2 a Monsieur Debienne and Monsieur Poligny 13 a the Persian b They tell them about the Opera ghost and the b Erik need to obey him. c Raoul c No, they do not believe them. They laugh. d Philippe d An allowance and Box Five e Christine Daaé 3 a F b T c T d F e T f Monsieur Moncharmin 4 a memories g Monsieur Richard b scenery manager h Viscount Chagny c Faust 14 –15 Open answers d brothers e Paris Progress test key 5 a They advise them to have new locks made and to 1 a Monsieur Armand Moncharmin and Monsieur honor any request made by the ghost. Firmin Richard b Disaster will strike the Opera. b Paris 6 The correct order is c A singer 1 c 2 h 3 f 4 a 5 j 6 d 7 g 8 i d He is found dead (hanged). 9 b 10 e e Chagny 7 a T f Box Five and an allowance b T 2 a childhood c F Her father took her. b grave d T c Scandinavia e F When her father died. d Brittany 8 Open answers 3 a retirement 9 a Monsieur Richard kicked her out of his office. b social (artistic) b She asked all her supporters to attend that night’s c artistic (social) performance. d performance c The audience were enthusiastic. e retiring d They found a box of candy. f tongue e They felt some strange, cold air around them. g whispers 10 a Carlotta was unwell. 4 a 3 b 5 c 1 d 4 e 2 b Christine disappeared. 5 a T c Madame Giry got her old job back. b F He wants Christine. 11 a Madame Valérius to Raoul c T b Raoul to Madame Valérius d F They see signs that he’s been there. c Christine to Raoul e F She has the voice of a toad. d Christine to Raoul 6 a She will suffer his revenge. e a man’s voice to Christine b He thinks he’s seen the eyes of the face of Death. f Raoul to himself c The police detective 12 a performance d The disappearance of Christine b talent e The Persian c enthusiastic 7 a, b and d are true and should be ticked. d beautifully 8 a 4 b 1 c 6 d 3 e 8 f 2 g 7 h 5 e doubt