Go Air DEL - SXR
Go Air DEL - SXR
Go Air DEL - SXR
Flight Details-
Flight Departs Arrive Class PNR
Please ensure the following before reporting at the airport details at : www.air.irctc.co.in/covid19.html
Download and register on Arogya Setu App.
Please ensure to web checkin from respective airline website and obtain boarding pass before
reporting at airport. also download the bag tag.
Only one hand baggage, and one checking baggage allowed.
Please ensure to wear protective gear as per prevailing guidelines.
Passengers are advised to report at airport 3 hour before the departure time.
The passengers are expected to certify the status of their health through the Aarogya Setu app or a
self- declaration form.
For detailed guidelines, Please visit: www.air.irctc.co.in/covid19.html
9122 68968300,1800 210 0999 Website: For a detailed E-Ticket you may visit-www.flygofirst.com
Airlines allow approx 15 Kg for economy and 30 Kg for business class. Kindly check with
respective carriers for current details of check-in baggage and additional baggage. Any
additional baggage would be charged by the airline.
Passengers without valid visa to the arrival destination will not be permitted to board unless visa
on arrival is permitted or visa is not required for such passengers as per the laws of the arrival
Please carry a print out of this E-ticket along with photo identity proof such as driving license,
voter id or passport to the airline check-in counter. For infant passengers, it is mandatory to carry
Date of Birth certificate
All charges and rules are indicative and may change on airlines discretion. Please confirm Fare
rules, baggage rules and cancellation rules from the respective airlines.
Passengers may send request for ticket cancellation for the complete journey (Origin to
destination) .For Connecting/via flights / Special fare flight s, no partial cancellation will be
In case an airlines cancels a flight, a stamped (or endorsed) copy of the e-ticket mentioning “Full
refund is due”, needs to be forwarded to [email protected] for the refund to be processed.
IRCTC may not get any alert directly from the airlines for flight cancellation.
For any amendment done directly from airlines, please send us both old and new endorsed
IRCTC additional cancellation / Amendment charges -INR 250 (Domestic Travel) and INR 500
(International Travel) per segment per passenger
Please contact the airline for cancellation of tickets, within 24 hrs (Domestic Travel) and 72 hrs
(International Travel) of scheduled departure time and intimate IRCTC for processing the
Payment Gateway charge is service fee applied by payment gateway for online payment, it will
not be part of the Invoice/Ticket issued by IRCTC.
Airline reserves the right of admission or boarding for onward/return/connecting flights, in case
the customer fails to board any segment of thetravel for his itinerary due to any reason. IRCTC
shall not be responsible or liable for such refusal of admission or boarding.
Contact Information :
IRCTC Contact Information : Email: [email protected] Toll Free: 1800 110 139
Please reference the Airline PNR Number when communicating with the airline regarding this booking.