Budget Office Citizen's Charter Sample

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Description of Service:


Classification: Simple, Complex or Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizens; G2B – Government to Business; G2G – Government to Government
Checklist Requirements: Where to Secure:
a. Salaries
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting
b) Payroll
b. First Salary of Newly Appointed Official/Employee
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
d) Copy of Assumption of Office
e) Daily Time Record
c. Representation Allowance(RA)
Transportation Allowance(TA)
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Payroll
c) Certification of DH claiming RATA
d) Daily Time Record
d. Loyalty Award
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Certification of HRMO for the length of service
d) Service Record
e. Leave Monetization
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Letter of Request
d) Duly Approved Leave Form

f. Terminal Leave Benefits

a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Employees Clearance
d) Certified photocopy of employees Leave Card
e) Approved Leave Application
f) Complete Service Record
h) Certified Photocopy of Appointment
i) NOSA showing the highest salary received
j) Computation of Leave Benefits signed/certified by Accountant
k) Applicant’s Authorization to deduct all financial obligations with the LGU
l) Affidavit that there is no pending criminal investigation or prosecution
against him/her
m) Letter of Resignation duly accepted by the Head of the Agency(in case of

Additional requirements in case of death:

-       Death Certificate(PSA Authenticated)
-       Marriage Contract(PSA Authenticated)
-       Birth Certificates of all surviving legal heirs(PSA Authenticated)
-       Designation of next-of-kin
-       Waiver of Rights of Children 18 years old and above

g. Overtime
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Approved Request for Overtime
d) Daily Time Record
e) Accomplishment Report

h. Honoraria
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher(for individual claim)
c) Payroll(for Group claimant)
d) Copy of Resolution on the Grant of Honoraria(if applicable)

i. Remittances(i.e. Philhealth, PAG-IBIG,GSIS)

a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) List/Summary of Employee’s Premiums/Contributions
2. Cash Advance for Traveling and Training/Seminar Expenses
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Disbursement Voucher
c. Approved Travel Order
d. Letter of Invitation(in case of Seminar, Workshop or Training)
e. Itinerary of Travel (Appendix A)
3. Reimbursement of Traveling and Training/Seminar Expenses
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Disbursement Voucher
c. Approved Travel Order
d. Letter of Invitation(in case of Seminar, Workshop or Training)
e. Itinerary of Travel (Appendix A)
f. Certificate of Travel Completed (Appendix B)
g. Certificate of Appearance/Attendance
h. Official Receipts:
- Transportation Fare
- Hotel Accommodation(applicable for actual claims)
- Registration Fee
i. Hotel Guest Folio(applicable for actual claims)
j. Justification(for COS Employee)
4. Reimbursement of Traveling and Training/Seminar Expenses for Understated
Cash Advance
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Disbursement Voucher
c. Liquidation Report duly signed by the Municipal Accountant
5. Payment of Expenses for Trainings/Seminar Conducted by LGU
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Approved Purchase Order
c. Abstract of Quotation signed by the Requesting Officer, received and
reviewed/validated by the Members of BAC TWG and endorsed by the Bids
and Awards Committee (BAC) for Award.
d. Duly accomplished Request for Quotation(RFQ) from Three(3) Suppliers
e. Approved Purchase Request(PR)
f. Training Design
6. Payment of Incentives/Prizes
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Payroll(for group claimant)
c. Disbursement Voucher(for individual claim)
7. Payment for Utilities
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Disbursement Voucher
c. Billing statement
8. Reimbursement of Telephone/Internet Subscription
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Disbursement Voucher(w/ certification of DH for Telephone Subscription)
c. Billing statement
d. Official Receipt
9. Financial Assistance
a. Php 1,000.00 and below
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) General Intake Sheet signed by MSWDO and approved by the Municipal
d) Letter of Request
e) Certificate of Residency
f) Certificate of Indigence
b. Php 1,000.00 and above
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Letter of Request
d) Certificate of Residency
e) Certificate of Indigence
f) Social Case Study prepared by a Social Worker noted by the Head of
MSWDO and duly approved by the Local Chief Executive
g) Certificate of Confinement(if applicable)
h) Medical Certificate or Medical Abstract
c. Assistance in Kind
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Approved Purchase Order
d) Abstract of Quotation signed by the Requesting Officer, received and
reviewed/validated by the Members of BAC TWG and endorsed by the Bids
and Awards Committee (BAC) for Award.
e) Duly accomplished Request for Quotation(RFQ) from Three(3) Suppliers
f) Letter of Request
g) Barangay Certification
h) Approved PR
d. Burial Assistance for Senior Citizen
a) Photocopy of Senior Citizen ID of the deceased
b) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
c) Disbursement Voucher
d) Death Certificate
e. Medical Assistance for Senior Citizen
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Letter of Request
d) Certificate of Residency
e) Certificate of Indigence
f) Social Case Study prepared by a Social Worker noted by the Head of
MSWDO and duly approved by the Local Chief Executive
g) Certificate of Confinement(if applicable)
h) Medical Certificate or Medical Abstract
i) Photocopy of Senior citizen ID
f. Financial/Medical Assistance for PWDs
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Letter of Request
d) Certificate of Residency
e) Certificate of Indigence
f) Social Case Study prepared by a Social Worker noted by the Head of
MSWDO and duly approved by the Local Chief Executive
g) Certificate of Confinement(if applicable)
h) Medical Certificate or Medical Abstract
i) Photocopy of PWD ID
g. Grant of Livelihood Assistance to Group or Individual
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Letter of Request
d) Livelihood Application Form
10. Payroll for COS
a. Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b. Payroll
c. Signed Contracts
d. List of Groupings
e. Daily Time Record signed by Personnel In-charge
f. Statement of Work Accomplished
11. Procurement of Goods and Services
a. For ABC 50,000.00 and below
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Approved Purchase Order
c) Abstract of Quotation signed by the Requesting Officer, received and
reviewed/validated by the Members of BAC TWG and endorsed by the Bids
and Awards Committee (BAC) for Award.
d) Duly accomplished Request for Quotation(RFQ) from Three(3) Suppliers
e) Approved Purchase Request(PR)
f) Program of Works/Work and Financial Plan(if applicable)
b. For ABC above 50,000.00 but not more than 200,000.00
a) Approved Purchase Request(PR)
b) Program of Works/Work and Financial Plan(if applicable)
c) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
d) Copy of Award Notice Abstract(PhilGEPS)
e) Approved Purchase Order
f) BAC Resolution Declaring the Award of Contract to Winning Bidder
g) Abstract of Quotation signed by the Requesting Officer, received and
reviewed/validated by the Members of BAC TWG and endorsed by the Bids
and Awards Committee (BAC) for Award.
h) Duly accomplished Request for Quotation(RFQ) from Three(3) suppliers
i) Copy of Bid Notice Abstract(PhilGEPS)
j) BAC Resolution on the Mode of Procurement
12. Procurement thru Public Bidding
a. Goods and Services
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Copy of Award Notice Abstract(PhilGEPS)
c) Copy of Letter of Invitations to Observers in all stages of Procurement
d) Notice to Proceed
e) Notarized Contract
f) Performance Security
g) Notice of Award
h) Notice of Post Qualification
i) BAC Resolution declaring the award of contract to Lowest/Single Calculated
and Responsive Bid
j) Post Qualification Report
k) Post Qualification Evaluation
l) Minutes of Bid Opening
m) Bid Evaluation Report
n) Eligibility Check/Screening
o) Abstract of Bids(As Read)
p) Bidders Technical & Financial Proposal
q) Supplemental Bid Bulletin(if applicable)
r) Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference(for ABC 1M & above)
s) Invitation to Bid(ITB)
t) Certification from the Head of BAC Secretariat on the posting of
advertisement in at least three(3) conspicuous places
u) PhilGEPS ITB Posting
v) BAC Resolution on the Mode of Procurement
w) Minutes of Pre-Procurement(for ABC 2M & above)
x) Approved PR
b. Infrastructure Project
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by the Head of Requesting Office
b) Copy of Award Notice Abstract(PhilGEPS)
c) Copy of Letter of Invitations to Observers in all stages of Procurement
d) Notice to Proceed
e) Notarized Contract
f) Detailed Breakdown of Contract Cost
g) PERT CPM/S-Curve
h) Performance Security
i) Notice of Award
j) Notice of Post Qualification
k) BAC Resolution declaring the award of contract to Lowest/Single Calculated
and Responsive Bid
l) Post Qualification Report
m) Post Qualification Evaluation
n) Minutes of Bid Opening
o) Bid Evaluation Report
p) Eligibility Check/Screening
q) Abstract of Bids(As Read)
r) Bidders Technical & Financial Proposal
s) Supplemental Bid Bulletin(if applicable)
t) Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference(for ABC 1M & above)
u) Invitation to Bid(ITB)
v) Certification from the Head of BAC Secretariat on the posting of
advertisement at conspicuous places
w) PhilGEPS ITB Posting
x) BAC Resolution on the Mode of Procurement
y) Minutes of Pre-Procurement(for ABC 2M & above)
z) Detailed Breakdown of ABC
aa) Approved PR
cc) Detailed Plan/Drawings
c. Advance Payment(15% Mobilization)
a) Obligation Request(ObR) duly signed by The Head of Requesting Office
b) Disbursement Voucher
c) Letter Request from Contractor for advance payment duly received and
approved for payment by the Head of Procuring Entity(HoPE)
d) Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit/Security Bond/Bank Guarantee
e) Copy of Notice to Proceed(NTP)
f) Copy of Notarized Contract
g) Copy of Notice Of Award(NOA)
Client Steps Agency’s Action Fees to be Paid Processing Time Person Responsible
For Requirement No. 1
a). Bring Obligation Request in duplicate MBO personnel will forward
copies duly signed by the Requesting approved Obligation Request to None 32 minutes MADONA R. MAINAR
Officer to the Municipal Budget Office Accounting Office
For Requirement Nos. 2 to 10
a). Bring Obligation Request in duplicate MBO personnel will forward
copies duly signed by the Requesting approved Obligation Request to None 32 minutes MADONA R. MAINAR
Officer to the Municipal Budget Office Accounting Office ARLENE R. URETA
For Requirement Nos. 11 and 12
a). Bring Obligation Request in duplicate
Client will pick-up the approved None 32 minutes MADONA R. MAINAR
copies duly signed by the Requesting Officer
Obligation Request ARLENE R. URETA
to the Municipal Budget Office
TOTAL 0.00 32 minutes


Description of Service:


Classification: Simple, Complex or Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizens; G2B – Government to Business; G2G – Government to Government
Checklist Requirements: Where to Secure:
1. Annual Barangay Budget
a. Transmittal Letter of the Sangguniang Barangay
b. Budget Message
c. Appropriation Ordinance
d. Barangay Expenditure Program
e. Barangay Annual Investment Program
f. Plantilla of Barangay Personnel
g. Statement of Indebtedness
h. GAD Plan reviewed by DILG
i. BDRRM Plan reviewed by MDRRM Office
j. List of PPAs under Senior Citizen, PWD and LCPC
k. All Programs, Projects and Activities funded shall be within the priority
list under BAIP
2. Supplemental Barangay Budget
a. Transmittal Letter of the Sangguniang Barangay
b. Budget Message
c. Appropriation Ordinance
d. Certified Statement of additional realized income duly signed by the
Local Treasurer(if the source of revenue is derived from excess of
e. Statement of Savings available for supplemental appropriation(if the
source of revenue is derived from savings)
f. Certified Statement of Income from new Revenue sources
g. All Programs, Projects and Activities(PPA) shall be within the priority list
under the BAIP
3. SK Annual Budget
a. Transmittal Letter
b. Annual Barangay Youth Investment Program(ABYIP)
c. SK Budget

Client Steps Agency’s Action Fees to be Paid Processing Time Person Responsible
For Requirement No. 1

1. Submit one(1) set of Barangay Budget or 5 minutes

Supplemental Budget
Conduct Review None MADONA R. MAINAR
2. Wait verification 15 minutes

3. The client left the budget for review 1 month

For Requirement No. 2

1. Submit one(1) set of Barangay Budget or 5 minutes

Supplemental Budget None MADONA R. MAINAR
Conduct Review
2. Wait verification 15 minutes

3. The client left the budget for review 1 month

For Requirement No. 3

1 Submit one(1) set of Barangay Budget or 5 minutes

Supplemental Budget
Conduct Review None MADONA R. MAINAR
2 Wait verification 15 minutes

3 The client left the budget for review 1 month

TOTAL 0.00 1 month and 20 minutes

Description of Service:


Classification: Simple, Complex or Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizens; G2B – Government to Business; G2G – Government to Government
Checklist Requirements: Where to Secure:

Transmittal Letter/RAC/SACB

Client Steps Agency’s Action Fees to be Paid Processing Time Person Responsible

The client submits the RAC/ SACB Conduct Review None 1 week and 5 minutes MADONA R. MAINAR

TOTAL 0.00 1 week and 5 minutes

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