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Pilot Operating Guide

and Reference
Document 64-000098-080E
EFIS Software Version 8.0E

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) i

© 2016
Genesys Aerosystems
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One S-TEC Way, Municipal Airport, Mineral Wells TX. 76067

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ii IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
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1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) iii
IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction ...............................................................1-1
1.1. Introduction ...................................................................1-4
1.2. EFIS/FMS Description ..................................................1-4
1.3. Run Demonstrator/Training Application .......................1-7
1.4. EFIS Training Tool ........................................................1-8
1.5. About This Guide ..........................................................1-9
1.5.1. Audio and Video Interactive Capabilities ........1-12
Section 2 System Overview ......................................................2-1
2.1. Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................2-4
2.2. System Overview ........................................................2-18
2.2.1. Functional Integration and Display Redundancy ...
2.2.2. IDU Initialization ..............................................2-19
2.3. Software Safety Functions..........................................2-23
2.3.1. Normal and Essential States ..........................2-23
2.3.2. Menu Philosophy ............................................2-26
2.3.3. Avoidance of Autonomous Behavior ..............2-27
2.3.4. Data Source Monitors .....................................2-27
2.3.5. IDU Intra-System Communications ................2-28
2.4. General Arrangement .................................................2-28
2.4.1. GPS Aiding Limitation .....................................2-29
2.5. EICAS Display ............................................................2-30
2.6. Color Conventions ......................................................2-32
2.7. Warning/Caution/Advisory System .............................2-34
2.8. Database and Software Updates................................2-62

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

2.8.1. Navigation and Obstruction Databases.......... 2-62

2.8.2. Update Requirements .................................... 2-62
2.8.3. Terrain Database Update ............................... 2-66
2.9. Run Demonstrator/Training Program ......................... 2-66
2.9.1. Application Software Air Mode and Ground Mode
........................................................................ 2-66
Section 3 Display Symbology ................................................... 3-1
3.1. Introduction................................................................. 3-10
3.2. IDU-680 PFD Display (Normal Mode) (Tapes) .......... 3-10
3.2.1. IDU-680 PFD Display (Essential Mode) (Tapes) ..
........................................................................ 3-11
3.2.2. IDU-680 PFD Display Basic Mode (Tapes).... 3-12
3.3. IDU-680 MFD Display (Normal Mode) ....................... 3-14
3.3.1. IDU-680 MFD Display (Essential Mode) ........ 3-15
3.3.2. IDU-680 MFD in Normal Mode ....................... 3-16
3.4. Menu Functions .......................................................... 3-16
3.4.1. Selecting BARO ............................................. 3-17
3.4.2. Selected Altitude Sub-Mode (Target Altitude)
(Tapes) ........................................................................ 3-19
3.4.3. VNAV Sub-Mode ............................................ 3-20
3.4.4. Altitude Display (VNAV Tile) .......................... 3-21
3.4.5. Altitude Display (Metric Units) (Tapes)........... 3-21
3.5. PFD Symbology (Tapes) ............................................ 3-21
3.5.1. Minimum Altitude ............................................ 3-22
3.5.2. Altitude Display (Round Dials) ....................... 3-23
3.5.3. Vertical Speed Indicator (Tapes) .................... 3-25
3.5.4. Vertical Speed Indicator (Round Dials) .......... 3-26

2 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

3.5.5. Highway in the Sky/Skyway (Tapes only).......3-26

3.5.6. Normal AGL Indication (Tapes) ......................3-27
3.5.7. Analog AGL Indication (Tapes only) ...............3-28
3.5.8. Decision Height...............................................3-29
3.5.9. Airspeed Display (Tapes) ...............................3-30
3.5.10. Airspeed Display (Round Dials)......................3-32
3.5.11. Airspeed Display (with EFIS-Coupled) ...........3-33
3.5.12. Heading Display (Tapes) ................................3-33
3.5.13. Pitch Scale ......................................................3-35
3.5.14. Turn Rate Indicator (Tapes) ...........................3-36
3.5.15. Turn Rate Indicator (Round Dials) ..................3-37
3.5.16. Landing Gear Indication (Tapes and Round Dials)
3.5.17. Unusual Attitude Mode (Tapes) ......................3-37
3.5.18. PFD Background (Tapes only) .......................3-39
3.5.19. Flight Path Marker (Velocity Vector) (Tapes only).
3.5.20. Hover Vector (Tapes only) ..............................3-46
3.5.21. Bank Angle Scale (Tapes) ..............................3-47
3.5.22. Timer Indication ..............................................3-48
3.5.23. Marker Beacon Symbology ............................3-48
3.5.24. Flight Director Symbology (FD1 Single Cue)
(Tapes) ........................................................................3-48
3.5.25. Flight Director Symbology (FD2 Dual Cue) (Tapes)
3.5.26. Course Deviation Indicator (Tapes) ................3-50
3.5.27. OBS Setting of CDI .........................................3-52
3.5.28. Heading/Roll-Steering Sub-Mode ...................3-53
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IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

3.5.29. No Autopilot or Fully-Integrated Autopilot Course

Deviation Indicator .............................................................. 3-53
3.5.30. Vertical Deviation Indicator............................. 3-53
3.5.31. Vertical Deviation Indicator (EFIS Coupled)
(Tapes) ........................................................................ 3-56
3.5.32. Active Waypoint and Waypoint Identifier (Tapes) .
........................................................................ 3-57
3.5.33. Mini Map (Tapes only) .................................... 3-58
3.5.34. Runways (Tapes only).................................... 3-59
3.5.35. Heliports (Tapes only) .................................... 3-61
3.6. MFD Symbology ......................................................... 3-61
3.6.1. Basic Moving Map .......................................... 3-62
3.6.2. Ownship Symbology....................................... 3-62
3.6.3. Moving Map with Instrument Approach .......... 3-63
3.6.4. North-Up Arc Mode ........................................ 3-63
3.6.5. North-Up Centered Mode ............................... 3-64
3.6.6. Heading-Up Centered Mode .......................... 3-64
3.6.7. Waypoint Symbology...................................... 3-64
3.6.8. Conventional HSI/PTR Format ....................... 3-65
3.6.9. Compass Rose Symbols ................................ 3-66
3.6.10. Fuel Totalizer/Waypoint Bearing and Distance
Functions ........................................................................ 3-66
3.6.11. Clock Options ................................................. 3-68
3.7. Navigation Log ........................................................... 3-69
3.7.1. Clock and Groundspeed ................................ 3-69
3.7.2. Fuel Remaining and Fuel Flow Data .............. 3-69
3.7.3. Waypoint Identifier Column ............................ 3-69
3.7.4. VNAV and VNAV Offset Column.................... 3-70
4 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

3.7.5. Path Column ...................................................3-70

3.7.6. Distance Column ............................................3-71
3.7.7. Estimated Time Enroute Column....................3-71
3.7.8. Estimated Time of Arrival Column ..................3-72
3.7.9. Fuel Remaining Column .................................3-72
3.8. Start Point ...................................................................3-72
3.9. Altitude Capture Predictor/Top of Descent .................3-73
3.10. Projected Path ............................................................3-73
3.11. Active Flight Plan Path/Manual Course/Runways ......3-74
3.12. FOV Indication ............................................................3-75
3.13. Range .........................................................................3-75
3.14. Navigation Data ..........................................................3-76
3.14.1. Air Data and Groundspeed .............................3-78
3.14.2. Analog Navigation Symbology........................3-79
3.14.3. Borders ...........................................................3-80
3.14.4. Terrain/Obstructions .......................................3-81
3.15. Pan Mode ...................................................................3-83
3.16. HSI Screen .................................................................3-84
3.16.1. Ownship Symbol and Compass Rose ............3-84
3.16.2. HSI Screen VDI ..............................................3-85
3.16.3. Analog Navigation Symbology........................3-85
3.16.4. Air Data and Groundspeed .............................3-88
3.16.5. Clock/Options .................................................3-88
3.16.6. Fuel Totalizer/Waypoint Bearing and Distance
Functions ........................................................................3-88
3.17. Hover Screen ..............................................................3-89

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IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

3.17.1. Ownship Symbol ............................................ 3-89

3.17.2. Hover Screen Orientation ............................... 3-89
3.17.3. Hover Screen Range ...................................... 3-89
3.17.4. Hover Vector .................................................. 3-89
3.17.5. Compass Rose Symbols ................................ 3-91
3.17.6. Active Flight Plan Path/Manual Course.......... 3-91
3.17.7. Navigation Data .............................................. 3-93
3.17.8. Projected Path ................................................ 3-93
3.17.9. Air Data and Groundspeed ............................ 3-94
3.17.10. Clock............................................................... 3-94
3.17.11. AGL Indication ................................................ 3-94
3.17.12. Decision Height Indication .............................. 3-95
Section 4 Reversionary Modes ................................................ 4-1
4.1. Reversionary Modes .................................................... 4-6
4.1.1. Oat Sensor Failure Mode ............................... 4-11
4.1.2. Heading Failure Mode .................................... 4-11
4.1.3. PFD Screen Auto Reversion .......................... 4-11
4.1.4. EICAS Screen Single-Action Reversion......... 4-11
4.1.5. GPS Failure .................................................... 4-12
4.2. PFD Failure Mode 0 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) ............ 4-15
4.2.1. PFD Failure Mode 0 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
........................................................................ 4-16
4.2.2. MFD Failure Mode 0 (Normal Mode) ............. 4-17
4.3. PFD Failure Mode 1 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) ............ 4-18
4.3.1. PFD Failure Mode 1 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
........................................................................ 4-19

6 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

4.3.2. PFD Failure Mode 1 (Essential Mode) (Tapes) .....

4.3.3. MFD Failure Mode 1 (Normal Mode) ..............4-21
4.4. PFD Failure Mode 2 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) .............4-22
4.4.1. PFD Failure Mode 2 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
4.4.2. MFD Failure Mode 2 (Normal Mode) ..............4-24
4.4.3. MFD Failure Mode 2 (Essential Mode) (Tapes) ....
4.5. PFD Failure Mode 3 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) .............4-26
4.5.1. PFD Failure Mode 3 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
4.5.2. MFD Failure Mode 3 (Normal Mode) ..............4-28
4.6. PFD Failure Mode 4 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) .............4-29
4.6.1. PFD Failure Mode 4 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
4.6.2. MFD Failure Mode 4 (Normal Mode) ..............4-31
4.6.3. MFD Failure Mode 4 (Essential Mode) (Tapes) ....
4.7. PFD Failure Mode 5 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) .............4-33
4.7.1. MFD Failure Mode 5 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
4.7.2. MFD Failure Mode 5 (Normal Mode) ..............4-35
4.7.3. MFD Failure Mode 5 (Essential Mode) (Tapes) ....
4.8. PFD Failure Mode 6 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) .............4-37
4.8.1. PFD Failure Mode 6 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
4.8.2. MFD Failure Mode 6 (Normal Mode) ..............4-39

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IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

4.8.3. MFD Failure Mode 6 (Essential Mode) (Tapes) ....

........................................................................ 4-40
4.9. PFD Failure Mode 7 (Normal Mode) (Tapes) ............ 4-41
4.9.1. PFD Failure Mode 7 (Normal Mode) (Round Dials)
........................................................................ 4-42
4.9.2. MFD Failure Mode 7 (Normal Mode) ............. 4-43
4.9.3. MFD Failure Mode 7 (Essential Mode) (Tapes) ....
........................................................................ 4-44
Section 5 Menu Functions and Step-By-Step Procedures....... 5-1
5.1. Menu Functions ............................................................ 5-7
5.2. Menu Synchronization .................................................. 5-7
5.3. Menu Function Types ................................................. 5-10
5.4. Top-Level Menu ......................................................... 5-11
5.4.1. IDU-680 PFD Normal Mode Top-Level Menu 5-11
5.4.2. IDU-680 MFD Normal Mode Top-Level Menu5-12
5.4.3. IDU-680 PFD or MFD Essential Mode Top-Level
Menu ........................................................................ 5-13
5.4.4. Top-Level Menu Option Descriptions ............. 5-13
5.4.5. #1 Encoder () .............................................. 5-15
5.4.6. Top-Level Menu Automatic Pop-Up Function
Descriptions ........................................................................ 5-16
5.5. First Page (PFD) ........................................................ 5-19
5.5.1. First Level (PFD IDU#1) Normal Mode .......... 5-20
5.5.2. PFD Page First-Level Option Descriptions .... 5-20
5.6. First Level (MFD)........................................................ 5-22
5.6.1. First Level (MFD IDU other than #1) Normal Mode
........................................................................ 5-24
5.6.2. MFD Page First-Level Option Descriptions .... 5-24

8 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

5.6.3. IDU-680 EICAS Page First-Level in Essential

Mode ........................................................................5-25
5.6.4. EICAS Page First-Level Option Descriptions .5-26
5.7. EICAS Exceedance Menu ..........................................5-27
5.8. Expand CAS Menu .....................................................5-27
5.8.1. Expand CAS Menu (Step-By-Step) ................5-27
5.9. Lower-Level Menus (Below First-Level) .....................5-28
5.10. Flight Plan (FPL) Menu...............................................5-29
5.10.1. Flight Planner Page ........................................5-29
5.10.2. PFD Page Shown on IDU ...............................5-30
5.10.3. No PFD Page Shown on IDU .........................5-30
5.10.4. To Create an Overfly User Waypoint..............5-31
5.10.5. Flight Plan (FPL) Menu Selecting (Step-By-Step) .
5.10.6. Flight Plan (FPL) Menu Create-Edit (Step-By-
Step) ........................................................................5-31
5.10.7. Flight Plan (FPL) Menu Selection (Step-By-Step) .
5.10.8. Flight Plan (FPL) Creation (Step-By-Step) .....5-33
5.10.9. Activate Flight Plan (Step-By-Step) ................5-33
5.10.10. Edit Flight Plan (MFD only) (Step-By-Step) ....5-34
5.10.11. Reverse Flight Plan (Step-By-Step) ...............5-34
5.10.12. Delete Flight Plan (Step-By-Step) ..................5-35
5.10.13. Create User Waypoint (LAT-LON) (Step-By-Step)
5.10.14. Create User Waypoint (RAD-DST) (Step-By-Step)
5.10.15. Edit User Waypoint (Step-By-Step) ................5-38

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 9

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

5.10.16. Delete User Waypoint (Step-By-Step) ........... 5-39

5.10.17. RAIM Prediction (Step-By-Step) .................... 5-40
5.11. Active Flight Plan (ACTV) Menu ................................ 5-42
5.11.1. Active Flight Plan (ACTV) Menu Options ....... 5-42
5.11.2. Active Flight Plan (ACTV) Menu Options (Step-By-
Step) ........................................................................ 5-46
5.11.3. Active Flight Plan (ACTV) Menu (Step-By-Step) ..
........................................................................ 5-47
5.11.4. Active Flight Plan (ACTV) Options NRST Menu
Option (Step-By-Step)......................................................... 5-48
5.12. Information (INFO) Menu ........................................... 5-49
5.12.1. Information (INFO) Menu (Step-By-Step) ...... 5-51
5.13. Omnibearing Selector (OBS) Menu ........................... 5-51
5.13.1. Omnibearing Selector (OBS) Menu (Step-By-
Step) ........................................................................ 5-53
5.14. Heading Bug (HDG) Menu ......................................... 5-54
5.14.1. Heading Bug (HDG) Menu (Step-By-Step) .... 5-55
5.15. Nearest (NRST) Menu ............................................... 5-55
5.15.1. Nearest (NRST) Menu (Step-By-Step)........... 5-58
5.15.2. Nearest (NRST) Menu ILS (Step-By-Step) .... 5-58
5.16. Direct Menu ................................................................ 5-59
5.16.1. Direct Menu (Step-By-Step) ........................... 5-60
5.17. Time (TIME) Menu ..................................................... 5-61
5.17.1. Time (TIME) Menu (Step-By-Step) ................ 5-62
5.18. PFD Source (SOURCE) Menu ................................... 5-63
5.18.1. PFD Page First-Level Source Selection (Step-By-
Step) ........................................................................ 5-64
5.19. PFD Bug (BUGS) Menu (Step-By-Step) .................... 5-64

10 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

5.19.1. PFD Bug (BUGS) Menu (Step-By-Step).........5-67

5.20. PFD Declutter (DCLTR) Menu....................................5-69
5.20.1. PFD Declutter (DCLTR) Menu (Step-By-Step) ......
5.21. PFD Altimeter Menu ...................................................5-71
5.21.1. PFD Altimeter Menu (Step-By-Step) ..............5-72
5.22. MFD Fault Display (FAULTS) Menu ...........................5-73
5.22.1. MFD Fault Display (FAULTS) Menu (Step-By-
Step) ........................................................................5-76
5.23. MFD Fuel Totalizer Quantity Setting (SET FUEL) Menu ..
5.24. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu ...........................................5-77
5.24.1. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu (Step-By-Step) ......5-78
5.25. MFD HSI Page (Step-By-Step)...................................5-79
5.26. MFD HSI Pointer (PTRS) Menu .................................5-79
5.26.1. MFD HSI Pointer (PTRS) Menu (Step-By-Step) ...
5.27. MFD NAV LOG Page (Step-By-Step) ........................5-80
5.28. MFD ND Page Format (FORMAT) Menu ...................5-81
Section 6 Quick Start Tutorial ...................................................6-1
Section 7 IFR Procedures.........................................................7-1
7.1. Active Flight Plan ..........................................................7-5
7.2. IFR Procedures.............................................................7-8
7.3. Overview of Approaches ..............................................7-8
7.3.1. Highway in the Sky (Skyway) .........................7-10
7.3.2. Waypoint Sequencing .....................................7-15
7.3.3. Fly-Over Waypoints ........................................7-16
7.3.4. Fly-By Waypoints ............................................7-18
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IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

7.3.5. Direct-To ......................................................... 7-22

7.4. Magnetic Course ........................................................ 7-22
7.4.1. AHRS Modes for Heading Source ................. 7-23
7.4.2. GPS Altitude ................................................... 7-23
7.4.3. Dead Reckoning ............................................. 7-23
7.4.4. Geodesic Path Computation Accuracy .......... 7-24
7.4.5. Parallel Offsets ............................................... 7-24
7.5. Default GPS/SBAS Navigation Modes ....................... 7-27
7.6. GPS/SBAS CDI Scale ................................................ 7-29
7.7. Approach Type Selection ........................................... 7-29
7.7.1. Approach Path Definition ............................... 7-31
7.7.2. VTF IFR Approach ......................................... 7-31
7.7.3. VTF VFR Approach ........................................ 7-32
7.8. Missed Approach and Departure Path Definition ....... 7-32
7.9. Loss of Navigation Monitoring .................................... 7-33
7.10. Discontinuities ............................................................ 7-33
7.11. Selection of an Instrument Procedure ........................ 7-34
7.11.1. Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR) (Step-
By-Step) ........................................................................ 7-34
7.11.2. ILS Instrument Approach (Step-By-Step)....... 7-38
7.11.3. LOC Back Course Instrument Approach (Step-By-
Step ........................................................................ 7-41
7.11.4. RNAV (GPS) Instrument Approach to LPV Minima
(Step-By-Step) .................................................................... 7-45
7.11.5. NRST ILS Instrument Approach (Step-By-Step) ...
........................................................................ 7-48
7.11.6. VOR/DME Instrument Approach (Step-By-Step) ..
........................................................................ 7-51

12 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

7.11.7. Standard Instrument Departure (SID) (Step-By-

Step) ........................................................................7-55
Section 8 Terrain Awareness Warning System ........................8-1
8.1. Enhanced HTAWS and HTAWS (Terrain Awareness and
Warning System) Functions ......................................................8-4
8.2. Terrain Display..............................................................8-5
8.3. Forward Looking Terrain Alert Function .......................8-5
8.3.1. FLTA Modes .....................................................8-6
8.3.2. GPS/SBAS Navigation Mode Slaving...............8-6
8.3.3. Default FLTA Mode...........................................8-6
8.4. FLTA Search Envelope ................................................8-8
8.4.1. FLTA Search Volume .....................................8-10
8.4.2. FLTA Alerts and Automatic Popup .................8-10
8.5. Excessive Rate of Descent (GPWS Mode 1) .............8-12
8.6. Excessive Closure Rate to Terrain (GPWS Mode 2) .8-13
8.7. Sink Rate after Takeoff or Missed Approach (GPWS Mode
3) ....................................................................................8-14
8.8. Flight into Terrain when not in Landing Configuration
(GPWS Mode 4)......................................................................8-15
8.9. Excessive Downward Deviation from an ILS Glideslope
(GPWS Mode 5)......................................................................8-16
8.10. External Sensors and Switches ..................................8-17
8.11. TAWS Basic Parameter Determination ......................8-19
8.12. TAWS Automatic Inhibit Functions (Normal Operation) ....
8.12.1. TAWS Automatic Inhibit Functions (Abnormal
Operation) ........................................................................8-24
8.12.2. TAWS Manual Inhibit Functions .....................8-27
8.13. TAWS Selections on PFD ..........................................8-27
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IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

Section 9 Appendix .................................................................. 9-1

9.1. Appendix ...................................................................... 9-4
9.2. Operating Tips .............................................................. 9-4
9.3. Domestic or International Flight Planning .................... 9-4
9.3.1. Descent Planning ............................................. 9-4
9.3.2. Terrain Clearance............................................. 9-4
9.3.3. Departure Airport Information ........................... 9-5
9.3.4. Unique Names for Flight Plans ........................ 9-5
9.3.5. Altimeter Settings ............................................. 9-5
9.3.6. Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories ................ 9-5
9.4. Magnetic vs. True North Modes of Operation .............. 9-5
9.5. Altitude Miscompare Threshold.................................... 9-7
9.6. Airspeed Miscompare Threshold ................................. 9-8
9.7. Jeppesen NavData Chart Compatibility ..................... 9-10
9.8. ARINC-424 Path-Terminator Leg Types .................... 9-11
9.9. Data Logging and Retrieval ........................................ 9-16
9.10. Delete LOG Files ........................................................ 9-17
9.10.1. Downloading Screen Capture from Ground
Maintenance Pages ............................................................ 9-17
9.11. Routes and Waypoints ............................................... 9-18
9.11.1. VFR Flight Planning ....................................... 9-18
9.11.2. Download Routes and User Waypoints ......... 9-18
9.11.3. Upload Routes and User Waypoints .............. 9-18
9.11.4. Delete Routes and User Waypoints ............... 9-19
9.12. EFIS Training Tool (ETT) ........................................... 9-19
9.13. USB External Drive Memory Limitations .................... 9-19

14 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

9.14. Service Difficulty Report .............................................9-20

9.15. Certification Basis .......................................................9-21
9.16. Environmental Requirements .....................................9-22
T 1. Traffic Thumbnail (Tapes only) .................................... T-3
T 2. Traffic Display Definitions ............................................ T-3
T 2.1. Traffic Rendering Rules ................................... T-3
T 3. Dedicated Traffic Screen ............................................. T-5
T 3.1. Ownship Symbol .............................................. T-5
T 3.2. Traffic Screen Range ....................................... T-6
T 3.3. Compass Rose Symbols ................................. T-6
T 3.4. Active Flight Plan Path/Manual Course/Runways .
......................................................................... T-7
T 3.5. Clock and Options ........................................... T-8
T 3.6. Fuel Totalizer/Waypoint Bearing and Distance
Functions ....................................................................... T-10
T 3.7. MFD Traffic Format (FORMAT) Menu ........... T-10
T 4. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu .......................................... T-12
T 5. MFD Fault Display (FAULTS) Menu .......................... T-12
RBP 1. Remote BUGs Panel .......................................... RBP-3
S 1. WX-500 Data ............................................................... S-3
S 2. Strike Screen Range ................................................... S-4
S 2.1. Air Data and Groundspeed .............................. S-4
S 2.2. Clock and Options ........................................... S-4
S 2.3. Active Flight Plan Path/Manual Course/Runways .
......................................................................... S-4
S 2.4. Fuel Totalizer/Waypoint Bearing and Distance
Functions ......................................................................... S-6
S 2.5. MFD Strike Format (FORMAT) Menu.............. S-6
1 Ed Nov, 2016
IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 15
IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

S 3. MFD Page First-Level Option Descriptions ................. S-8

S 4. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu ............................................ S-8
S 5. MFD Fault Display (FAULTS) Menu ........................... S-8
AR 1. Introduction............................................................ AR-5
AR 2. Audio/Radio Page ................................................. AR-5
AR 2.1. Audio/Radio System Colors .......................... AR-5
AR 2.2. Common Symbols ......................................... AR-6
AR 2.3. VHF COM Transceiver .................................. AR-9
AR 2.4. VHF NAV Receiver........................................ AR-9
AR 2.5. ADF Receiver .............................................. AR-10
AR 2.6. Transponder ................................................ AR-11
AR 2.7. DME Receiver ............................................. AR-12
AR 2.8. Intercom ...................................................... AR-13
AR 3. Audio-Only........................................................... AR-14
AR 3.1. Audio-Only Symbols .................................... AR-14
AR 3.2. Marker Beacon Receiver ............................. AR-14
AR 3.3. Marker Beacon Receiver Symbols .............. AR-14
AR 4. AR Tune Menu .................................................... AR-15
AR 5. Expanded AR Page ............................................. AR-21
AR 5.1. ADR7050 COM Transceiver ....................... AR-24
AR 5.2. BXP6402 Mode-S Transponder .................. AR-26
AR 5.3. ARINC 716 VHF Com Transceiver (8.33 Capable
only) ..................................................................... AR-27
AR 5.4. RN3320 Nav Receiver................................. AR-28
AR 5.5. Radio Frequencies Panel ............................ AR-29
AR 6. Device-Specific Failures ...................................... AR-30

16 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

AR 6.1. TX Indicator .................................................AR-30

AR 6.2. AMU50 .........................................................AR-31
AR 6.3. JRAC-001 ....................................................AR-31
AR 7. Top-Level Menu Option Descriptions ..................AR-32
AR 8. First-Level Menu Option Descriptions .................AR-32
AR 9. #1 Encoder () ....................................................AR-33
D 1. Datalink Symbology ..................................................... D-4
D 1.1. Ownship Symbol .............................................. D-9
D 1.2. Datalink Screen Legend .................................. D-9
D 1.3. Air Data and Groundspeed ............................ D-10
D 1.4. Clock/Timers/Options .................................... D-10
D 1.5. Datalink Screen Orientation ........................... D-14
D 1.6. Boundary Circle Symbols .............................. D-15
D 1.7. Active Flight Plan Path/Manual Course/Runways .
....................................................................... D-16
D 1.8. Borders .......................................................... D-17
D 1.9. Pan Mode ...................................................... D-17
D 2. MFD Datalink Format (FORMAT) Menu .................... D-17
D 2.1. MFD DATALINK Page (Step-By-Step) .......... D-18
D 3. Active Flight Plan (ACTV) Menu Options .................. D-22
D 4. Information (INFO) Menu........................................... D-22
D 5. MFD Fault Display Menu ........................................... D-22
D 6. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu .......................................... D-22
WX 1. Weather Radar ..................................................... WX-3
WX 2. Weather Screen Format ....................................... WX-3
WX 2.1. Weather Screen Range ................................ WX-5

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 17

IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E

WX 2.2. Track Line ..................................................... WX-5

WX 2.3. Active Flight Plan Path/ Manual Course/ Runways
...................................................................... WX-6
WX 2.4. Weather Radar Return Data ........................ WX-6
WX 2.5. Air Data and Groundspeed .......................... WX-8
WX 2.6. Clock/Timers/Options ................................... WX-8
WX 2.7. Fuel Totalizer/Waypoint Bearing and Distance
Functions .................................................................... WX-11
WX 3. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu ................................... WX-13
WX 4. MFD Fault Display (FAULTS) Menu .................. WX-13
V 1. Video Input Screen ...................................................... V-3
V 1.1. ZOOM Level .................................................... V-3
V 1.2. Pan Mode ........................................................ V-3
V 1.3. Video Input Status Display .............................. V-4
V 2. MFD Video Input Format (FORMAT) Menu ................ V-6
V 3. IDU-680 Center Encoder Controls .............................. V-7
V 4. MFD Page (PAGE) Menu .......................................... V-10

18 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

Section 1 Introduction

Section 1 Introduction

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1-1
Section 1 Introduction

Revision Record
Rev Notes Date Author

1-2 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 1 Introduction

Table of Contents
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................1-1
1.1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................1-4
1.2. EFIS/FMS DESCRIPTION...............................................1-4
1.4. EFIS TRAINING TOOL ....................................................1-8
1.5. ABOUT THIS GUIDE........................................................1-9
1.5.1. Audio and Video Interactive Capabilities ..........1-12

List of Figures
FIGURE 1-1: IDU-680 INPUT IDENTIFICATION ...................................1-5
MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY (MFD) .............................................1-6
FIGURE 1-3: IDU-680 MULTIFUNCTION DISPLAY (MFD) ...................1-7
FIGURE 1-5: AUDIO AND VIDEO ICONS............................................1-12

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1-3
Section 1 Introduction

1.1. Introduction

In the last two decades, aviation has become more complex. As a

result, cockpit resources have followed the commercial carriers’
trend toward “automation centered” systems. These sophisticated
systems minimize pilot involvement and automate control of the
aircraft and its systems to the greatest extent possible, thereby
relegating the pilot to the role of manager and emergency backup.
Examples are flight directors and fly-by-wire systems where the pilot
is removed from the information loop.
The Genesys Aerosystems Electronic Flight Instrument System
(EFIS) installed in this rotorcraft was conceived and designed as a
“pilot-centered” system. While still highly automated, this type of
system, common in military tactical applications, presents the pilot
with information necessary to make decisions about the flight and
take the appropriate actions. An example is the Highway-In-The-Sky
(HITS), which allows for highly automated approaches, but its
predictive nature provides the pilot unprecedented awareness of
upcoming maneuvers. Contrary to the traditional idea of overloading
the pilot with information and options, this Genesys Aerosystems
EFIS clearly and concisely presents only necessary information.
This reduces pilot workload while greatly decreasing task complexity
as it minimizes confusion. The result is safer flying with less stress
and fatigue.
The Genesys Aerosystems EFIS Flight Logic goal is IFR-VFR
equivalence, and the basic concept of the FlightLogic EFIS is proven
HUD symbology overlaying a real-time 3-D virtual reality view of the
outside world. The resulting “synthetic vision” provides the pilot in
IMC with the same simple visual clues for navigation and aircraft
control as those used in VFR conditions. This “virtual VFR”
eliminates the need to scan multiple instruments for aircraft control
or mentally interpret complicated enroute and approach procedures.
As experience is gained with this complex integrated system, the
pilot will fly with more precision, awareness, and confidence.
1.2. EFIS/FMS Description

The IDU (Integrated Display Unit) is manufactured from machined,

anodized aluminum and has 16 pushbuttons along the vertical sides
numbered L1 through L8 starting at the top left corner of the display
moving down from a pilot’s perspective and R1 through R8 from the
top right corner moving down the display.

1-4 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 1 Introduction

L1 R1

L2 R2

L3 R3

L4 R4

L5 R5

L6 R6

L7 R7

L8 R8

#3 #2 #1
Encoder Encoder Encoder
Figure 1-1: IDU-680 Input Identification

There are four encoders along the bottom with the left encoder only
controlling the backlighting intensity. The remaining three encoders
from right to left across the bottom of the bezel are designated
encoder , , and . References in Section 5 Menu Functions
and Step-By-Step Procedures refer to which encoder to push and/or
scroll for desired outcomes. Between the two center encoders on
the bezel, a USB port with provisions for a slip indicator or blank
housing acts as a movable door. When this door is lifted, an optical
switch initiates the Ground Maintenance mode to gain access to the
maintenance program once a USB memory device is inserted.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1-5
Section 1 Introduction

The IDU bezel includes an ambient light sensor located on the front
face to measure ambient light levels. The left encoder is used only
to set backlight illumination levels. The brightness control
independently controls the panel lighting and display lighting
brightness. Panel lighting refers to the illumination of legends,
encoders, and buttons (push and scroll clockwise to increase and
counter clockwise to decrease). Display lighting refers to the
illumination of the LCD display (without pressing and as described
with panel lighting). This lighting may be controlled locally or
remotely with a default state being with the local control.

If entering the Ground Maintenance mode with bright light shining

or reflecting directly on the display, shield the light sensor if

Figure 1-2: IDU-680 Primary Flight Display (PFD) and

Multifunction Display (MFD)
1-6 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 1 Introduction

Figure 1-3: IDU-680 Multifunction Display (MFD)

1.3. Run Demonstrator/Training Application

Using the built in demonstration application, the EFIS may be used

to fly anywhere in the world while performing any procedure (except
takeoff and landing) based on the current Jeppesen navigation
database. To use this feature on the ground with the Ground Mode
being electronically satisfied:
1) With power off, lift the USB memory flash door. Insert a USB
flash memory storage device in the IDU lower bezel.

2) Power the system on and use  (scroll and push to enter) to


1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1-7
Section 1 Introduction

Figure 1-4: Run Demonstrator/Training Application

With the demonstrator, the pilot gains familiarity of the EFIS menu
structure and location of button tiles for each operation. Load an
instrument procedure prior to take off to view the sequence of events
to be expected with the aircraft flying the same speeds normally
flown as read from the preset limits.
The demonstrator program automatically begins flying over Reno
Nevada USA. The altitude begins at approximately 7900’ MSL and
may be changed with the use of the menu and target altitude control.
The airspeed remains relatively constant but may be controlled with
the Airspeed IAS bug in the BUGS menu. The simulated aircraft may
be positioned anywhere in the world due to the worldwide terrain
database loaded in the system by activating a flight plan stored in
the memory. However, the Jeppesen navigation database must be
updated to match the area of the world navigation as anticipated.
All appropriate navigation signals are simulated, allowing for
precision and non-precision instrument approaches found within the
current navigation database. All obstructions in the latest obstruction
database and all Warning, Caution, and Advisory System aural and
flag annunciations are presented as appropriate during the
simulated demonstration flights.
In addition to the demonstrator program, a training tool is available
to load on a personal computer for purposes of flying like the aircraft.
1.4. EFIS Training Tool

The EFIS Training Tool (ETT) is an application entirely based on the

EFIS code and is compatible with 32- or 64-bit versions of Microsoft
Windows. It serves as a multi-purpose tool for training pilots and
1-8 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 1 Introduction

provides features to record and capture images. This tool may be

used to create routes and user waypoints for saving and uploading
into the aircraft mounted IDUs. The ETT has a bezel with simulated
buttons and encoders responsive to mouse and keyboard
messages. Bezel graphics are derived from actual bezel design
data, and the ETT presents an active display with 1:1 pixel
correspondence to an actual IDU display. The audio output
capability for the ETT matches the audio functionality in the actual
IDU. This training tool simulates the functionalities of the IDU-680,
which begins flight in Reno, Nevada at approximately 7900’ MSL. If
different ETT startup conditions are required, they may be edited.
See user guide distributed with the ETT install files as described in
Section 9 Appendix for further details.
Flight plans may be created (on the PFD or MFD), stored, and
activated in the same manner as on the EFIS displays installed in
the aircraft. This allows moving the start point to anywhere in the
world where loaded NavData is present for practicing published
procedures. As with the demonstrator program, the aircraft begins
flying at approximately 7900’ MSL (unless the simulate.ini program
is loaded) intercepting the first leg at a 45° angle.
1.5. About This Guide

The operation of the Genesys Aerosystems EFIS and FMS is

described in detail and divided into nine sections as follows:
Use this section to locate areas by topic…
Use this section to gain basic understanding of how this pilot guide
is constructed and where to begin…
This section provides a basic system description and block diagram;
operational warnings; acronyms, and abbreviations; coloring
conventions; and detailed descriptions of the EFIS hardware. This
section contains the Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories table
describing annunciations for each category, where the flag appears,
and on which position of each display under identified conditions.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1-9
Section 1 Introduction

Use this section to gain better understanding of the system and learn
terminology, abbreviations, acronyms, and what the warnings,
cautions, and advisories mean. This is where a basic description of
all encoder and button functions and coloring conventions are
introduced with menu tile definitions, as well as, database updating
procedures and how the IDU behaves during initialization…
This section provides identification of each screen element of the
PFD and MFD. For each separate screen, every element of the
symbology is identified on a sample screen. Immediately following
the sample screens, all elements for that screen are listed.
Use this section to gain familiarity and understand what symbology
to anticipate and define after viewing for every possible PFD and ND
This section provides views of the IDU-680 displays with various
sensor failed conditions and resulting symbology as well as
examples of various configurations and display formats used with
specific tables showing affected functions.
Use this section to understand what to expect when a particular
sensor fails and what changes on the display immediately or after a
specified amount of time…
(Section 5)
This section shows a flow diagram and selection options with step-
by-step procedures for each configured possibility with this EFIS
system. The basis for this section has been the Systems
Requirement Documentation for this operating system software.
Use this section to understand the menu structure of each feature
and how to go step-by-step during operation of each specific task…

This section provides the basics necessary for flying a familiarization

flight with this system. With a few simple steps, an active waypoint
may be created and the view may be controlled to manage the
displays for the existing flight conditions.

1-10 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 1 Introduction

Use this section to quickly gain familiarity with where to locate

controls to manipulate the system for each operation…
This section provides detailed information and instruction about
selecting and flying instrument procedures found within the
Jeppesen navigation database.
Use this section to gain familiarity with selection of departure,
published instrument approach, and standard terminal arrival
procedures. This section describes how ATC clearances may often
change and how the active flight plan quickly reflects these changes.
Additionally, this section defines examples of the most popular
published procedures with views of referenced published
This section contains a description of the TSO-C194 Enhanced
HTAWS and HTAWS functionality for this rotorcraft with all
Use this section for understanding the HTAWS functions provided
for the various phases of flight in addition to the call-outs for each
GPWS Mode as described in detail for all possible configurations.
This section defines the various parameters, which automatically
apply to each mode of flight…
APPENDIX (Section 9)
This section contains support material and other useful information
about system operation, ancillary guidance from Jeppesen, and
supplemental information. The appendix contains individual
sections on equipment and features not installed in every aircraft
and may be removed at the discretion of the end-user.
Use this section for understanding domestic flight planning;
Magnetic vs. True North modes of operation; Airspeed/Altitude
Miscompare thresholds; EFIS Training Tool accessibility; naming
conventions used by the navigation database provider; flight data
recorded information format; downloading routes and user
waypoints; and sourcing a copy of the Service Difficulty Report

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1-11
Section 1 Introduction

The index provides an alphabetical listing of terms used in the pilot
guide with corresponding page numbers.
Use to look up a key word and locate where it is used in the text.
The glossary provides an alphabetical listing of definitions for terms
used in the pilot guide.
Use to look up definitions for key words and terms.
1.5.1. Audio and Video Interactive Capabilities

Throughout this guide, references to audio annunciations and video

demonstrations are indicated with the following icons. When viewing
this guide on a computer or mobile device, click on the icons to hear
the respective audio clip or watch a demonstration video via
Genesys Aerosystems’ YouTube™ channel. Check the YouTube
channel for additional videos as they become available.

Audio Video
Figure 1-5: Audio and Video Icons

Genesys Aerosystems is committed to producing the highest

quality product possible and welcomes comments and
suggestions concerning this publication. Please e-mail
comments and suggestions to:
[email protected]
If you encounter problems with the operation of your Genesys
Aerosystems EFIS, please complete and return the Service Difficulty
Report in Section 9 Appendix directly to:
Genesys Aerosystems
One S-Tec Way
Mineral Wells Municipal Airport
Mineral Wells, Texas 76067 or Fax: (940) 325-3904

1-12 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Section 2 System Overview

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-1
Section 2 System Overview

Table of Contents
SECTION 2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ........................................ 2-1
2.1. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................... 2-4
2.2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ..................................................... 2-18
2.2.1. Functional Integration and Display Redundancy ....
......................................................................... 2-18
2.2.2. IDU Initialization ............................................... 2-19
2.3. SOFTWARE SAFETY FUNCTIONS .................................. 2-23
2.3.1. Normal and Essential States ............................ 2-23
2.3.2. Menu Philosophy.............................................. 2-26
2.3.3. Avoidance of Autonomous Behavior ................ 2-27
2.3.4. Data Source Monitors ...................................... 2-27
2.3.5. IDU Intra-System Communications.................. 2-28
2.4. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ............................................ 2-28
2.4.1. GPS Aiding Limitation ...................................... 2-29
2.5. EICAS DISPLAY.......................................................... 2-30
2.6. COLOR CONVENTIONS ................................................. 2-32
2.7. WARNING/CAUTION/ADVISORY SYSTEM ....................... 2-34
2.8. DATABASE AND SOFTWARE UPDATES .......................... 2-62
2.8.1. Navigation and Obstruction Databases ........... 2-62
2.8.2. Update Requirements ...................................... 2-62
2.8.3. Terrain Database Update ................................. 2-66
2.9. RUN DEMONSTRATOR/TRAINING PROGRAM .................. 2-66
2.9.1. Application Software Air Mode and Ground Mode..
......................................................................... 2-66

List of Figures and Tables

FIGURE 2-1: SYSTEM DIAGRAM ..................................................... 2-19
2-2 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview


FIGURE 2-2: NORMAL AND ESSENTIAL STATES ...............................2-24
FIGURE 2-3: MFD WITH EICAS NORMAL MODE .............................2-25
FIGURE 2-4: MFD WITH EICAS ESSENTIAL MODE..........................2-26
FIGURE 2-6: EICAS ......................................................................2-30
FIGURE 2-7: PFD WITH EICAS .....................................................2-31
FIGURE 2-8: MFD WITH HSI AND EICAS .......................................2-32
TABLE 2-2: WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND ADVISORIES .....................2-35
TABLE 2-3: ANNUNCIATIONS PRIORITY ...........................................2-60
TABLE 2-4: LOG FILE VALUES ........................................................2-62
FIGURE 2-9: GROUND MAINTENANCE PAGE ...................................2-62
FIGURE 2-10: IDU-680 STARTUP SCREEN .....................................2-64

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-3
Section 2 System Overview

2.1. Abbreviations and Acronyms

µm Hg Micrometer of Mercury
0R No Radius
3-D Three-Dimensional
AC Advisory Circular
ACTV Active
AD Airworthiness Directive
A-D Analog to Digital (converter)
ADAHRS Air Data Attitude Heading Reference System
ADC Air Data Computer
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
AGL Above Ground Level
AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System
AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control
AIRMET Airmen’s Meteorological Information
ALT Pressure Altitude
ALT SEL Altitude Selection
ALTA Equal to “Selected Altitude Submode” (AW 109SP)
AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display
ANP Actual Navigation Performance
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANT Antenna
APP Waypoint is part of an Instrument Approach Procedure
APPR Approach
APT Airport
APV Approach with Vertical Guidance
AR Audio Radio
ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
ARP SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice

2-4 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

AS SAE Aerospace Standard

ASEL Aircraft Selected Altitude
ATA AT Attachment (hard disk storage interface)
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATT Attitude
BARO Barometric setting
BC Backcourse navigation
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BRT Brightness
BTM Bottom
C Celsius
CA Course to Altitude (ARINC-424 Leg)
CALC as in RAIM (R6)
CAS Crew Alerting System
CD Course to DME Distance (ARINC-424 Leg)
CCW Counter Clockwise
CDA Continuous Descent Approach
CDI Course Deviation Indicator
CDR Critical Design Review
CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
CF Course to Fix (ARINC-424 Leg)
CI Course to Intercept (ARINC-424 Leg)
CLR Clear
CM Configuration Management
CNS Communications/Navigation/Surveillance
CNX Cancel
COM Communication
CONT Continue
CPLT Co-Pilot
CPM Company Project Manager; Computer Processor
CPU Central Processing Unit

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-5
Section 2 System Overview

CR Change Request; Course to Radial Termination

(ARINC-424 Leg)
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRS Course
CSA Conflict Situation Awareness (ADS-B)
CTRST Contrast
CW Clockwise
DA Decision Altitude
D-A Digital to Analog (converter)
DAICD Digital Aeronautical Information CD
DAR Designated Airworthiness Representative
dBZ Decibel relative to radar reflectivity (Z)
DCLTR Declutter
DCN Document Change Notice
DCND Descend
DEC HT Decision Height Bug
DEL Delete
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DER Designated Engineer Representative
DESIG Designate
DF Direct to Fix (ARINC-424 Leg)
DFLT Default
DG Directional Gyro
DH Decision Height
DL Data Link
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DMIR Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative
DO RTCA Document
DOD Department of Defense
DOF Digital Obstruction File
DP Departure Procedure
DR Dead Reckoning or; Defect Report
DSP Digital Signal Processing
2-6 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System

EGM Earth Gravity Model
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
EIA Electronics Industry Association
EICAS Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System
ESSNTL Essential
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE Estimated Time Enroute
ETT EFIS Training Tool
EXCD Exceedance
EXPND Expand (also EXP)
F Fahrenheit
FA Course from a Fix to Altitude (ARINC-424 Leg)
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation
FAWP Final Approach Waypoint (same as FAF)
FC Course Fix to along Track Distance (ARINC-424 Leg)
FD Course from a Fix to DME Distance (ARINC-424 Leg);
Flight Director
FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion
FG Fixed Gear
FG + F Fixed Gear with Defined Landing Flaps Position
FHA Functional Hazard Analysis
FIFO "First in, First out"
FIS Flight Information Service
FIS-B Flight Information Service-Broadcast
FL Flight Level
FLTA Forward Looking Terrain Awareness
FM Course from Fix to Manual termination (ARINC-424
FMEA Fault Mode and Effects Analysis

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-7
Section 2 System Overview

FMS Flight Management System

FOV Field of View
FPE Floating Point Emulation
FPL Flight Plan
FPM Feet per Minute; Flight Path Marker
FSD Full Scale Deflection
FT Feet
FTE Flight Technical Error
FTP Fictitious Threshold Point
FNCT Function
GAGAN India’s GPS and GEO-Augmented Navigation System
GARP GNSS Azimuth Reference Point
GBAS Australia’s Ground Based Augmentation System
GLONASS Russian Global Navigation Satellite System
GLS GNSS Landing System
GMETAR Graphical METAR (also GMTR)
GMF Ground Maintenance Function
GN Gain
GND Ground (potential)
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPH Gallons Per Hour
GPI Glidepath Intercept
GPIP Glide Path Intercept Point
GPS Global Positioning System
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GRD Grid; Ground
GS Glideslope
H Hold
HA Terminates at an altitude (ARINC-424 Leg)
HF Holding, Pattern to Fix (ARINC-424 Leg)
HM Altitude or Manual Termination (ARINC-424 Leg)
HAL Horizontal Alert Limit
HAT Height Above Threshold
2-8 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

HDG Heading
HFOM Horizontal Figure of Merit
hh:mm:ss Hours: Minutes: Seconds
HITS Highway in the Sky
HORIZ Horizontal
hPa Hectopascal
HPL Horizontal Protection Level
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HTAWS Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System
HUD Head Up Display
HUL Horizontal Uncertainty Limit
IAP Instrument Approach Procedure; Initial Approach Point
IAS Indicated Airspeed
IAWP Initial Approach Waypoint (same as IAP)
IC Integrated Circuit
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICD Interface Control Document
ID Identity or Identification
IDENT Identification (Transponder Ident)
IDS Integrated Display System (AW-109SP)
IDU Integrated Display Unit
IF Initial Fix leg
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
IM Inner Marker
INFO Information
INHBT Inhibit
inHg Inches of Mercury
INIT Initialize
IO Input/Output
IP Initial Point
IPV Instrument Procedure with Vertical Guidance
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-9
Section 2 System Overview

ISR Interrupt Service Routine

IVSI Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator
IWP Intermediate Approach Waypoint
JAD Jeppesen Aviation Database
JTAG Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.1 Standard)
K Kilo=1000
KB Kilobyte
kHz Kilohertz
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
KT Knot - Nautical Mile per Hour
KTAS Knots True Airspeed
LAT Latitude
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCL Local
LDA Localizer-type Directional Aid
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGND Legend
LIFR Low IFR conditions (Ceiling < 100’ or visibility < 1 mile)
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LOC Localizer
LOI Loss of Integrity
LON Loss of Navigation; Longitude
LP Localizer Performance
LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LSB Least Significant Bit or Byte
LTP Landing Threshold Point
LVL Level
MA Waypoint is part of the missed approach segment of an
Instrument Approach Procedure
MAGVAR Magnetic Declination (Variation)
MAHP Missed Approach Holding Point
MAHWP Missed Approach Holding Waypoint (same as MAHP)
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Section 2 System Overview

MAN Manual
MAP Missed Approach Point; Missed Approach Procedure
MASPS Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard
MAWP Missed Approach Waypoint
MAWPT Missed Approach Waypoint
MB Megabyte
mbar Millibars
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MEMS Micro Electro Mechanical System
MESO Mesocyclonic
METAR Routine hourly weather report
MFD Multifunction Display (IDU with software for showing
multiple display screens)
MIN Minimum
MM Middle Marker
MMO Maximum Operating Mach Number
MOA Military Operations Area
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standard
MOT Mark On Target
MSAS Japan’s MTSAT-based Satellite Augmentation System
MSB Most Significant Bit or Byte
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSU Magnetic Sensor Unit
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MVFR Marginal Visual Flight Rules
NACO National Aeronautical Charting Office
NAS U.S. National Airspace System
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAV Navigation
NAVAID Device or system providing navigational assistance
ND Navigation Display
NDB Nondirectional Beacon
NED National Elevation Dataset
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IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-11
Section 2 System Overview

NEXRAD (Next-Generation Radar) network of weather radars

operated by the National Weather Service (NWS) (also
NI Navigational Information
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NM Nautical Mile
NPA Non-Precision Approach
NRST Nearest
nT Nanoteslas (ref. World magnetic Model)
NTSC National Television System Committee standard analog
video system (30 frames per second) used in North
America and most of South America
NWS National Weather Service
NXT Next
OASIS Open Architecture Systems Integration Symbology
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBS Omnibearing Selector
ODP Obstacle Departure Procedure
OF Over-fly
OM Outer Marker
OT Other Traffic (Traffic Function)
PA Proximate Advisory (Traffic Function)
PAL Predominant analog video system (25 frames per
second) used outside North America and South
PDA Premature Descent Alert
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PFD Primary Flight Display (display screen showing primary
instrumentation -- also refers to the primary IDU with
software that only shows primary instrumentation)
PFDE Predictive Fault Detection and Exclusion
PFI Primary Flight Information
PI Procedure Turn (ARINC-424 Leg)
PIC Peripheral Interface Controller
PLI Pitch Limit Indicator
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Section 2 System Overview

PLT Pilot
PM Personality Module
PN Part Number; Pan
PRAIM Predictive Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
PROC Procedure
PRV Previous
PSAC Plan for Software Aspects of Certification
PSCP Project Specific Certification Plan
PSP Partnership for Safety Plan
PTK Parallel offset (Parallel Track)
PTN Problem Tracking Number
PTRS Pointers
QA Quality Assurance
QFE Altimeter setting provides height above reference point
QM Quality Management
QNE Altimeter setting provides pressure altitude readout
QNH Altimeter setting provides MSL altitude at a reporting
RA Resolution Advisory (Traffic Function)
RADALT Radar Altimeter (also RALT)
RAD-DST Radial and Distance
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RAM Random Access Memory
RBP Remote Bug Panel
RCP Radar Control Panel
RDR Radar
REC ADF receiver in BFO or test mode
RF Precision Arc to Fix (ARINC-424 Leg)
RFMS Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement
RFP Radio Frequency Panel
RG Retractable Gear
RG + F Retractable Gear with Defined Landing Flaps Position
RHT Radar Height
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Section 2 System Overview

RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator

RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RS EIA Recommended Standard
RTC Real Time Computing
RTCA Radio Telephone Commission for Aeronautics
RTD Resistive Thermal Detector
RTL Run Time Library
RTN Return
RW Runway
Rx Receive
SA Selective Availability
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAS Software Accomplishment Summary
SAT Saturation
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System
SCC System Configuration Card (personality module)
SCI Software Configuration Index
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SCR Software Conformity Review
SCS Software Coding Standards
SDCM System of Differential Correction and Monitoring
SDD Software Design Document
SDP Software Development Plan
SDS Software Design Standards
SECAM Analog color television system used in France
SECI Software Environment Configuration Index
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIGMET Significant Meteorological Advisory
SLCT Select
SMA Sub-Miniature version A connector
SN Serial Number
SNI Serial Number Information
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Section 2 System Overview

SOI Stage of Involvement (FAA software audit)

SPR Software Problem Report
SQA Software Quality Assurance
SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan
SQAR Software Quality Assurance Representative
SRD Software Requirements Document
SRS Software Requirements Standards
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topographical Mission
SSA System Safety Assessment
SSM Sign Status Matrix
STAB Stability
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Routes
STBY Stand-by
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
STP Software Test Protocol
STRKS Strikes (Lightning detection)
STS Software Test Specification
SUA Special Use Airspace
SV Service Vehicle
SVCP Software Verification Cases and Procedures
SVP Software Verification Plan
SVR Software Verification Results
SVS Synthetic Vision System
SYMB Symbol
SYNC Synchronize (also SYNCH)
SYRD System Requirements Document
TA Traffic Advisory (Traffic Function)
TACAN Ultra-High Frequency Tactical Air Navigational Aid
TAFs Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts
TAS Traffic Advisory System; True Airspeed
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TCA Terminal Control Areas
TCAD Traffic Collision Alert Device
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Section 2 System Overview

TCAS Traffic Collision Alert System

TCH Threshold Crossing Height
TD Traffic Display
T/D Top of Descent
TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures
TF Track to a Fix; Track from Fix to New Fix (ARINC-424
TFR Temporary Flight Restriction
TGT Target
THLD Threshold
TIS Traffic Information Service
TIS-B Traffic information Service-Broadcast
TLT Tilt
TMS Texas Instruments family of DSP processors
TQP Tool Qualification Plan
TRANS Transition
TRK Track
TRNDO Tornadic
TSO Technical Standard Order
TSRA Terminal Radar Service Area
TTA Time to Alert
TURB Turbulence
Tx Transmit
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
UIM User Interface Module
USB Universal Serial Bus, data storage device
USGS United States Geological Survey
USR User Waypoint
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
VA Heading to Altitude (ARINC-424 Leg)
VA Speed above which it is unwise to make full application
of any single flight control
VAL Vertical Alert Limit

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Section 2 System Overview

VAPP Target approach airspeed

VD Heading to DME Distance (ARINC-424 Leg)
VDI Vertical Deviation Indicator
VERT Vertical
VFE Maximum flap extended speed
VFOM Vertical Figure of Merit
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VI Heading to Intercept (ARINC-424 Leg)
VLOC VOR/Localizer
VLON Vertical Loss of Navigation
VM Heading to Manual Termination (ARINC-424 Leg)
VMIN Minimum speed for IFR for helicopters
VMO Maximum operating limit speed
VNAV Vertical Navigation (also VNV)
VNE Never exceed speed
VNO Maximum structural cruising speed or maximum speed
for normal operations
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio
VORTAC Collocated VOR and TACAN
VOX Voice
VPL Vertical Protection Level
VPROC Procedure Speed
VR Rotation speed
VR Heading to Radial Termination (ARINC-424 Leg)
VREF Landing reference speed or threshold crossing speed
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VTF Vectors to Final
VTOS Minimum speed for a positive rate of climb with one
engine inoperative
VUL Vertical Uncertainty Limit
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-17
Section 2 System Overview

WPT Waypoint
WX Weather
XFILL Cross-fill
2.2. System Overview

The IDU-680 EFIS System is a complete flight and navigation

instrumentation system that intuitively provides information to a pilot
via computer generated screen displays. The screen displays
include three-dimensional, enhanced situational awareness Primary
Flight Display (PFD) and Multi-Function Display (MFD). The MFD
may be configured to show a moving map, HSI, terrain, traffic,
datalink weather, radar, video, or dedicated EICAS (Engine
Indicating and Crew Alerting System) displays.
At any given time, each system may only have one IDU transmit
enabled to send RS-232 and RS-422 system transmissions. By
default, the PFD is “Transmit Enabled” and, if it subsequently fails,
the respective MFD becomes transmit enabled.
2.2.1. Functional Integration and Display Redundancy

IDUs incorporate a high-brightness AMLCD screen; bezel

pushbuttons; encoders and enter switches; central processing unit;
numerous RS-232, RS-422, and ARINC 429 receive and transmit
ports; and discrete IO ports. Hardware and software are identical for
all IDUs, and functionality is determined by configuration settings
setup during installation. The IDUs are independently connected to
all external sensors and independently perform all integrated
functions (e.g., TAWS, FMS, EICAS, ADS-B In, Weather, Traffic,
Audio/Radio Control, etc.). This provides an exceptional level of
redundancy as compared to traditional display architectures where
most of these functions were performed by external LRUs. Figure
2-1 depicts a typical architecture used by IDUs.
The IDUs depend upon intra-system (between IDUs on a side –
depicted as “Synch” in Figure 2-1) and inter-system (between IDUs
on opposite sides – depicted as “Crosslink” in Figure 2-1) to achieve
synchronization of the integrated functions. The IDUs also depend
upon intra-system communications to determine which IDU on a
side takes over “Talker” responsibilities. The “Talker” IDU is the IDU
providing data to external sensors and generating aural alerts.

2-18 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview


GPS #1

*GPS #2
Tune Radios

IDU #1 ADC #1 *Video IDU #1

*IDU #2 *ADC #2 *IDU #2
Bugs Panel
Synch Synch
*IDU #3 AHRS #1 *IDU #3

*IDU #4 *AHRS #2 *IDU #4
Engine Data

*Datalink/ *Weather
Pilot ADS-B Radar Co-Pilot

*Mode S

*Analog *Fuel Flow/

Interface Quantity

Note: * = Optional

Figure 2-1: System Diagram

2.2.2. IDU Initialization

The hardware, including file system, IO, and graphics, is initialized.

Immediately after graphics initialization, a logo screen with
“INITIALIZING” is displayed with the Genesys Aerosystems logo,
software version number, and part number. The software version
number delineates: (1) major revision number (i.e., “8.0”), and (2)
minor revision letter (i.e., “E”).
Table 2-1: IDU Initialization Software Version and Part

Version Number Part Number

Rev 8.0E 25-EFIS80E-SW-0003

Aircraft configurations are initially read from flash drive storage. This
provides the IDUs with a default configuration setup in the event of
personality module failure. The Pilot System #0 or #1 IDU reads
aircraft configuration from its personality module and, in the case of
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Section 2 System Overview

a multi-screen installation with a #1 IDU, transmits this configuration

to the other IDUs, including all Co-Pilot System IDUs. Upon
reception of the configurations transmission from the Pilot System
#0 or #1 IDU, the other IDUs save the transmitted configurations to
flash drive storage.
Aircraft parameters (latitude, longitude, altitude), as they existed
prior to the last system shutdown, are read to initialize the system.
This allows for a good initialization, even if system sensors are failed
or not yet initialized. For a future application update (i.e., updating
software version 8.0A to 8.0X), all aircraft settings re-initialize to
default values. Otherwise, aircraft settings, as they existed prior to
the last system shutdown, are used to initialize the system with the
exception of the following default values:
1) Active flight plan structure and associated values are cleared.
2) ADAHRS are set to slaved mode and the slewing value is
initialized to zero.
3) Timers are turned off.
4) Minimum altitude setting is turned off.
5) FMS OBS setting is set to automatic.
6) VOR/LOC 1 OBS setting is set to 360°.
7) VOR/LOC 2 OBS setting is set to 360°.
8) Parallel offset is set to 0 NM.
9) Airspeed bug is turned off.
10) Target altitude bug is turned off.
11) Vertical speed bug is turned off.
12) HSI navigation source is set to FMS.
13) Heading bug is set to 360°
14) Datalink and map panning modes are set to off.
15) PFD zoom mode is set to off.
16) Manual RNP is set to off.
17) PFD skyway is set to on.

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Section 2 System Overview

18) RDR-2000/2100 scale is initialized to 80NM.

19) Crosslink is initialized to on.
The following if configured is read from the flash drive storage and
CRC-32 checked:
1) OASIS configuration.
2) Radios.
3) The magnetic variation coefficients database.
Based upon the air/ground mode parameter value from the last
system shutdown, the IDU decides whether it is booting on the
ground or in flight.
If booting on the ground, the following actions happen:
1) A logo screen with “TESTING” is displayed.
2) CRC-32 values for application executable, limitations files,
NavData files, obstruction files, sounds database, and terrain
header files are checked.
During this action, under “TESTING,” the message “PRESS
ANY BUTTON TO QUICK START” is displayed. Press any
button to stop the ground booting and execute the flight booting.
3) If the CRC-32 check fails, the program exits with an error
message and creates a bit result file indicating failure.
4) If the CRC-32 check passes, the program continues to initialize
and creates a bit result file indicating passage.
5) The application auto-sets the altimeter based upon the terrain
elevation at the startup point. (Providing the Baro Autosetting on
Startup is enabled.)
6) A logo screen displaying:
a) Software CRC-32;
b) Aircraft Type;
c) OASIS configuration name and CRC-32;
d) Audio/Radio configuration name and CRC-32;
e) Sounds database name and CRC-32;
1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-21
Section 2 System Overview

f) Magnetic Variation Coefficients version and CRC-32; and

g) Database Versions and Validity Dates are displayed along
with the message “PRESS ANY BUTTON TO CONTINUE.”
7) If all critical sensors (GPS, ADC, and AHRS) are in normal
condition, the display screens are shown immediately.
8) If any critical sensor is not in normal condition, a logo screen
with a two-minute countdown timer is displayed along with the
message “PRESS ANY BUTTON TO SKIP.” The display
screens initialize at the earliest of:
a) when two minutes have elapsed;
b) when the pilot presses any button to escape the startup
countdown; or
c) when all critical sensors are in normal condition.
9) The display screen is shown at the earliest of:
a) IDU #1: PFD Normal Mode (PFD on top, MFD on bottom).
b) Other IDUs: If OASIS is configured, IDU #2 initializes to
EICAS on top and MFD on bottom. If OASIS is not
configured, IDU #2 initializes to MFD on top and MFD on
bottom. All other IDUs initialize to MFD on top and MFD on
10) On the IDU #0 or #2 with fuel totalizer functions enabled, the
fuel set menu is activated to remind the pilot to set the fuel
totalizer quantity.
If booting in the air, the following actions happen:
1) A logo screen with “QUICK START” is displayed.
2) The bit result file created during the last ground boot is checked.
If the bit result file indicates a failure, the program exits with an
error message. If the bit result file indicates passage, the
program continues.
3) The display screens initialize immediately.
4) Display screens initialize as follows:
a) IDU #1: PFD Normal Mode (PFD on top, MFD on bottom).

2-22 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

b) Other IDUs: If OASIS is configured, IDU #2 initializes to

Primary EICAS on top and MFD on bottom. If OASIS is not
configured, IDU #2 initializes to MFD on top and MFD on
bottom. All other IDUs initialize to MFD on top and MFD on

After IDU initialization, if any menu is active, it is best to press EXIT

(R1) on each display and wait at least 20 seconds. This allows
PFDs to sync with MFDs and allows pilot and co-pilot sides to sync
(as applicable). External devices such as audio controllers, radios,
and transponders may have different start-up times and
initialization requirements. If any IDU menu is active, intra-system
and inter-system synchronization messages are paused.
2.3. Software Safety Functions

The IDU software has a “Normal” and an “Essential” state. “Normal”

state for IDUs configured as #1 is a PFI page in the top area and a
pilot-selectable multi-function page in the bottom area.
2.3.1. Normal and Essential States

“Normal” state for IDUs configured as #2 is a pilot-selectable EICAS

page in the top area and, if the top area EICAS page is half-screen,
a pilot-selectable multi-function page in the bottom area.
If IDUs configured as #3 or #4 are installed, their “Normal” state is
pilot-selectable multi-function pages in both areas.
“Essential” state presents a PFI page in the top area and EICAS in
the bottom area and is always available with a single-button press
(R5). The state is designed to provide the pilot with everything
needed for continued safe operation on a single screen. Press (R5)
to switch any screen between “Normal” and “Essential” states; the
legend changes between TO ESSNTL and TO NORMAL to indicate
the button action. State change is instantaneous.

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Section 2 System Overview

Figure 2-2: Normal and Essential States

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Section 2 System Overview

Figure 2-3: MFD with EICAS Normal Mode

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-25
Section 2 System Overview

Figure 2-4: MFD with EICAS Essential Mode

2.3.2. Menu Philosophy

Due to the integrated functionality of the IDUs, the menu system

ends up being complex. To help the pilot with the unavoidable
complexity, the following rules are in the design of the menu system:
EXIT (R1): Whenever the menu system is beyond the top-level,
provides a one-touch escape to the top-level.
BACK (L1): Whenever a soft menu level is deeper than the first-
level, regresses through the menu system by one level.
Indication of further menu levels: An empty triangle next to a
menu legend means the button press is a final action. A filled triangle
next to a menu legend means the button press leads to a further
menu level.
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Section 2 System Overview

Labeling: All buttons with an action are clearly labeled to minimize

reliance upon memory for menu operation.
2.3.3. Avoidance of Autonomous Behavior

The displays are designed to always be under the control of the pilot
with pains taken to ensure critical functions are placed at the top
level (i.e., TO ESSNTL). Autonomous changes in function that may
surprise the pilot are avoided to the extent possible. The following
are the autonomous behaviors incorporated into the IDUs, all of
which are required by regulation or guidance.
Automatic popup of flight instruments: For IFR approval in
rotorcraft, flight instrument information essential to flight safety must
remain available to the pilot without additional crewmember action
after a failure. This guidance is specific to flight instruments, but it
does not address powerplant or navigation instruments. This
requirement is met by assigning an order of precedence of the IDUs
based upon the IDU number. IDU #1 always shows the essential
flight instruments, because the PFI page is always shown in the top
area. Lower priority IDUs monitor the higher priority IDU via intra-
system communications and automatically switch to the “Essential”
state upon determining the higher priority IDU has failed. The
“Essential” state incorporates both a PFI page (satisfying the
regulatory requirement) and the essential EICAS display to enable
continued operation of the aircraft.
TAWS/HTAWS popups: When an FLTA alert is generated, a popup
function enables PFI SVS and activates terrain at an appropriate
scale and format on the moving map page (one of the multi-function
pages). This is a required function of TSO-C194 for Enhanced
HTAWS and is enabled in the other TAWS/HTAWS options
integrated in the IDU software.
Traffic popups: When a traffic alert is generated, a popup function
displays traffic on the PFI and moving map page and the traffic
thumbnail on the PFI.
2.3.4. Data Source Monitors

In installations with redundant sensors, the IDUs continuously

monitor the sensors to detect disagreements. The following
parameters from redundant sensors are compared:
1) Airspeed 2) Altitude

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Section 2 System Overview

3) Attitude 6) Heading
4) Barometric setting (pilot vs. 7) Localizer and glideslope
co-pilot sides) deviations
5) GPS position, track, and 8) Radar altitude
2.3.5. IDU Intra-System Communications

IDUs on a system side (pilot side and co-pilot side individually)

monitor each other using intra-system communications and perform
the following checks:
1) Intra-system 6) Barometric setting
communications freshness agreement
2) Screen counter 7) GPS position, track, and
incrementing (i.e., screen groundspeed agreement
not frozen)
8) Heading agreement
3) Airspeed agreement
9) Localizer and glideslope
4) Altitude agreement deviation agreement
5) Attitude agreement 10) Radar altitude agreement
2.4. General Arrangement

The IDU-680 is 7.500”W x 10.250”H x 4.750”D and weighs less than

9.5 lbs. The IDU-680 is composed of two major sub-assemblies
mechanically connected by through-bolts, the User Interface Module
(UIM) and the Computer Processor Module (CPM). The IDU-680
has the capacity to accommodate “integrated peripherals”
mechanically attached to the IDU but have electrical isolation and
redundancy. These modules may include:
1) Integrated ADAHRS Sensor Module
2) Integrated GPS/SBAS Sensor Module
3) Serial Protocol Converters
4) Video Format Converters
Data storage consists of up to two compact flash cards sufficiently
sized to hold world terrain, navigation, and obstruction databases.
Because the receive ports of the IDUs are connected to the digital
2-28 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

sensor modules in parallel, each IDU is independent from all other

IDUs. In an IFR installation, the software of the primary IDU-680 is
configured so only the primary screen Primary Flight Information
(PFI) display top half plus Multi-Function display (MFD) bottom half
may be displayed (Figure 2-5).

Figure 2-5: Primary IDU-680 PFI on Top Half, ND on Bottom


2.4.1. GPS Aiding Limitation

To prevent gyro drift in the roll attitude solution, continuous

corrections to roll attitude are made based upon speed,
accelerations, and rates. The preferred correction speed source is
airspeed from the Air Data Computer. However, airspeed data
becomes noisy and inaccurate as the aircraft slows, and the system

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-29
Section 2 System Overview

automatically transitions to GPS groundspeed (at approximately 55

KIAS) under these conditions.
When flying in a GPS-denied environment, the aircrew should be
aware that flight below 55 KIAS could result in a degraded roll
attitude solution. Therefore, avoid IMC conditions and crosscheck
other attitude instruments when flying below 55 KIAS and transition
to flight above 55 KIAS as soon as practicable.
2.5. EICAS Display

Figure 2-6: EICAS

The software is configured on all other IDU-680s so any screen

display may be shown at any time. The only limitation to this rule is
since these IDU-680s are configured as a primary display of engine
information; at least one of the Multi-Function display areas must
show the engine display. Figure 2-6 is an IDU-680 Multi-Function
2-30 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

display with the top display area showing the EICAS and bottom
area configured to the MAP page.

Figure 2-7: PFD with EICAS

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-31
Section 2 System Overview

Figure 2-8: MFD with HSI and EICAS

2.6. Color Conventions

The Genesys Aerosystems EFIS uses a consistent set of colors for

displaying information on display. (Any color representation may not
be identical as it appears on the IDU.)
WHITE is used for items set by the pilot and held internally
by the EFIS system or items where device feedback is not
expected, such as STBY frequency/codes, TX indicator
when there is no TX feedback, or Marker Beacon Receiver
High/Low sensitivity modes. Used for scales, associated
labels and figures, pilot action, or data entry. Examples:

 Scales markings (airspeed, altitude, heading, VSI,

pitch, map ranges, etc.)

2-32 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

 Pilot-selected values (airspeed, heading, altitude)

 Secondary flight data (TAS, wind, OAT, timers, etc.)

When used for an analog bar indication, light gray (low-
intensity white) is used instead as a large white area on the
screen may become overwhelming.
CYAN is used for IFR navigation dataset items (airports
with instrument approach procedures, VORs, and
intersections) and VOR #1.
MAGENTA (light magenta for visibility) is used for pilot-set
items sent to devices but awaiting feedback confirmation
such as ACTV frequency/codes, operating modes, transmit
enabled indications, and IDENT indication. Used to
indicate electronically calculated or derived data and
certain navigation database items. Examples:

 Active waypoint related symbols

 Course data (desired track, CDI)

 VFR airports, NDBs

 VNAV altitudes
GRAY is used as a figure background for airspeed and
altitude readout and for conformal runway depiction (light
gray for usable portion of the active runway, dark gray for
other runway surfaces).
GREEN (light green used for visibility) is used for pilot-
settable items confirmed as set via feedback from the
device, such as ACTV frequency/codes, operating modes,
transmit enabled indications, and IDENT feedback. Used
for VOR #2 and to indicate normal or valid operation
(airspeed, altitude tape coloring, status indication, etc.).

 Aircraft ground track

 Skyway symbology

 Airspeeds in green arc

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-33
Section 2 System Overview

DARK GREEN is used for the terrain indication on the

moving map. The slope between adjacent terrain pixels in
an increasing longitude direction determines the shade
AMBER (YELLOW) is used to identify conditions requiring
immediate pilot awareness and may require subsequent
pilot action. Also used for stuck mic and DME hold
OLIVE is used in various shades to show terrain within
2000’ and below aircraft altitude.

BROWN is used in a variety of shades to indicate

earth/terrain portion of the primary flight display. Shades of
brown are used when terrain is at or above the aircraft
altitude on the MFD.
BLUE is used in a variety of shades to indicate the sky
portion of the PFD, bodies of water on the moving map, and
advisory text on black background.
RED is used to indicate aircraft limitations or conditions,
which require immediate pilot action. Currently only used to
indicate a device failure (red “X”).
BLACK is used for the field of view angle lines on the
moving map, for figures on a gray background, and for
outlining borders and certain figures/elements on
backgrounds where contrast is minimal, e.g., airspeed,
altitude, and menu tiles on the PFD/MFD.
2.7. Warning/Caution/Advisory System

The IDU has an integrated audio/visual warning system monitoring

a wide variety of parameters and providing annunciations for
conditions demanding pilot awareness. There are three categories
of annunciations: WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and ADVISORIES.
Where time delay is referenced, it is the programmed delay in
seconds prior to the annunciation appearing. Table 2-2 lists the
annunciations provided by the IDU.

Displayed with red flag and an aural

annunciation repeating until the condition goes away or is
acknowledged by the pilot.
2-34 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Displayed with amber (yellow) flag and a

single aural annunciation.

Displayed with black flag and blue letters with

a single aural annunciation.

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Within GPWS Mode 5
warning envelope.
Half second time delay.
One of the following condi-
tions is true:
1) One of the low fuel
warning discrete
inputs is active.
2) One of the sensed fuel
“Fuel Low, tank quantities is
Fuel Low” below its low fuel
warning threshold.
3) Total aircraft fuel is
below the pilot-set
emergency fuel
1-minute time delay.
Obstruction within TAWS
FLTA warning envelope.
Half second time delay.
Within GPWS Mode 1
“Pull Up, Pull
warning envelope.
Half second time delay.
“Terrain, Within GPWS Mode 2
Terrain, Pull warning envelope.
Up, Pull Up” Half second time delay.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-35
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Terrain cell within TAWS
FLTA warning envelope.
Half second time delay.
Resolution advisory. Not
given if own aircraft below
400’ AGL nor if target is
“Traffic, below 200’AGL (ground
Traffic” target). Audio not
generated with TCAS-II
No time delay.
Only active in dual-ADC
installation. Indicates no
valid indicated airspeed,
Alert Tone pressure altitude, or VSI
received from ADC #1 for
more than 1 second.
No time delay.
Only active in dual-ADC
installation. Indicates no
valid indicated airspeed,
Alert Tone pressure altitude, or VSI
received from ADC #2 for
more than 1 second.
No time delay.
Enabled by ADS-B out fail
warning limits setting.
Mode-S transponder
Alert Tone
indicates bad ADS-B out
2-second time delay.

2-36 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-AHRS
installation. Indicates no
valid bank, pitch, or
heading received from
Alert Tone AHRS #1 for more than 1
No delay. Inhibited during
and for 10 seconds after
unusual attitude mode.
Only active in dual-AHRS
installation. Indicates no
valid bank, pitch, or
heading received from
Alert Tone AHRS #2 for more than 1
No delay. Inhibited during
and for 10 seconds after
unusual attitude mode.
Only active in dual-ADC
installation with neither
ADC in failure condition.
Indicates pressure altitude
Alert Tone difference between ADCs
is beyond limits.
10-second time delay.
Inhibit for 5 minutes after
Only active in dual-AHRS
installation with neither
AHRS in failure condition.
Indicates pitch or roll dif-
Alert Tone ference between AHRS is
beyond limits (6°).
10-second time delay.
Inhibit for 5 minutes after

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-37
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
No valid message or bad
status received from
installed optional sensors.
Sensor status displayed in
FAULTS menu.
5-second time delay.
Inhibited during and for 10
seconds after unusual
attitude mode. Applies to
the following optional
“Auxiliary sensors:
Failure, 1) RS-232 TAS System
Sensor 2) ADS-B System
3) WSI Datalink System
4) WX-500 Lightning
5) Analog Interface
6) Weather Radar
7) Weather Radar
Control Panel
Activated if RG flag is set
to 1, aircraft is below 150’
“Check Gear, AGL, aircraft is
Check Gear” descending, and any
landing gear is not down.
2-second time delay.

2-38 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
When armed (i.e., at least
one intra-system monitor
message has been
received from the trans-
mitting display), checks
intra-system monitor mes-
sages. Indicates either:
1) screen counter value
has not changed in the
last 1 second ± 0.1
seconds; or
Alert Tone
2) intra-system monitor
message is not fresh
(i.e., no message re-
ceived for longer than
1 second ± 0.1 sec-
“#” indicates which IDU is
failing the check (IDU1,
IDU2, IDU3, or IDU4.)
No time delay.
Triggered when external
cooling fan is commanded
on by the cooling fan dis-
crete output, and the cool-
Alert Tone
ing fan status discrete
input indicates the cooling
fan is not rotating.
1-minute time delay.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-39
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Less than 30 minutes
buffer (at current
groundspeed) between
calculated range and
distance to:
1) last waypoint if it is
active; or
Range, 2) airport if on a missed
Check approach; or
3) along-route distance
to destination.
Not activated in climbing
flight nor if below 60 knots
5-minute time delay.
Low Fuel warning is not
active and one of the
following conditions is true:
1) One of the low fuel
caution discrete inputs
is active.
2) One of the sensed fuel
“Fuel Low,
tank quantities is
Fuel Low”
below its low fuel
caution threshold.
3) Total aircraft fuel is
below the pilot-set
minimum fuel
1-minute time delay.

2-40 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Compares the volume of
fuel designated left wing
tank fuel vs. volume of fuel
designated right wing tank
fuel to the Fuel Split
caution threshold. Issued if
the difference exceeds the
Alert Tone Fuel Split caution
threshold. Only performed
if the Fuel Split caution
threshold is non-zero, and
both left and right wing
tank fuel are monitored
and valid.
1-minute time delay.
Within GPWS Mode 5 cau-
tion envelope.
Half second time delay.
GPS/SBAS loss of
integrity caution.
No time delay. Inhibited
Alert Tone
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude
GPS/SBAS loss of
navigation caution.
No time delay. Inhibited
Alert Tone
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude
Loss of Vertical Navigation
No time delay. Inhibited
Alert Tone
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-41
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-
GPS/SBAS installation
with neither GPS/SBAS in
failure condition. Indicates
position, track, or
groundspeed difference
between GPS/SBAS units
is beyond limits. Limits are
as follows:
Enroute Mode 4NM
Terminal Mode 2NM
Departure Mode .6NM
IFR Approach Mode .6NM
Alert Tone
VFR Approach Mode
Track: If groundspeed is
greater than 30 kts, mis-
compare if difference is
more than 4°.
Groundspeed: If
difference between GPS#1
and GPS#2 miscompare is
more than 10 kts.
10-second time delay.
Inhibited during and for 10
seconds after unusual
attitude mode.

2-42 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-
GPS/SBAS installation.
Indicates no valid
message received from
GPS/SBAS #1 for more
Alert Tone
than 5 seconds.
No time delay. Inhibited
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude
Only active in dual-
GPS/SBAS installation.
Indicates no valid
message received from
GPS/SBAS #2 for more
Alert Tone
than 5 seconds.
No time delay. Inhibited
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude
No valid position data
available from selected
GPS/SBAS for more than
5 seconds and dead
Alert Tone reckoning not available.
No time delay. Inhibited
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-43
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active when two valid
glideslopes are received.
Indicates at least one
glideslope is receiving a
signal within 1 dot of
Alert Tone
center and difference
between glideslope signals
is beyond limits (0.25
10-second time delay.
Only active in dual-AHRS
installation with neither
AHRS in failure condition
nor in DG mode. Indicates
heading difference
between AHRS is beyond
Alert Tone the “Heading Miscompare
Threshold” limit.
10-second delay. Inhibited
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude
mode. Inhibit for 5 minutes
after startup.
Only active in dual-ADC
installation with neither
ADC in failure condition.
Indicates indicated
airspeed difference
Alert Tone
between ADCs is beyond
Inhibit for 5 minutes after
startup. 10-second time

2-44 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active when two valid
localizers are received.
Indicates at least one lo-
calizer is receiving a signal
Alert Tone within 1 dot of center and
difference between
localizer signals is beyond
limits (0.25 Dots).
10-second time delay.
No valid heading received
from selected AHRS for
more than 1 second
Inhibited during and for 10
seconds after unusual
attitude mode. Disabled if
Alert Tone
in MFD-only operation. Not
shown if PFD heading
scale is red-X’d (Red-X
provides sufficient pilot
No time delay.
Indicates aircraft is cur-
rently beyond extent of ter-
rain database or a failure
condition exists preventing
the TAWS FLTA function
Alert Tone
from operating.
Half second time delay.
Inhibited during and for 10
seconds after unusual
attitude mode.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-45
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Indicates OAT sensor has
failed. “OAT SENSOR” ap-
plicable to single ADC
installation. “OAT#
SENSOR” applicable to
dual ADC installation.
Alert Tone
Indicates OAT indication is
invalid, but other air data
parameters are normal
(i.e., air data is not red-
Half second time delay.
Obstruction within TAWS
FLTA caution envelope.
Half second time delay.
Only active when fresh in-
tra-system monitor mes-
sages are received.
Indicates a critical pa-
rameter is used by another
display exceeds the
miscompare thresholds
when compared to the
monitoring display. Com-
pares the following critical
Alert Tone parameters:
1) Attitude (Pitch and
Roll) (use Attitude Mis-
compare logic)
2) Heading (use Heading
Miscompare logic)
3) Pressure Altitude (use
Altitude Miscompare

2-46 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
4) Indicated Airspeed
(use Airspeed
Miscompare logic)
5) Localizer (both inputs)
(use Localizer
Miscompare logic)
6) Glideslope (both
inputs) (use
Glideslope Mis-
compare logic)
7) Radar Altitude (use
Radar Altitude
Miscompare logic)
8) Latitude (Use
compare logic)
9) Longitude (Use
compare logic)
10) Track (Use
compare logic)
11) Groundspeed (Use
compare logic)
1-second time delay.
Inhibited during and for 10
seconds after unusual
attitude mode.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-47
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition

IDU core temperature

Alert Tone greater than 95°C.
2-second time delay.

Indicates SCC card

(Personality Module) could
not be read upon power-
Alert Tone up. Limits internal to the
IDU are in use by the
system. Only active on the
Only active in single-Radar
Altimeter installation. For
analog radar altimeter,
indicates below 2000’AGL
in Air Mode without a valid
Alert Tone radar altimeter reading.
For ARINC 429 radar
altimeter, indicates an
SSM of failure warning is
2-second time delay.

2-48 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-Radar
Altimeter installation. In-
dicates no-radar altimeter
reading received from
Radar Altimeter #1 for
more than 1 second. Also
displayed in Ground Mode.
Alert Tone
Inhibited when radar
altimeter value received
from ARINC 429, except
when SSM of radar
altimeter message
indicates failure warning.
2-second time delay.
Only active in dual-Radar
Altimeter installation. Indi-
cates no radar altimeter
reading received from
Radar Altimeter #2 for
more than 1 second. Also
displayed in Ground Mode.
Alert Tone
Inhibited when radar
altimeter value received
from ARINC 429, except
when SSM of radar
altimeter message
indicates failure warning.
2-second time delay.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-49
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-Radar
Altimeter installation with
neither radar altimeter in
failure condition. Indicates
radar altitude difference
between radar altimeters
is beyond limits. Limits are
Alert Tone as follows:
>= 500’AGL Δ14%
100 – 500’AGL Δ10%
< 100’AGL Δ10’
10-second time delay.
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot), dual-
ADC installation with good
inter-system communica-
Alert Tone tions, and neither ADC in
failure condition. Indicates
both systems are oper-
ating from same ADC
source. No time delay.
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot), dual-
AHRS installation with
good inter-system
communications, and nei-
Alert Tone
ther AHRS in failure condi-
tion. Indicates systems are
operating from same
AHRS source.
No time delay.

2-50 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot),
installation with good inter-
system communications.
Indicates both systems are
Alert Tone operating from the same
EICAS data source for
labels where dual sources
are setup in the OASIS
configuration file.
No time delay.
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot), dual-
GPS/SBAS installation
with good inter-system
communications, and
Alert Tone neither GPS/SBAS in
failure condition. Indicates
both systems are oper-
ating from same
GPS/SBAS source.
No time delay.
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot) with
good inter-system com-
munications. Indicates
both systems are
operating from same
Alert Tone
navigation source. Alert
inhibited if both systems
are operating from
GPS/SBAS in a single-
GPS/SBAS installation.
No time delay.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-51
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot), dual-ra-
dar altimeter installation
with good inter-system
communications, and nei-
Alert Tone ther radar altimeter in fail-
ure condition. Indicates
both systems are
operating from same radar
altimeter source.
No time delay.
Within GPWS Mode 1 cau-
“Sink Rate,
tion envelope.
Sink Rate”
Half second time delay.
TAWS Autorotation mode
activated through use of
Alert Tone
discrete input.
No time delay.
Traffic advisory. Not given
if own aircraft below 400’
AGL nor if target is below
200’AGL (ground target).
Audio not generated with
TCAS-II system.
No time delay.
Only active with ARINC
or TAS system. Indicates
Alert Tone lack of communications
with system or failure
indication from system.
No time delay.
Terrain cell within TAWS
“Caution FLTA caution envelope.
Terrain’ Half second time delay.
Caution Within GPWS Mode 2 cau-
Terrain” tion envelope.
Half second time delay.

2-52 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Within GPWS Mode 3
Half second time delay.
Within GPWS Mode 4
“Too Low
“Too Low Terrain”
Terrain, Too
Low Terrain”
Half second time delay.
Half second time delay.
“Too Low Within GPWS Mode 4
Gear, Too “Too Low Gear” envelope.
Low Gear” Half second time delay.
“Too Low Within GPWS Mode 4
Flaps, Too “Too Low Flaps” envelope.
Low Flaps” Half second time delay.
Compares the volume of
sensed fuel to the fuel
totalizer calculation. Issues
a caution if the difference
exceeds the Totalizer Mis-
match caution threshold.
Only performed if:
1) totalizer mismatch
caution threshold is
Alert Tone
2) fuel totalizer is
3) unmonitored fuel flag
is false;
4) fuel totalizer has a
valid value; and
5) fuel levels are valid.
1-minute time delay.
1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-53
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot). Indi-
cates lack of inter-system
Alert Tone communications.
Inhibit for 30 seconds after
2-second time delay.
Deviation greater than
150’ from selected altitude
after capture. Altitude cap-
ture defined as within 100’
of altitude.
2-second time delay.
If not on a descending
-- VNAV profile, deviation
greater than 150’ from alti-
tude of the current or prior
VNAV waypoint after cap-
ture. Altitude capture de-
fined as within 100’ of
2-second time delay.
Deviation from above to
below decision height bug.
“Decision Causes decision height
-- readout to turn amber
(yellow) and flash.
No time delay.
Deviation from above to
below minimum altitude
“Minimums, bug. Causes minimum
-- altitude readout to turn
amber (yellow) and flash.
No time delay.

2-54 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active in dual-AHRS
installation. Indicates
AHRS 1 in DG mode.
No time delay.
Only active in dual-AHRS
installation. Indicates
AHRS 2 in DG mode.
No time delay.
ADC not at full accuracy
Chime during warm-up.
No time delay.
Activated DG mode if
GPS/SBAS Actual Naviga-
tion Performance based
upon current GPS/SBAS
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot) installa-
tion. Indicates mismatch of
Chime altimeter settings or
altimeter modes between
10-second time delay.
Ascending through transi-
tion level: Altimeter not set
to 29.92 inHg or 1013
Descending through
Chime transition level: Altimeter
set to 29.92 inHg or 1013
mbar. Descent warning
times out in 10 seconds.
Disabled during QFE oper-
ation. 2-second time delay.
1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-55
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active with EFIS
control of an audio
controller with pilot isolate
function, and call notice is
received from the
GPS/SBAS in Dead
Reckoning Mode with valid
ADC and AHRS data.
Timer shows time since
loss of position to indicate
quality of DR solution.
No time delay. Inhibited
during and for 10 seconds
after unusual attitude
Shown when the FLTA
function is automatically
inhibited during normal
operation. “NO TAWS”
caution and “TAWS IN-
HBT” advisory have
priority over this message.
No time delay.
Flight Path Marker inhibit
function activated through
momentary discrete input.
No time delay.
Chime proach Mode.
No time delay.
LNAV/VNAV Approach
No time delay.
Chime Approach Mode.
No time delay.

2-56 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Chime Approach Mode.
No time delay.
Number of active
messages exceeds 11.
None Guides pilot in accessing
the EXPAND CAS menu.
No time delay.

Indicates one of the dual

redundant power supplies
Chime within an IDU is not
functioning correctly.
1-minute time delay.

GPS/SBAS Parallel Offset

path advisory. ## is
Chime nautical miles left (L) or
right (R) of main path.
No time delay.
GPS/SBAS Automatic Re-
quired Navigation Perfor-
mance as acquired from
navigation database
GPS/SBAS Manual Re-
Chime quired Navigation Perfor-
mance as set by pilot.
GPS/SBAS automatic
waypoint sequencing is
suspended. Caused by be-
ing on final approach seg-
ment prior to arming
Chime missed approach, se-
lecting manual GPS/SBAS
OBS, or being in holding
prior to activating the
No time delay.
1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-57
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Only active with TCAS-II
system. Indicates TCAS-II
Chime system is unable to display
resolution advisories.
No time delay.
TAS aural inhibited
through activation of
Chime TCAS/TAS Audio inhibit
discrete input.
No time delay.
TAWS glideslope cancel
(GPWS Mode 5) activated
through use of discrete
input. Enhanced HTAWS
No time delay.
TAWS inhibited through
Chime use of discrete input.
No time delay.
TAWS low altitude mode
activated through use of
discrete input.
No time delay.
Only active with TCAS-II
system. Indicates system
is: (1) in standby or (2)
executing functional test in
No time delay.
Only active with TCAS-II
system. Indicates system
Chime is in functional test on
No time delay.
GPS/SBAS in Terminal
Chime Mode.
No time delay.

2-58 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
True North Mode input
discrete is asserted, and
Chime system is operating in
True North Mode.
No time delay.
GPS/SBAS in Vectors to
Final Approach Mode prior
to sequencing FAWP.
No time delay.
Chime Approach Mode.
No time delay.
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot) with
good inter-system com-
munications and crossfill
Chime not inhibited. Indicates
systems are not synchro-
nized, and synchronization
function is available.
No time delay.
Only active in dual-system
(pilot and co-pilot) with
good inter-system com-
munications. Indicates
crossfill is manually in-
hibited through discrete
No time delay.
Tone given when within
the greater of 500’ or 50%
of VSI from uncaptured se-
-- lected or VNAV waypoint
Alert Tone
altitude. Inhibited in ap-
proach procedures.
No time delay.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-59
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-2: Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories

Display Flag Condition
Sounds chime when
countdown timer reaches
-- Chime
No time delay.

Volume of aural annunciations is adjusted according to severity:

= Full volume set into aircraft limits

= 80% of volume set into aircraft limits

= 60% of volume set into aircraft limits

Press the audio mute switch to mute the active aural annunciation.
Flags are visually prioritized so active warning flags are displayed
above active caution flags, which are displayed above active
advisory flags. Within categories, active flags are stacked in
chronological order with the most recent annunciation appearing on
top. Warning flags flash at 2Hz until acknowledged by pressing the
audio mute switch. Caution flags flash at 1 Hz until acknowledged
by pressing the audio mute switch. Only the highest priority (in
criticality and recency), unacknowledged aural annunciation is
played at any given time. In addition, to further minimize cockpit
confusion, the above annunciations are grouped and prioritized so
only one annunciation is active. Annunciations prioritized in this
manner are as follows (higher in list = higher priority).

Table 2-3: Annunciations Priority

1) GPWS Mode 1 Warning

2) GPWS Mode 2 Warning
3) TAWS FLTA Warning
4) Obstruction Warning
5) TAWS FLTA Caution
6) Obstruction Caution
7) GPWS Mode 4-1
8) GPWS Mode 4-2

2-60 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-3: Annunciations Priority

9) GPWS Mode 4-3

10) GPWS Mode 1 Caution
11) GPWS Mode 2 Caution
12) GPWS Mode 3
13) GPWS Mode 5 Warning
14) GPWS Mode 5 Caution
15) Check Gear
16) Traffic Warning (Resolution Advisory)
17) Traffic Caution (Traffic Advisory)
18) Low Fuel Warning
19) Low Fuel Caution
20) Fuel Split Caution
21) Fuel Totalizer Mismatch Caution
22) Check Range

In addition, flags are decluttered from all IDUs, which are not
“transmit enabled.” Flags only appear on these IDUs if they are IDU-
specific (i.e., CHECK IDU #).
Flags and custom CAS messages are logged in non-volatile
memory at 1Hz in ASCII, comma delimited format. Active logging is
to a file named “caslog00.csv” (files with the *.csv file extension may
be directly opened by Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet
software). In addition, data from the previous four flights are saved
in files “caslog01.csv” through “caslog04.csv.” Upon system start,
the existing “caslog00.csv” through “caslog03.csv” files are renamed
“caslog01.csv” through “caslog04.csv,” and “caslog00.csv” is
opened for active logging.
The first line of the log files contains column headings related to the
flag’s text (for standard warning functions) or the “CAS Log File Text”
parameter (for custom CAS messages). All standard warning
functions are logged. Only custom CAS messages with valid “CAS
Log File Text” parameters (i.e., not an empty string) are logged. This
allows logging of custom CAS messages to be controlled by the
EICAS configuration file. Within the data fields of the log file, values
are written as follows.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-61
Section 2 System Overview

Table 2-4: Log File Values

Category Value

2.8. Database and Software Updates

2.8.1. Navigation and Obstruction Databases

The EFIS uses Jeppesen NavData® for the navigation database

and Jeppesen data for the obstruction database, which are both
secured directly through the Jeppesen Company.
The EFIS is updated through the Ground Maintenance Function
(GMF). To gain access to the GMF, prior to applying power, slide
the slip indicator or non-slip blank door cover at the bottom-center
of the IDU bezel upward to the first detent position to expose the
USB port.

Figure 2-9: Ground Maintenance Page

2.8.2. Update Requirements

When an update is performed, the procedures must be performed

on every IDU in the EFIS system separately. Scheduled updates are
as follows:
Navigation Database - Every 28 days
Obstruction Database - Every 28 days

2-62 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

MAGVAR Database - Every 5 years (updated as described in a

Genesys Aerosystems Service Bulletin)
The EFIS software and terrain database are unscheduled and/or on-
condition and covered under a service bulletin.
The Jeppesen navigation and obstruction databases are
accessed through www.jeppesen.com to place the order for the
correct database.
Three types of navigation databases may be used on this EFIS.
Americas - Containing major airports and navigation for Alaska,
Canada, Continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Bahamas,
Bermuda, Mexico, Central, and South America.
International - Containing all available coverage except North and
South America.
World - Containing major airports and navigation with the Americas.
The navigation database is loaded on each IDU by placing the
program navdata.exe on a USB memory card.

Failure to update the EFIS with the correct NavData causes

the IDU to remain in continual reboot mode and does not
allow any display page to appear.
Always install a valid USB memory device in the IDU prior to
activating any Ground Maintenance Function. Operation of the
Ground Maintenance Function without a valid USB memory
device installed may cause erroneous failure indications or
corruption of the IDU.
The obstruction database is distributed by a government agency in
each country, but not all countries have obstruction databases
Once the NavData (navdata.exe) and obstruction database
(obst.exe) are loaded on the USB memory device, insert the USB
device into USB port with the power off. Turn on power to gain
access to the GMF page. Scroll  to highlight “Update Databases”
and push to enter. Once each database is loaded, the pilot is
prompted to press any button to continue to complete the process.
Once both databases have successfully been uploaded, power the
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Section 2 System Overview

IDU down, remove the USB memory device, and lower the USB
door. Repeat this process for each IDU installed in the aircraft.

Figure 2-10: IDU-680 Startup Screen

Once each IDU has been updated, power up the entire EFIS system
in normal flight mode and verify each IDU successfully updated with
the latest database by noting the new NavData cycle expiration
dates before acknowledging the startup screen. There is no
expiration for the obstruction database.
A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) self-test verifies the data at
every step of the process, thereby ensuring the data installed into
the system has not been corrupted at any point during the process.
The IDU provides an updateable navigation database containing at
least the following location and path information, referenced to
WGS-84, with a resolution of 0.01 minute (latitude/longitude) and
0.1° (for course information) or better at all of the following for the
area(s) in which IFR operations are intended:
1) Airports.
2) VORs, DMEs (including DMEs collocated with localizers),
collocated VOR/DMEs, VORTACs, and NDBs (including NDBs
used as locator outer marker).
3) All named waypoints and intersections shown on enroute and
terminal area charts.
4) All airways shown on enroute charts, including all waypoints,
intersections, and associated RNP values (if applicable).
Airways are retrievable as a group of waypoints (selecting the
airway by name results in leading the appropriate waypoints and
2-64 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016
Section 2 System Overview

legs between the desired entry and exit points into the flight
5) RNAV DPs and STARs, including all waypoints, intersections,
and associated RNP values (if applicable). DPs and STARs are
retrievable as a procedure (selecting the procedure by name
results in loading the appropriate waypoints and legs into the
flight plan).
6) LNAV approach procedures in the area(s) in which IFR
operation is intended consist of:
a) Runway number and label (required for approach
b) Initial approach waypoint (IAWP);
c) Intermediate approach waypoint(s) (IWP) (when
d) Final approach waypoint (FAWP);
e) Missed approach waypoint (MAWP);
f) Additional missed approach waypoints (when applicable);
g) Missed approach holding waypoint (MAHWP).
The complete sequence of waypoints and associated RNP
values (if applicable), in the correct order for each approach, are
retrievable as a procedure (selecting the procedure by name
results in loading the appropriate waypoints and legs into the
flight plan). Waypoints utilized as a final approach waypoint
(FAWP) or missed approach waypoint (MAWP) in an LNAV
approach procedure are uniquely identified as such (when
appropriate) to provide proper approach mode operation.
7) LNAV/VNAV procedures in the area(s) where IFR operation is
intended. LPV, LP, and/or LNAV/VNAV published procedures
are available.
Selecting a procedure by name results in loading the appropriate
waypoints and legs into the active flight plan. Waypoints used as a
final approach waypoint (FAWP) and LTP/FTP/MAWP in an
LNAV/VNAV procedure are uniquely identified as such to provide
proper approach mode operation.

1st Ed Nov, 2016 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 2-65
Section 2 System Overview

2.8.3. Terrain Database Update

The IDU-680 contains the entire World Terrain Database, which is

updated on an as-needed basis and performed as required as
described in a service bulletin.
2.9. Run Demonstrator/Training Program

Select “Run Demonstrator/Training Program” on the IDU to start

the ground demonstration mode for that particular IDU. (All IDUs
installed act independently when in the demonstrator mode.) The
EFIS starts flying the demonstration, once a flight plan has been
evoked, at the first waypoint of the flight plan and flies to the last
waypoint. The program always flies through the boxes or by evoking
one of the bugs (heading or target altitude). All IDU controls are
functional during the ground demonstration program for the pilot to
activate the menus and become familiar with the many features of
the Genesys Aerosystems EFIS.
2.9.1. Application Software Air Mode and Ground Mode

Numerous symbology elements change behavior depending upon

whether the aircraft is on the ground (Ground Mode) or in flight (Air
Mode). The mode is determined separately from the system
initialization modes. This parameter is continuously calculated as
1) If a Weight on Wheels/Weight on Ground discrete input is
configured, the Air or Ground Modes are determined solely from
the discrete input position.
2) Otherwise, Mode is determined as follows:
a) If airspeed is valid and AGL altitude is valid, Ground Mode
is set when indicated airspeed is less than 30 knots, and
AGL altitude is less than 75 feet.
b) If airspeed is invalid but AGL altitude is valid, Ground Mode
is set when AGL altitude is less than 75 feet.
c) Under any other circumstance, Air Mode is set by default.

2-66 IDU-680 EFIS Software Version 8.0E (Rotorcraft) 1st Ed Nov, 2016

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