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Irosun Irete-1

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Lagos, Nigeria.
MAY, 2011.








Lagos, Nigeria.

MAY, 2011.
The synopsis is presented under the following subtitles:

1. Introduction

2. Pre-initiation Divination

3. Post-Initiation Divination

4. Brief History

5. Readings of the message

6. Affiliated Irunmole/Orisa

7. Possible Names

8. Possible Profession

9. Taboos

10. Glossary

The information you are about to receive from this reading of your Odu,
which was revealed during Itenifa ( Ifa initiation) is the workings of the
dynamic forces within you, which were formed by your emanation and at
the point of your existence on this terrestrial plane. Also, it bothers on the
cosmic forces that are spiritual and beyond your control.

The dynamic forces are your potentials, natural qualities and strength of
your character to be controlled in order to strengthen your public image and
boost your popularity. Whereas, the cosmic forces or components are from
Ayanmo, Akunleyan and Akunlegba, these three components are loosely
described as Destiny or Heavenly gift/virtues.

The Ayanmo is interplay to forces, which are usually divine, and in

consonant with the inventive precepts of Olodumare (The Almighty God of
creation). Ayanmo of your life cannot be changed. Once you are created
with it, it remains so till the expiration of your life on this planet earth.
Ayanmo includes sex of an individual, race, family, parent, growth, and
other natural rules of which an individual must tow and obey.

Akunleyan are the virtues and values chosen in heaven consequent upon
your actions/activities in your previous evolution or existence. They are
actually things chosen by you and most of the time form your likes and
dislikes or taboo.

Akunlegba are the gifts or virtues added by various Irunmole at the

presence of Onibode (celestial sentinel) in heaven or just before you
emanate into the world. They are like spices, additives, preservatives, and
vehicles of propagation of Ayanmo and Akunleyan or things that
complement the Akunleyan in order to fulfill your destiny on earth.

The reading of your Odu helps to determine or reveal your talent

limitations, assets, shortcomings, possibilities and probabilities. You should
use the appropriate ebo (sacrifice) which has same polarity and magnetism
to your Odu in order to discover love, fortune health, hope, happiness,
fulfilment in life and longevity.

You should also avoid such things, which may hinder your talents, or
discoveries by observing your taboos as explained to you during your
Itenifa (Ifa initiation)
Pre-initiation Divination (Àdáwọgbódù)

Pre-initiation divination (Adawogbodu) is usually done before a would-be

initiate enters the Ifa grove. The essence of this divination is to reveal the
present situation of things about the person. It states further and justifies
the need or necessity for the initiation. Sometimes, a clue or hint is
revealed about any unforeseen problems that may arise in the
course/process of initiation. Sometimes too it gives a guide or direction to
be followed or observed during the initiation.

The appropriate ebo (sacrifice) is done immediately, so that a hitch free

initiation is achieved, and to correct or amend any sad or ugly occurrences
that might have beset the would-be initiate.
Post Initiation Divination (Ìta)

Ita, in simple translation means the post initiation divination usually done on
the third day of Itenifa (Ifa Initiation). The significance of Ita is to reveal the
situation of things surrounding the initiate which may likely happen in the
near future. It acts as a support to the Odu revealed at initiation. Through
this divination, a babalawo is told by Ifa if all the rituals and rites of initiation
had been divinely endorsed by the Irunmole and ultimately by God.

Ita, also re-emphasises and re-validates certain messages that are

sacrosanct in the main Odu reveal at initiation.

Sacrifices (ebo) are made immediately in order to engender good tidings

and possibly prevent any unhealthy occurrence that may arise in the near

1. Ifa says that you are a born trader from heaven. You are
going to succeed far more than all your contemporaries if
you go into trading. Ifa advises you to offer ebo in order for
you to multiply your gain and success chances in life. Ifa
advised you to offer ebo with two pigeons, two hens and
money. on this, Ifa says:

Penme-penme aw ori odi

Dia fun Ate
Ti nloo ba won sowo oja ni nina
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba nib a jebutu aje gbuurugbu

Penme-penme the awo of the boundary top
He cat Ifa for Ate, the Merchandise tray
When going to transact business in the market
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of multiply prosperity
2. Ifa advises you to offer ebo in order for you to become a
prestigious person in life. Ifa also advises you to take good
care of Ifa. Ifa will ensure your prestige, honour and success
in life but at home and outside. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with two pigeons, two guinea-fowls and money. You also
need to feed Ifa with two rats and two fish. on this, Ifa says:

Ka ru’na tuu, ko ye omo Oloko

Ka takuro de, ko ye omo Oniyagbe
Oni lasee kan mi n lo ye awon obinrin gogo nile oko
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nraye aro-ese je o
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Bo ba ye mi o, yoo ye IFa
Gerege ni mariwo nye ‘mole
Bo ba ye’Fa o, yoo ye mi
Gerere ni mariwo nye ‘Mole

To prepare a makeshift fire is not befitting for the child of a
To go to the swampy area for harvest is not befitting for the
son of a farmer
Today is my turn to prepare food
Is what is befitting for a new wife in her husband’s house
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to the world of comfort
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
If it is agreeable for me
It will be agreeable for Ifa
The palm-frond is befitting for all Irunmole
If it is agreeable for Ifa
It wil be agreeable for me
The palm-front is befitting for all Irunmole

3. Ifa says that there is the need for you to offer ebo against
infant mortality, miscarriages and threatened abortion. Ifa
says that there are certain taboos that you must identify and
ensure that you do not eat. The major one is locust bean.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four pigeons, four guinea-
fowls, four roosters and money. You also need to feed Ifa
with two rats and two fish. on this, Ifa says:

Igi ajuba nii mi songo-songo

Dia fun won ni Imesi aijeru
Ibi ti wn npe iru ni Eegbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gbebo nibe ko waa sebo o

The wood used to make a shift horse shakes sideways
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Imesi where they do not
eat locust bean
Where they call locust bean teak
They where advised to offer ebo
All followers of ifa
Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly

4. Ifa advised you to go and propitiate the spirit of one of your

male ancestor the Oro style. Ifa says that if you are
experiencing hardship it is due to the way you have maintain
this ancestors. You need to offer ebo with one matured he-
goat abd money. You also need to feed your ancestor with
ram so that your problems will disappears.

Ogbo tete awo alede

Dia fun won ni Odomegbe
Ibi wn ji ti wn o moro ile Baba won o
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje awaa ni baba lenii o ani baba
Ara Odomegbe o, ani baba
Ani baba lenii o, ani baba
Ero Odomegbe o, ani baba

The bit Tete plant in the frontage to the house
He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of Odomegbe
Where they woke up and they did not know the rites of their
paternal ancestors
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Now we have a father today
Inhabitants of Odo megbe
We have father today
We have father
The travelers to Odomegbe
We have father

Ifa says that there is a woman very close to you who is his
inability to receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb. Ifa
advises this woman to offer ebo with two guinea-fowls, two
giant rats, two sashes and money. The big giant rats will be
attach to the one of the sash with needle and thread after the
rat had been use to feed Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Eerun-un yan
Akeremodo wewu irawe
Dia fun won lotu Ife
Ekun omo ni won nsuu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O ba fun mi lewu
Ki n fun e ladibo kan o
During the dry season
Little streams are covered with leaves droplets
Ifa’s message for the inhabitants of Otu Ife.
When were lamenting there inabilities to have their own
They were advised to offe r ebo
They complied
Please give me one giant rat
And I will give you one baby in return

6. Ifa advises you and your spouse to offer ebo against the
problem of the internal organ especially the reproductive
organ. Ifa says that they must also identify what is your
taboo an avoid eating it. Ebo material: two hens, two rooster
and money. You also need to feed Ifa with two rats and two
fish. on this, Ifa says

Ewere awo Elepe

Dia fun Elepe
Ekun omo ni won nsun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Elepe, emu were
E je were
E je nkan silosilo l’Epe
Gbogbo Epe wonyi
E ma je were mo
Nitori omo ni o

Ewere the Awo of Elepe
He cast IFa for Elepe
When they were lamenting of their inability to have their own
They were advised to offer ebo
Elepee people we you ate locust bean and melon
And you drank locust bean and melon
All inhabitant of Epe land
Do not eat locust bean and melon again
It is all because of your children

7. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of child bearing for you and
your wife. You need to offer ebo and feed Ifa with four rats,
four fish, two hens and money.

Openme n bu iya a re san

Antoori omo olomo o
Dia fun Duru (Oko)
A bu fun Dugbe (Obo)
Won nmenu sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Duru ma ngbe jo
Dugbe ma ngbe pon
Eyin o mo wipe ile e wa laa gbe npon

Opeme bites his own mother
Talkless of other peoples children
Ifa’s message for Duru the Penis
And also for Dugbe the Vagina
When they were lamenting their inability to beget babies
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
The Penis is dancing with baby
And the Vagina is strapping one on her back
Don’t you know that it is in our home that we play with

8. Ifa also advises you to offer ebo in order to receive the

blessing of children. Ebo materials: four rats, four fish, two
hens and money. You also need to feed Osun with a tied
hen. On this, Ifa says:

Openme nbuya a re san

Antoori omo olomo
Dia fun won lojude Ejigbo
Won n menu sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo

Opeme bites his own mother
Talkless of other peoples children
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Ejigboland
When they were lamenting their inability to beget their own
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children

9. Ifa says that your success in life is right inside your home.
There is no need for you to live your vicinity or your country
of birth in search of success. Ifa advises you to offer ebo
with three pigeons, three hens and money. You also need to
use one hen to feed Ifa. After this, you need to look for
Ekuku leaves and pound it with soap for regular bathing. On
this, Ifa says:

Agboko gborun lakosin

Dia fun Orunmila
Baba n sawo lo Egbe
Wo ni ko ma lo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O ni ire Aje ti dele
Kin to see dele
Poroporo lewe elu n bo loko, poroporo
O ni ire aya ti dele
Kin to see dele
Poroporo lewe elu n bo loko, poroporo
O ni ire omo ti dele
Kin to see dele
Poroporo lewe elu n bo loko, poroporo
O ni ire Ire gbogbo ti dele
Kin to see dele
Poroporo lewe elu n bo loko, poroporo

Agboko gborun lakosin
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going on Ifa mission to Egbe land
He was advised not to go
Orunmila refused to comply
The ire of prosperity had arrived at my home
Before I returned home from my journey
It is in multiples that Elu leaves fall from the tree
The ire of spouse had arrived at my home
Before I returned home from my journey
It is in multiples that Elu leaves fall from the tree
The ire of children had arrived at my home
Before I returned home from my journey
It is in multiples that Elu leaves fall from the tree
The ire of property had arrived at my home
Before I returned home from my journey
It is in multiples that Elu leaves fall from the tree
All ire of life had arrived at my home
Before I returned home from my journey
It is in multiples that Elu leaves fall from the tree

10. Ifa says that you are going to overcome all your
enemies. You are right in the midst of enemies and
contention but you will overcome. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with three roosters, plenty of shrimps, palm-oil and
money. You also need to feed Ifa with one rooster. After
this, you need to grind Eeran grass together with Iyere and
use it to cook shrimps together with salt and pepper for

Agboko gborun lakosin

Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nbe laarin ota
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje ede ni yoo toju ota mi somi
Eeran oko, kasai dori ota kodo

Agboko gborun lakosin
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ede the Shrimps will drown all my enemies in the river
And Eeran grass will bow the heads of all my enemies.

11. Ifa warns you to be careful with alcohol. If it is possible

for you do not take alcohol at all. If it is not possible for you
do it moderately. It is also a taboo for you to be climbing
trees. By extention it is a taboo for you to be climbing
ladders, scaffolding and so on. It is not advisable for you to
work as a carpenter, bricklayer, painter, civil and structural
engineer, mountaineer and so on. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with two roosters and money. you als need to feed Esu
with one rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Igbani-ari ni yoo dun’ra re loti

Omuti ni yoo dun’ra re loogun
Oro ti ko sunwon
Oti ni e jeki a fun
Dia fun Alare
Ti nlo ree jagbaa nile Olofin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ipin aitubo
Igba won o meru ni tutu
E o rifa nse looro gangan
Nje ko soju u mi o
Emi o tete mo igba ti Alare n ja’gbaa raraara

Let us the cups is the one who will cheat himself when
consuming alcohol
And alcoholic person will cheat himself when people
are been taught potent medicines
Any undesirable matter
Let us accept that it caused by alcohol
Ifa’s message for Alare
When going to climb Igba tree in Olofin’s house
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
Refusal to comply with ifa’s advice
Can’t you see how the prediction of Ifa had come to
manifest with alacrity
I was not there
I did not know when Alaro was climbing Igba tree

12. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing for you.
ifa advises you to offer ebo with two hens, four rats, four fish
and money. you also need to feed Ifa and Osun as
prescribed by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Dugbedugbe nii segi adaro

Dia fun Openme
Ti nbo Ikin re
To si nbo Osun nitori omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu omo

Dugbedugbe nii segi adaro
Ifa’s message for Openme
Who was propitiating his Ifa
And was also propitiating his Osun because of children
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire

13. Ifa advises you to warn your wife against greed and
lack of satisfaction. It is almost impossible for you to satisfy
your wife on any issue. Ifa however warns the woman to
reduce her greed so that she will not fall victim of serious
ailment in her life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo for this
woman with plenty of land snails, three roosters, three
pigeons and money. on this, Ifa says:

Osumare-ego n lo le
Lo fegbe tokun, feyin tosa
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nlo sorun lo maje wa sile aye
Won ni ajogun meta ni yoo ba pade
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O ba Iku nibi to gbe nyana ipin
O ni ki torokun mojo o somi paa
O ba Arun nibi to gbe nyana aga
O ba tofo-tegba nibi to gbe nyana Egungun
O ni ki torokun mojo o somi paa
The rainbow appeared in the sky
And it touches both the sea and the lagoon
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to heaven to bring wealth back in the world
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
He was told that he will meet three evil principalities on
his way
He met death were he was making fire with Ipin tree
He told to Torokumojo to quench the fire with water
He met ailment where he was making fire with Aga tree
He told Torokumojo to quench the fire with water
He met loss and paralysis making fire with Egugu tree
He told Torokumojo to quench the fire with water
His fire decided to go and bring wealth
She met the three evil principalities
The three evil principalities burnt her with their fire

14. Ifa says that it foresees prosperity for you. you will
succeed more than what you ever thought. Ifa advises you
to offer ebo with two hens, two pigeons, two guinea-fowls,
two roosters and money. You also need to feed Ifa and
Osun as prescribed by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Igi ajuba ni duro songo-songo

Dia fun Openme
Ti nbo Ikin re
Ti nbo Osun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje kini Openme nbo o la?
Ikin, lopenme nboo o la
Nje kini Openme nbo o la?
Osun lopenme nbo o la

The wood used to make a shift horse shakes sideways
Ifa’s message for Openme
Who was propitiating his Ifa
And was also propitiating his Ikin
What did Openme propitiate to succeed
Ikin that was what Openme propitiated to succeed
What did Openme propitiate to succeed
Osun that is what Openme propitiated to succeed

15. Ifa advises you to offer ebo regularly before you go on

any journey. Ifa says that your travelling will bring you
success. You therefore do not need to entertain any anxiety.
If you are in doubt, Ifa will clear off the doubt for you. No evil
will happen to you. Ebo materials: one pot, one matured he-
goat and money. on this, Ifa says:

Ka roju ka muko Onko

Ka gbinyanju ka muko Onko
Dia fun Onjoi amoko
Ti won npe layoo apejin
To se boyoo apepa ni
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire

Let us try and drink the corn meal of Onko
Let us endeavour to drink the Eko of Onko
Ifa’s message for Onime Amoko
Who was summoned to Oyo in order to be honoured
But he mistaken it to be summoned to be summarily
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of success

16. Ifa says that anytime you save any money to start any
business of any kind whatsoever, you must take part of this
money and offer it as ebo before you undertake the venture
that you have in mind. This is the only way that you will
succeed in the business that you have at hand. On this, Ifa

Openme lele ku
Openme lele’ja
Dia fun Egbejila
Ti a mu pile ola
Ti nba won wijo ponran-ponran
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo ire

Openme is the rat supplier
And Openme is the fish provider
Ifa’s message for the 2,400 cowries
That was intended as foundation of prosperity
But who ended up been in serious contention with the
They were advised to offer ebo
Traveler to Ipo and Ofa towns
Let those advised to offer ebo comply accordingly

Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for direction, protection, guidance, victory, success,
elevation, and general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, progress, sanctuary, support,
love, achievement, elevation, progress, and self actualization
3. Esu-Odara – for sanctuary, protection, guidance, support,
elevation and general wellbeing
4. Osun – for progress, support, victory, elevation, compatible
spouse, childbearing, childrearing and overall success
5. Aje – for financial success, progress, leadership, and
6. Ogun – for victory over enemies, progress, leadership, and
general wellbeng
7. Sango – for victory over enemies, leadership, progress,
success, elevation and general well being


1. Must never drink excessive alcohol – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, failure and disaster
2. Must never climb tree, ladders, scaffolding – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, failure and disaster
3. Must never use calabash or wood as your Ikin container – to
avoid failure, unconsummated fortune and disaster
4. Must never use wooding tray to cast your Ifa – to avoid
failure, hardship, unconsummated fortune and
5. Must never eat locust bean and melon – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, failure and hardship
6. Must never abandon your Ifa or Osun – to avoid failure,
unconsummated fortune and grief


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest
2. Trader, marketer, salesman,
3. Military, Paramiltary, security and secret service agent
4. Sailor, fisherman, tourist, etc


1. Ifayemi – Ifa befits me
2. Ifajinmi – Ifa presents me with a gift
3. Ifaleke – Ifa excels

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