Edge Feb9
Edge Feb9
Edge Feb9
c o m
ISSUE 519/2023
T H U R S DAY, F E B RUA R Y 9 , 2 0 2 3 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s. c o m
ISSUE 519/2023
HOME: White paper on improper procurement of Covid-19 vaccine to be tabled in Parliament, says Anwar p2
UOB sees Malaysia’s GDP growth at 8.5% in 2022, 4% in 2023 p4
Retailers, hoteliers urge govt for moratorium on new electricity tariff p6
TMC Life Sciences’ 2Q net profit falls 20% on depreciation and tax expenses p8
WORLD: Credit Suisse dials back Asia risk controls after bankers revolt p22
PUTRAJAYA (Feb 8): Malaysia will chan- “This is because the first team has been
nel over US$2 million (over RM8.6 mil- so effective, the Turkish government re-
Malaysia to
lion) to Türkiye and Syria to help the vic- quested for more,” the prime minister said.
tims of the strong earthquake that struck On Feb 6, the first SMART team was
channel over
the two countries early Monday (Feb 6). deployed to help in the SAR operations in
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibra- Türkiye, as a sign of Malaysian solidarity
US$2 mil to
him said the Cabinet has agreed to the Ma- with those affected by the disaster.
laysian government donating US$1 million Anwar said the Ministry of Defence is
Türkiye, Syria
for the purpose, while the other US$1 mil- also in the midst of putting together a team
lion would come from the Sultan of Johor of military doctors and paramedics to be
Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. sent to Türkiye.
At the same time, the prime minister “This team of military doctors and par-
said that the Federal Territories Islamic Bernama amedics is also prepped to set up a field
Religious Council had allocated RM1 mil- hospital in Türkiye, just awaiting confirma-
lion in humanitarian aid, mostly to also be also deploy its second Special Malaysia tion of the need from the country,” he said.
channelled to Türkiye dan Syria. Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team On the SAR operations in Syria, Anwar
The strong 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit (SMART) to Türkiye on Wednesday (Feb said the donations to the country would
southern Türkiye and northern Syria early 8) night to join in the search and rescue be made through the International Red
Monday morning, bringing down buildings (SAR) operations there. Cross Society (IRCS).
and killing thousands of people in the two The team under the National Disaster “This is because there are restrictions...
countries.The tremors were reported to have Management Agency (Nadma)’s purview Our envoy in Syria will ensure (that) the
been felt in Cyprus and Lebanon. will comprise 70 members of SMART and distribution of finds and medical purchas-
Meanwhile, Anwar said Malaysia would the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department. es be made through the IRCS,” he added.
to tighten SRR
tio for banks may not be a good idea in outpaced that of loan disbursements. Loan
the near term, in view of a slowdown in disbursements continued to record sus-
in near term
the global economy and even a possible tained growth, particularly in the manu-
recession. facturing and wholesale trade sectors.
When contacted by The Edge, Dr Yeah “For households, outstanding loans
Kim Leng, professor of economics at Sun- grew by 6.2% amid high growth in loan
way University Business School said tight- BY JUSTIN LIM disbursements for the purchase of houses
ening the SRR will be a “contrary move” theedgemarkets.com and cars. High growth in loan repayments
to the current conditions. This is because was also observed for households, as most
higher SRR will result in higher cost of central bank to manage liquidity. Banking repayments have fully resumed during the
funds for banks and may ease their lend- institutions are required to maintain bal- quarter.”
ing activities. ances in their statutory reserve accounts The central bank has indicated that the
“We are currently at the inflection point equivalent to a certain proportion (which country’s growth in 2023 is expected to
— it is uncertain which direction we should is determined by the SRR rate) of their moderate amid a slower global economy,
go. So we need to be more vigilant and eligible liabilities. and likewise, the headline and core inflation
flexible in the sense that should the glob- Apart from the macroeconomic per- figures — though they will remain elevated
al economy take a turn for the worst, or spectives, Yeah views that current loan amid lingering demand and cost pressures.
(should the) domestic confidence wors- growth is still within a sustainable range “The global economy continues to be
en, that will result in faster-than-expected and that it is not generating overheating weighed down by elevated cost pressures,
weakening in the domestic economy.Then, concerns. He opines that “reasonable” loan higher interest rates, and Covid-19-related
tightening credit conditions will further growth should be between 4% and 6%. disruptions in China. These factors more
weaken growth (for the local economy),” “Importantly, we need to ensure that than offset the support from positive la-
he explained. credit growth is led by business lending, bour market conditions, and the full re-
The central bank relaxed the SRR to which has a greater multiplier effect on the opening of economies and international
2%, from 3%, at the onset of the Covid-19 economy, such as for high quality invest- borders,” it said.
pandemic on March 19, 2020, to ensure ment that can raise output for the country, In view of the economic headwinds,
banks had sufficient liquidity to weath- generate jobs, (and) increase income and BNM paused the key rate hike at its first
er the crisis, as well as support economic exports’ earnings,” he said. Monetary Policy Committee meeting in Jan-
growth during this period of uncertainty. In releasing the 3Q gross domestic uary this year. In 2022, the central bank
The current SRR of 2% is the lowest since product, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) increased the overnight policy rate by four
the Global Financial Crisis in 2009. announced that net financing expanded times for a cumulative 100 bps (basis points)
The SRR is an instrument used by the by 5.4% during the quarter. to 2.75%, from a record low of 1.75%.
h o m e
UOB sees
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): UOB Global The mining sector, they said, is expect-
Economics & Market Research estimates ed to hold up at a decent pace of 6.6%
Malaysia’s GDP
Malaysia’s economy to grow by 6.3% from 9.2% in 3Q2022 due to improved
year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2022 mining output by 6.2%. Both crude oil
growth at 8.5%
(4Q2022), above its preliminary forecast and natural gas output should rise by 4.4%
of 5.5% but lower than the Bloomberg es- and 7.5% respectively in 4Q2022.
in 2022, 4% in 2023
timate of 6.8%. Goh and Loke said the agricultural sec-
The research house’s forecast for the tor is expected to expand for the second
full-year is 8.5% (from its preliminary fore- straight quarter by 3%, driven by higher
cast of 8.3% and 3.1% in 2021, Bloomberg production of crude palm oil, while the
estimate: 8.6%). by sufi muhamad construction sector is estimated to expand
Actual 4Q gross domestic product theedgemarkets.com by 8.2% based on the 15.7% increase in
(GDP) numbers will be released on Fri- total value of construction work done in
day (Feb 10). side risks to the country’s economic outlook 4Q2022.
For 3QFY2022, the country posted ahead, while being weighed down by year-ago “All four construction sub-segments
GDP growth of 14.2%. high statistical comparison base,” said UOB continued to log improvement in their
The contraction in 4Q2022, UOB said, economists Julia Goh and Loke Siew Ting. value of work done, with that of non-resi-
mainly reflects the fading effects of pent-up In 4Q2022, Goh and Loke expect the dential, civil engineering, and special trades
demand post reopening as well as subdued services sector to record an 8% growth maintaining double-digit gain,” they noted.
global demand as a result of aggressive year-on-year with the volume index of ser- They also stated that domestic demand
global monetary policy tightening and pro- vices maintained at a double digit rate of is projected to remain resilient even as
longed Covid lockdowns in China. 11.7% from 23.1% in 3Q2021. households were still hit by high living costs
“The potential quarter-on-quarter con- “This comes on the back of a further and rising interest rates, thus providing
traction would justify the surprise decision recovery in tourism-related sectors (i.e. support to the overall GDP in 3Q2022.
by Bank Negara Malaysia to hold interest food & beverages, accommodation, and “Private consumption growth is project-
rates unchanged on Jan 19, whereby the cen- transport & storage) amid improving la- ed to hold up at 10.5% (3Q2022: 15.1%)
tral bank cited a need to assess the impact bour market conditions,” they said. on the back of persistent government sup-
of cumulative four back-to-back rate hikes The manufacturing sector is likely the port and higher employment. Private in-
(between May 2022 and Nov 2022) on the second biggest contributor to overall GDP vestment is anticipated to recover further
economy,” it added in a note on Wednesday. growth in 4Q2022 despite lower gains of while government expenditure is set to be
For 2023, UOB expects Malaysia’s 3.9% from 13.2% in 3Q2022, the econ- lifted by continued cash assistance, sub-
growth momentum to moderate further omists said. sidy bills and election-related expenses,”
to 4%. The official estimate is 4% to 5%. “The projected slowdown is partly due they added.
“More restrictive global monetary poli- to year-ago high base effects and slower The economists said external demand
cy settings, potential escalation of geopolit- global growth prospects amid ongoing is anticipated to soften on account of sub-
ical tensions, weaker-than-expected global global tech down cycle, weighing across dued global demand, which is also expect-
demand, ongoing global tech downcycle, all domestic and export-oriented manu- ed to trigger stock withdrawal activities
and domestic policy changes are key down- facturing sub-sectors.” in 4Q2022.
from Pag e 3 Loan growth won’t be affected Banking stocks lose ground
Net interest margins compression Ng does not expect the SRR tightening to Amid news that SRR could be adjust-
Ng said banks have benefited from the impact the banking industry’s loan growth ed upward soon, banking stocks domi-
lower SRR since March 2020, as the stat- as the liquidity positions of all major local nated the top losers list on Wednesday
utory deposit maintained by banks with banks are at comfortable levels — even af- (Feb 8), with Hong Leong Financial
BNM is interest-free, and hence, no in- ter the tightening of SRR — to meet the Group Bhd being the top loser (by
come is generated for this fund. credit demand in the banking system. value) after it fell 2.1% or 38 sen to
However, he said the SRR tightening “In addition, we believe Bank Negara RM17.92.
would reduce banks’ net interest margins Malaysia would ensure that any SRR tight- This was followed by CIMB Group
by an estimated 5.9 basis points (bps), ening does not impede the banks’ ability Holdings Bhd, which dropped 18 sen or
but this should be more than offset by to lend, which is essential to support eco- 3.2% to RM5.40, Hong Leong Bank,
the positive impact from the series of nomic growth. We are projecting slower which slipped 18 sen or 0.9% to RM20,
OPR hikes (100bps in 2022 and the ex- loan growth of 4%-5% for 2023, versus and RHB Bank Bhd, which fell 15 sen
pected 50bps in 2023). 5%-6% for 2022.This is not because of any or 2.7% to RM5.51.
Should the SRR be tightened, he esti- negative impact from SRR tightening but Maybank, however, bucked the
mated that banks would have to top up their rather due to our projected weaker GDP downtrend in the banking sector,
statutory reserves by RM39.4 billion, which (gross domestic product) growth forecast as it gained one sen or 0.1% to
he thinks banks will be able to achieve given of 4.4% in 2023 versus 8.4% in 2022.” RM8.64.
their strong liquidity positions. “In addition, we think that the strong The Financial Services Index on Bur-
“In FY2021, banks’ liquidity coverage expansion of around 8% in auto loans in sa Malaysia shrank 1.12% to 15,954.56
ratios — the key barometer for liquidity — 2022 would not be sustainable and could points.
ranged between 135.6% and 180.1%, which moderate to the low single-digit rates, in CGS-CIMB’s picks for the sector are
were significantly higher than the minimum line with our expectations of lower car sales Hong Leong Bank, RHB Bank and Pub-
requirement of 100%,” he elaborated. in 2023,” he explained. lic Bank Bhd.
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): Retailers hampered our industries’ recovery process.
and hoteliers are urging the government Now, we also have to contend with this im-
for moratorium
electricity surcharge — which has been The constant and increasing pressure
upped to 20 sen per kWh since the start of on their businesses, especially at a time
on new electricity
this year from 3.7 sen per kWh throughout when Malaysia is stepping up its efforts
2022 — so that their businesses can first to be the tourism destination of choice, is
recover from the pandemic’s impact. taking its toll on them, making them unable
In a joint statement on Wednesday (Feb to operate efficiently and effectively, which
8), seven associations representing retailers stands to undercut these efforts, they said.
and the owners and operators of hotels, “We hope to hear a favourable response
theme parks and shopping malls lament BY HAILEY CHUNG soon and we are always open for talks with
that their monthly energy bills have gone theedgemarkets.com the ministry for the overall betterment of
up by at least 20% to 30% compared to the the industry in Malaysia,” they added.
previous year, despite similar usage levels. only started to recover from the second The new 20 sen per kWh electricity
The associations were: Bumiputera Re- quarter of last year, when the country’s tariff rate was announced by the Minis-
tailers Organisation, Malaysian Association border reopened. try of Natural Resources, Environment
of Hotels, Malaysian Association of Hotel However, they have yet to be able to ful- and Climate Change in mid-December
Owners, Malaysia Budget and Business ly capitalise on the recovery period due to last year, and is applicable on all medium
Hotel Association, Malaysian Association “the lingering after-effects of the pandemic, voltage and high voltage users, as well as
of Themepark and Family Attractions, Ma- such as manpower shortage and the grow- multinational corporations, from Jan 1 to
laysia Retailers Association and the Ma- ing general caution for people to travel”. June 30 this year.
laysia Shopping Malls Association. “Additionally, recent legislation such as
They said their members were among the minimum wage revision and amend-
the hardest hit during the pandemic and ments to the Employment Act have further Read the full story
h o m e
UEM Sunrise’s
Centre (KLCC) has fallen through after
falls through
conditions precedent under the sale and
purchase agreement (SPA) were not ful-
filled within the conditional period, which
expired on Tuesday (Feb 7).
As the SPA had lapsed, UEM Sunrise by Hailey Chung
unaffected by
said the vendor Nipponkey Sdn Bhd will theedgemarkets.com
refund its indirect wholly owned subsidiary
Lucky Bright Star Sdn Bhd the deposit, in- proposed acquisition on Aug 4 last year,
cluding any interest accrued, within 14 days. it said the total purchase price of RM384
Lucky Bright Star will also return the million will be satisfied in cash of RM235.8
relevant documents to Nipponkey, UEM million and in-kind of RM148.25 million.
by Priyatharisiny Vasu Sunrise said in a Bursa Malaysia filing. Shares in UEM Sunrise were down
theedgemarkets.com The parcel of land measuring 6.39 acres is 1.9% to close at 26 sen on Wednesday,
situated at Lot 228, Jalan SultanYahya Petra giving it a market value of RM1.32 billion.
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): IHH (formerly known as Jalan Semarak), which is
Healthcare Bhd, which has a private approximately 2.5km northeast of KLCC.
healthcare facility in Türkiye, said When UEM Sunrise first announced the Read the full story
its operations are unaffected by the
7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck
southeastern Türkiye and northwest-
ern Syria early Monday (Feb 6). hold goods (12.6%), food, beverages and
In response to The Edge’s queries, DOSM:Wholesale, tobacco (16.0%), information and com-
IHH said on Wednesday (Feb 8) that munication equipment (9.8%), cultural
its hospital in Adana is located some retail trade hits and recreation goods (3.9%), stalls and
distance away from the epicentre of market (17.8%), and retail sales not in
the quake. all-time high of stores, stalls or market (11.4%).
“We are not directly affected and re- “For month-on-month comparison,
main operational to focus on serving the RM137.3 bil sales of this sub-sector [retail trade] went
community,” said IHH spokesperson. up 1.2%,” said Uzir.
IHH owns a 90% interest in Aci- in Dec 2022 The motor vehicle sub-sector’s growth
badem Holdings, a private health- in December 2022 was underpinned by an
care provider in Türkiye that offers expansion of motor vehicle sales by 24.8%
integrated healthcare services in by Sufi Muhamad or RM2 billion to RM10 billion, followed
Türkiye, Macedonia, Bulgaria, the theedgemarkets.com by sales of motor vehicle parts and accesso-
Netherlands and Serbia. ries and maintenance (27.3%) and repair
“All of us at IHH are deeply sad- KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): The Depart- of motor vehicles (30.9%).
dened by this disaster and our hearts ment of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) an- “However, sales, maintenance and re-
go out to all who have been affected. nounced that Malaysia’s wholesale and pair of motorcycles slipped 29.8% in Dec
“Our immediate and overriding pri- retail trade as at December 2022 rose to 2022. On a monthly basis, sales of this
ority is to support our Acibadem col- a record RM137.3 billion, expanding by sub-sector increased 9.3% ... mainly con-
leagues in Turkiye, to ensure the safety 13.8% from December 2021 figures. tributed by sales of motor vehicles which
of our staff and render humanitarian This was due to the retail trade sub-sec- rose 13.8%,” Uzir stated in the statement.
and healthcare assistance. Acibadem tor reporting an increase of 22.7% or Additionally, the wholesale trade
is mobilising resources to extend med- RM11 billion to RM59.5 billion, while sub-sector recorded positive growth due to
ical care and support in the affected the wholesale trade sub-sector rose 4.7% the wholesale of household goods sub-sec-
region,” said the spokesperson. or RM2.7 billion to RM60.3 billion. tor which rose by RM900 million or 7.6%
Last Thursday, IHH announced Motor vehicles sales had also expanded by to RM12.3 billion in December 2022.
that Acibadem is buying Kent 20.3% or RM3 billion to RM17.5 billion, said “This was followed by wholesale of agri-
Health Group, which operates the DOSM in a statement onWednesday (Feb 8). cultural raw materials and live animals [at]
largest private hospital in Türkiye’s “For month-on-month comparison, 18.2% to record RM5.5 billion. Similarly,
third largest city of Izmir. sales value of wholesale and retail trade wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
Izmir Kent Hospital will be Aci- rose 2.3%, an increase of RM3 billion, also increased 6.1% to RM12.2 billion.”
badem’s 19th hospital in Türkiye and mainly supported by motor vehicles which “On the other hand, other specialised
25th globally. grew 9.3%,” said chief statistician Datuk wholesale decreased 0.3% to settle at
Shares of IHH dipped 1.82% in the Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin. RM22.5 billion.
last two days, with the lowest recorded In terms of performance across sub-sec- “For monthly comparison, wholesale
on Tuesday (Feb 7) at RM5.86. tors, retail sales in non-specialised stores in trade grew 1.4% which was mainly contrib-
On Wedesday’s close, IHH’s share retail trade grew 24.7% or RM4.4 billion uted by other specialised wholesale which
price fell 0.7% or four sen to RM5.92, to RM22.4 billion, while sales in special- increased 1.7%,” according to Uzir.
giving the healthcare group a market ised stores rose by 30.7%. Likewise, other
capitalisation of RM52.13 billion. sub-sectors also recorded positive growth,
namely automotive fuels (44.4%), house- Read the full story
t h u r s d ay f e b r u a ry 9 , 2 0 2 3 8 TheEdge CEO morning brief
h o m e
TMC Life
Sciences’ 2Q net
profit falls 20%
on depreciation
and tax
by Syafiqah Salim
theedgemarkets.com BAT Malaysia managing director Nedal Salem
in insights.
bull or bear?
On local, regional, global market views and bringing
sustainability closer to home
Keynote Speakers
h o m e
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): Malaysia Avi- For its loyalty & travel solutions port-
ation Group (MAG) is implementing the folio, it covers MAG’s end-to-end travel
Aviation Group
Target Operating Model (TOM) to enable solutions and loyalty programmes while
the group to deliver its Long-term Busi- complementing its established strength
MAG aims to break even by 2023 un- MHholidays, Firefly Holidays and Enrich.
der the LTBP 2.0. Philip See was appointed as CEO of the
structure with
The new operating model will see the portfolio, in addition to being the group’s
group operating as a full-fledged oper- chief sustainability officer.
new senior
ating company which will oversee three Meanwhile, the aviation services port-
dedicated profit centres, namely airlines, folio covers cargo, ground handling, train-
leadership team
loyalty & travel solutions and aviation ser- ing and maintenance, repair and overhaul
vices, according to the group’s statement (MRO) which comprises MABkargo, Aer-
on Wednesday (Feb 8). oDarat Services, MAB Academy and MAB
There will be greater emphasis on trans- Engineering.The portfolio will be overseen
parency and accountability through a clear by Sufi Muhamad by Mohd Nadziruddin Mohd Basri as the
profit and loss reporting structure, with theedgemarkets.com CEO of aviation services.
the empowering of each vertical to drive Overall, Izham will continue to steer
business growth and the diversification of becoming Asia’s leading travel and aviation on the entire MAG business support
the group’s revenue stream beyond its air- services group,” said MAG group chief functions and operations as group CEO
lines business. executive officer Captain Izham Ismail. of MAG, supported by Boo Hui Yee as
“The new set-up allows MAG to have In line with the new organisational group chief financial officer, Bryan Foong
a more dynamic reporting structure under structure, MAG also announced a new as group chief strategy & transformation
each profit centre, including dedicated loy- senior leadership team. Ahmad Luqman officer, Datuk Mohd Khalis Abdul Ra-
alty & travel solutions and aviation services Mohd Azmi was appointed as CEO of him as group chief human capital officer,
functions to drive revenue growth, promot- airlines to oversee the group’s global, Lau Yin May as group chief branding &
ing better synergy as the group collectively domestic and segmented airlines, includ- customer experience officer, and newly
work towards fulfilling its Long-term Busi- ing Malaysia Airlines, Firefly, MASwings appointed Clarence Lee as the group’s
ness Plan 2.0 (LTBP 2.0) aspirations of and AMAL. chief digital & IT officer.
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): Capital A posed Subang Airport Regeneration Plan,
Bhd, the parent company of low-cost car- Fernandes: or SARP, to regenerate the airport into a
rier AirAsia Aviation Group Ltd, has ap- premium city airport and aerospace hub
plied for licence to operate regional flights AirAsia has within the city centre had been approved
from the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in by the Cabinet on Feb 2.
Subang — also known as the Subang Air- applied to operate Under the proposed plan prepared
port — following the federal government’s by Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd
approval for the Subang Airport Regenera- flights from (MAHB), belly cargo flights with nar-
tion Plan, which will bring back scheduled row-body jets up to the size of A320/B737
passenger flights and belly cargo flights us- Subang Airport or their equivalent will be accommodated
ing narrow-body jets to the airport. at the Subang Airport.
Capital A chief executive officer Tan Sri under the airport’s SARP will focus on the development
Tony Fernandes said the the Subang Air- of the aerospace ecosystem, general avi-
port has always been an asset in the Malay- regeneration plan ation/business aviation and city airports,
sia aviation industry and that its potential Loke said.
should be fully utilised. According to him, the ecosystem that will
“In big cities like Kuala Lumpur, you by Priyatharisiny Vasu be developed at Subang Airport will involve
need to have more airports. I think it is a theedgemarkets.com seven components, namely an aerospace
very bold, [a] brave and right decision for industry centre; maintenance, repair and
the domestic aviation industry in Malaysia. for us. As such, we do not look at diverting overhaul centre; research and development
“I imagine it will be more expensive to capacity from klia2, but will target new centre; general aviation operations; business
fly from Subang Airport than the Kuala types of passengers. Someone who may aviation operations; urban air mobility; and
Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), but not have flown in AirAsia [will] fly AirAsia regional commercial flight operations.
I think it is the right decision,” Fernandes because it is convenient. So it is all about Loke further said MAHB would con-
told reporters at the launch of AirAsia’s new growth,” he added. clude a detailed redevelopment plan — in-
new AI-powered concierge that replaced In 2002, AirAsia, together with Ma- cluding the entire cost of the project — to
its AirAsia Virtual Allstar, AVA, on Wednes- laysia Airlines, was ordered to shift their be presented again to the Cabinet before
day (Feb 8). operations from the Subang Airport to the end of the first quarter of this year,
AirAsia plans to target a new group of KLIA in Sepang, to increase the connec- which is less than two months from now.
passengers for growth at the Subang Air- tivity and growth of KLIA, the country’s
port, and that routes would likely focus premier airport.
on regional destinations, Fernandes said. On Monday (Feb 6), Transport Minis- Read also: AirAsia enhances AI-powered
“Subang Airport will be a new capacity ter Anthony Loke Siew Fook said the pro- AVA chatbot four years after debut
t h u r s d ay f e b r u a ry 9 , 2 0 2 3 11 TheEdge CEO morning brief
h o m e
news In brief
h o m e
by Hafiz Yatim
h o m e
h o m e
Malaysia weighs
(Feb 8): Malaysia, the world’s second-big- The two countries — which together
gest palm oil producer, is weighing a range make up more than 80% of the world’s
trade curbs to
of trade curbs to strike back against what palm oil supply — say the rule is discrim-
it calls unfair policies from the Europe- inatory. It will cut off market access for
Foreign embassies
not authorised to
issue temporary
visit pass for
citizens to remain
in Malaysia —
Immigration DG
Bernama has no right to interfere with the sover- total of 67 Indonesians between the ages of
eignty and laws of this country,” he said in two months and 72 years were arrested for
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): Foreign em- a statement here on Wednesday (Feb 8). not having valid identification documents,
bassies in Malaysia do not have the author- The statement was issued in response as well as overstaying in the country and
ity to issue any form of pass or documents to a report by a migrant rights group that other immigration offences.
for their citizens to reside in the country, a settlement raided by the authorities in Khairul Dzaimee said it was part of
said Immigration director general Datuk Nilai Spring, Negeri Sembilan, last week the department’s duties to carry out the
Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud. was not an illegal colony. operation, and should not be questioned
He said the issuance of visas and passes According to Jakarta-based Migrant by any outside quarters.
to foreign nationals to live and work here Care, the foreigners who were detained in “In fact, Malaysians are also penal-
can only be issued by the Malaysian Im- the raid had been issued temporary visit ised by authorities abroad when they vi-
migration Department. passes by the Indonesian authorities, and olate the host country’s immigration laws.
“The Immigration Department would the passes were valid for one year. Therefore, all parties must respect the rule
like to emphasise that any outside party In the operation conducted on Feb 1, a of law of a country,” he added.
Türkiye halts
trading in
stock market
after US$35 bil
Turkish leader
KAHRAMANMARAS/ANTAKYA, Tür- she had not seen any rescue teams. “We
kiye (Feb 8): President Tayyip Erdogan on survived the earthquake, but we will die
Wednesday admitted to problems with his here due to hunger or cold here.”
government’s initial response to a devastat- The death toll rose to 8,574 in Türkiye
problems with
ing earthquake in southern Türkiye amid on Wednesday. In Syria - already devas-
anger from those left destitute and frus- tated by 11 years of war — the confirmed
trated over the slow arrival of rescue teams. toll climbed to more than 2,500 overnight,
Erdogan, who contests an election in according to the government and a rescue
relief effort
May, said on a visit to the disaster zone service operating in the rebel-held north-
that operations were now working nor- west.
mally and promised no one would be left Turkish authorities released video of
homeless, as the combined death toll across rescued survivors, including a young girl
Turkey and neighbouring Syria climbed BY MEHMET CALISKAN, in pyjamas, and an older man covered in
above 11,000. HUSEYIN HAYATSEVER & ECE TOKSABAY dust, an unlit cigarette clamped between
But across a swathe of southern Türkiye, Reuters his fingers as he was pulled from the debris.
people sought temporary shelter and food In Syria’s Aleppo, staff at the Al-Razi
in freezing winter weather, and waited in In the Turkish city of Antakya, dozens hospital attended to a man with bruised
anguish by piles of rubble where family of bodies, some covered in blankets and eyes who said more than a dozen relatives
and friends may lie buried. Rescuers were sheets and others in body bags, were lined including his father and mother were killed
still digging out some people alive. Others up on the ground outside a hospital. when the building they were in collapsed.
were found dead. Families in southern Türkiye and in Syr- “We were 16 and 13 of us died. My
There were similar scenes and complaints ia spent a second night in the freezing cold. brother, one-and-a-half-year-old niece and
in neighbouring Syria, where the impact of Many in the disaster zone had slept in I got out. Thank God,” he said.
Monday’s huge quake extended to. their cars or in the streets under blankets, “My father, my mother, my brother,
The death toll from both countries fearful of going back into buildings shaken his wife and their four children. The wife
was expected to increase as hundreds of by the 7.8 magnitude tremor — Türkiye’s and two kids of my brother who got out
collapsed buildings in many cities have deadliest since 1999 — and by a second with me also died.”
become tombs for people who had been powerful quake hours later.
asleep in the homes when the quake hit “Where are the tents, where are food
in the early morning. trucks?” said Melek, 64, in Antakya, saying Read the full story
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Zelenskiy visits
(Feb 8): Ukrainian President Volodymyr shows that Sunak’s decision not to send
Zelenskiy arrived in the UK on Wednes- fighter jets to Ukraine has not affected the
London ahead of
day, only his second confirmed trip outside relationship with Kyiv. Former Prime Min-
the country since the war began, as Prime ister Boris Johnson had urged Sunak to
expected Russian
Minister Rishi Sunak offered more training increase support by sending planes.
for Ukrainian troops and fighter jet pilots. “President Zelenskiy’s visit to the UK is
Zelenskiy arrived at Stansted Airport out-
a testament to his country’s courage, deter-
side of London in a Royal Air Force plane, mination and fight, and a testament to the
before heading into London to meet Sunak in unbreakable friendship between our two
Downing Street and address UK lawmakers in countries,” Sunak said in a statement. “Since
Parliament. He will also meet King Charles III by Kitty Donaldson 2014, the UK has provided vital training to
during his visit, the Press Association reported. Bloomberg Ukrainian forces, allowing them to defend
The leaders will discuss a “two-pronged” their country, protect their sovereignty and
approach to UK support for Ukraine, be- to the US in December, when Zelenskiy fight for their territory.”
ginning with an increase in military equip- met President Joe Biden and addressed “It also underlines our commitment to
ment to help Ukraine counter Russia’s Congress. It will likely be seen as a vote not just provide military equipment for
expected new offensive, backed up by long- of gratitude to the UK for being one of the short term, but a long-term pledge to
term support, Downing Street said. Sunak Ukraine’s primary suppliers of military aid. stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine
will also offer to bolster the UK’s training He is expected to use his address to the for years to come,” Sunak added.
offer for Ukrainian troops, including ex- British Parliament to seek to bolster sup-
panding it to marines and fighter jet pilots. port ahead of any new Russian offensive.
The trip to the UK comes after a visit More than 10,000 Ukrainian troops Read the full story
Kishida indicates
Kishida said that he will carefully consider
the market impact while choosing a new
not wanting to
Bank of Japan (BOJ) governor, indicating
little intention to signal an immediate shift
surprise market
at the bank with a surprise decision.
“I’m considering the selection by paying
COLOMBO (Feb 8): Sri Lanka’s economy to finalise an IMF programme, Wickrem-
returning to
tricate the country from its economic crisis na. We have received positive responses
by 2026, President Ranil Wickremesinghe from all parties. We are now working to-
growth by
told parliament on Wednesday (Feb 8). wards unifying the approaches of other
The Indian Ocean island of 22 million countries and that of China.”
people has been struggling with its worst India and Japan, Sri Lanka’s other key
economic turmoil since independence lenders have already expressed support.
president says
from Britain in 1948, which has forced Wickremesinghe said the government
it to default on loans and seek a US$2.9 could turn around the economy if the pub-
billion bailout from the International Mon- lic tolerated high direct taxes for another
etary Fund (IMF). six months. He said last month that the
“We are now moving from a negative BY UDITHA JAYASINGHE economy for the full year could contract
economy towards a positive one. By the Reuters by 3.5% or 4.0% after shrinking 11% last
end of 2023, we can achieve economic year.
growth,” President Wickremesinghe said “If we continue according to this plan,
in a special policy statement to parliament. REUTERS we can rise out of bankruptcy by 2026.
“We have now been able to increase the As I have been continuously appealing, if
foreign reserves which had fallen to zero all the parties in this Parliament join the
up to US$500 million.” process to build the country, we would
Sri Lanka’s official reserves reached be able to extricate from this crisis even
US$2.1 billion at the end of January, which earlier.”
is the highest it has been in about a year, Recent increases in income tax have
latest central bank data showed. hit salaried workers hard, with trade un-
The reserves include a US$1.5 billion ions and private sector professionals stag-
swap from China People’s Bank, which Sri ing protests.
Lanka has been unable to tap as it requires Wickremesinghe said the aim was to
the island to have three months worth of reduce inflation to single digits by the
reserves. end of the year. Sri Lanka’s key inflation
Sri Lanka is also working its largest bi- rate, the Colombo Consumer Price Index,
lateral lender, China, to obtain financing eased to 54.2% in January from 57.2%
assurances supporting a debt restructuring Sri Lanka's President Ranil Wickremesinghe in December.
t h u r s d ay f e b r u a ry 9 , 2 0 2 3 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief
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to calm investors
into the issues of regulatory compliance around
related party transactions and internal controls,
among others, according to filings from the
firms, Ambuja Cements Ltd and Adani Green
by Divya Patil Energy Ltd. “The management will assess the
necessary actions required, if any.”
India’s central
‘Ease concerns’
bank hikes
Microsoft unveils
(Feb 8): Microsoft Corp showed off plans Super Bowl.The new Bing returned informa-
to use new tools from startup OpenAI to tion about a Super Bowl week party, a culi-
using OpenAI
against market leader Google by being first an Ikea love seat will fit in a 2019 Honda Od-
to offer conversational responses powered yssey — Bing told Mehdi it wasn’t sure, and
by artificial intelligence. it depends on whether the second and third
The company unveiled a new version of row of the vehicle are folded down.
its Bing search engine and Edge browser Asked for an egg substitute in recipes,
that incorporate technology from OpenAI, Bing offered several choices and the meas-
maker of the viral chatbot ChatGPT, a re- BY DINA BASS urements of each that equals one egg. It also
vamp designed to make it easier for users to Bloomberg discussed the properties of each substitute,
create content and find answers on the web. like which will make the recipe fluffier.
“This technology is going to reshape from digital troves of text, photos and art. Microsoft said the new version of Bing
pretty much every software category,” Mi- Last week Microsoft unveiled a custom- is available now as a preview, which means
crosoft chief executive officer Satya Nadella er-management programme that uses Ope- users can try a limited number of queries.
said at an event on Tuesday (Feb 7) at the nAI text-generation tools to compose emails People can also join a waitlist for full ac-
company’s Redmond, Washington, head- for salespeople, and jazzed up the premium cess, which the company hopes to expand
quarters. It’s “high time” innovation was tier of its Teams chat and meeting software to millions in the coming weeks, Mehdi
restored to internet search, he said. with AI-written post-meeting notes. said. It also intends to bring the AI search
The new Bing, which runs on an OpenAI Microsoft recently announced a multibil- features to rival web browsers.
language model that is more advanced than lion-dollar investment in OpenAI, solidifying OpenAI CEO Sam Altman appeared at
the one behind ChatGPT, can be switched in ties with the startup to get the inside track on the event to tout the company’s partnership
and out of chat mode, and users can tap the its artificial intelligence models like ChatGPT with Microsoft. “We’re so grateful to have
bot to compose emails.The new Edge browser and Dall-E, which have attracted millions of a partner to share our vision and values of
adds the AI-based Bing for chat and writing users in just months. Beyond search, Microsoft building advanced AI that is safe and will have
text, and it can summarise web pages and re- executives have said they want to add Ope- a very positive impact on society,” he said.
spond conversationally to queries.The answers nAI’s technology into Office productivity soft-
come with citations to their sources, so users ware, security programs and video-game tools.
can see where the information is coming from. The new Bing search query box can ac- Read the full story
A flurry of product announcements cept up to 1,000 characters. In a demonstra-
from Microsoft and Google in recent weeks tion, Microsoft vice-president Yusuf Mehdi
comes amid a sudden intense focus on gen- asked the chat-based engine about events in Read also: Alibaba tests ChatGPT-style
erative AI, which can generate new content Scottsdale, Arizona, during this weekend’s tool as AI buzz intensifies
Tencent plans
(Feb 8):Tencent Holdings Ltd is planning to Brokerages including Morgan Stanley have
launch a Valorant e-sports league when the raised their price targets on Tencent in
‘Valorant’ league
hit shooter title debuts in China this year, one recent weeks, anticipating a recovery in
of the strongest signs yet that the country’s growth as restrictions ease and efforts to
as gaming
internet giants are getting back to business sell video ads gain momentum.
after a two-year industry crackdown. “These are positive signs that China
crackdown eases
Tencent unit TJ Sports has held discus- tech companies are back to business with
sions with top Chinese e-sports players in regulatory headwinds largely behind,” said
recent days about setting up the competi- Marvin Chen, an analyst at Bloomberg In-
tion, people familiar with the matter said. telligence. “It is also in line with recent com-
It could kick off a tournament over the BY PEI LI & ZHEPING HUANG ments from policymakers that innovation
summer at the earliest as Tencent rolls out Bloomberg is still in a prominent position for national
the game domestically, one of the people development.”
said, asking to not be identified discussing BLOOMBERG A Tencent representative said in a mes-
private information. sage the company was making prepara-
Talks are in their initial stages and Ten- tions related to Valorant and hadn’t con-
cent could push back its timeline, the people firmed a launch date for the game.
said. But a Valorant league will help reboot A Valorant extravaganza would add to
competitive online gaming in China after a Tencent’s roster of Chinese competitive
two-year lull, when pandemic restrictions leagues, spanning genres from battle are-
and Beijing’s clampdown on youth addic- nas to racing and first-person shooters.Ten-
tion chilled the world’s largest gaming arena. cent set up TJ Sports with US subsidiary
Launched globally in 2020, Valorant has Riot Games Inc in 2019 to helm League of
grown to become one of the most popular Legends contests. Another unit runs tourna-
e-sports titles, vying for a multibillion-dollar ments based on Honor of Kings, Tencent’s
market along with rival shooters like Bliz- was preparing to relax its grip on the sector. long-running mobile cash-cow.
zard’s Overwatch. Tencent won approval to Tencent’s shares extended gains in late
roll out the title only in December, in what Hong Kong trading to climb as much as
investors took as a sign that the government 1.8% before ending largely unchanged. Read the full story
t h u r s d ay f e b r u a ry 9 , 2 0 2 3 20 TheEdge CEO morning brief
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news In brief
US briefed 40 nations on China spy
balloon incident, diplomats and
official say
The United States held briefings in
Washington and Beijing with foreign
diplomats from 40 nations about the
Chinese spy balloon that Washington
shot down on Saturday for spying over
US territory, a senior administration
official and diplomats said on Tuesday.
US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy
Sherman on Monday briefed nearly 150
foreign diplomats across 40 embassies,
the official said, while in Beijing the US
embassy gathered foreign diplomats
on Monday and Tuesday to present US Hundreds of tractors enter Paris in protest against pesticide bans
findings about the balloon. “We want to PARIS (Feb 8): French farmers drove hundreds of tractors into Paris early on
make sure that we are sharing as much Wednesday to protest against pesticide restrictions and other environmental
as we can with countries around the regulations they say are threatening farm production in the European Union’s
world who may also be susceptible to largest agricultural power. The action follows an EU court ruling last month that
these types of operations,” the senior overturned a French policy allowing sugar beet growers to use a banned insecticide,
administration official said. Sherman’s raising concern from sugar beet growers of a further decline in plantings and
briefing was first reported by the sugar factory closures. “These repeated bans and the inaction of the government
Washington Post. The appearance of the to support many sectors (cherries, apples, chicory, potato starch, etc.) condemn
Chinese balloon over the United States agricultural production,” France’s largest farm union FNSEA, sugar beet union CGB
last week caused political outrage in and young farmers group JA said in a statement. — Reuters
Washington and prompted US Secretary
of State Antony Blinken to cancel a trip
to Beijing that both countries had hoped Japan to end blanket Covid-19 Fitch raises China’s growth forecast
would patch their frayed relations. testing for Chinese travellers, to 5% for 2023
Blinken would have arrived in Beijing on says Japanese broadcaster BENGALURU/BEIJING (Feb 8): Rating
Sunday. A US Air Force fighter jet shot TOKYO (Feb 8): Japan is arranging to relax agency Fitch has revised its forecast
down the balloon off the South Carolina border control measures for visitors from for China’s economic growth in 2023
coast on Saturday, a week after it first China as early as this month, Japanese to 5.0% from 4.1% previously, as
entered US airspace. China’s foreign broadcaster FNN reported on Wednesday consumption and broader activity
ministry has said it was a weather balloon (Feb 8). Japan plans to end blanket testing are recovering faster than initially
that had blown off course and accused the of Covid-19 for all travellers from China anticipated, after the end of the “zero-
United States of overreacting. — Reuters upon arrival, the broadcaster said. It will Covid” regime. Fitch said the recovery
continue requiring negative Covid tests will be primarily led by consumption,
before departure, it said. China last month noting that many high-frequency
suspended issuing short-term visas for indicators have recently rebounded,
South Korea and Japan after announcing though still remain below pre-pandemic
it would retaliate against countries norms. Despite the forecast upgrade,
that required negative Covid tests for the rating agency expects the economic
travellers from China. South Korea’s rebound this year to be less vigorous
prime minister later last month suggested than that in 2021, when the economy
its Covid curbs on travellers from China posted gross domestic product (GDP)
could be lifted earlier than scheduled if growth of 8.4%. Fitch was the first major
infections eased in the latter, the Yonhap rating agency to upgrade China’s 2023
news agency reported. — Reuters economic growth forecast. — Reuters
Indonesia approves Malaysia’s estimates, the energy ministry said in will be utilised by a fertiliser plant in
Genting Oil & Gas’s revised a statement on Wednesday. Under the Papua and for a liquefied natural gas
development plan for Kasuri gas revised plan, the estimated gas in place plant,” Arifin said. Genting Oil & Gas
project — ministry for Asap, Kido and Merah structures also signed an initial agreement with an
JAKARTA (Feb 8): Indonesia has in West Papua’s Kasuri block rose to Indonesian state-controlled fertiliser
approved a revised development plan 2,673.7 billion standard cubic feet producer, Pupuk Kaltim, to supply 102
by Malaysia’s Genting Oil & Gas for the (BSCFD) from 1,735 BSCFD previously, billion British thermal units of gas per
first phase of its gas project in West Energy Minister Arifin Tasrif said in the day to its US$1.5 billion fertiliser plant,
Papua, following changes in production statement. “Production from this field the statement said. — Reuters
t h u r s d ay f e b r u a ry 9 , 2 0 2 3 21 TheEdge CEO morning brief
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Major shipping
(Feb 8): Increasing volatility in global sup- Containers typically face numerous de-
ply chains means shipping lines must un- lays while heading to their destination dur-
chain overhaul
“The way that supply chains have operated scattered across different ports, he said.That
over the last number of decades is no longer fit would allow Maersk to consolidate shipments
as chaos roils
for purpose,” Ditlev Blicher, the president of originating from different parts of Asia at
Asia-Pacific for the shipping line, told reporters a convenient hub, giving more flexibility to
global trade
in Singapore on Monday (Feb 6). “We believe send them to where demand is the greatest.
this environment of increased volatility is here “We are building a structure where we
to stay, and it will likely accelerate.” can take a container from China, one from
Global trade has been buffeted by major Vietnam, and another from Cambodia to a
disruptions in recent years, as the pandem- by Ann Koh port like Singapore, and open them up,” said
ic and the war in Ukraine brought chaos to Bloomberg Blicher. “Then we put them together and
shipping routes. But even before the Covid-19 the customer can send them where they are
pandemic, it was obvious supply chains needed air.The company last year embarked on a strat- needed at that moment.”
to change, according to Blicher. egy to expand its airfreight services. To be sure, shipping lines made easy prof-
Shipping lines have repeatedly tried to Maersk and MSC Mediterranean Ship- its during the pandemic. Spot container rates
streamline their operations, but they haven’t ping Co last month agreed to discontinue surged to a record as shipyards ground to a
been able to overcome the bottlenecks arising their partnership that allowed the two com- halt, resulting in a scarcity of vessels to meet
from thousands of players acting in individual panies to share vessels on some of the most a spike in demand for e-commerce goods.
slices all along the supply chain. It’s become lucrative routes worldwide. Blicher said the Now, with weaker global demand as major
more pressing to invest in smarter technolo- tie-up, which will end in 2025, wasn’t the economies struggle with inflation, companies
gy and logistics networks that extend beyond direction Maersk wanted to go. have been canceling voyages to align capacity.
adding shipping capacity, said Blicher. While MSC has the world’s biggest fleet, it is “It wasn’t hard over the last 12 months to
Maersk, which boasts the world’s sec- still actively adding shipping capacity to remain make money — if you had something that
ond-biggest container fleet according to Al- in the top spot. Maersk on the other hand is could float and could carry your contain-
phaliner, is seeking to become an integrated cutting back, and wants to build a system that er, that was not hard,” Blicher said. “Now,
logistics provider that connects land, sea and would allow it to better control cargo flows. skills matter.”
(Feb 8): Masayoshi Son is now personally on lic holdings. Chief financial officer Yoshimit-
the hook for about US$5.1 billion on side deals Masayoshi Son su Goto said they applied “extremely strict”
he set up at SoftBank Group Corp to boost standards in writing down investment loss-
his compensation, as losses mounted at its core now owes SoftBank es. SoftBank had invested in 472 companies
Vision Fund venture capital arm. through its venture capital arm by December.
Son, whose stake in SoftBank grew in re- US$5.1 bil Portfolio losses ratcheted up Son’s defi-
cent months, also owns portions of the compa- cit to about US$2.9 billion from his Vision
ny’s key investment vehicles.While these hold- on side deals Fund 2 interest, and US$344 million at the
ings have sparked controversy due to corporate Latin America fund, according to disclosures
governance concerns, the Japanese billionaire for the December quarter. His remaining
has denied any conflict of interest. by Min Jeong Lee, Pei Yi Mak deficit at SB Northstar was ¥246.1 billion
His unrealised losses widened roughly & Takahiko Hyuga (US$1.85 billion).The debt totalled US$5.1
US$400 million from three months before. Bloomberg billion according to Bloomberg calculations
The founder and chief executive of SoftBank based on company disclosures.
was down US$4.7 billion on the same side reuters The 65-year-old billionaire holds 17.25% of
deals through the September quarter. a vehicle set up under SoftBank’s Vision Fund
Compensation has long been a con- 2 for its unlisted holdings, as well as 17.25%
tentious issue at SoftBank. Japanese com- of a unit within the company’s Latin America
panies pay some of the lowest executive fund, which also invests in startups. He has a
salaries in the world, reflecting a culture 33% stake in SB Northstar, a vehicle set up at
where job-hopping by managers is still in- the company to trade stocks and derivatives.
frequent. Son himself has kept his pay at There is no immediate deadline for repay-
¥100 million, now roughly US$760,000 ment and the value of Son’s positions could
— a rounding error in the US where CEOs improve in the future, and for SB Northstar,
routinely make more than US$100 million. Son has already deposited some cash and
As SoftBank grew into a global investor, other assets.The founder would pay his share
Son argued the company couldn’t keep talent of any “unfunded repayment obligations” at
unless executives were allowed to cut side in their biggest drop in almost three months. the end of the fund’s life, which runs 12 years
deals that tied compensation to the compa- Son owns more than a third of the company, with a two-year extension.
ny’s performance.That’s exposed him further according to Bloomberg calculations based on Son’s net worth stood at US$12.3 billion af-
to the current market downturn. company filings. ter Tuesday’s close, after adjusting for his defi-
The Vision Fund unit posted a US$5 bil- The global tech investor was hit by contin- cit from his interests in SB Northstar, Vision
lion loss in its fourth straight quarter in the ued mark downs in its investments in unlisted Fund 2 and the Latin America fund, according
red, sinking SoftBank’s shares on Wednesday startups, which outweighed gains in its pub- to calculations by Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
CPO RM 3,998.0059.00 OIL US$ 84.480.79 RM/USD 4.2983 RM/SGD 3.249 RM/AUD 3.0021 RM/GBP 5.2024 RM/EUR 4.6230