Budget Office Citizen's Charter Sample
Budget Office Citizen's Charter Sample
Budget Office Citizen's Charter Sample
g. Overtime
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Approved Request for Overtime
d) Daily Time Record
e) Accomplishment Report
h. Honoraria
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher(for individual claim)
c) Payroll(for Group claimant)
d) Copy of Resolution on the Grant of Honoraria(if applicable)
Client Steps Agency’s Action Fees to be Paid Processing Time Person Responsible
For Requirement No. 1
Transmittal Letter/RAC/SACB
Client Steps Agency’s Action Fees to be Paid Processing Time Person Responsible
The client submits the RAC/ SACB Conduct Review None 1 week and 5 minutes MADONA R. MAINAR