Contract - I Oct, Nav 2021

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illllllillllllllffi[IlilIililililfiiftiiiti[]iiii]tit 40a2t5057/6021n021
First Semester 3 Year LL.B./IV Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B. (Maj.-Min.
System/B. B.A. LL. B./B.Com. LL. B. Exam i nati on, October/Novemb er 2021

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any f ive Questions f rom group (a), each

question carries 10 marks
2. Answer any five Questions from group (b), each
question carries 06 marks.
3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. a) Explain the essentials of a valid eontract. Marks : 10

r-ocb aodo&u{ dcnod ed-drd uoddddl edo&o.

Q. No. 1. b) 'A' a customer, picks up an article in a departmental store

and takes it to the cash counter. B, a clerk at cash counter
refuses to sell as it is only a sample, but not for sale. 'A'
wants to institute a suit against the owner of the store for
breach of contract. Advise 'A'. Marks : 6
'el' ao?J bu", ngdutd.: aryJ Reo$ eorlBo3;O_ t-odo
dxbddr soll sddc dridJ mdgiDd ddd, o drid:droodo
er,'*"S3. dd3c ddt rlcdoxiand 'r^r't od, dede:
"aooar^ld iaa
radeoood C;ncroo.l
dodq: poado:rddc. 'e'dJ e, etorlao$ doodd .)d,:d
do-ood we.l-of,dnah oadC;dto a'ode.:c uotxicqdl
's'&ri de.tdobdco &eBo.

Q. No. 2. a) Explain the doctrine of 'Privity of Contract'with exceptions,

if any. Marks : 10
'dcnd: m{d' &o'o*odddo* erdandrlgdod edr(dooori

40025057t6021n021 .2. 1fltilililililililililllilllifIllIltfll!iitiiii[itffiuIit

Q. No. 2. b) Ramu invited his friends for dinner. His friends agreed to
attend the dinner. Ramu and his wife prepared the food by
spending Rs. 10,000/-. But Ramu's friends failed to attend
the dinner. Ramu wants to institute a suit against his friend
for breach of contract. Can he do so ? Marks : 6
oadt dd +e"ddQ, oog en Bd, eiaa_D:rdd:. e:dd iebdd:
eruauE-, ,r?ri z"a#ooa-o. or*, J4 edd dodS d*
Faadd dromou a3r"*rr*ra eld:rioj:f dojnotdd:. erdt
oad>ad debdd: eroe^id udee-r. oa*i dd de&do eu;d
dcnod wd-of,drofl -iso::q ?,nao uob$Ed. erddi
oarl dndud>de ?

Q. No. 3. a) Who are competent to contract ? Explain the effects of

minor's agreement. Marks : 10
dodq dnaduadoOd* oJ:a& eedrdr ? eagd do3r{d)
dnadood r-dodd domad:ddd1 ado,lo.
Q. No. 3. b) 'A' kidnaps B's son and threatens to kill B's son if 'B'does
not sign a contract. Then'B'signs. There after'B'wants to
set a side the contract. Can he do so ? Marks : 6
'e' d)'aJd $dd$ edddea *ad6Jd d)$'ajd) uod: doaori
ieo$dl aado{a 'z^;'d drdd$; *ou:itmn ddodo$dl
oaad:qd. erd 'u'6b dbo]rq aad:Ed. el dodd 'zJ'd) er
doaddl ddgtoedo: uo$ioqd. erd$ marl dndudrde ?

Q. No. 4. a) 'An agreement in restraint of trade is void'. Explain and state

the exceptions. Marks : 10
'a}Crq &u:roqxbd ,"{od &dr'. ado:,o **
udt*d.:d edaadrlddl deeo. "dq
Q. No. 4. b) 'A' and 'B' entered into an agreement whereby 'A' should pay
Hs. 1 0,000/- to 'B', if it rains on a specif ied day, othenruise 'B' should
pay Rs, 10,000/- to 'A'. lt rains on that specified day.
Can 'B' recover the amount from 'A' in a court of law ? Marks : 6
'e' dcdg'u' z"odo ud.oddd,:" doadoodc erddod
z"ocb edod oddod: dJ$ol:add 'e'db 'D'Ori 10,OOO
doaaor: dodz3edo. abdCDdad! 'zJ'd) 'er'Crl 10,000
dnmor: drodsie*. er prlad ad&d; abdcD&dd. ,?J'd)
oarCne.:oJ:de)-'e'&od deaddl ddne *nau$#e f
llllil illllllr ililililffi il]ffi ililtilt llililil]ililU|fiIlillliiiit 4002/5057 16021nA21

Q. No. 5. a) Explain the different modes of discharge of contract. Marks : 10

dmod Diardos: Dod $mddddl ado:,o.

Q. No. 5. b)'A'adanceragreedtodance inthetheaterof 'B' atafuturedate.

Thereafter, 'A' met with an accident and lost both of her legs in
that accident. Henee, she failed to give danee programme in
the theater of 'B'. 'B' instituted a suit against 'A'for breach of
contract. Decide. Fularks : 6
'er' aou ddr-soJx 'rJ' d dcrkJ:e0Cd{ d::cudd usqi: frd
d.SrildmR dz3daf$4 drar$. et dodd 'ee d) uocb
rbocnn ei er@dd0_ q
addo uau:rldd1 #&doodqb" "@a4er
radeagn 'c' sb 'u d dorlaboaddO_ {d, aeoJ:ryidxid>4 fudu:
a*xE*b. '?J' d) 'e d a&d doaod we,:_c{idmfl mad:d:
draBd.$. &sarol:&o.
Q. No. 6. a) What is'Breach of Contract' ? Explain the types of breach
of contract. Marks : 10
dcnOd we.:-o-4rd -rodded: ? doaOd erue-:-of,dC: {aaddddl

Q. No. 6. b) Write a short note on : Marks. 6

'Appropriation of Payment',
'iomoJ: dnad dcad &u3do$'$o& rod ofio o"$a udolr.
Q. No. 7. a) What is Quasi-Contract ? When does Quasi-eontractual
liability arise ? Marks: 10
epd dcndo aodded"r ud duood dndnaod ojnaari
eru{dead:$d ?

Q. No. 7. b) 'A' was a tenant in B's house. 'B' failed to pay Municipal
taxes. Municipality announeed auction sale of the house to
recover taxes. 'A' paid taxes to avoid the sale. Can 'A'
recover the amount from 'B' ? Marks : 6
's d) '?,Jd abdo$Ooa '?r'd) ddddo$ d&t)
d:ouOer. s
dd #ro0 dnder: dqJ$) 'aJd abdo$di
doxd'-fo:og€ dnoao^l $Edlil*o$Q *neanA: e* dnmu:dd
dards: 'e'd) ddd dmdemao* Xn=a**:. 'e*'di es drod.Ci
'utod #nCI dndu*de?
4002/s057t6021n021 -4- ililtililtililIillililflil]ilflfl1ililtfiitftiiii!i[]itlliiilIi

Q. No. 8. a) Explain 'special Damages' and 'Liquidated damages,. Marks : 10

'cded doaadt'd ' C)d) ,dodr Ddrod doaaddd, dda

Q. No. 8. b) 'X' contracts with 'y' to pay 'y' Rs. 1,00,000/- if he fails to
supply the goods worth Rs. 20,000 to'y'on a particular day.
'X'fails to supply the goods on that day. ls ,y' entitled
to recover Fis. 1,00,000 from ,X, ? Marks : 6
'X' do'Y' d CJad,{ e"ocb ducd$ Cnadod,:scd. erdde
r.od.: eorsida,t- oddoCo k' dc zo,"odo doaaori
*foord;do idd;dddl ,y, 11 dBqFadd ,x, d) ,y, rl 1,00,000
doeaos:oJr& dod;dcnn
,X, -Jr
#id #oug&. s &ordaa:rd
oddod: idd:riddg drd*d** Dde-?dd;. ty, d:
'X' &od 1,00,000 doaoceuoS:J1 ddrDO d>dq: dd*e
dnoOq$obe ?

Q. No. 9. a) Explain the contracts which cannot be specifically enforced

under the Specific Relief Act. Marks : 10
erQ&o$d:dad)o_ eori dddeodoodl
?u:{, , {uTl
tiede>dd dod:dd$ &do:,o.

Q. No. 9. b) 'A' is B's medical advisor. He demands money of which ,8,

declines to pay. 'A'then threatens to make known the effect of
B's communication to him as a patient. 'B'wants to institute
a suit against'A'. Advise B. Marks :6
'e'dJ'D'd d,d.teo:: ie.:di"odoanoc-d. sdob depdd:
imcd.1 dodc-r5'zJ'dJ cooo?oxJ.:q3. errt',e,dJ z"z"i
doeflolon 'D'il-J era'Orf &eaC a,,oag;Jr;,}
a:bdorided:{mn'zJ'ilrf ddodd$ aadcsod.,a.l,d.J
'e'd cd:d oadoJ:d1 dodo a:o::xboJd. ,D,ri"dsdoJrq
Q. No. 10. a) Explain the provisions relating to the cancellation of
lnstruments. Marks : 10
9rd, {$,X+o'g oac;n'o*xic{dd*
douoe,ld tao,o&d
eo$*ddd: adolo.
Q. No. 10. b) Write a short note on : Marks : 6
Declaratory relief.
floedma{d dooadd d:od: e,od: ofiu r,s{ed udouro.

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