002163-1-ORI-Orientation Subaquatique V 2000 00 A
002163-1-ORI-Orientation Subaquatique V 2000 00 A
002163-1-ORI-Orientation Subaquatique V 2000 00 A
Speciality Course
Version 200/00
Table of Contents
1 Course schedule 5
2 Minimum course content (syllabus) 7
3 Knowledge review & skills assessments 9
4 Issuing of recognition material 9
TH2: site relocation; charts; bearings; PR2/PR3: (open water): site underwater
diving planing; buddy system; navigation, review of experiences from last
problems, hazards and prevention; dive; gain of confidence; basic navigations
emergency planning; accident techniques; courses types training;
managements communications; signals; buddy
1.5 recommended schedule
1.5.1. theory/ session of approx. 01:30hrs each during week (e.g. on two evenings)
1.5.2. practical
¾ 1 session of approx. 3 hrs on confined open water on one weekend
¾ 2 sessions of approx. 3 hrs each on open water, on 2 successive days (e.g. weekend) which
gives best results or scattered during week according to students' desire
9 day 1: dive #1 (session PR I)
9 day 2: dive #2 (session PR2)
9 day 3: dive #3 (plus ev. an additional dive for a weak student; session PR3)
¾ - certification
1.6 support material for students:
1.6.1. used during classroom sessions: handout
1.6.2. used for home study: as. above (a list with further recommended literature may be given to the
1.7 support material for instructor:
1.7.1. text as developed by his federation
1.7.2. other recommended literature
1.7.3. own / federation supplied video / slides
1.7.4. "real" equipment used for underwater navigation