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Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Course Title- Organization Behaviour - II (OB-II)

Term II (2022)
(2.5 Credits)

Course Faculty:

Dr. Tumpa Dey

[email protected]

Course Description:

The management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of human

behavior in corporate and other organizations, styles of motivations, company leadership,
power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork and
collaboration, and the measurement of organizational effectiveness.
Interacting with other people and in organizations is characterized by complex dynamics. This
course is designed to help students study these very interesting complexities by both standing
back and considering these dynamics and by directly experiencing some of them throughout the
course activities. The combination of academic perspective and personal engagement creates a
powerful learning experience

Learning Objectives:

Learning goals Learning Outcomes

The course aims to impart At the end of the course the students should be able to

 Understand the key concepts in the area of

Functional Proficiency & Organizational Behaviour
Integration (1)  Understand the basic theoretical framework
underlying the area of Organizational Behaviour
Analytical and Critical  Able to critically analyze business situations and
Thinking Ability (2) take decisions
 Analyze the potential problems associated with
people management
Leadership & Interpersonal  Evaluate organizational competencies and have
Skills (3) an increased self-awareness about aspects like
working in groups, understanding culture and
change etc.
 Develop leadership skills
 Develop competencies needed to function well in
 Develop skills of conflict resolution,
managing change
Communication Skills (4)  Articulate orally in a crisp and concise manner
 Present their arguments in a succinct and cohesive
 Present them in a crisp and clear manner in
written with proper punctuations and grammar
Ethical and Global  Appreciate the importance of ethics and value
perspective (5) based team skills
 Introspect on organizational ethical beliefs


The course shall be delivered through online lectures, case discussions, in-class activities, and
class presentations by students.  

Course Requirements:

There is no critical prior course requirement for this course.


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed

Specific assessment % (Please √ as appropriate)
methods/ tasks weightage 1 2 3 4 5


Assessment Group Project 10 √

Methods in
with Group Assignment 15 √ √
Outcomes INDIVIDUAL 75

Class Discussion 20 √ √ √

Quiz 15 √ √
End term 40 √ √ √
Total 100%

Group Project

Each group will be provided with a topic of contemporary relevance, as assigned by the
concerned faculty. The project to be completed by the end of the course and report to be
submitted and presented.

Group Assignment

Each group would be working on multiple assignments and cases during the term. The assessment
would be on the following parameters.
Criteria Needs Average Good Excellent
Marks 0-3 4-6 7-8 9-- 10
1 Quality of content
(Preparedness, understanding of issues and
analytical abilities)
2 Group Synergy
(ability to collaborate and produce quality output)
3 Written Communication (grammar, report


Class Discussion

The students will be evaluated on the basis of their participation level, discipline and attendance in
class. The detailed matrix is presented below

Criteria Needs Average Good Excellent

Marks 0-3 4-6 7-8 9-- 10
1 Quality of comments (Preparedness, understanding
of issues and analytical abilities)
2 Communication Skills (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
3 Engagement (Active Listening Skills)


The quiz will be conducted frequently during the course.

End Term

The final exam will be of 2 hours duration and will cover the entire course. The student have to score
at least 40% in order to pass through the exam.

Recommended Text Book and Other Reference Material:

Recommended Text Book

Robbins, Judge & Vohra, “Organizational Behaviour” Pearson (18th Edition).

Reference Books

(a) Gary Yukl, “Leadership in Organizations”, 7/E, Pearson

(b) Andrew J. DuBrin, “Leadership- Research Findings, Practice and Skills”, 4/E-Indian
Adaptation, Biztantra

(c) Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior, 8/E, TMH, India.Richard I Henderson ,

Compensation Management in a Knowledge based World, Pearson Education

Course Outline: Session/Module/Reading Material
Session Content Session Plan & Readings Activity/Exercise
1 Discussion  Text Book Class Discussion

2 Foundations of Group Behaviour  Chapter 09 Class Discussion

3 Foundations of Group Behaviour  Class Discussion

4 Understanding Work Teams  Chapter 10 Class Discussion

5 Understanding Work Teams  Class Discussion
6 Leadership  Chapter 12 Class Discussion

7 Leadership  Chapter 12 Class Discussion

8 Case Discussion  Mount Everest Class Discussion

9 Power and Politics  Chapter 13 Class Discussion

10 Power and Politics  Class Discussion

11 Conflict & Negotiation  Chapter 14 Class Discussion

12 Conflict & Negotiation  Class Discussion

13 Case Discussion  Thomas Green

14 Foundations of Organization Structure Chapter 15 Class Discussion

15 Foundations of Organization Structure Class Discussion
16 Organizational Culture Chapter 15 Class Discussion
17 Organizational Culture Class Discussion
18 Organizational Change and Stress Chapter 14 Class Discussion
19 Organizational Change and Stress Class Discussion
20 Student Project Presentations and Viva Project description will Class Discussion &
be provided Project Presentation

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