B.Tech. (ECE) 2nd Year)
B.Tech. (ECE) 2nd Year)
B.Tech. (ECE) 2nd Year)
Common with
L Lecture
T Tutorial
P Practical
LC Laboratory Courses
MC Mandatory Courses
PT Practical Training
S Seminar
B.TECH (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Common with
B.Tech (Electronics and Tele Communication)
SEMESTER –3rdw.e.f. 2019-20
MC-106G is a mandatory non –credit course in which the students will be required passing
marks in theory.
PCC- Microcontrollers 4
7 ECE210G 3 1 - 25 75 - 100 3 3
Unit 1
Basic Semiconductor And Pn-Junction Theory: Introduction, Atomic Structure, Band Theory of
Semiconductors, Covalent Bond, Metals, Insulators & Semiconductors, Effect of Temperature
on Conduction, Drift Current ,Donor & Accepter Impurities in Semiconductor, Law Of Mass
Action, Hall's Effect, Hall Coefficient & Mobility, Poisson and continuity equation.
Unit 2
Diode Applications:Half Wave, Full Wave Center Tapped, Full Wave Bridge(Rectification),
Series Clipping Circuit, Shunt Clipping Circuit, Clamping Circuit, Bridge Voltage Doubler, Filtering
Circuit Using Capacitor & Inductor.
Unit 3
BjtBiasing:Bias Stability, Instability Due To β, Thermal Stability, Stability Factor, Fixed Biased
Circuits, Effect of Emitter Resistor, Collector to Base Bias, Voltage Divide Biasing, Advantage &
drawbacks of Biasing Techniques, Stability Factor calculation of Biasing Techniques, Bias
Compensation by various device, Thermal Runway, Transistor Dissipation, Thermal Resistance,
Condition of Thermal Stability
Small Signal Circuit: Two Port Network, Hybrid(H-Parameter)Model, Typical Values of H-
Parameter Model, Conversion of CE, CB, CC Configuration to Equivalent Hybrid Model, CB
Circuit Analysis, CE circuit with & without RE analysis, CC circuit analysis, Analysis of CE, CB & CC
Configuration with approximate Hybrid Model, Miller's Theorem, Dual of Miller Theorem.
Unit 4
FET: Introduction, The Junction FET, Basic Construction, Operation, P- Channel FET, N-Channel
FET, High Frequency Model of FET, Low Frequency FET Amplifiers, Transfer Characteristics of
FET, MOSFET, Enhancement Mode, Depletion Mode of FET, Circuit Symbol of MOSFET,V-
Text/Reference Books:
1. Basic Electronics ByDebashion DE. – Pearson Education.
2. Electronics Device & Circuit, By Robert Boylestad ,LouisNashelsky, 11th Edition, Pearson
3. Electronics Device Circuit By David.A.Bell -- Oxford
4. Integrated Electronics By MillmanHalkias -- TMH.
5. Electronics Device &Circuit By Dharam Raj Cheruku -- Pearson Education.
6. Electronics Device &Circuit By B.P Singh and Rekha Singh 2nd Edition – Pearson
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the operation of all the important electronic devices
2. Understand the I/O behavior of various electronics devices to variable inputs
3. Understand the design of efficient electronic applications
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
LC-ECE203G Electronic Devices Lab
1 Total ten experiments are to be performed in the semester.
2 At least seven experiments should be performed from the above list. Remaining three
experiments should be performed as designed and set by the concerned institution as
per the scope of the syllabus.
3 At least 5 experiments have to be simulated and results to be validated with
experimental results.
Data Structures
Data Structures
Course title
L T P Credits
Scheme and Credits
3 0 3
Exam 75 Marks
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Unit 1:
Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Concept of Data Structure, Choice of right Data Structure,
Algorithms , how to design and develop algorithm . Operations: insertion, deletion, traversal
etc.; Analysis of an Algorithm, Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search Techniques.
Unit 2:
Stacks and Queues: Stack and its operations: Applications of Stacks: Expression
Conversion and evaluation queue, Types of Queue: Simple Queue, Circular Queue,
Priority Queue; Operations on each types of Queues.
Unit 3:
Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in memory, Algorithms of several operations:
Traversing, Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list; Linked representation of Stack
and Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list: operations on it and algorithmic analysis; Circular
Linked Lists.
Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded BinaryTree,
Binary Search Tree. Applications of Binary Trees.
Unit 4:
Suggested books:
Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++”, Illustrated Edition by Mark
Allen Weiss, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Course outcomes
1. For a given algorithm student will able to analyze the algorithms to determine the
time and computation complexity and justify the correctness.
2. For a given Search problem (Linear Search and Binary Search) student will able to
implement it.
3. For a given problem of Stacks, Queues and linked list student will able to
implement it and analyze the same to determine the time and computation
4. Student will able to write an algorithm Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort,
Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort and compare their performance in term of
Space and Time complexity.
5. Student will able to implement Graph search and traversal algorithms and
determine the time and computation complexity.
PCC-ECE209G Signals and Systems
Unit 1
Introduction To Signal: Signal Definition, Classification with examples: Continuous –Time &
Discrete –Time, Continuous –valued & Discrete –valued, Analog & Digital, Deterministic &
Random, One Dimensional & Multi Dimensional, Even/Symmetric & Odd/Anti symmetric
signals, Causal, Non causal & Anti causal; Real & Complex, Periodic & Aperiodic, Energy &
Power signals; Representation of Discrete –Time signals, Elementary Discrete Time Signals.
Unit 2
Linear-Time Invarient (Lti) Systems And Their Advantages:LTI Systems, Discrete –time Signal
representation in terms of impulses, Impulse Response of Discrete Time LTI Systems, Finite
Impulse Response System, Infinite Impulse Response System, LTI Systems Properties, LTI
systems representation by Constant –Coefficient Difference Equation, LTI System
Characterization, Cascade & Parallel Connection of LTI Systems.
Unit 3
Laplace Transform: Definition and Region of Convergence, Laplace transform applications to LTI
systems, Transfer function of LTI systems, Poles and Zeros in S-plane, Stability in S-domain.
Unit 4
State Variable Technique:State Space Representation of Continuous –Time LTI Systems with
multi-input, multi-output; Solution of state equation for Continuous –Time Systems.
State Space Representation of Discrete –Time LTI Systems: single input single output and
multiple input multiple output systems, Solution of State Equation for Discrete-time LTI
Systems, Determining System function H(z).
Text Books:
1. A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, with S. Nawab “Signals & Systems”, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.
2. S. Salivahanan, C. Gnanapriya, “ Digital Signal Processing”, Second Edition, McGraw Hill
3. J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, &
Applications”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
1. SmarajitGhosh,”Signal &Systems”,Pearson Education.
2. Nagrath& R. Ranjan, “Signals & Systems”, TMH.
3. Schaum Series, “Signals &Systems”,Sue&Ranjan.
4. R.F. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, "Signals and Systems - Continuous and
Discrete", 4th Edition, Pearson Educatio.
5. B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems", Oxford University Press, c1998.
6. Douglas K. Lindner, "Introduction to Signals and Systems", McGraw Hill International
7. M. J. Roberts, "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB",
TMH, 2003.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
● Analyze different types of signals and systems.
● Represent continuous and discrete time signals and systems in time and frequency
domain using different transforms.
● Get familiarized with the characteristics and applications of Linear Time Invariant
● Analyze LTI systems using Laplace/Z-Transform.
1. Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15
marks each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to
attempt five questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
PCC-ECE211G Network Theory
Unit I
Fundamentals of Network Analysis: Node and Mesh Analysis, matrix approach of network
containing voltage and current sources, and reactances, source transformation and duality.
Unit 2
Fourier Series: Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series: Discrete spectra and
symmetry of waveform, steady state response of a network to non-sinusoidal periodic inputs,
power factor, effective values.
Fourier Transform& Laplace Transform: Fourier transform and continuous spectra, three phase
unbalancedcircuit and power calculation.
Laplace transforms and properties: Partial fractions, singularity functions, waveform synthesis.
Unit 3
A.C Analysis: Analysis of RC, RL, and RLC networks with and without initial conditions with
Laplacetransforms evaluation of initial conditions, Behaviors of series and parallel resonant
Transient behavior: concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions poles
and zeros of immittance function, their properties, sinusoidal response from pole-zero
convolution theorem.
Unit 4
Two port network and interconnections: Characteristics and parameters of two port networks,
Network Configurations, short-circuit Admittance parameters, open-circuit impedance
parameters, Transmission parameters, hybrid parameters, condition for reciprocity &
symmetry, Inter-relationships between parameters of two-port network sets, Inter-connection
of two port networks.
Topology: Principles of network topology, graph matrices, network analysis using graph theory
Filter Analysis: Introduction to band pass, low pass, high pass and band reject filters, Analysis &
design of prototype high-pass, prototype low-pass, prototype band-pass, and prototype band-
reject filter.
Text Books:
1. Van, Valkenburg.; “Network Analysis”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2015.
2. Sudhakar A. Shyammohan, S. P.; “Circuits and Network”; Tata McGraw-Hill New Delhi, 1994
3. A William Hayt, “Engineering Circuit Analysis” 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education
4. S.K Bhattacharya &Manpreet Singh, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Pearson Education,
Reference Books:
1. Network Theory by U.A Bakshi, V.A Bakshi, Technical Publications
2. “Fundamentals of Electric Circuit” by C.K Alexander and Sadiku.
3. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky, with S. Nawaab “Signals & Systems”2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.
Course Outcomes:
Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one will
have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt
five questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Total marks : 50
A: Simulation based
1. Introduction of circuit creation & simulation software like TINAPRO, P-Spice, Dr.-Spice/other
relevant Software
3. To find the resonance frequency, Band width of RLC series circuit using any of above software.
4. To plot the frequency response of low pass filter and determine half-power frequency.
5. To plot the frequency response of high pass filter and determine the half-power frequency.
6. To plot the frequency response of band-pass filter and determine the band-width.
B: Hardware Based
7. To calculate and verify "Z" & “Y” parameters of a two port network.
8. To determine equivalent parameter of parallel connections of two port network and study loading
10. To synthesize a network of a given network function and verify its response.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Implement the basic network theory concepts practically and will be able to verify filter
results derived in theory.
2. Design and analyze various network and filter circuits for various practical problems.
3. Understand all the concepts and parameters of network theory.
NOTE: Ten experiments are to be performed, out of which at least seven experiments should be
performed from above list. Remaining three experiments may either be performed from the
above list or designed & setup by the concerned institution as per the scope of the syllabus.
4. Wiring & fitting shop: Fitting of power supply along with a meter in cabinet.
Experiment to be performed
1. Introduction & Hands on experience to use circuit creation & simulation software like TINAPRO ,
2. Design a full wave centre tapped rectifier & study the effect of capacitive filter & its output on a
virtual oscilloscope.
3. Design a RLC resonance circuit & verify the transient & phase response for different values of R,L&C.
5. Design a half adder using discrete components & verify the timing diagrams.
6. Convert the power supply circuit into PCB & simulates its 2D & 3D view.
11. Fabrication & placing of components as per above power supply circuit.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the characteristics of diodes and filter circuits.
2. Understand the operation and characteristics of different types of rectifiers.
3. Understand the operation and characteristics of power supply.
Course Objectives:
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Definition of Economics- Various definitions, types of economics- Micro and Macro Economics,
nature of economic problem, Production Possibility Curve, Economic laws and their nature,
Relationship between Science, Engineering, Technology and Economic Development. Demand-
Meaning of Demand, Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand- meaning, factors effecting it, its
practical application and importance.
Production- Meaning of Production and factors of production, Law of variable proportions,
Returns to scale, Internal and external economies and diseconomies of scale. Various concepts
of cost of production- Fixed cost, Variable cost, Money cost, Realcost, Accounting cost,
Marginal cost, Opportunity cost. Shape of Average cost, Marginal cost, Total cost etc. in short
run and long run.
Market- Meaning of Market, Types of Market- Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic
Competition and Oligopoly (main features).Supply- Supply and law of supply, Role of demand &
supply in price determination andeffect of changes in demand and supply on prices.
Indian Economy- Nature and characteristics of Indian economy as under
developed,developing and mixed economy (brief and elementary
introduction), Privatization - meaning, merits and demerits. Globalization of
Indian economy - merits and demerits.Banking- Concept of a Bank,
Commercial Bank- functions, Central Bank- functions,Difference between
Commercial & Central Bank.
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course the student will be able to:
Suggested Books:
Natural Resources:
Ecosystems :
Environmental pollution :
Field Work :
2. Bharucha, Frach, The Biodiversity of India, MApin Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-
380013, India, E-mail :[email protected] (R).
3. Brunner R.C. 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, Mc. Graw Hill Inc. 480p.
5. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Pub. House, Mumbai 1196 p.
8. Gleick, H.P., 1993. Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev. Environment
&Security Stockholm Env.Institute, Oxford Univ. Press, 473p.
9. Hawkins R.E. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society,
Bombay (R).
10. Heywood, V.H. & Watson, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge Uni.
Press 1140p.
11. Jadhav, H &Bhosale, V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws.Himalaya Pub.
House, Delhi 284p.
12. Mackinney, M.L. &Schoch, RM 1996, Environmental Science systems & solutions, Web
enhanced edition. 639p.
13. Mhaskar A.K., Mayyer Hazardous, Tekchno-S cience Publications (TB).
14. Miller T.G. Jr. Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co. (TB).
15. Odum, E.P. 1971, Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. USA, 574p.
16. Rao M.N. &Datta, A.K. 1987 Waste Water Treatment. Oxford & TBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd.
17. Sharma, B.K. 2001, Environmental Chemistry, Goal Publ. House, Meerut.
18. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu (M).
19. Townsend C., Harper J. and Michael Begon. Essentials of Ecology, Blackwell Science (TB).
20. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules, Guidelines, Comliances and
Standards, Vol. I and II Enviro Media (R).
21. Tridevi R.K. and P.K. Goal, Introduction to air pollution, Techno Science Publications (TR).
22. Wagner K.D., 1998, Environmental Management, W.B. Saunders co. Philadelphia, USA
23. A text book environmental education G.V.S. Publishers by Dr. J.P. Yadav.
(M) Magazine (R) Reference (TB) Textbook
The duration of the course will be 40 lectures. The examination will be conducted along with
the semester examinations.
Exam.Pattern : In case of awarding the marks, the paper will carry 100 marks. Theory : 75
marks, Practical/ Field visit : 25 marks.
The structure of the question paper will be :
Part- A : Question No. 1 is compulsory and will contain five short- answer type question of 3
marks each covering the entire syllabus.
Part-B : Eight essay type questions (with inbuilt choice) will be set from the entire syllabus and
the candidate will be required to answer any four of them. Each essay type question will be of
15 marks.
The examination of the regular students will be conducted by the concerned college/Institute.
Each student will be required to score minimum 40% marks separately in theory and
practical/Field visit. The marks in this qualifying paper will not be included in determining the
percentage of marks obtained for the award of degree. However, these marks will be shown in
the detailed marks certificate of the students.
PCC-ECE202G Communication System
Unit 1
Introduction To Communication System: Modulation, Demodulation, Radio Frequency
Spectrum, Signals & their classification, Limitations & Advantages of a Communication System,
Comparison of Analog & Digital Communication Systems, Historical Perspective, Modes &
Medias of Communication.
Noise:Sources of Noise, External & Internal Noise, Noise Calculations, Noise Figure, Noise Figure
Calculation, Noise Temperature, Noise in Communication Systems, Band Pass Noise Model,
Cascaded States & its Noise Figure Calculation, Signal in presence of Noise, Pre-Emphasis & De-
Emphasis, Noise Quieting Effect, Capture Effect, Noise in Modulation Systems.
Unit 2
Linear Modulation: (AM) Basic definition & derivation for Modulation & Modulation Index,
Modulation & Demodulation of AM, Suppressed Carrier Modulation, Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation, SSB-SC, DSB-SC, VSB Modulation & Demodulation, Comparison of various AM
Systems, Generation of AM waves.
Angle Modulation:
Basic definition & derivation for Modulation & Modulation Index, Generation of FM waves,
Comparison between PM & FM, Frequency Spectrum of FM, B.W. & required spectra, Types of
FM, vector representation of FM, Universal Curve, Multiple FM, Demodulation of FM waves,
Demodulation of PM waves, Comparison between AM & FM.
Unit 3
Transmitters &Receivers:Classification of Radio Transmitters, Basic Block Diagram of Radio
Transmitter, Effect of Feedback on operation of Transmitter, Radio Telephone Transmitters,
Privacy Device in Radio Telephony, FM Transmitter using Reactance Modulator, Armstrong FM
Transmitter, Radio Receivers, Classification, TRF Receiver, Super Heterodyne Receiver, Image
Rejection & Double Spotting, Choice of IF, Tracking & Alignment of Receivers, AGC.
Pulse Analog Modulation:Sampling theory, TDM, FDM, PAM, PWM, PPM, Modulation &
Demodulation techniques of above all.
Pulse Digital Modulation: Elements of Pulse Code Modulation, Noise in PCM Systems,
Bandwidth of PCM Systems, Measure of Information, Channel Capacity, Channel Capacity of
PCM System, Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM). Delta Modulation (DM)
Reference Books:
1. Communication Systems By ManojDuhan – I. K. International
2. Electronic Communication Systems By Kennedy – TMH
3. Communication Systems By Singh &Sapre – TMH
4. Communication System Engineering By John G. Proakis and MasoudSalehi,
Pearson Education, 2015.
5. Analog Communication By P. Chakarbarti – DR & Co.
6. Communication Systems By Simon Haykins – Wiley
• Student will be familiar with concept of modulation and various modulation techniques
• Ability to model noise in communication systems
• Familiarity with design of radio transmitter and receiver
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
LC-ECE204G Communication System Lab
• To provide the basic understanding about various modulation techniques.
• To analyze different characteristic parameters of these modulation techniques.
• Students are able to analyze digital communication signals.
• Students understand the basics of PAM, QAM, PSK, FSK, and MSK.
• They can analyze noise and disturbance in modulated signals.
1 Total ten experiments are to be performed in the semester
2 At least seven experiments should be performed from the above list. Remaining three
experiments should be performed as designed and set by the concerned institution as per
the scope of the syllabus.
PCC-ECE206G Analog Circuits
L T P Credits Sessional Marks: 25
3 0 - 03 Theory Marks: 75
Duration of Exams: 3 Hours
Unit 1
High Frequency Analysis Of Bjt And Multistage Amplifier: Hybrid Pi Model, CE Short Circuit
Gain, Frequency Response, Alpha Cut off Frequency, Gain Bandwidth Product, Emitter Follower
at High Frequencies. RC Coupled Transistor Amplifier, Lower & Upper Cut off Frequency,
Frequency Response curve & Bandwidth, Transformer Coupled Amplifier, Direct Coupled
Amplifier, Cascode Amplifier, Darlington Pair Amplifier, Distortion In Amplifiers.
Feedback Amplifiers: Feedback concept , Transfer Gain with Feedback, General Characteristics
of Negative Feedback, Advantages & disadvantages, Input And Output Resistance, Voltage
Series Feedback topology, Voltage Shunt, Current Series & Current Shunt topology ,Equivalent
circuit for each topology, Effects of Negative Feedback.
Unit 2
Oscillators: Introduction, Barkhausen Criterion, Oscillator with RC Feedback circuit (RC Phase
Shift, Wien Bridge), Tuned Collector, Tuned Base Oscillator, LC Feedback circuits (Hartley,
Colpitts), Condition for Sustained Oscillations & Frequency of Oscillations, Crystal Oscillator.
Power Amplifier: Definition, Application & Types of Power Amplifiers, Amplifier Classes of
Efficiency (Class - A, B, AB, C), Push Pull Amplifiers, Distortion in Simple & Push Pull Amplifier,
Complementary Push Pull Amplifier, Integrated Circuit Power Amplifier , Introduction to
MOSFET & CLASS D Power Amplifier.
Unit 3
Voltage Regulators: Voltage Regulation, Basic Series Regulators, Basic Shunt Regulators, Power
Supply Parameters, Basic Switching Regulators, Step up Configuration, Step down
Configuration, IC Voltage Regulator, SMPS.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Electronics Device &Circuit ByDavid.A. Bell - Oxford University Press.
2. Electronics Device & Circuit By Theodore F. Bogart, Jeffrey.S.Bealey,Guilermo Rico – 6th
Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Electronics Device & Circuit By Robert Boylestad ,LouisNashelsky, 11th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2015.
4. Electronics Device By Floyd , 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2015.
5. Integrated Electronics By MillmanHalkias - TMH.
6. Electronic Devices & Circuits By B.P Singh and Rekha Singh, 2nd Edition, Pearson
7. Electronics Device & Circuit BySanjeev Gupta.
8. Electronics Device & Circuit By I. J. Nagrath - PHI
9. Electronic Principles By Albert Malvino.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the characteristics of diodes and transistors
2. Design and analyze various rectifier and amplifier circuits
3. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators
4. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits
5. Design ADC and DAC
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
LC-ECE208G Analog Circuits Lab
1 Total ten experiments are to be performed in the semester.
2 At least seven experiments should be performed from the above list. Remaining three
experiments should be performed as designed and set by the concerned institution as
per the scope of the syllabus.
3 At least 5 experiments have to be simulated and results to be validated with
experimental results.
PCC-ECE205G Digital Electronics
Unit 1
Logic Simplification: Review of Boolean Algebra and DeMorgan’s Theorem, SOP & POS forms,
Canonical forms comlements of a numbers ,addition and subtractions of a comlements
numbers, Realization Using Gates. Karnaugh maps up to 6 variables , Q M & VEM technique,
Unit 2
Combinational & Sequential Logic Design: Binary codes, error detection and correction code
,Code Conversion. Numericals
Comparators, Multiplexers, Encoder, Decoder, Driver & Multiplexed Display,HalfandFull
Adders, Subtractors , Parallel Adders, Adder with Look Ahead Carry ,BCD Adder.
Unit 3
Sequential Logic Design: Building blocks like S-R, JK and Master-Slave JK FF, Edge triggered FF,
conversions of FF, Ripple and Synchronous counters, Ring and Johnson counter, UP & DOWN
counter, SequenceGenerator,Shift registers.
Unit 4
PLDs and Finite state machines: Concept of Programmable logic devices like PAL,PLA ,ROM
,CPLD and FPGA. Logic implementation using Programmable Devices
Introduction, Design of synchronous FSM :Serial Binary Adder Sequence detector ,Parity Bit
Generator pulse train generator. Algorithmic State Machines charts :Introduction, Component
of ASM chart, Introductory examples of ASM chart.
Text/Reference Books:
1. R.P. Jain, “Modern digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2009
2. A.Anand Kumar, “Switching Theory & Logic Design”,PHI.
3. W.H. Gothmann, “Digital Electronics- An introduction to theory and practice”, PHI,
2ndedition ,2006.
4. D.V. Hall, “Digital Circuits and Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989.
5. Morris Mano, “Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilogn HDL 5th Edition,
Pearson Education, 2013.
6. Morris Mano, “ Logic& Computer Fundamentals,4th Edition, Pearson Education.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Design digital logic circuits depicting their ability to understand binary codes, binary
arithmetic and Boolean algebra, its axioms and theorems.
2. Design & analyze modular combinational circuits with MUX/DEMUX, Decoder, Encoder.
3. Design & analyze synchronous sequential logic circuits
4. Understand and design various digital circuits using different digital logic families.
5. Analyze and design simple systems composed of PLDs.
1. The paper setter will set two questions (with or without parts ) from each of four units ,
& a ninth compulsory question comprising of 5 to 10 sub-parts , covering the entire
syllabus . The examinee will attempt 5 questions in all, alongwith the compulsory
question ( with all its sub-parts ), selecting one question from each unit.
The use of programmable devices such as programmable calculators, phones etc. and sharing of
materials during the examination are not allowed
Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one will
have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt
five questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
LC-ECE207G Digital Electronics Lab
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
4. Implement the basic digital theory concepts practically and will be able to verify various
results derived in theory.
5. Design and analyze various combinational and sequential circuits for various practical
problems using basic gates and flip flops I.C’s.
6. Implement LSI and MSI circuits using programmable logic devices (PLDs).
1. Each laboratory class/section shall not be more than about 20 students.
To allow fair opportunity of practical hands on experience to each student,each experiment
may either done by each student individually or in groupofnotmore than 3-4 students. Larger
groups be strictly discouraged/disallowed.
PCC-ECE210G Microcontrollers
Unit 1
Overview of microcomputer systems and their building blocks, memory interfacing, concepts of
interrupts and Direct Memory Access, Architecture & Instruction set of microprocessors (8086).
Unit 2
Concepts of virtual memory, Cache memory, Architecture & Instructions set of X86 family
Microprocessors (80186, 80286, 80386, 80486).
Unit 3
Enhanced features of Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium-II, Pentium-III, Pentium-IV, Multi-core
Technology, Mobile Processor.
Unit 4
Interfacing with peripherals - Serial I/O, parallel I/O, A/D & D/A converters, PPI chip, DMA
controller, Programmable Interrupt Controller, Programmable interval timer chips. Introduction
to RISC processors ; ARM microcontrollers design.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Do assembly language programming
2. Do interfacing design of peripherals.
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
LC-ECE-214G Microcontrollers Lab
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Do assembly language programming of 8086.
2. Do assembly language programming of 8086 for interfacing of peripherals.
1 Total ten experiments are to be performed in the semester.
2 At least seven experiments should be performed from the above list. Remaining three
experiments should be performed as designed and set by the concerned institution as
per the scope of the syllabus.
Course code HSMC-02G
Class work 25
Exam 75
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
The objective of this course is to expose the students to basic concepts of management and
provide insights necessary to understand behavioral processes at individual, team and
organizational level.
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
UNIT - 1
UNIT - 2
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course the student will be able to:
Suggested Books:
3 1 4
Exam 75 Marks
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks each to
be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five questions in
total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each Unit.
Partial Differential Equations of first order: Definition of Partial Differential Equations, First
order linear partial differential equations, Solutions of first order linear partial differential
equations, Charpit’s method for solving first order non-linear partial differential equations
Partial Differential Equations of higher order: Second-order linear partial differential equations
and their classification, Solution to homogenous and non-homogenous linear partial differential
equations of second order by complimentary function and particular integral method, Initial
and boundary conditions, D'Alembert's solution of the wave equation, Heat diffusion and
vibration problems, Separation of variables method to simple problems in Cartesian
coordinates, One dimensional diffusion equation and its solution by separation of variables
Numerical Methods 2: Taylor’s series, Euler and modified Euler’s methods, Runge-Kutta
method of fourth order for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations, Finite
difference solution of two dimensional Laplace equation and Poission equation, Implicit and
explicit methods for one dimensional heat equation (Bender-Schmidt and Crank-Nicholson
methods), Finite difference explicit method for wave equation
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes