BRD CrowdSourcing Signator Mobile App v0.06

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Shared Application Services


Business Requirement

Signator Investors Mobile

Help Desk App

Prepared By:

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Business Requirement Document (BRD)

Project Name: _____Signator Mobile Help Desk____

Challenge Name: ___

Challenge Type: _________

Approved by:

______________________________ ______________________________

Name of user, department Date

______________________________ ______________________________

Name of user, department Date

Prepared by:

______________________________ ______________________________

Name of user, department Date

1. Executive Summary
Provide Signator Investors Financial Advisors and Signator Investors Field office support staff with on the
go information about the most used Signator systems/tools through a mobile application (Signator
Investors Mobile = SIM). Information would include system tips, “how to” videos and who to call if they
are experiencing issues. The SIM app would also be used to communicate system outages, upcoming
enhancements and releases. The SIM app must be clear, simple and easy for the Advisors to find what
they are looking for.

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1.1 Background
Signator Investors is a broker dealer supporting a national network of affiliated Firms and Financial
Advisors. Signator Investors is a business unit within John Hancock, with the Firms independently
owned (not be John Hancock) and the Financial Advisors are employees of those Firms and not John

The intended users of SIM are Financial Advisors that are typically out on appointments with their
clients and rarely spend the day in their office.

Some Advisors are tech savvy, but most of them are challenged when it comes to technology. They
prefer to call the help desk than do things for themselves. For example 50% of the calls to our help desk
are for password resets to a website where they have the capability to change the password themselves
by answering a security question.

Financial Advisor and field staff smartphones/tablets are their personal devices and are not owned by
Signator Investors.]

1.2 Proposed Strategy and Next Steps

This section will be covered by the agreed upon Game plan provided by Appirio and the Business Unit.

2. Scope
2.1 Included in Scope
 Build and release a mobile application for Android, and iOS, and Windows devices and tablets
 App will include information about the Top 10- 15 Systems/Applications. Each system will
include the following information:
o Who to contact
o Application tips
o Help videos
o Release notes
o Links
o Other categories in the app may include:
 Tip of the week
 Alerts
 News/Headlines
 Videos
 Schedule
 Create a name and Create an animated in App mascot for Signator Investors help desk app like
ancalled “IT Bbuddy”. IT Buddy will play any audio files.
 Samples of IT Buddy:

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 Top 10-15 systems and descriptions
o Junction – Advisor content management portal. Web portal for Signator Investors
Firms and Financial Advisors that is an extranet but access is controlled by secure log-
in. The Extranet is also accessible to John Hancock Signator Investors employees
(corporate office support staff). The Junction web portal provides access to a variety of
information, such as forms, manuals, important announcements and systems.
o Smarsh - Outlook email system
o Sage – Learning system
o Field Workbench – proprietary John Hancock Insurance system used to service inforce
o JH Illustrator – proprietary John Hancock Insurance system used to run proposals on
life insurance quotes.
o Service Now – John Hancock enterprise IT service management ticket system.
o Account Center - Account Center is the Books and Records system (includes
compliance and supervision) for registered products.  Supports new business suitability
workflow and review as well as existing account management.
o Inforce Manager - Inforce Manager is system for our Advisors to access their book of
business. Advisors have the ability to manage their clients policies, run inforce
illustrations, access customer service forms.
o Salesnet – proprietary John Hancock Insurance web portal for access to online servicing
o eFactfinder – Signator Investors web application for client discovery / fact finding
information gathering. Allows external vendor applications (currently EchoWealth and
Account Center) to import said fact finder information via web services.
o Smart Office - CRM Tool
o Streetscape – National Financial’s online trading and order management system for
Brokerage and mutual fund businesses.

2.2 Excluded from Scope

 Blackberry, Amazon phone
 Forms, articles, marketing materials, Quicklinks to applications
 Integration with the Signator vendor systems
 Users should not be able to share information via FaceBook, Twitter, text, or other social media

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2.3 Constraints
 The content of the SIM can only be accessed by those with a Signator Investors network ID and

2.4 Project Dependencies


3. Risk Analysis
 As a Broker/Dealer, Signator Investors is required to archive and be able to reproduce content it
makes available to its Financial Advisors.

4. Functional Business Requirement

1 User Access Management

1.0 User must login to the application using their existing “Junction” username and password.

 Junction is the secure web portal (extranet) that houses company news/information,
links to systems, forms and manuals use to execute business activities.
 Integration between Junction’s web services and the Mobile App to authenticate users.
 If a user is removed from Junction, they will not be able to log-in to the Mobile App.
 Passwords entered into the Mobile App will not be stored in cache.

1.1 Login screen must have user ID field and a password field and a “remember user ID” switch
(will allow the app to save the UserID only) and a Login button. See sample:

1.2 App will allow touch ID for password authentication, for devices that support that capability.

 Requires integration between the Mobile App, resident touch ID capability, and
Junction’s web services to authenticate a user.
 Changing a user’s Junctional password online (via web browser session) will not disrupt
the established ability to use touch ID log-in on the Mobile App.

1.3 All users will have the same role and permissions (Signator Investors user) with the exception

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of Application Administrators.

2 Administrator Access Management

2.0 Administrator needs the same access and capability as standard users.

2.1 Administrator also needs the ability to create, edit, delete, manage, and push content to the
Mobile Application.

2.2 Administrator needs access to usage statistics and reports.

2.3 A content management console will exist to enable administrators to manage (create, edit,
delete, manage, and push) content of the Mobile Application.

3 Error Handling

3.0 If incorrect login or password is used and error should appear “Email or password entered is
incorrect please try again”

3.1 If cellular data is turned off for the app and the user tries to open the app, there should be an
error message appear – see sample

4 Content Sections and Types

4.0 There will be a landing page once successful authentication has been completed. This landing
page will be comprised of static text and/or graphics (images/pictures) at the top of the
screen/display. The middle and lower half of the screen will be dynamic content. There will
be two types of dynamic content - have an “AlertsAlerts” and “Notifications” section that will
be text content pushed by the Administrator.

 Alerts – system outages or new functionality

 Notifications –new quick tips, news or recording/announcement from the IT buddy

4.1 There will be a section for all disclosure language and terms and conditions. This will be static
text and attachments (PDF) pertaining to permissible use. This information pertains to the
entire Mobile Application.

4.2 Content will be managed in a repeatable structure. There will be a profile “page” (with 10-15
separate pages expected) with the following content structure:

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 Application Description
 Contact Information
 Alerts that may have already been read from the home screen
 How To’s/tTips

4.3 Each Profile “page” will need to support the following content types:

 Static text: used for Application Description and Contact Information

 Video with audio: used for Alerts and How To’s/Tips
 Audio only: used for Alerts and How To’s/Tips
o Audio will be played through the animated IT Buddy.

5 Alerts/Notifications:

5.0 Alerts and notifications will auto push to the app by the App Administrator and show up as a
banner on the mobile device. Examples: a system/tool is down or requires outage for
maintenance; an upgrade or new functionality was added to a system/tool.

5.1 Alert shows up on mobile device as a notification/banner, once read, it goes away or gets
archived in an alerts section, if they click on the notification it should take them to the profile
page associated with that application.

5.2 If the notification is viewed and dismissed by the user, it should go to an archive and no longer
show up as a new alert/notice.

5.3 Alert and notifications should display on Android watch and Apple watch

5.4 Alert and notification settings for this Mobile App can be controlled within the mobile device
settings (thus turned on or off).

6 Navigation, In Application Experience, & Settings

6.1 There will be a Navigation bar at the top of the Mobile Application and when selected, it will
provide a drop down of sections for the user to advance to. Drop down sections will include:

 Home
 Listing of each Profile Page
 User Settings
 Disclosures

6.2 There will be a search field for a user to enter in key words for resulting navigation options.
Example: enter in an Application name and be taken to that respective profile page.

6.3 The Mobile Application can handle Vvideo and audio content hosted within the content
manager console as well as externally hosted will be externally hosted. When video and audio
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files are selected they should launch and play within the Mobile Application. There are two
hosting categories:

1. JH Controlled Content: Content controlled by JH will be hosted on Brightcove

2. Vendor Controlled Content: some of the content that will be accessible will be owned,
controlled, and hosted by 3rd parties. Example:

6.4 User should be able to tag profile pages as favorites which ties to notifications about the
system. Alerts will only be received for those profile pages tagged as favorite.

6.5 For Smartphones, require the ability to touch a phone number and launch the phone and dial
the number (from profile pages “Contact Information” section).

6.6 Have a user settings function within the Mobile application that allows the management of:

 Favorite profile pages (turn on/off favorites), which directly corresponds to the specific
alerts delivered to mobile devices as banners.
 Option to turn Touch ID on/off.

6.7 Have an option for user to provide application feedback that gets sent to the Administrator

6.8 Include a Sign out button

6.9 Automatic log-out of the Mobile App if there is no user activity within 15 minutes.

4.1 System Requirement:

 Smartphones and Tablets that run Android, and iOS, and Windows.
 Offline availability/access is not required for initial launch.

4.2 Reporting Requirement:

 Usage reports for Administrator access only. Information to be captured includes:
o User logging: date, time, duration of log-in session, screens visited
o Ability to export user logging data to excel
o Ability to see usage by what content is most popular to least popular

4.3 Technology Requirement:

 N-2 Android and iOS operating systems
 Hybrid mobile App (versus native iOS and Android) so that there is a single code base to

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4.4 Data Migration Requirement:

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4.5 Integration Requirement:
List computer systems potentially affected by this project. Include any system that will be linked to the
proposed system.

System General Impact on Project

Active Supports security credential management for
Directory access to the Mobile App content.

Brightcove Video hosting provider where video content will

be accessed by the Mobile App.

Various Ability to link to videos hosted on other vendor

vendor platforms.

4.6 Sample Profile Page content

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