Unit-6 Agile 7TH Sem Cse
Unit-6 Agile 7TH Sem Cse
Unit-6 Agile 7TH Sem Cse
• “Done Done,” not just done − In Agile, a feature is said to be done not
after development but after development and testing.
• Test-Last vs. Test Driven − Test Cases are written along with the
requirements. Hence, development can be driven by testing. This approach
is called Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven
Development (ATDD). This is in contrast to testing as a last phase in
Waterfall Testing.
Agile Testing Lifecycle
1. Iteration 0 – Initiation of a project
Regression Testing Methods
There are three ways to undertake regression testing. The
approach you select will vary according to your circumstances,
the size of your codebase, the number of testers on your team,
and your available resources.