Cl.6 U.4.L.5
Cl.6 U.4.L.5
Cl.6 U.4.L.5
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. Say what living in the city / living in the country is like;
2. List advantages and challenges of life in urban and rural communities;
3. Make comparisons between urban and rural life.
Vocabulary :calm, clean, crowded, dangerous, dirty, exciting, fun, interesting, noisy, peaceful, polluted, relaxing, safe, stressful, etc.
(reinforcement) ; commuters, congested, cottage, cost of living, crops, peace and quiet, rush hour, skyscraper, stray dogs, a wide range of (new).
PPT, Worksheets
English A2.2 , Iulia Ignatiuc , Ana Muntean, Editura Prut International , 2020Nick Kenny & Anne Kelly,Ready for PET, coursebook, Macmillan,
2007,Unit 6, Lesson 2, pages 39-40.
Stuart Redman, English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate), Cambridge University Press, 2009,pages 132-135.
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
Aim Contents Timing Inter- Techniques Resources Evaluation
To stimulate students’ WARM-UP
imagination The teacher tells students to close their eyes. She plays some relaxing music and asks 5 mins CL Brainstorming Video Oral
Students A to imagine they are in the countryside and Students B to imagine they are
in New York: “How would you describe the place? Can you hear any noise, can you
smell anything?”, etc.
The students try to imagine the places and their details (environment, colours, sounds,
smells, people, and activities).
To practice the target The students use the new vocabulary in the worksheet. 5 mins IW Writing Worksheet Individual
The teacher invites students to answer the question (ex. 1, p. 56): Which is better: 5mins PW Turn and Talk Oral
living in a city or living in the country? Why?
To promote critical The teacher asks students to work in groups of 3 to complete the "Love It or Leave 5 mins GW Writing Worksheet
thinking and It" worksheet, which reflects on life in urban and rural areas. Students A will list the
collaboration pros and cons of the city life and Students B will list the pros and cons of the life in
the village.
To develop speaking and Role play activities Strangers on a train– Students are asked to imagine they are 9 mins PW Role play Slips of paper Oral
communicative skills country girls or city boys who travel in the same train compartment. Each student
picks a slip of paper and memorizes the sentence on it. When they start the
conversation, they have two minutes to try to naturally slip the sentence into the
conversation. The other students in class must guess what sentence was inserted.
Performance of two, respectively four students.
To develop essay-writing Homework assignment:
skills The students will write a short essay about the topic Which is better: living in a city or 1 min CL Explanation Worksheet Individual
living in the country? Why? Students should respect the plan on the worksheet, and
should support their choice with information from the "Love It or Leave It" worksheet
and the class discussion.
I. Combine words from the left and right to form compound words or phrases:
1. rush a. life
2. traffic b. of life
3. night c. of living
4. cost d. and quiet
5. car e. hour
6. stray f. park
7. pace g. jam
8. peace h. dogs
In the city, there are lots of c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ activities. There are cinemas, theatres, museums, art galleries and everything.
There’s a wide r _ _ _ _ of shops. You can buy whatever you want.
The train was packed with c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Itis exhausting travelling between work and home every day.
There is too much traffic in Bucharest. The roads get c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the rush hour.
A place smaller than a town is called a v_ _ _ _ _ _.
P1 :I think the …. (city/country) is the best place to live. There are a number of reasons for this.
P2 :One big advantage of the city/country is that…Another thing is that the city/country is better for …
P3 :However, city/country life can be ... Sometimes it is also…
P4 :To sum up, although …, I believe …
Remember that in paragraph 2 you have to write three positive things about living in a city or living in the country and give reasons
while in paragraph 3 you have to write three negative things about living in a city or living in the country and give reasons.
Sentences for Strangers on a train
Young people are always active and keen on learning; so most of them prefer
living in town.
Directions: Record the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the country on the chart below. Please refer to : air
pollution, education, employment, entertainment, health, night-life, people, prices, shopping, transport, way of life.
I’d love to live in the city because… I’d love to live in the city because…
More job opportunities Some occupations only possible in the country (farmer,
lumberman, shepherd…)