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Portfolio Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission of Higher Education

Region V
Daraga Community College
Salvacion, 4501 Daraga Albay

A project presented to
Daraga Community College
In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education

Submitted by;
Student Teacher
Submitted to;

Cooperating Teacher








A. Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

B. Domain 2: Learning Environment

C. Domain 3: Diversity of Learners

D. Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

E. Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting

F. Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

G. Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development



‘’Teachers who loves teaching,Teach learners to Love

Touching the heart of students and opening
The mind of a learners can give you joy/ happiness which money
Can’t buy.
Teaching is said the noblest profession of all.
Teacher greatly affect every child experience and learn also
From them , in real life situation. As a teacher you should serve.
As a role model of young minds and be a fountain of
information where learners can acquire knowledge,ability, and
Skills for their future development to contribute progress in
the society which they belong.
Teaching is not easy task,it requires effort,time
and energy. You should be stand up as their second mother, not
to give them food but to feed them knowledge.Learner’s
Diversity is the foremost concern of a teacher, as
a future educator you must be full equipped with knowledge, skills,
Abilities, experiences and strategies to attain efficiency and make
Students to dream and learn with a purpose.
A teacher is one who must be willing to touch heart,
And feel the experience of each learners. It is special calling
Intended to those who deserve satisfaction from seeing others to
Learn and grow.


I wish to convey my gratitude to the people who have been there

To help me and support me to achieve this success of my off campus practice
teaching. To our beloved dean of the college of Education Mr. Melvin Goyena
Ph. D. who is the number one there for us and encouraging us to finish this study.

Daraga Community College , which become my shelter in learning to build

me as future educator .To the principal of Daraga National High School
Mrs. Lourdes R. Bigcas Ph.D. It was my pleasured that you accept me to be part
The school.

To my cooperating teacher Ms. Ariane Alcantara, thank you for sharing

Your expertise in teaching and treat me not only as your Pre service teacher
But as part of your growing family in Daraga National High School.

To my students grade 8 Asynchronous A ,Synchronous B, Synchronous A

And Asynchronous C, It was nice experience to handle students like you even it was
Difficult sometimes. Thank you my dearest class for cooperation and appreciation.

To my very supportive family , especially my parents Mrs. Jocelyn Bravo

And Mr. Jose Bravo, who serve as my inspiration and support my studies.To my
Friends, thank you for helping me to conquer my struggles in life.

And mostly to our Almighty God for whom everything provides the source
Of strength, knowledge and wisdom in completing my journey in off campus

Jeorgie B. Bravo
Student Teacher
Contact No.: 09267037343
Email Address: jeorgiebravo4444@gmail.com

Date of Birth: September 2, 1998
Place of Birth : Maroroy Daraga, Albay
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’2
Weight : 43 klg.
Father’s Name : Jose Andes Bravo
Occupation : Driver
Mother’s Name: Jocelyn Bravo
Occupation Housewife
Person to be contacted in case of Emergency : Jocelyn Bravo 09484727750

Tertiary Level : Bachelor of Secondary Education
Daraga Community College
Daraga, Albay

Secondary Level : Daraga National High School

Daraga, Albay
S.Y 2017-2018
Daraga National High School
Daraga, Albay
SY: 2015- 2016

Primary Level : EM’s Barrio Elemtary School

Legazpi City, Albay
Deeper Learning Summary
Educational techniques also called as students centered
learning is relatively a new movement that was based on the current
belief and was influenced from advanced American educational thought.
Most of our educational practices today were developed more than a
century ago in the purpose of producing highly competitive workers to be
assigned to repetitive mechanical errands. The advocates of deeper
Learning on this century argued on the matter that the job industry
requires a very unique set of skills one that our present educational
practices is not in the situation to help learners develop: the ability to
work cooperatively, to present ideas to a group such brainstorming, to
write effectively, to think deeply and critically about problem, to take
information and technique learned in one context and adapt them to a
new and unfamiliar problem or situation.

Learners must practice them in school in order to develop all

the skills but in most schools right now , they don’t get the opportunities
to practice the skills. It is the reason why advocates of deeper Learning
promote inquiry based instructions, project based learning, performance
based assessment. The students were given opportunity to engage in the
discussion rather than just listening to the lectures of the teachers
through inquiry based instructions. They can also work in a group Activity
that elaborates of making projects that might take weeks or months to
comply through project based learning. Also they will experience getting
scores not only during exams but also through making their own outputs
such as portfolio, presentations, artwork and written work because of the
performance based assessment. There is a wide opportunity to the
students to learn different skills in many schools that use deeper Learning

Camille Farrington would call academic perseverance as one

of the believers of deeper learning and what others might call grit or
resilience. The disbelievers of deep learning exists almost everywhere and
has issues about it. Once of their concerns is that , while project based
learning is used by highly trained teachers where it is very effective in the
classroom, it is also a technique that is easy for beginner teacher to do
quietly badly. To make the project useful, it needs to be properly planned
and built on the foundation of accurate and relevant information. If it
doesn't happen project based learning will be useless to education. Jah
Mehta stated on this provoking essay in 2014, that some worrisome
issues were not only about race but of class. This essay focuses mainly on
the deeper learning advantages and both inequality across schools and
tracking within school such supply side inequality. Those disbelievers
pointed out that in 1960's and 1970's project based learning was used in
some low income schools as a euphemism for the practice of having poor
kids build lego models and doodles and doodle in coloring book while
rich kids across town learned how to read and do math. They also express
that the students must first need to develop that core knowledge before
they can benefit from a collaborative, project based approach.
Bob Lenz made project based learning the main
educational approach in its four schools which served mostly low income
black and latino students in San Francisco Bay Area. In 2015, Lenz wrote in
his book transforming school which addresses people class concerns
about the deeper learning approach. Lenz disagrees that project learning
is for rich people only and wrote that "We have yet to encounter a single
students who was either not ready or somehow too advanced for the kind
of performance and project based education that we advocate". Lenz was
right, when deeper learning approach is used well it can produce benefits
for students in poverty.

Toll said that the hardest once the achievement first has
always been autonomy, and added that in the past we think that we
know whats best for students. So letting kids choose what to focus on has
been a bit of a challenge for us. So far, the experiment had been a
success. Students were still getting the rigorous education that Elm City
become known for, but now they were more motivated, more
enthusiastic, and more engaged.

Reference: Tough, Paul (2016). Helping Children Succeed: 2.2 Deeper

Learning retriey on August 13, 2017 from
In the first week of my teaching practice in Daraga National High
School, the good things that happened were that I got a very
kind and helpful teacher Ms. Ariane Alcantara handling grade
8 students, she was very cooperative with me from the first day.
The second good thing happened was that she gave me an extra
period to get to know the students and introduce myself to the
students. I was happy because all teacher in Mapeh department
welcomed us with a smile and treat as their family. They do not give
us a chance to feel that we are not belong in the school and they
say we should not be ashamed asking them in our difficulties.
In my 1st week of internship I been busy on making my lesson
plan. And checking the answer sheet of my students and I
recorded it in my class record. Tuesday morning is our retrieval
of Learning Activity Sheet it happens every two weeks. I feel little
bit nervous because this is the start of my internship in big
and respective school in Daraga and also happy because I'm former
student of Daraga National High School very overwhelming to
serve my own school.
As a future Educator, I need to be open minded in order to
have a wide range of understanding. I need to be more
responsible in my choosen profession. Always keep in my mind
that a teacher must be morally upright, teacher must serve as good
model and teacher who love teaching, teach the students to love learning.
I will do my best so that my cooperative teacher and principal
will not be disappointed on me. I am looking forward to the coming weeks.
I feel this first week is helping me to lay a good foundation for
the weeks to come.
In my second week Monday morning ,we're
too busy to finish the grades of our grade 8 students.
I computed grades in my laptop with 4 section
Asynchronous A, Synchronous B , Synchronous A and
Asynchronous C with the help of course of my co-
student teacher eventually we did it. We really need
to finish the grades because tomorrow Tuesday
morning at exact time 10am we are having a HRPTA
meeting for the parents of the students and same day
the release of card/ form 138.

And for the first time I met the parents of

Modular C, I saw in their face the happiness
especially when Mam Alcantara announced the top 10
students. I congratulated them for the achievements
of their child. We assisted our Cooperative teacher in
her meeting , we are assigned to look the attendance
of the parents.

Wednesday morning we are checking answer

sheet and output of the students. And we assisted
Mam Alcantara to check and write the grades in form
137 we should focus on checking form 137 because it
is students important information.

I go to school early for the flag ceremony every

monday. And after that we are preparing for retrievals of
Learning Activity Sheet in D'fort at exact 10 am. Parents are
already there waiting for us to come. I'm the one who
incharge in getting back the form 138 from parents, I'm
listing their names who returned the card of their child and
who are not. While my co-student teacher take charge the
retrieval of Learning Activity sheet. And after that, as we
always do we sort it out the answer sheet and put it in
sorting room or sometimes we directly give the answer
sheets to the subject teacher.

And we start checking and recording the answer

sheet in Mapeh. I feel sad sometimes because some of the
students are not passing their answers or output that really
affect in their academic grades
Wednesday morning, we started on encoding
students information at computer laboratory, personal
information like their address, name of parents, if they are
vaccinated or not, I used to call parents cellphone number to
ask the personal information of their child. Because we need
it information for the face to face classes.
It felt many times like I need more professional
experience before teaching, being at the beginning of this all
it is difficult to imagine me being a great teacher one day
but the care for improving and progressing and the keen to
undertake further professional practice and training feels like
I am on the path to get there.

In my fourth week in Daraga National High School

I still can't imagine I've reached 1 month of internship. I’m so
proud of myself because of being dedicated to my dream
profession I hope I can make it possible. I know teaching is
not an easy job for all teacher. They spent a lot of time to
plan, to explain, to encourage learners to pursue their
studies. But I believe in myself that I can do it.

In my fourth week of internship, there is no

retrieval of Learning Activity Sheet so I spend my day
checking and recording outputs of the students in our group
chat, checking answer sheets. Sometime I used my time to
chat my students especially the students who are not yet
passing their outputs. But some of the students are really
committed to their studies, they pass their outputs on time
that really makes me feel happy.

I’m very grateful for the trust my mentor teacher

has in me. This has helped me to build my confidence. The
more time I am having with my students the more they get
to know me, and the more I get to know them. I’m happy
to report that I am forming a great student/teacher
relationship, being mindful to be friendly with the students
but at the same time maintaining that professional distance
between teacher and student. I know the students who need
attention during class, and I know those who are self-
directed learners. This is working out very well, and I’m glad
these roles are being more and more defined as I take on
additional teaching responsibilities.

This week was so busy since I faced so many things, as the start
of the week. Monday I came 7:30 at morning at school, after cleaning I met
my friends and we were discussing about student learning Activity sheet. At
exact 8am we attended flag ceremony. And after that i started to record
the score of the students.
In the next day, Tuesday morning we are preparing for retrieval
of Learning Activity sheet from parents, we always do it every 2 weeks. We
assisted our cooperative teacher, I'm assigned for the attendance and the
releasing of new Learning Activity sheet to the parents. And after 11:30 am
we go back to our room and take our lunch time.
1pm we sort out the answer sheet of the learner by subjects and
put it inside the sorting room by subject teacher. And after that me and my
co pre service teacher named Jayron started to check the answer sheet of
the learner and record it.

Wednesday morning BPED major and I participated in District/

Municipal Roll Out 2022 , we dance for the intermission number. I’m so
happy to see all the MAPEH teacher from different school. Then
Wednesday afternoon, I’m preparing for my 1st online class on Thursday
afternoon. And I let my cooperative teacher to check my lesson plan. And
she give many ideas and tip about how to make a lesson plan. And I used
her suggestions it really help me a lot.

And the day comes, Thursday afternoon at exact 1pm I started to

discuss my lesson through google meet. Strengths and Weaknesses During
my first teaching practice, I was so worried about the time and about if
students asked something that I did not to answer. Definitely something
this is a big weakness, but we as teachers experienced this situation and I
understand that is not wrong to don’t know something at the moment. But
I’m so impress with my students because they are really active answering
my questions. With regards to my teaching in online class, I am gaining in
confidence. I know this is days yet with regards to my internship, but I am
happy in how it is developing and how my mentor teacher continues to give
me tips, ideas, and more duties. I am not afraid to dive right in. I believe
this total immersion approach from my mentor teacher works well for me
in particular. This way, the students get more direct instruction time from
me. My mentor teacher and I are following a team teacher approach right

Monday morning I go to school early, I clean the

surroundings near in our room and attend flag ceremony
at 8 am. For this week there is no retrieval of Learning
Activity sheet, so that I have enough time to make another
lesson plan, to check and record outputs of the students.
Aside from the online teaching, I was involved
with taking attendance, grading papers and entering them
into the computer/grade book/laptop. But its okay
because it is the roles of a teacher. I’m really happy about
this. It was a lot to do, but i make sure before the week
ends I could do exactly everything.

In my 7th weeks of internship I go to school early and

clean outside of our room. Then I attended the flag ceremony
every monday. And after that we sorted 780 pages of Module.

Tuesday morning before 10am we decided to go in

D'fort court to prepare for retrievals of Learning Activity sheet.
Some of the parent are already there waiting for us. We put chairs
for the parents and the table for the modules. And we started
distributing the Learning Activity sheet. Before the parent leave I
make sure that they sign already the attendance. After the
retrieval we started on sorting out the answer sheets by subject
and give to their corresponding subject teacher. And I started to
check the answer sheet and record it to my class record.
Wednesday we help our cooperative teacher to check the school
form of the students.

In my 8th weeks of internship Monday morning I went

to sorting room to see if there is another answer sheet
there. So I get it and checked and record it to my class
record. There is no retrieval for this week. So I spent my
time to check the survey form for parents regarding for the
incoming Face to Face classes. Based to their answers most
of the parent was agree for the face to face classes of the
students. And after that I started to check the summative test
of my students and I started also to compute it to my
laptop. Some of the students got higher score. And we sorted
Learning Activity Sheet.
This is the week where in, we should conduct Demo
teaching. April 19, 2022 the day of my Demo teaching I feel so
nervous and excited because this is the day we've been waiting
for long. My lesson is all about Communicable Diseases so I
started my discussion while my Cooperative Teacher Mam
Alcantara and our chairman Mam Jonee are seated at the back
watching me. My students was very interactive answering my
questions. Then after my Demo teaching, its time for feed backing
they give me some insight and tips on how to be effective teacher.
I was thankful because those feedback can help me to be a better
educator, I can use it someday.
First, I have learned the importance of messing up. I
know, this sounds crazy, but I have found myself so nervous about
screwing something up. I expected to always plan the perfect
lesson, explain everything perfectly, and have everything go
smoothly and as planned. And let me be the first to say, this is
rarely the case. I have learned how important it is to accept that
we are not perfect teachers, and neither are our cooperating
teachers. We all have things to learn, and my student teaching
experience has taught me how to learn from my mistakes rather
than letting them eat away at me. I learned something from my
cooperating teacher and from the students almost every day, and
being open to this and vulnerable allowed me to grow, adapt, and
think on my feet! Having these experiences is the true life of a
And after my Demo teaching we had retrieval of
Learning Activity Sheet. As we do always we sort it out and give
the answer sheet to the subject teacher then I'm computing
grades for 3rd Quarter in Mapeh. And Wednesday I was preparing
for my second online class on Thursday the same time 1pm.
I realized that teaching isn’t an easy job. It requires
our full dedication, love and compassion on the profession and
learners. Dedicated in the sense that, teachers have the ability to
inspire us, students, through their approaches, actions, and even
though the lessons or activities they engage us in.


This is the week where in, we are too busy preparing

for our exit conference program. We keep on practicing dance
intermission number and helping to design the stage. April 27,
2022 the day of our exit conference we are so proud because we
consider it another accomplishments in our life.
My student teaching experience has been the best,
most informational and inspiring experience in many years.
Generally, I had a great time with my students, and I could not
have asked for a better report with my cooperating teacher. I felt
supported from day one, and he gave me the confidence I needed
to keep progressing. Interacting with my students was fantastic,
and I was very surprised at how much my students taught me,
from everything to relationships to school practices.
As a future teacher, I cannot wait to build these
relationships with my own students. I realize the importance of
forming this open and loving community, and I intend to begin
intentionally forming these relationships and building respect and
rapport in my classroom from day one. Although the end of the
semester is sad and sentimental, I am happy to see how far I’ve
come as a teacher and the development of my relationships with
the students.
I have really enjoyed my student teaching experience
despite all of its hardships and challenges. I found myself in very
low points but also in very high points throughout the semester,
but I can clearly see how it has all grown me as a teacher, and I
feel as though I can confidently walk into whatever classroom I
will be teaching in next year. I cannot believe that the time has
come for my own classroom; I can hardly wait!
Overall, my student teaching experience was very
positive. The things I would change are small and easy changes to
make, and the things I have learned are invaluable. I could not
have asked for a better cooperating teacher or students, and I will
miss Daraga National High School very much.
Domain 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Teaching is the ability to influence and motivate students to act
and think in a positive manner. The influence should be substantial and
sustainable in order to make the desired impact on the life of students.
Students should also be able to learn deeply from the attributes of their
I should always show a keen interest in their students and ensure
that all students are comfortable with their learning environment. It is the
role of a teacher to demonstrate that they have expertise on the subject
matter and should deliver knowledge to students in an enthusiastic
manner. A good teacher should go beyond textbook materials when
explaining certain concepts to students.
It is the responsibility of a teacher to research on the subject
matter in order to convey factual information to students. A teacher should
critically analyze the quality of a particular discipline and constantly look for
any developments in the discipline to ensure that he or she is always
admirable intellectually.
It is the responsibility of a teacher to encourage creativity among
their students by accepting diverse opinions from students. Respect and
integrity are essential qualities in a teacher’s career. It is the role of a
teacher to help students discover their talents and abilities through
motivational talks.
Creative and critical thinking is very important for learners and
this can only be enhanced by a teacher through engaging students in the
learning process. A good teacher should provide feedback to his or her
students on a regular basis to enable them to discover their strengths and
It is the role of a teacher to ensure that students relate and
connect well with each other by creating activities and sessions where
students can socialize. A good teacher should be an excellent
communicator both orally and in writing. A teacher should be well
organized and at the same time be able to help students to communicate
A teacher should be approachable and always available to
students. A teacher should also mentor students towards achieving their
goals in life by giving valuable advice and guidance to them. A teacher
should connect with students easily and be able to understand the special
needs of each student.
Teaching students with special needs is a great challenge and it is
therefore important for special education teachers to come with viable
objectives that can guide them in teaching this group of students. The first
and major objective of special education teachers is to meet the individual
needs of each student. A special education class contains children with
different types of disabilities and each one of them requires special and
individual attention.
The other objective of special education teachers is to develop a
good relationship with students and make them feel comfortable to ask for
any kind of assistance without fear. Special education teachers should
establish a good working relationship with parents for them to be in a
better position to help the special students accordingly.
Engaging students in learning makes them think creatively and
critically. Teachers can use different methods of teaching to engage
students in the learning process. Question and answer sessions are very
important in engaging students in the learning process. Team learning and
group-based assignments are also very important in engaging students in
the learning process.
Teachers can also have sessions where students make
presentations in a class by acting as teachers. Teachers can also involve
students in research as a way of engaging them in the learning process.
Teachers can improve the education of students by engaging them in the
learning process. Fair evaluation is another way through which teachers can
improve the education of students. Giving each student some special
attention can help them improve because there are quick and slow learners
in all classes.
The education of students can also be improved by involving
parents in the academic affairs of their students. Teachers can also improve
the education of students by focusing more on the practical side of learning
rather than the theoretical side. Teachers should go beyond the text
materials in class and look at issues from a wider perspective. The quality of
education given to students is used to determine the effectiveness of
teachers. Students with all-around abilities represent the effectiveness of a
It is important to note that the academic results of students
should not be used as the only criteria for measuring the effectiveness of a
teacher. Other areas such as discipline, integrity, respect, self-belief, and
creativity should be used to assess the effectiveness of a teacher.
Teachers shape the future of students by imparting knowledge
and skills in them. It is very fulfilling for teachers when they discover that
one of their students has become successful in life. Many teachers see
teaching as a calling and not a job. Teaching is more than a regular job
because teachers have to play the roles of a friend, parent, and mentor to
Many teachers do not view themselves as employees but as
servants, friends, and parents to students. Regular interaction with
students, members of the community and fellow teachers help teachers to
develop interpersonal relationships.
Domain 2. Learning Environment
I believe the most important aspect in a safe and positive learning
environment is the rapport between a teacher and his or her students.
When the students understand that their teacher cares about them and
wants them to do well, students feel comfortable asking questions, making
mistakes and taking risks in order to learn something new. To build these
kinds of relationships, the teacher should take interest in each student's
strengths and interests, as well as their struggles and frustrations. He or she
needs to act as a positive model for learning and celebrating achievements.
When the students see that their teacher can learn from his or her
mistakes, and laugh even in times when he or she feels frustrated, the
students will feel much more comfortable to do the same.
Creating a classroom community and culture remain another
necessary aspect when fostering a safe learning environment. Students
need to understand what they have in common with their fellow learners in
the classroom. It is the teacher's job to create this community so all
students will get along and celebrate one another differences. Strong
classroom communities can form in a variety of ways. Throughout daily
activities the students should be part of a collaborative learning effort,
sharing their strengths and encouraging each other. The teacher also may
introduce a number of jobs or responsibilities students need to complete in
order to maintain the physical classroom. This shows students that they
need to count on one another, and it keeps students accountable for their
own learning environment as well. Classroom jokes, traditions and pets are
other ways to build a strong community. When students enjoy each other's
company, they are more likely to be accepting and feel safe in the
Another important responsibility of the teacher is to develop a
learning environment where students feel motivated to learn within the
boundaries and expectations of a safe classroom. By modeling and
encouraging a safe environment and purposeful rules, students feel
motivated to do the right thing and help one another. It is important for
teachers to put an emphasis on intrinsic motivation in the classroom to
keep students interested and invested in their own learning goals. In
addition, extrinsic motivators help students understand the expectations of
the classroom and aid in their intrinsic motivation. These kinds of
motivators include praise, positive reinforcement and rewards for
exceptional behavior.
This being said, the teacher's management plan and expectations
play a large role in the classroom community. Students cannot learn
effectively in an environment where the facilitator has lost control. The
teacher should make his or her expectations and consequences for
classroom behavior very clear so students understand rules, boundaries
and how to learn in a safe manner. When the teacher's management plan is
fair, consistent and organized, the students understand what to expect and
can make wise choices and take responsibility for their actions.

Each aspect of community and management play a central role

in creating a positive and safe learning space. While it is the teacher's job to
facilitate and model proactive and positive expectations, it remains the
responsibility of every learner in the classroom to care for and encourage
one another. Only with everyone's cooperation and collaboration can the
learning environment flourish the way it should.
Domain 3. Diversity of Learners

Domain 3 emphasizes the central role of teachers in establishing

learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity.This domain
underscores the importance of teacher's knowledge and understanding
of ,as well as respect for,learner's diverse characteristics and experiences as
inputs to the planning and design of learning opportunities.It encourages
the celebration of diversity in the classrooms and the need for teaching
practices that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful
citizens in a changing local and global environment
Learner's diversity is an understanding that each individual is unique
and we all know our individual differences.So only by recognizing and
appreciating student's diversity will a climate favorable to learning be fully
internalized and incorporated.Thus,a critical part of every teacher's role is
to ensure that the equal opportunity that we hold to be central to our
nation's history is translated into equal opportunity in day-to-day life in the
classroom. Throughout the years of my experience,I have notice that some
teachers value the importance of getting to know as much of each students
as possible,in terms of family,background,interests,dislikes,and learning
styles,and abilities.Being well acquainted with students becomes an asset in
providing them an opportunity to develop their fullest potential by focusing
on the weaknesses
and strengths of individual students when grouping them to conduct
activities or class work(teaching diverse students 1789).
It is impossible to prepare for a career in education and ignore
student diversity.Students differ from one another in a plethora of
ways,including,but not limited to,ethnicity,culture,social
class,intelligence,learning style,and home language.Throughout our
discussions of student diversity,it becomes apparent that in order to have a
successful classroom,a teacher should be aware of their actions and make
sure that they are
in no way promoting prejudice or discrimination in the classroom.This need
was evident from the video of Jane Elliot's classroom,in which she
intentionally evaluation of those with inferior eye color but also
encouraged her students to pursue those stereotypes.Those with the
superior eye color bullied the others and adapted to all children and putting
an immediate stop to prejudice and discrimination,a classroom can be
transformed into a community of equality.
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning

Teaching online classes over the traditional face-to-face classes is not an

easy route. Online classes offer students the flexibility to learn in their own space and
time, but that does not change the amount of work they have to put it in. Being said
that, I have taken numerous classes online over the grade 8 students and I had a great
experience with my students. Teaching online classes offered me the flexibility to
balance school, work, and family.
Online classes require discipline and time management as any face-to-
face class does. Like traditional classes, online classes have deadlines for assignments,
and it is very important to keep up with the deadlines to do well in my online classes.
But in my experience, my students got multiple opportunities to interact
with me during my class. Almost all of my online classes had discussion boards where
we were asked to discuss different topics every 2 weeks. Also, it was easy to interact
with the students through chats and online discussion. Overall, I felt that with online
classes I was able to save time, flexibly able to manage them according to the class
Apart from numerous advantages, teaching online classes also presents
certain disadvantages. It lacks the filled with enthusiasm kind of environment presented
by a classroom. The lively and joyful ambience of a classroom is usually lacking in an
online session. Teachers and students interact with each other only on subject matters
on one by one basis.The fourth domain is becoming a master practitioner.This is a
where I am willing to put in as much times as I possibly can.Starting to learn more
about the teaching profession,I have learned that there is going to be time that I
spend on my work rather than just at school.A master practitioner,in my eyes is
someone that is able to create strategies that incorporate technology,reflective
practices,and techniques that students will be able to benefit from in future
My personal and professional reflections on curriculum planning
indicate that the process is both creative and practical.For me,it was always
important to be involved in designing a course that was capable of transferring
into practice.By this,I mean the course planning should not be a " pie in the sky"
idea; that will never work in reality.The vital factors to keep in mind are: what will
be the benefits for those who go on to successfully complete the course,and what
will be the impact on the wider community and society?
Curriculum planning is hard work for every individual involved.If it is
a collaborative venture,there are lots of necessary debates and discussions about
what should be in the course or curriculum and why.This takes time,and the
ability to negotiate and compromise on the final draft of the course.Curriculum
planning are yours!However any planned curriculum will,normally,need to go
through an approval or validation panel before it can be accepted for
implementation .Presenting the course to a validating panel can be both
exhilarating and soul-destroying,depending on how you take or react to
comments and questions raised by members of the panel.As a member of the
presenting panel,it is necessary to be able to make a strong case for the
curriculum to be approved and to be armed with ready answers to defend and
promote the ideas embedded in it .The most fun and challenges come when you
implement the curriculum and see
how well it pans out.A leading teacher is someone who is an inspiring learner and
is continuing their growth and improvement in their life.I think that this would go
under the
heading of "passion to become a better person than you are today".As a
teacher,it is important to be able to have that continued passion to grow as a
teacher and learn more strategies and
ideas for the classroom.Also,a desire to see your students grow and become
better educated.Diversity is also important to
DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

Domain 5 relates to processes associated with a variety of

assessment tools and strategies used by teachers in
monitoring,evaluating,documenting,and reporting learners needs,progress
and achievement.This domain concerns the use of assessment data in a
variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and learning process
and programs .It concerns teachers providing learners with the necessary
feedback about learning outcomes.This feedback informs the reporting
cycle and enables teachers to select,organize and use sound assessment

Assessment in education involves gathering, interpreting and using

information about the processes and outcomes of learning.It takes different
forms and can be used in a variety of ways,such as to record and report
achievement,to determine appropriate routes for learners to take through
a differentiated curriculum,or to identify specific areas of difficulty or
strength for a given learner.While different techniques may be employed
for formative,diagnostic and summative purposes,the focus of the
assessment and reporting is on the improvement of student learning.To do
this ,it must fully reflect the aim of the curriculum .
The junior cycle places a strong emphasis on assessment as part of the
learning process.This approach requires a more varied approach to
assessment in ensuring that the assessment method or methods chosen
are fit for purpose,timely and relevant to the students.Assessment in junior
cycle business studies will optimize the opportunity for students to become
reflective and active participants in their learning and for teachers to
support this.This rests upon the Pro vision for learners of opportunities to
negotiate success criteria against which the equality of their work can be
judged by peer,self and teacher assessment, and upon the quality of the
focused feedback they get in support of their learning. Providing focused
feedback to students on their learning is a critical component of high-
quality assessment and a key factor in building student's capacity to
manage their own learning and their motivation to stick with a
complex task or problem Assessment is most effective when it moves
beyond marks and grades, and reporting focuses not just on how the
student has done in the past but on the next steps for further learning.This
approach will ensure that assessment takes place as close as possible to the
point of learning . In conclusion,the assessment can help teachers create
meaningful learning experiences for their students.Teachers can motivate
their students to improve their performances.In addition,the students can
participate to assess their own learning progress.Comprehensive
assessments can give a complete picture of the students skills and
performance(Fukuda ,2007).

Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Domain 6 affirms the role of teachers in establishing school-
community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment as
well as the community's engagement in the educative process.This domain
expects teachers to identify and respond to opportunities that link teaching
and learning in the classroom to the experiences,interests,and aspirations
of the wider school community and other key stakeholders.It concerns the
importance of teacher understanding and fulfilling their obligations in
upholding professional ethics,accountability,and transparency to promote
professional and harmonious relationships with learners,parents,schools
and the wider community. It is indeed essential in the academe to establish
a strong relationship with the rest of the stakeholders in the community.

The school and the community serve as the main sources of

effective and powerful sources that can be create an impact for mutual
gains and betterment.Because of the foregoing linkages between the
school and the community,we can create better connections with the
people in the community,like local government units,parents,alumni and
private individuals and enterprises.It is evident that schools and
communities should work closely with each other to meet their
mutual goals.Schools can provide more support for students,families and
staff when they are an integral part of the community.As part of our
educational development,we should build quality partnerships with all the
stakeholders in the community.Hence we need to work as a community to
nurture our schools for our particular community needs.The connection of
school programs to community projects can evidently prove the existence
of good communication and development goal I believe the answer to real
education and school transformation is strong,authentic community
connections and support learning,young people achieve more in
school,stay in school longer,and enjoy the experience more.As an
educator,it would be best if we involved with the existing and future
courses of action of the school where their kids and other members of
the community stay for their studies.The collaboration should be consistent
and in line with whatever the Department of Education implements and
Teachers who have good community relations are more motivated
to teach and provide more opportunities for better learning.We can also
learn from and tie up with other organizations related to our field of
expertise.These connections can assist teachers in shaping our students to
be better people in this globally demanding world.Let us devise a strategy
for improving our teaching,one of which is to foster greater collaboration
outside of the confines of our classrooms.Thus,community linkages are a
vital part of successful instruction and administration .As a famous saying
goes,"It takes a village to raise a child."

Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

As a beginning teacher my teaching Philosophy is “ To

create student techno- centered ambiance where in the student
learn through fun, doing activities, active participation and full of
confidence”. As a beginning teacher I would say that is not easy to
me to teach in front of the students. But I realize there are full
potential by providing opportunities , support, feedback, guidance
to achieve the learning outcomes. I believe that the emphasis of
learning should be focused primarily on the students. The
classroom should be positive learning environment for the kids to
come to everyday. The student should have a love for learning
their teacher as well.

Education serves a purpose to make the students strong

in all aspects of themselves, not just their minds. They should also
be taught to have a good morals to be successful. I believe that
students must learn important content knowledge I also thin
teaching strategies that have been proven to work should be used
by teachers.
I believe that teaching is not about individual student,
but about hopes, expectations, and inspiration of many students.
And when the institution exists to impose faith and empower its
teachers with goo curriculum, evaluation standard,
and encouraging environment to teach rather to put in
their progress.

The purpose of developing my educational philosophy I

wish to achieve my teaching philosophy is distinct in the
future/nature. I provide to my future students should be effective in
helping them to be better students of the society and not only good
scholars at the end of the day I believe that when the learners get
the opportunity to experiences and shows the ideas in a learning
My Teaching Philosophy
At my core, I chose to be a teacher because I love to learn. I know
that sounds odd, but think of the things that you learn as a teacher every
day! The relationships you build with your students and the things they
teach me are more valuable than gold in my eyes. I love my students, and I
love to interact with them. They come by in the morning before school
starts just to chat and ‘spill the tea’ which apparently means they just
gossip and tell me about their lives for 10 minutes straight. I don’t know if
they know how important that is to me, but hopefully, if they’re reading
this they’ll understand. They teach me so much every day about culture,
the world, and give me new perspectives on life. I don’t know how I truly
lived before I developed these relationships. My world must have been so

As such, I think that it’s important to me that the learning in my

classroom is much more than just the absorbing and regurgitation of
information, but a transference of ideas and knowledge that stem from
something greater than just mathematics. I like to think that through my
silly stories, conversations, and the examples that I set for them, students
learn life skills too and more about how to be themselves. I think of myself
as a role model for these students. So, I make mistakes – and I recognize
and fix them. I do my very best to be balanced and principled, but am
unapologetically myself in every instance. My high school math classroom
involves so much more than math. Mastery of the course content, of
course, is always at the center of every lesson, but there are unspoken
principles that I find to be an integral part of the learning environment that
I choose every day to put as my priority in the classroom.

I base everything on these principles. I try to be true to my students and

expect them to be true to me. I am HURT when students are dishonest
academically, just as they would be if I purposefully taught them incorrect
material. I tell them that. I push the necessity to organization and balance
and give them the tools to help them remain organized. I show them that
it’s possible by staying organized myself. I don’t use a teacher’s desk,
because I don’t like the implication. I simply chose a desk to sit in and
engage with students rather than going back to my desk during
independent work time. I also have the ‘mega desk’ as a reference to the
office, which is just a bunch of extra empty desks that students can come
up to if they’re struggling and I provide 1:1 or small group support for
Student Teaching Experience Reflection

My student teaching experience was, by far, the most challenging learning

experiences in my life. As a high achieving and successful student, school has always
been easy for me. From primary school through college, A’s were never uncommon. I
finish projects, papers and large amounts of reading without breaking a sweat. I was
often given awards and distinctions. I felt so comfortable in my achievements, I
thought I knew what a good teacher was. I have passed judgment on past teachers; I
have even criticized my them. However, it was not until this past semester that I had
realized that I had no idea what teaching is. I never knew just how many expectations
were on teachers. In one person, teachers must be coaches, they must be counselors,
they must be experts of their content, and, when necessary, they must be police
officers and judges. Through it all, teachers must be the models of a moral, empathetic
and democratic citizen. If real education occurs when we struggle, it was not until this
past semester that I was truly educated.
I learned a great deal in the student teaching process. I have learned to hone my
organization skills, to speak more clearly and concisely, I have learned to plan, I have
learned to plan a back up plan, and I have learned to manage and use time (the most
elusive of all resources) wisely. Some of these skills I learned quickly and executed
well. One area that I excelled at was my ability to over plan, organize lessons and
materials. These skills were great assets through out the semester and they helped
carry me through more challenging lessons. Other things that went well included the
rapport I developed with both my mentor teachers. Mr. Ross Wilbur and Mr. Doug
Gordon are kind, giving men that have supported me every day of this past semester.
They modeled for me how beneficial building relationships can be. I am thankful that
despite the challenges of student teaching, I had two incredible teachers to guide me
and support me. My two excellent mentor teachers as well as my organization and
planning skills made the difference for my student teaching experience.
While I was successful in some areas, the most relevant lessons I learned are those
that I was not immediately successful at. Most importantly, I learned that successful
teachers allow their students to get to know them. I know the importance of doing so
because I did not always let students get to know me. Because of some of my failings
in classroom management, I put up my guard with some of my classes. I rarely
laughed with these groups and I tried to behave as much like a teacher rather than
teach like myself. These classes, as a result, continued to create classroom
management problems. Meanwhile, in a couple of other classes, I allowed students to
know me as a person as well as their teacher. I laughed daily with them, I told them
about my family and shared my aspirations and feelings with them. The classes that
saw this side of me were the same classes that posed fewer classroom management
problems. Many of the students in these classes were also among my highest
performing and most dedicated students. For example, during my last unit, I held ELO
review sessions before a test. All of the students that attended were the same
students that had gotten to know me. I had only one student from other classes
attend. If I could do student teaching over again, I would work harder to allow all my
students to get to know me as well as work to maintain that openness even after
difficult days. Teaching really is a practice in vulnerability and strength. I hope I can be
strong enough to allow students to see what I tried to hide for man this past semester
in order to create a richer, easier learning environment in the future.
Student teaching is the most challenging experience I have had thus far. Where
being a student was easy, teaching was an entirely different endeavor. It has forced
me to use every skill in my arsenal. Through arduous work, it has sharpened my skills
in planning and organization. However, it has also made me to struggle to see the
more important lessons. I know now just how important relationship building is. With
the students that I have felt comfortable with, I have seen them achieve and learn
more as a result. With others, I have seen how the lack of a connection has disengaged
them and hurt their learning. In the future, when I have a classroom of my own, I hope
to remember that, especially after the difficult days. Teaching truly is built on the
relationships teachers build with students. When we get to know our students and
students get to know us, that is when true learning, caring and growing can happen. In
whatever endeavor I pursue in the future, that is one lesson I will always carry with

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