AK Phantom

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level 5 Answer keys Teacher Support Programme

The Phantom of the Opera

Book key e The inspector reports that there were people in
1 Open answers Box Five making a lot of noise and annoying others.
2 Possible answers: They were laughing loudly, were not in their right
It is said that there is a lake under the Paris Opera. mind, and made stupid remarks to the inspector.
Also, there are hundreds of rooms, long passages, This shows that the Opera ghost will make trouble
seventeen floors (five of which are underground), if anyone uses Box Five.
2,500 doors and many trap doors. This kind of building f Christine was with her father in Perros-Guirec.
gives a writer many opportunities for mystery, strange At the beach Christine’s beautiful singing captured
sounds, and characters coming and going in unusual Raoul’s imagination. When the girl’s scarf was
ways. blown out to sea, Raoul rescued it. Christine
3 Open answers (but f cellar: underground; chandelier: laughed and kissed the boy. This was when their
in a large, fine room, for example a grand sitting room; love began.
trap door: in a floor or ceiling, for example a floor g Raoul follows Christine into the graveyard beside
above a cellar) the church at Perros-Guirec late at night. He sees
4 a Monsieur/M. Debienne and Monsieur/M. Poligny her praying at her father’s grave and he hears the
b La Sorelli most perfect music, a piece that Christine’s father
c the Opera ghost used to play when he was alive. When Christine
d Joseph Buquet leaves, skulls roll toward Raoul and he sees the
e Madame Giry/Meg’s mother shadow of a man. Raoul follows the man and sees
f Monsieur/M. Moncharmin the face of Death with a pair of burnt-out eyes. He
g Christine Daaé feels that he has seen the devil and he faints. This is
h Philippe George Marie/Count of Chagny more proof that ghosts and phantoms are real in
i Raoul this story.
j Monsieur/M. Firmin Richard 6 a In this passage, the Opera ghost demands 20,000
k Mr. Daaé/Christine’s father francs per month. Monsieur Moncharmin and
l Monsieur/M.Valérius Monsieur Richard laugh at this and treat it as
m the Angel of music a joke.
5 a The young ballet dancers rush into La Sorelli’s b They laugh at this letter, too. They think that the
dressing room because they think they have seen old managers are playing a trick on them and want
the Opera ghost. This is important to the story to keep Box Five for themselves. They send tickets
because the reader is given a description of the for Box Five to Monsieur Debienne and Monsieur
ghost and his habits. Poligny but intend to do this only once.
b The dead body of Joseph Buquet is found hanging c They are annoyed by the letter from the two
in the third cellar under the stage. This scares retired managers because they think the joke is
everyone; they think the Opera ghost is responsible. going on too long.
c After fainting at the end of her performance, d They are annoyed, amused, and then angry with
Christine is with a doctor in her dressing room. Madame Giry’s explanations. They think she is mad
Raoul tries to see her but has to wait outside the and they fire her from her job. After this they
room. When Christine is alone in her dressing room, inspect Box Five for themselves.
Raoul hears her talking to a man. He searches the
7 Open answers
room after she leaves, but he finds no one. This
8 From the girls in the ballet company and Joseph
makes Raoul jealous and upset, and it makes the
Buquet, we learn that O.G. (Opera ghost) is ugly, wears
reader believe in the existence of a phantom.
fine clothes, walks quietly and slowly, is silent, has the
d At the wonderful party for the retiring managers,
face of Death and a body like a skeleton, is very thin,
everyone sees a man with a strange face and
has eyes that are just two big, black holes, and no nose.
hollow eyes sitting at the end of the table. Everyone
At the party for the retiring managers, we learn that
believes that this person, who does not speak
O.G. is ugly, pale, with two deep black holes for eyes.
or eat or drink, is the Opera ghost. This gives
He doesn’t eat or drink, but this time he has some
the reader more proof that the ghost is real, but
kind of nose, possibly a false one. Madame Giry says
nothing is definite.
that O.G. has a lovely man’s voice.
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level 5 Answer keys Teacher Support Programme

The Phantom of the Opera

9 a angry h Christine hears the Phantom’s voice; the room
b confident changes and she is mysteriously outside the room;
c optimistic a stone-cold hand seizes her wrist and covers her
d nervous mouth when she tries to scream.
e confused i Christine recognizes the Phantom’s voice; he tells
f emotional her his name; she sees the face beneath the mask;
10 a white she hears him play his music.
b black 15 –17  Open answers
c graveyard 18 a F  b T  c T  d T  e F  f F  g T
d near 19 a envelope
e lies to b stealing
f tragic c backward
g mirror d safety
h the same creature e empty
11 a cheerful 20 a F  b T  c T  d F  e F  f  T
b anxious 21 a Raoul thinks the eyes belong to Erik, his rival, and he
c excited wants to kill him.
d amazed b Christine is singing with all her heart and soul, and
e insulted Raoul is afraid for her. He stands because he is in
f desperate love and he is worried for her safety.
12 In the first letter to the two new managers, O.G. lists c and d  The new managers do these unusual things in
his demands and threatens to put a curse on the order to discover what has happened to the 20,000
Opera. In the second and third letters, O.G. threatens francs they gave to Opera ghost.
Carlotta with great misfortune if she appears that e Christine does not disappear willingly. She is carried
night on the stage. off by Erik.
13 Opera ghost, Angel of Music, Erik f Erik gives him a drug to make him sleep.
14 a A box of candy, a pair of opera glasses, strangely 22 a This key allows Christine to reach Erik at the edge
cold air, the sound of breathing, his laughter, and of the lake.
his voice. b Erik has told Christine that she will suffer his
b Raoul recognizes his face as the face of Death from revenge if the ring isn’t on her finger at all times.
Perros-Guirec when he is wearing a mask and c This report of a promise of marriage between
dressed as the Red Death. Raoul and Christine angers Count Philippe
c Raoul sees the ghost’s foot and his coat and then Chagny. Because he is angry and intends to stop
looks into his eyes; Christine’s voice changes. the wedding, he is accused of causing Christine’s
d Raoul and Christine hear a faint singing coming disappearance.
from the walls; the voice is male and beautiful; an icy d This allows Erik to steal Christine from the stage.
wind sweeps over Raoul’s face. e The disappearing money, replaced by false notes,
e A voice whispers in Raoul’s ear about Christine, her confuses the managers and makes them believe in
ring, and her soul. Opera ghost.
f A hand closes a trap door suddenly. f The mirror is a door in the wall. It has been cleverly
g A shadow follows Raoul and Christine; they made to allow Erik to enter his hidden world.
hear the sound of someone in pain; a shadow 23 Erik has Christine in the opera house or in the
approaches them; the shadow listens while house on the lake. Erik made the system that allows
Christine’s mirror to work as an entrance to his secret
Christine tells Raoul her story; a voice says, “Horror!
world. Erik is known in Persia as “the trap door lover.”
Horror! Horror!”; the Phantom’s burning eyes stare
Erik built the walls, the doors, and the trap doors of
down when Christine and Raoul kiss.
the Opera. Erik’s secret world can be reached through
the cellars of the opera house. Erik is very skilful with
a Punjab rope. Erik has a torture room.
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level 5 Answer keys Teacher Support Programme

The Phantom of the Opera

24 Open answers 3 Using “the ghost” and not “a ghost” suggests the ghost
25 a 4  b 6  c 8  d 2  e 3  f 1  g 7  h 5 has been seen before.
26 a HEAR 4 –5  Open answers
b HEAR 6 The ghost requests an allowance and Box Five for his
c SEE own use.
d SEE 7 Open answers
e FEEL 8 Monsieur Moncharmin and Monsieur Richard are
f HEAR the new managers. The Opera is in Paris. Monsieur
g HEAR Moncharmin has written his memories. Monsieur
h SEE Richard writes music.
i SEE 9 The old managers advise the new managers to obey
j FEEL the ghost to avoid trouble and to have the locks
k FEEL changed.
l FEEL 10 –13  Open answers
27 a 6  b 4  c 1  d 5  e 3  f 2 14 A curse is a magical spell that brings bad luck.
28 a Christine persuades Erik that she will be his living 15 a To keep his box for him and not to sell it, to give
wife. She sees him without his mask and doesn’t him an allowance and to allow Christine Daaé
run away, she allows him to kiss her forehead, and to sing.
she kisses his forehead. They cry together, and Erik b He threatens to curse the performance.
is emotional because their tears mix together. Her c Carlotta thinks that Christine is threatening her.
kiss is Erik’s first kiss, and after that he does what d Open answers
she asks him to do: he allows Raoul and the Persian 16 –18  Open answers
to live and later he allows Christine to go off with 19 Faust is a play by Goethe (German). Faust sells his soul
Raoul, her true love. But because of all the emotion to the devil to gain advantages in this life.
and his own heartbreak, Erik dies. 20 Suggested answers:
b He is a talented inventor. He sings beautifully and frightening (frightened), terrifying (terrified), scary
writes wonderful music. He is a skilful builder and (scared).
architect. He is great magician. He can throw a rope 21–33  Open answers
like a cowboy. He can torture and kill people in 34 Suggested answers:
many different ways. He is a great ventriloquist. Erik is a monster, a murderer, and a magician. He is
c While they were in Persia Erik helped the Persian, terribly ugly but sings beautifully and writes music. He
and the Persian saved Erik from being killed by the tried to drown the Persian, who knew him from the
Persian king. past and who had saved his life. He can use the Punjab
29 Possible answers: rope to kill and used to design buildings and build trap
The author’s method of telling the story gives us (the doors.
readers) the impression that we are working with the 35 –36  Open answers
story-teller to find out what is really happening. We 37 Suggested answer:
learn bits of information from different times and Christine wanted to sing beautifully and wanted the
places, and slowly we have to put it all together. This is Angel of Music to help her. However, she was weak
an exciting way to tell a story because we feel that we and could not escape Erik’s power.
are solving the mystery. 38 – 42  Open answers
30 –39  Open answers
Activity worksheets key
Discussion activities key 1 a Joseph Buquet
1 Suggested answer: b Gabriel
Phantom means ghost. It could be a ghost story. c the ghost
2 Suggested answer: d Madame Giry
Adjectives: frightening, terrifying, exciting, colorful. e Joseph Buquet
f Mercier
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level 5 Answer keys Teacher Support Programme

The Phantom of the Opera

2 a Monsieur Debienne and Monsieur Poligny 13 a the Persian
b They tell them about the Opera ghost and the b Erik
need to obey him. c Raoul
c No, they do not believe them. They laugh. d Philippe
d An allowance and Box Five e Christine Daaé
3 a F  b T  c T  d F  e T f Monsieur Moncharmin
4 a memories g Monsieur Richard
b scenery manager h Viscount Chagny
c Faust 14 –15  Open answers
d brothers
e Paris Progress test key
5 a They advise them to have new locks made and to 1 a Monsieur Armand Moncharmin and Monsieur
honor any request made by the ghost. Firmin Richard
b Disaster will strike the Opera. b Paris
6 The correct order is c A singer
1 c  2 h  3 f  4 a  5 j  6 d  7 g  8 i d He is found dead (hanged).
9 b  10 e e Chagny
7 a T f Box Five and an allowance
b T 2 a childhood
c F Her father took her. b grave
d T c Scandinavia
e F When her father died. d Brittany
8 Open answers 3 a retirement
9 a Monsieur Richard kicked her out of his office. b social (artistic)
b She asked all her supporters to attend that night’s c artistic (social)
performance. d performance
c The audience were enthusiastic. e retiring
d They found a box of candy. f tongue
e They felt some strange, cold air around them. g whispers
10 a Carlotta was unwell. 4 a 3  b 5  c 1  d 4  e 2
b Christine disappeared. 5 a T
c Madame Giry got her old job back. b F He wants Christine.
11 a Madame Valérius to Raoul c T
b Raoul to Madame Valérius d F They see signs that he’s been there.
c Christine to Raoul e F She has the voice of a toad.
d Christine to Raoul 6 a She will suffer his revenge.
e a man’s voice to Christine b He thinks he’s seen the eyes of the face of Death.
f Raoul to himself c The police detective
12 a performance d The disappearance of Christine
b talent e The Persian
c enthusiastic 7 a, b and d are true and should be ticked.
d beautifully 8 a 4  b 1  c 6  d 3  e 8  f 2  g 7  h 5
e doubt

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