This receipt acknowledges a student's fee payment of Rs. 7400 to Jamia Millia Islamia for the B.A. (H) Islamic Studies(Semester) - I Sem program. It provides details of the student like their name, ID number, father's name, as well as payment details including the receipt number, bank posting date, payment mode as cash to Indian Bank, and bank reference number. The receipt is for informational purposes only and does not require a signature.
This receipt acknowledges a student's fee payment of Rs. 7400 to Jamia Millia Islamia for the B.A. (H) Islamic Studies(Semester) - I Sem program. It provides details of the student like their name, ID number, father's name, as well as payment details including the receipt number, bank posting date, payment mode as cash to Indian Bank, and bank reference number. The receipt is for informational purposes only and does not require a signature.
This receipt acknowledges a student's fee payment of Rs. 7400 to Jamia Millia Islamia for the B.A. (H) Islamic Studies(Semester) - I Sem program. It provides details of the student like their name, ID number, father's name, as well as payment details including the receipt number, bank posting date, payment mode as cash to Indian Bank, and bank reference number. The receipt is for informational purposes only and does not require a signature.
This receipt acknowledges a student's fee payment of Rs. 7400 to Jamia Millia Islamia for the B.A. (H) Islamic Studies(Semester) - I Sem program. It provides details of the student like their name, ID number, father's name, as well as payment details including the receipt number, bank posting date, payment mode as cash to Indian Bank, and bank reference number. The receipt is for informational purposes only and does not require a signature.