PT2 Specific - Master

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PT Level-2 Specific (Reference Document ASME Section-V, Article-6)


ID# :_______________________________________

1. The Chlorine plus Fluorine content shall not c. with water spray and the pressure not
exceed –II642 exceede 50psi
a. 0.0025gm d. with a solvent
b. 0.00ggm 7. The Sulphur content shall not exceed
c. 1% of the residue by weight [IIT641]
d. none of the above a. 0.0025gm
b. 0.00ggm
2. What is the procedure requirements of this c. 1% of the residue by weight
specification?T621.1 d. none of the above
a. Procedure does not required to do PT
b. PT shall be performed in accordance 8. Non-aqueous developer application is
with a procedure written as per the accomplished by; T675.2b
guidance of this specification. a. Spraying, except where safety or
c. PT shall be performed in accordance restricted access preclude it.
with a procedure written based on the b. Dipping
technician’s experience. c. Pouring
d. PT shall be performed in accordance d. electrostatic gun
with a procedure written by the supplier.
9. Developing time for final interpretation
3. Final interpretation shall be made within: begins_____________.T675.3
T676.1 a. immediately after the application of dry
a. 7 minutes developer
b. 60 minutes b. 7 minutes after the application of wet
c. 10 to 60 minutes developer.
d. any time c. as soon as a wet developer coating is dry.
d. both a and c
4. The minimum standard temperature limit
is:T672 10. Liquid Penetrant Examination : T620
a. 50 degree F a. is effective means for detecting
b. 125 degree F discontinuities which are open to surface
c. 50 degree C of non porous metals and other materials.
d. 100 degree C b. can be performed on metals and other
5. The examiner’s vision requirement shall meet c. can be used to detect cracks, seams, laps.
which of the following? App.8(8.2) d. all of the above.
a. J2
b. J2 at 300mm 11. Intermixing of penetrant materials from
c. J1 at 300mm different families; T654
d. AWS-D1.1 a. not permitted
e. All of the above b. permitted
c. Permitted if sensitivity is experimentally
6. Excess water washable penetrant shall be proven
removed: T673.1 d. permitted if the composition is same
a. with a water spray
b. with water spray at the pressure 12. Fluorescent examination shall be performed;
exceeding 50psi T676.4
a. in a darkened area
b. in day light 19. Aqueous developer application shall be
c. after the operator wears a photosensitive applied only on a _______________ surface.
glass T675.2a
d. with out giving 5 minutes of dark a. wet
adaption time. b. dry
c. either wet or dry surface
13. Aqueous developer application is d. oily
accomplished by; T675.2a
a. dipping 20. How much penetrant dwell time (minimum)
b. brushing should be given to detect lack of fusion in
c. spraying aluminum weld at 42°F. T672
d. all of the above a. 7 minutes
b. 5 minutes
14. Drying after excess penetrant removal for c. 10 minutes
solvent removable technique is accomplished d. should be established experimentally.
by; T674b
a. normal evaporation, or blotting 21. What is relevant indication?App.8: 8.3
b. wiping, or forced air a. Only indications with major dimensions
c. heating above 125 degree F greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) shall be
d. both a and b. considered relevant.
b. An indication having a length greater
15. Color contrast (visible) or fluorescent than three times the width
penetrant shall be used with which one of the c. Only indications with major dimensions
following process? T651 greater than 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) shall be
a. water washable considered relevant.
b. post-emulsifying d. Only indications with major dimensions
c. solvent removable greater than 1/8 in. (3mm) shall be
d. all of the above considered relevant.

16. When color contrast and fluorescent 22. Which of the following is not acceptable?
examinations are required to be performed on App8: 8.4
a specimen, which method should be done a. relevant linear indications;
first? T654 b. relevant rounded indications greater than
a. First color contrast then fluorescent 1/16 in.(1.5 mm);
b. First fluorescent then color contrast c. three relevant rounded indications in a
c. any method can be performed first line separated by 1/ 16 in. (1.5 mm) or
d. none of the above less (edge to edge).
d. all of the above
17. Non-aqueous developer application shall be
applied only on a _______________ surface. 23. Which of the following is acceptable? App8:
T675.2b 8.4
a. wet a. relevant linear indications;
b. dry b. relevant rounded indications greater than
c. oily 3/16 in.(5 mm);
d. dusted c. three relevant rounded indications in a
line separated by 1/ 16 in. (1.5 mm) or
less (edge to edge).
18. The maximum standard temperature limit is: d. four or more relevant rounded
T672 indications in a line separated by 1/ 16
a. 50 degree F in. (1.5 mm) or less (edge to edge).
b. 125 degree F
c. 50 degree C
d. 100 degree C 24. The definition of linear indication is: App.8:
a. Circular or elliptical shape indication
with the length equal to or less than three
times the width
b. An indication having a length less than 25. Treatment of Indications Believed Non-
three times the width. relevant is regarded as: App.8: 8.5a
c. An indication having a length greater a. Acceptable indication
than three times the width. b. Rejectable indication
d. Two or more round indications separated c. False indication
by less than the smallest indication. d. An imperfection unless it is shown by
reexamination by the same method or by
the use of other nondestructive methods
and/or by surface conditioning
Test Set Number: 1
Test Key
Test Name: PT L2 Specific
1. C 8. A 15. D 22. A
2. B 9. D 16. B 23. C
3. C 10. D 17. B 24. C
4. A 11. A 18. B 25. D
5. B 12. A 19. C
6. C 13. D 20. C
7. C 14. D 21. B

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