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乱世佳人(Gone With the Wind)中英对白剧本

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Gone with the wind 1939 Scripts《乱世佳人/飘》中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.


1--What do we care if we were expelled from college?我们才不在乎被学校开除呢

2--The war is gonna start any day. We would've left college anyhow.就要打仗了反正我们得离开学校
3--War. Isn't it exciting, Scarlett?哦战争 多让人激动啊
4--Do you know those Yankees actually want a war?那些穷北佬真要打仗啊?
5--We'll show 'em. Fiddle-dee-dee.让他们看看讨厌
6--War, war, war.战争 战争 战争
7--This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring.这个春天里每次聚会都要谈论战争
8--I get so bored I could scream.我烦得都要喊出来了
9--Besides, there isn't going to be any war. Not gonna be any war?再说 不会有战争的你说不会有战争?
10--Why, honey, of course there's going to be a war.不会? 亲爱的真的要打仗了
11--If either of you says war just once again, I'll go in the house and slam the door.你们谁要是再说一句
12--But, Scarlett, honey... Don't you want us to have a war?可是斯卡莉特 亲爱的 你不要我们打仗吗?
13--Well 好吧
14--but remember 别忘了
15--I warned you.我警告过你们
16--I've got an idea.那谈谈我们明天到
17--We'll talk about the Wilkes' barbecue at Twelve Oaks.十二棵橡树卫尔科斯家的野餐会吧
18--That's a good idea. Aren't you eating barbecue with us?好主意和我们一起去野餐好吗?
19--I hadn't thought about that yet. I'll think about that tomorrow.哦 我还没想过呢 我明天再说吧
20--We want all your waltzes.和我们跳华尔滋
21--First Brent, then me, then Brent, then me again and so on.先跟他 再跟我再跟他 再跟我
22--Promise? I'd just love to.就这样答应了好倒是好 哦 太好了 不过
23--If only I didn't have every one of them taken already.那得要我没答应跟别人跳舞
24--Why, honey, you can't do that to us.怎么 亲爱的 你不能这样对我们
25--How about if we tell you a secret? A secret? Who about?我想告诉你一个秘密? 秘密? 谁的?
26--Do you know Miss Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta?亚特兰大的梅兰妮·韩密尔敦小姐?
27--Ashley Wilkes' cousin. She's visiting the Wilkes'艾希礼的表妹 她要到十二棵橡树卫尔科斯家
28--That goody-goody. Who wants to know a secret about her?梅兰妮·韩密尔敦那个假正经 谁要听她
29--Anyway, we heard, that is, they say 可是我们听说 他们
30--Ashley Wilkes is gonna marry her. The Wilkeses always marry their cousins.艾希礼要和她结婚了你知
道他们家的人 通常是表亲之间通婚的
31--Now do we get those waltzes?我们可以跳华尔滋了吧?
32--Of course.当然了
33--I'll bet the other boys will be hopping mad. Let 'em be mad. We two can handle 'em.我敢说别的小伙
子都要气疯了让他们气去吧 我们俩可以应付
34--It can't be true. Ashley loves me.这不可能 艾希礼爱我
36--What has gotten into her?我们怎么惹着她了?
37--Do you suppose we made her mad?我们说错了什么让她生气了?
38--Where're you goin' without your shawl, and the night air fixin' to set in?斯卡莉小姐你出去也不围上
39--How come you didn't ask them gentlemen to stay for supper?你为什么不留先生们吃晚饭?
Gone with the wind 1939 Scripts《乱世佳人/飘》中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

40--You ain't got no more manners than a field hand 你这样就象一个乡下姑娘

41--after me and Miss Ellen done labored with you.爱伦小姐没功夫像我这么管你
42--Miss Scarlett, come on in the house.快进屋来
43--Come on in before you catch your death of dampness.再不进来就要着凉了
44--No. I'll wait for Pa to come home from the Wilkes'.不 我要去等爸爸从威尔克斯家回来
45--Come on in here.快回来
46--Come on.回来
47--Quittin' time.收工了
48--Who says it's quittin' time?谁说收工了?
49--I says it's quittin' time.我说收工了
50--I's the foreman. I's the one that says when it's quittin' time at Tara.我是头 在泰拉庄园什么时候收工
51--Quittin' time.收工了
52--Quittin' time.收工了
53--There's none in the county can touch you, and none in the state.哦 在这个郡整个州里没有能比得
55--So it's proud of yourself, you are.现在你又感到骄傲了
56--Well, Katie Scarlett O'Hara.啊 郝斯卡莉
57--So, you've been spying on me, and like your sister, Suellen 你在监视我像你妹妹修伦那样
58--you'll tell your mother I was jumping again.去告诉你妈妈说我又跳栏杆了
59--Pa, you know I'm no tattletale like Suellen, but it does seem to me 爸爸 我可不像修伦那样爱告状
60--after you broke your knee last year jumping that same fence 自从去年你跳这个栏杆摔伤膝盖以后
61--I'll not have me own daughter tellin' me what I shall jump and not jump.我可不需要自己的女儿告诉
62--It's my own neck, so it is.那是我自己的脖子
63--All right, Pa, you jump what you please. How are they all over at Twelve Oaks?爸爸 你喜欢跳就跳吧
64--The Wilkeses?威尔克斯家?
65--Just as you'd expect with the barbecue tomorrow and talking nothing but war.他们正准备明天的野
66--Oh, bother the war. Was there anyone else there?讨厌的战争 那儿还有什么人吗?
67--Their cousin, Melanie Hamilton, from Atlanta and her brother, Charles.哦 梅兰妮和她弟弟卡尔斯从
68--Melanie Hamilton.梅兰妮
69--She's a pale-faced, mealy-mouthed ninny. I hate her.脸色苍白 说话好 转弯抹角 我讨厌她
70--Ashley Wilkes doesn't think so.艾希礼可不这么认为
71--Ashley Wilkes couldn't like anyone like her.艾希礼不会喜欢象她那样的人
72--What's your interest in Ashley and Miss Melanie?你怎么对他们那么感兴趣?
73--It's nothing. Let's go into the house, Pa.没什么 我们回家吧 爸爸
74--Has he been trifling with you? Has he asked you to marry him?他跟你胡说过什么吗? 还是向你求过
75--No. No, nor will he.没有 没有啊他不会的
Gone with the wind 1939 Scripts《乱世佳人/飘》中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

76--I have it in strictest confidence from John Wilkes this afternoon 今天下午我听约翰·卫克斯说
77--Ashley is going to marry Miss Melanie.艾希礼要和梅兰妮小姐结婚
78--It will be announced tomorrow night at the ball.在明天的舞会上宣布
79--I don't believe it.我不相信
80--Here. Here. Where are you off to?回来 你要到哪儿去?
82--What are you about?你怎么了?
83--Have you made a spectacle of yourseIf running after a man 你要为追一个并不爱你的男人
84--who's not in love with you when you might have any man in the county?而丢脸吗?
85--I haven't been running after him. It's just a surprise, that's all.我并没有追他 只是 我只是觉得很奇

86--Now, don't be jerking your chin at me.你别吞吞吐吐的
87--If Ashley wanted to marry you, it would be with misgivings I'd say yes.如果艾希礼想要娶你 我即使
88--I want my girl to be happy. You'd not be happy with him.我愿意我孩子幸福 你跟着他不会幸福的
89--I would, I would.我会的 我会的
90--What difference does it make who you marry 你嫁给谁都可以
91--so long as he's a Southerner and thinks like you?只要他是个南方人和你情投意和
92--And when I'm gone, I'll leave Tara to you.等我死了以后把泰拉庄园留给你
93--I don't want Tara. Plantations don't mean anything when 我不要泰拉庄园 种植园对我毫无意义
94--You mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara, that land doesn't mean anything to you?你是说 斯卡莉土
95--Why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for 世界上只有土地才值得为它耕耘
96--worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts.为它战斗 为它去死因为只有
它 才是永恒的
97--Oh, Pa, you talk like an lrishman. It's proud I am that I'm lrish.爸 你说话真像个爱尔兰人我为我是爱
98--And don't you be forgetting, Missy, that you're haIf lrish too.你别忘了 小姐你也是半个爱尔兰人
99--And to anyone with a drop of lrish blood in them 任何人身上那怕只有一滴爱尔兰人的血
100--why, the land they live on is like their mother.就会把他们生存的土地当作母亲
101--Oh, but you're just a child. It'll come to you, this love of the land.可是你还是个孩子你将来会爱土
102--There's no getting away from it if you're lrish.只要你是爱尔兰人就会的
103--Yonder she comes.她回来了
104--Miss Scarlett, Miss Suellen, Miss Carreen, your ma's home.你们的妈妈回来了
105--Actin' like a wet nurse to them low-down, poor white trash 她去照看那个下流的白种人
106--instead of bein' here eatin' her supper. Cookie, stir up the fire.连晚饭都顾不得吃拿点心来 把火挑
107--Miss Ellen's got no business wearin' herseIf out.爱伦小姐干什么这么累波 克是 墨利
108--Take the lamp out on the porch. Wearin' herseIf out.把蜡烛拿到走廊上她累坏了
109--Mist' Gerald, Miss Ellen's home.先生 爱伦小姐回来了
110--Wearin' herseIf out waitin' on the poor white trash.她把自己累坏了
111--Shut up, dogs. Barkin' in the house like that.狗别叫了
112--Get up from there. Don't you hear that Miss Ellen's comin'?起来 孩子 你没听见爱伦小姐回来了
Gone with the wind 1939 Scripts《乱世佳人/飘》中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

113--Get out there and get her medicine chest.去给她拿药箱
114--We was gettin' worried about you, Miss Ellen.我们正着急呢 爱伦小姐
115--Mist' Gerald... All right, Pork. I'm home.杰纳尔先生 没事 波克 我不是回来了吗
116--Mrs. O'Hara, we finished plowing the creek bottom today.欧郝纳太太 今天已经耕完了那块洼地了
117--What do you want me to start on tomorrow?明天你要我干什么?
118--Mr. Wilkerson, I've just come from Emmy Slattery's bedside.威克尔森先生我刚从挨米施爱特那儿

119--Your child has been born.你的孩子以经出生了
120--My child, ma'am? I'm sure I don't understand.我的孩子? 哦 我真的不明白
121--Has been born and, mercifully, has died.以经出生了 还好 以经死了
122--Goodnight, Mr. Wilkerson.晚安 威克尔森先生
123--I'll fix your supper for you myself, and you eats it.我去为你准备晚饭
124--After prayers, Mammy.先等我祈祷 妈蜜
125--Yes, ma'am.哦 是的
126--Mr. O'Hara.欧郝呐先生
127--You must dismiss Jonas Wilkerson.你必须辞掉乔拉·斯威克森
128--Dismiss him, Mrs. O'Hara? He's the best overseer in the county.嗯 辞退他? 他是这个郡里最好的
129--He must go tomorrow morning, first thing.明天早上就让他走
130--But.哦 可是
131--No. Yes.是吗? 是的
132--The Yankee Wilkerson and the white-trash Slattery girl.这个北方佬和那个下流女孩斯奈特利
133--We'll discuss it later, Mr. O'Hara.过一会再谈吧
134--Yes, Mrs. O'Hara.好吧 欧郝纳太太
135--I want to wear Scarlett's green dress.妈妈 我要穿斯卡莉的绿衣服
136--I don't like your tone, Suellen. Your pink gown is lovely.休伦 你的那件粉红色长裙可漂亮了
137--Can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow? But you may wear my garnets with it.我为什么不能参加明天
晚上的舞会呢? 不过你可以戴我的石榴石项链
138--Why can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow night?我为什么不能参加明天晚上的舞会?
139--Scarlett 斯卡莉
140--you look tired, my dear. I'm worried about you.你显得很累 亲爱的我有点担心
141--I'm all right, Mother.我很好 妈妈
142--Why can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow night?为什么我不能参加明天晚上的舞会?
143--I'm 13 now.我已经 13 岁了
144--You may go to the barbecue and stay up through supper.你可以去野餐一直到吃晚饭
145--I didn't want to wear your tacky green dress anyhow, stingy.我不穿你的破绿裙子了小气鬼
146--Oh, hush up.少废话
147--Prayers, girls.祈祷了 孩子们
148--And to all the saints, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word and deed 对所有圣人而言 我
149--through my fault.为了我的过错
150--Through my fault, through my most grievous fault.为了我的过错为了我最严重的过错
151--Therefore, I beseech the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin 在此我向永远的处子圣母码利亚祈求
Gone with the wind 1939 Scripts《乱世佳人/飘》中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

152--Blessed Michael, the Archangel 神圣的麦克天使长

153--Blessed John the Baptist 神圣的施洗者约翰
154--the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul 圣徒彼得与保罗
155--and all the saints to pray to the Lord, our God, for me.以及所有圣人们祈求上帝保佑我
156--But Ashley doesn't know I love him.艾希礼不知道我爱他
157--I'll tell him that I love him and then he can't marry her.我告诉他 我爱他那他就不会娶她了
158--May the Almighty, and most merciful Lord 愿万能仁慈的上帝
159--grant us pardon, absolution 原谅我们 赦免
160--and remission of our sins. Amen.并宽恕我们的罪行 阿们
161--Just hold on and suck in.啊哦 别动 吸气
162--Mammy, here's Miss Scarlett's vittles.奶妈 斯卡莉小姐的点心
163--You can take that back. I won't eat a bite.都拿回橱房去 我一点儿也不想吃
164--Oh, yes, ma'am, you is.哦 你得吃
165--You's gonna eat every mouthful of this.你要大口大口的吃
166--No, I'm not.不 我不吃
167--Put on the dress, because we're late already.快给我穿衣服我们已经晚了
168--What's my lamb gonna wear? That.你要穿哪一件? 那件
169--No you ain't. You can't show your bosom before three o'clock.不行 3 点钟以前是不能穿露胸的衣
170--I'm gonna speak to your ma about you.我要去告诉你妈妈
171--If you say one word to Mother, I won't eat a bite.你要是敢告诉妈妈一个字我一口也不吃
173--Keep your shawl on. I ain't aimin' for you to get all freckled 你 要把披肩披上 我可不想让你再长一
174--after the buttermilk I done put on you all this winter, bleachin' them freckles.去年一个冬天都用牛
175--Now, Miss Scarlett, you come on and be good, and eat just a little, honey.斯卡莉小姐 乖乖地听话
吃一点吧 宝贝
177--I'm going to have a good time today and do my eating at the barbecue.我今天要好好的玩一天在野
178--If you don't care what folks says about this family, I does.你难道不怕别人笑话你们家
179--I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady 我告诉你多少次了
180--by the way she eats with folks. Like a bird.小姐在人面前吃东西要像小鸟似的
181--I ain't aimin' for you to go after Mr. Wilkes 你这次去艾希礼先生家
182--and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog.不能象庄稼人那样吃象只大老鹰
184--Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite.艾希礼·卫尔克斯跟我说过他喜
185--What gentlemen says and what they thinks is two different things.男人们嘴里这么说心理可不这么

186--And I ain't noticed Mist' Ashley askin' to marry you.我看得出来艾希礼先生没想娶你
187--Now don't eat too fast. Ain't no need of havin' it come right back up again.喔 别吃得太快不然你又
Gone with the wind 1939 Scripts《乱世佳人/飘》中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

188--Why does a girl have to be so silly to catch a husband?女孩子为什么那么傻非得找个丈夫

189--Scarlett, ifyou're not here by the time I count ten, we'll be goin' without you.斯卡莉·欧郝钠 如果我
数到 10 你还没下来 我们就不等你了
190--I'm coming, Pa.我来了 爸爸
191--One 一
192--two, three 二 三
193--four, five, six 四 五 六
194--Oh, dear.哦 天呐
195--My stays are so tight I know I'll never get through the day without belching.我的衣服这么紧这一天
196--How are you.哦 您好
197--Well, John Wilkes. It's a grand day you'll be having for the barbecue.卫约翰 今天的野餐会一定很热

198--So it seems, Gerald. But why isn't Mrs. O'Hara with you?是的 杰拉尔德欧郝纳太太没有一起来?
199--She's after settling accounts with the overseer.她和监工结算帐目呢
200--But she'll be along for the ball tonight.晚上要来参加舞会
201--Welcome to Twelve Oaks, Mr. O'Hara.欢迎到十二橡树来欧郝纳先生
202--Thank you kindly, lndia.谢谢你 英蒂雅
203--Your daughter's getting prettier every day, John.你的女儿越长越漂亮了 约翰
204--India, here are the O'Hara girls. We must greet them.英蒂雅 你去招呼一下欧郝纳家的姑娘
205--I can't stand Scarlett. If you saw the way she throws herseIf at Ashley.我受不了斯卡莉看她讨好艾希
206--Now, that's your brother's business.好了 那是你哥哥的事
207--You must remember your duties as hostess.记住你的责任是当好女主人
208--Good morning, girls.早上好 姑娘们
209--Good morning, Scarlett.早上好 您好 斯卡莉
210--Why, lndia Wilkes, what a lovely dress.英蒂雅 你的衣服真漂亮
211--Perfectly lovely, darling. I just can't take my eyes off it.太美了 亲爱的我的眼睛都离不开它了
212--Scarlett, honey.喔 斯卡莉小姐 早上好
213--You're looking mighty fine this morning.你看起来真漂亮 斯卡莉小姐早上好 嗨
214--Good morning, Miss Scarlett. Good morning.早上好 你好
215--It's a pleasure to see you. Good morning.见到你真荣幸
216--Howdy, Miss Scarlett.看到你真是太高兴了
218--Scarlett, my dear.斯卡莉 亲爱的
219--I've been looking for you everywhere.我各处找你
220--I've got something I must tell you.我有点事想跟你说
221--Can't we go some place where it's quiet? Yes, I'd like to, but l 你能找个辟静的地方吗? 好的 我愿
222--I have something to tell you too.不过我也有件事想告诉你
223--Something I hope you'll be glad to hear.我希望 我希望你听了会高兴
224--But come say hello to my cousin, Melanie, first.先跟我表妹打个招呼好吗
225--Oh, do we have to?哦 有这个必要吗?
226--She's been looking forward to seeing you again.她正在等着 见见你呢
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228--Here's Scarlett.斯卡莉在这儿
230--I'm so glad to see you again.又见到你 我真高兴
231--Melanie Hamilton. What a surprise to run into you here.梅兰妮·韩蜜尔敦没想到在这儿见到你
232--I hope you'll stay with us a few days at least.希望你在这儿能跟我们多呆几天
233--I hope I shall stay long enough for us to become real friends, Scarlett.我希望我们常在一起成为好朋

234--I do so want us to be.我真希望这样
235--We'll keep her here, won't we, Scarlett?我们把她留下来好吗? 斯卡莉
236--We'll just have to make the biggest fuss over her, won't we?喔 那我们得让她玩得高兴是不是 艾
237--If there's anybody knows how to give a girl a good time, it's Ashley.艾希礼最会哄女孩子高兴了
238--Though I expect our good times will seem silly to you because you're so serious.所以我认为我们开
239--Oh, Scarlett, you have so much life.斯卡莉 你是这么活泼
240--I've always admired you so.我非常羡慕你
241--I wish I could be more like you.我真希望能像你一点儿
242--You mustn't flatter me, Melanie, and say things you don't mean.你可别恭维我 梅兰妮没这么想就
243--Nobody could accuse Melanie of being insincere. Could they, my dear?没有人能说梅兰妮是不真诚
的是吧? 亲爱的
244--Then she's not like you, is she, Ashley?喔 那她可不像你了是吗?
245--Ashley never means a word he says to any girl.艾希礼从来没有对女孩子说过实话
246--Oh, why, Charles Hamilton, you handsome old thing, you.哦 卡尔斯·韩蜜尔敦漂亮的老家伙
247--But, oh, Miss O'Hara, l.喔 欧郝纳小姐
248--Was it kind to bring your good-looking brother here 你把你的漂亮兄弟带到这儿来
249--just to break my poor, simple, country-girl's heart?是为了伤我这可怜的 单纯的乡村姑娘的心吗?
250--She never even noticed Charles before.看 斯卡莉 以前她从没理过卡尔斯
251--Because he's your beau, she's after him like a hornet.现在因为他是你的男朋友 她就盯上他了
252--Charles Hamilton, I want to eat barbecue with you.卡尔斯·韩蜜尔敦 我要跟你一起吃野餐
253--Mind you, don't go philandering with any other girl, 'cause I'm mighty jealous.你可不要跟别的女孩
子调情 我要忌妒的
254--I won't, Miss O'Hara.我不会的 欧郝纳小姐
255--I couldn't.我不会的
256--I do declare, Frank Kennedy, if you don't look dashing 弗兰克·肯尼迪 你留着胡子
257--with that new set of whiskers.看起来更漂亮了
258--Oh, thank you, Miss Scarlett.谢谢 谢谢你斯卡莉小姐
259--Charles and Rafe asked me to eat barbecue with them 恰尔斯跟卡尔斯特邀请我一起吃野餐
260--but I told them I couldn't because I promised you.我告诉他们 我答应你了
261--You needn't be so amused. Look at her. She's after your beau now.别觉得可笑了 你看她又盯上你
262--Oh, that's mighty flattering of you, Miss Scarlett.真让我受宠若惊了 斯卡莉小姐
263--I'll see what I can do, Miss Scarlett.我愿意为你效劳 斯卡莉小姐
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264--What's your sister so mad about? You sparkin' her beau?你妹妹为什么生气啊? 你勾引她的男朋友
265--As if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid in britches.好像我找不到比他更好的了
266--Brent and Stuart Tarleton, you handsome old things, you. No, you're not.伯伦特 史托尔特 亲爱的
267--I won't say that. I'm mad at you.我不是说你们 我在生你们的气呢
268--What have we done?为什么? 斯卡莉 我们怎么了?
269--You haven't been near me all day. I wore this old dress 你们一整天都没有接近我 我穿这件旧衣服
270--'cause I thought you liked it.就因为你们喜欢
271--I was counting on eating barbecue with you two.我准备和你们一起吃野餐呢
272--Well, you are, Scarlett. Of course, you are.太好了 斯卡莉 当然了 亲爱的
273--Oh, I never can make up my mind which of you two is the handsomer.我还没有想好你们俩个谁更
274--I was awake all last night trying to figure it out.我昨天晚上整整想了一夜
275--I'm sorry 喔 对不起
276--Cathleen, who's that?凯沙林 那个人是谁?
278--That man looking at us and smiling.盯着我们看还笑的那个人
279--The nasty, dark one.长得挺黑的讨厌的人
280--My dear, don't you know? That's Rhett Butler. He's from Charleston.啊 你不认识他? 他是瑞德·巴
得勒 是查尔斯人
281--He has the most terrible reputation.他的名声很坏
282--He looks as if, as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy.他的目光好象要透过我的内衣
284--Why, my dear, he isn't received.他是不受欢迎的
285--He spends a lot of time up North 他大部分时间要到北方度过
286--because his folks in Charleston won't even speak to him.因为查斯特人都不愿意理他
287--He was expelled from West Point, he's so fast.他被西点军校给开除了 他的生活放荡
288--And then there's that business about that girl he wouldn't marry.他和一个女孩子有事又没有娶她
289--Tell, tell.说 快说啊
290--Well, he took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon without a chaperon.天都黑了 他把她一个
291--And then he refused to marry her.没带监护人然后 他又不肯娶她
292--No, but she was ruined just the same.没有 可她的名声破坏了
295--So happy.非常高兴
296--You seem to belong here 你似乎就应该属于这里
297--as if it had all been imagined for you.好像一切都是为你而设计好的
298--I like to feel that I belong to the things you love.我愿意让我属于你所爱的一切
299--You love Twelve Oaks as I do.你跟我一样爱十二橡树
300--Yes, Ashley.是的 艾希礼
301--I love it as 我爱它
302--as more than a house.不仅是这所房子
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303--It's a whole world that wants only to be graceful and beautiful.这里有人世间最美好最优雅的一切

304--It's so unaware that it may not last 不知道它会不会永远是这样
306--You're afraid of what may happen if the war comes, aren't you?你担心战争暴发了怎么办 是吗?
307--But we don't have to be afraid for us.我们不用害怕 不用
308--No war can come into our world, Ashley.任何战争都不会进入我们俩的世界
309--Whatever comes 无论发生什么事
310--I'll love you, just as I do now 我都像现在 一样爱你
311--until I die.只到死
312--Isn't this better than sitting at a table?那好 在餐桌上只能
313--A girl hasn't got but two sides to her at a table.一边有一个男伴
314--I'll go get her dessert.我去给她拿甜食
315--Here, she said me. Allow me, Miss O'Hara.她说让我去的 欧郝纳小姐
316--I think.我想想
317--I think Charles Hamilton may get it.让卡尔斯·韩密尔敦去拿吧
318--Oh, thank you, Miss O'Hara.谢谢你 欧郝纳小姐
319--Thank you.谢谢
320--Go get it.快去吧 快啊
321--Isn't he the luckiest?他真是太幸运了 真高兴啊
322--Miss O'Hara 欧郝纳小姐
323--I love you.我 我爱你
324--I don't guess I'm as hungry as I thought.我 我觉得一点儿也不饿呢
325--Why do I have to take a nap? I'm not tired.为什么非要睡午觉? 我并不累
326--Well-brought-up young ladies take naps at parties.有教养的姑娘都要睡午觉的
327--And it's high time you started behavin' and actin' like you was Miss Ellen's daughter.在这时候你的行
328--When we were at Saratoga I didn't notice any Yankee girIs taking naps.我们在萨拉托卡的时候我没
329--No, and you ain't gonna see no Yankee girIs at the ball tonight neither.今天晚上的舞会可没有北方
330--How was Ashley today, Scarlett?艾希礼今天是怎么那? 斯卡莉
331--He didn't seem to be paying much attention to you.他好像没注意你
332--You mind your own business.你少管闲事
333--You'll be lucky not to lose ol' whisker-face Kennedy.但愿你能保住那个肯尼迪就不错了
334--You've liked Ashley for months.你一直对艾希礼有意
335--His engagement's gonna be announced tonight. Pa said so this morning.今天晚上他就要宣佈订婚

336--That's all you know.全都知道
337--Miss Scarlett. Miss Suellen. You all behave yourselves.斯卡莉小姐 休伦小姐注意点举止
338--Actin' like poor, white-trash children.别像没教养的女孩子
339--If you's old enough to go to parties, you's old enough to act like ladies.要象上等人那样去参加宴会
340--Who cares.我不在乎
341--We've borne enough insults from the meddling Yankees.我们受够了北方佬的侮辱
342--It's time we made them understand we'll keep our slaves 现在该让他们明白我们要保留奴隶
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343--with or without their approval.用不着他们批准

344--'Twas the sovereign right of the state of Georgia to secede from the Union.退出联邦是乔治亚州的
345--That's right.闭嘴
346--The South must assert herseIf by force of arms.南方要用武力来维护自己
347--After we've fired on the Yankee rascaIs at Fort Sumter, we've got to fight.我们在沙摩特要塞向北方
348--There's no other way. Fight. That's right. Fight.没有别的选择战斗 对 战斗
349--Let the Yankees ask for peace.让北方佬向我们求和对
350--The situation is very simple. The Yankees can't fight and we can.情况非常简单 北方佬不会打仗而
351--There won't even be a battle.甚至不用交火
352--They'll just turn and run every time.他们只会转身逃跑
353--One Southerner can lick 20 Yankees.1 个南方人可以消灭 20 个北方佬
354--We'll finish them in one battle.一次战斗就就可以把他们消灭光
355--Gentlemen can always fight better than rabble.绅士总比暴徒能战斗
356--Yes, gentlemen always can fight better than rabble.对 绅士总比暴徒能战斗
357--What does the captain of our troop say?让我们这里的队长说说吧?
358--Well, gentlemen, if Georgia fights I go with her.如果左治亚州要打 我也会参加 不过象我的父亲那

359--But, like my father, I hope that the Yankees will let us leave the Union in peace.我希望北方能够让我
360--But, Ashley.... But, Ashley, they've insulted us.可是艾希礼 他们侮辱了我们
361--You can't mean you don't want war.你是不愿意打仗吗?
362--Most of the miseries of the world were caused by wars.世界上许多不辛的事都是由于战争
363--And when the wars were over no one ever knew what they were about.可是等战争结束以后没有人
364--If it wasn't that I knew you 艾希礼 艾希礼 要不是我了解你
365--Now, gentlemen, Mr. Butler's been up North, I hear.好了 好了 先生们听说巴特勒先生到过北方
366--Don't you agree with us, Mr. Butler?你同意我们说的吗?
367--I think it's hard winning a war with words, gentlemen.我想只可以说是打不胜的 先生们
368--What do you mean, sir?你这是什么意思? 先生
369--There's not a cannon factory in the whole South.我是说整个南方没有一座制造大炮的工厂
370--What difference does that make to a gentleman?这对于一个绅士来说又有什么关系?
371--It'll make a great deal of difference to a great many gentlemen, sir.恐怕这对于很多绅士都有很大的
关系 先生
372--Are you hinting, Mr. Butler, that the Yankees can lick us?你在暗示他们会打垮我们? 是吗?
373--No, I'm not hinting.不 我没有
374--I'm saying very plainly that the Yankees are better equipped than we.我是明确地说北方佬的装备比
375--They've got factories, shipyards, coal mines 他们有工厂 造船厂和煤矿
376--and a fleet to bottle up our harbors and starve us to death.有舰队封锁我们的港口会把我们困死
377--All we've got is cotton and slaves and arrogance.而我们有的只是棉花 奴隶和狂望
378--That's Yankee treachery. Sir, I refuse to listen to any renegade talk.替北方佬说话我拒绝听背叛的话
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379--I'm sorry if the truth offends you.很抱歉 我的实话冒犯了您

380--Apologies aren't enough, sir.道歉是不够的
381--I hear you were turned out of West Point, Mr. Rhett Butler 听说你是被西点军校开除的 先生
382--and you aren't received by any decent family in Charleston, not even your own.查尔斯屯的任何正
派的家庭都不欢迎你 甚至自己家
383--I apologize again for all my shortcomings.我再次为我所有的缺点道歉
384--Perhaps you won't mind if I walk about and look over your place.卫尔科斯先生你不介意我各处走

385--I seem to be spoiling everybody's brandy and cigars and 看看你的庄园吧我好像破坏了各位的美酒
386--dreams of victory.和胜利的美梦
387--That's just about what you could expect from somebody like Rhett Butler.象巴特勒这样的人 还能
388--You did everything but call him out.就差把你叫出去了
389--He refused to fight.他不敢决斗
390--Not quite that, Charles. He refused to take advantage of you.不是那样的 卡尔斯他只是不想捉弄

391--Take advantage of me?捉弄我 ?
392--He's one of the best shots in the country 是的 他是这里最好的射手了
393--as he's proved a number of times 战胜过不少
394--against steadier hands and cooler heads than yours.手比你稳头脑比你冷静的人
395--I'll show him. Now, please.我要让他看看
396--Don't go tweaking his nose anymore.好了 好了 别去找他的麻烦了
397--You may be needed for more important fighting, Charles.有更重要的战斗需要你 卡尔斯
398--Now, if you'll excuse me, Mr. Butler is our guest.巴特勒先生是我们的客人
399--I think I'll just show him around.我去陪他走走
403--Who're you hiding from in here?你在这儿躲谁呢?
404--What are you up to?你要干什么?
405--Well, why aren't you upstairs resting with the other girls?为什么不跟女孩子在楼上休息呢?
406--What is this, Scarlett? A secret?怎么那? 斯卡莉? 有什么秘密?
407--Oh, Ashley, Ashley 艾希礼 艾希礼
408--I love you.我爱你
410--I love you, I do.我爱你 真的
411--Well, isn't it enough that you've gathered every other man's heart today?你今天把所有男人的心都
收走了 还不够吗?
412--You've always had mine. You cut your teeth on it.我心里一直有你这你是知道的
413--Oh, don't tease me now.喔 别开玩笑了
414--Have I your heart, my darling? I love you, I love you.你的心给我了吗? 亲爱的我爱你 我爱你
415--You mustn't say such things. You'll hate me for hearing them.你别再说这些了 你听了我的话会恨
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416--Oh, I could never hate you, and I know you must care about me.永远不会恨你我知道你喜欢我
417--Oh, you do care, don't you?你是喜欢我 对吗?
418--Yes 是的
419--I care.我喜欢
420--Oh, can't we go away and forget we ever said these things?让我们离开吧忘掉所说的这些
421--But how can we do that?我们怎么能这样?
422--Don't you want to marry me?你 你不想跟我结婚吗?
423--I'm going to marry Melanie.我要跟梅兰妮结婚了
424--But you can't. Not if you care for me.你不能 如果你喜欢我
425--Oh, my dear, why must you make me say things that will hurt you?为什么一定要我说出让你难过的
426--How can I make you understand?我怎么才能让你明白呢?
427--You're so young and unthinking.你太年青 缺乏思想
428--You don't know what marriage means.你不知道结婚意着什么
429--I know I love you, and I want to be your wife.我就知道我爱你 我要做你的妻子
430--You don't love Melanie.你并不爱梅兰妮
431--She's like me, Scarlett.她和我一样 斯卡莉
432--She's part of my blood and we understand each other.我们有血缘关系而且彼此彼此了解
433--But you love me.可你爱我呀
434--How could I help loving you?我怎么能不爱呢?
435--You have all the passion for life that I lack.你对生活充满热情我却缺少这些
436--That kind of love isn't enough for a successful marriage 可是象我们这样性格不同的人
437--for two people as different as we are.是不会有美满的婚姻的
438--Well, why don't you say it, you coward? You're afraid to marry me.你为什么不说? 胆小鬼你不敢娶

439--You'd rather live with that fool who can't speak except 你宁愿和那个小傻瓜一起生活
440--to say yes and no and raise a passel of mealy-mouthed brats just like her.她只会说是或不是再给你
441--You mustn't say such things about Melanie.你不应该这样说梅兰妮
442--Who are you to tell me I mustn't?你是谁? 敢教训我该不该说?
443--You led me on, you made me believe you wanted to marry me.是你让我相信你会和我结婚的
444--Now, Scarlett, be fair. I never, at any time 好了斯卡莉 要公平一点 我从来没有
445--You did, it's true you did. I'll hate you till I die.就是 就是我要恨你一辈子
446--I can't think of anything bad enough to call you.我想不出用什么话来骂你 才出气
447--Has the war started?战争暴发了?
448--Sir, you should have made your presence known.先生 你应该让人知道你在这儿
449--In the middle of that beautiful love scene?打断美妙的爱情场景?
450--That wouldn't have been very tactful, would it?那太不明智了吧?
451--But don't worry, your secret is safe with me.别担心 我会保守秘密的
452--Sir, you are no gentleman.先生 你不太象是个绅士
453--And you, Miss, are no lady.小姐 你也不象是个淑女
454--Don't think I hold that against you.别认为我会要胁你
455--Ladies have never held any charm for me.淑女对我没有一点吸引力
456--First you take a low, common advantage of me, then you insuIt me.先偷听了我说的话然后再来羞
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457--I meant it as a compliment and I hope to see more of you 我对你充满敬意
458--when you're free of the spell of the elegant Mr. Wilkes.我希望等到你不再迷恋那位温雅的卫尔克
459--He doesn't strike me as haIf good enough for a girl of your, what was it?我看他配不上你这样的 怎
460--Your passion for living.充满热情的姑娘
461--How dare you. You aren't fit to wipe his boots.你敢这么说你给他擦靴子都不配
462--And you were going to hate him for the rest of your life.可是你还要恨他一辈子呢
463--She certainly made a fool of herseIf running after all the men at the barbecue.她可真行啊把野餐会
464--That's not fair, lndia.别这么说 英蒂雅
465--She's so attractive, the menjust naturally flock to her.她太迷人男人们自然都围着她转
466--Oh, Melanie, you're just too good to be true.梅兰妮 你真是太好了
467--Didn't you see her going after your brother, Charles?你没看见她追你弟弟 卡尔斯吗?
468--Yes, and she knows Charles belongs to me.而且她知卡尔斯跟我好
469--Oh, you're wrong, lndia.你想错了 英蒂雅
470--Scarlett's just high-spirited and vivacious.斯卡莉只不过是很活跃罢了
471--Men may flirt with girIs like that but they don't marry them.男人只能拿这样的女人开开心 而不会
472--I think you're being very mean to her.你这话说得太刻薄点了
473--War. War's declared. War.打仗了 打仗了 要打仗了
474--Miss O'Hara.欧郝纳小姐
475--Miss O'Hara.欧郝纳小姐
476--Mr. LincoIn has called for soldiers, volunteers to fight against us.真让人激动 林肯先生召募自愿军
477--Don't you men ever think of anything important?和我们作战胡说什么 你们男人就没有别的重要
478--But it's war and everybody's going off to enlist.可这是战争每个人都要入伍了
479--They're going right away. I'm going too.立刻就走 我也去
481--Oh, Miss O'Hara, will you be sorry?欧郝纳小姐 看到我们走
482--To see us go, I mean.你会难过吧
483--I'll cry into my pillow every night.我每天都会把枕头哭湿的
484--Miss O'Hara, I told you I loved you.欧郝纳小姐 我说过我爱你
485--You're the most beautiful girl in the world, and the sweetest and the dearest.你是世上最美 最甜的
486--I know I couldn't hope that you could love me.我知道我不指望你爱我
487--I'm so clumsy and stupid and not nearly good enough for you.我这么笨这么傻根本配不上你
488--But if you could think of marrying me I'd do anything in the world for you.可如果你考虑嫁给我 我
489--Just anything. I promise.世界上任何事 我保证
490--What did you say?你 你在说什么?
491--Miss O'Hara, I said, would you marry me?欧郝纳小姐 你愿意嫁我吗?
492--Yes, Mr. Hamilton, I will.好吧 韩密尔敦先生我愿意
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493--You will? You'll marry me. You'll wait for me?你愿意? 愿意嫁我你愿意等我?
494--I don't think I'd want to wait.我 我不想再等了
495--You mean you'll marry me before I go?在我走以前 和我结婚?
496--Oh, Miss O'Hara.欧郝纳小姐
498--When may I speak to your father?我什么时候和你父亲说?
499--The sooner the better.越快越好
500--I'll go now. I can't wait.好吧 我这就去我不能等了
501--Will you excuse me, dear?请原谅 亲爱的
502--Mr. O'Hara, Mr. O'Hara.欧郝纳先生
503--It'll be a week at least before they call on me.我们至少还有 1 星期的时间
504--Only a week, and then they'll take you away from me.只有 1 星期 他们就要把你招走了
506--Scarlett, I thought of you at our wedding yesterday 斯卡莉 在我们昨天的婚礼上
507--and I hoped that yours would be as beautiful, and it was.我就希望你的婚礼也一样隆重
508--Was it?是吗?
509--Now we're really and truly sisters.现在我们真正成了姐妹了
510--Charles. Melanie.卡尔斯 梅兰妮
511--Don't cry, darling, the war will be over in a few weeks 亲爱的 别哭战争几个星期就会结束
512--and I'll be coming back to you.我又会回到你的身边
513--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐
514--Well, I don't care. I'm too young to be a widow.我不在乎我这么年轻就成为寡妇
515--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐
516--Why, I just go around scaring people in that thing.我 我这个样子怎么见人那?
517--You ain't supposed to be around people. You's in mournin'.你不能到外面去 你穿着丧服呢
518--For what? I don't feel anything.为什么? 我并不难过
519--Why should I have to pretend and pretend.为什么要我装呢?
520--What is it?怎么了?
521--Oh, baby.喔 宝贝
522--What is it?怎么那?
523--My life is over.我的一切都完了
524--Nothing will ever happen to me anymore.我没什么指望了
525--Oh, Mother.妈妈
526--I know you'll think I'm horrible, but I just can't bear going around in black.我一定认为我太不象话了
527--It's bad enough not being able to go to any parties 不但不能参加任何舞会
528--but looking this way too.还要这副样子
529--I don't think you're at all horrible.我并没有觉得你不象话
530--It's only natural to want to look young and be young when you are young.这很自然 你还年轻当然
531--Oh, baby.好了 宝贝
532--How would you like to go visiting somewhere?你到外面去走走? 怎么样
533--Savannah perhaps?去沙凡摩 好吗?
534--What would I do in Savannah?我去沙凡摩干什么?
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535--Well, Atlanta then.那就 去亚特兰大

536--There's lots going on there.那儿有很多事情可以做
537--And you could stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat.可以和梅兰妮和她的碧蒂姑妈在一起
540--Yes, I could, couldn't l?对 可以吗
541--Oh, Mother, you're sweet to me, sweeter than anybody in the world.喔 妈妈 你对我太好了比任何
542--You'd like it, really?你愿意了 真的
543--All right then. Now stop your crying and smile.那好吧 那就别哭了 笑一笑
544--You can take Prissy with you.你可以带碧西一起去
545--Start packing Miss Scarlett's things, Mammy.给斯卡莉小姐收拾行李 奶妈
546--I'll go write the necessary letters.我去写封信
548--Savannah would be better for you. You'd just get in trouble in Atlanta.你还是去沙凡摩好你在亚特
549--What trouble are you talking about?你说有什么麻烦?
550--You know what trouble I's talkin' about. I's talkin' about Mist' Ashley Wilkes.你知道是什么麻烦我说
551--He'll be comin' to Atlanta when he gets his leave 他一休假就要回到亚特兰大
552--and you're sittin' there waitin' for him just like a spider.你就会像蜘蛛一样在那里等着他
553--He belongs to Miss Melanie... You go pack my things like Mother said.他是属于梅兰妮小姐的 照妈
554--They're all whispering, and I just know it's about her.人们都在议论我知道准是说她
555--What's it matter what they say, Aunt Pittypat?爱说就让他们说去吧碧蒂姑妈
556--But Scarlett is living under my roof so they all think I'm responsible for her 可斯卡莉住在我家人们
557--and for a widow to appear in public at a social gathering.一个寡妇在公共场合出头露面
558--Every time I think of it I feel faint.我一想起这些 就要晕了
559--Aunt Pitty, you know Scarlett came here only to help raise money for the cause.碧蒂姑妈 斯卡莉来
560--It was splendid of her to make the sacrifice.对于她来说 已经作出牺牲了
561--Anyone would think, to hear you talk 别人要是听见你这么说
562--that she came here to dance instead of to sell things.还以为她来这儿是为了跳舞呢
563--Ladies and gentlemen.女士们 先生们
564--I have important news. Glorious news.有重要的消息 特大的喜讯
565--Another triumph for our magnificent men in arms.我们的勇士们又取得了重大地胜利
566--General Lee has completely whipped the enemy.李将军彻底打败了敌人
567--And swept the Yankee Army northward from Virginia.把北方的军队从佛尔吉尼亚赶回北方去了
568--And now, a happy surprise for all of us.现在报告大家一个令人惊喜的消息
569--We have with us tonight that most daring of all blockade-runners 今晚上 我们中间有一位最勇敢的
570--whose fleet schooners, slipping past the Yankee guns 他的船只 冒着北方佬的枪林弹雨
571--have brought us here the very woolens and laces we wear tonight.给我们运来了今天晚上大家穿的
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572--I refer, ladies and gentlemen, to that will-o' the-wisp of the bounding main.女士们 先生们 我说的
573--None other than our friend from Charleston 不是别人 他就是我们的朋友
574--Captain Rhett Butler.查尔斯敦的瑞德·巴特勒船长
575--Permit me.啊 请允许我
576--Captain Butler, it's such a pleasure to see you again.巴特勒船长 能见到你非常荣幸
577--I met you last at my husband's home.上次在我丈夫家里见过面
578--That's kind of you to remember, Mrs. Wilkes.很荣幸你还记得我卫尔克斯太太
579--Did you meet Captain Butler at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett?在十二颗橡树见过巴特勒船长吗? 斯卡莉
580--Yes. I, I think so.是的 我 我见过
581--Only for a moment, Mrs. Hamilton. It was in the library.只见了一会儿 韩密尔敦太太是在书房里
582--You had broken something.你是打碎了什么东西
583--Yes, Captain Butler, I remember you.是的 巴特勒船长 我记得你
584--Ladies, the Confederacy asks for your jewelry on behaIf of our noble cause.女士们 请求你们捐献珠
585--We aren't wearing any. We're in mourning.我们没戴首饰 我在戴孝
587--On behaIf of Mrs. Wilkes and Mrs. Hamilton.替卫尔克斯太太和韩密尔敦太太捐的
588--Thank you, Captain Butler.谢谢你 巴特勒船长
589--Just a moment, please.请等一下
590--But it's your wedding ring, ma'am.这是您的结婚戒指 太太
591--It may help my husband more, off my finger.这可能 对我丈夫会有所帮助
592--Thank you.谢谢
593--That's a very beautiful thing to do, Mrs. Wilkes.这真是一个崇高的举动卫尔克斯太太
595--You can have mine, too, for the cause.我的也给你 为了事业
596--And you, Mrs. Hamilton. I know just how much that means to you.可是你 韩密尔敦太太我知道它
597--Melanie. Yes, Dr. Meade.梅兰妮什么? 米特大夫
598--I need your approval, as a member of the Committee 我要做一件惊人的事情
599--for something we want to do that's rather shocking.你作为委员会的成员我需要你的同意
600--Will you excuse us, please?请原谅 我们去一下
601--I'll say one thing, the war makes the most peculiar widows.我说一件事 战争造成了最奇特的寡妇
602--I wish you'd go away.我希望你走开
603--If you had any raising you'd know I never want to see you again.你应该知道我不想再见到你
604--Now, why be silly?别这么傻了?
605--You've no reason for hating me. I'll carry your guilty secret to my grave.你没有理由恨我我会把你的
606--I guess I'd be very unpatriotic to hate one of the great heroes of the war.我怎么能恨你这样一位战
607--I do declare I was surprised to see you turn out to be such a noble character.我很奇怪 你怎么会成
608--I can't bear to take advantage of your little girl ideas, Miss O'Hara.我不能欺骗你这样一个小女孩
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609--I'm neither noble nor heroic.我既不高尚 也不是英雄
610--But you are a blockade-runner.可你穿过封锁线那?
611--For profit, and profit only.为了利益 只是为了利益
612--Are you telling me you don't believe in the cause?你是说 你不相信什么理想?
613--I believe in Rhett Butler. He's the only cause I know.我只相信瑞德·巴特勒他是我唯一的理想
614--The rest doesn't mean much to me.别的对我毫无意义
615--And now, ladies and gentlemen 女士们先生们
616--I have a startling surprise for the benefit of the hospital.我有一个惊人的提议为了给医院募捐
617--Gentlemen, if you wish to lead the opening reel with the lady of your choice 先生们 如果你们想选
618--you must bid for her.就请出个价钱
619--Caroline Meade, how can you permit your husband to conduct this 卡沃尔米达 你怎么允许你丈夫
620--this slave auction?就象拍卖奴隶
621--Dolly Merriwether, how dare you criticize me.多莉·梅丽瑞你怎么能批评我呢?
622--Melanie Wilkes told the doctor 梅兰妮告诉过大夫
623--that if it's for the benefit of the cause, it's quite all right.只要是为了崇高的理想这没有什么不对的
624--She did.她这么说?
625--Oh dear, oh dear. Where are my smelling salts?天啊 天啊 我的嗅盐在哪儿?
626--I think I shall faint.我要晕倒了
627--Don't you dare faint, Pittypat Hamilton.你别晕 碧蒂·韩密尔敦
628--If Melanie says it's all right, it is all right.梅兰妮说没什么 就没什么
629--Come, gentlemen, do I hear your bids? Make your offers.来吧 先生们 你们出什么价? 说吧?
630--Don't be bashful, gentlemen.别不好意思 先生们
631--Twenty dollars, $20 for Miss Maybelle Merriwether.我出 20 元请美贝尔·梅丽贝丝小姐
632--Twenty-five dollars for Miss Fanny Elsing.我出 25 元请芬妮小姐
633--Only $25 to give your 只出到 25 元就
634--One hundred and fifty dollars in gold.我出 150 元金币
635--For what lady, sir?请哪位小姐? 先生
636--For Mrs. Charles Hamilton.请卡尔斯·韩密尔敦太太
637--For whom, sir?请谁? 先生
638--Mrs. Charles Hamilton.卡尔斯·韩密尔敦太太
639--Mrs. Hamilton is in mourning, Captain Butler 韩密尔敦太太在戴孝期间
640--but I'm sure any of our Atlanta belles would be proud to 不过我们亚特兰大每位美女们都会感到骄
641--Dr. Meade, I said Mrs. Charles Hamilton.米格大夫 我是说恰尔斯·韩密尔敦太太
642--She will not consider it, sir.她不会考虑的 先生
643--Oh yes, I will.喔 我愿意
644--Choose your partners for the Virginia reel.舞会开始了 请选好舞伴
645--We've sort of shocked the Confederacy.我们震惊了南方邦联 太太
646--It's a bit like blockade-running, isn't it?这有点像穿过封锁线是不是?
647--It's worse.比这更糟
648--But I expect a very fancy profit out of it.不过我期望从中得到更多
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649--I don't care what you expect or what they think.我不管你期望什么他们怎么想

650--I'm going to dance and dance.我就是要跳舞
651--Tonight I wouldn't mind dancing with Abe LincoIn himself.今天晚上就是跟林肯跳舞我也不在乎
652--Another dance and my reputation will be lost forever.再跳一支舞我就名誉扫地了
653--With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.如果你有足够的勇气就不用管什么名誉
654--Oh, you do talk scandalous.我不爱听你这么说
655--You do waltz divinely, Captain Butler.你的华尔兹跳得真神了巴特勒船长
656--Don't start flirting with me. I'm not one of your plantation beaux.别给我卖弄风情我可不象葛米雅
657--I want more than flirting from you.我只想得到更多
658--What do you want?你想要什么?
659--I'll tell you, Scarlett O'Hara, if you'll take that Southern belle simper off your face.告诉你 斯卡莉·欧
660--Some day I want you to say to me 有一天我要你对我说
661--the words I heard you say to Ashley Wilkes 你跟艾希礼说过的话
662--l love you.我爱你
663--That's something you'll never hear from me, Captain Butler, as long as you live.你一辈子也不会听到
这话巴特勒船长 永远听不到
664--How sweet, how kind.和奉献精神表示敬意瑞德·巴特勒
665--He is a thoughtful gentleman.我也把韩密尔敦太太的戒指附上
666--Fiddle-dee-dee, why doesn't he say something about my sacrifice?他心肠多好啊真是一位有心人别
胡说了 他为什么一句也不提我的奉献精神?
667--Oh, the darling thing.喔 喔 太可爱了
668--Oh, Rhett, it's lovely, lovely.瑞德 真是太漂亮了
669--You didn't really bring it all the way from Paris just for me.你不会真的是从巴黎专门给我买的吧?
670--Yes, I thought it was about time I got you out of that fake mourning.是的 我是想让你别在穿这虚伪
671--Next trip I'll bring you some green silk for a frock to match it.下一次我给你带一块绿丝绸做衣服配
672--Oh, Rhett.喔 瑞德
673--It's my duty to our brave boys at the front to keep our girIs at home looking pretty.让在家的女孩子
674--Oh, it's so long since I've had anything new.我好长时间没有新东西了
675--How do I look?你看怎么样?
676--Awful. Just awful.难看 太难看了
677--Why, what's the matter?喔 怎么了?
678--This war has stopped being a joke 战争弄得你这样的女孩子
679--when a girl like you doesn't know how to wear the latest fashion.都不知道时装该怎么穿戴了
680--Oh, Rhett, let me do it.瑞德 我自己来吧
681--But, Rhett, I don't know how I dare wear it.可是瑞德 我还不知道自己敢不敢戴出去
682--You will though.你会的
683--And another thing, those pantalettes.奥 还有 你这条长裤
684--I don't know a woman in Paris that wears pantalettes anymore.现在巴黎还有那个女人穿长裤
685--Oh, what do they?那穿什么?
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686--You shouldn't talk about such things.你不该跟我说这种事

687--You little hypocrite.哼 小伪君子你不在乎 我知道
688--You don't mind my knowing about them, just my talking.只是不要说出来
689--But, I really can't go on accepting gifts from you, though you are awfully kind.瑞德 我不能再接受你
的礼物了 虽然你是一片好心
690--I'm not kind. I'm just tempting you.不是好心 是诱惑你
691--I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.我送东西从来是指望
回报的 我总是得到了
692--If you think I'll marry you to pay for the bonnet, I won't.我不会因为你送我一顶帽子就嫁给
693--Don't flatter yourself. I'm not a marrying man.你别抬高自己了 我是不结婚的人
694--Well, I won't kiss you for it either.我也不会为它和你接吻那
695--Open your eyes and look at me.睁开眼睛看着我
696--No, I don't think I will kiss you 不 我不想吻你
697--although you need kissing badly.尽管你非常需要人吻你
698--That's what's wrong with you.毛病就在这儿
699--You should be kissed and often. And by someone who knows how.你需要经常被人家吻 被会亲吻
700--Oh, and I suppose you think you're the proper person.我看 你以为你就是那个人
701--I might be, if the right moment ever came.可能吗? 如果那个时刻到来的话
702--You're a conceited, black-hearted varmint, Rhett Butler.你是一个自负的 黑心肠的家伙 瑞德
703--And I don't know why I let you come and see me.我为什么会让你来看我
704--I'll tell you why, Scarlett.我来告诉你为什么
705--Because I'm the only man over 16 and under 60 因为我是这儿唯一能让你高兴
706--who's around to show you a good time.的 16 岁到 60 岁的男人了
707--But cheer up, the war can't last much longer.高兴点吧 仗不会打多久了
708--Oh really, Rhett? Why?真的? 瑞德 为什么?
709--There's a battle going on right now that ought to pretty well fix things 现在正在进行着一场小的战

710--one way or the other.无疑是 决定性的
711--Oh, Rhett. Is Ashley in it?瑞德 艾希礼参加了吗?
712--You still haven't gotten the wooden-headed Mr. Wilkes out of your mind.你还在想着那个木头脑袋
713--Yes, I suppose he's in it.是的 我想他也参加了
714--Oh, but tell me, Rhett, where is it?告诉我 瑞德 他在哪儿?
715--Some little town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg.在宾西法尼亚洲的一个小镇 叫葛里茨堡
716--Here you is, Miss Melanie.给你 梅兰妮小姐
717--They was fightin' for them so it just got tore in half.他们都在抢所以把它撕成两半了
718--Scarlett, you look. The W's at the end.斯卡莉你看 W 字头的在末尾
719--Wellman, Wendell, White, Whitner, Wilkins 威尔曼 温岱尔怀特 辉特 威尔金
720--Williams, Woolsey, Workman.威廉士伍喜 俄克纳
721--Scarlett, you've passed him.斯卡莉 俄克纳已经过了他了
722--Oh, he isn't there.没在里面
723--He isn't there.他没在里面
724--Ashley's safe. He isn't listed.艾希礼还平安
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725--Oh, he's safe, he's safe.他还平安 他还平安

726--Oh, Scarlett, you're so sweet to worry about Ashley like this for me.喔 斯卡莉 你真好替我为艾希
727--I must go to her.我要去看看她
728--Don't, my dear, not here.别在这儿哭了 亲爱的
729--Let's go home.我们回家吧
730--Dr. Meade, not.米格大夫 你们
731--Yes, our boy, Darcy.是的 我们的儿子达尔西
732--I was making these mittens for him.我正在给他织手套呢
733--He won't need them now.现在用不上了
734--Mother, I'm going to enlist. I'll show 'em. I'll kill all those Yankees.妈妈 我要去参军我要把所有的
735--Phil Meade, you hush your mouth.德米特 别说了
736--Do you think it will help your mother to have you off getting shot too?你去了再被打死你妈妈可怎
737--I never heard of anything so silly.别说傻话了
738--It's a black day, Scarlett. You haven't had bad news, have you?真是凄惨的一天 你没听到什么坏消
739--Ashley's safe.艾希礼还平安
740--I'm glad, for Mrs. Wilkes' sake.我为卫尔克斯太太高兴
741--But, Rhett, there are so many others.可是很多人阵亡了
742--Many of your friends?你的朋友呢?
743--Just about every family in the county. The Tarleton boys, Rhett, both of them.几乎每个家庭都有 玖
744--Yes, look at them. All these poor tragic people.是这样 看看他们看看这些可怜的人们
745--The South's sinking to its knees. It'll never rise again.南方算是垮了 再也站不起来了
746--The cause.过去的
747--The cause of living in the past is dying right in front of us.生活的理想正在我们面前破裂
748--I never heard you talk like that before.我以前没听你这样说过
749--I'm angry. Waste always makes me angry. And that's what all this is, sheer waste.我很气愤 浪费使
我气愤 所有这一切纯粹是浪费
750--But don't you be downcast.不过你不用伤心
751--Ashley Wilkes is still alive to come home to the women who love him 艾希礼·威尔克斯还活着会回
752--both of them.两个女人
753--Oh, you're here.你回来了
754--Oh, you're here. You're really here at last.你回来了 你真的回来了
755--Oh, my dear, I've waited so long.我等了那么久
756--Melanie, my dear, my darling wife.梅兰妮 我亲爱的妻子
757--Oh, but we're forgetting Scarlett.喔 我们 我们把斯卡莉给忘了
758--Scarlett, dear.斯卡莉 亲爱的
759--Well, is this any way to greet a returning warrior?你就这样来迎接一个回来的战士吗?
760--Ashley, l.艾希礼 我
761--Merry Christmas, Ashley.耶诞快乐 艾希礼
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762--Come on, old gentleman, come on. We've got all your wives.来吧 老先生你别跑啊
763--We've got all your little chicks.我们已经把你的老伴给吃了
764--You got nobody to worry your head about leavin'.把你的小鸡也给吃了
765--Come on.已经没什么牵挂了
766--Now you just stand still so you can be a Christmas gift for the white folks.来呀 还留着你就是为了作
767--Now hold on.别跑
768--Hold on.别跑
769--Don't go gettin' so uppity 听说你是亚特兰大
770--even if you is the last chicken in Atlanta.最后一只鸡
771--Let's not talk about the war. It's Christmas.喔 别再说战争了现在是耶诞节
772--Let's talk about Twelve Oaks, and Tara and all the times before the war.让我们谈点十二橡树呀 泰
拉庄园呀 和战前的事吧
773--Can we have the wine, Aunt Pittypat?我们喝点酒好吗? 碧蒂姑妈
774--Why did you say there wasn't enough, Uncle Peter?你怎么说酒不够了呢? 彼得大叔
775--There's plenty. It's the very last of my father's fine Madeira.还有不少呢 这是以前我父亲存的酒
776--He got it from his uncle, Admiral Will Hamilton of Savannah 还是他的叔叔 威尔·韩密尔敦海军上

777--who married his cousin, Jessica Carroll of Carrollton 他也是和表妹结婚的 和威尔卡斯家也是表亲
778--who was his second cousin once removed and a kin to the Wilkeses too.我一直留着它等艾希礼回
779--I saved it to wish Ashley a Merry Christmas.你们可以喝不过可别喝光了
780--But you mustn't drink it all at once because it is the last.因为这是最后一瓶啦很珍贵的
781--I meant it, my dear. It was a lovely Christmas gift.太好啦 亲爱的 这真是一件可爱的耶诞礼物
782--Only generaIs have tunics like this, nowadays.现在 只有将军才能有这样的上衣
783--I'm so happy you like it, dear.你喜欢我真高兴
784--Where did you get the cloth?你哪儿来的布料?
785--It was sent to me by a Charleston lady.查尔斯屯一位太太送给我的
786--I nursed her son while he was in the hospital, Ashley, before he died and.我们在医院里看护过她儿
子 后来他死啦
787--Oh, you will take good care of it, won't you?你要爱惜它
788--You won't let it get torn.别把它弄破啦
789--Promise me.答应我
790--You mustn't worry.放心吧
791--I'll bring it back to you without any holes in it, I promise.我一定把它完整的穿回来 我保证
792--Good night, my dear.晚安 亲爱的
793--Good night, Scarlett, darling.晚安 斯卡莉
794--Is it time yet, Uncle Peter, for Mr. Ashley to leave?时间到啦 彼得大叔艾希礼先生该走啦?
795--Pretty quick now, Miss Scarlett.马上要走啦斯卡莉小姐
796--She isn't going to the depot with him? She hasn't changed her mind?梅兰妮不送他到车站吗? 她没
797--No, ma'am. She's layin' down.没有小姐 她躺着呢
798--She's so upset Mist' Wilkes told her she can't even come downstairs.她整个心烦意乱卫尔克斯先生
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800--Ashley, let me go to the depot with you.艾希礼让我送你去车站
801--Oh, Scarlett, I'd rather remember you as you are now 我宁愿记着 你现在这样
802--not shivering at the depot.也不愿看见 在车站发抖
803--All right.好吧
804--Oh, Ashley, I've got a present for you, too.喔 艾希礼 我也有一件东西送你
805--Why, Scarlett, it's beautiful.斯卡莉 真漂亮
806--Tie it on me, my dear.快给我系上 亲爱的
807--While Melly was making your new tunic, I made this to go with it.梅兰妮给你做新衣服的时候
808--You made it yourself?你亲手做的?
809--Well, then I shall value it all the more.这我太有价值啦
810--You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you.你知道 我为你做什么都可以
811--There's something you can do for me.有件事你能替我做吗?
812--What is it?什么事?
813--Will you look after Melanie for me?你愿意替我照顾梅兰妮吗?
814--She's so frail and gentle and she loves you so much.她是那么地脆弱 那么地文静
815--You see, if I were killed and she 如果我死啦以后
816--Oh, you mustn't say that. It's bad luck. Say a prayer quickly.奥 别说啦 不吉利赶快祈祷吧
817--You say one for me.你替我祈祷吧
818--We shall need all our prayers now the end is coming.所有的人都应该祈祷末日快要到啦
819--The end?末日?
820--The end of the war.战争的末日
821--And the end of our world, Scarlett.我们的世界末日
822--But, Ashley, you don't think the Yankees are beating us?你不会认为北方佬会打败我们吧?
823--Oh, Scarlett, my men are barefooted now 斯卡莉 我们的人现在光着脚
824--and the snow in Virginia is deep.而拂吉尼亚的雪很厚
825--When I see them 看看他们把
826--and I see the Yankees coming and coming, always more and more.再看看北方佬 一批一批越来越

827--Well, when the end does come I shall be far away.等结束啦 我会在遥远的地方
828--It'll be a comfort to me to know that she has you.而由你照顾她对我是一个安慰
829--You will promise, won't you?告诉我 斯卡莉 能答应吗?
831--Is that all, Ashley?艾希礼 就这些?
832--All except, goodbye.就这些啦 再见
833--Oh, Ashley, I can't let you go.艾希礼 我不能让你走
834--You must be brave... No....你要坚强些不
835--You must.一定要不
836--How else can I bear going?我又何尝忍心走呢?
837--Oh, Scarlett, you are so fine and strong and beautiful.斯卡莉 你是那么的善良 那么的坚强那么的
838--Not just your sweet face, my dear 不仅是甜美的脸
839--but you.还有
840--Oh, Ashley, kiss me.艾希礼 艾希礼 亲亲我
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841--Kiss me goodbye.跟我吻别
842--No, Scarlett.不 斯卡莉
843--Oh, Ashley, I love you.艾希礼 我爱你
844--I've always loved you. I never loved anyone else.我一直爱着你从没爱过别人
845--I only married Charles just to hurt you.我跟卡里斯结婚只是为了气你
846--Oh, Ashley. Tell me you love me.艾希礼 跟我说你爱我
847--I'll live on it the rest of my life.我就靠它来渡过我的余生啦
849--When the war is over, Ashley.等战争结束啦 艾希礼
850--When the war is over.等战争结束
851--And there's a place back home 我家的后面
852--where a wild plum tree comes to flower in the springtime.有一棵野李子树 春天开满了花
853--Down by the creek, you know.下面有一条小溪你知道吗?
854--Yes, I know, I know.是的 我知道
855--When we were little, my brother, Jeff, and I used to.我们小时候我和我的哥哥杰夫
856--I told you about my brother, Jeff, didn't l, ma'am?我跟你说过杰夫的事是吧? 夫人
857--I know I did.我是说过的
859--We don't know where Jeff is now, ma'am.也不知道他在什么地方
860--Since Bull Run we haven't heard anything and.自从波尔园战役之后 就得不到他的消息啦
861--Please, we must have your temperature now.现在我们要给你量体温啦
862--Just take this in your mouth and not talk anymore.把这个放在嘴里 别再说话啦
863--Not just now.现在别说
864--Melanie, I'm so tired I've gotta go home.梅兰妮 我太累啦我得回家
865--Aren't you tired, Melanie?你不累吗? 梅兰妮
866--No, I'm not tired, Scarlett.不 我不累 斯卡莉
867--This might be 被送来的 也可能是
869--And only strangers here to comfort him.只有陌生人来安慰他
870--No, I'm not tired, Scarlett.我不累 斯卡莉
871--They could all be 他们可能
873--I've been sittin' by this curb one solid hour waitin' to speak to you, Miss Wilkes.我已经在马车上等了
整整 1 小时想跟你说句话 卫尔克斯太太
874--Go on, you trash, don't you be pesterin' these ladies.走开 你这垃圾别打扰这俩位太太
875--Don't talk to her, Melly.别理她 梅妮
876--It's all right, Scarlett. Who are you?这没什么 斯卡莉 你是谁?
877--My name's Belle Watlin'. But that don't matter.我是贝儿·沃特琳 不过这没关系
878--I expect you think I've got no business here.也许你认为这儿没我的事
879--Hadn't you best tell me what you want to see me about?告诉我你找我有什么事?
880--First time I come here, I says, Belle, you're a nurse.我第一次到这儿来我说我要当护士
881--But the ladies didn't want my kind of nursin'.可是这儿的太太们不要我
882--Well, they was more than likely right.也许她们是对的
883--Then I tried givin' 'em money.后来我要捐钱
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884--My money wasn't good enough for 'em, either.她们认为我的钱也不够好

885--Old pea-hens.这些老孔雀
886--I know a gentleman who says you're a human bein'.我认识一位先生说你心肠好
887--If you are, which they ain't, you'll take my money for the hospital.如果你是这样 请替医院收下我的

888--What are you doing here? Haven't you been told twice already?你在这儿干什么? 不是已经跟你说
889--This time I'm conversin' with Miss Wilkes.我是在跟卫尔克斯太太谈话
890--You might as well take my money, Miss Wilkes.请你收下我的钱 卫尔克斯太太
891--It's good money, even if it is mine.既使是我的 也是好的钱
892--I'm sure you're very generous.你确实很慷慨
893--No, I'm not. I'm a Confederate like everybody else, that's all.不 我不是 我不过跟大家一样 是南
894--Of course you are.你当然是
895--There's some folks here wouldn't feel that way.这里很人可不这么想
896--But maybe they ain't as good Christians as you.他们不像你 是这么好的基督徒
897--Look, Mrs. Meade. It's a great deal of money.看 米格太太 这有好多钱
898--$Ten, $20, $30, $50.十 二十 三十 五十
899--And it's not our paper money. It's gold.还不是我们的纸币 是金币
900--Let me see that handkerchief.让我看看这个手绢
901--RB R. B.
902--And she's driving away in Rhett Butler's carriage.她坐的是瑞德·巴特勒的马车
903--Oh, if I just wasn't a lady what wouldn't I tell that varmint.我要是不怕失身份看我怎么教训这个狐
904--The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.主是我的牧者 我必不至缺乏
905--He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.他使我躺卧在青草地上
906--He leadeth.领略着安歇的时间
907--He restoreth my soul.他使我的灵魂苏醒
908--He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.以自己的名誉引导我走正义路
909--Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death 我虽然走过死阴的幽谷
910--I will fear no evil.也不怕遭害
911--For Thou art with me.因为你与我同在
912--Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.你的脏 你的肝都安慰吧
914--The Yankees. Dr. Meade, they're getting closer.米格大夫 他们离我们近啦
915--They'll never get into Atlanta. They'll never get through old Peg-Leg Hood.他们永远进不了亚特兰大
916--Give me something for the pain.给我点止痛药吧
917--Give me something for the pain.大夫 给我点止痛药吧
918--Sorry, son, we haven't got anything to give you.很抱歉 孩子 我们没有
919--These animaIs is driving me crazy.这些虱子快让我发疯啦
920--What luck. You've got my jack.什么运气你抓到啦我的 J
921--Give me an ace and I'll start another war.给我力量我要去打仗
922--I'll bid the moon.我会祝愿你
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923--I'll never see you or Pa again.我再也见不到你和爸爸啦

924--This leg's got to come off, soldier.这条腿得锯掉 孩子
925--No, no. Leave me alone.不 不 别管我
926--I'm sorry, soldier.对不起 没别的办法啦
927--We're all run out of chloroform, Dr. Meade.我们没有麻醉药了 大夫
928--Then we'll have to operate without it.只好不用麻药做手术啦
929--No, no. Leave me alone.不 不 我不锯
930--You can't do it. I won't let you do it to me.你们不能这样 我不要你们锯
931--Tell Dr. Wilson to take this leg off immediately. It's gangrene.告诉威尔克森大夫立刻把它锯掉已经
932--No, no. Don't.不 不 不要锯
933--I haven't seen my family in three days.我已经 3 天 3 夜没回家啦
934--I'm going home for haIf an hour.我得回去半小时看一下
935--Orderly. Give me a lift.护理员 帮我一把
936--Nurse, you can free this bed.护士把这张床腾出来吧
937--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐
938--Why, Frank Kennedy.弗兰克·肯尼迪
939--Miss Suellen, is she well?休伦小姐 她好吗?
940--When did they bring you in? You all right? Are you badly hurt?你什么时候进来的 弗兰克? 你伤势
941--But Miss Suellen, is she... She's all right, but I 休伦小姐她好吗? 她很好 弗兰克
942--Dr. Wilson needs you in the operating room.大夫让你到手术室去
943--He's going to take off that leg. Better hurry.他要锯那条腿 快来
944--I'll be back.我就回来
945--No, no, leave me alone.喔 不 不 别管我
946--No, no, I can't stand it.不 不 我受不了啦
947--Don't cut.别切
948--Don't, don't.别
950--Where's the nurse?护士护士在哪儿?
951--Dr. Wilson's waiting.韩密尔敦太太 大夫在等你呢
952--Let him wait. I'm going home. I've done enough.让他等吧 我回家啦够啦
953--I don't want any more men dying. I don't want any more.我再不想看人们死啦 再也不看啦
954--Big Sam.大山姆
955--Big Sam. Big Sam.大山姆 山姆
956--Almighty Moses, it's Miss Scarlett.天啊 是斯卡莉小姐
957--Big Sam.大山姆
958--Sam, I'm so glad to see you.山姆 你们全在看见你们真高兴
959--Tell me about Tara, about my mother. She didn't write me.泰拉庄园怎么样? 妈妈怎么没给我写信
960--She's gone and got sick, Miss Scarlett. Sick?她病啦 斯卡莉小姐病啦?
961--Just a little bit sick, that's all.只是一点小病小姐
962--Your pa was wild when they wouldn't let him fight 'cause of his broken knee.你爸爸因为膝盖受伤
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963--He had fits when they took us field hands to dig ditches for white soldiers to hide in.军队让我们这些
964--But your ma says the Confederacy needs us.白人士兵挖掩体
965--So we's gonna dig for the South.你妈妈说挖这个是为了南方
966--Sam, was there a doctor?那有大夫吗?
967--Ma'am, we've got to march.对不起 太太 我们得前进啦
968--Goodbye, Miss Scarlett. Don't worry, we'll stop them Yankees.再见啦 小姐我们会挡住北方佬的
969--Goodbye, Big Sam. Goodbye, boys. If any of you get sick or hurt, let me know.再见啦 大山姆 你们
谁要是生病或受伤啦 就来找我
970--Goodbye, Miss Scarlett. Goodbye.好 再见 再见
971--Goodbye. Goodbye.再见 再见
974--Climb into this buggy. This is no day for walking.快上车 这可不是散步的时候
975--You'll get run over.你会被挤倒的
976--Oh, Rhett.欧 瑞德
977--Drive me to Aunt Pitty's, please.请你快送我到碧蒂姑妈家
978--Panic's a pretty sight, isn't it?逃难挺好看的是不是?
979--That's just another of Gen. Sherman's calling cards.这是雪尔曼将军又送来的一张名片
980--He'll be paying us a visit soon.他要来拜访我们啦
981--I've got to get out of here before the Yankees come.我得离开这儿 趁北方佬还没来赶快离开这儿
982--And leave your work at the hospital?你不打算在医院工作啦?
983--Or have you had enough of death and lice and men chopped up?你对死亡 蚤子 做手续切肉赶到
984--I suppose you weren't meant for sick men, Scarlett.我看你不适和照顾伤病员
985--Don't talk to me like that. I'm so scared.别跟我说这些啦 我快吓死啦
986--I wish I could get out of here.我希望离开这儿
987--Let's get out of here together.那我们就一块走
988--No use staying here and letting the South come down around your ears.没有必要呆在这儿看到南
989--There are too many nice places to go and visit.有很多好地方可以去
990--Mexico, London, Paris 墨西哥 伦敦 巴黎
991--With you? Yes, ma'am.跟你? 是的 太太
992--With a man who understands you and admires you for just what you are.跟一个了解和钦佩你为人
993--I figure we belong together, being the same sort.我认为我们俩人是同一类人
994--I've been waiting for you to grow up and get that sad-eyed Ashley out of your heart.我等着你心里不
995--Well, I hear Mrs. Wilkes is going to have a baby in another month or so.听说卫尔克斯太太还有一个
996--It'll be hard loving a man with a wife and baby clinging to him.爱上一个有妻儿的人一定会非常的
997--Well, here we are. Are you going with me, or are you getting out?我们到啦 你是跟我走? 还是下
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998--I hate and despise you, Rhett Butler, and I'll hate and despise you till I die.我讨厌你 看不上你 至死
都讨厌你 看不上你
999--Oh, no, you won't, Scarlett. Not that long.不 不会的 斯卡莉 不会那么久的
1000--Miss Scarlett. Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐 斯卡莉小姐
1001--Folks is all going to Macon and folks is running away and running away.人们都到梅肯去啦跑啦 都
1002--I can't bear it. Those cannon balls right in my ears.我受不了啦 耳朵里全是炮声
1003--I faint every time I hear one.我一听到炮声 就要晕倒
1004--Uncle Peter, look out for that trunk.彼得大叔 小心箱子
1005--But, Aunt Pitty, you aren't leaving?碧蒂姑妈 你要走吗?
1006--I may be a coward, but oh, dear.也许我是个胆小鬼 可是亲爱的
1007--Yankees in Georgia.北方佬进了左治亚
1008--How did they ever get in?他们是怎么进来的?
1009--I'm going, too. Prissy, go pack my things. Get them, quick.我也要走 普里西替我收拾东西 快点
1010--Wait, Aunt Pitty, I won't be a minute.碧蒂姑妈 我也得走
1011--Scarlett, do you really think you ought to?斯卡莉 你真的要走吗?
1013--What is this? You ain't planning on running away?怎么会事? 你不是想逃跑吧?
1014--And don't you dare try to stop me. I'm never going back to that hospital.请你不要拦阻我 我再也
1015--I've had enough of smelling death and rot and death.我闻够啦死人和腐烂的味
1016--I'm going home. I want my mother. My mother needs me.我要回家 找我妈妈去 她需要我
1017--Now you've got to listen to me. You must stay here.你要听我的话一定得留下
1018--Without a chaperon, Dr. Meade? It simply isn't done.没有监护人? 米格大夫这绝对不行
1019--Good heavens, woman, this is war, not a garden party.天啊 夫人 这是战争不是花圆舞会
1020--You've got to stay. Melanie needs you.你必需留下 梅兰妮需要你
1021--She's ill already. She shouldn't even be having a baby.她已经病啦 她不应该有孩子
1022--Can't we take her along?我们可以把她带走啊?
1023--Do you want her to take that chance?你要让她冒这个危险吗?
1024--To be jounced over rough roads 让她在坑坑洼洼的路上
1025--and have her baby ahead of time, in a buggy?把孩子早产在马车里吗?
1026--It isn't my baby. You take care of her.又不是我的孩子 你照看她吧
1027--Scarlett. We haven't enough doctors 斯卡莉 沃特大夫不够
1028--much less nurses to look after a sick woman.又没有护士去照顾一个产妇
1029--You've got to stay for Melanie.你得留下来照顾她
1030--I don't know anything about babies being born.我一点也不懂接生的事
1031--I knows, I knows.我懂 我懂
1032--I knows how to do it. I's done it lots and lots.我知道怎么做 我帮人接过好多次啦
1033--Let me, Doctor, let me. I can do everything.让我来干吧 大夫我什么都会
1034--Good. Then I'll rely on you to help us. Yes, Doctor.好 那我就指望你帮忙啦 好吧 大夫
1035--Ashley's fighting in the field, fighting for the cause.艾希礼在战场上打仗 为理想在战斗
1036--He may never come back. He may die.他可能回不来啦 可能战死啦
1037--Scarlett, we owe him a well-born child.我们应该为他留下一个孩子
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1039--If you're coming, Scarlett, hurry.斯卡莉 你要走就赶快来吧

1040--I promised Ashley 我答应过
1042--Then you'll stay?你不走啦?
1043--Good. Go along, Miss Pittypat. Scarlett's staying.好 你走吧 碧蒂小姐斯卡莉不走啦
1044--Go on, Uncle Peter. Oh, dear, I don't know what to do.走吧 彼德大叔天啊 我不知道该怎么办啦
1045--It's like the end of the world.就像世界末日就要到啦
1046--Uncle Peter, my smelling salts.彼德大叔 我的嗅盐
1047--Melanie, it's all your fault.梅兰妮 梅兰妮 全都为了你
1048--I hate you, I hate you.我恨你 我恨你
1049--And I hate your baby.恨你的孩子
1050--If only I hadn't promised Ashley.如果我没答应过艾希礼就好啦
1051--If only I hadn't promised him.如果我没答应他
1052--Stop. Stop, please stop.停一下 请停一下
1053--Is it true? Are the Yankees coming?北方佬真的要打进来啦吗?
1054--I'm afraid so, ma'am. The Army's pulling out.是的 太太 部队在撤退
1055--Pulling out of Atlanta? Leaving us to the Yankees?撤出亚特兰大? 把我们丢给北方佬?
1056--Not leaving, ma'am, evacuating.不是丢下 是撤退
1057--We've got to before Sherman cuts the McDonough Road and catches us.我们必须在雪尔曼切断通
1058--It can't be true. It can't be true. What'll I do?这不是真的 不是真的我怎么办?
1059--Better refugee south right quick, ma'am. If you'll excuse me, ma'am.最好赶快往南逃太太 我得走

1061--Prissy, come here.普里西 快点 普里西
1062--Pack my things and Miss Melanie's, too. We're going to Tara right away.快给我和梅兰妮小姐收拾
东西 我们必须去泰拉庄园
1063--The Yankees are coming.北方佬现在来啦
1064--Yes, ma'am.是 小姐
1067--Melly, we're going to 梅妮 我们得走
1069--I'm sorry to be such a bother, Scarlett.真抱歉 成了你的累赘
1070--It began at daybreak.天刚亮我就开始痛起来啦
1071--But, but 可是 可是
1072--But the Yankees are coming.北方佬要来啦
1073--Poor Scarlett.可怜的斯卡莉
1074--You'd be at Tara now with your mother, wouldn't you 要不是为了我 现在你以经在泰拉庄园
1075--if it weren't for me?和你妈妈在一起啦
1076--Oh, Scarlett, darling 喔 亲爱的
1077--you've been so good to me.你对我太好啦
1078--No sister could have been sweeter.亲姐妹也没这么好
1079--I've been lying here thinking 我躺在这儿想
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1080--if I should die 要是我死啦

1081--will you take my baby?你能收养我的孩子吗?
1082--Oh, fiddle-dee-dee, Melly.别胡说啦 梅兰妮
1083--Aren't things bad enough without you talking about dying?事情够糟的啦 别在说到死啦
1084--I'll send for Dr. Meade right away. Not yet, Scarlett.我去请米格大夫来 等一等 斯卡莉
1085--I couldn't let Dr. Meade sit here for hours, while 我不能让米格大夫坐等几个小时
1086--while all those poor, wounded boys... Prissy.而那些可怜的伤兵 梅妮 普里西
1087--Prissy. Prissy. Come here, quick.普里西 普里西 快一点儿
1088--Yes, ma'am. The baby.小姐 孩子
1089--Well, don't stand there like a scared goat. Run.别在那儿傻站着快跑
1090--Hurry. I'll sell you South, I will. I swear I will.快点 快点 看我不把你卖到南方去的 我会的
1091--Where's that Prissy?普里西还没回来?
1092--This room's like an oven already 这屋子热得像个火炉啦
1093--and it isn't noon yet.还没到中午呢
1094--Oh, don't worry, Melly.别怕 梅妮
1095--Mother says it always seems like the doctor will never come.妈妈说 就好像大夫走不回来似的
1096--If I don't take a strap to that Prissy.该把这个普里西抽一顿
1097--Oh, Melly.梅妮
1098--You know what I heard about Maybelle Merriwether?你知道我听说过梅贝尔的事吗?
1099--You remember that funny-looking beau of hers?还记得她那个怪模怪样的男朋友吗?
1100--The one with a uniform like ladies' red flannel underdrawers.穿的红色制服像女们内衣的料子
1101--You don't have to keep on talking for my sake, Scarlett.你别为啦我不停的说话啦
1102--I know how worried you are.我知道你现在有多烦
1103--Oh, Melly, I'll just go and fetch you some cool water.梅妮 我去给你拿点凉水来
1104--You're as slow as molasses in January.你怎么去了这么半天?
1105--And where's Dr. Meade?米格大夫在那?
1106--I ain't never seen him, Miss Scarlett. What?我跟本就没有看见 什么?
1107--No, ma'am. He ain't at the hospital.他没有在医院里
1108--A man, he told me the doctor's down at the car shed with the wounded soldiers 有 有一个人告诉
1109--Well, why didn't you go after him?为什么不到那里找他?
1110--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐
1111--I's scared to go down there to the car shed.我不敢到那个车棚去
1112--There's folks dying down there and I's scared of dead folks.那里有很多死人我最害怕见到死人啦
1113--Oh, you go sit by Miss Melly.你去照看梅妮小姐
1114--And don't you be upsetting her, or I'll whip the hide off you.你让她着急不然我剥了你的皮
1115--Have you seen Dr. Meade? Side, lady, please.看见米格大夫啦吗? 在那边
1116--Dr. Meade.米格大夫
1117--Dr. Meade. At last.可找到你啦 大夫
1118--Oh, thank heavens you're here. I need every pair of hands.谢天谢地 你来啦我这里正缺人呢
1119--Come, child. Wake up. We've got work to do.来吧 别楞着快干吧
1120--But Melly's having her baby. You've got to come with me.梅妮要生孩啦 你得跟我一起回去
1121--Are you crazy? I can't leave these men for a baby.你糊涂啦? 我不能因为一个孩子离开这些人
1122--They're dying, hundreds of them. Get some woman to help you.他们要死啦 这么多人找个女人
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1123--But there isn't anybody. Dr. Meade, she might die.可我上哪儿去找人啦? 米格大夫 她会死的
1125--Look at them. Bleeding to death in front of my eyes.瞧瞧他们吧 眼看着他们将会失血而死
1126--No chloroform. No bandages. Nothing. Nothing to even ease their pain.没有麻醉药 没有绷带 连
1127--Now run along and don't bother me.走吧 别来打扰我啦
1128--Now don't worry, child. There's nothing to bringing a baby.别担心 孩子 接生并不是什么大事
1129--Now bring those stretchers in here.把那只担架抬过来
1130--Dr. Meade.米格大夫
1131--I'm coming.好 我来啦
1132--Is the doctor come?大夫来了吗?
1133--No, he can't come.没有 他来不了啦
1134--Oh, Miss Scarlett, Miss Melly bad off.喔 小姐梅妮小姐要生啦
1135--He can't come. There's nobody to come.他不能来 没有有人能来
1136--Prissy, you've got to manage without the doctor. I'll help you.普里西 没有大夫 你来接生 我来帮

1137--Oh, lordy, Miss Scarlett.哦 不行 斯卡莉小姐不行
1138--Well, what is it?怎么哪?
1139--Lordy, we've got to have a doctor.不行 我们得找一个大夫
1140--I don't know nothing about birthing babies.我对生孩子的事一点也不懂
1141--What do you mean? I don't know 你说什么? 我不会
1142--You told me you knew everything about it.你说过接生的事你全会
1143--I don't know how come I told such a lie.我也不知道为什么撒那个谎
1144--Ma ain't never let me around when folks was having them.妈妈从来不让我看生孩子 啊
1147--Oh, Miss Scarlett 斯卡莉小姐
1148--Stop it.别说啦
1149--Go light a fire in the stove.去把炉子点着
1150--Keep boiling water in the kettle, get me the ball of twine and 烧一壶开水找一团线来
1151--and all the clean toweIs you can find, and the scissors.把干净毛巾都拿来还有剪刀
1152--Don't come telling me you can't find them.别跟我说你找不着
1153--Go get them, and get them quick.快去 快去
1156--Coming, Melly.来啦 梅妮
1158--Go, Scarlett, before the Yankees get here.趁北方佬还没来你快走吧
1159--I'm not afraid. You know I won't leave you.我不怕 我不会离开你的
1160--It's no use. I'm going to die.我不行啦 我要死啦
1161--Don't be a goose, Melly. Hold on to me. Hold on to me.别说傻话啦 梅妮你拉着我 拉着我
1162--Talk to me, Scarlett.跟我说话
1163--Please talk to me.你跟我 说说话
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1164--Don't try to be brave, Melly.别硬挺着啦

1165--Yell all you want, there's nobody to hear.要喊就喊吧这没人听见
1166--Ma says that if you puts a knife under the bed, it cuts the pain in two.妈妈说 床底下放一把刀能
1167--Capt. Butler.巴特勒船长
1168--Capt. Butler.巴特勒船长
1169--Who do you want?你要找谁啊?
1170--Capt. Butler.巴特勒船长
1171--He's upstairs. Belle Watling's giving a party.他在楼上 贝尔·沃特琳在请客呢
1172--Thank you.谢谢你
1173--Capt. Butler. Oh, Capt. Butler.巴特勒船长
1174--What's all the rumpus about?什么事? 这么吵啊?
1175--I's got a message for Capt. Butler, Miss Watling.嗯 我来给巴特勒船长送个口信 沃特琳小姐
1176--Capt. Butler, you come out here in the streets to me.巴特勒船长 请你到这边来一下
1177--What is it, Prissy?什么事? 普里西
1178--Miss Scarlett, she done sent me for you.斯卡莉小姐让我来找你
1179--Miss Melly, she done had her baby today.梅妮小姐今天生孩子啦
1180--A fine baby boy 一个可爱的小男孩
1181--and Miss Scarlett and me, we brung him.是斯卡莉小姐和我给她接的生
1182--Do you mean to tell me that Scarlett 你是来告诉我 斯卡莉
1183--Well, it was mostly me, Capt. Butler, only Miss Scarlett 主要是我 巴特勒船长
1184--she helped me a little, but I don't expect no doctor could have done no better.斯卡莉小姐她只是
1185--Only Miss Melly, she feeling kind of poorly now it's all over.只是 梅妮小姐觉得有点难受现在都好

1186--Yes, I can believe that.好 我相信你
1187--And the Yankees is coming, and Miss Scarlett, she said 北方佬要来啦斯卡莉小姐说 她说 啊
1188--Oh, Capt. Butler, the Yankees is here.啊 巴特勒船长北方佬要来啦
1189--Please come and bring your carriage for us right away.请你马上赶着马车到我们家
1190--I'm sorry, Prissy, but the Army took my horse and carriage.对不起 军队把我的马车拉走了
1191--You'd better come upstairs. I'll see what I can do.你上来看我能想点什么办法
1192--Oh, no, Capt. Butler.哦 不
1193--Ma would wear me out with a cornstalk if I was to go into Miss Watling's.我要是进了沃特琳小姐
的家门 我妈妈会用玉米杆打死我的
1194--Any of you beauties know where I can steal a horse for a good cause?你们谁能告诉我到哪儿能偷
1195--Whoa, Marse Robert. Is that you, Rhett?到啦瑞德 瑞德 是你吗?
1196--We's here, Miss Scarlett. We's here. Rhett, I knew you'd come.我们到啦 斯卡莉小姐瑞德 我就知
1197--Good evening. Nice weather we're having.晚安 真是个美好的天气
1198--Prissy tells me you're planning on taking a trip.普里西说你要出去旅行
1199--If you make any jokes now, I'll kill you.你要再开玩笑 我就杀了你
1200--Don't tell me you're frightened.你不是说你害怕了吧?
1201--I'm scared to death. If you had the sense of a goat, you'd be scared too.即使你是一头山羊的话你
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1202--Oh, the Yankees. No, not yet.哦 北方佬 不 不
1203--That's what's left of our Army, blowing up the ammunition 还没有来这是我们的军队在销毁军火
1204--so the Yankees won't get it.免得留给北方佬
1205--We've got to get out of here.我们一定得离开这儿
1206--At your service, madam.愿为您效劳
1207--Just where are you figuring on going?可是你有去哪儿呢?
1208--Home, to Tara.回家 去泰拉庄园
1209--They've been fighting all day around Tara.泰拉庄园? 泰拉庄园附近已经打了一整天啦
1210--Do you think you can parade through the Yankee Army 你能带着一个产妇 一个婴儿
1211--with a sick woman, a baby, and a simple-minded darky 和一个头脑简单的黑丫头穿过北方的军队
1212--or do you intend leaving them behind?还是要把他们扔下?
1213--They're going with me. I'm going home. You can't stop me.我们一起走我要回家 别拦着我
1214--Don't you know it's dangerous jouncing Mrs. Wilkes over miles of open country?你知道卫尔克斯太
1215--I want my mother.我想我妈妈
1216--I want to go home to Tara.我要回泰拉庄园去
1217--Tara's probably been burned to the ground.泰拉庄园也可能都被烧光啦
1218--The woods are full of stragglers from both armies.现在树林里到处都是散兵游勇
1219--The least they'll do is take the horse away from you.他们会把你的马抢走的
1220--It isn't much of an animal, but I had trouble stealing it.我是费了很大力气才把它们偷来的
1221--I'm going home if I have to walk every step of the way.我就是一步一步的走也要走回家
1222--I'll kill you if you try to stop me. I will, I will.如果你要阻拦我 我就杀了你 我会的
1223--I will.我会 会的
1224--All right, darling, all right. Now you shall go home.好啦 亲爱的 好啦回家就是啦
1225--I guess anybody who did what you've done today can take care of Sherman.我想任何人能有你今
1226--Here, now. Stop crying.好啦 好啦 别哭啦
1227--Now blow your nose like a good little girl.擦擦鼻子 像个乖孩子
1229--Prissy. What are you doing?普里西 你在干什么吗?
1230--I's packing, Miss Scarlett.正在收拾东西 斯卡莉小姐
1231--Stop it and come get the baby.别收拾啦 把孩子抱来
1232--Melly.梅妮 梅妮
1233--Mrs. Wilkes, we're taking you to Tara.卫尔克斯太太 我们送你去泰拉庄园
1234--Tara 泰拉庄园
1235--It's the only way, Melly. No.只能这样 梅妮不
1236--Sherman will burn the house over our heads if we stay.再等着雪尔曼来啦会把房子烧掉
1237--It's all right, Melly.没什么 梅妮这没什么
1238--My baby.我的孩子
1239--My poor baby.我的贝迪
1240--Have you the strength to put your arms around my neck?你还有力气搂住我的脖子吗?
1241--I think so.我想能行
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1242--Never mind.别担心
1243--Oh, Ashley, Charles 艾希礼 卡里斯
1244--What is it? What does she want?怎么? 她要什么?
1245--Ashley's picture, Charles' sword. She wants us to bring them.艾希礼的照片 卡里斯的军带她要带

1246--Get them.带上吧
1247--What's that?那是什么?
1248--Our gallant lads must have set fire to the warehouses near the depot.大概是我们的勇士在放火烧
1249--There's enough ammunition in the boxcars to blow us to Tara.那里整车厢的军火足能把我们崩到
1250--We'll have to hurry to get across the tracks.我们要穿过去就赶快走
1251--You're not going that way. We have to.别走那条路只能这样
1252--The McDonough Road's the only one the Yankees haven't cut yet.这使唯一没有被切断的路
1253--Oh, wait. I forgot to lock the front door.等等 我忘了锁大门啦
1254--What are you laughing at?你在笑什么?
1255--At you, locking the Yankees out.笑你想锁住北方佬
1256--Oh, dear, I wish they'd hurry.希望他们走快点
1257--I wouldn't be in such a hurry to see them go if I were you.我要是你就不会急着要他们走
1258--With them goes the last semblance of law and order.他们这一走这最后的法律和秩序就象征着消
1259--The scavengers aren't wasting any time.那些暴徒可不会浪费时问
1260--We've got to get out of here fast.我们得赶快走
1261--There's a horse.那儿有匹马
1262--Stay the horse 把它留下 留下
1263--Down the alley, cut them off.到那边去 把他们截住
1264--Give me that horse.把马给我
1265--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐 斯卡莉小姐
1266--They haven't left much for the Yankees to take, have they?军队不给北方佬而留下任何东西
1267--We'll have to make a dash for it before the fire reaches that ammunition.趁大火还没有烧到军火库
以前 我们得冲过去
1268--Come on.快点
1269--Throw me your shawl.把披肩给我
1270--Sorry, but you'll like it better if you don't see anything.对不起 你什么看不见会好一些的
1271--Take a good look, my dear.好好看看吧 亲爱的
1272--It's a historic moment.这是一个历史性的时刻
1273--You can tell your grandchildren 你可以告诉你的子孙
1274--how you watched the old South disappear one night.老南方是怎样在一夜之间覆灭的
1275--They were going to lick the Yankees in a month.还说 1 个月消灭北方佬
1276--Poor gallant fools.可怜的傻瓜
1277--They make me sick, all of them.都是由于他们的
1278--Getting us all into this with their swaggering and boasting.狂妄自负才把我们弄到这个地步
1279--That's the way I feIt once about their swaggering and boasting.我那时候就认为他们太狂妄自负啦
1280--Rhett, I'm so glad you aren't with the Army.瑞德 我正高兴你没去参军
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1281--You can be proud now, proud that you've been smarter than all of them.现在你可以得意啦因为你
1282--I'm not so proud.我并不得意
1283--Why did you stop?为什么停车?
1284--This is the turn to Tara. Let the horse breathe a bit.这是去泰拉庄园的路 让马喘口气
1285--Mrs. Wilkes.卫尔克斯太太
1286--Miss Melly done fainted way back, Capt. Butler.梅妮小姐昏过去啦巴特勒船长
1287--Well, she's probably better off.啊 或许这样样会更好
1288--She couldn't stand the pain if she were conscious.不然受不了这份罪的
1289--Scarlett, are you still determined to do this crazy thing?斯卡莉 你一定要干这愚蠢的事吗?
1290--Yes. I know we can get through, Rhett. I'm sure we can.奥 是 我知道我们能过去
1291--Not we, my dear. You.我们一定能不是我们 亲爱的
1292--I'm leaving you here.我离开你们啦
1293--You're what? Rhett, where are you going?你说什么? 你要去哪儿?
1294--I'm going, my dear, to join the Army.亲爱的 我要参军去
1295--You're joking. I could kill you for scaring me so.你在开玩笑? 又在吓唬我
1296--I'm very serious, Scarlett.我是认真的
1297--I'm going to join up with our brave lads in gray.到我们灰色勇士的行列里去
1298--But they're running away.可他们在逃跑啊
1299--No. They'll turn and make a last stand, if I know anything about them.不 我想他们会做最后的抵
1300--When they do, I'll be with them. A little late, but Better late 那个时候 我要跟他们在一起 虽然晚
1301--Rhett, you must be joking.但是晚总比 瑞德 你准是在开玩笑
1302--Selfish to the end, aren't you?你太自私了吧?
1303--Thinking only of your own precious hide, with never a thought for the noble cause.只想着自己 却
1304--Rhett, how could you do this to me 你怎么能这样对我
1305--and why should you go now, after it's all over and I need you?而且为什么现在要走现在我正需要

1306--Why? Why?为什么? 为什么?
1308--Maybe it's because I've always had a weakness for lost causes 因为我一向留恋破灭的理想
1309--once they're really lost.一旦真正破灭的话
1310--Or maybe 或许是
1311--maybe I'm ashamed of myself.我自己感到羞愧
1312--Who knows?谁知道呢?
1313--You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless.你应该羞死 把我们仍在这儿 无依
1314--You helpless?你无依无靠?
1315--Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you.北方佬要是抓到你他们就得 求上帝保佑啦
1316--Now climb down here. I want to say goodbye.来 说再见吧
1318--Climb down.下来
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1319--Oh, Rhett, please don't go. You can't leave me, please.瑞德 请你别走你不能走
1320--I'll never forgive you.我永远不会原谅你
1321--I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'll never understand or forgive myself.我不求你原谅我我永远也
1322--And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I'll laugh at myseIf for being an idiot.如果子弹打中我那倒好啦
1323--But there's one thing I do know 我只知道
1324--and that is that I love you, Scarlett.我爱你 斯卡莉
1325--In spite of you, me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us 即使这倒霉的世界和我们
1326--I love you 我也爱你
1327--because we're alike. Bad lots, both of us.因为我们很相像 我们都够坏啦
1328--Selfish and shrewd 自私而且精明
1329--but able to look things in the eyes and call them by their right names.但我们能够一眼把事物看清

1330--Don't hold me like that.别这么搂着我
1331--Scarlett, look at me.斯卡莉 看着我
1332--I love you more than I've ever loved any woman.我爱你胜过爱任何女人
1333--And I've waited longer for you than I've ever waited for any woman.我等待你的时间比等待任何女
1334--Let me alone.放开我
1335--Here's a soldier of the South who loves you, Scarlett 在你面前是一个爱你的南方战士
1336--wants to feel your arms around him 期待着你的拥抱
1337--wants to carry the memory of your kisses into battle with him.期待着把和你亲吻的记忆带到战场
1338--Never mind about loving me.你是在为一个 准备带着美好记忆
1339--You're a woman sending a soldier to his death with a beautiful memory.去赴死的战士送行
1340--Scarlett, kiss me.斯卡莉 吻我
1341--Kiss me, once.就这一次
1342--You low-down, cowardly, nasty thing, you.你下流 胆小卑鄙的东西
1343--They were right. Everybody was right. You aren't a gentleman.他们说对啦 人人都说对啦你不是
1344--A minor point at such a moment.现在这些都无所谓了
1346--If anyone lays a hand on that nag, shoot him.如果有人要抢这匹马就打他
1347--But don't make a mistake and shoot the nag.可是别弄错了把马给打死
1348--Oh, go on. I want you to go. I hope a cannonball lands slap on you.走吧 走吧 我要你走我希望
1349--I hope you're blown into a million pieces.把你炸成一百万片
1350--Never mind the rest. I follow your general idea.别再说啦我知道你是怎么想的
1351--And when I'm dead on the altar of my country 我希望等我为国捐躯的时候
1352--I hope your conscience hurts you.你的良心能够感到不安
1353--Goodbye, Scarlett.再见啦 斯卡莉
1354--Come on, you. We're going home.来 走吧 我们回家啦
1355--Oh, my poor baby.我可怜的孩子
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1356--Don't worry, Melly.别担心 梅妮

1357--Mother will take care of him when we get home.回到家里妈妈会照顾他的
1358--Miss Scarlett, I's powerful hungry.斯卡莉小姐 我饿极啦
1359--We's got to have something to eat.我们弄点吃的吧
1360--Oh, hush up.别说啦
1361--We're nearly at Twelve Oaks. We'll stop there.快到十二橡树啦我们在那儿休息
1362--Go on.快走
1363--Ashley, I'm glad you're not here to see this.艾希礼 艾希礼辛亏你没看到这些
1364--The Yankees.北方佬
1365--The dirty Yankees.可恶的北方佬
1366--Prissy, come tie up this cow.普里西 普里西去把牛栓住
1367--We don't need no cow, Miss Scarlett.我们不需要牛 斯卡莉小姐
1368--We'll be home soon, and I's scared of cows.我们就要到家啦我 我害怕牛
1369--Tear up your petticoat and tie her on to the back of the wagon.撕一条你的衬裙把它绑在车后面
1370--We need milk for the baby, and we don't know what we'll find at home.贝比需要牛奶还不知道家
1371--Melly. Melly, we're home.梅妮 我们到家啦
1372--We're at Tara.到泰拉庄园啦
1373--Hurry. Move, you brute.你快点走 这畜牲
1374--Miss Scarlett, he's dead.斯卡莉小姐 它死啦
1375--I can't see the house. Is it there? I can't see the house. Have they burned it?我没看见房子 它还
在吗? 我看不见房子 他们把它烧啦吗?
1376--Oh, it's all right.哦 它还在
1377--It's all right. They haven't burned it.没有被烧掉
1378--It's still there.它还在呢
1379--Mother. Mother. I'm home.妈妈 爸爸
1380--Mother. Mother. I'm home.妈妈 爸爸 我回来啦
1381--Mother, let me in. It's me, Scarlett.妈妈 让我进去
1383--Oh, Pa.爸爸
1384--I'm home.我回来啦
1385--I'm home.我回来啦
1387--Katie Scarlett.凯丽·斯卡莉
1388--Oh, darling.哦 宝贝
1390--Mammy, I'm home. Honey, honey child.妈眯 我回来啦宝贝孩子
1391--Oh, Mammy, I'm so 妈眯 我没事
1392--Where's Mother?妈妈在那儿?
1393--Why 她啊
1394--Miss Suellen and Miss Carreen, they was sick with the typhoid.休伦小姐和凯琳小姐得了伤寒病
1395--They had it bad, but they's doing all right now.她病啦 现在好多啦
1396--Just weak like little kittens.弱得象小猫似的
1397--But where's Mother?可 妈妈在哪儿?
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1398--Well 你妈妈
1399--Miss Ellen, she went down to nurse that Emmie Slattery, that white trash 爱伦小姐去照顾艾利·施
1400--and she took down with it, too.她也被传染上啦
1401--And last night, she... Mother.昨天夜里她 妈妈
1404--Where is she?她在哪?
1405--Miss Scarlett, honey.斯卡莉小姐
1406--If there's anything I can do, Miss Scarlett 你有什么吩咐吗? 斯卡莉小姐
1407--What did you do with Miss Melly?把梅妮小姐安置好了吗?
1408--Don't you worry your pretty head about Miss Melly, child.你别担心梅妮小姐啦
1409--I done slapped her in bed already, along with the baby.我已经把她和婴儿都安置到床上啦
1410--You better put that cow I brought into the barn, Pork.波克 把我牵来的牛牵进牛栏里吧
1411--There ain't no barn no more, Miss Scarlett.没有牛栏啦斯卡莉小姐
1412--The Yankees done burned it for firewood.北方佬把它拆啦当柴烧啦
1413--They used the house for their headquarters.他们用这所房子当指挥部
1414--They camped all around the place.周围都搭上了帐篷
1415--Yankees in Tara.北方佬到泰拉庄园来啦
1416--Yes, ma'am, and they stole most everything they didn't burn.是的 他们把所有的东西都偷走啦
1417--All the clothes and all the rugs and even Miss Ellen's rosaries.所有的布 所有的毯子连你母亲的念
1418--I'm starving, Pork. Get me something to eat.我饿死啦 波克给我弄点吃的来
1419--There ain't nothing to eat, honey. They took it all.没有吃的啦他们都拿走啦
1420--All the chickens, everything?所有东西?
1421--They took them the first thing.他们拿走了所有的东西
1422--And what they didn't eat they carried off across their saddles.把吃不了的东西放在马鞍上带走啦
1423--Don't tell me any more about what they did.别再跟我说他们都干什么啦
1424--What's this, Pa?爸爸 这是什么?
1426--Yes, daughter.是的 女儿
1427--Katie Scarlett, that's enough.凯丽·斯卡莉 够啦
1428--You're not knowing spirits, you'll make yourseIf tipsy.你不会喝酒你要喝醉的
1429--I hope it makes me drunk.我希望喝醉
1430--I'd like to be drunk.醉了倒好
1431--Oh, Pa.爸爸
1432--What are those papers?这些是什么?
1433--Bonds.是 债券
1434--They're all we've saved.是我们的全部财产
1435--All we have left.就留下这些啦
1437--What kind of bonds, Pa?什么样的债券? 爸爸
1438--Why, Confederate bonds, of course, daughter.当然是邦联的啦 女儿
1439--Confederate bonds.邦联的债券
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1440--What good are they to anybody?那还有什么用呢?

1441--I'll not have you talking like that, Katie Scarlett.我不爱听你这样说话斯卡莉
1442--Oh, Pa, what are we going to do with no money and nothing to eat?爸爸 我们没有钱没有吃的 怎
1443--We must ask your mother.应该去问你妈妈
1444--That's it.对啦
1445--We must ask Mrs. O'Hara.应该去问欧郝纳太太
1446--Ask Mother? Yes.问妈妈对
1447--Mrs. O'Hara will know what's to be done.欧郝纳太太知道该怎么办
1448--Now don't be bothering me.现在别打扰我
1449--Go out for a ride.出去骑会儿马
1450--I'm busy.我很忙
1451--Oh, Pa 爸爸
1452--don't worry about anything.什么事也不用您操心
1453--Katie Scarlett's home.斯卡莉回来啦
1454--You needn't worry.你放心吧
1455--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐
1456--What are we gonna to do with nothing to feed those sick folks and that child?咱们给病人跟孩子吃
1457--I don't know, Mammy.我不知道 妈眯
1458--I don't know.我不知道
1459--We ain't got nothing but radishes in the garden.菜园子里除了罗卜什么都没有
1460--Miss Scarlett, Miss Suellen and Miss Carreen 斯卡莉小姐休伦小姐和凯琳小姐
1461--they's fussing to be sponged off.她们要擦擦身子
1462--Where are the other servants, Mammy?别的用人都上哪儿去啦?
1463--Miss Scarlett, there's only just me and Pork left.哦 小姐 就剰我和波克啦
1464--The others went off to the war or runned away.别的人有的去打仗有的逃跑啦
1465--I can't take care of that baby and sick folks, too.我不能又照顾病人又管孩子
1466--I's only got two hands.我只有两只手啊
1467--Who's going to milk that cow, Miss Scarlett? We's houseworkers.谁去挤牛奶啊? 斯卡莉小姐我们
1468--As God is my witness 上帝是我的见证
1469--As God is my witness, they're not going to lick me.上帝是我的见证他们别想打垮我
1470--I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again.我要渡过这一时刻等
1471--No, nor any of my folks.也不让家里人挨饿
1472--If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill.那怕是说谎 去偷 去骗 或杀人
1473--As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.上帝是我的见证我绝不再挨饿啦
1474--My back's near broken.哦 我的腰都要折了
1475--Look at my hands.哦 看我的手
1476--Mother said you could always tell a lady by her hands.妈妈说过 看她的手就知道她是不是位小姐
1477--I guess things like hands and ladies don't matter so much anymore.我看什么手啊小姐以后都无所
1478--You rest, Sue. You're not well yet, and I can pick cotton for both of us.你歇会吧 休伦你还没有完全
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1479--Scarlett's hateful, making us work in the fields like 斯卡莉德 她真可恶让我干这个 我不想
1480--Too bad about that.这可没办法
1481--Now get back to work. I can't do everything at Tara all by myself.继续干活 我不能把泰拉庄园所有
1482--What do I care about Tara? I hate Tara.我才不管泰拉庄园呢我恨泰拉庄园
1483--Don't you ever dare say you hate Tara again.看你还敢再说恨泰拉庄园
1484--It's the same as hating Pa and Ma.那就是恨爸爸和妈妈
1485--Katie Scarlett, there's something I must speak to you about.凯蒂·斯卡莉有件事我必须跟你说
1486--Yes, Pa, what is it?爸爸 什么事?
1487--I've been talking to Prissy and Mammy. I don't like the way you're treating them.我以经跟普里西和
1488--You must be firm with inferiors, but you must be gentle with them 对下人是要严格 但态度要温和
1489--especially darkies.特别是对黑人
1490--Yes, Pa, I know. But I'm not asking them to do anything I'm not doing myself.是的 爸爸 我知道可
1491--Nevertheless, Katie Scarlett, I don't like it. I shall speak to Mrs. O'Hara about it.不管怎么说 我不喜
欢 我要跟欧郝纳太太说
1492--What are you doing out of bed, Melly?你下来干什么? 梅妮
1493--Scarlett, darling, I must talk to you. You are all working so hard.斯卡莉 我要跟你说
1494--I can't lie in bed doing nothing.你们都太辛苦了我不能躺在那儿什么也不干
1495--Go on back upstairs. You're as weak as a newborn colt.快回到楼上去 你身体很虚弱
1496--Please, Scarlett, let me.请让我干吧 斯卡莉
1497--Stop being noble. I've got enough on my hands 别逞强了 我的事已经够多了
1498--without you making yourseIf sick so you'll never be any use.你要再病那就永远好不了
1499--Oh, I didn't think of it that way.我 我没想到这一点
1500--Who's there? HaIt or I'll shoot.谁在那儿? 别动动就开枪了
1501--You're alone, little lady?你一个人 小媳妇?
1502--You ain't very friendly, are you?你不太友好 是不是?
1503--You got anything else besides these earbobs?除了这耳环还有别的吗?
1504--You Yankees have been here before.你们北方佬来过这儿了
1505--Regular little spitfire, ain't you?你是小泼妇是吧
1506--What have you got hidden in your hand?手里还藏着什么?
1507--Scarlett, you killed him.你把他打死了
1508--I'm glad you killed him.我真高兴
1509--Scarlett, what happened? What is it, Scarlett? What is it?斯卡莉德 斯卡莉德 出什么事了 斯卡莉
1510--Don't be scared, chickens. Your big sister was cleaning a revolver 别害怕 孩子们你们的姐姐擦枪
1511--and it went off and nearly scared her to death.差点没把她吓死
1512--Oh, thank goodness. Haven't we got enough to frighten us?哦 谢天谢地还嫌我们吓得不够吗?
1513--Tell Katie Scarlett she must be more careful.告诉凯蒂·斯卡莉要小心点儿
1514--What a cool liar you are, Melly.你可真会撒谎
1515--We've got to get him out of here and bury him.我们得赶快把他弄出去埋掉 斯卡莉德
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1516--If the Yankees find him here, they'll 如果让北方佬发现了他们就会

1517--I didn't see anyone else. I think he must be a deserter.我没看见别的人他大概是逃兵
1518--But even so, we've got to hide him.那也得把他藏起来
1519--They might hear about it, and then they'd come and get you.他们听到风声就 会抓你的
1520--I could bury him in the arbor where the ground is soft 我可以把他埋在藤箩架小林的角落里
1521--but how will I get him out of here?可是 可我们怎么把弄搬出去呢?
1522--We'll both take a leg and drag him.我们一人拉一条腿
1523--You couldn't drag a cat.你连只猫都拉不动
1524--Do you think it would be dishonest if we went through his haversack?斯卡莉 我们搜一搜他的背
包 没什么不好吧?
1525--I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself.我都没想到
1526--You take the haversack, I'll search his pockets.你搜背包 我搜他的口袋
1527--You look.你看
1528--I'm feeling a little weak.我有点不舒服
1529--Melly, I think it's full of money.我看里面都是钱
1530--Oh, Melly, look.梅妮 你看
1532--$10, $20, $30, $40 二十 三十 四十
1533--Don't stop to count it now. We haven't got time.别数了 现在没功夫
1534--Do you realize this means we'll have something to eat?这就意味着我们有吃的了
1535--Look in his other pockets.翻翻别的口袋
1536--Hurry, hurry.快 快
1537--We've got to get him out of here. Here.我们得赶快把他拖出去
1538--If he bleeds across the yard, we can't hide it.院子里留下血迹我们就瞒不住了
1539--Give me your nightgown, Melly. I'll wad it around his head.把你的睡衣给我我要把他的头包上
1540--Don't be silly. I won't look at you.别在乎 我不会看你的
1541--If I had my petticoat or pantalets, I'd use them.我要是穿着睡裙或长裤就会用我的那
1542--Thank heavens I'm not that modest.幸亏我没那么
1543--Now go back to bed. You'll be dead if you don't.快上床去吧不然你快死了
1544--I'll clean up the mess when I've buried him.等我埋了他 再把血擦干净
1545--No, I'll clean it up.不用 我会擦的
1546--Well, I guess I've done murder.我想我是杀人了
1547--I won't think about that now.现在先不想它了
1548--I'll think about that tomorrow.我明天再想吧
1549--Katie Scarlett.凯迪·斯卡莉
1550--Katie Scarlett.凯迪·斯卡莉结束了
1551--It's over. It's over.全结束了
1552--It's all over. The war.战争结束了
1553--Lee surrendered.李将军投降了
1554--It's not possible. Why did we ever fight?这不可能 那我们为什么要打呢?
1555--Ashley will be coming home.艾希礼要回来了
1556--Yes, Ashley will be coming home.对 艾希礼要回来了
1557--We'll plant more cotton.我们要种更多棉花
1558--Cotton ought to go sky-high next year.明年价钱会升得很高
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1559--While we were marching through Georgia 当我们进军乔治亚州时

1560--Hurrah, hurrah.万岁万岁
1561--Hurrah, hurrah.万岁万岁
1562--The flag that makes you free 使你获自由的旗帜
1563--So we sing the chorus from Atlanta to the sea 从亚特兰大欢呼到海边
1564--While we were marching through Georgia 当我们踏上乔治亚洲时
1565--Get out of the road, rebel. Get out of the way.滚开 别挡道 反派
1566--Have you room in your carriage for a dying man?能让个快死的人搭一下车吗?
1567--I got no room for any Southern scum, alive or dead.我这儿没有南方贱民的地方
1568--Get out of the way.給我滚开
1569--I reckon he'd rather try and walk it at that.我看他宁愿走也不愿意搭这车
1570--Giddap. Jump, you gray-backed beggars.驾 滚开 你们这些乞丐
1571--Act like they won the war.都是他们打胜了
1572--Now you come on and give me them pants, Mr. Kennedy.快把裤子仍给我肯尼迪先生
1573--Come on.快点
1574--You scrub yourseIf with that strong lye soap before I scrubs you myself.用肥皂把自己好好搓搓别
1575--I'm gonna put these britches in the boiling pot.我要把这些裤子给煮煮
1576--The whole Confederate Army's got the same trouble 整个南方军队都让
1577--Crawling clothes and dysentery.虱子和地气折磨苦啦
1578--It's humiliating, how you treat Mr. Kennedy.你这样对他 让他太难为情啦
1579--You'd be a sight more humiliated if Mr. Kennedy's lice gets on you.他身上的虱子跑到你身上你就
1580--Come on, Beau.过来 波尔
1581--We must leave this gentleman alone because he's tired and he's hungry.别缠着这位先生 你看他
1582--I don't mind, ma'am. Good to see a youngster again.没关系 太太又能看见孩子太好啦
1583--Nice little fellow.多好的小家伙
1584--Another two years of war and we could have had him with us in Cobb's Legion.再打两年仗我们就
1585--Were you in Cobb's Legion?你是科布军团的?
1586--Yes, ma'am.是的 太太
1587--Why, then, you must know my husband, Maj. Wilkes.那你一定认识我丈夫卫尔克斯上校啦
1588--Oh, yes, ma'am.喔 是的 太太
1589--He was captured at Spotsylvania, I think.他好象是 被俘了
1590--Oh, thank heavens, then he isn't 谢天谢地 他还没
1591--Oh, my poor Ashley in a Yankee prison.可怜的艾希礼他被送到了监狱里
1593--Yes, Scarlett, I'm coming. Come along, Beau.哦 斯卡莉德 我来了
1594--I'll watch out for him, ma'am. We're good friends.我来看着他吧 太太 我们是好朋友啦
1595--Oh, thank you.谢谢你
1596--I slave day and night so we can have food to keep body and soul together.我从早到晚象奴隶似的
1597--And you give it all away to these starving scarecrows.可你却把吃的都给那些饿死鬼
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1598--I'd sooner have a plague of locusts here.他们很块都会来的

1599--Don't scold me, Scarlett, please.请别责怪我了 求求你
1600--I've just heard that Ashley was taken prisoner.我刚听说艾希礼当了俘虏
1601--Ashley, a prisoner? Yes.当了俘虏? 是的
1602--And maybe if he's alive and well, he's on some Northern road right now.也许 他要是还活着现在
1603--And maybe some Northern woman is giving him a share of her dinner 如果有那个北方妇人把她的
1604--and helping my beloved to come back home to me.帮助我心爱的人回到我身边
1605--I hope so, Melly.但愿如此 梅妮
1606--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉小姐
1607--Miss Scarlett, I want to take up something with your pa, but 斯卡莉小姐我有件事要跟你父亲谈
1608--he doesn't seem to 可他好象是 也许我能帮你
1609--Perhaps I can help you. I'm head of the house now.我现在是一家之主
1610--Well, I 那好
1611--Miss Scarlett, I was aiming to ask for Suellen.我 我是来向休伦小姐提亲的
1612--Do you mean to tell me you haven't asked for her 你是要告诉我 这么多年你还没有提这件事
1613--after all these years she's been counting on you?她一直在等你
1614--Well, the truth is, I'm so much older than she is, and 我实际上 我比她大得多
1615--Well, now I haven't a cent to my name.而且我现在一文不铭
1616--Who has nowadays?如今谁有钱啦?
1617--Miss Scarlett, if true love carries any weight with you 斯卡莉小姐 请你放心 我是真诚的爱你妹妹
1618--you can be sure your sister will be rich in that.我会使她非常幸福的
1619--I'll go out somewhere and get myseIf a little business if we're engaged.如果我们订了婚我可以外
1620--As soon as I get on my feet again 等我们有了经济基础我们就
1621--All right, Frank. I'm sure I can speak for Pa.好的 弗兰克可以跟爸爸答说
1622--You go ask her now.你去问休伦吧
1623--Oh, thank you, Miss Scarlett.谢谢 谢谢您斯卡莉德小姐
1624--Excuse me, excuse me.对不起 对不起
1625--Scarlett, what seems to be the trouble with Mr. Kennedy?斯卡莉 肯尼迪先生好象有什么麻烦事
1626--More trouble than he guesses.比他想象的麻烦点
1627--He's finally asked for Suellen's hand.他终于向休伦求婚了
1628--Oh, I'm so glad.真让人高兴可惜他不能马上娶她
1629--It's a pity he can't marry her now. At least there'd be one less mouth to feed.不然我们可以少一张
1630--Oh, another one.又来一个
1631--I hope this one isn't hungry.但愿这个不是很饿
1632--He'll be hungry.他一定很饿
1633--I'll tell Prissy to get an extra plate 让普里西再预备一盘
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1637--Miss Scarlett. Don't spoil it, Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉德小姐

1638--Turn me loose, you fool. Turn me loose, it's Ashley.别打扰他们放开我 傻瓜 那是艾希礼
1639--He's her husband, ain't he?是她的丈夫
1640--Miss Scarlett, ma'am. High time you got back.斯卡莉德小姐 我 回来得正好
1641--Did you get the horse shod? Yes, he shod all right.马掌钉上了吗? 是的 钉好了
1642--Fine thing when a horse can get shoes and humans can't. Here, stir this soap.斯卡莉德小姐 您 马
有鞋 人确没有真是新鲜事
1643--Yes, ma'am. Miss Scarlett, ma'am.来 搅肥皂是的 小姐斯卡莉小姐
1644--I gotta know how much money have you got left, in gold.我想知道你现在还有多少钱 是金币
1645--$10. Why?十元 怎么?
1646--That won't be enough.那是不够的
1647--What in heaven's name are you talking about?天知道你在说什么呢?
1648--Well, Miss Scarlett, I seed that old no-count white-trash Wilkerson 斯卡莉小姐 我看见了杰纳尔德
1649--that used to be Mr. Gerald's overseer here.就是那个白人垃圾威克尔森啦
1650--He's a regular Yankee now, and he was making a brag 他现在已经成了真正的北方佬了
1651--that his carpetbagger friends done run the taxes way up sky-high on Tara.他吹牛说他的北方朋友
1652--But how much more have we got to pay?我们得交多少?
1653--I hear the taxman say $300.我听税务官说要三百元呢
1654--$300.00 三百元
1655--Might just as well be $3 million.就象是三百万
1656--But we gotta raise it, that's all.我们也得想办法交啊
1657--Yes, ma'am.是啊
1659--I'll go ask Mr. Ashley.我去问问希礼先生
1660--Oh, he ain't got no $300, Miss Scarlett.他可拿不出三百元来
1661--Well, I can ask him if I want to, can't I?我可以去问问他
1662--Asking ain't getting.问他也没什么啊
1664--They say Abe LincoIn got his start splitting rails.啊听说林肯当初也是劈木桩的
1665--Think what heights I may climb to once I get the knack.一但我有了这个才能我也会飞黄腾达
1666--The Yankees want $300 more in taxes.艾希礼 北方佬还要我们交三百元的税
1667--What shall we do?我们怎么办?
1668--Ashley, what's to become of us?我们该怎么办呢?
1669--What becomes of people when their civilization breaks up?文明遭到破坏以后人会变成什么样子
1670--Those who have brains and courage come through all right.有头脑和勇气的人可以生存下去
1671--Those that haven't are winnowed out.没有的就会被淘汰
1672--For heaven's sake, don't stand there talking nonsense at me 看在上帝的份上别站在这儿跟我胡说

1673--when it's us who are being winnowed out.我们就是要被淘汰的人啦
1674--You're right, Scarlett.你是对的 斯卡莉
1675--Here I am talking tommyrot about civilization 在泰拉庄园面临危机的时候
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1676--when your Tara's in danger.我还在这里跟你说这些蠢话

1677--You've come to me for help, and I've no help to give you.你找我是需要我帮忙 可我帮不了你
1678--Oh, Scarlett, I 斯卡莉
1679--I'm a coward.我是个懦夫
1680--You, Ashley, a coward?你? 艾希礼? 懦夫?
1681--What are you afraid of?你害怕什么呢?
1682--Oh, mostly of life becoming too real for me, I suppose.生活对我变得太现实啦
1683--Not that I mind splitting rails 我想我倒是不在乎劈木头
1684--but I do mind very much losing the beauty of that life I loved.而是在乎失去了我所爱的生活中那
1685--If the war hadn't come, I'd have spent my life happily buried at Twelve Oaks.如果没有战争我可以
1686--But the war did come.可是战争爆发了
1687--I saw my boyhood friends blown to bits.我看到儿时的朋友被炸死
1688--I saw men crumple up in agony when I shot them.看到被我打中的人痛苦地倒下
1689--And now I find myseIf in a world which for me is worse than death.现在我发现这个世界对我来说
1690--A world in which there's no place for me.这个世界里没有我的立足之地
1691--I can never make you understand because you don't know the meaning of fear.我无法让你理解其
1692--You never mind facing realities 你从来不害怕面对现实
1693--and you never want to escape from them as I do.你从不像我这样逃避现实
1695--Oh, Ashley, you're wrong.艾希礼 你错了
1696--I do want to escape, too.我也是想逃避的
1697--I'm so very tired of it all. I've struggled for food and for money.我对这里太厌倦了我要为吃 为钱
1698--I've weeded and hoed and picked cotton until I can't stand it another minute.为除草 锄地 摘棉花
1699--I tell you, Ashley, the South is dead. It's dead.南方是完了
1700--The Yankees and the carpetbaggers have got it and there's nothing left for us.北方佬 投机政客佔
1701--Oh, Ashley 艾希礼
1702--let's run away.我们走吧
1703--We'd go to Mexico.去墨西哥
1704--They want officers in the Mexican Army. We could be so happy there.墨西哥军队需要军官我们会
1705--I'd work for you, I'd do anything for you. You know you don't love Melanie.我为你干活 为你做任
1706--You told me you loved me that day at Twelve Oaks.那天你在十二颗橡树你说过你爱我
1707--And anyway, Melanie can't 而且梅兰妮
1708--Dr. Meade told me she couldn't have any more children and I could give you 米格大夫告诉我她不
1709--Can't we ever forget that day at Twelve Oaks?可我能给你 我们不能忘掉
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1710--Do you think I could ever forget it? Have you forgotten it?在十二颗橡树那天吗? 你以为我能忘吗?
1711--Can you honestly say you don't love me?说真的 你不爱我吗?
1712--No. I don't love you. It's a lie.不 我 我不爱你 撒谎就算是撒谎
1713--Even if it is, do you think I'd leave Melanie and the baby, break Melanie's heart?你认为我能撇下梅
1714--You couldn't leave your father and the girls.你也不能离开你的父亲和妹妹
1715--I could leave them. I'm sick of them. I'm tired of them.我能离开我都烦死啦 厌倦透啦
1716--Yes, you're sick and tired. That's why you're talking this way.是的 你是又烦 又厌倦所以你才这么

1717--You've carried the load for all of us 你为我们负担得太重了
1718--but from now on I'm going to be more help to you, I promise.从现在起我要尽力的帮助你
1719--There's only one way you can help me.只有一个办法你能帮我
1720--Take me away.带我走
1721--There's nothing to keep us here.这没什么可留恋的
1723--Nothing except honor.没有 除了尊严
1724--Oh, please, Scarlett.别这样
1725--Please, dear, you mustn't cry.别这样斯卡莉别哭了
1726--You mustn't.别哭了
1727--Please, my brave dear, you mustn't.别哭了 我勇敢的斯卡莉
1728--You do love me, you do love me.你是爱我的 你是爱我的
1729--Say it, say it. Don't, don't.你说呀 不
1730--You love me, you love me.你爱我不 我们不能这样
1731--We won't do this, I tell you. It won't happen again.我们不能 这事不会再发生了你爱我
1732--I'm going to take Melanie and the baby, and go.我要带着梅兰妮和孩子走
1733--All right, I'll say it. I love your courage and your stubbornness.好 我说我爱你的勇敢和顽强我太爱

1734--So much that I could have forgotten the best wife a man ever had.因此我刚才 我几乎忘记了我最
1735--But, Scarlett, I'm not going to forget her.斯卡莉 我不会忘记她们
1736--Then there's nothing left for me.那 我就什么都没有了
1737--Nothing to fight for.没为他奋斗
1738--Nothing to live for.为他生存了
1739--Yes, there is something.有一样东西
1740--Something you love better than me 有一样东西你爱他胜过于我
1741--though you may not know it.虽然你还没有意识到
1743--Yes, I 对 我
1744--I still have this.我还有这个
1745--You needn't go.你们不用走
1746--I won't have you all starve simply because I threw myseIf at your head.我不会让你们去挨饿
1747--It won't happen again.这事不会再发生了只是为了你 卫克斯
1748--Why, it's Emmy Slattery. Yes, ma'am, it's me.啊是斯卡莉
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1750--You haven't forgotten your old overseer, have you?没忘你们的老监工吧?
1751--Well, Emmy's Mrs. Wilkerson now.她现在是爱丽·威克尔森太太了
1752--Get off those steps, you trashy wench. Get off this land.别走上台阶 不要脸的 从这儿滚出去
1753--You can't speak that way to my wife.你不能这样对我太太说话
1754--Wife. High time you made her your wife.太太? 她早该是的
1755--Who baptized your other brats after you killed my mother?你害死我母亲之后你再生孩子 谁给他
1756--We came out here to pay a friendly call and talk a little business with old friends.我们是来拜访的
友好的拜访 还要跟老朋友谈点事
1757--Friends. When were we ever friends with the likes of you?朋友? 什么时候跟你做过朋友?
1758--Still high and mighty, ain't you? Well, I know all about you.还那么高傲? 是吗? 你们的事 我全知

1759--I know your father's turned idiot.我知道你父亲已经痴呆了
1760--You can't pay your taxes.你交不起税
1761--And I come here to offer to buy the place from you 我来这儿是想买下这地方
1762--to make you a right good offer.我能出个好价钱
1763--Emmy's had a hankering to live here.爱丽很想住在这儿
1764--Get off this place, you dirty Yankee.滚开 你这个卑鄙的北方佬
1765--You high-flying Irish will find out who's running things around here 等你这爱尔兰人为了交税去卖

1766--when you get sold out for taxes.就知道谁是这里的主人啦
1767--I'll buy this place lock, stock and barrel and I'll live in it.我要买这块地方全部买下 住在这儿
1768--But I'll wait for the Sheriff's sale.我等着拍卖呢
1769--That's all of Tara you'll ever get.你从泰拉庄园只会得到这个
1770--You'll be sorry for that.你会后悔的
1771--We'll be back.我们会回来的
1772--I'll show you who the owner of Tara is.我要你看看谁是泰拉庄园的主人
1773--Pa, come back.爸爸 回来
1774--Pa, come back.爸爸 回来
1776--Yankee coward.胆小的北方佬
1778--Lordsy, Miss Scarlett. That's Mr. Gerald's watch.斯卡莉小姐这是杰纳尔德先生的表啊
1779--You take it. It's for you. Pa'd want you to have it.你拿着吧 给你了 爸爸愿意给你
1780--You ain't got no business parting from this watch now, Miss Scarlett.你现在可得留着这块表
1781--You needs all your valuables to sell for that tax money.你需要卖掉所有值钱的东西 去交税
1782--You think I'd sell Pa's watch?你会卖爸爸表吗?
1783--And don't cry.别哭啦
1784--I can stand everybody's tears but yours.我不能看你流泪
1785--Oh, Mammy, Mammy.妈眯 妈眯
1786--You been brave so long, Miss Scarlett, you just gotta go on being brave.你一直很勇敢 斯卡莉小姐
1787--Think about your pa like he used to be.想想你爸爸以前的样子
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1788--I can't think about Pa.我不能想爸爸我什么也不能想

1789--I can't think of anything but that $300.只能想那三百块钱
1790--Ain't no good thinking about that, Miss Scarlett.想这些有什么用
1791--Ain't nobody got that much money.谁也没有这么多的钱
1792--Nobody but Yankees and scalawags got that much money now.除了北方佬和暴发户谁也没有这么
1794--Who that? A Yankee?谁? 北方佬吗?
1795--Oh, Mammy, I'm so thin and pale and 妈眯 你看我又瘦又苍白
1796--I haven't any clothes.我还没有衣服
1797--Scoot up to the attic and get down Ma's old box of dress patterns.妈眯 快到搁楼上把妈妈装衣服
1798--What you up to with Miss Ellen's portiere?你要这窗帘干什么?
1799--You'll make me a new dress.给我做件新衣服
1800--Not with Miss Ellen's portieres. Not while I got breath in me.不能用爱伦小姐的窗帘只要就不
1801--Great balls of fire. They're my portieres now.别啰唆 现在是我的窗帘
1802--I'm going to Atlanta for that $300 and I've got to go looking like a queen.我要到亚特南大弄三百元
1803--Who going to Atlanta with you? I'm going alone.谁跟你去亚特南大? 我自己去
1804--That's what you think. I's going to Atlanta with you.那是你这么想的 我跟你去
1805--With you and that new dress.我一定跟着你
1806--Now, Mammy, darling.哦 好妈眯
1807--No use to try to sweet-talk me, Miss Scarlett.你别这么哄我 小姐
1808--I's knowed you since I put the first pair of diapers on you.我给你垫第一块尿布的时候就了解你
1809--I said I's going to Atlanta with you, and going I is.我说跟着你 就一定去
1810--Kings and treys, huh? Too good for me, Major.三个老 K 嗯 我可糟了 上校
1811--Pity we couldn't have fought the war out in a poker game.可惜我们不能用扑克来决定战争的胜负
1812--You'd have done better than Gen. Grant with far less effort.立葛南特将军出的力少 可赢得多
1813--What is it, Corporal?什么事 下士?
1814--Sir, there's a lady to see Capt. Butler. Says she's his sister.长官 有一位女士要见巴特勒船长说是他
1815--Another sister?又一个妹妹
1816--This is a jail, not a harem, Capt. Butler.这是监狱 不是后宫巴特勒船长
1817--No, Major, she ain't one of those.少校 她不象那些人
1818--This one's got her mammy with her.她有个保姆跟着
1819--She has?是吗?
1820--I'd like to see this one, Major, without her mammy.我倒想见见她 少校可别带保姆
1821--Let's see, my losses for the afternoon come to what?嗯 我看看这一下午输了多少?
1822--$340.00 三百四十块
1823--My debts do mount up, don't they, Major?我可要债台高筑了是不是 少校
1824--All right, Corporal.好吧 下士
1825--Show Capt. Butler's sister to his cell.把巴特勒船长的妹妹带到他的牢房
1826--Thank you, Major. Excuse me, gentlemen.谢谢你 少校对不起 先生们
1827--It's hard to be strict with a man who loses money so pleasantly.对输了钱还高兴的人不好太严历
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1828--Rhett. Scarlett.瑞德
1829--My dear little sister.斯卡莉 我的小妹妹
1830--It's all right, Corporal. My sister has brought me no files or saws.好了 下士我的妹妹没有带挫或锯
1831--Can I really kiss you now?现在我可以吻你了吗?
1832--On the forehead like a good brother.像大哥哥那样吻一下前额吧
1833--No, thanks. I'll wait and hope for better things.不 谢谢 我要等将来好好的吻你
1834--Oh, Rhett, I was so distressed when I heard you were in jail.喔 瑞德 听说你被关进监狱我真的难
1835--I simply couldn't sleep for thinking.我睡不着 一直在想
1836--It's not true they're going to hang you?他们会绞死你吗?
1837--Would you be sorry?你会难过?
1838--Oh, Rhett. Well, don't worry yet.瑞德哦 别担心 斯卡莉
1839--They have plotted some charge against me 北方佬给我捏造了一些罪名
1840--but they're really after my money.其实是为了我的钱
1841--They think I made off with the Confederate Treasury.好象我把联邦的金库拐走了似的
1842--Well, did you?喔 你是这样吗?
1843--What a leading question.别见面就谈这个了
1844--But let's not talk about sordid things like money.我们别谈肮脏的钱的事了
1845--How good of you to come and see me. And how pretty you look.你来看我真是太好了呵 你真是
1846--Oh, Rhett, how you do run on, teasing a country girl like me.瑞德 别拿我这样的乡下姑娘取笑了
1847--Thank heavens you're not in rags. I'm tired of seeing women in rags.感谢上帝 你没有穿得破破乱
1848--Turn around.来 转过身去
1849--You look good enough to eat. And prosperous, too.真是太漂亮了你吃得不错 生活的很好
1850--Thank you, I've been doing very well.谢谢 我一直很好
1851--Everybody's doing well at Tara, only 泰拉庄园的每个人都很好只是我太闷了
1852--I got so bored I just thought I'd treat myseIf to a visit to town.想到城里来看看
1853--You're a heartless creature. But that's part of your charm.你是一个没有心肝的人这也是你的魅力
1854--You know you've got more charm than the law allows.他已经超过法律的允许了
1855--Now I didn't come here to talk silliness about me, Rhett.我到这儿来不是谈论我的
1856--I came because I was so miserable at the thought of you in trouble.因为我听说你遇到麻烦了非常
1857--I was mad at you the night you left me on the road to Tara 那天晚上你把我仍在路上我气坏啦
1858--and I still haven't forgiven you.我还没原谅你呢
1859--Oh, Scarlett, don't say that.喔 别那件事啦
1860--Well, I must admit I might not be alive now, only for you.可要是没有你我可能已经死啦当我想到
1861--And when I think of myseIf with everything I could possibly hope for 我想到自己有了我所希望的
1862--and not a care in the world, and you here in this horrid jail 而你却在这可怕的牢房里
1863--and not even a human jail, Rhett, a horse jail.简直不是人呆的地方是关马的
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1864--Oh, listen to me trying to make jokes when 我想说点笑话

1865--when I really want to cry.可我真要哭了
1866--In a minute I shall cry.我现在就要哭了
1867--Scarlett, can it be possible that 斯卡莉德 这可能吗?
1868--Can what be possible, Rhett?你说可能什么? 瑞德
1869--That you've grown a woman's heart, a real woman's heart?你以经有了一颗女人的心啦真正女人
1870--I have, Rhett. I know I have.我有 瑞德我知道我有
1871--You know, it's worth being in jail just to hear you say that.你知道 听说你这话坐牢也值得
1872--It's well worth it.真是太值得了
1873--You can drop the moonlight and magnolias, Scarlett.你简直能把月亮给说下来
1874--So things have been going well at Tara, have they?泰拉庄园那个地方一切都好 是吗?
1875--What have you done with your hands?哦 是的你用这双手干什么了?
1876--I went riding last week without my gloves.不过是上次骑马的时候没戴手套
1877--These don't belong to a lady. You've worked with them like a field hand.这不是小姐的手象是庄稼
1878--Why did you lie? What are you up to?你为什么要撒谎? 你为什么要来
1879--In another minute, I'd almost believe you cared something.哦 瑞德 我差点相信你真的关心我了
1880--But I do care.可我是关心
1881--Suppose we get down to the truth.还是说实话吧
1882--You want something from me badly enough 你急于找我要什么东西
1883--to put on quite a show in your velvets.所以穿上天鹅绒的衣服来表演
1884--What is it? Money?是什么? 钱?
1885--I want $300 to pay the taxes on Tara.我需要三百块钱交泰拉庄园的税
1886--I did lie to you when I said everything was all right.喔 瑞德 我对说一切都好那是说谎
1887--Things are just as bad as they possibly could be. And you've got millions, Rhett.情况是糟得不能再
1888--What collateral are you offering?你拿什么作抵压?
1889--My earbobs. Not interested.我的耳环不感兴趣
1890--A mortgage on Tara. What would I do with a farm?用泰拉庄园我要农场做什么?
1891--You wouldn't lose. I'd pay you back out of next year's cotton.你不会损失的我明年用棉花还给你
1892--Not good enough. Have you nothing better?不够好还有更好的吗?
1893--You once said you loved me.你说过你爱我
1894--If you still love me, Rhett 如果你还爱我
1895--You haven't forgotten that I'm not a marrying man?你是不是忘了我是个不结婚的人
1896--No, I haven't forgotten.没有 我没有忘记
1897--You're not worth $300.听我说 斯卡莉 你不值三百块钱
1898--You'll never mean anything but misery to any man.你对男人来说只意味着倒霉
1899--Go on, insuIt me.说啊侮辱我吧
1900--I don't care what you say, only give me the money.我不在乎 只要给我钱
1901--I won't let Tara go. I can't let it go while there's a breath left in my body.我不能失去泰拉庄园只要
还有一口气 就不能失去它
1902--Oh, Rhett.瑞德
1903--Won't you please give me the money?请你把钱借该我吧
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1904--I couldn't give you the money if I wanted to.我想借你 也没办法给你

1905--My funds are in Liverpool, not in Atlanta.我的钱在利物浦不在亚特南大
1906--If I tried drawing a draft, the Yankees'd be on me like a duck on a June bug.如果我签一张支票北方
1907--So you see, my dear, you've abased yourseIf to no purpose.所以 亲爱的你白低声下气了
1908--Here, here, here, stop it.好啦 好啦 别这样啦
1909--Want the Yankees to see you like this?你想让北方佬见你这个样子吗?
1910--Take your hands off me, you skunk.把手拿开 你这个流氓
1911--You knew what I was going to say before I started.我还没说你就知道我要说什么
1912--You knew you wouldn't lend me the money and yet you let me go on.你明知道不会借钱给我可还
1913--I enjoyed hearing what you had to say.我就是想要听听你说什么
1914--Cheer up. You can come to my hanging and I'll remember you in my will.别灰心来看着我上绞架
1915--I'll come to your hanging. The only thing I'm afraid of 我的遗嘱里会有你一份我会来看的
1916--is that they won't hang you in time to pay the taxes on Tara.唯一担心的就是泰拉庄园要交税的时
1917--Tell him Belle Watling.告诉他是贝尔·沃特琳
1918--Where you been lately? Thought you'd deserted Capt. Butler.最近你去那儿了? 是不是把船长给
1919--Oh, I keep myseIf occupied. Help me out.我很忙 扶我下来
1920--Who that? I ain't never seen hair that color before in my life.她是谁? 我从来没有见过这种颜色的
1921--Does you know a dyed-haired woman?你认识这个人吗?
1922--I wish I did know that one. She'd get my money for me.我倒希望认识她她能借给我钱
1923--No matter what they done to you in that jail 不管他们在监狱里对你怎么样
1924--they didn't do no more than you deserve 你到监狱里去看那个臭白人
1925--for visiting white trash in a jail.真是活该
1926--Fresh and green.又新鲜有绿
1927--Hey, what are you doing tonight, Susy?今天晚上你干什么朱蒂?
1928--That's one of them Georgia peaches.一个左治亚的美人儿
1929--There's nothing like that in Ohio.在俄亥俄可没有这样的
1930--You know what we're going to do? What?你们知道我们要干什么吗? 什么?
1931--We're going to give every last one of you 40 acres and a mule.我们要给你们每个人四十一亩地和
1932--And a mule? Forty acres and a mule.还有一头驴子? 四十一亩地和一头驴子
1934--'Cause we're your friends 因为我们是
1935--and you're gonna become voters 你们的朋友
1936--and you're gonna vote like your friends do.你们都要选举权了
1937--What's your hurry, sister?你忙什么呢 妹妹?
1938--What's come over this here town?这个城市变样了
1939--Yankees have come over it. Same as they've come over all of us.北方佬佔领了它他们佔据了我们
1940--Out of our way, trash.别挡着道 别挡着道
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1941--Get out of the way here.讨厌 让开 让开

1942--Get away. Go on.别挡着道 别挡着
1943--Surely it can't be Miss Scarlett.这不是斯卡莉小姐吗?
1944--Why Frank Kennedy. And Mammy.弗南克·肯尼迪还有妈眯
1945--It sure is good to see home folks.在这儿见到家乡人真是太好啦
1946--I didn't know you were in Atlanta.我不知道你们在亚特南大
1947--I didn't know you were.我也不知道你在这儿?
1948--Didn't Miss Suellen tell you about my store?休伦跟你说过我的店吗?
1949--Did she? I don't remember. Have you a store?她说过吗? 我不记得了 你有个店?
1951--Won't you come in, and look around a bit?请进来 随便看看
1952--I don't suppose it looks like much to a lady, but 这不象太太们去的那种店
1953--I can't help being proud of it.可我为它感到骄傲
1954--You're not making money?你没赚什么钱?
1955--Well, I can't complain. In fact, I'm mighty encouraged.啊 还算可以我是很有信心的
1956--Folks tell me I'm just a born merchant.人们都说我是个天生的商人
1957--It won't be long now before Miss Suellen and I can marry.用不了多久 就可以和休伦小姐结婚啦
1958--Are you doing as well as all that?你干得那么好?
1959--Yes, I am, Miss Scarlett.是的 干得不错
1960--I'm no millionaire yet 我还不是百万富翁
1961--but I've cleared $1, 000 already.但我已经赚了一千多元了
1962--And lumber too.你经营木材?
1963--Well 是啊
1964--that's only a sideline.这只是附带经营的
1965--A sideline, Frank?附带经营?
1966--With all the good Georgia pine around Atlanta and all this building going on?亚特南大周围有很多
1967--Well, all that takes money, Miss Scarlett 这都需要钱斯卡莉小姐
1968--and I've got to be thinking about buying a home.我该准备买房子啦
1969--What do you want a home for?你买房子干什么?
1970--For Miss Suellen and me to set up housekeeping.和休伦小姐建立一个家庭
1971--Here in Atlanta. You'd want to bring her to Atlanta, wouldn't you?在亚特南大? 你要把她接到亚特
南大 是吗?
1972--There wouldn't be much help in that for Tara.这样对泰拉庄园没什么好处
1973--I don't rightly know what you mean, Miss Scarlett.嗯 我不明白你的意思? 斯卡莉小姐
1974--I don't mean a thing.我没什么意思
1975--Frank, how'd you like to drive me out to my Aunt Pitty's?弗南克 你愿意送我去碧蒂姑妈家吗?
1976--Nothing would give me more pleasure, Miss Scarlett.我非常愿意 斯卡莉小姐
1977--You'd better stay to supper, too.你最好留下来吃晚饭
1978--I'm sure Aunt Pitty'd be agreeable and I'd like a good long visit with you.碧蒂姑妈肯定会同意的我
1979--Oh, you act on me just like a tonic, Miss Scarlett.这太让我兴奋了斯卡莉小姐
1980--And will you tell me all the news 你能告诉我所有的消息吗?
1981--all the news of Miss Suellen?关于休伦小姐的一切
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1982--What's the matter, Miss Scarlett?怎么了 斯卡莉小姐?

1983--Miss Suellen's not ill, is she?休伦小姐没生病吧?
1984--Oh, no, no.喔 不 不
1985--I thought surely she had written you.我想她一定给你写信了
1986--I guess she was ashamed to write you.她大概没脸给你写信
1987--She should be ashamed.她该感到羞愧
1988--Oh, how awful to have such a mean sister.哦 我怎么会这么一个妹妹
1989--You must tell me, Miss Scarlett. Don't leave me on tenterhooks.快告诉我 斯卡莉小姐别让我心神
不安啦 快点
1990--Well, she's going to marry one of the county boys next month.喔 下个月她要和一个农村小伙子
1991--She just got tired of waiting and was afraid she'd be an old maid and.她等得不耐烦了她怕成为老
1992--Oh, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.我很难过 这事由我来告诉你
1993--Oh, it's colder. I left my muff at home.真冷啊 我把手笼忘在家啦
1994--Would you mind if I put my hand in your pocket?你不介意我把手放在你的口袋里吧?
1995--But, Melanie, you don't realize what she's done.喔 梅兰妮 你不知道她干了什么事
1996--She's gone and married my Mr. Kennedy.她跟我的肯尼迪先生结婚啦
1997--She did it to save Tara, you must understand that.她是为了保住泰拉庄园 你应该理解她 休伦
1998--I hate Tara.我要宰了她
1999--And I hate Scarlett. She's the only thing I hate worse than Tara.我恨泰拉庄园 我恨斯卡莉比对泰
2000--It's all my fault.都是我的错
2001--I should have committed highway robbery to get that tax money for you.为跟你弄钱交税我应该去
2002--I couldn't let you do anything like that, and.我不能让你干这种事
2003--Well, anyway, it's done now.反正木以成舟了
2004--Yes, it's done now.是啊是这样
2005--You wouldn't let me do anything dishonorable 你不让我干不体面的事情
2006--but you'd sell yourseIf in marriage to a man you didn't love.可你出卖了自己 嫁给你不爱的人
2007--Well, at least you won't have to worry about my helplessness anymore.你不用再为我这无能的人
2008--What do you mean?你什么意思?
2009--I'm going to New York.我要去纽约
2010--I've arranged to get a position in a bank there.我已经在银行里找到了一个职位
2011--But you can't do that.可你不能去
2012--I counted on you to help me start a lumber business, Ashley 我 我还指望你帮我做木材生意呢 艾
2013--and, well, I counted on you.我 我就指望你了
2014--I wouldn't be any good to you.我恐怕帮不上你
2015--I don't know anything about the lumber business.斯卡莉 我木材生意是一窍不通的
2016--You know as much as you do about banking.这跟你在银行也是一样的
2017--And I'd give you haIf the business, Ashley.而且我要把生意都给你一半
2018--That's generous of you, Scarlett.这是你的慷慨 斯卡莉
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2019--But it isn't that.可是不能这样

2020--If I go to Atlanta and take help from you again 如果我到亚特南大还要靠你的帮助
2021--I'dbury forever any hope of standing alone.我就永远没有独立生活的希望啦
2022--Oh, is that all?好啊就为这个
2023--Well, you could gradually buy the business and then it would be your own, and.你可以逐步买下这
2024--No, Scarlett.不 斯卡莉德
2025--Ashley.欧 艾希礼
2028--Scarlett, what is it?斯卡莉 怎么了?
2029--Ashley's so mean and hateful.艾希礼这么冷酷 这么可恨
2030--What have you done?你干什么啦?
2031--She wanted me to go to Atlanta.她要 我们去亚特南大
2032--To help me start my lumber business, and he won't lift a finger to help me, and he.我的木材生意要
2033--Why, how unchivalrous of you.你太没有骑士风度了
2034--Why, think, Ashley, think.想想吧 艾希礼
2035--If it hadn't been for Scarlett, I'd have died in Atlanta.如果不是斯卡莉我就死在亚特南大了
2036--And maybe we wouldn't have had little Beau, and 而且 而且可能连小波尔都没有啦
2037--and when I think of her picking cotton and plowing just to keep food 每当我想到她耕地 摘棉花
2038--in our mouths, I could just.都为了养活我们 而我只能
2039--Oh, my darling.喔 亲爱的
2040--All right, Melanie.好啦 梅兰妮
2041--I'll go to Atlanta.我去亚特南大
2042--I can't fight you both.我斗不过你们俩个
2043--Quick then please 快点走
2044--Well, here's your new mill hands, Mrs. Kennedy.啊这都是新来的工人肯尼迪太太
2045--The pick of all the best jaiIs in Georgia.是从左治亚洲监狱里挑来的最好的
2046--They look pretty thin and weak to me, Gallegher.他们看起来又瘦又弱的样子
2048--They're the best you can lease, ma'am.这是能雇来的最好的犯人啦
2049--And if you'll just give Johnny Gallegher a free hand 如让你放手让我管
2050--you'll get what you want out of them.你要什么 就能干什么
2051--All right, you're the foreman.好吧 你是工头
2052--All I ask is, you keep the mill running and deliver my lumber when I want it.要保证木材厂运转即时
2053--Johnny Gallegher's your man, Miss.亚利格听您吩咐 太太
2054--But remember 要记住
2055--no questions and no interference.不要过问和干予我的事
2056--That's a bargain. Start them in the morning, Gallegher.就这么定了 明天一早开工
2057--Come on, get a move on. Come on, move on there.好了你们走吧 走啊到那边去
2058--But, Scarlett, this isn't right and you know it.斯卡莉 这不对 你是知道的
2059--It's bad enough for a woman to be in business, but 女人做生意已经很不象样了
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2060--What are you complaining about?而你 你抱怨什么?

2061--You wouldn't have owned a mill had I not taken over.如果我不管你永远不会有木材厂的
2062--I didn't want the mill, and we couldn't have bought it 可我并不想要这个木材厂啊
2063--if you hadn't pressed all of our friends for the money they owed me.如果你不是逼我的朋友还欠
2064--Isn't that right, Ashley?你说对吗 艾希礼?
2065--What are you running, a charitable institution?你在经营慈善机构吗?
2066--Go back to the store, then go home and take your medicine.回店里去吧 弗南克然回家吃药
2067--You're not looking very well.你的气色不大好
2068--But, sugar, shouldn't you come home with me?可是宝贝 你和我一起回家好
2069--Great balls of fire. Don't bother me anymore, and don't call me sugar.别啰唆了 别再打扰我也别
2070--All right, all right.好吧 好吧
2071--Good night, Ashley.晚安 艾希礼
2072--She can get mad quicker than any woman I ever saw.哦 天啦 我从没见过脾气这么大的女人
2073--Scarlett, I don't like to interfere, but 斯卡莉 我不想干予
2074--I do wish you'd let me hire free darkies instead of using convicts.不过我希望能让我雇用自由黑人
2075--I believe we could do better.这样将会更好
2076--Darkies. Why, their pay would break us, and convicts are dirt cheap.黑人的工钱会让我们破产犯人
2077--If we just give Gallegher a free hand 我们尽管放手让嘎厉特去做
2078--A free hand. You know what that means. He'll starve them and whip them.放手? 这是什么意识你
2079--Some of them are sick, underfed.他会饿着他们 鞭打他们
2080--Oh, Ashley, how you do run on.你没看见吗? 有的人病了 吃不饱饭 艾希礼
2081--Left alone, you'd be giving them chicken three times a day and 你会怎么管理 如果让你管 你会一
2082--tucking them to sleep with eiderdown quilts.让他们蓋羽绒被
2083--Scarlett, I will not make money out of the enforced labor and misery of others.我不愿意从那些强
2084--You weren't so particular about owning slaves.你不是也有过奴隶吗?
2085--That was different. We didn't treat them that way.那不一样不是这样对待他们
2086--Besides, I'd have freed them all when father died 即使没有战争
2087--if the war hadn't already freed them.我也会在父亲去世后让他们自由的
2088--Oh, I'm sorry, Ashley.很遗憾 艾希礼
2089--But have you forgotten what it's like without money?你忘了没有钱是什么样了?
2090--I found out that money is the most important thing in the world 我发现钱是世界上最重要的东西
2091--and I don't intend ever to be without it again.我再也不愿意受穷了
2092--I'll make enough so the Yankees can never take Tara away from me.我要赚多多的钱 这样北佬就
2093--I'll make it the only way I know how.这是唯一的途径
2094--But we're not the only Southerners who have suffered.并不是我们几个南方人在受苦
2095--Look at all our friends. They're keeping their honor and their kindness, too.看看我们的朋友他们还
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2096--And they're starving. I've got no use for fooIs who won't help themselves.对 可他们在挨饿 连自
2097--I know what they're saying about me, and I don't care.我知道他们在说我可我不在乎
2098--I'll make friends with the Yankee carpetbaggers.我就是要跟北方人打交道
2099--And I'll beat them at their own game, and you'll beat them with me.按他们的方式战胜他们
2100--That's it. Move it a little over to that side.好了 再往那边挪一点
2101--Afternoon, Mrs. Kennedy.下午好 肯尼迪太太
2102--Good afternoon.下午好
2103--Business is certainly growing, ain't it?生意很幸隆是不是
2104--It certainly is.挺不错的
2105--But you're doing business with the same people who robbed us 斯卡莉 你跟把些抢劫和折磨过我

2106--and tortured us and left us to starve.而且还让我们饥饿的北方佬做生意
2107--All that's past, Melly.这都过去了
2108--And I intend to make the best of things, even if they are Yankee things.我要赚钱 那怕跟北方佬共

2109--And do you know, Dolly Merriwether, that Dr. Meade actually saw her 梅姿格灵之太太 你知道吗?
2110--peddling lumber to those Yankees, herself.米格大夫看见她亲自把木材卖给了北方佬
2111--And that isn't all.还不只这些呢
2112--I think it's shocking what she's doing to my brother, Ashley.她对我哥哥艾希礼所干的事真让人吃

2113--She's even taken to driving her own buggy.她甚至还自己找马车呢
2114--My dear Mrs. Kennedy.亲爱的肯尼迪太太
2115--My very dear Mrs. Kennedy.最亲爱的肯尼迪太太
2116--I don't see how you have the gall to face me.你具然还有脸来见我
2117--When I think you could have had my millions 我想你只要再多等一下
2118--if you'd just waited a little while.就能得到我的钱了
2119--Oh, how fickle is woman.女人真是善变
2120--What is it you want? I have important things to do.你要干什么? 我还有要紧事呢
2121--Would you satisfy my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?你能不能满足一
2122--Well, what is it? Be quick.是什么? 说
2123--Tell me, Scarlett, do you never shrink from marrying men you don't love?告诉我 你难道不在乎和
2124--How did you ever get out of jail? Why didn't they hang you?你怎么从监狱里出来的? 为什么没绞
2125--Oh, that. Not much trouble.没有用钱买不到的东西
2126--There's nothing much that money won't buy.我看连那位高贵的
2127--I observe it's even bought you the honorable Mr. Wilkes.卫尔克斯先生也让你买下来了
2128--So you still hate Ashley Wilkes.这么说 你还恨艾希礼?
2129--Do you know, I believe you're jealous of him.我想你是嫉妒他吧
2130--You still think you're the belle of the county, don't you?你还以为你是这里的美人是吗?
2131--That you're the cutest little trick in shoe leather.还以为是一位娇滴滴的小姐
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2132--And that every man you meet is dying of love for you.每个男人见到你都会爱得要死
2133--Let me by.让我过去
2134--Don't be angry, Scarlett. Tell me, where are you going?别生气 斯卡莉你要去哪儿?
2135--To the mill, if it's any of your business.我去木材厂与你有什么关系
2136--Through shantytown, alone?一个人经过棚户区
2137--Haven't you been told it's dangerous to drive alone through all that riffraff?你不知道一个人赶车遇
2138--Don't worry about me.别为我操心
2139--I can shoot straight if I don't have to shoot too far.需要开枪的时候我会开枪的
2140--What a woman.这种女人
2141--Could ya gimme a quarter?给我二十五分
2142--Let go of my horse.放开我的马
2143--Hold this horse.拉住这马 拉住它
2144--She has a gun.注意 她有枪
2148--Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉德小姐
2149--Miss Scarlett, wait. Miss Scarlett.斯卡莉德小姐 斯卡莉德小姐等等我
2150--Miss Scarlett. It's Big Sam.我是大山姆
2151--Big Sam.大山姆
2152--Miss Scarlett. Wait.等等我
2153--Sam. Sam.山姆 山姆
2154--Is you hurt, Miss Scarlett? Did they hurt you?你受伤了 斯卡莉小姐?
2155--Don't you cry, Miss Scarlett. Big Sam'll get you out of this in a jiffy.别哭了 斯卡莉德小姐马上送你
2156--Horse, make tracks.驾 快跑
2157--You get to Tara just as quick as you can, and stay there.你到泰拉庄园去 越快越好就待在那儿
2158--I sure will. I's got enough of them carpetbaggers.喔 太好了我看够了那些投机政客了
2159--Thank you, Mr. Frank. Goodbye, Miss Scarlett.谢谢你 弗南克先生再见 斯卡莉德小姐
2160--Goodbye, Sam, and thank you.再见 山姆 谢谢你
2161--Scarlett, change your dress and go over to Miss Melly's for the evening.斯卡莉 换件衣服晚上到美
2162--I've got to go to a political meeting.我去参加一个政治集会
2163--A political meeting.政治集会
2164--How can you go to a political meeting 我今天下午出了事
2165--after what I've been through this afternoon?你还要参加政治集会?
2166--Oh, sugar. You're more scared than hurt.哦 宝贝你受了惊吓了
2167--Nobody cares about me. You all act as though it was nothing at all.没有人关心我你们就像没事一

2168--The men talk, talk, talk about protecting our women 男人们总是说要保护我们妇女
2169--and after what happened to me today Frank has to go to a political meeting.可今天我出了这么大
2170--And if it won't pain you too much, lndia Wilkes 如果你不难过 英蒂雅
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2171--I'dbe much obliged if you'll tell me why you're staring at me.请告诉我你为什么总是这么看着我?

2172--Has my face gone green or something?难道 我的脸是绿色的吗?
2173--It won't pain me.我并不难过
2174--What happened this afternoon was just what you deserved.今天下午发生的事是你自找的
2175--And if there was any justice, you'd have gotten worse.如果还有公理的话你应该更倒霉
2176--India, hush up.英蒂雅 别说了
2177--Let her talk, Melanie. She's always hated me.喔 让她说 梅兰妮
2178--Ever since I took your brother away from her 自从我把你弟弟查尔斯从她那儿夺走后
2179--though she's too much of a hypocrite to admit it.她就一直恨我
2180--If she thought anyone'd go for her 如果有人追她
2181--she'd walk down the street naked.她会脱光衣服在街上走的
2182--I do hate you.我就是恨你
2183--You've done all you could to lower the prestige of decent people.你的所作所为败坏了我们正经人
2184--Now you've endangered the lives of our men, because they 现在又让男人们去冒生命危险 因为
2186--I don't think we'd better say any more, or one of us will be saying too much.我想最好都别说了谁
2187--What's going on around here that I don't know about?出什么事啦我怎么什么都不知道?
2188--Somebody's comin' up the walk.嘘 有人走过来了
2189--Somebody that ain't Mr. Ashley.不知道是谁
2190--Will you hand me the pistol, please, Mrs. Meade?请把手枪给我 米格太太
2191--Whoever it is 不论是谁
2192--we know nothing.问你们说什么都不知道
2193--Where have they gone?他们到哪儿去了?
2194--You've got to tell me, Mrs. Wilkes. It's life or death.快告诉我 是生死悠关的事
2195--Don't tell him anything. He's a Yankee spy.什么都不要告诉他他是北方的奸细
2196--Quickly, please. There may still be time.快一点 或许还来得及
2197--How did you know?你怎么知道?
2198--I've been playing poker with two Yankee captains.我跟两个北方商人玩牌
2199--They knew there'd be trouble tonight.他们知道了晚上要闹事
2200--They've sent their cavalry out to be ready for it.已经做好了准备
2201--Your husband and his friends are walking into a trap.你丈夫和他们的朋友要落入圈套了
2202--Don't tell him. He's trying to trap you.别告诉他 他在套你的话
2203--Out the Decatur Road. The old Sullivan plantation.在得卡德罗夫街老苏利文种植园
2204--The house is burned. They're meeting in the cellar.在被烧的房子的地窖里聚会
2205--I'll do what I can.我尽力而为
2206--What's all this about? If you don't tell me, I'll go crazy.怎么回事? 你们都不告诉我 我要疯啦
2207--We thought it best not to tell you, Scarlett.斯卡莉 我们本来不想告诉你
2208--But Ashley and Frank and the others have gone to clean out those woods 艾希礼 弗南克 还有一
2209--where you were attacked.去清除你出事的树林去了
2210--It's what a great many of our Southern gentlemen have had 这就是我们南方男人
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2211--to do lately for our protection.保护我们所做的事

2212--And if they're captured, they'll be hanged, Scarlett.如果他们被捕 都要被绞死斯卡莉
2213--And it will be your fault.这都是你惹的祸
2214--Another word, and you go out of this house, lndia.英蒂雅 你再说一句就请你出去
2215--Scarlett did what she thought she had to do.郝斯卡莉做的是她应该做的
2216--And our men are doing what they think they have to do.男人们也是在尽他们的职责
2218--And Ashley.艾希礼
2219--Oh, it isn't possible.这不可能
2220--There's horses, Miss Melly. Here they come.马队 梅妮小姐
2221--You're sewing, you're sewing.你们做活 别停下来
2222--Open the door, Mammy.妈眯 开门吧
2223--Good evening, Mrs. Kennedy.晚上好 肯尼迪太太
2224--Which of you ladies is Mrs. Wilkes?哪位是卫尔克斯太太?
2225--I am Mrs. Wilkes.我是卫尔克斯太太
2226--I should like to speak to Mr. Wilkes, if you please.我要跟卫尔克斯先生谈谈可以吗?
2227--He's not here.他不在
2228--Are you sure?真的吗?
2229--Don't you doubt Miss Melly's word.梅妮小姐不会撒谎
2230--I meant no disrespect, Mrs. Wilkes.我不是不尊重您卫尔克斯太太
2231--If you'll give me your word, I won't search the house.如果你能保证我就不搜查了
2232--Search if you like, but Mr. Wilkes is at a political meeting at Mr. Kennedy's store.要搜就搜吧 他有
2233--He's not at the store, and there's no meeting tonight.他没在那儿今天晚上没有集会
2234--No political meeting.没有政治集会
2235--We'll wait outside till he and his friends return.我到外面去等他们回来
2236--Sergeant, surround the house. Put a man on each door and window.中士包围这所房子堵住所有
2237--Yes, sir.是 队长
2238--Keep on with your sewing, ladies.继续做活吧
2239--And I'll read aloud.我来 我来朗读
2240--The Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield.大卫·科伯非尔的生平和经历
2241--Chapter one.第一章
2242--I'm born.我出生了
2243--To begin my life, with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born.我从出生的那天起即是我
2244--Chapter Nine. I have a memorable birthday.第九章我有一个可纪念的生日
2245--l pass over all that happened at school 我的生日在三月间来到
2246--until the anniversary of my birthday came around in March.这以前 学校中所发生的一切我都不
2247--Except that Steerforth was more to be admired than ever.除了司帖夫子比以前更让人羡慕以外
2248--l remember nothing.我什么都不记得了
2249--He was going away at the end of the haIf year, if not sooner 他就要在年底离开假如不是更早的话
2250--and was more spirited and independent than before in my eyes 在我的眼里 他比以前更活泼更能
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2251--and, therefore, more engaging than before, but 因而比以前更让人喜欢了
2252--beyond this I remember nothing.可是除此之外
2253--The great.我什么都不记得了
2254--l remember nothing.我什么都不记得了
2255--Melly. They're drunk.梅妮 他们喝醉了
2256--Leave this to me, Scarlett.让我来应付
2257--And, please, say nothing.请你 什么也别说
2258--You stupid fool.你这蠢货
2260--Will you shut up for the love of?你们不要再唱了安静
2261--Hello, Melly.你好 梅妮
2262--So, you've got my husband intoxicated again, Captain Butler.你又把我丈夫灌醉了巴特勒船长
2263--Well, bring him in.好 扶他进来吧
2264--I'm sorry, Mrs. Wilkes. Your husband's under arrest.对不起 卫尔克斯太太你丈夫被捕了
2265--If you arrest all the men who get intoxicated 你们如果要逮捕亚特南大的
2266--you must have a good many Yankees in jail.那你们的监狱里就住满北方人了喔 对不起 我
2267--Bring him in, Captain Butler. If you can walk yourself.扶他进来吧 巴特勒船长如果你自己还能走
2268--Oh 喔 这
2269--I want to tell you a story.我要给你讲个故事
2270--Listen, Doctor, l.大夫 我
2271--Put him there in that chair.让他坐在椅子上
2272--And now, Captain Butler, will you please leave my house 巴特勒船长 请你离开我家好吗?
2273--and try to remember not to come here again?记住以后再也别来了
2274--Well, now that's fine thanks I get for bringing him home 可是我把他从大街上弄回来没让他在那
2275--and not leaving him on the streets in this shameful condition.你就 这样谢我?
2276--Now, boys, all together.我们进来大家一起唱吧
2277--Dr. Meade 米格大夫
2278--I'm astonished at you.你太我吃惊了
2279--Oh, Ashley. How can you do this to me?艾希礼 你怎么能做这种事?
2280--I ain't so very drunk, Melly.我 我还没太醉
2281--Take him into the bedroom and lay him out on the bed as usual.扶他进卧室去 妈眯把他扶到床上

2282--Don't touch him, he's under arrest.别动他 他被捕了中士
2283--Now, Tom.汤姆
2284--What do you want to arrest him for?你为什么要逮捕他?
2285--I've seen him drunker.我看见他喝醉了
2286--I've seen you drunker. And you've seen me.也见你喝醉过你也见过我
2287--He can lie in the gutter for all I care. I'm not a policeman.他醉倒在沟里我也管不着我不是警察
2288--But he led a raid tonight on that shantytown 可他今天晚山领着人袭击了棚户区
2289--where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble this afternoon.就是肯尼迪太太出事的地方
2290--A lot of those shanties were burned. A couple of men were killed.很多屋子被烧了 还打死了人
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2291--It's about time you rebeIs learned you can't take the law into your own hands.应该让你们这些反
2292--What are you laughing at?你在笑什么?
2293--This isn't your night to teach that lesson, Tom.你不用来教训我 汤姆
2294--These two have been with me tonight. Yes, sir.今晚他一直跟我在一起是的 先生
2295--With you, Rhett?瑞德 跟你?
2297--I don't like to say in the presence of ladies.在太太们面前不好说
2298--You'd better say.你最好说出来
2299--Come out on the porch and I'll tell you.到外面门厅 我告诉你
2300--Speak out, Captain Butler.说吧 巴特勒船长
2301--I think I have a right to know where my husband's been.我想有权知道我丈夫去哪儿
2302--Well, ma'am, we dropped in on a friend of mine 好吧 太太 我们 在我们的一个朋友家里
2303--and the captain's.也是队长的朋友
2304--A Mrs. Belle Watling.贝尔·沃特琳太太那儿
2305--We played cards, drank champagne and 我们打牌 喝香宾 还有
2307--Now, you've done it. Did you have to show me up in front of my wife?干的好事在我太太面前把我
2308--Now I hope you're satisfied, Tom.现在你可以满意了 汤姆?
2309--These ladies won't be on speaking terms with their husbands tomorrow.明天这俩位太太不会理他
2310--Rhett, I had no idea, l.哦 瑞德 我 我没想到 我
2311--Look here, will you take an oath that they were with you tonight at 你说 你能发誓说他们今晚上
2312--at Belle's?都在贝尔家
2313--Ask Belle, if you don't believe me. She'll tell you, Captain.你要不相信去问贝尔她会告诉你的
2314--Will you give me your word as a gentleman?你能像位绅士那样想我保证吗?
2315--As a gentleman?象位绅士?
2316--Why certainly, Tom.当然了
2317--Well, if l 好 如果
2318--if I've made a mistake, I'm sorry.如果我弄错了对不起
2319--I hope you'll forgive me, Mrs. Wilkes. I.请你原谅我 卫尔克斯太太
2320--If you'll go and leave us in peace, please.请你走吧 让我们安静一会
2321--Well, I say I'm sorry, and 我 我说对不起了
2322--well, I am sorry.真 真的对不起
2323--Come on, Sergeant.走吧 中士
2324--Lock that door. Pull down the shades.锁上门 拉上窗帘
2326--It's all right. It's only in the shoulder.不要紧 只是肩膀受伤了
2327--Get him on the bed where I can dress the wound.扶他上床我给他包扎伤口
2328--I think I can walk.我想 我能走
2329--It's not worth the effort. Which way?何必呢?
2330--In here.哪边? 这边
2331--Mammy, I want some hot water. Yes, sir.喔 妈眯 给我点热水好
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2332--And lint for bandages. I'll find some.需要点软布做绷带我去找

2333--Now what can I use for a probe? If I only had my bag.我用什么探伤口? 要是有药箱就好了
2334--Were you really there? What did it look like?你真上那儿去了吗? 那儿什么样子
2335--Does she have cut-glass chandeliers, plush curtains and dozens of mirrors?有刻花的玻璃吊灯 丝
2336--Good heavens, Mrs. Meade, remember yourself.天啦 我的太太 你在说什么呢?
2337--And now, Captain Butler, tell me what happened, all that happened.巴特勒船长 请告诉我倒底怎
2338--I was too late.我晚了一步
2339--When I got to the old Sullivan place there'd already been a skirmish with the Yankees.我赶到那儿
2340--I found Mr. Wilkes wounded and Dr. Meade was with him.卫尔克斯先生受了伤米格大夫和他在一

2341--I had to prove they had been somewhere, anyplace but where they were.我必须证明他们不在现
2342--So I took them to Belle's.所以把他们 带到贝尔那儿去了
2343--And she took them in?她让他们进去了?
2344--She's by way of being an old friend of mine.贝尔是我的老朋友了
2345--Oh, I'm sorry. I 喔 对不起
2346--I'm sorry I couldn't think up a more dignified alibi.很抱歉 我当时想不出更体面的地方
2347--This isn't the first time you've come between me and disaster, Captain Butler.这已经不是你第一次
2348--It isn't likely that I'd question any device of yours.我问你 并不是怀疑你的做法
2349--And now, I'll go and see what Dr. Meade needs.我 我去看看米格大夫还需要什么
2350--Oh, Ashley.艾希礼
2352--Have you no interest in what's become of your own husband, Mrs. Kennedy?你对你自己丈夫的情
2353--Did Frank go with you to Belle Watling's?哼 弗南克一跟你去贝尔那儿了吗?
2355--Well, where is he?那么他在哪儿?
2356--He's lying out on Decatur Road 正躺在得卡斯大路上
2357--shot through the head.头部中了弹
2358--He's dead.他死了
2359--Who is it?是哪一位?
2360--It's Miss Watlin'.是我 沃特琳太太
2361--Oh, Mrs. Watling. Won't you come in the house?沃特琳太太请到屋里坐会儿吧
2362--Oh, no, I couldn't do that, Miss Wilkes.我不能进去 卫尔克斯太太
2363--You come in and sit a minute with me.你上车来跟我呆一会
2364--How can I thank you enough for what you did for us?你这么帮助我该怎么谢你呢?
2365--How can any of us thank you enough?我怎么谢你才好呢?
2366--I got your note sayin' you was goin' to call on me and thank me.我收到你的便条说你要来拜访我
2367--Why, Miss Wilkes, you must have lost your mind.向我道谢 卫尔克斯太太
2368--I come up here as soon as it was dark to tell you 您大概是糊涂了 所以天刚黑 我就赶过来
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2369--you mustn't even think of any such thing.告诉您 您 不应该这样想

2370--Well, it wouldn't be fittin' at all.那是很不合适的
2371--It wouldn't be fitting to thank a kind woman who saved my husband's life?我向一位救了我丈夫命
的人去道谢 有什么不合适?
2372--Miss Wilkes, there ain't never been a lady in this town nice to me like you was.卫尔克斯太太 全城
2373--I mean, about the money for the hospital, you know.我是说为医院捐款的事
2374--And I don't forget a kindness.我不会忘记的
2375--And I got to thinking about you being left a widow with a little boy 我想卫尔克斯先生要是被绞死
2376--if Mr. Wilkes got hung 你又成了寡妇 还有一个孩子
2377--and he's a nice little boy, your boy is, Miss Wilkes.他真是个天真可爱孩子
2378--I got a boy myseIf and so l.我也有个男孩 所以我
2379--Oh, you have? Does he live?哦 您也有 ? 他住在 ?
2380--Oh, no, ma'am, he ain't here in Atlanta.喔 不 他不在亚特南大
2381--He ain't never been here.我从来也没有见过他
2382--He's off at school.他在别处上学
2383--I ain't seen him since he was little.从小我就没见过他了
2384--Well, anyway, if it had been that Miss Kennedy's husband by hisself 不管怎么说 要是肯尼迪太太
2385--I wouldn't have lifted a finger to, no matter what Captain Butler said.我是连一个手指头也不会帮
2386--She's a mighty cold woman.就是巴特勒船长说也不行
2387--Prancin' about Atlanta by herself.她是个冷酷的女人在亚特南大目中无人
2388--She killed her husband same as if she shot him.她丈夫等于就是让她杀死的
2389--You mustn't say unkind things about my sister-in-law.请你不要这样说我的弟妹
2390--Please don't freeze me, Miss Wilkes.哦 请别介意卫尔克斯太太
2391--I forgot how you liked her.我忘了你喜欢她了
2392--But she just ain't in the same class with you and I can't help it if I think so.不过您跟她可不是一路
2393--Well, anyway, I gotta be goin'.现在我该走了
2394--I'm scared somebody'll recognize this carriage if I stayed here any longer.我怕在这儿呆久了有人会
2395--That wouldn't do you no good.这样对您不好
2396--And Miss Wilkes 还有 卫尔克斯太太
2397--if you ever see me on the street, you don't have to speak to me.如果 你在街上遇到了我而不和我
2398--I'll understand.我能理解
2399--I should be proud to speak to you. Proud to be under obligation to you.跟您说话 向您道谢我都感
2400--I hope we meet again.希望能再见面
2401--Oh, no, ma'am, that wouldn't be fittin'.啊不 这不太合适
2402--Good night, Miss Wilkes. Good night, Mrs. Watling.晚安 卫尔克斯太太晚安 沃特琳太太
2403--And you're wrong about Mrs. Kennedy.你误解了肯尼迪太太
2404--She's brokenhearted about her husband.她为她丈夫的死很痛心
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2405--Great balls of fire. It's Rhett.是瑞德 真讨厌

2406--Miss Scarlett, Captain Butler here to see you.小姐 巴特勒船长来看你
2407--I told him you was prostrate with grief.我告诉他 你现在很伤心
2408--Tell him I'll be right down, Mammy.告诉他 我就下来 妈眯
2409--She says she's comin'.她说她就下来
2410--I don't know why she's comin'. But she's a-comin'.我不知道她为什么要下来可她马就下来
2411--You don't like me, Mammy.你不喜欢我 妈眯
2412--Now don't you argue with me, you don't. You really don't.你不用和我说了 我知道你真不喜欢我
2413--It's no good, Scarlett.这样不好 斯卡莉
2415--The cologne.花露水
2416--I'm sure I don't know what you mean.我 不明白你的意思
2417--I mean you've been drinking. Brandy. Quite a lot.我是说你喝酒了 白兰地喝了不少
2418--Well, what if I have? Is that any of your affair?喝了怎么样 与你什么相干?
2419--Don't drink alone, Scarlett.别一个人喝酒
2420--People always find out and it ruins the reputation.人们会知道 斯卡莉这有损你的名誉
2421--What is it?好象
2422--This is more than losing old Frank.不仅仅是为了老弗南克?
2423--Oh, Rhett 瑞德
2424--I'm so afraid.我很害怕
2425--I don't believe it. You've never been afraid in your life.我不信 你从来不会害怕
2426--I'm afraid now.我现在很害怕
2427--I'm afraid of dying and going to hell.害怕死怕下地狱
2428--You look pretty healthy, and maybe there isn't any hell.你看起来很健康也许就没有地狱
2429--Oh, there is. I know there is. I was raised on it.有的 我知道有从小就知道
2430--Well, far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood.哦 我不会过问你小时候受的教育?
2431--Tell me what you've done that hell yawns before you.告诉我 你都干了些什么事情而要下地狱?
2432--I ought never to have married Frank to begin with.一开始我不该嫁给弗南克
2433--He was Suellen's beau and he loved her, not me.他是休伦的未婚夫他爱她而不是我
2434--And I made him miserable. And I killed him.我让他痛苦 我害死了他
2435--Yes, I did. I killed him.是的 我害死了他
2436--Oh, Rhett 瑞德
2437--For the first time I'm finding out what it is to be sorry for something I've done.这是我第一次为自
2438--Here. Dry your eyes.给你 擦擦眼泪
2439--If you had it all to do over again, you'd do no differently.如果你再做一次你还会是那样
2440--You're like the thief who isn't the least bit sorry he stole 你就象是一个贼 偷了东西以后一点也不
2441--but he's terribly, terribly sorry he's going to jail.而是害怕去蹲监狱
2442--I'm glad Mother's dead.幸亏妈妈她死了
2443--I'm glad she's dead so she can't see me.幸亏她死了 没看到我这样
2444--I always wanted to be like her, calm and kind and.我一直想像她那样安祥 善良
2445--And I certainly have turned out disappointing.我一天天令她失望
2446--You know, Scarlett, I think you're on the verge of a crying jag.斯卡莉 我看你现在快要放声大哭了
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2447--So I'll change the subject and say what I came to say.让我们换个话题说说我为什么来这儿
2448--Say it, then, and get out.说吧 说完快走
2449--What is it?要说什么?
2450--That I can't go on any longer without you.今生今世我再也不能没有你啦
2451--You are the most ill-bred man to come here at a time like this with your filthy 喔 你真是个最没教
2452--I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me 当我第一次见到你 我就觉得
2453--the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks.你是我所要的唯一的女人
2454--Now that you've got the lumber mill and Frank's money 你现在有木材厂和弗南克的钱
2455--you won't come to me as you did to the jail.不会象进监狱那样来求我
2456--So I see I shall have to marry you.看来现在我该娶你了
2457--I never heard of such bad taste.我从来没听过这么粗俗的话
2458--Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees?如果我现在跟你下跪你该相信了吧?
2459--Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here.你这个无赖 你给我出去
2460--Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments 对不起 请你愿谅我我的情感
2461--my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy.吓着你了 亲爱的 应该说亲爱的肯尼迪太太
2462--But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past 你应该注意到了 这些天
2463--the friendship I have feIt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling.我对你的友情 已经发展到了
2464--A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred.而且是更加美好 更加纯洁和更加神圣
2465--Dare I name it? Can it be love?这应承说是 爱情了吧?
2466--Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes.你给我起来 我不喜欢这庸俗的玩笑
2467--This is an honorable proposal of marriage 这是一种高尚的求婚方式
2468--made at what I consider a most opportune moment.这是我认为最适当的时候
2469--I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.我不能一生总在 你的丈夫中间等着
2470--You're coarse, and you're conceited.你有粗鲁 又自负
2471--And I think this conversation has gone far enough.这种话我不想听下去了
2472--Besides, I shall never marry again.再说 我不会再结婚了
2473--Oh, yes, you will, and you'll marry me.哦 你会的你会嫁给我的
2474--You? You.你 你 ?
2475--I don't love you.我不爱你
2476--And I don't like being married.而且 而且我喜欢结婚
2477--Did you ever think of marrying just for fun?你想过为乐趣而结婚吗?
2478--Marriage, fun? Fiddle-dee-dee. Fun for men, you mean.结婚的乐趣? 别胡说了 那是男人的乐趣
2479--Hush up. Do you want them to hear you?你要外面都听到吗?
2480--You've been married to a boy and an old man.你先嫁个孩子后又嫁个老头
2481--Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women?为什么不嫁个年纪相当又懂得女
2482--You're a fool, Rhett Butler, when you know I shall always love another man.你是个傻瓜 你知道吗?
2483--Stop it. Do you hear me, Scarlett? Stop it. No more of that talk.别说 你现在听见了没有别再说这

2484--Rhett, don't, I shall faint.别 我要晕了
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2485--I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for.我就是要你晕 想一想吧
2486--None of the fooIs you've known have kissed you like this, have they?你的那些傻瓜有过这样的吻?
2487--Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley.你的恰尔斯 弗南克还有那个笨艾希礼
2488--Say you're going to marry me. Say yes. Say yes.说你要嫁给我说愿意 说愿意
2490--Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back?是真心话吗? 不会说了不算?
2492--Look at me and try to tell me the truth.看着我 跟我说心里话
2493--Did you say yes because of my money?说你愿意 是不是为了我的钱?
2495--Yes. Partly.是 也不全是
2497--Well, you know, Rhett, money does help, and, of course I am fond of you.你知道 瑞德 钱是有用
的当然 我也喜欢你
2498--Fond of me.喜欢我?
2499--Well, if I said I was madly in love with you, you'd know I was lying 如果说我疯狂地爱着你那是说谎
2500--but you always said we had a lot in common.你常说我们有共同之处
2501--Yes, you're right, my dear.说得对 亲爱的
2502--I'm not in love with you any more than you are with me.你爱我多少 我就爱你多少
2503--Heaven help the man who ever really loves you.愿上天保佑真正爱你的人
2504--What kind of a ring would you like, my darling?想要什么样的戒指? 亲爱的
2505--Oh, a diamond ring. And do buy a great big one, Rhett.钻石戒指要买一只特大的 瑞德
2506--You shall have the biggest and the most vulgar ring in Atlanta.我要给你买亚特南大最大最阔气的
2507--I'll take you to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon 我还要用我的钱带你到新奥尔良
2508--my ill-gotten gains can buy.度一次最豪华的蜜月
2509--Oh, that would be just heavenly.哦 那真是太好啦
2510--And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too.我还要跟你买很多很多的嫁妆
2511--Rhett, how wonderful, but 哦 瑞德 太好了
2512--you won't tell anybody, will you, Rhett?可别告诉任何人
2513--Still the little hypocrite.还是个小伪君子
2514--Rhett, aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?瑞德 不和我吻别吗?
2515--Don't you think you've had enough kissing for one afternoon?怎么 亲爱的 这一下午还没有亲够
2516--You're impossible.哦 你真讨厌
2517--You can go and I don't care if you never come back.走吧我不在乎 你别再回来
2518--But I will come back.可是我要回来的
2519--What are you thinking about, Scarlett?你想什么呢 斯卡莉德?
2520--I'm thinking about how rich we are.我想我们多阔啊
2521--Rhett, I can keep the lumber business too, can't l?哦 瑞德我还能继续经营木材厂吗?
2522--Yes, of course, you can, if it amuses you.当然了 如果你愿意
2523--Now that you're rich you can tell everyone to go to the devil 现在你阔了 象你常说的那样
2524--as you've always said you wanted to.可以让任何人见鬼去了
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2525--But you were the main one I wanted to go to the devil.那你就是第一个去见鬼的了

2526--Don't scrape the plate, Scarlett. I'm sure there's more in the kitchen.不要刮盘子 斯卡莉橱房里还
2527--Oh, Rhett, can I have one of those chocolate ones stuffed with meringue?哦 瑞德 我能再要一块
2528--If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy 你要是再这样贪吃的话会胖得象
2529--then I'll divorce you.那我可要离婚了
2530--Wouldn't it be nice if you bought something for Mammy, too?该给妈眯买点礼物吧?
2531--Why should I buy her a present when she called us both mules?为什么给她买礼物? 她说我们是
2532--Mules? Why mules?骡子? 为什么?
2533--Yes, she said we could give ourselves airs, and get ourselves all slicked up 喔 她说我们摆阔气把自
2534--like racehorses but we were just mules in horse harness 其实是戴着马具的骡子
2535--and we didn't fool anybody.这骗不了人的
2536--I never heard anything more true.我从来没有听过这样的大实话
2537--Mammy's a smart old soul 妈眯是个聪明的老人
2538--and one of the few people I know whose respect I'd like to have.我愿意受到象她这样的人尊敬
2539--I won't give her a thing. She doesn't deserve it.我什么也不给她 不给她
2540--Then I'll take her a petticoat.我要送给她一条衬裙
2541--My Mammy always said when she went to heaven 我记得我奶奶说过 当她升天堂的时候
2542--she wanted a red taffeta petticoat, so stiff that it would stand by itself 她要穿一条很挺的红绸子衬

2543--and so rustly, the Lord would think it was made of angels' wings.走路时习习沙沙地响上帝会以为
2544--Why, she won't take it from you. She'd rather die than wear it.她不会要你的她死都不会穿的
2545--That may be, but I'm making the gesture just the same.也许吧 可我还是要表示一下
2546--Wake up. Wake up.醒醒 醒醒 斯卡莉 醒醒
2547--You were having another nightmare.啊 你又在作恶梦了
2548--Oh, Rhett.哦 瑞德
2549--When I was so cold and hungry and 我当时又冷 又饿
2550--and so tired l 又累
2551--I couldn't find it. I ran through the mist and I couldn't find it.我找不到 我找不到我在屋里跑 可我
2552--Find what, honey? Oh, I don't know.找什么呢? 亲爱的哦 我不知道
2553--I always dream the same dream and I never know.我总作同样的梦可我不知道
2554--It seems to be hidden in the mist.好象是藏在雾里
2555--Darling.喔 亲爱的
2556--Rhett, do you think I'll ever dream that I've found it and that I'm safe?你认为我会在梦里找到它吗?
2557--Dreams don't work that way, but when you get used to being safe and warm 梦不会这样的 不过
2558--you'll stop dreaming that dream.你就不会作这样的恶梦了
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2559--And, Scarlett, I'm going to see that you are safe.斯卡莉 我会让你感到安全的
2560--Would you do something for me if I asked you?瑞德 我求你一件事你能答应吗?
2561--You know I would.你知道我能
2562--Will you take me away from here?你愿意带我离开这儿吗?
2563--Don't you like New Orleans?你不喜欢新奥尔良?
2564--Oh, I love New Orleans, but I want to go home and visit Tara.我喜欢新奥尔良 可我想回家去看看
2565--Will you take me to Tara?你愿意带我回泰拉庄园吗?
2566--Yes, Scarlett, of course I will. We'll go tomorrow.好吧 斯卡莉 我当然愿意我们明天就走
2567--You get your strength from this red earth of Tara, Scarlett.你的力量是从这儿来的 泰拉庄园的红

2568--You're part of it, and it's part of you.你是它的一部分它也是你的一部分
2569--Rhett, I'd give anything to have Tara the way it was before the war.我要尽一切可能把泰拉庄园恢
2570--Would you? Then go ahead and make it that way.是吗? 那你就去做吧
2571--Spend whatever you want, make it as fine a plantation as it ever was.花多少钱都没行能成为和过
2572--Oh, Rhett.喔 瑞德
2573--Rhett, you are good to me.瑞德 你对我正好
2574--And can we still have our big new house in Atlanta?我们在亚特南大还能有新的大房子吗?
2575--Yes, and it can be as ornate as you want 可以 你要多么华丽的房子都行
2576--marbled terraces, stained-glass windows and all.大理石阳台 彩色玻璃等等
2577--Rhett, won't everyone be jealous?人人都会嫉妒我们吗?
2578--I want everybody who's been mean to me to be pea-green with envy.我要让那些看不起我们的人
2579--I don't care. Scarlett's hateful, building that new house just to show off 我不管 斯卡莉真可恨
2580--and even taking our servants.她我们的仆人都叫了去
2581--Oh, darling, you mustn't think unkindly of her.亲爱的 不要把她想得那么坏
2582--She's made it possible for us to keep Tara always.她是为了我们 能保住泰拉庄园
2583--Yes, and what good is Tara?泰拉庄园有什么好
2584--She's had three husbands and I'll be an old maid.她结过三次婚可我成了老处女啦
2585--Great Jehosophat.啊伟大的主啊
2586--Great Jehosophat.伟大的主啊
2587--Lordsy, we sure is rich now.天那 我们现在阔了
2588--It ain't quality.哼 他比不上
2589--But that's ridiculous. Why can't I go in?太可可笑了 我为何不能进去?
2590--I'm entitled to at least see what my own child looks like.至少我有资格看看我的孩子长得什么样
2591--You control yourself, Mr. Rhett. You'll be seein' it for a long time.你忍耐一会吧 瑞德先生你有时间

2592--I'd like to apologize, Mr. Rhett, about it's not being a boy.哦 可惜不是个男孩 瑞德先生
2593--Oh, hush your mouth, Mammy. Who wants a boy?哦 别说了妈眯 谁要男孩了?
2594--Boys aren't any use to anybody. Don't you think I'm proof of that?男孩一点用也没有我就是个证

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2595--Have a drink of sherry, Mammy.喝点雪尔酒

2596--Mammy, she is beautiful, isn't she?妈眯 她长得很漂亮是吗?
2597--She sure is.那还用说吗
2598--Did you ever see a prettier one?你见过比这漂亮的吗?
2599--Well, sir, Miss Scarlett was mighty nigh that pretty when she come, but not quite.当然 斯卡莉小姐
2600--Have another glass, Mammy.再来一杯
2601--What's that rustling noise I hear?妈眯我听习习沙沙的声音?
2602--Lordsy, Mr. Rhett. That ain't nothin' but my red silk petticoat you done give me.哦 没什么 瑞德先
2603--Nothing but your petticoat. I don't believe it. Let me see.你的衬裙? 我不相信 让我看看
2604--Pull up your skirt.把裙子撩起来
2605--Mr. Rhett. You is bad.哦 天那 你真调皮
2606--Yeah, oh, Lord.你看吧
2607--You sure took a long enough time about wearing it.怎么 这天裙子你放了这么久才穿?
2608--Yes, sir, too long.是的 放得太久了
2609--No more mule in horse's harness?不再是戴马具的骡子了吧?
2610--Mr. Rhett, Miss Scarlett was bad tellin' you about that.先生 斯卡莉小姐不该告诉你这个
2611--You ain't holdin' that against old Mammy, is you?你不会记恨我吧?
2612--No, I ain't holding it against you. I just wanted to know.不 怎么能记恨你呢?
2613--Have another glass, Mammy. Here, take the whole bottle.只是随便说说 再来一杯妈眯把这一瓶
2614--Dr. Meade says you may go in now, Captain Butler.米格大夫说 现在你可以进去了
2615--This sure is a happy day to me.今天我真是太快活了
2616--I done diapered three generations of this family's girls 我给这个家带了三代女孩
2617--and it sure is a happy day.真是快活的一天
2618--Oh, yes, Mammy. The happiest days are when babies come.哦 是的 妈眯 最高兴的日子就是婴
2619--I wish.我盼望 妈眯 她真漂亮
2620--Oh, Mammy, she's beautiful. What do you suppose they'll name her?他们会给她取什么名字?
2621--Miss Scarlett done told me if it was a girl 斯卡莉小姐对我说
2622--she's goin' to name it Eugenia Victoria.要是生个女孩就叫玉季尼亚维克多利亚
2623--Yes 是啊
2624--she's a beautiful baby 她是个漂亮的娃娃
2625--the most beautiful baby ever.最漂亮的娃娃
2627--Do you know that this is your birthday?你知道你的生日吗?
2628--That you're a week old today?你已经一个星期大了
2629--Yes, I'm going to buy her a pony the likes of which this town has never seen.对 我要给她买一匹小
2630--Yes, I'm gonna send her to the best schooIs in Charleston.啊我要送她上查尔斯敦最好的学校
2631--Yes. And her'll be received by the best families in the South.对 她会受大南方最好的家庭的欢迎
2632--And when it comes time for her to marry 当她结婚的时候
2633--well, she'll be a little princess.她会象一个小公主
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2634--You certainly are making a fool of yourself.我看你是在自说自话了

2635--And why shouldn't l?为什么不呢?
2636--She's the first person who's ever completely belonged to me.她是第一个完全属于我的人
2637--Great balls of fire.你别得意了
2638--I had the baby, didn't l?孩子是我生的不是吗?
2639--It's Melanie. May I come in?我是梅兰妮 能进来吗?
2640--Come in, Melly.请进来 梅妮
2641--Yes, come in and look at my daughter's beautiful blue eyes.是啊进来看看我女儿漂亮的蓝眼睛
2642--But, Captain Butler, most babies have blue eyes when they're born.可是大多数孩子生下来眼睛都
2643--Don't try to tell him anything. He knows everything about babies.别告诉他 梅妮他对孩子的事什
2644--Nevertheless, her eyes are blue and they're going to stay blue.不管怎么说 她的眼睛都是蓝的而
2645--As blue as the bonnie blue flag.像我们漂亮的蓝旗
2646--That's it. That's what we'll call her.太对了 漂亮的蓝旗 我们就叫她
2647--Bonnie Blue Butler.邦蒂卜露巴特
2648--Try again, Mammy.好了 再试试 妈眯
2649--Twenty inches.二十英寸
2650--Twenty inches. I've grown as big as Aunt Pitty.二十英寸胖得像碧蒂姑妈了
2651--You've simply got to make it 18 and a haIf again, Mammy.你一定帮我勒到十八寸半妈眯
2652--You done had a baby, Miss Scarlett 你生过孩子了 小姐
2653--and you ain't never goin' to be no 18 and a haIf inches again.你永远也不能到十八寸半了
2654--Never. And there ain't nothin' to do about it.永远 我没办法
2655--There is something to do about it.我会有办法的
2656--I'm just not going to get old and fat before my time.我不能现在就发胖 变老
2657--I just won't have any more babies.我不能再生孩子了
2658--I heard Mr. Rhett say that he'll be wantin' a son next year.瑞德先生说他明年还想要个儿子呢
2659--Go tell Captain Butler I've decided not to go out after all.告诉巴特勒船长我决定不出去了
2660--I'll have supper in my room.晚餐我在屋里吃
2661--I got your message. I'll have them bring my supper up here too.我听说了我让他们把我的晚餐也
2662--No objections to that, I hope?你不会反对吧?
2663--No.哦 不
2664--Yes.是的 我
2665--I mean, I don't care where you have your supper.我是说你在哪儿吃晚餐都可以
2668--You see 你知道
2669--well, I've decided 我 我决定
2670--well, I hope I don't have any more children.我希望以后不再生孩子了
2671--My pet, as I told you before Bonnie was born 亲爱的 邦妮出生之前我就说过
2672--it's immaterial to me whether you have one child or 20.你生一个还是二十个对我没什么
2673--No, but you know what l.可你知道
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2674--Do you know what I mean?你明白我的意思吗?

2675--I do. And do you know I can divorce you for this?喔 明白但我为这事可以提出离婚
2676--You're just low enough to think of something like that.你就是这么低级总想那种事
2677--If you had any chivalry in you or would be nice like, well, look at Ashley Wilkes.如果你还有点骑士
2678--Melanie can't have any more children and he.梅兰妮不能再生孩子可是他 他
2679--You've been to the lumber office this afternoon, haven't you?今天下午你去木材厂了? 是吗?
2680--What has that got to do with it?这又有什么关系?
2681--Quite the little gentleman, Ashley. Pray go on, Mrs. Butler.卫希礼可真是个正人君子 请说下去 巴
2682--It's no use. You wouldn't understand.说也没用 你不能理解
2683--You know, I'm sorry for you, Scarlett.斯卡莉 你知道我为你难过
2684--Sorry for me?为我难过?
2685--Yes, sorry for you because you're throwing away happiness with both hands 对 为你难过 因为你
2686--and reaching out for something that will never make you happy.而你所追求的却不会使你幸福
2687--I don't know what you're talking about.我不懂你说的是什么
2688--If you were free and Miss Melly were dead and you had your precious 即使你是单身而梅妮小姐又
2689--honorable Ashley, do you think you'd be happy with him?你得到了你的卫希礼 你会辛福吗?
2690--You'd never know him, never even understand his mind 你不会了解的也不知道他在想什么
2691--any more than you understand anything except money.你什么也不会知道的除了金钱
2692--Never mind about that. What I want to know is 别跟我说这些了 我要知道的是
2693--You may keep your sanctity, Scarlett. It'll work no hardship on me.你可以守你的贞节 这样做对我
2694--Do you mean to say you don't care?你是说你不在乎?
2695--The world is full of many things and many people, and I shan't be lonely.世界上有很多东西有那么
2696--I'll find comfort elsewhere.我可以在别处找到安慰
2697--Well, that's fine. But I warn you.太好了
2698--Just in case you change your mind, I intend to lock my door.不过我提醒你 要是你又变卦了我可
2699--Why bother? If I wanted to come in, no lock could keep me out.锁上? 我要走进来什么锁也挡不

2700--I always knew that most women were cheats, hypocritical and hard.我一直认为大多数女人都狡诈
虚伪 无情
2701--But this one.... Rhett, it ain't no use.可这个女人
2702--What do you mean? I mean you're poisoned with her.哦 瑞德 这有什么用什么意思? 我是说你
2703--I don't care what she's done to you, you're still in love with her.不管她怎么对你可你仍然爱她
2704--And don't think it pleasures me none to say it.不要以为你不说出来我就高兴 也许是
2705--Maybe so. But I'm through with her, I tell you. I'm through.不过我跟她算完了我告诉你 完了
2706--You gotta think of the child. The child's worth ten of the mother.你要为孩子想孩子胜过十个母亲
2707--You're a shrewd woman, Belle, and a very nice one.你是个聪明的人 贝尔是个非常好的人
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2708--Yes, Rhett?是吗 瑞德?

2709--I was just thinking of the difference between you, and 我在想你们俩有什么不同
2710--you're both hard-headed business women and you're both successful.你们都是精明的女人你们俩
2711--But you've got a heart, Belle 可是你有一颗善良的心
2712--and you're honest.你很诚实
2713--Goodbye, Rhett.再见 瑞德
2714--Goodbye, Belle.再见
2715--She'll be a wonderful horsewoman.她一定会是一名出色的女骑手
2716--Look at those hands, and that seat.瞧她的手 她的屁股喔 别胡说了
2717--Oh, fiddle-dee-dee.哦
2718--Just why we have to wheel the baby when we have a house full of servants.为什么要自己推着贝比
2719--Good morning, Mrs. Merriwether.早上好 威尔韦格尔太太
2720--Good morning, Captain Butler.早上好 巴特勒船长
2721--Good morning, Scarlett.早上好 斯卡莉
2722--Making fooIs of ourselves in front of these old buffaloes.跟在这些老太太装什么样?
2723--If you'd thought of your position years ago, you wouldn't have to do this.如果你想想你过去的地位
2724--But as it is, we'll cultivate every female dragon of the old guard in this town.不过我要赢得这个城
2725--Good morning, Mrs. Whiting.早上好 怀亭太太
2726--Good morning, Captain Butler. Good morning, Scarlett.早上好 巴特勒船长早上好 斯卡莉
2727--So the millionaire speculator's turning respectable.这一下大投机商就变得受人尊敬了?
2728--All of our money can't buy what I want for Bonnie.多少钱也买不来我对邦妮的期望
2729--Oh, I'll admit I've been at fault, too.我承认我有缺点
2730--But Bonnie's going to have a place among decent people.可邦妮需要到正派人的圈子里
2731--Yes, even if we both have to crawl on our bellies to every fat old cat.那怕我们要对每个老北毛低声
2732--Good morning, Mrs. Meade.早上好 梅格太太
2733--Good morning, Captain Butler. Good morning, Scarlett.早上好 巴特勒船长早上好 斯卡莉
2734--Mrs. Merriwether, I've always had a great regard for your knowledge.梅利威格尔太太我一直佩服
2735--I wonder if you could give me some advice.我想向您请教一点事可以吗?
2736--Why, certainly, Captain Butler.当然可以
2737--My Bonnie sucks her thumb. I can't make her stop it.邦妮爱吃大拇指我没法至止她
2738--You should make her stop it. It'll ruin the shape of her mouth.不能让她这样嘴会变型的
2739--I know, I know.我知道 我知道
2740--She has such a beautiful mouth, too. I tried putting soap under her nails.她的小嘴长得多好看那我
2741--Soap. Bah.肥皂?
2742--Put quinine on her thumb and she'll stop sucking it quick enough.往手指上涂点奎宁 她很快就不
2743--Quinine. I never would have thought of it.奎宁? 我怎么就没有想到呢
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2744--I can't thank you enough, Mrs. Merriwether.真是太感谢您了威利威德尔太太

2745--You've taken a great load off my mind. Good morning.这样一来 我就不用担心了早上好
2746--Good morning, Dolly.早上好 朵丽
2747--Wasn't that Captain Butler?那不是巴特勒船长吗?
2748--Good morning, Caroline. I was just thinking.早上好 卡洛琳我正在想
2749--There must be a great deal of good in a man who could love a child so much.一个这么爱孩子的男
2750--But of course there is.当然是的
2751--Oh, did I tell you that Fanny Elsing told Dr. Meade that Captain Butler 喔 我没有告诉过你吗? 范倪
2752--finally admitted he was honored by the Confederate Congress 巴特勒船长承认他参加了弗兰克林
2753--for his services at the Battle of Franklin?还受到了联邦议会的嘉奖
2754--No. And did I tell you, Caroline, that Captain Butler 没有? 我没告诉过你吧
2755--made a stupendous contribution to the Association for the Beautification 巴特勒船长还为美化阵
2756--of the Graves of the Glorious Dead?捐了一大笔钱呢
2758--My little grandbaby, Napoleon Picard, is giving a party for Bonnie next week.我的小孙子下星期要
2759--Why, Dolly Merriwether, you know right well it was my idea 哦 你明知道是我先想的
2760--to give a party for Bonnie Butler.我要为邦妮·巴特勒开派提
2761--Why Caroline Meade.卡洛琳米达 你怎么能这么做呢?
2762--Now watch Daddy put your pony over, Bonnie. Now watch.看 爸爸教你的小马跳栏邦妮 注意看

2763--Daddy, let me. Let me.哦 好棒 让我来 让我来吗
2764--All right, darling. Put her on, Pork.好吧 宝贝波克 把她抱上来
2765--Up we go.上来吧
2766--Oh, there.对 就这样
2767--Lordsy mercy. There he goes again.我的老天那 又来了
2768--Grip tightly with your legs and sit close. Lean forward and be sure you go with him.两腿夹紧 骑稳
了 向前探身一定要顺着它的步子
2769--Hold your reins properly in a firm hand. Up.抓紧缰绳 提起来
2770--That was fine. I knew you'd do it.太好了 我知道你能跳过去
2771--When you get a little older, I'll take you to Kentucky and Virginia.等你长大一点我带你去肯塔几和
2772--You'll be the greatest horsewoman in the South. Give your daddy a kiss.你会成为南方最好的女骑
2773--Mr. Rhett. Mr. Rhett.瑞德先生 瑞德先生
2774--Mr. Rhett.瑞德先生
2775--Did you see her, Mammy? Wasn't she wonderful?看见了吗 妈眯? 她多了不起啊?
2776--Mr. Rhett, I done told you and told you it just ain't fittin'瑞德先生 我告诉过你一个女孩子跨着骑

2777--for a girl child to ride astraddle with her dress flyin' up.裙子都吹起来 是很不合适的
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2778--All right, Mammy. I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle.那好吧 把我就教她侧骑吧

2779--And I'll buy her a blue velvet riding habit. She'll love that.我要给她买一身蓝天鹅绒的马服 她会
2780--A nice black broadcloth is what little girIs wear.小姑娘穿黑呢子的就行了
2781--Now, Mammy, be reasonable.好了 好了 妈眯 别再说了
2782--Well, I don't think it's fittin', but.反正 我觉得不合适
2783--It ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin'.不合适 就是不合适
2784--It ain't fittin'.不合适
2785--Why, Scarlett.哦 斯卡莉
2786--What are you doing downtown at this time of day?你这时候进城干什么来啦?
2787--Ashley, I just 啊艾希礼 我刚
2788--Why aren't you helping Melly get ready for my surprise birthday party?你怎么没帮梅妮准备我的
2789--Why, Ashley Wilkes, you aren't supposed to know anything about that.喔 艾希礼我还以为你不知
2790--Melly'd be so disappointed if you weren't surprised.你要不作出惊喜的样子她会失望的
2791--I won't let on. I'll be the most surprised man in Atlanta.我知道 到时候我一定象亚特南大最惊喜

2792--As long as you're here, let me show you the books 好了 你来了让我把帐本给你看看
2793--so you can see just how bad a businessman I really am.你就能看到我是多么无能的生意人了
2794--Oh, don't let's fool with any books today.今天我们不谈这没意思的事
2795--When I'm wearing a new bonnet, all the figures I ever knew 在我戴上这顶新帽子的时候
2796--go right slap out of my head.帐目在我脑子里就不存在了
2797--The figures are well lost when the bonnet's as pretty as that one.戴上这么漂亮的帽子当然什么也
2798--Scarlett, you know, you get prettier all the time.斯卡莉 你越来越漂亮了
2799--You haven't changed a bit since the day of our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks 一点也没变记得在十
2800--where you sat under a tree surrounded by dozens of beaux.你坐在一颗树下一群男孩子围着你
2801--That girl doesn't exist anymore.那时的我已经不存在了
2802--Nothing's turned out as I expected, Ashley.没有一件事象我期望的那样
2804--Yes, we've travelled a long road since the old days, haven't we, Scarlett?是的 从那以后我们都走
2805--Oh, the lazy days 哎 那优闲的日子
2806--the warm, still country twilights 那乡间温暖的黄昏
2807--the high, soft negro laughter from the quarters 黑人们的欢笑从他们的住处传来
2808--the golden warmth and security of those days.那温馨宁静的美好时光
2809--Don't look back, Ashley.不要回忆过去了
2810--Don't look back.不要回忆了
2811--It drags at your heart till you can't do anything, but look back.他只能揪住你的心什么事也干不成
2812--I didn't mean to make you sad, my dear.我不该惹你伤心亲爱的
2813--I'd never want you to be anything but completely happy.我唯一希望就是你能过得幸福
2814--Oh, Ashley.艾希礼
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2815--Who is it?谁呀?
2816--Only your husband.你丈夫
2817--Come in.哦 进来
2818--Am I actually being invited into the sanctuary?我真的被邀请进入圣殿了?
2819--You're not ready for Melanie's party.你不去参加梅兰妮的宴会吗?
2820--I've got a headache, Rhett.我有点头痛 瑞德
2821--You go without me, and make my excuses to Melanie.你自己去吧替我向梅兰妮道歉
2822--What a white-livered little coward you are. Get up.你真是一个怯懦的胆小鬼
2823--You're going to that party and you'll have to hurry.起来 你必须参加宴会得快点
2824--Has lndia dared to... Yes. India has.英蒂雅她真的 是的 英蒂雅是说了
2825--Every woman and man in town knows the story.城里的男人女人都已经知道了
2826--You should kill them, spreading lies.应该杀了他们 散佈谣言我有个怪脾气
2827--I have a strange way of not killing people who tell the truth.从不杀说实话的人
2828--There's no time to argue now. Get up.现在没时间争论 起来
2829--I won't go. I can't go until this misunderstanding is cleared up.我不去 我不能去是她把误会澄清了
2830--You won't cheat Miss Melly out of the satisfaction of publicly 你难道是怕梅妮小姐
2831--ordering you out of her house.当着众人的面对你下逐客令吗?
2832--There was nothing wrong. India hates me so.我没做错什么错事英蒂雅恨我
2833--I can't go, Rhett. I couldn't face it.我不能去 我应付不了
2834--If you don't show it tonight, you'll never be able to as long as you live.你今天晚上不露面你这一辈
2835--While that wouldn't bother me, you're ruining Bonnie's chances.这对我倒无所谓你不能毁了邦妮
2836--You're going to that party, if only for her sake. Now, get dressed.今天为了她 你也应该参加这个宴
会 快穿衣服
2837--Wear that. Nothing modest or matronly will do for this occasion.穿这件 这种场合用不了穿得太
2838--And put on plenty of rouge. I want you to look your part tonight.多擦一点烟脂象个赴宴的样子
2839--For he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow 他是一个快乐的好人
2840--For he's a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny 每个人都不能否认
2841--For he's a jolly good fellow.他是一个快乐的好人
2842--Good night, Scarlett. But Rhett, you can't 再见 斯卡莉-瑞德 你不能
2843--You go into the arena alone. The lions are hungry for you.你一个人进去吧饥饿的狮子正在等着你

2844--Oh, Rhett, don't leave me. Don't.瑞德 别离开我 别
2845--You're not afraid?不用
2846--Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny 每个人都不能否认
2847--For he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow 他是一个快乐的好人
2848--For he's a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny.他是一个快乐的好人
2849--What a lovely dress, Scarlett, darling.斯卡莉 亲爱的这件衣服可真漂亮
2850--India wasn't able to come tonight.今天晚上英蒂雅不能来
2851--Will you be an angel?你帮帮我吧
2852--I do need you to help me receive my guests.我真需要你帮我招待客人
2853--Mrs. Meade 米格太太
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2854--here's our darling Scarlett.我们的斯卡莉来了

2855--Good evening.晚上好
2856--Why Scarlett.晚上好斯卡莉
2857--Good evening, Miss Scarlett. Good evening, Mrs. Butler.晚上好巴特勒太太
2858--Ashley, aren't you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch?艾希礼 给我们的斯卡莉倒杯酒来 好
2859--Did you have a good time tonight at Miss Melly's party, child?你在梅妮小姐的宴会上玩得高兴吗?
2860--Yes, yes.高兴
2861--Now, Mammy, be sure and leave word 哦 妈眯 千万记住
2862--if Captain Butler asks for me when he comes back, I'm asleep.巴特勒船长回来就说我睡了
2863--Yes, ma'am.好吧
2864--Come in, Mrs. Butler.请进来 巴特勒太太
2865--Come here.到这儿来
2866--Sit down.坐下
2867--There's no reason why you shouldn't have your nightcap even if I am here.你要喝睡前酒我在这儿
2868--I didn't want a drink. I heard a noise and 我并不想喝酒我听到要声音才
2869--You heard nothing of the kind.你什么也没听见
2870--You wouldn't have come down if you'd thought I was here.你要是知道我在这儿你就不会下来了
2871--You must need a drink badly. I do not.你现在很想喝酒我不想喝
2872--Take it. Don't give yourseIf airs.拿着 别装腔作势了
2873--I know you drink on the quiet, and I know how much you drink.我知道你偷偷喝酒 我也知道你的
2874--Do you think I care if you like your brandy?你以为我在乎你喝白兰地吗?
2875--You're drunk, and I'm going to bed.你喝醉了 我要去睡了
2876--I'm very drunk 我是醉了
2877--and I intend getting still drunker before the evening's over 可是我今天夜里还要喝得更醉
2878--but you're not going to bed, not yet.你别去睡觉还早呢
2879--Sit down.坐下
2880--So she stood by you, did she?她帮了你你有什么感想?
2881--How does it feel to have the woman you've wronged cloak your sins for you?你对她做了亏心事而
2882--You're wondering if she knows all about you and Ashley.你在想她是不是知道你和艾希礼的事
2883--You're wondering if she did it just to save her face.你以为她这么做是为了保全自己的面子?
2884--You're thinking that she's a fool for doing it even if it did save your hide.你认为她为你遮掩这样做
2885--I will not listen. Yes, you'll listen.我不想听你要听
2886--Miss Melly's a fool, but not the kind you think.梅妮小姐可不是你想象的那样
2887--It's just that there's too much honor in her to ever conceive of dishonor 因为她心的太高尚了
2888--in anyone she loves.她不往坏处想她所爱的任何人
2889--And she loves you.她是那样的爱你
2890--Though just why she does, I'm sure I don't know.我真弄不明白她为什么要爱你
2891--If you weren't so drunk and insulting, I could explain everything.你要不是喝醉了还侮辱我我会解
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2892--As it is though... If you get out of that chair once more.虽然 如果你再从这椅子上站起来
2893--Of course, the comic figure in all this is the long suffering Mr. Wilkes.当然这其中最可笑的人物
2894--Mr. Wilkes, who can't be mentally faithful to his wife 卫尔克斯先生在精神上不能忠于他妻子
2895--and won't be unfaithful to her technically.而表面上又不愿意不忠于她
2896--Why doesn't he make up his mind?他怎么就拿不定主意呢?
2897--Rhett, you.瑞德 你
2898--Observe my hands, my dear.看我的手 亲爱的
2899--I could tear you to pieces with them.我可以把你撕裂成碎片
2900--And I'd do it, if it'd take Ashley out of your mind forever.要是能把卫艾希礼从你头脑里永远除去
2901--But it wouldn't.可他不行
2902--So I'll remove him from your mind forever this way.所以要这样把他从你脑子里除去
2903--I'll put my hands so 我要用两只手
2904--one on each side of your head 夹着你的头
2905--and I'll smash your skull between them like a walnut.把你的头像夹核桃一样夹碎
2906--And that'll block him out.把他挤出去
2907--Take your hands off me, you drunken fool.快把手拿开 你这醉鬼
2908--You know I've always admired your spirit, my dear.我一直佩服你这种精神亲爱的
2909--Never more than now, when you're cornered.特别是你在陷入绝境的时候
2910--I'm not cornered.我没有陷入绝境
2911--And you'll never corner me, Rhett Butler, or frighten me.永远不会 别想吓唬我
2912--You've lived in dirt so long, you can't understand anything else.你长期过着下流的生活你什么也不

2913--And you're jealous of something you can't understand. Good night.就知道嫉妒晚安
2914--Jealous, am l?我嫉妒? 是吗
2915--Yes, I suppose I am.对 也许是
2916--Even though I know you've been faithful to me all along.我知道你还没有做出对不起我的事
2917--How do I know?因为我了解
2918--Because I know Ashley Wilkes, and his honorable breed.艾希礼·卫尔克斯和他那高尚的借口
2919--They're gentlemen.他是正人君子
2920--And that's more than I can say for you or for me.而这一点比你我都强
2921--We're not gentlemen, and we have no honor, have we?我们不是 而且你名声不好对吗?
2922--It's not that easy, Scarlett.没那么容易的 斯卡莉
2923--You turned me out while you chased Ashley Wilkes.你把我赶出处去见艾希礼·卫尔克斯
2924--While you dreamed of Ashley Wilkes.你梦想着他
2925--This is one night you're not turning me out.今天晚上你敢不跟我
2926--How are you feeling this morning, Mammy?今天早上觉得好点吗 妈眯?
2927--Well, this misery in my back ain't so good.我的后背还有点痛
2928--You actin' mighty happy this mornin', Miss Scarlett.你今天早上显得挺高兴小姐
2929--I am, Mammy. I am.是的 妈眯是的
2930--Oh, she wept with delight when he gave her a smile 当他对她微笑她喜极而泣
2931--And trembled with fear at his frown.看到他皱眉就害怕得发抖
2932--Hello.你好 我
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2933--I'd like to extend my apologies for my conduct of last night.我要为我昨天晚上的行为向你歉

2934--Oh, but Rhett.哦 可是瑞德
2935--I was very drunk 我当时喝醉了
2936--and quite swept off my feet by your charms.而你又是那么的迷人 所以我有点儿情不自禁 难以
2937--Well, you needn't bother to apologize. Nothing you ever do surprises me.你不必向我道歉你做什
2938--I've been thinking things over, and I really believe that 斯卡莉 我一直在考虑如果我们都承认
2939--it would be better for both of us 我们错了
2940--if we admitted we'd made a mistake and got a divorce.还是离婚吧 我相信这对我们俩个人都好
2941--A divorce? Yes.离婚? 对
2942--There's no point in our holding on to each other, is there?没有必要把俩个人栓在一起
2943--I'll provide for you amply. You've plenty of grounds.我保证你过富裕的生活你可以提出要求
2944--Just give me Bonnie. You can say what you please, I won't contest it.只要邦妮归我你要什么我都同

2945--Thank you very much.谢谢你了
2946--But I wouldn't dream of disgracing the family with a divorce.离婚这种败坏门风的事 我可不干
2947--You'd disgrace it quick enough if Ashley were free.如果艾希礼是自由的
2948--It makes my head spin to think how quickly you'd divorce me.你真是巴不得越早离婚越好呢
2949--Wouldn't you, Scarlett?离不离 斯卡莉?
2950--Well, answer me.快回答我
2951--Wouldn't you?离不离?
2952--Will you please go now, and leave me alone?请你走吧 让我清静一会儿
2953--Yes, I'm going. That's what I came to tell you.我是要走我就是来告诉你的
2954--I'm going on a very extended trip to London, and I'm leaving today.我要作一段长时间的旅行 去伦
敦 今天就走
2955--And I'm taking Bonnie with me.我要带邦妮去
2956--So you'll please get her little duds packed right away.请她马上把她的衣服收拾好
2957--You'll never take my child out of this house.你别想把我的孩子带走
2958--She's my child, too, Scarlett.她也是我的孩子
2959--You're making a mistake, if you think I'm leaving her here 你以为我会把她留在一个
2960--with a mother who hasn't the decency to consider her own reputation.毫不顾惜自己名誉的母亲
身边 那样的话你就错了
2961--You're a fine one to talk.你多会说呀
2962--You think I'll let that child out of this house 你以为我会让你把孩子带到
2963--when you'll probably have her around with people like that Belle?像贝儿那种人那儿去吗? 绝不
2964--If you were a man I'd break your neck for that.你要是个男人我会扭断你的颈子
2965--As it is, I'll thank you to shut your stupid mouth.谢谢你别再说那种话了
2966--As for you, giving yourseIf pious airs about your motherhood.你倒摆出一副做母亲的神气来了
2967--Why, a cat's a better mother than you are.一只猫做母亲都会比你强
2968--Have her things packed and ready for me in an hour, or I warn you.一小时之内给她准备好行装 我
2969--I've always thought a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely.我常常想用马
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2970--Excuse me, Mr. Rhett.对不起 瑞德先生
2971--Hello, Uncle Rhett.您好 瑞德叔叔
2972--Hello, hello, Beau.啊你好 爸爸
2973--Daddy, Daddy.爸爸
2974--Where have you been? I've been waiting for you all morning.你到哪儿去了? 我等你一早晨我打
2975--Well, I've been hunting for a rabbit skin to wrap my little Bonnie in.用它的皮把小邦妮裹起来
2976--Give your best sweetheart a kiss.来 亲我一下
2977--I'm going to take you on a long trip to fairyland.邦妮 我要带你去漫游仙境 去旅行
2978--Where? Where?去哪儿? 去哪儿?
2979--I'm going to show you the Tower of London, where the little princes were 我带你看伦敦塔小王子
2980--and London Bridge.还有伦敦桥
2981--London Bridge.伦敦桥?
2982--Will it be falling down?它不会塌下来吗?
2983--Well, it will if you want it to, darling.你想要它塌 它就塌
2984--Daddy, dark.爸爸 黑
2986--Daddy. Dark.爸爸 好黑
2987--It's all right. Who put out that light? Nurse.邦妮 邦妮 邦妮别怕 邦妮谁把灯熄灭了? 保姆
2988--Daddy, dark.爸爸 好黑
2989--Daddy, dark.爸爸 好黑
2990--There. Yes, yes.啊 啊 我的小邦妮怎么了?
2991--What's the matter with my Bonnie?嗯 怎么啦 根爸爸说
2992--A bear.一只熊
2993--Oh, a bear? A big bear?哦 一只熊? 是只大熊吗?
2994--Dreadful big. And he sat on my chest.大极了 坐在我的胸口上哦 好了 好了
2995--Well, I'll stay here and shoot him if he comes back.我在这儿 它再来 我就打死它
2996--Good evening, Mr. Butler.晚上好 巴特勒先生
2997--Haven't I told you never to leave her alone in the dark?我告诉过你 不要把她一个人呆在黑屋子

2998--If you'll pardon me, sir, children are often afraid of the dark, but they get over it.对不起 先生 孩子
们常常怕黑 不过会习惯的
2999--If you just let her scream for a night or two.让她夜里喊一 两次
3000--Let her scream. Either you're a fool or the most inhuman woman I've ever seen.让她喊? 你如果不
3001--Of course, sir, if you want her to grow up nervous and cowardly.如果你想让她长大了成为一个胆
3003--There isn't a cowardly bone in her body. You're discharged.她身上没有一根胆小的骨头 你被解
3004--As you say, sir.随你便吧 先生
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3005--Where is Mother?妈妈在哪儿呢?
3006--Aren't you happy here in London with me?跟我在伦敦不快乐吗?
3007--I want to go home.我要回家
3008--Miss Bonnie.邦妮小姐
3009--And Captain Butler.是巴特勒船长
3010--Miss Scarlett. Hello, Mammy.斯卡莉小姐你好 妈眯
3011--Honey, child.乖宝贝
3012--Miss Scarlett. They's back. They's back, Miss Scarlett.妈妈 斯卡莉小姐他们回来了
3014--Bonnie. Bonnie, baby.邦妮 邦妮宝贝
3015--Darling, baby.乖宝贝
3016--Are you glad to be home?回家高兴吗?
3017--Daddy gave me a kitten.爸爸给了我只小猫
3018--What a little, lovely kitten. London's a horrid place.小猫迷 好可爱的-伦敦挺可怕的
3019--Oh, my darling. Where's my pony?乖宝贝-我的小马呢?
3020--I want to go out and see my pony. You go out and see your pony.小马在呢-我的小马呢? 我要去看
3021--Where's my pony?我的小马呢?
3022--I wanna go out and see my pony.我要去看我的小马
3023--You run along with Mammy.跟妈眯去吧
3024--Come on, honey child. Go with Mammy.来吧 乖宝贝跟妈眯去
3025--Mammy sure has missed you, honey.妈眯可想你啦 宝贝
3026--Mrs. Butler, I believe.巴特勒太太
3027--Mammy said you'd come back.妈眯说你回来了
3028--But only to bring Bonnie.我来送邦妮
3029--Apparently any mother, even a bad one, is better for a child than none.对孩子来说一个坏妈妈也
3030--You mean you're going away again?这么说你还要走?
3031--What perception, Mrs. Butler.你猜得真准 巴特勒太太
3032--Right away.这就走
3033--In fact, I left my bags at the station.我的行李都放在车站了
3034--You're looking pale. Is there a shortage of rouge?你的脸色很苍白是不是没有胭脂擦了?
3035--Or can this wanness mean you've been missing me?还是因为心里我想的才会这样?
3036--If I'm pale, it's your fault.这都怨你
3037--Not because I've been missing you, but because.不是因为想你而是因为
3038--Pray continue, Mrs. Butler.接着说下去
3039--It's because I'm going to have a baby.是因为我怀孕了
3041--And who's the happy father?谁是那辛运的父亲?
3042--You know it's yours.你知那是你的
3043--I don't want it any more than you do.我跟本不想要孩子
3044--No woman would want the child of a cad like you.没有那个女人愿意跟你这样的无赖生孩子
3045--I wish it were anybody's child but yours.我倒希望不要是你的
3046--Well, cheer up. Maybe you'll have an accident.高兴点 说不定会小产
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3047--Is she better?她好点儿了吗?

3048--Has she asked for me?哈太太 她问起我了吗?
3049--Don't you understand? She's delirious.难道你不明白她在说胡话
3051--I want Rhett.我要瑞德
3052--What's the matter, honey? Did you call somebody, child?怎么啦 宝贝? 你叫谁呢 孩子?
3053--It's no use.没有用
3054--It's no use.没用
3055--Dr. Meade's left.米格大夫走了
3056--Scarlett's dead.斯卡莉死了?
3057--Oh, no, she's much better.喔 不 她好多了
3058--Really she is.真的好多了
3059--There, there, Captain Butler. You're beside yourself.好了 巴特勒船长你已经急昏了头啦
3060--She'll very soon be well again, I promise you.她很快就会好起来我保证
3061--No, you don't understand. She never wanted this baby.不 不 你不知道她并不想要这孩子
3062--Not want a baby? Why, every woman wants a baby.不想要孩子? 女人都想要孩子
3063--Yes, you want children, but she doesn't. Not my children.是 你想要孩子 可她不要不想要我的孩

3064--She told me she didn't want any more children 她说她不再要孩子了
3065--and I wanted to hurt her because she'd hurt me.我是要伤害她 因为她伤害我
3066--I wanted to and I did.而且我这样做了
3067--Hush. You mustn't tell me these things. It's not fit.别说了你不该跟我说这些事这不合适
3068--I didn't know about this baby until the other day when she fell.直到那天她摔下来我才知道她怀孕

3069--If I'd known, I'd have come straight home whether she wanted me or not.如果我知道我会立刻回
3070--Well, of course you would.你当然会回来
3071--And then when she told me, there on the steps, what did I do?可是那一天 她在楼梯上告诉我
3072--What did I say? I laughed and I said 我说了什么? 我大叫着对她说
3073--But you didn't mean it. I know you didn't mean it.可是我知道你不是有意的
3074--Oh, but I did mean it. I was crazy with jealousy.我是有意的我嫉妒得发狂
3075--She's never cared for me. I thought I could make her care, but I couldn't.她从没爱过我 我本以为
她能 可是不行
3076--You're so wrong.你想错了
3077--Scarlett loves you a great deal, much more than she knows.斯卡莉非常爱你只是她自己没意识到
3078--If that were only true I could wait forever.如果是这样 我可以等
3079--If she'd only forgive me, forget this ever happened.如果她能原谅我忘掉这一切
3080--She will.她会的
3081--You must be patient.你要有耐心
3082--Oh, no, it's not possible.不 这是不可能的
3083--You don't understand. If you only knew who she really loved 你不明白 假如你知道她真正爱的是
3084--you wouldn't believe it.你不会相信的
3085--Surely you haven't listened to idle gossip.你千万不要听信那些流言飞语
3086--No, Captain Butler, I wouldn't believe it.我反正不相信
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3087--There, there. Scarlett's going to get well and there can be other babies.好了 好了 斯卡莉会好起
3088--Oh no, no, she couldn't even if she wanted to, after what she's been through.不 她不会的 即使她
3089--But of course she could.她当然会要的
3090--I'm going to.我也要有了
3091--No, Miss Melly, you mustn't risk it. It's too dangerous.不 不 梅妮小姐你可别冒这个险太危险了
3092--Children are life renewing itself, Captain Butler 孩子使生活焕然一新巴特勒船长
3093--and when life does that danger seems very unimportant.如果能有这样的生活那危险就不重要了
3094--I've never before known anyone who was really brave.我以前从未见过一位真正勇敢的人
3095--I pray God things go well with you, Miss Melly.我祈求上帝保佑你梅妮小姐
3096--And I want to thank you for all you've done for me and for Scarlett.我要感谢你为我和斯卡莉所做
3097--From my heart, I thank you.我从心里感激你
3098--Miss Scarlett's feelin' a heap better today, Mr. Rhett.斯卡莉小姐觉得今天好多了瑞德先生
3099--Thank you, Mammy.谢谢
3100--I've come to ask your forgiveness 斯卡莉 我来求你原谅的
3101--in the hope that we can give our life together another chance.希望能再给我们的共同生活一次机

3102--Our life together?共同生活?
3103--When did we ever have a life together?我们什么时候有过?
3104--Yes, you're right.说得对
3105--But I'm sure if we could only try again, we could be happy.如果我们能再试一次的话 我们会辛福

3106--Well, what is there to make us happy now?还有什么能让我们辛福的呢?
3107--Well, there's Bonnie and 还有 还有邦妮
3108--and I love you, Scarlett.而且我爱你 斯卡莉
3109--When did you discover that?你什么时候发现的?
3110--I've always loved you, but you've never given me a chance to show it.我一直爱你可你从没给我机
3111--Well, and just what do you want me to do?那好 你想让我干什么?
3112--To begin with, give up the mill, Scarlett.首先 别管那个木材厂了
3113--We'll go away.我们离开这儿
3114--We'll take Bonnie and we'll have another honeymoon.我们带着邦妮再渡一次蜜月
3115--Give up the mill? But why? It's making more money than ever.放弃它? 可它比任何时候都赚钱啦
3116--Yes, I know, but we don't need it.我知道 可我们不需要它
3117--Sell it, or better still, give it to Ashley.卖掉吧 或者干脆送给艾希礼
3118--Melanie's been such a friend to both of us.梅兰妮一直对我们这么好
3119--Always Melanie. If you'd only think a little more about me.梅兰妮 总是梅兰妮如果你能多我为想
3120--I am thinking of you 我是想着你
3121--and I'm thinking that 我想
3122--well, maybe it's the mill that's taken you away from me 或许是那个木材厂
3123--and from Bonnie.使你跟我和邦妮疏远了
3124--I know what you're thinking. Don't try to bring Bonnie into this.我知道你想的是什么 别把邦妮扯
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3125--You're the one taking her away from me.是你使邦妮跟我疏远了
3126--But she loves you.可她是爱你的
3127--You've done everything possible to make her love you and not me.你想方设法让她爱你而不爱我
3128--Why, she's so spoiled now that 看你把她给惯的
3129--Mommy. Daddy.妈妈 爸爸
3130--Watch me.看着我
3131--We're watching, darling.我们看着呢 宝贝
3132--You're mighty pretty, precious.你真漂亮 宝贝
3133--So are you.你也漂亮
3134--I'm going to jump. Watch me, Daddy.我要跳了看着我呀 爸爸
3135--I don't think you ought to do much jumping yet, Bonnie.听着 亲爱的邦妮你不要总是跳栏
3136--Remember, you've just learned to ride sidesaddle.别忘了你刚刚学会的侧骑
3137--I will so jump.我要这么跳
3138--I can jump better than ever 'cause I've grown 我能跳得比以前更好因为我长大了
3139--and I've moved the bar higher.我要把栏杆升高一点
3140--Don't let her do it, Rhett.别让她跳 瑞德
3141--No, Bonnie, you can't. Well, if you fall off, don't cry and blame me.不 邦妮 别跳你要是摔下来可
3142--Rhett, stop her.瑞德 别让她跳
3145--Just like Pa.就像爸爸
3146--Just like Pa.爸爸
3150--Lordsy, Miss Melly. I sure is glad you has come.梅妮小姐 你来了太好了
3151--This house won't seem the same without Bonnie.喔 妈眯 没有了邦妮家里可真不一样了
3152--How's Miss Scarlett bearing up?斯卡莉怎么受得了啊?
3153--Miss Melly, this here done broke her heart 梅妮小姐她伤心极了
3154--but I didn't fetch you here on Miss Scarlett's account.可我请你来不是为了她
3155--What that child got to stand, the good Lord give her strength to stand.主给了她力量使她挺住了
3156--It's Mr. Rhett I's worried about.我担心的是瑞德先生
3157--He done lost his mind these last couple of days.这两天 他都快疯了
3158--No, Mammy, no.不 妈眯 不会的
3159--I ain't never see'd no man, black or white, set such store on any child.我从没要见过一个男人会这
3160--When Dr. Meade says her neck broke 米格大夫说她脖子断了
3161--Mr. Rhett grab his gun and run out there and shoot that poor pony 瑞德先生抓起手枪就去把小马
3162--and for a minute I think he going to shoot hisself.当时 我真怕他把自己打死
3163--Oh, poor Captain Butler.可怜的巴特勒船长
3164--Yes, ma'am. Miss Scarlett, she call him a murderer for teachin' that child to jump.是啊斯卡莉小姐
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3165--She say, You give me my baby what you kill.她说 你还我孩子是你杀了她
3166--And then he say Miss Scarlett ain't never cared nothin' about Miss Bonnie.他说斯卡莉小姐从来没
3167--It like to turn my blood cold, the things they say to one another.他们就这样吵来吵去我的血都凉

3168--Stop, Mammy, don't tell me any more.喔 妈眯 别再说了
3169--And then that night 那天晚上
3170--Mr. Rhett, he locked hisseIf in the nursery with Miss Bonnie 瑞德先生把自己锁在保育室里配着邦

3171--and he wouldn't even open the door 斯卡莉小姐来敲门
3172--when Miss Scarlett beat on it and hollered to him.他理也不理
3173--And that's the way it's been for two whole days.就这样已经整整两天了
3174--Oh, Mammy.妈眯
3175--And then this evenin', Miss Scarlett, she shout through the door 今天晚上 斯卡莉小姐隔着门对他

3176--and she say the funeral set for tomorrow mornin'明天早上就要下葬了
3177--and he says You try that and I kills you tomorrow.可是他说 你要是敢来我就把你杀了
3178--Do you think I's goin' to put my child away in the 你想我能把我的孩子
3179--in the dark when she's so scared of it?放进坟墓吗? 她最怕黑了
3180--Oh, Mammy, he has lost his mind.妈眯 妈眯 他真是疯了
3181--Yes, ma'am, that's the God's truth. He ain't goin' to let us bury that child.是啊真是这样他不让孩子
3182--You gotta help us, Miss Melly.劝劝他吧
3183--Oh, but I can't intrude.可我不好管
3184--If you can't help us, who can?你不能管 谁能管呢?
3185--Mr. Rhett always set great store by your opinion.瑞德先生最尊重你的意见
3186--Please, Miss Melly.求求你了 梅妮小姐
3187--I'll do what I can, Mammy.我尽力去做吧
3188--Get away from that door, and leave us alone.走开 让我们安静地待着
3189--It's Mrs. Wilkes, Captain Butler.我是卫尔克斯太太巴特勒船长
3190--Please let me in.请让我进来
3191--I've come to see Bonnie.我看邦妮来了
3192--Oh, Lord 哦 主啊
3193--please help Mr. Rhett in this hour of his grief.瑞德先生这么伤心 请帮助他吧
3194--I want you to go and make a good deal of strong coffee 妈眯 你去烧点儿浓咖啡来
3195--and bring it up to Captain Butler. I'll go and see Miss Scarlett.给巴特勒船长送去 我去看斯卡莉小

3196--But.哦 可是
3197--Captain Butler is quite willing for the funeral to take place 巴特勒船长同意举行葬礼了
3198--tomorrow morning.明天早晨
3199--Hallelujah. I suspects the angeIs fights on your side, Miss Melly. Hallelujah.阿利路亚 我知道天使
会帮助你的 阿利路亚
3200--Miss Melly. Miss Melly.梅妮小姐梅妮小姐
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3201--Miss Melly.梅妮小姐
3202--Miss Melly. Miss Melly.梅妮小姐 梅妮小姐
3203--Send for Dr. Meade, Mammy 去请米格大夫
3204--and try 来
3205--try to get me home.送我回家
3206--Miss Melly. Miss Melly.梅妮小姐 梅妮小姐
3207--Where is my mother goin' away to?好啦我妈妈要到哪儿去呀?
3208--And why can't I go along, please?为什么我不能跟着去呀?
3209--We can't always go along, Beau, much as we may want to.有很多事情 不是想干就干的
3210--You're going back to bed now.我们去睡觉了 孩子
3211--Oh, Rhett, she can't be dying, she can't be.瑞德 她不能死她不能死
3212--She hasn't your strength.她和你不一样
3213--She's never had any strength. She's never had anything but heart.她没有那种力量只有一颗善良
3214--You knew that, too.你也了解她?
3215--Why do I have to go back to bed? It's morning.我为什么要去睡觉? 现在是早晨
3216--It isn't really morning yet.好那 还不到早晨呢
3217--You may come in now, Scarlett.你可以进去了 斯卡莉小姐
3218--Dr. Meade, please let me see her.米格大夫 请让我去看看她吧
3219--I've been waiting here two whole days and I've got to tell her 我等了整整两天了 我想告诉她
3220--that I was wrong about something.有件事是我错了 她知道你知错了
3221--She knows you were wrong. She wants to see Scarlett.她要见斯卡莉
3222--Miss Melly's going to die in peace.要让梅妮小姐平静地死去
3223--I won't have you easing your conscience telling her things 希望你别跟她说些不相干的话
3224--that make no difference now. You understand?来减轻你良心的负担明白了吗?
3225--It's me, Melly.是我 梅妮
3226--Promise me?答应我吗?
3228--Look after my little son.照看我的小儿子
3229--I gave him to you once before.我曾把他托付给过你
3231--The day he was born.他出生的那天
3232--Please, Melly, don't talk this way. I know you'll get well.梅妮 别这么说 我知道你会好起来的
3233--Promise me 答应我
3235--Yes, yes, and Europe, and a pony, whatever he wants. But 是的 到欧洲去还给他一匹小马
3236--Melly, do try.喔 梅妮
3238--Ashley and you.艾希礼和你
3239--What about Ashley, Melly?关于 艾希礼 ?
3240--Look after him for me.替我照顾艾希礼
3241--Just as you 就像你
3242--looked after me for him.替他照顾我 一样
3243--I will, Melly.我会的
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3244--Look after him 照顾他

3245--but never let him know.可 别让他知道
3246--Good night.晚安
3248--What else, Melly?还有什么 梅妮?
3249--Captain Butler 巴特勒船长
3250--be kind to him.要对他好一点
3252--He loves you so.他是那么爱你
3253--Yes, Melly.是的 梅妮
3256--You ladies may come in now.女士们 可以进去了
3258--I don't know where the mate to this is.我不知道那一只在哪儿?
3259--She must have put it away.她一定把它放在哪儿了
3260--Oh, stop it.别这样
3261--Hold me.搂住我
3262--I'm so frightened.我害怕
3263--I'm so frightened.我害怕极了
3264--Oh, Scarlett, what can I do? I can't live without her, I can't.斯卡莉 我怎么办呢? 没有她我怎么活
3265--Everything I ever had is 我所有的一切
3266--is going with her.都跟着她去了
3267--Oh, Ashley.艾希礼
3268--You really love her, don't you?你真的很爱她 是不是?
3269--She's the only dream I ever had that didn't die in the face of reality.她是我在现实面前唯一没有破
3270--Dreams. Always dreams with you, never common sense.梦 你总是在梦想从没清醒过
3271--Oh, Scarlett. If you knew what I've gone through.哦 斯卡莉 你不知道我经受的痛苦
3272--Ashley, you should have told me years ago that you loved her and not me 你早就该告诉我 你爱的
是她 而不是我
3273--and not left me dangling with your talk of honor.你不该用那些借口使我存在幻想
3274--But you had to wait till now, now when Melly's dying 现在梅妮要死了
3275--to show me that I could never mean any more to you than 才让我明白 我对你没有一点意义
3276--than this Watling woman does to Rhett.就像贝尔对瑞德一样
3277--And I've loved something that 我所爱的实际是
3278--that doesn't really exist.是不存在的
3279--Somehow 不过
3280--I don't care.我不在乎
3281--Somehow it doesn't matter.这没关紧
3282--It doesn't matter one bit.一点儿没关系
3283--Ashley, forgive me.哦 艾希礼 艾希礼原谅我
3284--Don't cry. She mustn't see you've been crying.别哭了 不能让她看出你哭过
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3288--Rhett, Rhett.瑞德
3289--Rhett, where are you?瑞德 你在哪儿?
3290--Rhett, wait for me.瑞德 等等我
3291--Rhett, wait for me.瑞德 等等我
3293--Come in.进来
3295--Melanie, she's.梅兰妮 她
3296--Well, God rest her.上帝让她安息了
3297--She was the only completely kind person I ever knew.她是我所见过的唯一完美的人
3298--A great lady.伟大的女性
3299--A very great lady.非常伟大的女性
3300--So she's dead. That makes it nice for you, doesn't it?可她死了 对你是件好事不是吗?
3301--Oh, how can you say such a thing? You know how I loved her, really.你怎么能这么说呢? 你知道我
3302--No, I don't know that I do.不 这我可不知道
3303--But at least it's to your credit that you could appreciate her at the end.至少对你来说 你最后还应
3304--Of course I appreciated her. She thought of everybody except herself.我当然感激她 她心里只想着
3305--Why her last words were about you.最后还提到你
3306--What did she say?她说什么了?
3307--She said 她说
3308--Be kind to Captain Butler. He loves you so.要对巴特勒船长好一点他这么爱你
3309--Did she say anything else?她还说什么?
3310--She said 她说
3311--she asked me to look after Ashley, too.她还要我照顾好艾希礼
3312--It's convenient to have the first wife's permission, isn't it?得到前妻的允准这样就方便多了
3313--What do you mean?你这是什么意思?
3314--What are you doing?你要干什么吗?
3315--I'm leaving you, my dear.我要走了 亲爱的
3316--All you need now is a divorce, and your dreams of Ashley can come true.你现在需要的就是离婚你
3317--Oh, no.哦 不
3318--No, you're wrong. Terribly wrong.不 你错了 大错特错了
3319--I don't want a divorce. Oh, Rhett, when I knew tonight 不 我不要离婚瑞德 今天夜里
3320--when I knew I loved you, I ran home to tell you.我明白了我是爱你的我就跑回家来告诉你
3321--Oh, darling, darling.亲爱的
3322--Please don't go on with this.别来这套了 好吗?
3323--Leave us some dignity to remember out of our marriage. Spare us this last.给我们的结合留下最后
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3324--This last?最后 ?
3325--Oh, Rhett, do listen to me.瑞德听我说
3326--I must have loved you for years, only I was such a stupid fool I didn't know it.我肯定多年来我一直
爱着你只是 我是这么愚蠢自己并没有意识到
3327--Please believe me. You must care.请相信我 你也爱我
3328--Melly said you did.梅妮说过的
3329--I believe you. What about Ashley Wilkes?我相信你可艾希礼怎么办?
3330--I never really loved Ashley.我 我从没真正爱过他
3331--You certainly gave a good imitation of it, up till this morning.你装得可真像一只到今天早晨
3332--No, Scarlett. I tried everything.不 我尽了 一切努力
3333--If you'd only met me haIf way, even when I came back from London.当我从伦敦回来的时候那怕
3334--I was so glad to see you. I was, Rhett, but you were so nasty.我当时见了你多高兴啊真的可你那么
3335--And then, when you were sick and it was all my fault 我让你病了 那是我的错
3336--I hoped against hope that you'd call for me, but you didn't.我盼那 盼着你要见我可你没有
3337--I wanted you. I wanted you desperately, but I didn't think you wanted me.我是要你的 非常想要你
3338--It seems we've been at cross purposes, doesn't it? But it's no use now.看来我们彼此误解了现在没
3339--As long as there was Bonnie, there was a chance we might be happy.如果邦妮还活着也许会使我
3340--I liked to think that Bonnie was you.我总爱把邦妮当作你
3341--A little girl again, before the war, and poverty had done things to you.没有经历战争和贫困之前的
3342--She was so like you, and I could pet her, and spoil her, as I wanted to spoil you.她是那么像你所以
我宠她 娇惯她就像娇惯你一样
3343--But when she went, she took everything.可她走了 带走了一切
3344--Oh, Rhett.瑞德
3345--Rhett, please don't say that.瑞德别说这些了
3346--I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for everything.我很抱歉抱歉我所做的一切
3347--My darling, you're such a child.你真是个孩子 亲爱的
3348--You think that by saying, I'm sorry, all the past can be corrected.你以为说一声抱歉就能把过去
3349--Here, take my handkerchief.给你 我的手绢
3350--Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known you to have a handkerchief.在你一身中任何危难时刻
3351--Rhett, where are you going?瑞德 瑞德 你要去哪儿?
3352--I'm going to Charleston. Back where I belong.我要回查尔斯 我的家乡
3353--Please. Please take me with you.瑞德 请带我一起去吧
3354--No. I'm through with everything here.不 这里的一切对我已经结束了
3355--I want peace.我需要清静
3356--I want to see if somewhere there isn't something left in life of charm and grace.我要去寻找有什么
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3357--Do you know what I'm talking about? No. I only know that I love you.明白我的意思吗? 不 我只知
3358--That's your misfortune.那就是你的不辛
3359--Oh, Rhett.哦 瑞德
3362--If you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?哦 瑞德 你走了我到哪儿去 我该怎么办呢?
3363--Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.坦率的说 亲爱的我管不着了
3364--Oh, I can't let him go. I can't.我不能让他走 不能
3365--There must be some way to bring him back.我要想方法让他回来
3366--I can't think about it now. I'll go crazy if I do.我现在不能再想了再想我就要疯了
3367--I'll think about it tomorrow.我明天再想
3368--But I must think about it.可我一定要想
3369--I must think about it.一定要想
3370--What is there to do?我该怎么做呢?
3371--What is there that matters?什么是最重要的?
3372--Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara 你是说 凯蒂·斯卡莉·沃郝纳
3373--that Tara doesn't mean anything to you? Why, land's the only thing that matters.土地对你毫无意
3374--It's the only thing that lasts.只是土地才是永恒的
3375--Something you love better than me, though you may not know it. Tara.有一样东西你爱它胜过于
3376--It's this from which you get your strength. The red earth of Tara.你的力量是从这儿来的泰拉庄园
3377--Why, land's the only thing that matters. It's the only thing that lasts.只有土地才是最重要的只有土
3378--Something you love better than me, though you may not know it. Tara.有一样东西你爱它胜过于
3379--This from which you get your strength. The red earth of Tara.你力量是从这儿来的泰拉庄园的红

3380--Why, land's the only thing that matters.只有土地才是最重要的
3381--Something you love better than me.有一样东西你爱它胜过于我
3382--The red earth of Tara.泰拉庄园的红土
3383--Tara. Tara.泰拉庄园 泰拉庄园
3386--I'll go home.我要回家
3387--And I'll think of some way to get him back.我会想办法让他回来
3388--After all, tomorrow is another day.明天毕竟 又是 新的一天

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