Unit 1.a - Beginnings of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Unit 1.a - Beginnings of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Unit 1.a - Beginnings of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Sikolohiyang Pilipino
o The psychology born out of the experience, thought and orientation of the Filipinos, based on
the full use of Filipino culture and language.
o The approach is one of ‘‘indigenization from within’’ whereby the theoretical framework and
methodology emerge from the experiences of the people from the indigenous culture.
o It is based on assessing historical and socio-cultural realities, understanding the local
language, unraveling Filipino characteristics, and explaining them through the eyes of the
native Filipino.
o For centuries, Filipino behavior has been analyzed and interpreted in the light of Western
theories. Since these theories are inevitably culture-bound, the picture of the Filipino has been
inaccurate, if not distorted.
o Enriquez (1985) later defined Sikolohiyang Pilipino as ‘‘the study of diwa (‘psyche’), which in
Filipino directly refers to the wealth of ideas referred to by the philosophical concept of
‘essence’ and an entire range of psychological concepts from awareness to motives to
o Initial work on developing Sikolohiyang Pilipino concentrated on a type of indigenization:
Cultural revalidation, which means looking for the indigenous psychology from
within the culture itself and not just clothing a foreign body with a local dress.
o The principal emphasis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino is to foster national identity and consciousness,
social involvement, and psychology of language and culture.
o It is thus concerned with proper applications to health, agriculture, art, mass media, religion,
and other spheres of people’s daily life.
Enriquez, Virgilio G. (2010). From Colonial to Liberation Psychology: The Philippine Experience. UP
Press. Centennial Publications.
Pe-Pua, R. (2011). Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Teorya, Metodo at Gamit. UP Press.
Pe-Pua, R. (2019). Handbook of Filipino Psychology. Vol. 2 Application. UP Press.