Big Returns From Small Fibers A Review of Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites 2003
Big Returns From Small Fibers A Review of Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites 2003
Big Returns From Small Fibers A Review of Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites 2003
Fig. 1. Schematics of a single-walled carbon nanotube (a 5,5 armchair tube is shown) (a), a graphite sheet (b), a hemispherical end cap
(c) and a multiwalled carbon nanotube (d). The solid circles in each figure represent the carbon atoms (85). Published with permission
from Energeia.
Their tensile strength, approximately 100600 GPa, is There are many possibilities for rolling a slice of graph-
about two orders of magnitude higher than that of cur- ene into a seamless cylinder, because when rolled into
rent high-strength carbon fibers (3033), and their den- a nanotube, the hexagons may spiral around the cylin-
sity is around 1.3 g/cm3 (34), lower than the density of der, giving rise to “chirality,” a twist that determines
commercial carbon fibers (1.81.9 g/cm3). The en- whether the CNT behaves like a metal or a semicon-
hancement in strength implies that, for the same perfor- ductor (40). Metallic CNTs have ballistic transport,
mance, replacing commercial carbon fibers with CNTs which means there is zero resistance along the tube
will lead to significant reduction in the density and vol- (47), and they can have conductivities several times
ume of the structural composite parts used in aerospace that of copper. Because of their very low energy dissi-
and other high performance applications (35, 36). The pation, nanotubes carry tremendous current densities,
compressive strength of CNTs is approximately two or- higher than 100 MA/cm2 for MWNTs, which may be
ders of magnitude higher than the compressive strength compared to current densities of tens of kA/cm2 for su-
of any known fiber (37). CNTs are also one of the stiffest perconducting wires (48).
structures ever made; compared to carbon fibers, which The thermal conductivities of CNTs are highly aniso-
typically have Young’s moduli of up to 750 GPa, moduli tropic, diamond-like over the length of the tube and
of nanotubes range between 1 and 5 TPa (1, 30, 38). insulating in the transverse direction (7, 16). Theory
The most striking effect, however, is the combination predicts a room-temperature thermal conductivity of
of high flexibility and strength with high stiffness, a 6000 W/(m·K) for an isolated SWNT, while experimental
property that is absent in graphite fibers (39). In fact, if values are around 200 W/(m·K) (49).
we would apply nanotubes as mechanical springs, CNTs have important surface properties, which affect
these springs would be very stiff for small loads, but their dispersion within a polymer matrix. The strong
would turn soft for larger loads, accommodating large van der Waals interactions between nanotubes cause
deformations without breaking. They get can be flat- them to form bundles (50), 10100 nm in diameter.
tened, twisted and buckled as they deform reversibly These bundles may break by shearing along the axis,
(38, 40). Their fracture strains range between 10% and causing failure between nanotubes at stresses much
30%, which is better than most carbon fibers, which below the intrinsic capabilities of a single nanotube.
have values of 0.1%2% (35, 36). Their aspect ratios Nanotube surface structure can be tailored locally; for
can be as high as 10,000 (34), which can be an advan- example, we can functionalize or open the ends be-
tage for imparting conductivity and strength to a com- cause caps of a nanotube have a high concentration of
posite system. It is readily apparent that the combi- pentagonal defects increasing reactivity (1, 51).
nation of size, structure and topology provides the CNTs can be synthesized via many techniques in-
nanotubes with excellent mechanical properties (1). cluding arc methods, laser methods, chemical vapor
Carbon nanotubes have a unique electronic charac- deposition (CVD) and other methods like fluidized bed
ter, ranging from high-conductivity metallic behavior to reactors (52). The arc method was originally used for
semiconducting with a large band gap (1, 27, 4146). fullerene production, but created CNTs in the process.
The method continues to be used commercially but new and even larger species has been introduced re-
large-scale production has been difficult. In the arc cently: carbon tubes with a typical diameter of 5 m,
method, a high-current electric arc passes through for applications similar to those of CNTs; however, their
graphite electrodes in the presence of metal catalyst properties and advantages are yet to be assessed (63).
particles, and CNTs are one of the products formed. In Additional types of carbon nanofibers exist, in which
the laser method, a laser is shot at a carbon target in the graphite layers are stacked in various orientations
the presence of metal catalyst and carbon nanofibers with respect to the fiber axis, giving rise to assorted
are grown from metal catalyst particles created in the conformations rather than the concentric shell struc-
process. There are several different CVD processes that ture observed in CNTs or VGCFs (6466). The internal
thermally decompose hydrocarbon gases and use structures vary as in the nanotube arrangement, form-
metal catalysts to grow nanotubes. CVD can produce ing truncated cones, segmented bamboo-like structures
well-aligned SWNTs or MWNTs but can also yield en- or stacked coins, to name a few. External morphology
tangled CNTs (52). Though there are no low-cost, large- variations include kinked and branched structures,
scale production methods, the traditional methods are carbon nanohorns, and bucky peapods within tubes
being developed further, and new methods like flu- (8). One of the most outstanding features of these
idized bed reactors are being investigated to create a structures is the presence of a large number of edges,
steady, reasonably priced CNT supply. The low CNT which contain sites readily available for chemical or
availability and their high prices have limited realization physical interactions. These structures have a chemi-
of polymer-CNT composites for many practical applica- cally active surface area in the range of 300700 m2/g
tions. Part of the reason for the limited success may be (66). Their typical dimensions are 5100 m in length
that CNTs need to be chemically modified so that they and 5100 nm in diameter (66). These nanofibers may
can interact with other materials like polymers (53). be used in high-performance composite structures in
Vapor-grown carbon fibers (VGCFs), a species simi- place of conventional fibers. Another application is mo-
lar to MWNTs, comprise graphitic networks in concen- lecular sieves, where the small and precise distances be-
tric cylinders (5462). An SEM micrograph of VGCFs is tween the nanometer-sized platelets (typically less than
shown in Fig. 2. They are larger than CNTs, with typi- 0.5 nm) and their chemical activity are exploited (64, 66).
cal diameters of 50200 nm. The inner diameter is Yet another possible structure consists of carbon nan-
3090 nm and the length is in the range of 50100 otubes grown on conventional carbon fibers for multi-
m, so that the aspect ratios are in the 100500 range scale, hybrid reinforcement (67). However, most of the
(30, 5456). VGCFs have a tensile strength of 2.92 GPa recent work on polymer composites containing carbon
and a tensile modulus of 240 GPa (57), and their ther- nanostructures involves CNTs; therefore these will be
mal conductivity is the highest among all commercial the focus of our review. It should be noted that because
carbon fibers, with a value of 1950 W/(m·K) (58). of the availability of VCGFs, there are more studies re-
VGCFs have a much lower production cost than CNTs, porting mechanical property results and melt-mixing
and kilogram quantities are readily available (8, 58), characteristics of polymer/VCGF nanocomposites.
making VGCFs commercially attractive (59). Their dis- The explosion in interest in CNT nanocomposites can
advantage is in the larger amount of microstructural be seen through the increasing number of patents filed
defects in comparison to CNTs (30). Nonetheless, work in the past few years (6875), relating to the fields of
has been done to evaluate their performance as a new electromagnetic shielding, reinforced textiles, and oth-
filler type, and to build a knowledge base that might be ers. This paper reviews the most recent developments
transferable to CNT composites (7, 19, 58, 6062). A in CNT/polymer nanocomposites, focusing on the pro-
cessing, properties and applications of these materials.
We will discuss the problems and issues that must
be resolved to make these materials tailorable and
commercially viable.
Several processing methods are available for produc-
ing polymer/CNT composites based on either thermo-
plastics or thermosets. Although the techniques are in-
herently different, all of them try to address issues that
directly affect the composite properties, such as deag-
glomeration of bundles and ropes, CNT dispersion, align-
ment and interfacial bonding (10, 56, 76, 77). Figure 3
shows both good and poor dispersion in a VGCF/PS
composite. The effective utilization of carbon nanotubes
in composite applications depends strongly on the abil-
ity to disperse the CNTs individually and uniformly
Fig. 2. SEM micrograph of vapor-grown carbon fibers (VGCFs), throughout the matrix without destroying their in-
Pyrograph-III, from Applied Sciences Inc. tegrity or reducing their aspect ratio (78). Furthermore,
additional processing. When this mixture was subse- inducing local stress concentrations, and the benefits
quently processed at high shear rates, a well-dispersed of the CNT properties are lost (179). Second, the nan-
nanocomposite was obtained (7). otubes should be well dispersed. If they are poorly dis-
Haggenmueller et al. (14) used a combination of sol- persed, the nanotubes will fail by separation of the
vent-casting and melt-mixing to disperse up to 8 wt% bundle rather than by failure of the nanotube itself,
SWNTs in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Solvent- resulting in significantly reduced strength (120122).
cast composite film was broken into pieces and hot- Using three-point bending tests, it was shown that
pressed into new films, which were again broken into functionalized CNTs improve strength in epoxy com-
smaller fragments and pressed again. This procedure posites (51). The tensile stress increases by 25% when
was repeated as many as 25 times. The dispersion was 1 wt% MWNTs are added to polystyrene (24). Safadi et al.
found to improve as the number of steps was in- (149) found that at less than 1 vol% of nanotubes, there
creased, with some of the films showing increased elec- is a 40% increase in strength of PS/MWNT film com-
trical conductivity. When drawing fibers from these posites. The modulus improves by a factor of 2 with re-
materials, good SWNT alignment along the fiber axis spect to the neat polymer when 2.49 vol% of CNTs are
was obtained, enhancing the mechanical properties added (149). Tibbetts and McHugh indicated that the ad-
(14, 172, 173). dition of VGCFs to a polypropylene (PP) matrix had no
effect on tensile strength, probably because of the in-
Other Methods creased brittleness of the polymer matrix, which resulted
Yet more exotic CNT composites can be obtained from PP’s inability to further crystallize on deformation,
using techniques such as chemical vapor deposition a behavior due to the molecular restrictions caused by
(CVD), by which arrays of CNTs can be grown onto the fiber dispersion (58). Alignment of CNTs in a PP ma-
poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) substrates. The thermal trix resulted in higher tensile strength but had no effect
shrinking property of PDMS at elevated temperatures on the modulus (61). At 5-wt% VGCF loading, modulus
allows fabrication of complex 3D networks of nan- and compressive strength of the spun PP increased by
otubes used for making flexible nanodevices such as 50% and 100%, respectively (55), as shown in Table 1.
highly sensitive chemical gas sensors (173, 174). An- Significant increase in stiffness was found at high tem-
other unique study utilizes CVD to grow CNTs directly peratures for MWNT/ PMMA composites, from 5-fold
onto carbon fibers that are later embedded in a polymer, to 27-fold, depending on the MWNT content (10). For
resulting in a hybrid multiscale composite in which the VGCFs, a modest amount of oxidation increases the
fiber/matrix interface is reinforced by the nanotubes tensile strength, whereas more etching may decrease it
(175). Wu et al. (176) used matrix-assisted pulsed laser (180). Impact strength was found to improve signifi-
evaporation to form composite films of SWNTs with cantly, even upon addition of extremely small amounts
polystyrene or polyethylene glycol. Hassanien et al. of nanotubes (30). Cooper et al. thought this was re-
(177) synthesized large-scale, well-aligned carbon nan- lated to the lack of interfacial adhesion, which in-
otube arrays onto which conducting polymers were creases the toughness and the impact strength, ac-
deposited electrochemically. cordingly (30). Biercuk et al. (49) found that the Vickers
hardness rose monotonically with SWNT loading up
NANOCOMPOSITE PROPERTIES to a factor of 3.5 at 2 wt%. Finally, using a finite ele-
It has already been established that CNTs possess ment method with a 3D nanoscale representative vol-
remarkable properties. The main challenge is to be able ume element based on continuum mechanics, Liu and
to implement these properties in composites on a Chen demonstrated the significant load-carrying ca-
macroscale, combining the choice of materials with the pacities of CNTs in a polymer matrix (181).
appropriate processing method (178). Recent research has shown that nanotubes aligned
perpendicularly to a crack are able to slow down its
Mechanical Properties propagation by bridging the crack faces. Thus, these
The strength of composites depends on two variables. materials may be used to improve the out-of-plane and
First, there should be a high degree of load transfer interlaminar properties of advanced composite struc-
between the matrix and the nanotubes. When the in- tures by increasing the matrix strength and linking up
terfacial adhesion between the phases is weak, the the individual laminar layers with these tiny, pin-like
nanotubes behave as holes or nanostructured flaws, structures (179).
Table 1. Properties of Fibers From Polypropylene (PP) and PP/CNT Composites (55)
(Adapted and Published With Permission From Elsevier).
Field Emission
The power of nanotubes as field emitters has been ap-
parent from their inception (40, 48, 205209), since
they show very low turn-on fields and high current den-
sities. Because they are so sharp, CNTs emit electrons
at lower voltages than electrodes made from other ma-
terials, and their strong carbon bonds allow nanotubes
to operate for longer periods without damage (43). The
full potential of CNTs as field emitters has not been fully
realized in practical devices because of the high surface
density required, which neutralizes their main advan-
tage, a high aspect ratio. Results show that the field-
emission threshold is lower and the emission current is
higher for composites in comparison to pure SWNT
mats. The explanation given for this is that the triple
junction between the SWNTs, polymer and vacuum
creates additional field emission (161).
laser radiation (151). Short lifetime has been a signifi- offers more security during handling and transporta-
cant problem in the optical-limiting and light-emitting tion since it is less prone to dents, chips and scratches
devices consisting of polymers; incorporating nanotubes (56). Finally, recycling is possible without compromis-
may increase the lifespan, and thus the commercial ing properties, since the nanofiller is not expected to
value, of these devices (137). break down as a result of subsequent processing (123).
Inexpensive, renewable energy sources are the driv- A new application for these types of nanocomposites
ing force for research efforts on photovoltaic device is automobile bumpers. The bumper will have good me-
technologies (209, 210), so organic solar cells are an chanical properties and lower weight than the standard
important application. Additional applications involv- fiberglass bumpers, since only 15 wt% CNT will be
ing the optical and electronic properties are electron- needed compared to 30 wt% or more of fiberglass. The
emitting flat-panel displays, electromechanical actua- motivation for using CNT nanocomposites for automo-
tors, light-emitting diodes; supercapacitors, field-effect bile bumpers is their multifunctionality, enabling good
transistors, subpicosecond optical switches and optical mechanical properties, low weight and electrical con-
limiters (139, 163, 164, 197, 211218). Nanotubes are ductivity (80, 124, 148, 225). The conductivity of the
also applied to modify the luminescent behavior of bumper will allow for direct application of electrostatic
optically active polymers (6). spray of base and clear coats, eliminating the need for
The nanoscale of the reinforcement enables thinner, an additional primer coat prior to painting. Additional
flatter structures to be produced— a composite mirror, advantages are savings in paint consumption and re-
for example. Conventional carbon fibers with a diame- ductions in volatile emissions from paint lines. Electro-
ter of approximately 8 m protrude from the surface of static painting may be extended even further to mirror
the composite mirror (referred to as “print-through”), shells, door handles and grills (56, 218). This has been
and reduce its optical quality. This is not the case for recently demonstrated by Hyperion Catalysis Interna-
CNTs, whose print-through is smaller than the wave- tional Inc., who manufactured plastic side view mirror
length of visible light (8). The small scale may also be housings for Ford Taurus™ in order to increase con-
utilized for spinning high performance fibers based on ductivity for electrostatic painting (8).
nanotubes combined with commodity polymers such The high thermal conductivity has a number of ap-
as polypropylene (24). plications, particularly in heat sinks for electronics,
CNTs are especially efficient as a conductive additive motors (49, 140) and tires (8). This property is espe-
because of their electrical properties, large aspect ratio cially important in thermal management applications
and their tendency to become entangled into a three- and in precision structures where thermally induced
dimensional, interconnecting network in the molten distortions reduce the ability to hold tolerances (8).
plastic (123, 219). Nanotube-filled polymers could Multifunctional applications include a housing for elec-
potentially be used for electrostatic dissipation (ESD), tronics in a satellite that needs to be mechanically sup-
electrostatic painting and EMI-shielding applications ported, to have excess heat transported away, and to be
(8, 54, 56, 220). They have advantages over metals: protected by EMI. Other examples include batteries,
greater flexibility, space and weight savings, mechanical and structures used to store hydrogen for fuel cells (8).
strength, better durability, and capability to tailor ther- Additional applications are: membranes for molecular
mal and electrical conductivity. These properties enable separations, which utilize the very small pores existing
production of advanced on-board shielding of electronic in the nanotubes (1, 226); abrasive resistance layers for
components and flexible electronics (221), and electro- surface engineering of composites (227); biomaterial
magnetic shields for mobile phone handsets (47). applications, such as drug delivery, which use the in-
Conducting polymer structures can be constructed ertness of SWNTs (176); nanosensors inside a polymer
at low loadings of nanotube fillers owing to lower per- for monitoring and quantifying deformation (143,
colation thresholds needed for high aspect ratio fillers 228230) or for detecting polymer transitions (231);
(78, 125, 180, 190, 222, 223). Typical values are less light bulletproof vests; earthquake resistant buildings
than 5-wt% loading for nanotubes, as opposed to 820 exploiting the unique flexibility of the CNTs (40); smart
wt% for most carbon black containing compounds polymer coatings to protect components under extreme
(124). Low particle contents are also important for elec- physical conditions such as microsatellites (187, 188);
tronic cleanroom applications, where particle contami- and plastics requiring strict tolerances (dimensional
nation is a major problem (126). Conducting polymer stability) (121). Radio frequency (RF) permittivity spec-
systems can be designed to be multifunctional, com- tra show that CNT nanocomposites are also suitable for
bining electrical, thermal and structural properties use as microwave lenses, high-strength, low-weight elec-
(180, 224). tromagnetic interference shielding materials, antennas
CNT/thermoplastic ESD composites offer a number and waveguides (4).
of additional advantages over other materials. The nan-
otubes can be added in the compounding stage without TASKS FOR THE FUTURE
compromising the mechanical and processing properties Although nanotube-filled polymers show obvious
of the matrix. The finished product is lighter in weight, application for high-strength, lightweight and high-
appealing in surface finish, corrosion-resistant, easier performance composites, there have not been many
to handle, and less expensive to ship. The composite industrial successes showing their advantage over
traditional carbon fibers. How can this be changed? applied to SWNT composites (7). Rapid upscaling of
Below, we discuss some of the challenges and ideas to CNT manufacturing on one hand, and development of
overcome them. new and efficient small-scale mixers on the other (236),
will resolve this issue.
Processing and Tailoring To date, several companies are working on com-
Because of their nanometer scale and high aspect mercially viable processes for mass production of
ratio, fabrication and investigation of nanotube/polymer CNTs, striving to lower costs. For example, Carbon
composites present considerable challenges (38). The Nanotechnologies Inc. (CNI) aspires to produce 1000 kg
main problem is in creating a good interface between on nanotubes weekly by 2004 (237). The goal is to
nanotubes and the polymer matrix to achieve the load achieve low-cost, high-yield, and large-scale produc-
transfer necessary for enhanced mechanical response in tion (19), resulting in high-purity material with control-
high-performance polymers (35, 145). CNTs are usually lable length, diameter and chirality (238). Several new
supplied in very entangled bundles, making handling methods have recently been suggested to reach this
and dispersion during composite processing a formida- goal (239242). The most critical factor is production
ble hurdle (6, 8, 61, 78, 225). To optimize CNT compos- cost. Until cost is reduced to a competitive level with ex-
ites, we must maintain high CNT aspect ratios, orient isting fibers, large-scale use of nanotubes is unlikely
the CNTs, enhance interfacial interactions and elimi- (26). Additional issues are quality, which requires reli-
nate slippage between the CNTs in ropes or between the able characterization methods still under development,
layers in MWNTs (78). how to handle CNTs and health risks associated with
Common approaches to dispersion include both me- CNT exposure (8).
chanical (e.g., shear mixing) and chemical (e.g., surfac-
tants) means. Additional ways of overcoming these Characterization
problems are suggested in the literature (222): for ex-
Nanotube dispersion in polymers can affect the final
ample, breaking up the aggregate and suspending it in
nanocomposite properties. To optimize nanotube dis-
solution with the aid of ultrasonic mixers (232); or re-
persion, we need to investigate and quantify the dis-
inforcing the bundles by crosslinking the tubes within
persion. This can be done by visualizing the nanotubes
the bundles themselves to eliminate tube slippage and
themselves, the interface, and the effect of the CNTs on
to enhance rigidity. Another method for enhancing dis-
the surrounding matrix. It is not surprising that at the
persion may be to use CNT “fibers,” in which large num-
nanolength scale, characterization, testing and model-
bers of nanotubes are assembled in arrays or “yarns”
ing are much more difficult (8). Optical techniques,
such that the nanotube properties are translated from
typically used for characterizing dispersion, cannot dis-
the nano to the micro scale. Helicity can be introduced
cern between single CNTs. Electron microscopy tech-
to enhance load transfer between the neighboring nan-
niques are used but are not always easy to implement
otubes (233). Yet another approach is to uniformly coat
due to issues with sample preparation and a lack of
an aligned array of CNTs with polymer, rather than in-
contrast between the polymer and the CNT. Thus, new
corporating randomly entangled CNTs into a matrix
methods are required. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM)
(139, 234).
has been used, exploiting the interaction of the CNTs
Maintaining a strong nanotube/polymer interface is
with a magnetic field, allowing direct visualizaton of the
always important and crucial for good mechanical
nanotubes in the polymer (145). Scanning Kelvin mi-
properties (235). This can be done through selectively
croscopy measures the conductivity distribution in het-
functionalizing nanotube ends and mid-section, and
erogeneous materials with an oscillating probe and can
subsequently chemically binding them to the polymer
be used to characterize CNT distribution in an insulat-
(7, 115). Another approach is to overcome low shear
ing matrix (243).
properties of MWNTs and SWNT ropes by inducing
crosslinking between adjacent shells to increase the
Understanding the Mechanisms
strength and intra-tube load-transfer efficiency (39). In
addition, when MWNTs are used, efficient load bearing One important issue involving most nanocomposites
within the tubes themselves must be accomplished in is whether their unique properties can be attributed
such a way that shearing between the concentric to the small dimensions of the CNTs, or to their large
graphene layers is prevented (27, 40). aspect ratios. Simulations have been used to assess
whether the mobility of polymer segments changes in
Nanotube Availability the vicinity of CNTs because of their similar size scale.
Since very little SWNT material is available, most in- Simulations have also been used to determine whether
vestigators have been limited to working with milligram the significant surface area of CNTs promotes interac-
quantities. This may be problematic, since benchtop tions sufficient for load transfer between the phases
processing may not always be representative of larger- (15, 244, 245), and how chemical bonds between the
scale processing. This problem has been partially nanotube and matrix can enhance the nanocomposite
solved by working with vapor-grown carbon fibers shear strength (246).
(VGCFs), a cheaper and more readily available material The load-transfer mechanism is another issue to be
similar to CNTs, to build a knowledge base that can be addressed, using both experiments and simulation.
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