List of Schedules
& Demonstrations
A) Agronomy
1. Demonstration on integrated weed management in major crops
2. Demonstration on advanced crop production technology from
preparatory tillage to post harvest technology and marketing in major
3. Study on advanced irrigation systems (Sprinkler / Drip / Sub-surface
/automation/fertigation) by the host farmer
4. Study on knowledge and extent of farm mechanization by host farmer.
5. Demonstration on mechanization in agronomical practices and
comparison with local practices.
6. Demonstrations of preparation of organic inputs
7. Knowledge and utilization of apps in seeking crop production
technology information
B. Agricultural Botany
1. Demonstration on seed germination testing of major crops.
2. Roughing in seed production plot of major crops.
3. Seed treatment for germination.
4. Seed classes and importance of their tags
5. Safe seed storage
1. Organization of group discussion on important need of villagers
2. Organization of need based training class
3. Organization of farmers rally and agricultural exhibition
4. Organization of result demonstration
5. Preparation and telecast of important intervention on YouTube
6. Preparation and archiving of successful intervention news in print /
electronic media
7. Organization of method demonstration
8. Formation, utilization and evaluation of farmers group on social media
9. Documentation, publicity and archiving of agricultural success story in
the village.
10. Documentation through digital platform of success story of farmers
such as video preparation.
11. Preparation of information corner
12. Organization of social activities such tree plantation, blood donation etc.
1. Preparation of bank proposal for host farmer
2. Study of existing crop plan and preparation of alternative crop plan
3. Study of partial and complete budget of host farmer
4. Study on utilization of market intelligence by host farmer
5. Demonstration on marketing of processed agro products
6. Knowledge and utilization of apps in marketing of farm produce /
processed products.