LO GR 11 Week 6 Term 2

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Grade 11

What you will be dealing with: Resources:

 Social and Environmental responsibility  Approved textbooks

 The harmful effects of these issues on personal  Causes and effects of climate change on the population:
and community health. https://youtu.be/G4H1N_yXBiA
 Social issues that impact negatively on local and  Website to assist kids: Website: Climate change (for
global communities kids)
 Climate change: causes, impact on  Newspaper article about Climate Change warrior, Greta
development, mitigation and adaptation. Thunberg from Sweden :
 Article: Greta Thunberg (Climate change warrior)

1. Define concepts relating to Climate

At the end of lessons 1 and 2 2. Have a clear understanding of the
causes of climate change and the
impact on society and
you must be able to: environment.
3. Explain the relationship between
climate change and COVID-19 and
possible solutions
1. Concept and skills: Study the following definitions. (Note that at least 2 marks are awarded if you can define a term correctly in
the examination)

Concept and definition Know the meaning of instructional verbs in test and examination
questions e.g.
 Soil Erosion- wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil
and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, Instructional Meaning
nutrient-rich materials. One of the main causes of soil erosion is verb
water erosion, which is the loss of topsoil due to water. Name/List/State Single out, point out, name, apply knowledge to pick out.
 Battery farming – Inhumane farming method, which is unhealthy. Describe State in sentences the main points of a process
Animals (chickens) are injected with artificial food they don’t see Explain To make clear, interpret and spell out the content.
sunlight are stressed and cooped up. Compare Give similarities and differences between concepts
 Degradation - This is the act of destroying or damaging something. Discuss Write/talk as if you were sharing your knowledge with
Treating it without respect or poorly someone else.
 Deforestation - clearance, clearcutting or clearing is the removal of Use details and examples to explain the topic
a forest or stand of trees from land which is then converted to a Suggest/ Idea or plan put forward for consideration most suitable
non-forest use often to build homes or shopping centers. Recommend in the context. Provide solution to the
 Climate change - It is It is a change which is attributed directly or problem/topic/issue
indirectly by human activity which alters the composition of the Define Describe/explain the meaning of something or character
global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate or a word.
variability observed over comparative time periods
 Carbon footprint - total amount of greenhouse gases produced to
directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed
in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)
 Greenhouse effect - When the Earth's atmosphere becomes thick
with gases and substances which trap the sun's radiation, making
the Earth warmer. An example of the greenhouse effect is global
 Over fishing - Disappearance of species, certain fish caught and
dumped, large catches, trawling damages ecosystem, jobs, no food
– malnutrition
 Adaptation - Adaptation means anticipating the adverse effects of
climate change and taking appropriate action to prevent or

minimize the damage they can cause or taking advantage of
opportunities that may arise.
 Mitigation - using new technologies and renewable energies,
making older equipment more energy efficient, or changing
management practices or consumer behavior.

2. Causes of climate change: Human causes vs Natural causes

Human Causes (only three are mentioned) Natural Causes (only four are mentioned) Resources and Informal tasks
Greenhouse effect 1) Volcanic eruptions Click on the following or scan the QR code:
1) Burning of fossil fuels, coal, oil and gas – this 2) Ocean currents Natural climate change causes
increases CO2 emissions (Greenhouse effect). 3) Earth orbital changes OR
We drive cars and factories produce CO2 to 4) Solar variations
provide us with “stuff” we don’t need but
rather want e.g new takkies and clothes we
don’t wear in 2months. The transport of goods
to stores (so humans can shop) the trucks
produce large amounts of CO2 when
Questions/Exercises to develop understanding:
Question 1:
2) Cutting down of trees (Deforestation) – Trees
1.1 Name FOUR human activities that
absorb CO2, humans cut down trees for
contribute to climate change (4x1)
building of homes, businesses and factories.
1.2 Discuss the difference between Adaption
The space is needed for the ever-growing
and mitigation. (2x2)
population. (Are we over populated?
1.3 Suggest TWO reasons why developing
3) Increase in livestock farming – Cows and sheep
countries may be more affected than
produce large amounts of methane when they
developed countries (2x2)
digest food. Think of all the take-aways your
family and friends go to? How many sheep or
cows would be produced to feed all the

3. Impact of climate change on development
Changes Resources and informal tasks
 Global warming could lead to an increase in pest insect populations, Question 2:
harming yields of staple crops like wheat, soybeans, and corn. Thus less 2.1 Define the term ‘overfishing’ and name TWO reasons why
“food” for an overpopulated world. Thus a select few can afford food overfishing has occurred in South Africa’s oceans. (1+2)
daily. We see it during lock down (Covid 19) not everyone can afford food 2.2 Explain FOUR ways how overfishing could be detrimental to South
(no income and cannot work from home to receive salary). Africa’s ocean (4x2)
 Overpopulation results in farmers having to speed up production – 2.3 Recommend THREE ways that the South African government could
spraying of harmful pesticides to speed up growth for production, decrease overfishing. (3x3)
livestock often injected with artificial growth hormones to speed up
production (all harmful to humans) In your answers, indicate how EACH recommendation could decrease the
 Certain areas not receiving adequate rain (droughts have become more likelihood of overfishing
common SA farmers struggled 2017 – 2019) thus less “food” to feed

4. Ways to mitigate and adapt to the disasters caused by climate change:

 Use of borehole water
 Government improving bus transport system (less cars on the road)
 Focus on renewable energy – solar panels and energy saver light bulbs
 Hazard mapping – not building homes near high risk areas for flooding.
 Stricter penalties on companies who don’t abide to the policies or laws
(e.g. VW Dieselgate scandal in 2018, had to pay $2.8billion fine for rigging
diesel-powered vehicles, they cheated on the government emission tests)
What can humans do to adapt to the change in climate: Be an ambassador during the COVID-19 lockdown in your household:
 Walk/Cycle or carpool Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
 Plant indigenous plants OR
 Stop wasting water
 Farmers plant different crops

 Governments can build defenses to protect against rising sea levels (limit
some floods)
 Reduce, Re-use and Recycle
 Stop buying unnecessary stuff (junk)

5. Climate change and Covid-19

How Covid-19 has improved climate change outlook: How Covid 19 has negatively impacted climate change:
 Clear air and clean water because of Covid-19: 1) Increase in household garbage and plastic waste – Working from home
has resulted in an increase in electricity use and home heating and a
https://youtu.be/HVwjs_D_kRI surge in the amount of garbage produced by each household. Shops and
businesses that once preached the use of reusable bags and containers
OR are now advising customers to switch to single-use packaging and bags
even though single-use plastics can still harbour bacteria.
2) Medical waste on the rise - The demand for personal protective
equipment (PPE) has in turn surged. As a result, COVID-19 is generating
tons and tons of medical waste.
3) Recycling programs on hold - With more plastic and medical waste being
generated, countries have also decided to halt recycling programmes. In
some European countries, waste disposal options have been paused

6. Assessments/Activities:

Question 1
Read the following adapted headline and answer the questions that follow:

Harness Youth to Change World's Future

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

NEW YORK, Mar 31 (IPS) - Vanessa Nakate of Uganda may have been cropped out of a photograph taken at the World Economic Forum, but she along
with Swedish activist Greta Thunberg have made the climate crisis center stage. Climate change is real.

1.1 Define the term, climate change and briefly explain why it is important that we are aware what is it all about. (1+2)
1.2 Discuss THREE negative consequences of climate change on the environment. (3x2)
1.3 Suggest THREE practical strategies that learners at your school can adopt at school to join the fight against climate change. (3x2)

7. Consolidation and Values:

Consolidation Values
 Think and write down any issues that are not clear to question your  Concern for future generations
teacher at later stage  Ubuntu
 Do all the activities to ensure you understand and develop/acquire skills  Sense of duty
to lessen the impact of climate change  Resect for people and environment
 It is important that we promote environmental sustainability and become  Self-control
social activist and join volunteers/volunteering programmes in your  Conservation
communities whom work tirelessly to address environmental issues. (find  Cooperation and commitment
out about these organisations to possibly join after the lock down period)
 Think about the following: According to scientist the COVID-19 crises have Watch the following video if you want to know more about the Corona
influenced climate positively. The challenge however, will the positive Virus.
effect be sustainable?


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