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List of Schedules
& Demonstrations

Rural Awareness Work Experience Interventions:

Students should complete the assigned schedules as per the
interventions under study. They can choose any two demonstrations for
each intervention from second week onwards. The Schedule and
demonstration given for first week of village attachment is mandatory. The
list is indicative and not all inclusive and students can select any other
intervention depending upon availability and access like Automation in
Drip Irrigation, Cold Storage, Agro Processing Unit, exclusive ITK
intervention, Geographical Index (G.I.) Tag, outstanding success story,
export unit, application of Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence,
remote sensing, geographical positioning system, drone technology, etc.
Intervention wise Schedule and Demonstration List
I. Pre-evaluation & Orientation, on campus Training
II. Orientation and Village Survey:
1. The schedule regarding the weather data is mandatory. The student
should collect the last year and current year weather data and present with
graphs. The data should be location specific and should be based on GPS
location (AGRO Mandatory Schedule).
2. Conducting PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), Techno-socioeconomic
survey of village and group discussion with village leader: Overall
condition of village, resource endowment and its utilization, problems of
labour and employment and other important economic aspects, location of
host farmer house and survey numbers (Extension Schedule I)

III. a. Agronomical Interventions including seed production:

1A. Cost of cultivation [Maintenance of daily operations (any one major crop) ]
1B. Documentation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) practices
followed in cultivation of agronomical crops in the village (AGRO-1B)

III. b. Agricultural Botany interventions

2A. Seed Production and its cost of Field/Horticultural Crops (BOT 1A)
2B. Collection of Germplasm (Wild Species, Landraces, Local Varieties
etc) (BOT 1B)
2C. Study the performance of New Variety / Popular Variety of field /
Horticulture Crops (BOT 1C)

A) Agronomy
1. Demonstration on integrated weed management in major crops
2. Demonstration on advanced crop production technology from
preparatory tillage to post harvest technology and marketing in major
3. Study on advanced irrigation systems (Sprinkler / Drip / Sub-surface
/automation/fertigation) by the host farmer
4. Study on knowledge and extent of farm mechanization by host farmer.
5. Demonstration on mechanization in agronomical practices and
comparison with local practices.
6. Demonstrations of preparation of organic inputs
7. Knowledge and utilization of apps in seeking crop production
technology information
B. Agricultural Botany
1. Demonstration on seed germination testing of major crops.
2. Roughing in seed production plot of major crops.
3. Seed treatment for germination.
4. Seed classes and importance of their tags
5. Safe seed storage

IV. Plant Protection Interventions:

(A) Agricultural Entomology
1A. General position of insect pests in a village and pests situation
in host farmers field.
1B. Insect pest management on Host farmer‘s field
2. Monitoring for incidence and determining extent of damage and
Integrated pests management (IPM) of major crops of host
1. Group discussion / Farmers Field School on IPM technology for
major crops
2. Group discussion on identification of pests and beneficial insects
3. Demonstration on seed treatment of chemicals for major crops of
host farmer
4. Demonstration on handling, use and maintenance of agro-

chemicals and spraying and dusting equipment

5. Monitoring of insect pests and their economic threshold level of
insect pests and suggest to control measures
6. Demonstration on identification and control of stored grain pests
7. Demonstration on preparation and application of 5% Neem Seed
Kernel Extract (NSKE)
8. Demonstration on preparation of spray solution and spraying in the
9. Demonstration / Group discussion on Apiculture / Sericulture and
bio agents
10. Monitoring of major insect pests through traps
11. Preparation of pests album and maintain of insect collection box
12. Monitoring of non insect pests
13. Use of ICT in plant protection

(B) Plant Pathology

1A. General position of plant diseases in a village and disease situation
in a host farmers field. (PATH Schedule 1A)
1B. Plant disease management on Host farmer‘s field (IDM of one major
crop) (One management) (PATH Schedule 1B)
1. Group discussion / Farmers Field School on IDM technology for major
2. Demonstration on seed treatment (Chemical and Biological) for major
crops of host farmer.
3. Demonstration on handling, use and maintenance of agro-chemicals and
spraying and dusting equipment.
4. Demonstration on preparation of spray solution and spraying in the
5. Demonstration on preparation and use of Bordeaux mixture / Bordeaux
6. Demonstration on production technology of BGA, Azolla, etc. bio-
7. Demonstration of mushroom production technology.
8. Knowledge and utilization of apps in seeking information about plant
protection measures.

V. Soil Improvement Interventions (Soil sampling and testing):

1A. Plot wise soil study, Crop Yield, manures and fertilizers used and soil
testing report (SSAC Schedule 1A)
1B. Recommendations based on soil report
1C. Soil Profile Study
2. Diagnosis of deficiency/toxicity symptoms of different nutrients and
their management
1. Demonstration on collection of soil samples, preferably using Geo
Positioning System (GPS)
2. Demonstration on preparation of compost / FYM / NADEP
3. Demonstration on preparation of vermi-compost
4. Demonstration on green manuring
5. Demonstration on application of macro /micro nutrients by observing
symptoms on crops
6. Demonstration on application of fertilizers to fruit crops
7. Demonstration on recycling of organic matter
8. Group discussion on interpretation and application of Soil Health Card
9. Group discussion on Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) of major
10. Group discussion on role and importance of micro nutrients in crop
11. Group discussion on saline, alkaline, sodic, acidic, etc. problem soils
and its reclamation
12. Group discussion on role of Bio-fertilizers in improving yields, saving
fertilizers and soil health
13. Demonstration on quality control in fertilizers and judging adulteration
of fertilizers
14. Demonstration on preparation of multi-nutrients fertilizer
15. Demonstration on use of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)
16. Demonstration on judging suitability of water for irrigation

VI. Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Production Interventions:

1. Documentation of daily operations of major horticultural crops (HORT
Schedule 1)
2. Documentation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) practices
followed in cultivation of major horticultural crops in the village (HORT
Schedule 2)
1. Demonstration of budding and grafting techniques in horticultural crops
2. Demonstration on layout of orchards for horticultural crops
3. Demonstration on digging and filling of pits for horticultural crops
4. Demonstration in scientific plantation of horticultural crops
5. Maintenance and aftercare of major horticultural crops
6. Demonstration on rejuvenation of old orchards
7. Knowledge and utilization of apps in seeking information about
production technology of horticultural crops
8. Demonstration on seed bed preparation
9. Group discussion on nursery management

VII. Food Processing and Storage Interventions:

1. Study of agro processing industry in village and vicinity and agro
processing and preservation undertaken by host farmer for domestic
consumption (ENGG Schedule 1)
2. Documentation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) practices
followed in food processing, preservation and storage in the village
1. Demonstration on Zero Energy Cool Chamber
2. Scientific drying and storage of cereals, pulses and oilseeds
3. Primary processing of cereals
4. Demonstration on value addition through Dal making
5. Demonstration on value addition through oil extraction
6. Demonstration on preparation of value added products of fruits,
vegetables and flowers
7. Demonstration on Preparation of milk products (Curd, Paneer, Khoa,
Butter Milk, Lassi, Butter, Ghee, Ice-Cream, Basundi, Pedha, etc.)
8. Demonstration on storage of processed agro products

9. Group discussion on scientific packaging of agri-horticultural

commodities, processed products and their storage
10. Group discussion / demonstration on changes in physical, chemical,
biochemical and sensory properties of processed foods

VIII. Animal Production Interventions:

1A. Documentation of daily, monthly maintenance and management of
1B. Production, utilization and marketing of animal products and
2. Documentation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) practices
followed in care and management of livestock in the village
1. Demonstration on cleaning and disinfection of cattle shed / animal
2. Demonstration on clean milk production
3. Organization of animal vaccination and dewormimg campaign in the
4. Demonstration of preparation of low cost livestock feed / ration
5. Demonstration on fodder treatment
6. Demonstration on preparation of silage
7. Demonstration on improved management practices of different animals
8. Demonstration on feeding standards of different animals
9. Organization of poultry vaccination campaign in the village
10. Demonstration / group discussion on introduction, feasibility and
benefits of back yard poultry of improved poultry breeds
11. Knowledge and utilization of apps in seeking livestock management

IX. Extension and Transfer of Technology Interventions:

1. Survey on utilization of internet and Mobile applications by the Farmers
for agricultural purpose (Extension Schedule II)

1. Organization of group discussion on important need of villagers
2. Organization of need based training class
3. Organization of farmers rally and agricultural exhibition
4. Organization of result demonstration
5. Preparation and telecast of important intervention on YouTube
6. Preparation and archiving of successful intervention news in print /
electronic media
7. Organization of method demonstration
8. Formation, utilization and evaluation of farmers group on social media
9. Documentation, publicity and archiving of agricultural success story in
the village.
10. Documentation through digital platform of success story of farmers
such as video preparation.
11. Preparation of information corner
12. Organization of social activities such tree plantation, blood donation etc.

X. Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Interventions:

1. Techno-socio economic survey of host farmer (AG-ECON Schedule- 1)
2 A. Record of daily operations (plot wise / crop wise) carried
(including land development) and calculating cost of cultivation/
2B. Cost of cultivation for all crops
2C. Consolidated annual expenditure and receipt statement from animal

1. Preparation of bank proposal for host farmer
2. Study of existing crop plan and preparation of alternative crop plan
3. Study of partial and complete budget of host farmer
4. Study on utilization of market intelligence by host farmer
5. Demonstration on marketing of processed agro products
6. Knowledge and utilization of apps in marketing of farm produce /
processed products.

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