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1270-Emergency Escape Ramps

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

1270.01 General Exhibit 1270-3 Speed Reduction Warrant Example

1270.02 Climbing Lanes Exhibit 1270-4 Auxiliary Climbing Lane
1270.03 Passing Lanes Exhibit 1270-5 Passing Lane Example
1270.04 Slow-Moving Vehicle Turnouts Exhibit 1270-6 Length of Passing Lanes
1270.05 Shoulder Driving for Slow Vehicles Exhibit 1270-7 Passing Lane Configurations
1270.06 Emergency Escape Ramps Exhibit 1270-8 Buffer Between Opposing Passing Lanes
1270.07 Documentation Exhibit 1270-9 Auxiliary Passing Lane
1270.08 References Exhibit 1270-10 Emergency Escape Ramp Example
Exhibit 1270-11 Emergency Escape Ramp Length
Exhibit 1270-1 Climbing Lane Example Exhibit 1270-12 Rolling Resistance (R)
Exhibit 1270-2 Speed Reduction Warrant: Performance for Trucks Exhibit 1270-13 Typical Emergency Escape Ramp

1270.01 General
Auxiliary lanes are used to comply with capacity demand; maintain lane balance; accommodate speed change,
weaving, and maneuvering for entering and exiting traffic; and encourage carpools, vanpools, and the use of
For signing and delineation of auxiliary lanes, see the Standard Plans, the Traffic Manual, and the MUTCD.
Contact the region Traffic Engineer for guidance.
Although slow-moving vehicle turnouts and shoulder driving for slow vehicles are not auxiliary lanes, they are
covered in this chapter because they perform a similar function.
For additional information, see the following:
Chapter 1103 Design controls, including speed
Chapter 1230 Geometric cross section components
Chapter 1310 Turn lanes
Chapter 1310 Speed change lanes at intersections
Chapter 1360 Collector-distributor roads
Chapter 1360 Weaving lanes
Chapter 1410 High-occupancy vehicle lanes

1270.02 Climbing Lanes

1270.02(1) General
Climbing lanes (see Exhibit 1270-1) are normally associated with truck traffic, but they may also be considered in
recreational or other areas that are subject to slow-moving traffic. Climbing lanes are designed independently
for each direction of travel.

1270.02(2) Climbing Lane Warrants

Generally, climbing lanes are provided when two warrants—speed reduction and level of service—are met.
Either warrant may be waived if, for example, slow-moving traffic is causing an identified collision trend or
congestion that could be corrected by the addition of a climbing lane. However, under most conditions, climbing
lanes are built when both warrants are met.

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

1270.02(2)(a) Warrant No. 1: Speed Reduction

Exhibit 1270-2 shows how the percent and length of grade affect vehicle speeds. The data is based on a typical
commercial truck.
The maximum entrance speed, shown in the graphs, is 60 mph. This is the maximum value regardless of the
posted speed of the highway. When the posted speed is above 60 mph, use 60 mph in place of the posted
speed. Examine the profile at least ¼ mile preceding the grade to obtain a reasonable approach speed.
If a vertical curve makes up part of the length of grade, approximate the equivalent uniform grade length.
Whenever the gradient causes a 10 mph speed reduction below the posted speed limit for a typical truck for
either two-lane or multilane highways, the speed reduction warrant is met (see Exhibit 1270-3).

1270.02(2)(b) Warrant No. 2: Level of Service

The level of service warrant for two-lane highways is met when the upgrade traffic volume exceeds 200 vehicles
per hour and the upgrade truck volume exceeds 20 vehicles per hour. On multilane highways, a climbing lane is
warranted when a capacity analysis shows the need for more lanes on an upgrade than on a downgrade carrying
the same traffic volume.

Exhibit 1270-1 Climbing Lane Example

1270.02(3) Climbing Lane Design

When a climbing lane is justified, design it in accordance with Exhibit 1270-4. Provide signing and delineation to
identify the presence of the auxiliary lane. Begin climbing lanes at the point where the speed reduction warrant
is met and end them where the warrant ends for multilane highways and 300 feet beyond for two-lane
highways. Consider extending the auxiliary lane over the crest to improve vehicle acceleration and sight
Design climbing lane width equal to that of the adjoining through lane and at the same cross slope as the
adjoining lanes. Whenever possible, maintain a shoulder width equal to the adjacent roadway segments
(preserve shoulder width continuity). On two-way two-lane highways, the shoulder may be reduced to 4 feet. If
the shoulder width is reduced to 4 feet document the reasoning for the decision in the design parameter sheets.
If the shoulder width is reduced to less than 4 feet, a design analysis is required.

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

Exhibit 1270-2 Speed Reduction Warrant: Performance for Trucks

1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 7%


Distance on Grade, L (ft)






60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Speed (mph)

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

Exhibit 1270-3 Speed Reduction Warrant Example

A two-lane highway meeting the level of service warrant, with the above profile, and a 60 mph posted speed.
Is the climbing lane warranted? If so, what is its length?
1. Follow the 4% grade deceleration curve from a speed of 60 mph to a speed of 50 mph at 1,200
ft. The speed reduction warrant is met and a climbing lane is needed.
2. Continue on the 4% grade deceleration curve to 4,000 ft. Note that the speed at the end of the
4% grade is 35 mph.
3. Follow the 1% grade acceleration curve from a speed of 35 mph for 1,000 ft. Note that the
speed at the end of the 1% grade is 41 mph.
4. Follow the -2% grade acceleration curve from a speed of 41 mph to a speed of 50 mph, ending
the speed reduction warrant. Note that the distance is 700 ft.
5. The total auxiliary lane length is (4,000-1,200)+1,000+700+300=4,800 feet. 300 ft is added to the
speed reduction warrant for a two-lane highway (see Section 1270.02(3) and Exhibit 1270-4).

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Exhibit 1270-4 Auxiliary Climbing Lane

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

1270.03 Passing Lanes

1270.03(1) Passing Lane Benefits
A passing lane (see Exhibit 1270-5) is an auxiliary lane provided in one or both directions of travel on a two-lane
highway to improve passing opportunities. They may be intermittent or continuous passing lanes in level or
rolling terrain and short four-lane sections. The objectives of passing lanes are to:
• Improve overall traffic operations on two-lane highways by breaking up traffic platoons and reducing
delays caused by inadequate passing opportunities over substantial lengths of highway.
• Increase average travel speed within the passing lane itself; the speed benefits of passing lanes continue
downstream of the lane. Passing lanes typically reduce the percent time spent following within the
passing lane itself. These “percent time spent following” benefits can continue for some distance
downstream of the passing lane.
• Improve safety by providing assured passing opportunities without the need for the passing driver to
use the opposing traffic lane. Safety evaluations have shown that passing lanes and short four-lane
sections reduce collision rates and severity.

1270.03(2) Passing Lane Length

Design passing lanes long enough to provide a reduction in traffic platooning. To maximize the traffic
operational efficiency of a passing lane in level or rolling terrain, its length can vary from 0.5 mile to 2.0 miles
depending on the directional flow rate, as shown in Exhibit 1270-6. Passing lanes longer than 2 miles can cause
the driver to lose the sense that the highway is a two-lane facility. However, these lengths may vary for other
reasons such as addressing safety-related issues. Passing lanes longer than 2.0 miles or shorter than 0.5 miles in
length may be used depending on the identified need or other operational considerations within the design.
Lengths shown do not include passing lane tapers at the beginning or end of the passing lane.

Exhibit 1270-5 Passing Lane Example

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

Exhibit 1270-6 Length of Passing Lanes

Directional Flow Rate (pc/h) Passing Lane Length (mi)

100 ≤0.50
200 >0.50-0.75
400 >0.75-1.00
≥700 >1.00-2.00
Source: Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, 2000

For assistance in developing a passing lane length, see the following website for an example of a self-modeling
spreadsheet. This spreadsheet develops passing lane lengths based primarily on vehicle speed differentials and
is to be used in conjunction with traffic modeling efforts. Contact the Headquarters Design Office for assistance

1270.03(3) Passing Lane Location

A number of factors are considered when selecting an appropriate location for a passing lane, including the
• Locate passing lanes where decision sight distance (see Chapter 1260) at the lane decrease tapers can
be provided.
• Provide stopping sight distance continuously along the roadway
• Avoid locating passing lanes near high-volume intersections, existing structures, railroad crossings, areas
of dense development, and two-way left-turn lanes.
• Locate passing lanes where they appear logical to the driver.
• When designing the addition of passing lanes, make sure existing curves at the desired location have
adequate superelevation to provide speeds suitable for passing. For information on superelevation, see
Chapter 1250.
• Avoid other physical constraints, such as bridges and culverts, if they restrict the provision of a
continuous shoulder.
• Consider the number, type, and location of intersections and road approaches.
• Consider grades when choosing the side on which to install the passing lane. Uphill grades are preferred
but not mandatory.
• Preference for passing is normally given to the traffic departing a developed area such as a small town.

1270.03(3)(a) Traffic Operational Considerations

When passing lanes are provided at an isolated location, their typical objective is to reduce delays at a specific
bottleneck; for example, climbing lanes (see Section 1270.02). The location of the passing lane is dictated by the
needs of the specific traffic operational problem encountered.
When passing lanes are provided to improve traffic operations over a length of road, there is flexibility in the
choice of passing lane locations to maximize their operational effectiveness and minimize construction costs.
If delay problems on an upgrade are severe, the upgrade will usually be the preferred location for a passing lane.
Passing lanes at upgrades begin before speeds are reduced to unacceptable levels and, where possible, continue
over the crest of the grade so that slower vehicles can regain some speed before merging.

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1270.03(3)(b) Construction Cost Considerations

The cost of constructing a passing lane can vary substantially, depending on terrain, highway structures,
shoulders, and adjacent development. Thus, the choice of a suitable location for a passing lane may be critical to
its cost-effectiveness.
Generally, passing lanes in level and rolling terrain can be placed where they are least expensive to construct,
avoiding locations with high cuts and fills and existing structures that would be expensive to widen.

1270.03(3)(c) Intersection-Related Considerations

Consider a corridor evaluation of potential passing lane locations for each direction, avoiding placement of
passing lanes near intersections. Avoid or minimize turning movements on a road section where passing is
Low-volume intersections and driveways are allowed within passing lanes, but not within the taper transition
Where the presence of higher-volume intersections and driveways cannot be avoided, consider including
provisions for turning vehicles, such as left-turn lanes.
Provide right- and left-turn lanes in passing lane sections where they would be provided on a conventional two-
lane highway.
Left turns within the first 1,000 feet of a passing lane are undesirable. Strategies to address the turning
movement could include left-turn lanes, right-in/right-out access, beginning the passing lane after the entrance,
and so on.

1270.03(4) Passing Lane Design

Where a passing lane is planned, evaluate several possible configurations (see Section 1270.03(4)(a)) that are
consistent with the corridor and fit within the constraints of the specific location.
The recommended minimum transition distance between passing lanes in opposing directions is 500 feet for
“tail-to-tail” and 1,500 feet for “head-to-head” (see Exhibit 1270-8).
Some separation between lanes in opposite directions of travel is desirable; however, passing lanes can operate
effectively with no separation. In either situation, address pavement markings and centerline rumble strips as
It is desirable to channelize the beginning of a passing lane to move traffic to the right lane in order to promote
prompt usage of the right lane by platoon leaders and maximize passing lane efficiency.
Widening symmetrically to maintain the roadway crown at the centerline is preferred, including in continuous
passing lane configurations. However, the roadway crown may be placed in other locations as deemed
appropriate. Considerations for crown locations might include: costs, constructability, right of way,
environmentally sensitive roadsides, or other factors.

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

1270.03(4)(a) Alternative Configurations

Where a passing lane will be provided, evaluate the configurations shown in Exhibit 1270-7. In the exhibit,
general passing lane configurations and their typical applications are described in the following:
a. Isolated Passing Lane – Exhibit 1270-7 (a)
o Two-lane highway with passing lane provided at a spot location to dissipate queues.
o For isolated grades, consider climbing lanes (see Section 1270.02).
b. Intermittent Passing Lanes, Separated – Exhibit 1270-7 (b)
o Often pairs are used at regular intervals along a two-lane highway.
o Frequency of passing lanes depends on desired level of service.
o The spacing between passing lanes and between pairs may be adjusted to fit the conditions
along the route (see Section 1270.03(3)).
c. Continuous Passing Lanes – Exhibit 1270-7 (c)
o Use only when constraints do not allow for the use of other configurations. The use of this
configuration requires concurrence from the region Traffic Engineer. (See Exhibit 1270-8 for
additional information regarding buffer areas.)
o Appropriate for two-lane roadways carrying relatively high traffic volumes where nearly
continuous passing lanes are needed to achieve the desired level of service.
o Particularly appropriate over an extended section of roadway where a wide pavement is
already available.
o May be used as an interim stage for an ultimate four-lane highway.
o Short Four-Lane Section – Exhibit 1270-7 (d)
o Sufficient length for adjoining passing lanes is not available.
o Particularly appropriate where the ultimate design for the highway is four lanes.
d. Intermittent Three-Lane Passing Lanes – Exhibit 1270-7 (e)
o Does not require the slow vehicle to change lanes to allow passing.
o Requires the widening to transition from one side of the existing roadway to the other.
o Eliminates the head-to-head tapers.

1270.03(4)(b) Geometric Aspects

Carefully design transitions between passing lanes in opposing directions. Intersections, bridges, other
structures, two-way left-turn lanes, painted medians, or similar elements can be used to provide a buffer area
between opposing passing lanes. The length of the buffer area between adjoining passing lanes depends on the
configuration (see Exhibit 1270-8).
Exhibit 1270-7 illustrates five passing lane design configurations. Part (c) illustrates a continuous three-lane
section with alternating passing lanes. Consider a four-lane cross section when volume demand exceeds the
capacity of a continuous three-lane roadway.
Exhibit 1270-9 illustrates taper rates, cross slopes, and section lengths for three and four-lane passing sections.
Where practicable provide shoulder width in a passing lane section equal to the shoulder width on the adjacent
segments of a two-lane highway. However, the shoulder may be reduced to 4 feet. If the shoulder width is
reduced to 4 feet, document the reason for the decision on the design parameter sheets. If the shoulder width is
reduced to less than 4 feet, a design analysis is required. See Chapter 1600 for shoulder rumble strip criteria and

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

Where practicable, design the passing lane width the same as the lane width on the adjacent segments of the
two-lane highway.
Provide a 25:1 or flatter taper rate to increase the width for a passing lane. When all traffic is directed to the
right lane at the beginning of the passing lane, provide a taper rate of the posted speed:1. Provide a posted
speed:1 taper rate for the merging taper at the end of a passing lane. (Refer to the Lane Transitions section in
Chapter 1210 for additional information on taper rates.) Consider a wide shoulder at the lane drop taper to
provide a recovery area for drivers who encounter a merging conflict.
Provide signing and delineation to identify the presence of an auxiliary passing lane. Refer to the Standard Plans,
the Traffic Manual, and the MUTCD for passing lane signing and marking guidance.

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Exhibit 1270-7 Passing Lane Configurations

(a) Isolated Passing Lane

(b) Intermittent Passing Lane

Head-to-head Tail-to-tail Head-to-head Tail-to-tail

buffer[1] buffer[1] buffer[1] buffer[1]

(c) Continuous Three-Lane Section

(d) Short Four-Lane Section


(e) Intermittent Three-Lane Passing Lanes

[1] See Exhibit 1270-8 for buffer design.

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Exhibit 1270-8 Buffer Between Opposing Passing Lanes

1500 ft min
“Head to head” buffer
Taper peed:1
or flatt

500 ft min
“Tail to tail” buffer

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Exhibit 1270-9 Auxiliary Passing Lane

[1] Provide a posted speed:1 taper when all traffic is directed to the right lane at the beginning of the
passing lane.
[2] Where practicable provide the same lane and shoulder widths in the passing section as on adjacent
segments. See Section 1270.03(4)(b).

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

1270.04 Slow-Moving Vehicle Turnouts

1270.04(1) General
RCW 46.61.427 states:
On a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe … a slow-moving vehicle, behind which five or
more vehicles are formed in a line, shall turn off the roadway wherever sufficient area for a safe
turn-out exists, in order to permit the vehicles following to proceed…
A slow-moving vehicle turnout is not an auxiliary lane. Its purpose is to provide sufficient room for a slow-
moving vehicle to pull out of through traffic and stop if necessary, allow vehicles to pass, and then return to the
through lane. Generally, a slow-moving vehicle turnout is provided on existing roadways where passing
opportunities are limited, where slow-moving vehicles such as trucks and recreational vehicles are predominant,
and where the cost to provide a full auxiliary lane would be prohibitive.

1270.04(2) Design
Base the design of a slow-moving vehicle turnout primarily on sound engineering judgment. Designs may vary
from one location to another. Provide a length between 100 and 1,320 feet, excluding tapers. Select a width
adequate for the vehicle type expected to use the turn-out, between 8 to 12 feet in width. Surface the turnouts
with a stable, unyielding material (such as BST or HMA) with adequate structural strength to support the heavier
To improve the ability of a vehicle to safely reenter through traffic, locate slow-moving vehicle turnouts where
adequate sight distance is available. The minimum design range for slow-vehicle turnouts may be where at least
design stopping sight distance is available. See Chapter 1260.
Sign slow-moving vehicle turnouts to identify their presence. For guidance, see the Standard Plans, the Traffic
Manual, and the MUTCD.

1270.05 Shoulder Driving for Slow Vehicles

1270.05(1) General
Use of a shoulder driving section is an alternative means to meet the performance objectives provided by
climbing or passing lanes.
Review the following when considering a shoulder driving section:
• Horizontal and vertical alignment
• Character of traffic
• Presence of bicycles
• Road approaches and intersections
• Clear zone (see Chapter 1600)

1270.05(2) Design
When designing a shoulder for shoulder driving, locate where full design stopping sight distance
(speed/path/direction decision sight distance is desirable) and a minimum length of 600 feet are available.
Where practicable, avoid sharp horizontal curves. When barriers or other roadside objects are present, the
minimum width is 12 feet.

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The shoulder width depends on the vehicles that will be using the shoulder. Where trucks will be the primary
vehicle using the shoulder, use a 12-foot width; when passenger cars are the primary vehicle, a 10-foot width
may be used.
Shoulder driving and bicycles are not compatible. When the route has been identified as a local, state, or
regional significant bike route, shoulder driving for slow vehicles is undesirable. Reconstruct the shoulders to
provide adequate structural strength for the anticipated traffic. Select locations where the side slope meets the
criteria of Chapter 1239. When providing a transition at the end of a shoulder driving section, use a 50:1 taper.
Signing for shoulder driving is required (see the Standard Plans, the Traffic Manual, and the MUTCD). Install
guideposts when shoulder driving is to be permitted at night.

1270.06 Emergency Escape Ramps

1270.06(1) General
Consider an emergency escape ramp (see Exhibit 1270-10) whenever a long, steep downgrade is encountered.
In this situation, the possibility exists of a truck losing its brakes and going out of control at a high speed. Consult
local maintenance personnel and check crash data to determine whether or not an escape ramp is justified.

Exhibit 1270-10 Emergency Escape Ramp Example

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Chapter 1270 Auxiliary Lanes

1270.06(2) Design
1270.06(2)(a) Types
Escape ramps include the following types:
• Gravity escape ramps are ascending grade ramps paralleling the traveled way. They are commonly built
on old roadways. Their long length and steep grade can present the driver with control problems, not
only in stopping, but with rollback after stopping. Gravity escape ramps are the least desirable design.
• Sand pile escape ramps are piles of loose, dry sand dumped at the ramp site, usually not more than 400
feet in length. The deceleration is usually high and the sand can be affected by weather conditions;
therefore, they are less desirable than arrester beds. However, where space is limited, they may be
• Arrester beds are parallel ramps filled with smooth, free-draining gravel. They stop the out-of-control
vehicle by increasing the rolling resistance and are the most desirable design. Arrester beds are
commonly built on an upgrade to add the benefit of gravity to the rolling resistance. However,
successful arrester beds have been built on a level or descending grade.
• The Dragnet Vehicle Arresting Barrier consists of chain link or fiber net that is attached to energy-
absorbing units. (See Chapter 1610 for additional information.)

1270.06(2)(b) Locations
The location of an escape ramp depends on terrain, length of grade, sight distance, and roadway geometrics.
Desirable locations include before a critical curve, near the bottom of a grade, or before a stop. It is desirable
that the ramp leave the roadway on a tangent at least 3 miles from the beginning of the downgrade.

1270.06(2)(c) Lengths
The length of an escape ramp depends on speed, grade, and type of design used. The minimum length is 200
feet. Calculate the stopping length using the equation in Exhibit 1270-11.

Exhibit 1270-11 Emergency Escape Ramp Length

0.3(𝑅 ± 𝐺 )

L = Stopping distance (ft)
V = Entering speed (mph)
R = Rolling resistance (see Exhibit 1270-12)
G = Grade of the escape ramp (%)
Speeds of out-of-control trucks rarely exceed 90 mph; therefore, the desirable entering speed is 90 mph. Other
entry speeds may be used when justification and the method used to determine the speed are documented.

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Exhibit 1270-12 Rolling Resistance (R)

Material R
Roadway 1
Loose crushed aggregate 5
Loose non-crushed gravel 10
Sand 15
Pea gravel 25

1270.06(2)(d) Widths
The width of each escape ramp depends on the needs of the individual situation. It is desirable for the ramp to
be wide enough to accommodate more than one vehicle. The desirable width of an escape ramp to
accommodate two out-of-control vehicles is 40 feet and the minimum width is 26 feet.
The following items are additional considerations in the design of emergency escape ramps:
• If possible, at or near the summit, provide a pull-off brake check area. Also, include in this area
informative signing about the upcoming escape ramp.
• Free-draining, smooth, non-crushed gravel is desirable for an arrester bed. To assist in smooth
deceleration of the vehicle, taper the depth of the bed from 3 inches at the entry to a full depth of 18 to
30 inches in not less than 100 feet.
• Mark and sign in advance of the ramp. Discourage normal traffic from using or parking in the ramp. Sign
escape ramps in accordance with the guidance contained in the MUTCD for runaway truck ramps.
• Provide drainage adequate to prevent the bed from freezing or compacting.
• Consider including an impact attenuator at the end of the ramp if space is limited.
• A surfaced service road adjacent to the arrester bed is needed for wreckers and maintenance vehicles to
remove vehicles and make repairs to the arrester bed. Anchors are desirable at 300-foot intervals to
secure the wrecker when removing vehicles from the bed.

Typical examples of arrester beds are shown in Exhibit 1270-10 and Exhibit 1270-13.
Include justification, all calculations, and any other design considerations in the emergency escape ramp

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Exhibit 1270-13 Typical Emergency Escape Ramp

1270.07 Documentation
Refer to Chapter 300 for design documentation requirements.

1270.08 References
1270.08(1) Federal/State Laws and Codes
Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 46.61, Rules of the road

1270.08(2) Design Guidance

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, USDOT, FHWA; as adopted and modified by
Chapter 468-95 WAC “Manual on uniform traffic control devices for streets and highways” (MUTCD)
Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (Standard Plans), M 21-01, WSDOT
Traffic Manual, M 51 02, WSDOT

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1270.08(3) Supporting Information

A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book), AASHTO, current edition
Emergency Escape Ramps for Runaway Heavy Vehicles, FHWA-T5-79-201, March 1978
Highway Capacity Manual, latest edition, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council
Truck Escape Ramps, NCHRP Synthesis 178, Transportation Research Board

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