DDAL05-01 Treasure of The Broken Hoard Obs
DDAL05-01 Treasure of The Broken Hoard Obs
DDAL05-01 Treasure of The Broken Hoard Obs
Adventurers League, please visit the D&D
Adventurers League home at:
Welcome to Treasure of the Broken Hoard, a D&D
Adventurers League™ adventure, part of the official
D&D Adventurers League™ organized play system
and the Storm King’s Thunder™ storyline season.
This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st
Preparing the Adventure
Before you show up to Dungeon Master this
level and 2nd‐level characters, and it is optimized for
adventure for a group of players, you should do the
five 1st‐level characters. 2nd‐level characters might
following to prepare:
have a much easier time playing the adventure.
Characters outside this level range cannot participate Make sure to have a copy of the most current
in this adventure. Players with ineligible characters version of the D&D Basic Rules or the Player’s
can create new 1st‐level characters or use Handbook.
pregenerated characters. Read through the adventure, taking notes of
This adventure is divided into five mini‐adventures, anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
each of which should take approximately 60 ‐ 120 while running the adventure, such as a way you’d
minutes to complete. It is recommended that these like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in
adventures are played in sequential order. If the a combat.
adventure is being run in a single session, a guiding Get familiar with the monster statistics in the
storyline allows all of the mini‐adventures to be run Appendix.
consecutively as a longer play experience. Gather together any resources you’d like to use to
aid you in running this adventure‐‐such as
The D&D Adventurers notecards, a DM screen, miniatures, and
League If you know the composition of the group
beforehand, you can make adjustments as noted
This adventure is official for D&D Adventurers throughout the adventure.
League play. The D&D Adventurers League is the
official organized play system for DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS®. Players can create characters and Before Play at the Table
participate in any adventure allowed as a part of the Ask the players to provide you with relevant
D&D Adventurers League. As they adventure, players character information:
track their characters’ experience, treasure, and other
rewards, and can take those characters through other Character name and level
adventures that will continue their story. Character race and class
If you’re running this adventure as a part of a store Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most common
event or at certain conventions, you’ll need a DCI passive ability check
number. This number is your official Wizards of the Anything notable as specified by the adventure
Coast organized play identifier. If you don’t have a (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
number, you can obtain one at a store event. Check Players that have characters outside the adventure’s
with your organizer for details. level range cannot participate in the adventure
D&D Adventurers League play is broken up into with those characters. Players with ineligible
storyline seasons. When players create characters, characters can make a new 1st‐level character or use
they attach those characters to a storyline season, a pregenerated character. Players can play an
which determines what rules they’re allowed to use adventure they previously played or ran as a
to create and advance their characters. Players can Dungeon Master, but not with the same character.
continue to play their characters after the storyline Ensure that each player has an official adventure
season has finished, possibly participating in a second logsheet for his or her character (if not, get one from
or third storyline with those same characters. A the organizer). The player fills out the adventure
character’s level is the only limitation for adventure name, session number, date, and your name and DCI
play. A player cannot use a character of a level higher number. In addition, the player also fills in the
or lower than the level range of a D&D Adventurers starting values for experience, gold, downtime,
League adventure. renown, and number of permanent magic items. He
For more information on playing, running games as or she fill in the other values and write notes at the
a Dungeon Master, and organizing games for the D&D
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DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard 2
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Adventure Background
and easy to present. The emphasis is on a quick and
simple play experience, highlighting the aspects of
As the Cult of the Dragon’s plan to summon Tiamat to D&D for new players: interaction, exploration, and
this world unraveled, members of the Cult hid its combat. If you are DMing the mini-adventures for a
amassed wealth in caches throughout the Sword longer duration, you can add elements to the
Coast, hoping to keep it safe until they needed it experience that tie all the adventures together and
again. The Greypeak Mountains, near the village of make the experience more fun for your table.
Parnast, was a hotbed of Cult of the Dragon activity,
and a few caches were secured there.
A famed treasure hunter named Veradda Stoor Adventure Hook
learned the location of five of these caches, and she The adventure begins with the adventurers traveling
sought adventurers to join her in searching for the to the hamlet of Parnast to meet Veradda Stoor, a
treasure. Unfortunately for Veradda, others sought famed treasure hunter. Veradda seeks adventurers to
the treasure as well - and those others are no accompany her on expeditions. She has learned the
ordinary adventurers…. location of five caches of treasure, hidden by
With the collapse of the Ordning, the hierarchical members of the Cult of the Dragon after their attempt
system governing giant-kind, all species of giants to bring Tiamat into the world failed.
have been thrown into a contest to earn their new
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This cavern, like the last, is lit with lanterns throughout. To the Investigating the Chest
north, at the far end of the corridor, you can see a small After dealing with Slayermighty, the adventurers can
creature dressed in ratty furs, wielding a club. He stands in investigate the chest.
front of a stone chest that is even with his eyes. His back is to
you, and you catch the sound of angry rumbling coming from The stone chest is carved directly into the floor of the
his direction, but it is too faint to hear clearly. chamber. A heavy stone lid, which weighs several hundred
Then a yappy growl to your left alerts the creature, and it pounds, rests against the wall next to the chest. Runes are
turns. It has the countenance of a terrible hill giant, but the carved into the chest, the lid, and the floor in front of the
stature of a goblin. It shrieks in fury: “Slayermighty the Giant chest.
will tear you apart and feed you to Blooddrinker!” He charges
toward you.
The chest is empty, except for a crumbled note at the
bottom. It reads in Common:
The hill giant’s pet black bear, now about half the size
of a bear cub, waits in the niche to the west of the “Stupid runt-giants of the hills,
entryway, and it smells the adventurers once they
enter. She growls a warning to its master, but she is You are too slow and dim-witted to challenge us. The treasure
too small to pose a threat to the adventurers in her
is ours. You are probably feeling small now, aren’t you? If you
current condition, so she hides. She wears a small
think you are going to prevail, you are mistaken. By the way,
collar that says “Blooddrinker” in Giant.
The cursed hill giant, a brute calling himself prevail means win, idiots.
Slayermighty, charges the adventurers as soon as he
knows they are present. His war cries about tearing Clan True-Nimbus of the Clouds”
the heads of the adventurers and drinking their blood
might seem slightly ironic in his current condition, A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check
but his club still packs a wallop. reveals that these runes are part of a magical curse
Slayermighty, livid at his current predicament, that causes the victim to shrink in size and stature.
fights to the death. His bear, Blooddrinker, is cursed These creatures have obviously fallen victim to the
as well and is currently too small to pose a significant curse. The curse, however, is probably not
threat to the adventurers. Slayermighty screams as he permanent.
attacks about ruling all of giant-kind as soon as he
slays the adventurers and regains his stature. Blooddrinker the Bear
Adjusting the Encounter Slayermighty’s pet black bear also fell victim to the
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
curse, and for her the effect is permanent. After
encounter. These are not cumulative. Slayermighty is defeated, the bear calms and remains
still. When the curse wears off, the bear starts to
Weak party: No change.
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The adventurers can clean up the area and grab the
treasure from the creatures, including the two vials of
alchemist’s fire and the potion of healing, as well as a
necklace of 20 copper charms (worth 200) gp that
Slayermighty wore around his neck.
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DM Rewards
Non-Combat Awards
Task or Accomplishment XP per Character You receive 100 XP, 50 gp, and five downtime days
Save Blooddrinker the Bear 25 for each session you run of this mini-adventure.
The characters receive the following treasure, divided
up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to
divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece
values listed for sellable gear are calculated at their
selling price, not their purchase price.
Consumable magic items should be divided up
however the group sees fit. If more than one
character is interested in a specific consumable magic
item, the DM can determine who gets it randomly
should the group be unable to decide.
Treasure Awards
Item Name GP Value
Copper necklace 200
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Cursed Hill Giant
Small giant, lawful evil
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6)
Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield) Speed 20 ft.
Hit Points 7 (2d6)
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
8 (−1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) 8 (−1) Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Skills Stealth +6 Languages Giant, Goblin
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Challenge 1 (100 XP)
Languages Common, Goblin Multiattack. The cursed giant makes two greatclub
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) attacks. If the cursed hill giant hits the same target with
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or both greatclub attacks, the target must make a DC 10
Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns. Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated until the
end of the target's next turn.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Actions
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage.
Swarms of Cursed Goblins
Medium swarm of Tiny humanoids (goblinoid), lawful
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 20 ft.
Tiny Scimitars. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0
ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 10 (4d4)
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A Phrase Unspoken
The phrase is “HAIL DRAGON QUEEN”. If the
At the top of the pyramid, the adventurers can adventurers got the clue from Prrrt, they can
evaluate the situation. Read: understand where the stone giant went wrong.
If the players are having trouble, give them a clue
The top of the pyramid is not capped; instead, four boulders that this phrase would have been one chosen by a
frame a large opening between them. That opening, at the follower of Tiamat. This reduces their experience. If
moment, is plugged with the body of a giant. Its thick hide and you have to give further clues, tell them Tiamat is
hairless body makes you think it is a stone giant, but it is called the Dragon Queen, and she demands her
difficult to tell: you can only see its enormous legs and followers hail her with that title.
backside. The rest is facing down into the top of the pyramid.
Each of the four boulders at the top contains a series of
The Almost Empty Cache
runes. The runes glow with an obvious magical light. When the adventurers can see inside, and if they have
the light to see throughout the pyramid, read:
The opening in the top of the pyramid was trapped
by the dragon cultists, and the stone giant fell prey to
that trap. A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana or
Investigation) check reveals that the trap is present,
and it is somehow connected to the runes etched into
the stones. The trap was powerful enough to kill a
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DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard 15
The characters receive the following treasure, divided
up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to
divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece
values listed for sellable gear are calculated at their
selling price, not their purchase price.
Consumable magic items should be divided up
however the group sees fit. If more than one
character is interested in a specific consumable magic
item, the DM can determine who gets it randomly
should the group be unable to decide.
Treasure Awards
Item Name GP Value
Stone giant nose ring 100
Cult of the Dragon ledger 100
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Multiattack. The badger makes two attacks: one with its
bite and one with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.
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The giant corpses each carry a potion of healing.
They also carry between them a total of 100 gp in
coins. The diamond dust can also be collected, and is
worth a total of 100 gp.
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DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard 21
The characters receive the following treasure,
divided up amongst the party. Characters should
attempt to divide treasure evenly whenever
possible. Gold piece values listed for sellable gear are
calculated at their selling price, not their purchase
Consumable magic items should be divided up
however the group sees fit. If more than one
character is interested in a specific consumable
magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided up according
to a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
permanent magic items.
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DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard 22
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
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Experience Downtime
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated Each character receives five downtime days at the
foes and divide by the number of characters that conclusion of this mini-adventure.
were present during combat. For non-combat
experience, the rewards listed are per character. DM Rewards
Give all characters in the party non-combat
experience awards unless otherwise noted. You receive 100 XP, 50 gp, and five downtime days
for each session you run of this mini-adventure.
Combat Awards
Name of Foe XP per Foe
Kobold 25
Magmin 100
Non-Combat Awards
Task or Accomplishment XP per Character
Deactivate the Immix symbol 25
The characters receive the following treasure,
divided up amongst the party. Characters should
attempt to divide treasure evenly whenever
possible. Gold piece values listed for sellable gear are
calculated at their selling price, not their purchase
Consumable magic items should be divided up
however the group sees fit. If more than one
character is interested in a specific consumable
magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided up according
to a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
permanent magic items.
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The cultists carry loot—coins, gems, jewelry, etc.—
worth a total of 200 gp.
When the adventurers are preparing to leave, a storm
giant enters the room. He stands silently for a few
seconds, contemplating the group with a quizzical
look, then he speaks.
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DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard 31
The characters receive the following treasure, divided
up amongst the party. Characters should attempt to
divide treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece
values listed for sellable gear are calculated at their
selling price, not their purchase price.
Consumable magic items should be divided up
however the group sees fit. If more than one character
is interested in a specific consumable magic item, the
DM can determine who gets it randomly should the
group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided up according
to a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
permanent magic items.
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The First Cache. The first treasure cache was hidden by the Cult of the Dragon in an abandoned cave at the base at
of the southernmost mountain in the Greypeak range. While it was thought to be the smallest of the caches, it is also
not thought to be protected by any traps or magic. The caves and tunnels of the complex, according to my sources,
are not very structurally sound. Goblins are known to inhabit the area.
The Second Cache. My sources confirmed that one cache was buried beneath a unique structure: a pyramid of
stone resting on a flat field of stone in the middle section of the Greypeaks, directly between the two highest
mountains of that section of the range. The area was once rent with volcanic activity, making the flat stone field
difficult to navigate. My sources could not tell me who or what built the boulder pyramid.
The Third Cache. The source I questioned about this cache said that it was carefully hidden behind a secret
entrance in the wall of a green-sided mountain. There is only one of those in the Greypeak range, according to my
research. The source also said that the cultist who hid the treasure was an expert in magical curses.
The Fourth Cache. This cache was secured in an abandoned dwarven outpost used for treating ore that was being
prepared for use in weapon-smithing. My sources implied that the place had been overrun by something terrible and
immortal, causing the dwarves to leave it centuries ago. Subterranean volcanic activity has been reported in the area
regularly over the years.
The Fifth Cache. At the top of the tallest summit of the Greypeaks, one contact told me that there is an abandoned
shrine once revered by giants. Dragons used the area as a perch since then, and a cache is going to be hidden there.
Someone also told me that occasionally, when the wind is blowing in just the right direction, a pealing of loud bell
can be heard from there.
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If a player does not have a mobile device, please tell them to head to dndadventurersleague.org/results to enter
their results.
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