Nanaimo Daily News 2015 Front Page Article Brother XII
Nanaimo Daily News 2015 Front Page Article Brother XII
Nanaimo Daily News 2015 Front Page Article Brother XII
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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 250-758-9125 1-888-325-5974
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4 COVER STORY @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
‘(He) was articulate and charismatic — he just had some power, some gift, some quality’
BROTHER XII, from page 3 about the colony in Cedar and Charles decided to really believe he was an exceptional guy.” “With most cult leaders
check it out. Upon his return he excitedly confirmed Not long after he received the large we know where they
After an incident in which Wilson convinced a it was indeed their former employee. sum of money from Connolly, which
lifelong alcoholic and fellow IXL Stables employee “She said her father was so interested in this man, Oliphant estimates would be $335,000 died and how they died.
to quit drinking, Alva said her father was deeply because he had never met a man like that before, who today, Wilson used some of it to expand But with him, we don’t
impressed. was so articulate and charismatic. He just had some the land holdings of the commune by know. He’s a mystery . . .
After Wilson left, they heard rumours circulating power, some gift, some quality,” said Oliphant. “I purchasing 400 acres on Valdez Island.
Between 1928 and 1933, according to He escaped. He vanished
Peterson’s research, a series of sensation- into thin air.”
al trials involving Wilson in Nanaimo
gripped the curiosity of local residents. Jon Oliphant, author
In one trial, which centred on Foun-
dation secretary Robert England’s claim
that Wilson had embezzled $13,000 in “I believe that he fabricated his death.”
funds, England’s elderly lawyer collapsed Even though there is a death certifi-
on the bench along with several others, cate from Neuchatel, Switzerland that
Unreserved public equipment auction who collapsed on the floor. In the ensu- states Wilson died there on Nov. 7 1934,
ing chaos, according to lawyer and for- according to Oliphant he was seen two
mer Nanaimo mayor Victor B. Harrison, years after his death.
Financing available! No payments for 90 days* Wilson emerged from the audience and
approached him to shake hands.
One important character who emerged
during Wilson’s court proceedings was
The magistrate was so shaken he his Nanaimo-based lawyer Frank Cun-
adjourned the court, wrote Peterson in liffe, who became a close confidant.
her book, Harbour City: Nanaimo in In an interview with Frank’s son
Transition, 1920 – 1967. Donald, Oliphant was told that two
Wilson was not found guilty and pro- years after Wilson’s death, he drove out
ceeded with his plan to buy more land on to Cedar with his father to visit Mary
De Courcey Island. Connally.
In a subsequent trial in 1933, Connally At the end of the meeting, Donald —
— who had initially testified in Wilson’s who was about 14 years old at the time
defense in the previous trial — had now — remembers his father told Connally,
joined donor Alfred Barley in a lawsuit “There’s nothing I can do, then, but to
against Wilson aimed at recovering some meet him in San Fransisco.”
of their money. The entire family then traveled to San
Fransisco, and Donald remembers going
2012 John Deere 2954D w/Waratah HTC624C
C onnally had lost a large amount of
money in the 1929 stock market
crash, and was disturbed by the subse-
to the bank with his father to withdraw a
large sum of money, which he placed in
a briefcase.
quent ill behaviour of his new compan- “Then he went to the harbour and
ion Mabel Skottowe (or “Madame Zee”), disappeared into a ship, and half an
who had banished her from the founda- hour later he emerged with a man
tion’s headquarters. Wilson, who never who was dressed all in white, radiant.
attended and ultimately lost the trial, A wide-brimmed white hat, white suit,
had already disappeared. white shoes, everything was white, He
His world unraveling, Wilson had just gleamed,” said Oliphant. “This was
reportedly been converting his followers’ reported by the son, Don Cunliffe, and
money into gold coins, which he then his father looked very grim. And the man
sealed into 43 mason jars and hid around said to him, ‘I shan’t see you again, Cun-
his property on De Courcey Island, liffe, but I may be in touch,’ and when
Madill 124 2013 Madill 3800C w/MBT according to Oliphant. they left the ship, the son said, ‘Was that
“In the last days of the colony, it typi- Brother XII?’ because he knew the story,
fied all the characteristics of a modern and his father said he ‘wasn’t permitted
cult,” he said. “He fit the bill on every to say.’”
one of them: charismatic personality,
mind control techniques, arming the
colony, prediction of the end of the
world, only the followers will survive,
T he final piece to the story came a
year later.
Donald told Oliphant the phone rang
taking the money from the wealthy with a call from a trans-Atlantic operator
followers, isolating them. And then the in Gibraltar.
whole colony implodes.” It was for his father, who wasn’t there,
In Brother XII’s case, he and Madame and Donald remembers the operator
Zee set upon the cabins and farm asking the other man on the line, “What
equipment at the De Courcey Farm and would you like to do now, Mr. Wilson?”
destroyed his ship, The Lady Royal. and the man said, “Have him call the
1 of 3 – 2013 Western Star 4900SB & Rigging 2013 John Deere 290G Wilson scuttled the ship in a lagoon trans-Atlantic operator in Gibraltar.”
on the island, shattered her mast with a When his father later returned, Donald
blast of dynamite and blew a hole in her passed on the message and Frank asked
hull with another. him to leave the room while he made a
Man dead after truck rolls over him scheduled to
Editorial comment Jack Whittaker choices” and that Canadians will put track record of making important Just four days before the election
Nanaimo personalities aside in favour of their changes in Canada for the good, or he is caught emailing an oil company
The editorials that appear as ‘Our
own interests which will include an untested leader with virtually no on how to lobby the government
View’ represent the stance of the lower, not higher, taxes, more free achievements or clear vision for the on the oil pipeline they want. This
Nanaimo Daily News. They are Election may be most trade with the rest of the world and country. straight out of the war room no less.
unsigned because they do not national security. It will be about a “leap into the Do you think oil companies don’t
necessarily represent the personal important in our history Consider the words and deeds of dark” for the sake of change or an know how to lobby? Why would an
views of the writers. If you have On Oct. 19 Canadians will go to the Stephen Harper. For example he is intelligent vote. otherwise intelligent co chair do
comment regarding our position, we polls for perhaps the most important far and away the federal leader most The choice will be for balanced such a stupid thing? He seems to
invite you to submit a letter to the election in our history. The three onside with public opinion on revok- budgets and responsible fiscal have been caught right away too,
editor. To discuss the editorial poli- main federal parties have starkly ing the citizenship of dual nationals management or reckless deficit almost on the spot.
cies of the newspaper, please contact different views on how to manage convicted of terrorist offences and spending. I believe Canadians will The timing of it all is perfect and
Managing Editor Philip Wolf. the economy, national security, tax the inappropriateness of wearing the reject risk and uncertainty in these you couldn’t pray for anything better
reform, the oil and gas industry, niqab while taking the oath of Can- turbulent times and will opt for sta- if you are Harper.
major pipeline proposals and social adian citizenship. bility and a future. Politics is a dirty game.
values. Here Harper is clearly in line with
Complaint resolution Our political history has been traditional values that Canadians Gerald Hall R.G. Burnett
shaped by statesmen like Sir John cherish. He has effectively brought Nanoose Bay Nanaimo
If talking with the managing editor A. Macdonald, Wilfred Laurier and in market reforms to a country for-
or publisher does not resolve your Mackenzie King, men who could see merly known for liberalism and big
complaint about a story we publish, beyond appearances and understood spending. Harper has shown serious Timing of Liberal scandal Letters must include your hometown and
contact the B.C. Press Council. Your the fundamental values of Canadians. commitment to tax reform in Can- a daytime phone number for verification
written concern, accompanied by I believe a very strong case can be ada. The Harper government has
appears to be suspicious purposes only. Letters must include your
documentation, must be sent within made for Stephen Harper being the significantly lowered both the federal Both Justin Trudeau and Tom Mul- first name (or two initials) and last name. We
45 days of the article’s publication fourth Canadian statesman to appear corporate tax rate and personal cair won’t allow Harper to form even reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, taste,
to: B.C. Press Council, in the last century and a half of our income tax rates for families. a minority government should he legality and for length. Unsigned letters and
201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. history. The choice Canadians will make eke it out. What has happened with letters of more than 300 words will not be
V9R 2R2. Visit their website at He has said the election is not on election day will be between a Trudeau’s co chair of his campaign is accepted. Email to:
www. about him but about “cold, hard rare Canadian statesman with a solid hard to believe. [email protected]
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 @NanaimoDaily NEWS 7
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Students ask candidates who they trend-lines that have seen support
bleed away from the NDP to the Lib-
erals and Greens since the beginning
Oct. 5 and 10.
The Dogwood Initiative says voter
turnout at advance polls is up 71 per
would vote for, if not themselves of the election,” said Dave Mills,
Dogwood Initiative field organizer for
Northern Vancouver Island.
cent compared to 2011.
Worksafe changes loom in wake of fires Due to the Federal Election, the Bings Creek
Recycling Centre and CVRD Ingram Street Office
in Duncan will be closing early at 4 pm on Monday,
TOM FLETCHER BLACK PRESS injury to a worker. Babine Forest Products sawmill on October 19. The CVRD is providing its employees
It also will require employer Jan. 20, 2012. On April 23, 2012 a with three consecutive hours for voting as per
The B.C. government has intro- investigation reports to be posted similar explosion killed two work- Canada’s Elections Act.
duced changes to WorkSafeBC or reported to employees, and ers and injured 22 more employees
legislation in the wake of fatal dust allows WorkSafeBC to help work- at Lakeland Mills in Prince George.
explosions at two northern B.C. place health and safety committees No criminal charges were laid in
sawmills in 2012. to resolve disagreements over either event, and the B.C, govern-
MLAs are debating a bill that health and safety issues. ment earlier changed WorkSafe
requires employers to report all Two mill workers died and investigation procedures to protect
workplace fires or explosions that 20 others were injured when an evidence in cases that could lead to
had the potential to cause serious explosion and fire tore through the prosecution.
10 B.C. @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
No free parking
at new hospital
FOR CVRD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT BYLAW NO. 3931 Island Health will charge for parking at the new
[Arts & Culture Initiatives Service] Campbell River Hospital facility despite pleas from the
public, various elected officials and the region’s own
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD), proposes to adopt hospital board for it to be free.
“CVRD Bylaw No. 3931 – Arts & Culture Initiatives Service Establishment Bylaw, 2015”. Just how much it will cost, who will be in charge of
collecting it, and what that money will be spent on are
yet to be determined.
BYLAW SUMMARY “Fees will be determined by Island Health Parking
If adopted, Bylaw No. 3931 will allow the CVRD to annually requisition up to the greater of $130,000 or an amount equal to the amount that Services based on St. Joseph’s General Hospital and
could be raised by a property value tax of $0.01029 per $1,000 of net taxable value of land and improvements to support Arts & Culture Nanaimo Regional General Hospital parking rates,”
initiatives and programs within the regional district. The maximum cost to residential property owners within the CVRD with a residential according to the recent announcement by Island
property assessed at $100,000 would be $0.85 per year, as set out in the table below. The complete bylaw is available for review at the CVRD Health.
office, located at 175 Ingram Street in Duncan, during regular office hours, Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, excluding statutory holidays. St. Joseph’s parking rates are $1.50 for one hour,
$2.25 for two hours, $7 daily and $25 for a weekly per-
A copy of the bylaw is also available on the CVRD website at
mit. Nanaimo Regional’s rates are $2.25 for the first
two hours, $1.25 per hour thereafter with a weekly
CALCULATION TABLE permit costing $26.75.
Net Taxable Value Maximum Annual Cost Per Number of Electors in 10% of the “Island Health recognizes that pay parking in hos-
(Land & Improvements) Residential Property Owner the Services Area Electors pitals is not popular,” says Dan Maclennan of Island
Health Communications, “however pay parking is
$100,000 $0.85 60,388 6,038 standard practice in the vast majority of care facilities
in urban areas.”
The Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District’s
ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS AND ELIGIBILITY own board of directors denounced the notion of pay
The CVRD may adopt this bylaw unless at least 10% of electors within the regional district indicate that a referendum must be held by parking at their Sept. 17 with a motion to write a letter
submitting a signed Elector Response Form to the CVRD office no later than 4:30 pm, Wednesday, November 18, 2015. The Elector Response of support to Island Health, “to request that all on-site
Form must be in the form established by the CVRD, and only those persons who qualify as electors of the Cowichan Valley Regional District parking at our new hospitals sites be provided ‘free of
comprised of Electoral Areas: A - Mill Bay/Malahat; B - Shawnigan Lake; C - Cobble Hill; D - Cowichan Bay; E - Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/ charge’ to patients and family members.
Glenora; F - Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls; G - Saltair/Gulf Islands; H - North Oyster/Diamond; I - Youbou/Meade Creek; and the City of
Duncan; District Municipality of North Cowichan; Town of Ladysmith; and Town of Lake Cowichan are entitled to sign. Electors may qualify as
either resident electors or as non-resident property electors, as follows:
Resident Elector – You are entitled to submit an Elector Response Form as a resident elector if you are age 18 or older on the day of
submission, are a Canadian citizen, have lived in BC for at least six months, and have been a resident of the CVRD for the past 30 days or more.
Non-Resident Property Elector – You are entitled to submit an Elector Response Form as a non-resident property elector if you are age 18 NANAIMO HARBOUR CITY SENIORS
or older on the day of submission, are a Canadian citizen, have lived in BC for at least six months, have owned and held registered title to a 21st ANNUAL
property in the CVRD for the past 30 days or more, and do not qualify as a resident elector. NOTE: Only one non-resident property elector may WOODCARVING
submit a response form per property, regardless of how many owners there may be. SHOW & COMPETITION
Saturday, November 7, 2015
If less than 10% (6,038) of the area electors submit an Elector Response Form, the bylaw will be deemed to have the approval of the electors Bowen Park Complex
and the CVRD Board may adopt the bylaw. For the purpose of conducting the alternative approval opportunity, the number of area electors is 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC V9R 1Z7
calculated at 60,388. This show is open to all carvers, all ages,
all skill levels (novice to expert).
Elector Response Forms are available from the CVRD, 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1N8, JUDGING 10:30 AM - 12 PM
Phone 250.746.2500 / 1.800.665.3955, e-mail [email protected] OR on the CVRD website at OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 12 - 4 PM
Don Olsen
phone 250-758-6898 or email [email protected]
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 @NanaimoDaily NEWS 11
The public should not assume that correspondence submitted on the proposed Bylaw prior to commencement of the statutory notification period on Friday, October 9, 2015, will be
made available to the Regional Board. Please be advised that the CVRD Board cannot receive correspondence or comment following the close of the Public Hearing. For further
TRUST YOUR INTUITION! information, please call the Planning & Development Department at 250-746-2620.
The Inner Peace Movement of Canada Please note that all correspondence submitted to the CVRD in response to this Notice will form part of the public record and will be published in a meeting agenda that is posted
welcomes National speaker: online when this matter is before the Board or a Committee of the Board. The CVRD considers the author’s address relevant to the Board’s consideration of this matter and will
disclose this personal information. The author’s phone number and email address are not relevant and should not be included in the correspondence if the author does not wish
Gwen McGregor this personal information disclosed. Please contact the Planning & Development Department at 250-746-2620 or 1-800-665-3955, or the Recording Secretary at the time of
submission. For more information on disclosure, contact the CVRD FOI Coordinator at 250-746-2507 or 1-800-665-3955.
Tuesday, Oct. 20,
1:00pm and 7:00pm The Public Hearing is to be held by the Electoral Area Directors for Electoral Area H (North Oyster/Diamond), Electoral Area I (Youbou/Meade Creek) and Electoral Area G (Saltair/Gulf
Islands) as delegates of the Board. A decision concerning the adoption of Bylaw No. 3934 will not be made until the record of Public Hearing is presented to the Board.
Best Western Northgate Hotel
6450 Metral Drive, Nanaimo A copy of the proposed Bylaw, the resolution delegating the holding of the public hearing, and other documents that may be considered by the Board in determining whether to
adopt the Bylaw are available for public inspection at the Regional District Planning & Development Department office: 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC
Follow your heart and trust your
instincts for inner peace. Manage From Friday, October 9, 2015, to Wednesday, October 21, 2015, between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except Monday, October 12, 2015, being the
anxiety of change. Examine life Thanksgiving Day Statutory Holiday. A copy of the Bylaw and supporting material may also be viewed on the CVRD website at the following address:
purpose, angels, psychic gifts, aspx?NID=1282
7-year life cycles, more.
Everyone is welcome. Mike Tippett, Manager, Community & Regional Planning Division, Planning & Development Department at
90 minute talk 250-746-2620 or 1-800-665-3955
$21 paid at door
MAILOUT ISM Rob Ford threatened his wife is raising smoking what appeared to be crack
RY 3
questions about Stephen Harper’s will- cocaine.
why the Daily News High 14
Low 9
24, 2015
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2525 Bowen Rd
ingness to publicly embrace the support Ford, a father of two young children,
of the scandal-ridden, self-admitted and his brother Doug, however, would
is part of your day and you NanaimoDa
d since 1874
y fo
long time Conservative supporters and reprint it.
our s
said he welcomes their support. For an hour and 40 minutes as he
Send us y ” L E
Asked about it again on Thursday, the listens and tries to calm Ford down,
A 40
Conservative party leader referred only according to the excerpt, Towhey agon-
to the Fords as “those individuals” and izes over whether to dial 911 and have
said the Conservative party was putting police intervene.
on Saturday’s rally aimed at bringing “I swear to God I’m going to kill this
together Canadians “who want to fight woman, brother,” Towhey reports Ford
for an agenda of low taxes and balanced as saying at one point. “She just took
budgets.” my gun upstairs.”
◆ SAINT-JEAN-SUR-RICHELIEU, QUE. The Royal Canadian Legion in that town has ◆ LONDON, ONT. Jared DeJong with dangerous driving causing
announced it is holding an event in his honour bodily harm, impaired operation causing bodily
Ceremony will mark death near the site of the attack and that Vincent’s Charges after student killed by harm and having in excess of 80 milligrams of
of soldier slain in terror attack family and friends will attend. vehicle at university upgraded alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.
A banner depicting Vincent will be unfurled, Following Christidis’ death, DeJong is now
A Canadian Forces soldier struck and killed by while at Parliament a calligrapher will pen his Police in London, Ont., have upgraded the charged with impaired driving causing death,
a jihadist sympathizer in a terror attack will be name into the Book of Remembrance. charges against a man arrested in connection criminal negligence causing death and operat-
honoured on the first anniversary of his death. In a private ceremony at the Legion, Vincent with the death of a woman who was hit by a ing a motor vehicle with over 80 milligrams of
A ceremony will be held for Warrant Officer will also be posthumously given the Hal Rogers minivan on the Western University campus. alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.
Patrice Vincent on Tuesday — one year to the Fellow Award to commemorate his sacrifice. Eighteen-year-old Andrea Christidis died Christidis’ family has said they are “heart-
day he was run down and killed by Martin Cou- Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, killed just two days later in hospital last Friday after she was hit while broken and deeply saddened” by her death.
ture-Rouleau, a radicalized Quebec man, in a during an attack on Parliament, was given the walking at the university two days earlier. Witnesses who have not yet spoken to police
parking lot in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Hal Rogers Fellow Award last February. Police had originally charged 24-year-old were being asked to contact them.
for Nanaimo—Ladysmith
Paid for and authorized by the official agent of the candidate. cope:225-md
14 @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
Maple Leaf Gardens sex predator doesn’t meet Charges have been laid after a
teenager in Regina was allegedly
abducted and sexually assaulted
while meeting with someone about
◆ BERLIN The Federal Motor Transport Authority ◆ WASHINGTON It is another setback for the president in his
announced that the recall would affect 2.4 quest to extricate the U.S. from more than a
Volkswagen emissions recall million vehicles in Germany. Under EU rules, U.S. intent to exit Afghan war decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. That
affects 8.5M cars in Europe cars that are cleared in one country are auto- nixed, troops to remain to 2017 goal was already tarnished by the return of U.S.
matically approved across the bloc, so the forces to Iraq last year to help fight the Islamic
German authorities on Thursday ordered a repeal also affects Volkswagen vehicles else- President Barack Obama on Thursday aban- State, a military mission Obama has said will
recall of all Volkswagen cars fitted with emis- where in the union. doned his pledge to end America’s longest war, likely outlast his presidency.
sions test-cheating software, a decision that Austrian authorities have already said some announcing plans to keep at least 5,500 U.S. Now, the winner of the 2016 presidential elec-
will affect 8.5 million VW diesel vehicles across 363,000 VW cars there are affected by the troops in Afghanistan when he leaves office in tion will also become the third American com-
the 28-nation European Union. recall. 2017 and hand the conflict off to his successor. mander in chief to oversee the Afghan war.
The Associated Press
Twin bombings
kill 26 people
A witness says two
bombs have exploded
near a mosque at evening
prayer time and killed
at least 26 people in
Nigeria’s beleaguered
northeastern city of
Residents who heard
the massive blasts across
the city immediately
blamed Boko Haram, the
Islamic extremist group
that began in Maiduguri.
A civilian defence fight-
er who helped evacuate
victims says he counted
26 bodies and 25 wound-
ed people.
Women wearing
veils arrested
Chad police arrested
62 women for wearing
full veils in public as the
country steps up security
against extremism fol-
lowing a multiple suicide
bombing attack, the
police spokesman said
Authorities also
arrested eight suspected
extremists, said police
spokesman Paul Manka.
The first major arrests
of women for the veil ban
have been carried out in
the capital, N’djamena,
since Wednesday in
line with anti-terrorism
measures, he said.
leader is held
A Venezuelan oppos-
ition leader who had
been living in self-im-
posed exile was arrested
Thursday after returning
to the socialist South
American country.
Former Gov. Manuel
Rosales flew into Vene-
zuela after six years as a
fugitive from corruption
charges. Intelligence
police met him at the
airport and took him into
custody. He was expected
to appear in a Caracas
court later in the day.
Rosales, 63, was gov-
ernor of the western
state of Zulia, where he
returned Thursday.
18 @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
19 @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
of the Week
losses came against the Mt. Douglas run-heavy on offence, led by a pair
Rams and the G.W. Graham Grizzlies, of Grade11 runningbacks, Justis
the top-ranked teams in Varsity AAA and MacKay-Topley and Matt Cooley.
AA football, respectively. “Every day, they come and get better,”
The Bulldogs also beat the Argyle Stevenson said.
Pipers, the only team to beat them “They’re tenacious, they’re fast and
Carter Turnbull in 2014, 7-6 on the road and beat the
Vernon Panthers 25-0 on the road in
unselfish, team guys who are a big part
of what we do.”
the season-opener. It was as difficult a On another personnel note, the Bull-
Sport: Hockey non-conference schedule as anyone in dogs will also return third-year starter
the province faced, and it was deliber- Parker Bowles, a senior middle line-
Achievements: ately set out that way. backer who missed three games with a
Former Nanaimo “Absolutely it was,” Stevenson said. hand injury.
“You don’t want to go in there with a
Buccaneers star Carter false image of yourself. If you go out and [email protected]
Turnbull scored four goals play the best, it shows you your warts, 250-729-4243
in a B.C. Hockey League
game Oct. 11 against the
Wenatchee Wild, finishing
the game with five points
after adding an assist.
Turnbull, a 17-year-old
Nanaimo native, is second
on the Powell River Kings
in scoring with 10 points
through 12 games during
his rookie season.
Centre. goal.
The Glacier Kings won the game 5-4, Bucs goalie Alex Orth made 17 saves
putting them in a tie with Nanaimo for in the loss, while Comox goalie Brad-
second place in the Vancouver Island dock Otton won with 35 saves.
Junior Hockey League’s North Division. The Bucs are next in action on the
1825 Bowen RRoad They went up 3-0 through two periods
on goals from Brandon McReynolds, Ty
road Saturday night against the Ocean-
side Generals while the Glacier Kings 250-591-iRUN Madden and Jordan Harding-Bautista,
and stretched their lead to four goals
are home Saturday night to the Camp-
bell River Storm.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 @NanaimoDaily SPORTS 21
squad for
for high-end show-jumping tour the floor this season for the first
time, and his former teammate Nix
Xylinas may also be in for playing
time at guard. Joining Parker as the
Mariners’ three allotted American
Queen Margaret’s School Grade 11 student will go through Calgary, Kentucky, Toronto imports will be six-foot-four forward
Josh Ross, a third-year transfer from
Poteau, Oklahoma and John Thomp-
SCOTT MCKENZIE DAILY NEWS “I think that it’s going The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. “It’s tough at times, but it nor- son, a six-foot third-year guard out of
to be a team effort There, she will be competing in the mally works itself out,” she said. Tempe, Arizona.
he next month of Kassidy Canadian Equestrian Team medal “She’s an great help — I would not After this weekend’s games against
Ruelle’s life is going to and we have to work finals, as well as the Jump Canada be where I am in the sport without EOU, the Mariners will continue to
be one she may never together to make it a medal final and the Junior Hunters her, that’s for sure.” play American competition as they
forget, as she is set to success.“ and Hunter Derby competitions. While going on a three-city show head to Washington state Oct. 23 for
roll through a three-city It’s going to be a long month, and tour is going to be her main focus, two games against Northwest Univer-
equestrian show-jumping tour. Kassidy Ruelle, equestrian show-jumper Ruelle said she’ll need to stay focused Ruelle will also need to keep up with sity Eagles.
Ruelle, a Nanaimo resident and to be successful. what the rest of her peers are doing PacWest play starts Oct. 30 when
Grade 11 student at North Cow- “I think that it’s going to be a team — schoolwork. the Mariners play host to the Camo-
ichan’s Queen Margaret’s School, Then, it’s off to the Kentucky effort and we have to work together She had to spend much of this sun Chargers.
leaves Tuesday to compete in some National Horse Show in Lexington, to make it a success,” she said. week getting everything together in
of the top shows in North America where she qualified in Washington “I have to be able to be focused and order to make it work. Mariner volleyball teams
for junior riders. It’s a trip she’s been state as one of the top five jumpers in I think that we have such a strong “I have to balance it,” said Ruelle, play home-and-home
qualified to do before, but one that, the region to take part in the Maclay partnership already, and it will be who will Skype with a math tutor
financially, she is able to make hap- Finals — one of only a few Canadians easy if we just both have the same twice a week throughout the trip. VIU’s men’s and women’s volleyball
pen this year. to do so. focus.” “I have to get all of my teachers teams begin their reasons today and
“It just kind of worked out that I The Maclay Finals are regarded At Queen Margaret’s, Keith is the to sign a form saying I’m allowed to tomorrow with a home-and-home
qualified for everything this year,” as one of the top events in North school’s equestrian team head coach go. Everything else, I kind of work series with the Chargers.
said Ruelle, who last year won the America. while Ruelle trains under her. through by myself. Tonight’s games are in Victoria,
championship in the B.C. Hunter Ruelle will show there on Oct. 31, It’s an interesting dynamic, having “I’ve gotten pretty used to doing it while tomorrow the Mariners and
Jumper Association. and if she makes it past the first her mother as her coach, but one on my own.” Chargers women’s teams play at VIU
The month-long trip begins Oct. 20 round she’ll be back the following both of them work through. Ruelle expects to return on Nov. 20. at 5 p.m. followed by the men’s game
when her and her coach, and mother day, when significant prize money is Kieth has been a trainer since she at 7 p.m.
Cheryl Keith, head to Calgary for The on the line. After leaving Kentucky, was 18, and has shown at events Scott.McKenzie
Royal West Jumping Tournament Ruelle will then head back north of around the world, so it’s not hard to [email protected]
horse show. the border, to Toronto, to compete at take her advice, Ruelle said. 250-729-4243 250-729-4243
22 SPORTS @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
1-6; Florida: 2-5.
Saturday Washington 2 3 0 .400 97 104 Tri-City 7 3 3 1 0 26 29 7
Vancouver 4 3 0 1 0 12 5 7 0-0-1-0 3-0-0-0 3-0-1-0 W-2 Referees — Chris Rooney, Trevor
Hanson. Linesmen — Trent Knorr, Scott x-Toronto (Stroman 4-0) at Kansas City, Philadelphia 2 3 0 .400 117 103 Portland 6 1 5 0 0 14 20 2
San Jose 3 3 0 0 0 12 1 6 1-0-0-0 2-0-0-0 3-0-0-0 W-3
Driscoll. 1 p.m. SOUTH 7KXUVGD\·VUHVXOW
Arizona 3 3 0 0 0 10 2 6 1-0-0-0 2-0-0-0 3-0-0-0 W-3
Att. — 11,616 at Sunrise, Fla.. W L T Pct PF PA
NASCAR SPRINT CUP Moose Jaw at Calgary
Nashville 4 3 1 0 0 10 6 6 2-0-0-0 1-1-0-0 3-1-0-0 L-1 CANADIEN 3, RANGERS 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE Carolina 4 0 0 1.000 108 71
1. Joey Logano, 3048; 2. Kevin
Kootenay 1 Moose Jaw 0
Atlanta 5 1 0 .833 183 143 Lethbridge 6 Regina 4
Minnesota 2 2 0 0 0 8 6 4 1-0-0-0 1-0-0-0 2-0-0-0 W-2 First Period Harvick, 3042; 3. Martin Truex Jr., 3041;
No Scoring. DIVISION SERIES Tampa Bay
New Orleans
4. Denny Hamlin, 3040; 5. Kurt Busch, Kelowna 5 Red Deer 4
Prince Albert 5 Tri-City 3
Chicago 5 2 3 0 0 10 13 4 1-1-0-0 1-2-0-0 2-3-0-0 L-2 3HQDOWLHV — McDonagh NYR (boarding) 3039; 6. Carl Edwards, 3039; 7. Jeff
ST. LOUIS VS. CHICAGO Gordon, 3037; 8. Brad Keselowski, )ULGD\·VJDPHV
Colorado 3 1 2 0 0 12 14 2 1-2-0-0 0-0-0-0 1-2-0-0 L-1 2:38, Gallagher Mon (tripping) 4:09, Eme- NORTH
(Chicago wins 3-1) 3035; 9. Ryan Newman, 3029; 10. Kyle Swift Current at Brandon, 6:30 p.m.
Calgary 3 1 2 0 0 7 11 2 0-2-0-0 1-0-0-0 1-2-0-0 L-1 lin Mon (Embellishment) 8:36, Nash NYR W L T Pct PF PA
VUHVXOW Busch, 3025. Regina at Edmonton, 7 p.m.
Anaheim 3 0 2 0 1 1 8 1 0-1-0-1 0-1-0-0 0-2-0-1 L-3 (roughing) 8:36, Staal NYR (tripping) Green Bay 5 0 0 1.000 137 81
Chicago 6 St. Louis 4 11. Dale Earnhardt Jr., 3016; 12. Matt Kootenay at Medicine Hat, 7:30 p.m.
Los Angeles 3 0 3 0 0 2 12 0 0-3-0-0 0-0-0-0 0-3-0-0 L-3
9:34, Subban Mon (interference) 10:20. Minnesota 2 2 0 .500 80 73
Kenseth, 3003; 13. Jamie McMurray, Kelowna at Prince George, 8 p.m.
Second Period Chicago 2 3 0 .400 86 142
Edmonton 4 0 4 0 0 5 13 0 0-1-0-0 0-3-0-0 0-4-0-0 L-4 LOS ANGELES VS. NEW YORK 2130; 14. Jimmie Johnson, 2092; 15. Everett at Portland, 8 p.m.
1. Montreal, Fleischmann 2 (Desharnais) Detroit 0 5 0 .000 83 138 Prince Albert at Spokane, 8:05 p.m.
Note: a team winning in overtime or shootout gets 2 points and a victory in the W col- 8:46. (New York wins 3-2) Paul Menard, 2083; 16. Clint Bowyer,
VUHVXOW WEST 2082; 17. Aric Almirola, 801; 18. Kasey Red Deer at Victoria, 8:05 p.m.
umn; the team losing in overtime or shootout gets 1 point in the OTL or SOL columns. 3HQDOWLHV — Brassard NYR (hooking) Tri-City at Vancouver, 8:30 p.m.
3:18, Plekanec Mon (slashing) 4:33, New York 3 Los Angeles 2 W L T Pct PF PA Kahne, 771; 19. Kyle Larson, 742; 20.
7KXUVGD\·VUHVXOWV Carolina at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. *UHJ%LIÁH Kamloops at Seattle, 8:35 p.m.
N.Y. Islanders 4 Nashville 3 Calgary at Winnipeg, 8 p.m. Nash NYR (hooking) 9:19, Markov Mon Arizona 4 1 0 .800 190 90
Washington 4 Chicago 1 St. Louis at Vancouver, 10 p.m. (hooking) 16:13, Emelin Mon (delay of CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES St. Louis 2 3 0 .400 84 113
FORMULA ONE Moose Jaw at Edmonton, 7 p.m.
Pittsburgh 2 Ottawa 0 Colorado at Anaheim, 10 p.m. game) 16:32, Miller NYR (tripping) 19:10. NEW YORK METS VS. CHI CUBS Seattle 2 3 0 .400 111 98
Prince Albert at Kootenay, 7 p.m.
Dallas 5 Tampa Bay 3 Minnesota at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Third Period Saturday San Francisco 1 4 0 .200 75 140 POINTS LEADERS Lethbridge at Swift Current, 7 p.m.
Montreal 3 N.Y. Rangers 0 6DWXUGD\·VJDPHV 2. Montreal, Weise 1 (Desharnais, Fleis- 7KURXJK2FWREHU Brandon at Saskatoon, 7:05 p.m.
Chicago Cubs (Lester 11-12) at N.Y. Mets
Florida 3 Buffalo 2 Dallas at Florida, 7 p.m. chmann) 17:55. 1. Lewis Hamilton, 302 pts; 2.
(Harvey 13-8), 8:07 p.m. Calgary at Medicine Hat, 7:30 p.m.
St. Louis 4 Edmonton 2 Nashville at Ottawa, 7 p.m. 3. Montreal, Plekanec 4 (Mitchell) 19:23 Sebastian Vettel, 236; 3. Nico Rosberg,
Minnesota at Arizona Sunday Red Deer at Vancouver, 8 p.m.
Toronto at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. (en). 229; 4. Kimi Raikkonen, 123; 5. Valtteri Kelowna at Prince George, 8 p.m.
:HGQHVGD\·VUHVXOWV Chicago Cubs (Arrieta 22-6) at N.Y. Mets,
Ottawa 7 Columbus 3
Detroit at Montreal, 7 p.m.
Buffalo at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m.
3HQDOWLHV — None. 8:07 p.m. SAINTS 31, FALCONS 21 Bottas, 111; 6. Felipe Massa, 109; 7.
Daniil Kvyat, 76; 8. Daniel Ricciardo,
Victoria at Seattle, 8:05 p.m.
Philadelphia 3 Chicago 0 Shots Tuesday $WODQWD ³ Kamloops at Spokane, 8:05 p.m.
Carolina at Washington, 7 p.m. N.Y. Rangers 7 11 7—25 73; 9. Sergio Perez, 54; 10. Romain Portland at Tri-City, 8:05 p.m.
Boston 6 Colorado 2 N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs (Hendricks 1HZ2UOHDQV ³
San Jose at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30 p.m. Grosjean, 44.
Arizona 4 Anaheim 0 Montreal 9 10 13—32 8-7), 1 p.m. First Quarter 11. Nico Hulkenberg, 38; 12. Max
)ULGD\·VJDPHV Columbus at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.
*RDO— N.Y. Rangers: Lundqvist (L, 3-2- Wednesday NO — Ingram 2 run (Hocker kick), 9:44. Verstappen, 33; 13. Felipe Nasr, 25;
San Jose at New Jersey, 7 p.m. Boston at Arizona, 10 p.m.
Edmonton at Calgary, 10 p.m. 0). Montreal: Price (W, 4-0-0). N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs (Hammel NO — Mauti 4 blocked punt return 14. Pastor Maldonado, 22; 15. Carlos
Toronto at Columbus, 7 p.m. 3RZHUSOD\VJRDOFKDQFHV— N.Y. 10-7), 1 p.m. (Hocker kick), 2:06. Sainz Jr., 12; 16. Fernando Alonso, 11; INTERIOR DIVISION
Rangers: 0-5; Montreal: 0-5.
NYI (roughing) 11:15, Ekholm Nash Thursday Second Quarter 17. Marcus Ericsson, 9; 18. Jenson GP W L T OTL GF GA Pt
(hooking) 16:43. Referees — Dean Morton, Brad Watson. x-N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs (Lester Atl — White 7 pass from Ryan (Bryant Button, 8.
Linesmen — Matt MacPherson, Pierre Penticton 11 10 1 0 0 46 21 20
Third Period 11-12), 1 p.m. kick), 14:12.
Racicot. Salmon Arm 11 6 3 2 0 46 30 14
PENGUINS 2, SENATORS 0 5. N.Y. Islanders, Kulemin 1 (Nelson,
Grabovski) 6:42. Att. — 21,288 at Montreal, QC.
Saturday Third Quarter West Kelowna 11 6 3 0 2 38 36 14
x-Chicago Cubs (Arrieta 22-6) at N.Y. NO — FG Hocker 31, 7:19. Vernon 13 6 6 0 1 85 39 13
First Period 6. N.Y. Islanders, Tavares 3 (Lee, Mets, 12 p.m. NO — Watson 2 pass from Brees (Hocker
No Scoring.
Hamonic) 11:49. STARS 5, LIGHTNING 3 Sunday kick), 2:23. LPGA LPGA KEB HANABANK Merritt 12 5 7 0 0 45 54 10
7. Nashville, Neal 1 (Forsberg, Josi) Trail 11 4 7 0 0 34 47 8
First Period x-Chicago Cubs (Hendricks 8-7) at N.Y.
Second Period 14:36. 1. Tampa Bay, Stamkos 3 (Drouin) 2:24. Mets, 12 p.m.
Fourth Quarter
Atl — Freeman 25 run (Bryant kick),
1. Pittsburgh, Malkin 1 (Hornqvist, 3HQDOWLHV — Ribeiro Nash (charging) 2. Dallas, Seguin 1 (Jokipakka, Benn) At Incheon
Letang) :23. 9:37. 13:07. GP W L T OTL GF GA Pt
2. Pittsburgh, Sprong 1 (Cullen, Porter) Shots
3. Dallas, Benn 3 (Spezza, Seguin)
METS 3, DODGERS 2 NO — Ingram 1 run (Hocker kick), 8:02.
Second round
Powell River 12 9 3 0 0 45 23 18
2:25. 1<0HWV DE U KEL /$'RGJHUVDE U KEL Atl — Freeman 13 pass from Ryan (Bry- Cowichan Valley11 6 2 1 2 42 69 15
Nashville 17 17 13—47 14:14 (pp). Granderson rf 4 1 1 0 Kendrick 2b 5 0 0 0 Sung Hyun Park 62—62
3HQDOWLHV — Cullen Pgh (holding) 7:46, ant kick), 1:29. Nanaimo 12 7 5 0 0 48 38 14
N.Y. Islanders 7 13 8—28 3HQDOWLHV — Klingberg Dal (holding) Wright 3b 4 0 0 0 Seager ss 4 1 1 0 Charley Hull 66—66
Karlsson Ott (slashing) 15:33, Clenden- Alberni Valley 10 4 6 0 0 24 41 8
*RDO— Nashville: Rinne (L, 3-1-0). N.Y. 10:34, Namestnikov TBL (holding) 13:20, Murphy 2b 4 2 3 2 Gonzalez 1b 3 1 1 0 A — 73,018 at New Orleans. Gerina Piller 66—66
ing Pgh (interference) 18:43. Cespedes cf-lf 4 0 0 0 Turner 3b 4 0 3 1 Victoria 11 1 8 0 2 20 37 4
Islanders: Greiss (W, 2-0-1). Roussel Dal (cross-checking) 17:15. TEAM STATISTICS $WO 12 Chella Choi 67—67
Third Period 3RZHUSOD\VJRDOFKDQFHV— Nash- Duda 1b 3 0 0 0 Ethier rf 4 0 1 1
No Scoring. Second Period '·$UQDXGF *UDQGDOF
First downs 23 25 Shanshan Feng 67—67 MAINLAND DIVISION
ville: 0-2; N.Y. Islanders: 0-2. 4. Dallas, Eakin 3 (Janmark, Sceviour) Total Net Yards 413 385 Eun-Hee Ji 67—67
3HQDOWLHV — Karlsson Ott (interference) Conforto lf 3 0 0 0 Crawford ph-lf 1 0 0 0 GP W L T OTL GF GA Pt
Referees — Dave Jackson, Frederick 9:34. Lagares cf 1 0 1 0 Hernandez lf 3 0 0 0 Rushes-yards 21-150 32-81 Han Sol Ji 67—67
0:30, Borowiecki Ott (delay of game) /·(FX\HULinesmen — Brian Murphy, Langley 10 7 3 0 0 36 26 14
1:09, Clendening Pgh (holding) 4:21, 5. Dallas, Demers 1 (Eakin, Hemsky) Flores ss 3 0 1 0 Rollins ph 1 0 0 0 Passing 263 304 Hyo-Joo Kim 67—67
Devin Berg. deGrom sp 2 0 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Wenatchee 10 6 3 1 0 38 25 13
%RURZLHFNL2WWÀJKWLQJ)DUQKDP 18:12 (pp). Punts Returns 2-21 2-12 Yoon-Ji Cho 68—68
Att. — 10,542 at Brooklyn, N.Y.. Johnson ph 1 0 1 0 Pederson cf 1 0 0 0 Chilliwack 12 5 4 1 2 43 38 13
3JKÀJKWLQJ 3HQDOWLHV — Nesterov TBL (game Kickoff Returns 1-19 0-0 Na Yeon Choi 68—68
Syndergaard p 0 0 0 0 Utley ph 1 0 0 0 Coquitlam 13 5 5 1 2 34 51 13
misconduct) 15:56, Boyle TBL (rough- Interceptions Ret. 0-0 0-0
Ottawa 6 11 5—22
CAPITALS 4, BLACKHAWKS 1 ing) 15:56, Moen Dal (roughing) 15:56,
Familia p 1 0 0 0 Greinke sp
Avilan p
0 0 0
0 0 0 Comp-Att-Int 30-44-0 30-39-0
Hae-Rym Kim
Brittany Lang
Prince George 11 3 7 0 1 24 50 7
First Period Surrey 11 3 8 0 0 27 50 6
Pittsburgh 16 10 10—36 Nesterov TBL (Check from Behind Major) Hatcher p 0 0 0 0 Sacked-Yards Lost 5-32 1-8 Mirim Lee 68—68
1. Washington, Oshie 1 (Kuznetsov, Ellis c 1 0 0 0 7KXUVGD\·VUHVXOWV
*RDO— Ottawa: Anderson (L, 3-1-0). 15:56. Punts 4-31.0 4-43.8 Pernilla Lindberg 68—68
Carlson) 8:48 (pp). 7RWDOV 7RWDOV Prince George at Merritt
Pittsburgh: Fleury (W, 1-3-0). Third Period Fumbles-Lost 5-3 0-0 Lexi Thompson 68—68
3HQDOWLHV — Tikhonov Chi (interference) 1<0HWV ³ Wenatchee at Powell River
3RZHUSOD\VJRDOFKDQFHV— Ottawa: 6. Tampa Bay, Namestnikov 1 (Stamkos) Penalties-Yards 7-41 3-15 Sandra Gal 69—69
8:31, Ovechkin Wash (roughing) 17:41. /$'RGJHUV ³ :HGQHVGD\·VUHVXOWV
0-3; Pittsburgh: 0-3. 7:06. Time of Possession 27:30 32:30
Second Period E—Flores, Hernandez. LOB—N.Y. Mets Ha Na Jang 69—69 Vernon 5 Trail 1
Referees — Evgeny Romasko, Dan 7. Tampa Bay, Stamkos 4 (Drouin, 6, L.A. Dodgers 8. DP—N.Y. Mets 1. 2B— INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Lydia Ko 69—69 )ULGD\·VJDPHV
2·+DOORUDQLinesmen — Brad Kovachik, 2. Washington, Carlson 1 (Galiev, Boyle) 8:44.
Johansson) 3:09. Turner 2 (6), Lagares (2), Murphy (1). RUSHING — Atlanta, Freeman 13-100, Minjee Lee 69—69 Surrey at Coquitlam, 7 p.m.
Andy McElman. 8. Dallas, Spezza 4 (Hemsky, Goligoski) HR—Murphy (3). SB—Murphy (1), Turner Coleman 4-40, Ryan 4-10. New Orleans, Inbee Park 69—69 Prince George at Penticton, 7 p.m.
Att. — 18,486 at Pittsburgh, Pa.. 3HQDOWLHV — None.
10:29. 6³*UHLQNH6)³'·$UQDXG Ingram 20-46, Robinson 7-23, Spiller Merritt at Vernon, 7 p.m.
Third Period Lizette Salas 69—69
3HQDOWLHV — None. N.Y. Mets IP H R ER BB SO 3-10, Brees 2-2. Powell River at Victoria, 7 p.m.
ISLANDERS 4, PREDATORS 3 3. Washington, Niskanen 2 (Johansson,
Burakovsky) 2:32.
Shots deGrom W, 2-0 6 6 2 2 3 7
PASSING — Atlanta, Ryan 30-44-295-2-
Ariya Jutanugarn
Moriya Jutanugarn
70—70 Salmon Arm at West Kelowna, 7 p.m.
First Period 4. Chicago, Svedberg 1 (Panarin, Dallas 9 8 5—22 Syndergaard H, 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 Wenatchee at Alberni Valley, 7 p.m.
Familia S, 2 2 0 0 0 0 2
0. New Orleans, Brees 30-39-312-1-0. Sei-Young Kim 70—70
1. Nashville, Watson 1 (unassisted) 2:14. Anisimov) 3:13. Tampa Bay 6 15 12—33 RECEIVING — Atlanta, Jones 6-93, Free- Langley at Trail, 7:30 p.m.
/$'RGJHUV Ilhee Lee 70—70
3HQDOWLHV — Lee NYI (hooking) 9:29. 5. Washington, Ovechkin 2 (Kuznetsov, *RDO— Dallas: Lehtonen (W, 2-0-0). 6DWXUGD\·VJDPHV
Greinke L, 1-1 6 2-3 6 3 3 1 9 man 8-56, Hankerson 4-37, Tamme 3-32, Lee-Anne Pace 70—70
Second Period Oshie) 14:18. Tampa Bay: Bishop (L, 3-2-0). White 3-23, Dimarco 2-18, Toilolo 2-18, Wenatchee at Nanaimo, 6 p.m.
Avilan 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Suzann Pettersen 70—70
2. Nashville, Forsberg 2 (Neal) 4:22. 3HQDOWLHV — Shaw Chi (slashing) 5:04. 3RZHUSOD\VJRDOFKDQFHV— Dallas: Williams 1-11, Ward 1-7. New Orleans, Langley at Penticton, 6 p.m.
Hatcher 1 0 0 0 0 1 Morgan Pressel 70—70
3. N.Y. Islanders, Lee 1 (Tavares, Shots 2-3; Tampa Bay: 0-2. Chilliwack at Alberni Valley, 7 p.m.
Jansen 1 1 0 0 1 1 Watson 10-127, Snead 4-55, Cooks 4-41, Yeun Jung Seo 70—70
Strome) 5:02. Chicago 5 17 5—27 Referees — TJ Luxmore, Kevin Pollock. Powell River at Cowichan Valley, 7 p.m.
Umpires—Home, Gary Cederstrom; Hill 3-38, Robinson 2-24, Spiller 4-17, Yani Tseng 70—70
4. N.Y. Islanders, Okposo 1 (Grabovski) Linesmen — Scott Cherrey, Mark Prince George at West Kelowna, 7 p.m.
Washington 9 7 8—24 First, Chad Fairchild; Second, Alan Ingram 3-10. Seon Woo Bae 71—71
11:56. Shewchyk. Vernon at Merritt, 7:30 p.m.
*RDO— Chicago: Darling (L, 1-1-0). Porter; Third, Jim Wolf. MISSED FIELD GOAL — New Orleans, Carlota Ciganda 71—71
3HQDOWLHV — Cizikas NYI (tripping) 6:51, Att. — 19,092 at Tampa, Fla.. Salmon Arm at Trail, 7:30 p.m.
Washington: Holtby (W, 2-1-0). T—3:13. A—54,602 (56) at L.A. Dodgers. Hocker 48 Jaye Marie Green 71—71
Forsberg Nash (roughing) 11:15, Tavares
1 Not well-defined
5 Duck Dynasty wear
9 Sound spooky
14 She, to Marie
15 Many-__ (polychromatic)
16 Dickens title character
17 Boatloads
18 French Toaster Sticks brand
FOR BETTER OR WORSE 19 Inspiration for Shaw and
20 12 minutes of South Amer-
ican basketball?
23 Owing
24 Out, in Aachen
25 Dashes off
29 Cel material
32 Fast-food staple
33 Distinctive period
36 Getting close
38 Successfully woo
39 20 minutes of 1890s hockey?
43 Entrepreneurial monthly
ANDY CAPP 44 Apple Watch feature PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED music
45 Well-worn 28 Yellowish red
46 Window-rattling 29 False show
48 Drop-leaf support 30 Hold out for
51 Discord 31 Earth tone
53 Southeast Asian language 33 Misfortunes
54 Acting as: Lat. 34 Burgundy grape
57 Any-season three minutes of 35 Come up
boxing? 37 Part of some showers
61 Exclusion principle physicist 40 Star in Orion
64 Brenner Pass locale 41 Half of the “I Got Rhythm”
65 Exotic pie fruit team
66 Captain Hook subordinate 42 Pricey writing paper
67 Discerning 47 Broadband ancestor
5 One way to pay for petrol 49 Pass by
ZITS 68 Snack in a new “Thin” 6 Majestic
version 50 Jack London protagonist
7 Very, informally 52 Fire starter
69 Conked out 8 What ethane lacks
70 Discovered 54 Ream fraction
9 Colonial news source 55 Single
71 Sneakers favored by Taylor 10 Explanatory heading
Swift 56 Parting word
11 Ms. menders 58 Swerves at sea
12 Distinctive period 59 Designer Saab
DOWN 13 Understanding
1 Makes sound 60 “I’ve heard enough!”
21 Taqueria munchies 61 Frontline distributor
2 Koran source 22 Pipsqueak
3 It’s found in a Pole vault 62 Verizon buy of 2015
26 That is 63 Expend
4 Mythical mountaineer 27 Name on “Memory” sheet
BLONDIE HOROSCOPE will keep the lid on a potentially results. If you can, call it an early
by Jacqueline Bigar volatile matter. Tonight: Act like it is day or make it a long weekend. You
Friday night! might hear news or sense some-
ARIES (March 21-April 19) You VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Wheth- thing that you aren’t comfortable
might want to have an important er you realize it or not, you have with. Tonight: Play it low-key.
talk in the morning, but news a way of drawing others toward AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
seems to point you in a different you. You are unusually appealing You are a sign of friendship, and
direction. Conversations will reveal to many, but you could be stressed today you’ll express that charac-
a lot about the people around you. out. You simply can’t be in two ter trait even more than usual.
Encourage others to talk, and do places at once. Mentally anchor in A meeting surrounds you with
your best to listen. Tonight: Use on the present situation. Tonight: special people in your life, even
your imagination. Head home only when you want though you don’t often have time
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) One- to. to express your feelings. Tonight:
on-one relating encourages a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You Where the action is.
BABY BLUES better response than you thought could be keeping a personal matter PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Take
possible. You see what is happen- to yourself. Your smile, however, charge and know what you want
ing around you. Perhaps a discus- might reveal that much more is to accomplish. Others are likely to
sion is in order -- one that will help going on with you. Keep conver- seek you out, and as a result, you
your creativity flourish. You will see sations moving, as you have a lot might have difficulty finishing a
ideas evolve. Tonight: Share with a to catch up on. If your mind starts project. Don’t hesitate to screen
loved one. to drift off, you might miss an your calls, if need be. Understand
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Defer to important detail. Tonight: Out with what is happening around you.
others, especially if you want them the gang. Tonight: A must show.
to pitch in and demonstrate their SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You YOUR BIRTHDAY (Oct. 16) This
individual skills. There is no ques- have what it takes to get to the year you express a very upbeat
tion that you know your stuff, but next step. As a result, friends and point of view. You also share many
you need to let others share their loved ones will support a cause ideas that, until now, you have kept
knowledge, too. Tonight: Say “yes” that is important to you. Still, be to yourself. Others seek you out to
to a close associate or loved one. aware that you might be spending share concepts and get feedback.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) You too much of your time or money Your imagination tosses many
have a lot of ground to cover. in order to make an event occur. ideas into the mix. If you are single,
You’ll be determined to get what Tonight: Make it your treat! others often try to package them-
you need done. Count on some SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) selves to be most appealing to you.
interference in general. There also You’ll smile and feel your energy Be sure that you know and like the
could be some confusion around build. With the Moon cheering you person under the surface before
a call and its underlying message. on, you will achieve results that you go too far into a relationship.
Consider yourself lucky if you can perhaps you have only dreamed of. If you are attached, the two of you
achieve your goals. Tonight: Be Your choices will define your day, often bounce ideas off each other.
happy. and others are likely to go along You tend to energize each other as
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You tell it with you. Tonight: The only answer well. SAGITTARIUS knows how to
like it is. Your creativity is likely to is “yes.” negotiate.
add some flourishes. Be careful, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) BORN TODAY Singer/songwriter
especially if you’re discussing a ser- Take your time, especially if you feel John Mayer (1977), author Oscar
ious matter. Someone could mis- out of sorts. You can push yourself Wilde (1854), actress Suzanne Som-
read the situation. A caring gesture only so hard and expect good ers (1946)
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Garage Sales
Top teams drop Frankenstein brooms
DONNA SPENCER THE CANADIAN PRESS “It’s like having curl as it approaches the house. heads creates a sandpaper effect
a rock with a Powerful sweepers can “hold” on the ice. Jacobs describes
CALGARY — An unprecedented the stone and delay its curl or it as “flattening” while others
ÖTOÖPLACEÖYOURÖGARAGEÖSALEÖ leap in sweeping technology steering wheel “drag” it extra distance into the have described it as “scoring” or
ADÖANDÖRECEIVEÖINVENTORYÖANDÖTIPÖSHEETSÖ threatens to dramatically change on it.“ house, but throwing accuracy “scratching” the ice.
ANDÖBRIGHTÖGARAGEÖSALEÖSIGNSÖ the sport of curling. and the skip’s line calling are The bottom line is sweepers
While they wait for their Gerry Peckham, Curling Canada still paramount in the game. use the brush’s impact on the ice
GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALES sport’s governing bodies to catch New brushes hitting the mar- to manipulate the rock in ways
up and impose new rules, some ket recently changed all that. they never could before. As in
Sale. Rain or Shine! Sat, Oct munity Hall Sundays 8am- of the world’s top curling teams “Where do you draw the line?” “It’s a type of fabric that allows any sport, if others are doing it
17, 9am-1pm. 4865 Finnerty 1:30pm. 2388 Cedar Rd. say they won’t use broomheads Jacobs asked. “We’ve decided as a you to virtually steer the rock,” and winning, you will do it too.
Crescent, (Rocky Point). Household items, books, tools,
baking & more! For table info that can actually slow down, and group of players to draw the line Howard said. “When you see it, there’s no
NORTH NANAIMO: Sat. Oct. call 250-245-3460. change the direction of, a rock in right now. It’s about the integ- “I use the phrase ‘joystick.’ I second-guessing that something
17, 8am-noon. 5913 Broadway
Rd. Misc household items motion. It’s an awkward position rity of the game and the hard can now joystick right, left, for- fairly dramatic or fairly extreme
to take for the teams who are work of teams.” ward, back. is occurring that in the right
INVITE THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD sponsored by the very equipment When a new gadget fundamen- “Up until 18 months ago, it was hands can cause a rock to curl
to your garage sale with manufacturers who produce the tally alters a sport, the powers 80 per cent shooter, 20 per cent much more than it would have
controversial brushes. that be often step in and declare sweeping and now in the last normally, or to curl much less
a classified ad But Olympic gold medallists it illegal in competition. Curl- year and a half, it’s become 20 than it would have normally,”
Call 1-855-310-3535 Brad Jacobs and Brad Gushue ing’s top teams aren’t waiting for per cent shooting and explained Curling Canada’s
and former world champion the World Curling Federation or 80 per cent sweeping. It’s just high-performance director Gerry Glenn Howard are among Curling Canada and are policing not acceptable. Peckham.
22 domestic and international themselves. They hope other “The problem is there’s no rule “It’s like having a rock with a
teams who signed a statement teams follow suit. against it right now. It’s not as if steering wheel on it and you can
CONNECTING JOB SEEKERS AND EMPLOYERS stating they will not sweep with The curler throwing the rock you’re cheating. It just doesn’t pretty much get it to go where brooms that have “directional aims for the skip’s broom with seem right.” you want to or influence it
fabric.” the knowledge the stone will Coarse material on the broom- substantially.”
28 @NanaimoDaily FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015
Tom Hanks stars as a lawyer on a critical
mission to Berlin in a tension-filled story
based on true events. [AP PHOTO]
teven Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies, much and the danger to his family. When he goes to But the story’s focus on Abel is juxtaposed
like its misunderstood litigator, is a Berlin to negotiate the exchange of Abel for a with near indifference to Francis Gary Powers
film that plays the long game. This begin to fully appreciate just how lean and pur- detained U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers (Austin and the detained American student Frederic
complex Cold War drama soaked in poseful every moment is. Stowell), Donovan decides, against the wish- Pryor (Will Rogers). Donovan wants to get
shadows, blues, greys and furrowed brows, is a Suddenly that seemingly random conversa- es of the U.S., to try to tack on the release of them both out, and is confident enough in his
slow burn that challenges the audience to trust tion about clients and incidents from the first another imprisoned American as well. negotiating skills to defy the CIA in the pro-
where it’s going. act isn’t an outlier after all — it means every- This all makes Donovan sound like a martyr. cess, but the film doesn’t seem to care if you
In this fictional rendering of how a Brooklyn thing. As a first time viewing experience, it’s The film fights against that cozy idea, though. care about them — at least not in the way it
insurance lawyer ended up negotiating a high- like not realizing you’ve been playing a game of Donovan is not sentimentalized or propped does for Abel.
stakes prisoner exchange at the height of the chess until you’ve already lost. up in an unbelievable way. In Hanks’ hands, It’s in these unexpected details and choices
Cold War, Spielberg and writers Matt Charman That’s all to say that Bridge of Spies, which Donovan is a real person, runny nose, doubts that Spielberg continues to defy our skeptical
and Joel and Ethan Coen toss details at you, waxes poetic — and occasionally cynically — and all. Reality, tedium and wit supersede the movie expectations. He has a point of view, he
shake them all around and piece them back on patriotism, honour, and duty, echoes in your hyperbole of the great man myth. In this way, it has a plan, and he remains in a class of his own
together in the third act, when the form of the mind long after the credits roll and begs for a makes Bridge of Spies feel like a spiritual com- in his ability to both execute those ambitions
puzzle starts to take shape. Only then can you second viewing. panion to Lincoln. and entertain in the process.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 @NanaimoDaily MOVIES 29
Djokovic moves to quarters in Shanghai The Chicago Cubs will send Jon
Lester to the mound for Game 1 of
the NL Championship Series against
the New York Mets, and Javier Baez
JUSTIN BERGMAN THE ASSOCIATED PRESS His opponents might like to dis- He’s also captured 16 straight sets, thing very obvious.” will start at shortstop after Addison
agree. Djokovic defeated 15th-seeded and hasn’t surrendered more than On a day when 14 of the world’s top Russell was shelved by a left ham-
SHANGHAI — Novak Djokovic has Feliciano Lopez 6-2, 6-3 to reach the five games in a single match since 17 players were playing, Andy Murray string injury. Russell got hurt while
been winning with relative ease over quarterfinals of the Shanghai Masters the start of the China Open last week. saved all seven break points he faced legging out a triple in Game 3 of
the past week and a half in China and on Thursday, extending his winning “He’s already the toughest player to and held on to beat big-serving John the NL Division Series against the
yet he still doesn’t think his game is streak to 14 straight matches dating play right now in the game,” Lopez Isner 6-7 (4), 6-4, 6-4; Rafael Nadal Cardinals.
perfect. back to his title run at the U.S. Open. said. “No doubt about that. It’s some- defeated Canada’s Milos Raonic 6-3, He said he felt the hamstring grab
7-6 (3); and Stan Wawrinka topped while he was rounding second, and
AVALON CINEMA Woodgrove Centre, Nanaimo Marin Cilic 7-5, 6-7 (7), 6-4. manager Joe Maddon said the rookie
Oct. 16-Oct. 22 Ph 250-390-5021 Sixth-seeded Kei Nishikori of had a moderate strain.
PAN (PG) CC FRI 4:15; SAT 10:30, 4:15; SUN,TUE 4:05 Oct. 16-Oct. 22 Japan, meanwhile, was upset by “Addy right now will not participate
PAN 3D (PG) CC/DVS FRI 7:00, 9:55; SAT 1:30, 7:00, 9:55; SUN 1:15, 6:50, 9:45; MON-THURS 6:50, 9:45 SHOW TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE CHECK LANDMARKCINEMAS.COM
EVEREST 3D (PG) CC/DVS FRI 4:20, 7:10, 9:40; SAT 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 9:40; SUN 1:45, 4:10, 7:00, 9:30; MON,WED-THURS 7:00, 9:30;
South Africa’s Kevin Anderson in this next round,” Maddon said
THE VISIT (14A): 1:30 3:55 7:10 9:35 *THURS NO EVENING SHOWS*
TUE 4:10, 7:00, 9:30
THE INTERN (PG): 1:15 4:20 7:20 10:00
7-6 (10), 7-6 (3). Thursday. “We’re not going to util-
CRIMSON PEAK (14A) CC/DVS NO PASSES FRI 4:30, 7:20, 10:10; SAT 1:50, 4:30, 7:20, 10:10; SUN 12:45, 4:20, 7:10, 10:00; MON,WED-
THURS 7:10, 10:00; TUE 4:20, 7:10, 10:00 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 2D (G):12:30 1:25 3:25 4:05 6:40 7:30 9:30 9:45 Lopez, who lost to Djokovic in the ize him. Continue to work on him.
GOOSEBUMPS (PG) CC/DVS FRI 4:55; SAT 10:45, 4:55; SUN,TUE 4:35 *THURS NO 7:30 OR 9:45** quarterfinals of last month’s U.S. Hopefully if everything plays proper-
GOOSEBUMPS 3D (PG) CC/DVS FRI 7:30, 10:00; SAT 11:45, 2:20, 7:30, 10:00; SUN 1:30, 7:20, 9:50; MON-THURS 7:20, 9:50 THE MARTIAN 2D (PG): 12:20 3:00 6:30 9:10
BRIDGE OF SPIES (PG) CC/DVS FRI 3:35, 6:50, 9:20; SAT 10:15, 12:15, 3:35, 6:50, 9:20; SUN 1:10, 3:30, 6:40, 9:10; MON,WED-THURS THE MARTIAN 3D (PG): 12:45 3:35 6:50 9:40 Open, tried to disrupt the Serbian ly and we have another opportunity
6:40, 9:10; TUE 3:30, 6:40, 9:10 star’s rhythm by serving and vol- to play in another round he might
THE WALK (PG): 3D 12:50 6:55 2D 3:50 9:55
BLACK MASS (14A) CC/DVS FRI 4:15, 10:05; SAT 1:25, 4:15, 10:05; SUN 1:15, 4:00, 9:55; MON,WED-THURS 9:55; TUE 4:00, 9:55
MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRIALS (PG) CC/DVS FRI 4:10, 7:20, 9:30; SAT 1:10, 4:10, 7:20, 9:30; SUN 1:00, 4:00, 7:10, 9:20; HYENA ROAD (14A): 1:05 4:10 7:15 10:00 leying and using a variety of drop be available at that time, but for sure
MON 7:10, 9:20; TUE 4:00, 7:10, 9:20 BEFORE NOON MOVIES - SATURDAY ALL SEATS $6.00 & 3D $9.00 shots, sliced backhands and sharp not this one.”
ED SHEERAN: JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS: LIVE FROM WEMBLEY STADIUM THURS 7:00 THE MARTIAN 2D: 10:00 AM angles. Djokovic, however, played a Maddon said they haven’t made a
SICARIO (14A) CC/DVS FRI 3:50, 6:40, 10:15; SAT 1:00, 3:50, 6:40, 10:15; SUN,TUE 3:40, 6:30, 10:05; MON,WED-THURS 6:30, 10:05
HYENA ROAD: 10:15 AM superb defensive game and continu- decision on Russell’s replacement for
THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: OTELLO SAT 9:55 MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON SUN 12:55 ADVANCE SCREENINGS: THURS OCT 22 ally scrambled after Lopez’s shots for the NLCS roster, which must be sub-
winners. mitted by Saturday morning.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 @NanaimoDaily SPORTS 31
Elect Paul Manly
“I will be your champion in Ottawa,
for Nanaimo-Ladysmith and the
issues most important to us. I want to
be your strong, independent
voice in Parliament.”
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Financial Services
1.6L LX AT
20,952 *
Financial Services
Krista Jakubowsky
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5,500 *
Luxury shown‡
Soul SX
Turbo shown‡
Optima SX
Grant Brown
Rachel Roy
19,997 *
Jon Luk
Dave Bare
Luxury shown‡
Rondo EX
Turbo AWD shown‡
Sorento SX
Offer(s) available on select new 2015/2016 models through participating dealers to qualified retail customers who take delivery from October 1 to November 2, 2015. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. See dealer for complete details. Vehicles shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers are subject to change without notice. All pricing
includes delivery and destination fees up to $1,715, $22 AMVIC, $100 A/C charge (where applicable). Excludes taxes, licensing, PPSA, registration, insurance, variable dealer administration fees, fuel-fill charges up to $100, and down payment (if applicable and unless otherwise specified). Other lease and financing options also available. ĭ0% financing for up to 84 months or up to $7,000 discount
available on other select 2015 models. Discount is deducted from the negotiated purchase/lease price before taxes. Maximum $7,000 discount is offered on 2015 Optima Hybrid LX (OP74AF) only. Certain conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. Representative Financing Example: Financing offer available on approved credit (OAC), on a new 2015 Forte Sedan LX MT (FO541F) with a
selling price of $17,552 is based on monthly payments of $173 for 84 months at 0% with a $0 down payment, $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at finance inception. Offer also includes $3,000 cash discount. Other taxes, registration, insurance and licensing fees are excluded. *Cash Purchase Price for the new 2015 Rondo LX Value AT (RN75AF)/2015 Optima LX AT (OP742F)/2015 Optima
Hybrid LX AT (OP74AF) is $19,997/$20,952/$24,752 and includes a cash discount of $5,235 including $5,000 cash discount and $235 dealer participation/$5,500/$7,000 including $6,000 cash discount and $1,000 ECO credit. Dealer may sell for less. Other taxes, registration, insurance and licensing fees are excluded. Cash discounts vary by model and trim and are deducted from the negotiated selling
price before taxes. &Representative Leasing Example: Lease offer available on approved credit (OAC), on new 2016 Sorento 2.4L LX FWD (SR75AG)/2015 Soul 1.6L LX AT (SO752F) with a selling price of $29,332/$21,532 is based on monthly payments of $290/$170 for 60/60 months at 1.9%/0%, $0 security deposit, $500/$1,000 lease credit, $1,800/$850 down payment and first monthly payment due at
lease inception. Total lease obligation is $17,425/$10,218 with the option to purchase at the end of the term for $11,431/$9,464. Lease has 16,000 km/yr allowance (other packages available and $0.12/km for excess kilometres). 1Lease payments must be made on a monthly or bi-weekly basis but cannot be made on a weekly basis. Weekly lease payments are for advertising purposes only. ‡Model
shown Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for 2015 Soul SX Luxury (SO758F)/2015 Rondo EX Luxury (RN756F)/2015 Optima SX Turbo AT (OP748F)/2016 Sorento SX Turbo AWD (SR75IG) is $27,295/$32,295/$34,895/$42,095. The Kia Soul received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact multi-purpose vehicles in the proprietary J.D. Power 2015 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM. Study
based on responses from 84,367 U.S. new-vehicle owners, measuring 244 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of U.S. owners surveyed from February to May 2015. Your experiences may vary. Visit The Kia Sorento received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among midsize SUVs
in the proprietary J.D. Power 2015 U.S. Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 84,367 U.S. new-vehicle owners, measuring 244 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of U.S. owners surveyed from February to May 2015. Your experiences may vary. Visit The 2015 Rio/2015 Forte/2015
Rondo were awarded with the Clef d’or “Best in Class” by L’Annuel de l’automobile 2015. Visit for all the details. The 2016 Sorento/2015 Optima/2015 Sedona/2015 Soul were awarded the 2015 Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) for model year 2016/2015/2015/2015. U.S. models tested. Visit for full details. Government 5-Star Safety
Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA's) New Car Assessment Program ( 2015 Kia Soul awarded ALG Residual Value Award for highest resale value in its class. Based on ALG’s residual value forecast for the 2015 model year. ALG is the industry benchmark for residual values and depreciation data, The all-new 2016 Kia Sorento
was awarded the ‘iF Design Award’ for its outstanding design. The ‘iF Design Award’ is one of the world’s most important prizes for excellence in design, Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. Kia is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.
Your number one guide to Vancouver Island television
Story on page 18
With Halloween just around the corner, it’s the perfect season to get into “Scream Queens,” the latest series from the cre-
ators of “Glee” and “American Horror Story.” Despite blood and murders aplenty, the horror-comedy lightens things up by
combining terror and violent slayings with humour in an over-the-top parody of the genre — while serving up a mystery
to boot. “Scream Queens” premiered last month and a new episode airs Tuesday, Oct. 20, on Fox and Citytv.
Crossword Bobby __
31 Shakespeare’s The
Taming of the __
34 Make a house
36 Hockey game venue
39 “__ Warning”: Aria
5 “__ Fly Away” (‘90s
6 Force out
7 Island of Hawaii
8 HLN program sharing
the name of its host: 2
in Richard Wagner’s wds.
opera Das Rheingold 9 Cosmetic surgery
40 As per 16 Across... procedure, commonly
Anonymous name of 10 Herman Melville tale
Jaimie Alexander’s 11 ‘N’ of NFL [abbr.]
tattooed character: 2 17 Fight
wds. 19 Electric guitar need
43 Wedding 21 Asset
announcement word 22 Ms. Buzzi of
44 Brainy series on CBS “Laugh-In”
on which Bradley 26 Material collected
Cooper has a recurring from a crime scene
role 27 Actress Ms. Ward
46 Immediately 28 Knight and Danson
49 Fruity drink 32 “Able was I __ _ saw
50 Huey Lewis & The Elba.”
News song: “__ __ Be 33 Some carpentry
Square” measurements
ACROSS character has myste- 51 Org. on Showtime’s 34 1979 to 1986 sitcom
1 “Doll _ __” (Comedy rious tattoos “Homeland” starring Robert
on HBO starring the 18 Asphalt 52 Candle material Guillaume
British actress at 3 20 Bit on CBS’ “The Late 53 __ William Scott 35 ‘Depart’ suffix
Down ...NOTE: There Late Show with James (Movie actor) 37 “It’s true, I swear!”:
is a symbol in the Corden” where the 54 Ron who played the 2 wds.
answer) host drives through the title character on ‘60s 38 __ _ close eye on
4 Oscar-winner Sally streets with a celebrity series “Tarzan” (Monitor)
9 Mr. Chaney Jr. singer in the passenger 40 Nickname of the
12 Beatles jacket style seat, ‘__ Karaoke’ DOWN actress who stars
13 Finnish architect 21 __ ballerina 1 “Roger _ __” (Michael in ‘Hunger Games’
Mr. Aalto (b.1898 - 23 __ _ bow (Gift Moore documentary movies
d.1976) wrapping step) of 1989 ...NOTE: There 41 Verdi opera
14 “__ _ Believer” by 24 Like a not-too-smooth is a symbol in the 42 Taos, _. __.
The Monkees smoothie answer) 45 Bus or train, e.g.
15 Bungle 25 Seize 2 Corn unit 47 Squeaky door fixer
16 NBC drama series 29 Sport-__ (All-purpose 3 Actress, Emily __ 48 Manner
on which the central vehicle) 4 Nanette of “One Day Solution on page 2
Best Bet
Blue Bloods
CTV (9) (9) CBS (49) (49) 10:00 p.m.
Detectives Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) and Maria Baez (Marisa
Ramirez) tackles some of New York’s toughest cases in “Blue Bloods,” airing
Friday, Oct. 16, on CBS. Reagan is part of a family of law enforcement officers
that also includes his Police Chief father, Frank (Tom Selleck), his Assistant
D.A. sister, Erin (Bridget Moynahan) and his cop brother, Jamie (Will Estes). Marisa Ramirez stars in “Blue Bloods”
5 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
October 16 to October 22 - LATE NIGHT () - Nanaimo/ Duncan/ Ladysmith/ Parksville/ Courtenay/ Comox/ Campbell River () - Port Alberni
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HIST (38) (38) Amer. Pickers (R) American Pickers (R) American Pickers (R) Pawn Star Pawn Star Power and Ice (R) Mountain Men (R)
SPACE (39) (39) Face Off (R) Killjoys (R) Falling Skies (R) Z "The Unquiet" (‘08) Cara Buono, Julia Anderson. Z Nation (R)
AMC (40) (40) 10:Z "The League of ... Comic Bo Z "Independence Day" (1996,Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. Z "Independence Day" (‘96)
FSR (41) (41) Motocross Monster Jam (R) Monster Jam (R) Pass TimePass TimeFIA WEC (R) FIA WEC (R)
DTOUR (42) (42) Border Border Border NZ Border NZ Border Border Border Border Border Border Border Border
TREE (43) (43) Mike the Umizoo :15 Truckt. :45S. Wings Machines :35 Guppies Shimmer LCharmers Backyard :45Mike the :10 Harry :35 Cat/ Hat
RSP (45) (45) MLB PS MLBCent. MLB Baseball American League Championship Series Live SN Central MLB Baseball
KING (46) (46) Red Bull Signature Boxing Premier Champions Card TBA Live Clangers Earth Luna Biz Kid$ (R) NCAA Football USC at Notre Dame
KOMO (47) (47) Football NCAA Football Live Football C. KOMO 4 News Pre-game / Football
KCTS (48) (48) 11:00 Wheat Doc Martin (R) 30 Days Young Heart (R) FreeRnge FreeRnge FreeRnge FreeRnge Antiques Rd. (R)
KIRO (49) (49) Football NCAA Football Alabama at Texas A&M Live Minute Sports News News
KSTW (52) (52) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Middle Queens Fam. Feud Fam. Feud
BNN (68) (68) The Close Weekly Paid Commodities Money Tk Market Call Tonight Stock Stock Commodities
KVOS (69) (69) The Big Valley (R) Gunsmoke (R) Bonanza (R) Rawhide (R) Wanted (R) Wanted (R) Rifleman Rifleman
OWN (101) (101) 11:00 Z "A Time to Kill" (‘96) Matthew McConaughey. Fam. Feud Waters of Crime (R) Motives & Murders (R) Motives & Murders (R)
APTN (115) (114) 11:Z "Crooked Arr... Fish Out With Fire Samaqan Ring of Quest Marmalad Longmire (R) HardRock HardRock
VIS (116) (115) Punjab Pyar Hi Pyar Hi Gurbani Tehlka Sardari Gaunda Dharkan S. Punjab Punjab Mulaqat Punjab
SN360 (118) (116) WWE Super Smackdown (R) AftermathWWE Main Event GottaSee Misplay Gameday EPL Soccer Man. U./Evert.
MTV (119) (118) 11:Z "The Butterfly E... Z "The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations" (‘09) Degrassi Student Say Song Todrick (R)Ridiculous Broke A$$
MM (120) (119) 11:15 Z "Carriers" (‘09) Z "Mama" (‘13) Jessica Chastain. MuchMusic Countdown Simpsons Simpsons
CPAC (121) (120) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Leaders' Tour (R) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign
TV5 (122) (121) Journal Vétérinaire (R) Matière Sa place :50 Jardin extraordin. Journal FR Super champion Les années bonheur
TVA (123) (122) Nouvelles Ma liste Voir ici Publicité Z "Rapides et dangereux 4" (‘09) Z "Le combat de l'année" (‘13) Josh Holloway.
RDI (124) (123) RDI direct Émis.spéc. RDI direct Journal FR Journal L'Épicerie La Semaine verte RDI direct Monde Découverte
GOLF (144) (144) 11:00 CHAMPS Golf San Antonio Championship PGA Golf Open Round 3 Live Golf Cent. PGA Golf
Best Bet
GBL (11) (11) CBS (49) (49) 8:00 p.m.
A thief’s body is found in a marine’s house, along with the calling card of
a terrorist group Delilah (Margo Harshman) and the Department of De-
fense have been tracking in this rebroadcast of the procedural crime dra-
ma, airing Saturday, Oct. 17 on CBS. The NCIS team up with DoD to inves-
tigate. Mark Harmon stars in “NCIS”
9 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
Saturday, October 17 - LATE NIGHT () - Nanaimo/ Duncan/ Ladysmith/ Parksville/ Courtenay/ Comox/ Campbell River () - Port Alberni
CTV2 (12) (12) Flashpoint (R) eTalk (R) The Social Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid
CITY (13) (13) Liquidator Liquidator CityLine My Life My Life Amazing Amazing CityLine Paid Saw Dogs
HGTV (14) (14) Flip Flip H.Hunter H.Hunter H.Hunter H.Hunter Holmes H. Holmes H. Decked Decked Paid Paid
KCPQ (15) (15) P. of Interest (R) Paid Paid Weekend Marketplace Paid Paid Paid Paid
M3 (16) (16) 11:15 Z "The Perfect Storm" (‘00) Family Family Playlist (R) Playlist (R) 80s@8 (R)
CNN (17) (17) The Seventies CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom New Day Sunday New Day Sunday New Day Ins. Politic
A&E (18) (18) 11:35 To Be Announced Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Bounty Hunter (R) Bounty Hunter (R)
TLC (19) (19) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid
W (20) (20) Z "The Five-Year Engagement" (‘12,Com) Emily Blunt, Jason Segel. Paid Rescue Ghostly Ghostly Paid Paid
CMT (21) (21) Reba (R) Reba (R) Last Man Last Man Wipeout Canada (R) Old School Old School Chevy Top 20 (R)
YTV (22) (22) :15 Z "Men in Black" (‘97) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. Thunder Bella (R) Assembly Thunder Hathaway Parents Sponge
NN (23) (23) National One/One Nature of Things (R) National National CBC News Now
SHOW (24) (24) 10:30 Z "John Carter" Z "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" (‘03) The Best Years (R) The Best Years (R) Paid Paid
SLICE (25) (25) 11:30 Z "Ocean's Thirteen" (‘07) First Dates First Dates Wedding Wedding Wedding Wedding Paid Paid
HN (26) (26) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files HLN Weekend Express
DISC (27) (27) Gold Rush (R) Cuban Chrome (R) FoolGold FoolGold Licence to Drill (R) ColdWaterCowboy (R) FoolGold FoolGold
BRAVO (28) (28) 10:Z "Ocean's Eleven" Law&Order: SVU (R) Criminal Minds (R) Twice Lifetime (R) Missing (R) Twice Lifetime (R)
EA (29) (29) 11:45 Z "The Amityville Horror" :45 Z "Fifty Dead Men Walking" (‘09) :45 Z "Act of God" (‘09) Paul Auster. Harmonies /:10Z "A...
SPIKE (30) (30) RepoG RepoGame Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
TOON (31) (31) 10:00 Z "Godzilla" (‘98) Avengers Avengers Various X-Men Z "Scooby-Doo! Curse of the L... :45 Johnny LooneyT. ALVINNN
FAM (32) (32) Wingin' It A.N.T. GoodLuck :50Overrule :10 Real.Me Life Derek Slug/Slug Warthogs Life Derek Buzz Real.Me Warthogs!
TBS (33) (33) Z "Bad Boys II" (2003,Action) Will Smith, Martin Lawrence. Home Videos (R) Home Videos (R) Married Married
COM (34) (34) Z "Scary Movie" (‘00) :45 Z "Scary Movie 3" (‘03) Anna Faris. Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sugar Sammy (R)
TCM (35) (35) 11:Z "The Decline of... :15 Z "Heavy Metal" (‘81) Don Francks. Z "Andy Hardy's Private Secretary" (‘41) Z "Silk Stockings"
FOOD (36) (36) Chopped (R) Cake Wars (R) Diners Diners Exotic Exotic Paid Paid Paid Paid
OLN (37) (37) Canadian Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Myth Hunters Departures (R) Python Hunters (R) Anglers Canadian
HIST (38) (38) Power and Ice (R) American Pickers (R) Mountain Men (R) CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars CountCars
SPACE (39) (39) 11:Z "Hansel & Gre... Z "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters" (‘13) Panic Button (R) Z "The Unquiet" (‘08) Cara Buono, Julia Anderson.
AMC (40) (40) Movie Z "Jason X" (‘01,Hor) Lexa Doig, Kane Hodder. Comic Bo Z "The Core" (2003,Sci-Fi) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank.
FSR (41) (41) 11:FIA WEC Shut Up Unique Whips (R) Pinks! All Out (R) The 10 (R) The 10 (R) Pinks! All Out (R) AMA Supercross
DTOUR (42) (42) Ghost Adven. (R) The Dead Files (R) Border NZ Border NZ Eat St. (R) Eat St. (R) Eat St. (R) Eat St. (R) Paid Fish TV
TREE (43) (43) :55 Toopy MikeThe :15 Big Big :40 Peg Cat :10 Cat/ Hat :Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Ruby Dinopaws :20 Harry Octonaut
RSP (45) (45) Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central
KING (46) (46) 11:30 Sat. Night Live Up Late Almost L Tosh.0 Paid Paid 1st Look OpenNYC Money Sunday Today
KOMO (47) (47) 11:35 Castle :35 Corrupt :05 Corrupt :Cougar T :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid Paid Paid
KCTS (48) (48) Victor Borge's Time Premiere Dr. Northrup (R) DCI Banks "What Will Survive?" (R) :35Roadtrip Religion FocusEu.
KIRO (49) (49) 11:Scandal :35 Ent. Tonight :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 Judy :35 Judy Paid Paid Chicken S.Raible
KSTW (52) (52) The Good Wife (R) Rizzoli & Isles (R) Rookie Blue (R) Family Mr. Box Raising Paid Paid Paid
BNN (68) (68) Market Tonight (R) Stock Stock Commodities Market Call Tonight Paid Stock Stock Paid
KVOS (69) (69) Lost in Space (R) Bottom of Sea (R) Man U.N.C.L.E. (R) Car 54 (R) Car 54 (R) Gom. Pyle Gom. Pyle D Gillis D Gillis
OWN (101) (101) Rescue Rescue Paid Paid Rescue Paid Pet Heroes Pet Heroes ER Vets (R) ER Vets (R) Puppy Puppy
APTN (115) (114) Movie Guilt Free Kingstar Paid Kingstar Kingstar Mouki (R) Mouki :15 Bizou :40 Bizou :05 Morning TigaTalk!
VIS (116) (115) Super. J. Meyer Tomorrow Tomorrow Beyond J. Meyer Yoga Believe In Touch Ministries Super. Youssef
SN360 (118) (116) The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights
MTV (119) (118) 11:Z "The Butterfly E... Z "The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations" (‘09) Degrassi Student The L.A. Complex (R) Degrassi Student
MM (120) (119) SouthPk South Park Commun. Commun. Fresh P. Fresh P. Playlist (R) Playlist (R) Playlist (R)
CPAC (121) (120) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Leaders' Tour (R) Campaign Campaign
TV5 (122) (121) 8:40 Couché Acoustic On n'est pas que (R) Journal Matière Vétérinaire (R) Partir Autrement (R) Belge Excentri
TVA (123) (122) 11:45 Z "Course à la mort" (‘08):45 La liste noire (R) :45 Infopublicité :15 TVA nouvelles Publicité Victoire
RDI (124) (123) Journal Facture (R)La Semaine verte (R) Journal RDI matin
GOLF (144) (144) CHAMPS Golf San Antonio Championship Round 2 (R) PGA Golf Open Round 3 (R) Morning Drive Live EPGA Golf
SPIKE (30) (30) Power Power Power Power Auction Auction Power Power Power Power Auction Auction
TOON (31) (31) George (R)Endangrd Smurfs LooneyT. Bots Gadget Z "Scooby-Doo! Curse of the L... :45 Johnny Z "Scooby-Doo & th...
FAM (32) (32) Wingin' It Slugterra Gaming Phineas Phineas Z "My Little Pony: ... :40Z "My Little Pony... :50 Z "Barbie in Rock 'N Royals"
TBS (33) (33) Seinf. (R) Friends (R)Friends (R)Friends (R) Friends (R) Z "Zoolander" (‘01) Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller. Z "Road Trip" (‘00)
COM (34) (34) Just for Laughs (R) Comedy Comedy Cash Cab Cash Cab LOL :-) (R) LOL :-) (R) Just for Laughs (R) Sugar Sammy (R)
TCM (35) (35) 5:00 Z "Silk Stockings" Batman and Robin (R) Attack Small Screens Z "Gilda" (‘46) Glenn Ford, Rita Hayworth. Z "Anna & the Kin...
FOOD (36) (36) Food Food Dolce Vita Dolce Vita Giada Heart Bake Bake Kids Cook-Off (R) Guy's Game (R)
OLN (37) (37) Dirt Trax Spruce Meadows (R) Paid Spruce Meadows (R) Survivorman:Bigf (R) Survivorman:Bigf (R) Survivorman: Bigfoot
HIST (38) (38) Yukon Gold (R) Ice Rd. Truckers (R) Paid Paid Paid Paid Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers (R)
SPACE (39) (39) Panic Button (R) Killjoys (R) Z "The Unquiet" (‘08) Cara Buono, Julia Anderson. Z "Sleeping Beauty" (‘11) Emily Browning.
AMC (40) (40) Z "Constantine" (2005,Sci-Fi) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves. Z "Friday the 13th" (‘80) Betsy Palmer. Z "Friday the 13th: Part 2" (‘81)
FSR (41) (41) 5:00 AMA Supercross Monster Energy Cup (R) NASCAR RaceDay "Kansas" Live IMSA Auto Racing Continental Tire Challenge Monterey
DTOUR (42) (42) Eat St. (R) Paid Exp. Unkown (R) Uncommon Grounds Metropolis (R) Metropolis (R) Metropolis
TREE (43) (43) :10MikeThe :35 Truckt. Dora&Fr. LCharmers Shimmer :50 Toopy Splash'N :45 Cat/ Hat :10 Peg Cat Octonaut :05 Harry Zak Quak
RSP (45) (45) Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central NHL Hockey New Jersey Devils at New York Rangers
KING (46) (46) Meet the Press KING 5 News KING 5 News KING 5 News News Count. NASCAR Auto Racing
KOMO (47) (47) KOMO 4 News GMA/Sunday KOMO 4 News This Week Measure Animal R. Wild C. Ocean M.
KCTS (48) (48) Z "Thomas & Frien... C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame St. Racers Sid SciGirls (R) Nature (R)
KIRO (49) (49) KIRO 7 News CBS Sunday Morning FaceNat. The NFL Today Live NFL Football Denver Broncos at Cleveland Browns
KSTW (52) (52) Paid Paid In Touch Ministries Christian Hr. Paid Paid Impact Paid Paid Paid
BNN (68) (68) Stock Berman Paid Market Call Tonight Paid Market Call Tonight Paid Stock Weekly Paid
KVOS (69) (69) Abbott Abbott Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid
OWN (101) (101) GroceryB GroceryB Master Class (R) Soul Sunday (R) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Where Are They? (R) Z "Field of Dreams"
APTN (115) (114) :20 WaposB :45 Guardia :05 Kagagi Paid Program Indians Arctic Air (R) Longmire (R) Z "Million Dollar B...
VIS (116) (115) Creflo Youngren Copeland Facts Refl. Islam Hour of Power Context Living Truth Faith Live Food/Life
SN360 (118) (116) Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights SN360 Update Darts World Championship WPT Poker
MTV (119) (118) Reign (R) Finding Carter (R) Awkward. Faking It Ridiculous Z "My Super Psycho Sweet 16" :15Z "My Super Psy...
MM (120) (119) Playlist (R) Playlist (R) Playlist (R) Commun. Commun. Fresh P. Fresh P. Z "Mama" (‘13)
CPAC (121) (120) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign The Week (R) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Leaders' Tour (R)
TV5 (122) (121) Tabous/interdits (R) Temps présent Kiosque 300 millions critiq. Thalassa "Saint-Malo, au pays des marins" (R)
TVA (123) (122) Salut, bonjour! Z "Sur la glace" (‘14) Mark Salling. :45 Tom et
RDI (124) (123) 2:30 RDI matin RDI direct L'Épicerie Journal Coulisses (R) RDI direct RDI direct RDI direct
GOLF (144) (144) 5:00 EPGA Golf Portugal Masters Final Round Live Golf Central Pre-game Live CHAMPS Golf
SPIKE (30) (30) Auction Auction Bar Rescue (R) Bar Rescue (R) Bar Rescue (R) Bar Rescue (R) Bar Rescue (R)
TOON (31) (31) Movie Johnny DrDimen. DrDimen. Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Johnny Johnny
FAM (32) (32) Z "Mostly Ghostly: Have You ... :35 Hank Z Jessie (R) Dog Blog I Didn't GoodLuckHank Z Hank Z MakeOver MakeOver
TBS (33) (33) Movie Z "Role Models" (‘08) Seann William Scott. Z "Hard Ball" (‘01) Diane Lane, Keanu Reeves. Pre-game MLB Baseball
COM (34) (34) BigBang BigBang Z "Splash" (‘84) Daryl Hannah, Tom Hanks. Z "About a Boy" (‘02) Hugh Grant. BigBang BigBang
TCM (35) (35) 11:Z "Anna & the K... :15 Z "Latin Lovers" (‘53) Lana Turner. :15 Z "The Tunnel of Love" (‘58) Doris Day. Z "Flying Fortress"
FOOD (36) (36) Cookbook Cookbook Cravings BeachEat Diners Diners Candy Craze Carn. Eats Carn. Eats Halloween
OLN (37) (37) Survivorman:Bigf (R) Survivorman: Bigfoot Survivorman:Bigf (R) Liquidator Liquidator Red Bull Air "World Championship Season Review"
HIST (38) (38) Power and Ice (R) Klondike Trappers (R) Mountain Men (R) Forged in Fire (R) Pawn Star Pawn Star CountCars CountCars
SPACE (39) (39) Z "Hansel & Gretel" (‘13) Brent Lydic. Z "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters" (‘13) Doctor Who (R) The Librarians (R)
AMC (40) (40) Movie Z "Friday the 13th: Part 3" (‘82) Z "Resident Evil: Afterlife" (‘10) The Walking Dead (R)
FSR (41) (41) 11:Monter. Shut Up Skateboarding Dangerous Drives (R) Pass TimePass TimeFIM Motorcycle Race IMSA Auto Racing (R)
DTOUR (42) (42) Metropolis (R) Bizarre Bizarre Treasures Decoded (R)Border Border Museum Secrets (R) Uncommon Grounds
TREE (43) (43) Mike the Umizoo :15 Truckt. :45S. Wings Machines :35 Guppies Shimmer LCharmers Backyard :45Mike the :10 Harry :35 Cat/ Hat
RSP (45) (45) 10:Hockey Month MLB Baseball Classics MLB 100 Misplay Sportsnet Central MLB PS MLBCent. MLB Baseball
KING (46) (46) 11:00 NASCAR Auto Racing Hollywood Casino 400 Sprint Cup Series Live LazyTownTree Fu Football Night Live :20 NFL Football N.E./Ind.
KOMO (47) (47) Explore SeaRescue World of X Games Timbersports Wildlife D RockPark Cougar T UW 360 News News
KCTS (48) (48) Continent Rail (R) Going Blind (R) KidsRock Great Museums (R) Shelter Me Father Brown (R)
KIRO (49) (49) 10:00 NFL Football Denver vs Cleveland :25 Paid Paid Paid Paid Lucky Dog Lucky Dog Pets.TV News News
KSTW (52) (52) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Middle Queens M&M M&M
BNN (68) (68) The Close Berman Money Tk Berman Stock Paid Market Call Tonight The Close Weekly The Close SteeleSide
KVOS (69) (69) Paid Paid BradyB. BradyB. Gilligan Gilligan HappyD. Laverne Lucy Lucy Z "The Love Boat: ...
OWN (101) (101) 11:00 Z "Field of Dreams" (‘89) GroceryB Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Unscripted Unscripted Super Soul Sunday Belief
APTN (115) (114) 11:00 Z "Million Dollar Baby" (‘04) Indians Nature of Things (R) APTN News Arctic Air (R) Longmire (R)
VIS (116) (115) Q.Study Israel Youngren Key David Arise! Tomorrow Beyond Door Hope Day Disc. VanImpe Turning Facts
SN360 (118) (116) Darts WPT Poker Month GottaSee WWE Main Event The WWE Experience WPT Poker
MTV (119) (118) 11:15Z "My Super P... Z "My Super Psycho Sweet 16 Part 3" (‘12) Degrassi Student Reign (R) Finding Carter (R)
MM (120) (119) 11:00 Z "Mama" (‘13) Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight Now & Then (R) Now & Then (R) MM Countdown (R)
CPAC (121) (120) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Leaders' Tour (R) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign
TV5 (122) (121) Journal Vive dimanche! "Jean-Marie Bigard" :10 Prendre sa place Mixeur Journal FR Partir Autrement (R) Z "Pieds nus sur le...
TVA (123) (122) Nouvelles Victoire Ma liste Z "Marmaduke (v.f.)" (‘10) :15 Z "Retour vers le futur" (‘85) Michael J. Fox. J.E.
RDI (124) (123) RDI direct RDI direct RDI direct Journal FR Journal Facture (R)Enquête (R) RDI direct Émis.spéc. Report.: Expl. (R)
GOLF (144) (144) 11:00 CHAMPS Golf San Antonio Championship PGA Golf Open Final Round Live Golf Central
Best Bet
Canada’s Smartest Person
CBC (3) (3) 8:00 p.m.
A celebrity blogger makes a special guest appearance as participants com-
pete in various challenges designed to test their intelligence in this new epi-
sode of the game show airing Sunday, Oct. 19, on CBC. Jessi Cruickshank
hosts this series, which allows viewers to play along at home with a free
app. Jessi Cruickshank hosts “Canada’s Smartest Person”
13 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
Sunday, October 18 - LATE NIGHT () - Nanaimo/ Duncan/ Ladysmith/ Parksville/ Courtenay/ Comox/ Campbell River () - Port Alberni
TLC (19) (19) Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Yes Dress Yes Dress Our Little Our Little Our Little Family (R)
W (20) (20) Z "Butter" (‘11,Com) Ty Burrell, Jennifer Garner. Say Yes Paid Paid W&Grace W&Grace W&Grace Paid Paid
CMT (21) (21) 11:30 Videos Z "Racing Stripes" (‘05) Bruce Greenwood. CMT Morning CMT Morning CMT Morning
YTV (22) (22) Z "Frankenweenie" (‘12) Winona Ryder. Z "ParaNorman" (‘12) Anna Kendrick. Thunder Hathaway Parents Sponge
NN (23) (23) The National (R) fifth estate (R) The National (R) CBC News Now
SHOW (24) (24) Elementary (R) Elementary (R) Elementary (R) The Best Years (R) Haven (R) Rookie Blue (R)
SLICE (25) (25) 11:Z "A Walk to R... Z "The Wedding Singer" (‘97) ET Canada 'Til Debt Rich/Poor Groom (R) Stranger Home (R)
HN (26) (26) F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files F.Files Morning Express With Robin Meade
DISC (27) (27) Alaska/Frontier (R) Yukon Men (R) Cash Cab Cash Cab Mighty Ships (R) Daily Planet (R) Cash Cab Cash Cab
BRAVO (28) (28) 11:00 Z "Beautiful Girls" (‘96) Couch Castle (R) Cold Squad (R) Due South (R) Flashpoint (R)
EA (29) (29) 11:35 Z "Christine" (‘83) :25Z "Edison and Leo" :50 Film. :20 Biddie Z "Black List" (‘95) Z "Fakers" (‘09)
SPIKE (30) (30) Bar Rescue (R) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
TOON (31) (31) Various X-Men Spider Hulk Avengers Batman Gadget Gadget Smurfs LooneyT. DrDimen. DrDimen.
FAM (32) (32) :10 Wingin A.N.T. GoodLuck :50Overrule :10 Real.Me Life Derek Slug/Slug Warthogs Life Derek Buzz Real.Me :45 Justin
TBS (33) (33) 11:Z "The Hangover ... Z "Role Models" (‘08) Seann William Scott. Seinf. (R) Seinf. (R) Married Married Married Married
COM (34) (34) Z "Splash" (‘84) Daryl Hannah, Tom Hanks. :15 Z "About a Boy" (‘02) Nicholas Hoult, Hugh Grant. KeyPeele KeyPeele KeyPeele
TCM (35) (35) Movie :45 Z "No End" (‘85) Grazyna Szapolowska. MGM Par. Z "Montana Moon" (‘30) :45 Z "Renegade Ranger" (‘38)
FOOD (36) (36) Cookbook Cookbook Cravings BeachEat Diners Diners Exotic Exotic Eat Here! Food USA French French
OLN (37) (37) Forbidden (R) Liquidator Liquidator Myth Hunters (R) Departures (R) Python Hunters (R) Paid RCTV
HIST (38) (38) Mountain Men (R) Power and Ice (R) Forged in Fire (R) Pawn Star Pawn Star American Pickers (R) CountCars CountCars
SPACE (39) (39) :05 The Librarians (R) :05 Z "2-Headed Shark Attack" (‘12) Being Human (R) Stargate: SG-1 (R) InnerSp. InnerSp.
AMC (40) (40) Comic Bo Comic Bo The Walking Dead (R) The Talking Dead (R) Paid Program
FSR (41) (41) FIM Motorcycle Racing Victory Pinks! All Out (R) Victory The 10 (R) Victory The 10 (R) Victory The 10 (R)
DTOUR (42) (42) Uncommon Grounds Metropolis (R) Metropolis (R) Rest Makeover (R) Eat St. (R) Eat St. (R) Live Here Live Here
TREE (43) (43) :55 Toopy MikeThe :15 Big Big :40 Peg Cat :10 Cat/ Hat :Backyard Toopy Cat/ Hat Max/Ruby Dinopaws :20 Harry :45 Big Big
RSP (45) (45) Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central
KING (46) (46) :05In Depth :35 Paid :05 Paid :35K.Gerald :05 Dateline NBC (R) :05 Meet the Press (R) News News KING 5 News
KOMO (47) (47) 11:35 Castle :35 Corrupt :05 Corrupt :35 Paid :05Williams :35 ABC World News Now :05 News News KOMO 4 News
KCTS (48) (48) Health Frontiers Brain Maker With David Perlmutter, MD (R) The Other Side (R) Oregon Guide (R) BBC News Stretch
KIRO (49) (49) FaceNat. Scandal (R) Minute Minute CBS NewsCBS NewsCBS NewsNews News KIRO 7 News
KSTW (52) (52) B.Burger Raising Rookie Blue Part 1 of 2 Rules Rules Paid Paid Justice Comics Paid Paid
BNN (68) (68) Market Tonight Stock Stock Commodities Market Call Tonight The Street
KVOS (69) (69) Mary Taxi Get Smart P. Silvers Man U.N.C.L.E. (R) Naked City (R) Route 66 (R) Shepherd's Chapel
OWN (101) (101) Rescue Rescue Paid Paid Rescue Paid Candice Candice Chef W. Gourmet GroceryB GroceryB
APTN (115) (114) APTN Exhibit A Kingstar Paid Kingstar Kingstar Notre peuple Makusham Makusham TAM (R) TAM (R)
VIS (116) (115) Tomorrow J.Osteen P. Popoff To Reign Turning Creflo Yoga Believe Q.Study David Daily Mass ShineLight
SN360 (118) (116) The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score Morning Highlights Morning Highlights Morning Highlights
MTV (119) (118) Movie Z "My Super Psycho Sweet 16 Part 3" (‘12) Ridiculous Panic Button (R) InnerSp. Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi
MM (120) (119) ComBang ComBang Commun. Commun. Fresh P. Fresh P. Playlist (R) Playlist (R) Playlist (R)
CPAC (121) (120) Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Leaders' Tour (R) Prime Politics (R)
TV5 (122) (121) Beautés du monde (R) Jour de marché (R) Journal Tourisme Amérik Télématin Belge Tibet
TVA (123) (122) :15 Rachid :45 Infopublicité :15 TVA nouvelles Publicité Qc matin
RDI (124) (123) Journal Regard L'Épicerie Journal RDI matin
GOLF (144) (144) 11:00 PGA Golf Open Final Round (R) Golf Central (R) Golf Central (R) Morning Drive Live
Best Bet
CITY (13) (13) CBS (49) (49) 9:00 p.m.
Genius Walter O’Brien (Elyes Gabel) leads abrainy group of misfits as they
battle the high-tech threats of the modern age in a new episode
of“Scorpion,” airing Monday, Oct. 19, on CBS and Citytv.While the experts
are comfortable with each other,they find it difficult to fit in with average
people. Jadyn Wong stars in “Scorpion”
17 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
Tuesday, October 20 - PRIMETIME () - Nanaimo/ Duncan/ Ladysmith/ Parksville/ Courtenay/ Comox/ Campbell River () - Port Alberni
Best Bet
Beyond the Tank
KOMO (47) (47) 10:00 p.m.
Surprised to discover that the creators of the kid-friendly playspace The Coop
aren’t making any money, Barbara Corcoran offers the women some valuable
advice in a new episode of “Beyond the Tank,” airing Tuesday, Oct. 20, on ABC.
Also, Mark Cuban works with the makers of Beatbox, a boxed wine aimed at
millennials. Barbara Corcoran as seen in “Beyond the Tank”
18 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
Wednesday, October 21 - PRIMETIME () - Nanaimo/ Duncan/ Ladysmith/ Parksville/ Courtenay/ Comox/ Campbell River () - Port Alberni
Best Bet
KCPQ (15) (15) 8:00 p.m.
Morris Chestnut stars as brilliant and charismatic Miami pathologist Dr.
Beaumont Rosewood Jr., who teams up with Det. Annalise Villa (Jaina Lee
Ortiz) to solve cases in another new episode of “Rosewood,” airing Tuesday,
Oct. 21, on Fox. Rosewood’s unique skill set allows him to uncover clues no
one else can. Morris Chestnut stars in “Rosewood”
19 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
Thursday, October 22 - PRIMETIME () - Nanaimo/ Duncan/ Ladysmith/ Parksville/ Courtenay/ Comox/ Campbell River () - Port Alberni
Best Bet
Heroes Reborn
GBL (11) (11) NBC (46) (46) 8:00 p.m.
People with extraordinary abilities attempt to hide their powers in the wake
of a devastating terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas, in a new episode of “He-
roes Reborn,” airing Thursday, Oct. 22, on NBC and Global. Jack Coleman re-
prises his role as Noah Bennet, a character from the original “Heroes” series
who’s gone off the grid. Jack Coleman stars in “Heroes Reborn”
20 Mid-Island TV Scene Friday, October 16, 2015
on screen
Megan Fox is heading to
‘New Girl’ in 2016
By Andrew Warren Stone’s not dead: A fan favourite
TV Media isn’t done yet. The Jesse Stone franchise
of TV movies could have faded into the
Fox on Fox: Looks like Fox’s “New sunset after 2012’s “Jesse Stone: Bene-
Girl” is getting a ... well, it’s getting a fit of the Doubt.” Despite premiering
new girl. A new girl named Fox. How with a respectable 12 million viewers,
about that? Hollywood actress Megan the eighth film in the CBS franchise
Fox has boarded Fox’s single-camera failed to keep the series alive, the victim
comedy for the upcoming fifth season, of an ongoing trend — major television
in which she’ll have a recurring role in a networks have been moving away from
multi-episode plot arc. original movies for years now.
Fox brings her considerable star Luckily, Hallmark still sees the poten-
power to a sitcom that was already tial. The channel that’s known for its
strong in that area. She’s probably best high-quality movies picked up the rights
known for starring in both “Transform- to the Jesse Stone franchise, and a ninth
ers” (2007) and “Transformers: Re- film, “Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise,” is
venge of the Fallen” (2009), but she’s premiering Sunday, Oct. 18.
no stranger to comedy, either. She Longtime “Jesse Stone” fans will be
starred in the 2009 black comedy “Jen- relieved to know that the network
nifer’s Body” and in 2012’s dramedy change should be the only noticeable
“This is 40.” difference. The titular character himself
In “New Girl,” she’ll be playing a dis-
ruptive force in the loft when she rents
will still be played by the irreplaceable
Tom Selleck (“Magnum, P.I.”), who’s
The Scientist
out Jess’s (Zooey Deschanel, “Elf,” held the leading role for all eight previ-
2003) room while she’s sequestered for
jury duty.
ous films.
Robert Harmon, who directed all but
Of course, Fox won’t be the only
guest star in “New Girl’s” upcoming
one of the previous movies (2011’s
“Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost” being the
season. Other actors who are lined up
to make an appearance include Henry
exception), has also signed back on for
the film.
Winkler (“Happy Days”), Fred Armisen
(“Portlandia”), Taran Killam (“Saturday
The Jesse Stone movies are based on
a series of detective novels by crime
Night Live”), Rob Riggle (“The Daily
Show”), Nasim Pedrad (“Scream
writer Robert B. Parker. Selleck’s Stone is
the chief of police in Paradise, Mass., a
Queens”), John Cho (“Star Trek Into
Darkness,” 2013) and Damon Wayans
troubled man who struggles with alco-
hol and his relationship with his ex-
Jr. (“Happy Endings”), who left the se-
ries last year after two seasons as a reg-
Along with series stars Deschanel,
Jake Johnson (“Jurassic World,” 2015),
Max Greenfield (“American Horror Sto-
ry”), Lamorne Morris (“Glitch,” 2015)
and Hannah Simone (“Oldboy,” 2013),
that’s a lot of faces to pack into just one
season. But there is a very special event
to celebrate: this fifth season of “New
Girl” will feature its landmark 100th ep-
isode — quite the accomplishment!
A special 100th episode, a bona fide
bevy of guest stars and the ferociously
talented Megan Fox: it all adds up to a
season that “New Girl” fans can look
forward to. The hit comedy is due to re-
turn to Fox in January 2016.
Zooey Deschanel as seen
in “New Girl”
Solution on page 2