Pi Is 1059131119301219
Pi Is 1059131119301219
Pi Is 1059131119301219
Department of Pharmacy, Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China
School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China
Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA
Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Purpose: To compare Vitamin D (Vit D) levels in children with epilepsy on valproate monotherapy with healthy
Meta-analysis controls.
Valproate Methods: A meta-analysis performed on articles identified from PubMed and Web of Science online databases
Carbamazepine evaluated using National Institute of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Study Quality Assessment
Tools. Subgroup analyses and publication bias assessments were also performed.
Results: Eleven publications were eligible based on inclusion/exclusion criteria for the meta-analysis. Results
25-OH-Vit D noted a decrease in the mean Vit D level in children with epilepsy on valproate monotherapy compared with
healthy children with a Standard Mean Difference = -0.313 [-0.457, -0.169]. Cumulative meta-analysis showed
progressive negative effect of valproate therapy on Vit D levels across time. Other antiepileptic medications
caused a similar effect on Vit D status. There was no evidence of publication bias in the analyses. Type of study
design and country of origin introduced heterogeneities into the meta-analyses.
Conclusion: This meta-analysis provides evidence that long-term therapy with valproate causes a decrease in Vit
D levels in children. Therefore, in children with a seizure disorder on long-term valproate therapy, 25-OH-Vit D
levels should be monitored and appropriate supplementation implemented if levels are deficient.
1. Introduction periods for bone development. The role of Vit D is not limited to bone
health as it also has important roles in many extra-skeletal targets
Individuals with epilepsy being treated with chronic antiepileptic throughout the body, such as the muscles, immune system, and the
drug (AED) therapy represent approximately 1% of the general popu- cardiovascular system [12,13]. Thus, Vit D deficiency due to chronic
lation [1,2]. Vitamin D (Vit D) deficiency is commonly reported in adult AED therapy has additional risks beyond the decreased calcium ab-
patients with epilepsy on AED therapy [3], particularly in patients on sorption, secondary hyperparathyroidism, decreased bone density, and
older AEDs that induce hepatic metabolism such as carbamazepine and elevated serum alkaline phosphatase associated with bone homeostasis
phenobarbital [4]. Valproate and other newer AEDs (e.g. lamotrigine, [14].
oxcarbazepine) are generally considered to have minimal effects on There are two main forms of Vit D, Vit D2, a plant and yeast sterol
hepatic metabolic enzymes, and thus, considered to have a lower po- product, and Vit D3, the form synthesized by mammals. In humans, Vit
tential to affect Vit D levels [5–7]. However, several studies have shown D3 is synthesized through UVB-radiation-induced photosynthesis in the
that valproate induces CYP3A4 and CYP24A1, which are involved in Vit skin with less than 10% derived from dietary sources (mostly D3 and
D catabolism [8–11], making valproate a candidate AED to cause Vit D minimal amounts of D2) [15]. Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-Vit
deficiency. D) concentration in serum is the major index used to monitor the Vit D
Vit D is essential for calcium and bone homeostasis, especially in level, which includes both 25-OH-Vit D2 and 25-OH-Vit D3 [14,16].
children because childhood and adolescence are the most critical Serum concentrations of 25-OH-Vit D less than 20 ng/mL are generally
Corresponding author at: the Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, 72 Guangzhou Road, Nanjing, 210008, China.
Corresponding author at: University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 874 Union Ave., Memphis, TN, 38163, USA.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Chen), [email protected] (T. Wang).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Visiting graduate student from China Pharmaceutical University.
Received 20 February 2019; Received in revised form 6 June 2019; Accepted 8 June 2019
1059-1311/ © 2019 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Xu, et al. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 71 (2019) 60–65
considered as the breakpoint for Vit D deficiency [12]. SE 11.0 (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA). The “Metan”
Currently, the risk of Vit D deficiency in children with seizure dis- [24] command was used to combine the continuous data of Vit D
orders treated chronically with AEDs is unclear and specific clinical concentrations (mean ± SD). The SEM values in studies were con-
guidelines on monitoring Vit D levels in children do not exist. Given verted into SD values based on the formula SD= SEM× n . Due to the
that valproate, carbamazepine and phenobarbital are of proven efficacy measurement of Vit D using different methods and the use of different
and frequently administrated to children with epilepsy [17], under- units (ng/mL, μg/L or nmol/L), the pooled results are expressed in
standing the long-term risk of Vit D deficiency imposed by chronic AED terms of the standardized mean difference (SMD) and their 95% con-
therapy in children is critical to avoiding deleterious effects on healthy fidence interval (CI). Cochran’s Q-statistic was used to estimate within
development. and between study variations. If a significant Q-statistic (I2 > 50%,
Numerous studies have reported on the effect of valproate therapy p < 0.1) occurred indicating heterogeneities across studies, then the
on Vit D levels, but due to the varying cut-offs for 25-OH Vit D blood random effects model was used for the meta-analysis [25]. Otherwise
concentration defining deficiency (< 10 ng/mL [18,19], < 12 ng/mL the fixed effects model was the default. A Cumulative meta-analytic
[20], < 20 ng/mL [21–23]), small sample size, and inconsistent meth- method [26] was applied to identify how estimates of the negative ef-
odology conflicting conclusions on the effect of long-term valproate fect on Vit D levels evolve over time. Subgroup analyses were con-
therapy in children are reported. To bring clarity to this issue we ducted by stratifying according to variables such as countries of sub-
conducted a pooled analysis of the available literature using the meta- jects to determine potential sources of heterogeneities. Publication bias
analysis method. was assessed by Begg’s and Egger’s tests with no publication bias de-
fined by both p values > 0.05 [27].
2. Materials and methods
3. Results
2.1. Literature searching strategy
3.1. Identification of eligible studies
PubMed and Web of Science (WOS) were searched thoroughly from
January 1980 to July 2018. Combined terms “valproate vitamin D”,
Our search strategy produced 332 and 160 publications from
“valproic acid vitamin D”, “VPA vitamin D”, “valproate vit D”, “val-
PubMed and WOS respectively. Non-English publications and dupli-
proic acid vit D”, “VPA vit D” were used to search PubMed. For WOS
cates were excluded and yielded 90 and 121 papers in PubMed and
the combined terms used were “valproate vitamin D”, “valproic acid
WOS. During title and abstract screening, 64 PubMed derived and 97
vitamin D” and “VPA vitamin D”. Non-English publications were ex-
WOS extracted publications were recognized as either animal/cellular
cluded from this analysis. Retrieved articles were processed in succes-
research, reviews, letters to the editor, or not related to Vit D testing in
sion and duplicate publications were excluded. All remaining literature
children. Consequentially, 26 original articles retrieved from PubMed
was reviewed by title and abstract to eliminate reviews, letters to the
and 24 obtained from WOS were integrated into a pool to undergo
editor, comments, case reports, animal studies, molecular and cellular
further evaluation. Two more articles [28,29] were added by manual
studies, and previous meta-analyses. Relevant clinical and epidemio-
screening. After 18 duplicates were removed from the pool, full context
logic studies were combined into a pool. Articles in the pool underwent
evaluation was considered among the remaining 34 publications (refer
context screening in accordance with defined inclusion/exclusion cri-
to Table S1). The context of these 34 articles was evaluated thoroughly
teria. All qualified studies were individually reviewed to search for
to distinguish the studies were in accordance with the inclusion and
additional relevant studies within the articles’ references.
exclusion criteria. Finally, 11 eligible articles were selected after re-
moval of unqualified literature for various reasons (procedure as shown
2.2. Criteria of study selection and exclusion
in Fig S1). We summarized the reasons that individual articles were
included or excluded in Table S1. Despite efforts to contact the authors,
Eligible studies were original research-based articles that: 1) mea-
unavailability of raw data from primary articles was the most common
sured Vit D level in blood and included the mean and standard devia-
cause of exclusion from enrollment.
tion (SD), or standard error of the mean (SEM), or this data was ob-
tainable from the authors, 2) included only children whose epilepsy was
treated with valproate therapy, 3) had a control group of healthy 3.2. Classification, characteristics and risk of bias in selected publications
children or patients on other medication treatment that did not include
an AED. Studies were excluded from the analysis if they were: 1) con- More than half of the reviewed 11 articles were of good or fair
ducted in adult patients, 2) not related to either valproate or Vit D, 3) quality according to NIH quality assessment criteria (details are shown
not a “case-control” study design, or 4) lacked Vit D data. in Table S2). Major studies (6 out of 11) were conducted in Mid-eastern
countries such as Turkey [14,22,30–32] and Iran [19]. Cross-sectional
2.3. Data extraction and study quality evaluation study design was the most common method applied among the 11
studies. Only one article [22] did not provide the gender information of
We collected information from each selected article, e.g., first au- its subjects. Most of the studies included both male and female subjects,
thor, year of publication, countries of patients, study design, Vit D le- but they did not report Vit D status in each gender group treated with
vels in patients and control groups and details associated with valproate valproate monotherapy. These studies all included a control group
therapy. The methodological quality of each study was rated using the consisting of subjects not on valproate medication treatment. Two
NIH quality assessment tool for observational cohort and cross-sectional studies [21,33] did not include healthy children as control group. An-
studies (https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/study-quality- other study [19] recruited untreated patients with epilepsy to be con-
assessment-tools). All assessments were completed by two people trols. The duration of valproate treatment was more than six months in
working separately. If any inconsistent result for a particular article all the studies including years of valproate therapy in some reports.
occurred, it was resolved by discussions among the entire group con- Most of the eligible studies had more than two “case-control” com-
ducting this analysis. parisons, e.g., valproate treatment vs. healthy controls, carbamazepine
treatment vs. valproate treatment groups. All the studies measured 25-
2.4. Statistical analysis OH-Vit D levels, except for two [21,32] which reported 25-OH-Vit D3
and non-specified Vit D, respectively. The detailed characteristics of
The statistical analyses were conducted using the software STATA individual study are shown in Table 1.
Z. Xu, et al.
Table 1
Characteristics of the 11 eligible studies selected to perform meta-analysis.
First Author Publication Country of Study type M/F (n) Age (years, mean ± SD) VPA Duration VPA dosage (mean ± SD)
date patients in VPA group of VPA group (mean ± SD)
First Author BMI Assay for Vit D in VPA- Vit D in healthy Vit D in CAR- Vit D in other Other medication Note Ref
(kg/m2) VitD treated group(N; control group(N; treated group(N; medication treated
Mean(SD) ng/mL) Mean(SD) ng/mL) Mean(SD) ng/mL) group(N; Mean
(SD) ng/mL)
Note: CAR, carbamazepine; CEI, Competitive enzyme immunoassay; CL, Chemiluminescence; CS, cross-sectional; ECL, Electrochemiluminescence; IRA, Immunoradiometric assay; M/F, Male/Female; Retro-, retro-
spective; RI, Radioimmunoassay; NA, not available; SD, standard deviation;
Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 71 (2019) 60–65
Z. Xu, et al. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 71 (2019) 60–65
Fig. 1. Forest plot regarding valproate decreased Vit D level in epileptic children compared with healthy children.
3.3. Difference of Vit D levels among valproate- or carbamazepine-treated medication therapy, as well as that in children who received carba-
children with epilepsy and healthy controls mazepine monotherapy vs. healthy children. All the results of subgroup
analyses are shown in Table 2.
We first pooled comparison of Vit D level in valproate treated pa-
tients versus healthy controls. A negative SMD of Vit D level was noted
between valproate treated group and healthy controls (SMD = -0.313, 3.5. Publication bias
[-0.457, -0.169]), see Fig. 1.), indicating a significant difference across
these two groups in terms of a negative effect of valproate treatment on No potential publication bias was shown when comparing Vit D level
Vit D level. No evidence of heterogeneity was present across the related in children treated by valproate monotherapy vs. healthy controls based
studies (I2 = 7.1%, p = 0.376). on evidence from the Begg’s and Egger’s tests (Begg’s statistic p = 0.902,
Cumulative analytic technology was utilized to address the effect of Egger’s statistic p = 0.963). Similar results were observed in the analyses
time on the difference in Vit D status. As shown in Fig S2, cumulative of Vit D status in children with epilepsy treated by carbamazepine
estimates were progressively more robust as evidenced by the nar- therapy vs. healthy children (Begg’s statistic p = 0.260, Egger’s statistic
rowing 95% confident intervals by ascending year of publication. p = 0.311); valproate monotherapy vs. children with epilepsy treated by
We also combined data from carbamazepine treated children com- carbamazepine (Begg’s statistic p = 0.764, Egger’s statistic p = 0.739;
pared to healthy children, and a negative pooled (SMD = -0.484 valproate vs. other medication treatments in subjects with epilepsy
[-0.919, -0.049]) on Vit D level was observed in the carbamazepine (Begg’s statistic p = 0.548, Egger’s statistic p = 0.516)
treated group compared with healthy participants. However, significant
heterogeneity was present across studies (I2 = 76%, p = 0.001). In Table 2
total, both valproate and carbamazepine were associated with a de- Potential source of heterogeneities.
creased Vit D level in children with epilepsy when compared with
Variables I-squared p value
healthy children. Interestingly, carbamazepine and valproate had a si-
milar effect on the Vit D level as shown by directly comparing Vit D Vitamin D in patients treated with carbamazepine vs. healthy controls
concentration in valproate-treated to carbamazepine-treated children Turkey 80.20% 0.000
India – –
(SMD = -0.309 [-0.155, -0.773]) with significant heterogeneity among
Cross-sectional 0 0.85
studies (I2 = 80.8%, p = 0.000). Cross-sectional retrospective – –
Furthermore, there was no difference in Vit D level in valproate- Overall 76.00% 0.001
treated children with epilepsy from the level in other anti-epileptic Vitamin D in patients treated with valproate vs. carbamazepine
medication groups (SMD = 0.277, 95%CIs [-0.407, 0.961]), however, Germany – –
Turkey 85.30% 0.000
heterogeneity was suggested (I2 = 93.0%, p = 0.000). Two articles India – –
[21,32] reported 25-OH-Vit D3 and non-specified Vit D status instead of Cross-sectional 30.70% 0.205
25-OH-Vit D data. We performed pooled analysis de novo by excluding Cross-sectional retrospective – –
these two references. The results showed that using 25-OH-Vit D data Overall 80.80% 0.000
Vitamin D in patients treated with valproate vs. other medications
alone did not change our conclusions, producing only minor insignif-
Cross-sectional 31.70% 0.222
icant changes in the estimations of the pooled SMDs and their 95% CIs. Cross-sectional cohort – –
Retrospective 96.40% 0.000
Turkey 39.20% 0.193
3.4. Potential sources of heterogeneity Austria – –
Korea – –
Iran – –
The study design and country of origin of children was used as Spain – –
stratifying variables in conducting subgroup analyses to reveal poten- Overall 93.00% 0.000
tial heterogeneities. The results showed heterogeneities in both sub-
groups regarding comparison of Vit D levels in children who underwent Note: "-" means due to the limited study, I-squared and p value cannot be cal-
valproate vs. carbamazepine monotherapy, valproate vs. other culated.
Z. Xu, et al. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 71 (2019) 60–65
Z. Xu, et al. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 71 (2019) 60–65
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