificates are supported. You cannot use another PKCS version. To
use a certificate in another format, you must convert it to a PKCS#12 file format first.
• When you import a certificate, the Edit button is removed from the Current Certificate
Details panel since the imported certificate cannot be edited.
• Parity supports use of multi-level certificates. The actual certificate must be specified
last in the PKCS#12 container file.
• Only a certificate matching the Parity Server hostname or IP address may be imported.

During Parity installation, you must either generate a self-signed certificate or
import a real certificate for Parity Console. If you import a real certificate, you
may use the same certificate for the Agent-Server communications. If you
choose this option, you do not need to complete the following procedure.

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Using Parity

To import a new certificate for agent-server communications security:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Security tab. The Agent Server Communications Security page appears.
3. In the Import Server Certificate panel, click Browse to navigate to the location of your
new certificate file, and when you locate the file in the Chooser dialog, click Open.
4. Enter the Password for the certificate file.
5. When you have provided the necessary information, click Import. A dialog box
appears describing the impact of the change.
6. To complete the certificate import, click OK on the confirmation dialog. A status
message reports on the success or failure of the import. If successful, the new
certificate is installed in the certificate repository and all fields in the Current Server
Certificate Details panel are updated.

Enabling Certificate Verification

Enabling certificate verification instructs all Parity Agents to verify the authenticity of the
Parity Server certificate against a Certificate Authority or their Root certificates. This adds
a level of security to communications because communications between agent and server
cannot be spoofed.

Once certificate verification is enabled, it cannot be revoked, so be certain
you have the certificate you want in place and you are sure you want to
implement the feature before you click the button. Self-signed certificates
were not generated by a known certificate authority, so certificate
verification should not be used in that case.

To enable verification of the communication certificate on the server by agents:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Security tab. The Agent Server Communications Security page appears.
3. Make any changes you intend to make to the certificate, whether it is editing the
details of a self-signed certificate or importing a new one from a file.
4. In the Security Status panel, click Enable Certificate Verification. If you are sure
you want to make this change, click OK in the confirmation dialog; this cannot be
undone in the Parity Console. When you click OK, the Enable Certificate Verification
button disappears, and the Certificate Verification field changes to Enabled.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Advanced Configuration Options

The Advanced Options tab on the System Configuration page includes options related to
database backup, computer and agent management, certificate and updater rules, and
general console management. It may also include settings for optional features.
For information about Database Backup options, including backup and restore
instructions, see “Backing Up Parity” on page 512 and “Restoring Parity” on page 514.
This section provides a basic description of the other Advanced Options. Table 88
describes the parameters on this page, except for the Database Backup parameters, which
are described in the sections referenced above.
To view and edit Advanced configuration options:
1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Advanced Options tab. The Advanced Options configuration page appears:

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Using Parity

3. If you need to change any of the configuration information, click Edit and make any
changes necessary.
4. To submit changes, click the Update button and click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

Table 88: Advanced (Configuration) Options

Section:Field Description
Database Backup See “Backing Up Parity” on page 512 for a description of these
Parity Agent: When Enabled, Parity Agents are notified when a new agent
Automatic Agent version is available, if the Policy the agent is a member of also
Upgrades has agent upgrades activated. It normally is Disabled and is for
use during a Parity upgrade. It has no effect on a new Parity
Server installation. See the Installing Parity Server guide for full
instructions on agent upgrades.
Parity Console: Time period of no activity after which Parity automatically logs
Log Users Out After out Parity Console users.
Parity Console: Files that you want to exclude from the Files page lists,
 separated by commas with optional wildcard character (*). Note
Files to ignore that events associated with the files still appear in the Events
table and can trigger alerts. Ignored files can still be located as
Find Files results. This option is generally not used in normal
Parity Server operation.
Old Computer Period of time offline after which Parity automatically deletes
Cleanup: any disconnected computer from its list of managed computers.
All Computers Check the box to activate cleanup, and enter the number of
days offline after which a computer will be deleted.
If you reconnect a deleted computer and the computer is still
running Parity Agent, the computer will resync its file list and
return to its last configured policy (if available) or the Default
Policy. See “Deleting Computers” on page 152 for more details.
Old Computer A filtered version of automatic deletion of computers from the list
Cleanup: of Parity-managed computers after a certain period of time. As
Computers with the All Computers option, you check the box to activate
Matching Filter cleanup, and enter the number of days offline after which a
computer will be deleted.
With this option, you also add one or more filters to limit deleted
computers to those matching criteria you specify. For example,
you can choose to delete only virtual computers when they
reach the time limit. Or you can delete all computers matching a
particular tag (e.g., “Visitor”). The filter options are:
• Computer name
• Computer tag
• IP Address
• Identifier (MAC address)
• Parent Template
• Platform
• Policy
• Virtualized
• Virtual Platform
Computers must match all filter criteria to be deleted.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Section:Field Description
File Uploads (Optional) Settings controlling the separately licensed feature for
uploading files from agent computers. Determines the location
to which files are uploaded and the length of time they remain
on the server before deletion. See “Uploading Files from
Agents” on page 591 for more details.
Software Rule If Automatically update application updaters from Parity
Options: Knowledge is checked, Parity Knowledge Service keeps the
Updaters Updaters list in the Software Rules section on your Parity Server
up-to-date with any new versions it confirms.
If not checked, the updaters listed continue to be those provided
at server installation time, supplemented by any updaters you
have manually defined.
Software Rule (Optional) Event Rules are part of the separately licensed Bit9
Options: Connector for Network Security Devices. If Process event rules
Event Rules is checked (the default), events matching rules defined and
activated on the Event Rules page can trigger actions such as
file analysis or file banning. See “Event Rules” on page 582 for
more details.
Certificate Options:  If Allow approval of software with expired certificates is checked,
Expired Certificates an expired certificate may be used for publisher-based approval
of a file, if the certificate was valid and the certificate timestamp
is within the period during which it was valid. See “Approval with
Expired Certificates” on page 212 for more details.
If not checked, software with expired certificates cannot be
approved by publisher.
Certificate Options: This option determines which certificates are excluded from use
Exclude Publisher for publisher approvals. If the box for a certificate algorithm is
Approvals With checked, files signed by a publisher whose certificate uses that
These Certificate algorithm cannot be approved by publisher. See “Excluding
Algorithms Certificate Algorithms” on page 212 for more details.
The options are:
Certificate Options: This option specifies a minimum key length for a certificate to be
Minimum used for file approval by publisher. Certificates whose key size is
Certificate Key Size greater than or equal to the chosen value may be used for
For Approval approval by publisher. Certificates whose key size is smaller
than the chosen value may not be used. The default value is
512. See “Minimum Key Size” on page 213 for more details.
Certificate Options: If Require countersignature is checked, certificates that are not
Digital Signatures countersigned are not considered valid for use in approval by
If the box is unchecked (the default), signatures lacking a
countersigner are considered valid, but only for the life of the
signing certificate. See “Countersignature Options” on page 213
for more details.

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Using Parity

Section:Field Description
Certificate Options: Determines whether and how a certificate revocation check is
Initial Revocation done at initial file discovery on an agent. There are three
Check possible values:
• Network – If revocation information is not locally available
then use the network to retrieve a certificates revocation
• Cache – Use locally available revocation status information
when performing certificate revocation (the network will not be
• None – Do not perform certificate revocation checking.
Consider your agent deployment scenario when setting these
values since they can impact agent performance. See
“Revocation Checks” on page 213 for more details.
Certificate Options: Determines whether and how certificate revocation checks are
Background done for existing files on an agent every 24 hours. If activated,
Revocation Check these checks are done in the background. The possible values
are the same as those for Initial Revocation Check (above).
See “Revocation Checks” on page 213 for more details.

Backing Up Parity
You can fully back up and restore the Parity system as currently configured, including
computer configuration, system settings, file database and event log. Parity automatically
backs up changes to its database to your specified backup location within 15 minutes of a
critical change or once an hour, whichever comes first. Full backups occur every 8 hours.
Continuous automated backups ensure that the server and connected computers remain
synchronized after you restore your backup configuration.
The free space available to the backup folder should be at least twice the size of the Parity
Server database. For both your backup folder and your main SQL database, you should
monitor your disk space regularly to prevent overruns.
The Parity server Backup function requires that xp_cmdshell support be enabled on the
SQL Server instance where the Parity database is hosted. See your SQL Server
documentation for instructions on enabling xp_cmdshell. The following links provide
some information about this task:
• SQL Server 2005: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
• SQL Server 2008: http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1673/where-is-the-surface-
• SQL Server 2012: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190693.aspx

To back up Parity to a specified network location:

1. Make sure xp_cmdshell is enabled on your SQL Server.
2. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
3. Click the Advanced Options tab. The Advanced Options page appears, with the
Database Backup panel at the top.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

4. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page, and specify backup location and
configuration options (see Table 89):

5. Click the Update button and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog. Each time you
save the backup configuration with backup enabled, Parity tests backup settings and
displays an error message if the configuration fails. Parity also writes messages to the
Events page that inform you about backup success, problems, or failure.

Table 89: Database Backup Options

Field Description
Backup Type Network or Local. Local backups should only be used on a
different physical drive than the Parity Server drive.
Backup Path The full path to the computer or storage media that will store the
backup of the Parity database and configuration. Secure your
backup directory and ensure that only Parity administrators have
access to it. For best performance, avoid creating unnecessary
subdirectories and keep the backup directory as close as
possible to the server root directory. For example:
• Local paths are recommended for local backups. You may use
a UNC path (as above) for a local drive, but the local option
does not include username, password, or Windows domain
information and no privileges are used to establish this path.
• If Parity Server is connected to a remote database, the backup
path is relative to the database server, and the Username,
Password, and Windows domain fields will not appear.
Username User name with write permission to the network backup directory.
(Network backups)
Password Domain password for the user account that writes to the network
(Network backups) backup directory. The password is encrypted in the Parity
Windows domain Windows domain to which the user account for the network
(Network backups) backup location belongs.
Enabled Check the box to begin backups at two-minute intervals to the
specified storage location.
Clear the checkbox to discontinue automatic backups.
Status (read only) Time of the next scheduled backup, or status of the most recent
backup (including any errors).

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Using Parity

After you configure the backup directory, do not add, delete, or edit any of its
files. Because updating is continuous, such changes adversely affect file
synchronization and the integrity of your backup.

Restoring Parity
You can restore the Parity system to its most recent state. Parity database and settings
restoration is a manual procedure that requires that you reinstall the Parity Server. As a
precaution, the Parity restoration procedure disables automatic backups to ensure that your
only backup copy is not overwritten before you can copy it to a safe location.
The Parity Agent runs independently of the Parity Server. While you reinstall Parity
Server and restore the backup configuration, computers remain protected according to the
configuration settings received from the Parity Server during their last polling instance.
To restore Parity to its most recent configuration:
1. If your Windows installation is corrupted, reinstall the operating system on the Parity
Server hardware. See the Installing Parity Server guide for installation guidelines.
2. Reinstall the Parity Server:

When you reinstall, Parity detects the IP address of the installation
computer. If you installed Parity Server using a DNS name, you can
sometimes reinstall on a computer with the same name but a different IP
address. Otherwise, if you are reinstalling on a computer with a different
IP address, you must also reinstall the Parity Agent on all computers.
Upon installation, computers reinitialize their files and locally approve
previously Unapproved files. The restore procedure automatically updates
existing agent installation packages to use the new server IP address.

a. Insert the Parity CD (or an executable image of it) in a drive connected to the
designated server.
b. To run the installer, follow the installation prompts. See the Installing Parity
Server guide for information about installation options, including changing the
server IP address, installing via terminal services, or using a DNS name.
c. On the Install Type Option screen, select the Restore from backup option.
d. Navigate to the backup directory.
e. Follow the remaining standard installation prompts, and after completing the
installation, exit the procedure.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

3. During the restoration procedure, Parity automatically disables continuous backups.

Resume automatic backups as follows:
a. Copy all files in the backup folder to a new location so they are not overwritten (or
specify a new backup folder and leave existing backup files in place).
b. Verify that the currently specified backup directory is now empty so that the fresh
backup completes without potential corruption by old files.
c. On the Parity Console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration
and then click the Advanced Options tab. The Database Backup panel is at the
top of the Advanced Options page:

d. Check the Enabled check box.

e. To commence backups in the specified location, click the Update button at the
bottom of the page and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

Configuring Alert and Approval Request Mail

Some Parity features require configuration of a mail server so that messages can be sent to
administrators or endpoint users under certain conditions. The current features that require
this are:
• Alerts – email notification of administrators when a Parity alert is triggered. See
“Creating Alerts” on page 406 for more information about alerts.
• Approval Requests – email notification of a user when their Approval Request is
closed. See “Resolving Requests and Justifications” on page 382 for more information
about Approval Request responses.
To enable these email notifications, you must give Parity access to an SMTP (Simple Mail
Transport Protocol) server to send messages when notification conditions are met. You
configure this on the Mail tab of the System Configuration page. There, you can:
• Specify the mail server for notifications.
• Choose standard or secure mail for notifications.
• Enable or disable sending of alert mail to subscribers of specific alerts.
• Specify an optional global subscriber to receive all alert emails.
• Enable or disable automatic delivery of approval request response email.
Table 90 describes all fields for these options.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 515

Using Parity

Table 90: Mail Configuration Options

Panel:Field Description
Alert Settings: A checkbox determining whether email subscribers to
Mail Notification Parity alerts receive email when the alerts are triggered.
Enabled You might choose to disable this if you are monitoring
alerts closely on the Parity console, or are generating a
large number of alerts during testing or monitoring
activities. Enabled by default.
Alert Settings: A checkbox determining whether a global subscriber to
Global Subscriber email alerts is enabled. If this is enabled and a
Enabled subscriber is entered in the Global subscriber field, the
subscriber receives email every time any Parity alert is
triggered. You can enable or disable this as needed.
Alert Settings: The email address of the global alert subscriber.
Global Subscriber Appears only if Global Subscriber Enabled is checked.
Approval Request A checkbox determining whether the user making an
Settings: Approval Request receives automatic email when the
Mail Notification request is closed. Disabled by default.
Server Settings: Mail server address. This can be an IP address or a fully
Mail Server qualified domain name.
Server Settings: Port for the mail server. Specify the port in use for your
Mail Server Port server. Default value of 25 is used for standard SMTP
mail; default value of 587 is used for Secure Mail. Make
sure the port you are using is available for outbound
Server Settings: Email address used as the from address in notification
Mail “From” Address emails.
The from address need not be an actual, functioning
email address, but it must be in the proper syntax for an
email address (e.g., info@mycorp.com) or it will
generate event log errors. Also, some mail servers
automatically discard email without a proper from
address as spam.
Server Settings: A checkbox determining whether emails are sent via
Secure Mail (TLS) secure mail. Secure mail requires a username and
password to authenticate communication with the mail
Server Settings: The username for authenticating access to the mail
Secure Mail Username server. Appears only if Secure Mail (TLS) is checked.
Server Settings: The password for authenticating access to the mail
Secure Mail Password/ server. Must be entered in both password fields. Appears
Confirm Password only if Secure Mail (TLS) is checked.
Validate Server: An email address used to test your email server
Test Address configuration. For example, you can use your own email
address so that you can click the Send Mail button and
immediately know whether the Parity mail server
configuration works. The test should be done before the
settings on this page are updated so that any issues are
exposed and can be remedied.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Configuring Standard Email for Notifications

To configure email using standard (unsecure) mail:
1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Mail tab. The Mail Notification Configuration table appears:

3. Click the Edit button. Parity activates the email configuration fields for editing. Fields
are added or removed depending upon the options you enable or disable. When you
enable an option, required fields for that option appear in red if not filled in.
4. The Alerts Settings Mail Notification Enabled box is checked by default. Leave it
check if you want alert notification emails to be sent. 
Note: See “Specifying a Global Alert Subscriber” on page 519 before deciding
whether to enable a global subscriber.
5. Check the Mail Notification Enabled box in the Approval Request Settings panel if
you want automatic email to be sent a requestor when an approval request is resolved.
6. In the Server Settings panel, enter the Mail Server address, either as a fully qualified
domain name or IP address.
7. By default, the Mail Server Port defaults to 25 when you use standard mail. If you are
using a different port, change the field.
8. Enter a Mail “From” Address. This is the address that recipients will see as the sender
of notification email.
9. If you want to use Secure Mail for notifications, provide the information described in
“Configuring Secure Email for Notifications” on page 518.

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Using Parity

10. To test the mail server configuration, enter a Test email address at which you can
receive mail and click Send Mail. Parity sends a test email to that address.
11. If the test reports an error in the Validate Server section, correct the problem. The
Validate Server test should be successful before you proceed.
12. Click the Update button and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog. Parity displays
your updated mail configuration on the Mail Notification Configuration page.

Configuring Secure Email for Notifications

Parity provides the option of using a secure mail for Parity notifications instead of the
standard mail. The secure mail requires a username and password for access to the mail
server. Secure mail uses Transport Layer Security, which is an explicit method of securing
communication to the mail server. By default, it uses port 587 and initiates the
communication with –BEGINTLS sent in plain text.
To configure Parity to use SMTP/TLS for notifications:
1. In the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration and then click
on the Mail tab. The Mail Notification Configuration page opens.
2. Click Edit and check the Secure Mail (TLS) box. Secure mail options appear.

3. If you have not already done so, provide the Mail Server and Mail “From” Address.
4. By default, the Mail Server Port defaults to 587 when you choose Secure Mail. If you
are using a different port, change the value in this field.
5. In the Security Mail Username field, provide a username for authentication on the
secure mail server.

• For an Exchange Server, the Username should be in the format
DOMAIN\username, and the From address field must contain a user
email return address.
• For Gmail, the Username should contain the Gmail username without
any domain. The value in the From address is ignored.

6. In the Secure Email Password field, enter the password for the mail server username,
and enter it again in the Confirm Password field.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

7. In the Validate Server panel, enter a Test Address and test your mail server settings by
clicking on Send Mail. If the configuration is valid, a message confirms that the test
mail was sent. Check that the mail was received at the address specified.

8. When you have confirmed that the email was received as specified, click Update to
save the configuration, review the changes on the confirmation dialog, and click Yes if
you are satisfied with the changes.

Specifying a Global Alert Subscriber

You can designate one user as the global alert subscriber. Because this has the potential to
generate a large amount of mail for that user, think carefully before enabling this feature,
and consider a special address dedicated to alert tracking. You enable the global subscriber
in the Mail Notification Configuration panel of the System Configuration page.
To enable one subscriber to receive all alert emails:
1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration.
2. Click the Mail tab. The Mail Notification Configuration page appears.
3. In the Settings panel, click Edit.
4. Check the Global Subscriber Enabled box. The Global Subscriber text box appears.
5. In the Global Subscriber text box, enter the name of the subscriber.
6. Click the Update button and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

To disable the global subscriber, un-check the Global Subscriber Enabled
box and then Update.

Managing Parity Licenses

The Licensing panel of the System Configuration page provides the ability to manage
Parity licenses and to activate, deactivate, and configure Parity Knowledge Service. The
Parity Knowledge Service options are described in the section “Activating Parity
Knowledge Service File Analysis” on page 523.
Parity Server can be licensed at two feature levels:
• Parity Visibility – Enables all Parity file and event tracking and reporting features,
but does not include control features such as file bans and device blocking.
• Parity Suite – Enables all the features of Parity Visibility and Parity Control.
License keys determine the number of agents allowed to run in each mode.You can mix
licenses on the same server, having, for example, 20 Parity Visibility licenses and 20
Parity Suite licenses. In addition, you can purchase the Parity Control upgrade at any time
to bring Parity Visibility licenses up to Parity Suite level.

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Using Parity

Viewing Your Parity License Limits and Use

The Licensing panel of System Configuration shows the licenses you have at each level,
allows you to add new licenses, and shows how many licenses of each type are in use. It
also might show that custom features are activated.
To view the Parity Licensing configuration page:
1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Licensing tab. The Licensing options appear:

In the Licensing window, the Summary panel shows the following information:
• Parity Suite license shows the Limit for the number of agents (if any) you are
licensed to run under full Parity Control mode and the number of these licenses
currently In use.
• Parity Visibility license shows the Limit for the number of agents (if any) you are
licensed to run under Parity Visibility mode only and the number of these licenses
currently In use.
• There are x computer(s) currently in Visibility policies and There are y
computer(s) currently in Control policies not only show the number of systems you
currently have in each mode but also provide access to a list of each. When you click
the highlighted number in each line, the Computers Page opens showing only the
computers in the category you clicked. For example, in the illustration above, clicking
on 164 shows a list of computers in Control policies. This line also shows how many
computers managed by Parity are servers.
• If your current license includes optional features, these will also be shown in the
Summary panel.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

• Parity licenses specify the allowable number of agents (computers) in
each category; licenses are not locked to particular agents. The
number of agents actually operating at each level is controlled by the
Mode setting on the Add/Edit Policy page for the policy controlling
the agent. You can move a computer or group of computers from
Visibility mode to Control mode, or vice versa, as long as you have a
sufficent number of Parity Suite licenses for the systems in Control.
• For agents in Visibility mode policies, Visibility Only licenses are
used first, up to the number you purchased (if any), and then, if
necessary, Parity Suite licenses are used.

Parity Administrators can also see licensing information on the Parity Home Page if the
Licensing portlet is displayed. This portlet provides a Manage your licenses link that
takes you to the Licensing configuration page.

License Warnings
When you create or edit a policy, or add computers to it, you may change the number of
licenses of each type you are using. If the number of agents in Control mode exceeds the
number of Parity Suite licenses you have, Parity displays a warning message. A warning
also appears if the total number of agents exceeds the total number of licenses. If you see
one of these warnings, take one of the following actions:
• Contact your Bit9 Sales representative to purchase additional licenses.
• Move enough agents out of Control policies to comply with your Parity Suite license
limit. You can accomplish this by either moving some of your computers to a different
policy or by changing one ore more policies to Visibility mode.
• Move enough agents to Agent Disabled mode (and uninstall the agent if you do not
plan to acquire more licenses) to comply with your license limits.

Adding Licenses
If you acquire a license key for additional agents at either licensing level, you activate the
new license on the Licensing page. Parity provides two ways to add a new Parity license:
• by entering a string of characters in a text box
• by identifying the location of a file containing the license key

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Using Parity

To add new Parity licenses by entering the key:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Licensing tab. The Licensing options appear.
3. In the Licenses panel, click the Paste license key radio button.

4. Paste or type the license key you received from Bit9 in the text box.
5. Click the Add License button.

To add new Parity licenses by filename:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Licensing tab. The Licensing options appear.
3. In the Licenses panel, click the Specify license file radio button.

4. Click the Browse button to open the file chooser, locate the license file, and click
Open in the file chooser.
5. Click the Add License button.

Confirming License Addition

If your license addition is successful, the following message will display within the Add
License panel: "Parity License has been successfully added."
If your license addition is unsuccessful, the following message will display: "Parity
License has not been added:" along with information about why the addition was
unsuccessful. Correct the problem if possible; otherwise, contact your Bit9 Support

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 522

Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Activating Parity Knowledge Service File Analysis

Parity Knowledge is a web service, hosted by Bit9, that helps identify and classify
software discovered on your computers by comparing it to an extensive database of known
files. It provides a threat level and a trust rating to files in its database, and Parity Server
can include this information in its live file inventory. If you have Parity Knowledge
Service enabled, you can query the service about any file in the Parity Server inventory to
get whatever information is available.
You must enable Parity Knowledge Service if you want to use Reputation Approvals and
view Trust and Threat values for files in the Parity Console.

If your Parity Server license key included a Parity Knowledge Service
subscription, the key for Parity Knowledge Service will already appear on the
Licensing page. You will still need to follow the procedure below to accept the
terms and conditions of Parity Knowledge use and activate the service.

To enable Bit9 Parity Knowledge Service:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration. The System
Configuration page appears.
2. Click the Licensing tab. The Licensing configuration options appear, with the Parity
Knowledge Activation and Proxy Settings panels at the bottom of the page.

3. If you want to use a Proxy Server to communicate with Parity Knowledge Service, go
to the Parity Knowledge Proxy Settings panel, click Edit, and configure the settings as
described in the table below: See “Using a Proxy Server for Parity Knowledge” on
page 525 if the proxy server requires authentication.

Field/Button Description
Proxy Settings: If checked, use of a proxy server for communication with
Enabled Parity Knowledge Service is enabled. You must provide
its URL in the URL box.
Proxy Settings: The URL to use as proxy for Parity Knowledge Service
URL communications. You can use a hostname or an IP
address, and optionally add a port specification.
4. Click Update and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

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Using Parity

5. If there is already a Parity Knowledge Service key showing in the Parity Knowledge
Activation box, skip to the next step. 
- or -
If the Parity Knowledge key field is empty, enter the key you have or contact your
Bit9 Support representative to get an activation key.

Note: Connectivity between the browser and the Parity Knowledge service site is
required for the remainder of the steps in this procedure.
6. When a Parity Knowledge key is showing, click Activate. The Activation panel of the
page is updated with new buttons.
7. Click the Accept Terms and Activate button. The Parity Knowledge Service Terms
and Conditions page appears in a new browser window.
8. Review the Parity Knowledge Service terms and conditions. If you agree, check the
box to confirm that you have read the terms and click the Submit button. This
activates your subscription and enables you to connect to Parity Knowledge Service.
9. Close the Bit9 Parity Knowledge Activation browser window and return to System
Configuration in the Parity Console.
10. Click the Verify Activation button to determine whether Parity Knowledge Service
was successfully configured for communication with the Parity Server.
11. The Options button, which appears after you complete the activation, opens a web
page that allows modification of certain Parity Knowledge Service parameters. There
are two option checkboxes, both of which are enabled by default:
- Enable file identification and threat level results -- This allows file information
to be sent to Bit9 Parity Knowledge for analysis. Keeping this enabled is required
for you to have access to the reputation services provided by Bit9.
- Enable remote maintenance services -- This allows Bit9-initiated queries and
updates to be performed on your server to ensure optimal performance. This helps
Bit9 support your Parity installation.
12. To look up files by hash in the Parity Knowledge Service, click the file Analyze
button from the Files or File Details pages.

The analysis results for each file are displayed in a new browser tab. For
multi-file requests in Internet Explorer, the popup blocker may block the
results for each file after the first one.

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Chapter 20: Parity Configuration

Parity Knowledge Availability Status

Parity Server verifies its connection to Parity Knowledge Service continuously. If Parity
Knowledge is not available, an error is displayed on the Licensing tab indicating the
reason for the service interruption.
In addition, there is a built-in Parity Knowledge Unavailable Alert that is triggered when
expected Parity Knowledge tasks are not performed during a period of time specified in
the alert (by default, three hours). When triggered, the alert may also send an email
notification to a list of alert subscribers.
The three-hour default setting for the Parity Knowledge Unavailable Alert helps eliminate
unnecessary alerts for temporary network issues that would be resolved before they would
have significant impact on Parity Knowledge users. However, you can change the length
of time Parity Knowledge must be unavailable before the alert is triggered. See “Using
Parity Alerts” on page 403 for more on alerts, including where they are displayed.
Another connection relevant to Parity Knowledge is the connection between the console
user’s browser and Parity Knowledge services. This connection is required for activation
of Parity Knowledge, and also, when you choose Analyze on a Parity Console file details
page, for redirection to the Parity Knowledge file assessment page. When a user navigates
to the Licensing tab, Parity checks whether that user can access the Parity Knowledge site
and displays the following error if there is a problem with that connection: Parity
Knowledge is currently not accessible. Please check back later.

Deactivating Parity Knowledge Service

If you need to deactivate Parity Knowledge for some reason, you use the same panel on
the System Configuration page Licensing tab that was used for activation.

When you click Deactivate, a dialog appears warning that trust and threat information
will no longer be provided. You confirm deactivation on that dialog.
The key you previously provided to activate the service is stored so that you can reactivate
your Parity Knowledge connection simply by clicking the Reactivate button.

Using a Proxy Server for Parity Knowledge

You can use a proxy server to handle your communications with the Parity Knowledge
Service. If the proxy server you use does not require authentication, simply provide the
URL in the field provided and check the box that activates use of a proxy.
If the proxy server you use requires authentication, you must allow access for the Parity
service user account that was configured during Parity Server installation. You can
determine the name of this account by opening the Windows Task Manager and clicking

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 525

Using Parity

the Services button in the bottom right corner. The name in the Log On As field next to
Parity Reporter must be allowed to access the proxy server.

If you have the optional Bit9 Connector and have enabled Wildfire analysis, if
a Parity Knowledge Proxy is provided and enabled, it will also be used for
connections from the Parity Server to Wildfire.

Parity Knowledge Synchronization

When Parity Knowledge is activated for a Parity Server, it begins synchronizing file
information with the server. This synchronization allows Parity Knowledge to provide
trust and threat levels for files on the server that are also in its database. The amount of
time this takes depends upon the number of files to be synchronized.
After the initial synchronization, Parity Knowledge and Parity Server continue to
communicate. New files discovered on the server are synchronized with Parity
Knowledge, trust and threat levels are updated when they change, and other file metadata,
such as publisher and certificate data, may be updated.
The Parity Knowledge Activation panel provides the status of file synchronization. It
includes the total number of unique files found on the server, the number and percent
synchronized so far, and the estimated amount of time left before synchronization is
complete. This is especially useful during the initial synchronization, but also can be
helpful for tracking the availability of trust and threat information on the server when a
large number of new files appears on the server.

The estimate of time to complete synchronization might not be accurate if
there are technical difficulties with the database or an interruption in network
connectivity to Parity Knowledge. If an error occurs during synchronization,
the process is paused temporarily to allow for normal operations to be
restored, and an error message indicates the length of the pause.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 526

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Appendix A

Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

In addition to the access provided to the Live Inventory of files and computers through the
console user interface, Parity includes public views into the database. You can create your
own reporting and data analysis solutions through the use of these public views. This
appendix describes the available read-only database views.
Creating your own custom reports using the external database views may be useful when
you want to perform complex analysis of file and computer inventory data. The SDK also
• A special combination of filters or a file grouping not provided in the Parity Console.
• Inquiries that perform faster when done through direct database access outside of the
Parity user interface.
• Reports that run on a specific schedule and/or need their output integrated into third-
party tools.

Performance Considerations
The external views provide read-only access to the database and are optimized to not
interfere with other Parity Server tasks. The database server is a shared resource, however,
and overall performance of the Parity Server might be affected by extensive querying of
external views. Consider the following general suggestions:
• Avoid running queries that take more than two minutes to complete.
• Limit total time spent querying the external database to no more than 5% of total time
(e.g., a few minutes each hour).
• If possible, run queries at a time of day when Parity Agents are not very active,
especially avoiding times when agents are initializing.
Contact Bit9 Technical Support for assistance with performance issues.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

If you used these database views in a previous release, you may need to modify some
queries to match changes in this release. In the tables for each view, changes since Parity
6.0.2 are indicated in the following ways:
• New fields are indicated with a solid delta () next to the name if new for 7.0.0 and a
solid diamond () if new for 7.0.1. Note that some fields were introduced in different
builds or patches of the same version.
• Changed fields (field name or its values) are indicated with an open delta symbol ()
next to the name if changed for for 7.0.0 and an open diamond () if changed for
7.0.1. A Change Note in the Comments column describes what has changed. Note
that some fields were changed in different builds or patches of the same version.
• Removed fields are noted in the introduction to each view table.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 527

Using Parity

Parity 7.01 supports agent installation on Mac and Windows computers, so any path-
related field will have have operating-system-specific syntax (including delimiters).
In addition, you should be aware of the following global changes in terminology, which
affect many of the SDK values, between Parity 6.0.2 and Parity 7.0.0:

Table 91: Global Terminology Changes for Parity 7.0.0

Category 6.0.2 Term 7.0.0/7.0.1 Term

File Status Pending Unapproved
Approved (Custom) Approved by Policy
Banned (Custom) Banned by Policy
Computer protection level SecCon Enforcement Level
Enforcement Level value 20-Lockdown High (Block Unapproved)
30-Block-and-Ask Medium (Prompt Unapproved)
40-Monitor Low (Monitor Unapproved)
60-Visibility Only None (Visibility)
80-Agent Disabled None (Disabled)

Schema Overview: bit9_public

External views represent a de-normalized view of the Parity Server live inventory. These
views are suitable for reporting and analysis using data cubes. Each exposed view uses the
naming convention with the prefix “Ex” for “external,” and is in the schema bit9_public
within the database Das.

Specifying a Schema User

You must provide a login name for the user to whom you want to grant access to the
bit9_public schema. Use the following script to add this login name and login manually
(after Parity is installed). Replace Domain and bit9user with your own values for the
appropriate Windows user:


CREATE USER [Domain\bit9user] FOR LOGIN [Domain\bit9user]
USE [Das]
GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO [Domain\bit9user]
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO [Domain\bit9user]

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 528

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Schema Views and Diagram

Table 92 shows the views available in the schema. Detail about the data in each view is
shown in the subsequent tables in this topic. The full schema diagram for bit9_public
appears immediately after the table.

Table 92: Schema Views for bit9_public

View Name Description Primary Key Foreign Keys
ExInfo Public Property_Id (None)
properties of
servers and
schema in the
ExEvents All events Event_Id File_Catalog_Id,
shown on the Root_File_Catalog_Id,
Events page Computer_Id
ExMeters All executions Event_Id Computer_Id,
of metered files File_Catalog_Id
ExComputers Metadata of all Computer_Id (None)
ExFileCatalog Metadata for all File_Catalog_Id (None)
unique hashes
ExFileInstances Metadata of all File_Instance_Id File_Instance_Group_Id,
file instances on Computer_Id,
all computers File_Catalog_Id
ExDeletedFileInstances Metadata of all Deleted_File_Instance_Id File_Instance_Group_Id,
deleted file Computer_Id,
instances File_Catalog_Id
ExFileInstanceGroups Metadata of all File_Instance_Group_Id Computer_Id,
file instance File_Catalog_Id

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 529

Using Parity

Schema Diagram for bit9_public

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 530

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Details of Database Views

The ExComputers view provides access to the metadata of all computers running Parity
Agent at your site. To see a list of this data for all computers in the Parity Console, choose
Assets > Computers the console menu. To see this data for a single computer, click on the
name of a computer on the Computers page.

Table 93: ExComputers View Details

Field Name Data Special Values Comments
Computer_Id int Primary key
Audit_Date nvarchar Date and time when Computer
Information was collected
Computer_Information XML A meta-field containing data (in XML
format) about the computer including
number of drives and free space on
each; number, model and speed of
processors; and total RAM on
 Platform varchar ‘Windows’,’Mac’
Memory_Size int Size (megabytes) of installed memory
on this computer
Processor_Count int Number of processors on this
Processor_Speed float Speed of computer processor in MHz
IP_Address varchar Last recorded IP address of this
computer. This can be either an IPv4
or IPv6 address.
Connected varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ ‘Yes’ if agent on this computer is
connected to the Parity Server
Days_Offline int Number of days this computer has
been offline
Computer_Uninstalled varchar ‘Yes’, ‘No’ ‘Yes’ if agent has been uninstalled
from this computer
Computer_Deleted varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ ‘Yes’ if computer has been deleted
from the Computers list in Parity
Date_Created datetime Date and time this computer first
connected to the Parity Server
Policy_Mode varchar ‘Control’, ‘Visibility’,  Mode of the policy this computer
‘Agent Disabled’ belongs to
Agent_Version varchar Version of the agent installed on this

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 531

Using Parity

Field Name Data Special Values Comments

Poll_Date varchar Date and time this computer last
connected to the Parity Server
Policy_Assignment varchar ‘Manual’, How policy is assigned to this agent
‘Automatic’ (automatic means it was assigned by
Active Directory mapping)
 Upgrade_Status varchar 'Up to date', Current upgrade status of this agent
'Completed', Change Note: ‘Upgrade requested’ 
'Not supported',
'Scheduled', was added in 7.0.0.
'Not requested',
'Agent uninstalled',
'Reboot required',
 Policy_Status varchar 'Policy out of date', Current policy status of this computer
'Approvals out of Change Note: Value ‘Enforcement
date', 'Enforcement Level out of date’ was ‘SecCon out of
Level out of date', date’ in 6.0.2.
'Out of date', 
'Up to date'
Computer nvarchar Name of this computer
Users nvarchar Comma-separated list of users that
have ever logged on to this computer
  Enforcement_Level nvarchar 'High (Block Enforcement Level used when this
Unapproved)', computer is online
'Medium (Prompt Change Note: Enforcement_Level
Unapproved)', was Online_SecCon in 6.0.2. All
'Low (Monitor values changed beginning with 7.0.0.
'None (Visibility)',
'None (Disabled)'
 Disconnected_Level nvarchar 'High (Block Enforcement Level used when this
Unapproved)', computer is offline
'Medium (Prompt Change Note: Disconnected_Level
Unapproved)', was Offline_SecCon in 6.0.2. All
'Low (Monitor values changed beginning with 7.0.0.
'None (Visibility)',
'None (Disabled)'
Computer_Tag nvarchar Optional custom tag assigned to this
OS_Short_Name nvarchar Short name of the OS installed on this
OS_Long_Name nvarchar Long name of the OS installed on this
Policy nvarchar Name of the last policy this agent has

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 532

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Field Name Data Special Values Comments

Policy_Description nvarchar Description of the last policy this
agent has joined
Machine_Model nvarchar Machine model of this computer
Processor_Model nvarchar Processor model of this computer
Upgrade_Error nvarchar Agent upgrade error (if any)
Synch_Percent int Progress of synchronization of this
computer with Parity Server (percent)
 Template varchar ‘Yes’,’No’ ‘Yes’ if computer is a template. ‘No’ if
it is not (includes clones and non-
cloned computers).
 int The ID of the parent template
Template_Computer_Id computer. If the value is 0, the
computer does not have a template
parent and is not a clone. If the value
is non-zero, the computer is a clone.
 Virtualized varchar ‘Yes’,’No’ ‘Yes’ if computer is a virtual machine.
‘No’ if it is not.
 Virtual_Platform varchar If Virtualized is ‘Yes’, the platform of
the virtual machine. Currently, this will
be either ‘VMware’, ‘Unknown’, or

The ExInfo view provides access to data about Parity Server and public schema (this
schema) versions as well as the address of servers in the Parity environment.

Table 94: ExInfo View Details

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments
Property_Id int Primary Key
Name nvarchar ‘RPCServerAddress’, Name of the property
Value nvarchar Value of the property

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 533

Using Parity

The ExMeters view provides access to data on all executions of Parity meters, which
monitor each time a specified file is executed. To see this information as it is displayed in
the Parity Console, choose Tools > Meters in the console menu and click on the View
Details button next to any meter to see information about a specific meter.

Table 95: ExMeters View Details

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments
Event_Id bigint Foreign key into ExEvents table for
event that correspond to this meter
entry. Since this value is always
unique, it can also serve as a
primary key.
Computer_Id int Foreign key into ExComputers table
for computer that corresponds to
this meter entry.
File_Catalog_Id int Foreign key into ExFileCatalog table
for file that corresponds to this meter
Timestamp datetime Date and time when this meter entry
was generated
Name nvarchar Name of the meter
Description nvarchar Description of the meter
Data nvarchar Data associated with the meter (see
“type” for interpretation of this field)
 Type int 2 = sha1 hash, Type of the Data field. This defines
3 = md5 hash, how the meter was created.
4 = file name, Change Note: Some previous
versions of the documentation had
5 = sha256 hash incorrect numerical values for this
6 = sha256 fuzzy hash field.

User_Name nvarchar Name of the user that created this


Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 534

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

The ExEvents view provides access to all events that are displayable on the Events page.
This includes events related to files discovered, files blocked, files approved, unapproved
files executed, system management processes, and actions by console users. To see event
data as it is displayed in the Parity Console, choose Reports > Events in console menu;
this displays the Events page.

Table 96: ExEvents View Details

Field Name Data Special Values Comments
Event_Id bigint Primary Key
Computer_Id int Foreign key into the ExComputers for
computer that sent this event
File_Catalog_Id int Foreign key into the ExFileCatalog
table for file associated with this event
Root_File_Catalog_Id int Foreign key into ExFileCatalog table
for a root file associated with this
 File_Name nvarchar Name of the file related to this event
 Path_Name nvarchar File path related to this event. Paths
use the OS-specific delimiter for the
agent on which the file is located.
Process nvarchar Name of the process associated with
this event
 int Foreign key into ExFileCatalog table
Process_File_Catalog_ID for the process associated with this
Timestamp datetime Date and time (UTC) this event was
IP_Address varchar IP address of the endpoint that
originated this event
Description nvarchar Event description
Priority nvarchar ‘Debug’, Event priority
‘Info’, 
‘Warning’, 
Type nvarchar Event Type
Subtype nvarchar Event Subtype
User_Name nvarchar Name of the user associated with this

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 535

Using Parity

Field Name Data Special Values Comments

 Rule_Name nvarchar Name of the Parity rule that caused
the event (block/prompt/report/
 Ban_Name nvarchar Name of the hash or filename ban
associated with the event (empty if the
ban was not named); introduced in
7.0.1 Patch 3
 Updater_Name nvarchar If an updater is associated with the
event, the name of the updater;
introduced in 7.0.1 Patch 3

The ExFileCatalog view provides access to the metadata for all unique hashes of files
Parity discovers on your computers. To see this file data as it is displayed in the Parity
Console, choose Assets > Files in the console menu and click on the File Catalog tab.

Table 97: ExFileCatalog View Details

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments
File_Catalog_Id int Primary Key
Prevalence int Prevalence of this file –
number of computers that
currently have this file
First_Created datetime Date and time when this file
was first created
File_Size bigint Size of this file in bytes
File_Type varchar ‘Application’, Type of this file
‘Package’, ‘Script File’,
‘Supporting File’,
‘Other’, ‘Unknown’,
Executed File’
MD5 char MD5 hash of this file
Sha1 char SHA1 hash of this file
Sha256 char SHA256 hash of this file (see
Sha256_Hash_Type for
interpretation of this field)
Sha256_Hash_Type int 5 = regular hash Type of the Sha256_Hash.
6 = MSI fuzzy hash See “SHA-256” on page 178
for more details.
First_Seen_Computer_id int Foreign key into
ExComputers table for
computer on which the file
was first seen

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 536

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments

First_Seen_Name nvarchar File name where this file was
first seen on any computer
First_Seen_Path nvarchar Path where this file was first
seen on any computer. Uses
the path delimiter for the OS
of the first-seen computer.
Product_Name nvarchar Product name of this file
Product_Version nvarchar Product version of this file
Publisher nvarchar Publisher of this file (if file is
signed with certificate)
 Publisher_State nvarchar ‘Approved’, ‘Approved State of this publisher (if
by Policy’, available); “none” for
‘Unapproved’, unsigned files
‘Banned’, ‘Banned by Change Note: Banned and
Policy’ Banned by Policy were added
during 7.0.1.
 nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘Reputation’, Reason the file’s publisher is
Publisher_State_Reason ‘Imported’, ‘External approved
(API)’, ‘Unknown’
Publisher_or_Company nvarchar Publisher (if available) or
Company name (if no
publisher info) of this file
Company nvarchar Company name of this file
Installed_Program_Name nvarchar If this file was an installer, the
name of its installed program
(i.e., its name on the Add/
Remove Programs page in
Windows). No value for Mac
Trust int -1 = unknown, Trust of this file;
[0 – 10] valid values maximum = 10

Trust_Messages nvarchar More information associated

with this file’s trust
Threat nvarchar ‘0 - Clean’, Threat level of this file
‘1 - Potential risk’,
‘2 - Malicious’,
Category nvarchar Category of this file
 State nvarchar ‘Unapproved’, Effective global file state for
‘Approved’, ‘Banned’, this file
‘Approved by Policy’,
‘Banned by Policy’,

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 537

Using Parity

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments

  File_State nvarchar ‘Unapproved’, Global file state for this file
‘Approved’, ‘Banned’, Change Note: Was
‘Approved by Policy’, Global_State in 6.0.2. Also,
‘Banned by Policy’, values changed beginning
‘Mixed’ with 7.0.0.
  File_Flags nvarchar Comma-separated Global file flags for this file
combination of one or Change Note: File_Flags
more of the following: was Global_Flags in 6.0.2.
‘Installer’, Also, the value ‘Report Only
‘Not installer Ban’ was ‘Test Banned’ in
(Override)’ 6.0.2.
‘Installer (Override)’,
‘Report Only Ban’
 File_State_Reason nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘Trusted Reason for the approval state
Directory’, of this file
‘Imported’, ‘External
(API)’, ‘Unknown’
 varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ Was this file approved
Approved_By_Reputation because of its file or publisher
Trust and Threat ratings in
Parity Knowledge Service
Reputation_Enabled varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ Is reputation-based approval
is enabled for this file
 Certificate_Hash char Bit9-proprietary hash that
provides unique identifier for
this certificate.
 Certificate_State nvarchar ‘Unapproved’, Global State of the certificate
‘Approved’, ‘Banned’, for this file.
‘Approved by Policy’, Note: Invalid certificates are
‘Banned by Policy’ ‘Unapproved’ in this field.
Unsigned certificates will be
  nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘External State reason of the certificate
Certificate_State_Reason (API)’ (same as Publisher State

The ExFileInstances view provides access to the metadata for each instance of each hash
found on each computer at your site. To see this file data displayed in the Parity Console,
choose Assets > Files in the console menu and click on the File on Computers tab. To see
the complete File Instance details for any one file, from the Files on Computers tab, click
on the View Details button next to the file.
Change Note: In Parity 7.0.1, the fields Initialized and Top_Level were removed from
this view and added to ExFileInstanceGroups.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 538

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Table 98: ExFileInstances View Details

Field Name Data Special Values Comments
File_Instance_Id bigint Primary Key
File_Instance_Group_Id int Foreign key into
ps table for group
that contains this
File_Catalog_Id int Foreign key into
ExFileCatalog table
for details about this
Computer_Id int Foreign key into
ExComputers table
for computer that
has this file
Date_Created datetime Date and time
(UTC) when file was
File_Name nvarchar Name of this file
Path_Name nvarchar Path of this file.
Uses OS-specific
delimiter for the
agent where the file
is located.
Executed varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ ‘Yes’ if this file was
ever executed
  Local_State nvarchar ‘Unapproved’, ‘Approved’, Local state of this
‘Banned’ file
Change Note:
‘Unapproved’ was
‘Pending’ in 6.0.2.
  Detailed_Local_State nvarchar ‘Approved (Not Persisted)’, Detailed local state
‘Unapproved (Persisted)’, of this file
‘Banned by Hash’, Change Note:
‘Locally Approved’, ‘Unapproved’ was
‘Banned by Name’, ‘Pending’ in 6.0.2.
‘Banned by Name (Report Only)’, (Persisted)’ was
‘Locally Approved (Auto)’, ‘Pending
‘Approved as Installer’, (Persisted)’ in 6.0.2.
‘Approved as Installer (Top Level)’,
‘Banned by Hash (Report Only)’,

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 539

Using Parity

Field Name Data Special Values Comments

  nvarchar Name of the
Detached_Publisher detached publisher.
Note that
publishers can be
retrieved through a
join with
  nvarchar ‘Approved’, ‘Approved by Policy’, State of the
Detached_Publisher_State ‘Unapproved’, ‘Banned’, ‘Banned detached publisher
by Policy’ (if available); “none”
for unsigned files
  nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘Imported’, ‘External Reason for the state
Detached_Publisher_State_ (API)’, ‘Unknown’ of this file’s
Reason publisher
Detached_Certificate_Hash char Bit9-proprietary
hash of the
detached certificate.
Note that
certificates can be
retrieved through a
join with
  nvarchar ‘Unapproved’, ‘Approved’, Global state of the
Detached_Certificate_State ‘Banned’, ‘Approved by Policy’, detached certificate
‘Banned by Policy’ Note: Invalid
certificates will be
‘Unapproved’ in this
field. Unsigned
certificates will be
  nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘Imported’, ‘External Reason for the state
Detached_Certificate_State (API)’, ‘Unknown’ of the file’s
_Reason detached certificate
(same as Publisher
State reason)

The ExDeletedFileInstances view provides access to the metadata for each deleted file
instance on each computer at your site. Parity Server keeps track of only last deleted
instance of each unique file name on each computer. This means that, if same file was
created and deleted multiple times, only last deleted instance will be listed.
Change Note: In Parity 7.0.1, the fields Initialized and Top_Level were removed from
this view and added to ExFileInstanceGroups.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 540

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Table 99: ExDeletedFileInstances View Details

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments
Deleted_File_Instance_Id bigint Primary Key
File_Instance_Group_Id int Foreign key into
table for group that
contains this file
File_Catalog_Id int Foreign key into
ExFileCatalog table for
details about this file
Computer_Id int Foreign key into
ExComputers table for
computer that has this file
Date_Created datetime Date and time (UTC)
when the file was created
Date_Deleted datetime Date and time (UTC)
when file was deleted
File_Name nvarchar Name of this file
Path_Name nvarchar Path of the file. Uses the
OS-specific delimiter for
the agent that had the file
  nvarchar Name of the detached
Detached_Publisher publisher. Embedded
publishers can be
retrieved through a join
with ExFileCatalog.
  nvarchar ‘Approved’, ‘Approved State of the detached
Detached_Publisher_State by Policy’, ‘Unapproved’, publisher (if available);
‘Banned’, ‘Banned by “none” for unsigned files
  nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘Reputation’, Reason for the state of
Detached_Publisher_State_ ‘Imported’, ‘External this file’s publisher
Reason (API)’, ‘Unknown’
  char Bit9-proprietary hash of
Detached_Certificate_Hash the detached certificate.
Embedded certificates
can be retrieved through
a join with ExFileCatalog
  nvarchar ‘Unapproved’, Global state of the
Detached_Certificate_State ‘Approved’, detached certificate.
‘Banned’, ‘Approved by Note: Invalid certificates
Policy’, ‘Banned by are ‘Unapproved’ in this
Policy’ field. Unsigned
certificates will be null.
  nvarchar ‘Manual’, ‘Imported’, Reason for the state of
Detached_Certificate_State_ ‘External (API)’, the file’s detached
Reason ‘Unknown’ certificate (same as
Publisher State reason)

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 541

Using Parity

The ExFileInstanceGroups view provides access to the metadata for file instance groups
Parity discovers on your computers. File instance groups are groups of files associated
with one primary root file, usually their installer but in some cases a file from which they
were copied.

Table 100: ExFileInstanceGroups

Field Name Data Type Special Values Comments
File_Instance_Group_Id Int Primary Key
File_Catalog_Id Int Foreign key into ExFileCatalog
table for details about root file of
this group
Computer_Id Int Foreign key into ExComputers
table for computer that has this
file group
Date_Created datetime Date and time (UTC) when this
file group was created
Group_Type int 0 – initialized file How the group was identified by
1 – top-level file Parity
2 – file installed by
3 – file installed
by installer and
can be found in
Path_Name nvarchar Path that corresponds to the
root file of this group. Paths use
the OS-specific delimiter for the
agent on which the file is
User_Name nvarchar User that created this group
File_Name nvarchar File name that corresponds to
the root file of this group
Installed_Program_Name nvarchar If this file was an installer, this
will be the installation name
 Initialized varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ ‘Yes’ if the files in this group
were found during initialization
 Top_Level varchar ’Yes’, ’No’ 'Yes' if this group represents a
top-level file that was not
generated through an installer.
'No' if files in this group were
part of an installation.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 542

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Sample Queries
The following examples show some of the types of queries you can make with the Live
Inventory SDK. Note that each query must use the das database.

Listing Malicious Files

If you have Parity Knowledge Service enabled, you can use the following query to get a
listing of the file names and prevalence of all malicious files determined to be on your
systems that run Parity agent:

USE das
SELECT First_Seen_Path, First_Seen_Name, Sha256, Threat,
Trust, Prevalence
FROM bit9_public.ExFileCatalog
WHERE Threat IN ('2 - Malicious', '1 - Potential risk')
ORDER BY First_Seen_Path, First_Seen_Name

If you run this query and there is data available, you will see output similar to the
following (formatting will vary):

First_Seen_Path First_Seen_Name Sha256 Threat Trust Prev.

c:\temp\folder1 myfileapp.exe 46b8d0bc3a4db843 1 - Potential risk 2 1
c:\documents and numbergen.exe 552e68dcd6c2a4d6 1 - Potential risk 1 1
settings\rjones bf9c9dbf278967e29
c:\documents and makemess.exe 4d9ab91f5e1efbcb5 1 - Potential risk 3 1
settings\bsmith abcd6ec9a0a63452
c:\hp\bin endprocess.exe 1effc62134ab95d29 1 - Potential risk 3 13
c:\program f4dothis.dll abcdea797736654a 2 - Malicious 0 1
files\mywebapp\ e4f74eef7371d018c
c:\jobfiles myway.exe 23451271912da7b6 2 - Malicious 0 1

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 543

Using Parity

Listing Parity Agent Systems by Policy and Enforcement Level

You can use the following query to determine how many systems are running the Parity
Agent and group the results by Policy and Enforcement Level:

USE das
SELECT Policy, Enforcement_Level, Disconnected_Level,
COUNT(*) 
AS Computer_Count
FROM bit9_public.ExComputers
GROUP BY Policy, Enforcement_Level, Disconnected_Level

If you run this query and there is data available, you will see output similar to the
following (formatting will vary):
Policy Connected_Enforcement Disconnected_Enforcement Count
_Level _Level
Agent Disabled None (Disabled) None (Disabled) 3
Research Team Medium (Prompt Medium (Prompt 6
Unapproved) Unapproved)
Default Policy None (Visibility) None (Visibility) 1
General Office High (Block Unapproved) High (Block Unapproved) 49
Guest Policy High (Block Unapproved) High (Block Unapproved) 1
IT Group Low (Monitor Unapproved) Low (Monitor Unapproved) 11

Listing New Unapproved Files by Policy

You can use the following query to determine how many new unapproved files have
appeared during the past 24 hours and group the results by Policy:

USE das
SELECT Policy, COUNT(*) FROM bit9_public.ExFileInstances fi
JOIN bit9_public.ExComputers c 
ON c.Computer_Id = fi.Computer_Id
WHERE fi.Date_Created>DATEADD(day, -1, GetUTCDate()) AND 
Local_State = 'Unapproved'

If you run this query and there is data available, you will see output similar to the
following (formatting will vary):
Policy New Unapproved File Count
Research Team 529
General Office 101
IT Group 257

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 544

Appendix A: Live Inventory SDK: Database Views

Listing New Unapproved Files by Computer and Policy

To determine how many new unapproved files have appeared during the past 24 hours and
group the results by Computer and Policy:

USE das
SELECT c.Computer, c.Policy, COUNT(*) as Unapproved_Count
FROM bit9_public.ExFileInstances fi
JOIN bit9_public.ExComputers c 
ON c.Computer_Id = fi.Computer_Id
WHERE fi.Date_Created>DATEADD(day, -1, GetUTCDate()) AND
Local_State = 'Unapproved'
GROUP BY c.Computer, c.Policy

If you run this query and there is data available, you will see output similar to the
following (formatting will vary):

Computer Name Policy New Unapproved File

MYCORP\DESKTOP-3 Research Team 307
MYCORP\LAPTOP-1 General Office 215
MYCORP\LAPTOP-4 Research Team 32
MYCORP\DESKTOP-10 General Office 2
MYCORP\LAPTOP-7 General Office 1

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 545

Using Parity

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 546

Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Appendix B

Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

This chapter provides instructions for configuring and using the Bit9 Connector for
Network Security Devices, which integrates Bit9’s real-time endpoint and server security
solution with one or more devices or services, including:
• FireEye Malware Protection System™ (MPS)
• FireEye Malware Analysis System (MAS)
• Palo Alto Networks™ firewalls
• Palo Alto Networks WildFire™ cloud service
By integrating these systems with a Parity Server, when a network security device detects
malware on an enterprise network, Bit9’s real-time endpoint sensor and recorder
automatically confirms the location and scope of the threat, accelerating incident response
and remediation. In addition, suspicious files found by the Bit9 endpoint sensor can be
uploaded to one of the connected appliances or network security analysis providers for
further analysis.

Topic Page
Overview 548
Enabling FireEye Integration 549
Enabling Palo Alto Networks Integration 556
Enabling Console Account Permissions 560
External Notifications 561
Banning Externally Reported Malware 573
Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints 576
Bit9 Logging of Connector-related Events 580
Event Rules 582

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 547

Using Parity

The Bit9 Connector adds the following new capabilities to what the Bit9 Parity Server and
network security devices offer individually:
• External Notifications – Notifications provided by the network security devices
appear as “External Notifications” in the Parity Console, correlated with Bit9 endpoint
data to provide immediate visibility into the priority of the alert and the scope of any
infection. See “External Notifications”.
• File Banning – Malware reported by network security devices can be manually or
automatically banned by Bit9 Parity. See “Banning Externally Reported Malware”.
• Registry Control – Suspicious file or registry activity reported by network security
devices can be reported or restricted by Bit9 Parity custom rules. See “Special Rules
for Reporting or Banning Malware”.
• Analysis of Suspicious Files – Suspicious files discovered on endpoints by Bit9
Parity Agents can be sent to network security devices or services for analysis. See
“Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints”.
• Unified Event Logging – Events related to external notification or analysis and
reported to the Bit9 Parity Server become part of the Parity Event log, and are also
available as Syslog output. See “Bit9 Logging of Connector-related Events”.
• Event Rules – Rules can be defined that use file-related Bit9 Events to trigger actions
in Parity. For example, a rule can be defined that sends any newly discovered file in
the Parity Server inventory to WildFire or FireEye MAS for analysis. Another rule
might be defined that automatically bans any file reported as malicious in an external
notification. See “Event Rules” for more details.

Preparing to use the Connector

The Bit9 Connector is a separately licensed option of Parity, and has its own supplemental
installer. To use the connector features you must do the following:
• Install or upgrade to a compatible version of Parity Server with the appropriate license
for Bit9 Connector.
• Run the separate connector installer. See the separate document Installing the Bit9
Connector for installation instructions.
• Configure Parity and any of the connected devices as described in this appendix so
that they can communicate with each other.
• Enable one or more Bit9 Console user accounts with the privileges related to the
connector. See “Account Group Permissions” on page 82 for details.
Once these tasks are completed, you will have access to the Parity features that display
external notifications, determine whether actions are taken based on notifications, and (if
configured) allow uploading of files to external network security devices for analysis.

See the separate documents Installing the Bit9 Connector to see which
versions of FireEye and Palo Alto Networks products are compatible with the
Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices and Parity Server hardware/
software requirements.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 548

Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Performance and Bandwidth Considerations

Incoming FireEye Notifications are handled by IIS and range from 2Kb to 20Mb or more
each. A high frequency of large notifications might impact console performance. Also, a
high load from external notifications can affect the Parity Server and its database.

Enabling FireEye Integration

Enabling the Bit9 Connector for FireEye involves configuration steps on both the Parity
Server and the FireEye Console. There are two levels of integration:
• You can enable integration for notifications only.
• You can enable both notifications and file analysis integration.

Integrating with FireEye Notifications

To enable integration of FireEye notifications with Parity Server:
1. Confirm that the FireEye and Parity servers are able to contact each other.
2. In the FireEye console, choose Settings > Notifications.

3. On the Notification Settings page, add a new HTTP listener configured as follows:
a. Message format – XML Extended
b. Server URL – https://<ParityServer>/fireeye/listener.ashx
c. If authentication is required, check the Auth checkbox and enter the user name
and password to be used. If you do not require authentication, you can leave both
blank and not check the box.
Note: Do not use your console login credentials for either FireEye or Bit9 Parity
in these fields. Use a unique user name and password that you also will enter on
the FireEye tab of the System Configuration page in the Parity Console.
d. Click the Update button when you have finished configuring this page.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 549

Using Parity

4. In the Parity Console, choose Administration > System Configuration and click on
the FireEye tab.

5. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

6. Check the Integration Enabled checkbox. This is the master switch for the FireEye
7. If authentication is required, enter the user name and password in the Integration
Username and Integration Password boxes, respectively. If you do not require
authentication, you can leave both blank.

Note: Do not use your console login credentials for either FireEye or Bit9 Parity in
these fields. Use the unique user name and password that you entered in the Auth
section of the FireEye Notification Settings in the FireEye Console.
8. Threat Level Mapping determines how the Notification Severity levels received from
FireEye are mapped to Bit9 Threat Levels. There is a default mapping that maps
FireEye file notifications of any severity to a Bit9 Threat Level of Malicious. You can
change the mapping for the Default mapping rule, and you can add more rules so that
different FireEye severities are mapped to different Bit9 threat levels. See “FireEye
Threat Level Mapping” for more information.
9. The File Analysis section determines whether files from agents managed by the Parity
Server can be sent to FireEye MAS for analysis. If you plan to enable file analysis
through FireEye, see “Integrating with FireEye MAS for Analysis” for information on
configuring this section.
10. When you finish configuring the integration, click the Update button at the bottom of
the page.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

11. In the FireEye MPS console, go to the Settings > Notifications and click Test-Fire on
the Malware-object notification type. A notification should appear in Bit9 within a
few minutes. After this validation, the FireEye integration status on the Parity Console
Administration/FireEye Integration Settings page should show a green circle.
When the notifications integration is complete, FireEye notifications begin to appear in
the Parity Console. To see the notifications, use the new Reports > External
Notifications choice on the Parity Console menu. If notifications do not appear, check for
Server error events on the Parity Events page and also check the debug.log file in
\Bit9\Integrations\FireEye\listener for possible errors.
See “External Notifications” for a full description of the notification features.

Integrating with FireEye MAS for Analysis

If you choose, you can use the notification integration alone. However, you also can
enable uploading of files found on Bit9-managed endpoints to FireEye MAS for analysis,
and reporting of analysis results back to the Parity Console.
To enable uploading of files from Parity Server to FireEye MAS for analysis:
1. Confirm that the FireEye and Parity servers are able to contact each other and that
notification integration is enabled as described in the previous procedure.
2. Set up a file share for the FireEye Malware Repository as described in FireEye
documentation. The structure under each operating system folder must be as follows:
Folder Contents Path Format Example
Files uploaded from Bit9 for analysis -<OSpath> d/win7sp2/
- or - - or -
<OSpath>/src d/win7sp2/src
Analysis results indicating malicious files <OSpath>/bad d/win7sp2/bad
Analysis results indicating files are not <OSpath>/good d/win7sp2/good

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Using Parity

3. In the Parity Console, choose Administration > System Configuration and click the
FireEye tab.

4. In the Upload Path field, enter a path to the FireEye Malware Repository, as specified
in FireEye.
5. Provide an Upload User Name and Upload Password for accessing the Upload Path.
Consider the upload path permissions when choosing the user name to use in the
Upload User Name field. 
Note: If you leave the Upload User Name and Upload Password fields empty, the
account that installed Parity Server is used as the upload user.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

6. Click the Test button to confirm that the Parity Server can access the file share before
updating the page with your changes. If the share is not accessible, make sure that the
user account configured for the share has Read and Write permissions.
7. If path validation succeeds, in the File Analysis panel at the bottom of the page, check
the File Analysis Enabled checkbox.
8. Click the Update button to save your changes.
9. In the FireEye MAS console, go back to the Settings > Malware Repository page
and click the Test-Fire button at the bottom of the page to confirm your configuration.
Shortly after clicking Test-Fire, you should see the following message: “Test-fired
malware-object event successfully”.

When the analysis integration is complete, new menu choices appear on Parity Console
pages that have file or event tables, or that provide details for one file. These Analyze
with FireEye commands send files to the FireEye MAS. In addition, the File Analysis
panel on the System Configuration page FireEye tab shows all of the operating-system-
specific folders on the file share to which the Parity Server is delivering files. See
“Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints” for full details on how to upload files to
FireEye and how to view the results of FireEye analysis.

The choices on the Analyze with FireEye submenu are based on the folder
structure detected when you clicked the Test button during the procedure
above. If the detected folder configuration does not match the current FireEye
Console share configuration, file analysis will fail when one of the
unconfigured folders is chosen.

FireEye Threat Level Mapping

Each incoming external notification causes an External notification event to appear in the
Bit9 Parity Server event log. If an external notification indicates malware or potential risk
files, it can also generate another Bit9 event. Threat Level Mapping allows you to create
one or more mappings that will generate Bit9 malware events, based on the notification
that comes from a FireEye appliance (MPS or MAS). Each mapping definition can be
edited, deleted and moved up or down in rank (i.e., order of evaluation).
When an external notification reaches the Bit9 Server, if it indicates malware or potential
risk, it is passed through mappings that determine how it generates Bit9 events. These
mappings look at fields specific to external notifications, such as severity and type, and
allow you to limit event generation to a subset of notifications. The mappings are
processed in order, top to bottom. The first mapping that matches the notification and has
an Assign Threat Level value other than None generates the event and stops the evaluation
of other mappings.
The subtype of the event generated in the Bit9 Console will depend on the Assign Threat
Level value:
• If Assign Threat Level is set to “Malicious”, matching notifications generate a
Malicious file detected event.
• If Assign Threat Level is set to “Potential risk”, matching notifications generate a
Potential risk file detected event.

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Using Parity

Only one threat level event can be generated per notification. If no mappings match the
notification, there will only be the “External notification” event, without a related threat
level event.
Bit9 malware events generated from external notifications provide the following:
• an audit trail for malware activity (see “Bit9 Logging of Connector-related Events” on
page 580)
• a trigger for Event Rules, allowing you to automatically generate file bans (see “Event
Rules” on page 582)
• a trigger for a Bit9 Malicious File Alert or Potential Risk File Alert, which can also
send a mail notification if so configured (see “Using Parity Alerts” on page 403)
Initially, there is only one pre-defined mapping that covers the most general use case in
which you want any malware-related notification to generate a malicious file event in the
Bit9 event log. The following shows the settings for this mapping:

Adding or Editing Threat Level Mappings

Each threat level mapping must have a unique name. Malicious file detected and Potential
risk file detected events generated because of a mapping include the mapping name as the
Rule Name in their listing on the Bit9 Events page, as shown below.

To create a new threat level mapping:

1. On the Parity Console menu, choose Administration > System and click on the
FireEye tab.
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.
3. In the Threat Level Mapping panel, click the Add New button. A new mapping
definition section appears in the Threat Level Mapping panel.
4. Provide a unique name for the new rule in the Mapping Name field.
5. Choose the Minimum Notification Severity of the incoming notification. Notifications
at this severity or greater will be mapped. Lower severities will be ignored by this
mapping. The choices (in descending severity) are: Critical, Major, Minor, and Any.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

6. In the Include Notification Type field, choose which types of notifications you want to
match this mapping. You can choose All Types or Selected Types. For selected types,
you can include one or more of the following: Malware Object, Malware Callback,
Web Infection, Infection Match, or Domain Match.
7. You can choose to assign the threat level from this mapping to either the Top Level
File Only or to All New and Modified Files associated with the notification (i.e., the
malware itself and files it has created).
8. The final parameter, Assign Threat Level, determines the Bit9 event subtype that is
generated when a notification matches this mapping. The choices are None, which
does not generate an event, Potential risk, and Malicious.
9. If you want to change the order of this mapping so that it is processed before or after
other mappings, use the up or down arrows to move it. Mappings are processed in the
order they appear on the page, and only the first matching mapping is processed.
10. When you have completed the definition, click the Update button at the bottom of the
page. A confirmation dialog allows you to save or dismiss your changes.

You can edit an existing mapping, changing any of its parameters and move it up or down
relative to other rules.
To edit a threat level mapping:
1. Click the Edit button on the FireEye tab of the System Configuration page.
2. If you only want to change the order of the mapping, use the up or down arrow next to
the mapping name and click the Update button when you have repositioned it.
3. To make other changes, click the Expand button next to the mapping you want to edit.
4. Edit the parameters as described in the procedure for creating a new mapping, then
click Update and confirm your changes in the dialog.

FireEye Integration Status

Once configured, the status of the FireEye integration with Bit9 is displayed in the
General panel on the System Configuration/FireEye Integration Settings page in the Bit9
• A green circle indicates that there are no issues with the integration, and is
accompanied by a timestamp for the most recent notification.
• A red circle indicates a problem, and an error message will appear with the indicator.
• A light blue circle indicates that the configuration has been updated and Bit9 is
waiting for the next FireEye notification.

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Using Parity

Enabling Palo Alto Networks Integration

Enabling the Bit9 Connector for Palo Alto Networks involves configuration steps on both
the Parity Server and the Palo Alto Networks appliance. You can enable integration for
notifications, for file analysis of Bit9 files by WildFire, or for both.

Integrating Palo Alto Appliances for Notifications

Notifications from multiple Palo Alto Networks appliances can be integrated with a Parity

To enable integration of Palo Alto Networks notifications with Parity Server:

1. Confirm that the Palo Alto Networks and Bit9 servers are able to contact each other.
2. On each Palo Alto Networks appliance you plan to integrate with Bit9, create a local
user account with administrative read-only permissions for the Bit9 integration.

3. In the Parity Console, choose Administration > System Configuration and click on
the Palo Alto Networks tab.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

4. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

5. Check the Integration Enabled checkbox. This is the master switch for the Palo Alto
Networks integration.
6. In the Appliances panel, go to the Initial Import field and enter the number of days of
historical notification data you want to import to Bit9. The default value is 7 days.
This value affects only appliances from which there is no data received yet. If Bit9
already has data for an appliance, data import will resume with the time of the last data
Important: This initial import will happen all at one time. If Enable Automatic
Lookups is enabled, be sure to choose a time period that will not cause the number of
WildFire queries to exceed your licensed daily limit.
7. The Appliances section of the Palo Alto Networks Integration Settings page allows
you to add and delete appliances to the Bit9 integration. For each appliance, provide
the following information:
a. Address – The IP address of the appliance.
b. Active – Checking this box activates integration with this appliance. You can
configure an appliance and leave it inactive until you choose to connect it to the
Parity Server.
c. User Name and Password – In the Integration User Name and Password boxes,
enter the user name and password for the account you created in Step 2.
Note: Do not use your console login credentials for either Palo Alto Networks or
Bit9 Parity in these fields. Use the unique local user account that you created in
Step 2.
d. When you have provided the address and credentials, click the Test button to
confirm that this appliance is accessible before saving the device specification.
8. If you are integrating more appliances, click the Add New button and provide the
necessary information for another appliance.
9. The File Analysis section determines whether files from agents managed by the Parity
Server can be sent to WildFire for analysis. If you plan to enable WildFire file
analysis, see “Integrating with WildFire for Analysis” for information on configuring
this section.
10. When you finish configuring the integration (and if all appliances pass the Test
above), click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
When the notifications integration is complete, Palo Alto Networks notifications begin to
appear in the Parity Console. To see the notifications, use the Reports > External
Notifications choice on the Parity Console menu. You might not see notifications
immediately because of pre-filtering of low- or no-risk items. If notifications do not
appear at all, check the Events page in Parity for Server errors, and also check
Reporter\ParityReporter.log for possible details of interest.
See “External Notifications” on page 561 for a full description of the notification features,
including the types of notifications pre-filtered from appearing in the Parity Console.

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Using Parity

Integrating with WildFire for Analysis

You can enable uploading of files from Bit9-Parity-managed endpoints to Palo Alto
Networks WildFire for analysis and reporting of the results in the Parity Console. This can
be done with or without enabling delivery of Palo Alto Networks notifications to Parity.
To integrate with WildFire cloud service, you will need to provide your WildFire key
during configuration.
To enable uploading of files to Palo Alto Networks WildFire for analysis:
1. Confirm that the Palo Alto Networks and Parity servers are able to contact each other
and that notification integration is enabled as described in the previous procedure.
2. If you are not already on this page, in the Parity Console, choose Administration >
System Configuration, click the Palo Alto Networks tab, and click the Edit button
at the bottom of the page.
3. In the WildFire Key field, enter your WildFire license key.
Note: If the combined number of entries per day on all of the Palo Alto Networks
appliances connected to the Parity Server exceeds you daily lookup limitation, contact
Palo Alto Networks for a WildFire license key extension.
4. Click the Test button next to the WildFire Key field to validate the key and the
connection between WildFire and the Parity Server. If the test is not successful, use
the failure message to troubleshoot the connection problem.

If you need to use a proxy server for WildFire connectivity from Parity (i.e.,
for sending files to WildfFire for analysis), you can configure this through the
Licensing tab of the System Configuration page. The Parity Knowledge
Proxy Settings panel provides a field in which you can enter a proxy server
address. This will be used for both Parity Knowledge and WildFire, and the
proxy will be reported when you click Test. See “Activating Parity Knowledge
Service File Analysis” on page 523.

5. In the File Analysis panel, check the File Analysis Enabled checkbox.
6. The Enable Automatic Lookups checkbox determines the level of information
received from Palo Alto Networks notifications. Check the box to get the full malware
report for each file references in each notification.
Note: Enabling automatic lookups has a significant impact on the number of daily
WildFire queries. See “Bit9 Integration and WildFire Lookup Limits” for more
7. If the WildFire Key test passed and you have finished entering the other required
information, click the Update button to save your changes.
When the analysis integration is complete, new menu choices appear on Parity Console
pages that show tables of files or file details. These Analyze with WildFire commands
allow uploading of files to WildFire. See “Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints” for
full details on how to upload files to WildFire and how to view the results of WildFire

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 558

Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Palo Alto Networks Appliance Status in Bit9

Once configured, the status of each Palo Alto Networks appliance integrated with Bit9 is
displayed on the System Configuration/Palo Alto Networks Integration page in the Bit9
console. A status indicator appears next to the address of each appliance:
• A green circle indicates that there are no issues with that appliance’s integration
• A red circle indicates a problem, and in this case, an error message will appear with
the indicator.
• A light blue circle indicates that the appliance is de-activated.

In addition to checking status, you can activate or deactivate the integration with an
appliance using the Active checkbox in the panel for an appliance. If you change the
Active status, you must click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save the
change. Appliances whose integration with Bit9 is deactivated do not provide notification

Bit9 Integration and WildFire Lookup Limits

Enabling WildFire analysis from Bit9 will increase the number of WildFire queries per
day. If you find that the combined number of WildFire queries per day from your Palo
Alto Networks appliances exceeds the daily lookup limitation, please contact Palo Alto
Networks for a WildFire license key extension.
The WildFire lookup count is incremented by the Bit9 integration under the following
• During initial import of data from WildFire after the integration is configured, a high
volume of lookups will occur at one time, and care must be taken not to exceed the
lookup limit.
• When a file is submitted from Bit9 for analysis, either manually or due to an event
rule, there is one WildFire query to see if the hash for that file is already known, one to
submit the file, and one to query for the results of the analysis.
• When Bit9 receives logs from a Palo Alto Networks appliance, the logs may reference
WildFire reports. If the Enable Automatic Lookup box is checked on the Palo Alto
Networks Integration page, the WildFire cloud is queried for each log entry that needs
to be referenced. If your query count is exceeding the limit, you may want to disable
this automatic lookup until you obtain a WildFire license key extension.
• If an event rule initiates upload of a file to WildFire but the lookup limit for the day
has already been reached, processing of that file is delayed until the next day. This
allows the license count to reset. Bit9 initiates this delay automatically, and this state
is reported as tooltip if you hover the mouse cursor over the Status of an affected file
on the Analyzed Files page.

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Using Parity

Enabling Console Account Permissions

To use the Bit9 Connector features, a Bit9 Console user must have certain permissions
enabled in their user account. Table 101 shows the permissions and their effects.

Table 101: Login Account Permissions for Bit9 Connector Features

Asset Permission Name Description

Software Rules View software rules pages View Software Rules pages; View Event
Rules page on servers licensed for the
Bit9 Connector.
Software Rules Manage event rules Manage event rules. Requires separate
license for the Bit9 Connector.

Tools View alerts View alert pages and external

Tools Manage alerts Manage alerts and external notifications.
Tools View file uploads View uploaded files on the Requested
Files page.
Tools Manage file uploads Initiate manual file uploads from agent
computers, and to create Event Rules
that upload files. This permission
applies only to files considered
“interesting” (i.e., executables and
scripts) by Bit9.
Requires a separate File Uploads
license, and it is not given in the default
Administrator account group.
Tools Manage file uploads (all) Initiate manual file uploads of any file
from agent computers, and to create
Event Rules that upload files. If you
need access only to files considered
“interesting” by Parity, use the
permission listed in the previous row.
Requires a separate File Uploads
license, and it is not given in the default
Administrator account group.
Tools Access uploaded files Download files on the server. Requires
separate license for File Uploads and is
not given in the default Administrator
account group.
Tools Submit files for analysis Submit files for analysis by network
security devices, manually or through an
Event Rule. Requires separate license
for the Bit9 Connector for Network
Security Devices.
Administration View system configuration View system configuration pages,
including Connector configuration.
Administration Manage system Manage system configuration, including
configuration Connector configuration.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 560

Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

External Notifications
The Bit9 Connector adds an External Notifications page to the Parity Console. This page
is a table of notifications from network security devices, such as those from Palo Alto
Networks and FireEye. Each row in the table includes key information such as file hashes
and source IP addresses. If the file or computer in a notification is also in Bit9 endpoint
data, that data can be correlated with the notification.
Notifications from Palo Alto Networks are pre-filtered to eliminate those not likely to be
of interest for security analysis purposes. If a notification has a Severity equal to
“informational”, “low”, or “medium”, by default it is not included in the notifications
delivered to the Parity Server. Also, WildFire log notifications with a Category of
“benign” are filtered out by default. To modify this behavior, please contact Bit9 Technical
A daily check is done on the total number of notifications from all sources. If the daily
check finds that this number exceeds 200,000, the oldest notifications in the logs are
trimmed. The total is reduced to a certain percentage under the threshold, 20% by default,
to allow for additional logging. In addition, notifications older than 6 months are deleted
from the log regardless of the total number of notifications.
To open the External Notifications table in Parity:
• Choose Reports > External Notifications on the Parity Console menu.

Because of the data correlation with the Parity Server, external notifications can be
prioritized immediately by their impact on systems running Parity Agents. When a
malware notification is received, you can determine:
• Whether the malware is present on any of your systems
• Whether it has ever executed on any of the systems
• How much has it spread (i.e., on how many computers)
• Details on the system identified as the source for this malware, including what kind of
user activity there was on the system and other system activity

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 561

Using Parity

The External Notifications table includes several ways to drill down for additional
• The View Details (file and pencil) button opens the External Notification Details page
for this notification. The details page includes all of the information stored in the
Parity database for this notification. See “External Notification Details” on page 566
for more information. It also includes a link to open the full XML details file for the
notification. See “Showing XML Details” for more information on this page.
• If there is a number greater than zero in the Total Files or New and Modified Files
column, clicking on the number also opens the External Notification Details page.
• If the Malware MD5 or SHA-256 Hash is listed in the table and is matches the hash
for a file known to Parity, clicking on the hash opens the File Details page for that file.
• In any of the Bit9 Files columns, if the number of files shown is 1, clicking on the
number opens the File Details page for that file. If it is 2 or greater, clicking on the
number opens the External Notification Details page with the Known Files tab
• In the Bit9 Computers column, if the number of computers shown is 1, clicking on the
number opens the Computer Details page for that computer. If it is 2 or greater,
clicking on the number opens the Computers table.
• If the Source or Destination Address column shows an address for a system that also
has the Parity Agent installed, clicking on the address opens the Computer Details
page for that computer.
• The History button opens the Notification Details page with the History tab showing.
The History tab includes the 20 most recent actions related to this notification.

Table 102 shows the information available in the External Notifications table. Not all of
these columns appear by default.

Table 102: External Notifications Table Columns

Column Description
Vendor Vendor whose product sent the external notification. Currently
FireEye or Palo Alto Networks
Appliance External appliance URL; has link to appliance console URL.
Product External appliance product name, if provided; has link to appliance
console URL.
Version External appliance, service, or report version; links to appliance
console URL. This value is what is reported in the XML from the
external source, and might not be identical to product version.
Time Date and time when the malware was detected on the network.
Severity Severity of notifications sent to the Parity Server.
For FireEye this can be: crit, majr, or minr
For Palo Alto Networks this can be: critical or high
Note: Lower-severity notifications are filtered out before being
reported to the Parity Server.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Column Description
Type Type of notification (not the name). 
For FireEye this can be: domain-match, malware-callback,
malware-object, web-infection, infection-match
For Palo Alto Networks this can be: wildfire, spyware, virus,
vulnerability, wildfire-result
Source IP The IP address from which the malware originated.
Source Address Source Address provides an address from which the malware
originated, from one of the following sources:
• If the address corresponds to a computer known to Parity, the
hostname listed for this source in the Parity database is used. In
this case, the name is linked to the Computer Details page.
• If the computer is unknown to Bit9, Parity performs a reverse
DNS lookup, and if the hostname can be resolved in this way, it
will be used here and will persist.
• If Bit9 cannot resolve the hostname, a URL is shown, as resolved
by the provider
• If no resolution is possible, an IP address is shown. This would
be the case if malware was attempting a callback.
Source URL URL of the computer on which the malware was originated, as
resolved by the provider.
Destination IP The IP address to which the malware was targeted.
Destination Destination Address to which the malware was targeted, resolved
Address as described for Source Address.
Malicious Indicates whether the notification identifies malicious files (Yes/No).
Malware Name Malware name reported in notification (can be multiple, comma
separated). Linked to external site with malware name descriptions.
Malware MD5 Top-level MD5 hash reported in notification.
Malware File Top-level filename reported in notification.
Malware SHA-256 Top-level SHA-256 hash reported in notification (Palo Alto
Networks/WildFire only).
Analysis Test environment in which the file was detonated or analyzed. The
Environment information in this field varies by external device or service:
• FireEye -- Describes the operating system in which the file was
detonated (e.g., Microsoft Windows7 Professional 6.1 base).
• WildFire 6.0 -- Describes the OS and other platform information.
For example: Windows 7, Adobe Reader 11, Flash 11, Office
2010. One file can have multiple notifications with different
Analysis Environment values. See “Multiple Notifications per File
from WildFire” on page 566 for more information.
Notes: Files analyzed with pre-6.0 versions of WildFire have no
value in this field. This field also appears in the External Notification
Details page if an Analysis Environment value is listed.
Application Application reported in the notification.
Registry Keys Number of registry key modifications reported in the notification.
Directories Number of directory modifications reported in the notification.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 563

Using Parity

Column Description
New and Modified Number of files created or modified by this malware as reported in
Files this notification.
Total Files Total files in this notification, including files written by other files. If
the same file (i.e., a file with the same hash) is written to multiple
locations, it appears multiple times in the Total Files list.
Received Time Date and time when this notification was received by the Parity
Modified Time Date and time when this notification was last modified (i.e., its
status changed).
Bit9 Status Status of the notification in Bit9 (Notified, Escalated, Resolved,
Bit9 Known Files Number of unique files in this notification known to the Bit9 Parity
Server. May change based on the Correlate with Bit9 option on the
External Notifications page.
Bit9 Executed Number of files in this notification known to the Bit9 Parity Server
Files and executed on an endpoint. May change based on the Correlate
with Bit9 option on the External Notifications page.
Bit9 Banned Files Number of files in this notification known to Parity Server and
banned. May change based on the Correlate with Bit9 option on the
External Notifications page.
Bit9 Computers Number of Bit9-managed computers that have at least one file
matching one of the reported MD5 hashes in this notification.
Bit9 Files On Total number of instances on Bit9-managed computers of files
Computers reported in this notification.
Bit9 Submitted Indicates whether a file from this notification was submitted to an
external device by this Parity Server for file analysis (Yes/No).

Saved Views on the Notification Table Page

By default, the External Notifications page shows all notifications that have come to the
Parity Server from a network security device. The pre-configured Saved Views focus the
view on certain types of notifications:
• Active Notifications – Shows all notifications that do not have a status of Closed. See
“Managing Notification Status” for a discussion of notification status.
• FireEye Notifications – Shows the notifications received from FireEye devices.
• Notifications with Files – Shows any notification that includes at least one file hash,
whether or not that file is known to the Parity Server.
• Notifications with Files on Bit9 Computers – Shows notifications that reference at
least one file present on an endpoint running a Parity Agent.
• Palo Alto Networks Notifications – Shows the notifications received from Palo Alto
Networks devices.
As with other Parity Console table pages, you can customize the view using the Show
Filters and Show Columns buttons, and you can save any customized view you choose.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Notification Table Access from File Details Pages

On the File Details and File Instance Details pages, if there are any notifications from
network security devices for the current file, an External Notifications choice appears on
the Related Views menu. Clicking on this link opens the External Notifications table page
filtered to show only notifications that include this file.

Choosing Correlation Level for External Notifications

A key feature of the Bit9 Connector is the correlation of security notifications received
from external sources with the real-time file data available for Bit9-managed computers.
In addition to the normal filtering and table column choices available for all Bit9 tables,
the External Notifications page includes a menu that allows you to choose which files you
would like correlated with notification data.
The Correlate with Bit9 panel includes the following choices:
• New and Modified Files – This choice correlates Bit9 information with all files
reported in the notification, including the top-level malware and any files it writes or
• Only Untrusted Files – This choice correlates Bit9 information only for files in the
notification for which the trust level reported by Parity Knowledge is 5 or less.
• Only Top Level Files – This choice correlated Bit9 information only for top-level
files reported in the notification, not files written or modified by these files.
• Include Deleted Files – This is a checkbox that is applied to any of the menu choices.
If checked, files deleted from Bit9 endpoints are included in those correlated with
notification data. This can be a good choice when you want to be sure to track
malware that deletes itself after execution, which is very often the case.

Note: You also can change the Correlate with Bit9 choice on the Known Files and Files
on Computer tab within an External Notification Details page. A change in any of these
locations affects all notification tables.
MD5 hashes provided in external notifications are used to correlate with files in the Parity
Server inventory. If a notification does not include an MD5 hash but does provide a SHA-
256 hash, the SHA-256 hash is used for correlation.
In a small number of cases, Bit9 creates a "fuzzy" hash in its file inventory for files that
change their hash every time they are installed because they include date, location, or
other context-specific information. These hashes are identified as "SHA-256
(Normalized)", and they may not be able to correlate with SHA-256 hashes reported in
external notifications. This is relevant only if there is no MD5 hash in the notification and
the file identified in the notification required a fuzzy SHA-256 hash in the Parity Server’s
file inventory.

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Using Parity

Multiple Notifications per File from WildFire

WildFire 6.0 and later can report multiple notifications for the same file, each from a
different analysis environment. The Analysis Environment field is especially useful in
this case since it provides information about the test environment(s) in which the file was
detonated or analyzed, allowing you to determine whether or not the file was found
malicious in each environment. For WildFire notifications based on detonation of a file,
this includes not only the base operating system but also other platform software. For
example, one WildFire notification might show the following Analysis Environment:
Windows 7, Adobe Reader 11, Flash 11, Office 2010
For WildFire notifications that involved static analysis, the type of analyzer is reported in
this field, for example: DOC/CDF Analyzer.

If a file is uploaded from Bit9 to WildFire for analysis and WildFire reports
multiple notifications for the file, the file might be considered benign in some
environments and malicious in others. The External Notifications table and
External Notification Details pages show the individual analysis results for
each Analysis Environment. However, when a file is submitted to WildFire for
analysis from Bit9, the Analyzed Files tab of the Requested Files page shows
only the combined overall results for the file as determined by WildFire.

External Notification Details

The External Notification details page includes all of the information stored in the Parity
database for one notification.

To open the External Notification Details page for one notification:

1. Choose Reports > External Notifications on the Parity Console menu.
2. In the row for the notification of interest, click the View Details button.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

The Details page includes basic information about the notification plus a series of tabs
with more details at the bottom of the page. The tabs vary depending upon what type of
notification it is. Most of the fields on both the main page and the tabs are described in
Table 102 on page 562. Information about the tabs is provided in the following sections.

Total Files Tab

This tab shows all of the files reported in this notification, including files written by other
files. If the same file (i.e., a file with the same hash) is written to multiple locations, it
appears multiple times in the Total Files list. The table includes the following columns:

Table 103: Total Files Tab Columns

Column Description
Sequence Sequence of each file’s appearance when a suspected malware
instance is analyzed by the network security device. The first file
in the sequence is the top-level process.
Operation The operation performed on a file (started, created, closed, etc.)
Filename File name reported by the network security device
Size File size reported by the network security device

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Column Description
MD5 MD5 hash of the file
File Path File path of the file name reported in the notification.
Parent File Name File name of the parent process of this file
Parent File Path File path for the parent process of this file
SHA1 SHA1 hash of the file (if reported)
SHA-256 SHA-256 hash of the file (if reported). Only shown for Palo Alto
Networks notifications.
Known File Is this file known to the Parity Server (Yes/No)

The Operation column provides important information about what was done for each file
included in the notification. You can sort or filter on this field to determine what was done
to a file. The notification might report that one file was created and another overwritten –
files having these two operations are included in the New and Modified Files list. A file
also might be opened or terminated.
If a file is known to Parity, its listing on the Total Files tab includes a View Details button,
which opens the File Details page for the file.
The Action menu for this tab includes the following commands for selected files:
• Ban Globally – Bans file(s) for all policies; requires no further configuration
• Ban By Policy – Opens a dialog box for creation of policy-specific and report-only
• Remove Approval Or Ban – Removes any active bans/approvals immediately.
• Find By Name – Redirects to Find files page filtered by selected file names
• Find By Size – Redirects to Find files page filtered to show results of a search for files
matching the sizes of the selected files as reported in the external notification
• Find By Hash – Redirects to Find files page filtered to show results of a search by
hash for the selected files as reported in the external notification
• Analyze with Parity Knowledge – Redirects to Parity Knowledge analysis by hash
(if activated)

Known Files Tab

This tab shows all files from this notification that are known to the Bit9 Parity Server. The
table includes (either by default or customization) all fields from the Parity File Catalog.
You also can add other fields that provide information about the file from the network
security device, as shown on the Total Files tab. The Action menu has the same options as
the Total Files tab menu, but uses file information from the Bit9 inventory rather than the
notification where available.
You can modify Correlation Details options on this page to customize the Bit9 information
correlated with the notification. Your choices here affect all pages that display correlation

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Files On Computers Tab

This tab shows all instances of the files in this notification in the Parity Server file
inventory. The can include (either by default or customization) all fields from the Parity
Console Files On Computers page. You also can add External File Name and External
Size columns. The Action menu has the same options as the Total Files tab menu.
You can modify Correlation Details options on this page to customize the Bit9 data
correlated with the notification (this affects all pages that display correlation options).

Directories Tab
This tab shows all relevant directory entries (i.e., paths where suspicious activity was
identified) reported in the external notification. The table for this tab can include the
following columns:

Table 104: Directories Tab Columns

Column Description
Sequence Sequence of each process’s appearance when a suspected malware
instance is analyzed in the network security device. The first process
in the sequence is the top-level process.
Directory Directory reported by the network security device (truncated to the
right when displayed)
Operation Operation on a file (started, created, closed, etc.)
Process Process reported by the network security device
Process MD5 MD5 hash of the process
Process Path Path location of the process reported by the network security device

If a process that attempted access to the directory is known to the Parity Server, its listing
here includes a View Details button, which opens the File Details page for this process.
The Action menu for this tab includes the following commands for selected files:
• Ban Process Globally – Bans process file(s) for all policies; requires no further
• Ban Process By Policy – Opens a dialog box for creation of policy-specific and
report-only bans
• Remove Process Approval Or Ban – Removes any active bans/approvals
• Create Custom Rule – Opens an Add Custom Rule page with pre-populated values to
create a ban on the process attempting to access the directory. See “Custom Rules for
Directory Control” for more details.

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Using Parity

Registry Keys
This tab shows all relevant registry value modifications reported in the External
Notification. The table for this tab includes the following columns:

Table 105: Registry Keys Tab Columns

Column Description
Sequence Sequence of registry access attempts when a suspected malware
instance is analyzed by the network security device.
Process Process reported by the network security device.
Process MD5 MD5 hash of the process
Process Path Path location of the process reported by the network security device
Key Registry key reported by the network security device (truncated to the
right when displayed)
Name Registry field name reported by the network security device
Value Registry field value reported by the network security device
Operation Operation on a registry key (setval, added, etc.)

If a process that attempted access to the registry key is known to the Parity Server, its
listing here includes a View Details button, which opens the File Details page for this
The Action menu for this tab includes the following commands for selected files:
• Ban Process Globally – Bans process file(s) for all policies; requires no further
• Ban Process By Policy – Opens a dialog box for creation of policy-specific and
report-only bans
• Remove Process Approval Or Ban – Removes any active bans/approvals
• Create Registry Rule – Opens an Add Registry Rule page with pre-populated values
to create a rule to ban this process from accessing the registry keys reported in the
notification. See “Registry Rules” for more details.

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More Details Tab

This tab shows additional details from the current external notification – the information
included on this tab varies according to the type of the notification. The following table
shows the possible fields:

Table 106: More Details Tab Fields

Field Description
Malware type Type of malware as reported in external notification
Anomaly Anomaly
Target Application targeted
HTTP Header HTTP header(s) reported by the external notification
Show XML Opens a new browser tab with full XML notification from the
Details external network security device. This alert is read from a file stored
on Parity Console web site (inside “store” subfolder).
Note: Very large XML files may cause browser performance and
navigation issues when you use this link to open them. One
alternative is to right-click on the link and Save Target/Link As to a
location where you can open the file with a different viewer.

History Tab
The History tab provides an audit trail for external notification workflow. This includes
each change of status and any comments associated with the change. In addition to
clicking this tab when you are already on the Notification Details page, you display the
history by clicking the History button in the Action column of the row for a notification on
External Notifications table.

Showing Related Notifications

If there are any notifications related to the one currently shown on the External
Notification Details page, the Related Views menu includes a Show Related
Notifications command. A related notification is one with the same MD5 hash as the
currently shown notification.
When you click on this command, the External Notifications table opens, filtered to show
the related notifications, including the one from which the link was clicked.

Showing XML Details

External notifications are reported in XML format, and contain information about
analyzed malware behavior. Parity parses these XML notifications for efficient storage of
key information in its database. In addition, the entire content of each XML notification is
stored in a separate store folder for each network security device vendor in the Bit9
installation directory on the Parity Server (Bit9\Integrations\PAN\store or

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Using Parity

• Opening very large XML details files may cause browser performance and
navigation issues. One alternative is to right-click the link and Save Target
As or Save Link As to a location where you can open the file with a
different viewer.
• If a notifications from Palo Alto Networks includes reports for multiple
“Analysis Environment” types, using Show XML shows only the XML
details for the Analysis Environment of the current notification.

To access the full XML details for an External Notification:

• On the External Notification Details page for the notification, click Show XML
Details in the External Pages menu. The details appear in a separate browser window.

External Console Access

On the Notification Details page, you can click on a command in the External Pages menu
to open the console for the appliance that provided the notification (Palo Alto Networks
Console or FireEye Console). The console opens in a new browser window. If the user on
the Parity Console is not already authenticated with credentials for the external appliance,
the browser is redirected to a login page.

Managing Notification Status

In the Parity Console, both the External Notifications table and the External Notification
Details page show a status field for each notification. Notification Status is strictly a
means for tracking the progress of your response to a notification and does not
communicate status changes back to the notification source. There is no mandatory flow
of notification status, but the following might be a useful template for status workflow.
To manage the status of a notification:
1. On the console menu, choose Reports > External Notifications and click the View
Details button next to the notification you want to review. The External Notification
Details page opens.
2. On the External Notification Details page, if you intend to examine and/or take action
on this notification, choose Escalate Notification in the Actions menu. The status
changes to Escalated.
3. Research the notification using the information on the External Notification Details
page, the File Details page, the Event pages, the network security device analysis of a
file, or any other means appropriate for the notification. Provide any comments related
to the escalation in the Comments field.
4. Take whatever action you choose to take on the files in the notification, for example,
banning files or creating custom or registry rules.
Note: Bans or other rule changes do not affect the Status field of the request itself.
You must change status manually.
5. Provide any comments related to the resolution in the Comments field.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

6. Once you have taken action, or if you determine that no action is necessary, choose
Resolve Notification in the External Notification Details Action menu. The status
changes to Resolved.
7. When you are finished with this notification, make any final comments in the
Comments field and then choose Close Notification in the Actions menu. The status
changes to Closed and the view returns to the External Notifications table. Closing a
notification removes it from the Active Notifications view, but it is visible if you
choose a Saved View of (none).
The steps above describe Status being changed from the Actions menu on the External
Notification Details page. You also can change status using the Status dropdown menu on
that same page, and from the Action menu on the External Notification page table.

Banning Externally Reported Malware

Parity can ban files or processes reported as part of a malware notification by external
network security devices. There are several ways in which this can be done:
• Manual file bans of files reported in external notifications
• Registry Rules that ban processes reported by external notifications to be attempting
access to registry keys
• Custom Rules that ban activity in a directory reported in external notifications
• Event Rules that automatically create bans or other rules when certain file-related
events occur, in this case, due to external notifications
Registry, Custom, and Event rules can also be configured to report the actions they
describe rather than banning them.

Manually Banning Files

You manually ban files reported in external notifications much the same way you would
any Parity-inventoried file. However, you can apply bans directly from the External
Notification Details page Action menu, so you can ban malware identified by network
security devices, whether or not it has appeared yet on a Parity-managed endpoint.

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Using Parity

To manually ban files reported as malware in an external notification:

1. Click the View Details button next to the notification whose files you want to ban.
2. On any of the Files tabs on the External Notification Details page, check the box to the
left of each file you want to ban.

3. On the Action menu, choose the ban type you want to apply to the checked files:
a. Choose Ban Globally to ban the file for all computers. This creates the ban
without requiring any further interaction.
b. Choose Ban by Policy to customize the ban. This opens the Add File Rule page
with information partially filled in. You can choose an active or Report Only ban
on this page, and can choose specific policies to which the ban will apply. Report
Only bans are useful if you want to monitor what an active ban would do before
fully enabling it. When you have configured the ban as you want it, click Save.
Note: To help you find files in a long list, the Action menu on the Files tabs on the
External Notification Details page include the following choices:
• Find by Name
• Find by Size
• Find by Hash
The Files tab of the Software Rules page (Rules > Software Rules on the console menu)
shows bans you have created. Bans manually created from an external notification are
named with a prefix of “External_” followed by the file name.
Note: Some External Notification pages allow you to ban the process that attempted to
perform an action on an object on your systems, such as modifying a registry key or
writing to a directory. You can ban those processes using the same procedure described
above, except that the commands will say Ban Process instead of just Ban.

Special Rules for Reporting or Banning Malware

For certain notifications, standard file bans may not provide the best remediation. The Bit9
Connector offers several other rules to control actions that are identified as suspicious. As
with bans, these rules can be created from the External Notification Details page with
some of the rule data pre-populated.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Registry Rules
If a notification includes suspicious registry entries or activity, the External Notification
Details page for that notification has a Registry Keys tab that provides information about
the keys that might be compromised. On this tab, you can select one or more keys and:
• Ban the process that tried to access the key
• Remove previously created process bans or approvals
• Create a Registry Rule to control access to the key

Bans created in this context are similar to those created on any of the Files tabs. The
Registry Rule command provides different options.
To create a Registry Rule from a Notification Details page:
1. In the Notification Details page of interest, click on the Registry Keys tab.
2. Check the boxes next to the registry keys for which you want to create a rule.
3. On the Action menu, choose Create Registry Rule. The Add Registry Rule page
appears, with rule name and settings pre-populated with details from the notification.
4. By default, a rule created in this way blocks writes to the named registry keys by the
processes identified in the notification, and does this for all users and all policies. You
can modify these settings before you save the rule. Among the options on the Write
Action menu, you can choose Report, which means that activity at this key is reported
but not blocked. If you are unsure of how best to configure a rule, see “Creating
Registry Rules” on page 319. You can Cancel the rule without saving it if you would
like to investigate rules parameters first. 
Important: Rule menus have options that Allow activity at the named locations and
even Promote processes to have more privileges than they previously did. If you alter
the pre-populated values, be careful of the choices you make on these menus.
5. Modify the rule as you choose, and then click the Save button. The new rule is created
and appears on the Registry tab of the Software Rules page in the Parity Console.

Custom Rules for Directory Control

Notifications that include suspicious pathname entries have a Directories tab on their
External Notification Details page, providing information about the directories that might
be compromised. On this tab, you can select one or more keys and:
• Ban the process that tried to access the directory
• Remove previously created process bans or approvals
• Create a Custom Rule to control access to this location
Process bans created in this context are similar to file bans created on any of the Files tabs.
The Custom Rule command provides different options.

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Using Parity

To create a Custom Rule from a Notification Details page:

1. In the Notification Details page of interest, click on the Directories tab.
2. Check the boxes next to the Directories for which you want to create a rule.
3. On the Action menu, choose Create Custom Rule. The Add Custom Rule page
appears, with its name and settings already filled in with details from the External
4. By default, a rule created in this way blocks writes to the named directories by the
processes identified in the notification, and does this for all users and all policies. You
can modify these settings before you save the rule. Among the options on the Execute
Action menu, you can choose Report, which means that activity at this location is
reported but not blocked. If you are unsure of how best to configure a rule, see
“Creating a Custom Rule” on page 278. You can Cancel the rule without saving it if
you would like to investigate rules parameters first. 
Important: Some options on the rule menus that Allow activity at the named
locations and even Promote processes to have more privileges than they previously
did. If you alter the pre-populated values, be careful of your choices on these menus.
5. Modify the rule as you choose, and then click the Save button. The new rule is created
and appears on the Custom tab of the Software Rules page in the Parity Console.

Analysis of Suspicious Files on Endpoints

If you have enabled integration and file analysis with a network security device or service,
you can submit files from the Parity Server file inventory to the device or service for
analysis. With analysis enabled, the Parity Console adds Analyze with... commands to
menus in several locations that allow you to submit files to WildFire or to FireEye MAS.
For FireEye, these commands have Windows-version-specific submenus so that you can
choose the environment in which you want the file analyzed. The locations for these
commands are:
• File Catalog, Files on Computers and Find Files Results pages Action menus (for one
or more files)
• File Details and File Instance Details Advanced menus (for one file)
• Events page Action menu (for one or more files)
• Other table pages that list files

A file reported in an external notification and confirmed to exist on a Bit9
endpoint might be unavailable, either temporarily, because it is inaccessible on
the network, or permanently, because it was deleted or was a transient file. If
you attempt to send such a file to an external device for analysis, when it is not
found, Parity will attempt to locate another instance of the same file and send
that file for analysis. If no other instance exists, the analysis request will
produce an error. For example, attempts to analyze a file that has only a single
instance at an inaccessible network location could produce the following error:
File analysis error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Platform Note: File analysis via the Bit9 Connector currently is supported for files from
Windows agents.

To submit files to WildFire or FireEye MAS for analysis:

1. In a table that lists files, check the boxes next to files you want to submit.
2. On the Action menu choose from the available Analyze with commands – the
available commands depend upon the appliances you have enabled for the connector:
a. If you have enabled Palo Alto Networks integration with the analysis option, you
can choose Analyze with Palo Alto Networks WildFire.
b. If you have enabled FireEye integration with the analysis option, you can choose
the Analyze with FireEye submenu and under it, the operating system in which
you want the file analyzed (for example win7). The exact names and choices of
operating system will depend on how your FireEye environment was set up.
A message will appear indicating that the upload to has been scheduled for upload by
the provider you chose.
3. Alternatively, you can go to a File Details or File Instance Details page for a single file
and choose an Analyze with command on the Advanced menu.
From these pages, if a file has already been submitted to the same analysis provider, a
warning is shown, but the file will be uploaded again if you click OK on the warning.
4. To monitor the progress of the analysis, choose Tools > Requested Files and click on
the Analyzed Files tab to see the table of files submitted.

Monitoring Files Submitted for Analysis

In the Parity Console, the Analyzed Files tab of the Requested Files page shows the status
and (if complete) analysis results for all files submitted to FireEye or WildFire for
analysis. The default view for this page shows all files sorted by request date, but there
also are Saved Views available that can provided a more targeted list of files:
• Analysis in Progress
• Completed Analysis
• Analysis Errors
• Files Submitted to WildFire
• Files Submitted to FireEye

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Using Parity

The table can show the following columns (not all are shown by default):
• Request Date – When the request for file analysis was submitted for this file.
• Requester – The user who requested the upload.
• Upload % – The percent complete of the upload (not the analysis).
• Status – This indicates where in the analysis process this file is. See “Analysis Status”
for a description of status values.
• Analysis Results – When the analysis is completed, this indicates the result of the
analysis (Clean, Potential Risk or Malicious).
• Computer – The computer from which the file was uploaded.
• File Name – The name of the file in the location from which it was uploaded.
• File Size – The size of the file as it appears (or appeared) on Parity-managed
• MD5 – The MD5 hash of the file.
• Date Modified – The last time the entry for this file was changed.
• Error – Any error associated with the upload or submission for analysis of the file.
• File Path – The directory where the file resided on the source computer at the time the
file was uploaded - it is not necessarily the current location of the file.
• Last Modified By – Who last modified the Analyzed Files entry for this file by taking
a related action.
• Prevalence – The prevalence of this file on Bit9-managed computers.
• Provider – Palo Alto Networks or FireEye
• SHA-256 – The SHA-256 hash of this file.
• Source – The source of this analysis request. Can be "Manual" or "Event rule".
• Source Name – If the source was "Event rule", the name of the rule.
• Target – The target for the file analysis. This will either be Palo Alto Networks
WildFire or the FireEye:<Windows version> choice specified by the user who
initiated the analysis.
Files from the Parity Agent that are targeted for analysis are not stored on the Parity Server
and cannot be downloaded to the server or deleted from this table.

Analysis Status
On the Analyzed Files tab, the Status column provides feedback on the progress of a file
analysis. Hovering over the Status value in the table provides additional information. The
possible values are:
• Acquiring File – For files that must be uploaded from an endpoint before being sent
to the device for analysis, this indicates that the upload has not been completed.
• Error – The upload or analysis failed (e.g., because the file name or path did not
exist). Moving the mouse cursor over this field shows a tooltip with details of the
• Canceled – The upload was canceled by a console user.
• Analyzing – The file has been moved to a device for analysis.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

• Analyzed – The Parity Server has received an XML report from the device. Once this
happens, the Status value for the file becomes a link leading to Notification Details.
Note: FireEye does not generate an XML report for every file analysis requested
(e.g., not for ZIP files).
• Analyzed* (1,2...) – When Analyzed is followed by a series of numbers in
parentheses, this indicates that there were multiple file analysis results from WildFire.
Each result is from a different “Analysis Environment”. Hovering the mouse cursor
over a number shows the Analysis Environment it represents.

Clicking on a number shows the specific Notification Details for that Analysis
Environment. See “Multiple Notifications per File from WildFire” on page 566 for
more on the possible values.
The Analysis Results for a file that has multiple results reports the top-level analysis
value provided by WildFire.

Actions on the Analyzed Files tab

The Action menu on the Analyze tab provides options for you to retry an analysis request
with the same or different analysis provider. It includes the following options:
• Cancel Analysis – Cancels checked analysis entries. If one or more checked entries
cannot be canceled, this will have no effect on those files.
• Retry Analysis – Retries checked analysis entries. This has no effect on entries that
cannot be retried (for example, because analysis is already pending on this file).
• Analyze with Parity Knowledge – Analyze the checked files in Parity Knowledge.
• Analyze with ... – Options appear for each available analysis provider (FireEye MAS
and Palo Alto Networks WildFire). For FireEye, there are options to target the
submission to the appropriate operating system.
When one of these actions is chosen, the submission for analysis will use an existing
uploaded file if available. If not, it will first upload file, and then submit it.

Files Uploaded to Parity Server

In addition to the Analyzed Files tab, the Requested Files page has two other tabs:
• Uploaded Files – Shows files uploaded from Bit9-managed endpoints to the Parity
• Diagnostic Files – Shows diagnostic files uploaded to the Parity Server.
See Appendix C, “Uploading Files from Agents,” for a full description of general and
diagnostic file uploads.

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Using Parity

Bit9 Logging of Connector-related Events

The Parity Events page provides access to all recorded events related to Parity activities,
including files blocked, unapproved files executed, system management processes and
actions by console users. The Parity Server updates its event data in near-real-time for
connected computers, with minor variations due to event volume. You can optionally
choose to direct the Parity Syslog event output for post-processing on another system. See
the online Help for Event Reports in the Parity Console for more details.
When the Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices is enabled, connector-related
events appear in the Parity event log. There are several connector-related additions or
changes to Parity events:
• External Notification -- The External notification event subtype (subtype is the most
specific identifier for an event) is added under the Discovery type. This event is
generated for external notifications (currently from FireEye or Palo Alto Networks)
received by the Parity Server. However, it is not generated for an external notification
that is received as a result of a file submission if a File Analysis Complete is also
• Connector Actions in Other Events -- Other events that can report connector-related
activity are shown in Table 107. Most of these event subtypes are also used for other
purposes – descriptions that could appear for the subtype but are not related to
network security device activity are not shown here. See Parity Events Integration
Guide for a complete description of all event types and subtypes in Parity and how to
enable Syslog event output.

Table 107: Connector-Related Events in the Bit9 Event Log

Event Type Event Subtype External Notification-Related Description

and Samples
Discovery Malicious file Unknown file '$filename$' [$param1$] was
detected identified by $param3$ as malicious.
File '$filename$' [$param1$] was identified by
$param3$ as malicious.
Discovery Potential risk file Unknown file '$filename$' [$param1$] from
detected $param3$ was identified by $param3$ as potential
File '$filename$' [$param1$] from $param3$ was
identified by $param3$ as potential risk.
Discovery External $Provider$ reported $malware type$ with name
Notification $malware name$ for file '$filename' from $src_ip
to $target_ip

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Event Type Event Subtype External Notification-Related Description

and Samples
Computer File Upload User '$username$' requested upload of file
Management Requested [$hash$] from computer '$computer$'.
User '$username$' requested upload of file
'$param1$' from computer '$computer$'.
Upload of file [$hash$] from computer
'$computer$' was requested by event rule

Note: Reported uploads could be unrelated to

External Notifications.
Computer File Upload Upload of file [$hash$] from computer
Management Completed '$computer$' completed.
Upload of file '$param1$' from computer
'$computer$' completed.
Computer File Upload User '$username$' canceled upload of file
Management Canceled [$hash$] from computer '$computer$'.
User '$username$' canceled upload of file
'$param1$' from computer '$computer$'.
Computer File Upload Error Upload of file [$hash$] from computer
Management '$computer$' failed because of error '$param2$'.
Upload of file '$param1$' from computer
'$computer$' failed because of error '$param2$'.
Computer File Upload User '$username$' deleted uploaded file [$hash$].
Management Deleted or
User '$username$' deleted uploaded file
General Event rule created Event rule '$param1$' has been created by
Management '$userName$'.
General Event rule Event rule '$param1$' has been modified by
Management modified '$userName$'.
General Event rule deleted Event rule '$param1$' has been deleted by
Management '$userName$'.
Server File analysis User '$username$' requested analysis of file
Management requested [$hash$] with '$param1$'.
Analysis of file [$hash$] with '$param1$' was
requested by event rule '$ruleName$'.

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Using Parity

Event Type Event Subtype External Notification-Related Description

and Samples
Server File analysis File '$filename$' [$hash$] was successfully
Management completed analyzed with '$param1$'. Nothing suspicious was
File '$filename$' [$hash$] was successfully
analyzed with '$param1$'. It was reported as
Server File analysis User '$username$' canceled analysis of file
Management canceled '$filename$' [$hash$] with '$param1$'.
Server File analysis error Analysis of file '$filename$' [$hash$] with
Management '$param1$' failed because of error '$param2$'.
Server Server error $param1$
Management Note: This is not specific to connectors but may
report connector-related errors, such as failure to
connect to or authenticate with a device.

Additional Log Information

In addition to the Parity event log, you may be interested in information available in the
log files for the connector integrations. This is located in the following locations under the
Bit9 installation folders:
• For FireEye – \Bit9\Integrations\FireEye\listener\debug.log
• For Palo Alto Networks – \Bit9\Parity Server\Reporter\ParityReporter.log

Event Rules
Event Rules, which are available as part of the Bit9 Connector, allow you to specify an
action to be performed when an event matches filters you define. Only events that relate to
files can be used to trigger an event rule.
The Event Rules page, which you access by choosing Rules > Event Rules on the Parity
console menu, includes several sample rules.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

These sample rules show the type of actions you can take with an event rule:
• Analyze files from approval requests – This rule sends any file for which an
approval request is made from a Bit9-managed computer to FireEye for analysis. It
does not send files that have already been reported by FireEye.
• Resolve approval requests for clean files – This rule performs two actions on files
submitted in approval requests if they have been analyzed with FireEye and found to
be Clean: it locally approves them, and it resolves the related approval request. If
used, it should be enabled along with the Analyze files from approval requests rule and
ranked after it, so that files are analyzed before their approval requests are resolved.
• Analyze downloaded files – This rule submits any file downloaded to a Bit9-
managed computer from a web browser to WildFire for analysis. It does not send files
that have characteristics that suggest they should be trusted or that have already been
reported by or do not meet the requirements for WildFire.
• Ban malicious files – This rule applies a global ban to all malicious files detected by
Parity Knowledge Service or any the appliances integrated with Bit9 as part of the
Bit9 Connector.
You can open the Event Rule Details page for any of these rules to see how they were
specified. You also can use them (or any other existing rule) as a template for a new rule.

Simulate Only Mode

Notice that some of the sample rules have numerous filter properties to limit processing to
those events that really should be processed. Event rules can have a significant impact on
the Bit9 Parity Server, and if not configured properly, they may have undesirable and
unintended results. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that any new rule be run in
Simulate only mode before it is fully enabled. When you run an event rule in this mode,
you can apply the rule to past notifications and view the events that would have been
processed by the rule.
Simulate only is a choice on the Create/Edit Event Rule page. This involves the following
To use simulate only to test an event rule:
1. Create an event rule (see “Creating an Event Rule” below), for example, to locally
approving files that meet certain criteria.
2. Set the Status of the rule to Simulate only.

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Using Parity

3. Finish defining the rule and click the Save button. You must remain on the Event Rule
details page, so do not click the Create & Exit button.
4. On the Advanced menu to the right of the page, click on Re-apply rule choose 1 day
in the dialog box, and click Go.
5. Continue to monitor the page, periodically clicking Refresh Page in the Processed
Events panel until the Last Processed Event field in the History panel shows no more
events to process.
6. If you don’t see the events you would have expected appearing in the Processed
Events panel, or if you see more or different events than expected, modify the rule
accordingly, click Save again, and reapply the rule again. Events related to the rule
should appear in the table of events with a Simulated in the Status field.
7. When the event output from this rule matches your expectations, change rule Status to
Enabled and click the Save & Exit button. The rule is then executed on new events –
you will need to use the Re-apply menu if you want the rule to run actively on past

Rule Ranking
Event Rules are processed in the order of the rank, with the highest ranked (lowest
numbered) rule processed first. Processing order does not depend on the current sorting
order of the table, only on the rank number of the rule. All matching rules that are
currently enabled are processed.

Disabling Processing of All Event Rules

Processing of event rules is enabled by default if you have installed Parity Server with the
appropriate license. This means that the Enabled/Disabled/Simulate setting for each rule
determines how and whether that rule functions. However, you can disable the event rule
feature so that no event rules are processed. The checkbox for disabling and re-enabling
event rule processing is on the Advanced Options tab of the System Configuration page.

To disable event rule processing:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration and click on
the Advanced Options tab.
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of page.
3. In the Software Rule Options panel, un-check the Event Rules checkbox, then click
the Update button.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Creating an Event Rule

To create an event rule from scratch, you would need to provide the information shown in
bold in the left column:
General Description Section in the Add/Edit Event
Rule Page
If an event matches this/these criteria... Select Event Properties
...and a file referenced in the event matches Select File Properties
this/these criteria...
... then take the following action... Select Action
... on computers in this/these policy(ies)... Select Action/Create For:

The Select Event Properties and Select File Properties sections can include multiple
criteria for triggering the rule, and the Select Action section has different parameters
depending on the action you choose.

To add (create) an event rule:

1. On the Bit9 console menu, choose Rules > Event Rules. The Event Rules page opens.
2. On the Event Rules page, choose Create Rule. The Create Event Rule page opens.
3. If there is an existing event rule similar to the one you want to create, choose that rule
on the Copy Settings From menu. When you choose anything but (none) on this menu,
the page is pre-populated with the parameters from the rule you chose.
4. In the Rule Name field, provide a unique name for the rule. If you copied settings
from an existing rule, the default name is that rule’s name followed by “(Copy)”.

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Using Parity

5. In the optional Description field, you can provide a longer description of the rule.
6. In the Status field, you choose one of the following:
- Enabled – Actions specified by the rule will be executed as specified.
- Simulate only – Actions specified by the rule will be simulated. Events will be
generated indicating what the rule would have done if enabled, but the actions
specified will not actually be taken. See “Simulate Only Mode” for more about
this Status choice.
- Disabled – The rule and its settings will be saved but it will not execute or
simulate the actions specified. This is the default value.
Important: Simulate only is strongly advised as the choice for a new event rule. See
“Simulate Only Mode” for more about this Status choice.
7. In the Select Event Properties panel, use the Add filter menu to choose one or more
event properties. For these filters:
- At least one Subtype filter is required.
- Because only file-related events may be used to trigger an event rule, the
selections on this menu are limited accordingly.
- Some file-related properties that do appear in events are not included here because
they appear on the File Properties menu.
8. In the Select File Properties panel, use the Add filter menu to choose one ore more file
properties with which to further refine the conditions under which this rule will be
triggered. Most of the choices here are the same as the field in the Parity File Catalog,
although there are some additional fields. See “File Properties in Event Rule
Definitions” for detailed information about certain choices in this panel.
9. In the Select Action panel, use the Action menu to choose the action that will be taken
when events and files match this rule. The choices are:
- Change global file state – This automatically changes the global state of
matching files. You can Approve or Ban matching files, create a Report Only Ban,
or Remove Approvals or Bans. You also can apply the state change to All policies
or selected policies.
- Change local file state – This automatically changes the local state of matching
files. You can locally Approve matching files or Remove local approval.
- Upload file - This initiates an upload of matching files from the Bit9-managed
computer on which they have been identified. You can choose the default Parity
Server upload location or define a custom location on the server or another
accessible computer. For example, you can send all newly found files to a specific
folder for manual examination or scanning by a tool that exists on a particular
- Analyze file – This initiates the process for sending a file to a connected device
for analysis. You can choose FireEye or WildFire, and also have the option of
sending matching files to both devices if you have them integrated with Bit9.
10. If the choice on the Action menu involves changing the state of a file, you can choose
to have any approval request related to the file resolved automatically. To do this,
check the Resolve Related Approval Request box. If you do not check the box, any
approval request for the related file will be left open until you manually close it. This

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

box has no effect if there is not a related approval request. See “Approval Requests
and Justifications” on page 378 for more on how approval requests are submitted and
11. When you have completed the rule definition, click Save to remain on the page, and
follow the steps described in “Simulate Only Mode”.
To create the rule and leave the Create Event Rule page, click Create & Exit.

File Properties in Event Rule Definitions

Certain choices in the Select File Properties panel of the Add/Edit Event Rule page have
special behaviors or descriptions.
If you choose one of the Parity Knowledge parameters, Trust or Threat, only events that
have a value for these fields will trigger the rule. Events whose files do not have a Trust or
Threat value will go into Pending state (visible in the Processed Events list for the rule)
until Parity Knowledge information is available. Similarly, if you choose file Prevalence
as a filter, only events for which prevalence is calculated for a related file will trigger the
rule. Events whose files have no prevalence value will go into Pending state until a
Prevalence value is available.

If Parity Knowledge and Parity Server have synchronized information
about a file and there is no trust information for it, no trust value is shown
for that file in the Parity Console, but the stored trust value for a file
whose trust is unknown is minus one (-1). Therefore, an event rule that
specifies that an action should be taken for files with trust less (for
example) 5 will be triggered for both low trust files and files whose trust
is unknown. If you wanted to limit this rule to file in which the trust is
known to be low (as opposed to unknown), you could add a second
condition that says Trust must also be greater than or equal to zero.

The Select File Properties filter menu includes two file analysis options that are not
available in the Parity File Catalog. These options can be used to take action based on the
results of analysis by external devices. The options are Analysis Result: FireEye and
Analysis Result: Palo Alto Networks WildFire, each of which shows the latest analysis
results for a file from their respective devices. These choices can have one of the
following values:
• Unknown – The file was not yet analyzed with this provider.
• Clean – The file was analyzed with this provider and nothing suspicious was found.
• Potential Risk – The file was analyzed with this provider and a potential risk was
detected. Note that this state can currently only be set only by FireEye, when user
creates a matching Threat Mapping.
• Malicious – The file was analyzed with this provider and is reported as malicious.
This state will be default state returned by both providers if file is reported as
• Analysis Pending – The file is still being analyzed with this provider.
• Analysis Error – The file was analyzed but analysis returned an error.

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Using Parity

As with the Parity Knowledge and Prevalence filters, rules with analysis filters will go
into the Pending state for an event that matches the rule but for which analysis results are
not available.
Note: For FireEye notifications, if you created Threat Mapping rules, review these rules
before creating event rules. Threat mapping might change the values provided for analysis
results and so change the conditions under which an event rule is triggered.

Event Rule History and Processed Events List

A history of the events processed by each rule is included in the History panel on the
Event Rule Details (Edit Event Rule) page. This history is automatically trimmed as
events are trimmed from the Parity database.

The History includes the following information:

• Date Created – The time stamp for when this rule was created.
• Created By – The Parity login account of the user who created the rule.
• Date Modified – The time stamp for when the rule was last modified.
• Last Modified By – The Parity login account of the user who last modified the rule.
• Last Evaluation Time – The time stamp of the last time the rule was triggered by a
matching event. In addition, this field shows statistics for any activations of the rule in
the past hour, including the number of times it was triggered, the number of events
processed, and the time elapsed for processing.
• Last Processed Event – The time stamp of the last event that was processed with this
rule. This value can be useful in determining whether there is a significant backlog in
processing events and also to determine events in the event log that might be
processed next.

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Appendix B: Bit9 Connector for Network Security Devices

Below the History panel, the Event Rule Details page shows a table of Processed Events
that have been processed by the current rule. This can help monitor the impact of a rule.
The table shows the Status of each processed event, which is one of the following:
• Pending – The event matched the rule but the rule action has not been completed.
• Simulated – The event was processed by the rule in Simulate only mode; the
processing was recorded but the action was not executed. See “Simulate Only Mode”
for more information.
• Executed – The event was processed by the rule and the Action was executed.
• Skipped – The rule was skipped because it would have taken an action that is
prohibited or not relevant to the current conditions. For example, a rule cannot
globally approve a banned file.

Editing an Event Rule

You can edit existing event rules, modifying the parameters described in the procedure for
creating a new rule. However, you cannot change the Action setting for a rule once it is
created; different actions may require different Parity user account permission, and also,
rule history might not make sense if the rule recorded a mix of different actions. If you
need to change the Action, create a new rule.

Edit Event Rule Page Menus

The Edit Event Rule page has two menus on the right side of the page. The Related Views
menu will have has the following commands (which vary depending upon the Action
chosen for the rule):
• All file rules created by this rule – Displays the Software Rules: Files Approvals and
Bans page filtered to show file rules created by this event rule (does not include local
file approvals, which are not tracked on this page)
• All file uploads created by this rule – Displays the Requested Files: Uploaded Files
page filtered to show uploads initiated by this rule
• All file analysis submissions created by this rule-- Displays the Requested Files:
Analyzed Files page filtered to show analysis submissions to WildFire or FireEye
initiated by this rule
• Related events – Displays the Events page, filtered by this rule name
The Advanced menu includes one command, Re-apply rule. This allows you to choose a
starting point in the past and re-apply this rule to all events that occurred between that
point and the current time. This is useful for testing new or edited rules in Simulate only
mode before switching to Enabled mode. It also can be used to re-apply rules to older
events after switching to enabled mode.

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Using Parity

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 590

Appendix C: Uploading Files from Agents

Appendix C

Uploading Files from Agents


Topic Page
Overview 592
Controlling Access to File Upload Features 592
Scheduling Uploads 592
Viewing the Uploads Table 595
Downloading Uploaded Files 598
Deleting Uploaded Files 598

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Using Parity

In all active modes, Parity provides the ability to monitor the propagation of software and
generate audit trails of activity. In some cases, information you see during monitoring
might lead to a need to access the actual file involved in certain activities. The optional
Upload Files feature provides the ability to upload a copy of any file to the Parity Server
from a computer running Parity Agent 7.0.0 or later.
Platform Note: The Upload Files feature is currently supported for Windows agents only.
Access to the Upload Files feature requires application of a special license key. See
“Managing Parity Licenses” on page 519 guide for instructions on applying Parity

The ability to send a file to FireEye MAS or Wildfire for analysis uses the
File Upload capabilities of Parity. However, uploads that occur as part of a
request for analysis are not displayed in the file upload user interface, and
are not discussed in this appendix. See Appendix B, “Bit9 Connector for
Network Security Devices,” for information on the the process involved
in uploading files for analysis.
Diagnostic files may be uploaded from agent computers, and in special
cases, from the server. These are cataloged on a separate tab from general
file uploads, but much of the user interface for acting on them is the same.

Controlling Access to File Upload Features

While other Parity features provide data about files on Parity-managed computers, this
feature allows a console user with the appropriate privileges to upload the actual file. The
File Upload feature should be used with extreme care, and in full compliance with your
organization's policy on accessing other user's files. Be sure that only users that absolutely
need access to the feature are given permission to use it – permission for these features is
not granted to the default administrator account in the console. See “Account Group
Permissions” on page 82 for details on activating File Upload permissions.

Scheduling Uploads
Several locations in the Parity Console provide access to commands for manually
uploading files, including:
• the Events page (for events showing files that exist on computers)
• the Approval Requests page
• the File Catalog and Files on Computers tables
• the Find File Results table
• the Snapshot Contents table
• the File Instance Details page
• the Computer Details page

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Appendix C: Uploading Files from Agents

From any of the files pages, you can upload a copy of any file that has been identified as
"interesting" (i.e., executable) by Parity and has been added to the live inventory. From the
Computer Details page, you can upload a copy of any file on the computer, whether or not
it exists in the Parity file inventory. For all uploads, the original file remains on the agent
computer. Note that there are separate permissions for uploading interesting files and
uploading any file.

Using Parity to upload files greater than 2 gigabytes is not recommended.
Files in excess of 2GB may fail to upload and show a "communication error".

In addition to performing manual uploads, you can create Event Rules that upload files
when certain events take place. See “Event Rules” on page 582 for more information.
When you issue a successful upload command, a message appears on the console page
indicating that the upload has been scheduled. In general, uploads begin almost
immediately, but there could be delays depending upon other activities on the Parity
Server and the size of the file you are uploading. Also, Parity needs at least read
permission to upload the file, and some files that are opened by other programs cannot be
uploaded. If Parity does not have read permission for a requested file on any agent-
managed computer, the Uploaded Files table shows an error message for that file.
If an upload is scheduled for a file and no computer with that file is currently connected,
the upload will be attempted later. Also, if a file upload is interrupted because of an agent-
side error, it will be retried.

Starting Uploads from Tables

You can schedule the upload of one or more files at a time from the tables pages that
include file links (File Catalog, Files on Computers, Events, etc.). When you request an
upload, the Parity Server chooses the computer from which to upload a file matching the
hash. Parity first searches for an instance of the file on a currently connected computer. If
there are multiple connected computers with the file, the “best” computer is chosen based
on how recently it communicated with the server and whether any other uploads are
scheduled or in progress (avoiding these is preferable). If the file does not exist on a
connected computer, Parity schedules the upload from a disconnected computer, and will
start the upload when that computer reconnects.

To initiate a file upload from a file table:

1. Navigate to the file table page, such as Files on Computers.
2. Check the box(es) next to the file(s) you want to upload to the server.
3. On the Action menu, choose Upload to Server.

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Using Parity

4. On the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

A message appears on the page indicating that the upload has been scheduled.

Starting Uploads from the File Details Page

You can schedule the upload of a single file from the File Instance Details page.
To initiate a file upload from the File Instance Details page:
1. Navigate to the File Instance Details page for the file you want to upload.
2. On the Advanced menu to the right of the file data, choose Upload File to Server.

A message appears on the page indicating that the upload has been scheduled.

Starting Uploads from the Computer Details Page

You can schedule the upload of any file on a computer from its Computer Details page ,
whether or not the file exists in the Parity file inventory of "interesting" files. Unlike
uploads from other console pages, you must provide the path to the file – there is no list of
files to choose from, and the upload is not based on a hash.
Although wildcards may not be used in the path to a file, you can specify the path location
using macros and registry keys. See “Using Macros” on page 287 for the list of path
macros recognized by Parity.

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Appendix C: Uploading Files from Agents

To initiate a file upload from the Computer Details page:

1. Navigate to the Details page for the computer that has the file you want to upload.
2. On the Advanced menu to the right of the file data, choose Other Actions.
3. On the Other Actions menu, choose Upload File.

4. In the File box that appears in the menu, enter the complete path to the file you want to
upload and then click the Go button.

A message appears on the page indicating that the upload has been scheduled. If you
enter a non-existent file or path, the upload is still attempted, and you will not see an
error on the page from which you initiate the upload, but a record of the failed attempt
will appear in the Requested Files/Uploaded Files table.

Viewing the Uploads Table

Each requested upload appears on the Uploaded Files page, even when it fails. From this
page, you can view information about the uploaded file, delete the upload from the list,
retry the upload, cancel uploads in progress, and view the uploaded file.
To open the Uploaded Files page:
1. On the console menu, choose Tools > Requested Files.
2. If the Requested Files:Uploaded Files view is not already showing, click on the
Uploaded Files tab.

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Using Parity

On the Uploaded Files page, in addition to the default view, you can choose from among
the following Saved Views:
• Uploads in Progress
• Completed Uploads
• Upload Errors
Table 108 shows the columns available for the Uploaded Files page, some of which appear
by default and some of which you must add.

Table 108: Uploaded Files Table Columns

Column Description
Actions The Action column includes a checkbox for choosing files on which
Action menu commands will act and buttons for taking action on
individual files. The Action menu on this page includes the
following commands:
• Cancel Uploads – Cancel the upload of checked files (if the
upload has not been completed).
• Retry Uploads – Retry the uplaod of checked files.
• Delete Uploads – Delete the the table rows for checked files,
and, for successful uploads, delete the files from the server.
• Analyze with Parity Knowledge – Analyze the checked files
with Parity Knowledge.
• Analyze with ... – If any third-party analysis devices or services
are integrated through the Bit9 Connector, you can send
selected files to them for analysis. For files that were not
successfully uploaded to the Uploaded Files page, choosing an
Analyze command initiates a new upload, and if that is
successful, the file is submitted to the third-party device.
Individual uploaded file rows may be acted upon by the buttons in
their row. These include the standard File Details and Find File
buttons found in all file tables. There is one additional button for
successfully uploaded files:

Download the file (if it was successfully uploaded) from the

Parity Server to a specified location. For this, console users
must have specific permission to access uploaded files.
Request Date When the file upload was requested.
Requester The console user that requested the upload, or “System” if the
request was due to an event rule.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 596

Appendix C: Uploading Files from Agents

Column Description
Status The status of the file upload. The possible values are:
• Uploaded – The upload completed successfully and the file is
available on the server.
• Uploading – The upload is in progress but not yet complete; a
partial file has been received by the server. This status is likely
to appear only for very large files.
• Initiated – The upload task has been received by the agent
where the file is located.
• Queued – The upload task has not yet been sent to the agent.
• Error – The upload failed. Hovering the cursor over this status
displays the error message. Errors include: No file with hash,
The system cannot find the path specified, The system cannot
find the file specified.
• Canceled – The upload was cancelled by a console user.
Computer The name of the computer from which the file was uploaded.
File Name The name of the uploaded file. For most requests, Parity uploads a
file matching the hash of the requested file, so in some cases, the
name shown here will not be the same as the name of the file you
For uploads from the Computer Details page, the file name is
always the name entered in the File box during the upload request.
File Size The size (in bytes) of the file.
Upload % The percent of the upload that is finished. Completed uploads
show 100%. Failed uploads and uploads not yet started show 0%.
Upload Date When the file was uploaded to the server.
Upload Directory The directory on the Parity Server to which the file was uploaded.
Value is “(default)” for manual uploads, which use the directory
configured in the System Configuration Advanced Options tab. If
the upload is due to an event rule, the actual path is shown.
Error A description of the error that prevented the file from uploading.
For example, the error for a file that was not present at the location
given (or at all) would be file not found. Not shown by default.
File Path The location on the agent computer from which the file was
uploaded. Not shown by default.
MD5 The MD5 hash of the file.
SHA256 The SHA-256 hash of the file.
Source Source of the request for upload. Either “Event rule” or “Manual”.
Source Name If the request was due to an event rule, the name of the rule. If the
request was manual, this field is empty.

Diagnostic Files
The Requested Files page also has an Diagnostic Files tab that shows diagnostic files
uploaded from Bit9-managed endpoints to the Parity Server. There are two types of
diagnostic files uploadable to the server: Server Diagnostic files and Agent Diagnostic

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 597

Using Parity

Files. Server Diagnostic Files can be downloaded to a console user’s own computer by
clicking the download button next to the checkbox for the file in table. Agent Diagnostic
files remain on the server and do not have a download option.
The information and actions on the Diagnostic Files tab are generally used in conjunction
with Bit9 Technical Support.
See Table 22, “Computer Details page menus,” on page 146 for more on advanced actions
such as uploading diagnostic files.

Downloading Uploaded Files

Once files are uploaded to the Parity Server, console users with the appropriate
permissions can download selected files to their local computer for further examination.

This feature in particular should be used with extreme care, and in full
compliance with your organization's policy on accessing other user's files.
Be sure that only those Parity Console users that absolutely need access to
the feature are given permission to use it. The ability to download files
has its own permission setting (called “Access uploaded files”) in the
console user permisisons settings.

To download an uploaded file:

1. In the Uploaded Files table, click on the download button in the row for the file
you want to download.
2. Follow the prompts for your browser to choose to download the file.
This copies a zip file to the download location on the computer on which the console
is being viewed. The zip file includes the uploaded file and the folder path from the
agent computer. You can navigate down through the folders to the file.

Upload Configuration Options

Deleting Uploaded Files
You can delete individual uploaded files from the server by checking the row for each file
you want to delete on the Uploaded Files page and choosing Delete Uploads on the
Action menu. You also can configure Parity to delete files uploaded to the server on a
schedule. By default, uploaded files are deleted after they have been on the server for 4

To configure automatic deletion of uploaded files:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration and then
click on the Advanced Options tab on the System Configuration page.
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 598

Appendix C: Uploading Files from Agents

3. In the File Uploads panel, make sure the Delete Uploaded Files After box is checked,
and enter the number of weeks after which you want the files to be deleted.
Note: Disabling automatic deletion of uploaded files is not recommended..
4. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

The actual uploaded files are not included in Parity Server backups,
although the Uploaded Files table is backed up. If you restore a Parity
database and there were files listed in the Uploaded Files table, the table is
restored but the files will not be available.

Changing the Uploaded File Location

The default location of zipped, uploaded files is in the Parity Server\Files folder of the
Bit9 installation directory. Uploaded files are stored in numbered zip files. For example,
the first file you upload might be in the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Server\Files\1.zip
You can change this location if you choose by editing the Default Upload Location setting
on the System Administration/Advanced Options page (see the illustration above). You
can specify locations in the following ways:
• If you specify a folder without a full path, the location is assumed to be relative to the
the Bit9\Parity Server\ directory on the Parity Server. So, for example, the default
location shown above is specified on the Advanced Options page simply as files\ .
• You can specify a full path, including a drive letter, on the Parity Server.
• You can use a full UNC path to specify a location on a system other than the Parity

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 599

Using Parity

However you specify the upload location, you must have write permission to the location
and, for UNC paths, network access to the specified system.

To change the target location for uploaded files:

1. On the console menu, choose Administration > System Configuration and then
click on the Advanced Options tab on the System Configuration page.
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the page.
3. In the File Uploads panel, enter the path for the location to which you want uploaded
files sent and click the Test button to make sure that the location exists.
Note: If you specify a directory that does not exist, clicking the Test button may
produce a failure message. However, if you have permission to write in the directory
above the location you identified, the folder will be created and files will be uploaded
to that location.
4. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

If you have licensed the Bit9 Connector, you also can use Event Rules to
automatically upload files that match the file specifications in a rule, and
can define a new location for each rule. See “Event Rules” on page 582.

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 600


Index propagating file 406

resetting 412
types 406
A updater modified 405
acknowledging Alerts page 403, 407, 448
devices 262, 263 algorithms for certificates 212
files 180
analysis environment
publishers 205, 208
for WildFire notifications 566
Active Directory Integration
analyze file
AD computer metadata in Parity 145
in Parity Knowledge Service 524
AD logins in Parity console 67
on Approval Request Details page 388
AD policy mapping 117
AD user details in Parity 71 analyzing files
and agent installation 125 automating with event rules 582
and Windows 2000 domain using FireEye for 576
controllers 496 using WildFire for 576
clearing the AD server cache 124 anti-virus software
moving computers to another policy 149 and Parity agent (Mac/OS X) 129
overview 33 and Parity agent (Windows) 128
security domain for Parity logins 496 enabling updaters for 214
testing 118 Applications by Publisher/Company
AD logins in console view 170
disabling 68 applications. See files.
enabling 67 approval mode 139
AD policy mapping rules 119 approval requests
administrators, Parity 73 alert for 405
Adobe product updates, enabling 215 analyzing 382, 388
Agent Disabled mode. See disabled mode automatic resolution email 384
customizing the notifier interface 390
agent, Parity. See Parity agent.
enabling in Windows 379
alerts 403 how users submit 380
alert history 414 in blocked file notifiers 378
alerts page 403 request details page 387
approval request 405 responding to 381
baseline drift 406 viewing in Parity Console 381
blocked file 406
computer in local approval 404
adding (by file) 234
computer security 404
by policy 239
configuring e-mail 515
custom 239
creating 406
defined 194
deleting 410
local 218
disabling 410
removing 236
editing 410
file prevalence 406 approve on Enforcement Level transition
(policy setting) 97
how triggered 410
justification 405 approved (local state detail) 189
on home page 43 approved as installer (local state
Parity Knowledge unavailable 405 detail) 189

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 601

Using Parity

approved as top-level installer (local state by policy 234, 239

details) 189 by publisher 206
Approved Files view 170 from the Software Rules page 234
approved not persisted (local state overview 35, 196
detail) 189 removing bans 236
approving devices 260 banning publishersl 206
approving files bannned by hash report-only (local state
automating using event rules 582 detail) 189
by automatic updaters 214 bans
by custom rule 283 creating 196
by file reputation 243 custom 239
by hash 240 file name 35, 197
by importing a hash list 241 hash 35, 197
by local approval mode 224 removing 236
by local approval on Enforcement Level report only 189, 197, 239
change 219 verifying before deployment 233
by publisher approval (manual) 205 baseline drift 425
by publisher reputation 243 adding results to a snapshot 435
by trusted directory 198 alert for 406
by trusted user or group 202 by file category 430
from a deployment server 198 creating and editing reports 436
overview 194 displaying in dashboards 446
printer driver updates 215 remediation of 434
removing approvals 236 snapshots for 443
removing local approval 222 viewing report results 429
approving publishers viewing the list of reports 428
by reputation 247 BigFix Enterprise Client updates 215
manual 205
Bit9 Connector 547
archives console account permissions for 560
event 402 enabling FireEye integration 549
in trusted directories 198 enabling Palo Alto Networks
ArcSight integration integration 556
specifying CEF as Syslog format 504 block banned file hashes (policy
setting) 97
B block banned file names (policy
backups setting) 96
backup missed alerts 404 block files with banned publishers or
Parity database 512 certificates (policy setting) 97
restoring from 514 block network executables (policy
banned by hash (local state detail) 189 setting) 97
Banned Files view 170 block unanalyzed scripts and executables
(policy setting) 96
banned state 188
block unapproved executables (policy
banning files setting) 96
automating using event rules 582 block unapproved scripts (policy
by hash 197, 240 setting) 96
by importing a hash list 241 block-and-ask. See Medium Enforcement
by name 197 Level

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 602


blocked file notifiers. See notifiers viewing files by 170

blocking files 105 Computer Details page 141
by custom rule 276 computer security alert 404
by file ban 196 computers
by publisher 206 adding 151
by script rule 306 assigning policies 117
on devices 256 changing policies 149
browsers cloned 155
approving updates to 215 connected (viewing) 139
certificates warnings in 40 deleting 152, 510
supported 40 details about 141
BSX files disconnected (viewing) 139
for installing Mac agents 129 duplicate registrations 397
health check for 143
C in Local Approval (viewing) 139
CA ITM updates 215 initializing 114
cache, AD installing Parity Agent on 127
clearing 124 placing in local approval mode 226
remote reboot of 148
Categorized Files view 170
requiring upgrade, (viewing) 139
category. See file category restoring from local approval mode 227
CEF. See ArcSight integration tempate computers 155
certificates timed Enforcement Level override
for publisher approvals 205 for 228
policy setting for 97 viewing AD details about 125
certificates, file-signing viewing connection status 138
algorithm options 212 virtual machines 155
and publisher approvals 210 Computers page 130, 139
approving by 205 configuration list
configuring approvals by 211, 511 current (for server) 138
countersignature options 213 file state and 180
detached 205 for an agent computer 144
expired 212 connected computers, viewing 139
key length options 213 connected Enforcement Level 91, 108
revocation checks 213
connector. See Bit9 Connector.
certificates, Parity
console menu 45
and console login 40
for agent-server communication 505 console. See Parity console
using SAN in 507 control mode 91
CL. See configuration list enabling for a policy 89
licenses for 520
CLI management privileges 497
overview 37
cloned computers
countersignatures (for certificates) 213
cleanup of 163, 164
deleting 163, 164 custom rules
managing 155 do not track example 302
server backlog for 162 in visibility mode 278
overview 276

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 603

Using Parity

trusted paths 298 device catalog 266

managing 255, 260
D managing by model 261
dashboards 451 managing individual devices 265
adding portlets to 466 per-policy control 257
baseline drift portlets in 446 policy settings 258
changing appearance of 459 rules for 256
changing color of 461 diagnostic files 597
changing width of 461 viewing 597
copying 465 directory policies. See custom rules
creating 462 disabled mode (agent) 91, 105
editing 462, 466
disconnected computers
home page 42
and file searches 484, 488
layout of 460
and policy deletion 116
managing 462
changing Enforcement Level 228
portlets on 454
deleting 510
sharing with other users 463
during lockdown 109
system 457
timed deletion 510
viewing 452, 457
viewing 139
database, Parity
disconnected Enforcement Level 92, 108
address 495
authorization type 495 display preferences 62
configuration information 494 Download Agent Packages page 126
database limit alert 404 downloading
events in 499 agent installers 125
external 501 Parity data to CSV files 59
restoring 514 drift reports. See baseline drift
schema version 495 duplicate computer registrations 397
size 495 dynamic code execution (memory
unique files 34 rule) 345
verification failed alert 404 dynamic tables 49
views via live inventory SDK 527 downloading data from 59
debug level filtering results 54
for an agent computer 144 hiding columns 56
default policy 98 Saved Views in 57
default starting page 62 showing columns 56
deleted computers 152
deleted file state 188
deleted files email
searching for 489 address in approval request 380
viewing 170 address in SSL certificate 506
for alerts 403, 515
device paths, in Bit9 rules 287
for approval requests 384
devices generated by block notifier link 363
acknowledging 262, 263 login account user address 73
all devices on computers 270
emergency lockdown 110
approving and banning 255
control in Parity 257 Enforcement Level

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 604


and policy settings 88 F

changing 107 file and path rules enforcement (policy
connected 91, 108 setting) 97
defined 6, 103 file and path rules. See custom rules
disconnected 92, 108
file bans. See bans
effect on policy enforcement 105
file blocking for active policy File Catalog tab 187
settings 105 file category
High (Block Unapproved) 104 defined 179
local approval 107 drift by 430
locking down all computers 109 file creation control 276
Low (Monitor Unapproved) 104 file details 177
Medium (Prompt Unapproved) 104
File Details page 240
None (Disabled) 105
None (Visibility) 104 file execution control 276
out of date on agent 140 File Group Details page 185
overview 37 file groups
setting for new policies 91 and initialized files 172
timed overrides of 228 overview 173
event rules 582 viewing files in 185
events file hash bans 197
agent health check 146 File Instance Details page 181
archives of 402 initiating Find Files from 484
creating reports of 400 file instances
editing reports of 401 file name 182
events page 398 path for 182
external logging 501 file integrity control 276
home page summary 395 file name bans 35
log files 499
file rules
logging of 499
approvals 234
overview 394
bans 234
saved views of 396, 400
removing 236
Syslog message severity 400
triggering actions with 582 file state 34, 187
types 396 approved 187
banned 187
events integration
banned (local) 188
See the separate Parity Events Integration
Guide defined 7
deleted 188
flags affecting 177, 188
advanced policy settings for 96
global 177
defined 31
instance states 188
Existing Files view 170 local 188
expired certificates 212 local state details 189
exporting data 59 locally approved 188
external event logging 501 unapproved 188
external notifications 561 file state reason 177
event rules for 582 file tracking

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 605

Using Parity

and alerts 403 tracking drift 425

disabling for a path 302 trust rating for 179
enable/disable by policy 92, 93 uploading from agents 591
using baseline drift 426 viewing removed 170
files Files on Computers tab 34, 188
acknowledging 180 filtering
analyzing in Parity Knowledge data in portlets 478
Service 524 table data in portlets 475
analyzing with third-party devices 547 table results 54
approving. See approving files
Find Files page
banning. See banning files
overview 485
baseline drift of 426
Saved Views in 490
blocked file alerts 406
blocking 105 finding files
blocking by custom rule 276 case sensitivity 486
blocking by device rule 256 from Computer Details page 146
blocking by script rule 306 from Find Files page 484
categories of 170 from Home Page 43
diagnostic 597 on computers in a policy 103
executable 31 overview 484
existing 170 special cases 488
file groups 185 using filters in a search 486
finding 484 viewing all unapproved files in a
policy 106
first-seen name 177
including deleted files in a search 489 FireEye
initializing 114 access to console from Parity 572
installing on a locked-down analyzing files with 576
computer 224 enabling Bit9 integration with 549
live inventory of 29 integration with Bit9 547
local approval 218 notifications from 561
locating executables on computers 486 threat level mappings 554
malicious 170 Firefox updates 215
marking as installer 231 flags (file state) 188
marking as not installer 231 FrameMaker updates 215
metering executions 420 fuzzy hashing 178
monitoring specific executions 420
on deleted computers 489 G
on disconnected computers 488
global state 177
Parity database 34
path for first-seen 177 graphs
prevalence alerts 406 displaying network information in 451
prevalence of 418 group information (file details) 179
propagation alerts 406 groups
reputation 244 trusted for installation 202
show individual files 238 groups (file details) 179
snapshots of 443
threat level for 179 H
tracked in Parity 31 hashes

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 606


approving 240 and file groups 173

approving a list of 241 defined 231
banning 35, 240 files approved as 189
banning a list of 241 files identified as 177
fuzzy hashing 178 files marked as 180
identifying unknown 523 in trusted directories 198
MD5 178 marking file as 231
SHA-1 179 Parity Agent 127
SHA-256 178 recognized in trusted directories 198
health check top level 189
for agents 143, 146 installing
help Parity Agent 127
for Parity Server 63 Parity Server. See Installing Parity
for portlets 456 Server guide
hiding table columns 56 IPv6
in server address 495
High (Block Unapproved) Enforcement
Level 104
High Enforcement Level
installing software on computers in 224 Java
switching to 107 script rules for 307
updater for 215
home page 42
changing appearance of 459 justification (for user-initiated approvals)
changing default for new users 467 alert for 405
editing 462 justifications (for user-initiated approvals)
resetting to default 467 alert for 405
HP ArcSight. See ArcSight integration customizing the notifier interface 390
details page 387
I enabling in Windows 379
how users submit 380
InCopy updates 215
in blocked-file notifiers 378
InDesign updates 215 responding to 384
information button viewing in Parity Console 381
for portlets 456
on Active Directory Policy Mappings K
page 123
kernel memory access (memory rule) 345
initialization 6
key length (for certificates) 213
and local approval 218
of computers 114
status of 145
LEEF. See QRadar integration
initialized files
overview 172 licenses, Parity
viewing for one computer 186 adding 521
and local approval mode 224
installed programs 173
for Bit9 Connector 548
Installed Programs view 170 for file uploads 592
installer (override) file flag 188 managing 519
installer file flag 188 Parity Knowledge Service 523
installers Parity Suite 519

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 607

Using Parity

viewing limits and usage 520 groups 78

Visibility and Control 519 permissions for Bit9 Connector 560
live inventory power user 73
and baseline drift 426 read only 73
and executable files 31 role-based access 79
and finding files 484 unauthorized 73
database views of 527 using AD accounts 67
defined 29 logo
SDK 527 specifying for notifier 372
local approval 218 Low (Monitor Unapproved) Enforcement
of all unapproved files on a Level 104
computer 223 file execution warnings in 106
of files 218 switching to High Enforcement
of one file 221 from 107
removing 222
local approval mode 224 M
alert for 404 Mac App Store updates 215
and disconnected computers 228 Mac computers
and online computers 226 App Store updater 214
restoring computers to original blocked file notifiers on 356
policies 227 installing agent on 129
setting time-duration alerts 406 manual agent upgrades on 135
timed Enforcement Level changes 229 native updater support for 214
viewing computers in 139 Parity tray icon on 357
local file state 188 submitting approval requests from 380
local file state details 189 Symantec Endpoint Protection updater
for 215
locally approved (local state detail) 189
uninstalling agent from 138
locally approved auto (local state
detail) 189 macros, in Bit9 rules 287
locally approved state 188 malicious files
alerts for 404
how specified
Enforcement Level for 104
locking down all computers 109 Malicious Files view 170
restoring after 110 Mark as installer/not installer 231
lockdown. See also High Enforcement McAfee ePO updates 215
Level McAfee VirusScan updates 215
log files Medium (Prompt Unapproved)
managing 499 Enforcement Level 104
logging in 40 memory rules 337
logging out 41 editing notifier message for 339
login accounts, Parity 66 operating system restrictions 338
administrator 73 parameters of 342
creating accounts 66 viewing associated events 338
creating new groups 79 memory rules enforcement (policy
defined 7 setting) 97
deleting 76 meters (software execution) 420
disabling 77 creating 420

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 608


Microsoft .NET updates 215 operating strategies 37

Microsoft Office Click-to-Run OS X. See Mac computers
updates 215
Microsoft SCCM updates 215 P
modes packages
overview 37 by publisher/company 170
setting for policies 91 Mac .pkg files 172
monitor. See Low Enforcement Level trusted 170, 201
Mozilla updates 215 PageMaker updates 215
MSI files Palo Alto Networks
and trusted directories 198 access to console from Parity 572
for installing Windows agents 128 enabling Bit9 integration with 556
file analysis with WildFire 558
N Integration with Bit9 547
network security devices notifications from 561
notifications from 561 Parity Agent
New Unapproved Files view 170 blocked file notifiers on 353
computer configuration 114
not installer (override) file flag 188
defined 6, 33
notifications disabling 91, 105
external 561 downloading installers for 125
notifiers for blocked files enabling automatic upgrade 131
conditional messages in 367 enabling management privileges 497
configuring 362 file initialization for 114
customizing the logo for 372 health check for 146
defined 100 installing 127
disabling 364, 375 installing on Mac computers 129
editing 362, 365 installing on Windows computers 128
editing by policy setting 360 manual upgrade on Mac computers 135
editing the source line in 372 manual upgrade on Windows
enabling approval requests in 378 computers 133
for terminal servers 376 policy status of 140
for XenApp 376 prioritizing updates to 146
history window for Mac 357 registration with server 117
information links in 363 requesting update for 146
on Mac computers 356 rules out of date for 140
timeouts for on-screen display 364 securing communications with 505
using tags in 365 self-protection 97
NT authorization temporary policy override for 228
for database server 495 uninstalling from a Mac computer 138
uninstalling from a Windows
O computer 137
offline computers. See disconnected upgrade status 136
computers upgrading 130
online computers. See connected upgrading by policy 92
computers upgrading from console 132
online help 63 using anti-virus software with (Mac/OS
X) 129

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 609

Using Parity

using anti-virus software with policies

(Windows) 128 AD mapping 117
verifying installation 130 creating 89
Parity agent default 98
diagnostic files for 597 defined 6, 36
Parity console deleting 111
browser certificate for 40 disabling enforcement 91
defined 6 Enforcement Level for 91
Home page 45 for uninstalling an agent 137
logging in 40 mode choices 91
logging out 41 moving computers between 149
using 39 related views menu 103
Parity console menu bar 45 setting alerts for 406
template 98
Parity Knowledge Service
templates for 92
alert when unavailable 405
viewing unapproved files in a policy 106
defined 33
when assigned 117
enabling and disabling 523
file category 179 Policies page 90
file category information from 170 policy settings
file trust rating 33, 179 and Enforcement Level 88
proxy settings 523 blocking for different Enforcement
synchronization with 526 Levels 105
threat level 179 creating a template policy for 98
using a proxy server 525 device control 263
editing 100
Parity Server
enable/disable file tracking 92, 93
default starting page 62
local approval of unapproved files on
defined 6, 32 Enforcement Level change 219
installing. See Installing Parity Server notifiers for 360
options for 94
overview 28
removable device 258
restoring 514
status information 494 policy specific states (file details) 179
version number 41 policy status 140
Parity Suite portlets 454
licenses for 520 adding to a dashboard 466
passwords baseline drift 446
CLI management 497 creating 471
Parity console 73 deleting 470
editing 63, 470
filtering data in 478
first-seen file 177
filtering table data in 475
trusted 298
moving on dashboard 461
path rules. See custom rules
potential risk files
pending files. See unapproved files alerts for 404
performance optimization Parity Knowledge information
custom rules for 276 about 179
Photoshop updates 215 power users (console login) 73

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 610


preferences, user 62 R
prevalence (of files) 418 read only console logins 73
prevalence of files on computers 177 reboot
printer driver updates 215 of agent computers 148
prioritizing agent updates 146 refresh page 51
privileges, login account registration of Parity agents 117
administrator 73 registry rules 317
and AD accounts 67 editing notifier message for 322, 324,
customizing 78 327
power user 73 enabling by policy 97
read only 73 parameters of 322
revoking 73 process menu options 327
process protection. See memory rules write actions 324
processes registry rules enforcement (policy
in custom rules 292 setting) 97
in memory rules 346 removable devices. See devices
in registry rules 326 Removed Files view 170
in script rules 306 Report-Only (for file bans) 197
promote (treat as installer) report-only ban flag 188
in custom rules 282 reputation approvals 243
notifier option 355
reputation services. See Parity Knowledge
promoted process 292 Service
propagating files reputation-based rules 243, 244
setting alerts for 406 Restore page 110
proxy settings restoring
Parity Knowledge 523 computers in emergency lockdown 110
WildFire 558 local-approval computers to
publishers policies 227
acknowledging 205, 208 Parity database 514
and global file state 177 revocation checks (for certificates) 213
approving 205 role-based access. See login accounts
approving by reputation 244
banning 206 S
detached publisher state 182
SAN (subject alternative name)
in file details 178, 182
in certificate definition 507
policy setting for 97
publisher details 190 Saved Views
publisher state 178 creating 58
viewing files by 170 overview 57
script processors 306
Q script rules 306
Q1Labs. See QRadar integration scripts
QRadar integration blocking unapproved 96
specifying LEEF as Syslog format 504 custom definitions of 305
defined 306
editing rules for 305

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 611

Using Parity

SecCon. See Enforcement Level starting page,changing 62

security domain Symantec AntiVirus updates 215
for AD integration 496 Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) for
self-protection. See tamper protection Mac updater 215
server backlog Symantec Management Platform
for cloned computers 162 updates 215
server, Parity. See Parity Server synchronization
agent-server 144, 145
shared drives
and template computers 157, 163
file execution setting for 97
with Parity Knowledge 526
shortcut links 61
Show deleted files box enabling for Parity events 504
in Find Files results 489 integrating with ArcSight 504
Show Individual Files box 238 integrating with QRadar 504
show/hide columns 50 message severity 400
show/hide filters 50 system backups 512
show/hide snapshots 50 System dashboard 457
showing table columns 56
SIEM integration 501 T
See also the separate Parity Events tags
Integration Guide for approval requests 379
silent blocks for computer indentification 144
in memory rules 344 in for customizing notifiers 365
silent blocks. See also notifiers for blocked tamper protection (policy setting) 97, 100
files template computers
SMP updates 215 converting to regular computer 166
snapshots creating 156
adding drift results to 435 deleting 163
creating 443 editing 158, 162
editing 445 viewing table of 158
for baseline drift reports 443 template policy 98
showing panel 50 templates
software approvals. See approvals for virtual machines 155
software bans. See banning files and bans. threat level mapping
software metering 420 for FireEye integration 554
Software Meters page 420 threat level, from Parity Knowledge
Software Rules page 199 Service 179
software updates Thunderbird updates 215
automatic updater support 214 timeouts for notifier display 364
Sophos Anti-Virus updates 215 Trend Micro OfficeScan updates 215
SQL Server trust rating
authorization for 495 for files 33, 244
for external event logging 501 for publishers 245
SSL security from Parity Knowledge Service 179
configuring 505 trusted directories 198
archive files in 198

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 612


installer files in 198 users, trusted. See trusted users

packages recognized by Parity 198
trusted groups 202 V
trusted package version number
noted in file details 180 agent config list 144
Trusted Packages view 170, 201 Parity Server 41
server config list 138
trusted paths 298
virtual machines
trusted users 202
identifying in computer details 144
U managing 155
virtual platform
unapproved (local state detail) 189
identifying in computer details 144, 145
unapproved files
approving on Enforcement Level
change 219 session 376
executables (blocking by policy) 96 viruses
finding all on computers in a policy 106 file prevalence and 418
local state 188 Visibility and Control mode. See control
local state detail 189 mode
locally approving on a computer 223 visibility mode 91, 104
scripts (blocking by policy) 96 and custom rules 278
unapproved (persisted) 189 licenses for 520
viewing new unapproved 170 Visibilty Only mode. See visibility mode
unapproved persisted (local state VMware
detail) 189 identifying in computer details 144, 145
unapproved scripts (policy setting) 96
unapproved state 188 W
unauthorized users 73 warnings
updaters about non-upgraded agents 130
alert when modified 405 file execution 106
enabling 214 license limit 521
upgrading Parity agent 130 WebEx updates 215
manual upgrades 133 wildcards, in Bit9 rules 286
uploading files from agents 591 WildFire
automating using event rules 582 analyzing files with 576
changing upload location 599 integrating with Bit9 558
uploads lookup limits 559
of diagnostic files 597 multiple notifications from 566
URLs proxy settings for 558
for downloading agent installers 125 Windows 2000 domain controllers
in notifier link 363 and Parity AD integration 496
user passwords Windows computers
74 enabling file approval requests for 379
Parity console (changing) 62 installing agent on 128
user preferences 62 manual agent upgrades on 133
submitting approval requests from 380
users, Parity Console. See login accounts
uninstalling agent from 137

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 613

Using Parity

Windows Defender updates 215

Windows Installer Transform files (not
supported) 128
Windows updates
for pre-6.0.2 agents 215
for Windows 8 and Server 2012 215

Parity, Release 7.0.1 9-January-2014 614

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