PERRERAS, Karen A. (Activity 3-Module 7)

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Player Height (X) Weight (Y) XY X2 Y2

A 68 180 12,240 4,624 32,400

B 72 200 14,400 5,184 40,000
C 76 175 13,300 5,776 30,625
D 70 190 13,300 4,900 36,100
E 74 180 13,320 5,476 32,400
F 69 195 13,455 4,761 38,025
G 70 145 10,150 4,900 21,025
H 70 172 12,040 4,900 29,584
I 73 190 13,870 5,329 36,100
Name: J Karen A. Perreras
68 160 10,880 4,624 25,600
10 III-AMA 710 1,787 126,955 50,474 321,859

1.The heights and weights of 10 basketball players in the PBA are randomly selected from different
teams. Calculate the value of Pearson r and interpret the result.

10 ( 126,955 )−( 710 ) ( 1,787 ) 780

r= = =0.1 9
[ 10 ( 50,474 )−(710) ] [ 10 ( 321,859 ) −(1,787) ]
2 2
√( 640 )(25,221)

2. Compute for the value of Spearman rho and determine the degree of relationship between weight and
height of bottle–fed infants using the same brand of milk.

Infant Weight (x) Height (y) Rx Ry D1 D2

1 27 0.70 3 3 0 0
2 25 0.64 4 4.5 -0.5 0.25
3 28 0.77 2 1.5 0.5 0.25
4 23 0.62 6 6.5 -0.5 0.25
5 21 0.60 7 8 -1 1
6 20 0.62 8 6.5 1.5 2.25
7 29 0.77 1 1.5 -0.5 0.25
8 24 0.64 5 4.5 0.5 0.25
  197 5.36 36 36 0 4.5

6 ( 4.5 )
ρ=1− 2
8(8 −1)

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