Kang2008 ACA Infarction Patterns and Clinics
Kang2008 ACA Infarction Patterns and Clinics
Kang2008 ACA Infarction Patterns and Clinics
A-com ⫽ anterior communicating artery; AAE ⫽ artery-to-artery embolism; ACA ⫽ anterior cerebral artery; AIF ⫽ anterior
internal frontal artery; CM ⫽ callosomarginal artery; DWI ⫽ diffusion-weighted imaging; FP ⫽ frontal pole; FrP ⫽ frontopolar
artery; GR ⫽ gyrus rectus; ICA ⫽ internal carotid artery; ITO ⫽ in situ thrombotic occlusion; LBO ⫽ local branch occlusion;
MIF ⫽ middle internal frontal artery; MRA ⫽ MR angiogram; Orf ⫽ orbitofrontal artery; PC ⫽ precuneus; PCA ⫽ paracentral
artery; PIF ⫽ posterior internal frontal artery; PL ⫽ paracentral lobule; SFG ⫽ superior frontal gyrus; SMA ⫽ supplementary
motor area; SP ⫽ superior parietal artery; TE ⫽ echo time; TOAST ⫽ Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment; TR ⫽
repetition time.
Anterior cerebral artery (ACA) territory infarction was first described in the early 20th
century based on autopsy results.1,2 Since then, several CT3-6 or MRI7,8 based studies
investigated etiologies and clinical features. However, the number of patients was gener-
ally too small to make a clinical–MRI correlation, and stroke mechanisms have not been
elucidated in detail, especially in those with intrinsic ACA atherosclerosis.6 The purpose
of the present study was to investigate the etiologic, clinical, and imaging findings in
ACA infarction using MRI and angiographic results. In particular, we wished to eluci-
date detailed stroke mechanisms in patients with intracranial ACA atherosclerosis.
From the Stroke Center and Department of Neurology, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
Supported by a grant from Brain Research Center of the 21st Century Frontier Research Program funded by the Ministry of Science and
Technology of Korea (M103KV010010 06K2201 01010).
Disclosure: The authors report no disclosures.
Motor dysfunction 91
*Expressed as prevalence of symptom in patients with involvement of the region vs prevalence of symptom in patients with-
†Tested in 81 patients.
the superior frontal gyrus in 41, frontal pole/gyrus was closely related to involvement of frontal pole/
rectus in 16, and the subcortical area (caudate gyrus rectus, corpus callosum/cingulate gyrus,
head/anterior putamen/internal capsule) was in- and the superior frontal lobe, and occurred most
volved in 6 patients. Whole ACA territory in- frequently in patients with bilateral lesions (6 of
volvement was rare, occurring in only in four 9, 66.7%), followed by left sided lesions (28 of 55,
patients. 50.9%) and right sided lesions (9 of 36, 25%) (p ⫽
The prevalence of symptoms and correlated 0.016). Hypobulia was closely related to grasp re-
anatomic location are summarized in table 1. Mo- flex (p ⫽ 0.001).
tor dysfunction (n ⫽ 91) was the most common Urinary incontinence, observed in 30 patients,
symptom: hemiparesis in 70, leg monoparesis in was not related to particular lesion location.
18, and paraparesis in 3 patients. In patients with Aphasia was present in 18 patients (transcortical
hemiparesis, the weakness was more severe in the mixed aphasia 8, global aphasia 8, motor aphasia
leg than in the arm in 37 patients. Thus, among 2). Global aphasia was closely related to superior
the 91 patients with motor dysfunction, leg weak- frontal gyrus involvement (p ⫽ 0.039) while
ness was dominant in 58 patients (64%). In 29 transcortical aphasia was not related to any par-
patients, the degree of motor dysfunction was ticular lesion location. Grasp reflex (n ⫽ 25) was
similar between arm and leg, while in four, arm more often observed in women (15 of 42, 35.7%)
was weaker than the leg. In these 33 patients, the than in men (10 of 58, 17.2%) (p ⫽ 0.035), and
shoulder was discrepantly weaker than the hand closely related to corpus callosum/cingulate gyrus
in the majority (n ⫽ 25). The motor dysfunction involvement. Alien hand sign was observed in 10
was severe in 43, and the severe motor dysfunc- patients. Although patients with involvement of
tion was closely related to the involvement of the corpus callosum/cingulate gyrus more often
SMA/paracentral lobule. had this symptom (9 of 68, 13.2%) as compared
Sensory examination was reliably performed to those without (1 of 32 patients, 3.1%), the dif-
in 81 patients while it was not in others due to ference was not significant (p ⫽ 0.162). Being
significant abulia or aphasia. Among them, 20 pa- women was marginally related to this symptom
tients (25%) had dysfunction: hemihypesthesia in (p ⫽ 0.09).
12 patients, sensory symptoms in the leg only in 7, Other miscellaneous symptoms included emo-
in the arm only in 1 patient. The sensory dysfunc- tional lability/incontinence14 (n ⫽ 10), drowsiness/
tion was always detected in the paretic limbs. Hy- somnolence (n ⫽ 8),5 acute confusion/agitation (n ⫽
pobulia/apathy/indifference shown in 43 patients 8), motor perseveration (n ⫽ 8), ideomotor apraxia
Cardiogenic embolism 10
alyzing MRI and angiographic data, we eluci-
dated the following stroke mechanisms in 61
Two or more causes
patients with intrinsic ACA disease.
ICA atherosclerosis ⫹ cardiac 1
embolism Local branch occlusion (LBO) (n ⫽ 20). The infarct
ACA atherosclerosis ⫹ 1 was localized to the area adjacent to the athero-
cardiac embolism sclerotic vessel, presumably due to an occlusion
Unknown 15 of the orifice of one or more of the perforators
supplying adjacent structures by the local throm-
ACA ⫽ anterior cerebral artery; ICA ⫽ internal carotid ar-
tery. bus formation.17-19 The infarct was usually limited
to the anterior part of the corpus callosum or the
cingulate gyrus (figure 2A). Occlusion of the fron-
(n ⫽ 7),5 amnesia (n ⫽ 6), altered consciousness (n topolar or anterior inferior frontal branch, which
⫽ 4), gaze deviation (n ⫽ 3), parkinsonian features usually stems from A2,10 may produce extension
(bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity with or without of the lesion to the anterior part of the superior
tremor)15,16 (n ⫽ 3), and anosognosia (unawareness frontal gyrus (figure 2, B and C).
of the paralytic limbs) (n ⫽ 2 ). In situ thrombotic occlusion (ITO) (n ⫽ 20). The in-
Angiographic findings and presumed stroke mecha- farct extensively involved the whole or the most
nisms. Angiographies performed were as follows: part of the ACA territory (figure 2, D and E). It
MRA in 77, conventional angiography in 20, and can be explained by occlusion of the main ACA
CT angiography in 12 patients. Seven underwent trunk. However, a part of cortical areas may be
both MRA and conventional angiography and spared due to collateralization from the MCA or
two underwent MRA and CT angiography. Local contralateral ACA.
ACA atherosclerosis (40 stenoses and 28 occlu- Artery-to-artery embolism (AAE) (n ⫽ 12). The in-
sion) ipsilateral to the infarct was observed in 68 farcts were usually small, sometimes scattered,
patients, most frequently at A2 (n ⫽ 38) followed and situated at the areas supplied by distal corti-
by A1 (n ⫽ 22), A2–A3 junction (n ⫽ 5), and cal branches. The infarcts, which can be ex-
A1–A2 junction (n ⫽ 3). For statistics, A1–A2 plained by artery-to-artery embolism, are often
junction was included in A1 disease (A1 group, scattered in the ACA and MCA borderzone area
n ⫽ 25) and A2–A3 junction disease in A2 disease (figure 3A).
(A2 group, n ⫽ 43). A1 group patients more often Combination of LBO and AAE (n ⫽ 9). There were
had occlusion (16 of 25, 64%) than A2 group (12 infarcts located adjacent to the atherosclerotic
of 43, 27.9%) (p ⫽ 0.001). vessel as in LBO. In addition, scattered infarcts in
General stroke mechanisms. Presumed stroke the remote area were observed as in AAE (figure
mechanisms are summarized in table 2. Among 3, B and C). Unlike infarcts caused by ITO, the
the 68 patients with ACA disease, 6 had addi- lesions were not in continuity with each other.
tional significant ipsilateral ICA disease, and 1 We then compared patients with intrinsic ACA
had emboligenic heart disease. Therefore, 61 pa- atherosclerosis (n ⫽ 61) and those with embolism
tients had infarction caused by intrinsic ACA dis- from either the heart or ICA disease (n ⫽ 16). The
ease. Significant ipsilateral ICA disease was former group more often had corpus callosal in-
shown in 13 patients (5 occlusion, 8 stenosis), volvement (p ⫽ 0.016) and tended to have hypobu-
among whom 6 had concomitant ACA disease lia more often (p ⫽ 0.077) than the latter group.
and 1 had emboligenic heart disease. Thus, 6 pa- Stroke mechanisms in patients with bilateral ACA in-
tients were considered to have ICA to ACA em- farction. We identified nine patients with bilateral
(A) T2-weighted MRI shows an infarct localized to the right anterior portion of the corpus callosum (left figure, small arrows),
which was caused by left anterior cerebral artery stenosis (right figure, large arrow). (B) Upper row: gadolinium-enhanced
T1-weighted MRI shows that the lesions involve the anterior part of the corpus callosum and cingulate gyrus. In addition, a
sagittal image shows involvement of anterior part of superior frontal cortex (black arrows). Lower row: MR angiogram shows
stenosis in the A2 and A3 portion of anterior cerebral artery (white arrows). (C) The diagram schematically illustrates the
occlusion of local branches supplying the corpus callosum due to atherothrombosis in the anterior cerebral artery. Dark area
⫽ thrombosis; gray area ⫽ infracted area. (D) Upper row: T2-weighted MRI shows a large infarct involving whole anterior
cerebral artery territory including the corpus callosum, frontal pole, cingulate gyrus, superior frontal lobe, supplementary
motor area, paracentral lobule, and precuneus. Lower row: MR angiogram shows occlusion of left anterior cerebral artery
(arrow). There was an absent right A1, and right anterior cerebral artery is supplied by a branch from the left A1. (E) The
diagram schematically illustrates extensive thrombotic occlusion of anterior cerebral artery producing whole territory infarc-
tion. Dark area ⫽ thrombosis; gray area ⫽ infracted area.