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DIDIN - Design For Six Sigma - 3

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DFSS in New Product Development

Case Study of the Securekey Project

by Ray Balisnomo

April 21, 2010: Version 6

This DFSS Approach is NOT Practical
Project goals
Define Customer analysis
Create team
Capture voice of the customer
Measure Determine project schedule
Review risk assessment

Develop CTQs
Analyze Determine project schedule
 Review risk assessment

Develop models
Design Review CTQs

Review CTQs
Optimize Test tolerances
Optimize design

Compare product to initial specs

Verify Document development

2 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function DFSS Design


We use the other DFSS Tools

Deployment (QFD) Scorecard
(e.g., DOE, Regression, Pugh
matrix, ANOVA, etc.) to close Customer
Customer Needs the gap between what the Satisfaction
customer desires & how the
actual product performs..
System Design

Subsystem Subsystem
Design Capability

Component Component
Design Capability

Process Process
Design Capability

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

3 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Kano Analysis

Basic Needs (e.g., Test Requirements)

Customer Marketing
surveys or Requirements
interviews Document Performance needs
(Focus Groups)
Excitement needs or Delighters

AHP Pair-wise
New SecureKey

Syn e rg y 1 .0
C ompr o mis e - 1.0
C on c ep t Se le ctio n

Bette r 1 .0
Same 0 .0
Wo r s e - 1.0

Prioritized or Weighted
I m p or t a nc e o f th e W HA T s ( A H P )

K e y in se r t ion & e xt r a ct io n f or c e

Nu m b e r o f r e ke y s t o f a ilur e

I m pr o ve m en t F a ct o r
O u r C ur r e nt P r o d uc t

O ur Cu r r en t P r od u ct
T im e t o r e ke y c y lin d er

Direction of Improvement

Customer Needs
Nu m b e r o f lif e c y cle s
K e y o p er a tin g t o r qu e

P e r ce n t I m po r ta n ce
Ov e ra ll Im p or t an c e
P lu g p ull s tr e n gt h

Max imiz e 1 .0
Tar g et 0 .0
K w ik S e t

K wik S e t

Min imiz e - 1.0

R ie ld a

M a x = 1 .0

M in = - 1 .0
R ie ld a
B e st

B es t

Dir e ctio n of Imp r o ve me n t 1

Eas y to R ek e y 1 51 1 .2 6 1.2 5 2.6 1

Hig h ly Sec u r e 2 35 1 .2 4 2.0 3 6.1 2

Op e ra te s Smoo thly 3 10 1 .0 1 0.0 8 .6 3

Re k ey a ble Mu ltiple Time s 4 4 0 .8 3 .2 2 .7 4

Quality Function System-level CTQ’s.

3 2. 4 4 99 . 0

2 1. 8 3 36 . 1

1 5. 5 2 37 . 8

1 4. 2 2 18 . 6

1 2. 6 1 93 . 8

Imp o rta n ce o f th e HO Ws 1
5 2. 9

Standard 9-3-1
Per c en t Imp o rta n ce o f th e H O Ws 2
3 .4

Stro n g 9 .0

Deployment HOW do we measure

Max = 3 2 .4 Mod e ra te 3 .0
Per c en t Imp o r ta n ce o f th e HO Ws We a k 1 .0

Min = 3.4

Kwik s et 4

R ield a

Be st L oc k s

(HOQ-1) success?
Ta rg e ts fo r O u r Fu tur e Pr o du c t 7

4 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function

Deployment (QFD)

Customer Needs

System Design

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

5 Synopsis of DFSS Method


System Level Q.F.D. Syn e rg y

C ompr o mis e
1 .0
- 1.0

K e y I n s er t ion & E xt r ac t ion F o r c e

I m p or t a nc e t o th e C u st o m e r

Nu m b e r o f Cy ce ls t ill F a ilur e

P er c ep t ion s o f K w iks e t
P er c ep t ion s o f Rie lda
P er c ep t ion s o f B e s t
T im e t o r e ke y cy lind e r

K e y O p er a t in g F o r ce
Direction of Improvement

P lu g p u ll s t re n gt h
Max imiz e 1 .0
Tar g et 0 .0
Min imiz e - 1.0

M a x = 5 .0

M in = 0 . 0

Dir e ctio n o f Imp r ov e me n t 1

Eas y to Re k ey 1 42
Hig h ly Sec u r e 2 38
Op e r ate s Smoo thly 3 12

Re k ey a ble Mu ltiple Time s 4 8
4 14

3 54

2 00

1 50

1 14
Imp o rta n ce o f Pr od u ct Attrib u tes 1

Max = 4 1 4.0
Standard 9-3-1
Imp o r ta n ce o f Pr o du c t Attr ib u tes
Stro n g 9 .0
Min = 11 4 .0 Mod e ra te 3 .0
4 80 K We a k 1 .0
2 36 6 3 80 0

Bes t Pe r for man c e 3

1 25

3 .8

3 .2

Kwik se t Pe r for man c e 4

5 00 K 3 20 K 2 2K
4 .2

2 .3

2 74 5

Rie ld a Per fo r ma nc e 5
5 .2

3 .5

3 80 0

Tar g et Valu e s 6
3 .5

2 .0

6 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Pugh Matrix for Concept Selection

7 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function

Deployment (QFD)

Customer Needs

System Design


Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

8 Synopsis of DFSS Method


Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and R Sidebar

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and Key

Level Q.F.D.

Rack Pin Clearance with Plug Slot

End Play btwn Housing and Plug

Importance of Product Attributes

Importance of Product Attributes

Direction of Improvement

Kwikset Performance

Rielda Performance
Best Performance
Di re cti on of Im pro ve me nt

Target Values
Max = 414.0
Maximize 1.0

Min = 114.0
Target 0.0
Minimize -1.0

Direction of Improvement 1

Time to rekey cylinder 1 414 125 55 30 30 1

Plug pull strength 2 354 3800 2366 2745 3800 2

Key Insertion & Extraction Force 3 200 3.8 4.2 5.2 3.5 3

Key Operating Force 4 150 3.2 2.3 3.5 2.0 4

Number of Cycels till Failure 5 114 480K 22K 320K 500K 5





Importance of the Part Attributes 1 Sta nd ard 9-3-1

Max = 5352.0 Strong 9.0

Importance of the Part Attributes Moderate 3.0
Weak 1.0
Min = 3680.0
0.0060 in

0.0035 in

0.0185 in

Target Values 3
0.005 in

9 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function

Deployment (QFD)

Customer Needs

System Design



Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

10 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Surface Roughness of Recombinating Sidebar
Level Q.F.D.

Rack Pin Counter-bore Diameter

Importance of the Part Attributes

Importance of the Part Attributes

Rack Pin Counter-bore Depth
Direction of Improvement

Target Values
Max = 5352.0

Min = 3680.0
Maximize 1.0
Target 0.0
Minimize -1.0

Direction of Improvement 1

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and R Sidebar 1 5352 0.0060 in 1

End Play btwn Housing and Plug 2 3968 0.0035 in 2

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and Key 3 3726 0.0185 in 3

Rack Pin Clearance with Plug Slot 4 3680 0.005 in 4




Importance of Process Attributes 1

Max = 281.7 Standard 9-3-1

Importance of Process Attributes
Strong 9.0
Min = 260.3 Moderate 3.0
Weak 1.0
Target Values 3

11 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function

Deployment (QFD)

Customer Needs

o Design of Experiments
System Design



Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

12 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Design of Experiments: Recombinating Sidebar Spring Retention

13 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Surface Roughness of Recombinating Sidebar
Level Q.F.D.

Rack Pin Counter-bore Diameter

Importance of the Part Attributes

Importance of the Part Attributes

Rack Pin Counter-bore Depth
Direction of Improvement
Direction of Improvement

Target Values
Max = 5352.0

Min = 3680.0
Maximize 1.0
Target 0.0
Minimize -1.0

Direction of Improvement 1

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and R Sidebar 1 5352 0.0060 in 1

End Play btwn Housing and Plug 2 3968 0.0035 in 2

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and Key 3 3726 0.0185 in 3

Rack Pin Clearance with Plug Slot 4 3680 0.005 in 4




Importance of Process Attributes 1

Max = 281.7 Standard 9-3-1

Importance of Process Attributes
Strong 9.0
Min = 260.3 Moderate 3.0
Weak 1.0
Target Values 3 .028.069

14 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function

Deployment (QFD)

Customer Needs
o Design of Experiments
o Gauge R& R
System Design



Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

15 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Measurement System Analysis: Surface Roughness(Ra) Lck.Sidebar

16 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function

Deployment (QFD)

Customer Needs o Design of Experiments

o Gauge R& R
o Regression Analysis
System Design



Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

17 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Binary Logistic Regression to Determine Upper Spec. Limit for
Surface Roughness for Locking Sidebar

30 27 Ra
P( failure) 30 27 Ra
1 e

18 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Surface Roughness of Recombinating Sidebar
Level Q.F.D.

Rack Pin Counter-bore Diameter

Importance of the Part Attributes

Importance of the Part Attributes

Rack Pin Counter-bore Depth
Direction of Improvement
Direction of Improvement

Target Values
Max = 5352.0

Min = 3680.0
Maximize 1.0
Target 0.0
Minimize -1.0

Direction of Improvement 1

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and R Sidebar 1 5352 0.0060 in 1

End Play btwn Housing and Plug 2 3968 0.0035 in 2

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and Key 3 3726 0.0185 in 3

Rack Pin Clearance with Plug Slot 4 3680 0.005 in 4




Importance of Process Attributes 1

Max = 281.7 Standard 9-3-1

Importance of Process Attributes
Strong 9.0
Min = 260.3 Moderate 3.0
Weak 1.0
Target Values 3 .028.069 .92

19 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function DFSS Design

o Design of Experiments

Deployment (QFD) Scorecard

o Gauge R& R
Customer Needs o Regression Analysis

System Design


Component Component
Design Capability

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

20 Synopsis of DFSS Method


Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and R Sidebar

Clearance btwn Tongue Pin and Key

Level Q.F.D.

Rack Pin Clearance with Plug Slot

End Play btwn Housing and Plug

Importance of Product Attributes

Importance of Product Attributes

Direction of Improvement

Kwikset Performance

Rielda Performance
Best Performance
Di re cti on of Im pro ve me nt

Target Values
Max = 414.0
Maximize 1.0

Min = 114.0
Target 0.0
Minimize -1.0

Direction of Improvement 1

Time to rekey cylinder 1 414 125 55 30 30 1

Plug pull strength 2 354 3800 2366 2745 3800 2

Key Insertion & Extraction Force 3 200 3.8 4.2 5.2 3.5 3

Key Operating Force 4 150 3.2 2.3 3.5 2.0 4

Number of Cycels till Failure 5 114 480K 22K 320K 500K 5





Importance of the Part Attributes 1 Sta nd ard 9-3-1

Max = 5352.0 Strong 9.0

Importance of the Part Attributes Moderate 3.0
Weak 1.0
Min = 3680.0
0.0060 in

0.0035 in

0.0185 in

Target Values 3
0.005 in

21 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Tolerance Stack-ups using Monte Carlo Simulation

22 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function DFSS Design

o Design of Experiments

Deployment (QFD) Scorecard

o Gauge R& R
Customer Needs o Regression Analysis

System Design

Subsystem Subsystem
Design Capability

Component Component
Design Capability

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

23 Synopsis of DFSS Method


System Level Q.F.D. Syn e rg y

C ompr o mis e
1 .0
- 1.0

K e y I n s er t ion & E xt r ac t ion F o r c e

I m p or t a nc e t o th e C u st o m e r

Nu m b e r o f Cy ce ls t ill F a ilur e

P er c ep t ion s o f K w iks e t
P er c ep t ion s o f Rie lda
P er c ep t ion s o f B e s t
T im e t o r e ke y cy lind e r

K e y O p er a t in g F o r ce
Direction of Improvement

P lu g p u ll s t re n gt h
Max imiz e 1 .0
Tar g et 0 .0
Min imiz e - 1.0

M a x = 5 .0

M in = 0 . 0

Dir e ctio n o f Imp r ov e me n t 1

Eas y to Re k ey 1 42
Hig h ly Sec u r e 2 38
Op e r ate s Smoo thly 3 12

Re k ey a ble Mu ltiple Time s 4 8
4 14

3 54

2 00

1 50

1 14
Imp o rta n ce o f Pr od u ct Attrib u tes 1

Max = 4 1 4.0
Standard 9-3-1
Imp o r ta n ce o f Pr o du c t Attr ib u tes
Stro n g 9 .0
Min = 11 4 .0 Mod e ra te 3 .0
4 80 K We a k 1 .0
2 36 6 3 80 0

Bes t Pe r for man c e 3

1 25

3 .8

3 .2

Kwik se t Pe r for man c e 4

5 00 K 3 20 K 2 2K
4 .2

2 .3

2 74 5

Rie ld a Per fo r ma nc e 5
5 .2

3 .5

3 80 0

Tar g et Valu e s 6
3 .5

2 .0

24 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Capability Studies: Plug Pull Strength

25 Synopsis of DFSS Method

DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function DFSS Design

o Design of Experiments

Deployment (QFD) Scorecard

o Gauge R& R
Customer Needs o Regression Analysis

System Design

Subsystem Subsystem
Design Capability

Component Component
Design Capability

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

26 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Product Scorecard for Performance
Parts DPM Process DMP
System Level CTQ’s DPM
Time to Rekey Cylinder 538 0
Plug Pull Strength 0 631
Key Insertion & Extraction Force 838 425
Number Cycles till Failure Metric moved to the Reliability Scorecard

Sub-total 1376 1056

Total DPMO 2432

27 Synopsis of DFSS Method
Equivalent Sigma or Z-score (short-term) 4.3
DFSS in Practice at Ingersoll Rand

Quality Function DFSS Design

o Design of Experiments

Deployment (QFD) Scorecard

o Gauge R& R
o Regression Analysis Customer
Customer Needs

System Design

Subsystem Subsystem
Design Capability

Component Component
Design Capability

Critical to Quality (CTQ) Management

28 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Financial Benefit
• Securekey because it’s sold as part of a complete lock
generates $250Million per month, or $8.33 Million per day.
• As a stand-alone product, the key & cylinder generates at least
$70,000 a day in operating income or profit

29 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Sajil Mathachan Kent Barker Scott Welsby Jason Clifford Brian Walls
Design Engineer & VAVE Engineer Leader of Design Design Engineer Design Engineer
Inventor Team

30 Synopsis of DFSS Method

Team Members in Bangalore India (not pictured) : Ajeya Rao, Subashchandra Rai, and Jonah Pattar

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