As You Like It
As You Like It
As You Like It
4) In your opinion, why didn’t the young wrestler mind if he was killed?
I guess he had no one in his life to love or care for, he just felt lonely and
depressed so he wanted to die.
5) How did Duke Frederick react when Orlando told him that he was the
son of Sir Rowland?
The duke was at first pleased with the young man’s courage and enquired
about his identity. The young man said that he was Orlando, the youngest son
of Sir Rowland de Boys. Sir Rowland was a true subject and dear friend of the
banished duke during his lifetime. Frederick hated the fact that Orlando was
the son of his brother’s friend. So, he left the place angrily.
6) " You are your father's daughter" comment
It was said by duke Frederick to Rosalind, when he asked Rosalind to leave the
palace. When Rosalind asked him to explain his decision to banish her, Duke
Frederick replied that she was her father’s daughter, and that was enough.
10) Celia and Rosalind were good friends. Describe their friendship.
Celia was Rosalind's dearest friend and the two girls were as close as sisters.
Celia's great quality was her loyalty to her friend. When duke senior was
banished, she tried to cheer Rosalind up. When Frederick banished Rosalind,
Celia chooses to go with her.
11) Orlando was a forgiving person. Prove
- Oliver was an evil brother who hated his brother and wanted to kill him at any
cost. When Oliver comes into the forest and gets confronted by a lioness.
Orlando arrived there and saved him. It shows us the nature of brotherly love,
and the way one forgives others.
13) Jealousy is a very dangerous emotion. What examples are in the play?
- Frederick was jealous from his brother the true duke because he was very
popular and his people loved him. Oliver was jealous from his brother Orlando
14) Forgiveness is a great virtue, but it is not always easy to forgive. Have
there been any situations in your life when you couldn’t forgive someone?
- Students' own answer
Who did this?
1) Stole the dukedom from his brother. Frederick
2) He defeated his wrestler. Orlando
3) She gave Orlando a chain to keep. Rosalind
4) He gave Orlando money when he had to leave home. Adam
5) He killed a lioness. Orlando
1) Everyone ………….. the young wrestler would be killed.
a) hoped
b) expected
c) waited
d) loved
5) Who is Duke Senior's daughter?
a) Celia
b) Phoebe
c) Audrey
d) Rosalind
6) At what event do Orlando and Rosalind meet?
a) the wedding of Duke Frederick.
b) public execution
c) wrestling match
d) travelling circus
a) Orlando finds Rosalind more beautiful than the duke’s own daughter, Celia.
b) Orlando’s brother, Oliver, owes the duke a considerable sum of money.
c) Orlando beat the duke’s prized wrestler, Charles.
d) The duke and Orlando’s father were enemies.
8) What does the disguised Rosalind promise to do for Orlando?
a) Woo Rosalind on his behalf
b) Help him to overthrow his brother, Oliver
c) Help him to overcome his lovesickness
d) Provide him and Adam with shelter
9) What does Rosalind do after learning of Orlando’s injury?
a) She writes him an angry but concerned letter, telling him to be more
b) She weeps at the thought of losing him.
c) She faints.
d) She gives a speech about the ridiculousness of bravery.
The Tempest
Answer the following questions
How did Antonio the false brother of Prospero banish him from his )1
As Prospero was busy with his books and left the government of his people
to his brother Antonio. The king of Naples and Antonio conspired against
Prospero and put him and his little baby daughter at sea in a small boat
.without any means of survival hoping they would die