14.sales Order Processing With Invoice List and Collective Billing (BKZ)
14.sales Order Processing With Invoice List and Collective Billing (BKZ)
14.sales Order Processing With Invoice List and Collective Billing (BKZ)
Collective Processing
Split Criteria
Collective Processing…
Factors Influencing D…
Collective Processing…
Billing Options
Business Benefits
Collective Processing
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The creation of follow-up documents for sales orders can be done using
collective processing. The procedure is very similar irrespective of the type of
document you want to create. First, select all the documents for which you
want to create the corresponding follow-up documents. Then, create the
subsequent documents.
The figure, Collective Processing, shows the process steps that can be
performed using collective processing.
Split Criteria
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Outbound deliveries cannot only be created individually per sales order, but
also by collective processing. In that way, the system may automatically
combine the items of several sales orders to minimize the number of outbound
deliveries (depending on various criteria). This function can be used in the
following ways:
The relevant sales orders can be selected by various criteria, like the shipping
point and the delivery creation date.
You receive a list of orders that meet your selection criteria. In this list, you can
make your selection more precise by using sorting and filtering. From the list,
you can create the corresponding outbound deliveries.
Factors Influencing Delivery
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Some fields in the master data and in the sales documents can be used to
influence system behavior in collective processing. The following scenarios can
be identified:
The customer does not require complete delivery.You can define a partial
delivery agreement with the customer.
Shipping point
The figure, Factors Influencing Delivery Creation, shows the different scenarios.
To speed up the process of creating billing documents, you can create multiple
billing documents simultaneously using collective processing.
Invoice splitYou have a sales order for which one outbound delivery has
been created. If some of the above mentioned relevant characteristics of
the preceding items are not the same, multiple billing documents are
The figure, Billing Options, shows the most common options used for the
creation of billing documents using collective processing.
This scope item describes how to use standard sales processing (sell-from-
stock) for mass processing.
The process starts with the creation of several standard sales orders. At
periodic intervals, all sales orders due for delivery and with material availability
are selected. Deliveries can then be created. For optimization of shipping costs,
all sales orders that are delivered to the same customer are packed into one
delivery document.
The figure, BKZ - Process Diagram, is the process diagram for scope item BKZ,
Sales Order Processing with Collective Billing.
1. The Create Sales Order step confirms the intention of the customer to buy
the goods and initiates the process.
2. The Create Delivery step initiates preparation for shipping of the goods.
3. The Execute Picking step executes the picking of the goods from the
warehouse and its staging for shipment.
4. The Post Good Issue step confirms the shipment of the goods.
5. The Create Billing Document step creates and sends the invoice to the
customer for payment.
Business Benefits
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The figure, Business Benefits, shows the main benefits of the business
The figure, Main SAP Fiori Apps Used, shows the roles and apps used in the
process steps.
Shu, Tenko
Manage Sales Orders App
With the Manage Sales Orders app, you can search for sales orders according
to your filter criteria and display them in a list.
On the list created using the Manage Sales Orders app, you can execute
different actions. For example, you can sort, filter, or show or hide columns.
From the list of orders, you can also navigate to related applications. For
example, you can display sales order details or display the process flow.
Navigating to the process flow provides you with a graphical overview of the
chain of connected process steps and corresponding business documents
(document flow). For example, you can see the status of a sales order, whether
it is relevant for shipping, and if an invoice has been created.
Shu, Tenko
Create Outbound Deliveries App
Using the Create Outbound Deliveries app, you can create outbound delivery
runs from a list of sales documents. This app also allows you to display logs
with information related to your sales orders or deliveries. For example, if
errors occur while you are creating deliveries, the system issues a message to
the log. Similarly, the system issues a message to the log if you successfully
create a delivery.
Create Outbound Deliveries App:
Key Features
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If you sort your table in ascending order and then select the filter option
Planned Creation Date, the outbound deliveries from the sales orders due for
delivery that are planned to be created first, appear at the top of the table. The
outbound deliveries from the sales orders due for delivery that are planned to
be created later, appear at the bottom of the table.
Shu, Tenko
Create Billing Documents App
With the Create Billing Documents app, you can create billing documents (for
example, invoices and credit memos) from items in the billing due list. This
includes debit memo requests, sales orders, deliveries, and other Sales and
Distribution (SD) documents. You can also generate temporary billing
documents that you can review before converting them to final billing
Create Billing Documents App:
View and Search Features
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When searching, you can show or hide the filter bar. You can save your filter
settings and restore the original settings.
Saved layout variants also save the values that you have set in filters. You can
share saved layout variants with other system users.
Enter billing date and type before billing.If you enable this setting and
choose to create billing documents, the system requests a billing date and
the required billing type before creating billing documents.
Create separate billing documents for each item on the billing due list.If
you enable this setting and choose to create billing documents, the
system creates separate billing documents for each item on the billing
due list that you have selected.
Shu, Tenko
Manage Invoice Lists App
With the Manage Invoice Lists app, you can display a filtered, grouped, and
sorted list of all invoice lists in the system. You can also navigate to individual
invoice lists to view them in detail, cancel existing invoice lists, and navigate
directly to the Create Invoice Lists app. Invoice lists are documents that
combine billing documents (invoices, debit memos, or credit memos) that have
already been posted to financial accounting and are intended for a single
designated payer.
Manage Invoice Lists app: View
and search features
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When searching, you can show and hide the filter bar. You can save your filter
settings and restore the original settings.
Saved layout variants also save the values that you have set in filters. You can
share saved layout variants with other system users.
Cancelling an invoice list allows you to include the billing documents that it
previously contained in another invoice list.
When you cancel an invoice list, an invoice list cancellation is created that
offsets the original invoice list and its successor documents.
Shu, Tenko